Ken 01 - My Introduction To Kink free porn video

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I was 19 when I met Ken. I was still at Uni and I met him during a work placement at a large accounting firm in the city. I had just completed my first ever full scale audit of a medium sized business. I had essentially completed the audit on my own but I was closely supervised by one of the accountants there and he had double checked everything I had done.

I had to attend a meeting with the client, more as part of my work experience than anything else. I wasn't really needed there because my supervisor knew everything that I did about the audit but interacting with clients is an essential part of accountancy so I was there.

Ken was a business consultant and he was there with the client. Our audit had revealed a few anomalies and bad practices and Ken's role was to over see the implementation of the remedial action. We advised and Ken helped them to actually make it all happen.

I had never met anyone like Ken. He radiated this aura of competence and confidence that made you automatically trust him and have faith in him. I thought men would find him the kind of man they would follow into battle and die for. I thought women would find him irresistible. I did in a way but I felt something much more intense than simple attraction. I felt drawn to him in a strange way I had never experienced before. He was incredibly charming. He was very intelligent, sophisticated, urbane, and oh, so charming.

He was a big man, tall, thick set, with a commanding presence. He had medium brown hair with streaks of grey at the temples. I found out later he was 63 at the time. He had intense, compelling eyes that were almost hypnotic. He was very distinguished looking, very composed and self assured. He had a full beard, neatly and closely trimmed and he was immaculately dressed.

The meeting went very well and they were all very pleased with my work. Ken especially. He came up to me after the meeting and told me I was an exceptional auditor and I had picked up on quite a few things that previous audits had missed.

He casually invited me to dinner while we were standing in the corridor talking and I was shocked and stunned. Why me? I wondered. Why on earth would he invite me to have dinner with him? It made no sense to me but I felt this strange excitement building in me. I was even more surprised when I I accepted his invitation without hesitating.

I was going out with Brian at the time and we were very happy but we were still wet humping and had never actually fucked. I was beginning to think it was time we fucked but I was reluctant to rock the boat when everything was going so well. I told him I had to meet with a very important client, which was the truth, sort of.

I had no idea what to expect or what Ken's intentions were. I didn't really care though. I felt swept up in something that I didn't understand but couldn’t resist.

I wore my best little black dress that I knew I looked good in. As good as I get anyway. I brushed my hair till it shone and even put on some makeup. Just a little eye shadow and mascara which is all I have ever been able to master. I even wore earrings. I decided to risk the high heels even though I really struggled to walk in them.

Brian said I looked super hot and told me to knock 'em dead. I felt a twinge of guilt although I had rationalised this as a business meeting, not a date. Ken's invitation certainly sounded more business like than being asked on a date and the idea of Ken and I going on a date seemed ridiculous.

Ken was an excellent dinner companion and I had a great time. He took me to a restaurant that was well out of my price range and the kind of place I would never even think of going to. We talked about all kinds of things, politics, finance, business, global trade and economics. He was fascinating. He was polite, considerate and so fucking charming.

He invited me back to his place after dinner and I didn’t hesitate to accept. It seemed so innocent, all of it. I hadn't felt like a date, more like having dinner with a mentor or some kind of Father figure.

His house was magnificent, almost a mansion and exactly the type of place I imagined him living in. It was sparsely but tastefully and expensively furnished. I was particularly taken with the polished hardwood floors throughout the entire house.

Ken got us both a drink without asking me. Drambuie, a scotch liqueur in a beautiful, little crystal glass. He sat in a leather couch and I went to sit beside him.

"Don't sit down." He said. "I want you to stand right there in front of me."

I giggled like an idiotic schoolgirl and struggled to compose myself. What the fuck? This was so unexpected and so strange. Why would he want me to stand in front of him? Why would he just tell me like that? Why was he suddenly acting kind of authoritarian and looking at me so intensely. His voice sounded calm but there was no mistaking the command in it. It was an order, an instruction.

"What? Why?" I said, surprised and confused.

I felt strangely excited but I had no idea why. Ken hadn't even mentioned sex once, he hadn't made any improper moves and hadn't shown any kind of sexual interest in me. He still hadn't. All he had done was told me to stand in front of him.

I had absolutely no idea what was going on.

I put my drink down and went and stood where he had indicated. I was standing about three paces away from him on the hardwood floor while he sat there, smiling now and watching me closely.

I just stood there feeling self conscious, a little bit embarrassed and unsure what to do with my hands or even how to stand. I felt a schoolgirl again, like I was standing before the Principal, about to get a lecture about my behaviour or perhaps praise for my schoolwork.

"Take off your clothes." He said calmly.

I couldn't believe he had just said that, or I couldn't believe I had heard him correctly. I was sure it was a mistake. Sure I had misheard him.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"Take off your clothes." He said calmly.

Holy shit faced fuck. He just told me to take my clothes off. Just like that. I was shocked and incredulous but there are no words to adequately explain what I was feeling and thinking. My mind was racing, my heart was pounding and I had trouble breathing.

