Donating My Sperm To My Indian Sister-in-law free porn video

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Hi Friends, this is Rajesh, presently 38 years working as an Engineer in an MNC, and settled in Bangalore now.. I am fair in colour, well built with a gym body and most important with an 8 inch dick. Unsatisfied Girls, Ladies and Widows who are deprived of sex and eager to quench their sexual thrist can contact me at [email protected] safe sex and it the privacy will be maintained of the ladies.

My wife had been to US on a project work with our son and I was living all alone in my house right and that one day I woke up a couple of hours later and my hard-on was back with a vengeance, insisting that he be taken care of. I took myself in hand and was fantasizing about my earlier sexual encounters…. Oh Shit! I was just almost there to cum and now the doorbell has to ring.

I got out of bed and pulled some sweat pants on. I didn’t bother with a shirt. I would just tell the person to beat it and then I would go back to bed and do the same. I was tempted to just ignore whoever it was.

As I walked through the house to the front door I happened to look down and saw my sweat pants sticking out a noticeable distance in front of me. My erection was preceding me. I started to stop but then the bell rang several more times. My, the person was really persistent. I’ll just peek around the door and shoo them away.

When I got to the door I looked out the peek hole in the door and saw it was Nalini my Youngest brother’s wife. If I hadn’t already had an erection she could give me one right through the door. Nalini was just a darling. She was the ‘girl next door’ you read about. I had to be careful when she was at the house: It was so easy to stare at her. She had long black hair, a great figure, nice breasts, long slender legs, and as they say, ‘cute as a button’. She reminded me a lot of that girl , Rajini, My earlier flame whom I dated for a few years .

The doorbell brought me back to reality. I opened the door and pulled it partially open. I was trying to stand a bit behind it so save being myself embarrassed with a hardon. I could just hear her talking to My Brother Ravi on phone.

Nalini said “Hi Jijaji”, and walked right in. Nalini went over to the couch and sat down. I closed the door, tried to hold a hand nonchalantly in front of my crotch to hide my condition, and walked over and sat at the other side of the couch. I need not have bothered, Nalini was looking down at the floor; something was bothering her.

I moved a bit closer to her and put my hand on her shoulder. “What is it, Nalini, is something bothering you”?

She looked up at me and put her hand on my thigh. I almost jumped; an inch further to the right and she would have put her hand right on the head of my cock. Any diminishment of my erection was now reversed. If anything I was getting harder than before.

She finally looked up at me, “Jijai, I’ve been trying to figure out how to say this to you for some time now”.

While she hesitated before going on, thoughts began whirling through my mind, is my brother and Nalini’s marriage in trouble? Are they getting a divorce? and she continued “I don’t know how to say this perfectly so I’ll just get it all out at once”.

I patted her shoulder, “Sure Nalini. Would it be better for you to talk to your Didi”? I didn’t know if this was a ‘female; thing. Perhaps she would be more comfortable talking to her.

That must have broken some tension because her lips broke out into a little smile. “No, I don’t think your wife can help me here. I need your help”.

“I’ll do what I can. Now what’s bothering you”?

“You know that Ravi and I have been trying to have a baby for the last couple of years”?

“Sure. My wife told me a while back. I still think you two are kind of young though”.

“I’m older than my mom when she had her first. Besides, I came from a large family and I love k**s. Nalini hesitated, looking down for a moment before lifting her eyes back to my face. I noticed she was having trouble looking me in the face. She frowned, “Things haven’t been going the way we thought. It has been two years now and I haven’t got pregnant”.

I nodded, “Well it can take a while for some people”.

“I know it can. But still, two years? About six weeks ago we finally went and saw a fertility doctor. The results came back last month”. She stopped, like she was trying to decide what to say next. “I’m okay but Ravi has a problem. His sperm count is extremely low. The doctor says it is remotely possible for us to have c***dren but more likely not. He said don’t count on it, that we should look at other options”.

“How did Ravi take it”?

“I haven’t told him. You know how men are about their virility. Ravi is great guy, but he is also one of those guys who think with their dick sometimes; if they can’t get a woman pregnant they are less of a man”. Then she looked up at me, “You won’t tell him will you”?

I shook my head.

That said, Nalini began to softly cry. I moved beside her and put my arm around her shoulder. I didn’t say anything; just let her weep softly. After a minute I got up and got some tissue for her. Fortunately my boner had subsided a bit. It no longer looked like I had a tent in my sweats.

After a few minutes she stopped, composed herself and dried her eyes. I asked, “Have you considered other alternatives? There are fertility d**gs, perhaps adopting”.

“I don’t want to adopt. I want ‘our’ c***dren. I know that sounds stupid and emotional but it’s just how I feel. We talked to the doctor some time ago about artificial insemination and fertility d**gs but we just cannot afford it. It cost more than 10 lakhs” .

I knew it was expensive. “Nalini , I wish we could help but we are in a bind right now also. Maybe in a few years it will be different”. With that my voice kind of trailed off. I didn’t know what else to say that would help.

