Sorrento Pt. 01 free porn video

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Looking back, it is easy to see how the holiday was going to change the person that I was, the stresses, the triggers, the opportunities, were all there. It was like the planets aligning for some spectacular solar eclipse. But of course, all that is easy to see with the benefit of hindsight.

The holiday was Tom’s idea. He had to be in Sorrento for work, but, being the pragmatist that he is, he suggested now that we had some free time and a few less financial commitments, I might like to accompany him. Sorrento, the most romantic and alluring city in the world, and he tempts me with time and money. Not that he was incapable of sweeping me off my feet, when we first met, he was constantly surprising me with flowers, silly gifts, and the hottest love letters you can imagine, but I suppose that thirty years of marriage and raising three kids changes things.

And please don’t think that I am complaining, I am not. In many ways Tom is a good husband, and he is the perfect father to our children, he has always been caring and supportive, and he provided us all with a wonderful home and the security to live the lives we aspired to. Ever since reaching puberty, I dreamed of just being a mum, spending my time taking care of a house and children. Tom, with his energy and hard work gave me that opportunity, and never questioned that it should be different. But, now that the everyday pressures of cooking, cleaning and school runs were behind me, I felt that I needed something more.

I have girlfriends, and when the last of the children went off to college, being fellow mums and in similar positions, they instinctively rallied into a support network. Our coffee mornings grew into lengthy lunches. Organizing car share for our kids changed into organizing gym classes, and the occasional swapping of magazines spawned a fully-fledged book club. We read mysteries. We read thrillers. We read avidly, and with each new book, we dissected and discussed.

I suppose that it was books that created the spark, the desire for a bit of passion in my life. We, the girls, of course read E. L. James, the trilogy had received too much publicity for any self-respecting woman’s book club to just ignore. I had no inclination to investigate BDSM or find out if I had a dark side, but it did make me wonder if there was more to sex than the rather perfunctory ritual that Tom and I now occasionally performed. Neither did it lead to my wanting to add more than just Tom to my list of sexual conquests, Tom had been the only man that I had ever been intimate with, and I actually felt content that it should be remain that way. But it did lead to my adding more romance to my reading repertoire, not your everyday Mills and Boon style stuff, but books that explored the deeper side of relationships, particularly sexual relationships. I can see that may have fuelled my curiosity, albeit deep somewhere in my subconscious.

We arrived in Sorrento late on a Sunday. Whilst I slept for most of the 13 hour flight, Tom worked, reading through reports and making notes, getting ready for the hectic round of meetings that would occupy his week. He was enough of a gentleman to escort me to our first evening meal at our hotel, but he was understandably exhausted, so after we had eaten I made sure he got some much needed rest. I however, was too excited to sleep and returned to the bar for a night cap.

It was late October, and the hotel relatively quiet. The Maitre D’ that had been immensely attentive to Tom and I during our meal, now greeted me like a friend, and offered me a liqueur and coffee on the terrace. I became lost in the atmosphere, the sheer beauty of the place, and the opportunity that I had been given to enjoy it. It felt as though everything that was missing from my life could come right in a place such as this.

That first evening was rather cool, and I had slipped into a cardigan and jeans before venturing downstairs. Monday however was much warmer. While Tom was out at meetings during the day, I occupied myself exploring the area close to the hotel, and relaxing by the pool. When Tom and I went for dinner that evening, I dressed in leggings and a short sleeved top. Antonio, the Maitre D’, commented that I looked most beautiful. ‘Molto carino.’ It had been years since I had been complimented like that, and it seemed to really hit home. I know that I blushed, but I enjoyed the attention. When Tom eventually retired to the room to make his conference call back to the office, Antonio again invited me to take drinks on the terrace.

After again becoming lost in the moment, I found myself standing at the edge of the terrace, sipping a glass of sweet orange liqueur. It was there, my back to the terrace and hotel that I suddenly became aware of someone standing closely behind me. I have no idea now why I did not turn, that would have been a more natural reaction, but I didn’t. I just stood there enjoying the majesty of the view. Apart from the sound of distant waves breaking over the rocks, it was completely silent, and I sensed that there was no one else close by.

