Mit der Zwillingsschwester und meinem Freund
- 3 years ago
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Zu meiner Person Mein Name ist Tom, ich bin 26 Jahre alt, spiele Fußball und gehe oft laufen und fahre Rennrad. Also würde ich sagen, dass ich ein sportlicher Charakter bin. Mit meinem 1,84 m groß und mit meinen blauen Augen und kürzeren gestylten Haaren sicherlich recht hübsch abzusehen. Es ist Sommer und der Urlaub mit meinen besten Freunden steht an, auf dem ich mich riesig freue! Endlich aus dem Großstadtjungel ausbrechen und die Natur und Sonne in der Toskana genießen. Mit von der Partie...
BisexualChapter One: Mind-Controlled into Loving His Mama A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! The Figure held up its next masterpiece. It stares at the slender, black belt adorned with a silver buckle. In the most graceful cursive possible, it had written, “Mama's Boy” on it. The words were beautiful, one letter flowing to the next. Elegant. Fitting. The Figure smiled as it headed to the mist. The portal that...
Es war wieder Dienstag. Ich war um 12 h in der Sauna angekommen. Da mein Hengst, der mich dort benutzen wollte erst gegen 14 h da sein wollte, hatte ich genügend Zeit, mich in Ruhe zu reinigen und ausgiebig zu spülen. Von dort ging ich wie immer erst einmal unter die Dusche vor der Dampfsauna und gleich nass hinein. Ich hatte schon gesehen, dass sich dort einige tummeln müssten, da viele Handtücher an den Haken hingen. Die wohlige feuchte Wärme umfing mich. Ein, zwei standen schon in dem noch...
Mein Mann und ich hocken in der kleinen Sauna in unserem Urlaubshotel. Anheimelnd lausche ich dem Knacken der Holzscheite und spüre, wie die Hitze mich entspannt. Nach einem herrlichen Strandtag soll der abendliche Saunabesuch unserem Tag einen krönenden Abschluss geben. Nils heißt mein Ehemann. Er ist 27 Jahre alt, seine Haare sind kurz und schwarz. Nils besitzt eine sportliche Figur. Er weiß, dass es mich sehr reizt, wenn ich mitbekomme, dass er mit anderen Frauen flirtet. Ich bin mir der...
Am Freitag dieser seltsamen Woche lernte ich dann auch Sues neuen Freund Dave kennen. Nicht direkt, aber irgendwie schon. Die letzten zwei Tage waren in Langeweile verlaufen, denn Mom hatte im Büro wieder viel zu tun, kam spät heim und war dementsprechend müde. Manchmal fragte ich mich, ob sie wieder das Penishöschen tragen würde und dann lief ich in ihr Schlafzimmer, durchwühlte den Kleiderschrank und fand diesen Slip regelmäßig, verborgen unter einem Stapel alter Wäsche, ganz hinten im...
Mein Name ist Nadja. Ja das hatten wir schon. Ich bin 175cm gross, habe weibliche Rundungen, einen klasse Arsch und mit 80c auch ordentliche, feste Brüste. Mich ziert langes rotes Haar und ausser meinen Augenbrauen ist das auch schon alles Haarige an mir. Von daher wurde ich auch mit der Güteklasse A- ausgezeichnet. Das Minus da ich leider ein paar Probleme mit der Leber habe. Nichts gefährliches, aber die Leber ist entsprechend nicht zu gebrauchen. Auch das hatten wir schon.Was wir jetzt aber...
Darf ich mich vorstellen? Mein Name ist Nadja. Ich lebe in der wunderbaren Zeit 2078. Warum wunderbar? Weil wir auf der Erde mittlerweile 17 Millarten Menschen haben und keine Hungersnöte mehr.Das Ganze fing 2022 an. Aus den Vegetariern wurde eine Bewegung, dann eine Partei und letzten Endes kam es sogar zu einem Krieg. Dieser war jetzt nicht so Blutig wie die Weltkriege, aber letzten Endes führte sie zur Gleichstellung von Tier und Mensch. Nun dachten sich die Vegetarier wahrscheinlich, sie...
