My Clan Family Defending Our Way Of Life
- 3 years ago
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Originally edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks. I’ve subsequently made some modifications, so any errors are mine alone.
Chapter 13 Meet the Family
We were seated three abreast on the Alaska Air flight to Vancouver. Tina was in the window seat while Fiona occupied the middle and I was on the aisle. Fiona was nervous and had been hanging onto my arm the whole flight.
‘Are you uncomfortable flying?’ I asked.
‘No … not at all. I’m worried about meeting your family. I wonder how they’re going to feel about me replacing Carla and you marrying a foreigner.’
‘A foreigner!’ I laughed. ‘They are going to love you, just as I do,’ I assured her. ‘They want us to be happy and I know that for a fact.’
She nodded and forced a smile. ‘I guess it’s just fear of the unknown.’
Tina was missing a couple of days of school to make this trip, but she assured us that she was ahead in her studies and if her report cards were any indication, she didn’t have a thing to worry about. She would fly back to California on her own, taking her mother’s car home from the airport. I was taking a working break, if there is such a thing. I would be in meetings with Leo and Dave to discuss our progress to date and go over the financials.
One thing on my mind was when to order the second press. It would be the final big expenditure of our plan. I didn’t think it would be this year. We had no trouble filling two shifts on the first press and when the pouch machine was installed we would take a big load off Langley, opening up additional capacity in both locations. The new coffee lidding business was separate and distinct, not taking up any of the existing Tracy manufacturing resources. We were even able to find a couple of experienced press operators for it.
But it was the bottom line that I wanted to talk to Leo and Dave about. Lucas was assuring me that we were in good shape and turning a nice profit already, notwithstanding our debt. You don’t spend over eight million dollars of the boss’s money and get away scot-free. I wanted Leo and Dave’s opinion of where we were. I knew sales were ahead of plan and I knew we had been able to install the equipment on time and within budget, but what did it mean in the ‘big picture’ to Flex-Tek.
It was a nice, clear, late-April day when our flight rounded out over Surrey and began the final descent into Vancouver International. Tina was glued to the window, trying to take it all in. I don’t know what she was expecting, but this was her first time out of the United States and she was excited about it. My parents were going to take her sightseeing while Fiona and I did our thing. I was pretty sure my fiancée would find some time to join Tina and her soon-to-be in-laws for some sightseeing as well.
The reception committee was waiting for us as we exited the customs area. I saw my parents first, then Neal and Phil.
‘Hi Mom,’ I said, hugging her.
My mother had tears of happiness in her eyes and, while speechless, gave me a warm kiss on the cheek.
‘Good to see you, Dad. How are you?’
‘I’m fine, son,’ he said as we shook hands. ‘It’s good to see you too.’
I then greeted Neal and Phil before addressing them all.
‘I’d like to introduce you to Fiona Alexander, my fiancée, and her daughter, Christina.’
‘Tina,’ the young girl quickly corrected.
My mother hugged both women and welcomed them to Vancouver. My dad was a little more circumspect, giving Fiona a brief hug and Tina a handshake. When I looked at the boys, Neal was smiling at the scene while Phil was checking Tina out as inconspicuously as possible. He wasn’t that good at inconspicuous. As I watched the scene of the ‘meet and greet,’ it looked like everyone was pleased to see us.
I took Fiona’s hand and I could feel much of her previous tension had disappeared. I think my mother’s welcome and perhaps the boys’ as well had put her mind at rest.
Neal and Phil volunteered to take Tina while Fiona and I rode with my parents. I had given my RAV4 to Neal to replace his dilapidated Cavalier, and he was using it to transport Phil and Tina. She had happily agreed to ride with them. I knew that in a couple of months, I would have to deal with getting a car for Phil, assuming he was heading off to college in September. In any case, he would need a car and I could afford to buy him something sensible and reliable.
When we arrived at my parents’ home, Tina, Neal and Phil were getting out of the Toyota, laughing and clearly having fun. That was good news to me and Fiona noticed and smiled as well.
