CFNM En El Metro free porn video

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CFNM en el Metro

Mad**gada en el metro. El último tren del Día recorre su línea, estoy solo en el vagón, vuelvo a casa tras terminar mi turno en el trabajo, estoy de pie sujeto a una de las barras verticales del vagón, cansado y medio dormido.
Al llegar a una estación cuatro mujeres de veintitantos se suben al vagón. Las cuatros llevan vestidos de una pieza iguales pero de distintos colores: negro, blanco, naranja y rosa. Sus vestidos marcan sus esbeltas figuras hasta las rodillas dejando ver unas largas piernas que terminan en unos zapatos de tacón alto, excepto una de ellas, la mujer de negro que se ha quitado los zapatos, va descalza, con los zapatos sujetos en una mano y con una botella de vino blanco en la otra.
Las mujeres entran gritando en el vagón casi vacío, están de fiesta, oigo que es el cumpleaños de la mujer de negro, de repente ella gira la cabeza y mira en mi dirección
-¡anda mira! mira quien tenemos aquí, un solitario-grita la mujer de negro a sus amigas
Sus amigas comienzan a reír, las cuatros mujeres se dirigen hacia mí, yo de pie sujeto en la barra agacho la cabeza.
Noto como las mujeres se acercan a mí, ya no hablan, noto como me rodean, levanto la mirada, ante mí la mujer de negro me mira cara a cara. Es una preciosa rubia, larga melena, ojos verdes, su vestido negro ceñido marcan unos preciosos pechos levemente caídos.
-¡holaaaa!-murmura la rubia frente de mi cara
A mi derecha la mujer con el vestido naranja coloca una de sus manos en uno de mis brazos. Es una preciosa pelirroja de pelo largo, a juego con su vestido.
-¡holaaaa!-murmura la pelirroja medio riendo
A mi izquierda la mujer del vestido rosa posa una de sus manos en mi cuello, lanzo un suspiro al notar su mano acariciar mi cuello. Es otra preciosidad, pelo rapado que le da un aspecto varonil y agresivo, como sus amigas su esbelto cuerpo se marca en su vestido rosa
-¡holaaaa!-murmura la rapada en mi oído
A mi espalda la mujer del vestido negro, una preciosa morena de pelo muy corto acerca su cuerpo a mi espalda y me empuja contra la barra, noto como su mano se abalanza sobre mi culo y lo aprieta, lanzo un pequeño grito de gusto.
-¡holaaaa!-murmura también la sensual morena
De repente las cuatros mujeres se apartan y comienzan a reírse de mí, yo avergonzado me aparto de la barra y me acerco a la puerta dispuesto a salir en la siguiente parada
La mujer de negro con su botella de vino en la mano se acerca a mi espalda, posa su mano en mi hombro y me obliga a girarme y mirarla
-¡eeh tranquilo, cabronazo con suerte!-murmura
-hoy te ha tocado la lotería, es mi cumpleaños y necesito un poco de marcha-me dice en la cara mientras toma un trago de la botella
-si no te importa que nos riamos un poco de ti, te vas a poner las botas con todas nosotras ¿te hace?
Yo no digo nada, bajo la mirada y miro su precioso cuerpo, ella se da cuenta
-bueno, supongo que eso es un si-dice la rubia mientras vuelve a tomar una trago de vino
De repente se acerca más a mí, acerca su boca a la mía, noto sus labios posarse en los míos, noto como su boca llena de vino vierte su contenido sobre mis labios, el vino cae de nuestras bocas, cae al suelo del vagón mientras la mujer mete su lengua en mi boca, mientras el brazo en el que lleva sus zapatos en la mano rodea mi cuello. Noto mi boca con sabor a vino, noto como la desconocida juega con mi lengua, noto sus zapatos acariciar mi nuca.
La mujer deja de besarme, de rodearme con su brazo, retrocede, me hace morritos con sus labios carnosos.
-¡anda ven! ven a la barra, agárrala con las dos manos mientras te manosean mis amigas
