Sue Ch. 09-12 free porn video

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Chapter 9

Sharing the Bath-Room

Brian had bought food from where he’d hired the boat so we had a good lunch, washed down with a small bottle of wine that he’d kept cold by dangling it in the river and after we finished that we lay in the shade and talked for a while before we both dozed off. When we woke again we found that it was about time for us to pack up for the return trip and after getting the boat out into mid-stream Brian let me take it all the way back down the river. He dropped me off at the same place that he’d met me in the morning and it soon after that we were in his car, driving back to the motel.

When we were inside our room he took me in his arms, held me tight and said. ‘That was a day I’ll never forget darling – I know it sounds silly to say ‘thank you’ – but I really do thank you, for so much.’

‘It’s me who should be thanking you Brian, you’ve made it all possible – and never forget that I’m enjoying everything – and that includes you – just as much as I hope you are. Anyway.’ I said more brightly, ‘The day isn’t over yet – is it?’

He took my face between his hands and I saw that his eyes were shining with happiness as he smiled down into mine. ‘No, it certainly isn’t, so let’s get freshened up. You then have to decide whether we go out somewhere nice for dinner or, if you prefer, we can have it brought up here.’

I didn’t even have to think about an answer, I could eat out anytime I really wanted to but my time alone with him was precious. ‘No contest love – we’ll have it here.’

I could tell from the expression on his face that’s what he had hoped I’d say and I grinned as I added. ‘You didn’t really expect me to say anything else did you?’

‘Well, I’ll admit I was hoping that’s what you would say – but at the same time I didn’t want you to feel cooped-up.’

‘We’ve been out of doors all day, I could hardly accuse you of cooping me up could I. Anyway, we don’t have that much time together – and I just want to make the most of it, you should know that.’

‘I still have to keep pinching myself darling, you must understand that.’

‘O.K., say no more – we both want to eat in – and that’s that. Now, who gets to shower first?’

‘I’ll unpack our stuff and make us a drink – anyway, if I know anything about women you’ll take longer than me – so you go first.’

‘That’s one disadvantage of having an older man – they’ve had time to get to know more about women, I’ll have to remember that.’ I said over my shoulder as I picked up my toiletries bag and headed for the bath-room.

A bit later, when I was about ready to have my shower he knocked on the door and, opening it just a little, asked me. ‘What would you like to drink darling?’

‘What choice is there?’

‘There’s a sort of mini-bar here, so I can get you almost anything you fancy.’

I’m not a big drinker but it was a special week-end and I didn’t see why I shouldn’t break-out a bit so, having thought for a moment, I answered. ‘I had a gin and tonic once, that was a nice refreshing drink, how about one of those.’

‘Yep, that’s here. One G & T coming up.’

I turned on the shower, adjusted the water temperature, stripped off and was just about to get into the recess when there was another light knock on the door and Brian came in, carrying two drinks. When he found that I was undressed he stopped and stood there, looking at me with such intensity that it was almost as though he was seeing me naked for the first time. He obviously wanted to say something, equally obvious that he was embarrassed to say it and, when he finally did, it came out in a stumbling rush.

‘Would you, er, would you mind very much if I watched you take your shower Sue?’ he asked as he handed me the glass.

I took a sip of the drink, looking over the rim and straight into his eyes, then smiled and answered. ‘I’d like that Brian – but, then I’ll want to watch you when you have yours.’

‘Sounds fair.’ he said quietly as he sat down on the lid of the toilet and, clutching his drink tightly, watched as I stepped under the warm spray and began to soap myself.

Just as I did when he had watched me taking a pee, I found I got a kick out of having him there, intently watching me and I admit I took a bit longer than I normally would have done, soaping and washing myself, particularly my breasts and pussy even more thoroughly than usual. He didn’t say a single word during the whole time but from the burning look that developed in his eyes I knew that my efforts were being fully appreciated!

When I finished I stepped out and, leaving the shower running as I began to dry myself, said.

‘Your turn love.’

When he stripped I saw the evidence of what watching me had done for him, his cock wasn’t fully erect but it was at that half way stage, thick and fat and almost as long as it would be when fully aroused. I liked seeing it like that, it meant he was excited but that there was still something left for me to do for him. It gave me a nice, mildly sexy feeling and as I sat and watched him begin to wash himself that feeling got steadily stronger and stronger.

