Saturday Night School Pt.1 (loyalsock) free porn video

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As Charlie Tucker pulled into the parking lot of the school, he wondered, as he often did on Saturdays, what other seniors did on their Saturday nights. Was he missing out on anything that he would later regret? Wild parties, like in the movies, where parents were out of town and everything was chaos? Or were those types of parties just fiction, and everyone was sitting at home on their computers or binging on TV?

He had two juniors assisting in the AV room, Dinesh and Michael, and those two had a crew of friends that seemed to go to the movies every weekend. Every Monday, they would be talking about the new movie they'd seen. Even if all the movies in the theater were crap, they'd go and see a crap movie.

Dinesh had asked Charlie to come with them a few times. But Charlie always declined. If seeing crap movies was the only thing he missed on Saturday nights, then it wasn't any great loss.

Charlie drove straight across the school's parking lot, ignoring the white lines that delineated the spaces. The lot was almost completely empty, except for a red pick-up truck near the front double-doors of the school.

Charlie grinned when he saw that truck. He grinned because he knew it was a trick. Daryl Kramer, weekend security guard and owner of the red truck, was currently at a resort in Miami on a two-week vacation. Instead of hiring a replacement guard while Daryl was out, Principal Edwards had asked Daryl to park his truck at the school as usual, so that it would appear he was still on duty.

Charlie pulled around the school to the back. He liked Daryl. Sometimes, when Charlie worked late in the AV room on the weekends, Daryl would stop by and they'd chat. Daryl was bored patrolling the empty school on the weekend, and he liked to watch Charlie splicing together video in the school's editing bay. "Move to Hollywood after you graduate, Charlie... that's where you belong!" the guard always said. Charlie would just smile. Deep down, he knew that the guard had no perspective to praise his work, but Charlie appreciated the kind words all the same.

Charlie pulled his car up next to an unmarked green door in the back of the school. He got out of the car and walked to the door, fishing his keys out of his pocket. He unlocked the door, pulled it open and propped it with a concrete block. Returning to his car, he popped the trunk and began to unload the camera equipment.

The closet in the AV room also required a key. It was a deep closet, big enough that it could be a small bedroom. High industrial shelving lined the walls. Each piece of equipment had a designated location on a shelf. Charlie liked things to be organized. As he brought each piece of equipment in and placed it on a shelf, he signed it in on a clipboard that hung just inside the closet.

After everything was brought in, Charlie locked the green door and brought one of the cameras into the editing bay. He hooked it up to the main computer and started downloading the footage. It was the varsity girl's basketball game, and he had set up three cameras on tripods and carried a fourth. Not a significant basketball game, the team had lost by twenty-two points and their record was 4-11. But Charlie still downloaded all the footage from the four cameras and began to edit it together.

The AV room had a small window, but it only showed the hallway. Charlie couldn't see outside, and couldn't see the daylight fading. The time in the bottom corner of his computer monitor was the only indicator that night had settled onto the school. Charlie kept an eye on the time. He knew he could sometimes lose himself in the work and let the hours fly by, and this weekend he didn't have Daryl to urge him to go home.

He was staring at the computer screen with the headphones on when movement flickered in the corner of his eye. He glanced towards the window and saw something just as it passed the edge of the window. Not something, someone. Someone was in the school with him, and they had just passed by in the hall.

Charlie hadn't turned on the lights in the AV Room, and the only light was the glow from his computer monitor. Had the intruder been spying on him through the window? Or had the AV Room appeared to be just another dark empty room from the hallway? He suspected the latter.

Charlie approached the window and peered out. He could see a figure walking down the hallway. Long dark hair, almost to the waist. A girl. Charlie squinted through the blurry glass, trying to decipher what he was seeing. Did he know her? The girl was walking away from him. Her arms were bare and swing by her side in a slow and exaggerated way. She had long legs that were left exposed by an incredibly short skirt. Charlie blinked for a moment, trying to decide where her legs ended and the skirt began. How could a skirt be that short? The girl turned a corner and disappeared from his view. She was headed toward the main office and the intersection of hallways that everyone called the "Front Tee".

