Bisex-Strapon En El Tren free porn video

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Bisex-Strapon en el tren

Se hace de noche en un tren de largo recorrido, sentado en un compartimento de un vagón miro por la ventana, mientras en los asientos frente a mi dos adolescentes de unos 18 años hablan entre sí, vestidas con pantalones de montaña con muchos bolsillos, ajustados, con camisas a cuadros recogidas en forma de nudo a la altura de la cintura dejando ver sus ombligos. De repente una de ellas, esbelta y rubia, sube un pie y lo apoya en mi asiento entre mis dos piernas, giro la mirada, ella no me mira, sigue hablando con su amiga, yo no me muevo, su zapatilla de trekking está entre mis dos piernas.
Su amiga, morena y delgadita, se levanta, sale del compartimento, cierra la puerta y desaparece por el pasillo de vagón. De repente me fijo que la otra chica, la que ha dejado su pie entre mis piernas, me mira, yo aparto la mirada, miro hacia afuera. Noto como ella mueve su pie, primero de lado golpeado mis muslos, yo sigo mirando por la ventana. Noto como mueve más fuerte el pie, golpea más fuerte mis muslos, tengo que girar la mirada. La miro, ella está sonriendo, abre la boca y saca toda su lengua para mí, mueve la punta de arriba abajo, es preciosa, rubia con dos coletas a los lados que le dan un aire más juvenil, su lengua me provoca. Bajo la mirada, miro su cintura al aire, su precioso ombligo, levanto la mirada, ella se relame, mueve su pie lo aplasta contra mi paquete, lanzo un gemido, no me muevo del asiento. Vuelve a mover su pie, ahora la punta de su zapato intenta meterse debajo de mí, noto su zapato debajo de mis huevos, lanzo otro gemido.
De repente aparta su pie, lanzo un suspiro, ella ríe. Se levanta, se da la vuelta comienza a buscar algo en su equipaje dejado encima de ella. Miro su silueta, veo como los pantalones de montaña le están muy ajustados, le marcan su perfecto culo, casi se mente en su raja, esta espectacular. Veo su cintura al aire, la línea de su espalda…..De repente ella se gira y se sienta, en sus manos lleva una polla de plástico con un arnés colgando.
Ella me mira, me sonríe, se acerca la polla de plástico a su boca, besa la punta. Sus labios cubren la punta del objeto, ella me mira, abre sus piernas, con una mano se desabrocha los botones de la entrepierna de sus pantalones camperos. Miro como su boca comienza a cubrir el glande plástico, mi polla comienza a crecer.
La chica comienza a ensalivar el objeto, sus labios cubren el extremo de la polla de plástico, los retira, puedo ver la polla brillar por su saliva. La joven baja el dildo, se lo acerca a su pantalón abierto solo en la entrepierna, veo como la polla comienza a desaparecer entre sus pantalones, la joven se penetra, ella me mira, comienza a pestañear rápidamente mientras se folla, ¡me parece tan bonita!……
Comienza mover su cintura para acompañar su penetración, con la otra mano se agarra a su asiento, me sigue mirando, sigue pestañeando rápidamente como una cría, yo no me muevo, mi polla ya está dura dentro de mis pantalones
Se saca el dildo de su coño, sale de entre sus pantalones, un hilillo de fluidos cuelga entre su polla de plástico y su entrepierna, puedo oler su coño, de repente se abalanza hacia mí, yo me echo hacia atrás asustado, ella apoya una mano en una de mis piernas, con la otra mano acerca su dildo hacia mí, acerca la punta del dildo a mi boca, yo la rechazo, no digo nada, giro la cabeza, ella levanta la mano de mi muslo y me agarra mi cara por la mandíbula, me gira la cara, me aprieta los labios con la mano. Veo a la joven mirándome seria, me vuelve acerca su juguete a mi boca, aprieta más su mano, yo abro la boca.
La polla de plástico comienza a entrar en mi boca, la joven me la mete, veo como ella me mira, sonríe, me enseña sus dientes con gesto de rabia, comienza a sacar y meter su dildo, inclina su cabeza, me mira, sus labios plegados me hacen morritos, es preciosa, sigo mamando.
