قصة ام فادي من دمشق 2017 جزء 2 free porn video

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رفعت امي رجلها الاولى
والتانية لاتزال في البانيوو...وغسلتها من الرغوة جيداا...وقالت لي يلا لشوف مصلي اصبيعي
وانا هون بلشت مصمصة وامي بدء الامر يعجبها وتان أأأأممممم اااي ااي وتقول اقوى حبيبي اقوى فزدت من قوة المص لاصبيع رجليها يلي
كانو في منتهى الجمال والاناقة والأعتناء الفائق والمينيكور الأحمر الغامق...وهنا كانت قدم امي التانية
لاتزال في البانيوو...وهي تلامس قضيبي عن طريقة غير مباشرة وسريعة وكانت خاطفة جداا....وكأنها تحلب ايري بين أصابع قدميها
وهنا انتهيت من المصمصة انا...؟وقالت امي برافو حبيبي انتة ابني يلي بفتخرفيك لانك شاطر في
مداعبة النساء...قلت لها شكرا ماما لانك خليتيني مصلك اصبيع رجليكي الطيبين...فردت امي بصوت
مبحوح...من اللذة وقالت لي انو متى تشاء فيك تلعبلي باصبيع رجليي وتمصون قد مابدك...قلت لهاجد...فردت بنعم
حبيبي....بس اصبيعي؟...قلت لها شكراا ماما....؟وهنا اكملنا الحمام وقالت لي وشو عجبك كمان
فقلت لها انو هي هاد الشي الوحيد يلي بخجل منو امي فقالت قوول عادي بلا خجل ماما ...؟
فقالت لي شبك احكي فقلت لها لاأريد بخجل وهنا وقفت أمي كان جسمها باكمله على مرآى ناظري
واشرت بيدها على كسها وقالت لي شوو شبك قصدك كسي...؟مو...صح حبيبي...فهزيت
راسي بخجل فضحكت امي ولاتزال واقفة وممسكة بشفرات كسها الكبار المرخيين وقالت لي شو يلي عجبك فيه لكسي...فقلت لها بخجل شفراته
الكبار والواسعين...وقالت امي جد قلت لها اي جد ماما فردت علي امي بسؤال مفاجئ...؟هل تود
ان تلامس كسي وتلامس اشفاره الكبيرة...فقلت لها لا؟....فقالت امي ليش حبيبي مو انا امك...ماني غريبة وأطمن مارح أزعل بالعكس أنا عم وعيك؟؟
هون انا ضليت ساكت...فمسكت امي يدي بطريقة سريعة ومفاجئة وانسلت اصابعي الى كس امي
الكبير والمنتفخ..وشفراته الكبار ويلي كانو مرخيين من بخار الحمام وكانت يدي قابضة على كس امي
وتعتصره هي بيدي...وانا مدهوش من ماما وقالت شو عجبك ...كسي...وقلت لها بجنن...أأأمممم ااي ااي ااي وقالت لي بعبصني ماما شوي لحتى تتعلم كيف تبسط المراة..وقلت لها كيف فمسكت اصبيعي
وفوتتن بكسها ومسكت يدي التانية ووضعتها على زنبورها وهي تان وتتاوه وتصرخ من الشهوه اااااااه ااااي ممممممموووها ويزيد
صراخ امي وتقول يلا بسرعة كمان بعصني كمان حبيبي كمان.ااي ااي ااي مممممممم.....آآآآخ....أييييييي...آآآآآآآآآآآآآه.......أوووووووووه
أووووووووح........مممممممم....وصارت تتلوى بجسمها وصدرها يرتج فوق عيوني واردافها وفخادها تتلوى مع انثناء جسدها...وتقول ممممممم....أيييييي كسي ....أوووح... ووووح...ثم أطلقت صرخة عالية جدا تدل بانها وصلت لرعشتهاااا آآآآآآآآآآآآآخ.......وبعد لحظات توقفت أمي عن التأوه وكأنها نسيت أن من يبعبص في كسها وزنبورها وشفرات كسااا الكبار نسيت انو هادا ابنها وقالت لي...يسلمو...ماما لانك بعبصتني شوي وهيك بكون علمتك كيف تبسط
الوحدة من كسها صح فقلت لها صح ماما....وهنا رايت سائل ابيض ينسال من بيت شفرات كس امي وقلت لها ماهذا السائل ماما ونظرت الي وقالت هاد هو سائل الشهوة يلي بتوصل له الأمرأة في قمة رعشتها ونشوتها عند مداعبة الزنبور والشفرات ايضا وقالت امي ولايهمك هاد شي طبيعي عند النسوان ....وهنا انتهينا من الحمام ونشفنا بعضنا...وقالت امي عطيني
الملابس الداخلية لحتى البس فقلت لها ليش مو في البيت مابتلبسي لانجوري...فقالت لانو بدها تروح
