Cara TG - 'Engendered Species' free porn video

I got ready as usual, a nice close shave, both face and genitals, well you never know and I always like to look my best. I see a lot of single guys my age, mid 50's, who do not seem to make much of an effort to attract the ladies so I try to get the advantage over them. A dab of aftershave, a nice shirt and smart pants and shoes, and off we go. Confidently strutting into the local boozer, I glance around as I go past the smokers at the entrance and see a few more people than normal for this time of year, many ladies of assorted ages, probably a wedding or party. Trouble is they are usually all related and don't want to be seen on the pull by all their relatives. No matter I get a pint of a nice local bitter in and take a slow walk around the pub glancing around to see who is in and just to let anyone paying attention that I am on the look out for company.
I work my way back to the bar a group of ladies are there, quite a bit younger than me, maybe late 30's, that certainly does not bother me and I am lucky enough that I am often mistaken as being 45, in fact one lady did not want to go out with me because she was convinced that she was older than me. My mate Chris joins me and we exchange comments on the lovely ladies and catch up on the last few weeks as I haven't seen him for a month. I lose concentration as we catch up and then one of the bar staff a young girl approaches and asks how me and my boyfriend are. This throws me completely as I have only known Chris a few weeks and am not sure how he will react to my sexuality, before I can plan the sentence in my head Chris jumps in, 'No we are just friends, I am completely straight and so is he. Well I assume so’. I jump in quickly and say to Cara,'Well if you want to know the answer to that you will just have to join me for a drink when you finish'. Cara's smiles and says, 'Well I finish in 10 minutes tonight but I am not allowed to drink here in uniform'. I tell her that's cool we are in the city and plenty of good pubs to choose from. 'You lucky bastard!, I wish I had your confidence', Chris laughs. I tell him that I figure listening to how most guys talk to women and the curved balls they throw into conversation you just need to try and mean it. He start to say, 'You were saying about your' At that moment I feel an arm linked in mine and Cara and I head down the street for some privacy.
I get us a drink, she likes bitter too, by the pint and I like girls who think that way, 'I thought you might think I was too young for you', she giggles. I tell her I do not know how old she is, maybe 30 or so, I always subtract a few and say 27 cos I am not sure. We have a laugh and she tell me she's 33, and tugs my arm close when I tell her I am 55, that's great I like a guy who knows what he is doing. We inevitably get onto relationships and she tells me that she broke up with her boyfriend about six months ago and she just wants some company and laughs, she winks as she tells me.
We seem to move closer like magnets are pulling us and we fall into a slow gentle kiss. Until now she was not the most likely candidate for a girlfriend but I like her, I find out that her nose is slightly broken as she fell while jogging and the surgeons didn't want to risk making it worse, her hair is shoulder length dirty blonde and her eyes a greyish blue, she does not wear much make up and she's pretty enough not to need it. She has an athletic body, her breasts are small and shapely, probably pointy and her legs very attractive from what I have seen under her work skirt. I keep wondering if she is going to interrogate me more on my sexuality, maybe it was just a chat up line, wonder how she will react when she finds out I am bisexual, I really want to partner who is O.K. with that, and ideally doesn't mind us having an open relationship. After a few more drinks we get up to leave and as soon as we turn the corner she pulls me close and kisses me forcefully but presses her breasts into my chest but resists as I pull her bum towards me, but hey this girl knows how to kiss and to respond to me, I wonder how far she will go tonight, I am not going to pressure her. I know she is not looking for anything too heavy and these days people are open to all sorts of relationship.
We get out of the taxi at her place and she asks if I would like a nightcap, ‘yeah that would be great I tell her’ We head up in the lift a couple of floors to her flat. Her place is tidy and not over girlish which is a relief, I don't know how girls expect a guy to be surrounded by pink and ‘Hello Kitty’ no matter how gay they are. She brinks me a single malt whiskey and coke, I prefer ginger ale but hey, it's a good start. She reappears from the bathroom and falls into my arms kissing me like mad. I undo her work blouse and admire her breasts, probably a 'b' cup and making me quite hard, I push her onto her back and slide on top of her as she rips my shirt open then she hesitates and says, 'I am sorry, there is a conversation I needed to have with you, but I can't find the words'. She pulls me on top of her and pulls my bum into her thighs and grinds herself against me, but it feels wrong somehow, maybe I am too drunk or is it because she quite muscular and slightly boyish in appearance. I slide my hands between her legs and she gasps, 'I hope you are O.K. with this', as my hands finds a bulge between her legs.