De repente saca la polla de mi boca, deja el dildo en el asiento a mi lado, la joven comienza a desabrocharme mis pantalones, me resisto, ella aparta violentamente mis manos, sigue desbrochando mis pantalones, los agarra por la cintura, comienza a bajármelos a la fuerza, yo todavía sentado me resisto, ella me abofetea, la miro con cara de asustado, me hace un gesto de amenaza con un dedo, me quedo quieto, mis pantalones se van bajado hasta la rodilla, no me resisto más. La joven mira mis boxers todavía en su sitio, mi polla dura debajo, ella ríe, los agarra y estira, mi bóxer comienza a bajar, mi polla sale al aire, se agita dura delante de la cara de la joven rubia, ella la mira, se muerde sus labios inferiores. Coge el dildo otra vez, lo acerca a mi polla, juega con ella, roza mi polla, va bajándola y lo roza contra mis huevos, baja más, busca mi ojete, me estremezco, ella ríe.
La joven comienza a penetrarme, yo me agarro con una mano al asiento, con la otra agarro al marco de la ventana, miro hacia afuera, no quiero ver cómo me folla. Noto el dildo entrar en mí, cierro los ojos, me encorvo, me coloco para que pueda entrar más fácil el dildo, mi mano en la ventana se mueve y se acerca a mis labios, lanzo un suspiro.
Noto como la joven me folla con su polla de plástico, mi respiración se agita mientras miro hacia afuera, noto como la rubia me mete más profundamente sus polla
-¡aggg hija de puta!-grito
Ella me abofetea
-¡ssssss! ¡calla cabrón!-me susurra mientras me saca la polla de mi culo, lanzo un gemido de gusto
La chica se pone en pie, comienza a atarse a su cintura el dildo, por encima de sus pantalones de montaña, yo la miro desde abajo, es una amazona…
La joven me hace un gesto, me indica que me levante y me ponga a cuatro patas en el suelo del reservado, yo con mi mano en mis labios todavía la hago un gesto de negación mientras la sonrío, ella me sonríe, insiste, hace un gesto inclinando la cabeza para indicarme que me coloque de una vez. Me levanto, me pongo delante de ella, con una mano agarro sus polla, noto que está lubricada de mi culo y de su saliva. Acerco mi boca a su boca, todavía sujeto su polla de plástico, la beso, ella me besa, noto su lengua receptiva, inclinamos la cabeza, nos besamos, la saboreo, me siento un hombre.
Ella se aparta, me vuelve a mostrar el suelo, yo cedo, me inclino, me pondo a cuatro patas, todavía vestido pero con mis pantalones y mis bóxer por la cintura, arqueo mi espalda, mi culo se ofrece ce a ella, yo miro hacia adelante, hacia la puerta del reservado donde hay un espejo, me veo a mi mismo a cuatro patas, veo a la preciosa joven que se coloca detrás de mí, se inclina, me folla…
Noto como el dildo me penetra otra vez, noto a la joven que apoya sus manos en mi cintura, me sube un poco mi camisa por detrás, noto sus manos en mi cuerpo
-¡qué gusto! –pienso
Su polla sale y vuelve a entras, mi cuerpo acompaña sus movimientos. La joven comienza a follarme más rápidamente, yo comienzo a gemir fuerte, miro por el espejo, veo que ella me mira, nos miramos mientras ella me folla, me folla con ganas, mi polla colgando se agita. De repente ella se para, saca la polla de plástico y me embiste, mi cuerpo se estremece.
-¡siiii!- grito con los ojos cerrados
Me muerdo el labio inferior, vuelvo abrir los ojos, vuelvo a ver los preciosos ojos verdes de la joven, noto sus manos acariciar mi cintura, noto su cuerpo agitarse detrás de mí, me embiste una y otra vez. Por el espejo me fijo en su camisa, sus pechos se mueven al son de las embestida, ella se da cuenta, se desabrocha un botón de la camisa para mi dejando ver su canalillo, veo como vibran sus tetas según me folla, es una ninfa, sonrío, ella me lanza un beso.
De repente la puerta del reservado se abre, aparece ante mí la amiga de mi folladora
-¿pero qué ostias?-dice la chica
Morena con el pelo muy corto, su figura se pone ante mí, viste igual que mi folladora
-¡cierra la puerta joder!-dice mi folladora mientras me jode vivo.
Su amiga no reacciona, finalmente cierra la puerta, cae al asiento con la boca abierta mientras sigue mirándonos, yo giro la cabeza para mirar a la ninfa morena mientras mi cuerpo sigue moviéndose por la follada de la rubia
-¡joder, estoy flipando!-dice la chica morena
