Watch Wife's Reactions In Cinema free porn video

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We'd been in the cinema foyer for about ten minutes or so when I first saw middle aged pudgy man. It wasn't his build that drew my attention. He was just a small, squat man with a substantial beer belly wearing an understated green and brown check three piece suit that had clearly seen better days. Nothing unusual about that.

It wasn't his appearance either. He was nearly bald apart from a circle of wispy grey hair at the back of his head that ran from one ear to the other. And he obviously had that stupid misplaced idea that he would look younger if he wore it a bit longer. So it was brushing against the collar of his shirt. Somebody should have told him he was being foolish because it just looked like he was overdue a decent haircut.

I only noticed him because of the way he was looking at my wife. Now don't get me wrong, lot's of people look at my wife and I usually don't give it a second thought. But with him it stood out. It was the way he cocked his head to one side as he checked her out, his eyes running up and down her body several times, like he was scanning her bar-code. It was very pronounced and what made it worse was the way he was continually licking his lips as he did so.

I could understand why he would want to look at her. She's not stunningly beautiful but she has an nice homely quality about her that quite a few men seem to find quite attractive especially as she's a blonde. But get her dressed up to the nines with her make up on, then that's quite another matter entirely. She can look really hot and I've then seen quite a few men openly lusting after her.

I can't say as I blame them. I would do too if she wasn't my wife. Drifting towards her late thirties Cheryl's still retained her curvy figure even after blessing me with two c***dren. Her body was pretty good before and I'm proud of the way she's kept herself in trim since. She's certainly put together quite nicely with large 34DD breasts, a nice ass and very shapely legs. Oh and I should add she has full pouty lips that I think just beg to be kissed.

So it goes without saying that she's been chatted up and flirted with on numerous occasions but she's always handled it well. I trust her judgement enough not to interfere even if I think things are getting a little bit out of hand. We'd long ago decided that if the going got too heavy it was up to her to diffuse any uncomfortable situation that might arise before it spiralled out of control. That would also hopefully stop me from getting into any more fights trying to defend her honour, which is something I'd done a couple of times when we were younger.

Anyway, tonight she'd dressed up a little bit more than usual. Nothing outrageous, just a nice blouse, a skirt and a pair of high heels. As an official date night treat I'd taken her for a pre show meal. She'd drunk a little wine; well more than a little really. I wanted her primed and ready for me later as I'd been reliably informed that the film was sure to get her in the mood!

She possibly already was because sometime during the evening she'd craftily unfastened a few more buttons of her blouse and was now showing me some cleavage. There wasn't an outrageous amount on display, just enough to tease me but more than enough to hint at the greater treasures that lay hidden within. Her skirt was short and lengthwise came somewhere between mid thigh and her knees but high enough to show the distinct curvature of her thighs. As I mentioned previously, my wife had great legs. The skirt was loose fitting but still clung enticingly to the firm swell of her delectable round full ass. A pair of strappy high heel stiletto sandals completed her outfit and as it was a warm evening she was bare legged.

Finally we were allowed into the cinema that was showing our film. As we filed in I lost sight of pudgy man and soon forgot about him. I manoeuvred my wife towards the back of the theatre, not quite the back row, a bit lower than that. I was more interested in getting her into some of the seats at the side. In my experience this is always the least occupied area as most people automatically gravitate to the centre seats. She didn't question my prompting but her raised eyebrows and a wry smile suggested she knew what I was hoping for.

I found the aisle I wanted and entered first and walked along to the end taking a seat not quite up against the wall. I'd carefully selected the spot thinking we would be isolated enough that I may get a little bit of action when the film got to the racy bits. You know, relive our youth so to speak. Not the back row but good enough! And so far, I'd been right. We were sat alone.

But as Cheryl settled into the seat next to me I felt a griping pain in my stomach. It had come from nowhere but it was fairly intense for a few seconds. And then it was gone. Eventually the cinema lights flickered and dimmed as the adverts and the trailers for upcoming films came on. Cheryl crossed her legs and I put a hand on her knee and gave it a loving squeeze. She looked into my eyes and smiled. Encouraged I slid my hand along her leg and under her skirt and as I did the griping pain returned with a vengeance.

I struggled on for a few minutes but the griping pains just got worse. I could hear my stomach grumbling and I badly wanted to pass wind hoping that would help ease the situation. But I knew without a doubt that if I did I would probably embarrass myself.

I toughed it out until the film started. I leaned over to my wife, "Cheryl, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to go the the toilet," I whispered.

She tore her eyes away from the cinema screen for a second and shot me a withering look.

"Seriously; couldn't you have gone earlier!" she whispered back with a hint of disdain. She shook her head and turned her attention back to the screen.

There was no point trying to explain. I grimaced my reply as the griping pain intensified but I doubt she saw it. It was fairly dark where we were sitting now the lights had gone down.

I stood and edged my way along the aisle. I felt awful and the sound of disappointment in her voice hadn't helped. She'd wanted to see this film for some time and I'd finally allowed her to talk me into going. I'd resisted at first, thinking it was just another chick flick until I was advised by a work colleague to read the reviews. It seemed it had some pretty hot scenes in it. According to him, after he'd taken his wife to see it she'd almost ****d him when they got back home. That would do for me. It had been a while since my wife had let me touch her intimately. Maybe I would get lucky tonight.

I got past my wife and was about half way along the aisle when I saw the people at the end stand up. An older man was pushing past them. He seemed eager to get past me too. Even though I leaned back as much as I could to let him through he still barged into me in his haste to get by. In spite of that I paid him scant regard as the people in the row behind began to grumble their objections about their viewing being disturbed.

"Sorry, sorry," I mumbled to them as he elbowed his way past me. As I turned to carry on with my quest to reach the toilets I saw him plump himself down in a seat that was only three places away from Cheryl. Not an ideal choice for him to make especially with what I had planned for my wife later. He was much too near. I'd have preferred him to be further away, or better still in another aisle altogether.

Three seats further along and I came to the next hurdle in my struggle to get out quickly. The people at the end of the aisle. It was a huge obstacle. I assumed they were all from the same family. Two brothers and their wives or two sisters and their husbands. Whatever the family dynamic was it didn't matter much apart from the fact I thought they all looked clinically obese. They were already stuffing their faces with popcorn and the film had barely started.

"Excuse me please, can I get past. I'm so sorry," I whispered to the first gigantic obstacle. The behemoth of a man struggled to his feet spilling popcorn out of his tub. His coke slopped over the rim of the giant cup, spilling down his front. The thought that a lid and a straw are provided for a reason slipped into my head. But I wasn't about to share my nugget of information with him. The look he gave me was quite menacing.

"For fuck's sake," he growled, "first him and now you ... and now look at what you've fucking made me do!"

He glared at me as I mumbled my profuse apologies and started to move past him and the rest of his party. I glanced back at my wife.

She was utterly oblivious to me, staring straight ahead at the screen. I could only make her out when the light on the cinema screen grew brighter, so she flickered in and out of clear view. She looked stunning especially when the light reflected onto her shoulder length honey blonde hair. Tonight she'd parted it just off centre and curled it into her neck. It looked pretty good. It was a classy look.

I turned my attention back to the task in hand. I'd got past the first giant but there were still three to go. It took them all a while to get up out of their seats, cursing and swearing loudly as they did. Sadly this only served to inflame the people sat behind them who became even more agitated.

"Fuck off," I heard the giant from the aisle seat say to one of the group behind them, "It's this prick's fault not ours." He waved a big hand in my general direction. I cringed inwardly. I didn't want to become the centre of attention, certainly not from an increasingly hostile crowd and besides I now had a pressing need to get to the toilet as soon as possible.

I glanced back again at my wife. She was looking my way, obviously wondering what was going on. I noticed that the middle aged man that had struggled past me was not looking in my direction. He seemed much more interested in looking at my wife. I thought nothing of it. If I had a choice I'd certainly rather look at an attractive woman with big tits than a moron getting into an argument. I saw my wife then look at the man. He'd obviously said something to her as she gave every indication she was talking to him and it probably wasn't something pleasant by the way she now seemed to have her arms clasped together across her breasts. It was then I realised that it was the pudgy man from the foyer!

The griping pain almost doubled me up as it came back with an even greater vengeance. I turned my attention back to the ruckus caused by me. The situation was getting a bit out of hand and I really needed to get to the toilet before it was too late.