‘Since we’re not actually brother and sister, Phil and I decided to get engaged,’ Tina taunted her mother.
‘That was quick,’ Fiona said with a raised eyebrow as I stood there with my eyes bulging and mouth open.
‘You’re catching flies, Dad,’ Neal laughed.
They were having fun at my expense and I fell for it, hook, line and sinker. My father thought it was funny as hell and for one of the few times I could ever remember, produced a belly laugh. That wasn’t at all common coming from him. My mother just threw up her hands in mock surrender. She was used to Phil’s idea of humour. It was something he and Tina had in common. Those two could be trouble together.
The boys would be staying for dinner before heading back to my former home. My parents were modern people and had no concerns about Fiona and me sleeping together. Tina would have the third bedroom.
The ‘getting to know you’ part of the evening went better than I could have hoped. Fiona and my parents got along very well indeed. Tina, entertained by both Phil and Neal, was relaxed as the trio traded stories about school and life in general. I found Phil alone in the kitchen after dinner and took the opportunity to talk to him.
‘How’s your mother?’
‘She’s okay, Dad. She’s had a couple of dates in the last month, but nothing that looks like it might be serious. I think her job keeps her mind off what happened between you two.’
‘Any feedback from her about my marriage?’
‘No … I mean … she was a bit surprised that it was happening so soon, but she told me she hoped you would be happy now.’
‘And how are you doing, Phil?’
‘Marking time, Dad. When I thought about choosing a school for next year, I wondered what would happen to Mom if it was out of town or I lived on campus. I know my being at the house seems to be important to her.’
‘Would you like to come south with us?’ I asked, wondering if that was on his mind.
‘I’ve thought about it. I’m almost afraid of how Mom would react.’
‘Why don’t you talk to her about it? Sooner or later, it’s going to happen.’
‘I know. I just don’t want to hurt her. She’s putting on a brave face, but I’m not so sure she’s feeling very good about what happened.’
‘What does Neal think?’ I asked.
‘He’s a bit less worried than me, but he doesn’t see her every day. Hell, he sees her about once a month. He’ll be working up north this summer, so he won’t be around at all.’
‘Have you thought about where you want to go to school?’
‘Yeah … I’m thinking Douglas College. They have a campus nearby and I could commute and live at the house. I think that’s what Mom is hoping for.’
‘And after two years at Douglas?’
‘You still interested in computers?’
‘Yeah. Douglas has some courses that get me ready for the heavy stuff at BCIT.’
‘Make a decision that’s best for you, Phil. Do what you think will help you the most. Don’t worry about anything else. Your mother and I will support you, no matter what you decide.’
‘Thanks, Dad. I think I’ll be happier up here. I’ve got my friends and I know what to expect at school. Maybe when Mom gets her life together it’ll be easier to make a change.’
‘Okay, whatever you think best,’ I said, clapping him on th
e shoulder.
‘Dad … Mom asked me to ask you if you and she could have a talk.’
‘Okay,’ I paused. ‘Do you want me to call her?’
‘Yeah … please.’
I wondered if Carla needed some financial assistance. She had been very generous with the divorce settlement considering what the courts or an aggressive lawyer might have extracted.
‘I’ll call her tonight,’ I promised.
I moved to our bedroom and used my cell phone.
‘Hi, Carla, it’s Andy. Phil said you wanted me to call you.’
‘Oh, thanks for calling, Andy … and congratulations on your wedding. I hope you’ll be very happy.’
‘Thank you, Carla. I’m sure Fiona and I will be. Would you like to get together to talk or is the phone good enough?’
‘No … I wonder … could you come over here some evening. I didn’t want to do this over the phone.’
‘Uhhm … sure. Let me check as see what’s been planned and I’ll let you know when I can make it.’
‘Thank you, Andy. I’ll look forward to seeing you.’
After I hung up I was left no wiser than before I called her. It didn’t sound threatening, so I assumed it wouldn’t be a confrontational meeting. I would let Fiona know what I planned before confirming the meeting with my ex-wife.