I had never seen a man shower before and I was surprised at how differently he went about it. First of all he didn’t stay under the shower, once wet he stepped to one side and soaped himself, because of his chest and other body hair he built up a much thicker layer of lather than I did and once that was done he used that lather to wash the rest of himself. His actions were much quicker, stronger than a woman’s, almost rough, scrubbing rather than smoothing the soap over his body and I noticed that he used the extra thick amount of lather that built up in his pubic hair as a kind of reservoir, his hands returning to it from time to time then using it to wash some other part of himself. Of course each time he did that his fingers brushed over his cock and I imagined that in its already half aroused state, coupled with him having me there, watching him, those actions must have increased its arousal. It may have been my imagination – or just wishful thinking – but as he continued to wash himself it certainly seemed to be stiffening up.

He left his face until last and when he began to wash it, I got up, moved close, reached into the shower and fondled his slippery, soap covered balls and cock. My first touch made him tense with surprise but as I lifted and fondled his heavy balls, then closed my fingers around his cock and began to slip up and down the shaft, he relaxed and just stood there with his eyes closed while I enjoyed the feel of it slowly pulsing in my hand. But though I thought I felt it stiffening even more I found I couldn’t get it fully erect.

‘That feels sensational Sue – but I’m afraid I’m going to disappoint you this time, I think it’s been totally drained. It’s a long time since I’ve had so many erections and I can’t remember when I’ve made love as many times in one day as I have with you today. I think it needs a longer rest before it’s ready for action again. Sorry.’

I looked up and smiled as I reluctantly let go of him.

‘Don’t worry, I just wanted to please you. I wasn’t expecting you to suddenly ravish me on the bath-room floor you know.’ I added with a grin. ‘In fact.’ I said as I rinsed my hands. ‘I’m feeling a little over-used too. Not that I’m complaining.’ I added hurriedly. ‘But I’m going to put some cream on, just to make sure that I’m not too sore tomorrow.’

I took a jar of moisturiser from my bag but he stepped out of the shower, reached across and took it from me.

‘I’d like to do that for you, if you don’t mind darling.’

I nodded and he threw a towel on the toilet cover, sat me down on it then knelt in front of me, gently eased my legs apart and, with his strong hands resting lightly on the to
ps of my thighs, just looked at me for several moments.

‘It’s so pretty – the soft, little pink folds – like a flower-bud that’s just about to open. And when I think of the incredible pleasure it gives me, I just can’t believe that such a delicate little part of you is capable of such powerful actions. It’s beautiful and wonderful’

Having him admiring me like that gave me a nice warm, feeling and I became aware of a faint tingling sensation that was centred on my pussy and which, as it slowly grew, began to spread out from it into the rest of my body. Then he eased my legs further apart and, taking care not to overbalance me, lifted them, leaned forward and began to lightly lick the outer folds of my pussy-lips.

He’d developed a bit of a five o’clock shadow but I found that rather than being uncomfortable, the mild roughness of it grazing against my inner thigh in fact only increased my excitement. He took his time and I got the strong impression that he was getting just as much pleasure as he was giving to me – and that was a lot!

Having him watch me shower then in turn watching and fondling him must have got me more excited than I had realised because after a minute or two of his tongue’s gentle licking I felt the tingling sensation turning into something stronger. He couldn’t get his tongue deep inside me but every now and then he did poke it between the thickening folds and those little stabbing movements quickly helped to arouse me even more. So when he finally turned his attention to my clit it had already swollen into a hard ridge and, when he slowly wiped his tongue over it the sensations were simply electric and as he saw me responding, he slipped his hands under my bum and managed to lift me higher. In that position he could reach me even better and began to lick and suck me even more strongly, forcing me to hold on to the rim of the seat as I arched myself, offering up my pussy to his devouring mouth.

I was amazed at how quickly I came, it wasn’t an earth-shattering climax but it was a lovely one and, being so unexpected was even more satisfying than I imagined it could have been. Afterwards, when he was sure I had finished, he sponged me with warm water, dried me and then finally, very gently applied the cool, soothing cream to my still sensitive pussy.