Charlie considered his options. He could phone the police and tell them someone had broken into the school. But he didn't know for sure that this girl had broken in. Maybe she had a key like he did. Maybe she was a teacher, or some other school employee.

It wasn't like she was a man in a hockey mask. Charlie decided he would follow the girl and see what she was up to. If she had a legitimate reason to be there, then that was fine. He could tell her that he also had a legitimate reason to be there. He definitely didn't want her to get spooked and call the police on him!

Charlie stepped out of the AV room into the hall. He walked slowly in the direction that the girl had gone, alert for any sounds. If she had broken into the school, then there was a chance she wasn't alone, and he didn't want to be surprised by other intruders.

He reached the corner and peeked around it, towards the Front Tee. What he saw astonished him, and for a moment all he could do was stare. The girl was standing in the Front Tee, facing towards the front of the school, with the office at her back. She was fifty feet away, but he still recognized her immediately.

Michelle Santos. Beautiful Michelle Santos. At lunch just a week before, Greg Arden had noticed Michelle entering the cafeteria and had remarked, "Damn, that Michelle Santos always has something on, doesn't she?" Charlie even remembered what she'd been wearing, a skin-tight pair of jeans and a lacy white blouse that could have been specifically tailored to cling to her breasts. Michelle Santos never threw on a t-shirt and jeans in the morning like some of the other girls. She always came to school looking like she'd spent the morning with a stylist and a make-up artist.

"That Michelle Santos always has something on, doesn't she?" Those words echoed in Charlie's mind, because the Michelle Santos he was seeing had nothing on at all. The reason her skirt had seemed so short was because she wasn't wearing a skirt. She was standing in the Front Tee completely naked.

Charlie couldn't do anything but trace her body with his eyes. It was like a dream. She wasn't trying to cover herself; in fact, she looked like she was posing, her feet apart, one hand on her left hip, the other hand at her mouth where she was biting her finger. Her body was flawless. Her legs were impossibly long and smooth, a dancer's legs. He followed them up to her waist then let his eyes pass over her flat tummy to linger at her perfect breasts.

He was captivated by them. How many times had he seen Michelle wearing something tight or low-cut, offering a tantalizing glimpse of those breasts? How many times had he stared at her chest, trying to imagine what those breasts looked like under the fabric? Now they were right there in front of him, swelling and falling with every breath she took, and he could scarcely believe it.

Everything about Michelle radiated graceful femininity. Her long, delicate limbs. The way her dark hair fell onto her bare shoulders. The way she perched on her toes. Even the soft flutter of her eyelashes. Charlie could have stared at her forever.

But the way she stood, as if posing, made him wonder if someone else was present. Someone standing unseen by the front doors to the school, taking a pictures of Michelle. Maybe taking a video. Did Michelle have some boyfriend who had pressured her into doing this?

Charlie stepped around the corner. She hadn't noticed him, her eyes focused on what was in front of her. He stepped closer, keeping close to the wall at his left, hoping to disappear among the line of brown lockers. He leaned in, trying to see down the school's front hallway, looking for the shadow of another person. Michelle had both hands behind her head now, combing her long hair with her fingers, letting her breasts jut out. Was someone snapping picture after picture of her, playing the fashion photographer while she went through poses?

Charlie inched closer. The school was quiet, and he knew for certain that his careful footfalls didn't disturb the stillness. It wasn't that she heard him. It just happened that she chose that moment to turn in his direction, perhaps to continue her naked walk through the school. She was looking directly at him, and their eyes met.

Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open. "Charlie!" She blurted. He had a half second to admire her body from the front, and then she crumpled to the floor. She shrank into a tight ball, her arms crossed tightly over her chest, her eyes still wide as she stared at him.

"Michelle?" Charlie almost continued with: What are you doing? But he quickly realized that it was a stupid question. He could see now that she was by herself. Whatever she was doing, she was clearly embarrassed to be caught doing it. He didn't need to hear her try to explain it. Maybe it was better if he didn't know.

Charlie had a sudden idea, a different strategy. He pitched his voice as a low whisper. "Don't tell anyone you saw me, okay? I thought the school would be empty... I didn't know you'd be here...."