Naturally, Fiona was curious. ‘What do you think she wants?’
‘I don’t know. Maybe she needs more money … or some other kind of help. She didn’t say.’
‘When are you going?’
‘I think sooner is better than later. I’ll go over there tomorrow evening. I don’t expect to be too long. Is that okay with you?’
‘Yes, of course,’ Fiona said unhesitatingly.
I called Carla and set the meeting for eight o’clock the next evening.
‘Come in,’ Carla smiled vaguely as she opened the door.
I sat in my usual place on the sofa.
‘Can I get you something? I think Neal has some beer in the downstairs fridge.’
‘No … I’m fine thanks. What would you like to talk about,’ I asked, getting straight to the purpose of the meeting.
She looked somewhat uncertain and I waited until she had composed herself.
‘I wanted to apologize in person, Andy. I know you were shocked when I announced I wanted a divorce. I know you weren’t happy with our relationship and I also know you tried very hard to fix it. That’s what the new house and the renovation idea was all about, wasn’t it?’
‘Yes. I was hoping it was just a phase you were going through and maybe a change in scenery might bring you out of it.’
She was shaking her head. ‘I had already made up my mind some months earlier. It was just a matter of gaining the courage to tell you. I think if you’re honest with yourself, you knew we weren’t a good match … at least … not in the past few years. Our interests were so different and as the boys grew more independent, we had less and less to hold us together.’
‘How long had you felt this way?’ I asked.
‘Two or three years. As you became more important in your business life, I became less important. I wasn’t needed for emotional support the way I once was.’
‘That’s not true,’ I said emphatically.
‘You may not think so, but it was true. You became much more confident and dedicated to Flex-Tek. Most of our social life revolved around the people you knew there or who were associated with your business. How many friends did we have outside of them?’
That stopped me cold. When I thought about it, she was right. Most of our social events did revolve around Flex-Tek. I hadn’t really thought about it until she mentioned it.
‘You’re right,’ I admitted, shaking my head. ‘Those were the people we knew. I don’t think it ever even dawned on me.’
‘Don’t feel too guilty, Andy. I could have done or said something that might have altered it. I just went along with it because a lot of the people we were with were nice people. It wasn’t hard to spend time with them. There wasn’t anyone that we wanted to avoid.’
‘I’m sorry, Carla. I wish you had said something sooner. Maybe we could have saved the marriage.’
Again, she was shaking her head. ‘No … I don’t think so. Your interests were completely different than mine. I knew that right from the beginning, but I thought things would change over time. They did, but not for the better. We drifted further and further apart and hardly even noticed it. By the time I saw my fortieth birthday just around the corner, I knew I had to do something or I would go crazy.’
‘It was that bad?’
‘In my head, yes. Anyway, I wanted to have you understand that I didn’t mean to belittle you or hurt you when I asked for the divorce. I know I said some hurtful things and I wish I could take them back. You are a good man and you were a faithful and devoted husband and father. We were just a bad match, probably right from the beginning. The best thing we have from those years is our two sons. They are good young men because you and I put the effort into raising them in a loving environment. Of that we can both be proud.’
I nodded. She was right once more. ‘I talked to Phil last night. I think he plans to stay here and go to Douglas College before switching to BCIT. When he graduates this spring, I’ll help him get a car so he can commute. It will be good for you to have someone else in the house.’
‘Thank you, Andy. I really appreciate all you’re doing for the boys. Giving Neal your car was very generous and very much appreciated. I know Phil will be delighted the day he quits borrowing my Corolla,’ she smiled.
‘Are you all right for money, Carla?’
‘Yes, this house is almost free and your support and my income are plenty for now. If Phil goes to Douglas, we have more than enough money in the education fund to support him.’
‘You won’t hesitate to call me if money does become an issue, will you?’
‘No … and thank you again. I guess as divorces go, this one is one of the better ones. Now … it’s time for you to go back to your fiancée and tell her there isn’t any problem,’ she smiled.