Nalini sat up and turned to face me, “I know, but there is something you can do that would fix the problem. I have given this a lot of thought. You can do something that will help Ravi and me a great deal”.

She was talking really fast. What could she mean? I thought perhaps artificial insemination, with me as a donor, but she knew the cost for that already so it could not be an option.

I started to open my mouth but Nalini put her hand up to stop me. “Let me finish. I won’t be able to say this unless I keep going. It’s kind of embarrassing and like I said, I have to say it all or I’ll never do it: And I have to, so just let me talk for a minute and then you can say something”.

I moved back a bit and nodded for her to go ahead.

“We really want c***dren but it looks extremely unlikely we can have our own. Any options that would help are just too expensive for us. I don’t want to adopt. I have given this a lot of thought and I think there is a way we could have our own, kind of”.

I should have figured something out by now but I must be just too dense. I started to ask a question but Nalini held up a hand to stop me.

“You can help us, Jijaji. If you help us have a baby it would be family. The baby would look like us. You can help your brother and I have the family we want”. Nalini stopped talking and just sat there watching me.

I was confused and said somewhat hesitantly, “I’m not sure what I can do. You said artificial insemination was too expensive. I would love to help you and Ravi but we don’t have the extra money right now either”.

Nalini did not immediately answer; she just looked at me for a moment. Then she stood up and reached down and took my hand. “Come with me, Jijaji. I want to show you something”.

I stood up, and with my hand in hers, we walked down the hall and into the master bedroom. She let go of my hand as we walked through the door. I stopped just inside the door and she took a couple more steps and stopped at the foot of the bed and turned to face me.

I looked around and wished I had made the bed. I am normally lazy to do my own bed after waking up.

I looked back at Nalini , “What is it you want to show me”? Yes, I was that stupid.

In one swift motion, Nalini reached to her waist, grabbed the bottom of her Kameez and pulled it up and over her head. It happened so fast and was so unexpected I just stood there and stared. She then reached behind her, unfastened her bra, put her arms out and let if fall to the floor. Her breasts were everything I had fantasized.

Nalini’s boobs stood out nicely, pointing at me with those large erect nipples.

While I was standing there speechless, staring at her breasts, she reached to her waist and pulled her Salwar and panties down to her ankles and kicked them aside. I finally found my voice as she took a step towards me. “Nalini, what are you doing”?

My eyes were now on that space between her legs. Nalini was fairly tall and had long slender legs. When you saw her thighs the natural thought was to wonder what they would feel like wrapped around yours. It was also apparent that she was a natural beauty.

I took a step backward as she walked towards me. “Jiju, as I said, I have given this a lot of thought in the last month. There is a way you can help us”. She stopped and looked up at me, “Please”?

I took just the one step backward when I reached the wall and had to stop, “Put your clothes back on. We can’t do this. Ravi is my blood brother and you are his wife”.

She just said, “Please, Jiju”? She reached out to the waist of my sweat pants and pulled them down a few inches before I grabbed them to stop her. She had pulled them down just far enough that my cock was freed. It was now fully erect and pointing at her. I pushed her hand away from my waistband and her hand brushed against my cock. She looked down for a moment and then grabbed my cock with both hands.

“Jijaji, I understand how you feel. I felt the same way when I started thinking about this. I looked at every other alternative and this is best”. She took a step back, pulling on my cock as she did. I had a problem. Where a guy’s cock goes, he tends to go. She backed up until the back of her legs were against the bed.

“Nalini , we can’t have sex. You can’t have a baby this way. You are my brother’s wife. Besides I’m happily married”.

I was having trouble. When I moved my hands to hers to get her to let go of my cock she would then grab my sweat pants and attempt to pull them down. She had succeeded in getting them down below my crotch. I had to spread my legs a bit to keep them from falling to the floor.

“Jiju, I’ve considered all the options”. Nalini sounded much more serious now. “This can work if you will just listen to my plan”. Nalini reached down and pulled my sweat pants the rest of the way to the floor. I stepped out of them. It seemed kind of silly to keep fighting her when she already had my cock in one hand.

“Okay”, Nalini continued. “It will be like a sperm donation. It won’t be like we will be having sex. We won’t even face each other. You’ll just sort of give me your sperm and then Ravi and I can have the baby we want so much”.

Nalini let go of me, turned, and crawled up on the bed on her hands and knees. She moved towards the middle of the bed and then stopped, still on her hands and knees, facing away from me. “Jiju, I’ve ovulated and now is the time to have your sperm ”. After a few moments she once again added, “Please”.

I didn’t say anything. I was torn between brotherly affection and my lust towards Nalini. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do to help them, but she was my brother’s wife. I stood there looking at her. Even facing away from me I could see her breasts, enticing, dangling, nipples pointed towards the bed. Then I looked down her side and eventually at her inviting pussy. It felt like I was invading her privacy.

Nalini interrupted my thoughts, “Jiju, don’t leave me this way”. Her voice no longer had the earlier confidence. I could hear the hesitancy, the nervousness in her voice. She was kneeling in front of her brother-in-law, naked, asking him to fuck her, and he could turn her down.

