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Slm ben sedat izmirden 19 yaşındayım.

benim başımdan geçenler dünyanın en iğrenç durumu diyebiliriz.

ailem kusursuz bir ailedir babam 50 yaşında avukatlık yapan biri annem 44 yaşında ev hanımıdır.

alsında ufaklüğümden beri çevremdekilerin annem ile ilgiliki görüşlerinden bıkmıştım. çoğu annemi sex amaçlı konuştuklarına şahit olmuştum defalarca. yalnız 2015 gördüklerim beni hüsrana uğratmıştı bizim oturduğumuz semtte yeni taşınan cem ile samimi arkadaş olmuştuk.

cem benim yaşımda yakışıklı biraz hızlı bi çocuktu. bi gün mahalledeki düğün için birlikte gitmiştik düğünü izlerken kızlara falan bakıp yorum yapıyodu. bi ara beni dürtüp oğlum bu oynamaya çıkan kaşar kim böyle off bee şu karıya bak deyip bana gösterdi. gösterdiği kadının annem olduğunu görünce şok oldum aslında. cem’e dostum yavaş o kadın annem dedim. oda baya bozuldu toparlamaya çalıştı. bi kaç gün sonra cem ile cafede otururken aklıma takıldığı için cem’e niye o akşam anneme kaşar dediğini sordum.

cem baya sıkıldı fakat ısrar ettim merak ettiğimi ifade ettim..

cem: kanka annen kaç yaşında.ben: 44.cem: kanka samimi olmak gerek görülürse 44 yaşında bak çocuğuda var mesela o etek neydi o göğüsleri meydana çıkaran elbise neydi.

ben: dostum annem genellikle bakımlıdır.

cem: yaa onuda geçtim yalan yok çok hoş kadın fakat o makyaj o ojeler evli bi kadına fazla.ben: bu onun kaşar olduğunumu gösteriyo yani.

cem: açık konuşayımmı.

ben: evet.cem: bak annen değilde diğer kadın olsaydı tava getiridim ben onu.ben: ne yani babamı aldatır bi çocuk için.

cem: iddasına bile girerim benim elimden kurtulamazdı istersen deneyip görelim.

ben: saçmalama nasıl yapıcan sende.cem: yarın size gelicem normal sana arkadaş gibi takılmaya anlaştıkmı gerisini gör bakalım.ben: hiç içime sinmiyo.

cem: yok be kanka yalnızca haklı olduğumu göstericem bişey olmuyacak.

ben: tamam bakalım.ertesi gün öğlen gibi cem bize gelmişti doğal olarak annemle tanıştırdım. biraz normal sohpet falan derken

cem ev sıkıcı yaa dışarı çıkalım dedi ve anneme dönüp feray abla sende gel değişiklik olur dedi.

