Red Light
- 3 years ago
- 23
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Chapter 1: Out of the Eye and in to the Storm
The nightmare was what woke Samiel Anderson that morning and not the normal high pitched, excessive, electronic bitching of the alarm clock. His mind was still littered with shards and fragments of the bizarre nightmare which shattered upon his awakening. Samiel ran his hands over his face as he sat there at the edge of the bed still trying to wake up. His hands passed over his bald scalp and the hot sweat acted as a lubricant that caused his head to nearly slip out of the trembling grip of his fingers. He couldn’t believe they had talked him into it, even sitting there and thinking about it. It was for the cause, no more running, bowing and scraping. But was it right?
Even sitting there surrounded by reality, what was left of the dream embedded in his skull felt so real. He could still hear the screams and gunfire, he could still hear the bullets buzzing as they ricocheted off the buildings and pavements before whizzing through the air. ‘What kind of crazy shit was that?’ Samiel asked the empty air of his room nearly half expecting an answer to a question that couldn’t be anything but rhetorical. Only as a child had dreams ever been so vivid, well written and directed.
Samiel looked up from his hands and the familiar sight of his room was of some comfort to him, helping to further disintegrate the already fading dream. The walls were a gallery of pseudo-tough guys with contracts to rap and diamonds to flaunt and flatter with. Ironic many of them rapped about poverty and injustice and yet their precious diamonds may had been apart of some sort of injustice in another country. His floor was still littered with CD’s and Games belonging to two different consoles, both rival controllers tangled at the base from excessive use but little care. Behind them stood the dark brown entertainment center holding his Television and Stereo together as if they were both one unit.
Samiel stood to his feet and pulled down the right leg of his black boxers that had become drawn up during what was obviously a fitful sleep. The thin, rectangular remote sat on the floor near the foot of the bed. Crossing over the silver and black comforter he must had kicked off in the middle of the night, Samiel picked it up, aimed at the Stereo and pushed power. The green-blue lights came alive before becoming numbers and words telling which track was sung by who. The speakers began to play and Nas’ ‘It’s a small world’. For Samiel it was a ritual that commenced every morning he woke up. Naz would be followed by a Song from 2 Pac and then a song by Ray Charles, and then a song by the Doors. An odd mixture, but it all made sense to him.
Samiel first opened his door just enough to stick his head out and peer into the hallway. Pass the light tremor of bass from his speakers, he could hear the tell tale silence alerting him to the absence of his Parents and two younger sisters. He left the door open, no one was home to tell him it was too loud. Had to clear his mind, he had once heard in psychology class that stress was believed to cause nightmares.
It had to be done, he told himself even as he opened the heavy wood drawer and took a pair of black sweats and a gray t-shirt out to wear. Running always helped clear his head. Jonathan was right, if the authorities suspected anything they would have swarmed days or even weeks ago, the rally was tomorrow and not even a peep. Samiel couldn’t believe they were actually going to go through with it, he forced himself to stop thinking about it as the anxiety of it all fluttered in his chest.
After he finished dressing for his run, he grabbed his CD player off the bed and left the room without turning off the stereo. His mind was a cacophony of thoughts as he walked down the hallway where all the other rooms, except for the bathroom, doors were all closed. Reaching the steps he looked over at the Family picture framed by the elaborate, heavy oak. Looking at the smiling faces of his Mother, Father, and two Sisters nearly made him feel guilty, but as he began down the steps it cemented his resolve. No more terror and no more fear. But was it right? What if they were caught?
Samiel stepped at the bottom step and turned toward the kitchen, the silence that prevailed in the house caught his attention beyond gratitude suddenly. Everyday the almost inaudible hum of the refrigerator and the endless ticking of the large clock hanging near the darkly colored, circular table where they ate dinner together every Sunday. For a moment Samiel started towards the kitchen then changed his mind and turned walking across the living room, opening the front door and going out.
Just as he crossed the threshold and the large, white front door shut behind him, Samiel pushed play on the dark gray CD player. Hendrix began to play over the round, black speakers covering his ears. He took only a few steps before he stopped and a small sliver of shock registered though him.
