Preludes Ch. 04: Dead Battery free porn video

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Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head.

Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I’m grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories in their natural order.

At the very least I suggest reading the PROM series first if you haven’t already. It is the main story from which the others are branched so things could be a little confusing (and surprises ruined) if it is skipped over.

For those of you who read Prom, welcome back! This series deals with the two months of Rachel’s life that led up to where Prom began. It will hopefully provide you with some background for why certain events occurred and why Rachel may have acted in ways that she did. Overall it takes on a bit of a darker and less whimsical tone, but if you read the whole Prom series, you already understand why.

As always, I welcome and appreciate any and all feedback but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you’re too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.

I’m kidding.


*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*

PREVIOUS — Chapter 3: Self-Medicating



The word tumbled out of Rachel’s mouth with a heavy dose of sarcasm as she sighed and released her grip from the car key stuck in the ignition. She shut her eyes and gently pushed her forehead into the steering wheel and let out a deep sigh. After a moment or two of silence, she shook her head and looked up towards the sky in irritation. Really? Like I need this now??

Finally shaking free of her moment of self-pity, she hastily threw open the car door and pulled herself out with a labored groan. Scooping her gym bag back out of the backseat, she turned away from her car and headed back towards the garage. Frustration coursed through her veins as she opened the door to her house and stepped back inside. A dead battery? Really?? She had to be at school in twenty minutes and she certainly didn’t have the time (nor the inclination) to remedy the situation in such a short window.

She crossed into the kitchen and paused as two sets of surprised eyes looked up to greet her entrance. She crammed the frustration down into her stomach and took a deep breath as she prepared to change gears. With an innocent, pleading smile she looked past her mom and over at her father who was in the middle of reading the morning paper.

‘Um, daddy?’

Her father smirked at her sugary sweet tone and choice in term of endearment. Rachel had stopped calling him ‘daddy’ about a decade ago. Nowadays, it only slipped from her lips when she wanted something (or, unfortunately, wanted to get out of something).

He cleared his throat and responded with a matching tone.

‘Yes, sweetheart?’

Rachel grinned wider at his knowing eyes and took a few steps closer to the kitchen table as she spoke.

‘Well, um, I’m not sure how it happened, but, uh, I think my car battery is dead.’

She paused and widened her eyes at him expectantly, trying to keep her face innocent and sweet. Her line was a bit of a lie. Rachel had a bad habit of leaving the dome light on in her car. This wasn’t the first time she’d awoken to a ‘mysteriously’ drained vehicle.

Her father smirked again and gently folded his paper in front of him on the table. He looked at her and then over that the kitchen clock. He, too, had a timeline he had to adhere to. He sighed as he realized that his peaceful morning paper reading routine would be coming to a quick and premature ending. With a taunting smile he shook his head and stood up.

‘ ‘Not sure how it happened’, huh?’ He smirked again as Rachel’s face melded into its most innocent form. ‘All right, well grab your things. I’ll give you a ride.’

He smiled again as Rachel took a few more playful steps towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck in a mini-hug. As she thanked him and began to bound off back towards the garage, he shook his head and called after her.

‘I’ll be out in a sec. Be ready or you’re going to find your butt walking!’

A few minutes later, they were on their way and riding smoothly down the road. And while their moment in the kitchen had been silly and lighthearted, a bit of tense silence now lingered in car. Both of Rachel’s parents had become aware of their daughter’s sudden change in mood over the past couple of weeks. They also hadn’t seen or heard from her bubbly friend, Rebecca, over the same stretch. That last part had definitely stood out seeing how the girls had seemed to be almost joined at the hip since early in the school year.

They’d been sensitive not to push Rachel too hard, as they knew their daughter was prone to volatile swings and bouts of depressed cycles. They’d seen it almost exactly a year prior, prompting their decision to give her a change of scenery for her senior year. Her current mood didn’t appear to be as ugly as the last time, but they knew her well enough to know that something was wrong.

However, Rachel had refused to divulge anything useful. She’d deflected their gentle probes with vague explanations and noncommittal responses. She’d told them she and Rebecca had just been busy with separate classes and that Rebecca especially had been preoccupied with communications from her soon-to-be college field hockey coach. She insisted that nothing was wrong.

