Chapter 5b - Becoming The Neighborhood Slut free porn video

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Chapter 5b - Becoming the Neighborhood Slut

Part 2-Fireworks (lots of setup, not as much sex)

It was the bicentennial 4th of July and the whole neighborhood was going to be doing food and fireworks to celebrate. I woke up late due to my late night hijnks the night before, and I looked outside to see people setting up tables and and getting various chairs and grills ready for the later festivities. My folks never really participated in these things, they were much more prone to stay at home. I focused on my black neighbor Larry as he carried a heavy table from his garage to the back yard. His strength was so apparent in the way he effortlessly lifted the large slab of wood as he got ready for his gathering. I went dowmstairs and heated up some poptarts. As I was eating them i was informed that Dad had left instructions for me to cut the grass as he left for work. I asked Mom if she thought it would be ok if I went to watch fireworks and eat burgers that afternoon and evening. I didn't specifically say I was going to be visiting the man next door, but I didn't exactly say I wasn't either. Mom said she thought it would be ok, and she would put in a good word with Dad if I got my chores taken care of.

I went upstairs and slipped on a threadbare pair of gym shorts and my crappiest pair of tennis shoes to go outside and get the yard taken care of. As I walked out to the garage I could see the majority of the men in the neighborhood outside, some chatting and drinking beer, others doing yardwork and still others cleaning grills or washing cars. I tugged the seam of my bright orange shorts snugly into the cleft of my p*****n booty, walked slowly and slinkily up the driveway and opened the garage door. Several eyes followed my movements as I bent over to grab the handle and lift the spring loaded door. I filled the mower with fuel and rolled it out to the side of the yard.

I pulled the cord of the obviously well used machine. It sputtered a couple of times and stopped. I pulled it again with the same result. I walked around to the front, once again bending over with my cute little ass pointing toward the street and checked to see if the plug wire was attached and went back to the handle and tried pulling the starter again. It kept trying to catch, but the motor just refused to start.

I started to get really upset because I knew that no matter what the excuse, if I didnt get my chores done there was pretty much no way I would be allowed to go watch the fireworks that night. I began pulling the starter cord as fast and as hard as I could, but the aging machine wouldnt budge. I plopped down in the grass next to the dead mower and tears began to well up in my eyes. One of the neighbor men, Mr Stephenson from across the street, that had been watching me strutting in my tiny shorts while scr****g the food remnants from his grill saw me, and came across the street holding a beer.

"Hey Chris, got mower trouble?"

"Yeah, my dad told me to get the yard cut and it wont start. He is gonna be mad when he gets home if its not done and I will probably get grounded" I sniffled

"Here. let me give it a try". Mr Stephenson sat his beer down and grabbed the starter cord. After a dozen pulls, he bent over and checked the throttle setting, made sure that the fuel line was attached and messed with the carburator. "Well, I think its probably the coil, but I'll have to take it apart to see if I can fix it. Tell ya what, you can use mine today and we can work on fixing yours this weekend, ok?" He chuckled a little at my predicament. "You'll be ok k**, you'll have it done so your Dad wont be mad. Are your folks doing anything for the 4th?"

"No, they never want to do any of that stuff, we just usually stay home"

"Well, if you want, I'm going to be cooking hamburgers and hotdogs tonight, you are more than welcome to come eat and then when it gets dark everybody on the street will be doing fireworks. Let me talk to your Mom and let her know its ok. Julie is having a couple of her friends over, I'm sure another k** would be cool with them" Julie was a year older than me in school. I never really hung out with her much, she was one of the girls that at the pool that the boys were always trying to impress. She was the stereotypical l****a, budding breasts and perky little ass, with long brown hair and full round brown eyes. Her 13yo lips perpetually shiny from the lip gloss that was all the rage with the girls at school, she was a real head turner and acted much older than her age would suggest. Little did I know.

Mr Stephenson knocked on the front door. My mother answered, still wearing just her satin robe that rode just above the knee, her nipples slightly visible through the clingy fabric. "Hey Cathy. Just wanted to let ya know that I'm letting Chris here use my mower. I told him I'd take a look at yours and see if I can get it running for y'all. I'm having some people over later for the 4th, doing burgers and stuff. Julie is going to have some friends over and I thought maybe Chris would like to come over and hang out. We are going to be playing some games and stuff in the yard and then fireworks after all that. If its ok with you of course."

The neighbor's eyes were transfixed on my mothers chest, and my mother was obviously aware of his gaze. She held the open top of the robe closed, but you could see her nipples stiffening through the shiny material, poking out in an obvious display of arousal. "I don't know why he couldn't, it would be good for him to have some friends around here his own age. He isn't the most popular k** in the neighborhood. Did you want to go Chris?"

In the back of my mind I knew this would give me a chance to slip over to my black neighbor's without my parents being suspicious, so I readily agreed.

"Ok then, I'll make up a couple extra patties. C'mon Chris, let's get the mower for ya." I walked across the street, my butt cheeks protruding from under the thin fabric of my orange shorts. Mr Stephenson grabbed the old mower and d**g it across the street, his eyes glued to my backside.

