PARTE DE MI DIARIO free porn video

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7 de octubre 2017
Durante el día fui hacer compras para mi casa y fui a vitriniar en un centro comercial, luego en la tarde me puse a ver una película con Denzel Washington y Marc Anthony sobre un secuestro, no pude ver el final ya que me dormí, lastima pero sabía que con la dormida tendría más energía para la noche.
Me aliste para salir sola, me entro la idea durante la semana, una ducha y loción corporal para estar deliciosa. Salí bastante sexy para provocar, fui a un lugar donde mayormente van universitarios, en realidad no tenía pales de a dónde ir solo se me ocurrió y lo hice además de estar cerca de casa. Lo hice después de hacer Skype con un par de amigos de la web. Apenas entre sentí varios ojos sobre mí y me gusto y lo mejor es que eran más jóvenes que yo. Más bien me dieron una mesa para dos y un delicioso "mojito", en la mesa más cercana tres chicos bastante guapos y atléticos no debió pasar ni 10 minutos para que me pregunten si esperaba a alguien, les dije que nadie en especial y de inmediato me invitaron a su mesa, ellos estaban tomando fernet con cola, nos presentamos ellos eran Esteban, David y Miguel, los tres estudiantes de sexto semestre de ingeniería de una universidad privada, hablamos del lugar, mi trabajo, métodos de estudio, de música nos dedicamos a conversar más que bailar, de todas formas creo que preferían tenerme ahí sentada para no perder de vista mis pechos jajajaja. A eso de las 3 de la mad**gada ya estábamos con una botella de tequila, bebida que pedí yo que dijeron que yo escogiera, para que abre escogido ya estábamos bastante entonados creo los cuatro y de un momento a otro estábamos camino al departamento de ellos, sus padres se lo pagaban hasta concluir sus estudios, en el living nos pusimos a jugar verdad o penitencia con cartas, en esta ocasión la carta más alta preguntaba o pedía hacer algo a los demás, debió ser 20 minutos de juego hasta que a uno se le ocurrió preguntarme si salía sin ropa interior y yo para poner más candente el asunto les dije si querían verificarlo, los tres a la vez gritaron siiiiii jajajaja me subí a la mesa central y abrí las piernas y ahí sin decir nada comenzaron a acariciarme los pies y empezaron a subir sus manos para comprobar lo que ya habían visto, llevaba una tanguita negra pero el tema yo no era si llevaba o no si no lo húmeda que estaba, sentí como sus dedos hurgueteaban dentro de mi vagina y mi colita, apretaron mis nalgas y obvio me quitaron la tanga, me bajaron a la alfombra y me hicieron ponerme de cuatro, uno de ellos se adelantó a ponerme su miembro en mi cara para hacer que se la chupe, mientras los otros dos acariciaban mis nalgas y abrían mi vagina con sus dedos, que rica perra eres, con cuantos has estado me preguntaron yo les dije que estaba segura que era más chicos que con las chicas que ellos hubiesen estado juntos, "hay caramba" dijo uno de ellos luego de re ojo vi que hicieron algo con las manos, y me di cuenta que era para decidir quién me llenaría de leche mi vagina primero, resulto que jugaron piedra papel tijera, obviamente uno de ellos saco condones de un cajón pero uno de ellos le recordó que les había comentado que no podía quedar embarazada y el respondió igual no más, yo me reí. Me di cuenta que quien saco los condones iría primero mientras se la chupaba a uno de ellos, allí el que iría después me pregunto cómo me gustaba y le dije que me encanta sentir que termine dentro y mientras más leche mejor.
Ahí estaba yo disfrutando por mi boquita y vagina, mientras el tercero me agarraba las tetas o metía uno a uno sus dedos en mi colita, sentí como que quien se había puesto condón se estaba por venir al agarrarme más fuerte las nalgas y moverse cada vez más rápido y por sus gruñidos más fuertes, yo ya había terminado una vez antes que él. Inmediatamente después de que el termino me esforcé mas con Miguel, lo empecé a masturbar más fuerte y rápido mientras me la tragaba de rato en rato, él se reclino hacia atrás mientras sentía como Esteban comenzaba a penetrarme, mientras s reclino empezó a decir si si si y me di cuenta que terminaría, David me pregunto si me tragaría el semen de Miguel y le dije que sí, paso un minuto cuando sentí la leche Miguel llegar a mi garganta y David que agarro su condón lleno de leche lo estaba guardando para que me lo tragara.
Le dijo a Esteban que me diera la vuelta con las piernas abiertas así el vaciaría su condón en mi cara, ahí escuche a Miguel decir "que perra eres como te encanta", yo seguí con mi política de no desperdiciar nada.
Mientras Esteban seguía en su faena, David y Miguel estaban manoseándome a modo de relajación para recargar me dijeron.
Después de un rato David fue a sentarse mientras yo sentía como la leche de Estaba ingresaba en mi vagina, que delicia dije dentro de mí, en eso Miguel me dijo que le soltara su miembro para empezar el a masturbarse para ponerla a punto para el llenar me vagina. Esteban ya había sacado su pene de mi vagina empapado en mis jugos y sus semen y me lo metió en la boca y me dijo que lo dejara limpio, en eso vi a David que ya estaba durmiendo en el sofá, Miguel dijo "es un cachorro el muchacho" y Esteban respondió yo no me voy a quedar atrás y me dijo que tuviera en su boca todo el tiempo hasta que Miguel terminara, como me gusta sentir que crecen dentro de mi boca con gusto accedí, además como estaba un poco flácida era más fácil metérmela enterita en la boca y eso le encanto.