-¿te gusta?- me dice mirándome
yo asiento con la cabeza
-¡pues claro que le gusta!-dice la rubia mientras de golpe me saca el dildo, mi cuerpo se estremece.
La joven rubia se inclina sobre mí por detrás y mi agarra por el cuello, agarra mi nuca y me obliga a levantarme, me incorporo, me pongo de pie delante de ella, de repente la joven me empuja , caigo al asiento justo al lado de su amiga. La joven rubia se acerca, me desabrocha mi camisa, mi pecho queda a la vista, me lo mira con deseo, me lo acaricia, aparta su mano, me agarra las piernas con sus dos manos, me las levanta, aguanta mi peso, mi ojete se ofrece otra vez, me folla otra vez.
-¡mmmmmm!¡su puta madre!-gimo mientras giro la cabeza y miro a la chica morena
Ella me mira también, todavía con la boca abierta de asombro, mi cuerpo se agita con las embestidas de su amiga, ella no se cansa aunque ahora sujeta mis piernas en alto.
Miro a la morena, tiene un bonito flequillo, veo como ella baja la mirada, mira mi polla bailar al son de las embestidas. La jovencita morena mira a su amiga, se encoge de hombros en signo de resignación, una de sus manos se acerca a mí, agarra mi polla, mi cuerpo se convulsiona
-¡aguanta!- me grita la rubia, no quiere que me corra todavía.
Noto la mano que agarra fuerte mi polla, noto mi culo penetrado. Miro a la morenita mientras me masturba, noto como su cara cambia, está radiante, parece medio ida, le doy gusto, noto que le gusta masturbarme, noto que aprieta más fuerte mi polla, aprieto mis labios, la morena muerde su labio inferior, la rubia ríe.
De repente la morena aparta su mano de mi polla y se lanza a mamármela, lanzo un gemido, una de mis manos se alza hacia la cabeza de la morena, acaricio su corto pelo, es tan sexy. De repente la rubia se inclina más a mí, libera una de mis piernas y me abofetea, no quiere que toque a nadie, quito mi mano de la morena, la rubia vuelve a coger mi pierna libre, sigue follándome.
Allí estoy yo sodomizado por una jovencita rubia, mamándomela una ninfa morena ¡estoy en el cielo!. Noto los labios recorrer mi polla, noto su saliva, noto que cada vez me la mama con más gusto, noto las embestidas de la rubia, mis manos acarician mi pecho, estoy medio ido, la rubia me mira, yo la miro, bajo la mirada hacia su escote, la vuelvo a mirar a los ojos, ella asiente.
-¡tonta!-dice a su amiga
Su amiga gira la cabeza hacia su amiga pero sigue mamándomela.
-desabróchame la camisa
Mientras ella sigue sujetándome las piernas para follarme, su amiga alarga una mano y sin dejar de mamármela comienza a desabrochar la camisa de su amiga, deshace el nudo en su obligo, ante mi salen a la luz dos precioso pechos, espectaculares, que se agitan libres al son de las embestidas de mi folladora.
Mis ojos fijos en los pechos de la joven rubia, mi culo follado, mi polla degustada por la ninfa morena, me acaricio el pecho con más gusto, noto que a mi folladora le gusta mis pectorales, mi cuerpo comienza a agitarse más y más, no puedo más.
La chica morena se da cuenta, aparta su boca, me mira, vuelve a masturbarme, me aprieta la polla, la rubia me folla más rápido, comienzo a correrme.
El semen comienza a salir, saltar a mi cuerpo, a mi pecho, unas gotas llegan a mis mejillas, noto la mano que me masturba cubierta de mi semen, mi polla lubrica en su mano. La rubia saca de golpe el dildo de mi culo, lanzo un gemido de gusto, baja mis piernas, se lanza a mi pecho, la morena libera mi polla y la sigue, las dos comienzan a lamer mi semen por todo mi cuerpo, me siento deseado, miro la escena medio ido, poco a poco van subiendo hasta llegar a mis mejillas, las besan. De repente la rubia se aparta, me mira, agarra mi cara y se laza a besarme, noto mi boca cubierta de mi semen que sale de la boca de la ninfa, su amiga hace lo mismo, no besamos los tres, jugamos con mi semen, hilillos cubren nuestros labios, mis manos se lanzan a abrazarlas, nadie se resiste, nos abrazamos, mis manos acaricias sus cabezas, noto mi pecho acariciado por la rubia, noto mi cabeza mecida por la morena. La joven rubia besa mi pecho
-¡qué hombre, joder!-suspira mi folladora
Su amiga ríe, yo también…