Vor einigen Wochen beschloss ich mal wieder Urlaub zu machen. Ein klares Ziel hatte ich zuerst nicht vor Augen.Bis ich die Tageszeitung aufschlug und mir eine Annonce ins Auge sprang:"Fußball-WM 2010 in Afrika, wer jetzt bei uns seinen Afrika-Urlaub bucht bekommt 2 Premium-Tickets zugesichert."Da ich ein großer Fußballfan bin und ich von der WM 2006 wusste wie schwer es war an Tickets zu kommen, ging ich mit mir einen Kompromiss ein. Ich dachte: "Dann warteste eben noch nen` Jahr auf deinen...
Mit mehreren Spaß drinnen und draußenDie Zeiten wo ich im Süden lebte, sind vorbei. Kein Sea Sun and Sex. Ausflüge und Abenteuer am Meer unter der Sonne des Südens sind Vergangenheit.Zwar ist der Sommer hier dieses Jahr ganz nett aber die Gelegenheiten nackt sich zu zeigen und auch zu spannen sind geringer. Der Job als Hausmeister einer Sporthalle bietet auch nicht gerade viel Freizeit und meistens sind nur Senioren Gruppen die Besucher, aber nach einigen Wochen fand ich doch auch attraktive...
Introduction: My wife and I having sex in a (public) sauna Sauna Sex Day 1 We are on our way to the hotel where my wife will have a training course for work. I will join her during her time off to enjoy the hotel, the indoor swimming pool and sauna. We have a busy life and we should not miss the opportunity to relax together in a nice hotel with good facilities. When she booked the hotel my wife was already excited about the sauna. After a hour you feel relaxed, all dirty stuff has left your...
Introduction: My wife and I having sex in a (public) sauna Sauna Sex Day 1 We are on our way to the hotel where my wife will have a training course for work. I will join her during her time off to enjoy the hotel, the indoor swimming pool and sauna. We have a busy life and we should not miss the opportunity to relax together in a nice hotel with good facilities. When she booked the hotel my wife was already excited about the sauna. After a hour you feel relaxed, all dirty stuff has left your...
We are on our way to the hotel where my wife will have a training course for work. I will join her during her time off to enjoy the hotel, the indoor swimming pool and sauna. We have a busy life and we should not miss the opportunity to relax together in a nice hotel with good facilities. When she booked the hotel my wife was already excited about the sauna. After a hour you feel relaxed, all dirty stuff has left your body and you sleep well. First thing we do after arrival at the hotel is...
We are on our way to the hotel where my wife will have a training course for work. I will join her during her time off to enjoy the hotel, the indoor swimming pool and sauna. We have a busy life and we should not miss the opportunity to relax together in a nice hotel with good facilities. When she booked the hotel my wife was already excited about the sauna. After a hour you feel relaxed, all dirty stuff has left your body and you sleep well. First thing we do after arrival at the hotel is...
My boyfriend, David and I on were on our way back to Australia flying on Swiss International. We were to switch flights at Zurich but had a few hours between flights to play with. We decided to explore the city rather than stay at the airport.We got to the centre of Zurich. It was mid-afternoon on a Sunday and all the shops were closed. Apparently, the Swiss don't do business on Sundays. We walked the streets and came across the first place that was open - a modern gym and spa facility.A lot of...
ExhibitionismCopyright© 2004 There was a young gaucho named Bruno Who said, "Screwing is one thing I do know. A woman is fine, And a sheep is divine, But a llama is Numero Uno." If not for the way my son fucked me in the sauna once a week, the rock hard cock shoving enthusiastically back and forth into my persistently hungry hot wet cunt, I would say he hated me! These last few months my son David would not even look at me, give me hugs or even talk to me. His often absent father even...
I'm a member of a sauna which is located in a tennis center just five minutesaway from where I work. I'm studying for a PhD, and I'm a member of thetennis center, so I tend to go to the gym, followed by the sauna about threetimes a week.I've been going for about a year and nothing's ever happened. The sauna ismixed and everyone must wear a costume, so I had to content myself with a fewjack offs when no-one else was around. There's something really special aboutsliding my hand up and down my...
Gwen snapped out of the trance she had been in, then looked up at the concerned face of her sister. "Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you were talking to me, Brenda." "You need to get out of here, Gwen. You've been working too hard for too long. How many weekends in a row has it been now since you've taken time for yourself? 4? 5?" "6, I think, but you know I need to be here, I need the money too bad to go home." "Oh, bullshit. If you...