"Thanks Mr Stephenson, I would be in so much trouble if you didn't help me out. Are you sure Julie won't mind having me around?"

"What are neighbors for? I'm glad to help". The 40ish man's eyes drinking in my nearly naked form as he spoke. "And Julie will be fine with it. If she isn't you can hang out at the grownup table with me, ok?" he said with a seemingly knowing gleam in his eye. "Heres the mower, it should have gas. Just roll it back over when you are done ok?"

"Thanks again! It wont take me real long. I'll be back with it soon" and I pushed the shiny new green LawnBoy across the street and began cutting the front yard.

"You get a new mower k**do?" I heard Larry's voice from next door.

"No, its Mr Stephenson's. Mine wouldn't start so he let me use his"

"well that was nice of him, but you know you could ask me, right?"

"I know, I didn't ask him, he seen me trying to get mine to start and he came over to help."

"Well, seeing what you are wearing, I don't blame him. Any man would look for an excuse to "help" out"

"Don't be silly, he wasn't like that" I said, but in the back of my mind I knew my black neighbor was right about the other man's motivation. The leering looks he had given me were unmistakable. "He invited me over for supper and fireworks, so you wont have to ask my folks. I will be out tonight."

"Ok, just dont let them see you come over here, we would both be in a lot of trouble for it."

"I won't, I'm pretty good at sneaking"

"Yeah, you proved that last night" he winked

"I better get this finished, I gotta get ready for tonight. Cya then" and I went back to cutting the yard. I noticed that several of the men were still watching me with great interest as I pushed the mower in a circular pattern around the yard.

It took about an hour to finish up and when I was done, I pulled Mr Stephenson's mower behind me and stopped about halfway up his driveway, where he was standing next to the grill, a fresh beer in his hand. My tanned skin was glistening wet from sweat in the afternoon sun. "You got it done Chris? Looks like you are a little warm there"

"Yeah, its a little hot out here, but I'll cool off when I take a shower in a minute."

"A nice cold beer always cools me off" he winked. "Want a sip of mine?"

"I'm not old enough for beer, you know that" I said coyly.

ough for a little suds, I think" and offered the frosty brown bottle to me. "Just finsh that one, its only got a little bit left in it"

I raised the bottle to my lips and sipped the ice cold liquid, the older man's eyes watching as I wrapped my lips around the neck of the bottle like a slender penis. "MMM, thats pretty good" I said, as i finished off the remaining beverage.

"Tell ya what, if you promise to be quiet, I'll let ya have a couple full ones tonight, ok?"

"Wow, that would be great, thanks!"

"It will be our little secret" and he winked at me again. "I think that everybody will be here about 4 or so, you can come on over anytime after that. I'll tell Julie and Diane (his wife) that we have a special guest coming" he grinned. "its about 2 now, so I'll see you in a couple hours?"

"I'll be here, cya then!" And I turned around, sashaying my scantily clad u******e booty as I walked across the street, garnering the inappropriate attention of several sets of adult eyes. I closed the garage door and walked up the stairs to the front door and went inside.
My mother was dressed in a tshirt and jeans when she stopped me before I could go up the stairs. "Chris, I know you didn't do it on purpose, but next time you bring a man to the house, please make sure I'm dressed ok? Your dad would be furious if he knew anybody saw me like that" I got the idea from Mom's tone that she was more worried about what Dad would think than being embarrassed about the attractive man seeing her wearing almost nothing.

"Ok Mom, I'll try to do better. I didn't know he was gonna come over like that."

"its ok, I just shouldn't let men see me like that"

"It wont happen again", but somehow I had the sense that Mom didn't mind the attention.

I went up to my room and got my best pair of shorts, a pair that was newer and less torn up than most of the ones I owned, and found a t-shirt with the logo from the movie Jaws on it. I grabbed a clean pair of tube socks and headed to the bathroom for a shower. I turned the water on as hot as I could stand it, stripped off the dirty sweaty gym shorts and stepped into the steaming stream. letting the hot water rinse the dust and sweat from my deeply tanned baby smooth skin. I picked up my mom's bar of moisturizing soap and worked up a thick lather from my neck to my toes, luxuriating in the feeling of the oils penetrating into my skin, making it even silkier to the touch, inhaling the feminine fragrance with the hot water cascading over my skinny body. I made sure to clean every nook and cranny, and when I rinsed the soap off, I used Mom's apple scented shampoo on my shoulder length sun bleached hair. I rinsed the suds from my hair and stood in the water pouring from the shower head until it started to cool off, stepped out and dried myself, slipped the tshirt and shorts on, pulled the tube socks up to my knees and used mom's blow dryer and brush to fluff my straight hair, parted in the middle and brushed back to each side, framing my cute face in an almost girlish way.

It was about 3, so I had an hour to kill before going to the party, and I decided to see if I could sneak in a little bit of pot before I went. I got a joint from the baggie and opened the window. The black man next door was nowhere to be seen, so I lit the joint and inhaled deeply, feeling the smoke filling my lungs. I tried not to cough as I exhaled, and drew in another big lungful of smoke. holding my breath for as long as I could before releasing it out of the window. I smoked about half of the joint, and I could feel the buzz from the pot beginning to kick in. I knocked the cherry from the lit end and stuck the large roach back into the baggie for next time.