I barely knew him. This wasn't even like a date, nothing remotely like a date. Was it a joke? A test? Was he playing with me to see how desperate I was for a fuck? Did he know that I had never been properly fucked? No. How could he?

Was he some kind of playboy that is so irresistible to women that he just gets them back her, tells them to take off their clothes and the dumbly and blindly comply, so eager are they, for him to fuck them?

What the fuck was going on?

I had been expecting something to happen, but I had no idea what. I was drawn to him, attracted to him, but I didn't even know, couldn’t even tell if it was sexual or something else.

He was still just sitting there smiling at me, looking so calm and confident. As if he fully expected me to take off my clothes. No, more than that, as if he would be surprised if I didn't.

I had this deeply disturbing thought that I had gotten myself into a situation where I was way over my head and yet I felt this strange excitement tinged with fear. A heady combination, fear and excitement. I had never felt anything like this before.

I had no idea what I should do. I was paralysed with shock and confusion.

I laughed nervously. I felt my face blush hotly and knew it had just turned bright red. That made me even more embarrassed. He must think I am an idiot.

"You're not serious." I said.

That was all I had. I couldn't think of another thing to say. A man I barely knew had just told me to take off my clothes and that was all I had.

He just sat there smiling at me and I slowly realised that he was serious, deadly serious.

"You are." I said.

Normally people criticise me for talking to much, for using a hundred words when ten would do, but now I was struggling to find any words at all. Although when I am embarrassed I usually clam up and say nothing. I was so confused and rattled though that I began to babble like an idiot, something I had never done before..

"You don’t really expect me to … You don't really think I would… Why would I…? Why would you…? You're not serious. You're just messing with me. I would never… I… I…I…"

I realised I was babbling like an idiot and I shut up.

He just sat there smiling faintly as though he was enjoying my confusion and shock. Perhaps that was all it was. He just wanted to shock me, to test me to see how I reacted. Some kind of test under pressure, a test to see how I would respond to the unexpected. Perhaps he was planning to mentor me, take me under his wing and into his business as an accountant.

"Vicky?" He said, startling me.
"What?" I said, feeling scared and confused now.
"Take off your clothes." He said calmly.
"I can't." I said sadly, feeling as though I had failed his test and disappointed him.
"Do you want to leave?" He asked quietly, watching me closely.

Leave? I wondered why that had never occurred to me. I could just leave. I could just say 'goodnight' and walk the fuck out of there. This was way too weird for me. Stand there. Take off your clothes. I should just leave. Problem solved.

"No." I heard myself say and I wondered for a moment who had said it. Had I just said no, meaning I don't want to leave?

"Do you want to take off your clothes?" He asked in that same calm voice.

I didn't know. How could I not know? Of course I didn't want to stand on his spot and take off my clothes. It was crazy, weird, insane, stupid even.
"Do you want me to see your naked body?" He said, again in that same calm voice.
"No." I said in a very small voice, shaking my head slowly.

He turned his head to one side, compressed his lips and looked at me sideways with that look that I came to know so well.

It was the look he gave me every time he looked into my soul.

"You're embarrassed about your body." He said in that calm voice but now it had an almost hypnotic undertone to it.

"You think your breasts are too small, you're too skinny and you think most men don't find you physically attractive. You think I will be disappointed in your body and you will feel embarrassed. You're thinking of a hundred reasons why you shouldn't take your clothes off … but you know that you want to."


"Forget about all of that and just think about one thing. Do you want to take off your clothes? "

He looked up at me, looking directly and intently into my eyes.

"Let your mind go completely blank. Imagine your mind a sky full of clouds and one by one they are being blown away until only one cloud remains. One cloud and one thought. Do you want to?"

My mind was racing, full of a million thoughts and questions, my sky was full of clouds, white fluffy ones, big dark grey ones, moving and swirling around, completely filling my sky. And then slowly, very slowly, they started to disappear one by one and for possibly the first time in my life, my mind went completely blank.

Not completely blank. No, there was one tiny little cloud and it said 'Do you want to?' and I suddenly knew the answer.

I raised one foot, immediately regretting it because I felt so unsteady on one foot in my heels. I quickly pulled my shoe off before I fell over. I took the other one off, feeling much more confident and stable on a stockinged foot.

I felt so relieved to be out of them. I've never really learned to managed heels and back then I really struggled with them.

I took my jacket off and placed it carefully on a coffee table.

I hesitated.

I had put on some weight since I met Brian and I had started regularly exercising and running so I was not quite as skinny but I was still terribly embarrassed about my small breasts and skinny body.

I watched him for a while and he seemed so confident, so calm and relaxed. He smiled at me and I found myself smiling back.

I began to undo the buttons on my blouse wondering what the fuck I was doing. I took my blouse off, then my skirt and stood there in bra, panties and stockings. I still felt this strange excitement but now I was feeling this even stranger calmness coming over me.