لعند رفيقتها ناديا لتنام عندها انا هون زعلت فحست علي امي اني زعلت وقالت لي لاتزعل حبيبي شي يوم باخدك لعندها تنام معنا ...وهون لبست امي وكان الانجوري اسود...وشفاف...
وكان....الكيلوت......خيط رفيع كتير من ما سمح للكيلوت بأن يختفي وينحشر بين فلقات طيزها الكبيرة و لدرجة انو فات الكيلوت بين اشفار كسها ولم يظهر الكيلوت من الامام لانه كان غارق في كس وشفرات امي الكبار يلي يكادو
في ان ينفجروو من الانتفاخ ومن كتر النياكة...المهم ارتدينا ملابسنا وجلسنا قليلا في الدار نتحدث
في المواضيع العائلية...قبل موعد مشوارها...بساعة تقريبا وطلبت مني امي بان اعملها مساج
خفيف قبل ذهابها...فوافقت على الفور ...وهنا خلعت امي رووب النوم الشفاف لونه زهر...وكان طوله ياتي الى الفخد..
فقط...وكان يظهر الكيلوت والسوتيانة من خلفه...؟
فخلعت ايضا السوتيانة ونامت على ضهرها وبدأت انا بالمساج وصارت امي تان وتتاوه من المساج المريح
وقالت امي انزل للاسفل قليلا...ونزلت..وبعد دقيقتين؟...قالت امي كمان شوي انزل فانزلت يدي
قليلا...للاسفل...وصرت عند منطقة الأرداف والطيز تقريبا في اول الشق....؟وهناظهر الكيلوت لي وقالت امي
عملي مساج لطيزي حبيبي..وبدات المساج في طيز امي وهي مسترخية على الآخر.. وقالت لي
حبيبي فادي شلحني الكيلوت اذا مدايقك في المساج..اوكي ماما ورحت مشلح امي الكيلوت ولما رفعت
طيزها الي ظهرت لي عورتها بالكامل هذه المرة شفت بخش طيزها الذي يميل لونه الى البني الفاتح وكان مفتوحااا...لوحده...كانها كانت تنتاك منذ قليل .....وااااو....على خرم طيز امي العاهرة
من كتر مو آكل زباب وايور...وقالت لي بلش المساج ابتدائا من الضهر واستقر في الطيز وهنا بلشت
انا في المساج...وكانت امي مستمتعة جداا....وقالت لي بعد قليل...في بالدرج كريم للمساج...ولاكني كنت أعرف نوعية الكريم وهو ليس للمساج بل هو لتكبير وشد الطيز الى الاعلى لأني رأيت أعلان الكريم ذات مرة في التلفاز
جيبه وتعال ماما جبت الكريم ولما كنت بدي اقعد قالت امي لا تقعد هيك مابترتاح...؟ قلتلها كيف
قالت لي قوم وقعود بين رجليي...فجلست بين ارجل امي وهي عارية...من الخلف..ورحت
امزج الكريم على جسد امي وافركه بيدي وهنا قالت امي توقف وضع كريم بس على طيزي وفركلي ياها...لأن هاذا الكريم ياحبيب امك فقط للمؤخرة....
وفعلا..بدئت في فرك ومزج الكريم وبعد قليل انزلقت يدي على بخش طيز امي من دون قصدي...ودخل أصبعي الأوسط بشرجهااا
وهنا صرخت....امي....آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآخ....وقالت ويحك ويحك ثم اياك.في ان تعبث في بخش
طيزي مرة تانية لقد عورتني ....أييييييي...ممممم...آآآآآآه...أوووووح....فقلت لها من تاثير الكريم...انا اسف ماما...فسامحتني وبعد قليل...قالت...بس بتعرف شي
قلت لها شو قالت...عجبتني طريقة انزلاق اصبعك جواا طيزي لأنها كانت بطريقة غير مباشرة عجبتني طريقة الأنزلاق وكأنها مزحة جميلة وقالت: كفي المساج بس بشرط قلتلها شو
قالت انك وانتة عم تمسجلي طيزي بدي ياك انو تمرر اصبعك الاوسط من من فوق شفرات طيزي...واريدك ان تعيد حركة انزلاق اصبعك بدبري لاكن عندما تريد فعل هذا لاتقول لي...وقلت لها لماذا امي؟...فقالت لكي أتفاجئ من الانزلاق....لقد أحببت هذه الحركة والانزلاق المفاجئ في خرم طيزي كأنه مساج لشرجي....يلااا لشوف تابع تلك الحركة
فقلت لها موافق...وفعلا....رحت امرر اصبعي من فوق خرمها الكبير ويلي كان منفتح شوي
من كتر المحن والاسترخاء يلي كانت فيه امي لانو كان خرمها عم يفرز سوائل لونها ابيض من طيزها ودبرها الكبير وتفوح منه رائحة طيز والدتي