Los tres penes eran de tamaño promedio, la de miguel era la más gorda y larguita, la de Esteban la más delgada y la de David la más promedio de las tres, las podía agarrar con ambas manos pero ya solo podía lamerles la cabecita, a Miguel tenía algo más como para chuparla un poquito.
Como a Esteban le encanto como jugaba con su miembro entero dentro de mi boca no tardó mucho en agarrar ganas otra vez.
Miguel empezó a gemir con más fuerza, como me gusta escuchar eso, ahí sentí como terminaba y como hacia contracciones en su pene para vaciar toda la leche que le quedaba después de la chupada que le di. Y con Esteban listo de nuevo me pregunto si no me hacía problema por la cola y le respondí que encantada ya que las delgadas son las que me gustan que empiecen a abrir mi colita, más bien en la tarde me hice una limpieza anal para disfrutar por ahí sin cosita desagradables. Me puse de cuatro y abrí mis nalgas con mis manos, en eso Esteban las agarro y medio sus dedos en mi colita no sin antes escupir en mi hoyito y untar sus dedos con la humedad de mi vagina, y Miguel copiando a su amigo me dijo que la dejara limpia en mi boca para luego supongo, irse a su habitación. El que me abrieran la colita también me encanto y su fino y alargado pene fue delicioso de sentir, como siempre pido primero que sea despacio para luego pedirle que lo haga cada vez con más fuerza y rápido. Miguel volvió para tapar a su amigo, le dijo a Esteban que se sentara en el sillón con yo encima de tal forma que siga penetrándome la cola y él pueda tener mi vagina a su disposición, casi no le hicimos caso pero me gustó la idea, la verdad pensé que iba a penetrarme por la vagina, y se lo dije pero me dijo que su cosita no daba más pero que su lengua y dedos no tenían problema, en eso ya perdí la cuenta de mis orgasmos ya que a veces son sensaciones de placer profundo y constante. Miguel me pregunto si sabía lo que era un suerte le respondí que claro que sí y el replico quería ver eso que ninguno de los tres lo había visto, solo en videos, hasta pensaban que era falso, yo le dije como meter sus dedos donde frotar y como presionar dentro de mi vagina, con el pene de Esteban en mi colita y los dedos de Miguel en mi vagina moviéndose cada vez más rápido y los lengüetazos que me daba de rato en rato sabia que tarde o temprano iria a tener de un squirt, entre suspiros le dije si no le importaba su sillon y me respondio que seria genial que lo deje impregnado de mis jugos vaginales. Despues de unos minutos senti como Esteban empezaba a respirar y gemir mas fuerte y yo sentia como iba a venirme con un squirt bastante abundante, el echo de escucharlo en mi espalda y con los movimientos de Miguel con sus dedos en mi vagina presionando la parte superior de esta empece a gemir mas fuertemente en eso solte un chorro de jugos vaginales, no me sale como en los videos que alguna vez vi es mas bien como con discrecion, Miguel y Esteban estaban alucinados "que espectacular y alucinante" decian, en eso senti como Esteban contraia su pene en mi colita vaciando la leche que aun tenia en mi interior aun de haberse detenido para que Miguel pueda sincronizar mejor sus movimientos dentro de mi chuchita, fue re delicioso, comence a temblar y estremecerme de placer, aprete mis piernas y al sentir el pene de Esteban ya flacido pude levantarme sin problemas. Les pedi papel higienico para limpiarme y ponerme mi tanguita, mejor tenerla puesta antes que digan que se perdio jajaja, ambis fueron al bano, Miguel volvio con papel y Esteban que se quedo un rato mas, supongo que lavandose.
Que delicia chicos que les parecio les dije, "que increible eres, pensabamos que los videos porno eran trucos cinematograficos" dijeron "quedate a dormir, estaras en el cuarto de David, no te preocupes de nada" me dijo Miguel, en eso me di cuenta que el seguia durmiendo supongo que por el alcohol y el esfuerzito me dije.
Ya estaba medio amaneciendo y me llevaron al cuarto de David, me sorprendio lo rodenado y limpio que estaba todo en un departamento de 3 estudiantes solteros, luego me comentaron que una senora les hace la limpieza durante la semana.
Debi dormir unas 4 horas ya que desperte a eso de la diez de la manana, escuche cuando Miguel estaba hablando por telefono con alguien y le decia que no podian ir a jugar que se les habia presentado un inconveniente a el y Esteban, ahi recorde el refran "dos tetas jalan mas que una carreta", espere a que colgara para salir y decir buen dia, el estaba duchado y escuche que alguien estaba dentro del bano principal tambien tomando una ducha, le pregunte si podia ser la proxima y me repondio diciendo que me sintiera como en casa y le dijo al que estaba en la ducha, no se si era Esteban o David, que se apurara, me dijo que pida lo que quiera para desayunar y bueno cafe, jugo de naranja, tostadas, matequilla y huevos revueltos le dije, sonrio me miro y dijo "lo que tu pidas", estaba con mi faldita y mi chaqueta, mis medias y portaligas no cuadraban a esa hora del dia. Comenzamos a desayunar los tres que prepararon todo, ahí les pregunte que deporte jugaban y porque habían cancelado, me dijeron que futbol, por mi cabeza paso el decirles que fueran a jugar y trajeran a todo el equipo pero en domingo prefiero volver temprano a casa, cancelaron porque preferían estar y platicar conmigo.

