Collateral - Ch. 1 free porn video

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Summary: Jake is young, wild, and runs with his brother's bad-ass gang. But he has a secret he needs to hide. When he is saved from a rival gang by a guy with eyes blue as the summer's sky, all dressed up in an Armani suit and moves like Bruce Lee, the walls he carefully built around him start to crumble.


Jake had never been the type to fear anything for too long. It was either that way or his way. It was how he had been taught to think from an early age. His brother was in charge now, and that meant more responsibilities for the 21-year-old who was supposed to find a way in life, outside the lulling security of his family. They were not just punks. They were The Outsiders. A name many feared. A name Jake and his brother took pride in. But Jake knew he could not stay, no matter how much he wanted to. The last thing he needed was to let anyone know about his ... peculiarity.

He snorted, mostly in self-deprecation. He was a strange one alright. He had never been like the others. This was a little something he only knew. When his brother and the others talked about some girl's boobs and ass, he could only think of strong arms pinning him down, sinewy legs forcing his own wide open and ... He shook his head. Now it wasn't a good time to play with the fantasies in his mind. He feared what the others would think. Hell, he could picture them yelling at him, "Fag!" and most probably many other names that he did not want to conjure in his mind at the moment. And the yelling would not be the worst thing. Probably he was going to get a real beating on top of everything else.

So, since it could not be his way, it had to be that way, which meant he had to go away and find something to do on his own, without his brother's protection.

He had to think of a reason, though. He could not flee, just like that. His brother would not understand. He was bound to say something, at least.

Kicking a rock with his foot, he watched it roll on the humid sidewalk, glowing faintly in the dim street lights.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A mutt straying too far away from home?" he heard a mocking voice, and he froze for a moment.

"What? Ain’t anyone allowed to take a piss on no man's land now?" he shrugged, watching the owner of that voice coming out of the dark. If it was just one guy, it wasn't going to be a problem. Even two or three. After that, he didn't really know.

He felt his stomach clenching as five guys all dressed in white jumpsuits appeared in his line of sight. Maybe he could throw a punch and run away. He was known to be a good sprinter.

"No longer no man's land," one of them spoke, with an ugly smile on his face. "It's ours."

"Alright," he raised his hands in defeat. There was no point in playing the hero. "Sorry, didn't get the memo," he joked.

"The what?" another asked, earning a slap upside the head from the one who seemed to be their leader.

"Nothing, stupid mutt here thinks he owns the place and he’s smart about it, too."

"I don't think that, really," Jake moved backward, his eyes darting in all directions for a fast exit.

The move almost took him by surprise. The first to talk swung a chain with the clear intention to wipe out his feet. He jumped just in time.

Damn, he was fucked. If he was going to get out of there with just a few broken bones, he was going to be lucky. Cold sweat was pooling on the small of his back. He took a defensive stance, scanning his opponents, searching for a weakness. His eyes darted to the left. The man on the extreme right was short, and he was nervously clasping a baseball bat.

He swung fast in that direction, pushing the little man against the one next to him and making both stumble and fall like two crash test dummies. He started running, with the other three after him, while the two were scrambling to get back on their feet. When the chain connected with his shoulder, he did not repress a loud yell. Apparently, he was not that great a sprinter.

He continued to run, ignoring the pain in his shoulder or at least trying to. He was not going to make it far, running like this. This was not a neighborhood he knew too well.

He took a wrong turn and reached a dead end. The walls right and left were too tall to climb. He was fucking doomed.

He turned with his hands above his head.

"Alright, no need to get freaky about it. If my brother finds out you beat me up ..."

"He will kick your ass for not being able to fend for yourself," the man who seemed the leader got closer, swinging his chain.
Jake did not deny. Yes, that could be a possibility. The new head of The Outsiders was not known to be kind to losers, even if one of those losers was his baby brother.

He danced to the right when the man tried to hit him. He could not postpone the inevitable. He wasn't going to let them win without breaking a sweat, at least.