I took a step towards the bed, still not sure of what to do. I knew what I wanted to do, just not sure what I should do. I looked down between her legs. I couldn’t deny it. I did want to fuck her. I could hear myself begin to rationalize. I wasn’t cheating on my wife I was doing my sister-in-law a favour. I wasn’t fucking the wife of my brother. I was helping them to have the c***d they wanted. She wanted me to do this: To try and get her pregnant. Well, however misguided, I was willing to try.

I moved up behind her on the bed. Her skin looked so smooth, inviting. Her legs were fairly close together, just inches apart. I put my hands on the inside of her thighs and gently pushed out to get her to spread them further apart. With my hands on her hips I pulled her slightly towards me.

I looked down; my cock was just an inch away from her pussy, maybe less. I wondered, no foreplay, would this be difficult, painful? The head of my cock pushing against the lips of her pussy and it was as though the lips parted for me. The head easily started to slide into her. I had been hard for so long I was lubricated enough for both of us.

I finally pushed my hips forward and watched as the swollen head of my cock slowly disappeared in her. I had entered her heavenly door and there was no point in holding back. I pushed forward again and watched her lips stretch around my cock, her pussy slowly envelop me as I disappeared inside of her: The lips of her pussy slowly sliding over the ridges of my cock, stretching to encase me. I was mesmerized. I pulled back so I could watch it again. As I pushed forward into her the second time the pleasurable sensation finally caused me to thrust forward harder, burying myself completely in her in one stroke, my groin pushed up tight against her butt.

She felt so tight around me. I was always used to this. I began slowly stroking in and out of her.

“Thank you, Jiju. You won’t be sorry; I know that you will enjoy fucking my pussy”. Nancy put her head down on the bed and reached back between her legs with one hand. She need not worry. I was already not sorry.

I felt her fingers brush against my shaft and I slid in and out of her. I stopped for a moment, wondering what she was doing.

Nalini noticed and said, “Don’t stop. The doctor said if I have an orgasm during sex it might increase the chance of getting pregnant”.

By this time I had no intention of stopping. And if she was trying to have an orgasm, perhaps I could help. I ran my hands up her back and then down her sides to cup her breasts. I heard her suck in her breath and I began fondling her breasts and then the nipples. “Will this help you, Nalini”?

“Aaaahhhh….yes” Nalini stammered, breathing harder now.

At one point I moved my hands back to her hips and rose up straight. Looking down I could watch as my cock slide in and out of her. I could see the skin of her pussy being pulled back as I pulled partially out of her before thrusting back into her.

Nalini continued rubbing her clitoris but would sometimes drift away to push her palm against my shaft as I continued fucking her. Every so often she would reach back and take my balls in her hand before returning to her clitoris.

Once she wrapped her thumb and forefinger around my cock right at the base. Then as I stroked into her she pulled me harder into her. It took a moment before I figured out she was trying to get me to go faster. Once I was there, she let go of me and turned her attention back to her clitoris. After several minutes of this Nalini stiffened and then pushed her butt hard back against me; keeping me deep inside of her. I could feel her pussy spasming around my cock.

The thought of her having an orgasm with me inside of her was all I needed for mine. As she began to relax I stroked hard into her a few times and then grabbed the top of her shoulders and pulled her back tight against me. I thrust my hips hard against her butt several times, my cock firmly buried in her. Just as I was about to cum I felt her squeeze me with her pussy. Thank God for kegel muscles. I exploded inside of her. As each stream of seminal fluid left my body for hers I pushed hard against her, trying to get deeper, stay deep inside of her.

Once I was drained I held her there for a minute, enjoying the sight of her young naked body in front of me; my hands moving lightly from her hips up to her shoulders and then back to her hips. I finally pulled out of her and collapsed on my back on the bed followed by Nalini next to me. We lay there, both of us breathing hard, not talking.

After several minutes Nancy was the first to speak, “Thank you, Jijai, I know that wasn’t easy for you”. She had no idea. After another moment she added, “Are you okay”?

I thought about it before answering, “”I’m okay. I hope my donation helps”. I meant it to be light-hearted but neither of us laughed.

We both lay there for several minutes without saying anything else. I had a lot of thoughts going through my head, some good, some laden with guilt. I wondered what Nalini was thinking. Was she suffering the same guilt as I? Then the thoughts of guilt were replaced with thoughts of Nalini’s breasts. How could they be so soft and firm at the same time? Was I really kneeling between her thighs just a few minutes ago?

I was feeling very relaxed, and might have fallen asleep if not for Nalini putting a hand on my thigh. “I’ve heard that the sperm from a second ejaculation is more potent than the first”.

Two times in a row; whom was she k**ding? My wife and I had not done it twice in a row in years. I had to smile, “Nalini you have to remember my age. I’m not as young as you. I’m willing to help but let’s not fool with nature”. For emphasis I reached down and lifted my now limp cock up and let it fall back down.

Nalini reached over and took my cock in her hand, “Maybe he just needs the right encouragement. We’ve come this far. The hard part is over. We might as well do everything we can to improve my chances”.