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A Predicament Strapon Dream

You lead me into the playroom on my hands and knees. I crawl naked behind you, a leash attached to the thick collar around my neck. you lead me to the center of the room, where there is a chain hanging down from the ceiling. "Kneel." Is all you command. But I know I am to be on my knees, back straight, ankles crossed, hands clasped behind my neck. You attach the chain to the ring on my collar, remove the leash, and push the button on the control, pulling the chain up so that I must stay up...

4 years ago
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A Buzzcut and a Strapon

A Buzzcut and a Strapon – by Bald-Ed —————————————————- This is a true story about my new adventures with my wife Linda. The lesson is that sometimes dreams come true, but there is a price to pay for them … I have a strong hair fetish, I must admit. I am fascinated by women with very short hair. A buzzcut on a woman is a major turn on for me. Luckily, I am married to a very open minded woman, who has a hair fetish of her own: she likes bald men ! since we are married my wife Linda shaves...

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A Buzzcut and a Strapon

A Buzzcut and a Strapon - by Bald-Ed ---------------------------------------------------- This is a true story about my new adventures with my wife Linda. The lesson is that sometimes dreams come true, but there is a price to pay for them ... I have a strong hair fetish, I must admit. I am fascinated by women with very short hair. A buzzcut on a woman is a major turn on for me. Luckily, I am married to a very open minded woman, who has a hair fetish of her own: she likes bald men ! since we are...

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A true strapon tale Part 2

All the events in this story really happened, only the names have been changed. Warning: contains themes of pegging, femdom, leather & latex, chastity play, and mild cuckolding.As mentioned in our last story Alex (29) and I (36) are both switches, and enjoy taking turns dominating each other. We had been dating for about a year now. Yet while we met other people here and there we'd usually spend the weekends together, enjoying each other's company and diving deeper into our passion for...

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My Wifes Strapon Surprise

It was another birthday about to have come and gone with little fanfare from either my wife or myself. It didn't really bother me all that much; I mean, thirteen years of marriage plus two kids tends to put a damper on your personal life events. I figured it would be pretty much the same as the last few, Melissa would give me a heartfelt card that I would appreciate followed by a hug and a kiss. Kids would be wrangled into bed, then I would download a new PC game as my gift and spend the night...

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Wifes Strapon Surprise Pegged

It was another birthday about to have come and gone with little fanfare from either my wife or myself.It didn't really bother me all that much; I mean, thirteen years of marriage plus two k**s tends to put adamper on your personal life events. I figured it would be pretty much the same as the last few,Melissa would give me a heartfelt card that I would appreciate followed by a hug and a kiss. k**swould be wrangled into bed, then I would download a new PC game as my gift and spend the...