The oceanic sky loomed over head for what seemed like infinity in all directions. The soft blues were bleeding into violets and gold’s where a few, pristine, white stars could be see sparely spotting parts of the sky. At the horizon the fiery orange was evidence the sun had traveled their to set, it nearly looked like it was glowing. The sky was an eerie and beautiful sight, his father always called that time of day twilight, he heard his grand parents use the same phrase.
‘Damn, how long have I been sleep?’ Samiel said to no one as he stared up at the sky that loomed massively above him. A second thought followed the first, then a third. How come no one woke him up? And were was everyone if it was nearly evening? Shaking his head he walked to the sidewalk and stretched a little as he pondered it all. With the CD fastened to the side of his sweats, he bent over touching the tips of his toes concealed by the black and gray running shoes his Father had bought him a few months before for his 22th birthday.
They were a bit expensive but the old man said he deserved them for keeping to the straight and narrow, he had to wondered what his Father would say if he knew what he had been doing. Samiel wondered what the old man would say if he knew what was going to happen and that he was going to behind it? His father always said violence rarely solved a problem, it just delayed a far worse situation.
Samiel forced himself to stop thinking about it before he could wonder what his Mother might say, he didn’t allow the guilt to build. Instead, Samiel began to jog down the street as he took the same path he always when he cut through the quiet suburb of middle class and upper middle class families. He took out his key to unlock the black, metal gate which separated his court from the nature trail.
There in the immense shadows of the towering pine and birch trees, he fumbled with the key for several minutes before unlocking it and stepping through. It closed behind Samiel and he looked about the trail that lay elevated but along side the wide creek. He took in a breath and it smelled of flowers, plants and trees. The weather was still very warm and across the wide creek Samiel could see the field of gold grass and weeds. On the horizon Samiel could see no sun but there was a strong gold glow.
Samiel began to jog again and as he ran his troubles didn’t seem so bad, what was coming had to be done. The music played loudly in his ears and he could feel the leaves and twigs crunching under each step he took. He was beginning to sweat a half an hour into his run, he decided to cut through the park to reach a mini-mart/gas station to buy a bottle of water before going home, showering and then catching up with the rest of the group. With the music still pumping in his ears he turned off the trail and began to jog through the park. The expanse of green grass, sparse pockets of trees and isolated jungle gym greeted him. Yet, those were the only things because the park was as empty as the trail.
l stopped jogging and began to walk as he looked around. On a Friday there were always kids and some dogs having the time of their lives, he wasn’t sure what to make of it. There was a dull alert in the furthest reaches of his mind, something too muffled to really cause concern but to arouse curiosity. The trees painted silhouettes replicas across the grass and they seemed to barely sway in the breeze. Samiel could see the store across the street at the corner of the intersection, it wasn’t far at all. A speck of movement caught his eye and it caused him to turn his head and look, the sight alleviated his curiosity and silenced the alarm completely. There were two runners coming down the street from a neighboring court near Cougar Elementary. One of them waved at him and Samiel waved back, squinting to see who it was. Most runners stopped at the store on their way back home, he figured he would see who it was when they made their pit stop.
Samiel decided to make the trip a lot shorter by jogging there, he looked both ways before crossing the street. Jogging down the sidewalk he slowed down to a walk before entering the store. He walked down the Magazine isle and straight to the refrigerator, the sliding glass doors trimmed with black was an inviting sight. He pulled the door open and grabbed a bottle of water, it felt cool in his hot palm as he walked back to the register. No one was there and the soft light from the sky touched the edges of the counter.
‘HELLO?’ Samiel said pulling one side of his earphones off as he looked about. ‘HELLO?’ He called again when there was no response. ‘Way to kill the competition in the customer service department.’ Samiel mumbled as he continued to wait for the cashier to return. Finally frustrated, he took out his wallet, took out a dollar and tossed it on the counter before walking out the store as he pulled his earphones back on straight.