I felt this incredible feeling of calm with this incredibly feeling of excitement underscoring it.

I bent my knee and clumsily took my stockings off. Then I calmly undid my bra and just let it fall. I blushed, embarrassed by my small breasts but he just continued to calmly watch me with that faint smile playing at his lips.

It was the first time in my life that I had wilfully and deliberately exposed my breasts to anyone. Brian had seen them by now but I had never deliberately showed them to him like this.

Ken didn't look disappointed with my breasts or with my body nor did he appear to be excited, turned o n or even all that interested. He just looked incredibly calm.

I took my stockings off, slowly rolling them down my legs then pulling them off. Then I took my panties off, sliding them carelessly down my legs, not trying to make a show of it. I thought it would be ridiculous, a skinny, titless thing like me trying to act sexy in anyway.

I stood there naked in front of him right on the spot he had indicated earlier.

"Squat down." He said in that same calm voice.

I didn't know what he meant at first. Then it hit me and I didn't think I could do that. If I squatted down in front of him I would be fully exposing my cunt to him. That seemed so much worse than being naked.

I had begun to notice that every time I looked at him I felt this strange, unfamiliar combination of excitement and calmness intensify.

I had never done anything remotely like this before. I didn't mind Brian seeing my cunt and he'd seen it a lot more often than he'd seen my breasts, but I had never deliberately showed it to him like this.

I knew what I would look like if I squatted down. I had done it in front of the mirror to check out my cunt. I knew my cunt lips would open up and expose my inner cunt. He knew too. He knew exactly what he was doing. I didn't know what he was doing but I knew that he did.

I squatted down, knees up, legs apart and closed my eyes. I felt mildly embarrassed, surprised it was only mildly, and that strange feeling of calm was becoming even stronger. I began to relax and just go along with this.

"Piss on the floor." He said.

I couldn’t believe he had said that. Getting naked and squatting down in front of him already seemed like going way to far but this was just insane. I started to panic and realised I should get out of there straight away. I wasn't afraid of Ken and I didn't think he intended me any harm but I was beginning to feel out of control.

"I can't do that." I said. " I couldn't. I could never do that. I've already gone too far and I …"
"Ssh." He said calmly. "One thing only. Do you want to?"

I didn't know. And again I wondered how I could not know. Of course I didn't. Who does crazy shit like that? Certainly not me. I've enver done anything crazy like that. God, I thought, it would stain the floor terribly, those beautiful polished hardwood floors. My Sky mind was filling with clouds again.

I looked at Ken and he calmly returned my gaze. How could he calmly keep asking, no telling me, to keep doing this crazy shit? How can he look so normal, appear so normal in every way and be telling me to do this crazy shit that was getting crazier and crazier.

"You want to and you can do that and much, much more. I saw it in you the first time I saw you. I know you, Vicky."

I laughed, a little too loudly and there was a note of hysteria in my laughter. I had to rest my hand on the floor in front of me to steady myself.

"You want me to piss on the floor in front of you, while you watch me?" I said with a strangely calm voice.
"Yes, and you want to."
"No, I don't. I can't. I couldn't"

I imagined my mind a sky full of clouds again and slowly blew them away one by one until, like before the only cloud that remained posed a simple question. 'Do you want to?'

Then all I was aware of was the polished hardwood floor under my bare feet.

I felt this sudden need to piss and I just let it go. It came out of me in a strong, steady stream, hitting the hardwood floor and splashing up on my feet and the backs of my legs. I watched it flowing out of me, pooling n the polished hardwood floor and spreading around in a large puddle.

I suddenly felt this incredible feeling of freedom, of liberation and a mad kind of exultation. I had just gotten naked, squatted down and pissed on Ken's floor. I had never felt anything like it. I felt like I had suddenly been set free. As if I had been bound by shackles and chains all my life and Ken had set me free.

I felt like I could do anything at all, any fucking thing at all.

"Sit down." Ken said in that same calm voice he'd used all night.

I didn't hesitate. I sat down without thinking. My piss felt surprisingly cold on my naked ass and my thighs.

"Now lie down and roll around in it." He said.

Again, I didn't hesitate. I rolled around on the polished hardwood floor in the puddle of my own piss and I felt even more free and more exhilarated. I felt my piss wetting my small breasts, my back, my stomach and my ass.

I started to feel this wild, crazy excitement as if something dark and dangerous had been released from deep inside me.

I looked up at Ken and he had his cock out and was slowly jerking off. His cock looked surprisingly small. I expected a big man like him to have a big cock.

"Sit down with your knees up, feet on the floor, legs wide apart and masturbate."

I fel this incredibly powerful excitement wash over me like a tidal wave and I began to rub my clit furiously, frantically.

"Fuck yourself with a finger."

Oh My God, I felt like I was going crazy. I finger fucked myself hard and fast.