As he got up I saw that in spite of his earlier protests, his cock was definitely harder than it had been before and felt sure that before the evening was over I’d be able to get it fully erect again – for the benefit of both of us!

Brian rubbed his face and said ‘I should have had a shave before I did that darling, the stubble gets a bit rough by this time of the day, I’ll have a quick one now.’

‘Do you usually shave twice a day?’

‘Not usually, no.’

‘Do you have something else in mind for later then?’

He grinned shyly. ‘I might. I’m certainly going to want to kiss you goodnight – and I don’t want to make your face sore, do I?’

‘Or any other part of me I hope.’ I said, grinning up at him.

‘Particularly any other part of you.’ he replied with a laugh.

So, while he had his shave I went into the other room and got into my nightie, it too was new, white, trimmed at the edges with green ribbon and very short – at the back just covering the curve of my bottom and at the front just hiding the tiny, matching g-string panties. The material was semi-transparent and when I had finished brushing my hair and took a good look at myself in the large mirror, even I had to admit that I looked terrific. I could see the curving swell of my breasts and the shadow made by their rosy tips and, when I turned quickly and made the material flare up and out from my body, from the back, with the string of the panties buried between my arse-cheeks, it gave the impression that I was totally naked below the waist.

Just then Brian came out of the bath-room – he didn’t have to say anything, the expression on his face said it all.

‘That’s, I mean, you – you look absolutely gorgeous darling! I can’t believe how different you look. Even younger somehow – and’ he added. ‘If it’s possible, even more sexy.’

I did a slow turn for him and saw his eyes travel up and down, taking in the view of everything I had to offer and, as I recognised the look of desire on his face, the thought flashed through my head – ‘How strange men are! He’s just seen me totally naked, watched me showering, fondled and made love to me. Now that I’m partially dressed I’m re-exciting him, in some ways I’m even more desirable.’ But of course I wasn’t complaining about that!

He put on a pair of light-weight, short pyjamas then we sat and finished our drinks while we looked through the menu, ordered our meal and then actually turned on the TV to see what had been happening to the rest of the world while we had been creating our own. Brian had made us both a second drink and we were still sipping those when there was a knock at the door. He got up, slipped into a bath-robe and looked across at me.

‘Pop into the bath-room for a minute darling – no point in giving the motel staff even more to gossip about than they already have.’ I understood what he meant and only came out again when I heard the door close again a few minutes later.

Brian and the waiter had set up the table very nicely and the sight and the smells of food made me realise that I was actually quite hungry. I noticed that Brian had ordered a bottle of wine to go with the meal and felt sure that on top of the two drinks I had already had I’d be feeling quite light-headed before the meal was over.

It was a lovely meal, a hot, lightly spiced sort of fish soup, called bouillabaisse and then an enormous plate of mixed seafood – all of which, Brian assured me, would have been caught locally that morning. There was a pile of oysters at one end of the main dish and I turned the plate so that they were in front of him. He looked up, saw my wicked grin and chuckled.

‘Let me tell you that with you around, looking the way you do, oysters are one thing I won’t need darling.’

Chapter 10

Taking Charge

The food was delicious and I couldn’t believe how much both of us were able to eat of it – crab, lobster, prawns, a couple of things I didn’t even recognise and of course, the oysters and we both had to stop from time to time not just to savour the variety of flavours but to ‘catch our breath’ so to speak, before starting again. In between mouthfuls we chatted, at first about the food and how good it was then, as our initial hunger was satisfied, of a variety of things – but, I noticed, Brian carefully avoided talking about us. That was hard for me, sitting there with him, the memories of the wonderful day’s events still fresh, seeing out of the corner of my eye the bed we’d soon be lying in together and yet having him talk about everything except the one thing that was uppermost in my mind – us.

I wanted to tell him how much pleasure he’d given me, remind him of special moments during the day, of how it had felt being with him, touching him, having him touch and make love to me.

So, while trying to keep up my end of the conversation, in my head I was re-living each of the wonderful moments we had enjoyed – and realised I was also totting up the number of times he had given me an orgasm. There had been the first, frantic session just after he’d arrived – I couldn’t believe how short a time ago that had been – then, in the clearing where we had first stopped, after the excitement of having him watch me and then being able to handle his cock while he pissed, afterwards we had made love on the blanket and I had climaxed twice more. The next had been during our walk, when my skin-tight shorts had turned him on so strongly and he had fucked me from behind – and just now, the smaller but equally satisfying one he’d just given me in the bath-room.