8 de octubre 2017
Estábamos desayunando, para que, prepararon lo que les pedí no sin antes otro juego de piedra papel tijera para ver quien realizaría las compras, creo que todo lo decidían así. Estábamos hablando nuevamente de todo pero sobre todo de mí, a que me dedico, que locuras había hecho, si tenía novio, etc. pero con la típica sutileza que tengo respondía a medias o desviaba el tema, cuando en medio desayuno se burlaron de David y su dormida en pleno living, "de lo que te perdiste ayer" le dijo Miguel, "que fue" respondió el, ahí le recordaron un video que enviaron a un grupo de WhatsApp que ellos tenían, me pregunto si lo podía mencionar sin tapujos, yo le dije que no había problema, le recordó que incluso dudaban de lo real del video o que solo era una preparación ficticia o simplemente que la chica estaba haciendo pis, “en el que una chica chisgueteaba como como manguera?" pregunto David, "ups perdón" dirigiéndose a mí, solo sonreí por lo graciosa de la descripción, aunque le dije que yo no chisgueteaba. David se recrimino el mismo criticando el hecho de ser pollo con las bebidas alcohólicas, bastantes risas y amenidad en la reunión, eso me agrado más ya que en ocasiones los chicos son diferentes en la noche o al amanecer, es como si tuvieran un sentimiento de culpa que hace que se comportaran diferente, pero creo que eso ya cambiado en las generaciones más actuales.
Como estábamos con una ligera resaca se nos ocurrió una cervecitas frías y ya pensar en el almuerzo, me consultaron si tenía algún problema con que los acompañe el resto del día, por lo agradables que eran no tuve inconveniente. Para comprar la cerveza ya no se definió con piedra, papel, tijera David voluntariamente se ofreció a ir y además de ya pedirle comida que al final prefirieron solicitarla a domicilio.
Ya Esteban me ofreció una camisa para que me pusiera y dejar la chaqueta, bastante listo el muchacho ya que me dio una camisa blanca que dejaba ver algo de mi corpiño negro. Me di cuenta rápidamente que lo que querían era subir nuevamente las desinhibiciones que te permite el alcohol, por mí con alcohol o sin alcohol siempre trato de disfrutar y hacer disfrutar lo más que se pueda.
Volvió David y casi al mismo tiempo que él, el almuerzo, yo me pregunte, acabamos de desayunar y ya almorzaremos? Luego me dijeron que se acababa y que preferían tenerlo en casa para servirse el rato que querían, como es un plato típico de acá y además bastante rico los entendí, al final resulto el plato ser la cena.
Estábamos en su living y con el calor que hacía las cervezas entraban como refresco, hablamos de varias cosas pero en un momento nos centramos en la música y que me gustaba bailar, les dije de todo y no se quien puso entre villeras y reguetón, ya estábamos un poco desinhibidos, yo me estaba tomando la 3 lata de cerveza y me pidieron que baile con ellos, porque no me dije, ya estaba bailando con Miguel cuando Esteban se puso detrás mío para agarrarme de la cintura y en eso Miguel se acercó de frente a mí, con miguel no estábamos bailando apegados pero con eso ya empezaron a acercarse y apretarme con sus cuerpos, ambos empezaron a acariciarme Esteban en mi espalda y Miguel de frente mientras David veía embobado ya que mientras Miguel de desabotonaba la camisa, Esteban levantaba mi faldita para acariciar mis piernas, yo ya estaba húmeda y sentía como ellos apretaban sus pollas contra mis cuerpo, comenzaron a desvestirme poco a poco, Esteban me bajo mi panty y la deje caer, también desabrocho mi sostén, solo estaba con mi faldita, y ya no estábamos bailando solo estaba parada en medio siendo acariciada por dos chicos que no sabían ya por donde pasar sus manos, sentía los labios de Miguel en mis tetas y los labios de Esteban en mi espalda, y los dedos de ambos hurgueteando en mi vagina como si estuvieran buscando algo dentro de mí, abrí mas mis piernas para que puedan acariciar mi vagina entre os dos como más le placiera, sentí como abrían mi vagina entre los dos jalando cada uno por su lado mientras que con sus otras manos Esteban me apretaba una nalga y Miguel una teta, que delicia sentía, pero como estaba re húmeda y ellos se disponían a sacar sus pollas les dije que me quitaran mis faldita que como era negra quedaría manchada si no me la quitaban, me dijeron quítatela tu meneando el cuerpo, hice eso mientras ellos se quitaban sus pantalones y se masturbaban mientras me veían, el pobre David solo seguía tomando cerveza pero con una cara de enfermo que me dio gracia.
Vamos al cuarto de David dijeron ya que su cama era más grande, sus sabanas eran blancas y sentía que recién cambiadas, como quedaran me dije, me subí en ella desnuda y “que quieres hacer” me susurro Miguel al oído . yo le respondí, háganme lo quieran, ponte de cuatro me dijo, yo más que obediente lo hice, con lo que me encanta ponerme así para esperar que cualquiera venga por mi espalda y abra bien mi vagina y cola para penetrarme con lo que quiera, ups ya estoy imaginando cosas y obvio que me pongo húmeda jajajaja, ahí estaba yo viendo como apreciaban mi colita tres chicos prestos a llenarme o bañarme con su lechita, me sorprendió que el primero en penetrarme fuera Esteban pero no importaba, la cosa era disfrutar de cualquiera de ellos, sentí como apretó mis nalgas y empezó a moverse detrás de mi mientras sentía su polla saliendo y entrando de mi vagina, escuchaba de sus labios frases como “que rica vagina tenes”, “así de cuatro se te ve un culo hermoso”, sentí que casi se venía pero paro y saco su pene, no dije porque apenas salió