I let her fondle my sleeping cock while I watched: Her small hand working my cock. When I was almost fully erect I turned over on my side to face Nalini. She had her eyes closed and continued her work. I leaned over and took her nearest nipple in my mouth. It was soft and my tongue could push it around but it quickly became hard and erect. Nalini said, “I don’t know if you should be doing this”. I sucked it into my mouth, pulled back a bit and then let it go with a soft ‘pop’.

“I’m just trying to help you get ready”. I leaned forward again and sucked more of her breast into my mouth, running my tongue around and over her nipple. She groaned and began squirming beside me, her thighs rubbing together.

I could not reach her other nipple from this position so I rose up on my hands and knees. I moved over above her, putting one knee between hers. I pushed my knee higher between her thighs, firmly against her pussy, rubbing against it. She moved her legs farther apart to make it easier. She let go of my cock, it was fully erect again and put her hands on my hips.

From where I was I could easily reach either breast. I used my lips and tongue to tease one nipple and then the other before moving down to her flat stomach, kissing her skin as I went, then once again returning to her breasts. Her breathing became more labored.

I leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the lips. As I pulled back she looked up at me and said, “Jiju, I don’t think we should” but she made no effort to stop me. I lifted my other knee up and moved it between her legs. She kept her feet on the bed but pulled her knees up along side my hips. She squeezed them against me and then lowered her knees sideways until they almost rested on the bed. I moved back to her breasts for a moment before lowering myself against her, my cock now back at the entrance to her pussy. She started, “Jiju, I don’t think”, but then stopped as I moved my hips forward, pushing a few inches inside of her.

I held myself there for a moment before bringing my chest directly above hers. The movement caused me to slide deep inside of her. I could feel her hips push towards me, trying to get me fully embedded in her. It was so hot inside of her. I thought a second time would be messy, uncomfortable, with my cum still inside of her. I was wrong.

I lowered more of my weight on her and began thrusting against her; moving deep inside of her and then pulling almost all the way out before bottoming out again in her. I could feel her chin bouncing against my shoulder as I picked up speed. Her legs began squeezing against my hips and then spreading wide, as though she could not make up her mind which felt best. She moved her hands down to my butt, grabbing me and pulling me with each thrust into her.

The first time I was still a bit guilty and somewhat undecided about what was happening; I was not totally committed. When she said she wanted an orgasm I made sure she came first. Until I came in her we could still stop and try and pretend it never happened. This time I wasn’t feeling guilty and I was certainly not undecided. I just wanted to fuck her and I wanted to cum inside of her; and soon.

I moved my hands down under her hips to pull her tightly against me and began thrusting faster. I knew it would not take long. I was past that. It was just lust. Nalini moved her arms up and wrapped them around me.

Nalini was breathing hard, groaning as I slammed into her. I slowed down and began grinding against her clitoris. It took just a few minutes before I began feeling my impending orgasm. I began long slow strokes into her. I wanted to feel each squirt of my cum as it passed into her. Nalini pushed her hips up against me, meeting each thrust from me with one of her own.

As the first stream shot from me I felt Nalini hug me tightly to her and her thighs tighten against the outside of mine and then her pussy once again began spasming around my cock. A high-pitched squeal escaped through her gritted teeth. In my entire married life I think there were only a couple of times that my wife and I came at the same time.

As each stream left me I thrust forward tight against her, the strength of the thrusts diminishing as my supply of cum quickly ran out. I was finally left on top of her, breathing hard, her legs still spread and her ankles hooked around my thighs.

I knew I was heavy on her so as soon as we finished our last shudders I wrapped my arms around her and rolled the two of us over. She came with me, ending up lying on top of me; her head on my chest, facing away from me. Neither of us said anything for a while.

When the silence had lasted several minutes I knew I had to say something. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that”.

Nalini turned her head around to face me but kept it on my chest. “No, it’s okay. It might even help. The doctor said that position is actually the best position to do it in. You, I mean, the guy gets deeper and gets the sperm closer to the cervix when, you know, you cum in me”.

Nalini stopped for a moment before adding in a very soft voice, “and you certainly did get deeper”. After a few seconds she added, “I suggested we do it the other way, uh position, because I thought it would be easier for us. You know, I mean being family”.

I said, “I’m fine doing it either way. If the doctor says you have a better chance of getting pregnant this way then that’s okay too”.

After about twenty minutes we got up and took a shower together. By that time it seemed almost normal for the two of us to walk around each other naked. The next morning Nalini again appeared at my front door. She walked in, took my hand and I followed her to the bedroom.

And the story continues....................

Hope you all would like this story of me donating my sperm to my dearest Sister-in-law. Please write yours comments to................. [email protected]

I love to share like my sex experience with girls and aunties, especially from south Indian ladies and any horny ladies from India. I will tell you my other experiences. Thanks for reading my story. Please give a thumps up if you like this story and write your comments on this story.

