The Guitarist – The Bürgermeister’s Party. free porn video

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The Guitarist – The Bürgermeister’s Party.

It’s July, our last gig is in Munich, southern Germany. Traditionally the band has a break but not this year. Just as we were unpacking for our final night and large slightly portly man, around 50 asks ‘who’s the boss’. We all point to the drummer. He takes the Drummer off to a quiet corner and in 15 minutes he gathers us together for a meeting. The portly gentleman in an expensive suit remains close by but out of ear shot. The drummer explains, “He wants to book us for a gig and is prepared to pay big bucks.” I’m not taking any notice but the others have been looking forward to a break and are little pissed. I tell them I’m up for it but being the new boy I’ll go along with anything they want. So I go and talk to the Bürgermeister; Vincent.

We talk and being a proud family man he show me his family’s picture. His second wife is a little plump with an attractive face around 45. Next to her is his shapely daughter but I can’t see her face as it’s turned away, in her late 30’s but his granddaughter is a little darling. Front and centre is a girl around 18 to 20, wearing a swimsuit and a sash; showing she’d won some beauty contest. I honestly complement him on an attractive family saying, “I would like to meet them someday”; especially the grand-daughter I thought.
The drummer interrupts, “Vincent. It’s a deal. All we need is to find a hotel nearby.” “That’s not a problem. I’ve a small converted garage that will sleep 3.” Interrupting again, the drummer says “Fantastic. Steve can sleep on the floor.” Great that’s just what I need but I guess being the new boy has a down side, until Vincent chips in, “No that’s not necessary. We have a small room in our house to put Steve up. Oh, as I’ve altered your holiday plans you are all welcome to stay the week.” The drummer, pleased with his negotiations returns to the band. I shake Vincent’s hand before he leaves. Already I’m look forward to meeting his granddaughter.
The lead guitar asks me to take the lead on the last number of the night! Not previously practicing this they improvise a music stand. I’m able to sight read music so the last number went off without a hitch. Ever since the Bürgermeister’s visit the band seems oddly excited and not at all pissed at losing their break. With the gear stowed the three huddle in the back of the van and then announce, “For the Bürgermeister’s Party you will be lead guitar.” I’m blown away and readily accept; they just laugh!
We arrive at Vincent’s home and are greeted my Vincent and his wife Melissa. The guys are delighted by the luxurious accommodation the ex-garage provides. “Bad luck Steve. It looks like you’ve pulled the short straw,” all 3 laugh. Melissa takes me into their home and up two flights of stairs. On first floor she points out her room, then a little further her daughter’s. Adjacent to the stairs up to my room she points out her grand-daughter’s room; Isabel. These stairs are narrow forcing Melissa to lead the way. Although she is a little plump everything is well proportioned. If you like a little weight on your woman this mousey blonde is a definite MILF. My room is the entire second floor; bright and airy. Some boxes in the corner shows that the room is only used for minor storage. Melissa excuses herself and leaves me to unpack.

Vincent shows us the location for the gig. It is a large barn with adjacent stables and a paddock surrounded by thick woodland. Not a house in sight. Already a stage has been built towards the centre of the barn. Two big doors in front and a small one behind creates a cooling breeze, as the temperature outside reaches 35.5 deg c. We set up the amps so that they can be heard outside and start a practice and sound check. Everything is set, or so I thought. The ex- lead guitar says, “The drummer has something for you. Over there,” he points. We walk outside to find the singer and the drummer deep in conversation until our arrival. Grinning the drummer hands me a 50mm square pouch with a lanyard on it! “Gee thanks guys. What’s the joke?” “No joke. We thought as you always carry your condoms this would be handy?” They all laugh. “What’s wrong with my wallet?” The drummer then informs me, with a big, big grin, that to hold the wallet I would need my trousers. “Yes” I agree. “Well this gig is for a group of nudist! And we’re also naked.” Now I know why I’m lead guitar. Even my trusted guitar isn’t going to hide a thing. I have the best body being 18 and they could all do with a little gym time. The old lead guitar and drummer can hide behind me and the singer. He’s not bad for a 40 year old but the other two have full rocker beer bellies. I’m surprised the drummer accepted the gig being in the shape he is; the money must be excellent.
The day of the party.

The sun rises on another fine day. We’ve practiced and check the sound equipment one final time; butt naked. I’m right. Only the drummer will be able to hide his ‘personal, equipment. The singer and I will be fully exposed to the guests. Well we nervously joke, ‘at least we have something to show’. We have all started to get used to being naked until The Bürgermeister arrives with his family. All four family member are stark naked. The guys haven’t seen his photograph of his family. Even staying overnight and under the same roof, I hadn’t seen them in the flesh. Now I have. They come up on stage to introduce themselves. I’m grateful that they did or these three attractive women would have been at eye level with my dick; I’m embarrassed enough. Vincent shakes my hand and I introduce the band by pointing at the individuals. Vincent backs off and being a gentleman he makes no comment about my dick starting to appear under my guitar. Melissa moves in front of Vincent as he introduces his wife. Elise slides in front of Melissa and she’s introduced as his daughter. Finally the little darling granddaughter moves in front of her Mom and Vincent proudly indicates Isabel. I should say that Elise and Isabel are Melissa’s offspring and not Vincent’s. All three are fine looking women who I would love to bed but Isabel would be the prize. She is bright eyed and perky. Her boobs must be 38C or D with an hourglass figure that I would love to hold. I’m in love. We must be about the same age. Her face is stunning with a smile to dull the sun! My dick is now at full mast, even helping to support my heavy guitar. Trying to calm my eager dick I concentrate on Vincent’s speech but I’m finding that difficult. Out of the corner of my eye I glimpse Isabel checking out my swollen member. Somehow she is so close that I can feel the heat coming off of her tight body. Her Mom shuffles to her left to take a sneaky peak too. She bites her lower lip starring at my dick until she notices me checking her out. She coyly backs away now leaving Isabel to block her family’s view of my uncontrollable dick. She casually looks around before looking me in the eye. Vincent finally says goodbye and as he turns away I feel a small hand cup under my shaft. It is given a couple of loving strokes and with an innocent expression Isabel whispers, “You must put some sun cream on this. I wouldn’t want it sore. Come around the back of the stables in 5 minutes, if you would like me to put some cream on it.” With one final stoke she leaves. God she has my dick tapping out the rhythm of the first song.
I make my excuses to the band by saying, ‘I need to take care of this before we start. The singer is in the same state but he goes to the toilet; I go behind the stables.

