Wife Find's OUT GayMaker free porn video

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Alex felt the guilt building inside of him. He couldn't believe what he had just done. He rubbed his hands across his face. 

His hands shaking, he paused at the door before silently turning the handle until he heard the click. He pressed the door open with his foot.

"Alex, so nice of you to come home this evening," Linda motioned at him to come into the room. "We have so much to talk about."

She leaned back into the overstuffed chair, her arms d****d over each rest. She crossed her legs and stared up at him with her deep blue eyes.

"Did you think I wouldn't find out?" she asked him, pulling some of her dark hair from her eyes so she could look at him better. 

Alex felt his body shake uncontrollably. Did she know? She couldn't know, no one knew except for him. He thought back to the people he had seen that night, none of them stood out.

No one knew, he kept thinking to himself. Except her, she knew.

"I don't understand Linda," he stammered. "I don't know what you mean." He looked at her fearfully. She couldn't be so clam and know all that happened, he thought to himself as he looked at her casually sitting in the chair.

Linda shifted herself more upright, straightening out the creases in her blue skirt.

"You're not sure I know are you?" she looked up at him. "Believe me I know what you did. I know everything you did. I can see it written in your face but I have more proof." 

Linda reached over to the table on her right and pulled up a piece of paper and a pile of photographs. 

"Let me see here," she looked down at the piece of paper, "do you want me to read them all off?"

Alex fell to the floor, his legs giving out. He felt bad enough about what had happened, but how did she know? He felt his stomach tighten into a knot.

"Answer me," she looked down at him on the floor, "would you like to tell me or should I tell you?"

Alex felt his body wrench with nervousness, his mind racing. What was he going to do, he couldn't tell her everything, what did she already know? He reached out and put his hand the floor to steady himself. 

He felt like he was going to throw up, his stomach churning on itself.

"I'll tell you," he finally managed to speak. "I'll tell you."

"Well go ahead then," Linda put the paper into her lap and looked down at him. 

Alex felt his body stiffen as he tried to talk.

"I, well," he paused. "I'm sorry," he looked up at her.

Linda laughed. 

"You're sorry? That's what you did? Come on and tell me," she shifted her legs enough so he could see up her skirt.

Alex turned his head away afraid.

"I'm sorry," he started again, "I was with someone else."

Alex felt his nervousness begin to subside at the revelation. He felt better having said it, not living with the fear that she'd find out.

"Someone else?" she questioned, "that's very vague. I was looking for more detail."

Linda picked up the piece of paper and looked down the list. 

"Let's see here," she ran her finger up and down the piece of paper. "It looks to me like a lot more than just 'someone else'. How else do you explain the five hundred dollars for the 'honeymoon suite'."

Alex griped at his stomach as he felt his body convulse. She knew about the room. Where else did he spend money? He couldn't remember. Why did he not pay cash? He felt his stomach wrench again.

"Oh but that's not the least of it," she looked at her list again, "not at all. Let's see you got a blow job, I see that's on the list."

Alex looked at the floor. She could be bluffing he though. Of course he got a blow job, every guy wanted a blow job. He looked up into her eyes scared but defiant and began to stand.

"Oh and let's see, a rub down with expensive oils, and you watched the poor little girl play with herself for over a hour," Linda continued. "And there's more, should I continue."

Alex fell back to the floor.

"No, please, this is crazy Linda," he pleaded with her.

Linda tossed one of the pictures at him.

"The way I see it is that's grounds for divorce and while this state has community property laws, I believe I can convince everyone that you cheated on me," she looked at him. "And then I don't just get my half, but I get your half too."

Alex looked up at her and felt like he was ready to cry. How did he get himself into this mess?

Linda stood up and walked over to Alex laying on the floor.

"Alex," she reached down and rubbed her fingers through his blond hair. "I agree with the law. I agree we should split thing 50/50."

She let her fingers drift to his chin, pulling his face up to look into her eyes. 

"The way I see it is that we have two options. We can divorce and I can take everything, or I should get to have a night where I get to do whatever I want, no questions asked."