Miguel tomo su turno de forma inmediata, sentí su polla que era un poco más gruesa que la de Esteban, y como yo también ya estaba a punto de terminar y con ese cambio de turno que hicieron hizo que me excitara tanto que sentí mi primer orgasmo del día de forma muy deliciosa y continua, Miguel se dio cuenta y se empezó a mover más rápido y de forma más brusca haciéndome sentir que su polla ingresaba hasta lo más profundo de mi, fue un placer continuo hasta que me vine de nuevo, en eso Esteban me puso el pene en mi boca, y me di cuenta que David estaba con su celular, que sea el único celular y que no salga mi cara les dije entre suspiros, “como quieras reina” me respondieron, igual seguía manteniendo su ritmo delicioso mientras acariciaba mi clítoris lo cual me llevo a punto otra vez, tuve que soltar a Esteban para sentir ese otro orgasmo porque hizo que me estremeciera el cuerpo, Miguel me recordó lo que les dije, “lo que queramos no Luciana” mi nombre de ese fin de semana, si le dije, entonces saco su pene de mi cuerpo y se puso debajo mío, volvió a penetrarme con su pene que aún no terminaba, agarro mis nalgas y abrió mi colita con sus manos, en eso Esteban paso de mi boca a mi colita, sentí como su lengua ponía saliva en mi agujerito y ya imaginaba lo que se me venía lo que me puso otras vez a punto, en eso vi que David se masturbaba viéndonos…… En lo que casi me estaba viniendo otra vez sentí como la polla de Esteban ingresaba suavemente por mi colita tan delicioso que tuve otro orgasmo apenas sentí las dos pollas dentro de mí, comenzaron a moverse que hacían sentir como sus dos pollas se juntaban dentro de mi cuerpo, sentí como Esteban se venía dentro de mí por sus gemidos y note también que Miguel ponía una cara de que estaba también a punto de terminar, note que era la primera vez que hacían algo así porque comentaron ambos como sentían las pollas del uno y del otro moviéndose dentro de mi vagina y mi colita. Sentí como la lechita de Esteban se vaciaba y casi inmediatamente después sentí como Miguel vaciaba su abundante leche en mi vagina, yo le dije sigan moviéndose sigan así, supongo que eso hizo que los incitara a terminar y claro yo también otra vez, ya no recuerdo si es mi quito o sexto orgasmo, sentí sus gruñidos mientras terminaban y eso me encanta. Caímos de lado ya que estaban exhaustos y claramente note que Miguel no podía soportar el peso de los dos encima de él. Vi que David estaba como esperando su turno, cuando estaba con Miguel y Esteban lo mire como para que se acercase pero me dio señas como diciéndome que estaba disfrutando viéndonos, note que se estaba poniendo un condón, le di la espalda y me puse de cuatro otra vez, me encanta sentir que me llenen de leche pero también que sepan protegerse ups o por ahí tenía algo rayos, como es la conciencia cuando una está excitada, supongo es así con todas las personas. Vi de reojo a Esteban y Miguel agotados pero igual distraídos como su amigo ahora se disponía a disfrutar conmigo y por supuesto que lo disfrute también con el publico que tenia me excitaba mas, me saco un orgasmo mas mientras Miguel y Esteban disfrutaban de mi rostro de placer y sentía las contracciones del pene de David dentro de mi como señal de que también había terminado y ya imaginaba lo que pensaba hacer, se vino hacia mi cara con su pene aun un poco erecto, sacándose el condón me dijo que limpiara su pene con mis labios y lengua, cosa que hice con diligencia, en eso Miguel fue por detrás mío para meter sus dedos en mi vagina y sacudirlos lo mas rápido que podía, empecé a sentir nuevamente el placer profundo volver a mi, pensé que David me daría su condon para que volviera a tomarme su semen sin embargo y ya estaba contrayéndome de placer y David se a curiosear como Miguel me estaba masturbando con sus dedos cada vez mas rápido poniendo presión en la parte interior de mi pubis, “ya veras le dijo a Miguel”, fue cuando empeze a sentir un placer profundo desde mi interior y soltar liquido de mi vagina, no como una manguera como habran visto en su video porno pero si suficiente para que David exclamara “wao que delicia, alucinante”, yo ya estaba temblando de placer cuando me vino el ultimo orgasmo del fin de semana frente a estos chicos que no pasaban de los 23 anos. Esteban ya estaba con una toalla para mi junto a mi ropa y empeze a secar mis piernas, en eso David dijo “no lavare mis sabanas y las guardare como recuerdo” todos soltamos una risa.
Ya estaba oscureciendo y el hambre vino a nosotros, nos vestimos y lo que se pensó que seria el almuerzo paso a ser la cena, teníamos bastante hambre ya que no hablamos mucho pero estaba delicioso, querían que me quede esa noche mas ya que el lunes tenían clases en la tarde y me sugirieron que pida un día de vacación, me rei y les dije que mientras estén en la universidad estudien y aprovechen al máximo su tiempo, me sentí vieja con ese consejo pero se que es bueno.
Querían seguir conversando pero les dije que tenia que trabajar el día siguiente y que me gusta dormir bien para hacerlo bien, Esteban se ofreció a llevarme a casa pero preferí que llamaran un taxi, suficiente con mi teléfono, no quisiera que aparezcan en mi departamento cada vez que se les ocurriese, pocos tenien ese privilegio. Obviamente revise el teléfono de David para borrar las fotos que no me fueran favorables y copiándolas a mi celular, llego el taxi, insistieron a acompañarme pero les dije que no era necesario, me despedí de a un pico a cada uno, llegue a casa relajada lista para comenzar un lunes llena de energía.


