Arkadası Annesını Sıkmıs free porn video

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Slm ben sedat izmirden 19 yaşındayım.

benim başımdan geçenler dünyanın en iğrenç durumu diyebiliriz.

ailem kusursuz bir ailedir babam 50 yaşında avukatlık yapan biri annem 44 yaşında ev hanımıdır.

alsında ufaklüğümden beri çevremdekilerin annem ile ilgiliki görüşlerinden bıkmıştım. çoğu annemi sex amaçlı konuştuklarına şahit olmuştum defalarca. yalnız 2015 gördüklerim beni hüsrana uğratmıştı bizim oturduğumuz semtte yeni taşınan cem ile samimi arkadaş olmuştuk.

cem benim yaşımda yakışıklı biraz hızlı bi çocuktu. bi gün mahalledeki düğün için birlikte gitmiştik düğünü izlerken kızlara falan bakıp yorum yapıyodu. bi ara beni dürtüp oğlum bu oynamaya çıkan kaşar kim böyle off bee şu karıya bak deyip bana gösterdi. gösterdiği kadının annem olduğunu görünce şok oldum aslında. cem’e dostum yavaş o kadın annem dedim. oda baya bozuldu toparlamaya çalıştı. bi kaç gün sonra cem ile cafede otururken aklıma takıldığı için cem’e niye o akşam anneme kaşar dediğini sordum.

cem baya sıkıldı fakat ısrar ettim merak ettiğimi ifade ettim..

cem: kanka annen kaç yaşında.ben: 44.cem: kanka samimi olmak gerek görülürse 44 yaşında bak çocuğuda var mesela o etek neydi o göğüsleri meydana çıkaran elbise neydi.

ben: dostum annem genellikle bakımlıdır.

cem: yaa onuda geçtim yalan yok çok hoş kadın fakat o makyaj o ojeler evli bi kadına fazla.ben: bu onun kaşar olduğunumu gösteriyo yani.

cem: açık konuşayımmı.

ben: evet.cem: bak annen değilde diğer kadın olsaydı tava getiridim ben onu.ben: ne yani babamı aldatır bi çocuk için.

cem: iddasına bile girerim benim elimden kurtulamazdı istersen deneyip görelim.

ben: saçmalama nasıl yapıcan sende.cem: yarın size gelicem normal sana arkadaş gibi takılmaya anlaştıkmı gerisini gör bakalım.ben: hiç içime sinmiyo.

cem: yok be kanka yalnızca haklı olduğumu göstericem bişey olmuyacak.

ben: tamam bakalım.ertesi gün öğlen gibi cem bize gelmişti doğal olarak annemle tanıştırdım. biraz normal sohpet falan derken

cem ev sıkıcı yaa dışarı çıkalım dedi ve anneme dönüp feray abla sende gel değişiklik olur dedi.

