Prom Princess
- 5 years ago
- 34
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Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head.
Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I’m grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories in their natural order.
One final note before I frustrate you to the point of wishing you’d never clicked here. These tales are my first attempt at story writing of any kind. I welcome and appreciate any and all feedback but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you’re too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.
I’m kidding.
*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*
PREVIOUS — Chapter 5: A Thousand Words
Rachel sighed as her eyes darted back and forth between the two images in front of her. She brought a finger to her lips and tapped on them idly as she tried to focus on her choices. Decisions, decisions…
Hanging from her closet door were two tops and she simply couldn’t pick between them. On the left was a plain gray V-neck t-shirt that stopped just above her waist, and on the right hung a navy blue spaghetti-strap tank top. Both would fit her like a glove and neither would leave her wanting for attention or admiring glances. She smiled at the thought. That was exactly what she was going for.
With a final pop of her lips, Rachel flicked her eyes to the right and made her decision. There was nothing wrong with the gray shirt, but the navy tank would definitely accentuate what she was always proudest to show off: her boobs.
She grinned at herself and shook her head as she reached for the hanger. She sure seemed to be putting the ‘girls’ on display more and more lately. The weather was still warm and she’d tried to rationalize her outfit choices under that argument, but it was simply a justification. The truth was that she was beginning to feel more comfortable at her new school and her initial shyness and hesitation to show herself off and attract attention had all but dried up.
As she turned towards her mirror and began to slip the tank over her bra and full cleavage, she smiled again at how things were going for her lately. She’d been at Pine Valley for more than a month and she was certainly making her presence felt. She’d made several friends, was doing great in field hockey, and was already a regular on the party scene. That last part had led her to test the waters ‘boy-wise’ and it was in that regard that she was truly beginning to settle into her old ways.
She’d hooked up with a few guys and word was already beginning to spread about her. She had initially planned to lay low in that arena but those plans had changed abruptly the night she had met Chris. She shivered pleasurably at the thought. He was so hot, and while she’d only been with him the one time, she was already making mental plans to explore that avenue more fully.
It was actually those very plans that had been running through her head when she’d picked her outfit. She was going to a party later and she hoped that Chris might be there. She’d seen him in school over the past few weeks and they’d flirted a little, but things were moving a bit slowly for her taste. She knew that based on how Chris looked that he surely wasn’t hurting for options in the ladies department. She probably had plenty of competition. But she was also very confident in her own powers of persuasion.
The loud buzzing of her phone on the dresser shook her from her thoughts and she turned towards the noise as she finished smoothing out her top. She reached for the phone, and after a brief moment of indecision, she picked it up and answered with a cheerful tone.
‘Hey, Kev! What’s up?’
Rachel smiled and listened as her closest guy-friend began chatting away happily into her ear. She talked with Kevin on the phone pretty often but it was still kind of weird not seeing him in school every day as she had in the past. They still made a point to get together somewhat regularly and it was just such a point that Kevin appeared to be making at the moment.
It was a Friday night and it wasn’t that late so he was calling to see if she wanted to catch a movie or something. She sucked in a breath and looked reflexively at the clock on her wall. She’d love to hang out with Kevin, but she’d really been looking forward to going out to the party and drinking and having fun. She chewed on her lip and tried to think of what to do.
She never liked blowing Kevin off because, not only did she love hanging out with him, he always seemed so excited to see her. Deep down she knew why, but she did her best to pretend otherwise. Kevin obviously had some feelings for her that went beyond their close friendship. He’d never made any overt moves to that end, and for her part, Rachel had never done anything to lead him on. But she wasn’t an idiot and she could tell by the way he sometimes looked at her that part of him wanted more.
She was about to gently rebuff his movie offer when she suddenly had an idea. She wanted to see Kevin and she wanted to go to the party. So why not do both?
‘Aw, Kev, that would’ve been fun, but I’m actually going to this party tonight and I already told a bunch of people I’d be there. But listen, you should come too! Seriously. We haven’t hung out like that in a while. I mean, it’ll be mostly Pine Valley kids but I’m sure there will be some people you know. Come on!’