Alex was confused by the sudden change in events. He felt himself sick inside at the thought of his wife being with someone else for the evening.

"I, I don't understand," Alex felt comforted by the feel of Linda's hand gently caressing his cheek but still frightened by her proposition.

"I want to have a night were I can do anything I want," she looked at him lovingly but at the same time with anger. "I want you to agree that you will let me do whatever I want this evening."

Alex was still confused. What was the offer she was making to him. Was she going to leave him and go find a man? Did she want him? He couldn't tell and his stomach was lurching its way into his throat.

"Whatever you want? I don't know what you mean," he was looking up her skirt and noticed she wasn't wearing any panties.

"I mean," she shifted her legs wider apart as she noticed his eyes peering up her skirt. "I mean that you will do whatever I ask or I will take this house, our cars, our k**s and your damned noisy stinky dog and a very hefty portion of your paycheck."

Alex felt her grip tighten on his chin.

"Do you understand?"

Alex bit his lip and nodded yes. He felt his head drop to the floor as she let it go.

"The way I see it is that you took something away from me," she turned and started walking away, "so I want to take something from you."

She opened the door and peered around the corner.

"Come in baby he's ready," she waved her hand.

Alex watched intently, not understanding what was happening, as a man with dark skin slowly walked into the room.

"Alex, this is Tom," I hired Alex to get his cock sucked and fucked she let her hands drift all over Tom's muscular black body. 

Alex felt his body sickening again, watching his white wife touching another man. He watched as her hands drifted from his chest to the huge bulge between his legs and pause.

"Boys," she looked at both men, "I would like you to undress for me." She sat down in her overstuffed chair and gently rubbed her breasts and waited for them to undress.

Alex was slow to get up, but he managed to. He looked up at Tom and then Linda, what did she want some sort of threesome? She had never talked about this before.

He reached his fingers into his pants and slowly pulled the polo shirt over his head and looked over at Tom. He felt like he didn't want to get his clothes off before Tom did.

"No Tom," Linda sense Alex's apprehension. "I want Alex to completely undress first."

Alex let the shirt drop to the floor and closed his eyes. He hadn't been naked in front of another man for quite a while. Not since his college days at the gym. He felt embarrassed as he stripped his pants down to the floor and pushed them aside.

As Alex felt his cock twitch in the cool air he wanted to cover himself up with his hands but he felt that would be even more embarrassing. He looked over at Tom, his muscular black arms and chest bare, his pants still on.

"That's nice," Linda stared at her naked husband. "Now why don't you go and take off Tom's pants Alex."

Alex violently shook his head no before he even realized it. 

"I can't do that," he looked at Linda who threw him another picture. "You can, and you will, and when you're done I want to see you do that."

Alex looked at the picture of the woman he had been with earlier on her knees in front of him, his cock deep inside of her mouth.

"I won't I can't " Alex began to scream. "I'm not gay."

"Whatever I ask remember?" Linda just looked at him and smiled and waited patiently.

Alex felt the tears dripping down his cheek to his chin. He had almost forgotten that he was standing in the middle of his bedroom naked as he walked over to Tom and began to unbutton his pants.

"Kiss his chest honey, make him know that you love him, tonight you're newlyweds," Linda let her words soften as he finished.

Alex felt his world crashing around him, he apprehensively pressed his lips against Tom's chest and drifted down to his knees. He thought back to how good it felt to have the same things done to him, and how demeaning it felt to do them.

He could feel Tom's cock as he pulled apart the snap at the top of his jeans. Slowly he pulled the pants down, the huge black cock springing free and hitting his face.

"That's my girl," Linda called out from across the room. "Now I want you to stroke him, lick his balls."

Alex winced at the sound of his wife's voice, his hand slowly encircling Tom's swollen cock. It felt stiff yet soft. He hadn't really thought about how a cock had felt before. He felt his own cock twitching between his legs. He was getting excited and it scared him.