She blinked at him, still frozen. "I didn't think anyone would be here..." She matched his whisper.

"I shouldn't be..." Charlie looked over his shoulder, as if nervous that he was being followed. "I broke in. I knew the security guard is off today... so I broke in. Please don't tell anyone..."

"I won't tell anyone if you leave now." Michelle didn't even want to look at him. Her eyes darted between peeking up at him and looking at the floor, and her face was flushed. "Just go. I promise I won't tell."

Charlie gazed at her, wondering how long she could remain in that crunched-up squatting position. He had the feeling if he walked over and gave her a slight nudge, she would fall over. "Did you break in, too?"

"No. I have a key."

"You do?"

"I'm the head of the spirit squad. They gave me keys." She still wouldn't meet his eyes while she talked.

"No k**ding." Charlie had never seen her at the school on the weekend before. "Is this the first time you've walked naked through the school?"

Michelle blushed furiously. "Yes." Her voice was so low he could barely hear her. "I didn't think anyone would be here. I knew the security guard wasn't here today..."

"No one was here, so you decided not to wear clothes?"

She looked down at the floor and didn't answer.

"Where did you take off your clothes?" he asked.

She peeked up at him. "Down the hall. Will you turn around and face the wall behind you? And close your eyes. I'll go get my clothes and get dressed. Then we can talk, okay?"


She blinked. "No?"

Charlie shrugged. "Sorry. You're naked in the middle of the school, by your own choice. And you're also the most beautiful girl in the senior class. If you think I'm going to close my eyes and pass up the opportunity to see you, you're crazy. If you want to get your clothes, go ahead, but I'm not going to look away."

Michelle inhaled sharply and her body seemed to quiver. She clutched her arms to her chest and her hands slid up and down on her forearms, almost as if she was trying to warm herself. Charlie could hear a shake in her breathing. He had spoken the first words that had come to his mind, and it surprised him that they had such an effect on her. He watched her with dread, expecting that she would start to cry and he would feel like the worst asshole to have ever lived.

Abruptly, she lifted her eyes and met his gaze. Her eyes were wide but not wet. To his astonishment, she slowly began to rise, unfolding like a flower blooming. She kept her arms over her chest, but extended and stretched her long legs. Charlie knew he was staring, but he couldn't help himself. His heart pounded in his chest when he glimpsed that spot between her legs, a dark line of trimmed public hair leading down to the visible crease of her pink slit.

This is a dream, he thought to himself. This has to be a dream.

Michelle stood in front of him, with her arms crossed over her breasts but the rest of her body completely visible. Then she abandoned even that modesty, lowering her shaking arms to her side and giving him an unobstructed view of her pert breasts.

"Okay?" Her voice wobbled.

Charlie couldn't speak, but managed to nod. It was more than okay. He felt self-conscious staring at her, but her perfect body drew his eyes like a magnet. He tried to keep his eyes on her face, but inevitably would find himself drifting to the swell of her breasts, or her smooth legs, or the curve of her hips. To see her was to imagine touching her, and he felt certain her skin must feel soft as silk. He felt himself stiffening, and hoped Michelle couldn't see the bulge in his jeans.

Incomprehensibly, Michelle stood naked in front of him, motionless except for a nervous twitching of her hands and the visible shake of her breathing. It was similar to the way he'd seen her standing in the Front Tee. Like she was posing, a naked manikin in the middle of the school hallway. Her eyes were fixed on his face, and he knew that she could see every time his line of sight dipped below her neck. She could probably tell exactly which part of her he was examining. It made him feel a little self-conscious, but not enough to look away.

She finally spoke. "I'm going to find my clothes now and get dressed. Okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, of course." Charlie nodded. The show was over.

"I'm going to walk past you. My clothes are behind you." She rolled her eyes to the side, examining the wall. "I suppose you're going to stare at me until I get dressed."

"Actually, I'm going that way myself. I was in the AV room."

"Let's go, then. You first."