I hung out listening to music for a while, feeling the mellow buzz and grooving to the beat. When it was a few minutes after 4, I went to the bathroom to check my hair in the mirror. I gave it a quick extra brushout and after tying my newest pair of tennsi shoes skipped down the stairs. I'm going across the street Mom", I yelled as I opened the front door.

"Ok sweety. Have fun. You know to come home right after the fireworks right?"

"I know, I'll be home as soon as they are done"

I closed the door behind me and headed won the stairs and across the street. About a dozen people, half grown up and half k**s were in the Steohenson's front yard, mostly milling about while Mr Stephenson was lighting a fire in the grill. I half jogged half skipped across the street and Mr Stephenson saw me and waved.

"Hey there Chris! How do you like your hamburgers? medium or burnt?"

"well, I dont like it burnt so medium will be good"

"There's sodas in the big cooler over by the garage, help yourself, The other k**s are in the backyard, I think they are playing croquet. I told Julie to be expecting you, so if you want, you can go back there and when the food is ready I'll let y'all know"

"Ok, but don't be surprised if I come hang out with you" I said with a wink as I headed up the driveway to grab a cold can of pop. I could feel the middle aged man's eyes tracking me as i went. I swung my hips a little extra just to give him a show, bent over at the waist and displayed my booty in all its glory as I fished out a Dr Pepper. It had almost become second nature for me to pose as lewdly as possible in the presnce of men and older boys, and the attention I received encouraged me to do it more and more. He tried to discreetly adjust his crotch, so I knew my charms were having their intended effect. I was only vaguely aware of other sets of eyes drinking in my obvious sexual availablity that was far beyond my tender age.

There were a half dozen k**s in the backyard, most a year or 2 older than me, but a couple of older teemagers mixed in. They were batting the colored croquet balls around the yard, not really playing an organized game, but making it up as they went. The 13yo Julie looked up and saw me watching and waved me to come over to where she was standing. She was wearing a stretchy tube top that highlighted her develping tits, her puffy nipples easily visible protruding through the snug fabric. On the bottom she was also wearing cutoffs, but hers were cut a few inches longer than the ones I had on. "Hey y'all, this is Chris. He lives across the street. Dad says we are supposed to be nice to him"

I waved at the other k**s that were all now looking in my direction. I recognized most of them from school, but the 2 older k**s were new. Julie went around the yard and named all the others off one by one, and they waved as their names were called and said hi to me in turn. The k**s went back to the game they were playing, and I stood next to Julie as she watched too.

"I know a secret" Julie said. "I'll talk to you about it later." as we walked over to one of the colored balls.

"What secret?"

"Shhh, I said we will talk about it later"

I picked up a mallet that was laying in the grass and went over to where the rest of the k**s were playing. One of the boys, a k*d named Jimmy gave me a quick rundown of the rules, and I jumped into the middle of the game. I wasnt very good, but nobody else was really good at it either, so we laughed and teased each other with every miss. I started to feel a little more comfortable with them, and for one of the few times in my life I almost felt like I fit in.

The fun and games continued in the yard. and a few adults started hanging around by the patio waiting for the food from the grill to be brought around. I noticed several of the men ogling the girls and a couple of them were watching me while we innocently, or not so innocently showed off our nubile bodies in very little clothing. I could see some of the wives and mothers giving disapproving glances to the men enjoying the view.

The food finally was done, and Mr Stephenson and a couple of the other neighbor men carried large tin containers filled with hot dogs and hamburger patties. "The one on the left is well done, the one on the right is medium" Mr Stephenson declared after the pans were palkced on the red white and blue covered table. Several packages of buns were next to the pans, and after that was several bags of chips and a array of comdiments. One of the women went to her car with one of the men and got large tubs of potato salad and baked beans and carried them over and placed them next to the condiments. A line began to form at the far end of the table where the paper plates were stacked up, a pile of plastic spoons and napkins next to them. The adults all went first, building their sandwiches and filling their plates with the side dishes and chips. I got in line with the rst of the k**s, the pot had given me a really good case of the munchies and I crammed as much food on the flimsy plate as I could.

We all sat together eating and cracking jokes with each other and I got to know several of the k**s sitting near me pretty well as we enjoyed the feast. I got up when I finished what was on my plate and went back for another helping.

"So, the burger good?" the middle aged man asked while he watched me squirting mustard on the bun.

"Yeah, real good! I don't get stuff like this much. Dad doesn't like to mess with it."

"Well, anytime you see me out here cooking, you are free to come eat with us"

"Wow, thanks! I'm sure it will be ok with my parents"

He smiled as he looked over my tanned figure in the tight clothing I had on. I dropped a big dollop of potato salad on my plate and strutted back to the table with the rest of the k**s. We all finished eating, and when everyone was done, there was cake and ice cream which we all tore into like we hadn't been fed in weeks. After we stuffed out faces with the dessert, we all sat around and talked while we let the massive amount of food we had consumed digest. I looked across the street and could see my neighbor Larry and his gathering behind the open gate to his yard. I waved at him and he waved back. I began making a plan to slip over to see him before the fireworks started.