"That feels so good, go ahead taste it," Tom finally said spoke as he let his fingers drift through Alex's hair.

Alex felt Tom strongly pulling his head towards his growing black cock.

Alex let his mouth open as the black cock pressed against his lips. He felt the heat of the shaft fill his mouth, run across his tongue, as it went deeper and deeper into his mouth. He didn't feel Linda coming up to him and kneeling beside him, her hands gently rubbing his shaft from between his legs.

"You're such a good little wife," Linda whispered into Alex's ear, her hands gently rubbing his ass. "Why don't you show me what you had that girl do for you next?"

Alex felt a pit in his stomach. He was certain that she knew everything that happened, everything. She pulled Tom's black cock out of his mouth and looked up at him as She slowly pressed his hands against Tom's hips and turned him around.

"I bet you really liked it when she did this, didn't you," Linda whispered into Alex's ear as he leaned forward, pulling Tom's cheeks apart.

Alex swallowed apprehensively as he leaned his face closer and closer to Tom's ass. He felt his abdomen tense as he pushed himself deeper and deeper into his crack. Finally his tongue brushed against Tom's anus and he heard Tom let out a moan.

"Oh god that feels good," Tom reached his strong hands around his back and pressed Alex's head into his crack.

Alex felt sickened as his tongue spread the anus and explored Tom's cavity. He gasped for air, his head so tightly pressed against Tom that he could barely breathe. Alex felt his cock stiffening as Linda reached down and squeezed it in her hand.

"I bet you really enjoyed it when she did that for you didn't you," Linda whispered in Alex's ear. "I see that my husband enjoys it too."

Linda grabbed Alex's hand in hers and gently pulled it towards Tom's black cock.

"Rub him while you do it, I bet he'll like that," Linda whispered in his ear.

Alex felt Tom's ass suddenly tighten around his tongue as he rubbed his hands against the hard black shaft. He tried to pull his mouth away, however, Tom had tightened his grip on the back of his head. Alex felt his head pressed even deeper inside of Tom's ass, his hand still sliding up and down the hard long cock.

"What was next," Linda whispered in his ear questioningly. "Didn't you make her play with herself?"

Alex felt his cock stiffening remembering watching the girl, dressed in only her lingerie, on the bed for what must have been an hour. How she did anything he asked. She should have for what he had paid her.

Alex slowly pulled his head out from between Tom's cheeks, the strong odor and taste spread over his face, and looked at Linda and nodded his head yes. She led him to the bed and handed him a bag.

"These are for you, use them," she smiled.

Alex looked at her shocked and reached his hand into the bag. His face dropped when he felt the feel of the silk panties and bra. He pulled them out and looked at his wife.

"You can't be fucking serious," he exclaimed.

"Oh no, the fucking comes later, there's more," Linda broadened her smile. "Put them on or it's over."

Alex felt the tears dripping down his face as he reached behind his back and snapped the bra on. He reached into the bag and pulled out the large hard plastic vibrator and lube. 

"It's the same one you made her use, I thought it was only fair," Linda walked over to the overstuffed chair and sat down.

Alex looked away and slowly pulled the silk panties over his hips. He felt his cock stiffen at the cool feel of the cloth against his skin. He reached into the bag for anything else.

"What are you looking for," Tom had silently slipped into the bed next to him.

Alex looked at his wife across the room, she had spread her legs and was gently touching her thighs.

"Honey, you didn't give her anything else did you?" Linda bit her lip.

Alex looked at her as he turned the vibrator on low, slowly lowering it between his cheeks. His cock stiffened as he felt the cold plastic pressing in towards his anus.

"Turn over and face Tom honey," Linda coaxed Alex, "tell him the things you made her tell you."

Alex felt rolled over and looked into Tom's eyes. Who was this man? What did he want? Alex didn't know. He felt at the mercy of the situation, lock in a hotel room with a stranger who was making him do anything he wanted, like the woman he was with. Only this was his house, his wife.

He rubbed the vibrator around his ass and tried to relax. He felt Tom gently caressing the side of his ass and pouring the cold lube onto his asshole.
"Tell him how much you love him," Linda called out.