Kevin hesitated at her curveball, and for a moment, he considered politely declining. He preferred to hang out with Rachel one-on-one so going to some party where he wouldn’t know many people didn’t sound all that great. But he changed course suddenly as an idea popped into his head as well.
‘Okay. Yeah, that sounds fun. In fact, how about I come pick you up and we’ll just go together?’
Rachel swallowed at the suggestion and took another breath. She was happy that he wanted to come but she had mixed feelings about him driving her. She was very sensitive about acting in a way that might give him the wrong impressions. She didn’t want him to go out of his way to do things for her and she didn’t want him to be beholden to her later on either. She cleared her throat and spoke sweetly.
‘Oh, no that’s okay! Really. You don’t have to drive me. It’s out of your way and I don’t want you to have to feel like you-.’
Kevin cut her off with dismissive insistence.
‘Rachel, seriously. It’s cool. It’s my pleasure. Plus, you know where the party is so this way I won’t have to follow you or get directions or anything. For real. I’ll be by in like thirty minutes.’
Rachel bit her lip and exhaled again. Kevin surely wasn’t going to take ‘no’ for an answer. Oh well. It would be easier. And if he was going to be so insistent, she wasn’t going to make a thing about it. She nodded her head reflexively and agreed.
‘Okay. Sounds great. I’ll see you then!’
Not a minute late, Kevin’s car pulled up and Rachel came out to meet him. He felt himself stiffen as she climbed into his car and plopped into the passenger seat. She looked incredible. She had on a small, white sweater that only partially-covered what was a very-revealing navy blue tank top. A pair of light blue low-rise jeans hugged her hips and appeared to be painted-on as they stretched tightly down her toned legs. When she’d bent over to get in the car, Ke
vin’s heart had skipped a beat at the painfully alluring eye-full he’d been treated to down her top. Her full, perfect breasts hung heavily as the sexy white bra that held them in tight came into full view.
The two friends laughed and joked as Kevin struggled to keep his eyes on the road and off the far more enticing image to his right. When they reached the house, his heart pounded again as she opted to discard the sweater cover-up she had on (which had likely been added to her ensemble only for her parents’ benefit). Kevin clenched his fist and tried to tear his eyes away as she arched her back and pulled the soft cashmere from her shoulders. She didn’t seem to notice his glances, and within moments, they had hopped from the car and were headed to the front door.
The party wasn’t a huge affair but it was in full swing when they arrived. Rachel’s stomach fluttered excitedly as she made her way through the house and scanned the rooms. She recognized a bunch of people from school, some of whom she had met briefly or had a class with. Several more were vaguely familiar even if she didn’t know their names. She tingled as she caught numerous boys’ eyes light up as she passed, their gazes dropping to her chest. She licked her lips and pretended not to notice as she floated her way through the crowd. She hoped she’d see Chris…
After a quick lap through the house (one that disappointingly did not include a Chris-sighting) she settled into the kitchen with Kevin. She wasn’t sure how many people he knew so she didn’t want to ditch him and make him feel uncomfortable. They each got drinks and resumed their catching up from the car ride.
Every so often a boy from school would drift by and give her a quick greeting, sometimes letting his eyes wash over her obviously. Both she and Kevin noticed each time and they both tingled in response. But while Kevin’s reaction was borne of jealousy, Rachel’s was from pure excitement.
Some time passed and the scene continued to flow with energy as Rachel and Kevin chatted away. During a break in the conversation, Kevin excused himself to go to the bathroom and told her he’d be right back. She smiled warmly, but truthfully, she was relieved to have a quick breather. He wasn’t smothering her, and even if had been, it would be her fault for insisting he come, but she was still beginning to get antsy to explore the party a bit and perhaps find some fun. She was just starting to wonder about Chris again when a shrill voice shook her back to the moment.
‘Rachel! You whore! Have you been hiding here the whole time??’
Rachel snapped her head up to the sound and grinned widely in response. Heading her direction was her friend Rebecca from the field hockey team. As she reached Rachel’s spot in the corner, she flashed her fiery green eyes and spoke loudly with a playfully-annoyed tone.