That was a total of five and though I knew he’d only actually climaxed twice himself, even for a young ma
n the performance would have been impressive – and, I hoped, the day wasn’t over yet!

He must have thought I’d gone mad – he was actually in the middle of talking about something to do with work – when I suddenly burst out with –

‘Do you realise I’ve had five orgasms today! I can’t believe that, can you?’

‘Pardon?’ he said, confused by my sudden unrelated outburst. But when I repeated it and he understood what I was talking about, he grinned, raised his glass to me and replied.

‘From the way you said it that sounds as though that’s good – and so, as the provider I accept the implied compliment.’

The way he said it made me laugh but after that I said. ‘Sorry to interrupt you like that but it’s been such a fantastic day, all I can think about is the boat, the river, the scenery and most of all, what we’ve done together. I’ve got so many memories of us already, I just want to make to sure that none of them slip from my mind – and I guess I want to know that you’ve enjoyed making them as much as I have. Sounds silly when I try to put it into words though.’

‘It doesn’t sound silly to me Sue, it sounds marvellous, marvellous that someone like you could get as much pleasure from being with someone like me as I have from the time we’ve had together. And.’ he added sincerely and affectionately. ‘You obviously know from my reactions just how much pleasure you’ve given me. You’ve aroused feelings I didn’t know I was capable of, even as a – even when I was younger I didn’t experience the strength of passion that you’ve aroused in me today. And, as I’ve said before, sitting here with you, seeing you looking as beautiful and as desirable as you do, it’s more like a fantasy than any fantasy I’ve ever had.’

That made me feel even better than I had been already and I felt a warm glow colour my face as I smiled across at him.

‘It’s lovely to hear you say it Brian. I’m glad it’s been worth all the heart-ache and the problems that I’m sure you’ve had in arranging all this for us. Thank you, thank you for everything.’

‘Hey, it’s me who’s trying to say ‘thank you’ to you.’ he said in a brighter voice. ‘There isn’t a man alive who wouldn’t give his right arm to change places with me – and I wouldn’t change places with anyone and I mean anyone!’

I reached for his hand squeezed it and as I said, ‘Nor would I Brian, nor would I. Now, why don’t we clear the table and see if there’s anything to watch on TV for a while – give ourselves a chance to digest that lovely meal. ‘

He grinned and said. ‘I thought it was only swimming we weren’t supposed to do on a full stomach. But you’re probably right – and I think I made a bit of a pig of myself.’

So we stacked the dishes and put them outside the door to be collected, rinsed the smell of fish from our hands then I checked the TV programme and found there happened to be a nice, romantic movie on and we lay on the bed to watch. Although it turned out to be quite good, within half an hour I wasn’t that surprised to see that Brian had fallen asleep, in fact, after all the day’s activities I was surprised that I wasn’t feeling sleepy too but for some reason I wasn’t. So I turned the lights and the sound down and then, without disturbing him, settled myself down to enjoy the movie.

When it was over I turned the set off, went to the toilet and did my teeth – and still Brian slept. As I stood beside the bed, looking down at him I suddenly found myself remembering Richard, asleep in the sun in our ‘special place’ a couple of years earlier – and what I had done to him both then and the many other times during my ‘experiments’ – and began to wonder if I could do the same for Brian.

He wasn’t naked of course but his pyjama shorts were quite baggy and the fly was held closed with just a single button. Crouching on the floor beside him I undid it and opened his shorts, there lay his cock and balls, looking just as harmless and defenceless as Richard’s had, the only real difference that I could see was that in Brian’s case the surrounding hair was tinged with flecks of grey. I touched him, very lightly, stroking his limply curled cock and then the warm sac beneath using just the tips of my fingers, marvelling at how different he looked like that, compared with my memory of the sight of him when fully aroused.