Charlie reluctantly turned and started back to the AV room. He couldn't tell if she was following him or not. When he reached the corner, he glanced over his shoulder and saw her tiptoeing timidly behind him, her bare feet silent on the linoleum floor.

"How long have you been here?" he asked.

"I just got here." She paused ten feet behind him, waiting for him to start moving again. So he did, but walking sideways so he could look back at her.

"How did you know the security guard wasn't here?" he asked.

"Mrs. Eliot told me."

"She did?"

"Yeah. She told me, be careful if I stopped by the school alone on the weekend, because the security guard wouldn't be there. But his truck would still be parked out front." Michelle bit her lip. "How did you know he wouldn't be here?"

"I overheard him talking about going to Miami on vacation."

"So you knew he wouldn't be here and you broke in."


"Broke in to do what?"

Charlie hesitated, but an answer came to him quickly. "To use the editing bay in the AV room."

"What? Why?"

"There's a secret stash of porn videos on the hard drive." It was a true statement. Every AV employee knew about the secret library. No one knew exactly who had put it there, or if any of the teachers were aware of it. Charlie suspected one of the previous students had stashed the footage there to edit together some kind of "Greatest Hits of Porn." None of the AV crew spoke about it outright, but Charlie had overheard veiled references to the library and its contents, and he knew he wasn't the only one who knew about it.

He continued, "I wanted to copy some of the files off the hard drive, try and edit them together." He was pleased with this explanation. It sounded plausible and didn't involve him doing anything i*****l, other than the breaking and entering.

"Oh my God," Michelle breathed. "They let you keep porn on the computers?"

"It's tucked away on a drive. I don't know if any of the teachers even know it's there. I only found it by accident." Charlie reached the door to the AV Room and stopped. She also stopped, ten feet up the hall, watching him.

"Well..." he said, reluctant to return to his computer. "I didn't see you if you didn't see me. Right?"

"Right," Michelle whispered. "Thanks." Her hands were on her upper legs, tracing tiny lines with her fingers. She stepped forward, still on her tiptoes, and Charlie eased into the doorway to allow her a clear path past him.

But to his surprise, she crept forward to stand right in front of him. He could barely breath, never having stood so close to a naked woman before in his life. "Will you show me?" she asked.

"Show you?" Charlie could barely concentrate.

"The porn you were looking at. Can I see it?"

"Um... okay. If you want." He stepped backwards into the dark room. Michelle stood for a moment, still tracing lines on her upper legs with her fingers. Then she stepped in after him.

Charlie returned to his familiar chair in the editing bay. The monitor still showed paused footage from the basketball game he'd been editing, what seemed like forever ago. Michelle found another rolling chair and pulled it up next to his. She perched in the chair, her palms resting on her legs, her breasts so close to him that he could clearly see a freckle above her right nipple. He hoped that she didn't notice his hand shaking as he moved the mouse.

He saved and closed his work, then navigated to the hidden folder. Thumbnail images of the different porn scenes appeared in the directory. They all had vague names, like DLHRY2342 and PBRTS7231. He opened the first one.

A woman appeared on the screen, lounging beside a swimming pool in a tiny bikini. A man with a dragon tattoo on his bicep walked into the scene and crouched next to the woman. He began rubbing sun tan lotion onto her shoulders. Very quickly, the woman's bikini was off and they were both kissing and fondling each other.

"Oh my goodness!" Michelle watched with wide eyes.

"You've watched porn before?"

"No. God, no." Michelle glanced at him. "Will you open the next one?"

The next video had two women kissing on a couch, and Michelle asked to skip to the next one almost immediately. They continued down the directory, opening video after video. Some of them they would watch a minute or two, while others Michelle asked him to skip immediately.

A few they lingered on. One had a couple undressing and having sex in a library. Michelle leaned forward, and Charlie couldn't help but notice the way her breasts swayed when she moved, and how they came tantalizingly close to brushing his arm.

"Do you think that's a real library?" she asked.

"It looks pretty real."

"With people in it? Studying and reading while they filmed this?"

"No. They wouldn't do that. I don't know, maybe it's not real. Maybe it's just a set."