Alex felt the vibrator penetrate inside of him and let out an uncontrollable moan.

"I love you," he looked up into Tom's eyes as Tom's tongue pressed open his mouth, exploring him.

Alex felt his entire body being to shake, the vibrator sending waves throughout his body. He moaned uncontrollably as he felt Tom's hand take his cock through the silk panties and rub it. While Tom's other hand reached behind and pressed the vibrator deeper into his ass.

"Oh god," Alex moaned trying to get him to stop, but he kept pressing it deeper and deeper.

Finally Tom let his hands go and moved a little further away.

Alex felt his body exploding with new sensations. He writhed on the bed, the vibrator pressed completely inside of him, only a small string hanging out. His cock twitched and stiffened as his body slid up and down against the bed.

Alex spread his legs and rolled onto his back, letting the vibrator explode deep inside of him. He didn't know what came over him at that moment but he felt so good.

"I think your new wife enjoys it up the ass," Linda looked at Tom and then at Alex writhing against the sheets. "Tom I think it's your turn now to fuck."

Alex felt his body snap back. Your turn, what the fuck did she mean? Oh good I can rest now but Tom's going to fuck my wife. He looked at Tom who was now sliding closer to him rubing his huge black cock.

"Take that out now," Tom rolled Alex onto his back. 

Alex felt like he was going to come, his cock pressed against the bed. He groaned as he reached to his ass and slowly worked the vibrator free. 

"Turn him to face me, I want to see his face," Linda looked up at Tom who quickly picked Alex up and turned him around.

Alex tried to mouth something but couldn't get it out. Linda stared into his eyes.

"What is it baby?" Linda asked Alex. Surprise baby Tom's not going to fuck me.

Alex didn't answer, he felt the hard head of Tom's black cock pressing his ass cheeks apart. He let out a gasp as Tom's cock opened his anus and pressed inside of him. Tom's hands were strong, and he was pulling Alex's hips farther and farther over his cock.

Alex felt the heat of the cock fill him for what felt like forever. Slowly sliding deeper into him. He felt the stiffness pressing against his belly, the twitching against his anus.

"Tell him you want him to fuck you, fuck you in the ass," Linda smiled. "Isn't that what you said to her?"

Alex moaned, the tears streaking down his face. 

"I want you to fuck me in the ass," he said quietly before bellowing out a huge scream as Tom quickly pressed his black cock the rest of the way in balls deep.

Alex felt like his ass was ripped in half. He gripped onto the comforter to brace himself as Tom repeatedly pulled his cock in and out of him.

"Don't scream honey," Linda walked over to him and rubbed her hands through his hair. "We're at home remember, you wouldn't want one of your daughters to see you like this would you?"

Tom reached under Alex and rubbed his hands on the silky bra picking my nipples. 

"You're so hot honey," he leaned over and whispered into Alex's ear. 

Linda reach down to Alex's cock.

"It's all soft," she squeezed it until it started to stiffen. 

Tom pulled Alex's hips tightly into his and moaned take that black cock you slut. Alex felt his cock stiffen like a board inside of him. 

"Oh I want to come in your ass," Tom moaned, driving his clack cock even harder against him.

Alex felt his stomach wince again. He quickly started to talk.

"Please don't, please," he begged, just as the woman had begged earlier. He felt the cock hard inside of him. "Please don't."

Tom looked down at Linda.

Linda just smile and said,

"No Tom not in his ass, he came in her mouth," Linda slowly stepped away.

Alex felt his body go almost limp as Tom pulled his cock out of his ass and turned him over.

"A wife who swallows, I got lucky," he laughed, his black cock pressed against Alex's mouth. 

Alex closed his eyes and opened his mouth, as the first spray of salty juice came from the cock. He felt Tom's hand rubbing at the silk bra while the other hand pulled his head over the draining shaft.

"Oh god, take it all," Tom moaned, leaning his head back.