This person moved closer. Whether it was the combination of wine and liqueurs, or just the peaceful atmosphere, I will never know, but I had no sense of danger or fear. I felt perfectly relaxed. I could feel the warmth of another body near mine, such was the distance now between us. I think I actually closed my eyes.

The next thing I felt were lips, a kiss. The kiss was at first very tentative, but perhaps because there was no sense of rejection on my part, it was repeated more firmly, and slowly traced the contour of my neck from hemline of my top to just below my ear. And that was it. I heard the brief sound of chatter from the restaurant spill out as the terrace door opened and closed, and then I was left alone in the silence. Being a woman in her middle years, I have of course been kissed many times, and by many people, friends, family, and even the occasional flirtatious kiss at parties, but this was different, the sensation lingered and made my skin tingle.

As I passed through the restaurant I looked carefully at the men. Antonio wished me ‘buona notte,’ an elderly gentleman looked up from his dinner with his wife and nodded to me, and the young barman smiled. None seemed to acknowledge what had just happened outside, yet at the same time, all of them did. I felt confused and embarrassed, but at the same time, incredibly excited. I was sexually aroused. When I got to our room, I feigned needing the bathroom so that I could have some privacy, and then did something I have not done since I was in my teens. I pulled my leggings and panties off, sat on the toilet, and played with myself. Since having the children, I have usually been too dry and found masturbating difficult, but this time, there was no discomfort, and I was able to make myself cum very quickly.

Tuesday followed much the same pattern. Tom was able to walk round the town with me in the morning before going off to meetings, and I spent the afternoon reading and relaxing. It was a little overcast and cool, and I was happy to wrap up in my jeans and cardigan. In the evening we went to a beautiful local restaurant that had been recommended, and then returned to the hotel for Tom to make his conference call back to the office. I headed to the Terrace for a nightcap. I have to confess that thoughts of that kiss and all that had followed had stayed with me throughout the day, thoughts that ranged from ‘what on earth was I thinking’ allowing that to happen, right through to, will it happen again?

When I stepped out to the terrace, I made mental notes about where I stood, positioning myself out of sight from the windows and door to the restaurant, part of my brain arguing that this admirer may not see me and leave me alone, part that this admirer would not be seen with me. At first I knew that there was another couple out enjoying the evening, I could hear their voices, but they soon went, the sound of the restaurant momentaril
y announcing their departure.

I stood there for what seemed the longest of times, wondering if last night had just been a figment of my imagination, when suddenly I felt him, felt his presence behind me. In the silence I could hear his breathing. This time I definitely shut my eyes, I wanted to enjoy every sense of what he was without distraction.

Without thinking I moved my body back towards him, arching my back out my bum so that gently brushed against his groin. I held it there, savoring the idea that somehow our bodies were touching. It is not easy to sense much through denim, but I imagined that I could feel an erection growing. His left arm wrapped around me, his hand cupping my right breast. I could feel his hand gently squeezing and my nipple harden. I could hear his breathing quicken as he started to nibble on the side of my ear, intermittently kissing and biting with his teeth. His right arm wrapped around my lower body, pulling my bum closer and tighter into him. His fingers pushed against my pubic bone, gently sliding up and down, sending sensations that felt like lightning bolts through me.

Suddenly I wanted this man. It felt ridiculous. I had no idea who it was, and even less idea of whether he might hurt me, but I wanted him. I wanted to feel his hand inside my pants. I wanted to feel him touching my naked flesh. I wanted … I didn’t dare put into words what I wanted. No sooner than it started, than the sound of the terrace door brought it to an abrupt end. He kissed me one last time on the side of the neck and withdrew. I wanted to turn and reach out for this man. I wanted to throw my arms around him and keep him, but somehow I was frightened that the spell would be broken, that this weird anonymity was the one thing making it possible. I stood there, frozen, excited and exhausted.