Another had a group of men and women playing strip poker. The women seemed to lose every hand, and quickly ran out of clothes to take off. They started to perform dares after each lost hand. One woman was dared to drink water from a bowl like a dog. Another woman was blindfolded and led outside naked.

Michelle inhaled audibly. "Oh! Look! A car drove by!"

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Lust In The Moonlight loyalsock

It was one of those hot sticky southern nights and Angie was just relaxing on her patio with a glass of wine. Listening to the night sounds was relaxing. She is wearing a flowing summer dress with no bra or panties. Her hard nipples showing through the fabric and staying hard from the feel of the cotton dress against her skin. She is feeling relaxed from the wine she is drinking and just peers out into the night as she sits there.The apartments she lives in are almost like a resort place. There...

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Lunch Is Served loyalsock

The referral that I got from the student employment service said I was to help out with a ladies luncheon. I would receive one hundred bucks for five to six hours work. I was to get there about 10:00 a.m. to set up tables and chairs, help a little in the kitchen, serve drinks and food, and clean up. I grabbed my helmet and jumped on my big two wheeler and headed out to the address they gave me.Beth, the hostess, introduced her self when I arrived at the front door “You must be Bill.” She...

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The White Mini Skirt loyalsock

Christy knew all too well that her love, Dusty, loved exhibitionism. One day she was shopping for a new skirt when she spotted a semi sheer white cotton skirt that was short enough that if she sat directly across from anyone, they would have a clear view up her skirt. She modeled it for Dusty later that day. He was pleased with her choice naturally!That weekend Christy lost a bet with Dusty and the consequence of losing that bet was that she had to do whatever Dusty wanted for a week. Of course...

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At the Club loyalsock

It was early afternoon and Dan was nervous. He was in his early 50's, with a bit of a paunch that had developed over the past several years since the k**s were born. Dan was on conference in California and found himself alone one afternoon - the conference was on a break and he had a couple hours to kill. Driving on the highway the other day, Dan had seen the billboard for the Gentleman's club and was drawn to it. Although he was curious about strip clubs, he had never actually been in one...

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Wildwood Cabins Spring Break pt2 loyalsock

Tom leaned his head back and let himself absorb the sensation of the girl's tongue as it ran up the underside of his cock. When she reached the tip and flicked it softly, he thought he would explode. That feeling was only surpassed by her lips clamping around the middle of the shaft and sucking hard. Soon, her tongue was again lapping at the erect cock inside her mouth.Erin was lost in the delight of taking Tom in her mouth when she felt two hands clasp her breasts. Immediately after that, a...

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Wildwood Cabins Spring Break pt1 loyalsock

It was a long winter for Dennis and Kim Cashman. Stuck in their Midwestern, upper middle class home while snow fell all around them, they could only dream of vacations and relaxation. Work d**g on, sometimes complicated by treacherous drives over icy roads.Their daughter Erin, now nineteen and a college freshman, was in the Spring break mood. This was not unlike her normal weekend mood—hungry for alcohol and guys.So it was with great anticipation that the Cashmans decided to return to the...

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Sara The Bad Babysitter pt 2 loyalsock

She buried her head in her hands on the table as her body shook from orgasm. Mr. Crudele motioned for his wife to stop her blowjob and when she did he seized Sara by the waist and lifted her with one hand and deposited Sara onto the sofa on her back."Lick her cunt," he told his wife as he unbuttoned then removed his shirt. Mrs. Crudele wasted little time in kneeling on the couch between Sara's parted thighs. She used her hands to push Sara's legs further apart and bent her head down and started...

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Sara The Bad Babysitter pt 1 loyalsock

Mr. and Mrs. Crudele were going to have a much needed night out. Since the arrival of their little bundle of joy four months earlier they hadn't had a night out together. In fact they rarely had a few consecutive hours sleep in a row. But that night they had plans for a quick supper followed by an evening at their favorite club.Mr. Crudele had obtained the number of a young woman from one of his subordinates who swore that she was reliable and came highly recommended. He'd called and she was...