2 years ago
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My first strapon experience

I was a 20 year old college student who had broken up with my girlfriend of a couple years. We started talking and I had decided it was time to finally come clean bout my love for fetish. I told her I have had a dream that she was wearing a strapon and was fucking me and we both loved it. As time went on she got really into it and I told her my love for feet and my own cum. A week later and she was sending me pictures of herself wearing the strapon and playing with all the new toys she...

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The strapon experiment

(Contains F/M + Strapon!)The night was a night just like any other, a warm bed, snuggled up amongst the pillows, and that tingling that accompanied my fingers. I had been watching more and more videos as of late, and found myself yearning to try something that I hadn't done before. It seemed appealing, the men enjoyed it, the women did to, and it seemed just so...Fun. It took me nearly two weeks to build up the courage to go out and do everything I needed to do beforehand. I purchased a...

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Three Mature Ladies and Me strapon sex

hmmm a few months ago i was at a party of a friend and some older ladies were there too (family of his and acquaintances (around 30-45). Most of his friends were long gone after a couple of hours, but i was having a good time and having fun with the ladies.After a while the party was running towards it's end and some of the ladies invited me to go out with them and show them where i went out most of the time in amsterdam nowadays.Ofcourse alcohol was being consumed heavily on this night and...

2 years ago
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Brittanys Strapon Hell Week 5

I am currently working on #s 2, 3, and 4, but the idea for this one struck me, and I had to write it down, and I couldn't wait to post it! Please leave feedback, no matter how small. Enjoy! Brittany's Strapon Hell Week 5 By humbleslave I awoke on Friday morning to the sound of Mistress Brittany on the phone. "Yes, we'll be there to pick up the car at noon, thank you," she said. "Well slave, I decided to wrap up the conference early, so we can take a side trip. It's a surprise...

3 years ago
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Strapon escort

I broke down and finally called the number of an escort service I got online. I was very nervous having never done anything like that before. I had a very particular fantasy I wanted to indulge and thought this was the best way. A sexy sounding lady answered the phone. “As you might already know we specialize in making fantasies come true, so what are your fantasies?” She asked in a sultry sounding voice. “I … well … one of my favorite videos is ‘babes balling boys’ and I well …” I stammered...

4 years ago
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New Years Eve with the strapon milf next door

So I hadn't been over to the woman next door in awhile because about a month after our first fuck session she got a live in boyfriend who's there all the time. She and I would share glances every now and then but I figured that was it for our sexual relationship. But 3 days after Christmas I hear shouting from next door and they have a prolonged argument and finally he leaves and I see him with a suitcase and he screeches away. 3 days go by and I notice he hasn't come back so I go next door and...

3 years ago
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The first time crossdressed and strapon

The first Time Croasdressed and Strapon It has been 9 years since the first time being made in to a sissy for my then girlfriend. Her whole family was going away for the weekend so she said she want to stay home, here parents where ok with her stay home for the weekend and even told her to uave me over to keep her company when they where gone and enjoy the weekend together. Friday morning she came to pick me up telling me she had a very exciting weekend planed out for the two of us. So when...

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The Tea Shop Strapon themed

My first attempt at writing a story.I had answered an ad on-line for a local tea shop that was hiring. "Upscale Tea Shop Needs Milk Server - discretion is a must" read the add. Why would a tea shop need discretion? - I thought... I had not really intended to work at the tea shop. I just went in to apply for the job so, I could keep receiving my unemployment that I had been getting for the last 4 months. Really, I was lucky to get unemployment at all since I had been fired after being caught...

2 years ago
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strapon guy part 2

part 2this one is a little shorter but i'm trying to build a story here :)Still being a little lightheaded from the great sex we just had, I was reading a magazine on the kitchen counter. I was standing but I had to bend over a little because the counter was a little bit to low. I heard Linda (that's here name) walking towards me. I didn't pay to much attention to here because the articles where really interesting. Suddenly I felt something looking for my asshole. I looked behind me and saw her...