‘How do you feel about me getting married so soon?’ I asked, wondering if I really wanted to hear the answer.
‘A bit surprised, but Phil has told me about her and it sounds like she’s a perfect match for you. She’s dedicated to your business, loves sports, is a good cook, and by the sound of it, made the move on you first. Does that sound about right?’
I nodded. ‘Exactly right. We are a good match. I think I’ve landed on my feet.’
‘Good, I’m glad and I’m happy for you,’ she said as we stood. ‘Please don’t invite me to the wedding … even as an afterthought. I don’t think I could handle that yet.’
I nodded agreement wordlessly.
She came to me and we embraced one more time as she kissed my cheek.
‘How was it,’ Fiona asked as I sat in my parents’ living room.
‘Okay, but a bit sad. She wanted to apologize for how things ended. She felt she hadn’t been honest with me about the state of our marriage. She acknowledged that I had tried several times to make things better, but she couldn’t bring herself to tell me what she was really feeling. Basically, she said we had so little in common that we didn’t even have friends outside of my business associates. She was right, too. I think we need to make sure that doesn’t happen to us.’
I watched my parents, listening intently to our conversation. When I thought about it, I realized they had several friends who had nothing to do with my father’s business. There were neighbours and old friends from associations and clubs they had belonged to and friends they had met on vacation. It was a message I needed to hear. I would talk to Fiona about it later, but I wouldn’t forget what I had learned tonight.
Chapter 14 The Shindig and Harassment
From the practical point of view, it made sense to have the wedding in Langley and luckily, everyone agreed. It meant only five of us travelling north, since Fiona’s grandmother was too f
rail to make the trip. This was my bride’s first wedding and her parents had waited patiently for this day. There would be no new children as I had undergone a vasectomy a few years earlier when Carla developed problems with birth control pills.
My parents and grandparents would all be present, not to mention my brother Jamie and his wife, Kate. Naturally, many of my business associates would be at the wedding and reception. I was surprised and delighted that Carla’s sister Ruth accepted our invitation. I wanted to stay close to Ruth in order to know what was going on in Carla’s life. You can’t be with someone for almost twenty-five years and not have some feelings left, especially with the way she was handling our divorce. Ruth and Phil would be my conduit.
Fiona’s father, Angus, would walk her down the aisle. She would be wearing a dress I had yet to see. Her mother, who could barely contain herself with happiness at her daughter’s wedding, couldn’t be counted on for much more than smiles and tears. I guess I could partly understand how she felt, but this was over the top. However, it wasn’t a bad thing. I was accepted unequivocally by both parents and the feeling was mutual between my parents and Fiona.
Tina was enjoying the whole process, watching her mother dither about the big day. Manicures, hair appointments, final dress fittings, and other essentials were all part of the longer range plan for them both. Tina was the natural choice as bridesmaid and that made it easy to select Phil as best man. The two of them had been thick as thieves right from their meeting at the airport.
Neal wasn’t put out by the choice. His latest girlfriend would be at the wedding and although he said very little about her, that led me to suspect she might be someone special. Neal was very selective in his dating habits and tended to be cautious with his choices.
Fiona was a bit nervous before Leo and Bernice’s party, but the number of familiar faces and the welcome she received put her at ease quite quickly. I had taken a cab, sensing I might be tempted to have more than a couple of drinks. It was mid-spring and sunset would occur about 8:30, allowing the group to use the patio to lessen the crowd in the house. Luck was with us and it was a nice evening, allowing many of us chose to be outside.
‘Your fiancée is quite a remarkable woman, Andy’ Leo said, not for the first time.
‘She is indeed. I feel very lucky. I have a new partner in my private life and a new partner in business. As you’ve already seen, she is very driven to succeed. My job will be to try and keep her satisfied … and I do mean with the job,’ I chuckled.
‘She must have been very frustrated at Statewide, being held back as she would have been.’