We hung out for a while, and a couple of the k**s started messing around with the croquet mallets, a few others went over by the serving tables. There was still about an hour before it got dark enough for the fireworks to start, and I looked acroos the street and got Larry's attention. I pointed toward his yard, and he motioned at me to come over. I stood up and told Julie I needed to run home for a second so as not to arouse suspicion if I was discovered missing and I quickly strolled across the street to my front yard, looking back across the street to make sure I wasn't being watched, I turned and made a dash for the neighbors gate. Larry was alone in the backyard.

"Where are all the folks that were here? I asked.

"They all hopped in the van to go get ice cream, they will be back pretty quick."

I turned and closed the gate, after again checking to see if I had been noticed. I reached up and hooked my arms around the large black man's neck and hopped up, wrapping my skinny legs around his waist. "Let me see it" I whispered in his ear

"We dont have time, they wil ba back in a few minutes"

"Please? I want to SOOOO bad" I half whined with a pleading look in my eyes. I unwrapped my legs and let myself slide down his over 6 foot frame until I was kneeling directly in front of him, his growing bulge just above my eye level. My hands reached for his belt, but the older stronger man grabbed them and pulled them away.

"We cant, you cant be here, when they all get back if they see you i will be in more trouble than you can dream of"

He was holding my arms apart, so I leaned forward and rubbed my cheek against his hardening cock. "You want to, don't you? I can tell. Its getting so hard" and I turned enough to kiss the large shaft trough the fabric of his shorts.

"stop, please, I cant let you....." as I freed one of my hands and quickly unbuckled his belt. His reslvle weakening, my other arm was freed and I unbuttoned his his shorts and pulled the kipper down, reaching inside to stroke his dark black uncut shaft. I pulled his shorts down, letting then fall to his feet and thatg massive black cock sprang up, sticking staright out just above my open mouth.

I ran my wet tongue up his dick, starting at his dangling ballsack all the way to the tip, where a sweet, salty bead of precum had already formed. Rapidly licking his most senesative spot, he placed his hands on both sides of my head and began feeding his enourmous cock into my willing mouth.

"Mmmmmmmmmm. gagagagagagg" noises were coming from my throat as inch after inch of black salty goodness was forced down my gullet, causing my to gag. Knowing i would make a mess on myself, I pulled his cock from my throat and pulled my tshirt over my head so I would not get it soaked like I knew always happened when I sucked a man's cock. I qickly replaced my mouth over his head and began bobbing nack and forth, as both hands jacked his tremendous shaft.

His hips began moving back and forth in time with my head, cramming more of his delicious chocolate manhood into my u******e face. Out pace increased and increased and it was just a couple of minutes when I felt him swell even larger and the first huge spurt of cun slammed into the back of my throat. He held my head in place as shot after shot flowed out of him, squirting straight down my throat like a forehose and I swallowed furiously trying to keep up.

"Goddamn baby boi, you shouldn't do that to me, thats just so good. You are a born cock sucker" I was licking the remains of his load from the tip of his softening phallus.

"I like it SOOOO much!!!" I exclaimed, wiping my mouth with my arm. "that tastes so good, and I like when you shove it in like you did. I want to do that ALL the time!"

"I cant believe how good you are, but Chris, you better get your shirt on and get out of here. My family and all will be back any minute."
I kissed the end of his dick, and it jumped slightly from the touch. I stood up and retrieved my tshirt and pulled it over my head and shimmied the tight fabric down my skinny p*****n body. Larry reached down and pulled his shorts and drawers up, tucking his still half erct cock into them as best he could.

I turned around and bent over, showing the older man my tight little booty.

"I want you to put it here too" I demurely sdaid, and blew my sexy black neighbor a giant kiss. "Can I sneak over later?"

"No baby boi, I have people staying tonight so I won't be alone. Damn that little ass looks so good, they will be gone tomorrow night."
"Ok", I dejectedly said, my lust was at a uncontrollable level after servicing the gigantic dick belonging to the man in front of me. "I need it bad"

"I know, and you will get it, I promise. Now get out of here before we get caught"

I cracked the gate open and looked to see if anyone was looking in that direction. I didnt see anyone, so I made a quick dash out of the neighbors yard over to mine, and headed back across the street, the taste of Larry's cock and cum still fresh on my tongue.

"Where you been?" Mr Stephenson asked as he saw me returning to the backyard of his house.

"My tummy hurt, so I ran home for a second" I lied.

"Well, I'm glad you came back. We are going to start fireworks in a few minutes. Come over here with me, I promised you something earlier."

He led me to the opposite side of the house, where nobody else was and we couldn't be easily seen by the crowd in the backyard. The middle aged white man reached into his back pocket and pulled out a cold bottle of Hamm's beer. "Here ya go, I told you you could have a whole one" and he used his key ring to pop the cap off the skinny neck of the bottle, handing the frosty bottle to me. I wrapped my lips around the neck, just as I had the black man across the street, and tilted the bottle up, taking a long drink of the smooth cold liquid. "Slow down, dont drink it so fast, I dont want you to get sick"

I swallowed hard, and looked over at the man and took another long swig from the bottle. "I like that, its so cold and so yummy", taking yet another pull off the beer in my hand.