First off, I'm not really an aspiring author. But I do like to read and I have read several interesting stories lately that got me thinking about sharing some of my adventurous moments in life. Generally I am fairly conservative when I am near home, but since I travel a lot for work, I sometimes take advantage of the fact that I likely won't run into people I know in case I do something crazy. An example of this behavior is going to topless and nude beaches when I travel abroad. If my mother...
I had been dating Don for about six months when he invited me to accompany his sons and him on a ski vacation to Steam Boat Springs, Colorado. I had not skied since college but the opportunity to get to know Don's boys better was too appealing to pass up. Don is thirty seven years old and an executive with an engineering firm in Denver. He is affluent, intelligent, educated, attractive and charming. Most women would agree, he is a 'catch'. Although he divorced the boys' mother many years ago,...
MILFThe fall semester was nearing its end, and as usual, my stress level was increasing. Papers, final projects, and exams began to pile up, and I soon found myself with little free time. After my biology class on Wednesday, I hurried out of the building and entered into the cool darkness of a December evening. On my way back to my dorm, I stopped by a convenience store and picked up a pint of chocolate ice cream. I needed some sort of pleasure in the midst of school stress and depressing...
Early one Saturday afternoon, after spending most of the morning in town, I decided I should go and relax in a sauna for half an hour. I decided to head straight for the “Sauna & Beauty Parlour”, where I’d been a couple of times previously. As I arrived, I was met, in the waiting room, by one of my best friends, Katy. She asked me what I was doing there. I replied by saying that I was exhausted after spending the morning in town and had come in for a relaxing sauna. When I’d...
While I love going to sex cinemas and visiting crusing sites my main love is gay saunas. I might be bisexual and yes, I've love a bisexual sauna but gay saunas are the next best thing. Especially when they include lots of guys without any attitude and know what everyone is there for.Last year I visited a sauna in the north east. My work meant I had a good half a day in the area without any worries so I checked to see if there was a gay sauna there. There was. Then I checked the events hoping...
"So if you like, I'd love to have you join us in the sauna." Matt looked at the women carefully. "What do you think?" "Sounds great," they said in unison. "Good,†Matt continued, “but there is one rule . . . " he paused for effect, "you can only go in naked." “Do you see her?†Matt said as we entered the club. We stood just inside the door and looked the place over. “No,†I replied, “but it’s still early.†I looked at my watch. It was 11pm. Matt and I were locals and we knew this was the place...
GroupA visit to the sauna in Glasgow.Paid in and got undressed and made my way to the sitting room with the television showing some crap daytime programme, I think it was Kilroy-Silk and his chat show, boring as ever and I was looking around the room to see what might be on the menu, so to speak. There was a really old guy, a fat guy, a couple of bearded muscular guys and that was about it. There was nothing for me on the menu but I knew there were others in the sauna – I just had to find them.I...
After moving to a large coastal city from the very small town I had grown up in, my gay life blossomed. I loved the bars and clubs and frequented them with increasing enthusiasm. With the shackles of my former life well and truly lifted, I was embracing my new emancipation wholeheartedly. There was, nevertheless, still one final hurdle I had to scale, and that was visiting a gay sauna.I made my mind up that on an upcoming Saturday, I would definitely tick that final box. The normal operating...
Gay MaleSome years ago, in 2010 exactly, I met a gay couple from Germany.They are living near Kassel city, in Hessen land.First periods, yes, we had sex, but after a time, no more. We are just friends now, no sex anymore.In one of my holidays at them (yes, they would pay my flights and all), we went for a day trip to Frankfurt.Usually, I was home alone, or going out, in the city. well, you can imagine, I was alone in the city but not quite alone.before I left home, I was talking with guys online and...
Part one of my story actually happened. My story continues as a fantasy. It all began in my 40’s. My professional suit and tie, desk job and fast food life began to take a toll on my waistline. I needed to drop a few pounds and tone my body. The transformation began when I changed my eating habits and joined a local health club where I worked out routinely during an extended lunch hour three to four times a week. I was beginning to reap the rewards of my commitment and hard work. I actually...