Miro a la diosa de negro, acepto, avanzo mientras la rubia del vestido negro se sienta en los asientos de enfrente, sus amigas me rodean otra vez, sujeto la barra mientras miro a la diosa de negro, miro su larga melena nórdica, mientras sus amigas comienzan a posar sus manos en mi cuerpo, noto como la pelirroja de naranja se pone detrás y me acaricia mi cintura, levanta levemente mi camisa blanca, noto sus manos acariciar mi piel, noto la joven rapada de rosa posar su mano en mi pecho, desabrochar dos botones de mi camisa y meter su mano, noto su mano en piel, lanzo un gemido. Noto la morena de blanco acercar su cuerpo al mío, a mi lado, lo frota mientras posa una de sus manos en mi culo, noto su cuerpo, noto sus tetas frotarse contra mí, comienzo a mover mi cuerpo para acompañar a las tres mujeres, mientras frente a nosotros la rubia de negro se abre de piernas sentada, se sube un poco su vestido, me deja ver su coño rapado, me sonríe, acerca la botella de vino a su entrepierna, frota el culo de la botella contra su coño mientras me guiña un ojo, saca su lengua.
-¡chicas, mas caña!-grita la rubia mientras el tren para en otra estación, no sube nadie y sigue su camino
Las tres amigas comienza a quitarme la ropa mientras yo no me resisto, ellas no se quitan la ropa, me desabrochan la camisa, separo mis manos de la barra para que me la quiten del todo, vuelvo a sujetar la barra, noto a la mujer de rosa desabrocharme el cinturón, noto como poco a poco me baja los pantalones, la mujer de blanco me quita los zapatos y se los tira a la rubia de negro que continua masturbándose con la botella de vino.
-¡puta que casi me das!-dice la rubia a su amiga
Casi desnudo ante ellas solo tengo puesto mis boxers que tapan mi polla ya dura que se marcan en la tela. La pelirroja de naranja se coloca detrás de mí
-¡chicas! ¿preparadaaaaaaas?-grita la pelirroja mientras de golpe baja mis boxers
Mi polla dura sale al aire, tras engancharse un segundo con el bóxer mi polla se agita libre y dura ante las cuatros mujeres. Las cuatros mujeres comienzan a gritar, a reírse
-¡mira el gordo peludo como la tiene ya!-ríe la pelirroja de naranja
-¡cabrón que dura se ve!-ríe la morena de blanco
-¡cuidado que nos folla ya mismo!-ríe la rapada de rosa
La pelirroja de naranja se coloca a mi lado y comienza a aplaudir y a reír más fuerte, la rapada de rosa se coloca sus manos en su cintura, inclina la cabeza a un lado y me guiña un ojo. La morena de blanco se deja caer al suelo del vagón y se ríe de mí. La diosa de negro se levanta del asiento, sonriendo se acerca a mi
Yo desnudo y sujeto con las dos manos a la barra del vagón veo a la rubia del vestido negro acercarse a mí, se coloca otra vez cara a cara con la mía, noto su aliento, su olor a vino.
De repente comienza a verter vino sobre mí, noto el líquido recorrer mi cuerpo desnudo, noto su olor, sigo mirando a la rubia, de repente su cara comienza a perderse ante mí, comienza a lamer el vino en mi pecho, en mis pezones, en mi barriga, noto su lengua jugar en mi ombligo. La rubia tira sus zapatos con fuerza a un lado, alarga su otra mano para pasar la botella de vino a su amiga de blanco que todavía está tirada en el suelo del vagón.
Con las manos libres noto como se pone de rodillas ante mí, posa sus manos en mi cintura, acaricia mi cintura y comienza a mamarme la polla de forma salvaje.
Sujeto con fuera la barra de metal, noto mi polla entrar y salir de los labios carnosos de la rubia del vestido negro, noto como aprieta sus labios, noto su lengua húmeda recorrer mi polla, noto como la rubia se saca mi polla para jugar con mi glande.
-¡mmmmm eso es, necesitaba una polla para acabar bien el día!-dice la rubia si para de mirar mi polla
De repente sus amigas comienzan a cantar
-¡cumpleaños feliz, cumpleaños feliz!-cantan todas mientras su amiga del vestido negro me mama la polla, ellas ríen.
Noto como la rubia desea mi polla, me la lame, me la mama, la besa, la posa en su mejilla para volver a comérsela, golpea mi polla contra sus labios, contra sus mejillas, vuelve a tragársela hasta el fondo, ¡me siento deseado por una diosa!.
De repente la rubia se aparta, me mira hacia arriba y de un manotazo golpea mi polla dura.
-¡cabróoooon, la tienes bien dura verdad!-me grita mientras me vuelve a golpear la polla con la palma de la mano.