Isabel is already there applying sun cream to her face and arms. Seeing me she stops saying, “I thought you wasn’t going to come.” I offer her my dick but she says, “You need to do me first or you’ll be in the same state after we’ve finished.” She hands me a bottle of sun cream before facing a wall. With her feet shoulder width apart, hands high she leans against the wall; like she’s going to be searched. I start rubbing cream into her shoulders, down her lean back and paying particular attention to her bum. “Don’t stop there, there is more flesh that needs protection.” I re-start at her ankles and work my way back up. Her calves and thighs are firm and sculpted. Again coating her bum but this time she bends over at the waist. With her head down she holds her bum cheeks and parts them; she bares all. I squirt cream along her bum crease causing her to wriggle her ass as the cold cream hit home. Now I’m faced with the ‘arduous’ task of massaging it in. Her rose bud gets well rubbed and as Isabel squirm a little more I direct a squirt on to her pouting pussy. Instantly she groans as the cold cream touches her hooded clit. My lubricated hand now cups her mound and rub circles around her clit. Her thighs are visible shaking. Stopping I allow her to compose herself. Facing me with her hands behind her back, thrusting her firm tits forward she asks, “Would you care to do the front. NOW.” Well, I give those gorgeous globes a great deal of cream and delight in massaging all the cream in; especially not forgetting those hard nipples. Under her instructions I move down to her bald pussy. While I gaze at her womanly charms I absentmindedly apply cream to her legs and thighs. Now I have only one area that I must dedicate my actions. Isabel almost obscenely opens her legs and thrusts her hips forward; allowing the application of sun-cream to be unhindered. With bold firm strokes I m***** her clit and pussy-lips. Her juices and the cream has me swishing around with little friction. Purposely I target her clit. This causes Isabel to moan constantly and her thighs to shake. I desperately want to drink her juices but sun cream isn’t my favourite liquor. “You WILL let me have a taste of this,” rubbing her harder, “before I go?” Her unequivocal answer is, “Yes. Oh Yes. But don’t you dare stop nnooowww.” With one hand on the wall and the other gripping my head she cums. I immediately wrap an arm around her waist for her support and rub her clit in overdrive. Her hips powerfully thrust against my palm causing her to lose all control; her legs buckle. She collapses. Now sitting on her bum, legs bent to one side, I bend down to hold her tight while she recovers some. My bent knees are on either side of her as she rests her head on my chest. Rubbing her neck and shoulders she comes too and looks up into my eyes, “That was out of this world. Thankyou.” “Well if you sneak up to my room tonight I would love to repeat it,” I offer. “May be. We’ll see,” Her hand cups my dangling balls and lovingly squeeze them before she offers, “Now for you.” Not moving from her slumped position she leaves my balls and with my shaft in the palm of her hand, as earlier, she firmly closes her fingers around my shaft. And, in no rush she starts give me a handjob. I’m getting cramp from kneeling so I stand. Isabel takes this opportunity to apply more sun cream as she kneels up; without losing a stroke. This is my favourite position for a blowjob but with the application of the sun cream I guess that’s not on offer. My dick isn’t going to need much more persuasion to cum and all too soon I warn this stunning teen. Surprising me she opens her mouth. This vision is too sexy for words and I shoot my first load onto her outstretched tongue. She closes her mouth and the next globs land on one cheek, turning her head I’m aimed at the other cheek; the rest liberally coats her upper chest. Once she squeezes every last drop out Isabel then licks my nob clean. Amazingly I watch her rub my man-juice into her cheeks and across her breasts; not forgetting her nipples. My puzzled expression causes her to laugh and then she informs me, “I’m going parade my cum covered boobs around for everyone to see. Also I will get, and I hope you’ll see, Mom and Granny kiss my cum covered face. My pussy will be dribbling as they do.” “You’re a very naughty girl,” I state. Just then the drummer does a roll on the drums obviously requesting my early return.

They have no time to question my late arrival as we fly into the first number. My just relaxed dick starts to inflate as I watch Isabel walking nearby with her teen boobs proudly displayed for all to admire. As we concentrate on the songs all our dicks return to normal. We’ve all notice that couples, threes and some fours leave the makeshift dance floor and enter the stables; when they become vacant! I’ve got ‘sort of’ use to being naked and happily play on throughout the planned routine. Vincent is getting a little red from the sun and as he knows that the event is winding down he comes over. Standing directly in front of me he listens to the final number. Before it finishes his wife and daughter each wrap an arm around him lovingly him. His granddaughter stands to her mother’s side. They applaud and I’m mesmerised as Isabel moves to her grandfather and kisses him. He returns the favour on her cheek. The little devil does the same to her grandmother. My dick is now semi inflated at the thought of them kissing my cum. Isabel, standing the same height as her mother, shuffles slightly to give me a perfect profile view of their bodies. Then she kisses her Mom on the cheek and gets two in return. Isabel leans in to her mom and whispers something in her ear! They are that close to me that I can see her Mom sniff the air above her daughter’s perky tits. This mature woman knows the smell of sun roasted daughter and man-juice. Not raising her head from daughter, her chestnut eyes flash directly at me. I can lip read enough when she asks, ‘Who?’ then, ‘Him!’ My erection immediately deflates. I think I’m in the shit until she licks one of her daughter’s nipples. Melissa was about to follow Vincent as he leaves but hesitates as my dick makes an unexpected and rapid appearance. A big grin lights up her pretty face. Her body turns to follow her husband and just before her face follows I lip read, ‘Nice’.