'Wow', I gasp, 'looks like you are the girl with everything I could ever want'. She asks what I mean and I tell her that I didn't want to say in front of Chris but I am bisexual and totally excited by her/him? We kiss more and I work her bra off clumsily, her breasts are really pointy and she has the sort of areolas that look like miniature breasts mounted on her boobs which I proceed to suck and stroke her bulge. Then I get up and ask her to stand up so I can have a proper look at her. We kiss more and she grinds herself against me as I do the same undoing her skirt and feeling her arse, she is wearing briefs but they are really bulging now and cannot possibly be comfortable, I explore them before easing them off her erection. 'Before you go much further you had better have a proper look at me, I really do not want to give you any more surprises'.
I examine her cock which is shaven smooth and about 6 inches long and uncut with the head poking out from her foreskin, wow that even sounds weird to say. Her thighs are skinny but quite girlish and as her breasts are natural I am wondering how this came to be, I get down to kiss her cock and stroke her balls, then I gasp and I find something even stranger than what I am holding in my hand. The base of her cock goes into a vagina, a shaven wet lovely vagina, not very big but so attractive with it protruding crinkly labia. I kiss it and lick up her cock slowly making her gasp. 'Oh my god, at least you know what to do with me. Yes, yes, I love it!!' I push her labia apart with my tongue and she oozes liquid all over my chin making me slurp all her cunt juices. If anything could be more off track it is that her cock tastes feminine, maybe its just the soap she uses but its divine and as I ease my pants off I grab her cock and force it deep into my throat and suck hard. 'Oh jesus no!, You are gonna make me, aaaarrgh!', she cums into my mouth before she can finish the sentence, my head is spinning, I am on autopilot, can't think logically but I know what she wants and I want to give it to her so much. If she was a guy cumming so fast it would be a dissapointment. She collapses through my arms onto the floor and kisses me before I finish swallowing her spunk. 'My god', she gasps between breaths, 'No one has ever done it like that before, I fucking love it'.
I caress her shoulders and feel she is shaking as she eases my trousers and briefs off and starts to stroke me. She starts to explain, 'When I was born, they thought I was a boy, but my family always had some objection to me being examined, I was christened Charles, as my labia protrude quite a bit, as I am sure you have noticed they assumed that my testicles had not descended, then of course one day I started my period and thought I was bleeding to death, even the specialist thought I had hacked of my testicles and wanted me sectioned, then I had to adjust to living my as a girl when they found my breasts where developing too. So what you have here darling is a boygirl, I am intersexed, I did not want them cutting bits of me off until I could find out who I really wanted to be. When I started my last relationship it all seemed to be going well, but eventually my bits got in the way I guess'. We kissed and cuddled then she started to suck my cock so expertly I had to ask her to ease up, then I pulled her slender naked body on top of mine and started to lick her cunt, of course she had no clitoris just a nice cock which was soon dripping on me, my hands explored her arse which was small like a boys but still girlish in shape and feel if that's even possible. Oh god she could suck me and explored my arse with her tongue so I returned the favour,. Then she got up and straddled me, cock sticking up hard towards me, she eased me into her lovely wet cunt. After a few minutes I took her cock into my hand and stroked and pulled her body to mine so we could kiss some more and feel her little pointy breasts against my chest. I was wanking her as she fucked me and I felt her cunt tighten over and over then she squealed in delight as her cunt sprayed me with its delicious juices. I suggested we went to the bedroom to finish and got her on all fours leaning against the wall, this was perfect so I could squeeze her tits hard as she loved it and grab her cock while I fucked her from behind. I was in a trance now, this was about six fantasies rolled into one, I fucked her as hard as I could and was worried about disturbing the neighbours until I head a woman shouting; 'Yes fuck me for gods sake fuck me harder!' I was wanking Cara frantically and I felt her cock cum into my hand and rubbed her spunk all over her tits. Cara's cunt came a couple more times and then just as my strength began to fail I squirted her cunt full of spunk making her squeal really loud.