Alex swallowed quickly, trying to get a breathe of air. Tom's cock filling his mouth so full with his juices that they dripped down his chin to his chest. 

Finally Tom pulled his softening cock from Alex's mouth and fell back on the bed.

Alex put his head into his hands and began to cry.

"How did you know?" he asked between the sobs.

"Your little prostitute gave this to me and told me you didn't give her a tip. Apparently she was mad." 

Alex looked at the driver's license and fell to the bed.

"Guess what honey," Linda walked over to Alex and rubbed her hand through his hair. "That tip is going to cost you for a very long time."

Wait until next week Tom's got some friends.

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 2

SUMMER CAMP Rebecca looked at her image critically in the full length mirror. She had to concur that the tailored scoutmaster uniform with the camouflage skirt and the bandana like top was decidedly hot. She could feel her nipples harden and her slit was primed and ready for some Boy Scout/Girl Scout Jamboree time with lots of after dark “getting acquainted” Camaraderie. She was wearing the official Girl Scout underwear because it was more comfortable for female crotches and her merit...

4 years ago
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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 7

Introduction: A beautiful 24-year-old Asian girl goes on vacation but gets lost in a small town and quickly kidnapped by a ruthless and violent biker gang. She struggles to survive as they turn her into their personal fuck-toy, beating and raping her constantly. Chapter 8: Day 2 with Big Joe Hannah wasnt sure what time she fell asleep, but she knew it took at least several hours. Shed never been in so much pain before. The skin on her breasts, ass, and vagina all felt like it had been sanded...

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 7

Hannah wasn’t sure what time she fell asleep, but she knew it took at least several hours. She’d never been in so much pain before. The skin on her breasts, ass, and vagina all felt like it had been sanded off, and her raw asshole was so excruciatingly torn and stretched. Perhaps worst of all, however, was having Big Joe’s rancid, sweat-soaked socks in her mouth all night long. The sour taste of them was so awful and each time she had to swallow Hannah almost puked in her mouth. ...

2 years ago
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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 12

“Wake the fuck up slut!” Tank shouted, slapping the unconscious Asian hard across her cheek. “No!!! Please, please, please,” Hannah shrieked, as she was jolted awake and instantly began pleading in terror. “We marked you up pretty good last night,” Tank remarked, as he stared at the Asian’s battered and bloodstained tits. “But not as much as you deserved slut. You’re lucky we didn’t fucking kill your ass for that little bullshit stunt you tried to pull.” “Please don’t—don’t hurt me, please...

3 years ago
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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 4

Hannah did not know what time she fell asleep, but she did know that despite her fatigue it took her at least a few hours. She cried the entire time too. She kept waiting for Tank or one of the other bikers to come in and rape her some more, but it never happened. Eventually she somehow was able to fall asleep, and she dreamed of simple pleasures like being back at home with friends and family throughout the night. “Wakey wakey slut!” Tank exclaimed, slapping Hannah in the face hard and...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 6

Boy Scout Troup 369 Scoutmaster Rebecca Johnson decided it would be a good move to allow her oversexed daughter Edwina take over the special tutoring lessons for young Raymond to pass the swimming merit badge to qualify for advancement to Eagle Scout. There was only one other candidate for Eagle Scout now in the troop and that was a cute sixteen year old blonde called Honey Longleg. It was amusing because she was not in the least bit tall and was the shortest scout in the troop despite being...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 14

Rebecca had reached a point in her new Scoutmaster role where she considered all the scouts to be genderless in her eyes. In her efforts at inward self-inspection, she determined it was probably because she was always a bit bi-sexual even when she was in high school and was just as happy having a happy ending with one of the teenaged cheerleaders as she was with giving up her cherry to a football jock. She saw it in her boy and girl twins Edward and Edwina with their ability to take on...

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 9

Hannah was on her knees underneath a large desk and sucking an Outlaw’s large, smelly penis. Her hands were still tied behind her back and she was completely naked except for the black stripper heels on her feet. The Asian was crying softly as she serviced the biker’s disgusting cock while he did some sort of work on a computer. She’d been blowing the hairy man for more than ten minutes and he still did not appear close to cumming. Hannah was just grateful to be back in the lounge and...