‘Girl, I didn’t even know you had gotten here!’ She paused and flicked teasingly at Rachel’s empty cup. ‘Shit, you’re probably, like, way behind! C’mon! Let’s fix that!’
Before Rachel could react, Rebecca grabbed her by the arm and halfway-dragged her out of the kitchen and towards the living room. She thought suddenly of Kevin and how he would be coming back soon, but it was too late to stop her wild friend. She shook her head with a smile and followed her out of the room.
Rebecca leading the way, Rachel allowed herself to be pulled to a different part of the house before the girls stopped near a small group of people. She recognized most of them, including a taller boy, Greg, from one of her classes. They were all holding little plastic shot glasses and Rebecca’s eyebrows suddenly narrowed as she glanced around. Apparently not finding the person she was looking for, she turned back towards another room and shouted out loudly.
‘J! Hey, girl! Bring one more!’
Rachel turned in the direction of Rebecca’s yell and widened her eyes in curiosity. A few seconds later, a taller blonde girl appeared in the doorway holding two glasses. Rachel smiled brightly.
Her other friend from the field hockey team was coming towards the group at an excited, hurried pace. But as she made her way through the room, her knee banged into a sofa chair and almost sent her to the floor. With a shriek and a quick spin, she caught herself and popped up right in front of Rachel’s face, her eyes wide with startled panic. Somehow she had managed to avoid spilling the shots.
The entire group exploded in warm laughter at Jenn’s clumsy maneuver. Rachel’s tall, blonde friend was an all-conference athlete in both field hockey and soccer. Her long, smooth legs just seemed to glide effortlessly on the field, like a gazelle evading a predator without breaking a sweat. But the moment she took off her cleats, she somehow lost all sense of coordination. She was hopelessly clumsy, a fact not aided any by her propensity to drink far beyond what she should.
As the laughter finally died down, Rachel wiped a tear from her eye and smiled warmly at her goofy friend. Jenn’s near-fall had summoned a quick memory to her brain and she stifled another giggle at the thought. It was of the night she and Jim had dropped Jenn off at her house and tried to sneak her in the back door. Everything had been going to plan until she’d crashed into a TV table and woken up half her house. Jim and Rachel had shot off running and laughing as scared excitement shot through their veins.
Of course, that hadn’t been the only thing they’d done that had gotten the blood pumping for either of them. Rachel blushed to herself as she thought of how not fifteen minutes after that mad dash, she’d somehow found herself topless and leaned over Jim’s seat, giving him an enthusiastic blowjob. Part of her still couldn’t believe she’d done it (or finished it the way she had). She’d just been so turned on and excited. From their wild run. From the party. From walking in on Rebecca having sex. And from-. She swallowed hard.
From Chris.
She was about to scan the room again and check to see if he had showed up when Jenn interrupted her thoughts with a shrill shout.
‘Here, Rach! This one’s for you!’
Rachel grinned and took the shot glass from her hand. The group all cheered each other and downed their drinks. Rachel gritted her teeth as the warm, vodka-burn rolled over her tongue and down her throat. She shook her head playfully and smiled wide. She was definitely starting to settle in.
She’d just been about to introduce herself to the one guy in the circle she didn’t know when she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She spun around with a smile, but just a sprinkle of guilt hit her stomach at what she saw.
Kevin was standing right behind her, his face warm, but his eyes a bit jumpy. He’d returned from the bathroom to find her missing so he’d poked around until he’d located her doing a shot with this new group. He had recognized a few people at the party so far, but no one in the current circle was familiar.
Rachel exhaled and smiled brightly. Giving him a quick hug, she pulled him towards the group and began making introductions.
‘Everyone, this is Kevin. We used to go to school together at Taylor Reed. He’s, like, one of my best friends!’
Kevin smiled at everyone and nodded. He liked how enthusiastically Rachel was bringing him into the group, but it always made him flinch a bit when she introduced him as her ‘best’ friend or a ‘close’ friend. It was an accurate title, but it also served a reminder as to how she viewed him. He swallowed and tried to move on from the thought.
A tall boy from across the circle nodded at him as he took a sip from a red cup.
