قصة ام فادي من دمشق 2017 جزء 2 free porn video

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رفعت امي رجلها الاولى
والتانية لاتزال في البانيوو...وغسلتها من الرغوة جيداا...وقالت لي يلا لشوف مصلي اصبيعي
وانا هون بلشت مصمصة وامي بدء الامر يعجبها وتان أأأأممممم اااي ااي وتقول اقوى حبيبي اقوى فزدت من قوة المص لاصبيع رجليها يلي
كانو في منتهى الجمال والاناقة والأعتناء الفائق والمينيكور الأحمر الغامق...وهنا كانت قدم امي التانية
لاتزال في البانيوو...وهي تلامس قضيبي عن طريقة غير مباشرة وسريعة وكانت خاطفة جداا....وكأنها تحلب ايري بين أصابع قدميها
وهنا انتهيت من المصمصة انا...؟وقالت امي برافو حبيبي انتة ابني يلي بفتخرفيك لانك شاطر في
مداعبة النساء...قلت لها شكرا ماما لانك خليتيني مصلك اصبيع رجليكي الطيبين...فردت امي بصوت
مبحوح...من اللذة وقالت لي انو متى تشاء فيك تلعبلي باصبيع رجليي وتمصون قد مابدك...قلت لهاجد...فردت بنعم
حبيبي....بس اصبيعي؟...قلت لها شكراا ماما....؟وهنا اكملنا الحمام وقالت لي وشو عجبك كمان
فقلت لها انو هي هاد الشي الوحيد يلي بخجل منو امي فقالت قوول عادي بلا خجل ماما ...؟
فقالت لي شبك احكي فقلت لها لاأريد بخجل وهنا وقفت أمي كان جسمها باكمله على مرآى ناظري
واشرت بيدها على كسها وقالت لي شوو شبك قصدك كسي...؟مو...صح حبيبي...فهزيت
راسي بخجل فضحكت امي ولاتزال واقفة وممسكة بشفرات كسها الكبار المرخيين وقالت لي شو يلي عجبك فيه لكسي...فقلت لها بخجل شفراته
الكبار والواسعين...وقالت امي جد قلت لها اي جد ماما فردت علي امي بسؤال مفاجئ...؟هل تود
ان تلامس كسي وتلامس اشفاره الكبيرة...فقلت لها لا؟....فقالت امي ليش حبيبي مو انا امك...ماني غريبة وأطمن مارح أزعل بالعكس أنا عم وعيك؟؟
هون انا ضليت ساكت...فمسكت امي يدي بطريقة سريعة ومفاجئة وانسلت اصابعي الى كس امي
الكبير والمنتفخ..وشفراته الكبار ويلي كانو مرخيين من بخار الحمام وكانت يدي قابضة على كس امي
وتعتصره هي بيدي...وانا مدهوش من ماما وقالت شو عجبك ...كسي...وقلت لها بجنن...أأأمممم ااي ااي ااي وقالت لي بعبصني ماما شوي لحتى تتعلم كيف تبسط المراة..وقلت لها كيف فمسكت اصبيعي
وفوتتن بكسها ومسكت يدي التانية ووضعتها على زنبورها وهي تان وتتاوه وتصرخ من الشهوه اااااااه ااااي ممممممموووها ويزيد
صراخ امي وتقول يلا بسرعة كمان بعصني كمان حبيبي كمان.ااي ااي ااي مممممممم.....آآآآخ....أييييييي...آآآآآآآآآآآآآه.......أوووووووووه
أووووووووح........مممممممم....وصارت تتلوى بجسمها وصدرها يرتج فوق عيوني واردافها وفخادها تتلوى مع انثناء جسدها...وتقول ممممممم....أيييييي كسي ....أوووح... ووووح...ثم أطلقت صرخة عالية جدا تدل بانها وصلت لرعشتهاااا آآآآآآآآآآآآآخ.......وبعد لحظات توقفت أمي عن التأوه وكأنها نسيت أن من يبعبص في كسها وزنبورها وشفرات كسااا الكبار نسيت انو هادا ابنها وقالت لي...يسلمو...ماما لانك بعبصتني شوي وهيك بكون علمتك كيف تبسط
الوحدة من كسها صح فقلت لها صح ماما....وهنا رايت سائل ابيض ينسال من بيت شفرات كس امي وقلت لها ماهذا السائل ماما ونظرت الي وقالت هاد هو سائل الشهوة يلي بتوصل له الأمرأة في قمة رعشتها ونشوتها عند مداعبة الزنبور والشفرات ايضا وقالت امي ولايهمك هاد شي طبيعي عند النسوان ....وهنا انتهينا من الحمام ونشفنا بعضنا...وقالت امي عطيني
الملابس الداخلية لحتى البس فقلت لها ليش مو في البيت مابتلبسي لانجوري...فقالت لانو بدها تروح