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Part 1 Within The Lab The Beginning

( side-note: i changed the ending of the ex boyfriend part of the story series. i felt WAY too bad for him) thanks for reading mah intro, now onto the story!! Dr. Ann McNickles pushed away from the desk she had set up with her notes pushed all along the edges and folded her glasses to set to one side. It was the wee hours of the morning and the only noise in the lab was the movements of animals in their cages and the occasional click and whirr of one of the machines as it shifted gears....

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PART TIME PRO - SHOCKING!!With approval of CurtB, authorI guess my spare-time career started when I realised what was going on with my neighbour and figured it was the answer to all my troubles. Once I got into it, well, I couldn't stop and now I have gained other problems amongst which I'm too successful at my job and I still daren't let my husband find out.When I say 'troubles' what I really mean to say is that that I was suffering from the first-world frustrations of having too much time on...

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Part IIIThe Voyage of a LifetimeThe Fitting

Part III: The Voyage of a Lifetime-The Fitting is Reality It was the morning of the third day. I woke in a lazy manner. I was warm, I felt the presence of someone next to me and it was also warm. I kept my eyes closed as I reflected on my experiences so far. I felt luxurious. There was no other way to describe it. I felt relaxed yet every cell, yes every cell in my body was alert and at the peak. Damn, it felt good. But somehow it felt different. My mind never once reflected...

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Part 3 ndash Gagging Nicole lee

The sound of the American teen screaming into tape faded away and was cut off by the bang of the torture chamber door. The elder was left in a daze, his mind wandering into territories of torture and pain about to happen, wondering vaguely how long that poor girl would last in such a room. He forced his mind to return to the preparation room, where the only sounds left were the mewing and sobbing coming from the small Taiwanese girl, and the heavy breathing of the fat Indian r****t, who was...

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Part One A Journey into Submission for Sarah and Daniel

Part One How shall I possibly explain what has happened to me in my relationship with my now wife, Sarah? I guess the easiest way to do so is to start from the very beginning. My name is Daniel. I am a writer by trade and a very successful one at that. Selling novels to the editors at major publishing houses seemed to be extremely easy for me. I have made the top ten lists in the last seven novels that I have written and have been a guest star on many talk shows and book signing...

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Parting of the Ways Part 2 LA Connection

Chapter 4 During the time Jaimie was in her coma and starting her recovery the family kept busy trying to keep their minds off of her plight and avoid overthinking about something that none of them had control over. The ones who knew best how to deal with the issues were Deborah Peterson, Reyna Toro, Kennedy Pena, and Katie Eliza. All of them had undergone their final surgeries to complete their journey to womanhood so they knew best what she was feeling and how to help her Among...

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Part Time Masseuse

I met Bill and Stacy by chance. I was having a late supper at one of my favorite restaurants in the Cleveland area. I was sitting at the bar that night. You can still get full dinner service at the bar at this place, an upscale restaurant probably best known as a steakhouse even though I was enjoying salmon that evening.My job often takes me around the world on business. I meet with companies on technology, research and business. In this case, I was a few hours by car from home, starting a...

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My first introduction to the female foot occurred when I was about 11. My parents were off on a “second honeymoon” and I was staying at my Aunt’s house for a three-day weekend. She had two girls who were close to my age. Patty was two years older, blonde and very attractive; Janice was a year younger, dark haired and very aggressive. They didn’t have a guest room and I was given the choice of sleeping downstairs on the couch or in the girl’s room. The girls shared one bed in one room. I chose...

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Part 22B 8211 Vani8217s Perspective

It is suggested to the readers to read my experiences in Part 22A before you read this. In the closing notes of 22A, I had written that Vani was excited to read that I was trying to post my experiences with her. She wanted to contribute too and I invited her to put in her perspective of our time and life together. What follows is what she felt about the whole experiences. Also it appears that I may have missed some events; she has chosen to include it. Vani’s perspective: I first saw my...

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Part 3 Fucking My Madam

Hello there friends of indian sex stories dot net, this is Rahul here again sharing my experiences with you again. This is my special part in which I got to fuck with two of my favorite teachers. Best Experience ever. For those who don’t know me see my earlier two parts of How I ended up fucking my favorite teacher in her home. Now going back to the story. Even though not in regular intervals, I got many chances to fuck my ma’am outside the campus sometimes when her husband goes off to a...

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PartTime Gigolo 8211 Part 1

I am Raj, 28 years old from Hyderabad. I am working in one of the MNC in Hi-Tech city. I am very much fond of Married women and my eyes glare whenever I see a women tie saree. I work in the night shifts and was fed up with my life. I visit malls in the day time as I have no time in the nights for shopping or to have an eye feast. Here is the story of (how I turned to a part-time gigolo by one of my sexy lady Meena). Meena is a dusky women aged 36. Her most attractive part in her body is her...

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Part 1 and 2 I got fucked by my husbands friends

If there is demand, I will post part 3. PART 1 My name is Nina, I'm Canadian-Lebanese [27 F], 5 ft 1, 115 pounds, and dark hair. This is the story of me and my husband [30, M, White] and his group of friends. My husband and I have been married for a year and he is the only guy I have ever been with. Since we've been married, my husband has wanted me to get to know his friends better, which I was happy to do. They are a close knit group of 6 guys (including my husband) and my husband is...