"Now two fingers. Fuck yourself with two fingers."

I fucked myself frantically, like a crazy woman, while he slowly jerked off and watched me intently.

"Crawl over here on your hands and knees and suck my cock."

I crawled over to him and leaned forward to take his cock in my mouth. I tried not to touch him too much or to touch the couch because I was covered in my own piss. His cock was surprisingly small, less than 5 inches and very thin. I had only sucked one cock in my life before and that had been a disaster but somehow this time I knew exactly what I was doing.

I moved my mouth up and own the length of his cock while he held it near the base. It felt incredibly good in my mouth. I loved the feeling of that skinny little cock and imagined what it would feel like to suck Brian's big cock. I had tried it but only for a few seconds and I hadn't liked it. But I loved sucking this cock.

He came in my mouth, suddenly filing my mouth with cum and the taste and smell of it overwhelmed my senses. I swallowed it quickly to get rid of the taste, like I had done the first time I ever sucked a cock, then kept sucking. I held his cock in my mouth until I felt it go completely limp. It felt tiny in my mouth when it was completely limp.

I sat back on my haunches and looked up at him. He sat there calmly regarding me with his little cock poking out of his trousers.

"How do you feel?"
"I don't know."
"Yes, you do."
"I feel kind of crazy."
"What else?"
"Liberated. Set free. I feel like I could do anything."
"You can."
"How did you know I would do those things? I didn't even know I would or could. I've never even thought of doing anything like that."
"No, you're like a blank slate. You don't know much about sex, do you?"
"No, I've never even had a proper fuck."

I told him about Alun, Lionel and Brian, the 3 second violation, the quid pro quo blowjob and the dry humping which had recently become wet humping.

"Fucking is such a small part of sex." He said. "There are so many ways for us to interact sexually, yet all most people want to do is to fuck. Do you want to be like that or do you want to learn how to really enjoy your body and your sexuality?"
"I want to learn. I'll do anything you say. I'll do anything."
"I know. You proved that tonight. I'm going to really set you free and you are going to love it."

"Do you want to fuck me?" I said, for the first time life, feeling this crazy, insane excitement coursing through my body.

Ken laughed and put his hand on the top of my head.

"I do and I will but not tonight. Now I want you to go to the laundry, get a mop and bucket and clean up this mess, then have a shower and I want you to spend the rest of the evening with me naked. I want you to get so used to being naked with me that it becomes first nature to you. I'll hang up your clothes."
"I'm totally fine being naked with you already." I said getting to my feet.

I stood up right in front of him, stark naked and completely unconcerned. The first time in my life I had ever felt so unconcerned about my naked body.

"I know what you are doing now is a major breakthrough for you but you have got so much to learn and you cannot rush it. You have to let me set the pace. Now go get that mop and bucket."

I hesitated and looked at my clothes.

"What should I put on?"
"What do you mean?"
"When I mop the floor."
"I told you that you had a lot to learn. Nothing. You'll do it naked."
"Mop the floor naked?"

That didn't seem right to me.

"Yes, then shower, then come out here naked and spend the rest of the evening with me, naked."
"But… will you be naked too?"
"This is not about me. This is all about you, Vicky. All about you."

I felt embarrassed and ridiculous mopping the floor while I was naked. Ken acted as though it was the most normal thing in the world. A naked woman mopping her piss off his hardwood floors.

I showered, glad to rid myself of the smell of stale, dried piss. I washed my hair and scrubbed myself from head to toe and walked out naked into the lounge room.

"Very good." Ken said with a smile. "Had you come out wearing a robe or a towel, I would have been very disappointed."

He got me to sit on the floor while he lay on a couch listening to Mahler. He stroked my head and face and played with my hair but didn't talk much. He was caught up in Mahler's magic and seemed unaware of my presence at times.

When Mahler had finished he showed me through the house. He showed me very room, hallway, closet and broom cupboard in the house. He led the way, acting perfectly normal, just a normal guy showing someone through his house. Except I was completely naked. When we'd been through the house he showed me the pool and his back garden. I hesitated at the door but he told me it was late and nobody watched their neighbours in this neighbourhood. So he led me naked, all around his pool, the backyard and finally the font yard with me becoming increasingly nervous and increasingly aware of my nakedness.

Anyone could have seen me.

We went back inside and he got me to make coffee while he listened to Mahler again. It became a familiar sight, Ken reclining on the couch fully dressed listening to music while I sat on the floor beside him naked.

He told me to get dressed and called for a taxi to take me home. We waited outside on his front veranda and he asked me if I have ever had a proper orgasm. I hesitated and I lied to him. I ahd had one proper orgasm with Theo but that didn't count, I told myself.

"No." I said. "Only tremors."
"Next time I'll go down on you and I'll give you your first orgasm."

My breath caught in my throat and I became charged with excitement like electricity flowing through my body. I was glad that I had lied. I knew it would be much better for Ken to think he was the first person to make me cum properly.