annem bilmemki siz eğlenin falan dedi fakat kabul etti hep birlikte çıktık bişeyler yedik kahve içtik gezip dolaştık ve ister istemez annem ve cem doğal şeklinde deha samimi olmaya başlamıştı. o gün öyle geçtikten sonra bi kaç gün sonra annene söyle sinemaya gidicez dedi cem. ben annemide alıp akşam üstü babam gelmeden çıktık o akşam sinemaya gittik ve artık annem ve cem hiç yabancılık yok gibi samimi olmaya başlamıştı. hatta sonradan cem ifade etti numarasını bile almış annemin normal msjlaşmaya bile başlamışlar. sonraki günlerde artık cem annemi ben olmadan cafeye gezmeye götürecek kadar samimi olmuştu. aslında annemdeki değişide görüyodum cem ile buluşmaya giderken çok hoş giyiniyo bakımlı bi biçimde gidiyodu. bigün cem beni aradı anlaştık bi cafede buluştuk bana bu akşam annen komşuya gidiyo diye yanıma gelicek bu akşam düşürücem ağıma deyip güldü. ben bişey geçmiyecek aranızda aklına sok dedim. sen merak etme akşam 8 gibi sana atıcağım urli tıkla arabada kamera var ne konuşucaz ne yapıcaz izlersin dedi. dediği gibi annem o akşam komşuya diye evden çıktı cem urli attığı gibi açtım. normal konuşuyolardı fakat cem anneme arada iltifatları yapıştırıyodu. bi ara indiler tabi konuşmalarından anlamıştım cafeye yemek yemeye girdiler sonra yeniden arabaya bindiler. cem arabayı sahile çekti arkadaki poşetten enerji içeceği çıkardı konuşmaya başladılar anneme eşinle aran nasıl çok hoşsin falan gibi laflar ediyodu. bi ara slov bi şarkı çaldı sessiz kaldılar tam şarkı tamamlanınca cem annemi başının arkasından tuttu çok hoşsin feray deyip dudağına yapıştı bi kaç saniye öpüştü sonra annem kendini hafif geri çekip.annem: cem yaptığımız doğru değil.cem: feray sana aşığık oldum gün geçtikçe.annem: cem evliyim ve bir ailem var.cem: hiç bişey umrumda değil seni seviyorum.annem: oğlumun arkadaşısın annen yaşındayım ama.cem: gel bakalım cici annecim.deyip dudaklarına yapıştı dakikalarca annemin dudaklarını ağzını öptü sonra boynu ve göğüslerine indi o arada annem dur yapma biri görür diyodu fakat cem annemin göğüslerini ısıra ısıra emiyodu. cem bununlada yetinmeyip pantolonunu çözdü sikini çıkardı annemin elini tutup sikini tutturdu. annem olmaz deyip elini kaçırsada cem anneme feray ne var bunda yalnızca tutucan deyip yeniden tutturdu. artık göbeğine kadar inmiş yalıyodu annemin elinde siki duruyodu. annemin taytını çıkarmaya kalktığında annem dur tamam yeter çok ileri gittik kocam var oğlum var yapma deyip kendini çekti. cem tamam bitanem senin üzülmeni istermiyim tamam bıraktım fakat bende erkeğim sana karşı dayanamıyorum istemiyosan zorla yapmam zira seni seviyorum fakat tek talebim çok dolahenk ağzınla boşaltmanı istiyorum dedi. annem cem lütfen eşimle dahi yapmıyoruz öyle desede cem ısrarcı olup söz veriyorum bi kere yap sonra gidicez. annem masum masum başını salladı. cem şöför koltuğunda oturur vaziyette annemin kafasını tutup sikinin üzerine getirdi ve başladı sakso çektirmeye fakat zevkten iyice ileri gidip saçlarından tutup bastırıyo annenim gırtlağına kadar giriyodu. o biçimde boşaldı annem hemen kalkıp kapıyı açtı tükürdü. arabada sessizlik oldu ve yola çıktılar fakat mahalleye yakın biyerde cem arabayı durdurdu. annem cem’e baktı cem anneme dönüp çok merak ediyorum eşime bile yapmıyorum dedin fakat sakso çekerken deneyimliydin niye diye sordu. annem konuyu kapat geç kalıyoz eve gidelim artık dedi fakat cem söylemezsen beklerim böyle dedi. annem kafasını eğdi utana utana lisede yaptım dedi. cem nasıl yani dedi. annem ben sakin biriyim lise yıllarındada öyleydim erkek arkadaşlarım bunu kullanıp beni evlenicez ilerde deyip deyip kandırdı boş sınıflarda müsait olan yerler sakso çektirdiler dedi. ben şok olmuştum cem gülmeye başladı. anneme dönüp biliyomusun esasen tipinde kaşarlık var deyip güldü. annemi eve bırakmıştı. sabah kahvaltıda annemin utancı belli etmesede belliydi. ben kahvaltıdan sonra cem’i aradım hemen yanına gittim buluştuğumuzda baya sert bi tokat attım bağırmaya başladım. fakat bi anda beni ittirdi bağırarak otur şuraya dinle dedi. bak sedat sende gördün izledin annen çok temiz karı teni vucudu bebek