Diosa (Juan Abreu) free porn video

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“Maestro Yuko saluda a los presentes con un movimiento de cabeza y, a continuación, se apodera de mí. No hay otra manera de describir su actitud. Ágil, apabullante al tiempo que delicado, procede a ejecutar sobre mi cuerpo un complicadísimo amarre. Danza. Cuerdas negras. Sus enormes manos vuelan sin apenas tocarme. Mil insectos luminosos entran por mis poros. Marchan formando nutridos batallones hacia mi baboso agujero. La proximidad de su cuerpo me asfixia. Su olor desata un incendio en mis tripas. Las cuerdas están vivas. La boca se me llena de saliva.
Pronto estoy inmovilizada.
Mi cabello, recogido en lo alto de la nuca, forma un lazo que apunta al techo. El cuello, conectado a mi tobillo izquierdo, obliga a mi cuerpo a trazar una especie de arco. El muslo derecho se proyecta y se funde sólidamente a mis costillas. Una tupida red envuelve mi torso, dibujando figuras geométricas; mis pechos, cercados, propulsados, tiemblan. Una soga cruza mi vientre y se hunde en el sexo; forma un nudo que coincide con mi ano y trepa por la espalda bifurcándose alrededor del cuello. De los pezones parten finos bramantes que se anudan a mi lengua. El acto de tragar provoca un tirón insoportable, sabroso. El menor movimiento de cabeza tensa la soga que cruza mi vientre y hace que ésta se hunda en mi coño y que el nudo estratégicamente situado sobre el ano se esfuerce por entrar.Algo, pequeñas serpientes, aferran los labios de la vulva y tiran de ellos en direcciones opuestas, abriéndola. Las serpientes circundan los muslos y van a fijarse entre mis dientes. Cuando muevo la mandíbula, las serpientes tiran de mis labios vaginales.El dolor, pero no es dolor, es tan delicioso que temo desfallecer.Estoy en su boca.¡Mastícame, tritúrame, ensalívame, trágame, digiéreme, excrétame!Tengo la sensación de haber sido engullida por un organismo vivo que me inmoviliza en sus entrañas y comienza el proceso de digerirme. Sus líquidos gástricos me enchumban, me carcomen.Siento que un orgasmo comienza a ascender desde el abismo insondable en el que habitan los orgasmos.Soy leona en la sofocante sabana: los cuartos traseros levantados, la hierba quemada entre mis colmillos, contra el morro, las garras clavadas en la tierra. Un pesado macho me perfora.Soy tiburona en celo: decenas de machos se pelean por agujerearme. Los ojos como planetas remotos, la piel lacerada, el cuerpo aplastado contra la arena. Las Sumisas ponen a punto una polea en la gruesa viga que cruza el techo.Supura el color de sus pañuelos, el escorzo de los brazos lo coronan manos de nieve. La nieve de las manos se funde al contacto con el acero de la polea. La viga es de madera renegrida y ondula como la cola de un dragón, escamosa e hirviente.Una fuerza arrolladora propulsa mi cabeza hacia arriba. Mis ojos no caben en las órbitas. Lágrimas, lágrimas. Incandescencias. El aire que llega a mis pulmones quema. Centímetro a centímetro me elevo. La piel de mi cabeza se convierte en un creciente ardor. En un océano en llamas. Aprieto la boca para no dejar escapar un alarido. Alfileres en los pezones, dentelladas en la vulva. Descargas eléctricas en el ano.Cuelgo del pelo.Estoy en la barca que cruza el lago. El barquero clava el remo en el espejo de las aguas. El remo es un falo negro, el cielo es cremoso, la niebla porosa y la superficie del lago una vagina rosada en la que se hunde el falo negro. Licores rezuma la vagina. ¡Quiero beber, quiero beber! Los árboles musitan una cantinela infantil.Todo sucede dentro de un hiratakuwagata.Tengo en la boca su coriáceo sabor.Después, cede un tanto la presión en el cuero cabelludo, poso el pie libre en el suelo, pero sólo un momento: el torso y las caderas se despegan otra vez de la tarima. La pierna que no está atada al cuerpo se eleva. Me hallo suspendida a más de un metro del suelo. Formo un arco. Todas las cuerdas se tensan; por un instante, estoy convencida de que mi humanidad va a estallar, a partirse en mil trozos palpitantes. Trozos que caerán sobre la tarima.Maestro devorará los pedazos más exquisitos, antes de exhortar a sus invitados a compartir tan delicioso manjar.¡Descuartícenme, cómanme!, clama mi cuerpo.Las sombras se apoderan del salón.Excepto un pequeño reflector que me ilumina.Llega el orgasmo.No lo oculto: lloriqueo, gimo, bramo. Enseño los dientes como un caballo al que examinan en una subasta.No es mi voz lo que se abre paso a través de la niebla espesa que me envuelve, es un desgarro de loba en celo, de yegua penetrada. Un alarido de criatura en perfecta comunión con sus vastedades.Trato, al mismo tiempo, de permanecer inmóvil. Intuyo que eso es importante para mi Maestro. Siento a Maestro Yuko latir dentro de mi cabeza como una presencia indiferenciable de mí misma. Somos un mismo líquido, descargas químicas, electricidad, amaneceres. No lo escucho, pero sé lo que quiere. Él, por su parte, me conoce como si yo hubiera salido de su vientre.Un murmullo de admiración brota de los presentes. Mi frente apunta al techo, no puedo verlos, pero puedo sentir que se han acercado para contemplar a gusto la obra de arte de Maestro Yuko. Una mezcla de excitación sexual y estética, una armonía musical llena el ambiente. Puedo sentirla con absoluta claridad. Penetra en mi garganta como un árbol candente. Recorre mis intestinos como el tañer de una campana milenaria. Todos se agrupan alrededor de mi cuerpo desplegado como un artefacto de diseño, como una escultura fabulosa, como el producto de una habilidad milagrosa y prohibida. Como una puerta mitológica. Como un ave de fuego.Los japoneses intercambian frases en su idioma. También escucho palabras en castellano, en catalán. Nadie me toca. Sus voces me acarician el alma.Quiero ser las baldosas que pisan, la luz que los alumbra, los cojines sobre los que se sientan, el aire que entra en sus pulmones.Mi sexo escupe contra la tarima.¿Qué siento?Inocencia.Soy la Diosa de la Inocencia.”