And unsatisfied ladies, girls and Aunties can contact me for some sex chat or if you are really interested in meeting up, we can meet if we are compatible to enjoy ourselves and the same will be confidential with me.

Bye Friends, see you with my another erotic story.

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My sisterinlaw

Ok.....I have to admit I did something that was totally perverted but I couldn't help it. A while back my wife and I had to move in with her parents. It was not my idea of a winning situation, but it wa better than living in our vehicles. My in-laws are decent people, but VERY religious so there was no drinking allowed in their house and my being a beer lover, this presented a problem. That's not what this is about....and before anybody gets any ideas....NO I did not fuck my mother-in-law....

3 years ago
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One Night With My SisterInLaw

Hi friends I am a regular reader as well as great fan of Indian Passion. I have read lot of stories in this site and this gave me courage to narrate my own true story which happened 4 months ago.I live in jamshedpur with my wife. We are happy couple and my marriage was since 2 yrs. My wife looks very beautiful and sexy, lot of time my friends have narrated my wife looks and they have been jealous about my wife look.I am a sort of man, whom sex is must daily, I have to cum myself at least to a...

1 year ago
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South Indian Mature Lady Into The Incest World With Her FatherInLaw

Hey all readers. This is Mahi again with another one of my experiences. For those who don’t know me, I am Mahi, 47 years old, a high school government teacher and mother to a son. I live in Hyderabad, india. You can check in my profile. My sizes are 36-34-38. The last experiences I published were regarding my neighbor, hubby, and my neighbor’s son. Well, this time it’s different and more personal. And one of my favorites too. So I had threesome and gangbang with my neighbor and his son’s...

3 years ago
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Inseminating Cathy mff sister In Law

Shortly after the kitchen door closed, I heard Cathy’s car start and leave our driveway.I found Ann, my wife of ten years, alone in the kitchen.“What was that all about?” I asked.It was the second time in three weeks that her twenty-two year-old sister had stopped by for an unannounced afternoon visit--very unusual.“Oh, Cathy is just having some problems with Ted,” replied Ann, getting up to start making dinner.I had some difficulty imagining that. Ted and Cathy seemed perfectly suited for one...

2 years ago
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Inseminating Cathy mff sister In Law

Shortly after the kitchen door closed, I heard Cathy’s car start and leave our driveway.I found Ann, my wife of ten years, alone in the kitchen.“What was that all about?” I asked.It was the second time in three weeks that her twenty-two year-old sister had stopped by for an unannounced afternoon visit--very unusual.“Oh, Cathy is just having some problems with Ted,” replied Ann, getting up to start making dinner.I had some difficulty imagining that. Ted and Cathy seemed perfectly suited for one...

2 years ago
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Taking Advantage of My Little Sisterinlaw

The story of how it came to be that I fucked my 14-year-old sister-in-law could be told in many more words than this piece here, but the truth is that it all boils down to a couple of nights. Obviously in the nearly two years after I first married one of Stacy's older sisters, a lot happened that led to the sex, but there was nothing really that could be written to hold the readers interest. From the first day that I was introduced to Stacy I was taken with her. I guess that being 22, fairly...

3 years ago
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My Pretty Sisterinlaw

I have always liked my pretty sister-in-law, Miriam. She is about eight years younger than her older sister who is now my wife. At thirty-eight, I think that Miriam has gotten even prettier than when she was younger. Miriam has always been lovely but she was still in high school while I was in college dating her older sister. Back then, I certainly thought that she was off-limits as she would have been jail-bait if I had fooled around with her. She was cute, blonde and young but was always...

2 years ago
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Love Lust Crime Thriller 8211 Pt 4 Sexy Smart SisterInLaw

“Ohh yesss!!” exclaimed the drug lord. After spending 3 years in that shit hole, the fresh air felt amazing. Professor too seemed happy but since he was having such a great fucking time, he was sure going to miss the bitch, Smitha. Getting out of the jail wasn’t much of a hard task as already most of the security guards had left, courtesy the asshole minister. And now they embarked on a journey which was planned many years ago. * * * * Previously * * * * Professor and his wife were having a...

2 years ago
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Cousin Helps Brother To Fuck Her SisterInLaw

Hi, Ram again with another incident! This happened a few months ago. I was in Bangalore attending a meeting and my phone rang. It was Buddi; my aunt’s married step-daughter whom I had fucked (). I ignored it. Later, when my meeting got over, I checked my phone. My cousin sister had left a message saying, “Can we talk?” I rang her phone and she disconnected the call. So I left a message saying, “Sorry! Was in a meeting. What is this about?” It was 2 pm and I received a call from my cousin...

2 years ago
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After all there is a naked sisterinlaw

My name is rocky, I read a lot of stories on interpolation and enjoyed it so thought that I should write a story of my own. I am 25 years old, I am the only man in the house. I am married and God has given me three sister-in-law . My three sister-in-law are 22, 21, 19 years old respectively. The second number is a wonderful product, but it did not come to my hand, so I started hitting the line with Sonu with the first number, she was also completely untouched.For the delivery of my wife, I...