‘She doesn’t talk about that at all, Leo. I think our giving the entire group a sense that tomorrow was going to be a lot better, and that they would have a business that was going to be around for a long time was a huge motivation for them.
‘My biggest worry,’ I continued, ‘was that I would lose her to someone else. She’s good and I’m sure word would have got out that she was available. Sometimes timing is everything. I think we arrived just at the right moment as far as Fiona goes.’
‘If we’d been any later, we probably wouldn’t be having this party,’ my boss said solemnly. ‘That’s a sobering thought.’
‘More so for me than you,’ I mused.
‘Have you talked to Paul tonight?’ he asked.
‘No, not yet.’
‘He’s got an idea for packaging the generic coffee cups. He wanted to talk it over with you.’
‘No problem. I can get him an audience at East Bay quite easily.’
‘Maybe you can let him know I talked to you and the two of you can get together before you head back south.’
‘Sure. I’ll do that.’
I looked around and saw Fiona surrounded by several women, including Bernice Cornell, Mike Knowlton’s wife, Pam, and Dave Charles’ wife Rhonda. She looked comfortable and was chatting amiably with the women, probably being quizzed about us. I found Dave and Ralph chatting with Mike, so I moved over that way.
‘Shop talk at a party, you guys?’ I chided.
‘It’s all we know,’ Dave shot back in typical form. He had a quick wit and used it often.
‘I owe you thanks for that coffee lidding move,’ Mike said. ‘It’ll add some decent volume to the territory.’
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When I think back and recall all the trouble I went through to seduce and take Sharon, my neighbor Jerry’s wife, to bed, I shake my head and wonder how blind I was not to see the big picture. Not that I did not enjoy making love to Sharon. I still do, in spite of everything that happened since that first time and the whole scene, blurred in the beginning, came into focus with a bang, literally, one sunny afternoon. But I must first write about the seduction, of which I am quite proud of before...
Group SexHere's where it all began for me: Somewhere at the beginning of my junior year, I began to have erotic dreams, and was almost always horny. It was weird, kind of like a light switch was turned on in my head. I would drift in and out of sleep, and would dream about masturbating and having sex. Sometimes I would wake up and my pussy would be on fire, swollen, wet, and throbbing, my nipples were rock hard and super sensitive, and I needed to cum. I would look around the room to make sure my...
"It's good to see you arrive so early!" exclaimed Chadora when Ana arrived in the Brothel chapel in her smartest clothes, worn so rarely since her interview. She had combed her hair carefully, applied the lipstick with which she so rarely bothered and cut her fingernails with fastidious attention. She was very anxious about her visit to the Convent. She so wanted to make a good impression on Binta's former lover. At least she hoped it was her former lover, and the barely vocalised fear...
„Tie her up!“, the Count ordered. „Yes, Master,“ said karina, one of his two slave girls. He was very pleased with how these two had turned out. Karina was a tall and dark and Varina was blonde. He watched the play of muscles as they overowered the struggling girl. Blonde Varina was completely naked, and as she fought with the girl, she bent over, showing her naked pussy gaping open, pink and glistening. The Count liked them shaved. Slaves should be able to hide nothing, and particularly what...
On her KneesShe could taste him for days after, though she had brushed her teeth many times. She wasn’t sure if she liked the taste or not. It was salty, but his cum was thick. She had only a little on her fingers, though he had shot out lots more. What would it be like if he spurted in my mouth? Would he make me swallow it, even if I chocked on it? She couldn’t even imagine taking it in her mouth. Would he teach me what to do to please him? He had made her cum with his mouth, expecting her to...
“Max! She’s kind of a mess. Unless you just want her to clean up the floor after she comes in?” he called out to their host. Max walked onto the kitchen tile, a small white towel in his hand. “Here, give her this, and take her to the shower, leave her or join her, I don’t care. Jenny can keep me company while Niki, and you, get cleaned up if you like.” Handing Roach the towel, Max ran his eyes over the obviously aroused body of Roach’s girlfriend. Beckoning her into the other room, Roach...