4 years ago
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. Here comes the story; I was meeting this woman through a internetsite. She was a lesbian, she claimed, but has always wanted to dominate a man with spanking and straponfucking she said that she wanted the man cry like a baby when she was finished with him.Well she took off my clothes and inspected me, pinch my ass and said wow what a nice little ass I am going to treat today. Eventually she went to the floor and laid me over her legs and then she began to spank me with her hand and she spank...

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Saturday strapon date night for my sissy

Every Saturday night I bend hubby over,lube up his ass/pussy,insert a butt plug,and start out with his punishment.The slapper is used 1st,It makes such a nice sound,slowly marking his white ass.I push on his plug,pulling it out,and back in until he is moaning.Next I use a crop to highlight the red in his rosy cheeks,Swat swat swat,Ohhh the sound of the crop swishing through the air hitting his crimson ass,I am In heaven.Finally,a ol fashioned thick wood paddle is used until the cheeks start to...

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A Shave and a Strapon

This story is a continuation of my previous story "A Buzzcut and a Strapon". Unlike the previous story which  was TRUE, this story is just a fantasy. My deal with Linda was more than a success: every week I would give  her a buzzcut and she would fuck me with her strapon. We were both very happy with it and had great sex. One Sunday, Linda woke up in the morning and she looked worried. "Ed, I have something to tell you. Listen to me." "What happened ?", I asked. "well, yesterday night I got...

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Brittanys Strapon Hell Week 3 Fear with Jenna and Vanessa

Brittany's Strapon Hell Week 3: "Fear with Jenna and Vanessa" By humbleslave I am attempting to make these stories stand-alone as well as make sense in a series. If you like this, make sure to read my other stories. Think of your votes and comments as your contribution to my stories! Thanks! It had been a long week for me, and I had a feeling there was still a long way to go. After my humiliation at the hotel, the mall, and the college campus, I didn't figure it could get much...

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“Or perhaps for both of us? You have often told me you would like me to watch another man blow you.” “I will baby, I have just the man in mind. I often see him at the gym. Fifteen-years younger than us, huge cock, bigger than my eight-inches and bisexual apparently.” I am Anne, a forty-five year old woman with a very strong sex drive. I still have a good body, men love my legs and dimple free forty-three inch arse. My current man, Jon, who is two years younger than me tells me I have given...

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Bisex party on the farm

We’ve got alot of different friends sexually, Billie’s kinky friends and mine, they come from totally different areas of sex, only Billie and me are into beastly, that we know of. We make a list, Billie sends invitations to them, I even invited 2 of my old kinky neighbors, ones a single older women and a couple, his’s gay and she’s dominant, I’ve had sex with all three of them, the women is into dildo play. My biker buds are bisexual Billie’s friends are into...

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Bisex at a porno theatre

I’m happily married and prefer women but am attracted by the idea of gay encounters. I had fantasised about it quite lot and often got hard at the thought of taking a strange guy’s cock in my hand and pumping the soft, hard shaft till the jism shot out of it. I'd also love to stick my dick in a guy’s mouth and fuck it till I shoot my load. Then I'd take his stiff penis in my mouth and suck it till his hot jism shot down my mouth or over my face. I didn’t keep the fantasies to myself. I brought...

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Bisex With Stranger And His Girlfriend 8211 Part 3

Hello Friends, I am your lovely Ravin. I came back here with another fake or fiction story. I think you like my previous stories. If you haven’t, please read those first. Just little bit about me. I am Ravin from chennai. I am 25 years old and regular body type. And I am Bisexual. This Stories are full of fake. Nothing or none of a person is not real except me. But I really want it to be in my life real. If any girls or couples need me just ping me in Coming back to story: Sunday morning(we...

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At the breakfast table on Monday morning, conversation was lively as ever, topics ranging from education, business and politics all leading to their favorite topic: SEX.And of course, all the hot talk led to the family going at it. Marie was getting railed by Kyle in missionary. Savannah was getting fucked by Grayson in doggy as she sucked off Little Charlie. Selena and Natasha were sharing a dildo, playing with each other's tits.Once the whole family was fucked out, they all left to find more...