"I'm so sorry," I repeated several times as I finally made it to the main aisle. I looked back at the mayhem I'd caused. The people behind the four not so jolly giants were equally as big and neither party seemed to be backing down. I hurried off, leaving them to sort themselves out.

I made it to the toilet just in time and it was a good ten minutes or more before I managed to satisfy myself that I was finished. I made my way back inside the cinema. It seemed to be fairly full tonight except for the area around where my wife and I were sitting. I smiled to myself in smug satisfaction. Perfect positioning.

I reached the row of seats where the giants were sat. I breathed in deeply.

"Excuse me again," I smiled hoping to soften their mood, "I'm so sorry to trouble you but can you let me back in please?"

The first giant stared back at me with piggy eyes. "You again ... and where the fuck's our popcorn and cokes we asked for!"

"I'm sorry?" I stammered not knowing what he was talking about.

He leaned towards me, the rest of his party seeming to mirror image his body movement as he did. I dropped my head lower towards his.

"The replacements for all the ones you made us drop; you ass-hole!" He spat the last word out leaving me in no doubt as to what I should do next. I stood up quickly and scurried off.

It was probably about fifteen to twenty minutes later when I finally returned to the theatre. Not only were there no staff in the foyer, when they finally did turn up I had to wait for a fresh batch of popcorn to finish popping.

"Here you go," I said as I handed the tray over, "four extra large tubs of popcorn and four extra large cokes."

He snatched the tray from me and handed it along the line. He handed me the empty tray back. "You'd best take it back," he glared at me.

This was getting old real quick but I took it back anyway. The group behind were becoming agitated again.

It was really dark when I came back into the cinema this time. The action on the screen had hotted up somewhat judging by the moans and groans coming out of the speakers. I arrived back at my row of seats again but looked along just to make sure. That couldn't be right, the pudgy middle aged man was no longer sitting where he had been. There was a distinct gap now between the four giants and where my wife was sitting. Had he gone? I squinted my eyes, peering harder into the darkness. I was sure this was our row. The cinema screen suddenly became brighter enabling me to at last make him out.

"Fuck," I exhaled softly. He was now sitting next to Cheryl. That's all I needed. An ageing lothario sitting next to my wife, who was obviously enthralled at the risqué action currently taking place on the screen.

"Excuse me again," I whispered to the piggy eyed giant. He glared up at me. "Can you let me in?"


"Pardon me? I replied, somewhat surprised by his abrupt response.

"I said NO! Now fuck off!"

"But my wife, she's sat down there, can't you just let me rejoin her?"

"NO ... now fuck off and sit somewhere else. We're not moving for you again!"

He glared at me. It wasn't worth it. Besides the group behind were growing increasingly hostile again. I found the nearest available seat that was nowhere near them and plumped myself down into it. Fucking brilliant!

I looked over to where my wife was seated. From where I was sitting I had a perfect view of her whole body. Unfortunately I also had the perfect view of pudgy middle aged man as well. And I didn't much like what I was seeing.

Sat on her right hand side with his arms folded, he was currently leaning into Cheryl. It seemed odd so I watched him for a while until I realised that he was pressing the back of his hand against her large, plump breast. My god ... was he groping her? She was certainly not giving any outward sign of being aware of what he was doing.

This obviously encouraged him as I then saw him press even harder against her. Even from where I was sitting I could see her breast being manipulated quite forcibly now. There was no mistaking what I was seeing. He was most definitely groping her. Surely she must know what he was doing?

Oh yes. There it was. She knew. She seemed to twitch and move her body away from him but her eyes never left the film. I risked a look up at the screen. The two stars of the film were getting into some pretty heavy simulated petting. It looked extremely realistic. And very hot!

I looked back over towards my wife to see pudgy man lean back into her. If he was groping her, she let him do it for a few minutes longer than I thought necessary before she finally turned to look at him.

She obviously said something nasty as he immediately unfolded his arms and sat himself up straighter in his seat.

He must have still been talking to her though, chatting her up, flirting with her as I saw her head turn quite a few times to reply to him. I saw his left hand go to her right knee. She batted it away. He waited a few seconds and placed it back there again. This time he gave her knee a squeeze. She pushed his hand away but he put it straight back.

I could see she was getting irritated with him. She took a firm hold of his hand and this time made a clear point of removing it from her knee. There was no resistance but as she released her grip he surprised her by grabbing hold of her hand and brushing it over the top of his trousers around the crotch area. He said something to her. I saw her shaking her head. She was clearly telling him no.

They sat still for a few minutes and I let my gaze wander back to the film. Unbelievably the two main protagonists of the film were in a crowded cinema, sitting together holding hands across an arm rest. The camera panned around to show a greasy skinned older man sitting on her other side. He was licking his lips repeatedly as he ogled the heroine's bare legs. She was wearing a very short skirt that revealed a lot of shapely thigh.

It was disturbingly erotic as in the film the older man slid his hand onto the girls knee and then moved it along her leg. It showed the girl staring straight ahead at the screen with a slight smile on her open lips, which grew broader the higher his hand travelled. The camera panned up to show the old man's face. He obviously couldn't believe she was letting him get away with what he was doing. He was still licking his lips. The camera slowly panned from his face to her still smiling face and then on to her husband's. He was looking at the hand m*****ing her legs, watching her in shock horror as she let this dirty old man feel her up. He clearly was unable to move a muscle.

I looked over to my wife. Her eyes were glued to the screen, her lips were parted and even from my vantage point I could see her breathing was erratic. My god, she was turned on. My eyes dropped lower and I could see why.

Cheryl had crossed her legs and was leaning away from her unwanted admirer. Not to be deterred pudgy man had put his hand back on her knee where it was now making steady progress across the top of her bare thigh and heading unchallenged towards the hem of her skirt.

I wanted to shout out to her but found I couldn't open my mouth. I should have been clambering over the seats to get to her, to rescue her, to pull her away from this middle aged pervert but all I did was sit there and look on in fascinated horror. My heart was hammering inside my chest and I felt my cock twitch in my pants as I watched my wife being seduced before my eyes.

His hand dropped out of view between her legs. It was definitely on her inner thigh now and I could see his arm moving slowly back and forth so he must be stroking her leg. And she was letting him!

I saw her shift uncomfortably in her seat. Here we go I thought. She's going to kick off big time now. But now it was my turn to be surprised.

My mouth dropped open as she uncrossed her legs and slumped back into her seat. And the son of a bitch smiled.

What the hell was she doing? Has the woman no shame? Pudgy man moved his hand along her thigh and I watched it disappear under her skirt. Her legs opened a little wider. They stayed like that for a minute or two but he clearly had more pressing matters on his mind than being granted access to my wife's pussy.

He suddenly sat forward out of his seat and twisted his body towards Cheryl. It was a strange movement and I couldn't for the life of me see what he was trying to achieve ... unless ...

I took a quick glance at the screen. The old man in the film now had his hand on the girls tit. I looked back to my wife and I was only just in time.

Pudgy old man's newly freed up left hand came up and closed around Cheryl's right breast. He fondled that almost lovingly for a while before sliding his hand over to her left breast. I shook my head. Why wasn't she stopping him?

His body was severely twisted now and he must have been feeling the torque. He certainly looked uncomfortable as with his arm d****d across her ample chest he resumed his manipulations across the top of her tight blouse. He gave her breasts equal attention, alternating between the two, cupping and massaging her lovely large mounds of flesh.

All this took place in a matter of seconds but to me it seemed like minutes. But then he must have squeezed too hard as Cheryl suddenly snapped out of her dream like state and slapped him away. She glared at him and I could see her clearly giving him what for.

He slumped back down into his seat and I finally exhaled. My stomach was in knots. I'd never felt this wound up, so jealous, so angry and so excited in my entire life. I'd read about men who want to see their wives seduced and fucked by other men but I never figured I could be one of them.

I was hopelessly conflicted. I wanted to go beat the living shit out of pudgy man but I also wanted to see how far he'd get with my wife before she shut him down. But worryingly and judging by my now rock hard cock, part of me wanted to see him succeed!

Did I really want to see my gorgeous, thirty odd year old blonde wife with a fabulous body and big tits and the mother to my two k**s seduced by a disgusting, fat old man? What the fuck was I thinking?

They sat side by side, neither of them moving. He must have still been talking to her as from time to time my wife would look sideways to answer him. Typical of a woman. They always have to look at the face of whoever they are talking to. Even when driving!

I saw him place his hand back on her knee. She brushed it away. He did it again with the same end result. And after a pause he did it once more. You couldn't deny it; he was a persistent bastard!