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Panty Spring Break loyalsock

It was the final day of midterm exams which means Spring Break has arrived. Hank and his roommates have been busy study and working on their projects at home, which meant Hank hasn't been able to get to their panties. It has been 3 weeks since Hank and Jenny's night of naughty playtime. [See: Panty: Private Party]Earlier in the afternoon, Hank and Jenny were cleaning out the fridge since they wouldn't be at the apartment during spring break. Jenny's friend, Trihn, had stopped by to drop off...

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Panty Party loyalsock

Jayne was looking stunning on that night, as the host she was dressed up in a kind of Santa outfit which was made up of black knee high boots, a very short red skirt with Santa style white fluffy trim, a red top and a Santa hat. Joanne was also looking great in tight white trouser and a tight light blue top.Another friend, Nicola was in the kitchen with Jayne and Joanne when I went in to get another can of beer out of the fridge. They were in the middle of a conversation about ex boyfriends...

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Ravaged Librarian loyalsock

Ellen worked as a Librarian. She enjoyed the job but always had very sexy fantasies to pass the day. To help her feel sexy, Ellen often wore the same panties to work for three days. Her fantasies would often make her cream her panties so they were stained with her pussy cream. She also had a clean shaven pussy so she could feel the wet sticky cream soaking her panties as they passed between her legs. One of her favourite fantasies was to allow a man to ravage her by letting his hand wander up...

4 years ago
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Pretty Please pt3 loyalsock

Sally, it's you. I love you Sally.""Bob, are you all right? You sound a bit odd. Are you OK.""Oh yes, Sally, I'm very OK. I'm just a bit... a bit... occupied.""Occupied? What are you doing."Then it dawned upon her."Bob," she laughed, "Do you mean that you are, um... fundamentally occupied."I grunted."Are you playing with your little blue boy's toy?""Yes love. It's in me now. I was thinking of you.""Oh darling, do you want me? Do you want me there. Please can I come and see.""Yes Sally yes. Come...

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Pretty Please pt2 loyalsock

, can't I." she said under her breath. She moved herself a little, seeming to change the position of me inside her. It must have been effective, because she started rocking herself, making little incoherent noises."It's for you love. Enjoy it.""It's mine, Its's mine, Oh, shit, Oh God, Oh Fuck!"I will not guarantee that these were the exact words she used, as her movements and obvious excitement was rapidly driving me to ejaculation. I tried to think of other things to prolong my performance,...

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Pretty Please pt1 loyalsock

Can you do me a favour?My next door neighbour knocked on my door, and asked if I could do her a favour."Its a bit personal, can I come in?"I led her through to my kitchen where the kettle was boiling. We were sitting at my kitchen table with mugs of coffee before she spoke again."I know it sounds odd, but please could you fuck my bottom?" I was sipping my coffee when she said this, and we spent the next few minutes mopping up the spillage. Luckily neither of us was scalded.She had only lived...

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Young Dumb Full Of Cum loyalsock

18-year-old Emily was always a staple of the mean girls' group, not because she was one of them, they certainly didn't think of her that way, to them, she was a useful idiot, a rather harsh term to be sure, unfortunately, Emily was indeed far from being the sharpest tool in the shed, and to top it off, she was kind to a fault, optimistic, gullible and impressionable, not to mention easy to arouse.At 5"8', Emily's massive 36DD breasts, round and bouncy ass, not to mention her blonde hair gave...

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Hiding loyalsock

he moon broke through the cover of thin clouds, bathing the clearing with it's silver glow. Barely a ripple broke the surface of the lake, the gentlest breeze whispered through the leaves of the tall trees around me.I checked and double checked the legs of my tripod, all tight. I switched the camera on and looked through the viewfinder, the focus was perfect. The wooden bench showed up on the tiny screen. Just to be sure, I took a quick look at the front of the camera. The black tape was still...

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The Plane loyalsock

He's watching them; she sees this wondering why the distinguished older gentleman is watching her and Jake as they all wait to board the plan. Jake, at 6'2"; is towering over her petite frame, his dirty blonde hair falling in his eyes as he leans in closer to her. Kira knows he loves the peach and vanilla scent of her body was, so she leans her head back so he can press his lips and nose to her neck. Jake nuzzles her and pulls her closer, his hands on her ass, unaware that they are being...