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Kellys Story A Whateley Tale Part 3

While aiding Branek with editing his own story, Melvin a Whateley Tale. We came up with the idea to join forces so to speak and collaborate with each other to create two stories that take place with some of the same characters during the same time lines. We have added yet another to our little group of conspirators, so don't forget to go read Shadowsblade's story also. I would say that all our tales are works in progress and some of that progress does depend on how well or badly the...

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CHAPTER 9B: THE PLANE Tim had his bag packed the night before. I had a cosmetics case. That’s it. No clothes. Nothing. Yes, this was feeling a little intimidating. Since our limits discussion I had become quite comfortable around the house naked. A few almost embarrassing moments at the door, but it worked out. Even Cody was getting more used to seeing me naked all the time and didn’t seem to need to mount me constantly. After all, how much fucking can this girl take? Yeah, okay, I admit it, a...

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Met my wife at nude beach

I know it sounds a little strange, but I met my wife Jill at a nude beach. I was a scholarship jock at a Southern California college and being from the mid-west I wasn’t used to the uninhibited California life style, but I quickly overcame that. My buddies and I would go to a clothing optional beach just north of Malibu just to see some tits and ass. After a while we got bored and decided to check out a nude beach someone had heard about. It was a warm, sunny Saturday and the beach was...

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My Master

I hear your key turn in the front door, and automatically assume my position on the floor: kneeling with my hands in my lap and my head bowed – we established long ago that Im not allowed to look you in the eye without permission. As you enter the house and walk towards me I feel a rush of anticipation, and try and work out what mood youre in by the speed and heaviness of your footsteps. I watch your shoes as they approach and stop in front of my knees. I dont dare look up at you. Without being...

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Fucked Girlfriend At Her House

Hi friends this is balor. I’m a big fan of this site and this is my first story. Myself:- I’m an average looking guy. I’m not a muscular guy but have a good body and can satisfy any lady. Mai aur sonia college time se ache frnds the . Fir ham dono he sath mai bhot time spend kiye isliye wo mujhe apne problems share karti thi and uski family ko bhi mila hu mai nd her mom is also awesome ek dum hot hai. Unko bhot time se try karra hu but still never got chance to fuck her but some day unko bhi...

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Wife fucks my boss

Introduction: Mostly true, not long after we were married A few years ago I worked in sales for a small manufacturing firm. My boss was a guy named Jack, and was the co-founder of the company. He was a good businessman, but also a notorious womanizer. In the first week I worked there I heard stories about how he had managed to bag almost every woman who worked for the company. He was in his late 40s and was one of those rich, good-looking guys who had always gotten his way. My wife was...