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Part 2 Within The Lab Success

( side-note: i changed the ending of the ex boyfriend part of the story series. i felt WAY too bad for him) thanks for reading mah intro, now onto the story!! Deep within the Dr. McNickle's lab her section was closed down and locked from the rest of the building. It wasn't that shocking, she often closed her lab down when working with some of her genetic experiments to ensure that there'd be no accidents or escapes. So the world outside the lab went by without any worry about the...

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Part 4 The Girl gifted to elder first person per

I could not bear watching anymore. The fat Indian r****t was going to begin undressing poor Nicole Lee with his mouth alone. That was his fetish. I never actually seen him do this but I will once the film is available. The crone had taken over the filming. And I had a choice.Watch again, like I have been doing since I came home. Or proceed to my own little teen, bound, gagged and prepared in my sex room.My own hard on gave me the right answer. The flutters in my stomach was turning into a storm...

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Part 2

The ClockPart 2As I walked into the dungeon I was confronted with a wonderfully erotic sight - 13 stunningly attractive young models hanging from the centre beam by their manacled wrists. Every toned muscle was painfully stretched as the models scrambled to gain any purchase on the floor with their toes to take some of the weight off their abused shoulder sockets. There was no relief of course. I had carefully adjusted the length of the manacle chains whilst they had been u*********s so that...

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Part 22 Sex With My Brotherinlaw8217s Wife

Dear Readers, Before going through the part 22A of my story, I would strongly recommend that you read my previous experiences posted. This will give you a good enough platform to understand the evolution of this 50 year old guy from his younger days until now. This is a long story, but one of my best experiences that is the pinnacle of my sexual experiences. The story is about my affair with my brother-in-law’s wife for about 4 long years without anyone in the family knowing it, that ended (not...

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Part 12 8211 Seduction Of Junior

Having had sexual intercourse with a classmate and a forced one with a senior, I turned my focus on a junior. There were many, but like a lion stalks the weakest deer, I chose to seduce Neelam. I had befriended her while in college and I had by then graduated. Neelam was an extremely beautiful woman. She was my junior in college. A divorcee with no issues, she had joined the institute for furthering her career. She was paranoid about the Director victimising her and I sought to comfort her and...

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Part of The Family

Part Of The Family by B. Pink ?But Angela haven?t I proved that I love you? ?Yes Michael, but I am not prepared to let you be to close to me, I have my children to consider, they are my family? ?But I want to be part of that family? he responded, the pleading in his voice almost pitiful. She shook her head in a way that seemed cruel, and for the first time Michael felt that his hopes had been dashed in a permanent way. For two years he had courted her, wanting to...

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Part Three A Journey into Submission for Sarah and Daniel

Part Three: A Journey into Submission for Sarah & Daniel As Sarah crossed the floor of the bedroom, the nine inch dildo swinging obscenely from her strap on, she locked eyes with Daniel and kept her stare focused on him as she stopped and sat down next to him on the bed. Daniel looked like the proverbial doe caught in the head lights. His eyes were huge as he took in the monster cock attached Sarah's strap on. Pleased that he could not speak through the three inch penis gag she...

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Part Four A Journey into Submission for sarah and Daniel

Part Four: A Journey into Submission for Sarah and Daniel Danniboi sat on the edge of the king sized bed as Mistress Sarah jacked his little dicky faster and faster, bringing him to the edge of orgasm, only to stop and apply ice to his cock from the champagne bucket. It was agonizing! He would shrink within a minute, only to have Mistress Sarah start once again; bringing him to a full erection and taking him back into near orgasmic bliss. He was moaning and gripping the bedspread...

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Part 3 Within The Lab A Business Proposal

( side-note: i changed the ending of the ex boyfriend part of the story series. i felt WAY too bad for him) thanks for reading mah intro, now onto the story!! Greg tried her best to coil herself right in the water that had been placed at the bottom of the tank. Her scales darkened from the moisture as she tried her best to soak away the rank reptilian stink that seemed to cling all around her. It was soaked into her scales and especially against the lower edge of her belly. She hadn't...

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Part 8 Kristy cums 5 Pinky in the end

Part 8 Okay, things got a bit more crazy with the update on the virus. It started with my wife who was still having sex with Ron and Greg. She was telling me all about what was amazing for her, even bring both men in at the same time. She sent me a video of both guys fucking her at the same time. Ron who is the anal guy fucked her ass so good that she was gushing at the end of it. Greg tore up her pussy, making sure that he was dripping his cum out of her. The last minutes of the video, she...

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Part 3 Pinky the wife and sex

Part 3 The sun rose up, breaking through the blinds in the living room. I had slept on the love seat, still naked. I took a minute to wake up and look around. The TV was on but, but static as the cable box turns off after several hours. The lights in the living room were off, and so was the kitchen. I looked at the couch to see a blanket but no Pinky. I did see a note on the coffee table next to the couch. No clothes, and no sign of her. I knew she left for now, and the note was by her. I...

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Part 15 Sethy Enslaved

AUTHOR’S NOTE – For best effect, read parts 1-14 before this part. The main characters, Sethy and Shinny, are based upon the real women who are active members of the XHamster community, and much of these characters reflect the true women. This story is the property of the author and cannot be copied or used in part or in entirety without express written consent of the author. Sethy – Part 15 – EnslavedSETHYI was really proud of my team. We had made great progress on the project today. I had...