That night. - Melisa

The band is in high spirits. We’ve had a great time watching naked women all day, a fantastic time playing and to top it all we have a large bonus. Everyone except me have telephone numbers to call tomorrow, so they’re pulling my leg. You know the sort of thing, ‘young stud and nowhere to put it’.
They eventually crash out drunk and I make my way to my bed at the Bürgermeister’s house. The house being total darkness means that I can’t find any light switches. So I rely solely on the light from the moon shining through the windows. I pass Vincent’s room to hear him snoring heavily. Elise’s bedroom door is closed but the little darling Isabel’s is open. I can’t resist a quick look. She’s on her back facing me. On such a hot night she has the covers pulled down to her waist with one long leg exposing her inner thigh. The moon light cast shadows across her pert tits and in this light I’m finding it very difficult not to wake her up and try my luck. Eventually I chicken out and reluctantly leave the object of my dreams to climb the stairs to my bedroom. With only a couple of windows on the wrong side to the moon I strip in almost total darkness. Turning towards the bed I remember the vision of Isabel. With my eyes tight shut I can clearly imagine pulling her covers down exposing her tight body……..
My bed covers move and a whisper from the darkness saying, “I bet you’re think of my granddaughter? She always sleeps naked and regularly leave the door open on hot nights. Just like tonight.” A small light is turned on and Vincent’s wife is naked with her boobs exposed above the thin sheet. Pulling the sheet down she indicates to me to get in. “Is my husband still snoring,” she asks casually. I confirm her suspicions while climbing into bed; still holding my erection. She sits astride me and places both of my hands on her ample boobs. This affords her uninterrupted access to my hard shaft. Enthusiastically, she strokes me, teases me and then strokes some more. In what seems seconds I’m warning her of my impending orgasm but she continues stroking saying, “I’ll get you hard again in no time. Oh! Was it your cum I could smell on Isabel’s cheeks?” That vision of the darling Isabel parading her tits around and getting her family, and who knows who else, to kiss her cum covered cheeks is toooo much; I blow. I cover my stomach and her hand with semen. Raising her hand she starts licking it clean and before she does the same to my stomach she says, “Yes that’s the smell and it tastes great fresh.”
Melisa does a 180 and lowers her mature pussy onto my face; whether I wanted her to or not. My limp dick is sucked into her mouth as I take her clit in mine. Over the next 15 minutes or so we toy with each other. By the time she raises her bum off of my lips she’s constantly dripping. Another 180 turn and I hand her a condom, these are getting in the way! Reluctantly she dresses me before slipping my dick into her sloppy pussy. “I’m sorry it’s not tight but Vincent is always especially randy when he sees my daughter naked. However, today he saw Isabel naked for the first time and let’s say, he was an a****l. That said it doesn’t stop her from riding me hard. The sight of Melisa leaning back, with her hands on my knees is a slight I will always remember. Her boobs being less firm are going berserk bouncing around. Her mature figure wobbles but she’s no less of a great fuck. My dick happily sides in repeatedly just below a hairy landing-strip. She leans forward resting her head on my shoulder and this raises her bum slightly. She begs, “Fuck me hard. Pleaeese. I’m cummming.” Driving deep I’m rewarded with a series of ‘yes yes yes’ before I start to slow. When she feels this she says, “Don’t stop.” Seconds later she’s riding high in the saddle again. With another swift 180, this time she turns as she fucking me, into reverse cowgirls. Her bum wobbles on impact with my groin. Impaling me time and time again she’s lost in her own pleasure land. Leaning back she places her hands on my chest, forcing my dick hard against her g-spot triggering another orgasm. I may not like condoms but having less feeling allows for a much longer fuck; as before I don’t stop. Recovering in mid fucking she rolls off and forward. She’s on her hands and knees, legs wide apart and waving her bum high, I’m informed, “I’ve done the hard work for my pleasure. If you want to cum you had better take me? Forcibly!” Before she can say another word I’m slipping in; meeting little resistance. Holding her chubby hips I pound away hard. Melisa is continually whimpering and begging for more. Her silky vagina is sending previously unknown pleasures through my dick. Eventually she looks over her shoulder and says, “Hurry I’m nearly there. I want you to come with me.” Burying her head into the covers she mumbles, “If it helps think of fucking Isabel. But just fuck me.” We’re sweating and panting from our efforts. Just as I’m wilting I catch some movement from my doorway and a naked Isabel slowly moves into view. She’s rubbing her pussy watching me fuck her grandmother. This inspires me to improve my performance. With renewed vigour I pound Melisa harder. This drives her over the edge. She flops onto the bed unable to control her quivering body as Isabel watches on. Isabel is tormenting her hard nipples while frantically rubbing her clit to catch us up. She squeezes her thighs together as she comes. Her nipple teasing hand is over her mouth, stifling her cries of pleasure. That’s it. I can’t take any more! I drive home hard looking at a naked Isabela and thinking of fucking her and cum. She slips out unseen by her grandmother. Me, I collapse beside her grandmother; exhausted.

The next morning - Elise

The next morning I wake alone and hard! Even though I can’t get Isabel’s naked body out of my mind I reluctantly decide to save my sperm with the hopes of another great fuck. I want Isabel but if Melisa on offer I would love another ride. So I head off to the bathroom for a very cold shower. I’m soon clean but it takes a little longer for my dick to cool. I was just about to take it in hand when I hear Vincent outside the door requesting, “Steve can I see you at the stables after breakfast, say 10.30?” “OK” I shout back. Now that has relaxed my dick!
Melisa smiles as I appear in the kitchen. I’m offered breakfast, “Sit and I’ll get you something to eat.” Her figure is silhouetted through her thin dress every time she passes a window. As she places a full English breakfast in front of me she gives me a motherly kiss. Sitting opposite me her nipples are evidence that she’s not wearing a bra. No nickers are also the order of the day. The sunlight through her dress had already shown me that. “I enjoyed last night. Perhaps, if you’re not too busy screwing my granddaughter,” she pauses for effect, “we could have another go?” Melisa says catching me off guard. I choke at the mention of screwing Isabel. “I’ve no plans to screw….” “You might not have but SHE HAS!” I’m informed.” God will my dick ever sleep! Finishing my last rasher of bacon I announce, “I’ve got to go. I’m meeting Vincent at the stable.” Melisa comments, “Ah, so that’s where Elise is.”

Not having a clue what she’s on about I go to find Vincent. I have major misgivings meeting Vincent after fucking his wife but I have little choice. So 10.30 sharp I find him outside the first stable. Vincent puts a hand on my shoulder and we chat about yesterday events. As we walk to the far end of the stable block he asks, “Did you see people coming and going from the stables yesterday.” I say yes as we enter one. The floor’s covered in a thick bed of hay. Straw bales and blankets make up a very large bed. Some bales are one bale wide and two long and another is three bales wide and one on top in the middle; forming a triangle. Various restraints protrude from various places. “Melisa, MY WIFE tells me you’re a good ride?” I then notice the various whips, canes and paddles; not to mention sex toys. Vincent continues, “Did you enjoy MY WIFE?” “Vincent, as a gentleman I make no remarks on what Melisa has told you. I never confirm or deny any actions that MAY OR MAY NOT have gone on between me and any young lady.” I’m trying to look and sound in control. “Steve you’ve lost all the colour in your face,” he laughs. “It’s OK Steve. I’m only sorry I was asleep. I love to watch my wife in action. No I’ve not brought you down here to whip you. My daughter asked me to do her a favour and then bring you here. Just for the record I have fantasies about my daughter but I’ve never acted on them; in case you were wondering. Now because you were loving with my wife I think I can trust you?” I nod but I’m none the wiser. “She has not been with a man in 18 months. My daughter also has a fantasy that I hope that you help her fulfil.” “If I can,” I reply, still uncertain of what’s being asks. “What does she want?” Vincent says smiling, “To be taken by a stranger and used.” “Oh” is all I can say. “So this morning she begged me to strip her naked and fix her face down on some bales. It was my pleasure. Now if you want. Only if you want, go into the next stall and allow Elise her fantasy. Oh, I’ve set up some cameras and while you’re enjoying my daughter I will be fuckin my wife. And yes you know how good that is! It will also be piped up to Isabel’s room if she’s in, so make it a good performance. I understand from my wife that she has the hots for you. Give me 5 minutes to get home before you start. Please. ” Still stunned, all I can think is, ‘what a strange family’.