My mind slowly came back to a strange sort of reality, having stood there on the brink of having sex with a complete stranger, I now had to go upstairs to and behave normally with my husband of 30 years. I also realized that I was highly aroused and wanted sex. I wanted someone inside me. I could at least achieve that. When I reached our room, I locked the door and immediately checked that Tom was off the phone and the laptop was closed, I certainly did not want what I had in mind to be broadcast across the west coast of America. Tom was laid back on the bed. I stood so that I was in his direct sight line. I undone the waist of my jeans, then took my cardigan off and slipped my top over my head. When I undid my bra and threw it across the floor, Tom seemed to get the message and started to undress. By the time I struggled out of my shoes and jeans, we were both naked. I crawled onto the bed on all fours and positioned myself over his semi-erect penis. Semi-erect was not sufficient for what I wanted, so I took him in my mouth and sucked, oral sex was not something that often found its way into our repertoire, but I knew it would get him hard, and the harder he got, the more aroused I became.

With hindsight I went too far, I obviously took Tom too close to orgasm. When I eventually sat astride and he entered him, he was only able to continue for a few inconsequential thrusts before he came inside me. Now I confess to adoring the feeling of having Tom cum inside me, it was one of life’s great revelations when I first went on the pill, but I needed … well, I needed to be fucked, fucked long hard and deep so that I came too. What happened with Tom was disappointing. He was not usually inconsiderate when we made love, but I could see that he just wanted to curl up and sleep.

I felt horribly frustrated. I took myself off to the bathroom, and for the second night running, sat on the toilet and played with myself, while Tom’s semen leaked from my vagina. I made myself cum, but it lacked the satisfaction I wanted, I needed to reach orgasm by being fucked.

Wednesday was a beautiful day, clear blue skies and a warmth in the air that reminded me of summer. I persuaded Tom to take me shopping after breakfast, I had seen a couple of small designer boutiques, and needed both Tom’s language skills and his credit card. We had to wait until eleven for them to open, plenty of time to relax over coffee, and talk. Tom admitted he felt guilty for not having as much time with me as he had hoped. I assured him I was finding ways of enjoying myself, less of a lie than he thought. The dress I bought was red and very Italian. Sexy. The strapless top was elasticated so that it held my bust firm and could be easily worn without a bra. The bottom flared out so that it would have risen if I had been able to spin.

I spent the afternoon sunbathing by the pool with my book, and planned to join Tom after his meeting. Most of my afternoon was spent thinking about what had happened the night before, and anticipating what may yet happen. The uncertainty was agony. I spent forever in the bathroom getting myself showered, shaved and dressed, wanting to make myself absolutely perfect for whoever it was that wanted me. Somehow, the guilty feelings that I should have had about breaking my marriage vows were just not there, subsumed by sexual desire and frustration. I wished I had bought some sexy underwear to go with the new dress, everything I had was more for comfort than thrill. I determined that I would have to wear something through dinner, but somehow they would be abandoned shortly after.

After dinner, Tom went off to make his nightly conference call, and I stepped out to the terrace with my now usual coffee and liqueur. It was a truly beautiful evening, warm and balmy. Sadly the few residents that were in the restaurant thought so too, the terrace doors were propped open and people kept appearing to experience the view. I honestly thought that my hopes and preparations had been in vain, that I would never be alone, or worse still, that Tom would finish up and come down to join me. But my patience and persistence were rewarded.

When I heard the terrace doors close shut, I deliberately stood and walked over to the wall, the spot where I knew I was out of view. I stood looking out. Again I felt his presence behind me, and his gentle kiss upon my neck. Again I eased my bum towards him, letting him know that I was eager. His left harm travelled around my body. He clearly sensed the absence of a bra, and soon had the top of the dress pushed down, exposing me completely to the world and his touch. His hands felt so good exploring the contours of my breasts and nipples. His right arm gently caressed me and lifted the hem of the skirt, until he was able to slide his hand under and discover my naked stomach.

He seemed to enjoy running his fingers through my carefully trimmed pubic hair, but that was nothing to sensing his reaction when he put his hand between my legs. He breathed deeply, almost gasping for breath. I think that thrilled me as much as his touch. My lips were engorged and clitoris hard, his touch was almost painful, but his touch was sending minor earthquakes shuddering though my body. He bent forward slightly, and I managed to part my legs slightly and allow him easier access. With that, a finger slid between my lips and part way into my vagina. I came. I physically shook. I unwittingly shrieked, and felt a trickle of something warm run down the inside of my thigh.