Yo me sujeto fuerte a la barra mientras mi polla se agita de un lado a otro.
La diosa de negro se aparta y se pone de pie, su amiga rapada con vestido rosa la releva, se acerca a mí, se da la vuelta y acerca su culo hacia mi polla, comienza a frotarse contra ella, mi polla recorre su vestido rosa, la tela se mete en culo mientras ella se mueve contoneándose
-¡agárrame la cabeza joder!-me dice
Separo una de mis manos de la barra y comienzo a agarrar la cabeza calva de la mujer mientras froto mi polla contra la tela de su vestido, mi polla hunde su vestido rosa en su culo, casi tengo la sensación de que voy a romper la tela y follármela del todo.
-¡así así así!-gime la chica rapada mientras acaricio su cabeza, mientras froto mi polla contra su culo.
De repente ella se separa y comienza reírse, a mí ya no me importa que se rían de mí, vuelvo a poner la mano en la barra, estoy dispuesto a seguir sus juegos.
La morena del vestido blanco se acerca a mí, se coloca detrás, se arrodilla y comienza a murmurarme cosas mientras comienza a dar besos a todo mi cuerpo
-¡mmmm siiiii que cuerpo más bonito!-murmura mientras me da besitos en mis nalgas
-¡sii que macho!-murmura mientras se incorpora y besa mi espalda
Noto como acaricia mis caderas mientras me besa, noto sus labios recorrer mi cuerpo con pequeños besos, me sujeto con fuerza a la barra, ¡¡me encantaaa!!
-¡seguro que nos das una buena lechada! ¿verdad?-murmura mientras besa mi cuello
De repente la morena de blanco laza su mano contra mi culo, me da un fuerte azote
-¡aghhhh! ¡siiii!-gimo mientras la mujer de blanco comienza a reírse
Me vuelve a azotar con fuerza, vuelvo a gritar de gusto, la mujer de blanco y todas sus amigas se ríen con fuerza
Para de azotarme, yo exhausto me agarro a la barra mientras la pelirroja del traje naranja se acerca y comienza a darme órdenes
-¡mastúrbate gordo!-me dice con desprecio
Yo obedezco, me agarro la polla con fuerza mientras sigo sujeto a la barra con la otra mano, miro a la pelirroja de arriba abajo
-¿te gusto cabrón?-me dice mientras me da una leve bofetada en la cara
Agito mi cabeza después de la bofetada, ¡¡me gusta!!, asiento con la cabeza
-¡claro que sí!, seguro que me follabas aquí mismo-me dice mientras vuelve a darme una leve bofetada
Sigo masturbándome, mientras comienzo a mirar a todas las mujeres.
Me masturbo mirando a la diosa rubia de negro, a su preciosa melena
Me masturbo mirando a la morenita del vestido blanco, miro sus preciosas tetas marcadas sobre la tela blanca.
Me masturbo mirando a la varonil mujer rapada de rosa, miro su preciosos brazos musculados.
-¿nos follarias a todas? ¿ehh gordo cabrón vicioso?-dice la mujer de naranja
-¡puto pajillero!-dice la morena de blanco
-seguro que te correrías en mi cara si pudieras ¿verdad?-dice la mujer de rosa
-¡golpea la punta de tu polla contra la barra!-grita la diosa de negro
Obedezco, echo la piel de mi polla sin circuncidar hacia atrás, mi glande asoma, lo acerco a la barra de metal.
La cuatro mujeres se callan, se acercan más, se ponen de rodillas frente a mí, se agarran entre si posando sus brazos en los hombros de su compañera del al lado, formando una cadena, miran mi polla acercarse a la barra, sonríen mirando mi polla, mirando como comienza mi glande a acariciar la barra.
-¡joder que bonito!-gime la morena de blanco mientras levanta una de sus manos y se acaricia su pelo corto.
Me sigo masturbando casi en la cara de las cuatro mujeres que no levantan la mirada, miran como comienzo a golpear mi polla contra la barra plateada del vagón, un sonido seco retumba en el vagón
-¡que cabrón como suena, la tiene durísima!-dice la pelirroja de naranja mientras se pasa un dedo por sus labios.
Golpeo más fuerte mi polla contra la barra
-¡hijo de puta siiii!-gime la rapada de rosa mientras posa una mano en uno de sus pechos, magreando su vestido rosa que se arruga ante mí.
-¡así, lo haces muy bien cielo!-me susurra la rubia sonriéndome.