Luckily for me in my country we have few gay saunas, I had visited 3 of them, each one has pros and cons, but what I do like is that I have had very hot times, in one more then the others so I won't get into details about the cons because no matter where I am, I'm willing to do my best and give all to get all the pleasure, I can't help my slutty side, is something that I had discovered the last year; well I wouldn't find it without my Man's help, who is always there supporting me and guiding...
I had been working out in the gym for the past hour and was ready to stop. As the treadmill slowed and came to a halt, I gratefully grabbed my water and finished it in a few swallows. I let my heart rate settle before moving over to the mats and began working through some exercises. I could feel the sweat cooling on my body and the delicious pull on my muscles as I performed my cool down ritual. Finally finished, I made my way to the changing rooms, stripped off my gym kit and changed into...
Hi! My name is Jamie. I'm 23 years old. I work at the local Walmart as a cashier. I still live at home with my parents because I cannot afford to move out on my own. I've recently been battling a bad case of depression which my doctor gave me some medicine for. It helps but I still feel down most of the time. Recently, my Mom and Dad suggested that maybe I should start a workout program. I was a little offended at first but after I'd thought about it, I decided it might be a good idea. Ever...
This 100% true story takes place in a hotel sauna. A friend had recommended joining the gym at a hotel as an affordable option to a regular gym. Not only is it much cheaper, but they are always nearly empty, so I didn't have to wait to use the equipment. After I has been going there for a few weeks, I was kind of surprised one day to actually see another guy using the place. He was on one of the two treadmills. (Only downside: not a lot of equipment to use!) When I had finished changing in the...
GaySo what are the options for men like me needing a quick, exciting sexual fix? Well, prostitute, but my wife is an ex-hooker so meh: Strip Club, but that's more frustration than excitement. Swingers site but, as a single man, it's hard to get attention unless you're young and hot. Occasionally there a wife who wants to watch you with her husband but it amazing how few times that turns into an actual meet up. The most immediate way to get sex is a gay sauna. I've tried camming on web sites...
Late in the evening, when it is getting colder, they move inside. The moment they are inside, John grabs Brianna's ass and pulls her close and kisses her. Brianna pushes him away."Sorry John, I guess the pool made my pussy a bit sore, so I am afraid it won't happen again tonight." She kisses him, but he looks quite disappointed.Now Brianna lets her hand slide over his dick. "Don't look like that, John. I know what you want, but I might have something else for you."Brianna pushes him...
Straight SexI'm Tonya, and I'm a 26-year-old blonde that frequently goes to the pool. I have c-cup boobs, and a nice figure. I think I'm someone that the guys might wanna stare at, and maybe a few ladies too. Anyway, I'm a member of an adult club, that plays at the pool, where clothing is optional. You can play games, like basketball, they also have a diving board and a million other things. One thing in particular they have, is a sauna, where you can just lay there completely naked. This was for all for...
LesbianWhilst living on my own for a while, I was feeling a little lonely and what with not being in a long term relationship, my horny thoughts were getting the better of me. Thinking back to my past experiences, I felt the need for some hot male sex. I decided to visit a sauna I had seen in the city centre. So, one Saturday, I spent the morning ensuring I was clean and shaven all over, not a body hair in sight. I had read that the sauna was open 24 hours but decided I would rather go after lunch, in...
Gay MaleAn accidental touch in a moving vehicle, car, train, or bus, is normally followed by a sincere apology and embarrassed look. It's when it's not, one tends to get angry and make their point known to the perpetrator, but therein also lies a paradox, the intentional intimate touch for some, can also be the spark that leads to darker things, especially when sex is involved.People like myself, who really like sex, are always trigger happy when the mood takes over, because the prize at the end, is...
Tommy was a magnificent bottom who most alphas would give their eyeteeth to have him in their clutches. He had the smaller stature of a world-class gymnast with a defined muscular frame that brought lustful tears to horny men’s eyes and excessive saliva to their lustful mouths. Tommy’s skin looked like alabaster. The light dusting of hair on his body and the mop of long hair on his head was the colour of an alloy that could only be created, from mixing gold and copper. Tommy’s boyish features...