"Well, if you are good, maybe I'll slip you another one later" he winked.

"I'll try" and i tipped the bottle back up, drinking down the last bit in the bottom. He took the bottle from my hand, and told me to go back around and hang out with the other young people. "I'll come get you k**s when its tme for the fireworks. Have fun!" I walked around the house to where the rest were, wiggling my curvy backside for the older man's gaze.

Julie came walking up to me as I reached the group.

"So where did you go?" I repeated the fib about going to my house because my tummy hurt. "Well, I still have a secet" she said and she grabbed my hand momentarily, pulling me toward the rest of the group. We hung out, a couple of them were playing with a frisbee, the rest just sitting around telling jokes and making fun of each other. I joined in, but as I was still not really a member of the clique, wasnt really included in the conversation fully. I still enjoyed being included, even if not as a full member.

We hung around drinking sodas for a while longer until Mr Stephenson walked over and said it was time for the fireworks. We all stood up and walked over to where we had been eating, grabbed the chairs and carried them around to the front yard. Several of the houses up and down the street had men and older boys in the street in front, setting up firing tubes and other things to use for the fireworks display. Mr Stephenson walked behind me, and when I sat my chair down at one end of the line where the rest of the k**s were placing theirs, he placed his chair next to mine, between me and where the rest of the adults were, but close enough to them that it didn't look unusual. We all sat down, and Mr Stephenson tapped me on the shoulder and held up another bottle of Hamm's. Placing a finger to his lips, indicating for me to be quiet about it, he sat down next to me. It was just a couple minutes before the first rocket was lit and everybodys gaze was transfixed upwards, watching the coloful display as each rocket exploded. The older man tapped me again and discreetly slipped the bottle into my hand. Again indicating for me to keep it hidden, I took a quick sip and handed the bottle back. Every few minutes, I felt that tap, and got another sip of frosty cold beer.

The fireworks lasted for about an hour and a half, with the larger blasts drawing a chorus of oohs and aahs from the spectators. I was beginning to feel a little dizzy from the alcohol, at 90 pounds it wasn't going to take very much for it to start to have an effect and Mr Stephenson sensed that I had probably had enough. He went to the cooler and got a Dr Pepper and brought it over to me.

"You like that?" he winked.

"Uh-huh, but I feel kinda funny" I replied.

"That's what beer does, you'll get used to it"

I thanked him for the soda and tried to stand up. My legs felt kinda flimsy under me, and I tumbled slighty, falling into the larger man. He caught me before I hit the ground, one of his large hands wrapping around my arm, the other one catching me under my partially exposed ass, giving it a tight squeeze as he felt the smooth soft skin that was incovered by the fabric of my too short cutoffs.
"Are you ok?" he asked, his hand still caressing my p*****n butt cheek.

"Yeah, I just kinda lost my balance"

He took his hand away and looked around quickly to make sure nobody else had seen. "Now remember, you cant tell anybody I gave you any beer right?"

"I can keep a secret" I woozily said, the effects of the alcohol making standing and talking a little more difficult than usual.I slowly made my way over to where Julie and the others were standing, and told her that I needed to be getting home.

"Mom told me to come home right after the fireworks, so I better get going. Thanks for hanging out with me, I had fun." my words slightly slurred from the beer

"Well, I didn't get to tell you my secret yet."

"I'm sorry, but I'll get grounded if I dont go home"

"Ok, tell you what, I'm not ging to the pool tomorrow, so if you want, you can come over."

My eyes lit up big, I was in such need of a friend around my own age, even if it was a girl instead of a boy. "Wow, ok, I will" I said, trying not to sound overly excited.

"Cya then, and BTW, I'm jealous"

"Of what?" I asked

Julie walked off "Cya tomorrow"

Puzzled, I turned around and walked across the street, I stumbled slighlty on the stairs leading to the door, but I was able to steady myself grabbing the railing.

"Mom I'm home" I yelled.

"Did you have fun?" I heard my father's voice.

"Yeah, it was great. The fireworks were so cool"

"Ok Chris, its pretty late, you better get ready for bed"

Holding the handrails, I made my way up to my room, stripped off my clothes and fell into bed "Jealous?" was my last thought as I drifted off to sleep.

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Pet Mommy Becoming a Mommyslut

Introduction: MILF Mom catches nerdy son masturbating and becomes obsessed. Pet Mommy: Becoming a Mommy-Slut Summary: MILF Mom catches nerdy son masturbating and becomes obsessed. NOTE 1: This is dedicated to Michael who suggested a story involving a son masturbating with his Moms stockings. NOTE 2: Thanks to Estragon for copy-editing and LaRascasse for plot suggestions. Pet Mommy: Becoming a Mommy-Slut If you are a parent you have probably read, or even own, What to Expect When You Are...

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Becoming a submissive slut

Prologue Becoming a submissive slut Part 1 Prologue Some submissives appear not to know when the road to understanding their needs began or when their lives began to change.? Obviously I must have had these feelings inside me for a long, long time and even remember enjoying being tied up by the ?cowboys? as a little girl, I know exactly when it began as an adult, even though it began in small stages. I spent the weekends with my boyfriend Michael.? He had a house and on Fridays I leave...