لعند رفيقتها ناديا لتنام عندها انا هون زعلت فحست علي امي اني زعلت وقالت لي لاتزعل حبيبي شي يوم باخدك لعندها تنام معنا ...وهون لبست امي وكان الانجوري اسود...وشفاف...
وكان....الكيلوت......خيط رفيع كتير من ما سمح للكيلوت بأن يختفي وينحشر بين فلقات طيزها الكبيرة و لدرجة انو فات الكيلوت بين اشفار كسها ولم يظهر الكيلوت من الامام لانه كان غارق في كس وشفرات امي الكبار يلي يكادو
في ان ينفجروو من الانتفاخ ومن كتر النياكة...المهم ارتدينا ملابسنا وجلسنا قليلا في الدار نتحدث
في المواضيع العائلية...قبل موعد مشوارها...بساعة تقريبا وطلبت مني امي بان اعملها مساج
خفيف قبل ذهابها...فوافقت على الفور ...وهنا خلعت امي رووب النوم الشفاف لونه زهر...وكان طوله ياتي الى الفخد..
فقط...وكان يظهر الكيلوت والسوتيانة من خلفه...؟
فخلعت ايضا السوتيانة ونامت على ضهرها وبدأت انا بالمساج وصارت امي تان وتتاوه من المساج المريح
وقالت امي انزل للاسفل قليلا...ونزلت..وبعد دقيقتين؟...قالت امي كمان شوي انزل فانزلت يدي
قليلا...للاسفل...وصرت عند منطقة الأرداف والطيز تقريبا في اول الشق....؟وهناظهر الكيلوت لي وقالت امي
عملي مساج لطيزي حبيبي..وبدات المساج في طيز امي وهي مسترخية على الآخر.. وقالت لي
حبيبي فادي شلحني الكيلوت اذا مدايقك في المساج..اوكي ماما ورحت مشلح امي الكيلوت ولما رفعت
طيزها الي ظهرت لي عورتها بالكامل هذه المرة شفت بخش طيزها الذي يميل لونه الى البني الفاتح وكان مفتوحااا...لوحده...كانها كانت تنتاك منذ قليل .....وااااو....على خرم طيز امي العاهرة
من كتر مو آكل زباب وايور...وقالت لي بلش المساج ابتدائا من الضهر واستقر في الطيز وهنا بلشت
انا في المساج...وكانت امي مستمتعة جداا....وقالت لي بعد قليل...في بالدرج كريم للمساج...ولاكني كنت أعرف نوعية الكريم وهو ليس للمساج بل هو لتكبير وشد الطيز الى الاعلى لأني رأيت أعلان الكريم ذات مرة في التلفاز
جيبه وتعال ماما جبت الكريم ولما كنت بدي اقعد قالت امي لا تقعد هيك مابترتاح...؟ قلتلها كيف
قالت لي قوم وقعود بين رجليي...فجلست بين ارجل امي وهي عارية...من الخلف..ورحت
امزج الكريم على جسد امي وافركه بيدي وهنا قالت امي توقف وضع كريم بس على طيزي وفركلي ياها...لأن هاذا الكريم ياحبيب امك فقط للمؤخرة....
وفعلا..بدئت في فرك ومزج الكريم وبعد قليل انزلقت يدي على بخش طيز امي من دون قصدي...ودخل أصبعي الأوسط بشرجهااا
وهنا صرخت....امي....آآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآخ....وقالت ويحك ويحك ثم اياك.في ان تعبث في بخش
طيزي مرة تانية لقد عورتني ....أييييييي...ممممم...آآآآآآه...أوووووح....فقلت لها من تاثير الكريم...انا اسف ماما...فسامحتني وبعد قليل...قالت...بس بتعرف شي
قلت لها شو قالت...عجبتني طريقة انزلاق اصبعك جواا طيزي لأنها كانت بطريقة غير مباشرة عجبتني طريقة الأنزلاق وكأنها مزحة جميلة وقالت: كفي المساج بس بشرط قلتلها شو
قالت انك وانتة عم تمسجلي طيزي بدي ياك انو تمرر اصبعك الاوسط من من فوق شفرات طيزي...واريدك ان تعيد حركة انزلاق اصبعك بدبري لاكن عندما تريد فعل هذا لاتقول لي...وقلت لها لماذا امي؟...فقالت لكي أتفاجئ من الانزلاق....لقد أحببت هذه الحركة والانزلاق المفاجئ في خرم طيزي كأنه مساج لشرجي....يلااا لشوف تابع تلك الحركة
فقلت لها موافق...وفعلا....رحت امرر اصبعي من فوق خرمها الكبير ويلي كان منفتح شوي
من كتر المحن والاسترخاء يلي كانت فيه امي لانو كان خرمها عم يفرز سوائل لونها ابيض من طيزها ودبرها الكبير وتفوح منه رائحة طيز والدتي