She turned bodily towards him after the last time. He was clearly arguing with her. Not a good idea I thought.

She sat back straight in her seat. I'd now been gone a while so I thought I should let her know where I was. I reached for my mobile and sent her a text message.

Hi darling still stuck on loo. Got the trots!! Sorry x

I saw the light come on her phone as she read my message. It didn't make a noise as she'd switched it to vibrate only. I hastily did the same to mine.

Her reply was instant. I bent over so she wouldn't notice the light as I opened her message. It was short and sweet.

OK x

Okay! What the hell kind of answer was that? So she wasn't fussed about my absence, didn't care about how ill I might be and obviously had no concerns regarding pudgy man's increasingly daring attacks on her body. She dropped her phone back into her purse and resumed watching the action unfold on the screen.

He waited for a few minutes then returned his hand to her knee. She removed it but he put it straight back. She turned her head and said something to him but this time she didn't brush it away. He slid it slowly along her naked flesh until he reached her hemline. And there he paused before returning back to her knee. He was in no hurry. He repeated his action. And then again. And again. It was slow and steady. Almost hypnotic. She appeared to be totally engrossed in the film now and seemingly unworried with where his hand was located. Had she given up?

I glanced up to the screen myself. The film had moved out of the cinema and the husband and wife were walking through a field of long grass. I had no idea how they had got there. But who cares. They were now surrounded by a group of youths and the gang leader had just walked over to the wife and currently had hold of her hand. He led her away whilst the rest of the youths took a firm hold of her husband. I looked back at my wife. Her lips were parted and pudgy man's hand was still rubbing gently up and down her sculpted thigh. She still hadn't batted it away.

I looked back at the film. The action was hotting up as the gang leader pulled the wife down into the tall grass with him. He kissed her. Smiling sweetly she didn't resist. He groped her breasts for a while then took off her top. They started to make out, with him sliding his hand under her skirt. He started to rub up and down, simulating masturbation of her pussy. The woman on screen exploded with her orgasm whilst the husband struggled to free himself from his captors.

I looked back to pudgy man and my wife just in time to see his hand slide further up her leg and vanish under her skirt. My cock was throbbing fit to burst. She was still looking at the screen but I didn't think she was seeing much of the film now.

He shifted his body slightly and leaned in closer, changing hands as he did. He seemed to be whispering in her ear. I saw her head twitch. The bastard! He was nibbling on her earlobe. Fuck, it was her main erogenous zone and I knew she would be loving it!!


His left arm slid over the top of her shoulder and he pulled her closer to him. His right hand meanwhile was lodged high up my wife's leg and judging by the angle of his right arm it was probably resting on her inner thigh. As he pulled her closer his right hand went higher still. I saw his right arm twist and knew instantly that the bastard now had his fingers firmly against my wife's mound.

Her body visibly jerked as he took a firmer grip on her shoulder and as his right arm moved again I knew without a doubt that he had deftly moved her panties to one side and his fingers were now lodged deep inside my wife's pussy.


I could see her hands were against his chest as she fought to push him off her but it was a contest she was never going to win. Her only hope was if he stopped of his own free will or I went to rescue her. Neither option seemed likely to happen any time soon!

And then he stopped. I was amazed. My wife was obviously saying something to him. He slumped back into his seat and I drew some much needed air into my lungs. I could feel an unwelcome wet spot inside my briefs. My cock was still throbbing and I desperately wanted to touch it, anything to relieve the pressure.

The action on the screen was getting really hot and heavy now. The wife was now being energetically fucked by the gang leader and was clearly into it in a big way.

I looked back at my wife. I just knew she would be getting more and more turned on. We'd watched a fair bit of porn at one time or another and even soft-core never failed to get her aroused, so I knew what she was watching on screen now would be having a massive effect on her libido.

A couple of minutes went by. Then two more. No more action from pudgy man. Was it all over?


Pudgy man half turned back into my wife, his right hand creeping up until his fingers were rubbing gently across her bra clad breasts through the fabric of her tight fitting blouse. She should have been slapping it away but there was no response from my wife.

He finally settled down to work on her right breast. It was the nearest one to him. I watched as he ran his fingers in circles across her large mound of flesh. There was a lot so it took him a while to cover every inch of it. He then seemed to focus on one particular spot. It had to be her nipple. He could have hours of endless fun fiddling with that I thought. Once her nips became engorged she could end up having one small orgasm after another if you played with them long enough. I just hoped he wouldn't find out.

She turned to look at him. I could see her eyes were hooded even from where I was sitting. He said something to her as she took hold of his hand and removed it from her breast. She shook her head. No, she was saying.

About a minute later he moved his right hand back up to her chest. This time though he went straight to the buttons of her blouse. She turned her head towards him and spoke, pushing his hand away. He brought it straight back and just carried on, fumbling as he undid the first button.

She said something else to him as his hand dropped down lower. She tried to slap his hand away but he just ignored her as his fingers dropped to her second button. She was trying to fight him off but he was not to be denied. Her blouse began to gape open as the second button was eventually released to be followed almost immediately by the third. Despite her continued resistance he soon had all the buttons undone and tugging her blouse free of her skirt he pulled it wide open to expose her deliciously large, creamy white, bra clad breasts to his view. I saw him lick his lips. Who wouldn't. I knew that her breasts would be over-flowing the top of her bra. it was a sight that never failed to arouse me and why would it be any different for him?

My wife meanwhile just carried on looking at the action on the screen. A quick glance up and I could see why. The gang leader had just flipped the wife onto her hands and knees and was now fucking her doggie style. It's her favourite position and the guy in the film was simulating it pretty realistically. So much so that I knew my wife would be imagining it was her being impaled on the end of his cock. We do tend to role play a lot after watching porn!

Pudgy man probably couldn't have cared less. He was far more interested in how far he'd got in the seduction of my wife. In somewhere around an hour or so he'd managed to get his fingers inside her panties and exposed her massive breasts. Not bad going.

Ignoring the film, I looked back to the action in the cinema seats. He had now slid his hand inside my wife's blouse and was playing with her bra clad breasts. She finally responded and turned her head and spoke to him. He removed his hand and blew on it before putting back inside but this time he slid it under her lacy bra, where it closed around her full round boob.

What the fuck! Had she just asked him to warm up his hands? I could see him squeezing her breast quite forcibly now. She was starting to slump lower in her seat. It was a tell tale sign!


The old bastard knew he had her now. He fumbled with the zip on his trousers and pulled out his cock. It was hard to tell but even from a distance it looked quite fat. He stroked it a few times as he talked to my wife.

My whole body was shaking as I watched him take hold of my wife's hand and place it on his cock. She jumped slightly and resisted at first but he held her hand firmly to it. He was talking to her, almost pleading with her as she struggled to free herself from his grasp.

She relented. He began to stroke up and down his ever lengthening and thickening shaft, holding her small hand firmly in place under his large mitt. Eventually he removed his, leaving her to carry on by herself. His hand returned to her bra clad breasts.

He took a look around. I could see the smug expression all over his fat face. The bastard! I so wanted to get up and smack him. But I didn't.

He resumed his fondling of my wife's boobs and for a long time he seemed to be making no further progress. He didn't seem to care. It was clear he was just revelling in the fact he was groping an attractive woman's big tits at the same time that she was pleasuring him by pulling on his big thick cock.


Eventually, and it was quite a while; his left arm went around her shoulder but this time dropped lower. He slid off her bra strap, tugging it down until it would go no further. He sat up a little and slid the bra strap off her right shoulder. Still sitting up he fondled both her breasts at the same time, squeezing them together to further deepen her already impressive cleavage. He dropped his head into the valley caused by the steep curve of her breasts and rubbed his face into them.

I was shocked at my wife's reaction. She clearly loved it, judging by the way her body jumped. Her head went back and I swear I heard a soft moan escape from her lips. Or was it from the film? I shot a quick look at the screen. The heroine was still getting fucked mercilessly by the gang leader who currently had his head buried in her deep cleavage.

What the fuck! Was pudgy old man trying to mirror image the action on the screen. Or was it just a coincidence?

And then he leaned forward and his lips met hers. Fuck her, the bitch kissed him back. Has my wife no shame? My cock throbbed violently as my stomach turned over several times. My whole body was shaking from the mixture of arousal and disgust, so much so that I felt distinctly light headed. My breathing was ragged as I watched his hands slip around behind her body. As he kissed her again I knew he had unclasped her bra.