I was glad he didn’t press it though because it was always very hard to lie to Ken. He really could see into my soul.

That was my first introduction to kink and it was like being pushed in the deep end. I was 19, never been fucked properly, never had an orgasm and had no idea what I was doing.

I loved it.

It was one of the best and most exciting nights of my life.

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My Master put me through many months of training me to be HIS pig the way he DESIRES his pig to be for him and even though I l My Master put me through many months of training to become HIS pig the way he DESIRES his pig to be for him and even though I learn quickly he has very high standards of the type of pig slave I was to become in order to serve him as he wishes to be served as well as become the pig he could be proud to show off to his BDSM friends.  It was only a few months ago...

3 years ago
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My Secret Life Introduction

The work itself is enormous, amounting to over one million words, the eleven original volumes amounting to over 4,000 pages. The text has a frank discussion of sexual matters and other hidden aspects of Victorian life make it a rare and valuable social document. According to Steven Marcus, it is virtually the only source for information on London's houses of prostitution, in which Walter spent many hours. It has been described as "one of the strangest and most obsessive books ever...

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Kenna James 1600 328000

Kenna James was born as Elisabeth Yates in Evansville, Indiana, USA, on August 27th, 1995. You couldn't tell from her now, but she grew up as a shy bookworm. She was quiet, well-behaved, and not particularly sexual. Her classmates would have called her a nerd. I bet the boys wish they had spent their time putting a ring on that finger instead of poking fun at her literacy.From Book Worm to Cock CharmerKenna never thought of herself as a sexy or attractive woman. I can't imagine a time in which...

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Boarding School Introduction

All characters in this series are fictitious, as are the encounters between characters. The boarding school is at the high-school level, and all characters involved in the stories are over the age of 18. A disclaimer will be placed at the beginning of each part, with categories that the story fits into — so that, if it’s something you’re not into, you know beforehand, pun intended. This introduction is strictly for setting and character-introduction: it is not necessary, per se, to read this...

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The Judgment of SGT J A Short Introduction

I would like to thank everyone for your emails thanking me for sharing my life story “Swinging in the Neighborhood” with you all. In telling my story I never thought I would get the response I did; especially from fellow vets. It was just not from Vietnam veterans but from vets who had served recently in Iraq, Afghanistan and some places I did not even know we were involved. Most were thanking me for showing them that there were others like themselves. They thought they alone walked this...

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Time to explore our Kinks

I laid there, waiting. I had sent the sexts, I had flirted and said I wanted it, and now he was on his way. I was a mix of emotions - nervous, excited, scared. We had slept together before, but not like this. We had never been able to fully explore our kinks.But now, tonight was the night. We talked about how much we wanted to fuck each other, and how much he wanted to fuck my feet. We talked about how I loved pain and to be dominated. We talked about sex toys and anal plugs. All of it. He was...

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McKenzie the Hot Babsitter

****************************************************************************** “Look at me, Auntie McKenzie!” Timothy shrieked. “Look at me!” The little boy posed atop a plastic slide in the backyard of his home. His chest was puffed out and his fists were pumped in the air. He was so proud and gleeful that he may as well have been standing on the peak of Mount Everest. McKenzie dropped to one knee and held her arms out wide. “Come on down, my favorite little man! Auntie McKenzie will...

4 years ago
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B5 Chapter 7 Jeannes Introduction

Chapter 7: Jeanne's IntroductionClyda, Dee Dee and Jordan took their seats on the far side of the stage of the auditorium. Tiffany stopped at the podium, and addressed the assembled amazons. "All right everyone. I hate to start sounding repetitive whenever I'm up here, but we have to make some more critical decisions. A short time ago, Barocca committed some very serious acts in the Main Event. As a result of her actions, she was expelled from the Island. "Between then and now, Barocca has...

3 years ago
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Wanting Love and Kink

Hey guys, I'm Denny, a masculine soft-hearted Outed Gay,with a Homoflexable twist looking for my Soul-Mate. Am a retired professional looking to find a REAL LifeTime romantic love n friendship with a Versatile Outed Gay man, LadyBoy or T-Gurl. I'm a loyal, calm, very horny ole boy n enjoy guys whose sexuality radiates from within n are comfortable with who they are. It's important to talk, get to know one another n share our stories as I do enjoy hearing about your life's n your sexual...

3 years ago
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Wanting love and kink

Hey guys, I'm Denny, a masculine soft-hearted Outed Gay,with a Homoflexable twist looking for my Soul-Mate. Am a retired professional looking to find a REAL LifeTime romantic love n friendship with a Versatile Outed Gay man, LadyBoy or T-Gurl. I'm a loyal, calm, very horny ole boy n enjoy guys whose sexuality radiates from within n are comfortable with who they are. It's important to talk, get to know one another n share our stories as I do enjoy hearing about your life's n your sexual...