He starts running home and I open the door to the next stall. The sun lights up Elise. She’s face down naked on one bale. Her hair is tied in a bun, her neck hairs are standing on end. Her body is nicely tanned with no tan lines. Her shoulders have a strap over them and a similar one over the small of her back. Her hands are stretched forward and tied around the head of the bale. Knees are pull forward and attached to her elbows. Elise, from her waist down is overhanging a bale. She can only move her head, everything else is securely strapped down. Vincent must practice this excellent rope work a lot; lucky Melisa. With her knees forward and spread, her father has left his daughter exposed and totally vulnerable. Her rose bud and pussy are openly displayed for me. I bet he had a good look as he secured his daughter down. I see a camera looking straight at her ass. Picking it up I move it in for close up of Elise’s pussy. She’s clearly very excited. A line of juice has formed along her pussy-lips. I zoom in close as I dare to film her pussy as it drips onto the hay below. Still holding the cameras I run a teasing finger her bum and rose bud causing her to struggle against her bonds. She’s begging me to play with her pussy and let her cum but I don’t. I’m going to make sure Vincent bangs Melissa hard and I hope an aroused Isabel is watching. I ease out her nipples which have, until now, been hidden under her strapped down torso. Sitting on her back I take her nipples between fingers a thumbs and genital squeeze them. Her moans are loud as too is her request to, ‘FUCK ME PLEASE’. I turn around and face her bum and camera. Elise is about the age of my Mom and having total power over her is very erotic. I line the camera up to get a preface view of her perfect ass. “Elise do you really want me to fuck you.” “Oh yes. Please fuck me. I’ve not had a man in my pussy for nearly two years. My daughter’s been fucked more than me. I’m desperate, fuck me.” I’ve resisted long enough and spank her exposed bum; not hard. She squeals in delight. I dress my dick and slip the camera under Elise’s pussy pointing it just below her small landing strip. Easing her pussy-lips apart I see her hole-of-pleasure; her juices still flowing. I slip one finger into her tight hole and finger fuck her. Adding a second then third finger to loosen her tight unused pussy up ready for my entrance. Standing stride her bum I crouch down and ease my dick-head into her love-tube. Melissa’s a good sloppy fuck but Elise is tight. As a result I need to slide back and forth, four or five times to coat my dick in her juices. Getting deeper every time. Only then and because of her constantly running juices, I can slide my dick all the way in. Elise is fighting her bonds as her first penetration by a real dick for two years causes her, her first orgasm of the day. As her pussy spasms subside I start fucking her. Elise is grunting or panting with every thrust. Without warning her pussy grips my dick and goes into another spasm. If she wasn’t so wet I would have been gripped to a standstill. As it is I’m steadily forcing my dick to fuck her. After a particularly powerful ‘grip’ she goes limp. I stop and check she’s OK; she u*********s. Seconds later I unstrap and turn her over. As I hug her she slowly comes round. Her face shows the pleasure she’d just received. “Thanks Steve that’s fantastic.” We kiss and as her hand causally touches my dick. Unnecessarily saying, “You’ve not cum.” “No.” I say and she asks me to lie on the bales. With my knees bent over the end she mounts me and after easing in my dick she starts a loving screw. I thrust up to meet her movements and gradually we speed up. While I pleasure her tits and tease her nipples she moans her approval. Soon I’m warning that I’m cumming and she implores, “Pull my nipples. Go on. Harder.” Her regular rhythm is interrupted as she comes again. Her, ‘Oh Yes. Yes. Yes’, sends me over the top and I fill yet another condom. Pulling her down on to me we tenderly kiss until my youthful dick starts to slip out. While hugging I notice all the little red camera lights go out.

We spend the best part of the afternoon having tender sex outside in the nearby grassy field. Eventually, driven my hunger, we go up to the house to find Melissa on her back on the dining room table. Vincent in between her legs fucking her like a devil while looking between his wife’s naked body and the film of his daughter being screwed by me. We leave them to it and go in search of food.
Elise, Melissa and Victor have an early night. Happily I spend time with the darling Isabel and after a few drinks she asks quite bluntly, “Will you fuck me?” “Isabel that’s my dream but, well, did you see the video?” She nods, “I really want our time to me memorable. Just at this moment I’m a little drained. I need the night to fully recover,” I plead for a postponement. Disappointedly she accepts my decision but asks if she could sleep with me. “Why when I’m just going to sleep?” Isabel looks all innocent but has a sensible answer, “So Mom and Granny don’t tire you out anymore.” I decline as I couldn’t possibly resist fucking her if she came to my bed naked. As we walk towards our respective bedrooms I suggest she decides how and where she would like me to ‘take’ her. “Don’t worry I have that already planned.”

The next day - Isabella.

The local cockerel perched nearby announces day break! Rolling over I find Isabel softly breathing beside me. She’s on her side facing the door which allows me to gently caress her exposed shoulder. I work the sheet down until I see the arch of her back and the start of her ass; she’s totally naked. Poor thing, unknown to me she has protected my ‘virtue’ from the other females of the house! Cupping her bum in my palm she wakes. Turning her face towards me she offers her lips and we kiss. She smile coyly as I dip in for another kiss. Just as our lips meet a hand, much smaller than mine, locates my morning wood. Isabel coos, “All rested I see,” and tugs the shaft a couple of times. You’re all mine today. I want you to have a shower, shave, brush your teeth and without playing with this,” she pumps my dick again, “be back here in no more than ten minutes. If you’re late I shall close my legs and you’ll miss your dream. Now. Go. GO.” Isabel laughs as I trip running to the bathroom.