‘Taylor Reed? Shit, me and Greg played you all in basketball last year. You whipped us pretty good.’
He exchanged a knowing look with the boy standing next to him, who nodded in grim agreement.
Kevin smiled politely and shook his head.
‘Yeah, I don’t play but we definitely
got a squad. It’s all good though. Your school has prettier girls.’
He smirked and shot Jenn and Rebecca an admiring grin, before letting his gaze linger on Rachel for a moment. The girls giggled and grinned back.
The tall boy laughed and nodded back with a smile.
‘Yeah, the scenery’s okay around here.’ He shifted his eyes and stopped on Rachel as well, most noticeably on her chest. With a smirk, he continued.
‘But it’s definitely improved a lot recently.’
Rachel blushed and looked away. She had seen this boy before around school. She didn’t know much about him except that he was tall and pretty decent looking. And apparently he played basketball. But she didn’t know his name.
Her answer came immediately as Rebecca spat out a sarcastic shout.
‘TJ! The ‘scenery’s okay’? You know Jenn and I are here, too? You’re such a dick.’
TJ looked over at the smiling, but fiery looking brunette across from him. He laughed and put up his hands defensively.
‘Easy, girl! You know that any time you wanna give me that sweet ass again, I’m just a call away.’ He shook his head at her before indicating back to Rachel.
‘I’m not dissing you two. I’m just saying that a little infusion of talent is never a bad thing.’
Rachel blushed again as TJ winked at her. She felt some excited butterflies form in her stomach as she felt his gaze on her. She wasn’t sure what she thought about him, but at least she knew his name now.
Rebecca scoffed and rolled her eyes as she responded with piercing sarcasm.
‘You know, I’m not sure how I resist. Such a smooth-talker.’
TJ raised a playful eyebrow and grinned as he shot back.
‘Well, what did Brad say to you?’
Rebecca raised her eyebrows and smirked.
‘Excuse me?’
TJ took another sip and shrugged innocently.
‘I mean, I heard y’all banged on the first night. What did he say that was so smooth?’
Rebecca’s eyes went wide and her mouth dropped. She blushed a bit as she heard the giggles around her. But she was no pushover, even if TJ was simply poking fun. She flipped her wavy, dark hair and smiled at him with mock-sweetness.
‘Aw, sweetie. Let’s just say that his smooth-talking isn’t the only place he has you beat.’
The group erupted in laughter as Rebecca winked at TJ with a cruel, playful grin. TJ flinched at the body-blow but recovered quickly to laugh it off. He tipped his cup at her respectfully and took another sip.
‘Okay, okay. Truce. I’ll just say that I’ve never gotten any complaints. I think it’s probably just those sexy lips of yours that have a way of making a guy’s dick looks smaller.’
The group laughed again as Rebecca rolled her eyes and shook her head. Rachel giggled as well, but she felt an exciting, nervous energy rolling through her senses. She’d already been a little worked up hoping that Chris would be there that night. And the conversation they were all having was flooding her with second-hand arousal.
TJ’s joke about Rebecca and Brad was a clear reference to that night earlier in the year that Rachel had walked in on them getting it on. And it had put the image from their bedroom romp squarely back into her head. All she could picture was Rebecca and her impossible curves riding Brad passionately. Brad’s face had been twisted with intense pleasure as he ran his hands over her hips and ass. It had been such an unexpectedly hot moment to witness and it had helped fuel Rachel to do what she’d done with Jim later in his car.
But it wasn’t just that memory that was turning her on now. It was TJ’s hinting at a sexual history between himself and Rebecca as well. His joke about her full lips (and her counter-shot about his size) seemed to connect the dots that she’d sucked his dick at some point. Maybe more. Rachel had already felt a mild stir when she’d caught him checking her out. And now she was imagining his penis, and further, her friend sliding it in and out of her mouth.
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This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...
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Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
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Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
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My name is Andrea, and I have a boyfriend named Kevin I am going to be a senior in high school next year. Kevin will be a junior, and me and Kevin love each other very much. We want to be happy, now we wanted to wait for sex and I was going to wait until I was married, and I wanted to be married to Kevin. I got an idea and me and Kevin talked about having sex for the first time on my prom night. Prom night is very special to Kevin and I, and its coming up really soon. Kevin and I went to a...