gibi dudakları değişilmez fakat kaşar anladınmı kaşar dedi ben niye bu oyunu kötüye kullandın dedim. lan herşeyi gördün sende yapmak istemiyen kadın karşı çıkar fakat anan kur yapıp naz yaptı. yarrağımı löp löp yalarken sesi çıkmıyodu esasen lisede çok yalatmışlar dedi. ben bu iş bitti bidaha benlede annemlede görüşmücen dedim çıktım. aradan 1 ay gibi bi süre geçti cafede otururken ufak dilenci gibi çocuk geldi elindeki flaş belleği bana verdi bunu bi abi verdi sana vereyim diye para verdi bana dedi. ben şaşırdım aldım flaş belleği eve gidip odamda bilgisayara taktım bi video vardı hemen açtım. otel odası gibi bi oda vardı cem ayakta geziniyodu kapıyı açtı annemi içeri alıp gel bakalım orospum dedi. annem yatağın ucuna oturdu hafif ağlamaklı niye böyle yapıyon nasıl bakıcam kocamın oğlumun yüzüne dedi. cem zırlama orospu sakso kayıtlarını tüm izmire izletirim esasen lisede kaşarmışın ne mal olduğun belli dedi. soyunup annemi öpüp yalamaya başladı fakat dakikalarca öpüşüp yalaştılar sonra annemin amını yalamaya başladı uzun uzun yaladı annemde sanki zevke geliyodu. sonra sikini çıkardı diz çök şurayı dedi ve soktu fakat haplı olduğu belliydi çok sert sakso çektiriyodu annemin rimelleri akıyodu resmen sonra kolundan tutup yatağa atması ve amına girmesi bir oldu annem iyice zevke gelmeye başlamıştıki o vaziyette girerken poposuna parmağını soktuğunda annem çığlık attı. cem annemin ağzına kilotunu tutturdu devam etti parmakladıkça acı çektiği belliydi. sonra bi hırıltıyla boşaldığını anladım yatağa uzandılar cem sigara yaktı. annem ağlıya ağlıya cem içime niye boşaldın yaa kötü şeyler olursa dedi. cem olsun esasen kocan yapamıyo sanırım cayır cayır yanıyon lan dedi. yatakta yatarken cem anneme ee bebeğim anlat bakalım evlendikten sonra aldattınmı hiç senin boynuzluyu diye sordu. annem hayır dedi. cem annemin kafasını tutup dudaklarına yumuldu biraz öptü doğruyu söyle orospu senin gibi karıyı boş bırakmazlar anlat diye çıkıştı. annem evet 2 kere oldu biri evlenmeden önce nişanlıyken eski erkek arkadaşımla diğri antalyada tatildeyken oldu..cem: oo ne zaman oldu.annem: 2011 de antalya alanyaya gitmiştik o zaman.cem: anlat bakayım.annem: senin gibi gençti kocamla samimi oldular banada çok yakın davranıyodu. bi gün güneş kremi bahanesiyle okşadı beni anladım o zaman niyetinini fakat gençtir deyip sesimi çıkarmadım. gidiceğimiz günden önceki akşam lobideyken eşimle odaya çıkıcaktık kutay yani o çocuk gelin hep birlikte diskoya inelim dedieşim başının ağrıdığını ifade etti siz gidin dedi. bende saat daha erken diye kabul ettim..cem: vayy kaşar seninde niyetin vardı yani.annem: hayır fakat yakışıklı çocuktu kırmak istemedim. dans ederken baya elledi o zaman içinder 40 yaşındaydım fakat yinede 17-18 yaşlarındaki çocuğun yanısıra dikkat çekiyodum o yüzden çıkalım burdan dedim. çıkarken ister istemez elimden tuttu arka taraftan kumsala inen yerden çıktık o arada garson kutay’a ooo reis bu seferki bomba gibi fakat dikkat et sahipli sanırım kocası görmesin dedi. ben kızara bozara çıkışa attım kendimi kutay’a ben odama çıkıyom dedim beni kendine çekip öpüşmeye başladık orda aldattım dedi..cem lan orospu sen esasen boş bırakılcak karı değilsin deyip anneme ters yat dedi başladı poposunu yalamaya annem poposu parmaklandıkca ahh dur cem ordan olmaz rezil olurum bu yaşta lütfen diye yalvarıyodu fakat cem dinlemeyip yalamaya devam etti sonra annemi kaldırdı normal yere köpek pozizyonunda dur dedi annem kafasını çevirip hala yalvarmalara devam etti. cem biraz parmağınla oynayıp deliğe tükürdü ve girmeye başladı o anda sanki annem yerdeki halıyı sımsıkı tutup dişlerini kırıcak gibi sıkıp ıııhhhhhlıyordu ve cem girmeyi başardı. cem hayvan gibi girip çıkıyodu ilacın ve ilk boşalmanın etkisiyle anlar geçsede giriyodu annem o pozizyondayken dayanamayım yere saldı kendini baygın gibi yatıyodu. cem buna rağmen yerde yine annemin kalçalarını ayırdı girmeye devam etti. boşaldığında annemin üstüne yığıldı oda sonra annemi öyle bırakıp kameraya geldi bana pislik olsun diye gülerek ben yıkıyayım bu kaşarı daha 3 saat burda detip kamerayı kapattı ?