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The Pin Hole Camera loyalsock

en I was quite young, my parents had our house remodeled, enlarging two rooms and adding a bath. This was desperately needed, as our family had grown to seven. I had a younger brother, a twin sister, an older sister and a younger sister, all of us close in age, except for the younger, "accidental" brother, who came much later.My sisters had lots of friends, who often slept over. As I approached puberty, I became very aware of girls, getting more and more excited at the idea of their being naked...

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The Pew With A View loyalsock

The meager sunbeam cascaded down upon my weary face. I had been resting comfortably in that place between sleep and awake. Various thoughts swam through my head, rapidly changing from one perverted image to another. I was sleeping on my stomach, something I rarely do, with my half full manhood grinding into the bed beneath me. My hand was strewn across the bed and had come to rest on top of a beautifully shaped ass. Susan's ass was slightly bigger than most women's, but I was enjoying a full...

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The Perfect Whore loyalsock

She picked up her instructions via e-mail at precisely 9:00 p.m. and made the appropriate preparations.The secretary admitted her to his office on Park Avenue at 5:00 p.m. the next day.Without a word or acknowledgment from him she set her bag down on the sofa and prepared herself. She removed her designer business suit and transparent white blouse. She wore no panties or bra so she was briefly nude, but for her shoes. Then she put on a black mesh see-through top which came just under her...

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The Parking Garage loyalsock

Where the heck is that woman? Joe thought to himself as he sat in his car. Sandy wasn't really late but Joe had been thinking about this day for weeks and was anxious to ravish her. Why had they decided to meet on the second highest level of the parking garage? They probably thought it added an element of intrigue to their secret affair.The two of them had been meeting infrequently over the past year. It never seemed like their schedules had openings at the same time. The hazards of being...

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The Nude Beach loyalsock

The small cove was nearly deserted as I carefully made my way down the steep, winding track. The sun had baked the cliffs and turned the mud into dust. As I got to the beach I kicked off my clothes, damp and sticky from the long climb down, and ran into the sea. The water was cool, good and clean as I swam half a dozen strokes underwater then flipped onto my back and surfaced. I was about 20m from the beach, looking up at the cliff I could see why the guidebook had said that this beach was for...

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The Mystery Blonde loyalsock

There Carter was lying on his sun bed by the pool. A few feet away the waves lapped gently at the white sand beach. Overhead the palm trees swayed in the breeze against a perfectly blue sky. The island was as close to paradise as he thought it possible to get.All the stresses and strains of his work life eased out of his pores as he lay there, thinking about not very much at all. And then suddenly this absolutely stunning woman came along the path and walked up to the bar. All eyes were focused...

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The Mirror loyalsock

Show me how you fuck yourself."That again, I thought. Why is it they always want to see that? All of them, every lover I'd ever had, eventually (or not so eventually) got around to asking to watch me get myself off. Rob was no exception. In fact, he was probably more fascinated with looking at my fingers slide in and out of my cunt than any of them. Thinking back on it, I try to remember just why it was I went along. I think I liked to watch him watching-see him get that inexplicable gaze, see...

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The Manor loyalsock

It was said that the Manor housed all sorts of inhabitants, from actors to accountants to clothing designers, as well as its own janitorial, kitchen and gardening staff to facilitate its remote location. There were no rumours in EdgeVille, Montana that held fast, however, much to the frustration of a group of socialites in the prestigious little cliff-side town. People stayed at the Manor for indiscernible intervals, the reason for which remaining unknown to all but said inhabitants.Situated...

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Flashed In Wal Mart loyalsock

It was an ungodly hour, or at least it felt that way. Five AM. It'd been a damn long time since I'd been out of bed at this hour except for fishing or hunting. But here I was, standing in Walmart checking on complaints that one of my people wasn't fully stocking the soda rack at this particular store. I'd left the house at four, driven an hour to get here, just to look at the rack and see that yes, Jenna had only partially stocked the rack. I was disgusted. I treated my people well, gave them...