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Bisex 1

I had always felt comfortable when around other guys. Secure in my sexuality, I knew I was only into women. Confident with my body and size, I had never been embarrassed in the locker room or when changing around guys. I kept myself in good shape: decent six-pack abs, toned arms ... and a 7" cock with just the right amount of girth. I kept my pubes shaved close to make it look even bigger. So it almost goes without saying that moving into the guy's dorm, at the start of my freshman year of...

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Bisex Surprise

He sat down behind me. I didn't think much of it. My girlfriend's brother was obviously gay although no one had ever seen him with another man. She was Asian, tall, slender, and hot. He was the male version of her but she had really gotten the good looks.He was very touch feely and I'm on the gay friendly side so he didn't bother me. I was spread out on the sofa, legs across my girlfriends lap, head in the middle of the sofa on a pillow. There was just enough room for him to squeeze in behind...

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“Or perhaps for both of us? You have often told me you would like me to watch another man blow you.” “I will baby, I have just the man in mind. I often see him at the gym. Fifteen-years younger than us, huge cock, bigger than my eight-inches and bisexual apparently.” I am Anne, a forty-five year old woman with a very strong sex drive. I still have a good body, men love my legs and dimple free forty-three inch arse. My current man, Jon, who is two years younger than me tells me I have given...

1 year ago
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Bisex with Mike

My name is Frank and in 2005 I had a friend Mike and he and I were professionals in the same field. I had been married for about 20 years amd Mike for about 5. We were both boxing fans so we would often get a pay per view fight and watch it at his house. One day Mike called and said his wife was going to go out with her friends and he was go to order a pay per view so I told him i would be. Well to cut to the story the fight ended rather quick and Mike set the tv for porn, I made the comment...

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Bisex Birthday Bash

'If you could have anything in the world,' my wife said to me, on my fortieth birthday, 'what would you choose?' 'Anything at all?' I asked. 'Absolutely anything. Imagine anything was possible, that you had all the money in the world, that you could have anything that your heart desired.' she said. 'I think....I think I'd like to have sex with a man.' I replied. 'Really?' she gasped. She sounded both surprised and excited. 'You said anything in the world.' I pointed out. 'That is so hot!' she...

4 years ago
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A Shave and a Strapon

This story is a continuation of my previous story ‘A Buzzcut and a Strapon’. Unlike the previous story which  was TRUE, this story is just a fantasy. My deal with Linda was more than a success: every week I would give  her a buzzcut and she would fuck me with her strapon. We were both very happy with it and had great sex. One Sunday, Linda woke up in the morning and she looked worried. ‘Ed, I have something to tell you. Listen to me.’ ‘What happened ?’, I asked. ‘well, yesterday night I got...

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Strapon Sally

Pete was a scientist in a Lab. He was on top of his field. He had taking in a helper name Sally who was a cute flirt. It turn out bad when Sally turn out to have a dominant personality. She would push him around He was now paying this woman for doing nothing. She was 18 years old and dressed in skimpy clothing. She would use his house and push him around. She also was a total tease. She had a tattoo of barbwire on her eyes. She had small dragon tattoo on her ass. She walked up behind him and...

2 years ago
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Strapon Birthday PT2

After that wonderful birthday night, one that will never be topped for the rest of my life, our sex life and our overall life was better than ever. Both my wife Kim and I became happier than ever. We would constantly be walking around with smiles. Each of us was striving to be better, to look better, and feel better. We immensely loved my birthday night and our sex lives were changed forever.Over the next couple of months, regular traditional sex was slowly fading away. We had sex everyone...

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Strapon Lesbians

They had met in the bar of the hotel. A brief kiss on the cheek and a glass each of dry white wine before lunch. They ate sparingly, pasta and salads, but befitting the reason for them meeting, they drank nearly two bottles of a full bodied Rioja. Ignoring the glances of the other diners they wandered out of the dining room and over to the lifts smiling and nodding to each other. In the empty lift they kissed fully for the first time for nearly six weeks. Holding hands they walked down the...

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