2 years ago
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Jiju8217s Special Treatment For His Hot SisterInLaw

It happened all of a sudden and never expected to have in this way. It was night 9:30 and I was in the gym when all of sudden I got a call from my wife to come back immediately as her sister was not well. I rushed to my house and got to know that my sister-in-law called her and told her she was alone and was not well. I just pinged her and told her we were coming. Both of us left our place and rushed to meet her. Her chest was paining. I checked her medicine and found her tablet was missing. I...

1 year ago
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My sister in law

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hello to the reader of the MyIS. Sushila is my elder brother wife she is very beautiful and one of his most out standing features is her boobs and regarding her nature she is very jolly. She is my favourite sister is in law though I have other sister in law but Sushila was something that has always attracted me . Her jovial nature brought me more near to him and in mind I began to admire her and same was with her. Many time when she use to change dress...

3 years ago
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sister In Law

Oh my sweet sister in LawI read a number of stories about how guys have a fling with their younger and old sister in laws. How they enjoy fucking other member of their family and how hot they are compared to their wives. But my story is truly true and to this day I still can’t believe what happened between us. It started when I was dating my wife and we went to visit my now sister in law in another town , My wife and I had not been sleeping together so I got to sleep on the couch in the family...

3 years ago
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My little naughty sister in law

I was away on another boring business trip for at least four days.On the second night, while laying naked on the bed in my hotel room, with my hard cock in hand, I snapped a picture of my nice erection and prepared to send it to my sweet Ana…I attached the picture to my mail and lazily began to type in Ana’s address. After I clicked to send it, I felt my heart sank, when I discovered I had mistaken the names and had sent the mail to my dear sister in law, instead of my naughty wife.Both names,...

2 years ago
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Aastha Family Reunion 8211 Pt 3 Naked Indian Sisters Fucked On The Lawn

When the doorbell rang, I peeked from behind the curtains. 8 men were standing outside the door. I was completely naked and Nisha (my sister) was in the bathroom. My elder son Kush was in my arms. He was playing with my breasts. It was his favorite pass time. My other two kids were already in the room. I put Kush on the bed, took out a pink silk gown from the closet, and put it on. The gown was a little tight and short. It was just slightly below my ass, long enough to cover it while I was...

4 years ago
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Dominating My Wife MotherInLaw And SisterInLaw

This morning I woke up with a tingling feeling on my dick , I opened my eyes to see my sister-in-law Tania sucking my cock , she was just 19 , short hair , fair , and small but growing boobs , with a nice ass , I don’t remember fucking her last night at least , but now she was sucking my cock , I was hard , my 6.5 inch cock was pointing right in her face as she began licking it and sucking it , I got up and she smiled at me , I instantly pulled her hair and made her suck me deeper and harder ,...

2 years ago
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Helping My Sister In Law

How this all happened I will never fully understand, but I'm not going to gripe about it. I'm married to a wonderful woman, and into a great family. We have always gotten along with each other, we have out fall outs now and then, but what family doesn't? Having been married for 15 years, it's needless to say our sex life had died down tremendously. It isn't that we don't still love each other, but with the k**s in school and other activities we are all involved in, there just never seems to be...

1 year ago
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Scintillating Time With Neighbors Sisterinlaw

This happened in 1996 when I enjoyed a woman living next to my flat. I am married and me and my wife are residing in a flat in an apartments complex. Here totally 21 flats are there in two buildings. I have taken a double room flat and in my floor there are two other flats. One flat was owned by a couple both of whom were Doctors and their children were away. (Now they have sold the flat and gone away). The Doctor couple would be seldom found in their house and only one old lady (his aunty)...

1 year ago
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Raping My Sisterinlaw

I had never taken much notice of my sister-in-law. Emma had been overweight for as long as I'd known her, and the two children she had only added to her size. She was five years younger than my wife, and was twenty-one when I married her sister. My wife, Jocelyn, is 5'4" tall, dark black hair and brown eyes, and weighs about 125. She has a perfect hourglass figure. She is wonderful in bed - at least she was, until we had the kids. Then she lost her interest in sex. We used to make love...

1 year ago
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An Evening With My Sisterinlaw

A week ago Monday my husband, Jack, came home all excited. One of his company's suppliers was going to take him to a big game—football—I think. Apparently there was an extra ticket available. He couldn't wait to call his brother. "Davey's gonna drive all the way here for that?" I asked incredulously. Davey was—there's no way to sugar coat this—an accident. Sixteen years younger than Jack he came along the year Jack left home for college. He and his wife Emma used to live reasonably...

3 years ago
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Got My Cousin Sister In Law

Hi, guys, I am Vijay from Nashik. I am 28 years and my height is 5″10, fair. Dick is 6 inch. I want to narrate a real life sex story. I got married 2 years ago. My wife was a very beautiful big lady as I always liked BBW, Big beautiful ladies. We had a child in the very first year of marriage. Our marriage lasted just 2 years as my wife expired in the swine flu. She was visiting her Mayka (mother’s home) and they had a lot of animals in the Wada (big village house). This resulted in the swine...