He dodged every time the man tried to hit him. The others were growing nervous, and soon enough, he was pushed with his back against the wall. One man pulled him by the jacket and threw him on the ground. He tensed and got up in one single graceful move. He could have been a gymnast; his PE teacher used to say that. At least, his agility was serving a purpose now. Not that it mattered. He was brought down again, and he fought against his assailants without yelling or begging.

"What is going on here?" a voice with a strange strong accent made everyone stop.

Jake's assailants turned to look at the intruder. "None of your goddamn business, Fritz," the leader hissed.

From the ground, Jake could not see the newcomer too well, the street light throwing a strange aura on his silhouette. The stranger looked much better dressed than the punks on the streets at that hour, and his blond hair was impeccable. At least, Jake thought it was blond, seeing how the light glowed and danced on it. There was not enough light to see the man's face, but he had fair hair, that was sure.

The man tsked in displeasure at the comment. "I believe you scumbags should address me more respectfully," he said in a bored tone. "My name is Klaus Metzger, and you should better remember it."

"That so?" the man with the chain ignored Jake to face the blond man.

Jake felt almost like laughing, as he watched how his attacker's arm was easily twisted to his back, making him drop the chain that fell on the pavement with a loud thump.

"I strongly suggest all of you take a hike," the man who said his name was Klaus continued in the same bored tone. "Unless you want me to entertain myself all night long breaking your bones."

"Get him! Get him!" the man with his arm twisted at his back bellowed, and the others approached, although hesitantly. The blond twisted the man's arm tighter. "Are you sure? Your friends don't seem that pleased to see me how I'm going to rip your arm off," he said calmly.

The man started to howl, as more pressure was applied to his shoulder. "Maybe you could all be a match against me," the blond continued in the same even tone as if he was not making any effort to keep the man in his grip like that. "But he will lose his arm," he added matter-of-factly.

He pushed the man down, at his feet, and kicked him once in the ribs for good measure. The others made a move forward, but the blond moved so fast and punched one of the assailants so hard in the face that Jake had to wince hearing the bones cracking. That was going to be one ugly nose, after painful months of healing.

The other three rushed to hit the man and Jake witnessed a rare demonstration of martial arts like he had never seen in his entire life. In less than three minutes, all the five guys were on the ground, whining like a bunch of dogs.

Apprehensively, Jake got to his feet, limping a little. He grimaced at the pain in his shoulder.

"Please, don't beat me up," he spoke, as he gingerly found his way through the men crushed on the ground and raised his hands in surrender.

The blond seemed unmoved like a statue, in the faint light. "You come with me," he gestured towards Jake with two fingers.

"Hell no," Jake protested faintly. He had too little energy left to fight.

"Do you want me to beat you up?" the man inquired, with a tinge of amusement in his voice.

Jake shook his head. He was in no position to fight. He followed the other, and only then he noticed the guy was wearing an impeccable suit. Jake thought it would be wise just to do what the man said for the time being. No point in angering a guy who moved like Bruce Lee, while wearing Armani or shit like that.

He saw a dark silhouette was holding the door to a black limousine as he walked behind the man. Jake's eyes grew as big as saucers. What was a big shot like this Klaus guy doing in a seedy neighborhood?

"All is well, sir?" the man holding the door inquired politely.

"Everything is perfect, Thompson. No need to worry. You, get inside," he half turned to gesture at Jake to climb inside the car.

Jake did as told and tried to assume a relaxed posture. Whatever the guy wanted, it was not going to involve force, or he would be on the ground, screaming with the rest by now.

The blond sat across from him, and the car door was closed carefully by the chauffeur. They scrutinized each other, as the car started moving.

Jake had to bite back a small curse. The man was fucking gorgeous. The light inside the limo was pleasant and bright enough for the two to inspect each other's features without any hindrance.