I woke up a few hours later to find my body entwined in hers and her smiling gently to me, wide awake. 'I was watching you sleep sexy guy', she said in the twilight. I looked down and she was stroking her cock slowly, as soon as I saw that my cock started to get hard again, we kissed deeply and passionately for a few minutes. 'I am so glad you like my body', she said. 'Oh I more than like your body I love it and I want us to do everything together', I told her gently, 'I want you to fuck me, with your cock I mean'. She smiled as I stroked her hand as it ran up and down her hard shaft, 'No man has ever let me do that', she beamed and pushed me onto my back and produced a tube of lube from her bedside cabinet, she proceeded to work it deep into my arse and kept asking, 'you are sure about this aren't you?'. I told her I had never done it before but I could not imagine a prettier person to be my first. She told me to lie on my back and lifted my legs onto her shoulders, then she stroked my cock and eased hers into me, it felt massive but she caressed me and told me to relax as if I was about to use the toilet, sure enough she eased her cock into me stretching my tight arse until it felt as if it might rip. Then I felt her going in deeper and she began to breath heavily and worked herself in and out of me, 'Take my cock sexy guy!', she gasped between breaths as she began to really fuck me deep and fast, at the same time she was wanking me frantically but I seemed to be losing my erection, then she pushed another inch deeper and I have never felt pleasure like it, in a minute I spurted all over my chest and Cara was pounding me hard and dripping into my arse then she groaned and her spunk filled me making me dizzy with joy, over and over she pushed and squirted her hot spunk into me, it was delightful. Then we kissed and fell asleep again.
I woke up in the morning to a nice cup of tea and a kiss from Cara, it was lovely to admire her sexy yet slightly boyish body with its limp cock hanging between her legs. I pulled her closer and licked her cock and cunt and soon she was sporting a semi. We chatted for a while interspersed with kisses and touches, then as she finished her cup of tea we kissed deeper and I sucked her lovely tits, then worked my way down her deliciously flat muscular tummy to her very hard cock. I told her how much it pleasured me to suck her as I watched her foreskin slide back and fro over the slimy head before sucking it some more and working my way to her cunt which was predictably soaking. Then I moved up and kissed her lips as I eased my cock into her cunt, lying on top of her I could feel her prick pressing into me and as I fucked her good and hard lay flat on top of her I felt her squirt hot spunk all over my tummy, which proceeded to spread itself everywhere. Within a minute she came again this time from her cunt, then she looked into my eyes and grinned, 'I want your hot spunk in my cunt darling, I need it right now baby, fill me up with your lovely sperm'. I was in heaven, I was banging this sexy creature as hard as I could when I heard the guy next door doing the same to his girlfriend, their headboard hitting the adjoining wall, she was screaming, 'Oh yes, fuck your little slut baby, shag me hard, make me have it!' I pulled Cara close so her tits rubbed my chest and I came as noisily as possible so that they heard us and once again Cara gushed all over me as I filled her.
After a kiss Cara slid down the bed and began to lick my tummy and down to my balls, then back up the shaft, meticulously licking every drop of both our fluids off me, whispering, 'I love your cock, I love the way you fuck me, I love the way you suck my cock', it was ecstatic. So when she had finished and kissed me still covered in our cum, I went down on her and did the same, her cock dripping again and her pussy soaked with my spunk. Then I came back up and kissed her deeply, my lips covered in my spunk this time. Then I pushed her onto her tummy grabbed the lube from the cabinet next to the bed and said, 'Can I fuck your sexy arse now?'. Cara giggled and teased me,' No one has ever done my arse, perhaps its because I am a boy, or am I a girl?', she laughed and pretended to get away from me. I with held her and said,' I want you to be my girlfriend'. 'Are you sure about that?' she asked wriggling. 'Oh, yes', I said,' And I want you to be my boyfriend too, really!'. 'Stick your sexy cock in me and tell me how much you like me, you sexy fucker!', she giggled. I worked my cock into her and it was delightful, I managed to get on hand to her cock and one across her tits squeezing them really hard, specially her long nipples, we fucked for maybe half an hour and then I realised that there was a pool of juices and spunk that she was lied in, luckily she told me she had a mattress protector so we stripped the bedclothes to wash and hopped together into the shower.
Later, we relaxed chatting about all sorts of things and she started to tell me that she was not ready for another relationship yet, so I told her that I didn't mind her seeing other people so long as I could do the same, but that I really wanted to carry on seeing her. Cara admitted that she was had been seeing someone for a few months, I told her it was cool by me. Then she smiled and said 'well, you have already heard them, they live next door!'. Turned out she was having fun with the couple next door, she said would I like to meet them later. Of course I said yes, she said that they where girlfriend and boyfriend and the guy Graham enjoyed watching his girl Ronnie with other people, of both sexes, but he was less keen to have Cara himself.