That last part about Rebecca had also bothered her parents. Back in the fall, Rachel had indicated that she might be interested in pursuing a college field hockey career with her best friend. In fact, at one point, it had seemed like it was all the girls ever talked about. But the subject had been dead for weeks now. It’s disappearance also coinciding with the other changes in their daughter’s behavior.

Not only that, Rachel had seemed to shelve college talk all together. She’d applied to Rebecca’s college (a small, local school less than thirty minutes away) and was still waiting to hear back. But she hadn’t pursued any other options. Her parents hadn’t pushed her to expand her choices because she’d seemed so sure that that joining her best friend was what she’d wanted to do. But now that the topic had been dropped, a dark, troubling feeling had taken over their minds.

With the thought still weighing heavily on him, her father decided to gently broach the subject as he turned the wheel down the road to Pine Valley Prep.

‘So, sweetie, when do you hear about admission again?’

Rachel stiffened and set her jaw. The topic made her stomach twist like a basket of snakes.

‘I told you, dad. Not for, like, another month.’

Her father swallowed at her tone and body language and sucked in a breath.

‘Oh, okay. But, so, you won’t hear anything additionally until then? Has your friend Rebecca been hearing anyth-?’

Rachel tensed further and cut him off with a forceful, dismissive tone.

‘Dad, I don’t know! Okay? Like I said, they told me it will be a while.’

The car fell silent as they turned into the entrance of the school. Pine Valley had a spread out campus so they had to drive through it a bit to get to the main building where Rachel would be dropped off. Her father spoke again, trying his best to keep frustration out of his voice.

‘Rachel, you know if there’s anything wrong that you can tell us,
right? You’ve always known that. If something is too big for you, don’t bury it and think you can’t ask for help. Don’t let it get like it got when-.’

Rachel again cut him off, but this time only with a simple look, as she turned back to face him. He had no idea the emotion that was whipping through her body at hurricane force speeds. He looked at his daughter’s beautiful wide eyes and felt a pit form in his stomach as he sensed a look that he’d seen before. He swallowed and started to speak again when Rachel beat him to the punch.

‘Dad. It’s okay. Really.’ Her voice was warm and her momentarily eerie expression had faded into a smile. She put her hand out over his and squeezed.

‘I’m fine. I promise.’

He wasn’t sure if he believed her, but they were getting close to the end of the ride and he didn’t want to leave things on a bad note. He decided to take her at her word and change the subject, hoping he’d get one or two last laughs out of her before they parted ways.

‘Okay, jellybean.’ He paused as they both grinned at his use of her old nickname. ‘Well, just keep us in the loop so that we know when we can-.’

His words cut off with a start as he flicked his eyes in front of him and slammed on his brakes. In his distracted state, he hadn’t noticed that a car had stopped basically in the middle of the road about fifty yards from the front of the school. He cursed under his breath at the close call and his eyes narrowed in irritation as he watched the scene in front of him.

A black, luxury SUV was stopped in front of them, its owner apparently having decided to simply halt in the middle of the street and begin a conversation with a few other students who were talking by. Rachel’s father scowled as he realized the driver of the car was a student as well. He glared at the emblem on the back of the car. A Mercedes.

With a loud scoff, he shook his head and indicated for Rachel to see.

‘That’s the problem with these private schools. A bunch of entitled brats whose parents buy them $50,000 toys. And look at the attitude it breeds.’ He punched his horn, sending out a warning shot to the oblivious students blocking the road. ‘Just acting like the world belongs to them.’

After a moment or two of delay, the SUV began moving again. The cars moved in unison for a short stretch, when without warning, the SUV braked and whipped an unexpected U-turn back in the opposite direction. The un-signaled maneuver again caused Rachel’s dad to hit the brakes and he glared angrily as the he watched the SUV spin around and come back towards them in the opposite lane. As the cars passed, he shook his head with disgust at the driver, who offered only a shrug in response, followed by a quick grin as his eyes caught Rachel’s for the briefest of moments.

‘Goddamn idiot.’ Her father’s tone was splashed with anger. ‘Yeah! Just do whatever you please, kid! It’s your goddamn road.’ He shook his head as he muttered his insults to no one in particular. He watched in the mirror as the SUV disappeared into a student parking lot. Finally smirking and returning his focus to the road, he spoke again. This time to his daughter.

‘Friend of yours?’