Jake understood why his attackers had called the man Fritz. He did look like a German guy. He could have been poster boy for Germany. Perfectly shaved, his blond hair neatly combed over his hair, almost white, like platinum, and deep blue eyes that were seemingly asking Jake to dive in. His face was a bit harsh but harmonious, and the dark blue suit was complementing his perfect features. Although Jake could swear, the guy would have looked fantastic in about anything he wanted to wear, even crocs or something stupid like that.

He was gawking, most probably, because a small all-knowing smile danced on the man's lips. Jake felt like he wanted to bite on his fist all of a sudden. The man had such beautiful lips, soft and inviting, nothing like the rest of his face or figure. They were making him even more attractive. When he smiled, perfect rows of pearly white teeth showed. The man looked as if he had been made in a lab and not born from the coupling of two human beings.

"So ..." the man started, and Jake could swear he looked a bit amused.

"I'm Jake," Jake offered his hand quickly, and the man shook it shortly.

"So Jake, how do you plan on repaying me?"

"For what?"

The man chuckled softly, making Jake squirm a little in his place. "Saving you back there?"

Something in the way Klaus said the last word made Jake grow hot a little. What the hell? He thought. The man's eyes were measuring him up and down as if they could see through clothes. Jake felt self-conscious all of a sudden.

"What do you want? Info on those guys?" Jake nervously clasped his knees with his palms.

Klaus shook his head slowly.

"Want me to run some errands for you, then? I’m good around the city, and I know people," Jake offered.

Again, his offer was met with denial.

"What then? I don't have too much money on me, and you don't look like you need some change anyway," Jake said warily.

"You were on my territory tonight," Klaus said almost accusatory.

"Shit," Jake murmured. "When did that change? I don't know anything."

"It is mine now. Whoever trespasses at this hour has to pay what's due."

"Due? But those guys ...?"

"They got what was coming to them. You, on the other hand," the man looked at Jake, his eyes at half-mast, "you look like you are a different breed."

Somewhat this man was making him feel like cattle when he spoke like that.

"So, do you still plan on beating me up?" Jake looked the other in the eyes. He wasn’t going to cower if that was the case.

The man shook his head. Slowly, with studied gestures, he took out a cigarette and lit it up with a golden lighter that disappeared into his pocket as fast as it was produced from there.

"How old are you, Jake?" Klaus inquired.

"21," he said curtly.

"What experience do you have with men?"

Jake's mouth fell agape. Was the man saying what he thought he was saying?

"None," he said slowly.

Fuck, fuckity, fuck, he thought. Was the guy some homophobe who beat up people who he thought to be gay or something? Technically, Jake wasn't .... well he wasn't an active gay guy because he had never done anything with anyone. His fantasies could not count, could they?

"I want to see you naked," Klaus demanded.

"What?! No way!" Jake protested.

"There are worse things than getting naked in a car with only one person as an audience."

"Why do you want to see me naked? Are you a homo?"

The man's beautiful eyes turned into slits. Talking about wrong things to say.

"Watch your mouth. What I am is none of your business. I interrupted my evening to save your sorry ass from the clutches of your enemies, while you were wandering in my territory. The least you could offer is to do as asked," Klaus's voice sounded hard and cold as ice.

"Alright, fine," Jake pulled at the sleeves of his leather jacket. He was thankful for his dark complexion as he was pretty sure he was blushing like crazy. He was about to get naked for a guy.

He took off his t-shirt next, allowing the man to see his perfect abs. At least he had nothing to be ashamed about. He waited, unsure if he should continue.

"What part of naked you do not understand?" Klaus inquired, no trace of emotion in his voice.

Cursing under his breath, Jake pushed down his jeans and his underwear along with his socks and shoes. He stood like that, his legs parted, waiting.

"Nice cock," the man smiled, and Jake felt the familiar stir in his loins. The kind he got when watching skin magazines showing naked guys. "Obviously, it is standing up to attention," Klaus's voice grew a bit thick.

Overly conscious of his state of undress, Jake placed his hands over his manhood, to hide it from prying eyes. Klaus took a long drag from his cigarette, blowing smoke through his mouth, and Jake thought stupidly how he wanted to be something the man would like to take in his mouth. He shook his head at the thought, making the man’s smile widen.