Chapter ThreeSix Months Later Jill and Debbie were both pregnant. Jill was due at the beginning of July, and Debbie was due three weeks later. Both had stopped drinking and were on very healthy diets. Both were still working but only a day a week. They were both spending a lot of time at the Chateau and Jill’s villa in Sotogrande. Both were getting quickly tired and also had morning sickness. They were both very excited about their pregnancies. They were sharing the same bedroom with twin beds....
MatureWe all arrived at the waiting room of the Assignment Branch at 0800 the next morning, Wednesday. There wasn’t a long wait before the receptionist started calling our names. “Colonel Ferguson, report to room A-7 for your assignment,” she called, and this was followed by, “Captain Jensen report to room B-5 for your assignment.” Trish and I were both up out of our seats on hearing this and headed for the appropriate hallway. “Master Sergeant Luther report to room C-6.” “Master Sergeant...
Brenna Sparks is insanely hot, this chick has it all. So much so that Tony, her roommate, had to sneak into her bedroom to get a peek at that magnificent body. Tony sneaked in her bedroom and hid in her closet. He was getting a little too excited and accidentally made some noise. She discovered her him hiding and at first she was furious and threatened to call the cops. But then she noticed something weird in his pants, Tony was already hard, which turned her on enough to get on her knees and...
xmoviesforyouI watched as Myrna took Michelle and her mother into one of the guest rooms before heading up the steps with Jubal and Farley close on my heels. When we went into the office I dragged two chairs over to the communications console. I grabbed a fifth of whiskey, three glasses, and set them on the floor with us where anyone could reach them. I watched as they poured themselves a stiff drink. While they drank the first sip, I waited and wondered what they had been through, because both of them...
Rachel and I have been married for ten years. We were high school sweethearts and attended the same college. There had been some wild times in college, pushing the boundaries of our sexual comfort zone. Things, however, changed over the last two weeks; our sex life had become pretty much nonexistent. One morning at breakfast, I said, “We need to make time to talk, tonight.” “Yes, we do need to talk,” she replied, as she grabbed her coffee cup and gulped it down. I got a quick kiss and as she...
WatersportsMike was due to pick me up soon. We had made plans to go to a BDSM dungeon together tonight. We were not dating. We just liked to have fun together from time to time: BSDM fun. We had a relationship that people called "friends with benefits." I had known Mike for a long time: since before my ex divorced me. I had only known of Mike's involvement in BDSM for the past couple of years. Both Mike and I were switches. We took turns playing the Dom/Domme. Tonight, I was the Domme and he was the...
So you have to take shelter from the my tent? I know we're friends but....oh okay.....yes, you can climb in my sleeping bag.....and oh....oh yes you can touch me there....and there....oh god yes....
Straight SexMonday morning started out great. I went to the bus stop in a great mood. I had a great time with Leslie the day before and I was looking forward to seeing her when I got to school. At the bus stop my friend Larry was already standing there when I arrived. "Hefe! What's going on?" "Hey, Lars. Not too much, really. I had a great date with Leslie yesterday. How about you?" "Nothing going on, man. I just did house chores all day yesterday. I hate the weekend sometimes. You'd think...
November, 1987 A couple of weeks after the Halloween Party the annual miracle occurred, creeping in silently in the early hours of a Saturday morning, transforming the barren ugliness of the late fall litter, the dead weeds and barren trees, into a sparkling wonderland of white, pristine and clean even in the gray light of a November sky. The miracle couldn't last; early November snow rarely does, even in the northwoods country of Spearfish Lake. There would be snow enough in the next few...
I am a 18 year old girl this my life story. The next day seemed surreal to me, nobody spoke of the night before it seemed like it didn't happen. A few days passed and I wanted to ask my mom about that night. Every time I would try I would feel just to ashamed to even say the words. I decided to write her a letter. " Dear mom, it's very hard to say this but I have to tell you. Daddy has been touching me still. He touches my breasts and ass all the time. He even made me drink alcohol so...