De repente la pelirroja de naranja se incorpora, de pie me agarra con una mano por el cuello y aprieta.
-¡vamos menéatela fuerte! ¡mira a nuestra amiga rubia! es su cumpleaños, queremos que pienses en ella, solo en ella y que te corras sobre la barra-me susurra la pelirroja mientras me aprieta el cuello
Bajo la mirada, comienzo a masturbarme fuerte, miro solo a la rubia de negro, ella me sonríe, sujeto con la otra mano a la barra, con la mano de la pelirroja apretando mi cuello. La morena de blanco se incorpora también y me agarra fuerte del culo
-¡vamos! ¿a que es guapa?-murmura la morena de blanco mientras me sigo masturbando mirando a su amiga de negro
La rapada de rosa también se incorpora, se acerca a una de mis orejas y comienza a meter su lengua en mi oído, noto su saliva.
-¡seguro que quieres romperla el vestido negro, follártela, ver tu semen blanco en esa tela negra! ¡eeeehhh!-murmura la mujer de rosa en mi oído
Noto mi cuello apretado, mi culo arañado, mi oreja húmeda, no puedo más, miro a la diosa nórdica a mis pies, comienzo a eyacular
-¡ahhhhhhhh!-gimo mientras mi semen comienza a cubrir la barra de metal, mientras las cuatro mujeres comienzan a reírse de mí.
-¡siiiii, saca la leche!-ríe la pelirroja de naranja
Mi semen no para de salir, no paro de mirar a la rubia de negro, su precio pelo largo, su sonrisa. Noto como la morena aprieta mi culo, noto como la pelirroja disfruta apretando mi cuello, noto como la rapada de rosa me muerde mi oreja. Mi leche para de salir, cae por la barra de metal.
Suelto la barra y caigo al suelo, veo como la pelirroja se agacha y pasa su lengua por la barra de metal mientras me mira, veo su lengua lamer mi semen, veo a su amiga morena que hace lo mismo. Las dos me sonríen mientras me miran. Veo a la varonil chica rapada de rosa apartar a sus dos amigas de la barra, comienza a lamer mi semen también, veo como deja unas gotas en su lengua, me enseña su lengua cubierta de semen, veo como se gira hacia la diosa rubia de negro que todavía está de rodillas. Veo como el semen en la punta de la lengua de la chica de rosa se posa en la boca de la diosa rubia de negro, se besan, veo mi semen jugar en sus labios, se lo reparten mientras me miran las dos. De repente la pelirroja se acerca a su amiga rubia, la aparta de la chica de rosa, aprieta con su mano la mandíbula de su amiga rubia y la obliga a acercarse a la barra de metal.
La diosa rubia sujeta por su amiga comienza a lamer mi semen de la barra.
Veo esa preciosidad nórdica de larga melena, vestido negro ajustado, lamer mi semen.
-¡Diosssss siiiii!-pienso mientras sigo tirado en el suelo del vagón
Veo a la morena de blanco acercarse a su amiga rubia, pasa uno de sus dedos por la barra y lo cubre de mi semen, mete el dedo en la boca de la rubia, veo como la diosa chupa el dedo cubierto de semen de su amiga como si fuera una polla.
La chica del cumpleaños se saca el dedo de su amiga, se ponen de pie las cuatros mujeres, la rubia se acerca a mí y pone su pie descalzo sobre mí mientras la pelirroja de naranja recoge los zapatos de su amiga y se los entrega.
-¿a qué ha merecido la pena cabrón?-me dice la rubia con los zapatos colgando en su espalda
Yo no digo nada, solo la miro
El tren se para en una estación
-¡bueno, ha sido un placer, me ha gustado el sabor de tu semen!-me dice la rubia de negro mientras se limpia su labio inferior y comienza a salir del vagón.
-¡lo mismo digo jodido gordo!-dice la pelirroja mientras pone el tacón de uno de sus zapatos en mi vientre y luego se dispone a salir del vagón
-¡adiós machote!-dice la morena de blanco mientras pasa la punta de uno de sus zapatos entre mis huevos y luego comienza a marcharse.
-¡ciao!-me dice la chica rapada de rosa tras lo cual se inclina sobre mí y me escupe sobre mi cara.
Relamo su saliva mientras las cuatro mujeres se ríen y salen del vagón.
Nadie sube en esa parada, tirado desnudo en el suelo del vagón disfruto del momento mientras el tren reanuda su marcha de mad**gada……