With two minutes to spare I’m in bed. Isabel enters my room all pink from a hot shower. She wipes a hand over my shaved chin and comments, “good,” then running the same hand over her pussy, but not a smooth as this,” she giggles and jumps into bed. “Would you like to test it for yourself?” Nothing wrong with my hearing! There is enough light through the single bedsheet to allow a very close examination of her tight teen body; marvellous. The smell of a warm, freshly soaped female body is oh so sexy and I’m having a hard time, what with the views and innocent smells, not to just have my way with this sexy creature. As I pass her navel, kissing as I go, I can see her camel toes coming into view. Her pussy lips are hiding. Not what I expected. Her Mom and Grannies lips were ‘ready to go’! Licking and kiss over her mound soon has the camel toe opening. Sliding my tongue along the slit has her lips fully aroused. Sucking each petal in turn soon has the nectar flowing. Like her Mom, Isabel has a tiny river of juices running out of her delicious pussy; I’m slurping all I can get! My finger exposes her clit and I just look at it while breathing in her aroused scent. Isabel hasn’t made any attempt to stroke my dick or take part in any way; she’s just lying still. I’m holding her clit between finger a thumb and just take my time. Without any warning my lips suck it in and my tongue attacks her clit. This sudden and frenzied attack has her hips forcing her bum off the bed several times and she screams, Oh Fuck Yes. Yes. More. Harder. Faster. Yes. Yes.” Doesn’t she know I’m a man; we don’t do multi-tasking! As I ease off her bum settles back on the bed. I can feel her pussy spasm. This goes on for several minutes which allows me to slip up her body, keeping my weight firmly between her thighs preventing them from closing. As soon as I appear she hold my head and kisses me with a toe curing French kiss. Kneeling between her thighs I raise up and I dress my dick. The vision below be is captivating. Her long blonde hair is fanned around framing her head. Her square shoulders contrast with the curves of her boobs, topped with hard cherry red nipples. Her torso tapers from the base of her boobs down to her trim waist. Her womanly hips flair perfectly to her thighs; just lovely. Her bald pussy is hiding under my erection, Isabela is a stunning woman. As I caress her thighs I remember when her Granny was on her back, her tits slide to the side. Her Moms tits just sunk a little but Isabel’s, being young and perky, just sit there. Dressed, I take the opportunity to suckle her nipples, which I’m pleased to say is causing her to pant and moan again. Pulling her hands over her head I pin them down with one of mine. Using my knees I encourage her to open hers further; further than necessary. Bearing my weight on my free hand I’m afforded a full view of her naked body. Her beautiful face has the look of anticipation, her breasts swelling and falling as her arousal builds. Isabela’s petals are fully extended; my eager dick just millimetres away. Slipping my free hand to her pussy I spread her lips apart and watch as I manoeuvre my dick into place. I nudge her hole and apply sufficient pressure to hold it there. Releasing her hand, which she keeps the raised, I place mine on the bed at boob height to take my weight. I watch her face as I ease my dick-head in. I never tire from see the girl’s facial expression as I enter her body; surprise, pain, pleasure and pleading for more. Gradually my dick-head is engulf and I start working myself in. It doesn’t take much as she’s soaking. Looking down at her face I ask. “Are you ready?” She pants, “Yes.” Her face looks surprised as my dick is withdrawn and rapidly returned; root deep. Feeling my dick-head touch her cervix causing her wince, “Gentle big boy!” After several strokes we have the measure of each other. Her mouth forms a ‘O’ as we screw each other in sheer pleasure. “God Steve you’re bigger than my previous or current boyfriend.” I smile proudly, “Gentle and slow Steve, please.” I make love to the darling Isabel. Gradually we build our thrusting until she has a ‘nice’ orgasm. Like her Grandmother before her she encourages me to fuck her harder. I’m at a pace my dick likes now and I’m about to cum when she pants surprised, “Gosh I’m so close again. Just a little more, Oh gosh. Yes. Yes. Yes.” Her legs wrap around my hips and her arm wrap around my chest before gripping very, very tight. Luckily in his position her vagina remains open, so I can still fuck her through her orgasm, allowing me to pound her hard until I fill my condom. “Steve, that’s the first time I’ve have more than one orgasm while fucking. Thanks.” Her satisfied face is satisfaction enough as she drifts off to a post orgasmic dream.

We’ve already been in bed for nearly an hour and as she wakes she shows no sign of stopping. Only a few minutes passes and she’s already at my dick begging it to rise; using her mouth. Isabel is on all fours as she blows me. The clever minx has positioned herself to display her body’s terrific profile stimulating me further. As I harden she becomes more enthusiastic causing her boobs to sway. She looks at me out of the corner of her eye then grabs a condom. She dresses me more tenderly than I do. Dressed and rampant she sits astride me, never releasing my dick. Easing my dick in she lies in missionary position. Watching me intently she flexes her hips causing her pussy to slip up and down my dick just about 4 or five inches. I start to move but she tells me to be still. My dick is treated to a slow screw, reminiscent of a sloppy handjob. Isabel has found an angle that hits her spot on every pass. Soon she is getting animated driving down harder. I’m unable to take any more without participating. Catching her by surprise I thrust to meet her and very soon she’s groaning another impending orgasm. As soon and it rips through her teen body she collapses; spent.
I think she’s nodded off to sleep but as my dick is still buried in her pussy awaiting its release; I’m still hard. I of course can’t resist some gentle fucking just to keep things warm! Then, as if nothing happened she sits up and announces, “You get to fuck me but,” she hesitates, “but I want it like you fucked Granny. You know when I saw you two fucking the first night. I’ve dement of nothing else.” On to all fours she gets and with her hand between her thighs she guides me home. Soon we a fucking with long measured and powerful strokes; just like me and Granny! I’m really enjoying this fuck, especially watching this perfect young woman’s ass bounce on each thrust. Isabel’s been moaning and groaning all the time while in this position. As I raise myself from knees to squatting she moans louder. My dick is constantly forced against her g-spot now. I know because at the top of her voice she begs, “Don’t stop. Just there. Oh Gosh pleeaass don’t stop.” She gripping the sheets and buries her head in them. Suddenly Melisa and Elise appear at the open door looking all concerned. Isabel is a real screamer! I don’t stop and Isabel continues groaning into bed unaware of our audience. Then she freeze all movement. I’m very close to cumming, especially now that I having Mom and Granny as my audience. Isabel says, “Now I know how granny felt. Marvellous.” The realisation on granny’s face that young Isabella watched her being fucked causes her to flush. Mom takes a second look at Granny before continuing to watching me fucking her daughter. I ask, “Did you enjoy fingering your pussy while you watched?” “Oh YES, Granny would too if she saw us fucking.” I look at Melissa and raise my hand. Knowingly she immediately raises her skirt and just as her hairy pussy come into view her hand start pleasuring herself. Mom seeing this eagerly follows suite. The sight is just too much for me causing me to buck uncontrollable half a dozen times; filling another condom. I roll her on to her side facing away from the door. Lying in front of her I raise her leg with my thigh; exposing her to her family. Immediately my fingers play with her clit knowing she’s close to another orgasm. Isabel’s panting and encouraging me on. I take a quick peak at her Mom and Gran. They have both got a hand over their mouths to stifle their moans. Seeing them altering their fingering rate I assume that they are trying to hold off their orgasms until Isabel’s ready. On see this my index finger goes into overdrive. Isabel squeals, “Oh Fuck. Oh FUUUUCCCKK.” She slumps into my arms exhausted. Holding her tight I can see Mom and Granny shake as their orgasms hit. Isabel dozes. Dropping their skirts Mom and Gran-mom turn around and silently disappear. Spooning Isabel we sleep; until lunch.