2 years ago
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A short introduction to Lilith and her Family

Despite the theme I am trying to make my stories more appealing to women, and include some reasonable background rather than a never-ending series of sex scenes. If you like reading a story about a perverted tabooless woman and her Family develop, you will surely like this. The whole world of Lilith and her Family is written in third-person limited. Each story, whether it will be big or small, will be written as seen from one person of the Lilith Family or the occasional guest...

2 years ago
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Surprise Bondage Introduction

“Don’t move.” the voice whispers. He freezes, not exactly sure who it was. Could it be her? He tries to turn his head to the side to see but the voice, so soft and unrecognizable is nothing but a warm moist breeze across his ear… ”Don’t move.” The voice issues the command again. He stops. Two hands slide up each of his arms and slowly push them up. The weight on his back shifts forward and he knows he could throw it off but strangely he doesn’t move. The hands continue to guide his...

4 years ago
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Twisted Fairy Tales Introduction

Once upon a time there was a sweet little girl covered in a bright red cloak, whom everyone who saw her loved her. She was walking through the woods when a Huntsman came up to her. "Good day to you, young lady." "Thank you, Mister." "Where are you going to?" "To grandmother's." "And what are you carrying under your cloak?" "Grandmother is sick and weak, and I am taking her some cake and wine. We baked yesterday, and they should give her strength." "Little...

2 years ago
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Introduction to my life

Introduction: My early years I just love dick, everything about it. It almost looks magical to me. I love how it just grows, how it looks, how it tastes. I love sucking, pushing it all the way deep into my throat, it is such a turn on, so sexual. I love tasting a mans cum, knowing its my gift for pleasing him so well. To be honest, Ive sucked a few more than I should have, but to this day, I still cant get enough. This is my first story. Its about me, or more like, how I became what I am. I...

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Billys Introduction to a Sexfilled Weekend

Introduction: This work of fiction is based on a theme suggested by regular reader TexasDave14. The story is completely fiction, although the characteristics of the featured individuals are based upon real people. In 1985 we moved to Charlotte from Raleigh when I took a new job at a civil engineering firm. Connie had been an office manager at an insurance company before we moved, but decided to take the summer off before looking for employment again. However, we were soon to become involved in...

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Our New Neighbors Ch02 Claras Introduction

Introduction: The saga continues. This time we meet Alyssas dad and Trevors daughter, Clara. The next several chapters only get hotter and hotter, but this one is hot enough to burn, I promise. The next day was Sunday, which meant my wife Maxine was working a 12-hour shift at the hospital and I was home ostensibly keeping an eye on Clara, who basically came and went as she chose all that summer. My son Matt was off at the skate park again, as usual, and I was back in the garage, finishing...

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Introduction to Bondage part 1

Introduction: This is my first story on here so let me know what you think. Introduction to Bondage part 1 It had been two long years since Tony went to prison and Riley had been getting lonely. Shed been waiting for so long, and self satisfaction could only get you so far. It wasnt only two years that shed been waiting though, it had been four years since she had been dominated properly. The last Master shed had hadnt even been permanent, he was just a teacher. Someone to show her the...

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Introduction where it all began

I have been on this site for quite some time now – and some time before that through my husband’s profile. While privacy is very important to me – I go to lengths to preserve my identity – Mauritius being a small country and gossips being a way of life and all – my primary aim now for being on this site is for chats and through this being able to talk about things that I obviously can’t talk on other forums or with my friends/family – namely my sex life. Chatting here about those things,...

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The Dating Game ndash introduction

Hey to you all, what's up? :)First of all, since this is the introduction of some incredible stuff I want to share to you...let me introduce myself:- I am 33 years old;- I live in Europe;- I am really into my job;- I love sports;- I LOVE women. :) I was thinking these days...which would be the secret of happiness for a man? That question, whose answer would REALLY make a guy happy?...Would that be...How can I be rich? How can I get a nice car? How can I eat without getting fat? -...

4 years ago
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My Introduction In To The World Of Sex

Hi All, I’m Bitwoo from Hyderabad. I’m 5’11″ tall, slim and fit. This story is about my introduction to the world of sex and masturbation. This is my first story, So please apologize for any mistakes. Between any girl or aunty can reach me on I’m 23 currently working as a Civil Engineer. My Cousin has introduced me to the world of Masturbation and I used to masturbate twice/thrice a day then not knowing what it is but just because it gave me pleasure. Coming to the heroine of the story, Her...

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An Introduction to a New Life

An introduction to a new life By Lizzy Saltron I was a normal 19-year-old guy still living at home with my parents. We lived in a friendly street in a small town, everyone knew each other and generally got on well. The family who lived next door to us moved away last summer and the house remained empty for about a month. One Monday afternoon, I was walking back from my shitty job packing shelves in the local supermarket, and there was a large van parked outside the empty house....