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Pixie by Shrike Part 1 - The beginning I was scared, really, really scared. I kept mumbling, "Oh god, please. Please, let me wake up." A lot of good that did me though. I was already wide awake. Why was I hoping to be asleep? Well, I was so small that lint was like a huge cable. I had no idea how I got this small, nor why I seemed to be glowing like a dim light bulb. I could see it really well, since my clothes hadn't shrunk with me. I was totally naked. I had just waked up like...

2 years ago
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Birthday girl

For quite a long time I had fantasized about a night with a dominant black bull, a real sexual free-for-all where I would be completely submissive to an experienced BBC lover. To be honest, I’d always been turned on by black men, but I was quite shy sexually until my husband encouraged me to enter the hotwife lifestyle.When my husband first broached the subject of sharing me with other men, I thought he must be k**ding. I couldn’t believe that he seriously wanted to allow other men to have me....

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Sissy in prison

The guard came to get me at 6pm. The sun was low in the sky and it would begetting dark soon. He led me down to the showers, and turned them on."Razors and soap are in the corner" he said.I knew what he meant. I set about shaving off all the hair on my body. Iclosed my eyes as the razor traced up and down my legs. I parted my cheeksand ran the razor on the inside of my buttocks until they were clean.Finished, I grabbed the soap which was scented with a delicious citrussmell. I lathered it...

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The Combined Adventures Of Mason Stanley Francis Jim The Women Francis Alex Richard Katie Sharkey and Harry


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Favourite Fantasies 23

I am black, twenty-two, and boyishly cute (according to a lovely woman I work with, who is ten years older than me). I earned a B.A. in political science recently, and am using it well – as a junior high school English teacher. This is not bad except that I wanted to fly with the Air force. (I’m a frus-trated fighter jock.)Okay, that out of the way, I have a fetish which forms the basis of my favorite fantasy.I fantasize being ****d – by a woman. I have heard of it, but don’t know how the...

3 years ago
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Training a Lover

AN ENDING “My life is over!” I yelled to my aunt the day she came to discharge me from the convalescent center. With my parents being claimed by a car crash almost eight years ago, I had striven to be a careful driver since then — despite my having bought a silver BMW convertible thanks to my folks’ insurance proceeds and estate. But I almost bought the farm, too. My fiancée wasn’t so lucky. It was evening on a quiet stretch the coast highway northwest of Los Angeles, next to the ocean....

Love Stories
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Black Dicking

I had walked down the street not paying much attention to where I was or where I was going. I had walked for about 10 minutes after parking my car in an area I had never been to before. I had answered an ad in the paper about a job waiting tables and had been unable to find the café that had placed the ad. I don't remember how I managed to loose track of where I had parked my car, but I must have taken several wrong turns before I found myself in an all black neighborhood. I was depressed about...

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Trapped by Milkman

Hi guys.. My name is pooja and I am 26,married..This incident happened 2 years back and completely changed me as a person. Telling about myself, I am from kolkata.When I was an adult, my parents were very conservative for me. So though I wanted to enjoy life like other girls, to have bf but I never had the chance to do that.. Nevertheless my life also changed and I got married to rakesh, a software engineer(2 years back) and shifted to banglore. As a newly wedded couple, we were having some...

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A nice downblouse and other P very good these videos i too had a nice situation for an accident of this kind, at home, with my sister. It was a summer's evening, July if i not remember bad :-P, i'm heading toward the lunch-room for the dinner, my sister is sitting at the table, and she wears a tunic for the house, and i see her from behind, and,...

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The Tales From The Tavern She Saw Me Kissing Her Dad

It was a calm night. Only a handful of customers had found their way into big ol’ Tom’s tavern, just a few people sharing some short episodes of their lives while having a beer or two. That was until a young woman in her mid twenties appeared. Her shaky feet gave away her insecurity. Hesitantly, she was slowly heading for the bar. “This is the bar. So that makes you big ol’ Tom?” she hastily asked, her voice trembling. The elderly man looked up while filling a pint for one of his customers. ...

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Naked Day part 22 Decisions

"OK the note on top says there are some cards or notes from people we met. Then the folder of materials. Oh, this bigger box is from Nikki." Cindy opened the wrapping and box to find two more bras. A sheer white and a rose colored one. The enclosed note read - 'A little something more. Felipe insisted. The white will go under the lightest color shirts, but if you want sexy add some color to POP. He felt the rose got you into the red family, but not red, 'because Cindy says she doesn't...