The window was lowered a couple of inches, and the man kicked off the half-smoked cigarette. Then he turned his attention to Jake. Klaus was taking his time watching Jake’s naked form, and Jake could swear he could feel the man’s eyes following every edge, every nook and cranny visible. It felt invasive, like he was touched from head to toes, as if the man wanted to get inside him from all sides, and spill Jake’s secrets through all his pores.

“What?” he asked, and for some reason, his voice sounded hoarse.

Klaus said nothing and just continued to stare. Even more, he bent slightly, as if he was curious about something. The last thing Jake wanted was to look into those deep blue eyes from up close. He noticed how the man’s eyes were fringed by long eyelashes, darker than his hair. He took in the aristocratic nose, the high cheekbones, and those frigging kissable lips. u*********sly, he drew a deep breath.

“Do you like what you see?” Klaus asked, amusement sparkling in his eyes and dancing on his lips.

“I should be the one asking that,” Jake said, feeling a bit affronted for being caught staring.

A strong, determined hand batted his hands off his organ, and his cock was suddenly grabbed in a strong grip. Klaus continued to look at him while starting to rub his member up and down.

“Are you always this hard when a man touches you?” Klaus’s voice was deep and husky.

Fuck, he was hard. He hadn’t even registered he was getting a boner while being watched like that by eyes blue like the summer sky. He hissed and closed his eyes. He was sure he was sweating so badly, that the seat beneath him was going to get soaked through. Klaus didn’t seem to joke about it; his hand continued the steady pumping, and Jake wanted nothing but for the man to stop. Or increase his rhythm; he no longer knew what he wanted.

“Hey,” Klaus cooed gently. “Open your eyes.”

Like a petulant c***d, Jake shook his head and squeezed his eyes closed even more.

“If you don’t, I won’t finish,” the gorgeous man issued the casual blackmail with a small chuckle.

Surprised, Jake opened his eyes and blinked in confusion.

“Don’t, please,” he begged, although he no longer had the slightest idea what he was asking for. It was for the first time in his life that another man was touching his cock, and it felt too amazing to think straight anymore.

A hand smelling of expensive cologne and tobacco closed over his mouth, hushing him. The other started to pump him harder, and he could no longer protest, even if he wanted to. His hands grabbed helplessly at the seat fabric, as he tensed and came, his eyes locked with sapphire blues staring at him with a mix of mockery and interest he could not make any sense of. The hand over his mouth moved away, letting him express his pleasure by moaning loudly.
He closed his eyes again, his lips parted, breathing heavily. Deft fingers were pushed through his lips.

“Lick,” came the short command, and he did as told, too spent to fight such a simple order.

He tasted himself on the man’s hand, along with a scent he was certain he was forever to associate with having another orgasm facilitated by another guy. At least it was not the first time he had eaten his cum, so he was familiar with the taste. The fingers moved against his tongue, erotically, and it felt like sex. Too bad he could not get it up again so soon after the best climax in his short life.

“You can dress up,” the man eventually withdrew, and Jake quickly grabbed his clothes.

Shame and humiliation washed over him, as he was back to reality. He was quickly done while keeping his eyes cast down. He heard the man knocking softly against the screen separating them from the chauffeur, and he could tell the car was slowing down. That was his cue.

“See you around, Jake,” Klaus spoke to him, as he hurriedly opened the door to get out.

He said nothing as he almost ran away. He had no idea what that meant. But he could feel fear, coiling deep in his gut. Someone, living in the same city as he and his brother, now knew his secret. The last thing he wanted was to meet the man again.


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It’s another Thursday. I’m home alone. Nadine’s mom, my soon to be ex-girlfriend Katia, is away for business as usual. I’m working in my study. I’m hearing the front door. “Hi Frank!” “Hi Frank!” I know those voices! Nadine of course and… Mike! Mike again?! “Hey Nadine and Mike!” “You won’t mind if I have Mike over again?” Nadine yells from the hall. “All good! You guys have fun!” I’m yelling back. Of course it is NOT all good! She made me so jealous last time. And I told her I didn’t like...