Im walking down an alley in the rough part of town, feeling my frilly pink panties rub across my completely shaven crotch. The thought of coming across a group of large black men that would k**nap me and gang**** me violently just popping into my head, as it usually would when I'm walking the streets at night. But there something that separated this time from all the rest.The thing that separated this time was that it became a terrifying reality. As that recurring thought faded out of my head,...
Matthew was sitting in front of his mirror, staring at what happened to not be his reflection but a boy who looked exactly like him, but with some differences. Matthew was only seventeen, still barely a junior. He had somewhat of a light wavy blonde hair that draped down to his chin. His eyes were a bit large, and doe like, and the colour was a shade of violet, with large circular frames that covered it. His skin was light, as if he avoided the sunlight half of his life. The boy in the mirror...
SupernaturalThings were back to normal for a while. Father-in-law resumed his normal routine the day after, however, he was subdued. He talked very little with me or with anyone and spent most of his time with the kids. It appeared that my threat had worked. I was happy that he was not troubling me now. I avoided him completely and spoke with him only when it was necessary. At times, it was a necessity as he was the master of the house. All the earning from the shop went to him only. He didn’t pay a single...
IncestSweet Sorrow “Yes, Karen. Yes, darling. Come for me.” “Oh, Jeff ... More.” “More of this? ... Or more of this?” “Yes ... Yesss ... Ahhh!” “Good girl. Oh, darling.” ... “Now, you.” “Take me. So warm, so smooth.” “So solid.” ... “Oh, darling. Come for me. Come around me.” “Yes? ... Yes?... “Yesss! Ahhh!” “Karen! ... Fuck!” ... “Mmm. You, Jeff.” “I love you, too. You’re going to miss this in a month.” “And you aren’t? Do you expect me to believe that a soapy hand in a shower...
MY FIRST INFIDELITY Fourteen years ago, at the age of 18, I became pregnant, and got married, three months before the birth. Two years later, I had my second son. Six months after I had my second baby, my elder sister, Jenny, told me that, instead of sitting around, looking like an old woman, I needed a few nights out. I knew that she went, with five or six friends to the local social club, every Friday night, to see local rock bands, but she had never invited me, before. When we met, in a...
I left the bathroom and tapped lightly on Heather's door. There was no answer but I knew she was awake. I went in and sat beside her in the dark. I waited for some sign that she was awake and ready to talk. She didn't speak or move for a long time. But my eyes adjusted to the dark after a few minutes and I could see that her eyes were open. She was watching me, waiting for me to speak. I realized that I didn't have a clue what to say. I struggled to think what I could possibly say to...
Here is the usual notice this is a work of total fiction. If this even resembles anyone it is a total accident. Hope you enjoy itNow on to the story.Introductions first, my name Ross, in my early 30’s as is my wife. I stand about 5’9” and have a nice 8 inch dick. Hate those stories where the guy is very short as most men aren’t.Anyway the Joan the wife could be a spinner, I’m about 250 pounds while she’s just 5-foot tall, B cup breasts, nicely shaped ass, fantastic legs and about 105 pounds...
Ding...Dong....Ding...dong.... Freaking shit.... I quickly hid the bottles and smoke and rushed to open the door... OMG......!!!!!!!!! Was it some kind of a miracle....??? Standing in front of me was PRANALI-my mami's((maternal aunt's)) younger sister She was wearing a simple cream colour saree the colour just as same as her skin and a cream-golden coloured semi-half sleeve blouse and just earings as her jewellery... wheatish complextion more on the fair said,her hair where...
Mary Jane Walker stood at the street corner waiting for the school bus. The normally gregarious 17 year-old was strangely silent, ignoring her fellow students' attempts at conversation. The attractive coed was nervous about something. Well, the problem was that boy. Something had to be done about that boy on the bus. Mary Jane just wasn't sure what could be done. It's not like the boy had done something wrong. He'd just looked at her. Mary Jane was used to being stared at. She'd been used...