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Sister ki chudai

Hello dear ISS Reader. Mera naam kamal khan hain or main rajasthan main rahta hun. Meri hight 6 hain or mera lund 9 inch ka lumba or 2 inch choda hain. Yeh mari pahli story hain jo main IIS per likh raha hun. Aur majay ki baat yahin hain ki yeh mari real story hain. Baat un dino ki hain jub main 20 saal ka thaa or mainay buray doston key saat apni dosti bada li thee. Ek din meray dost ek blue film lekar aayain or hum sub nay ek dost ke ghar per usko dekha. Aur main siskiya bharnay laga. Mainay...

2 years ago
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Me My Son First Time Part Seven

*Overnight Heat.*One Friday night, Katie’s son Dan came to my house for a stay over with my son Sam. Because there isn’t a spare bedroom, the two sixteen-year-olds were having to share the double bed in Sam's room.Around one in the morning, I needed to go to the bathroom. I slipped on my light bathrobe and quietly tiptoed along the landing, trying not to disturb the boys. On my way back, I noticed a dim light shining from my son's bedroom. The door was not completely shut.Earlier they’d been...

4 years ago
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Pregnant Indian Slut

Fortunately my chance came when I heard from a friend that she was looking for a boyfriend. Her fuckbuddy got a girlfriend and she was left feeling jealous and lonely. We were both sophomores at Temple and I had gotten her number from a business class project. It was time to make a move. I called her up and asked her out to dinner. To my surprise she sounded ecstatic! I was her type after all, a tall white guy with brown eyes and black hair. “Hey Noah,” Raksha cooed as she sat down. I had...

2 years ago
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Connie The Oral Closer ndash Part 2

Connie The Oral Closer – Part 2I had a cigarette while Connie freshened up then we walked back to the bar for a nightcap. I gave her my card and told her flat out if she ever wanted to earn a hundred bucks a pop I could keep her head bobbing most of the day.The next Saturday morning I was working my first customer of the day and saw her walk into the showroom. She was wearing a tight purple top and a gray skirt. The bare legs with inch and a half heels looked good and the purple lipstick and...

3 years ago
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Letter from Prison

Dear family. This is my first letter from prison. They said that they would mail it and I could write anything. I hope you receive this letter. I will be blunt and honest with you. You know why I am here so we'll not talk about that. It's been three years and I've had plenty of time to reflect. You need to know what it's like over here. Not that you can do anything about it. I doubt you'll ever read this letter. They won't mail it bit I will write it anyway.I am locked in a 6 foot by 6 foot...