annem bilmemki siz eğlenin falan dedi fakat kabul etti hep birlikte çıktık bişeyler yedik kahve içtik gezip dolaştık ve ister istemez annem ve cem doğal şeklinde deha samimi olmaya başlamıştı. o gün öyle geçtikten sonra bi kaç gün sonra annene söyle sinemaya gidicez dedi cem. ben annemide alıp akşam üstü babam gelmeden çıktık o akşam sinemaya gittik ve artık annem ve cem hiç yabancılık yok gibi samimi olmaya başlamıştı. hatta sonradan cem ifade etti numarasını bile almış annemin normal msjlaşmaya bile başlamışlar. sonraki günlerde artık cem annemi ben olmadan cafeye gezmeye götürecek kadar samimi olmuştu. aslında annemdeki değişide görüyodum cem ile buluşmaya giderken çok hoş giyiniyo bakımlı bi biçimde gidiyodu. bigün cem beni aradı anlaştık bi cafede buluştuk bana bu akşam annen komşuya gidiyo diye yanıma gelicek bu akşam düşürücem ağıma deyip güldü. ben bişey geçmiyecek aranızda aklına sok dedim. sen merak etme akşam 8 gibi sana atıcağım urli tıkla arabada kamera var ne konuşucaz ne yapıcaz izlersin dedi. dediği gibi annem o akşam komşuya diye evden çıktı cem urli attığı gibi açtım. normal konuşuyolardı fakat cem anneme arada iltifatları yapıştırıyodu. bi ara indiler tabi konuşmalarından anlamıştım cafeye yemek yemeye girdiler sonra yeniden arabaya bindiler. cem arabayı sahile çekti arkadaki poşetten enerji içeceği çıkardı konuşmaya başladılar anneme eşinle aran nasıl çok hoşsin falan gibi laflar ediyodu. bi ara slov bi şarkı çaldı sessiz kaldılar tam şarkı tamamlanınca cem annemi başının arkasından tuttu çok hoşsin feray deyip dudağına yapıştı bi kaç saniye öpüştü sonra annem kendini hafif geri çekip.annem: cem yaptığımız doğru değil.cem: feray sana aşığık oldum gün geçtikçe.annem: cem evliyim ve bir ailem var.cem: hiç bişey umrumda değil seni seviyorum.annem: oğlumun arkadaşısın annen yaşındayım ama.cem: gel bakalım cici annecim.deyip dudaklarına yapıştı dakikalarca annemin dudaklarını ağzını öptü sonra boynu ve göğüslerine indi o arada annem dur yapma biri görür diyodu fakat cem annemin göğüslerini ısıra ısıra emiyodu. cem bununlada yetinmeyip pantolonunu çözdü sikini çıkardı annemin elini tutup sikini tutturdu. annem olmaz deyip elini kaçırsada cem anneme feray ne var bunda yalnızca tutucan deyip yeniden tutturdu. artık göbeğine kadar inmiş yalıyodu annemin elinde siki duruyodu. annemin taytını çıkarmaya kalktığında annem dur tamam yeter çok ileri gittik kocam var oğlum var yapma deyip kendini çekti. cem tamam bitanem senin üzülmeni istermiyim tamam bıraktım fakat bende erkeğim sana karşı dayanamıyorum istemiyosan zorla yapmam zira seni seviyorum fakat tek talebim çok dolahenk ağzınla boşaltmanı istiyorum dedi. annem cem lütfen eşimle dahi yapmıyoruz öyle desede cem ısrarcı olup söz veriyorum bi kere yap sonra gidicez. annem masum masum başını salladı. cem şöför koltuğunda oturur vaziyette annemin kafasını tutup sikinin üzerine getirdi ve başladı sakso çektirmeye fakat zevkten iyice ileri gidip saçlarından tutup bastırıyo annenim gırtlağına kadar giriyodu. o biçimde boşaldı annem hemen kalkıp kapıyı açtı tükürdü. arabada sessizlik oldu ve yola çıktılar fakat mahalleye yakın biyerde cem arabayı durdurdu. annem cem’e baktı cem anneme dönüp çok merak ediyorum eşime bile yapmıyorum dedin fakat sakso çekerken deneyimliydin niye diye sordu. annem konuyu kapat geç kalıyoz eve gidelim artık dedi fakat cem söylemezsen beklerim böyle dedi. annem kafasını eğdi utana utana lisede yaptım dedi. cem nasıl yani dedi. annem ben sakin biriyim lise yıllarındada öyleydim erkek arkadaşlarım bunu kullanıp beni evlenicez ilerde deyip deyip kandırdı boş sınıflarda müsait olan yerler sakso çektirdiler dedi. ben şok olmuştum cem gülmeye başladı. anneme dönüp biliyomusun esasen tipinde kaşarlık var deyip güldü. annemi eve bırakmıştı. sabah kahvaltıda annemin utancı belli etmesede belliydi. ben kahvaltıdan sonra cem’i aradım hemen yanına gittim buluştuğumuzda baya sert bi tokat attım bağırmaya başladım. fakat bi anda beni ittirdi bağırarak otur şuraya dinle dedi. bak sedat sende gördün izledin annen çok temiz karı teni vucudu bebek