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Spilled Milk loyalsock

I woke up first the morning after we made love for the first time. I wanted to stay in bed and just look at her, but I knew I needed some time to absorb what had happened between us. She was fifteen years older than me. Forty-two. She lived across the street from me, and I lusted after her for years. From the moment she and her husband moved in, with her short sundresses that showed off those perfect, tanned legs... Over forty or not, she blew away most of the girls my age without contest.Then...

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What A Cruise loyalsock

I'm really pumped as I am about to take a Trans Atlantic cruise in October. My last cruise was over-the-top great. We traveled from Los Angeles to Miami, via the Panama Canal. The Panama Canal cruise was my reward to myself as I was very tired as I had just finished up a long, long three-year project so I took two weeks off for the cruise. I even paid the higher price to cruise alone. I was looking forward to good food and wine, time alone, reading and generally forgetting the 70- to 80-hour...

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Dirty Laundry loyalsock

Living in a trailer park was beginning to piss Annette off. Half way through medical school, she hadn't minded at first, as the rent was cheap and she could spend more of her Hispanic charity grants on her car and clothes. But she had not even been able to enjoy that, as she was working and schooling her ass off. Miami was too expensive to live in, and she was eager to return home to New Mexico where she was born. She was tired of the humidity, and longed for the cool dryness of her home...

5 years ago
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Naughty Nurse Kathy by loyalsock

I had a friend that spent some time in the hospital recently and while visiting him I got to meet a wonderful and sexy person. Her name was Kathy; she was black and a part of the cleaning department. I wouldn't say that she was a janitor; she was more of a lower lever nurse that cleaned the rooms when there was a patient present. She knew quite a bit about nursing, I assumed that she didn't have enough schooling to just be a nurse so she cleaned to make some money to put herself through nursing...

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My China Doll by loyalsock

I'm an over-30 manager at a small marketing research firm. I keep myself in good shape and look younger than I am. I date much younger women whenever I can - they are sexy, fresh, and open to my particular tastes in sex and interaction. I love to teach them sexual techniques, and I have enjoyed being a sexual mentor with a number of young ladies half my age. This is the story of one of these younger women. She's a lovely Chinese girl named Lanni, about 20 years old. Very petite and young...

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My Chemical Romance 1 by loyalsock

"I think. . ." My hands grew slick with sweat as she looked at me with her beautiful brown eyes. Her lips plump and juicy, ready for mine to greet them. In my chest, my heart beat rhythmically, worried about her reaction to these words. The first time I would ever utter these words in my life."What?" She asked me, her hand traveling to my face. She traced my jaw line with her finger. I grabbed it and kissed it. Jayda had the most beautiful coffee-colored skin I'd ever seen. How in the world did...

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Mactan by loyalsock

The briefing officer was very specific about what we couldn't say about this next mission."You are not to reveal to anyone the destination or purpose of this mission. A breach of security will cost you some jail time, so if one of you assholes wants to go to Kansas, just blab this around. Be at the aircraft at 2100 hours today. Be sober. And remember to keep your mouth shut!"Hmmm. It was about average for the briefings we had received for other missions. Julio Torres and I grabbed our tool...

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Lessons In Biology by loyalsock

So far, a month has gone by and thanks to Mark, Ebony's grades have gone up in nearly all of her classes. The coach has already told her that she has made the cheerleading squad and that she will be given her first practice in another week. Why shouldn't she become a cheerleader for her high school? She has a great body of 36C-24-36, beautiful black hair down below her shoulders, firm legs, and at 5'4, she only weighs about 110. "I have all of the assets to being a great cheerleader," she...

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Pygmies 2 by loyalsock

"You little fucking fuck-monkeys I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll think its fucking christmas you little horny fucking stud-midgets-" rambled Sarah in rampant sexual rapture. She wanted to be fucked so badly by every pygmy cock in the village, as if she needed to consume the defensless little black folk with her aching vagina, she felt ravenous, predatory, slutty with extreme prejudice, she wanted their cum, was desperate for it. "It's a white fucking christmas for you hot little fucking human...

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