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Our Daddys BakeryChapter 5

My wife was home and we cuddled up on the couch to watch the new year in. She was dressed in a nice black, lacy, teddy and she had my favorite scent on. It had been many weeks since I had sex with her, not since her last monthly, I knew that. Since that time Mary had--more sex than she wanted--or not enough to satisfy her, I didn't know which. I couldn't see into her mind. Maybe just as well. And oh yes, she had a little bastard planted in her during that time too. I wanted Mary, but I...

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My name is April Caughman. This is a story of the day that changed my life. I was 18 when it happened. I am 5'10" with long brown hair. My 36c breast always caught the attention of most straight males. I have been involved with Cheerleading my whole life. So my body was lean with long muscular legs. I was the Cheerleading Captain for my high school. While most of my friends dated a lot I had only had a couple boyfriends. I had sex once before and had given a few hand jobs, but...

2 years ago
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Memorial Day Memories 3

Memorial Day Memories 3 End of Part 2: We lay there for a few minutes, and Joc fell asleep against my shoulder. I easily lifted her, placing her in the passenger seat, bucking her up and driving back home. I started driving home, and that’s when my life changed. The drunk driver ran a red light and smashed into the passenger side of my car, pushing us off the road. My phone was instantly in my hand and speed dialed Ash. I looked over and saw the gash on Joc’s head. Before I passed out I was...

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1 Absolutely Cuckoo

OK, so this is number two in my 69 Love Stories series. That is my audacious and insane plan to write a story inspired by each song on the Magnetic Fields’ brilliant 69 Love Songs album. These are going to be a little short and a little rough. Longer, more elaborate, stories are in the works. This particular one is an attempt at the old Manic Pixie Dream Girl theme. As such, it should be a little more light hearted. As always, it’s a fairly slow build. I like my characters to wait for their...

3 years ago
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A Matter of TrustChapter 2 Interlude Of A Promise

HH She was awakened by the sound of the phone ringing. Her bleary eyes focused on the clock on her night stand. It was past two o'clock in the morning. Who could be calling at this hour? Aileen thought she knew. She picked up the phone and answered, "Hello?" "Aileen, it's me." Why did I have to give him my phone number? she thought. "Ben, what do you want?" "I want to explain..." "Are you really married?" "Yes." "Are you really forty-three?" "Yes." "Then what is...

3 years ago
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Journey Towards My Online Mom

Hi friends.. This is Bhargav from Andhra Pradesh. I am 18 now. This is my first story and some what lengthy of how I lost my virginity to a 36 year old female! This is a real story which happened in Hyderabad in a hotel… Her name is Sujatha(names not changed) I met her in a stranger meeting site. She is from Kerala. Her body stats are 34c-32-36.. Yes she got sexy ass. I am 6 feet tall with 7 inch tool… We were chatting on yahoo for really long like an year. We were chatting like mother and son...

2 years ago
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The Coffee Shop

I had heard the stories but never actually experienced anything like it until i did. Stories about teen girls prostituting themselves at local coffee shops for cheap prices. I had first heard about this from an ex who knew i was a horny guy and enjoyed dating girls 15 to 20 years younger than me. They just seem to have that body style that hasn't been hit by gravity or the attitude that life hasn't gotten the best of them yet. Now back to the story. I am a fairly attractive guy, 38,...