5 years ago
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Summer Seductions Trudy

Scott thought that he recognized the young lady standing beside the old beat-up car in the parking lot of the local shopping center. She looked to be quite agitated, so he walked over to see if he could help her. Getting closer he saw that it was Trudy. She was a casual cashier at his local Mini-Mart where he went to buy his supplies of drinks and snack foods. He had learnt that she was 23 years old, married for the last 2 years to Wayne - she was also 5 months pregnant. “Hey Trudy ......

4 years ago
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Dream Cum True

My wife Barbara and I have been swinging for about 2 years. In the beginning we would be laying in bed naked and I would play with her cunt and suck her nipples and whisper in her ear. I’d ask her to think about guys with big dicks and how they would feel stretching her cunt.The thought of seeing a big cock slide into her belly and fill it with cum always turned me on. I told her I wanted her to fuck another guy while I watched. I told her how I wanted to see the big head of a cock slide past...

4 years ago
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Swingerrsquos night out

I have to tell you all about a story of two hot couples, and what happened one night when they met. One night my wife Jenny and me (Jimmy) were out on the town to Chicago. We were away from town on a personal vacation trip in a city in another state. we were eager to get out and have some fun with some sweaty dancing, and hot love making to come later, and drinks galore. Jenny gets pretty easy when I get some drinks in her, and tonight we were going to get pretty toasted, so I knew she...

2 years ago
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Shweta Ki Chudai

Hello friends mera nam nihal hai or mai jamshedpur ka rehne wala hu yeh meri ISS par pehli kahani hai or kisi v galti k liye aap logo se mafi chahta hu yeh 1 sachi kahani hai pehle mai apne bare me aap logo ko bata du mai 19 sal ka 1 well built ladka hu. Mera lund 7 inches lamba or 3 inches mota hai jis kisi ladki ya aunty ko phone y real satisfaction chahiye ho wo mjse mere email id par cntact kar sakti hai mera mail id hai Ab mai apni kahani par aata hu maine apni 10th khatam ki thi or...

3 years ago
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Following Natures Way

I just had to get this off my chest so someone will understand that loving sex does not make a girl a whore. Just because a person is a golf junkie or plays the lottery every day does not make them perverts of their passions. My passion from an early age was sex. Some call it an addiction, but I'm okay with that. When I first found out about sex, I loved it. I adored it. I love what sex has been doing to me. If it wasn't that people are frequently judgmental about these matters, I'm sure they...

Straight Sex
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A Touch of Honey

A Touch of Honey Lizzie got up from bed with her husband still half asleep. She thought about waking him and making him get the breakfast, but in all honesty it was her turn. So she did the decent thing and got out of bed. She went downstairs and made the coffee and toast for both of them. Marmalade on her toast and honey for Steve. A smile crept over her face and she gathered an important item from the kitchen before she started back upstairs. Lizzie was hoping that Steve would have a bit of a...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Sect

The Sect By debbislut Life was good! My boyfriend and I had just moved to Masterton, into his old family home, a huge 3 story detached farmhouse complete with a cellar. Masterton was a small but very unusual town, the town itself only had a few stores, a hotel and about a dozen homes, though in the wider town limits were quite a few small farmsteads, the town was very clean and very modern thinking, everyone had manners, I would regularly hear people addressing others as Sir or...

2 years ago
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Taken inside a bathroom By a first man

That warm summer evening I had attended a party with my beloved hubby at some friend’s home. The party was getting a little bit boring after a couple hours, but alcohol had been flowing from early and I had taken my fair share.I was dressed very conservative; a short black flowing dress that was pretty modest. I was wearing seamed nylon hoses up my thighs and a pair of nice stiletto heels, which made my toned legs, look even longer and sexier….After dinner I went back to the private bathroom...