2 years ago
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Big black bear master

About a year ago, I was in serious debt to this huge black guy, he told me if I became his bitch, he would end the debt, before I could even answer, everything went black.Next thing I knew, I wake up in a basement, hands and feet bound staring up at him. He stood about 6ft 1, at least 20 stone and had a dick which was easily 12 inches long and 2 or 3 inches wide when erect. I was naked and cold on the floor. He shouted, "get on your fucking knees!". I quickly rushed up, he laughed to himself....

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Prom Night Freaks

People think we are freaks, some even called us sluts. All of these statements are true. The seven of us have sex a lot and often. Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Kelly. I am a senior at Port Clinton High School in Port Clinton, Ohio. I am 6’1 blonde hair blue eyes, I have 45 C breasts.I should introduce the rest of my lesbian sex gang; First is Cassandra, 5’9 dark brown hair, and 45 D breasts. Next, is Jessica, 5’5 blonde hair 30 D breasts. Vikki is next brownish black hair 5’7 25 B breasts....

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Doctor enjoyed housewife

Today the incident which I am going to narrate is an experience of a housewife, who visited a middle aged doctor for her ailment. Neha is a lovely looking housewife of 27years having married with Rahul at an early age presently mother of a daughter of 6 years old. Husband is a well settled businessman at the age of 32 but for the business matter is a very frequent traveler. So Neha has learned to perform all types of outdoor works like depositing electricity bills, telephone bills, day to day...

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ThisGirlSucks Aria Lee Blowing Arizona

Her name is Aria Lee, and she is a stunning Asian chick with long legs and a slamming body to boot. She has a hunger for big dick in her young, wet mouth, and we here at TeamSkeet are happy to help her satisfy her cravings. She is originally from Arizona, and that is where she learned how to suck dick like a pro. She is so skilled that she can say the ABCs while taking my dick all the way down her throat! And the way she lets her spit cover my cock, you can tell Aria is truly passionate about...

3 years ago
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In the ShadowsChapter 7

How could a woman dye her hair such a hideous color!?! Two women were sleeping in the room. There was a double bed and two naked women, one White and one Black were sleeping on it with their arms and legs interlocked. The White woman had died her hair a bright green and it actually seemed to glow in the dark! Here were two candidates to tell them where they could find Spoiler Banes, so Nemesis waved Nightmare to follow her and they entered the room. Both had their guns drawn, and, when the...

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666 Trouser Snakes On A Plane

“Enough is enough! I ’ave ’ad it with these motherfuckin’ trouser snakes on this motherfuckin’ plane!” Chas—only her mum called her Charlotte—spat the words out in a spray of cum the moment the tenth cock in as many minutes slid from her mouth. Its owner slumped, as limp as their spent member, legs splayed to bare the dribbling cunt beneath.“That’s cultural appropriation!” Dave called from the other aisle once his mouth was also cock-free. “I’m the hot black man—I should get to say that!” The...

1 year ago
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In spite of my misgivings about the purpose of this lunch, I felt at peace, almost giddy with joy. As to the purpose, we’d gathered, ostensibly anyway, to discuss my marriage difficulties The peace and joy derived from the fact that we were sitting in my favorite restaurant and I was flanked by my two very best friends, Tammy and Peggy. Sorority sisters while in school together and before that fellow cheerleaders on our high school team. We’d once enjoyed getting together almost weekly for such...

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The Power of Mind Magic

The day has come. The day which every demon looks forward to. The day of maturity, being the most important day for a demon of any race, but especially for a demon of the devil race, and even more so for a demon of the caliber of Asmodeus. Devils were known to wield all different kinds of demonic magic, and it was really luck of the draw when it came to what kind. As the son of a high ranking demon, Asmodeus's magic was nearly guaranteed to be far stronger than lower ranking demons' magic, even...