Tiny Tart Lexi Lore Goes On An Anal Romp With Chris Diamond! Looking like a sexy space slut, Lexi’s dressed in shiny blue & purple lingerie with spiked high heels. She crawls across the couch then starts to untie her top to give you a peek a her perky pierced nipples before finally just taking her whole top off. Lexi bends over the couch and gives you a nice rearview as she takes off her panties and reveals her tight, young holes. She lays on her back and spreads her holes as Lexi plays...
xmoviesforyouAs the Rolls-Royce swept in to Charles de Gaulle airport, the police escort peeled off and they drew up to a small entrance at the side of the main terminal, well away from the busy traffic. A uniformed flunkey opened the car door, and they went inside along a well lit and well carpeted corridor to a spacious lounge with a bar, a servery for food, several waiters and absolutely no other customers. "What is this lounge? I've never seen it before," Paulette asked. "Here in the land of...
My husband and I had never done any swinging before but had talked about it many times. It was just kind of a fantasy thing that we shared. Then through a friend of ours, we were invited to what was billed as a swing party although it turned out to be more like an orgy. The party started out mildly enough. Val, our host had only invited couples. We kept to ourselves at the beginning and found ourselves in a darkened room. We took off our clothes and tried to fit in with the groups of people in...
Today is a hot sunny day thats perfect for some sex. We drove out to the train station where we found this cute girl named Ginebra. She’s a 22yo that we convinced to help us “find a restaurant”. We to the talking and we got her to show off her great body before Potro shoves his cock in her mouth. Yes! She got naked and sucks cock at a random park that we stopped at. This naughty Euro chick gives up her ass and its great. We see her getting fucked from different positions until she takes his...
xmoviesforyouEpisode 3 Barrista Disclaimer: what follows is a work of fantasy. As such, I have chosen to set it in a world where birth control is 100% safe, effective, and available, and all STDs have been eradicated. In the real world, some of the choices these characters make would be extremely risky. Don't behave like them. Recap: In episode 2, the protagonist joined the swim team, got seduced by the coach, and began having sexual relations with her best friend, Steph. My life had settled...
We are an average white couple - middle forties, two c***dren, etc. Due to corporate downsizing, my husband lost his well paying job. We had grown accustomed to a nice, comfortable lifestyle - two cars, roomy surburban home, college funds for the k**s - and all the rest that goes with it. My husband could not find emoployment anywhere so I finally answered an ad myself. It turned out to be a company owned by a black ex-football player and he was looking for a "gal Friday" to handle his...
Naan oru veetu manaivi enaku thirumanam aagi irandu varudan aagugirathu, vayathu 26 ennaku ippozhuthu kuzhanthai petru kola aasai illai. Aanal en kanavan ennai epadiyaavathu kuzhanthai petru kol endru eppozhuthum kenji ketpaan. Aanal en manathil veru oru aan irunthaan, avan thaan en kaathalan. Iruvarum kalluriyil ondraaga padithu kaathal seithu vanthom aanal engal veetil engalai thirumanam seithu kola otru kola villai. Athanaal naan intha maapilaiyai thirumanam seithu konden virupam ilamal,...
Minidevilette© 2012 His blood thundered through his veins as he let the sound of her voice wash over him, the sweetest three syllables he thought he ever heard in his life. Certainly the most anticipated. Surrender. And he wasn’t going to give her any time to wonder if she’d made the right decision. He rolled his thumb over her pliant lower lip again, pulling it down from her teeth before running the tip of his tongue along the velvety inside edge. He felt the passing of the air she sucked...
Thank to readers of my last story on “With a lovely housewife in Junagadh while on tour” who liked the story and conveyed responses to my mail. I surprised to see, many readers are female and expressed that I should write more stories on the same way. But, due to my business, I find less time, although I have several experiences which could be shared with you. I used to travel a lot due to my job requirement and come across many friends and colleagues working in other cities. Few of them...