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American Royalty 1 Coming of AgeChapter 6 Dating MistakesmdashMeredith

Meredith was sitting by her phone at five minutes till ten, hoping Liam would call first thing in the morning. Her heart sped up with anticipation and she kept getting up, determined to make it more than two steps away before she returned to her waiting. She lied to her parents the previous night. She was sure they knew it. She told them it wasn’t like she had fallen in love with Liam but in fact it was very much like she had fallen in love. She could tell by her racing heart how much she...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book1 Chapter 1 The Ritual of the Holy Virgin

Book One: The Quest Chapter Two: The Ritual of the Holy Virgin By mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Acolyte Sophia – Shesax, the Kingdom of Secare I was bored as I waited in the antechamber to the High Virgin Vivian. She was the leader of all the Temples of Saphique, our Virgin Goddess. I wasn't afraid of the trouble I was in. So I blew off prayers to play with a pair of novices. I didn't break their cherries. They were still pure enough to be...

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Me My Friend And Mare

This Is A Story That Happened When I Was 15 And My Friend 16 My Friend Was Over At My House For A Sleep Over We Played Video Games Watched A Movie And Overall Had A Lot Of Fun When It Came Bed Time We Would Obviously Stay Up And We'd Continue Playing After A Few Hours We Got Bored It Was About 3Am And After Some Discussion We Decided To Sneak Out You See We Lived Out In The Middle Of Nowhere Our Only Neighbour Was A Farm Owner And We Decided To Sneak Around There An Electric Fence Surrounded...

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Marked by Paint

Marked by Paint By The Guyver Prologue: It all started when my parents thought it would be a good idea to send me to visit my Grandparents in France. They booked my flight the day after graduation. They never did stuff like this for me so I decided not to fight it and count my blessings. I was flying with my best friend Jake. Jake and I well, let's just say I wouldn't have survived high school if he weren't my friend. We were just barely over the ocean before our Pilot had a...

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Pleasuring a Granny Ch 60

"There is no way I'm letting that monstrosity inside me, I'll masturbate him, I may try and fellate him, but I will not fuck him, I think I'll keep my hymen thank you." "Ah well, we have 10 days to sort that out." Now read on: ************************** Carol's Holiday Part 2 "There is nothing to sort out." "Oh yes there, is! You said; I may try and felate him! That tells me that you are little more interested in that cock than you're...

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It all started when I was fifteen years old. I came down sick with a seriously high fever. It took a week and setting in a lot of cold water baths and lots of drugs to get it down. It took me almost a year to get back to normal. I lived in a small Midwest town with my mother. Dad had died when I was ten, mom and I moved to where she could get work. As I healed and felt better I began to notice that I could influence some people to do things once in a while. Being the sixteen year old...

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True Sister Didi Ka Farz

Hello readers, this is my very first story on ISS, I am a die hard fan of incest story, so let’s start with my first experience as author on ISS. This story is about my sexual encounter with my cousin sister Rubi( name not changed). I am an average looking guy with 5ft 9″ height but long lasting in bed,my home town is bhopal but currently I am an student of b.Tech 4th year in srm university chennai, rubi(my cousin di) is 3yrs older than me she is fair 5ft 2″ tall with a well built sexy figure...

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I was sitting alone in a small park in the Missouri Ozarks near Doniphan enjoying the day and it was a very hot summer day I had been hiking and taking pictures of the scenery which was incredible when I started to get very hot as the temp that day had reached 90 degrees in nothing flat sweat was pouring off my brow and I already had my shirt off sitting on a blanket I had thrown under a big oak tree when it occured to me I had been here for several hours and never saw or heard a soul it wasn't...

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Brianna Gets Her Way

Chapter I‘Andy.  Pay attention please.  This is an important lecture.’I look at the facilitator, as we now have to call them.‘Sorry, miles away there.  Did you ask me a question?’I am sat in a group with some of my colleagues.  We are being updated on the new company slogan – Together we can do it – and I am bored shitless.  Another meaningless few words, thought up by some smart young executives, who charge a lot of money for this crap.To be honest, I was daydreaming of Brianna.  I cannot...