He sat back up and triumphantly pulled her bra clear of her boobs. Her large breasts jiggled and danced before his greedy eyes before settling back down to jut out proud and high from her chest. Not a hint of sag and I was proud of that sight. And not only did they look impressive but I'd never seen her nipples look larger. He must have liked what he saw too as he leaned forward and took one into his mouth. He sucked on it loudly. Even I could hear the slurping sound he made but no-one else in the theatre paid him or my wife any mind.

He sat back sideways into his seat but continued to play with one of my wife's naked breasts. His hand was cupping and squeezing it as his fingers fiddled with her swollen nub. It must have been rock hard as it barely moved as his fingertips brushed against it time after time.

He must have been at it for a good three minutes or more before I saw the next tell tale sign of my wife's eventual capitulation.

Her hips started to twitch. It was only very slight at first but I recognised it immediately. Having been with this woman for nearly twenty years I know all her moves intimately.

There it was again. And again, this time a bit stronger. Pudgy man realised it at long last. He kissed her again and I nearly threw up. I could see that he had forced his tongue into her mouth and the bitch was responding and french kissing him back! With passion! She hadn't kissed me like that since ... since I can't remember.


He disengaged her hand which was still stroking up and down his thickening shaft and shifted his position.

Leaning down, his hands went back under her skirt but to the outer side of her thighs. He pushed them up towards her waist and I knew instantly what he was doing.

He said something to her and she lifted her ass off her seat. My god she was helping him now! He pulled back and I could see my wife's panties come into view as his hands reappeared from under her skirt. He slid them down her shapely calves and I saw her lift each foot in turn as he took them off completely. He crumpled her panties into a ball and brought them up to his nose. He inhaled deeply. My wife must have said something because he laughed at her and shoved them beneath her nose. She turned her head away to one side.

Tucking her panties in his pocket his hands went back under her skirt. I could see my wife was objecting to this, why I didn't know. Surely her protestations should have begun in earnest a long time before they'd reached this stage!

He slumped back into his seat but left a hand up under her skirt. His arm began to move energetically as he fiddled with her pussy. I knew what he was doing although he might be surprised to find my wife was clean shaven down below. It was something she'd come to late but now she couldn't bear to have any pubic hair.

Yep, he was surprised. I could tell as he looked at my wife and asked her. He shook his head at her reply and resumed his activities. His other hand had reattached my wife's small hand to his now gigantic cock. Even from here it looked enormous.

He frigged her pussy for what seemed like a few minutes but was probably only one before he removed his hand. He held it up and nudged her. She opened her eyes. I could see she couldn't focus them properly, another tell tale sign of her growing arousal!

He said something and then stuck his fingers in his mouth and sucked. He laughed and stuck his hand back under her skirt. He fumbled around a bit more and I could see she was squirming in her seat as her passion grew.

He withdrew his fingers again and held them up. From the light emanating from the screen even I could see her juices were liberally coated all over them. He moved his hand towards her mouth. She shook her head. He nodded and said something. She shook her head, no again. He pushed his fingers at her lips and spoke to her again. Her lips parted and he slipped his fingers into her mouth. She sucked them clean. He withdrew his fingers, pushed his hand back into her pussy and as he rammed them furiously into her he leaned forward and kissed her hard. As her hips rotated and she squirmed in her seat they deep throated each other.

It was no good. I unzipped my trousers, freed my cock from my sticky briefs and started to wank myself off!


The film was irrelevant now, there was more action going on between pudgy man and my seemingly extremely horny wife.

He broke the kiss but carried on shoving his digits up inside my wife's pussy. She was continuing to squirm as his fingers did their business. He must be strumming against her clit judging by the way her hips were now moving and the fact she had now shoved a fist into her mouth, presumably to stop screaming.

His left arm went round the back of her neck and he pulled at it. I knew what he wanted but it took my wife a little longer. When she realised, she resisted. He kept pulling, she kept resisting. He spoke to her. Still she resisted. He shoved his fingers deeper inside her causing her to jolt. I was pretty sure she'd had a minor orgasm. It seemed to relax her enough to enable pudgy man to pull her head down.

He took her hand off his cock and brought the head up to my wife's lips. He pushed at her harder as she tried to resist but he just pulled her head lower using more force. He managed to wipe the bulbous head of his cock across my wife's lips, smearing his pre cum all over her cheeks. And then he had her. A look of extreme shock turning quickly to pleasure flashed across his face as she took his cock inside her loving mouth. Her head was still for a while before she settled to her task. It began to move. Tentatively at first. He was nearly too big for her mouth!

I saw him relax back with a slight sigh of contentment, dr****g both his arms over the rear of the seats either side of his. His head fell back and I could see his eyes were closed and he had a sick smile on his lips. My wife was leaning over his body now.

I couldn't see clearly what she was doing so I craned my head. I could just make out the top of her head moving. It was slow to begin with. I could see her honey blonde hair being pulled away from her cheeks by pudgy man. He wanted to watch my wife deep throating him. It looked like a loving caress and I didn't like it. His hand moved down to grope one of her dangling breasts. I could see him working it over pretty good before his fingers began pinching and pulling at her rock hard nipples.

I craned forward a bit more. She was apparently really into this blow job now, her head bobbing up and down a lot quicker, her hand a blur as she worked it up and down his thick shaft. The head plopped free of her mouth and I gasped. Judging by the way she wiped her hand across her mouth, saliva must have been pouring from her lips and she was struggling for breath. How she was managing to get that thing inside her mouth and down her throat, let alone suck on it like it was a popsicle was a miracle. Pudgy old man was hung like a horse!

She clearly couldn't get her hand closed around his cock and not only was it thick but it was fairly long too. My stupid brain kicked in. We all know that our wives dream about being fucked by men with massive, gigantic cocks; don't we? And why? Because obviously only men with huge dongs can satisfy them! It's all they think about; right? And here was my wife's chance to fulfil what in my mind would be her greatest wish. She was living her dream.


Her hand continued to pump away on his great big cock whilst she caught her breath. She seemed to be peering at his large member intently, cocking her head from side to side, appraising it as she moved her hand up and down his length. I could even see the swirl of her wrist as she reached the bulbous head, finishing off her upward stroke with a flourish before plunging back down his thick shaft. And then she bent down to it again, sliding his huge cock back inside her delicate mouth, past her pouty lips and way down her throat. I gasped. She'd done that willingly. His hand was only resting on top of her head, there was no downward pressure being exerted at all.


Pudgy man started to spasm and I knew he was out to explode. I knew how he felt. My wife gave first class blow jobs. Satisfaction was always guaranteed.

As he began to make upward thrusting movements with his hips I could see his hand clamp down tightly onto my wife's head. He was visibly fucking her mouth now; the bastard!

Give my wife her due, this time she tried to fight back. She pawed at his chest trying to disentangle herself from his grip. For a little old fat man he was surprisingly strong and her attempts came to nothing.

I saw Cheryl's body stiffen as pudgy man made one last dramatic and dynamic thrust upwards with his hips. He held the pose and I knew he had just cum. He held her easily as he pumped his seed into my wife's mouth and judging by the amount of cock he had stuffed inside, well down her throat too. Cheryl began to convulse and she had no option but to try and swallow his sticky white gunge. I could see her throat working overtime as he carried on filling her up with his fluid. She'd never swallowed my cum, so this was a first for her.

Finally he released his strong hold on my wife's head. She leant over to her side and I could see her spit out what she could. The look on her face said it all. She wasn't happy. Not happy at all. I could see the anger written all over her pretty face as she gave him a verbal tongue lashing. Pudgy man had a look on his face that said, I don't care, you just blew me and swallowed my cum!

It was over. Struggling to subdue my turgid hard on I hastily returned my still throbbing cock inside my briefs and zipped up my trousers. I glanced over at my wife. She had retrieved her bra and was trying to put it back on. Pudgy was making this difficult as he had resumed his groping of her impressive tits. She finally slapped his hand away but not until I could see he had been tugging again at her nipples and they were now mightily engorged. A sure sign her pussy would be drenched and she would be gagging to be fucked.

But there wasn't time. The film was ending and people were already standing up and getting ready to leave. A sick thought entered my head as I quickly made my way unseen through the exit. I waited at the doorway until I saw them get up to leave and then pulled out my mobile phone and sent her a text.