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CFNM finger fucked by five girls

It all started when I was watching the news with a couple of my female apartment neighbors. There was a story on the news about how perverted spring break has become for college k**s. (We're in our 40's) Turns out, in addition to the usual stuff you hear about sex and blowjobs out in public, breasts being exposed, etc., the news crew down there reported on this girl who stood on a box/milk crate, wearing a skimpy skirt, which she lifted, and spread her butt cheeks apart and let anyone who...

2 years ago
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CFNM with complete stranger

Ok thank for the comments on my first CFNM experience. I know that it was for a gf and that some consider not a stranger, so here's one with a complete stranger. I had just moved into a new apartment community. It was a combination of town homes, condos, and apartments. I was lucky and got a place in one of the two eights story towers. The community also had a convenient store, a bar (that served food), 3 ski hills, 4 lakes with boating and sailing and a 60 team sand volleyball league. It had...

4 years ago
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27 Minutes Part 2 of 3 Le Metro

It was still early when we reached Paris: too early to check into the hotel near Gare de L’est, so we picked up a carnet, ditched our bags at the station and went sightseeing. Being just the right side of Bastille Day, the city was baking and heaving. Within two or three weeks it would become a comparative ghost town as the locals flocked south for the holidays. But today the throngs of indigenous Parisians and tourists gave Adam plenty of opportunity to show off his chattel. He took full...

4 years ago
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Sexual Experience With A Young Girl In Metro

Hi, this is Ronit. And I am a college student in Kolkata. Today, I am going to share with you a life-changing experience which many people dream of but it happened with me in real life. I was traveling from Dumdum and as usual, there were a lot of people already. I entered and directly went to the opposite door to avoid the rush of passengers. There I found a young girl of age around 22-23 (having a fair complexion, an average figure like a milf – not so slim, not so fat) standing just in front...

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Naughty Girl In Metro

This is a story of me in metro…How I got so horny in public and got fucked rough and hard. I am priyashi Dutta from Kolkata.I am 23 years old fair in complexion slim but have curves girl with brown eyes and long black hair big tits round ass 5″4 in height and smooth legs. In this story, I was 18 years old.I was returning back from one of my friend’s place at evening by metro and the metro was packed with people.I was standing squished between few uncles.It was summer so I was wearing a crop top...

3 years ago
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Desperate Housewife Ravaged In Metro

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers this is my first story based on true events of last week. Let me introduce myself. I am Vijay, 27 years old and run my own business. I am 5’10, fair complexion and have an athletic body as I love to work out. You can contact me on ” This incident took place last week when I was going to Rajiv Chowk metro station for a meeting. On boarding the metro I generally prefer sitting on the seat adjacent to the seat reserved for ladies as I get to feel their body...

2 years ago
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A black stranger in the metro

Victor and I had gone to New York for just a weekend.My loving hubbie was taking some boring round of conferences there and he had asked to join him in that voyage.The first day I visited old friends living there, while Victor assisted to his own business.The same evening we decided to have dinner outside our hotel and then Victor suggested to use the metro and cross to Manhattan…I was trying my best to keep up in my seven inch heels. I was wearing a nice short yellow summer dress that was...

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Dominated By A Lady Met In Kolkata Metro

Hey guys, this is Nikhil from Kolkata and I am back with a new story. First of all, let me thank you for your heavy response to my last few stories. Also please don’t ping me with your plots to write a story on it. That will no longer be entertained. Coming to the story. It was a Saturday night and we were returning from a pub in Park Street. Park Street is the usual chill place for people in Kolkata and hence is crowded on weekends. It was around 9-10 pm. I booked cabs as I was the only one in...

4 years ago
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Sex With A Stranger Whom I Met In The Metro

Hi guys. I am new on this forum and have written about my sexual fantasy that became true just recently. Hope you enjoy and would love to read your feedbacks as well. I am Mehak Sharma. I am 21 years old with a very fair skin tone. I have long black hair. My body stats are 38- 30-36. My boobs are very huge with and slight brown in shade. I think my biggest asset is my boobs. I am a very sexually active person. I think about sex all the time. I get horny even with the word sex. I love to...

2 years ago
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Riding on the Metro

I had watched her for a week. She would get on at L’Enfant and get off at Virginia Square. I would only see her in the morning. Usually, her short hair hung loosely around her face but today she had pinned it back, and it made her look attractive. More so than she normally did. Her green eyes sparkled in the fluorescent lights that made most of us look like we were underdone pieces of meat. She wore dresses, without exception. Today she wore a grey striped worsted wool dress and blazer. The...