He pushed me forward so that my bare breasts now lay on top of the wall. Saying that he pushed makes it sound violent, but it wasn’t. It was actually very gentle, but it was clear what he wanted of me, and I was more than willing to oblige. The feel of cold rough stone against my naked breasts was exquisite. I pressed down and arched my back, aching for whatever was to happen.

He seemed to crouch behind me, lifting my skirt over my waist. It was a strange sensation being exposed like that, not just because it was in public, but the most intimate parts of my body were now being intensely scrutinized by someone I neither knew nor had seen. Looking back, I liken it to appearing in a porn movie,
but that thought never entered my mind at the time. I was euphoric on sexual excitement, it was as close to pure animal lust as I could imagine, and all I could think was ‘please let it happen.’

I imagined having felt how wet I was, he wanted to taste me, but far from it. He used one hand to part the cheeks of my bum, and then proceeded to lick and kiss my tight puckered hole. I immediately thought he was going to try to have anal sex with me, and my mind raced through the issues of pain and all of the very un-sexy things that you associate with your anal passage, it was not something that Tom or I had ever contemplated or discussed, so this was suddenly new. But, I wanted whatever this man was going to give me. I wanted to be taken, and if that meant having my ass fucked for the first time, I really didn’t care, the sensations that I was now experiencing with this mans tongue probing the outer edges of my anus, were worth whatever might follow.

He had one hand free, and made sure that the rest of me was not ignored. He caressed the side of my now squeezed breast. He caressed my back. He caressed my thighs, and he slid his hand between my legs and sweetly caressed my now dripping slit, intermittently sliding a finger over my clitoris, and entering my vagina, every movement getting me closer to a second orgasm. Somehow he instinctively knew I was close, and while still tonguing my bum, he thrust three fingers deep inside me, taking me over the edge in an explosion of feelings.

I heard the terrace door open and voices spill out. We both stood, he straightening the lower part of my dress, me pulling the top back over my breasts. I desperately wanted this to go further, I desperately wanted to be fucked, long and hard. But in spite of that desperation, I was moved that this person cared enough to want to protect me. When I thought that I was properly decent, I closed my eyes tight and turned to face him. ‘Thank you,’ I whispered, ‘I hope I might get the opportunity to make this up to you. I want to make you happy.’ I didn’t really know what I meant by the words, or even where they came from, but they felt sincere, they felt right. He leant forward and kissed me tenderly on the lips, and walked away, before anyone could see us together.

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As I sat there waiting for a reply I couldn’t help but daydream about what I t would be like to be with her but I knew that would never happen as she had a long steady relationship going. I was startled out of my daydream but a test from her that said “Thanks I guess!?” I knew that I had pushed the limits of our friendship with her so I sent a recovery text that said “you looked bored thought you needed a pick me up!” She then turned to look at me across the room and gave me an innocent thank...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Bani Biwi 8211 Part 3

Agle din subha, tino hi mujhse pahle uth ke apne kaam mein lag chuki thi. Mujhe college jaana tha aur late ho raha tha. Lund mein bhi jalan si thi. Pahle kabhi sex kiya nahi tha isliye subha himmat nahi thi ki sex karun. Sushila ko sharmate hue se bataya toh muskura di aur boli. Hadbadi karoge toh sahna hi padega. Fir oil le kar aayee aur room band kar ke halke haathon se maalish karne lagi. Lund puri tarah tan gaya aur oil ke karan jalan kam hui. Maine Sushila ke kamar aur pet pe haath ghumana...

2 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal Reboot Chapter 2

We eventually settled down into silence and Cobi turned his attention back to his phone, which allowed me to listen to what the other students were talking about. At the back of the bus, the girls on the football team were talking, as usual, about last night's game. I don't follow sports that much, but from what I could gather, it was about basketball. "Woman, did you see that three-pointer from Evlin Collins last night? She's been amazing in the playoffs, and for a rookie as well....

1 year ago
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Tor Browser

If you're a cautious man or woman who likes keeping all of his/her browsing history as private as possible, then you've most likely already heard of Tor, but what do you know about the browser and the way it works? Well, The Porn Dude is pretty familiar with it, your porn daddy is going to explain to you the way it works. All in all, there aren't many flaws when it comes to using this little software right here. I mean, I haven't run into any significant issues up in here, seeing as people work...