4 years ago
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Through Our Eyes 1

Her SundayDay One "Sí, lo quiero", that said, the flat was mine. The furnished flat was perfect, just off Plaza Traginers in Barcelona's Gothic quarter, a few minutes walking distance from the excitement of La Rambla, yet the area was still quiet. The Gothic Cathedral was quite nearby and I could relish an intriguing view of the Roman walls from the delightful terrace off the master, from which I could also enjoy the cool morning with some tea, and afternoons with a cool drink in hand. It was a...

4 years ago
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My Second Time with a Porn Star To Be Chapter 3

It was Monday morning and I was back in school. I couldn't concentrate on anything, all I could think about was how horny Candy was with me last Saturday night, and how I just lost my virginity to her! At this point I am being powered by my male hormones I had to get out of class, I didnt even know what class I was in at this point. I quickly raised my hand and asked to be excused to go to the restroom. I was distracted, the thoughts kept rolling in, all I could see in my mind was Candy lying...

Straight Sex
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Dying To Be With Sylvie

Author’s note: This story combines experiences from many different aspects of different people’s lives. Many of the characters in the story are based on real people, but all names have been changed and locations anonymized. Its writing was prompted by listening to Gordon Lightfoot singing ‘Home from the Forest’, some of the lyrics from which are incorporated into the story. It brought to mind the poignancy of death and dying, of losing loved ones and the hypocrisy surrounding the death and...

2 years ago
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My Sun Also Rises Pt1

He is a junior in high school, never much into sports, and has a few friends from school. Mostly he spends a lot of time by himself. In his room with the door closed. I've tried to talk to him, but, well, you know. His mother decided to leave the house one day and never return. Didn't pack any clothes, didn't leave a note. Guess that's why I can't talk to him: I have no answers. But we survive and do what we have to do.One day I came home from work a little early and when I entered the...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 10 Life Is Never Boring Part II

February, 1983, Chicago, Illinois Our first joining since the previous summer was slow and sweet, trying to express our deep love for each other through the motions of our bodies. When we finished, Karin held me tight and refused to let me move off of her. “Sleep there, please,” she whispered. I kissed her once more then adjusted my pillow so that I could rest my head next to hers. It wasn’t the most comfortable position, but it was what Karin wanted. The feel of her firm body under mine,...

2 years ago
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Saras Journey Ch 17

Somewhere in the distance I could hear a ringing. After what seemed like forever I realized it was my phone. I dug my way out from under the covers and groped for the offending device. ”Low,’ I managed to say, blinking the sleep from my eyes. ‘Sara, you little minx!’ I recognized Courtney’s voice. ‘Why didn’t you tell me you had a sister?’ ‘I didn’t know ’till she showed up here.’ ‘I saw a sneak preview of your shot at Henri’s studio yesterday. Henri said that Cary Galliant is interested in...

2 years ago
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Flirty Flight

The morning started off like any normal morning in the summer, in Northern Ohio. That is, if by normal you mean waking up at 4am to travel an hour and a half to the airport to catch a 7am flight to Reno, NV – then yes that is normal. I was 17 years old and I was traveling by plane out west to visit my grandparents and other family members on my dad’s side. We had arrived at the airport in Cleveland a bit early because my dad needs to get places hours early for some reason (even to this day).

4 years ago
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The Homecoming

Leeza left me last August. It was inevitable I guess. In the beginning she was attracted to me because I hung around the rodeo crowd and even tried my hand at calf roping and bull riding, but I knew it wasn't going to be a life for me. I wasn't good enough at it, and going from town to town wasn't my idea of any kind of life. But Leeza was like one of them groupie girls who hung around the rodeo cowboys because in our part of the country, they were the closest thing to rock stars. And women...

Straight Sex
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Emma Watson Pays Her Boyfriendrsquos Debts Part Fiv

continued....“Put your hands behind your head Whore! You better give a great air start, because my cock needs some lubrication tonight! Where do you want me to cum Slut? Speak up!” he said.“I want you to fill my ass with all your white spunk! I want to be shitting your cum for a week!” Emma said.“Well...we have a dirty talking Slut here! But that’s the right answer. I could get to like her. Take my cock in your mouth and make sure it’s hard enough to force open your tight little ass!” he...