Sorry darling, couldn't get back to loo quick enough, had accident. Gone to supermarket to buy emergency pants! Meet you at car asap x

I knew she wouldn't be pleased about this development but it seemed like a good idea to me at the time. And there was a large supermarket nearby that was open twenty four hours.

Stepping out onto the street I quickly made my way across to the multi storey car park opposite. From my vantage point I would be able to see them leave the theatre. I knew Cheryl would be coming my way because that's where we'd parked the car. And it was odds on that his car was also parked in here.

I don't know why or even where this idea had come from but I had it firmly lodged in my sick mind that after his stunning success with my wife in the theatre, pudgy man would now want to stick his fat cock into her pussy. If that was the case he would follow her into the car park.

I was also convinced that she was possibly worked up enough that she might even let him. But the even sicker part was that I wanted to watch him do it. Or did I? God I was hopelessly conflicted! Only time would tell if Cheryl felt the same way and even if she did, would she actually let him.

My mobile phone bleeped.

Really! how long? x

My fingers were trembling as I keyed in my response.

About 15 mins. Just left x

Her reply was back in an instant.

OK x

The cinema crowd had all but dispersed by the time I finally saw pudgy come out onto the street. He was followed almost immediately by an angry looking Cheryl. She must have called out after him because he stopped and turned to face her. She was very close to him and I could hear her shouting at him although I couldn't hear what was being said. And then she stopped. I could see he'd raised his arms up to chest height. Her chest height. My god, was he groping her tits again? In the street!

I made my move and ducking inside the car park walked calmly off and up the ramp to our level where I hid behind a pillar. Our car was on Level 2 and it was already pretty empty. From my current vantage point I could see most of Level 1 so if they stayed down there I could soon back-track.

It was then that the absurdity of the situation hit me. What the hell was I doing? Why was I, a grown man, hiding behind a concrete pillar in a poorly lit multi story car park waiting for my wife to appear with another man? Surely I should be stepping out to reclaim her as mine; to save her from pudgy man. I should be beating the shit out of him for what he made her do in the cinema. I should be berating my wife for allowing herself to be groped and used and abused and perhaps I should even be threatening her with divorce!

But no. I wasn't about to do any of those things. I continued to hide as my heart pounded madly inside my chest and my breathing became laboured.

It was then that I heard the clacking sound of high heels on the concrete floor of the multi storey car park and the murmur of voices. They were here. I risked a quick peek around the corner of my hiding place. But it wasn't them. It was another couple. I watched as they climbed into a nearby car and drove away. My breathing was really ragged now and I felt sick to my stomach. What the hell was I doing!

Another minute slid by, which felt more like ten. My stomach was in knots.

It was their voices I heard first. Cheryl was talking to him. And she was clearly irritated.

"You're nothing but a fucking pervert," she was saying in a loud whisper, "get OFF me!"

Pudgy man just chortled, his laugh echoing around the almost deserted multi storey car park. I peeked around the edge of the pillar. It was worse than I thought. They were walking side by side but he clearly had his hand under my wife's skirt and up between her legs. I could only imagine given the angle of his arm that his hand was somewhere in the vicinity of her pussy and it was moving most energetically. Cheryl was trying vainly to remove his hand but he was batting away her efforts with ease.

They came to a sudden halt at a top of the range Mercedes Benz. It seemed incongruous that a man dressed as he was would own such a prestigious and expensive motor. But it must be his. The alarm beeped as he unlocked it.

Unseen, I crept down from my hiding spot on Level 2 to take up a better vantage point on Level 1. The multi storey car park had been built in the early seventies and was way past its best. There was little if no lighting in places, which gave me a variety of dark places to hide nearby.

He finally let go of her and as they parted she turned to him angrily.

"Why don't you just leave me alone?"

He just laughed and moved closer to her. She stepped back tentatively until she came up against the side of the car. He pressed forward.

"You didn't seem to mind me kissing you and feeling your tits again," he leered, "but you can go if you want."

Cheryl looked around. It took her a while to answer. "I can't see my car," she said, "I'm not sure what level we parked it on."

Pudgy man moved closer, his hand went back under her skirt. I could see her flinch but the bitch didn't stop him. His arm started to move slowly backwards and forwards. Her eyes began to flicker.

Her eyes suddenly shot open as her body jolted. He must have slipped a thick finger or two inside her pussy.

"My husband will be back in a minute," she gasped. I saw her body begin to rock. Judging by the speed of his arm he was jamming his fingers violently up inside her now.

"Well while we wait for him why don't I repay you for the outstanding blow job you gave me earlier by treating you to some tongue!"

Cheryl clearly had no idea what he was talking about so he demonstrated his intentions immediately.

For a little fat man he dropped to his knees very quickly. Her skirt was lifted up in a flash and his face went in between her legs in a heartbeat.

"Ohmygod ..." my wife gasped loudly, obviously appreciating his skills straight away. Her body slumped back against his car, her legs parting wide as she bent them slightly at the knees. His hands rested on her smooth skinned bare legs as he went to work on my wife's clean shaven pussy.

I knew the moment when he nipped at her clit as she responded as she normally does. Very vocally! Her whole body was racked with convulsions as she struggled to maintain her balance on her high heel sandals.

Give him his due, pudgy man knew all about cunnilingus and how to satisfy a woman judging by the way he had my wife twitching and moaning under his very active and talented tongue and mouth. I could see by her body posture that she was nearing her orgasm.

She was nanoseconds away from an explosive climax and then he just stopped. He pulled away from her and struggled up onto his feet before dusting himself down.

Cheryl looked a complete mess. Her skirt was still bunched up around her waist and even from where I was hiding I could see her pussy was a dripping wet, mushy mass of pent up desire.

She was quivering, her chest was heaving and her breasts were swaying inside her blouse despite the fact her bra was back in place.

"Why have you stopped?" she gasped.

"My knees were hurting," he replied in a sly voice. "I thought I'd finish you off with my cock."

"I've already told you I'll not let you fuck me," she countered.

"Yes I know that my dear," he answered with a leer. "I'm just going to rub it up and down your pussy lips until you cum!"

He unzipped his trousers, fumbled around inside for a few seconds before he brought out his cock. Even semi flaccid it looked huge. He shuffled forward, bringing the head up to my wife's pussy where he started to rub it against her slit, coating it with her copious juices. Even from a distance I could see it begin to swell.

Within seconds the bloody thing was erect and looked rock hard. The bastard then showed off by leaving it rubbing up and down against Cheryl's gash whilst his newly freed up hands undid the buttons of her blouse before sliding inside to have a fumble at her breasts. Eventually tiring of groping her tits through the material he unhooked her bra and pushed it up out of the way.

She seemed to like him groping her boobs a lot as her head went back and her eyes closed. Her back arched, which just served to push them further into his large mitts. And all the while he continued to rub his cock up and down her pussy just by using the sway of his hips.

He tormented her like that for a while. I could see he was bringing her to the brink of her orgasm and then letting her down. I knew from experience that this would only serve to make her even more turned on although he appeared to be doing it much better and for much longer than I had ever done.

Once more he brought her close and then stopped. I saw Cheryl open her eyes. She looked at him and I could see her lips moving but I couldn't catch the words. Luckily for me Pudgy was a man that liked to repeat the question before giving his answer. His voice was much clearer and louder.

"I'm sorry. Did you just call me a bastard!"

"Yes," she hissed in reply. I heard that clear enough. She was really primed and ready to blow!

"You want it don't you?" Pudgy ran his hands over my wife's breasts again, sinking his fingers into her abundant mounds of succulent flesh. She continued to squirm.

"You can have your release. All you have to do is ask." He continued to fondle her boobs but was now paying particular attention to her erect nipples.

"You bastard ..." Her breathy voice trailed away leaving Pudgy and me in no doubt what she wanted.

"I'm sorry ... did you say something?" He was gloating. I could tell by the tone of his voice.

"If you want to ... you ... you can put it in." Cheryl's voice was tiny, barely a whisper. I knew she was conflicted. She was desperate to cum; just not by him! What's a girl to do!

"But you said you wouldn't let me fuck you because you're married. Have you changed your mind?" He wasn't going to make this easy for her.

"Yes, yes, but you're going to have to be quick. My husband will be back anytime soon."

"But my dear, I'm confused. You said you would blow me if I then left you alone but now you say you want me to fuck you. So you want my big fat cock inside your dripping wet, married cunt now do you?"

"Yes, yes," She was pleading now, her arousal must have been really intense. I'd never seen her like this before; ever!

