A Happy Accident, Milf Adventures 1-3 free porn video

Trying to give a woman road head is a fools errand especially if she has nice full thighs. I tried vigorously to eat her pussy, but my tongue wasn't quite long enough to reach. "Honey, honey, hon, hon?......baby stop, just stop" She said looking down at me with a sad look on my face "Awww, I appreciate it, I do but, this is just nonsense, all you are doing is licking my inner thighs and pussy lips". Sandy was right you cant eat a woman's pussy while she's driving, her legs need to be spread and there just isn't enough room in a Chevrolet Aveo, to really get down inside of her I'd have needed an 8-inch tongue."Hon listen don't get upset, at least you tried, road head is just kind of a guy thing, hmmm buck up, you're gonna get all you can eat tonight, okay" She said consoling me, she always had a way of making me feel better. All of a sudden the car rocked and there was a crunch of metal, we were okay so we got out of our car to see if the other people were okay. We had just been in an accident.
It was Sam Heughan and Kiera Knightly, We got out of the car and so did they. "Are you alright" Sam Said zipping his fly, I looked over to see Kiera wiping her lips with her hand. "Yeah thanks, are you......okay?" I was stunned "Were they just doing what I think they were doing?" I thought to myself. "Yeah we're okay" said Kiera. We surveyed the car and there wasn't any serious damage. "So what do you wanna do, settle this through insurance or what?" I asked Sam. "I guess we will have to" Sam said sounding bummed.I couldn't stop myself and finally asked "Were you giving him road head? I just ask because we were doing the same thing" I said laughing a bit, Sam looked flabbergasted but Kiera answered back "You were trying to give a woman road head? That's absurd, you cant eat pussy unless her legs are spread, and you can't spread her legs in an Aveo". Sandy looked at me smiling. "Yeah we uh.....we figured that out" I said. We all started laughing, "Where were you two headed?" Sandy asked, Sam answered" to a Thanksgiving 3-way at Chris Pratt's house, but we aren't going to make it on time". "Well we are always down for a 4-way, right hon?" said Sandy invitingly. " I know we aren't exactly the hard bodies you two are used to, but we have champagne and coconut shrimp?' I added shrugging. Sam looked up a the sky deciding and Kiera said "Sam you do like coconut shrimp, and you know I actually like fucking regular people, look at those two they seem so nice and they're so cute too". Sandy and I tried to look as presentable as possible. Sam looked us up and down scowling and then smirked "Sure what the hell, lets do it". "We're gonna do this?" I asked excited. "Aye sasanach" Sam whispered.
We got home and decided to start off in the hot tub, Sandy and I came out and Sam and Kiera were already there. I'm not ashamed of my penis but next to Sams it leaves a lot to be desired, Sam has a meaty dick, its like a goddamn hammer. It was a small hot tub and we were all squeezed in butts to nuts. Kiera just went for it and lifted Sandy's ass up onto the edge, then went to town eating her pussy , fingering her ass with one hand and groping her tits with the other. Sam gave a nod of approval as he scarfed down some coconut shrimp. I looked at Sam and gave him the kind of look that says "I'm not sure what to do, but I know I need to do
something", I gave the "hand job" motion to him and he nodded. So I reached below the bubbles and started to jerk him off, his cock was a thick fucking pipe, good lord was it heavy and hard. Sandy looked over at me, turned her head and smirked, I smiled back. I'm not gay, but for gods sake I was jerking off Jamie Fraser, this was fucking legendary. I decided to blow him, his cock was more than I could fit, but I sucked it, just like Sandy did to mine I swirled my tongue around his tip and after a minute Sam started to buck in my mouth, he was about to cum so I backed off. "No way I was going to let him cum in my mouth" I thought to myself, I had to act quickly.
I guided his cock to Kiera's sopping wet slit and he hit her from the back. As I walked around to Sandy and Kiera grabbed me by the cock and pulled me into her mouth and sucked like her life depended on it. Sam put his hands up in the air as if to high five me, when I put mine up he locked his hands with mine and said "Bienvenue à Paris". We were "Eiffel Towering Kiera Knightly, like fucking outlaws" I thought to myself, just then I felt my balls getting licked, I peered down to see Sandy, licking me like a bitch in heat. After five minutes Kiera popped my cock out of her mouth and yelled "Switch". I switched positions with Sam and started fucking Kiera's tight wet slit. I looked down and noticed cum dripping out of her pussy, it wasn't mine, it was Sam's, I guess he really was about to cum in my mouth. It may sound weird but seeing his cum oozing out of her pussy on my dick, got me horny as fuck and I started to fuck her like a bull on coke. She couldn't suck Sam's cock anymore she was screaming so hard, so Sandy the dear that she is, took Sam over
to the lounge chair and began fucking around. Kiera got on top of me riding me cowgirl, then she started taking poppers. "Jesus you're a live wire hon" I said to her. She started to speed up and we both came together moaning almost crying with pleasure, then she slowed to a gentle roll but she kept riding through I guess to the next orgasm. My cum was pumping back out onto my balls, this girl was full, a real cum-dumpster. I glanced over to see Sandy's fat jiggly ass bouncing up and down on Sam dick; Sam was moaning like a drunk bear, but my girl Sandy was relentless, riding him like highland pony. Sandy hopped off of his cock and started jacking him off the cumshot went at least 20 feet into the yard. then Sam collapsed onto the patio, I think he was weeping a little bit. Kiera was
fucking me now gently and rhythmic, I was taking the poppers with her and we were so fucking high. Kiera came with a loud owl-like screech then suddenly stopped riding me. She leaned down, gave me an amazing kiss, smacked me hard as fuck across the cheek then squeezed my balls just hard enough to show me who the boss was; then got up and went to her purse. She took out a bottle of pills and came by and put one into each of our mouths.
I was rolling hard as hell, Sam was picking out "More Than Words, by Extreme" on my banjo, Im not sure when he went inside to get it, but he wasn't half bad. Kiera laid on the patio on her back with her head in Sandy's lap, sharing a joint with her and looking up at the stars, spaced out. Sandy was running her fingers through Kiera's hair, the ecstasy was kicking in hard. I went to get some shrimp but the big galute ate it all. Sam was passed out in a lounge chair with a mostly empty bottle of champagne across his chest. Kiera was now laid curled up like a cat on our picnic table in a deep sleep I swear she was purring. I grabbed my banjo and Sandy and I got up and started walking back inside we were both so weak, we almost didn't have the energy to make it to the door. Sam and Kiera had really worn us out, Sandy started to stumble and veer off into the yard, so I grabbed her hand and guided her back toward the back porch. We got into the bedroom and I smacked her big tanned ass, a nice jiggle went through those plump cheeks, "Come on sugar mama, lets get some sleep" I said. We climbed into bed, Sandy nosed up to me, laying her head on my shoulder and I ran my fingers through her sandy blond hair and kissed her head then I let out a heavy sigh. As Sandy feel asleep a smile came across my face.

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