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Part 3 of one of our fucking sessions

Doktordoris writes me little pornographic storys. Part factual accounts of what we get up to, part description of what he's going to do to me later. Bits of it probably only make sense to us. And they will be unedited and not error checked. I just copy and pasted it from WhatsApp to here. He sent me this when I was away from him for a few days, so I could have a wank at night whilst reading about myself. Sweet of him don't you think?##########################################Part 3 I'm unsure...

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Part 1 Nice wife to Slut

Part 1 Nice wife to SlutEver since he could remember, Sam had fantasized about showing off his wife to other people. From the very start of their marriage, he had dreamed of showing Wendy off to strangers, both men, and women.It started on their honeymoon in Tenerife 29 years ago.Sam couldn't stop himself from becoming hard, as he looked at his 22-year-old wife sunbathing on the beach topless. The idea of other men and women looking at his sexy, 6 ft tall, slim wife lustfully turned him on....

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“Yeah, start running,” said Becky but as I started to stand, she again put her hands firmly on my shoulders, pushed me back down, and said, “steers don’t walk on two legs stupid; they walk on all fours; now get crawling; we’ll give you a ten second head start…, two…”These girls were strange; they weren’t even dressed like cowgirls. I immediately began crawling away from them as rapidly as I could, but as I looked around the yard I could see that there was no where to go. I just headed for...

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part 2

In part oneI got some pills from Derby & I took my wife clothes off & fucked my wife over the arm of the couch & then fucked her ass-hole then cum in it, I got her on the floor & fuck her mouth with my cock & ram my 2 hands in her pussy & filled her mouth full of cum.Part two.After few weeks my wife was going out more with her friends & she would not get back till after midnight, at first I did not think much about it now 5 months later she still goes out 2 times a...

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Part 23 8211 DP With Brothersinlaw

It is recommended that readers read Part 22A and Part 22B before you read this, to keep with the flow of excitement as well as to know the background of the main characters; viz. Vani, me among others. Vani writes her experience with editing and reviewing assistance from me. I hope our readers have gone through Part 22B of our experiences. Then in August 2015, the unimaginable happened. I am writing this since I am so excited about the whole episode even now. I was enjoying my time with Jiju...

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Part 18 Sex with lactating secretary

Sajitha was a departmental secretary in our company. Upon my transfer or deputation to Mumbai as one might want to call it, she was assigned to me for some time in addition to her usual roles. While she did not belong to my department, half her time was to be with me. I was on an important mission to this office and I had clear directives as to what was expected of me. To work better I had requested for a helping hand to take care of the mundane matters like getting tea/coffee, taking meeting...

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Part 8

PicturesSeveral days followed with little interaction between us. Mom, I suspect, needed a little space and I was wary of approaching her after such an intense episode, given what had happened the last time. I decided to wait for a sign that she was approachable, no matter how hard that was for me to do.We had gone through the weekend but I and the other serfs were laid off for a few days while the heavy equipment was moved to a new location. Mom sent me out to clean up Dad's carpentry shop in...

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Part 2 The Slave

Ok so Part 2, after part 1 My mistress didn't like the story being from her point of view so form here on all parts are from mine, Again this is a fiction piece of work. If you read the first part and didn't like it much trust me they get better. Hope you like please leave comments I'd like to know every ones thoughts.Part 2 The SlaveSo there I stood trousers round my ankle and completely nude with my Mistress lying on the bed legs spread wide and looking incredibly inviting wearing a red and...

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Part Two Concluded Teachers Pet

Story Behind My Photo Album: “Teacher's Pet”. Part Two Continued.Again I want to apologize for the manuscript inadvertently submitted Part Two which was the rough draft. The following is the rest of the story.Previously, CC was getting Patrick prepared for his first annul penetration by gently licking, probing and lubricating the boy's ass hole. Since Charlie had no desire to get a girl pregnant, he had always used protection. Now, as he was going to fuck a boy for the first time, he carefully...

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Part 2 Of Series Being Photographed For Portfolio FirstTime Experience Using A Fucking Machine

It was close to midnight when I walked out of the business centre, having caught up on my emails. I was flustered. My business suit felt overly restrictive and my bra way too tight. I unbuttoned the top two buttons of my blouse in an attempt to cool myself down.My hormones were on fire. That last email from David was totally unexpected. It seemed so real. I wondered if it was a real experience or just a fantasy. Either way, it had me aroused and dangerously horny.As I was waiting for the lift...

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Part Of The Job

I heard the talk from the hallway, indistinguishable words fading even before I reached the break room door. Inside, three of my co-workers shifted in the silence, sipping cheap coffee. They were like most of the people here, still shunning me as the new guy. I wasn’t sure if I should hold it against them. I was brought in because of flailing production and of course they were going to reject the hot-shot upstart, if just out of human behavior. Or maybe they didn’t like that I refused to wear...

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Part One Milf MeetUp

Hanson, aged twenty-five, had always been interested in older women. After casting the net out on dating sites/apps, he had grown bored of the mundane cycle of sending messages, getting occasional replies and meeting up with self-centered wannabe career women.And so, one evening, he found a message from a woman who he couldn't even remember messaging. Leslie, aged thirty-eight. Blonde. His favourite. She was prompt in her replies and things started off quite normal. General chat about life,...

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Part 4 Mom shows me the way

Mom is the sexiest woman in the world. She is a man pleasing whore, and she is made to look that way. Her pimp Bill, makes her dress like a whore, and has been fucking her along with other men of his choosing. To top it of, she is fucked rough, and made to scream so everyone can hear her. Our neighbors have always known Bill is a stripclub owner and a pimp, that added with the way mom dressed, and her loud screaming, everyone know she was a whore. Our male neighbors lusted after her, and some...