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Juans Crazy Sex adventures in Puerto Rico Part One

Being 34 years old, standing at 62 and weighing in at 170 lbs. Dark reddish blondish brownish, Low Cesar haircut. I'm a mixed man, mothers Italian, fathers Puerto Rican and Indonesian. I don't know my parents, they were killed in a high jacking in a airplane coming from Italy visiting my grandparents on my mom's side. All I know is at five I was living with my grandfather on my dads side, In Puerto Rico, and things changed from the start. I went from hi middle-class, proper education...

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Sherris Tijuana Trip

I had known my wife Sherri was a bit of a sex fiend since before l married her. Her confession to me about her past and the things she had done did not push me away, rather it attracted me to her even more. She had a need to degrade and humiliate herself in various ways that usually involved groups of men in different scenarios. But really, she was down for pretty much anything, and it became my job to help her find outlets for her needs. Let me also preface this story by saying that Sherri was...

4 years ago
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One Time In Tijuana

It has been one year since I got deported from California, and since then I have been living in Tijuana. During this past year I have had so many experiences that I will never forget, especially one experience that I’m having right now. It all happened to me just last week. It began on November 18 around noon time when I was going to meet a guy outside a movie theater in a location called Zona Rio. After waiting for half an hour, I knew this guy was never going to show up on my blind date, so I...

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christmas in family one tijuana nigth

[my last christmas w/ my husband we go with my husband mom and dadd but are only on home he. my husband daddy.he was atletic old guy strong tall and w/ some big where you now......my husband go home for some chritsmas dinner for the old man because he are alon all nigth.so.....i stay w/ him the little k**s play outside he closed the door and we drink a couple or tekila shots and believ me ok i fall sleep yea rigthmmmmmmmmmmmi fel the ands on my body and he put up my mini skirt and he fuck me...

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Returning to School Nancy

This actually precedes the "Returning to School - Ellen" stories I've already written. Initially when I returned to school, I was initially enrolled in night school at one of the local universities while I was working. When I started my initial transition from night school to full-time day classes, they had a program where you could attend both which I took advantage of primarily because it was less expensive. When I did the initial transition, I had left my girlfriend of 3...

3 years ago
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SisterinLaw Finds New Love For Doing Laundry

I am an oversexed, under-serviced middle-aged man who is still in decent shape and has a full head of silver hair, and a cock full of seed to offer.   It seems that nearly every day, I get raging hardons at the slightest bit of provocation.  Practically every good looking woman I see, meet or talk to, innocently and unknowingly, provides the necessary stimuli to send me into an embarrassing state of arousal.So I should not have been too surprised when I recently started getting boners when my...

2 years ago
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Spizoo Alex Coal Passionately Fucks Her Man

Enticing bombshell Alex Coal can’t help but feel horny as she tries on her new lingerie. Luckily, her man is there to satisfy her cravings for a big cock. The stunning couple immediately goes to the bedroom to do something about the lust burning deep inside them. It doesn’t take long until they are both naked. The bearded stud licks Alex’s pussy before shoving his dick down her throat. After the intense sharing of oral action, the two gets down to business and fucks each other...