Refreshed from the sleep and a light lunch we all sit around just chilling in the sun. Vincent casually asks, Steve what have you planned for this afternoon?” Before I can open my mouth Isabel cuts in, “Are the cameras still set up in the stables Grandad?” “Yes but you’re never shown any interest in that sort of play?” Looking at her Mom she replies, “Ever since seeing Mom tied up, my body thinks it may be fun.” Elise blushes at the thought of her recent play. Her Grandmom is also looking a little flustered knowing that Vincent will insist on watching the big screen in the lounge; while taking her from behind. I guess Elise won’t be able to resist watching on her screen in her bed room.

Isabel takes my hand and leads me into a different stable than before. We leave the door open so there’s ample light for the cameras. It also helps cool the room from the afternoon heat. By the time I’ve taken in the different layout Isabel is naked and, not unsurprisingly, the camera ‘on’ lights are illuminated. “Come on Steve get naked,” I’m commanded. She is moving bales to suite her wants and I ungallantly sit on a warm bale and watch her waggle her bum as she moves one bale after another. I’m seen doing nothing, except sporting a ‘hard-on’ and told to help thread the restrains under some bales. This little minx has everything planned. I’m just wondering if it’s me who will be restrained. I must admit that I have some very appealing thoughts running through my mind.
“Ready,” she announces and lies face up on a single bale. Her bum is over one end and her head hangs down over the other. Her arms are by her side as she tells me to strap her chest, hips and arms where they are. That done, I’m commanded to fix ankle cuffs. “Now pull down those hooks and attach them to the ankle cuffs. Pull until I say stop.” The ropes pull her legs into her air and I keep going until they are high over her head. I stop when told. Her bum is left maybe six inches above the bale. This little darling has her torso to her hips including her arms fixed to the bale, immobile. Her feet are directly over her head. Finally I’m told to press a button. The motor whirls and pulls her ankles apart. I’m commanded to stop when they are at least 5 feet apart. Her bum has also been raise slightly higher.

She’s fully exposed, venerable and excited. “I want you to spank me. Not too hard. Then TAKE me any way you want. If I say RED you stop?” I agree and playfully spank her bum which soon reddens and starts her panting. She’s really enjoying this. After twenty smack my hand is tingling and her bum is wet from her flowing pussy-juice. I playful smack her tits as I ask if she wants more! Agreeing I slap her boobs and pinch her hard nipples, causing her to groan and squirm. They soon turn bright pink. I don’t want to cause her pain so I stop. “Please just a few more I’m cumming. So reluctantly I resume tit spanking. Three slaps on each tit forces her orgasm out. Moving down to her pussy I watch it shudder. Her exposed and erect clit is too much of a target to resist so I spank it with my middle finger, “Oh god, NO, Oh No!” the screams fighting her cuffs as her pussy squirts everywhere. What a sight. I dress my dick and slide effortlessly in and fuck her hard. She is trying her meet my thrusts but finally relaxes against her restraints. I’m over excited and soon blow my load without caring for her needs. Releasing her we cuddle.

She looks at the cameras and says, “We’ve not finished. I promised Steve a blowjob.” The camera lights remain on.
My all-time favourite position for a blowjob is me standing with the girl on her knees. Although we start this way she moves over to some bales which she had earlier arranged. Being two bales high, it’s just the right height for her bend at her waist and one bale wide; allowing her boobs to dangle free. I’m instructed to secure her arms out at right angles to her torso. A strap over her waist fixes her torso. Then to bind her knees through the bales keeping her thighs well apart and her bum obscenely exposed. Once more she can’t move; exposed and helpless. Isabel asks me to fuck her mouth but instead of cumming in her mouth she wants me to take her anal cherry. I don’t do anal so I whisper my reluctance and suggest an alternative. My darling Isabel then looks directly into a camera and asks, “Vincent, Steve has suggested that you, if Mom and Granny agree, may like to come here and fuck my ass for my very first time?” Moments later an out of breath Vincent arrives; already naked. He double checks that this is all right before kneeling behind his step grand draught’s bum and starts licking her ass. I pull Isabel’s head up and as her lips part in a moan, from Vincent’s efforts, I slip my dick in. I’m not rough with her, as I slide back and forth feeling where she’s comfortable. Her tongue and suction tease me as I enjoy a slow mouth-fuck. Shadows appear at the door as her Mom and grand mom arrive. They watch Vincent licking Isabel’s rose bud and pussy. Melissa comments, “I said you could play with her ass. No mention of her sweet pussy!” Isabel tries to speak so I pull out, “Oh please let him Granny he’s doing a great job.” “That’s enough speaking,” I say and slip my dick back in and return to fucking her mouth. Vincent stands, his face covered in pussy-juice as he aims his dick at her rose bud. Elise suggest, “You should fuck her pussy first. Just to get your dick wet!” He looks at his wife; she just smiles. She groans with pleasure as his dick slides effortlessly into her young pussy. Surprisingly soon he slips out. Eager to take her anal cherry he lines his dick up again. He nods to me and I pull out; not wanting by dick bitten. She grimaces and cries a little as he gently eases his dick-head in. Mom and Gran-Mom have moved in close to see the violation of Isabel’s ass. Vincent thanks me for offering him Isabel’s ass as he lovingly saws back and forth. Remarkably soon she’s asking for more of Vincent’s dick. Getting excited I forgot myself and started pushing more and more dick in to her mouth until my pubic hairs tickle her nose. Elise calls her mom over to show how expert her daughter is at giving head. Melisa says to me, “Don’t blow your load, Isabel can drink later and Vincent,” she looks at him fucking my darling Isabel, “don’t you dare cum or you won’t get hard again. I want you to fuck me up the ass with Steve fucking my pussy.” “Don’t forget me,” Elise reminds them.
Vincent pulls out and finishes Isabel off with his tongue while I lie down on a bale and watch as Melissa mounts me. We are happily fucking and only turn to watch Isabel as she screams with her latest orgasm. Her Mom releases her and they sit watching Melissa fuck me. Vincent swats her ass and so she stops and I can feel Vincent easing into Melissa’s ass. With two dicks she’s tight and we fuck away; mainly Vincent as I’m restricted in my movements. It’s not long before Melissa roars as her orgasm erupts. Vincent and I still haven’t cum. Moving from under Melisa I pull Elise to her feet and bend her over to suck my dick. With her bum high in the air Vincent gets about his work; licking. If she keeps this up I will soon blow so taking another condom I ask Vincent to sit on the bale. I back Elise up and Vincent lines his dick up to her ass. Elise can feel it about to enter her and she looks at me. Her face is full of lust. As his dick-head slips in she leans back impaling herself onto her step-father’s dick. “Oh gosh. I forgot how big a dick feels in my ass,” she marvels. Vincent holds her down before grasping, for the very first time, his step-daughters boobs. “What you are doing,” Elise asks as I lift her ankles high. Now her full weight is in Vincent’s dick. I raise them onto my shoulders and ask Elise, “Would you do the honours?” She pulls my dick towards her pussy and feeds me in. Oh fuck she’s very tight. Isabel is looking over my shoulder and Melissa the other. They both murmur, ‘That looks like fun.’ Elise is virtually helpless in this position. However, I more than Vincent, fuck Elise. We’re excitedly encouraged by her Mom and Daughter. Vincent lies fully back but supports Elise’s shoulders keeping her upright. I can now seize her boobs and torment her nipples. She’s getting close to cumming and starts holding her own ankles begging for more. “Melissa help your daughter. Give her clit a rub.” Isabel is quicker and as she starts rubbing her mom’s clit she explodes; juice everywhere. This family is a family of squirters. This is too much for Vincent and he blows deep in his daughter’s ass.
Melissa, seeing the disappointment in Isabel face, goes to a nearby cupboard and pulls out a dildo the same size as Vincent’s dick, “I know it’s not the same but Vincent doesn’t stand a chance of getting hard until bed time. So it’s this or wait. “Isabel’s hand is on my dick undressing it as she decide, “I’ll wait till tonight, so long as you film everything. I think I should relieve Steve frustration though. I’m pushed down and all three join in; Vincent watches. They each take turns sucking my dick. I’m amazed at the different sensations three women can do to one dick. I warn them I’m about to cum so Elise holds her daughter by her hair and Melissa pumps my dick. “Stick your tongue out,” Mom demands. Her Mom moves to hold Isabel’s mouth open and with Granny pumping my dick I have no choice but to shoot my seed it the darling Isabel’s mouth. Vincent nods his approval. I’ve been fucking most of the day but this is only my second orgasm. So I soak Isabel’s mouth, lips and face; some dribbling onto her heavenly boobs. That nigh Vincent and I fuck Isabel together and the whole evening was filmed my her Mom or Granny while the other encourages us on.