4 years ago
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Stepbrother Made Me His Slut

My twenty-year-old stepbrother, Jim, my five-year-old son, and my loving husband were waiting for dinner at the dining table. I adjusted my red top, grabbed the bowl of meatballs and came out of the kitchen. I didn’t want to flaunt my cleavage, sending any wrong message to my stepbrother. However, when I bent over the table to serve him, he didn’t miss the chance to take a brief look at my cleavage. My husband was busy talking to my son. He didn’t notice Jim checking out my cleavage. Jim gave...

1 year ago
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Best Neighborhood Ever

Best Neighborhood Ever By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - A Very Good Morning "Here are your lunches, boys. And don't forget your books, Eric. Bye. See you at three. I love you." And Eric, my third-grader and Bob, my fourth-grader were out the door and onto the school bus. My name is Greg and I'm a stay-at-home dad for our two sons. Martha, my wife of ten years, is the breadwinner. She spends four or five nights a week on the road. Sounds difficult, I know. But it works...

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Becoming My Brothers Slut

Blahhh, just another boring Saturday night in a crappy small town. There was NOTHING to do around here. I mean honestly the only excitement to be found in my town was the local Walmart. How pathetic. I tried to ignore the fact that it was prom night and I didn't have a date. One of many nights spent alone. I just wasn't popular. I was also painfully shy and inexperienced. I heard my brother come in with one of his dates. HE was popular. He never spent Saturday nights alone. His room was right...

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Mommy the neighborhood slut getting punished Chapt

Tanya was preparing dinner. It was a hot summer day and she was only wearing a bikini, as she had been tanning topless in the sun all afternoon. In between she took a stroll in the garden and did a little weeding, bending over to present her beautiful ass as a prominent sight for her neighbors. Tanya was 42 years of age and possessed a voluptuous body that looked at least 10 years younger. She always had the full attention of her neighbors and their sons whenever she was in the garden, whether...

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There Goes the Neighborhood

As usual I'd like to thank mikothebaby for her brilliant work making this story readable. The sun had barely risen as my eyes opened on a day that filled me with dread. There was nothing that could happen today that could hurt me very much, but if things didn't go as I wanted, they might still steal a bit of the icing from my cake. As I stirred preparing to rise, she too awoke and reached for my arm. She pulled it back onto her breasts and very pregnant tummy. "Let those bastards wait,"...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

4 years ago
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Becoming his slut

There I was, one week before the end of high school. Going to college in the fall. Nice car, good f****y, friends. I had it all. So, what was I doing on my hands and knees in a video booth on the wrong side of town, dressed as a cheerleader with a cock in each hand, one in my ass and one buried in my throat? It had all started a few months ago. I was locked out of my house in the pouring rain, and I went over to our neighbor’s to see if I could hang out with him until my parents got home. He...

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Becoming his slut

There I was, one week before the end of high school. Going to college in the fall. Nice car, good family, friends. I had it all. So, what was I doing on my hands and knees in a video booth on the wrong side of town, dressed as a cheerleader with a cock in each hand, one in my ass and one buried in my throat?It had all started a few months ago. I was locked out of my house in the pouring rain, and I went over to our neighbor’s to see if I could hang out with him until my parents got home. He was...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

2 years ago
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Neighborhood Gossip Gets Hers

Neighborhood Gossip Gets Hers I could not believe it when I looked out my bathroom window and saw Mrs. Turner peeking in my neighbor’s window. Her shorts and panties were around her ankles and it looked as if she was masturbating. Mrs. Turner was the neighborhood gossip. She told everyone whatever she knew, heard, or made up. Most people thought of her as evil. I was only wearing my tight underwear but I grabbed my camcorder and slipped out my back door. I got down on the grass...

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A Neighborhood Full of Surprises

New single guy to the neighborhood has all he can handle.MEETING MARYI just moved into the neighborhood when I learned that I was in a predominantly Jewish community. Even though I had been raised Catholic, I was very used to cultural diversity from growing up in New York City and I even enjoyed the Jewish humor. I had purchased this three-bedroom ranch home in New Jersey, which had a rough finished basement and a fenced in yard with a swimming pool. I was still single and a very fit 27 years...

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Theatre Slut

They drove in the van downtown and stopped at the Adultplex. Brent talked to the manager and Lee-Anne followed Brent, Gary,Robert, and Willy into Cinema 1. The sign said "Theatre sluts onthe screen."The area was dark when they walked in. The boys sat behindLee-Anne. On the screen was a young girl of 25 with a super setof tits hanging down and swaying as one guy fucked her cunt andshe sucked another. The movie was set in a Cinema and the actionwas on the hallway floor and in the chairs. ...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Wife turned theater slut

My wife and I have been happily married for several years and have a very active sex life. We are perfectly matched, as I am a dominant and she is quite submissive. Although she is often shy, once she gets worked up she becomes a sex crazed a****l. It's a wonderful transformation to see and one I put to good use on a regular basis.This one particular weekend, I decided to give my wife a thrilling tease and told her I was taking her to an adult theater one state over where nobody would know...