He spun her around and bent her over the bonnet of his car. She spread her legs for him and arched her back. She looked over her shoulder at him as he brought the bulbous head of his cock up to her engorged pink pussy lips. He rubbed it up and down her slit.

"Oh yeah ... yeah, put it in ... put it in!" My trollop of a wife arched her back even more and lowered her head as she anticipated his thick shaft enter her. She moaned loudly.

Pudgy stood behind her, just now and again idly scr****g his cock against her labia, making sure to catch her clit on the upward swipe. He took it steady and I could see she was about to cum. He stopped.

She looked back at him. I had never seen my loving wife look so needy.

"What?" Pudgy man asked with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders. "What's the matter?"

"Please ... please, you know what," Cheryl hissed in reply, "just put it in already. My husband will be back soon!"

"So you want me to fuck you?" He continued with his torment.

"YES ... YES!" she shrieked, "PLEEEAASSEE!"

"Well if you're sure." He eased forward and I saw her pussy lips spread open as his thick throbbing manhood passed through her tight slit to be welcomed into my wife's wet and willing snatch.

God did she scream when he first pushed it inside her and then she moaned and groaned repeatedly as he stretched her to the limit. He took it steady to begin with, feeding her a bit more each time, gliding smoothly forward before easing back. He repeated his action with each thrust forward becoming easier and then faster. Soon he was ramming his full length deep inside her, his balls beating a tattoo on her ass cheeks, his fat belly resting on her back. Her back arched, her tits were swinging wildly, moving rapidly in time with each one of his thrusts until he captured both in his big paws and squeezed and groped them. He was clearly twisting her nipples but she seemed to love that!

"Oh fuck, oh fuck," These were the only words my wife kept on repeating as pudgy old man fucked her rigid. Every other sound coming from her lips was a grunt. Her head was now hung low, nearly touching the bonnet of his car although from time to time she would rear up and glare over her shoulder at him, her face contorted in a mixed look of pain and pleasure. I don't think I've ever seen a woman look so angry but so turned on at the same time. She looked magnificent but the conflict must have been killing her!

For my part, I should have been devastated that my wife was obviously enjoying sex with this fat old man more than she ever had with me. But I wasn't.

My cock was in my hand as I frantically jerked myself off. It had never been so rock hard. Had never felt so long or so thick. And I couldn't wait to get my wife home and fuck her myself.

As my cock erupted to send a stream of white gunge splattering against the concrete pillar in front of me a moment of clarity struck home.

Did this now make me a willing cuckold?

Her scream snapped me out of my thoughts. She'd cum and it seemed, judging by his actions, that Pudgy was about to as well.

"No ... no," Cheryl screamed, "you can't cum in me. Please ... not inside ... please!"

Her screams were well founded. Pudgy man grunted as he powered his climax out onto the concrete floor. He'd pulled out just in time. He'd also just missed splattering it all over his car.

Thank god! I was so relived. I badly wanted to fuck my wife later but wasn't sure how I'd cope knowing that someone else's cum was inside her pussy. Would I even be able to stand the feel of it?

But it didn't matter now. It was time to get going and retrieve my car. I beat a hasty retreat and when I decided I was far enough away from them I pulled out my mobile phone and rang hers.

The strident ring tone of the song 'Can you feel it' by The Jacksons rang out around the car park. Quite apt I thought!

"Hi sweetheart, I'm back at the car. Where are you?"

"I'm on Level 1 and I'm sort of lost. I've forgotten which level you parked." She sounded a bit flustered. Not surprising really!

"Level 2," I replied. "Stay where you are, I'll drive down to get you. Save you walking up the ramp."

"Okay." I could tell she was relieved. Her legs must be feeling like jelly after what she just been through. My cock was beginning to get hard again just thinking about what I'd witnessed.

When I picked her up, pudgy man's car was gone. She looked a trifle sheepish, as well she might. She certainly smelt of sex.

I reckon I broke most of the speed limits on the way home but I couldn't resist asking her about her evening.

"So did you enjoy the film then?"

"Oh yes. It was very erotic and sexy."

"Did it turn you on?"

"Erm ... not really. Well a little bit I guess." Her voice sort of faded away. I gave her a quick sideways glance and could see she was biting her lower lip. A sure sign that she was lying. But then again, I knew that already.

"Oh right. Did you miss me?"

"Of course I did. What happened to you anyway? You were gone for ages." She seemed to have selective recall. I'd been gone for the entire film.

"Well you know how it is when you get the runs. I couldn't get off the loo for ages and then I kept close to the exit just in case."

"I hope I don't catch it," she said finally.

Unbelievable. She wasn't the slightest bit sympathetic about my supposed illness.

"So did anything happen whilst I was detained elsewhere?" I realised I was fishing but couldn't help myself. I had to know if she would confess.

"Like what?" she asked. She wasn't making this easy.

Did you get any unwanted attention?" I was being a bit blunt. Probably too blunt. Her head shot around to look at me.

"NO!" She was very adamant. "Why would you think that?"

"No reason," I replied cheerily, trying to make light of the question. "it's just you being on your own in a cinema showing an erotic film that's borderline porn. And you know how much that turns you on. I just thought you might get hit on that's all. After all you're a good looking woman!"

"Alan Thompson! Get your mind out of the sewer! You know what ... I just don't know where you come up with so much drivel!"

Give my wife her due. She was good at this lying stuff.

I decided to leave it be. If I carried on any longer I risked losing out on sex when we got home.

Which we did! It was spectacularly good and Cheryl came several times to both my tongue and my cock.

As I lay basking in the afterglow; Cheryl had already drifted off to sleep; it dawned on me that my wife had deliberately kept something from me.

Of course she would, I realised that but still. I know women as a whole can be pretty devious when it suits them but I had never thought Cheryl to be one of those. But this escapade tonight had given me a new insight into the psyche of my wife!

I know I'd wanted to see how far she'd go with old pudgy but the sixty four thousand dollar question now was, had she liked it enough to want to cheat on me again?

The End.

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The horniest afternoon ever in Bangkok Cinema

On Tuesday I felt very horny and wanted to try to find a gay cinema in Bangkok as I had the afternoon off. But Google etc said there were none in Thailand. But someone had told me about a dirty, very old cinema, showing very old movies, straight ones, but the audience were all male. It was located up a very old, smelly lane down by the river and quite difficult to find. I paid my 50baht and went inside. It was a large broken-down cinema with most seats damage or broken……and it smelt of pure sex...

4 years ago
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A search for a vibrator leads to sexual a adventure in bookshops and the adult cinema

I suppose it all began over a Rampant Rabbit. I’ve never really been much of a fan of sex aids though I know lots of men like to see women using them and I’ve occasionally been happy to use a variety of them even the larger ones at the request of the man of the particular moment if that’s what gets him going. However as a general rule I prefer the real article and it was only because a couple of my female friends raved about how good the RR was that I even heard about...

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A search for a vibrator leads to sexual a adventure in bookshops and the adult cinema

I suppose it all began over a Rampant Rabbit. I’ve never really been much of a fan of sex aids though I know lots of men like to see women using them and I’ve occasionally been happy to use a variety of them even the larger ones at the request of the man of the particular moment if that’s what gets him going. However as a general rule I prefer the real article and it was only because a couple of my female friends raved about how good the RR was that I even heard about...

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Black Seamed Nylons at the Cinema

Black Seamed stockings The two of us had not been out together for more than a year, so when the opportunity arose for a chance to get out for our wedding anniversary, we suddenly found ourselves pondering on the best way to spend such a rare occasion. Since it had been so long, we both felt it best to give the pubs and clubs a miss - so deliberated and finally opted to go and see a film - something we used to do quite often before getting married. It would be nice to cuddle together, perhaps...

2 years ago
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Jerome invites me to the cinema

My Black Master Jerome knew I was alone during the week end.So, he called me on Saturday, asking if I liked movies at the cinema. I answered of course I loved to go to the cinema…A while later I met Jerome at the cinema’s door entrance. He kissed me hard and asked if I had obeyed him about my outfit. I told my Black Master of course I had done what he had ordered me.He had just told me to wear a sexy dress and no panties at all.Jerome smiled and I asked him what was the movie we would watch....

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I was on leave in London when I first met my future wife who worked as informationist/receptionist at a hotel leased by the American military in 1967. A refreshing beauty of about five feet seven, deep blue eyes to get lost in, fair complexion with blonde hair in a fashionable beehive hairdo wearing a blue and white very short minidress with big breasts just concealed and dainty feet hidden by white patent leather thigh length boots which accentuated her long dancer,s legs. That was Sarah sex...