Rachel had been silent since the moment they’d first hit the brakes. Her stomach, which had already been tight, had knotted up painfully as she’d heard her dad begin to curse the student’s arrogance. She hadn’t needed to see the driver’s face when he’d whipped around his oblivious U-turn and passed right by. She’d already known.


Guilt hit her senses painfully as she listened to her dad complain about him and his complete lack of driving manners. It wasn’t that she disagreed, quite the opposite. Her dad was right. Austin had simply stopped his truck in the middle of the road to holler at a few girls who’d been walking by. And then he’d doubled down on his lack of awareness with his sudden turn.

And it was her dad’s final, sarcastic comment that had made her suck in her breath.

‘Friend of yours?’

What would her father think if he knew that she’d blown that very ‘entitled brat’ in his ‘$50,000 toy’ less than a week prior? And that she’d done his friend too at the same time? That smiling ‘goddamn idiot’ had simply picked her up at a gas station and talked her into servicing him and a buddy just minutes later out in some secluded, wooded area. She’d sucked both of their dicks like it had been a simple, casual task. Like she was letting them borrow her notes from class.

And not only that, she’d done him again just less than three days ago. She’d let him talk her into that mysterious film room, before allowing him to strip her naked, finger her, and get her back down on her knees. She’d sucked him off with a heightened enthusiasm, licking his balls and bobbing her head smoothly as he’d sat comfortably in a chair. There had even been a brief moment where the possibility of letting him fuck her had sizzled through the air. Thankfully, it had passed without incident and he’d been satisfied with letting her swallow him down to completion.

Rachel bristled with shame as the thoughts bounced through her brain. Her dad had just jokingly implied that she might be friends with this entitled idiot he was cursing out. She swallowed hard. Yes, ‘friends.’ Sure. She’d been friendly all right. And the worst part was the mild tingle between her legs letting her know that if he asked her to, she’d almost certainly be friendly to him again…

She was shaken from her dirty thoughts as she realized the car had come to stop. She blinked her eyes and looked around before turning back to her dad with a smile and sigh. She started to unbuckle her seatbelt when she felt him reach out and touch her gently on the arm as he spoke.

‘Hey, bean. Sorry about yelling like that. Didn’t mean to blow up in front of you.’ He smiled sheepishly and cleared his throat, giving her a playful nudge.

‘Just don’t be bringing some dipshit like that around the house, you hear? You’ll give me and your mother a heart attack.’

Rachel giggled and rolled her eyes at his joke, but she had to focus hard to keep another stab of guilt from registering on her face. His entitled attitude aside, Austin wasn’t a bad guy at all and a brief traffic encounter certainly wasn’t a fair way to assess him. But that didn’t matter. Rachel’s dad was a good man, but he was also stubborn. If he even saw Austin simply talking with his daughter in the future, he wouldn’t be pleased. And if knew that the reason he’d grinned ever so subtly at her as the cars passed had been because not three days prior she’d been-.

She swallowed the thought and masked her mild shame with another silly shake of her head.

‘Uh huh. Okay dad…’

With a grin, she finished unbuckling and hopped out, turning back towards the window as she shut the door.

‘Thanks again for the ride!’ She smiled sweetly and flashed her eyes. ‘You’re the best!’

Her father smiled back and leaned over to pat her hand warmly.

‘Of course. And Rachel. Remember, you can always talk to us. If there is anything-.’

He swallowed and cut off as he saw her silly grin begin to fade again. He hadn’t been able to resist probing but he decided immediately to let it go.

‘Well, you know. Anyway, just give me or your mother a call when you’re done with soccer and one of us will come grab you. Have a great day, sweetheart.’

Rachel swallowed and nodded back, keeping her smile as even as she could. She stepped back from the car and gave him a little wave as he started the car up and pulled away. She watched it disappear down the road, and just as it vanished from sight, she let out a big sigh.

She loved her parents, and outside of some overbearing moments, they’d never been anything but wonderful to her. She’d put them through more than they deserved and she hated letting them down. Her stomach twisted as she replayed all of the seemingly innocuous comments her dad had made during
their ride. She felt like everything she was doing was wrong.