Samiel stepped out on the sidewalk and looked towards the runners that continued to approach the store. Samiel was about to unscrew the top to his bottle of water, then he realized he had brought it more out of habit then want. He wasn’t thristy at all and that came as a shock after such a long run. He had smiled and was about to wave, but as his smile faded his arm lost power and remained at his side. The faint alert again arose from the depths of his mind, but it roused curiosity instead of fear. The woman was in the lead, she looked a little younger then himself and for a moment he thought he knew her. Her mane of dark brown hair danced wildly as she ran, she wore an over sized black sweater with sleeves that covered her hands and a pair of gray jeans. Her bare feet slapped the cement with each step as she ran at a frantic pace. On her young face there was a mixture of tears and absolute fear.
The man was slightly behind her, and looked much older, wore a unbutton white dress shirt with a t-shirt under it. His mostly undone tie some how remained sloppily around his neck, matching his black slacks and shoes. On his face was a salt and pepper beard that could not hide the same desperation that etched his own face, he was closing in quickly behind the woman as she ran. It became obvious that he was chasing her.
‘What in hell?’ Samiel asked no one again as he watched the two approaching at such a frantic speed. He looked around for help in case it was needed but seen no one. Samiel took the earphones off and sat them around his neck causing the world to become audible all around him, or at least he could hear the lack thereof. There were no sounds except the two approaching figures.
A growl rose from the older man as he began to catch up to the young woman. Reaching a large hand out, he snatched her by the back of her sleeve, and yanked her hard. The woman screamed in shock just before the man half shoved and half tossed her to the side. Her eyes widen as she stumbled, her arms flailed awkwardly to catch herself with no avail. She lost her footing and fell face first, a hand saved her from nose diving into the cement but her entire body tumbled causing the side of her head to bounce of the ground before she rolled to a stop. The Older man stopped to look at her for just a moment before he started running again, seeming oblivious to Samiel.
Samiel dropped his water and was moving before he realized what he was doing, the violent tumble of the woman triggered something inside of him that has gotten others killed for countless generations, heroics. The two men approached each other, one on purpose and one blindly but the outcome was the same. Samiel cocked and fired his fist, sending the flesh and bone arsenal smashing into the bearded jaw of the older man. The pain erupted in Samiel’s fist as both velocities met in a jarring impact which caused the older man to lose his footing, and hit the cement wall of the store. He half caught himself as his hands slapped against the unmoving surface of the wall, before he tumbled off and fell onto his back in a daze.
Samiel’s adrenaline ordered he ignore the brief pain as he rushed over the unmoving form of the woman. Kneeling beside her he looked around. ‘SOMEBODY CALL AN ABMBULANCE!’ Rolling the girl over onto her back her hazel eyes stared in a daze towards the sky. She mouthed something before bringing her hand to her head. Samiel looked around once more waiting for someone to come out of their house. ‘HEY! WE NEED SOME HELP OUT HERE! CALL THE POLICE AND TELL THEM SOMEONE WAS BEING MUGGED OUT HERE!’ Samiel yelled again. The woman groaned still trying to come off her daze.
‘Keep your goddamn voice down.’ The older man suddenly said as he rolled onto his hands and knees. ‘What are you? Some kind of stupid idiot!’
‘Stay where you are, old man river!’ Samiel looked up from the girl quickly. ‘The police are on their way! Just relax and don’t do anything stupid!’
The older man’s face seemed to twist with something akin to hatred and disgust, he barely got to one knee as his face redden and the sweat rolled down his forehead. ‘The COPS!?’ He asked raising his voice, then he suddenly fell into bitter laughter. It was a laughter that wracked his whole body and caused his belly to tremble. The more he laughed the more it seemed to threaten to become tearful. He rubbed his jaw absently as if to soothe whatever pain was there and to check for damages. ‘Then you stay here and wait for the cops, slick! Let me know how that goes for you.’
‘Don’t move.’ Samiel barked at the man.
‘Fuck you, hero! You stay here with her if you like!’ The older man scurried to his feet with a stumble, then took off in a sprint around the corner.
Samiel was going to take off after the older man when he felt a hand snag him by the bottom of his shirt. Samiel looked down into the face of the suddenly startled girl. ‘We have to get out of here! We have to run!’ The girl pulled herself up into a sitting position and looked around with wild hazel eyes. ‘We have to run!’