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Part 42 End of the Beginning

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 42: End of the Beginning Looking back on it all now, Holly and I agree that this really marks the end of the beginning of our story. When you have heard the whole story I would think you would agree, but maybe not. You have seen our relationship up to this point. Part 41 leaves us at the end of the fall semester of junior year. Part 43 is going to pick up on graduation day. So we are going to fill in the gaps here. You know the sex life we...

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Part 23 Addicted

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 23: Addicted If you have been with me from part 1 until now, you know that Holly started out as a virgin, as did I, and has morphed into an all out nymphomaniac. I don’t know if I am the cause, or if she would have done this with anyone. Holly gives me the credit for turning her into a sex addict. She does go through phases. There was a week in which she insisted I keep fucking her in the ass. She couldn’t maintain that phase very long before it...

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Part 4 Mom shows me the way

Introduction: Moms b-day and my heat. Thank you for all your good comments, they are highly appreciated. This few stories have just been an introduction for the stories about to come. This is just my background, so to speak, and the best stories are yet to come. Remember, Im the protagonist, mom is just the person that showed me the way. Mom is the sexiest woman in the world. She is a man pleasing whore, and she is made to look that way. Her pimp Bill, makes her dress like a whore, and has...

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Part 5 Hot in the Kitchen with Pinky

Part 5 So after another night spent with Pinky, I was feeling upbeat. I woke up, got ready for work and went to my job. I got the normal text from my wife, saying how her day was and plans for the today ahead. I rode though another shift at work, finishing up a bit later then normal. This virus expanded so quickly, that protocols at work changed to match the level of alertness. So this also meant longer hours, more work and more time with people at work. They made the plan to have the same...

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Part 4 Pinky the wife and some ass hole

Part 4 After a night that started well and ended with me alone, it took a couple days before I heard from anyone. My wife who is still out in the western part of the state, was surprising me by not leaving me a message in the last three mornings. She is usually the one make the connection, in part knowing I would be at work so early. I sent a few texts to her, only got a responds that she was not feeling well. Of course this brought up the thoughts she got the virus. But thankfully she was not...

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Part time Hooker

By Dina PetroMy Name is Mira, I was in My early twenties when this happened, being a good looking woman, with very sexy body, I had many options by then, my best female friend, Tina, was living a very comfortable life, although her family wasn’t so rich, Tina is a real gorgeous looking girl with super sexy, curvy body, we almost looked alike at that point of time, I did not think of asking her how did she manage to get the money, she was spending like crazy, although she was my best friend, but...

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Part one fall of a PTA Mum

The funny thing about feuds between PTA moms and school administrators is that they often become best friends afterwards (or "besties" if you want to call it that.) When it's all said and done, the constant bickering suddenly becomes a barrage of sweet words. But of course, there are always things behind the scenes -- things which people won't ever know about -- that lead to that surprisingly turn around.Here's an example:A few years ago, Principal Ashley Myers was tasked by her superiors to...

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Part two of my island love

Now don't get me wrong oral sex is a wonderful thing. Especially the way Bud does it! But, as we held each other, there on the sand completely alone, both of us naked, we both looked at each other and as Bud pulled me closer, my legs over lapped his and I sat on his lap. As I did, he took his big swollen cock and put it against my open pussy. I lifted up and into him! His cock went into my hole easy and smoothly. I cried out: "OH BUD!!! OH YES!! BABY!! OH YES! FUCK ME!!" And I began to pump my...

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Part 5 8211 My Neighbourhood Aunty

Falguni was the first woman with whom I had actual penetrative sex. She was a neighbour who came to reside in our chawl about 34 years ago. She was married young and her husband was a machine repairer and they had an 8-month-old baby boy. Her house like ours was a one-room tenement on the first floor. Ours was the second in the row of houses while hers was at the end of the chawl. She was about 22 then. And I was 18. As I grew up and matured, I began to look at Falguni in a different...

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Part 8211 4 Fucking my Madam

Hello there friends of indian sex stories dot net, this is Rahul here again sharing my experiences with you again. This is my finale part in which I got to fuck with two of my favorite teachers and then surprise that changed my life forever. For those who don’t know me see my earlier three parts of How I ended up fucking my favorite teacher in her home. Then Ajay asked, “I am feeling bored, why don’t we play naked hide and seek again like last time”. Richa got hell shocked to see to hear that...

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Part 11

Skipping Church"Huh? What?" I muttered, unable to open my eyes."I said, get up, we're late for Church," Dad said, shaking my shoulder. I rolled over, trying to evade his disturbing hand."Can't you and Mom go alone. I'm exhausted," I whined."Everyone will be disappointed. They'll all want to see you.""Dad. C'mon. I really don't feel well," I pleaded."You c'mon," Dad replied. "At least one of you has to go. Get up.""I can't. Mom will. She never misses Church.""Mom's too exhausted," Dad said....

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Part 1 Trip to the Gulf Islands

These are the true events that transpired during a weekend trip to a small group of islands located in British Columbia. This is the first story I wrote and published on lush once before, let me know what you enjoyed about it and how I could improve. Thanks and Enjoy! My girlfriend Katie was pushing me to take a vacation with her and we finally agreed on a short weekend camping trip to BC. I wasn’t thrilled about the idea of heading off camping since I had done quite a bit of traveling earlier...

Oral Sex

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