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A young woman answered my ad in a swingers newspaper

Everyone’s had daydreams (or night dreams) about being with a couple, especially if you’re single and bi. Well, I’m no exception. When I lived in Denver there was a lot of sexual activity in that area and it was pretty easy to come by (no pun intended). There was a swingers’ newspaper there called the “Rocky Mountain Oyster,” which of course referred to pussy. I didn’t care that much for raw oysters, but I sure did like raw pussy and I often answered...

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Sleepwalking By Morpheus I was just a sophmore in high school when I discovered my unusual talent. One night I said good night to my Mom and Dad, same as every night, then said good night to my sister Annie, who was a year older than me, again like I did every night, and went to bed. Nothing at all unusuall. But when I was sleeping, I think I had a rather strange dream, though I couldn't remember what it was once I woke up. Only an odd sense of drifting, perhaps of...

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Catholic Nun Strips Naked During Church Services

Prelude: An beautiful young woman is a Catholic Nun. One Sunday morning she is given the opportunity to conduct her own Church service. She has a fantasy about being naked on stage in front of the entire congregation so she can watch them admire her slender sexy body. This is her story. deleted

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BangBrosClips Casey Calvert Casey Loves Double Anal

Casey Calvert loves to get fucked. But what she loves more than anything in this world is getting her asshole filled. So this week, we decided to help her out. However, instead of just fulfilling her anal craving, we decided to take it a step further. We didn’t just get her one cock for her to play with, instead we delivered two dicks so that she could properly fill her asshole. That’s right double anal is all Casey needs. Having two cocks penetrating her asshole at the same time made her cum...

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Bhopal Me Unsatisfied Aunty Ke Sath Paheli Chudai

Ab apko jyada bor na krte hue story pr ata hu. Yeh story pichle mahine ki he me usdin college gya tha wha pr koi function chal rha tha to me bahar se hi dekhkr return ho gya or mp nagar a gya fr mene socha ki kisi park me chalkr betha jaye or thoda rest bhi krlu. To me chinar park me gya or wha jakr beth gya wha kuch bachche khel rhe the to me unhe dekhne lga. Fr kuch hi samay bad ek mast aunty mujhe dekhte hue bagal k raste se ja rhi thi. Uski age lagbhag 35 k aaspas hogi or uska figure to kya...

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GirlsWay AJ Applegate Cherie DeVille Alexis Fawx Dream Pairings Operation Spread Eagle

Written and cast by Alexis Fawx, GOTM, this Dream Pairings tell the story of when Airman Fawx first meets airman AJ Applegate at Air Force training camp. The pair start off as friends, but their relationship heats up when the girls are go on a hike, preparing for their confidence course. Alexis brings AJ to her secret hiding place, where she keeps a lockbox of personal items she can’t bring to the barracks, a beer cozy, a diary. AJ tells Alexis she’d love to know what’s...

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The Devils Pact The Tyrants Daughter Chapter 10 Sleeping Beauty

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Ten: Sleeping Beauty Tuesday, June 14th, 2072 – Queenie Glassner – Southern Oregon My cheeks were warm and my leg throbbed when I woke up. How could a stupid scratch cause so much trouble? My upper thigh ached worse as I sat up. I reached for the pouch of willow bark, pulled out a piece, and chewed on it. It was bitter, but as I swallowed, the fever and ache diminished. “How are you feeling?” Reina whispered as I painfully crawled out of the...

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Julies Prenuptials

This story is meant for adult readers only. It contains imaginary depictions of graphic violence and ideasthat are physically impossible and absurd. It is not meant to convey or condone the idea of violence orsexual activities involving anyone under the legal age of consent, nor is it meant to containrepresentations of any actual people or institutions. If you qualify to read this tale and like bizarrefantasies, I hope you enjoy it.-Aiken

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Midnight Shift

A couple of months have passed since the storm, and Carrie acted as if nothing ever happened. Although she felt weak when she was near Rick, her juices starting to flow as he paid her small compliments. Rick knowingly made small advances on her during work, nothing too obvious, giving just enough attention to distract her. Walking through the store, making notes on changes needed, she bumped into the store manager Shelly. Carrie and Shelly were close friends, which hasn’t hurt her position at...