4 years ago
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Spouses Taught Me A SisterInLaw

I have about that. I have been married five years, I was very happy with the wife on the subject of sex. We had no problem at all I meet. I think I was able to do what I need. Whether oral or comforted me how I was taught and practiced law. But it happened in my family’s life. It is not prohibited. Because I have a brother-in-law who is one year older than me. he was married for about three years later, I was dressed to the province several times I came to visit my brother-in-law. I like the...

4 years ago
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First time with my sister inlaw

It was a big night out, our k**s were with the grandparents, and my sister in-law Steph and her husband Paul had turned up at our house for pre-night out drinks.After after a couple of drinks we jumped into a taxi and headed out to the charity dinner dance, I was sat in the back between my wife and Steph, it was a twenty minute ride as as I sat there I could feel Steph's nylon clad legs rubbing against mine, this of course made me feel a little bit horny and I start to get semi-erect.We arrived...

1 year ago
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first time sex with sister in law

I am Raj from Gujarat, 20 years old and I am telling you your first sexual experience.My sister in law Sony, whose age is not much to me, looks very cool and playful and the range seems to be even more beautiful.I was always thinking of sex with both but was afraid.Summer season, the brother and sister were in office at the school!I am launching my sister were at home, I was doing some work on the computer when she got the voice, speech - Rohit, go get milk.I went to Milk Lane. Did come a...

3 years ago
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My hot virgin sister in law

My hot virgin sister in law100% fiction!This story that happened in my life a week ago. The story is about how I fucked my virgin sister in law (sil). Her name is arthi (name changed) and she is 23 yrs old and has a sexy body 32D-28-34. I have been attracted to her since my marriage. Last week my mother in law was admitted in the hospital for a surgery so my wife was accompanying her at the hospital. Since my mother in law needed to be admitted in the hospital for a couple of days, my wife...

3 years ago
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Horny sister in law

When Kath came home and announced to Andy that this summer they were going on holiday with her sister & husband, his heart sank. Every year he looked forward to his holiday so much, peace, quiet & most of all plenty of sex. His wife of 30 years always seemed to turn into a sex kitten when she was away from home, like another person really and he loved it. At home the average was once a week, for 2 weeks in the sun the average was twice a day. The thought that Kath’s sister Mandy and her...

2 years ago
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Wife and SisterinLaw

I recently told you the true story of my sweet teenage sister-in-law and how I took her virginity. Since that time, Karie and I had been fucking regularly for the last six months. We both knew that it was wrong and felt guilty about it but we were addicted to each other. Forbidden fruit always taste sweeter. The sight of her firm teenage tits and her tight snatch was more than I could resist. Karie had tried dating boys her age and fucking them, but she always came back to me because she said...

2 years ago
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Valentine with Younger Hmong sister in Law

Today with my younger sister in law was the best day. She can really satisfied my manhood and I was very proud of myself. So bizarre for myself and wonderful. Wish I had taken pics and video the whole thing. but probably next time when I get another chance with her and my older sister in law. Well it all begin about this afternoon. Her name is MaiLor Vang. After I was finished with my work and came to my parent's home. That time was 2 pm in afternoon and they were already long gone over state...

2 years ago
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Trina My SisterinLaw

Chapter 1 My sister-in-law, Trina, is the most beautiful lady I have ever seen. Seriously. Yes, I love my wife, and think she is beautiful too. But, in all honesty, if I had met Karen's sister first, I would have pursued her. I am sure of it. As it turned out, I didn't meet Trina for almost seven months after I met Karen. But when I did, I was blown away. Trina stands about 5'5", weighs about 120 lbs., has the prettiest face I have ever laid eyes on, dyed-red hair, smooth creamy skin, a...

3 years ago
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Touching my sisterinLaw

Two grown adults who should know better cross the line and have anintensely erotic experience./I had fantasized about my sister-in-law for years. There was nothingwrong with my wife but the thought of doing something naughty and taboowith my sister-in-law was such a turn on for me. I did wonder when Ifirst met her if she found me attractive; there were a few signs but itturned to nothing. My wife and I even had sex one night while she wassleeping downstairs on the couch. It turned me on so much...

1 year ago
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The Small Bet w sister In Law

The Small Bet w/ sister In LawIt was a family get together and it was a perfect day for us to watch sports and play board games. The entire family was over. Grandparents, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, brother, and sisters. The story begins once the family started coming over. I said hi to everyone except my sister in law. We knew each others presence was there but for some reason we didn't acknowledge each other. Although I am one to keep to myself this was unusual for her. Well throughout...

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Caught with my sister In Law

This story was inspired by the “Caught Masturbating” series by rocketstud. You may want to read them first for the setting. This is my first story so please be kind.Part 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:...

4 years ago
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Bonding Time with sister in Law

This story is almost true.My sister in law (Stacy) and I have always been close, now we’re just a little closer.I first started seeing her sister (Jennifer) when she was 14, and since I didn’t have a sister of my own, she became the little sister I never had. I was there pretty often as she grew up. She was very athletic and rarely dated, so I started to wonder if she was going to be gay - I know that sounds cliche, but it's the truth. That made it a real shock when she got pregnant. She...