gibi dudakları değişilmez fakat kaşar anladınmı kaşar dedi ben niye bu oyunu kötüye kullandın dedim. lan herşeyi gördün sende yapmak istemiyen kadın karşı çıkar fakat anan kur yapıp naz yaptı. yarrağımı löp löp yalarken sesi çıkmıyodu esasen lisede çok yalatmışlar dedi. ben bu iş bitti bidaha benlede annemlede görüşmücen dedim çıktım. aradan 1 ay gibi bi süre geçti cafede otururken ufak dilenci gibi çocuk geldi elindeki flaş belleği bana verdi bunu bi abi verdi sana vereyim diye para verdi bana dedi. ben şaşırdım aldım flaş belleği eve gidip odamda bilgisayara taktım bi video vardı hemen açtım. otel odası gibi bi oda vardı cem ayakta geziniyodu kapıyı açtı annemi içeri alıp gel bakalım orospum dedi. annem yatağın ucuna oturdu hafif ağlamaklı niye böyle yapıyon nasıl bakıcam kocamın oğlumun yüzüne dedi. cem zırlama orospu sakso kayıtlarını tüm izmire izletirim esasen lisede kaşarmışın ne mal olduğun belli dedi. soyunup annemi öpüp yalamaya başladı fakat dakikalarca öpüşüp yalaştılar sonra annemin amını yalamaya başladı uzun uzun yaladı annemde sanki zevke geliyodu. sonra sikini çıkardı diz çök şurayı dedi ve soktu fakat haplı olduğu belliydi çok sert sakso çektiriyodu annemin rimelleri akıyodu resmen sonra kolundan tutup yatağa atması ve amına girmesi bir oldu annem iyice zevke gelmeye başlamıştıki o vaziyette girerken poposuna parmağını soktuğunda annem çığlık attı. cem annemin ağzına kilotunu tutturdu devam etti parmakladıkça acı çektiği belliydi. sonra bi hırıltıyla boşaldığını anladım yatağa uzandılar cem sigara yaktı. annem ağlıya ağlıya cem içime niye boşaldın yaa kötü şeyler olursa dedi. cem olsun esasen kocan yapamıyo sanırım cayır cayır yanıyon lan dedi. yatakta yatarken cem anneme ee bebeğim anlat bakalım evlendikten sonra aldattınmı hiç senin boynuzluyu diye sordu. annem hayır dedi. cem annemin kafasını tutup dudaklarına yumuldu biraz öptü doğruyu söyle orospu senin gibi karıyı boş bırakmazlar anlat diye çıkıştı. annem evet 2 kere oldu biri evlenmeden önce nişanlıyken eski erkek arkadaşımla diğri antalyada tatildeyken oldu..cem: oo ne zaman oldu.annem: 2011 de antalya alanyaya gitmiştik o zaman.cem: anlat bakayım.annem: senin gibi gençti kocamla samimi oldular banada çok yakın davranıyodu. bi gün güneş kremi bahanesiyle okşadı beni anladım o zaman niyetinini fakat gençtir deyip sesimi çıkarmadım. gidiceğimiz günden önceki akşam lobideyken eşimle odaya çıkıcaktık kutay yani o çocuk gelin hep birlikte diskoya inelim dedieşim başının ağrıdığını ifade etti siz gidin dedi. bende saat daha erken diye kabul ettim..cem: vayy kaşar seninde niyetin vardı yani.annem: hayır fakat yakışıklı çocuktu kırmak istemedim. dans ederken baya elledi o zaman içinder 40 yaşındaydım fakat yinede 17-18 yaşlarındaki çocuğun yanısıra dikkat çekiyodum o yüzden çıkalım burdan dedim. çıkarken ister istemez elimden tuttu arka taraftan kumsala inen yerden çıktık o arada garson kutay’a ooo reis bu seferki bomba gibi fakat dikkat et sahipli sanırım kocası görmesin dedi. ben kızara bozara çıkışa attım kendimi kutay’a ben odama çıkıyom dedim beni kendine çekip öpüşmeye başladık orda aldattım dedi..cem lan orospu sen esasen boş bırakılcak karı değilsin deyip anneme ters yat dedi başladı poposunu yalamaya annem poposu parmaklandıkca ahh dur cem ordan olmaz rezil olurum bu yaşta lütfen diye yalvarıyodu fakat cem dinlemeyip yalamaya devam etti sonra annemi kaldırdı normal yere köpek pozizyonunda dur dedi annem kafasını çevirip hala yalvarmalara devam etti. cem biraz parmağınla oynayıp deliğe tükürdü ve girmeye başladı o anda sanki annem yerdeki halıyı sımsıkı tutup dişlerini kırıcak gibi sıkıp ıııhhhhhlıyordu ve cem girmeyi başardı. cem hayvan gibi girip çıkıyodu ilacın ve ilk boşalmanın etkisiyle anlar geçsede giriyodu annem o pozizyondayken dayanamayım yere saldı kendini baygın gibi yatıyodu. cem buna rağmen yerde yine annemin kalçalarını ayırdı girmeye devam etti. boşaldığında annemin üstüne yığıldı oda sonra annemi öyle bırakıp kameraya geldi bana pislik olsun diye gülerek ben yıkıyayım bu kaşarı daha 3 saat burda detip kamerayı kapattı ?