4 years ago
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A weekend of guilty pleasure

That weekend I will always remember. Or should I say will haunt me forever? The first time I travelled alone to a foreign country. An unknown city where I was about to study the creations of a famous architect.At the airport I was told my luggage was loaded onto another plane. So there I was…stranded with just my purse. Small enough to fit my phone, wallet and make up. Laptop, clothes, phone charger, extra money…. everything else was in my luggage. I couldn’t think clear anymore. I decided to...

1 year ago
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Couple Sex In My Studio

Hi, Everyone, this is Midgul -Erotic Photographer. Today’s incident which I going to write is about a random couple. I woke up around 7 am as usual and checked my phone. There were so many notifications because last night I slept early. I was reading them one by one, some of them just crap, few emails and some friends jokes. Only 2 messages were in my WhatsApp business account. One from a model for some photos and other was unknown number just saying ‘Hi’. I replied with another ‘Hi’ and went...

2 years ago
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Full of Black Love

Now in my last days with my big powerful studs black baby in me. I am finding it so hard to walk about. Oh my belly is so stretched now and the skin is so tight that it is shiny and torn. I can't even reach my arms all the way round my bulge!!! When I struggle from a chair and have to lean back to walk very slowly and my with my legs open taking small steps. Joe's brat is so heavy and active, doing is somersaults in my belly.I went today for a scan and Joe and me only invited as he is father....

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How my virginity was sold

Last time I told you how having got a part time job in a car salesroom to fund going to college during 1979 and that my boss Steve, tried to have sex with me in his car but I stopped him just before he penetrated me by me jerking him off. It was a close run thing but my virginity remained intact. You may recall that he paid me £20.00p to keep my mouth shut about the incident. As I also mentioned my family was not well off and that going to college was going to be a financial struggle for me but...

2 years ago
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Road Trip Continued part II

And so my story continues...So there I am in the bathroom of the hotel with a ragging hard on thinking about cocks, cum, cock sucking wanting desperately to jack off and relieve myself. Then I think about Tom in the other room and how I would love for him to see just how turned on I am and whether he too may be turned on as well. Should I, no, maybe, why not, what do I have to lose? I tell myself, it's now or never. I strip naked and step to the door ready to show Tom my hard cock and let him...

2 years ago
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Karen and Michelles Sad Story Part 1 Chapter 9

By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 9, Karen’s Home Town Humiliation Continues Karen woke up about 4:00 am in the morning. It took her a minute to realize where she was and then she turned over and found herself staring into the sleeping...

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Sky Bri 6100 508000

Twitter is a great place to find all sorts of smut; It has an active NSFW community. You would find porn studios, pornstars, and random tweeps uploading porn.Heck! You can find me on Twitter @porndudecasting. I don't think there is a major porn studio you wouldn't find on Twitter. Everyone is glued all day to social media, which makes it a nice place to jerk off. So, you woke ideologists get to take a break from canceling a celeb to crank one out quickly.You will also find your favorite...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Jessicas First Day

Jessica and her parents had moved to a new city during the summer. It was now her first day of senior year for the school and the blonde bombshell was nervous. She missed her friends, and looked forward to making new ones. She did think it would be a blow for her reputation, that her father Ted was a teacher at her new school. Jessica was concerned that he’d embarrass her somehow today. But she was feeling super cute wearing a yellow sundress that showed most of her well toned legs. These...

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Sharing Black A Happy Ending 1st Half

LaJoria 4:00p.m. Sunday (Big Momma’s house) “Big Momma I really don’t want to talk to him about this, I don’t have nothing to say to him, nothing at all!” I told her, slamming the serving spoon on the table. “Jori you need to do something, cause you can’t do this alone, and I am not going to be here forever to help you. So…” she paused. I continued to mix the cornbread. “Big Momma he’s not ready to be a father, and I’m am not ready to wait for him to sow his wild oats then when he feel like it,...

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YanaStory 2 Yana And The Small Problem

Once upon a time, in the days of the now-dissolved Evil Empire, there lived in Moscow a very lovely and intelligent blonde girl named Yana. When she graduated at the top of her high school class the government told her that she wanted to work in the nuclear industry. She wisely chose studying for seven years to become a nuclear scientist at the Josef Stalin Institute for Blowing Things Up in Tblisi, Georgia, over becoming a pick-and-shovel miner for uranium ore in the Novosibirskiye Islands...