3 years ago
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CFNM Anatomy Lesson

I stepped out of the shower to the sounds of the over-cheerful babysitter my parents had hired to watch my ten-year-old brother Sam, while they went to the opera and some fancy after party that would have them out until practically dawn. Not that this was unusual. At 14, I had stayed overnight by myself a few times, but my parents didn’t trust me to watch my little brother for this long. Not that I minded having Tracy, the babysitter, over at the house. A 19 year-old freshmen at a local...

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CFNMENM Adventure

My name is George, in most respects an average 18 year old guy, much to my own annoyance. At 5'8" and 125 pounds, I'm at an average height, if a bit shorter than I would like, as well as a good bit on the skinny side. I keep my brown hair cut short, and my failed attempts at growing a beard left me with a baby face as my only real option. Down below however, I thought shaving would help things look bigger, or at the very least better.

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CFNM World

You get to write about a world where men are required to be naked at all times but women are allowed to remain clothed. You can approach this story in almost any way you want. Perhaps you want men to be nothing more than slaves to women. Maybe men are at a nearly equal standing with them, but still have to be nude. As for the setting, feel free to get creative there as well. Maybe your story will take place in the “real world.” Maybe it’ll be in a fictional country of your own making. Perhaps...

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CFNM Adventures

In a few months, Tom would be graduating high school and on his way to University, where he received a full scholarship. Until now, Tom had only focused on grades and high school sports. A military upbringing kept Tom on a very regimented, strict routine. Playing soccer and running track every year kept Tom in great shape. He was considered good looking, decent abs and had an average 7” cock. Despite his good looks Tom had managed to remain out of the dating scene. With only a few months before...

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CFNM Nature Walk

The summer usually brought in many tourists into the state park, which consisted of forest and beach. I wore many hats on the job: tour guide, lifeguard, ranger and sometimes trash collector if I ever slipped up. I joined the company a few months ago after graduating college and every so often we changed positions. On this particular day, I was a lifeguard at the pool. Our park is usually closed around 5:30pm with the pool closing at 5 so I'm looking forward to leaving a little before everyone...

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CFNM Witch

*This story is based on the above picture by XenaStorm from DeviantArt. Credit for the image goes to her: Jack was walking home from the gym after an amazing workout. Although most people tend to work out earlier in the day, Jack much preferred to exercise later because he loved the nighttime and the feeling of the brisk, cool air against his skin. Little did he know, he’d really be feeling that air against his skin in just a...

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New Horizons University of Female Supremacy (New Horizons for short) was founded by a group of rich and powerful women who were fed up with the chauvinism and toxic masculinity that permeated other tertiary establishments especially the Ivy League. So to ensure that their daughters would have bright futures and that their sons would not grow up to be misogynistic assholes they banded together and created New Horizons a school where the power was stripped away from the males (both literally and...

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CFNM The third story

Jan and Sally were drinking tea as they sat in the cosy kitchen of Jan’s house. It had been a week since they had taken the big step, from selling on the net to organising a successful party selling various sex toys and marital aids to women.The reason they were now together was because Sally had taken a phone call from Sue, one of the women at the party earlier that morning. What Sue said had taken her by surprise, and she desperately wanted to tell Jan. She needed to get her opinion so they...

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CFNM the first story

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon, and I was watching the T.V. when the doorbell rang.I opened it to see my wife’s best friend, “Hello Jan, Sally isn’t in, she has gone shopping, and probably won't be back for a couple of hours.”Jan looked a little disappointed, so I said, “If you want you can ring her and see where she is, and when she will be back?”She shook her head, “No it’s fine Jim, I was just passing I called in on spec. If you don’t mind I will just have a cup of tea and go home. That is...

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The summer I was sent to Mountain Farm, I was in my late mid-teens. A had for a couple of years already been soiling the sheets with my nightly juices almost every night and my attention to schoolwork and helping out at home had become more and more distracted by my growing and constantly aching cock and balls. The actual trigger was when my mother surprised me twice one afternoon when I was happily stroking my member in the family bathroom but had forgotten to lock the door. It did not help...

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CFNM When My Sister Makes Dinner

“Maybe it will be good,” Sandy teases. She grabs my erection. “We won’t know unless we try. ” She begins stroking me seriously.“Okay… okay,” I tell her as I grasp myself and begin pumping. My sister looks down and giggles as she turns to the table and grabs her plate. She positions it in front of me, looks at my pumping hand then up at me with a very dirty grin.We've been into this special sort of arrangement for the past two weekends – our parents go off to work on the new vacation house and...