That night I slept with Elise and her daughter and after a memorable morning romp I pack. Today I have to leave. They all come out into the farm yard to wave me goodbye. Vincent is dressed in shorts and t-shirt. All three women had on thin strapped dresses. I know they have nothing else on as I watched Elise and Isabel dress and I grouped Melissa earlier. Everything packed, kisses and handshakes done. I get into the van. Vincent say, “Got a camera Steve?” One of the band then starts taking photos. Vincent movers behind Melissa and cuts the straps. It falls to the floor. He moves to Elise and does the same. Isabel waits her turn. Soon all three are naked. I attempt to leave the van but I’m pull back and we pull away. The last view I have is of them all waving. All beautiful women. I’ve, but not the band, been asked to return for a repeat performance next year.

If you’ve enjoyed this store please let me know.

The Guitarist – The Yoga Instructor is at our next gig if anyone is interested?



Same as The Guitarist – The Bürgermeister’s Party. Videos

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First threesome ndash a fantasy ndash part 1

I had been on XHamster chatting with Paul for a little while now. Even during our first chat in the messages he’d hinted that his wife was open and adventurous in their sex life. So, when we skyped and watched each other wanking off, he showed me the double ended vibrating dildo that she’d fucked his arse with. There was a short and long end with a disk in between, Paul slowly slid the long end, (his) into his arse and switched on the vibrator. From the way his body jumped, I guess he liked it,...

1 year ago
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Julie out on her own ndash First Threesome Part 2 ndash

Julie out on her own – First Threesome (Part 2) – CD/TV/TS, MFM(Continued from Part 1)Sure enough, there was Vicky was, head above mine, eyes closed, sucking on her fingers. I reached my arm up and snaked it around her head, and pulled her lips to my face quickly, making her faceplant into pools of sperm. She was surprised, but relaxed and started slurping – I knew I had her. I whispered quietly, “You still owe me … bitch!”To my surprise, as much as she’d seemed to be into it, sharing Mike’s...

2 years ago
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Julie out on her own ndash First Threesome ndash CDTVTS

Julie out on her own – First Threesome – CD/TV/TS, MFMRemember how Vicky, the blonde busty sexpot, owed me a favor, because she knew I knew she’d blown my best friend Mike at the bowling alley, but was going to keep quiet for her? If not, see the story two entries ago! Anyway, about two weeks later I called her up during the week, when I knew her boyfriend Frank wouldn’t likely be at her place. After a few rings, she picked up the phone.“Goodbody’s Mortuary, you stab ‘em, we slab ‘em, Elvira...

2 years ago
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Red ndash Part VIII ndash The girls meet up with Marcus

Sara flipped off the radio when she turned into her Tinderwood Apartment complex. It was late and she was exhausted. Her younger sister, Lauren, was asleep on the sofa with her chemistry book open on her chest, when she walked in. Sara looked frazzled and worn out for a 19 year sophomore in college. Her hair was windblown and her makeup was a mess. Her new flowered sundress was wrinkled and only held closed by three buttons. When she plopped down in the chair, Lauren could see her bare breasts...

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Julie out on her own ndash Bowling Aftermath ndash CDTVT

Julie out on her own – Bowling Aftermath – CD/TV/TS, MMSo last time I wrote about how my roommate Mike hooked up with flirty Vicky at the bowling alley, how I knew about it, how Mike knew I knew, and how Vicky knew I knew, but how Vicky didn’t know that Mike knew I knew. Confused? Read last entry!Anyway, when Mike and I got home that night, we thought it was hilarious how Vicky’s horny lusts had gotten the better of her, how she’d blown Mike in the bowling alley men’s room while I watched over...

3 years ago
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Red ndash Part VII ndash A Quick Trip

Sara was jolted from her nap when the phone rang. She glanced over at the kitchen clock. It was 6:15pm. She’d been studying hard since school started three weeks ago and had passed out in the process. It was her trucker friend, Cliff. “Hey babe, I’m coming north on 95 and was wondering if you’d like to meet me at the truck stop up above Richmond?”Sara could feel pussy waking up faster than she was. It quivered in her fleece shorts. “Ummm, yeah, sure. How long before you get there?”“Probably...

3 years ago
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Red ndash Part V ndash Grace takes the Wheel

“Lauren, wake up. Wake up hon, we need to get on the road,” Grace said softly as she nudged at her daughter. Grace yanked back the covers to speed things up, and paused to admire the eighteen year old's tall, tan, beautiful body.“Yaawwwnnnnn, good morning. Did you say we? You’re driving me back?” “Yes hon. I talked with your dad and since you’re still on Percocet, we think it would be better if I drove you,“ Grace stated. Lauren had her wisdom teeth removed Friday morning, but was still hurting...

4 years ago
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Vacation Fun ndash Chapter 2 ndash The Next Morning

Vacation Fun – Chapter 2 – The Next MorningWith the curtains closed only a little light shined through the windows, but is was more than enough for Sam’s eyes to take in every curve of Carly’s body. Carly always looks so peaceful when she’s asleeep, and now Sam could freely lay in bed and stare for as long as she wanted or till Carly woke up.Before Carly climbed into bed just a little after midnight she striped down to only her underwear, slowly Sam started tracing patterns on Carly’s bare arm...