First TimeAuthors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
I know it's wrong to look at your little girl and want to be buried inside her tight little pussy, but God help me that's the way my little Kimmi has made me feel for two years now. She's eighteen now and will be graduating high school this June. She is every guys dream. Her strawberry blond hair brushes her shoulders and her green eyes are the color of emeralds and when she's happy they sparkle just like a gem too. Of course when she's mad, they darken to almost black, but she's hardly ever...
No not the HORROR MOVIE,in fact my story has a much better ending.So it's my last year in High School.I was passing all my classes except English which was always a pain in my ass.Adjectives,Adverbs,Pronouns,Nouns,Puncuation,question marks.comma's Proper Engish (now called Politically correct)Hell I grew up in the GHETTO,nobody talked like that.They just cuss you out and went about their business.They bell rings for us to end or day at school.So my classmates all rushed to get out of there.My...
I woke up and looked over at my calendar. It was Sundaymorning, the day of the prom. Last night after we had our fun, I sent Ella and Lily home. I told them both to get ready and that I’d pick them up at 6:30 (the prom started at 7). I looked over at the clock and saw that it was already noon, so I started getting ready for tonight.I got dressed and went to my car to run some errands. First I went to Men’s Warehouse to pick up my tux. Then, I went to a jewelry store and bought a few things for...
Love StoriesAshley squealed when her name was announced as Prom queen. I watched as the eighteen-year-old, gorgeous brunette excitedly pushed through the crowd of students to accept her tiara.Fuck I thought, looking away trying to ease the throbbing in my pants, but then my eyes landed on Ashley's equally gorgeous twin Mandy.These girls had unknowingly been tormenting me all year.It was my first-year teaching. I know the stories are usually about young girls with crushes on their young male teacher, but in...
My senior prom was the most memorable night of my life. My date, Caitlyn, was stunning. She is nearly 6’ tall, with flowing auburn hair, all natural. Looking at the freckles dotting her body was enough to be certain, but the little red bush was confirmation. She kept it mostly shaved because of her swimming, but left just enough curls on top to emphasize the match. She swam varsity and all that training gave her an athletic, lean frame along with a small firm ass. She had a fairly flat chest,...
My senior prom was the most memorable night of my life. My date, Caitlyn, was stunning. She is nearly 6’ tall, with flowing auburn hair, all natural. Looking at the freckles dotting her body was enough to be certain, but the little red bush was confirmation. She kept it mostly shaved because of her swimming, but left just enough curls on top to emphasize the match. She swam varsity and all that training gave her an athletic, lean frame along with a small firm ass. She had a fairly flat chest,...
I checked out his long tailed black tux with red cummerbund and tie. I had never seen him look so handsome. His dark hair was perfectly in place and even his hands had been manicured. This was so unlike Greg who was an avid outdoorsman. I smiled up at him as he tried to help me with the wrist corsage he had bought for me. His hands shook and I heard him swallow loudly as if he were about to drool. His mouth was set in a straight line as he fooled with the corsage and I could tell he was...
I checked my reflection in the bathroom mirror. Straightening my tie. Brushing off the shoulders of my suit. Fixing my hair. I guess you could say I was nervous. I didn't know why really but tonight was a big night for any teenager. Prom night. It was kind of a right of passage. I checked my breath and popped a breath meant just to be sure. I think every guy would be nervous about taking a girl to the prom. Me. I was taking three. The first was Abigail Smith. Abbey was the kind of girl that...
TeenMy name is Tom, I am 5'10" white male with a slim athletic build, brown hair and blue eyes. This is my second story, it is a fictional story of my dream prom night that took an unexpected turn.I had asked Andrea to be my prom date a couple months ahead of time, thankfully she said yes. I had been friends with her on and off for many years, but we had never been that close. I had always had a bit of a crush on her, but never enough for me to make a move. She is a sexy white girl, about 5'8" with...