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CFNM With Trinity

If you remember Trinity from the beach stories, she and I have been sort of email friends. She said she wanted to keep in touch and maybe do something again some day. Well, it's mostly been just chit chat emails, how are you, what you been doing, that sort of stuff. She knows I'm off on Mondays and Tuesdays and I got an email from her over the weekend. She wanted to know if I could help her and two friends move into an apartment they are going to share when they start school this fall. It...

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CFNM Introduction

C tagged behind Sneha like he always did on their shopping trips. He deliberately walked a couple of feet behind her so he could watch the rise of her hips, the flash of skin when her tshirt rode up and the movement of her silky hair. She had left her hair down after brushing it. She had tight white pants and a loose black top. That was when C felt someone place their fingers inside his pants, not very deep, just until the first joint and pull him backwards. The authoritative nature was...

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Sunita was from an upper middle class Indian American family. Her family was well respected in the community, as many of her relatives had been working in good positions in the local administration and business. This made her dreams of higher studies a little easier to achieve, as there were many of her own relatives would give her better opportunities to satisfy her requirements. Since she had completed schooling, she became interested in law and dreamt of becoming an attorney someday. But...

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CFNM with maids at farm house

Rani, 19 years and Sita 18 years had now seen my cock hard and soft. They had played with it, touched it, pulled it, and stroked it. They did all this for about 10 to 15 mins from the river side to the farm house. They had to stop a few hundred meters from the farm house to make sure their parents do not suspect. This 10 to 15 mins of play with my cock rather than satisfying them had created an urge and more interest in the act. In the small village it was taboo to even touch a man or see him...

3 years ago
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CFNM river bed

Hi all readers, This is Akhil here from Chennai, M 29, single. This is one of my real stories that happened when I was 18 or 19. I was staying with my parents and I was in the 1st year of college doing my engineering. We had a farm house where there was a family put up to look after. We would go once in 6 months or so to the farm house and spend the week ends. I had not gone there for the last 1 year or so and planned to go one Saturday evening as my dad was asking me to go and study there at...

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CFNM SPH Forced Nudity School 18 Chapter Two

The next school day begins. After yesterday's humiliation I was trying to keep a low profile now more than ever. I had not yet seen the girls from yesterday and nobody seemed to be reacting with anything other than indifference to my presence, which was the norm. My first class goes uneventfully, towards the end the teachers asks me to deliver a note to a teacher in another classroom. As I was trying to keep a low profile this was an inconvenience but I had no choice, something I was quickly...

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CFNM SPH Forced Nudity School 18 Chapter One

Introduction:The following events took place during my senior year at high school, shortly after I turned eighteen. Looking back, these experiences helped shape my sexuality and have become erotically charged in my memory, but at the time all I was able to feel was fear, shock and humilation. The high school I attended was at one point an all girl's school, but sometime before my attendance they had started admitting male students, although the majority of the student population as well as the...

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CFNM SPH Forced Nudity School 18 Chapter Four

I walked out of the Biology classroom, feeling the unfamilar sensation of the chastity device crushing my already shrivelled penis, the pressure inside my ass and against my prostate from the buttplug the teacher inserted inside, the cool air hitting me from all over my body and the burning sensation of eyes and cameras all around focusing in on my shame, humilation and degredation with lazer-pin-point-precision. The schoolgirls' imagination and creativity for dehumanizing me knew no bounds....

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CFNM SPH Forced Nudity School 18Chapter Three

I exited the office and walked slowly back to class. The corridors were now empty as all the students were in their classes. I shivered with fear and coldness, as I felt the cool air hit my naked body from all angles goosebumps formed over my skin. The tiny chastity device weighed heavily on my diminuitive cock and balls.As I continued my walk of shame to biology class I could see some of the girls peering through the windows on the doors from my peripheral vision, they were pointing and...

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CFNM SPH Forced Nudity School 18 Chapter Five

Jamie and I were dragged into the gymnasium by our leashes. I was able to maintain some semblence of movement on all fours, but after the severe buttfucking that Jamie recieved she could barely crawl and was practically being dragged naked across the smooth gymnasium floor by the girls. Even I thought it was a pitiful sight, and I had just moments before been forced to eat another guy's load that had come out of her asshole and landed on the floor!The gym class itself consisted of ample doses...

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CFNM SPH Forced Nudity School 18 Chapter Six

After my extreme public humiliation at school and in the streets I was hoping that once I made it home it would all be over, at least temporarily, but this was not to be, fate had other plans in store for me.Much to my misfortune as I burst through the door my mother and twin sisters were there to see me, naked as the day I was born, and with a penis just as small as the day of my birth too. I gave some background at the end of the previous chapter, but just to reiterate and further elaborate,...