3 years ago
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Meeting Raj At The Cinema

Hey hi. As already was told, I am only going to narrate real incidents. This also is a real happening. Before I get into writing the incident, I want to express my gratitude to all those who took the effort to write to me on after reading my earlier narrative. I know I am not perfect for all, so I couldn’t keep up with them in touch with all in all circumstances. But thank you for the emails and messages. Ohk. Now let me get back to the story. As with almost everyone into gay sex, I also...

Gay Male
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Lust Cinema

If you asked people to describe porno, most folks will talk about movies where people fuck, or flicks about sucking dick. “Some hot chick gets a dick up her butthole, and somebody else aims a camera at the penetration.” Not many people will use words like cinema to describe a good anal sex movie, but then again, most perverts ain’t cranking it to the kind of smut they’re peddling over at has been putting out some really high-class erotica over the years. They call...

Premium Porn For Women Sites
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First trip to a sex cinema

Before I came out to the greater world my need of cock was satisfied by going to sex cinemas. It was an easy answer to a difficlut question, how or where can i see and touch cocks. In my early 20s I used to spend a fair amount of time in Germany, just short break holidays here and there. I had noticed that almost every town in the then West had some kind of "Sex KinO" in the town, larger cities having a good choice.Since I was not confident about going into any gay sex cinemas I used to go to...

3 years ago
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Hi,first time writing so bear with me, we both like groping in public places, and I get a great thrill if I know someone is watching, my wife has no problem with this and is pleased to show off her stockings and knickers, I have fingered her in many different places, parks, gardens, cars, and cinemas.My favorite place is the cinema, this probably goes back to our early days when most couples did the same, it wasn't unusual to see groping couples, and I would occasionally get a flash of stocking...

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WristDeep in the Cunt Hole Fisting At The Cinema

I don't go to the cinema much, but for some reason my co-workers had given me a voucher for the local cineplex for my last birthday, so eventually me and my boyfriend Triss made it there to a screening. The movie was Lars Von Trier's Nymphomaniac, which I thought we both would enjoy.It was the last show on a week night, so the cinema was practically deserted. We took our seats towards the back, behind the other dozen-or-so couples. I was wearing a wide white dress with spaghetti halters while...

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Manusha Tranny at an adult cinema

Rajeshwari Theater in Bangalore!! An adult cinema which plays B grade sex movies, but more popularly known as a gay paradise for having open fun at the theater. I have been hearing about this from my top friends and CD sisters for quite a long time. Some of them had visited this place and had different experiences. Some said it is a dirty place, all filthy uncles come there looking for bottoms and some said, it’s a place to experience something different, etc. etc. It was my CD friend, Saloni,...

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melbourne adult cinema

So I'm not a writer or anything but I thought i'd share something that happened with me and my ex earlier in the year. I'm 19, 5'7 32dd blonde.We had just left a club and walking down the street to catch a taxi after a big night out. We walked past an adult cinema. My bf said we should go have a look so we went in and realised it was just like a cinema that played porn. The cinema looked pretty seedy and empty but the woman at the desk told us where to go so we went in. Half the seats were...

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A short kiss on the lips. A quick exchange of phone numbers. Off she went on the bus. Or should I say: climbed drunkenly onto the bus? I didn't expect much of the party where I met her. She was hilarious and there was enough silliness in our conversation to suggest some sort of attraction. The neighbours complained and we were already pretty drunk and so everyone left. I asked for her number which she gave me. I jumped for a kiss on the lips. She kissed back, looked at me and off she went. Not...

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Phantom of the Cinema

The Phantom of the Cinema By Simon It was Saturday night, and George was in the ?Dog and Duck? bar with his two best friends from his University days, Paul and John. It was a number of years since they had left education, and they were all now fairly successful in their jobs. It meant that they were unable to get together as often as they would have liked, but once every couple of months they cleared their diaries, had a few drinks and went out clubbing. Up to this point,...

2 years ago
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Part 2 Later in the Cinema

Three hours later and a bleep from my mobile indicates a text had arrived. It was from Bunty. "Prince Charles Cinema, Soho, 1.30, screen 1 r20". I make my way to the cinema getting there just before 1.30, I paid my tenner and went in. The film was called Drive, but to be honest I don't care as I have my mind on other things. I spot her right away, sitting in row 20 on the far side. The cinema is quiet, as usual for the matinee show. My stomach is churning as I sat down beside her.She turns and...

3 years ago
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Being touched in the cinema

I looked through my wardrobe, trying to find the perfect outfit to wear. I would be seeing him again that night so I was super excited. He made me feel so wonderful and I was definitely happy to have him in my life. I tried to imagine what our evening together would be like in my mind; every time with him was always so perfect, so it was hard to imagine anything other than perfect.   My phone rang and I answered it, feeling rather happy to hear his voice, “I’m gonna be there soon” he said,...

Straight Sex
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Older Couple in a Porn Cinema

Very often I will pop to my local porn cinema and find there are just a few guys in. I may get a blow job or hand job off one or even suck or wank a cock a two. It makes it worth the entrance fee but I prefer it when it gets a bit more kinky.But porn cinemas are hit and miss. You have to accept that sometimes it's great and sometimes it's not. Some people think it's better if a woman turns up but even this can be a double edged sword. 20 guys surrounding one woman doesn't help. Then all those...

4 years ago
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It was late and I was waiting by the door of the porno cinema I was working at, the owners were right crooks which is why at 16 I had got a job there. I was waiting for my girlfriend Sara to turn up to let her in the cinema. Sara appeared with her mate July who like Sara is 15. I let the girls in and sat them in the back row after a hour a group of lads all about 18 came in they sat in the row in front of the girls except for 2 who sat either side of the girls. I was watching from the...

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Being touched in the cinema

I looked through my wardrobe, trying to find the perfect outfit to wear. I would be seeing him again that night so I was super excited. He made me feel so wonderful and I was definitely happy to have him in my life. I tried to imagine what our evening together would be like in my mind, every time with him was always so perfect, so it was hard to imagine anything other than perfect.   My phone rang and I answered it, feeling rather happy to hear his voice, “I’m gonna be there soon” he said,...

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The Adult Cinema

My name is Anna and I just turned fifty. This made me feel old and unattractive. My husband told me not to worry, I was still hot. I feel like I look like a grandma. My husband has always been on me to have sex with another man while he watches. I dont know what the attraction is for him, but finally I gave in and told him I wanted to go to an adult cinema and watch some porn. I wore a long jacket to cover up the fact that I was a woman. We walked in and I counted eight men there. I sat next...

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Trying to score at that one Cinema

So you've been dreaming all week from the women of the cinema downtown, now you're going there with one goal in mind. To score! You have put on your best clothes and set your mind to charming. You just want to touch them so badly. You arrive at the cinema. You approach the cashier, the brunette. She smiles when you say you could view her all day instead of one of the movies. She had some nice cleavage with a nice rack to see. Before you were caught staring to long you quickly ask which movie...

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After my experience with leaving a pair of pantyhose in the Men’s Room at the Mall I was anxious to have another experience leaving my worn pantyhose behind for men to discover. I would love to be able to secretly see their expressions and know their thoughts as they entered a space for men only to find an article of clothing presumptively considered for females only.I planned to go to the movies today. It was still cold but not nearly as brutal as Black Friday. I put on three pair of pantyhose...

4 years ago
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Jenelle getting fucked in Sex Cinema

Phil and I decided to visit a sex shop and cinema in Dandenong late one Saturday afternoon. I was so horny and I thought I would get dressed sexy for the trip in and tease some of the men that would be in there. I love being a slutty exhibitionist, letting men perve on my tits and cunt. It is so horny walking around the shop and bending over so that they look up my skirt and see my naked pussy-lips or down my blouse and see my tits hanging forward and my nipples hard and exposed. Several times...

2 years ago
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The Cinema

Balboa was released and it was a movie that was being hyped up a lot, therefore pulled sickie off of work and went to watch a showing in the afternoon, upon entering the cinema, it was empty, with the lights on there was an Indian couple sitting in the row before the back on the far right hand side corner, I decided to sit on the back row behind them.I walked up the stairs to see them both looking, whispering, didn’t take much notice and sat directly behind them. They started arguing, the next...