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Brady and I pt 2

Introduction: after I got so many negative comments to my first post (due to the captions) I was a bit discouraged so it took me longer to write this part. Remember Im just doing this for fun not for profit, Im not an expert writer and there will be some grammar issues. Get past the grammar and enjoy the storie According to Bradys tally I was better at touching, sucking nipples and licking and sucking his dick. Brady however was better at kissing and that was it so far. I seemed to be winning...

2 years ago
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The Chauffeur 28 Guns and Other Stuff

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 When I woke up on Tuesday morning, Jill was still all entangled in me. It took a couple of minutes to untangle and not wake her. As I stepped into the shower, it dawned on me that neither the security guys nor the gate people had made it here. I made a mental note to phone both. I knew that our safe guy was now handling the lock changes at the Hawk. Need to have Sharon ask him to stop by at his convenience and finish installing the safes that he...

4 years ago
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Power tools

Background John Smith, 180 cm, dark blond, average build, fair looks, lives a quiet, dull life. His only living family is his niece Brooke. She's his niece, but no blood kin. His older brother married a much younger girl, while in high school; she was pregnant at the time. When Brooke was born, John was nine years old, his brother was 18. Brooke was eight years old, when her parents and grandparents died in an explosion and fire. Brooke was injured too, and needed blood transfusions to...

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Second ChanceChapter 5

Thank God for the internet. The things I didn't learn by osmosis and from Roberta, I looked up online. People post all kinds of convenient things these days, like: 'Proper Toe Polishing Techniques, ' and 'How to Apply Mascara Without Making a Mess.' Between the video assistance and the previous practical lessons, I managed to get myself together in such a way that people wouldn't point and howl in laughter or pass out from the fright. A military chopper flared and landed right in the...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Emily Willis Gaping Anal Ruckus

Stunning starlet Emily Willis teases in skimpy lingerie, pantyhose, and heels. The slender, badass brunette talks dirty and spreads her tight sphincter for the camera, and then fucks her asshole with an enormous dildo. When Rob Piper arrives, Emily immediately feasts on his big cock in a graphic, spit-gushing blowjob. Rob stuffs his dark meat up Emily’s ass. She whimpers through intense anal reaming, and she sucks Rob’s throbbing rod ass-to-mouth. Their backdoor ruckus serves up...

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New Neighbor Part 2 Katie and Jills Good M

The next morning after showering and getting dressed Jill decided to go and check on Katie. Jill was a bit surprised that she wasn't awake yet. "Katie, are you awake?" Jill tapped lightly on the bedroom door, pushing it open just enough to see in. She was surprised to see Katie's pajamas on the floor, and Katie, fully nude, lying on the bed. She was just waking up. Jill could not help but notice how tone and trim Katie's body was.Jill watched from the door as Katie sat up in bed and rubbed her...

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Cabin in the Woods

One night my husband, Matt, came home from work in a very amorous mood. He kissed me hard and made my body tingle from head to toe. My pussy was wet in seconds. He asked me if I would trust him and indulge him in a fantasy tomorrow. It would be Saturday and I didn’t have anything pressing on the schedule so I said “Sure.” I asked him what the fantasy was and he said I’d just have to trust him, but that he hoped I’d enjoy it. Saturday morning came and Matt had laid out some lingerie for me. It...

2 years ago
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The Agreement 8211 Part IV

Hi Friends! mera name rehan khan hy aur mein Pakistan k city rawilpindi ka rehnay wala hun. Mein ISS per yeh 4th story likh rha hun.Yeh aik he story hy jis ko mein series mein likha rha hun. Mein story k characters aik bar dobara bta deta hun Me: Name Rehan, Age :20 yr My Father: Name Rauf, Age : 45 My Mummy: Name Shakeela, Age: 42 Mein abi sy story perhnay walo ko thori history bta deta hun. Mery Mummy aur papa aik ajeeb game khail rhy thy. Papa aur Mummy apni sex life mein aik ajnabi mard ko...