That afternoon Ronnie knocked on the door and introduced herself, she was younger than Cara, I would guess mid 20's and skinny and punkish with black spiky hair, mascara, purple eye shadow and wearing a t shirt with big armholes that exposed her bra, she was fairly flat chested maybe an 'a' cup, her jeans were fit tight round her little boyish arse and I felt my cock rising and was aware that I was staring. Ronnie threw her arms around me and said, 'I think he likes me, can we have some fun?', then she kissed me sloppily but nicely. I pulled her close and it really felt like a young boy in my arms. 'I loved hearing you guys fucking both times last night, you were really making her cum loudly, thanks for the text Cara', she giggled and lifted her legs around my waist and waved Cara to join in as she ground her crotch against me. My hands explored her tiny body as Cara kissed her passionately and Ronnie's hand worked down to her crotch in her jogging pants. Soon I had Ronnie topless and was enjoying playing with and sucking her little tits as she stroked Cara's cock and got a finger into her pussy and let me taste what I had been tasting so much last night.
For a girl with tiny tits her nipples where some of the longest I have ever seen, not very thick but around Ÿ inch or 17mm long and really hard, she loved me nibbling on them. Ronnie began to unwrap her legs from me and slid down onto her knees and took my cock out which by now was very hard, Cara moved alongside and Ronnie was delighting in comparing our cocks and tasting and sucking them. Then we all went to the sofa and I undid Ronnie's tight jeans and explored her flimsy panties which by now were wet, pushing my hand down the front of them I could feel that she had a little hairy strip down to her otherwise shaven cunt and her pussy lips where hanging out nicely and hungry for attention. I pulled her panties off and started licking her voraciously as Cara got her cock and pussy licked and sucked. At first it felt strange to be devouring someone who you had been listening to fucking only hours before, but if she still had any of Graham's spunk in her it was just making it more interesting and I teased her asking if she was seeing how many cock cums she could get into her cunt, to which she replied, 'I want you to fuck me right now and get Graham's spunk all over your cock'. I rammed myself into her hard making her squeal and her legs once again wrapped around me as we both sucked and licked Cara including her lovely arse. Then Cara turned around and wanked furiously over both our faces spraying her spunk over us, it was quite runny but delicious and streaming down Ronnie face and neck as I tried to lick it all up I came into her lovely cunt.
I rolled off and watched them two off them 69ing and exploring each others sexy bodies. Some minutes later I managed to get hard again and Cara ordered me onto the bed on my back, then Ronnie lay on her back on top of me and I had a good play with her tits and thighs as Cara started pushing her cock into her little wet pussy so that Ronnie was getting double fucked. Cara really had some masculine strength when she fucked, I knew she jogged and worked out which took some of her femininity away but she was so sexy and aggressive sometimes it took my breath away as I just lay there with Ronnie being forced up and down on my cock in her arse. Cara came first and I rolled Ronnie onto her tummy to finish fucking her, she was really noisy. It was at that point that the door swung open and Graham walked in bollock naked wanking his big cock, he got on top of Cara and fucked her good and hard. 'I can't work you out Cara, I don't like cock at all but I want to fuck you and can't get you out of my head'. He was banging her like someone possessed and Ronnie was loving watching as much as I was as I came into her arse making her squeal and tense up as she came once more. I noticed that not only was Graham fucking Cara but he was wanking her cock too and she spurted all over his arm. Soon he too was cumming into her and kissing her frantically. He rolled off her and said why don't you all lick me clean, you too Dave if you want to.
The girls too their turn and then I grabbed his cock which must have been nine inches and thick and gave him a nice lick and suck, then he waved Cara closer and too a turn at sucking her cock, then he waved meme towards him and started to suck me, 'looks like the worm has finally turned', Ronnie said. 'Well it's alljust skin and sex', I said, 'We are all basically conceived female, the head of a man's cock is just a clitoris and the shaft a vagina, and the scrotum are labia'. Graham just gasped, 'Wow it is really nice, wish I had tried this sooner', as one after another we fell into a heap on the sofa, all entwined and kissing, what a great 24 hours, I thought and secretly hoped for many more like it.

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