Gay MaleI slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
I had finished my bike session at the 24 hour gym. It's one of those gyms where you can go at any time of day or night and let yourself in with an electronic key. A bonus is that there is a sauna on until midnight when it automatically switches off. I love a hot sauna after a hard bike session.I changed into my swimming shorts, grabbed my towel and headed to the sauna. Usually at this time of night (11 pm) there is no one there. But tonight, when I went in, there were two guys there. The...
I’m lucky enough to get to travel with my work and occasionally get to visit some of the UKs saunas. I’d say that on average half the visits end up in some type of action. You can always hook up, but I’m quite relaxed and am a little fussy. I also don’t like aggressive (with a small “a”) guys that sometimes hang out at these places, I have always found a no is enough. I’m a mid 50s guy with my own hair and a very short beard, an average body and average cock - fully shaved from the neck...
Introduction: Tranny fucks guy in sauna and brings him home. Last Saturday I went over to a friends house to eat and he had his sister, Kylee, over for dinner. For some reason it seemed like they didnt like each other very much. As the food was set out to eat they argued over who was going to sit where, she wanted to sit next to me, but my friend was the man of the house and he won the debate. Rosa sat across from me. She sat down slow and winked at me while doing so. We were having a roast...
I usually go to the sauna once a week, mostly in Winter/Autumn. It's a nice little sauna close to my house, a bit expensive, but it's always empty.Recently, I decided to go the sauna even though it's Summer. I was sure nobody would be in there since it's too hot outside. Around 6pm I entered and there was a woman, probably in her 40s, getting naked to go in. I immediately checked her out, she had a tight body, really fit. Had small firm tits and long blonde hair. Of course, she startled a bit...
Follow me.on instagram @raqm0900Introduction:Tranny fucks guy in sauna and brings him home.Last Saturday I went over to a friend’s house to eat and he had his sister, Kylee, over for dinner. For some reason it seemed like they didn’t like each other very much. As the food was set out to eat they argued over who was going to sit where; she wanted to sit next to me, but my friend was the man of the house and he won the debate. Rosa sat across from me. She sat down slow and winked at me while...
I’m a member at an LA Fitness Gym. I like to swim laps in the pool, relax in the sauna afterward, shower, dress, and go. This day was not unlike any other. I had a pretty good swim, stripped out of my wet speedo and headed for the sauna. When I entered, there were two people inside. One was the maintenance worker, a twenty-something Latino guy, thin with glasses and light facial hair. The other was a 20-ish Latino guy enjoying the sauna. The sauna is an approximately 7’x7’ room with an...
I travelled to Europe last year for a holiday and due to some unforeseen circumstances, found myself with a few extra days in London with no immediate plans. So, like any gay guy does when in a new city, I jumped on Grindr to see who and what was around. After making my way through the usual round of average Joe’s… and worse, I got chatting to this handsome Spanish guy. He said his name was Alex, same age as me, thirty. His pics showed him as a tall, dark haired man with strong handsome...
Gay MaleGerman sauna culture has a particular etiquette. Nudity is expected and usually required. Some people say this is because chemicals from the swimming pool might evaporate but it was the rule long before people worried about such things.Being nude in the company of strangers is supposed to be a liberating experience that breaks down barriers. It is not a sexual experience, or at least it isn't supposed to be and nothing of that sort has ever happened to me. Except of course that one time, which...
Quickie SexA (partly) fictional story Not long ago I went for a visit to Europe, mainly Scandinavia, and also I had to spend some time in Finland. I got to experience the different kinds of sauna's they have. I loved it, not just because of the sauna itself but also the sauna design. It doesn't have to be a small room without windows and waiting until your time is up. Round rooms, square ones, lazy benches, nice windows from which a beautiful view of the frozen forest, a place to put your drink,...
Sauna had been settled by immigrants (colonists?) about 290 years ago during the great Diaspora (expansion movement). Earth's government had decided that the best way to insure that humanity survived, no matter what calamity should befall the species, was to occupy as many different planets as possible. The discovery of FTL (Faster Than Light) drive 500 years ago had made this possible. By the time Sauna was found and cleared for human occupation, all of the very desirable planets had been...