1 year ago
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Do you like Creepshots? That’s more of a rhetorical question, because I’m not sure why you’d be reading this review if you weren’t. Even if you’re not the voyeur type who lurks at the mall in dark sunglasses for the sole purpose of gawking at the teens in cutoff shorts and MILFs in yoga pants, it’s hard not to appreciate the beauty of real women in their natural environments. As you already know, if you’re familiar with the format, that’s exactly what you’ll get with a good creepshot.And that’s...

Premium Voyeur Porn Sites
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First Book Third Testament

The rural postal delivery man exited his vehicle as he heard the screams. Something was wrong—very wrong. A massive harvesting machine with an opening easily twenty feet wide was moving across the field below him. It appeared to be going faster than it should have been. It was no longer following the crop rows—it was moving diagonally. He quickly scanned the scene, the sheer horror of what was unfolding before his eyes sent a chill through his body. In the distance, behind the giant harvester...

2 years ago
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Victoria Per ScientiamChapter 16

“What are you working on, Will?” I had decided to make a visit to the Sheep Pen so I could see how the men were doing. Will was holding court with a couple of the other men and they had something rather strange displayed on the holo. “Pappy, we’re tryin’ to make a gun,” he answered. “If you want one, just go to the armory and check one out.” “Nah, we’re trying to design a gun. Somethin’ strange that might look like the dickheads maybe would use. It’s helping me keep my mind off things, ya...

4 years ago
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Vampire Seduction 1

================================================================================== “You’re so full of shit, you’ve never done a good deed for anybody.” yelled Jill “ Self centered, that’s the best word to describe you, God forbid you did SOME sort of good. You know what, get the fuck out of my bed and my appartment, you fucking low life.” SLAM! Justin was stunned, never would he have expected Jill would act that way toward him. “ Who the hell does she think she is.” He thought to...

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Mom And Me

Hello Guys and Girls, Uncle and Aunties. I’m Karan from Tamil Nadu. Speaking of me, I’m 22 years old and I love women and girls who are much older than me. I was always fascinated towards women and girls who are much older than me right from my childhood days. The heroine of this story is none other than my mom. My mom is just like any other normal Indian woman. A bit plump with some extra skin on her sides. Those extra pounds are what makes her sexy. I forgot to mention that even though I’m...

4 years ago
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Horny Milf intro and first date

This is my first and so far only encounter with someone from xhamster (by the way has been the best sexual encounter I’ve had yet). So im not in my home state and have been extremely horny. Spending most my days looking for new things on xhamster, I’ve had a profile for a long while and barely tried the dating part. So I say why not try more and try to find something. Months have pass and I talk to a few people but nothing extravagant but some excitement through messageing only. So at this...

2 years ago
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Romancing a Stranger

I had watched her for a long time. She had a style about her that drew me like a moth to a flame. Now my tastes transcend the normal and I find my attractions to women more based on attitude than physical form. Now don’t get me wrong, I love a great rack and a sweet ass, but the mind is the playground I enjoy the most. But I digress, this woman was a mystery to me. I only saw her for brief periods often in the elevator. We never spoke, but her scent seemed to fill me with a primal need that...

4 years ago
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Aunty the best teacher

Hey ISS readers. This is Sudha 32 year old house wife staying in Delhi married to a central Govt executive who is constantly on tours to abroad. Right from the beginning I am crazy about males and male body. I have a sister who is 10 years older to me. She stays in vizag and I was asked to attend my sister’s daughter’s marriage. Since she is close to me I have gone to vizag 10 days before the marriage to oversee all arrangements. My sister’s daughter is also very close to me and her name is...

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The birth of a slut

Lucy woke up that morning feeling groggy. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes she took in the sunlight just peeping through the curtains. Rolling over to look at the empty pillow next to her showed that Josh must have already left for work, meaning she had the house completely to herself. She slid out from between the sheets, adjusting the straps on her pyjama top as it had slipped down her arm again. ‘Stupid top,’ she thought, as she also adjusted her baby pink shorts so that they sat more...