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Womens Venom Prelude 1

Women's Venom Prelude #1 School began in an odd way today. Well, for one, this seemingly normal spring morning my mom decided to come with. It was nice to get a ride to school instead of the bus, but for some reason I felt uneasy. Mom had also brought a small duffel bag with her. It seemed mostly empty, but no doubt some things were in there. While mom remained her usual stoic self, Jennifer seemed oddly perky today, kicking her legs a bit as mom drove. "What're you so happy...

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The DolphinChapter 25

Maggie speaks to me differently. When I ask her about humans she is uncomfortable to answer sometimes before. It is not that she will not talk or speaks things that are not, but it seems to me sometimes she is not sure how to tell me. Now she seems more easy in her speech. She tells me more without my asking, and I begin to understand better. It is as I come to know, that humans live deep in a shadow of their own making. Little of their speech, and of their thinking, is to do with the now,...

1 year ago
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First Time

I have been married faithfully for many years. But I met a man online who sparked my interest. He seemed genuinely "normal" and was in a place in his life similar to mine. We were both missing something that we needed and wasn't getting at home. I love my husband dearly as does he love his wife. There was a mutual respect for that. We both have k**s too and agreed that our home life always comes first. That being said, as our emails continued, so did our curiosity. We decided to meet in a semi...

3 years ago
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EscapedChapter 12

Before we ever got to the bedroom, I heard mom say, “Ron honey, put that hard cock in mommy’s cunt and fuck me. You just don’t know how much mommy has wanted to fuck you son. I love your daddy’s cock, but I love your cock more, so just fuck me hard. I am all yours.” The rest of us giggled and then we heard, “OH MY GOD yes fuck me Ron. Fuck your mommy’s cunt hard.” I said, “Well, guess daddy won’t be getting any more of that cunt for a while. I think Ron will be fucking it from now...

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Train Gang Bang

Train Gang ****Let me explain my proposition to you. You get on the underground train, traveling from one part of London to the other. Now this carriage is filled only with men, no woman and the other carriages seemed to be blocked up. You stand up against the door and simply there. You feel as the train moves away, someone rubbing against you. You feel someone groping you, but you let it slide. I breathe down your neck and press myself against you. Your breasts against the glass. The train...

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The Construction Project

I was having trouble remembering what work was like before the renovations started, it felt like forever since I had a fully functioning garage to detail in. I had tarps for walls these days, and on the other side of them, walls were being torn down, floors were being cut, and there was a fine spray of dust constantly floating over to land on my freshly cleaned vehicles. It had started out as an inconvenience, grown to a disturbance, and had now developed into an outright pain in the ass. ...

4 years ago
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CivilityChapter 13

Prostitution, it has been said, is a victimless crime. I disagreed even before I met Janet Conrad but I disagree more fervently now. Most women — and their male contemporaries — don't enter prostitution of their own free will. I doubt there are many little girls who think "I want to fuck slimy douchebags for money when I grow up." Most prostitutes are there because they no marketability beyond their orifices. Their young home lives sometimes precluded a formal education — and the...

3 years ago
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The Real Thing

"They can suck my dick," she said with a saucy grin. I scratched my head in response to that comment. It was probably just a figure of speech, but it got me thinking. What if it wasn't just a crass, if descriptive remark? As a bisexual man who had a secret fascination with transgender women, she naturally piqued my curiosity. I decided to probe a little bit, though coming across (I hoped) lightheartedly. "Cute, if a bit impossible. I can just picture them doing that and it makes me laugh...

1 year ago
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Teaching Millie Shes Hot Ch 02

One Friday night a few weeks later, we sat down to our weekly poker game. It was late June, and warm outside. Millie was wearing nothing but nylon panties and one of my sleeveless undershirts, it clung to her huge tits like half-transparent paint, with acres of pretty white flesh exposed at the top and sides, and she looked wonderful. I estimated I was looking at eight inches of inviting cleavage. ‘Uh, Jeff, my face is up here,’ she laughed as I dealt the first hand. ‘Um. Sorry,’ I said....