3 years ago
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Chained in the Basement Please HelpChapter 16

Please, let me out of here. I'll do anything. Are you right outside the door, watching me through that camera all this time, reading my posts, laughing at me? You're smart, you fooled me completely. I still don't know you're out there, but I hope you're there. I want you to be there, to be having a wonderful time watching your captive slave do just what you planned her to do. To beat off in sync with me as I lie there earning my computer time. Sometimes, I can almost feel you looking at...

4 years ago
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Our Paris Adventure

Sarah and I were exhausted after showering and headed to bed. In typical Parisian fashion, my bed was large enough for one person, but quite cozy for two. For two lovers, like Sarah and I, the coziness was welcomed. She curled up beside me and I loved feeling her body spooning me.I woke in the middle of the night. After a stop in the bathroom, I turned off the light. Moonlight lit our room and I could see Sarah, sound asleep, on her back, her legs splayed exposing her pussy, cupped in the...

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CHAPTER 11: A 5-SOME (OR IS IT A 6-SOME?)Joe showed Nikki an email exchange between Michele and Jim and Sarah. Although they had experiences with each since the initial meeting at the resort, they had never gotten together as a group. They were wondering about the 5 of them getting together for similar fun as they have shared separately. “We could invite them all here. We’ve met in neutral locations in the past for the convenience of everyone. It might be a bit of drive for them but we can...

3 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 21

Earth location and time: Miami Florida, Dade County Family Court, Monday, 9:40 AM, November 29, 2010 Eastern Standard Time Aina time: 11:29 AM, day 47 of 1408 H.E. "Mr. Connors, can I ask you a question?" My lawyer's quiet question brought me out of a daydream. My daughter Isabelle was sitting in a chair on my other side. Her eyes were closed, but I sensed a subtle shifting of her head as she plugged into the conversation. "Of course," I whispered. "What's up?" "While you were...

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Cloud Nine Ch 5

“Just about everything you do turns me on,” Gene said, “especially if you’re naked. Girls, like roses and fine wine, were put on earth for men to enjoy.”“You’re a chauvinist bastard,” Libby chuckled.“Yep, I guess so.”“That’s okay, you’re a lovable bastard.” She pulled the vibrator out of her cunt, then shoved it back in again, hard. “Are you imagining that you’re watching another guy fucking me right now?”Her question hit so close to home, it nearly befuddled him, and he had to think fast....

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Rab ne bana dee Jodi

Hi.. This is a true story.. Im susheel of age 33yrs unmarried.. Hail from small town of rajasthan.. & worked as it professional in mumbai.. Meri family mail 3 log hain mom & widow sister, main apne gaon koi 4 saal baad aaya tha kyonki main teen saal usa main raha tha for it sis radhika hum use pyar se munia kahate the , jaisa kee gaon main hota hai ladkiyon kee shaadi juldi ho jaati hai.. She was married at a age of 18 yrs. When she was in 12th stnd. & after 2 yrs wo vidhwa ho...

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22 Vayathu Vibachaariyai Matter Adithen 8211 Part 2

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilam vibachaariyai eppadi kathal seithu matter adithen enbathai ungaludan pagirugiren. Bikil sendru konde irukum pozhuthu aananthi aval kaiyai en sunniyil vaithu thadavinaal, naan hey ena pagalaaga irukirathu ipo en apdi keten? Enaku ippozhuthe un sunniyai sappanum endru ketal. Aval ithai soliyathum enaku thaanga mudiyaatha alavirku moodu vanthathu, bikekil sendru konde irukum pozhuthu oru munthiri thopu vanthathu. Mani sariyaaga 12 aanathu, mazhai varuvathu pola...

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Meeting with ISS User Part 3

Hello, my dear readers, So this is the sequel to the sex adventure of how I got a chance to meet Nikhil, and soon after we meet we were unable to control ourselves. We might have pleasure each other orally but did not have a chance to fuck yet. I was so desperate to insert Nikhil’s cock inside my wet pussy. Furthermore, in order to get me more aroused he got me the motherfucking crotchless panties wearing which I could feel the air touching my pussy passing under my skirt. I was dying to bang...