‘Wait, calm down! The police are on their way, the guy that attacked you ran that way.’ Samiel pointed towards the corner where the figure had vanished. ‘Just calm down, and everything will be-
‘What? No! No they aren’t! Let me go!’ The woman yanked out of Samiel’s grasp as she kicked into an over drive fueled by panic and fear. She staggered to her feet with the grace of a drunk before she looked around. ‘I have to get out of here! You have to run! Fuck Henry! We have to go!’
‘What are you doing?’ Samiel asked as he looked around trying to spot what she was looking for.
‘You can’t stay here! Run! Just run!’ The woman pushed pass Samiel and started to sprint when a sudden squeal rushed from around the corner caused her to stop dead in her tracks. Her form trembled hard under the black sweater and she took several steps back from the path she was about to run.
‘What was that?’ Samiel asked as his own fears began to ignite.
‘Oh my god! Oh my god!’ The woman began to cry as she took a few more steps back and began looking arou
nd for an obvious and new escape route. ‘Run! We have to run! Why the hell are you just standing there? You want to die or something, stupid!?’ The woman asked him frantically as her head whipped about looking in every direction.
‘What the hell is going on?’ Samiel asked taking a few steps back unconsciously. A sudden dread filled the air and suddenly he was as frightened as he was confused.
The fear was suddenly too much and it exploded inside of her causing her to become frantic.The woman turned and tore across the street as fast as her legs could carry her. Her bare feet could be heard colliding with the cement until she reached the grass. Samiel took several more steps away before he ran only to stop in the middle of the street, not sure which direction to run but getting the nearly overwhelming urge to do the same. Just then he heard the screaming and heavy footsteps shooting towards the corner, the older man came running from the direction he had original chosen. He had just rounded the corner when he tripped and hit the ground hard. His hands shot up catching him before his fall could become a face dive.
No! He hadn’t fell something had him by the leg! Samiel could tell as he watched in wide eyed terror while the man clawed and raked the cement as if trying to pull away. Then it came, a loud, ear assaulting, nauseating crunch that caused the man’s entire body to jerk. A scream, something crazed with agony and desperation escaped his wide open mouth. He clawed and raked at the cement all the more frantically when another crunch followed it. Samiel felt the world shatter around him, glued to that spot he stared in horrid disbelief even as his brain yelled at him to run.
Then it came out into the opening as it reached out for the panicking, screaming man with fat, cloven hands. It had to be at least nearly 7 feet, a thing beyond gross obesity and covered in oily, greasy molted flesh. The large, fat legs some how kept the immense rolls of endless fat from touching the ground. It had no neck with a round, pug face. Its immense yellow eyes stared down at the man while glowing a sickly yellow, its body seemed to constantly jiggle and wobble while it continued its disgusting task.
Still holding on it pulled more of the man’s leg into its large jaws, while they were open Samiel could see three rows of jagged teeth embbed in its black gums. The man turned onto his back and began kicking at the face of his attacker viciously, he continued to scream while trying to break away. The thing seemed to ignore his kicks as the expensive, deep brown loafer smashed over and over against its bloated face.
The creature then reached out snatching hold of the man’s second leg before pulling it into its mouth as well. It began to chew hungrily causing several hideous pops and snaps to assault Samiel’s ears. The man’s screams became something incoherent and more sound then words. The beast squealed gleefully the entire time it continued to eat. The unfortunate soul’s legs became a ruined mess of ragged clothing, flesh and splintered bones.
Samiel couldn’t tear himself from the scene as he continued to watch in disbelief. His mind was a sea of white noise that blocked any real thoughts of escape with an overwhelming fear. For a moment, for just a brief moment the man’s eyes met Samiel’s and he desperately reached a hand out in some mad hope of purchasing salvation from his fate. Samiel took several more steps back. He could not and would not make an attempt. The beast shoved the man further into its mouth until he was just a little over waist deep. In a last attempt synanomous with Custer, the man continued to claw and shove at the greasy face before he halted the creature’s progress. His arms trembled hard as the beast squealed with irritation, but it wasn’t long before his arms gave out and he slid a little further into the awaiting maw while still screaming his pleads.