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Fathers Day ndash Pt 8 ndash The Finale

It was Fathers Day, I was up early making my fantastic dad his traditional Fathers Day breakfast of every fried thing you could think of along with coffee and toast.I tried to get into his bedroom as quietly as I could but the clinking of the stuff on the tray woke him.“What’s this” he said in mocked surprise, “someone must have got up early today.”“Early, do you know what time it is, it’s half past eleven,” I said, “I left you as long as I could but I wanted us to spend the day together...

2 years ago
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Sister Time TravelChapter 7

It was a wonderful afternoon. I had enjoyed my sister so much. Later that afternoon Kirsten sailed into the den with a strange smile on her face. "Close your eye's" she instructed. I stood and closed my eye's not knowing if she'd be naked or what my surprise was going to be. "Open your eye's" said Fanny's voice as the door closed. Fanny was stood there stark naked, her arms at her sides and looking at me with those big eyes. Kirsten's surprise, was naked little Fanny, that liked...

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AdultBaby Gefangene der Wnsche

Kapitel 1 Sabine ist gerade mal 18 Jahre alt und hat trotzdem schon Millionen auf dem Konto. Ein Treuhandvermögen, dass ihre ebenso Steinreichen Eltern für sie angelegt haben. Eigentlich sollte das Geld dafür genutzt werden, dass Sabine eine Eliteuniversität in den Vereinigten Staaten besucht aber das wollte Sabine dann doch nicht. Nach ihren Berechnungen würde das Geld so lange reichen, bis ihre Eltern ihr mehr geben oder sterben. Dann währe Sabine zwar nicht so reich wie eine Onassis aber mit...

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Aunt8217s Erotic Bukkake Party Busted

Hi readers. This is Anto again back with another story in an incestuous episode of how I fucked my aunt and her daughter. Thanks for all the comments and replies. I felt happy reading all your replies considering it was my first time writing stories. This story is about me having sex with my mom’s elder sister Josephine and her daughter (my cousin) Ashwini. I was moving to Coorg for my graduation and I had to stay at my aunt’s house. Cutting all the bullshit, let me get straight to the...

1 year ago
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PrettyDirty Maya Bijou Bad Little Spinner

When John Strong gets a phone call from his boss, his incorrigible step daughter Maya Bijou suddenly wants his attention, and gets very impatient when he won’t give it to her. She’s driving him crazy though, ripping papers on his desk, dropping his knickknacks, opening his jeans and sucking on his cock, making him almost pop while he’s talking to his boss. He hangs up the phone, chastising her for being a brat, making it impossible to carry on that conversation, and jeopardizing his job. Amused...

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Ask Me If Im Ready Part 7 The Big Day

The next morning, they were all in line to go in for breakfast by 7:00. Darby couldn’t stop yawning. Nora asked her, off to the side, “Girl, you okay?”“Yeah. We got to go potty,” and she grabbed Nora’s hand and dragged her to the nearest restroom.  Once they were safely out of their dads’ earshot, “I’m exhausted! Somebody woke up hungry in the middle of the damn night!” She tried to look angry but she couldn’t stop smiling. Nora laughed with her. Darby continued, “Nor, can I ask you somethin’...

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Meeting My Big Brother

Hi! I’m Whitney and I’ve been very, very naughty. Do you wanna hear the story? Good. Let me set it up for you. I’m sixteen and have long, curly red hair and green eyes. I’m five foot five inches tall and have 38C boobs. Oh. And I weigh 125. Derric is my brother. I don’t know anything about him though except that he’s thirty three almost thirty four. Derric left home when he was eighteen to go to college. Then he decided he was going to join the Marines and that made daddy mad and they had a...

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A Different Kind of Love Part One

“You have her for fifteen minutes, and then we’re sending him in,” Mr. Barns’ voice comes from outside my dressing room. My prep team is holding lingerie against my skin, deciding what color looks sexiest against my tan skin tone. They apply makeup, spray things in my hair and apply lotion to my body. I’m completely naked in front of them. I scroll through Instagram and listen to music, moving whenever they ask me to. I’m used to this, I’ve done it before. The life of a porn star never changes....

Straight Sex
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You never thought it would happen, but here you are after years of marriage, waiting quietly at a dark table in the corner of a hotel bar to meet someone you'd connected with online. Someone who, if things went well, you would be having sex with later tonight. You take a shot of tequila and breath deeply. It burns, but you barely feel it. You are a mixture of emotions. Nervous. Scared. Ashamed. None of them seems quite right. You love your wife. You have never questioned that, although you know...