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Julie out on her own ndash with Mike and Vicky ndash CDTV

Julie out on her own – with Mike and Vicky – CD/TV/TS, MMSo last time I wrote about and my roommate Mike, how we’d come to terms with my crossdressing, my attraction to him, and his willingness to have a horny busty T-girl go wild on him.Since we both were comfortable with it, as time went on, I began staying dressed more in our apartment. Nothing fancy, but during evenings and practically all weekend, more often than not, if I had no immediate plans to go out, I would wear the following. Pink...

3 years ago
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Julie out on her own ndash more with Mike ndash CDTVTS

Julie out on her own – more with Mike – CD/TV/TS, MMSo last time I wrote about my first sexual experience with my roommate Mike, how I’d “ambushed” him when he came home one night, and I was dressed like one of our sexy busty slutty blonde friends, Vicky. The next morning, I was awake and eating breakfast in our kitchen (not cross-dressed), just in shorts and a t-shirt, ready to do some weekend chores.Mike came in behind me and cleared his throat nervously. He said, “Um, did what happen last...

2 years ago
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Julie out on her own ndash with Mike ndash CDTVTS MM

Julie out on her own – with Mike – CD/TV/TS, MMLiving with my folks was OK, but when I finished college, like most k**s, I got a decent job and was eager to get a place of my own and taste more freedom … and COCK! (Well, most k**s want to taste opposite gender genitals, but you know what I mean.) Several of my friends had moved out earlier than I did, having not gone to college for a full four years, some not having gone to college at all, yet getting decent jobs through what they knew and/or...

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Julie out on her own ndash with Mike ndash CDTVTS MM

Julie out on her own – with Mike – CD/TV/TS, MMLiving with my folks was OK, but when I finished college, like most k**s, I got a decent job and was eager to get a place of my own and taste more freedom … and COCK! (Well, most k**s want to taste opposite gender genitals, but you know what I mean.) Several of my friends had moved out earlier than I did, having not gone to college for a full four years, some not having gone to college at all, yet getting decent jobs through what they knew and/or...

3 years ago
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Gender bent ndash Ch 9 ndash Lack of free will

Gender bent – Ch 9 – Lack of free will“Nikki, he Nikki?, Wake up” I heard a voice as I opened my eyes. “What happened?” I muttered as all I could remember was being dolled up like a bimbo slut encased in pink latex looking like a flat chested girl with a bubble butt with a ton of fake tats on me. “The process finished” J said as Kandi stood right next to him. “Wow did It work?” Kandi said. “Did what work?” I replied. J looked at Kandi and then pressed a button on the watch and said “Looks like...

2 years ago
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Gender bent ndash Ch 8 ndash Made for pleasure

Gender bent – Ch 8 – Made for pleasureAs I Kandi led me around the parties’ hallways I realized I didn’t even know where I really was or how big this place truly was. I remembered once I agreed to be his “Girl” Dave pretty much had a ton of rules before I couldn’t even set foot in the party. One was no cell phones which I left at his place. Another was I needed to be blind folded the whole time we traveled there. It wasn’t long from his place, about 30 minutes. I remember being hand-led into a...

3 years ago
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Sissies New Years Surprise ndash Part 3 ndash

Chapter 3The DecisionSissy got out of bed at her usual time and went about her morning routine of shaving, showering, and getting dressed. Sissy thought maybe she got an hour of restless sleep. After not being able to perform last night she had pretty much laid in bed all night crying and pondering how she became to be such a sissy. To her own surprise she didn’t put much thought into what decision she would make b/c deep down she knew the answer already. If she couldn’t perform with her...

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Sissies New Years Surprise ndash Part 2 ndash

Chapter 2Sissies Opportunity BlownSissy was dead tired. It had been a long and tiring day. Mistress was very picky today at inspection and sissy had to redo some of her work several times. Sissy would admit that some of her work was sloppy, but sissy could not concentrate. Mistress had just told her the biggest news and she still couldn’t wrap her head around it; no wonder her work was messy. As a result sissy had to spend an hour in the corner tonight and was sent right to bed following...

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Sissies New Years Surprise ndash Part 1 ndash

“sissy come in here, W/we need to talk.”“Yes Mistress, coming.”Sissy enters the room and curtseys, with sissy’s eyes downcast she sees Mistresses finger pointing towards the floor. Sissy hobbles over to Mistress and kneels at Her feet. Today, Mistress has sissy in her black satin maids uniform with pink lace trim and a pink apron. Sissy also has on a matching pink hair bow, pink petticoat, matching pink ruffled panties, black hose with matching garter, a black bra, and black 4’’ locking pumps....

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Part 5 ndash Her Divorce ndash True Story

To continue the story, after my future wife moved in with me she discovered that she could make me cum hard and fast when she shared stories of her past sexual adventures. And if you have not read the first parts, she learned she liked sex early. Sex with guys, gals, black guys and multiple guys.So to continue, her first husband graduated from college without knowing she was fucking her work boss, fellow workers, and a few of his college teammates. So he got a job and they moved to the Texas...

2 years ago
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Pepperrsquos Honeymoon ndash Part 8 ndash Se

Pepper’s Honeymoon – Part 8 – Seiichi and EmikoSunday, September 9, 1985I woke early Sunday morning and managed to slip out of bed without waking the wives. It was barely starting to get light out so I grabbed my swim suit and headed to the beach for some much needed exercise. After stretching and warming up, I began jogging on the beach. As I approached the far end of the beach away from our bungalow, I spied a young couple lying on the sand. It appeared that they had passed out while...

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Pepperrsquos Honeymoon ndash Part 7 ndash Ma

Pepper’s Honeymoon – Part 7 – Margie’s New BikiniSaturday, September 8, 1985Saturday morning I woke early and managed to sneak out of bed without waking the girls. I put on some shorts and went to the beach where I jogged the full length of the beach and back. It was still early and getting light, but I went ahead and stripped and took about a 20 minute swim on the ocean. When I got back to the beach, there was a couple walking a ways down the beach, so I grabbed my shorts and trotted over...

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Pepperrsquos Honeymoon ndash Part 6 ndash Or

Pepper’s Honeymoon – Part 6 – Orgy at Secluded BeachFriday, September 7, 1985I woke up Friday morning to someone whispering in my ear asking me if I was ready for a day of wild sex on a remote beach. I rolled over and it was Ginger and I told her I was ready and looking forward to seeing her and Pepper have a lot of fun. We got up, got dressed, grabbed our hats, suntan lotion and several large beach towels they provided in the bungalow. Being the first ones at the restaurant for breakfast,...

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