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Tommy Gunn is a little early for his appointment. When the manager greets him at the door, Tommy asks if he can select a girl of his choosing. The manager informs him that usually that would be the case but since he’s early, they only have one girl on staff. He assures him that she’s a true professional and motions him to the back room to get ready. Tommy gets undressed, turns around and practically screams when he sees his stepdaughter, Jill Kassidy, in front of him. Tommy...
xmoviesforyouPaul Gauguin has been one of the leaders of the post-impressionism movement. At the end of the nineteenth century. He has been gone through a difficult time. His friend, Vincent van Gogh had cut a piece of his ear off and was dead. And Gauguin himself had tried to commit suicide. Gauguin has always been different then others in his time. He hated the realistic world with sadness, poverty and ugly industrial influences in daily life. Gauguin lived in his own world, created his own utopian world...
She’s a good looking girl – slim and petite, with long straight black hair, olive skin, and a smile that looks like it was created for dental advertising. She’s almost playful in the way that she moves and talks, but between the jokes, the laughs, and the enthusiasm, there are brief moments where her mask slips and her true face shows through. It’s the surface that’s happy, beneath that, she’s miserable. Her accent is South London, flavoured with just a hint of Croatian, the price for being...
After me and sissy spoke, I felt so overloaded with my emotions that I felt like I needed a release. I knew one of my gf was at the local pub so I decided to meet her.I arrived and walked past a group of guys, we made eye contact and i smiled at him and he smiled back.I went to my gf and we were talking. A short while later the group of guys came over and they knew some of my gf's friends. We made eye contact again.I asked anyone if they wanted a cigarette, my gf said yes and so did he. We...
by TW, aka Ratfink Harry, a recently retired contractor that had done pretty well during San Antonio's housing boom, was fleeing his home on Mustang Island, a narrow barrier island on Texas's gulf coast. His truck was one of the last vehicles to squeeze on to the very last ferry making the run to the mainland at Aransas Pass. What a ride that was! He didn’t know the Laguna Madre could get that rough. He shoved the emergency brake pedal as far down as it would go and kept a foot on the brake...
Spy Swap by Carol Collins Part 1 The beautiful scantily clad redhead teenager stood poised on the diving board as she waved at her sixty two year old Greek Banker companion. Her designer made green bikini consisted of two tiny triangles of thin silk covering the prominent pink nipples on her gravity defying cone shaped C cup breasts. Another pair of wispy silk triangles concealed the tiny red patch of pubic hair, vagina and cleft between the prominent cheeks of her very...
1. A BIG SurpriseIt's funny how you never really see things coming until they hit you right in the face.My life was about as normal as possible. I am thirty-two, still in great physical shape, and a basketball coach at one of the top ten high school basketball programs in Texas. I have a younger girlfriend who keeps me on my toes and in great shape from all the sex. She is a nymphomaniac and very adventurous. My first sexual encounter in public, my first blow job while driving, and my first...
The sound of a man in the house again was sweet, and I pretended to sleep just to savor it. Eric had gotten out of bed and padded to the bathroom quietly, trying not to awaken me. Urine splashed into the toilet bowl and he sighed with relief. Mentally, I told my own bladder to hush for now. He left the bathroom and went downstairs. Paniced that he was leaving my eyes flew open, his clothes were still on the floor where he had left them the night before. Footfalls on the stairs vanquished my...
The Smell When Anthony Powel entered his apartment on the first floor of the converted Victorian house in the quiet neighborhood in which he dwelled, he instantly became angry. A nasty smell wafted in from the back porch area, and he was quite certain his roommates were again neglecting their duties. The reek could only be trash that had been left to rot. Damn, he hated irresponsible people. He charged through the apartment toward the back, dropping his backpack with his...
‘Let me speak to my friend a moment,’ Emi said as she headed back to Angel. Angel watched as the girl came back to her and could tell she was about to burst at the seams. ‘Angel! She thinks we’re hookers! She’s trying to proposition me…us….whatever! She wants to take us back to her hotel.’ Angel took a peek at the woman who was watching them as they spoke. ‘Hmm, that sounds interesting. She’s pretty nice looking. Do you want to go with her?’ ‘Let’s do it. I’ve always wanted to be a hooker...