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Discovery on Neighborhood Watch Patrol

My name is Ed, and my wife Joan and I have lived in the Pittsburgh area for the last 25 years. I have a good job in the medical supplies industry, and we moved to an area on the fringe of the city limits right after we graduated from college. Joan and I are both 47 years old and met in our junior year in college, and our two children are now grown and out on their own. We have seen many changes in our community as the population matured and our urban area grew and became surrounded by adjacent...

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Discovery on Neighborhood Watch Patrol

My name is Ed, and my wife Joan and I have lived in the Pittsburgh area for the last twenty-five years. I have a good job in the medical supplies industry, and we moved to an area on the fringe of the city limits right after we graduated from college. Joan and I are both forty-seven years old and met in our junior year in college, and our two children are now grown and out on their own.We have seen many changes in our community as the population matured and our urban area grew and became...

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The Neighborhood Slut0

The Neighborhood Slut I woke up with a fright, looked at the clock that said midnight, and heard my mother say, “No way are you sticking that thing in my mouth tonight. I know you were down the street fucking the neighborhood slut. Why didn’t you have her suck it clean for you?” I heard a slap and then Dad said, “Because that’s your job. You either suck it or I’ll shove it up your ass.” Mom cried out, “No, not that again. You know I don’t like anal sex.” Dad said, “Then suck...

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Becoming a Slut

slutFuck I been getting down on my knees for a few years now, every since I wascaught given a guy a blow job by my father. Fuck lets start at thebeginning .My name is Peter I live in the united kingdom in the north of England theyare quite a lot of chavs here and I used to get bullied a lot atschool. One day while I was skipping school I met a guy in the toilets inthe park.I am quite effeminate long hair smooth pale skin and very skinny I am only5'4 so small for my age and I am 14 my mother...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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My Fathers Slut cont My Brothers Slut

The next morning as Mallory headed downstairs she could hear the usual family chaos going on in the kitchen, a sound she had lived with for as long as she could remember. The twins were dressed and ready for school and her parents were on their way to breakfast with friends, which left Mallory to lounge around the house before she had to leave for her first class. She indulged in the quiet before guilt nagged her into cleaning up the breakfast mess and straightening the house a bit. She was in...

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Aftermath The Slut

AFTERMATH ('THE SLUT') By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 WARNING: CONTAINS REFERENCES TO SUICIDE & RAPE. Author's Note: One of the saddest stories on FM is Janice's 'The Slut': "Three teenage girls exact revenge on the older brother of one of them, who is obnoxious to them, with dire results." It's a short but powerful story, cutting 'close to the bone' of reality. Many of its reviewers demanded a sequel. 'Aftermath' is an unauthorized tribute to Janice's gut-wrenching realism....

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Pet Mommy Becoming a Submissive MommySlut

If you are a parent you have probably read, or even own, What to Expect When You Are Expecting and other self-help parenting books. Many have been very useful over the years, as I raised my two children on my own after my husband’s premature death, when Crystal was four and Michael two. The books were helpful when I struggled to deal with my daughter's teenage rebellion phase and they were somewhat helpful as I dealt with my son's coming of age, although truth be told I let my brother help out...

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Welcome to the Neighborhood

Here we are," said Fred, turning the moving van on to Washington Avenue.Amber reached over to grab his arm. "I hope this is a good idea.""Everything will be fine," replied her husband."This is all my fault. If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't need to do this.""Honey, it's alright. Things will work themselves out.""Are they all black?""As far as I could tell. Quit worrying. It's an older neighborhood. No gangs or d**gs. I've checked it all out. The crime rate is low. It's fine. We'll get ourselves...

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Welcome to the Neighborhood

Welcome to the Neighborhood        Pop!  Ooooh, I need to watch out for that splattering grease, Karen thought as she closed the lid over the burgers and surveyed the surrounding neighborhood. Luckily, the houses behind her were pretty far away and thanks to the privacy fence they had erected around the deck, she was shielded from the homes on either side.        It just felt so naughty and exciting to be running around outside mostly naked. Maybe she should see if there was a nudist colony...

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The Neighborhood MILF

Introduction: I didnt get the Girl Next Door but I did get the neighborhood MILF In 2006 when I was about 16, a new family moved into the neighborhood. It was the typical family, a dad a mom and a couple kids. My neighborhood seemed to be growing and growing with little kids. Every family that would move in would have little kids, no teenagers, boys or girls. So unfortunately I had never really had the girl next door I always wanted. Dont get me wrong, I had my fair share of fucks from girls at...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Becoming Anamika 8211 Part I 8211 Discovered At The Theatre

Hello dear ISS readers, My name is, well, my real name is not important anymore. A little introduction though. I belong to a small city in the state of Kerala in South India. Anatomically, I am a man. But since I was about 10-11 years old, I have always fantasized about being a girl. Typically, I didn’t have a lot of friends in school. When I hit puberty, nothing major happened. Only my ass grew big and round. I was continuously teased about the big ass. Anyway, since I pretty much kept to...