4 years ago
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Tantic Couples Massage heavenly introduction

I wanted to share another beautiful and true experience this week Again - don't expect hardcore...that's not the pointOn Thursday K and I checked in for a couples tantra massage afternoon – firstly I got 2 hours massage and introduction to the gentle art of energy sensitising including exploration of what my prostate can do for me (even on the outside). And then K took to the table, we had a change of tantric guide and she got a beautiful erotic and relaxing session. We chose to watch each...

3 years ago
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Strange Love The Beginning First Blow Job And Introduction

Hi my name is Amar and today I have decide to pen down the story of my life. This amazing part of my life really is on back of my head all the time. I always wanted to have that life again and again. coming to the tale, I would like to first describe how it all actually started and will definitely keep posting all the episodes in my further stories. I am from Hyderabad and I speak fluent hindi, telugu and english obviously. I messed up my intermediate life (11th and 12th class ) and now to...

2 years ago
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Jins Weekend Introduction to Lauderdale

Today was new territory first for me - I had been dressing up and prancing about my townhouse for eons. Once in a while even planning an entire weekend en-femme. Stopping by the supermarket Friday on the way home, and then renting some shemale porn. Once inside strip for the bubble bath, body shave, moisturizer and then start the whole process - sometimes the party girl look, sometimes soccer mom, sometimes the secretary with pent up sexual frustrations. I found it easier to cook in high...

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Studio Salon Jezebel Introduction

This is my first contribution to and is part fantasy, part reality as to the story content. It's actually much more autographical than I'd like to admit but it's actually very authentic and real as to my experience to date. If the feedback is positive, I'll continue to write additional chapters. Studio Salon Jezebel - Introduction I'm feeling in a bit of a fog while starting this but a better description is probably that I'm in a sort of virtual reality where...

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Silver Linings Introduction

It had been a slow few months since the flurry of work that normally comes with the New Year. But now, the silence was deafening as I had descended into the unfortunate routine of the solitary challenge of deciding which of the two Starbucks to visit on a given day. Even though the weather was beginning to turn for the better, my mood and state of mind was headed in the opposite direction. The marriage ended abruptly but not unexpectedly as it was only a matter of time before she had...

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My introduction to power transfer

My introduction to power transfer.I had a great marriage, my husband earned an obscene amount of money, we loved each other, and lived an a large house in leafy suburbia. I played tennis and golf , swam daily, and met the girls at the health club. Then one awful day, my husband announced he was leaving me. I got a reasonable settlement, and the house. I would never be short of money, but I searched on the computer for some sort of voluntary work to keep me occupied. I derived a lot of pleasure...

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Candis Introduction

Candi?s intro Story Codes:??? F/m F+/m humiliation, Cross-dressing, B/D D/s Synopsis:????????? My first time where my fantasy of submitting to a women turned to reality.? I have changed the names of my mistress and her roommates.??????????????????????? I would love to hear any feedback or I would just love to hear what you would have done to me.? I can be reached at [email protected] Candi?s IntroductionBy cissykandi I'd like to introduce myself and let you know of my first...

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House of Kinks

The house of kinks is almost as old as the oldest profession in the history of mankind, its creation was founded upon three unrefutable principles. 1- There will always be a market for the pleasure of the flesh and the house of kink always need to be in touch with the populace needs. 2- No House of Kinks manager should seek power at the detriment of the house's reputation, power will come naturally, the sex commodity always has and always will attract powerful individuals, use this to advance...

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Kendras Way Part IV

Kendra flounced into the kitchen just as Daniel poured himself a fresh cup of Kona coffee from carafe. She was wearing a very sexy silk negligee that was cut in a vintage style. It had been custom made for her as a wedding gift from her mother. A soft pink from the bust to the waistline it began to flare slightly as the colour transitioned to soft coral at the bottom, slightly below her knee."Ah thank you, Sweety...not too much cream. Need to watch the waistline," she smirked, rising quickly on...

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Kendras Wonderful Trip to Aruba

Folllow up For the past ten days, Kendra and I didn't have any intimate relations as I traveled for work. After the tenth day, she confronted me and asked, "Is everything okay, you've been home a while, and we still haven't had sex?" I smiled at her and said, "Perfect timing honey, I have a little surprise for you." I handed her an envelope which she opened. It only took her a few seconds to realize it was an itinerary to Aruba with first class plane tickets and a fantastic resort on beach....

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McKenna and Leighton

D – I am laying on my bed with my boxers on and a loose t shirt and I’ve got my Xbox controller in hand trying to kill all these motherfuckers in Halo 3 when suddenly my cell phone rings. It’s Mrs. Brinkerhoff, McKenna’s mother. She says that she and her husband have been caught all day in meetings clear on the other side of town and that due to a major traffic accident, they have decided not to come home and to instead get a hotel there tonight. She asks me if I can please cancel any plans...