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Beths Punky Reggae Party

Beth, the hygienist on shift was an attractive lady with short auburn hair. A little heavy or rather buxom, she had a beautiful smile and bright blue eyes which made me warm up to her instantly. She also had a great personality and instantly put me at ease, a plus for my phobia. There are few things I fear more than a visit to the dentist, this news terrified me. I was considering having braces and the information that my wisdom teeth needed to be removed did not go well. We talked for awhile,...

3 years ago
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My Birthday

The words echoed around my head like they would in a cave. What do you want for your birthday? What you want for your birthday? What do you want for your birthday... I had answered the question already. Officially, my answer was, "A gift is given from the heart. Not because I need it. And not because I want it. But because you want me to have it." But in my head, I had a different answer for you each echo. Sometimes it was sex, sometimes it was food, sometimes it was simple, sometimes...

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Christmas New Years Japanese Anal Sex

Once I am ready, I will post the pictures and video of the following true events......About six months ago I started talking to two Japanese girls, one was 32 and the other 26, these girls are cute! Anyway, the 32 yo old lives in Osaka, Japan while the other lives in Tokyo which works out if one doesn't come through. Since I've already got a couple of "safe -- STD tested" side chicks, there was no need to rush into getting these girls into bed.After about a month I asked the two to get checked...

2 years ago
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Secret Affairs with my friends son Part 13

“Hello,” Annie said looking at Adam. “Hi,” Adam replied and he looked at me. “He is my friend Rachel’s son, Adam,” I introduced them. “And she is my niece, Annie.” Annie smiled looking at Adam and they shook hands. Annie had no idea that this young guy was fucking me hard a few minutes before her arrival. “I should leave now,” Adam said getting up. “Yeah, let me get my keys,” I said. “Annie, honey, I’m sorry but I have to drop him home. I don’t think he would find a taxi in such a bad...

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My First Teenage Threesome

I'd been dating Allison -- or Allie as her friends and I all called her -- for about five months and within a month after we'd started going out, we'd started petting and feeling each other up and then eventually we started fucking hotly with each other. Allison was a knock-out beauty with a pretty face, beautiful blonde hair, sexy nice rounded breasts and the rest of her figure went along with them. She was a guy's dream and when I was naked with my cock buried deep inside her pussy, it...

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My First Part 2

You should really read ‘My First’ first! My phone rang a few hours after my CL cock sucker, ass fucker had left to go to the gym. It was Chad, the big hairy bear that had earlier given me my first anal fucking. He asked how I was doing, which I thought was very kind. I told him that I was fine, still enjoying the moment of his penetration and stroking. He said that he finished his workout and had just showered. Then, to my surprise he asked if I would like him to drop by on his way home, for...

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OHGirl Velvet Sex and Porn

Velvet:Nearly 4 months passed by quickly as I toured eastern and western Europe for my porn tour. Mikey followed me where ever I was sent and, although I tried to spend as much quality time with him as I could, he either watched my shoots or went sightseeing without me. I was busy nearly every day with something related to my career. In between my fetish shows at various private and public clubs, where I would fuck those who paid me for my service, I was shooting scenes for multiple websites...

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A toy boy story Chapter 2

I entered Mrs William’s office and shut the door. “Sit” she says. She is behind her desk looking every bit the executive type. Smart suit, hair and make-up just right. Very different to the drunken women feeling my crotch Saturday night. “You wanted to see me Mrs Williams?” I ask. “Yes Terry. I want to talk about what happened on Saturday night”. I think quickly “Saturday night? I don’t remember anything unusual Mrs Williams. I have no memory of Saturday night. What are you referring to?” She...

4 years ago
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Xmass horny uncle

I was in the pool with him inside the condominium building , everyone is asleep , my uncle got the pool maintenance keys and i tought it would be nice to dip in the water before sleepdrunk and back from the family party , the only 2 of is living in mtlhe didnt bother with his boxer and i got a good look at him going in the pool nakedhis fat big cock between his legs made me froze in place, mine way more small on the avg sidegetting naked in the pool him smilling at me to dark to see him stroke...