Mind Control
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Thrill of The Chase

The taxi ride over had been a flurry of caresses and deep kissing, progressing into a fantastic full on make out session. He could still feel how her slender tongue had parted his lips and swirled around his own, as she pressed her warm body against him tightly. The cabbie blushed and sent them away as they threw the fare at him. She grinned and kissed him and mouthed the apartment number, then ran up the stairs and said in a sexy voice "catch me if you can" They raced up the stairs and she let...

3 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 140

We found one, and the three of us masturbated. I wasn't at all sure who Girl Scout was but she was interesting. I wondered if she was Happy, or even if she was a she. I felt like I was pretty good with deciding who was real, and who was not. It didn't bother me that they were plastic girls, it was just a curiosity thing. I felt like Girl Scout was a girl and quite likely Happy, but I would never know that was kind of our unspoken deal. Whenever I went to one of the adult room for every ten...

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The Second Time Around

I knocked on the door and it was opened up by a woman who was a little overweight, but had the most beautiful face I have ever seen on a woman. Dark green eyes, and dimples when she smiled. Brunette hair down to her shoulders in big curls. My sister, Cheri, fixed me up with a blind date. This was one of her best friends at work. The only thing my sister mentioned is that she was pretty and somewhat overweight. Julie, this woman I had the blind date with, was a natural beauty. Yes, she was...

2 years ago
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Boat Mom

Shellie lay on the small deck of the houseboat, the hot sun burning into her already golden flesh. She rested on the foam mattress, on her stomach, her bikini top untied and her tits smashed beneath her. The bottoms of her bikini were so skimpy that the luscious sweetness of her swelling ass was half exposed. The sun heated her body, and she writhed sensually, opening her legs to allow the rays to touch her inner thighs. Shellie was slender, like a fashion model. But still,...

3 years ago
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Adventure With One Hot Lady In Car 8211 Part 1

Hello Indian sex stories readers, I really like this site. Helping people to live others real experience as fantasy. Let me Introduce myself, name hardik, 23 age, 5’8″. Gujarati. I work in surat for an MNC, one of the most bold and attractive city of Gujarat. Here people are more fashionable than other cities. They like to show off. Its heaven for guys of my age. :P So let’s come to sex story. This happened some one month ago. I was bored at room. So went out to have some food. Was alone so I...

3 years ago
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Down The Rabbit Hole Part VI

It was early evening. After the couple left, my only visitor was an elderly man looking for sex with a younger woman. Once he was dispatched, my vibrating buddy and I took a trip out to the balcony. I was done hiding who and what I was. I was staggering a little, though I couldn't decide if it was due to my frequent hard fucking or the device. I don't know that it mattered. I loved the woman I was now, even if it meant I had to concentrate beyond belief to make myself a sandwich. My cunt was...

2 years ago
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Swapped UnswappedChapter 4

Diana I’d made the bed in my bedroom and started a load of laundry before I began to put away the breakfast dishes and was cleaning up in the kitchen when I heard her. “Diana?” “Yes, Deb. How are you feeling?” “What happened?” “Well last night after we got back from the hospital, you just sort of faded away. I got you cleaned up and into bed. This morning, Mick and I checked on you and decided to let you sleep. You were so shocked about everything.” “It was all real? It was ... Paul’s...

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Learning about jacking off Part Seven Mrs Wilson

Lunch at Mrs. Martin's house was kind of strange. Mrs. Martin, Gloria and I were all drinking some red wine. Mrs. Martin was the only one not naked. They were talking about their first time. Mrs. Martin had been a virgin the night she married Mr. Martin. She said she had been an old fashioned girl, but that she had gotten over that. Both of them laughed loudly. Gloria's first time was with an older man when she was barely out of high school. I told them about my first time just over a week...

4 years ago
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Travel Trouble

This story is written and intended for the enjoyment of adults only. Please send any comments to [email protected]. I love hearing from you. Travel Trouble Written by 4play My wife Mary and I had recently retired and had sold out house and bought a motor home. We disposed of everything we couldn't carry with us and said goodby to our friends. We decided to use our new freedom to see some of this...