2 years ago
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Useful Help To My SisterInLaw

Hi guys, I am Vinay back with another story. Thanks for your valuable feedback and comments for my previous stories. I hope you like this one also. Send your comments to Let’s get into the story .This story is about how I got into sex with my sister in law in the absence of my bro as a gift for my help. My bro got married a year ago, he works for an MNC company and goes out most of the days. To tell about my sister in law ( rekha ), she’s around 26, has a sexy body, most of them get attracted...

2 years ago
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Mischiefs With Naughty SisterInLaws

Hi this is selva!!! contact me at: ITS A COMPLETE WORK OF FICTION This story throwbacks some years ago, One summer when i completed my school and was just 18. During holidays i used to stay in my grandparents home but since this is long leave my mom sent me to my cousin brothers home in kerala. Both my cousin brothers stay together for business purposes. Train reached Cochin at 5am, my younger brother was there to pickup me and we reached the home. Elder sister in law opened the door with...

1 year ago
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Sex With Sister In Law

Hi, everyone. This is my first story in ISS. Although I have been reading iss for 10 years I have never had any story to write till recently. I am not a good story writer nor do I want to satisfy the readers with moaning expressions and last of all please forgive me for the poor language and for the pretty long story. I am a married man with an average body and average 7-inch size penis but I do have a very sexy and dick teasing wife. I have been married for 5 years and prior to that for 7...

2 years ago
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Naughty sister in law

We often travelled on holidays together; me, my wife, her sister and her sister’s husband where I have gotten to know both sisters’ body quite well, seeing them regularly in a bikini and swimwear. Given that her looks are so similar to my wife, I had always found her attractive, maybe even more than my wife as she was slightly older with MILF type body. I jacked off so many times imagining her instead of my wife. During our last holiday together my wife's sister had really got herself into a...

2 years ago
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Henry Gets Spanked By His SisterInLaw

Mature married couple Henry and Judith Golding, both aged fifty-nine, were going through a spell where they seemed to be constantly arguing or at least disagreeing about most things. Judith was finding Henry to be uncooperative in many ways and had just, for the second time recently, ruined their evening meal by not telling her that he would not be home from work on time."What is it with you at the moment?" asked Judith. "I should have a word with Helen."Helen Watts was Judith's...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Sexy SisterInLaw

Ki Hi all, my name is Abhinav. I am a 29 year old married guy from Delhi. This story is about my sexual experience with my sister in law (my wife’s brother’s wife). Her name is Kavya. She is 34 year old with a kid. She is 5’4” in height with dusky in color. She is bit on little bulky side, not plump but with right fat at right place. She has huge body assets. I don’t know about the right size but looking at her figure she must have 38C bust, 34 waist and 42 butt size with black hairs till her...

1 year ago
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My hot virgin sister in law

100% fiction! This story that happened in my life a week ago. The story is about how I fucked my virgin sister in law (sil). Her name is arthi (name changed) and she is 23 yrs old and has a sexy body 32D-28-34. I have been attracted to her since my marriage. Last week my mother in law was admitted in the hospital for a surgery so my wife was accompanying her at the hospital. Since my mother in law needed to be admitted in the hospital for a couple of days, my wife suggested that I go along with...

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Helping Indian sister in law getting pregnant

Hi Friends, this is Rajesh, presently 38 years working as an Engineer in an MNC, and settled in Bangalore now.. I am fair in colour, well built with a gym body and most important with an 8 inch dick. My wife had been to US on a project work with our son and I was living all alone in my house right now. My younger brother Ramu and his wife Rajini used to come to my house to have dinner with me sometimes. They were a happy couple with no k**s even after 2 years of marriage and it was found that...

2 years ago
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ABUSING FERN BRITTON MY SISTER-IN-LAW Although my wife and i have been happily married for quite a few years now, it hasn’t stopped me playing around. It was some five years after I married her that I had my first conquest with her older sister the television celebrity Fern Britton.Di, my wife and I were invited to a Christmas party at her sisters house Fern and her Celebrity Chef husband Phil. They had been together for four years after hooking up on ready steady cook and at times Fern could...

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My Wonderful Sister In Law

This is a true account of my experience with my sister in law – she is 9 years older than me and should have known better!! When I left the Navy and returned to my home town I realized I still had a thing for my sister-in-law. I used to go to the beach with her and my nieces and nephews on the off chance I would get a look at her tits and I found when she laid down, her bikini bottoms stretched across her hip bones and I could see her mound. To a horny young guy that was special! As I needed...

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Kinky Sisterinlaw

My wife doesn’t like anal sex. We tried it years ago and it was too painful for her. Even though I have never tried to do it again, I have always secretly wanted to. And I got my chance, although not the way I thought I would. One morning while we were at the table eating breakfast my wife, Kat, told me, “My sister and her two girls are flying in this weekend and staying the week. John (Her husband) was going deep sea fishing with his buddies and she did not want to stay home alone...

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