Even his final words about soccer twisted the knife. She hadn’t even told them that she’d quit the team yet. Guilt coursed through her senses as she thought about it. That was just one item on the list of things she’d buried and kept from them. And it was probably the most benign. Rebecca? School? Her boy-related habits lately…

She cringed at the final thought as she again replayed her father’s joking warning about bringing Austin around the house. Obviously, he didn’t need to worry about that, but that in and of itself made her guilt increase. Her parents knew that she had dated a handful of boys over the years, they’d met plenty of them. And they knew that she was outgoing and socially active.

So she sometimes wondered what they thought of the fact that she hadn’t ‘brought anyone around’ in quite some time. Did they just assume that there was no one out there she was interested in? Possibly. Or, despite their surely obvious lack of desire to think of things this way, did they contemplate the possibility that the reason their daughter was still going out a lot but not officially dating was because she was the kind of girl who.-

Rachel audibly gasped as she tried quickly to move on from the thought. She prayed all the time that her parents were simply blissfully unaware of the things she did and the (great number of) boys she did them with. That dark, spine-tingling thought was always the one thing that nagged at her subconscious and kept her from truly embracing the path and lifestyle she had chosen and ultimately loved. She didn’t care what people thought of her or the things they might whisper. But her parents weren’t just ‘people.’ They were different. And the last thing she ever wanted to do was embarrass or upset them or make them think that she-.

‘Mornin’, sexy!’

Rachel’s deep and somewhat troubling thoughts were suddenly interrupted by an unexpected voice (and an even more unexpected touch). Her eyes widened and she spun around in surprise to see Austin standing right behind her, his hand just one second removed from cupping her playfully on her ass. His eyes were smiling and his easy confidence simply oozed out.

She was thrown for a moment and needed a few breaths to catch up to the present. She realized that she’d been standing on the curb, daydreaming since her dad had pulled away. She wasn’t sure how long ago that had been, but apparently it had been enough time for Austin to park, walk from the student lot, see her standing alone, and playfully surprise her by running his hand up the back of her skirt.

Finally, she regained her senses and narrowed her eyes into a sarcastic smirk. Glancing knowingly at his hand, she shook her head at him and spoke.

‘Is this how we say good morning now?’ She smoothed her skirt and reflexively adjusted the front of her shirt, pulling it up a little higher over her cleavage. Still shaking her head, she grinned and brought her hands expectantly to her hips.

Austin simply smiled brighter and nodded innocently. ‘Just trying to make sure you were fully awake. You were standing like a zombie staring off at nothing.’ He winked at her and indicated off down the road.

‘Did you get dropped off today? Where’s your car?’

Rachel let out a frustrated sigh and tucked some hair behind her ear.

‘Ugh. Car troubles. Yeah, my dad had to bring me.’ She tensed suddenly as she recalled their little traffic exchange. She pursed her lips and spoke again with mocking admonishment in her voice.

‘And speaking of, you’re lucky he didn’t punch you or something. He wasn’t too pleased with your driving skills.’ She grinned and stuck her tongue out at him. ‘He didn’t much care for that precious car of yours either.’

Austin squinted in confusion for a moment before recalling the incident. He smiled and laughed in surprise.

‘Punch me? What? Just because of a little U-turn?’ He shook his head but suddenly stopped laughing as he raised a playful eyebrow and lowered his tone.

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Sunday & Monday, February 18 & 19, 2001 I came to slowly. I was surprised that I didn’t hurt as much as I thought I would, but I couldn’t really move all that well, and things seemed weird. It was warmer than I remembered it being, and brighter, and my sweatshirt and windbreaker were missing. I groaned and tried to move some more. That did hurt, quite a bit, and I tried to find a position it didn’t hurt, and I realized I hurt all over. I blinked my eyes, but only my left eye was...

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Chris BeakerChapter 4 Robbery Assault and Battery

I woke up refreshed the next morning, I had received a message from Aristotle that George and Natalie had actually got on quite well, they'd been acting as if they didn't like each other but, regardless of the three year gap between them, their powers were evenly matched. I think the food fight was their way of getting to know each other. I was getting ready to go shopping again when the phone rang, I picked it up and found that D.I. Jarvis was on the other end. I was about to mention his...

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Better Than Dead

Better Than Dead By Eve Smith As I turned the corner the girl ran out into the road. I slammed on the brakes and hit her a glancing blow. As if in slow motion she span and then fell to the ground her head hitting a concrete post as she did. I looked through the side window of the car and saw the prone figure of the teenager. Slowly I opened the car door and got out and walked to the girl. I felt for a pulse, there wasn't one. She was dead. From the same trees that the girl had ran...