4 years ago
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Fuck Me In The Shower

I send you a text. 'The next time I see you you're going to fuck me in the shower.' Your reply is simple, you don't object. 'Yes.'I cook us dinner and you arrive. There is tension in the air as we eat, our eyes meet across the table, there is an air of excitement as we both can't help but think about our dessert. Each other.I'm done. I push my plate aside and pick up my wine. I watch you as I drink it - under the table my foot slides up your legs and comes to rest between your legs, pushing...

Quickie Sex
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Sorority Sisters Service Project The Walk of Shame and Answer Key

Sorority Sisters' Service Project - The Walk of Shame (and Answers) By Lenal Note: The answers to the logic puzzle are given throughout this little vignette, but if you want to skip to the end, you'll find the TL;DR version :). Samantha, Wanda, June, Tiffany, and Katrina lounged on the porch of the Mu Gamma Kappa house, waiting for their ex-boyfriends to arrive, drawn by the same mystical forces that changed them to begin with. Zach was the first to arrive. Her dirty-blond hair...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 6 A New Resident

Bob Turner climbed out of his car and grabbed his briefcase. It was still early afternoon on a Friday, but he had given himself the afternoon off. He unlocked the front door and went into the house. Setting his briefcase down in the foyer, he called out, in a high, false voice, “Lucy, I’m home!” Paige smiled in the kitchen where she was washing dishes. “Jack? Is that you?” she called out sweetly. Bob wandered into the kitchen. “Who’s Jack?” He came up behind Paige and kissed her on the back...

2 years ago
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PornWorld Sasha Rose Zlata Shine Cheating Housewife Zlata Shine Invites Hubby And Colleague Into DP Foursome

After naughty housewife, Zlata Shine is caught red-handed in a lesbian affair with her gorgeous girlfriend, Sasha Rose, both hotties look extremely shocked to see Zlata’s husband and his colleague stood at the doorway! Instead of getting angry, Vince gets seriously turned on seeing his wife enjoying pleasure from another woman and both businessmen join in their fun! Zlata happily shares her husband, as both babes suck cock and get their holes slammed with dick! Every hole gets destroyed...

3 years ago
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Baby Blue

She'll call herself Baby Blue when they're desperate for a name to moan. Stole it from a billboard ad along highway 70. Thinks it was the name for a zoo's newborn seal; bit like that song... Baby Beluga? Blue Jean Baby? Can't say for sure. Doesn't really matter. All that does is the power it seems to hold over men, especially those graying at the temples. They'll whisper it with beer breath, hand on her thigh. Baby Blue. Desperate for the tight gash they no longer get at home.  It’s not really...

4 years ago
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SAMANTHA’S NEW LIFE: CHAPTER ELEVEN: I AM SUCH A BITCHIsn’t it funny how sometimes you think about something and in your mind you use certain words to frame the thought and you’re not sure why that word might have sprung into your mind? Then, sometime later, that reference seems like a premonition? That’s what happened to me. Walking back to the house after being fucked on the golf course by both Nick and Harley, my thought was curiously marveling at the way things were progressing and I...

2 years ago
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Connecting Rod Ch 0102

Chapter 1: The Cowboy Starts a New Life August 14, 1958 The old, olive-drab jeep rolled down Meadowbrook Road. Might have been doing near fifty, I thought. Not bad for this old refugee. Not bad except for the dust. I’d miss this ugly old girl. Quicker than any horse I ever rode. A fifty dollar wonder at an army surplus yard. I spent a lot of hours getting it to go again, but she ran like new. Better than new, some said. Just a few minutes to town and I’d be at the feed store. Pick up the...

3 years ago
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The Woman the Wife and the Whore

The Woman I’m Geeta Sen. Yes, that is my real name. I chose to use it instead of hiding behind a nickname because there is a certain rush I would get in using my real identity. It’s like turning up in a masquerade orgy without a mask. I was born in Kochi, a sleepy port city. Youngest of three, I was raised in a conservative Nair family, to become a docile, timid and an obedient girl. The values of my culture and the importance of my heritage was imbibed in me from a young age, so it wasn’t...