Gay Male
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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Mind Controlled Mothers Club Chapter 1 Making a Mommy Slut

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Making a Mommy Slut By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Ulrich Geller's clean suit rasped and crinkled as he worked in shipping at the Institute of Apotheosis Research. The box to contain the Halo lay open, ready to receive the device which would create the next new god. Twenty-one-year-old Ulrich trembled. Though he had only met the great founder of the Institute, Dr. Henry Blavatsky,...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

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Becoming His Cum Slut

So, as previously told, the events leading up to us having a threesome with my best friend and my husband started me down a path of becoming a cum slut. I never really liked the word slut or whore because of its’ negative connotations, but I soon learned that a woman could be classy and proper in the streets and still be a whore or a slut in the sheets for her man. After that night, I started enjoying my husband cumming in my mouth. I loved how he tasted and as much as I wish I could fit him...

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Becoming The Slut

Introduction: Chapter 24 I learn to control my jealousy by becoming a slut. I last left you with the football season starting in our small town. Our local college had won their first game of the season. John had played a great game in their win. I also left you with my confession that I was not only jealous of any girls around John but also jealous of him for getting all the attention. I was still having nightmares about losing him to Kim, Gina and even a real stupid one in which his aunt and...

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Welcome to the Neighborhood

"Here we are," said Fred, turning the moving van on to Washington Avenue. Amber reached over to grab his arm. "I hope this is a good idea." "Everything will be fine," replied her husband. "This is all my fault. If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't need to do this." "Honey, it's alright. Things will work themselves out." "Are they all black?" "As far as I could tell. Quit worrying. It's an older neighborhood. No gangs or drugs. I've checked it all out. The crime rate is low....

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The Neighborhood Lady 8211 Part 2

Hi, readers. It’s your writer here, with the continuation of the story titled ‘The Neighborhood Lady’. This is part 2 for you all people, and I guarantee this would be a fun ride. You could read the part one here. For all you folks who don’t know me, I’m an anonymous male writer based in Chennai. I’ve had my couple of fun times, which I’d be sharing here. This is the second part of my previous story ‘The Neighborhood Lady’ and the third and final part would be released after this. And like...

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Managing The Neighborhood

Managing the neighborhood The business explained Ken sat relaxed in his chair while ms Robson was sucking his dick. He tooka sip from his beer, and than took up his belt again and smacked it hard onthe naked ass of ms Robson. "More enthusiasm bitch!" he shouted at her. Immediatelyms Robson pumped harder on his dick. Yeah, Ken had it all arranged. He looked out at the window to the house atthe opposite of the street. There he knew was now the beautiful ms Dawton fuckingwith a bunch of customers....

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How i became the neighborhood free whore B

Hi, my name is Carole, better known as Slutrocknroll.I'm going to tell you how I came to the empty balls of my neighborhood and my friends.You must know, that I have always loved sex. I met my husbands at 27, and soon we turned to libertinism. I started with a trio with a man and my husband. Then we brought two men home, and that's when my husband started taking pictures and videos. The fact of being caught before him and that he participates little have mounted my excitement. I liked to offer...

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How i became the neighborhood free whore B

Hi, my name is Carole, better known as Slutrocknroll.I'm going to tell you how I came to the empty balls of my neighborhood and my friends.You must know, that I have always loved sex. I met my husbands at 27, and soon we turned to libertinism. I started with a trio with a man and my husband. Then we brought two men home, and that's when my husband started taking pictures and videos. The fact of being caught before him and that he participates little have mounted my excitement. I liked to offer...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Becoming the neighbourhood slut

The following is a fictional story but mixed up with some real experiences and a few of my actual desires :)The first real days of spring were finally upon us. This was extra cool since I would be alone for a week or so. I took a few days off of work too, so I can spend the time dressing up at home and possibly try to find some real fun too.When I got a few free days I always did the needed grocery shopping in the morning so I have the rest of the day completely free to dress up and stay...

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Neighborhood Senior Swingers

My name is Dave Stewart. I was in my early sixties at the time that the following series of incidents occurred and had been married to my wife Carolyn for more than thirty years. I had retired from the Army as a lieutenant colonel in my early forties and was able to apply my skill in logistics to a second career in the business world with a multi-modal logistics company in Raleigh. After many years of service there, my regional firm was bought-out by a large, multi-national...

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Neighborhood Senior Swingers

Introduction: This is a story that describes a unique situation that confronted a mature couple when they bought a beach house in Florida. They suddenly found themselves in a Swinging Community of senior citizens. Although it is a fictional account, the story applies real people and actual circumstances to develop the narrative. As expected, names have been changed and situations have been modified to provide anonymity. Be warned: the story starts very slowly, in order to develop the characters...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Young College Teacher Becoming A Slut

This is an experience of one of my readers. Her name is Rhea and she works as an English lecturer. She told me all the details and I’m writing this in my own words. Hope you guys enjoy it. So guys get ready to get your dicks hard and girls get ready to get your pussies flowing. First of all, let me tell you about the slut herself, Rhea. She is a 25 year old girl, who just completed her M Tech and got a job in a college. She had a boyfriend when she was in college and lost her virginity to him...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites

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