As an 18-year-old senior in high school, I am very excited for my upcoming senior prom. I can't wait to pick out a pretty dress and get all dolled up for the evening. Today, at school, we found out the theme of our prom- a vintage circus. I love the circus, and all things vintage, so I couldn't wait to rush home and tell you.The second the bus drops me off at the corner, I run towards the house. My loose skirt from my school uniform flies in the air behind me. I don't care. I don't care if the...
Dan always enjoyed sleeping late on Saturday mornings. As he relaxed in bed, the sun beaming through his window he recalled Friday night at the mall with his best friend Alex. The two had stumbled across a shop of oddities. A shop neither had seen in the mall before, though from the look the shop had been there forever. With little else to do Dan and Alex chatted with the scruffy old shop owner. About nothing much, daily life, though both were shocked when he scoffed, that neither...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Prom night, one night in a persons life that they will never forget. Well for me, no statement in the world could be more true than that one. It was prom night and I was all ready to go, I had my tux on and my flowers ready and I was getting in the car. mom had said her goodbye at this point all the pre-prom pictures were taken now it was time for me to go pick up my date. I arrived to pick up my date a few minutes early and I waited for her to come...
IncestI allowed my thoughts to roam free and began to think about the girl sitting next to me. Her name was Denise. She was about 5’4, and just stunning. She had a cute, angelic face, palmable boobs, trim waist, and round ass. Then I drifted towards a long time friend of mine, Renee. She was an old friend and since she was in a grade lower than me, we barely saw each other in or out of school. She was about 5’6, and always had this mischievous look on her face, when she really was a sweet girl. She...
This is another story from my early days. I wish I’d kept more of them. I posted at least a dozen back in the day to various sites but this and ‘Independence Day’ are the only two I could recover. Oh well. Prom Night By Zarathos (a.k.a. a younger SpectreOfHell) I was sitting on the couch dressed in my usual late night attire, an open robe and boxer shorts, watching the Tonight show and waiting for my daughter to come home. I was understandably worried. Jean was only 14, a freshman in high...
Chris stood outside the bedroom for a minute before he decided to knock on the door. He was greeted with a shriek from his stepsister inside.“Is Brandon here already? I’m not ready!” Tory panicked as she scrambled to finish up her makeup.Chris cracked open the door a little bit before stepping in, “Calm down! It’s just me,” he said then entered the cluttered room of his seventeen-year-old stepsister. Tory was sitting at her desk with a whole beauty store worth of makeup laid out in front of...
TeenOne month before prom, two new students, who were twins, registered at your high school and started classes. They were introduced in your English class as Mark and Jenny, and for some reason, the only available seats were right beside you (one on each side of you). The moment they sat down, you thought that they were the most attractive people you had ever seen and will ever see in your life. They seemed to have some erotic influence over you, and you ended up inviting them to prom. You...
BDSMProm Queen by Dani O'Neill Sam knew he needed help with his pitching. The Cornwell high school baseball team depended on him as their solid starter, good for 15 wins every season. But this year, he seemed to be in a slump, unable to concentrate. The tall lanky blonde hadn't won a game all season, and had been unable to pitch more than four innings in any game before the manager pulled him out of the game. Sam's girlfriend Carol had read about a...
This is another story from my early days. I wish I'd kept more of them. I posted at least a dozen back in the day to various sites but this and "Independence Day" are the only two I could recover. Oh well. Prom Night By Zarathos(a.k.a. a younger SpectreOfHell) I was sitting on the couch dressed in my usual late night attire, an open robe and boxer shorts, watching the Tonight show and waiting for my daughter to come home. I was understandably worried. Jean was only 14, a freshman in high...
"You look beautiful Kate," Dylan said as he brought his girlfriend in closer. Kate blushed and felt as Dylan pulled her in closer as they slow danced. As Kate snuggled close to her man, feeling his strong arms around her waist she couldn't help but think how perfect tonight had been. It had been quite the few weeks for Kate, on top of a bad breakup she had to endure the stress of preparing and planning her senior prom. Despite the stress of the last few weeks everything had turned...
My boyfriend and I have been going out for almost a year and a half now. We love each other very much, and sometimes I wonder if we are closer than most couples our age. (We're both 18). We took it pretty slow going into the relationship, although both of us admitted to being regular masturbators and loving the feel of personal pleasure. It also turned out both of us are Bi-Sexual, which is a huge turn on. This is the story of the first time I was able to give him a blowjob. We had almost...