2 years ago
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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 11

Hannah did not come close to making her $3000 quota. By the time she got back out to the bar, it was past midnight and more than half of the patrons she’d seen when Wayne and Carl had bought her were long gone. Moreover, after the horrendous nightmare the two men had put her through, she had little strength or willpower to continue her duties as a whore. The Asian was almost like a zombie as she transported various johns back and forth from her room. The only times she showed any kind...

3 years ago
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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 3

Just as Hannah thought, the bikers headed straight back to the bar. They’d been gone for only about an hour, but when they entered the parking lot Hannah noticed that there were at least 10 more motorcycles sitting there. Her heart was pounding in terror as she was hauled back into the large tavern, with the other Outlaws right behind her. There were several bikers hanging out in the lounge and drinking beers, but as soon as they saw Hannah they got up and followed her into the...

2 years ago
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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 2

“Wake up slut! It’s time to put that hot little body to work, you got a long day ahead of you,” one of the bikers declared, slapping Hannah roughly across the face. Hannah yelped in pain as she was abruptly and painfully woken up. Immediately the horrible reality of her situation set in and she started whimpering miserably. She didn’t know what time she fell asleep, but it had taken her at least a couple hours and she felt like she’d hardly slept at all. There were at least 15 bikers...

3 years ago
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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 8

Hannah had no idea how she survived the next several days with Big Joe. Over the course of that time, the huge beast continued to take Hannah with him to many different towns and neighborhoods. Her purpose on these trips, of course, was to fuck whoever he commanded her to. Then, in the evenings, she was forced to pleasure the sadistic biker in unimaginably cruel ways. Every single night the Outlaw raped Hannah at least two or three times, and since he was such an anal aficionado, he...

3 years ago
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Wifersquos Golf outing

My wife had a yearly golf outing with her co workers. There was going to be 12 guys and her and three other women. I know that there would be a lot of drinking going on and the course was 45 minutes from our home. I told her that I would take her and pick her up because I did not want her getting in a car with someone that was drinking. She said she could get a ride there from one of her friends. She got picked up around 8:30 in the morning I never saw who was driving the van that picked her...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 5

Rebecca was at a loss for words when she walked into the last tent in the line and found young Raymond James face down in his bunk sobbing like he had just lost both his parent in an airplane crash. She knew that wasn’t even a remote possibility because the James family was one of those “never go out” families and were the only family in the neighborhood to never light up their porch for Halloween. Of course, that wasn’t a reason to take a dim view of their social skills, it was just...

1 year ago
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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 13

Summer camp was drawing to a close. It had been a memorable summer with lots of private little unsuspected tingles that made Rebecca start to feel like a teenager once again. She had made quite a few new friends in the younger crowd of seventeen and eighteen year old category and she was looking forward to some interesting sleepovers at her home for her twin’s sex education needs and exercises in social interaction that was not texting or looking at some silly screen like a trained...

2 years ago
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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 16

Rebecca was slightly depressed because she had suffered some redness on her backside from the oversexed male scoutmasters who pestered her to drop her drawers for them because she was female and definitely not of jailbait age. Of course, her attitude and her appearance were misleading, and she reveled in the attention she received because she looked like one of the underage female scouts and not a scoutmaster in her own right. A couple of the good old boys got carried away by the sight of...

4 years ago
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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 13

Less than 50 miles away from where Hannah was suffering, inside a tavern also owned by the Outlaws, another whore was having a miserable night of her own. Ellen Duffy, the incredibly hot redhead and Miss Washington contestant, was on her back with her legs spread while a fat, greasy Mexican fucked her pussy raw. He was the fourth Mexican in the past 20 minutes to fuck the young redhead, and he was in a state of euphoria as he pounded into Ellen like a savage. “So boys, we got a deal?”...