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CFNM SPH Forced Nudity School 18 Chapter Seven

When we left off last chapter my mother had just taken me home from the doctor, where we were both told I would have to remain unclothed at all times for a few months to see if my penis would grow, and my mother would be strictly enforcing this rule. When we arrived home, my mother informed my sisters of the situation and they were to also keep an eye on me at all times around the house, to make sure I remained nude as well.My mother and sisters took me upstairs to my room and handed me plastic...

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CFNM SPH Forced Nudity School 18 Chapter Eight

Last time we left off I was in the front yard on a cold winter's morning, butt naked of course, being hosed down by my sisters before school. The water from the hose was cold, and that combined with the freezing air caused my little nub to shrink even more, barely sticking out and looking more like a female nipple which sat upon my little balls, which looked so tight you could bounce a coin off them. A small crowd had gathered and were looking over the fence at the spectacle. My sisters had me...

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CFNM Cartoon

When it come to the Cartoon charater of itself the charater will usually wine up naked in public in front of other, as they all laugh at the male cartoon character, as the character is keeped naked as long as it could. Everywhere the character is naked there is bound to be someone in the around the corner somewhere bound to see the character naked as he suffers the most embarrassing situation. The character tries so desparately to find some clothes as the clothes are all earsed with a eraser,...

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The late night metro

This train ride, however, suddenly got interesting. There were only two other passengers except them. One was an old man dozing off in the corner and the other a teenager who looked high. Krishna's hands found her thighs. He gripped the flesh exposed, thanks to her skirt which was now riding up. He slowly made his way up, looking directly into her eyes and seeing the need there. He loved his wife for this. All the lust. All the love. Laid open in plain sight in her eyes. He inched...

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A chance meeting in the Paris metro

I have been living and working in Paris for over ten years now and like most Parisians I use the métro as it is the easiest way to get around the city. Besides, if you take your car, you always end up sitting in a traffic jam, stopped at one of the lights (every 100 metres it seems) and parking is rare. That Friday evening I was standing in the métro (no seat available of course) on my way home from work and looking forward to getting home to my flat and having a nice glass of wine. I was...

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27 Minutes Part 2 of 3 Le Metro

It was still early when we reached Paris: too early to check into the hotel near Gare de L’est, so we picked up a carnet, ditched our bags at the station and went sightseeing. Being just the right side of Bastille Day, the city was baking and heaving. Within two or three weeks it would become a comparative ghost town as the locals flocked south for the holidays. But today the throngs of indigenous Parisians and tourists gave Adam plenty of opportunity to show off his chattel. He took full...

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Super Metropoville

The year is 2027, many years ago in the year 1918 the first publicly known Superpowered human came to be his name was Tom Decker he served in World War 2 as "The Strong Man" after ww2 lacking Nazis or Soviets to fight Tom wandered, fighting the rampant crime in the streets of the city formerly known as Lowell city. Soon more Superpowered beings started to be noticed... An ancient race of strong warrior women known as the Amazons were found near Greece, Space Aliens finally made contact with us,...

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Confessions of a serial swinger After Club Metrop

It was just yesterday. I was up before the dawn. I was thinking about you and all the times fate fell short for us. In the heat of the moment there are no maybe's. The stillness of the morning was the only sound, I could hear the last thing you said to me...exert 2-12-12 from JOURNAL********************************************************************************I met Lisa 3 1/2 years ago. Originally I had been dating a friend of hers from my work named Mandi. One night after work the three of...

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The Day I Came To Know My Metrosexuality

Hi..I am Rahul and I stay in Mumbai.. .I am a straight guy and very much like to enjoy with girls and ladies. but this time i had an experience which i had never expected… and i must say i enjoyed it. if only i saw it coming i would have enjoyed more… but was still amazing! I am average looking guy and am neither fat nor too athletic…I can say that I have an average body. Everyday I use local trains for going to and coming from office. Usually after office I go to gym, which is next to...

Gay Male
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CFNMEChapter 2

Al Baron was on edge for the next three days. In fact, every time he encountered either Gail or Wanda he began to sweat and his cock began to get hard. Each of these girls from his grade 11 class smirked as they couldn't help but notice their teacher's discomfort and arousal. But, strangely enough, neither girl exercised their power over Sir. Which is not to say they did not torment him. But they did so in clever and teasing ways. Mr. Baron, or 'Sir' as he had demanded to be addressed,...

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