Meister – T – Mann – Frau – Sissi – Paare Frau und MannAus dem Leben eines Meisters."Gülden Feen Haar" von "Fee" - Begegnung und bedenkenswertes Erlebnis auf der Pferderennbahn - Fees lange blonden Haare - Meeting - Pferderennen -Ein Termin ist für den Meister immer gesetzt. - Pferderennen in Iffezheim - Das Meeting - Die Große Woche. - Dieses Jahr trug unsere "Fee" hohe rote Schaft -...
I had to leave early because I still had to work at the hotel that night. Reluctant I was to leave because I had pool duty that night. Later after the pool closed I went in to clean the floors and the sauna. It’s the humidity that kills you, said a rather familiar voice coming from the sauna. I was mopping the floor and the voice made me jump. I lost balance and fell into the pool. I couldn’t picture whose voce it was, but I knew I’d heard it before. I opened the door to the sauna to...
PLEASE LEAVE A LIKE IF YOU ENJOY THIS STORY! Me and Chloë had been talking via Facebook for a while but had never met. One day I decided to spice things up a little. So I asked her truth or dare? And she immediately answered with dare! I didn't expect her to say dare right away. I thought about what I had to ask and replied with "I dare you to meet me completely naked in the sauna" she said deal! Friday? That was in 4 days so I responded with that's fine. Then she asked me back truth or dare? I...
IncestThat late afternoon Victor and I were in the cold winter at New York, doing some shopping. That day the city was really cold and windy.The crowded streets were quickly becoming deserted, as my husband and I were trying to find some place to shelter from that cold biting wind. Suddenly, in a dark alley, we saw a sign-post, directing towards a sauna. I told Victor it would be warm there inside. He nodded…We entered the sauna and were welcomed by a friendly, nice looking dressed blonde who was...
We were cuddling in the hotel sauna alone. Sweat drenched our bodies as we just wore our bathing suits and had towels around our waists. We endured the intense heat as we just relaxed in silence. Then her body shifted and she got right on top of me. She kissed me once. "I love you, husband." "I love you too, wife." We heard people outside the sauna, yelling and having fun in the pool. Then she lifted herself up off me and her feet met the floor. She left the towel, wandered to the door and...
Quickie SexOccasionally I have to go to London for a meeting, I always arrange for it to finish around lunchtime, so I can head off to my favourite gay bar for a few drinks and then onto a sauna for some fun.yesterday the meeting dragged on and on, and I found I was getting hornier as the minutes passed. Eventually we finished late afternoon, and I decided that I'd go straight to the sauna as I was so horny.... I was already oozing precum!the sauna is a couple of stops away on the underground, and I...
That late afternoon I was in the cold winter at New York, doing some shopping with my loving husband. Victor had always hated the wind and that day the city that never sleeeeps was really windy… and cold.The crowded streets were quickly becoming deserted, as my husband and I were trying to find some place to shelter from that cold biting wind. Suddenly, in a dark alley, we saw a sign-post, directing towards a sauna. I told Victor it would be warm there inside. He nodded…We entered the sauna and...
I recently visited Singapore after having left more than a decade ago. Igrew up on this island nation but moved away for school and work. In theintervening years, I came out to myself although I am not usually asexually voracious person -- I have a couple of regular fuck buds that giveme a good seeing to when I need it, and for the most part, I'm prettysatisfied.On this trip, I had some time on my hands and out of curiosity, I decidedto check out the local gay sauna scene. I read about a new...
It was mid-week and I was away on business and had to stay two nights in a posh hotel while leaving my wife at home alone. I was hungry and it was getting late,there was a restaurant across the street so I walk over to get something to eat. I had three beers while I was there and now I was in the mood to drink some more. There was a store a few doors down so I went and grabbed a 12 pack and headed back to my hotel room as I wasn't in the mood to sit at the hotel bar. I soon found myself getting...
True StoryThis happened many years ago, names have been changed. Let's just say things were different in the 70s. I know the '909' didn't exist in the 70s. Just trying to make it more relevant to today.I headed down the freeway to see my girlfriend. I had not seen her in a couple of weeks since we lived about 30 miles apart. How I got so lucky to have a girl like her was way beyond my comprehension. She lived at the beach, Huntington Beach, Surf City, USA. I was a 909er. I lived inland,...