3 years ago
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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 6

Hannah was rudely awoken, like always, with a hard smack to her face. She yelped in pain and immediately began whining in terror. She could hardly remember getting pulled from the shower and tied to the bed last night. However, she did recall puking up a huge amount of sperm and piss into the tub. Her jaws and throat were still extremely sore from the dozens of blowjobs she’d been forced to give, and the burn mark on her back was still very raw and inflamed. “Get your ass up cunt, you...

2 years ago
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De toutes sortes

It provides a list of the “in” places to go, but I’m not really an “in” place person. However at the end of the listings I came across a series of Petites Annonces – Personal Ads. I was just looking at it out of curiosity – yes curiosity I was not looking for the advert which ran “jolie fille sexy recherche rencontre hot sur Paris” and I did not answer that one (honest). Then I noticed a section headed Photos - Modeles which seemed to consist mainly of photographers looking for lady models...

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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 1 Seven Hole Washout

Gary's Golf "Outing" Chapter One -- Seven Hole Washout My wife's mother called to tell her she wasn't feeling well and she wanted my wife, Kay, to come up to Chicago to be with her. She is a hypochondriac and it's not unusual for her to interrupt our vacation, or whatever we're doing, with her demands. I was hoping to play golf this day but it was getting cloudy as I drove my wife to the Fort Lauderdale Airport. As I kissed her goodbye, I told her to give my love to her mother....

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Wife cheats outdoors

My wife and I were spending a long weekend camping with a few hundred other people at a campsite used for outdoor pursuits . There was a challenge run over the week end for each area taking part and our area consisted of about thirty people. On the Saturday evening my wife suggested she could get one of the items required from a hotel which was about 15 minutes walk away and then said to me Chris a young man in early twenties would go with her. Knowing my wife I was sure she had something in...

Cheating Wifes
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e21 The Portsmouth Womens Institute

Series 6, Episode 20 The Portsmouth Women’s Institute (ages 50-60), from Portsmouth We open with a very simple and idyllic establishing shot of the front of an unobtrusive building with a little square of grass around it. A sign reads, “PORTSMOUTH WOMEN’S INSTITUTE” A small car park is half filled with sensible middle-class cars a Volvo, an Audi, a nice VW, etc. Trees rustle as the wind blows through them. Very safe violin music plays on the soundtrack and then The needle on the record...

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Wifey Pam Asian Jonny and a cum burger for the c

Wifey loves her technology, so there are a lot of shopping trips to the local Best Buy. She flirts with all the guys (and some of the woman) that work there. I’m sure she has had some hot wife dates with some of the guys; I hear the whispers and laughs behind my back when she lets me go in with her. But I’m not privileged to her dating life so I can’t say for sure, and I wouldn’t abject if that’s what she wanted (just wish she would let me watch). It was late on a Saturday afternoon and we both...

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wifey and her sister Peggy part 2

We get home and the girls run inside leaving me to bring in the bags from shopping. Of course I have to find the G-string bikini Peggy tried on and give it a sniff. Sadly, she didnt have it on long enough,so no smell other than new bathing suit. I walk inside and drop the bags by the couch they are sitting on, reminding them of our deal. I wanted to see Peggy in string/ G string bikini again. With a huff the both walked off with the bag. Peggy came downstairs first modeling her new bathing...

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Wifes a drunken slut

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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 22 Outposts

I learnt a new form of love the day my daughter was born. When Tory had started her next group of girls incubating, I found myself gravitating to one of them in particular. I knew she was very special. I knew she was a true sister to me and that I would need to raise her as my daughter. Call it a premonition if you wish, but the certainty was there all the same. She wouldn’t take the place of my precious lost daughter, yet I knew this little girl was very special to me. I was glad that one...

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Reddit HotWife, aka r/HotWife! Well, we’re back at it again. It would seem that we have a new subreddit to review, and this time around it’s /r/HotWife that takes the stage. We all know Reddit.com as a place where you can find pretty much every kind of community. Well, this 18+ community seems to be a very unlikely one because of what it’s supposed to be about. This subreddit is all about people showing off their hot wife as she gets fucked by her boyfriend outside of their marriage. So, you...