Useful Software
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The Black Maid

--------------------------------------------------------The Black Maid*** My name is Inice, I'm a 20 year old woman fromJamaica. My black ancestry mixed with Asian, and easternEuropean has been kind of a gift to me. All the girls inmy family have always been beautiful. It's been thatmixture of the races, that all came together some how -in a perfect harmony. At any rate, I think that's why Igot my current job, and at the price I was asking for. But I think I should have read the small print...

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Dear Johnpart 4 of 15

CHAPTER 10Her tears ran riot for the entire hundred miles back to Phoenix. Her husband would be out of town for the next two days—a sudden business something or other—but he was on the cell and ready to join her on a moment’s notice if she needed him. He’d promised her that. She would wait to talk to him though. She very much needed to talk to her parents first anyway, and Sam’s dad too. When she talked to her husband she wanted all of what she had to say, all that she now knew, to be vetted...

2 years ago
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Bake ShopChapter 9

With the girls finishing up preparations for the Christmas party at Shatto Enterprises in the company’s banquet hall, Chance finds himself up on the top floor, handing over the invoice to Mr. Shatto’s secretary, Lenore. He had brought with him a small box of chocolate-caramel sandwich cookies as a pre-party gift for her. Needless to say, the cookies were a hit, and what was supposed to be a quick and simple business transaction quickly turns into something else entirely. “Is it just me or...

1 year ago
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Teachers daughter

"Now, the Greeks didn't appreciate this negative attention from the Persians, and-" The bell rings out sharply. You pack your pencils back in their case and stuff your backpack with the class's materials. "We'll continue this discussion tomorrow," Dr. Harris says, interupting the post-school chatter. "Please read from 16.1 to 16.4!" he yells as your peers file out of the classroom. You walk through the math wing of your school, eager to find your teacher for some additional counseling. "Hey...

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Religiously Absolute the Beginning a Gloria Parham Story

The case of Parham vs. Jerkins had not gone in favor of the Parham family. Sentenced to one hundred eighty days of enforced nudity and one hundred hours of public service for discriminatory acts against Absolutes, they were ordered to strip naked in the open courtroom. Gloria Parham had never been nude in front of anyone since she was out of diapers. As her parents stripped, reluctantly, she tried to bargain with the judge, telling him she had only been an obedient daughter to her father's...

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RavagedMe Part Six

”Great, that settles two places, cause I’m going back into her ass to finish what I started so Bill her pussy is all yours!” Mark tell them as he looks down at Melinda, thinking how he was going to fuck her ass with a large cock lodged in her pussy. “Bill, find where you want to lay down and we’ll set her upon your cock. Picking a spot after taking the extra padding off the tabletop, BIll lays on his back rubbing his cock back hard. When it stood erect Mark and Aaron reach down ,...

4 years ago
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Address to the Independent Womens Club

Address to the Independent Women's Club transcribed by Vickie Tern Thank you, Tracy, a very flattering introduction, and thank you, ladies, for inviting me here tonight to share my experiences. They really aren't so very different from yours. Tracy's told me a lot about this organization and its admirable purposes. How, though married and supposedly bound by obligations to one man, you all find ways to maintain your sexual independence, your freedom to act...

1 year ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Joanna Angel Stay Home and Fuck Me

In this Quarantine Edition of Bang Bros, Joanna Angel is getting ready for a shoot but Small Hands sees her in her outfit and thinks she looks so sexy. He suggests that she stays home and fucks him instead. She’s hesitant because that would be unprofessional. Small Hands continues to beg her while she teases him with her new tits and amazing ass. He starts to rub her tits and play with her pussy. She gets really horny. She gives him an amazing blowjob before taking him to the bedroom...

4 years ago
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If you take on the role of Sissy Slut Cock Bitch then you must be that bitch for everyone! No cock presented to you can be refused you must be like a slutty dirty girl in high school just looking for boys to suck and fuck she can enter a room and know who has the biggest cock she can spot him from a distance...Never go after the macho guys they think they are too good for you go for the kind of girly guys who look sweet unless the macho guy comes on to you and knows what you are then it is okay...