2 years ago
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Tale of an Indian Housewife2

As they say the first impression sometimes may become the last, but not this time,I was not only not able to make impression, I was wondering why I needed to have one. Anwar’s inquisitive look and smile had some inexplicably lingered on in my memory far too long .I kept brushing it out of my mind but it somehow always managed to creep back.Rest of the journey, I kept peeking into the rear view to check if he was responding to my raised Ghunghat and he was prompt every time. There were...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 7 Finally took that vir

Well, that Sunday at church she acted very uncomfortable around me, and around my wife. I sensed that 23 year old vixen was feeling guilty. Well, she would feel a lot more guilty soon, but a lot more relaxed as well as used.So over chit chat, I learned that both Preacher and his MILF wifey Pam would be out of town Thursday, and I suggested we might need a baby sitter Thursday afternoon (not really, just wanted to make sure Jaimie would be in town). In fact, I cooked up this story about I...

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TrinaChapter 2

Trina's family home sat back off the main road, secluded by trees. If one wanted too, they could walk around nude without anyone seeing you. She was glad to be alone because she was a bit of an exhibitionist. After doing the dishes, she walked into the living room, put her favorite country music cd on, and opened the curtains. Trina was an exhibitionist; she loved the risky naughtiness of being completely nude and visible to anyone watching through the window She began slowly, seductively...

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It was the eve of another stressful day at college. We all have those days, the days you wish you could just get home and everyone will realize your stress and pitch in to make you feel better. This however doesn't happen in reality. No one ever seems to empathize with you. Neither do they with Jack. Jack was only 19 when the event that follows happened to him. On coming home form this day at college he opened the door quite violently, and dumped his bag on the floor next to a small table on...

Mind Control
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Chrissie and TomChapter 7

They'd moved in the night and Tom was on his back, with Chrissie half on top of him, her breasts squashed against him, her hand on his penis. When she woke, though, she moved her hand away and instead caressed his chest. When Tom surfaced, he was aware of her head near his face, her body pressed against his and her hand gently stroking his chest. She looked up at him. "It's so beautiful sleeping with you like this. I mean, I've slept better the last couple of nights than for ... I don't...

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How May I Serve You My Uncontrollable Change from Successful Businesswoman to LowPaid Waitress Chapter 2

How May I Serve You? My Uncontrollable Change from Successful Businesswoman to Low-Paid Waitress By Rachel Rose Parker Hi there! This is my first ever TG story and I'm delighted to get to share it with you! I'm putting it up here in parts, but if you like what you read, you can get the rest of it right away on Amazon. Any advice or feedback is massively appreciated! Thanks and enjoy! Recap: Successful and arrogant realtor Jess spends a lunch out with her friends demeaning the...

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"When were you planning to tell me about these?" Lauren asked her son when he came home from school.On the dining room table were different forms and brochures for college students looking to study abroad."I can't believe you've been looking through my stuff again," Tom replied angrily.She sighed, "Tom, you know how much effort I've put in keeping our family together since your father passed away. Your grandparents and aunts and uncles all say that they want to see your more often. They...

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Penis Envy 1 The Mother of Invention

Christie was young when she first learned about penises. She was immediately fascinated by the seemingly handy appendage her younger brother had that she did not. It fascinated her and she wanted it. Her mother kept having to remind her not to stare at it or try to play with it. As she said, “It belongs to your brother. Leave it alone.” This didn't sway young Christie and she grew up wanting one of her own. Badly. Early in life Christie learned to hide her fascination. That energy was...

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Sex Soldiers

Ilonia and Ossarus reclined in their deck chairs on the balcony of their keep overlooking the Great Rift. Ilonia said, "Honey, it looks to me like Arl and Bunice are working on a new spell. I can see the glow of magic from a ball of energy hanging near their balcony." "Yeah, it looks like you are right, Dear. I can see without using magic that they are fucking away like mad. It is in the doggy position. I can't tell if he has penetrated her asshole or her cunt." "Well, we'll find out...

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Rashidha Chap12 Pauls slutty client

Throughout the past 6 years, I went to Paul`s for massages. As you can recall, Paul is my masseur. This first time went so well and felt so good that I had to go again. Though I was doing yoga, I liked to go there to relax. Yoga helped me mainly for different sex positions. But massages helped my body to relax and feel good. Not that I don`t feel good during sex. The first time he already saw me naked as I was wearing a naked dress. The following time was a bit awkward but went well as well.I...

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