I discovered my first playboy magazine under my parents bed at around age 10. and that pretty much set off the start of my sex addiction. the sears catalog, jc penny catalog, national geographic magazine... if it had scantily clad women, i was masterbating to it, alot, i mean ALOT... playboy was the one that set me off on a quest to see what else was out there. i was jacking off in the morning before school, sometimes id sneek off the bathroom and jack off during class, as soon as...
The first week proceeded like the first day did. Warren and Sophia got out and saw as much as they could see. They practiced. Sophia's morning sickness acted up a bit, but not much, and she was feeling generally good and fit. Tuesday was the pairs' long program. Brett and Andrea were the first pair in the final group, and they skated wonderfully. "That's the best I've ever seen them skate," Warren said, and Sophia agreed. Brett and Andrea were beside themselves with joy as they came...
As I held her, I kissed her forehead gently. I could feel her hot breath on my chest. It was yet another moment in a night that has had quite a few.I really didn’t know what this relationship with B was. One day it was just about sex. The next day it meant more. Some days much more. This felt a lot like one of those days.My panic was beginning to return, but in a different form. I thought that I knew my next move. I had already planned the grand finale, but at that point, I am second-guessing...
Straight SexIn the morning, Marcia woke up Jay. "Wake up, it's time to get ready for the day." Jay was compelled to follow Julienne's morning ritual just as she would. But when Jay woke up, he found that he had his typical morning wood. This would have been painful for him if he was wearing the several sizes too small panties he had gone to bed in, but now that his clothing had adjusted, his member actually felt quite good under the smooth material of Julienne's panties. But he didn't worry...
Over the next months, I won’t characterize the frequency of phone calls from Lena as sporadic, just not really consistent. I relished them. Really did. She’s bright. After the pall of Dad’s passing wore away, she became more light-hearted and funny. Email was a thing, too, all very benign – pictures flowing both ways – me of my worksite and the surrounding area, hers being cute things she found on the Internet to share, pensive notes on school and home. Halfway through, I found myself...
Melissa left for school just as my kids were getting up. They accepted that she'd stayed over to 'help' since their mommy was away. Melissa did promise a duplicate day to the one before. I was certainly up for that. I texted Stacy a picture of Melissa stretched out nude on the bed after we'd finished the night before. My byline was, 'Wore her out. Hope you had fun. Love, me.' I got a quick reply, 'Teenagers! No stamina. My God, she's so sexy. I've got to get me some of that. Send...
Mera naam Ayush Patel hai mai Jaipur,Rajasthan kaa rehne waala hu. After reading soo many stories on iss today I have decided to share my sexual experiences with you all. In sub stories koo mai parts mai publish karunga and this is my first story soo ur valuable feedback will be much appreciated. After completing my college, I was waiting for the joining letter from the company in which I was placed. So, during that time I used to spend lots of time on social networking sites. Aise hi ek din...
This is how I got my slave. I have finally arrived in the middle of the night. My plane touched downand I have been in town since the afternoon. This gave me the time I neededfor final preparations. When I finally got to her house there was only theporch light. I approached quietly; observing the surrounding as I backed myvehicle up the driveway and shut off the engine and lights. I made sure therewas no other soul around. I searched inside the bush and found a small box. I opened it up and...
I sat on the couch of Mr. Thomas’ house watching TV. I wondered to myself where Mr. Thomas was, since it was already 11:30pm and he had told me he would be home 2 hours ago. I didn’t really care though. The kids had already gone to bed hours ago and I had pants in the dryer. I had accidently spilled some tea on my pants a little while ago and so I threw them in the dryer. I didn’t have any underwear on so I just picked a pair of Mr. Thomas’ basketball shorts out of the clean laundry bin and...
This went on and on. I wish I could tell you that I climaxed and climaxed over and over again. I would be lying to you if I said that. Being a man I know it is hard for you to understand. (The woman will.) Let me see if I can explain it in a way you guys can understand my feelings. When I first started doing all these filthy nasty things with these men, well, it was exciting; it was a turn on. My body loved it as the men stretched my openings, and pumped their sperm inside. I did climax, and...