2 years ago
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My S1sterrsquos Gangbang Chapter Four

My S1ster’s Gangbang - Chapter FourA few weeks passed and my s!sters and I had become very active lovers. Some days we had a quick fuck before breakfast and others we had long sex sessions during the night. The weekends were the best. We stayed home all day walking around naked and enjoying each other as much as possible. Tracy turned out to be also a fan of swallowing my cum.During this time, Kelly had become more and more curious about the gangbang issue. She clearly was craving sex with more...

1 year ago
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Frenemies Part 1

Tears fell down my face as I practically ran up the sidewalk. With my tightly balled fist, I hammered on her front door as loud and as hard as I could. The door swung open to Crystal's frowning face."Hey girl," she smiled once she realized it was me but once she noticed the distraught look on my face, her smile disappeared. "What's wrong, Bianca?"On the drive over, words were racing through my mind. Now that I was face-to-face with the enemy, I was speechless. I was so furious that I forgot...

2 years ago
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Kalpana 8211 The Lover Of Lust Finally The Threesome

Wow! Exciting response for the 2nd part than the first part. And I’m extremely of the delay, since there were a lot of problems in chennai last December due to flood. Here we go for the 3rd part. Kalpana sat on the sofa. We were standing in front of her. She looked at valli for a while, then she looked at me and started to talk. Kalp: Ashok, I thought you were a gentleman. But I didn’t expect this from you. Me: I’m sorry aunty. I was out of my mind I couldn’t control myself. Please forgive...

3 years ago
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My Journey to being a man's date! Oh, gosh, how do I begin! I am 23, handsome (cute for a guy, I guess), engaged to a sexy woman, who is both feminine and strong. My girlfriend Karen works the night shift as a nurse in a large metro hospital. She works from 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM 5 days a week. During the day she sleeps to noon and then religiously works out in the afternoon at the local gym. She was so serious about her health and body, that she recently took on a women instructor...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 26

“I read about you...” It was the next morning. We spent a second night wrapped together like scared puppies. My diva was far too exhausted for more than gentle kisses and even softer touches. She gobbled up all the affection I could provide and begged for more. Sometime during the intervening hours Cathay had put two and two together and realized she knew all about my past. A lot of people did. “What those people did to you was awful, disgusting, and terrible. They should all be shot.” She...

4 years ago
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Sexual Interaction

Hi this Adi here, I m recent reader of Indian sex stories and I came to know through web site. I m a mechanical engineer working for MNC in Mumbai handing services for entire Maharashtra. I often travel out of Mumbai and have travelled all across India. Here in this web site I could read so many sex stories their experiences so I could not resist myself by sharing my sex experiences. Here is the one of the experience I would like to share with you. About my nature I m shy for outside world by I...

1 year ago
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Strokes Werent Limited to Just The Paintbrus

I returned to Kathleen's around 9:30 A.M. to find a note saying she would be out until mid-afternoon, and that she had luch fixed for me in the kitchen. "Make yourself at home dear," was the last line. I set to the business of finishing the painting, and soon realized it was nearly 1:00 p.m. when I finished. I put everything away, washed up, and decided to have the luch she made for me. After finishing, I cleaned up the dishes and sat at the kitchen table having a soda. My thoughts turned to...

2 years ago
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Not Just Another Website

The internet is one of the most incredible inventions in human history. Imagine the greatest library in the history of the world and a team of hundreds of brilliant research librarians finding whatever information you might want. That's what it is. Me? I like to watch porn on it. There are countless free and pay sites dedicated solely to watching people fuck. I've browsed plenty of them. I only go to the one site now, and while there is certainly porn on it, I don't watch...

1 year ago
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The Gift

I gaze at the tree, smiling. It really is beautiful with all the baubles and lights glowing and blinking. Turning, I look in the mirror and see the glow on my skin from the lights. I smooth my hands down my waist, cinched in by the lush corset you gifted me at Christmas. My breasts pushed up and almost bare, the nipples barely covered. I look over the table once more, ensuring that everything is in place, just how you like it. Gently touching each implement as a small twinkle enters my eye. The...