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Kenzie Anne 1400 238000

Kenzie Anne was born in Los Angeles, California, on March 9th, 1993. Not much is known about her youth other than that she successfully graduated high school.A Sailors Life For HerKenzie attempted to live a vanilla life by attending college, but something felt off. A normal life just wasn't going to be for her. Instead, she needed something exciting and novel.While trying to get her shit together, Kenzie began modeling with the agency Motley Models. Through Motley, Kenzie met Tina Louise, a...

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Kendall Baxter was used to being passed over for a lot of things in life. Having always been the smallest boy in class and presenting few signs of masculinity in his facial features or physique he was often mistaken for a girl, and a young girl at that. At 17 he had finished high school graduating in the top 10 in his class and a college scholarship had provided him with the path to degrees in Music, Performing Arts and Literature. It was other parts of his life which had challenged and...

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Kenzie Reeves 2700 602000

Have you ever been on Twitter, following a porn account, and seen a small, tight girl squirting like an absolute fountain? If so, you probably just witnessed the sexual abilities of non-other than Kenzie Reeves. Kenzie is a 4'10" self-proclaimed "tiny, pint-sized Princess." This girl knows sex and she knows how to use her small body to create the absolute best sexual experience for her man. Not only does she squirt her lovely juices without care of shit getting wet, but Kenzie also has a fat...

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KenzieMaries first tinder hookup

Tinder hasn't been hugely successful for us. We've matched lots of people but the ones we've met are few and far between. Besides an ffm we had a month or so ago, it's been pretty dry. That changed for Kenzie [Marie is a middle name] a few days ago. She had been on Tinder for a few weeks and matched an under-30, German guy. Decent looking guy, and willing to meet up with a couple who desired a threesome. Gotta give him credit; he was at least up for meeting, as he had never done a threesome...

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Kenzie Taylor 500 338000

If I were you, I wouldn't touch your cock until you find the video you want to see. This page is so hot; I bet you won't last three fucking seconds. Kenzie Taylor is the perfect combination of elegance with a touch of edge. Speaking of edge, unless you want to cum in three seconds, you will have to edge yourself while jerking off to this page. I swear, this shit is so good, and I went in way too confident and nutted everywhere. I was pissed for two reasons: one, this shit never happens, and I...

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My thanks to Ephesus14 for his help with a final read-through and edit. Enjoy! “And, so,” Herb Maston said in closing out his speech, introducing the new automated home personal assistant product line, “in honor of, and in memory of, the loss of one of Maston Enterprises’ most dedicated employees, Ms. MacKenzie Willis, we release our newest product to the public. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you...” here, Herb paused as the screen above and behind him began to show the marketing video...

1 year ago
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Mackenzie Mace

Mackenzie Mace straight to your fucking face. I couldn't help myself with a good rhyme like that, don't be upset. What I have in my hands here is a tight white girl with blonde hair that's all about the porn scene. Her Twitter is home to nearly 100K followers. Mackenzie did make this Twitter account in 2020 so it looks like she's still rising through the porn ranks on the social media side of things.To be honest, Mackenzie is also rising through the porn ranks as she's still a bit of a new...

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My introduction to swinging group sex Part 17

Please read parts 1 – 16 first which are posted as My Introduction and Pathway to Group Sex. I have changed the title to Swinging Group Sex as it more accurately describes my life from this point on.During my first couple of years working, I was getting plenty of sex from guys on my road trips, plus the occasional woman I met. I was still seeing my best girlfriend from Uni every week and we satisfied each others girl to girl desires regularly. I also had a constantly evolving phone-a-fuck list...

2 years ago
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Part 19 Introduction to a network

In the previous part I mentioned about a swinging party of lactating women and their husbands. Well I was invited by Sajitha to one such party. Such networks usually operate underground (as I found out) and are usually restricted and invitations are only through contacts and word of mouth. The party that I went to was attended by well to do people in the society. Each group consisted of a Man, his wife (condition being that she has to be lactating), a spinster and a bachelor (both being invited...

1 year ago
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My introduction to swinging group sex Part 17

Please read parts 1 - 16 first which are posted as My Introduction and Pathway to Group Sex. I have changed the title to Swinging Group Sex as it more accurately describes my life from this point on.During my first couple of years working, I was getting plenty of sex from guys on my road trips, plus the occasional woman I met. I was still seeing my best girlfriend from Uni every week and we satisfied each others girl to girl desires regularly. I also had a constantly evolving phone-a-fuck list...

Group Sex
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A Pleasant Introduction

A Pleasant IntroductionBy Alice Parker        "Is this all you are going to feed me?"  Joe sulked as he looked at his plate.  My macaw eyeballed the bounty jealously from his cage.  He was sulking too.  He didn't care for company in general, let alone men.  Joe pissed him off the night he raped me and poor Charlie couldn't get over it.         "Yes, for now.  I think it is a good idea if you eat light.  You can have something else later."  Damn.  I sounded like my mom.         I am amazed by...

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