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My wifes job 2

Robin was watching with me as my wife, Cindy, was fucked by her boss, Richard. After we saw that they were both cumming, Robin announced, “Well, Cindy, you don't need to worry about Ron being jealous. He just pumped a second load into my cunt when he saw that Richard was filling your cunt with his cum.” “Ron, Cindy,” Richard said, “I think it would be great if you two would spend the rest of the weekend with Robin and me, exploring the exciting sex that we can share. Will you do it?” I...

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The Tinder guy arrives at my condo at 9.  He is larger than his picture.  He is hot and that’s deliberate on my part.  His name is (and I kid you not) Lance.  I hope it refers to his dick.  Lance is tall and heavy-muscled.  My mouth waters.  When he sees me, his eyes take their time looking me up and down.  Will I measure up?  I have dressed to impress.  Is he impressed?  Wearing a too-high skirt and a too-tight top with a bralette and boy short panties.  I realized I am holding my breath...

Group Sex
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Ted to Another Dimension

The year was 1985. I think. Who cares? It was a year. Actually, screw that. The year was 2025. That's what we're going on you bastard. But it took place in Valley Hills. Which is in California. Full of Californians. Or at least it started there. It's supposed to be a story about inter dimensional adventures stuff. Maybe that explains what the Nazis and he Last Jedi were doing in Vietnam. Teddy McLang was 18 years old. He was best pals with John and had a girlfriend named Tami-Lynn Parker who...

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Hotel Meeting

What could be more normal, two people checking into a hotel? Only the slight exchange of looks between us. I get the card key and you get up from the comfy chair, rolling your case towards the lift. It’s early afternoon, we’re both dressed for work… and play. I press the button for the lift. We almost can’t look at each other, no words yet. It takes an age to come, finally the doors open. Empty. Room 1917… 19th floor. I hit the button, the doors close. I see the fire in your eyes and drop my...

4 years ago
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Rachaels Story Chapter 3 Morning Showers

As I awoke in the morning, I was face down in the pillow. I could feel a soft pair of fingers gently stroking my back and I purred into my pillow. As I started to regain my thoughts, I felt both my holes tingle from my previous evening’s entertainment and realised that the gentle stroking was reviving the horniness from the night before. At that moment, Julie whispered in my ear, ‘Wake up lazy bones’ I rolled onto my side to see Julie smiling sweetly at me despite the bleary eyes of...

2 years ago
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Work wife wants to experience new things

Its very common for people of the opposite sex who’ve worked professionally together to develop a friendship so close that they become as close as spouses. My work wife’s name is Shauna. I have known her the entire time I’ve worked for this development company. Shauna married her high school boyfriend at age 18, had a couple k**s, the house, soccer games typical suburb woman. She was attractive especially for a mom. I on the other hand was married while serving in the military and divorced a...

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Two Sisters and Me

That day after school, I would learn more about life and how exciting it could be, than any social studies class could teach. About five minutes before the bell went, Anna, the girl of my dreams, and shower fantasies came to me. She had smooth firm skin that meant she looked younger than she was. She had long brown hair down to her waist, and the darkest brown eyes you’ve ever seen. She was wearing a tight, short, silk slip-dress with a floral pattern, and her legs were heaven to look at in...

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Weekend With An Unknown Teacher

I am sales officer in public sector. I have been working there for 2 yrs and I was happy with my job and life. But then I started feeling emptiness as in my busy life I didn’t get chance to have fun. I am 24, well built, tall and living alone. I wanted some change and it soon came in strange way. I was going back to home in car at evening. I was bit tired and fed up of my boring life. I had to prepare food everyday and then remaining time I spent sleeping. But it went different that day. On the...

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BlackAmbush Leila Rae What Else Would I Do on My Knees

Exactly girl. What else would you be doing on your knees other than sucking Isiah Maxwell’s cock right after getting ambushed in the bathroom after Rocky “The Director” played around with that voluptuous ass of yours in the living room. Well this is for sure the biggest cock this MILF has ever sucked or fucked before and even admitted she was quite impressed with herself for being able to take it all. Let’s just say if you like your women a little darker and exotic with beautiful eyes that...


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