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Road To Heaven Son Losing Virginity To His Mom 8211 Part 3

Hello readers, this is the climax of the story and also a pretty lasting one. Please read the previous parts first (if you haven’t) and then come to this part with your erected and horny bananas. And try not to cum soon. Because the longer the erection, the greater the pleasure! I lifted my mom’s saree and there it was, the road to heaven finally. The hair was trimmed. I went near her pussy and smelled it. It had the aroma of sweet. I cleaned my lips and kissed her pussy. My mom let out a cute...

4 years ago
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A boy in babeland chapter 9

Lee had been quite quiet the night before and both his mother and Kim had asked what was wrong. "Nothing's wrong" he lied. Well really it wasn't a lie, nothing was wrong, but it was strange, he had agreed to move out with April, leaving the family he was so close to behind and start afresh, but he knew deep down they had to tell their mother and sisters before they did. That was last night, today was a new day, the sun was out and so were everyone but April and her brother. "Hi...

1 year ago
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One Man Twelve Women

I' Ahmad. I'm a Virgo man and I'll tell you about my exciting adventures with the Zodiac signs. I fucked the 12 women of each astrological sign. Some of them had zodiac sign tattoos. And some I knew their sign from their birthdays. 1- With the Sagittarius Woman : I had gotten back to Egypt after travelling around Europe for nearly two years. I had decided to relocate in Cairo and was looking for a job to pay for my shitty one room apartment. I had already gone through money in my bank account...

Erotic Fiction
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A Teachers Discipline Part One

Firmly clutching the strap of her shoulder bag, sixteen-year-old Sandy Ratledge hesitantly made her way down a hallway deep in the heart of Crestwood, the elite private school she attended. The last class of the day had ended fifteen minutes earlier, and this part of the building, where the faculty offices were located, was all but deserted. Sandy halted before one particular door, pausing to study the nameplate: MISS EMILY AYERS. Taking a long, deep breath in a hopeless effort to calm her...

1 year ago
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Night Surprise

Note : This story is completely fictional! It had been about a month now since I moved out of my parents house into my own apartment which was located in a rather 'seedy'side of town but it was close to my work place and that made it convenient for me - and oh yes it was also fairly cheap rental. At 22 this was a major move for me as I had always lived at home and was always under the scrutiny of my - well - very strict parents - so to say the least it was like REAL freedom. Well, it was one...

3 years ago
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That Girl Chapter 3

“Did I really just see that?” I thought to myself. “Was Aunt Jennifer really lesbian?” I couldn’t believe what I had seen and I dwelt on that for a whole five minutes, just thinking about Aunt Jennifer’s beautiful, slim, mature body and her tantalizing full D boobs and Maria’s attractively thin, sexy, Latina body and her also large D size boobs, swinging from her model build as she crawled on top of my aunt and ate her pussy out. It was so unreal and porn-like that I almost decided to forget...

4 years ago
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Worth the wait

I had a few great months looking at X Hamster daily and wanking as often as possible. Great fun chatting and had made one special friend that dressed up and sent photos. Had a good few sessions on messenger or phoned him when I worked away and had a great wanking session. I thought I would have a change and decided to not come for a few days. After a nice fuck around midnight Sunday I thought thats it will hang on now until Thursday. Thought it would be easier if I set a day. Only problem time...

2 years ago
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Edward Albrights One Good Review

The party was already in full swing when I arrived. It had the feeling of a party from my student days. Even the music was from another era. I mean … Girl from Ipanema? Who plays that at a party in this day and age? Well … clearly Marina does. But you know what I mean. Aside from the music, the first thing that I heard as I let myself in through the unlocked front door was Tyler Mason’s unmistakeable voice. ‘Gosh! George! This is a surprise. I thought that you were in New York.’ ‘New York?...

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