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Give Me Some Sugar Part 1 Rochelles Tryout

Introduction: A man goes from an obscure loser to a wealthy writer, and reaps more benefits than just money. ​ Life sure is funny is how it plays out. I have never been a religious man, still am not, but I did listen to the Joel Olsteen guy when the times were bad. He was so positive, that helped, but he also talked about how God could make up for decades of crap, in just a few years through super natural increase. Like I said, I am no Christian and am agnostic about the existence of a deity,...

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 1

PROPERTY OF DEVIL’S OUTLAWS Chapter 1: Taken As the sun began quickly setting behind the beautiful mountain ranges far away, Hannah could feel her frustration growing larger by the second. She should have known better than to rely solely on her navigation system and not bring a map with her on this trip. She was on her way to join some friends in Cabo for a few days of summer fun and relaxation. She had just a couple more hours of driving, but her normally dependable navigation tool...

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Property of Devils Outlaws

PROPERTY OF DEVIL’S OUTLAWSChapter 1: Taken        As the sun began quickly setting behind the beautiful mountain ranges far away, Hannah could feel her frustration growing larger by the second.  She should have known better than to rely solely on her navigation system and not bring a map with her on this trip.  She was on her way to join some friends in Cabo for a few days of summer fun and relaxation.  She had just a couple more hours of driving, but her normally dependable navigation tool...

2 years ago
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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 4 Summer Camp Initiation

The newly appointed Boy Scoutmaster Rebecca Anderson made her nightly check of all her teenaged charges and made certain they were all wearing regulation nightwear because the tents were coed and embarrassing situations could arise unintentionally if some young lady or young lad accidently went to answer a call of nature without proper attire. Rebecca felt a bit hypocritical about her actions because she usually slept in the raw loving the feel of smooth sheets on her hot female skin. When...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 9

The beautiful Boy Scout Scoutmaster Rebecca sat daydreaming in the snake cabin right in the middle of mostly non-poisonous reptiles slithering passively in their glass cages that separated them from the always curious and often reckless young boys and even some of the more adventurous girls more for their own safety than the rambunctious youngsters. She was not one of those persons that felt comfortable in close proximity to snakes. It was probably some ancient genetic trait that kept her...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 12

Right at the beginning of the final two week session of the summer camp, Rebecca was tasked with leading the Eagle Scout prospects out on a long two night hike that would take them completely around the long narrow lake that was far better to canoe or rowboat rather than hike in the dense underbrush surrounding the lush shorelines. She found that there were four male Boy Scouts and three female Boy Scouts in the pool of applicants and it worked out just fine for four two person tents to...

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Wanna Makeout

Dave and Kim had dated early in their life, before they actually new what dating was and after their breakup became close friends. It was after Kim’s boyfriend, John, who was also Dave’s best friend, left for Germany to study there for a year that the jokes began. It started small, jokes with John before he left that Dave and Kim would hookup while he was gone. These jokes always would upset John and make Dave and Kim chuckle. The jokes continued after John left, and even after Kim and John...

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wifes revelation 4 and regressing

Introduction: wife is suspected of gross cheating to epic levels (this parts alittle longer than the rest.) The inevitable Jack strolls out of the airport with his luggage in tow behind him heading to the car rental counters thinking about his trip and what his detective has for him. After some time he heads for the expressway towards town not knowing where he is actually going. He has not been able to reach his detective as to where he is although Jack did arrive a day sooner than expected....

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HotWife Cuckold Contract

"Ok, here are the key clauses for the husband:1. Upon entering this agreement, your status will now be a cuckold or simply cucky. Your wife will be known as the hotwife/mistress and her black owners will be called black bulls.2. Although you are still her husband, you no longer have permission to have any sexual intercourse whatsoever.3. You will be required to wear chastity belt all the time and your hotwife will hold the key to your chastity belt. Or should your hotwife chooses, she can give...

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