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My Sexy Dead Mother

I discovered snuff porn and gore. God how I lived the blood and entrails while rape proceeded. I became consumed by it. I wanted to feel a woman’s intestines in my hands. But I knew I couldn’t. My father left on a business trip for a week. On the second night of his absence my mother told me she was not feeling well and needed to go to bed early. I went to my bed as well saying I was exhausted and might hit the hay early as well, but really I just wanted to watch some gruesome porn. Around...

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Dead mans pearl chapters15

*Also: These chapters do not contain any sex scenes, but are meant to introduce the characters, the setting, and the romance budding between them. This actually has a somewhat complicated plot by my standards, and there will be more erotic parts of the story in later chapters. I've gotten some hate for posting stories like these in the past because lots of people here would rather just jump right to the fucking without much character development. so if this isn't your cup of tea, leave...

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Tamarillas ChoicesChapter 5 A Journey with Many Undead Ends

Danni responded to Tammi's question, "For the third time we are going to a friend of mine's cottage. Actually it is more of a retreat than a cottage. And before you ask, we're not there yet." If she asks one more time, only two of us will make it to the retreat. Tammi stumbled on the uneven ground yet again. She caught herself on her hands preventing an injury, but her unwieldy tits popped out of her abbreviated top to hang swinging above the ground, the ground that went from scrub...

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Tamarillas Choices the Pg13 VersionChapter 5 A Journey with Many Undead Ends

Danni responded to Tammi's question, "For the third time we are going to a friend of mine's cottage. Actually it is more of a retreat than a cottage. And before you ask, we're not there yet." If she asks one more time, only two of us will make it to the retreat. Tammi stumbled on the uneven ground yet again. She caught herself on her hands preventing an injury, but her unwieldy tits popped out of her abbreviated top to hang swinging above the ground, the ground that went from scrub...

2 years ago
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Blondie and the Dancing Dead

I had my arms wrapped around his corded thighs, my nose buried in his tightly coiled pubes, gazing up him as I sucked his cock. He palmed my head like a basketball with his huge chocolate colored hand, treating me like I was one of his pit bull pups as his breathing quickened. A throaty grunt was all the warning he gave me as several bursts of thick cum filled hit the back of my throat. I swallowed it all down, my eyes never leaving his face, enjoying the slack look that was all he could manage...

Group Sex
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The dead are still alive

Jack Lisa’s slumber broke once again as the car swayed on one of the serpentine turns of the hilly road. She rubbed and palmed her eyes before she looked outside. The full moon was shining in its absolute glory and pacing beautifully along with the car. She took a deep breath and looked back at Jack who had been driving for almost all throughout the evening. “Good evening sweetheart and welcome back,” Jack said, without taking his eyes off the road. “How long do we have to keep on driving...

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Darkness and LightChapter 26 Fortunes of War or the Clueless and the Dead

Dharkuntis council of advisers stared to the west, stunned, and some looked like they were still waiting for the Bhoreghan to rise anew. The Emperor’s emaciated face was expressionless, only the gleam in his watery grey eyes betrayed his emotions - anger. The silence was broken by the sound of applause, a solitary pair of hands clapping in a leisurely rhythm. Dharkuntis slowly turned and saw the High Priestess approaching. She was accompanied by a young amazon. “That was nicely done, why the...

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DEAD You never know when, you never know where, and you never know how. You never know when, you never know where, and you never know how, but we all will die one day, some tragically, some unexpectedly, some peacefully, some prematurely, and some expectedly. It is inevitable. These are snippets of life and of death. Read on to realize what happened to others and you may discover what may happen to you. * The Tragic Death: Jenny was a pretty blonde girl, her thoughts were like everyone...

1 year ago
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Living Dead Home from War

Introduction: Great Zombie Sexxx story living dead Home from war By Mary Looney Its hard having a military husband, its been three years now that William has been over seas. Lucy our daughter just had her fifth birthday and the only way they get to see each other is through webcam, pictures and letters its hard for me so see the hurt in Williams eyes when he sees how big shes gotten. Lucy asks me every day mommy when is daddy is coming home, how do you explain to a child that you dont know...