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Breaking Quarantine Chapter 1

“Things seem to be getting bad out there, Jan.” “Yes, they are Jim. The governor is talking that state and countrywide lockdowns could be in place within the next day or so.” “Oh enough,” Molly grumbled, turning off the TV and its constant news coverage.She stretched and her eyes fell on the laundry basket. “Crap. I forgot.” Molly looked down at her tank top and sweatpants, double-checking to make sure she was decent enough to run down to the laundry room. At the moment, she was far less sexy...

Straight Sex
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Incest in beach hotel

100% fiction! My sister, Jane, who lives not far from me, had a live-in boy friend, but has sent him packing. She introduced me to a friend, Ethel. I was told that she recently divorced her husband when he went off with another woman. Ethel told me that, before her divorce, she and her husband used to go to a nice hotel on the coast which is near a sandy beach. As Jane and I were due for a week`s holiday would we like to go there with her? We would, and we all went to the hotel. The two women...

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SRU Lesson Learned

SRU: Lesson Learned by Bashful My name is Tom Williams. At least it used to be, until last summer. That was when my best friend, John Dortmer and I got into some trouble. We weren't doing anything that bad, just a couple of kids acting up in the summer school break. We were skipping stones across a pond when one accidentally hit this man walking across the water. Yes, I know that sounds crazy, but he was doing just that. He was an old guy with a long white beard and a...

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Squirted Hime Marie Hime8217s Squirting Resume

As Toni Ribas checks out hot brunette Hime Marie in her pink bikini and plays with her sensitive nipples, he asks her to talk about how she first learned to squirt. Hime explains that she was taken by surprise while masturbating with a vibrator, so Toni offers her a bright pink vibe and pink dildo to play with. Hime sucks on the dildo, then Toni’s cock, deepthroating him and getting nice and sloppy before riding his dick and using the vibe on her clit to warm up her pussy. Once she starts...

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Tanyas Reward

The Master now devoted his attention to Tanya, she had pleased him tremendously, helping in the initiation of Bliss! Had he not given her a beautiful two-carat diamond pendant for on her clit ring? The Master spoke and told Tanya: ‘You have been a good slave and have pleased your Master, you will spend the night with your Master in his bed.’ With that, he helped Tanya to her feet. She had been in the position, thighs wide spread, head on her chest and hands behind her back! He led her into...

2 years ago
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Sex With Horny Divorcee Part 3

My college just got over and i was leaving when i saw her standing next to my car furious. Mereko dekhte ghoorne lagi gusse mai. Maine kha get in and hum drive pe nikal gaye! Me- kya hua… Itna kyu naraz ho.. Her- tum.. Tum chup raho.. Mereko itna pagal kar dia hai tumne! Me- aray.. Her- ignore ignore… Tumse badi hu.. Lekin kitne mast tarike se bolte ho phone pe ki aaj mann nahi hai mera! Mann nahi hai? Phele to itni hawas hoti thi ki mere office se aate he ghr phonch jata tha.. Dost k ghar...

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Teen Titans Chronicles 4 Young Justice

Hi, I know I say this with a lot of my stuff, but sorry about the gaps between my writing. I haven't got much of a defence, except that I get easily distracted by other stuff and it takes me a while to get back to doing this. I did get halfway through another story in this series, however, my computer crashed and I lost everything. I will be re-writing this story in the future, with some improvements. I have decided to put my The Big Bang Theory series on hold and keep going with my...

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Magic woods pt 2

Sorry for the delay. Wanda sat down between us with our dicks out and we immediately started feeling her big titties as she grabbed our cocks and began stroking. My buddy" scoot" had evidently approached her before, they were making out hot and heavy but she still had a hand on my dick. I figured she would like him better because to be honest his cock was obviously longer than mine and fairly thick but mine was thicker and I was a little fat dude and most women like skinny long docked guys...

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The Farmer Gets A Wife chapter 3 Learning To Be A Woman

DAY 3 BILLY I awoke on the second morning of my captivity very much like I had awoke on the first. The room was a little chilly and like last time there was no cover; only this time I wasn't naked, I was still wearing the pink frilly panties that he made me wear the day before. My body was aching all over which quickly reminded me of the previous day's events. As I rubbed my hands across my poor battered body I could feel the welts on my thighs and buttocks. My nipples were still...

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