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Choti Behen Ki Seal Todi

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers , mera naam Faiz hai mai Bangalore me ek engineering student hun. Meri umr 21 saal hai. Mujhe incest stories padhna bohut pasand aur isi se mujhe himmat bhi mili. Meri family me hum paanch log hai mai , mummy, Daddy, aur meri do behen(badi naziya aur choti shaziya).dono hi mujhse choti hain. Is kahani me maine apni dusri behen ki seal todi. Shaziya ki umar 18 saal hai aur naziya ki umar 20 saal. Dono hi bohot khubsoorat hai bade bade boobs, badi si gand aur...

4 years ago
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Pumpkin Honey and Princess

Story's Title: Pumpkin, Honey and Princess by Honey. Short synopsis: This is a story between Pumpkin, Honey and Princess Pumpkin, aka Princess Tuesday is a professional Femdom. Honey, aka Ryan is Pumpkin’s good male friend. He is annoying, innocent but loveable. Princess is Pumpkin’s slave and used to be Honey’s best friend. Gender Codes: F/f F/m F+/m Sexual Activities: Cbt Modification Spanking Toys Fetish D/s:?Domination/submission B/D:?Bondage and Discipline S/M:?Sado-Masochism...

2 years ago
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MomsTeachSex Anya Olsen Cherie Deville Do What Mom Says

Anya Olsen and Tyler Nixon are having a lusty makeout session that involves plenty of tit play. Tyler is just anticipating a lusty blowjob courtesy of Anya’s wet and wild mouth when Anya’s stepmom Cherie Deville finds them on the couch. She leads Tyler out of the room by his cock, and then decides to punish him by leading him into the shower to wash his dirty dick. Then Cherie lets Tyler know that if he wants to be a man and fuck her stepdaughter he’d better be man enough to...

4 years ago
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I May Be Pregnant But That Doesnt Mean I Cant Be A HotWife Part 2

What a night! I still can't believe I sucked Bill's cock while Jeff watched. And, boy did I feel like a slut when I swallowed all the cum that gushed from Bill's cock into my mouth.  And to think Jeff wasn't the least bit upset is still something that makes no sense to me. I do know that some men are cuckolds and like to watch their wife have sex with other men. I was more than a little confused.I never thought of Jeff as a cuckold, but I guess he is.  That makes me a hot-wife. I didn't...

Wife Lovers
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SisLovesMe Alice Echo Schooling My Stepsis With Sex

Alice Echo is a bitchy stepsister who likes to fuck with her stepbro. She decided to steal his camera to film a striptease for her cam show. Stepbro ended up catching her and went off. Alice offered to do anything if stepbro did not tell mom and dad, even if that meant grinding on him and blowing him until he cums. The next day Alice attempted to leave the house in a skimpy ass outfit, but stepbro stopped her. He wanted her to change, but Alice did not see an issue. In order to get her way she...

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How Not to Cuckold Your Husband

Melanie Edwards was not happy! To the outside world she would appear to have it all together. She owned a successful business. She had more money than she knew what to do with. She was fit and sexy which was confirmed every time she walked into the room and the heads of men and women turned to look her over. She was married to a handsome man who truly loved her. It would appear to anyone who knew her that she had everything that was needed to be happy.What only she understood was the contempt...

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 7 A Disaster in the Making

July 16, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio “You’re not seeing Katy tonight?” Mom asked on Friday morning. “No. Her grandmother, who lives in Pittsburgh, fell and broke her hip. They were leaving this morning and won’t be back until sometime next week.” “We haven’t talked about you and Jocelyn since last Saturday.” “There isn’t much to say,” I said. “She and her parents are basically not talking. That’s why we’ve been hanging out here, at the pool, or at Grant Park.” And Jackson Lake, but I didn’t...

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Massaging Neighbor In Bangalore

Hello friends, I am a regular reader of ISS. Reply me your thoughts after reading this story. This is my recent real experience and it may be lengthy because I want you all to sit back and enjoy in detail. I’m Sanjay 31 yrs and recently moved to one of the new big apartment near Whitefield. I’m not a master in massaging but when I was in Netherlands this was my hobby and I do in weekends. After reading this story anyone interested can reach me at sanjay dot purple at gmail dot com , My...

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The Houseboat Incident Chapter 3

My sister and I were the first to approach the boat. We could see Tommy slumped back in a foldout chair, his head back as if he had passed out, however as we got closer we could see the brown blanket is his lap moving up and down which was barely visible over the side of the boat. My sister turned to Mark and Cody making a low shushing sound and pointing back at the boat. They stopped laughing and closed the gap of distance between us, being careful not to make a sound. The four of us slowly...

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