2 years ago
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Living Dead Home from War

Introduction: Great Zombie Sexxx story living dead Home from war By Mary Looney Its hard having a military husband, its been three years now that William has been over seas. Lucy our daughter just had her fifth birthday and the only way they get to see each other is through webcam, pictures and letters its hard for me so see the hurt in Williams eyes when he sees how big shes gotten. Lucy asks me every day mommy when is daddy is coming home, how do you explain to a child that you dont know...

4 years ago
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Dead Girl on Sumptner BeachChapter 1

I live on one of the many islands off the Carolinas surrounded by a long stretch of very white, sandy beach. From the middle of June to the end of September, the hundred or so homes on the island are occupied by all sorts of the vacationers or party goers. By the beginning of October, the population on the island dwindles to less than ten and soon thereafter, to just one, me, as I am the only full timer living here. My house is a weathered sprawling mix of a house. Part Colonial, part Cape...

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Deputy MorpheusChapter 19 Dead Station

Three years teaching new marshals was both rewarding and frustrating. It ended just after the emperor stepped down and his granddaughter ascended to the throne. She was the one to swear the graduating class in. She had visited us many times while we were here. Sometime just to vent and try to get past my guard while sparing, other times it was to give advice or ask it. I glanced at Amanda in her civilian clothes and smiled as she kept feeling her pelvis, “Still want to wait to have it moved...

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Dominion Chapter 9 The Living Vs The Dead

The Living vs the Dead Blood trickled from Dominion’s slit fingers, sliding across the floor of his office at the prison and forming two separate puddles. As with all of his creations, two great shapes rose up from the puddles like they were gateways to Hell. Granted living flesh and blood bodies, a man and woman kneeled before him. The man was a goliath, a bone structure that would suggest gigantism, but much more stable and natural. He wasn’t made in mankind’s image, but in the image of...

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Living Dead Home from War1

By Mary Looney Its hard having a military husband, its been three years now that William has been over seas. Lucy our daughter just had her fifth birthday and the only way they get to see each other is through webcam, pictures and letters its hard for me so see the hurt in Williams eyes when he sees how big she’s gotten. Lucy asks me every day mommy when is daddy is coming home, how do you explain to a child that you don’t know when daddy will come home and when he does come home it...

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Living Dead Home from War0

By Mary Looney Its hard having a military husband, its been three years now that William has been over seas. Lucy our daughter just had her fifth birthday and the only way they get to see each other is through webcam, pictures and letters its hard for me so see the hurt in Williams eyes when he sees how big she’s gotten. Lucy asks me every day mommy when is daddy is coming home, how do you explain to a child that you don’t know when daddy will come home and when he does come home it...

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The Dead Kid Returns Part 2 The New Kid

The Dead Kid Returns Part 2: The New Kid The new kid came into the class, and almost nobody noticed. When the new kid had first shown up, there had been the usual introductions, but almost immediately after, the new kid seemed to fade into the background, forgotten. Except one girl, who watched the new kid move, and wondered. Her name was Bethany Ann Cooper, and she was regarded as a bit odd, because she once said that she remembered a time when a dead kid had come to the...

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Nazis of the Undead

Obergefreiter Schroeder ran through the forest, most of the Mann's had given up. Not Schroeder. Nor his three top officers, Sturmbannführer's, Amsel, Fleischer, and Faust, who ran behind him armed with MP-40's. Faust turned around hearing the Americans drawing closer. He fired his MP-40, the weapon firing in a series of *pops* as fire was returned through the thick fog of the forest, except fast and furious.  A thompson. "Surrender!" an American voice cried, "Fock you american...

1 year ago
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Dead Heroes

DEAD HEROES by MAGGIE FINSON Chapter One Awakenings Taizu swam slowly to wakefulness, prodded by the coldly insistent, metallically hard voice within her head. COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS ON LINE. Her thoughts were slow, reluctant, floundering through the murky currents of a mind mired in shadowy dreams of death and pain. Fighting to flee those non-memories, her mind thrashed in terror. Uncaring, the sexless, cruelly emotionless line of glittering words caught her thrashing...