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The Art Cinema

“What was I thinking?” you ask yourself. You’ve excused yourself to use the ladies room at the “Art Cinema,” whatever that is. You never go out on dates with guys that you don’t know well. Or at least you meet for coffee before going off to someplace you don’t even know. But there was something about this guy. It wasn’t just his good looks or his tall athletic build. It was something about the way he carried himself. A slow fluidity, a smoothness, a confidence. Like he knew just where...

5 years ago
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Unwanted Gangbang 8211 Wife Fucked Hard By Strangers At The Cinema

Hi everyone, I am Rahul again with the next story of an unwanted gangbang. About me, just read my previous stories with the same name. As you all aware how my uncle and his friends fucked my mother and wife in our own house and in front of me. Now, this became a daily story of my house. When I came back from the job and don’t found my wife, I asked my mom where she was, she signaled towards my bedroom. Just then I heard some sounds of very low frequency coming from my room. I went and opened...

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Teenage thriller Naked in the cinema

My little scenarios can lead me into risky situations, something I do on the spur of the moment, can result in becoming a full blown encounter, a brief urge that leads to a full and penetrative sexual liaison.I went to the cinema one mid-afternoon, it was a hot day so I was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, ankle socks and pumps.Sitting in the coolness of the cinema, which was almost deserted, I was alone and feeling strangely hot, in a sexual way, I was one week from my periods so I guess I was...

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Fun Time In Cinema

Hello people, i am writing here for the first time… My name is Trupti, age 22, 5ft 6in, 36-28-34 super sexy figure… I am really a hot one and many boys admire me..! ;) The story is: on a beautiful day i went to watch a movie with my friend Aneri… She is also very very hot and really beautiful… Her fig is 36-26-32…age 22 Surprisingly there were only a few members in the cinema hall..I was wearing denim shorts… Really really very short shorts…! My thighs were barely covered and a sleeveless top...

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an evening at the cinema

Once when I was younger before I got married I was in the local cinema watching a film. This man came in and sat beside me. I thought nothing of it who would? After a little while I felt this hand on my thigh and moving gently up and down in a circular motion getting close to me cock each time. I gave a jump of surprise and moved his hand away. This seemed to do the trick and I settled down to watch the film. After a while I felt him getting up and moving out of the row. Some time later I went...

3 years ago
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Silly young girl in the porn cinema

Being a tall girl, 5' 10" or 175cm has a tendency to masculinise you, especially when your breasts are not much more than hard nipples, so at 17 I cropped my hair short, not like a lesbian, but a female tomboy.I had lost weight when living in Newcastle and was sort off locked into sex, masturbating a lot and of course my landlord was having his balls emptied regularily, or whenever he felt the urge.My sex drive was bordering on insatiable, almost akin to nymphomania, but as I did experience...

3 years ago
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The Adult Cinema

My name is Anna and I just turned fifty. This made me feel old and unattractive. My husband told me not to worry, I was still hot. I feel like I look like a grandma. My husband has always been on me to have sex with another man while he watches. I dont know what the attraction is for him, but finally I gave in and told him I wanted to go to an adult cinema and watch some porn. I wore a long jacket to cover up the fact that I was a woman. We walked in and I counted eight men there. I sat next...

3 years ago
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Surprised Touch At Cinema

It was Sunday after noon. I used to get a nap after lunch on holidays due to busy schedule of the weekdays at the working place. Washing cloths and cleaning the room were done in morning. Therefore, I could get a rest in evening. My daily routings were typical because I lived in a rented room alone close to the working place. Once in a month, I went to see my parents who lived far away from the town. One Sunday, as usual when I was sleeping, the ringing tone of my hand phone woke up me. It was...

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Adult Cinema

I was in South Florida for a three-day trade show, the worst way to spend a weekend.Driving from the hotel to the trade show on the first morning I saw a sign just off the Turnpike that said Adult Cinema. A thought went through my mind and I wondered what a place like that would look like inside. I had watched porn, been to strip clubs, but never to an adult theater. I attended the first day of the trade show, but the thought kept creeping in. On the way back to the hotel I pulled off the...

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Wristdeep in the Cunt Hole Fisting at the Cinema

I don’t go to the cinema much, but for some reason my co-workers had given me a voucher for the local cineplex for my last birthday, so eventually me and my boyfriend Triss made it there to a screening. The movie was Lars Von Trier’s Nymphomaniac, which I thought we both would enjoy. It was the last show on a week night, so the cinema was practically deserted. We took our seats towards the back, behind the other dozen-or-so couples. I was wearing a wide white dress with spaghetti halters while...

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Adult Cinema

I had for the first time a few month ago wrote about what happened to us on holiday on a nudist beach and it gave me such a thrill so when this happened i just had to send it in and see if it got the same effect on me and others that commented on it.We had been out for dinner with a coupe of friends Jill was looking her sexy self nice blouse and skirt not to short and i was telling her all night how sexy she looked we all had a lot to drink and the chat got a bit near the bone at times we all...

4 years ago
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Clube cinema

I headed out this afternoon with sexy on the brain. I wanted to be fucked again & was super horny. Decided to wear my new red suspenders & purple satin panties under my jeans when leaving home. I drove straight to club x & bought a pass to cinemas & lounge. I went into ram lounge first to see if anything was happening. Not much but a guy a couple years older then me was sitting in end room with his pants down rubbing his cock. I stood checking him out as he started running his...

2 years ago
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In The Cinema

My fingers are wet with her pussy juice, I lick them and savour her sweet taste. She takes my fingers in her mouth, circling them with her tongue. God this woman is hot! We sit together for a few minutes, she strokes my thigh, occasionally brushing against the bulge in my jeans. Clearly, she is building up to something. She moves her head towards my left ear, I feel her salty wet tongue, she gently nibbles my earlobe and whispers, ‘Back of the cinema – in three minutes,’ and leaves. I follow...

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An evening at an adult cinema

I've always had trouble with sex. If its some one I know I daren't go with them because I may get a "reputation". If its some one I don't know it could be dangerous...there are plenty of loonies out there. But I daren't be myself with people I know. So when I over heard a colleague talking about about an adult cinema I wondered "Hmm?" At the end of the day I went home, and when I was alone, jumped on the net to find out more. Sure enough, it had a website, and said it was offering a range of...

3 years ago
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Sex shopcinema

So I went back to my sex shop dressed in my office slut! Red thong,red padded bra so my D size tittys looked much bigger,white loose blouse black micro tight fit mini skirt black platform heels and bare tanned legs oh and my fav red wig! It's nice and long ! so so there I was walking so around looking fucking hot X there were a few guys there some with there gfs! There was a pair of sexy heels on the bottom shelf as a bent over (from the hips ) to take a look my skirt shot over my round bum !...

2 years ago
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Interesting afternoon at the cinema

This particular Wednesday afternoon, it was raining and cold and as there was a film I wanted to see at the cinema, as the wife was working I decided to go on my own. I got my ticket and sat on the back row as it was the furthest away from the screen. I thought it’d be quite full but it was largely empty, there were two young lads in front of me and one further on the row and that was it.I knew I was a little early, about half an hour too early, as I sat there minding my own business I noticed...

3 years ago
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At the Cinema

THIS HAPPENED IN 2011There was a new horror movie that had been released a few months ago and had just arrived in our town, as I wanted to see it but Donna didn’t like horror it was decided that I’d go to the cinema one afternoon to view this film. Obviously as it was in the afternoon there wasn’t a queue and I got in straight away, I sat on the back row on my own.As I was sat there waiting for the film to start a young tubby girl came and sat a few seats away and as we were the only people...

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Part 3 Later in the Cinema

My fingers are wet with her pussy juice; I lick them and savour her sweet taste. She takes my fingers in her mouth, circling them with her tongue. God this woman is hot!We sit together for a few minutes, she strokes my thigh, occasionally brushing against the bulge in my jeans. Clearly, she is building up to something. She moves her head towards my left ear, I feel her salty wet tongue, she gently nibbles my earlobe and whispers, "Back of the cinema - in three minutes," and leaves. I follow her...

2 years ago
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In The Cinema

My fingers are wet with her pussy juice; I lick them and savour her sweet taste. She takes my fingers in her mouth, circling them with her tongue. God this woman is hot! We sit together for a few minutes, she strokes my thigh, occasionally brushing against the bulge in my jeans. Clearly, she is building up to something. She moves her head towards my left ear, I feel her salty wet tongue, she gently nibbles my earlobe and whispers, "Back of the cinema - in three minutes," and leaves. I follow...

Quickie Sex

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