"How's this one look, Daddy?" Brandy asked me as she twirled her five foot ten inch body in front of me. The tiny red skirt just did cover her full 36c breasts and her very tight 34-inch ass. I couldn't help but getting hard at the sight of my sexy 18 year-old daughter. "Oh yes! It's to good for that low life." I replied trying to cover up my 10-inch cock as it grew in my jeans. "Why couldn't you to your Prom with a nice guy?" I asked her looking at her sort brown hair as it lye...
Stand up straight so I can see you" he said, backing away. I stood, my pale skin shining, my red curls cascading down my breast, my bare pussy glistening with juices. " Oh my god you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen Ella" said Landon in a hushed voice. Prom Night Sex Prom night. At last! She had been dreaming of this night since she was 10, but tonight was going to be about more than pretty dresses and dancing. Ella and her boyfriend Landon had agreed that tonight would be the...
Loveresemblance between the characters and any persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. By presenting this story, the author neither condones nor endorses sexual relationships legal or illegal. This story contains depictions of incest and sex between a minor and an adult. If such topics offend you or if possession of this material by you is not legal in the place where you are sitting right now reading this, then you had better stop reading and get rid of this right now. You’d...
I woke up and looked over at my calendar. It was Sundaymorning, the day of the prom. Last night after we had our fun, I sent Ella and Lily home. I told them both to get ready and that I’d pick them up at 6:30 (the prom started at 7). I looked over at the clock and saw that it was already noon, so I started getting ready for tonight. I got dressed and went to my car to run some errands. First I went to Men’s Warehouse to pick up my tux. Then, I went to a jewelry store and bought a few things for...
BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ… “Ugh…” Sam groaned as he pulled himself out of bed. “SAM! Breakfast!” He heard his father calling up as he rubbed the sand from his eyes “Coming” he yelled down as he slumped his way out of his room. He entered the kitchen and plopped himself on a chair. His father dropped a stack of pancakes on the table as his mother looked up from the newspaper. “something the matter, sweetheart?” She asked. “The Senior Prom is Friday night and I don’t have a date, let alone a dress…” He said...
I arrive to pick Brandi up on my motorcycle. She comes out before I have a chance to get off and says, “I do not know why everyone thinks riding a motorcycle is so special.” Moving further back on the bike, I say, “Get on in front of me.” She puts on the helmet and slides on in front of me. I say, “Now put your feet up on those pegs for I need the main pegs to work the break and gear shift.” As we took off I am sure she can feel my cock poking her in her back. I know with my arms around her,...
Oral SexMy name is Michael Lynn Jefferson, but now I am Michele Lynn Jefferson. I have always thought that I was a girl, even before I could talk. Momma would at times either let my cousin Becky stay over, or I'd go and see her. Aunt Clara or Momma would get the idea of dressing us up as twin girls for fun at Meadowbrook United Methodist Church and to go and see Santa Claus. Whenever I was dressed like Becky, I felt more alive than whenever I dressed as myself. As I got older, I'd throw a...
It was Saturday night and Jim's wife had promised him a long night with lots of sexual satisfaction. The evening's festivities had not yet begun but Jim was already several hours into somebody's sexual fantasy. Jim and his wife Barb belonged to a couples swap club and tonight they were hosting. The club met once a month and each meeting was hosted by a different couple. Each meeting had a theme. Tonight's theme was Prom Night. Barb had promised Jim that it would be a prom night...
“Hey, Tori!” Justina said, running up the porch steps, her breasts jiggling with every step. “Hi,” I said. She noticed me staring at her boobs and did the unthinkable. She flashed her breasts. I blushed and she winked at me as Mom came towards the door. “Hello Justina,” Mom said. “Hello, Mrs. Ryan,” Justina replied. “You girls are probably hungry, are turkey sandwiches ok with you Justina?” Mom asked. “Yes, thank you,” Justina replied. “Mom, I’m going to show Justina my room,” I told mom. “Ok...