2 years ago
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Fun in the Hay

I’d been working weekends at the stables for a few months now, earning some extra money before I went to University. It was hard work, feeding and raking out after the horses, but I so loved horses and Pete (the owner of the stables) would let me take a horse out for a free ride once in a while. I loved feeling the strength of the horse under my bum as I rode around the field. Pete was a naughty guy who would often help me down from the horse and give my taut bum a little stroke as he did. ...

3 years ago
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Submissive for the First Time

I had never been in a truly functional, mutually satisfying, and comfortable sexual relationship with someone. They had all been either one-sided (three guesses whose side was favored... not mine), unfulfilling, or sexless. I was so tired of being asked what I wanted, and unless I gave Google Maps-worthy directions, I didn't get anything. I know it's hard for guys to understand what I need as a woman, but sometimes we want to be taken and just play around. You know, just experiment! Sometimes...

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Magical Hearts chapter 11

In our last chapter, we had designed a plan to create a magical Keep, one capable of shrinking down to size of a dollhouse, using the enchanted keep to return our people. Beforehand we were going to return the soldiers of a failed invasion, this would do two things provide a final test for the enchanted keep as well as move them to their homeland. Personally, I did not know if I trusted the Ruler of Izmira to do as we wished or keep his word. He could easily play the situation for the best...

1 year ago
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A Chance Meeting Part 2

I woke up feeling like I had been in a wild dream. When I looked over and saw Anne, I knew I had spent the night with her and her husband. And what a great night it was. "Did you sleep well?" Anne asked me. "Very, thank you. I hope you all did. Where is Nick?" "He had to go to the office for an emergency, so it's just us girls. I hope you don't mind that I stayed?" Anne asked me. "Not at all. Make yourself at home." "I told Nick I would like to get to know you better." "Oh, We were pretty close...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Discipline

It’s a lazy Sunday afternoon. My husband is watching TV and I am bored, so I decide to go upstairs to our bedroom to take a nap. It’s only about fifteen minutes after I come up that I feel a slap on my ass. I hadn’t seen or heard him come up or enter the room since I had my back to the door. Startled, I give a little yelp and jump. He says “I thought I told you to never wear clothes in bed.”I look over my shoulder at him and give him a little playful smile. He then tells me to get up and take...

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Sex Studio Secrets 11 Aisha Amused1

Awesome Aisha is an extremely pretty slender sensual sexy sweet-looking lovely blonde beautiful babyAisha shared my place last Summer planned to stay for half year at least, soon she left behind my backI came back from a fortnight abroad to find the guest room empty, she only left me her bed as a giftI will spare my dear readers the dirty details of the ugly uproars she caused at all possible fronts[i}She shall learn a lesson next time she shows up in Amsterdam and it will be very severe for...

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Alana felt distressed. The weather had deteriorated and she felt the stirrings of the approaching electrical storm. Winds strengthening and blowing her long auburn tresses around her pretty face. Little she could do with manacled wrists attached to chains which only allowed her s few feet I’d movement. The creature could smell the human and instinctively knew it was a female, a distressed one at that. It made a pleased grimace which was never human, baring it’s long canine like fangs. The...

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SweetheartVideo Ashley Fires Alison Rey Back In Time

During a family dinner, Debbie (Jade Baker) learns that her dad is engaged to his new girlfriend Carmen (Reagan Foxx). Debbie is happy for her dad, but concerned that he jumps in a new relationship with a new woman that quick. The next day after a fight with her two sisters, Debbie goes to meet her best friend Karen (Macy Meadows) before school. She wants to express her disappointment to someone. Unfortunately for her, Karen is already aware of it and don’t share her feelings. In fact, she...

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MomPOV Luciana Country MILF Loves To Fuck In The Mud

– 33 year old MILF – Born and raised in Louisiana – Is a single divorced mother of two – Total country/redneck type – Has a big tire mudding truck – Been an accountant for 15 years – Has been very sexual since a young age – Loves watching girl on girl porn – Swings both ways 100% bisexual – Masturbates with her fingers every day – Loves anal sex and her ass was super tight – Is a squirter with a very wet pussy – Absolutely loves getting fucked over and over – Couldn’t wait to take a facial and...


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