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Doctor Dee is Dead

Doctor Dee is Dead Copyright Oggbashan October 2012The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************My life was a boring routine. I was trying to finish my PhD, financing myself with part-time work as a tutor and senior...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Chapter 8 Deadly Shadows

Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Eight: Deadly Shadows By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Twenty-Two: Ambush Aingeal – The Forest of Lhes, The Strifelands of Zeutch My elation turned to dust as Kora collapsed. Something black thrust out from beneath her breasts beside her amulet. An owl hooted above. Her blood soaked into the pink of her robes. Violent convulsions wracked her body. Foam bubbled on her lips. I struggled to...

2 years ago
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Attack Of The Loving Dead

“Dude, you gotta see this,” Pat said. “Fresh meat.”I rolled my eyes. There were several ways of coping with being constantly surrounded by death and putrefaction, the perks of working in the morgue-slash-autopsy of the forensics department. Pat just had this way of calling me over for every new delivery, as I called them, with the excitement of a kid on its eighth birthday party piñata.I had to cut him some slack, though, as he was the new guy and was still trying to get his stomach used to...

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Mira Dead End

Ivanova’s eyes lit up when the door to her apartment opened. It was 11pm. She knew that only Mira Destovsky had a key and she hoped this meant that she was about to feel the kiss of the whip or the cane that hung on a hook behind her bedroom door. Mira came into the large, sparsely furnished lounge and shrugged off her long, black leather coat. Beneath it she wore tight, also black leather trousers and a black silk shirt. They spoke as always in Russian when alone. “Pour me a drink.” Ivanova...

2 years ago
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The Dead Kid Returns Part 8 The House of Grief

The Dead Kid Returns chapter 8: The House of Grief Someone once said,"Crying is all right in its own way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do." Once Bethany had cried for a while, she realized the truth of that statement. She resolved that no matter what it took, she'd help her friend recover from whatever had happened to her to make her what she was. If only she could figure out how. After school on Monday, she...

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Dead and Horny Book 1 and 2Chapter 11 Hunger

Dana flicked her wrist, causing the sword to unfold itself just in time to parry the first attack. Tasia had leapt across the balcony, easily clearing two deck chairs in the process, and the swords scattered sparks as one blade slid off the other. “Where did you get that?” Tasia demanded. The knight was pressing hard, and if not for her recent feeding, Dana would have been easily toppled. The two of them clashed, and Dana twisted her blade, keeping them locked up. “I’m just full of...

1 year ago
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The Dead Dick Diddle

Salem was never this good. Witches of the northeast have not only survived, they have thrived and evolved. Their great dark magick gives them ulitimate power over all men. And the men actually love giving all they can give for Gina the goddess. ***************************************************************** Before today, she has lived every fantasy. Except one. At 20, Gina is at her peak of perfucktion. Roller-blading has shaped her legs and ass to be even more equisite than her...

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Shadowsblade Dead Ringer

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. In this chapter...Change This is the chapter some of you have been waiting for! Monday March 26, 6:05 am Poe cottage With Monday's dawn, I helped Nikki down the hallway to the showers and she seems to be feeling better emotionally today. Maybe it was that little jaunt to San Francisco or the lessons on Elvin mother's songs? But I hope it keeps up...

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Dead Ringer

Dead Ringer by Torrent In this sequel to "Jewels in Her Crown ," thedeadly dildo finally gets a workout — and a familiar blonde's gooseis cooked. -------- The card attached to the gift box was brief: "Wearit. See you at 6." Samantha Guilfoyle smiled. It was just like him, she thought. A man of fewwords. Big, strong, handsome, and with the dick of a champion bull. She wasa sucker for — and of — big dicks. She tore off the wrapping paper and opened the box. Inside, nestled in...

1 year ago
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Dan And The Deadbeat

Dan and Vicki had only been married for 4 and a half years when they attended what would turn out to the most significant office party they ever experienced. This was before Dan made his fortune, and both of them were rich enough to retire young. He was already prospering, but the millions had not quite rolled in. Vicki was working at a medical office, where she did mostly boring, clerical work, when one of her co-workers caught her eye. His name was Larry, and he seemed to return the interest....

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Susans Sinfully Deadly competition

Having stopped a robbery of a nearby Antique Store, Susan Storm is rather pleased with herself having done another good deed for the day. Deciding to help the kind, old man who owns the store Susan comes across an interesting piece among the knick-knacks is a seven-headed dragon a common depiction of the seven deadly sins. Something about this odd little statue speaks to her picking it up she decides to purchase it. "I'd like to purchase this statue if you don't mind." Susan asks the Store...

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