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The Testament Of Jeremy Lord NorthamChapter 17

I had several occasions to enjoy an afternoon with Annie, she of the flawless figure. After every occasion, Vivian would drag me back to the bed. Those were long days, first the explorer of sensual pleasure, then the master, each woman exacting her tribute of my performance. I could complain, but it would be a lie. Some few months later, Lady Sussex was engaged to a Bavarian prince. If the army of guard was alert before, now the continent joined in. I never had another opportunity to see...

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Pajama Party

PAJAMA PARTY by Throne Peter was so happy that he had moved in with Mary. Her rented house, that he now helped to pay for, was small but comfortable. He loved to simply watch her chatting on her phone or reading e-mails on her laptop. Mary was so pretty, with her long blond hair, sweet face, and slender figure. He couldn't believe that they were living together. And they were learning how to accommodate each other. He had dated a few other girls but never been in a real...

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Billys Bad Day

Billy's Bad Day By Daphne Xu A bully has a bad day. (He also gives others a bad day; this story isn't very nice.) ****************************** It was a nice hot afternoon, the perfect afternoon for a swim. I was going to enjoy myself, too. (bwa-ha-ha-ha) In the boys' locker room, I spotted a little punk changing in a private stall. Those type, who hate anyone seeing their schlongs. This was going to be fun. "Hey, girlie. What are you doing in *our*...

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Jean the Artiste

By Roger with a nod to Nin and Mel ‘20 Chapter the First…A P L A Studio in Calais In the northeast section of the city of Calais and very near the channel waters was a small colony where there lived many painters, writers and sculptors, including a particular artiste, our young, innocent Jean. The colony near Calais was known by the residents as La Petite Artiste or simply as LPA. It was a gay part of CalaIs whereat music and laughter were often heard as there were many small...

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My Lust On Kavana Akka Part 4

Hi guys. This is Madhu again. Hope you all liked my previous stories. Thanks a lot for your feedback. Any new readers can read . I had fucked Kavana Akka when she was drunk and unconscious. Then the next day she didn’t remember that I had fucked her but started an argument about me changing her clothes. It got heated and I ultimately trapped her to have sex with me again one last time. Kavana let out a sigh. She still had that killer angry look on her face. She started lifting up her top. I...

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If there is one thing I’ve learned from reading stories online, it’s that our extended family, while not the norm, isn’t as weird or unusual as I would have otherwise thought. THE MOVE We made the move in 1986. Our grandfather had started a small building supply company twenty years earlier. The business thrived and grew. When he was ready to retire, he turned the business over to his four sons. My dad was one of them. A few years later, the brothers bought a large piece of land to develop....

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Sexi maami ko choda

Hi all iss readers, first of all me Veenu Rana From punjab Near paki boarder. Ma apko apni ek sachi story btane ja rha hu jo ajj se 6 saal phele ki ghatna ha. Muje pta ha ke aap sabi ko meri yeh khani psand ayegi mera email id ha: is par aap apna response de sakte ha. Ab ma phele apne bare me btata hu meri umar 30 saal ki ha. Meri body fiting kafi gud ha. Ma ek sadhi sudha hu meri sadhi hue karib 5 saal ho gye ha. Ab ma apni khani ki taraf ata hu. Muje jab b free time milta ma apne mama ke...

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Transvamporia Four Gender Wars

TRANSVAMPORIA FOUR GENDER WARS Introduction: Hi once again and welcome to the fourth installment of the Transvamporia saga. By now, I shouldn't have to tell y'all to read the first three parts before this one. I will say that so far my writing has been going fairly smoothly and I have been able to get out quite a bit fairly fast. I intend to try and keep up the pace as I have this big story inside my head that needs to get out. So once again I will cut with any...

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