This story is based on the real life of a world where 4 and 5 year old girls are forced to fuck grown men that pay for their services. Please keep in mind that although The story here is 100% fiction similar events do happen in real life. To get the facts behind this story check out This is the story of how three sisters ended up with a former Senator who was now trading in child prostitution. Kim Jill Sun had made an agreement with Former...
Hi readers am Vivek.This is my first story and i dont know how it will be.This is not a real story,just my fantasy. My mom-Molly.She is hot and sexy.She always wear her saree below her navel and in fact she is little bit of a exhibitionist.I heard many guys saying sexy about to my fantasy. I was doing that day I was driving my car to my home and it was already 7pm and it was raining.But unfortunately tyre got punctured.I tried for help in that heavy rain,but no one stop their...
IncestShe already knew his fantasy (I’ll write about it once it’s happened!) and laying in the darkness, sleepless at 12pm it could still get her blood pumping, but tonight Mia’s thoughts were wondering back to her school years. Only yesterday she had received a message from an old friend. Natalie had been the quiet one at school but had unexpectedly made a great friend to Mia. A few months on and the annual visit to the museum was upon them and after getting lost in one dark corner, away from bored...
LesbianGarden of DelightsNaomi’s TreasureIf she had her way, Naomi would spend all of her time in the wilderness, exploring and experiencing the tranquility of nature. Every chance she would get, she would take off for the weekend, or even as long as a week, to go hiking and camping in the back country of Colorado.From all of her time outdoors she developed a dark tan that complemented her long blonde hair. She normally kept it tied in a ponytail but occasionally she would let it glide free down over...
Time was closing in on her, but she had to take the time to call an old friend who peddled illegal substances. "Johnny? It's Sheila. Can you get me some H? "For Crissake. Give me your cell. I'll call you." When he called back immediately, he asked, "What the hell you need H for?" "A friend is dying and she wants a hit. How much?" "How much do you want? Three hundred will get you three grams. It's cheaper than before." "How much do I need for a non-addict interested in an...
My name is Clara Bedford and I'm as white bread as they come. My parentswere born into money - old money - and lots of it. I grew up in a bigwhite house in Westchester County. When I was a little girl I played withmy little white friends. When I got older I went to private schools wherealmost everyone was white. Then I went to college and it was more of thesame.I have blond hair, blue eyes and fine features. I guess back then I waswhat you would call a WASP thoroughbred because I was very...
My name is Mark. I'm a high school senior, just under six feet tall, with dark blonde hair that develops light blonde highlights in the summer. I have an athletic build, and dark blue eyes. I've always been a little underwhelming, second string on the football team and basketball team, always come in second in track, and second trumpet in the school band. I maintain average grades in all my classes, putting me somewhere in the middle of my class in overall all scholarship. It's...
Hi guys, this is a story of how I seduced my neighbor who is a married women, well I’m ND from Ulhasnagar, age 28- good looking. Next to my house stayed a Sindhi couple- the husband (Vijay) & wife (Kashish) of age 34 & 29 resp. He works as a businessman & travels a lot. The wife is a beautiful woman, as her name Kashish cute & sexy- 34-29-36. But never had I seen her in a wrong way until things changed. I used to visit their home regularly & play with their 2 year old kid & was friendly with...
On Friday morning, I had to go to the office as I had four patients, three in the morning and one in the afternoon. Sophie was still sleeping when I got up, so I wrote her a note:Good morning Sophie,You are the most amazing woman in the whole universe. Thank you for choosing to spend time and love with me. Please stay here all day, just make yourself at home. I have no secrets that I would want to keep from you, so feel free to explore the house and gardens. Just make it your house. You are...
LesbianThis is another story written for my Mentor, Jack. He wanted me to explore the subject of poly relationships, even though He knew this was a hard thing for me to do. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------My Master has asked me to find another female sub to join us for an evening. He wants someone that is about my height, bisexual, attractive, and sufficiently submissive to obey Him for an evening of BDSM.?i am nervous about this. i am afraid to admit that...