2 years ago
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My Name Is Jalpa

Hi, I’m MJ 25 years old from Lucknow and this is my first story. I am 31 year married lady. I got married 6 years ago. My hubby Raj is working as a software engineer. We make a sexy couple but I was not satisfied with our sexual life. I saw my father in law first when he came to our house for selecting me for his son. He looked marvellous at 42 with broad shoulders and hard face but his eyes were soft. They were full of tenderness. I had heard of his sexual life and he was a great womaniser....

4 years ago
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Anitas Birthday Party

‘This time you’ve gone too far,’ said Anita. ‘I know you like to play little jokes on me on my birthday…but an appointment with Weight Watchers?’ ‘It’s not what you think,’ replied Tina with a meaningful smile. ‘Just ring that number and all will be revealed.’ Anita stopped wondering which of Tina’s bodily orifaces to jam the appointment card into and took a closer look at it. True, it didn’t look like she imagined a card for a weightloss program would look. No skinny model. All it showed...

2 years ago
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TouchMyWife Dixie Lynn Treat My Young Wife Like A Whore

My young wife Dixie Lynn is a freak who loves big cock. I have to keep her properly supplied if I hope to hold on to her. We sneak Dwayne Foxxx over to our place, this black guy we know who is hung! Once we’re convinced the neighbors didn’t see him – I start playing with her pussy, getting her revved up for the stud. He sucks my wife’s perky little tits before she gets on her knees to try and swallow him – she can barely fit his thick meat in her stretched open...

3 years ago
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Owned sissy girl of dom couple Part 1

I met the mature dominant couple that I now call Mummy & Daddy on the internet. I am a 52 year old sissy who loves to be dominated, feminised and made to be a humiliated mincing sissy slut.Their ad said they were looking for a full-time live-in mature sissy plaything. After we made contact they invited me to their house. I was instructed to bring any sissy clothes with me and to refrain from orgasm for two weeks prior to my arrival - a daunting task to say the least...They answered the...

1 year ago
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Play Prisoner

"John!" The director screams. "Where the fuck is John?!" "I'm here, I'm here!" John yells as he scampers towards the director; the distinct smell of pot hanging on his peasant garb. "You reek man," John shrugs with a half sincere, "Well, yeah..." "Just get out there in the stocks. We'll talk after!" "Come on Mark, I'm fucking here aren't I?! Who cares if I..." "Just...stop! I don't have time for this." "You know I don't have any fucking lines right; I'm just in the back, looking at everyone's...

3 years ago
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Mom Publicly Gangbanged By Friends

Hi, I’m a 5’8 ft tall fit and a good looking guy from West Bengal. Currently, i’m in Chennai. Any girls or married women who would like to get in touch with me can mail me at Privacy will be withheld for sure. Coming to the story. This incident was related to me by my friend Rajesh about how he saw his mom get publicly gangbanged by his friends. His mom’s name is selvameenakshi. Her stats are 36-38-42. She is very strict in nature. I’ll be telling the story from Rajesh’s point of view My mom...

4 years ago
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Project Assassin the Perfect Killer

I awoke in the desert at least I believed it to be the desert. I looked around the barren landscape before me as I stood up from where I had awakened. I stood there looking around at this strange place wondering where I was. The air was foul with the smell of death all around me. The ground around me had a reddish cast to it almost as if soaked in blood. No plants or trees stood anywhere. There were only small clumps of dirt piled up maybe three feet high. They looked like mini volcanoes...

4 years ago
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Sisters Gift X

Part X Ending of Part IX: As I came down from my orgasmic high, I saw Allison, naked, sitting in Jenn’s lap. Gabby was sitting in Abby’s lap. Jenn was purring into Allison’s ear, making her laugh. “What?” I asked, not liking to be left out of a joke. “Oh nothing. Jenn just told me that you were well worth it. And you better believe that I want it the same way she got it. Hard and rough.” Abby looked over at me. “So, Ty, do you think you can handle four girls who worship that wonderful piece of...

4 years ago
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My Sister Trapped Part5 Sex Toys

Hey guys, sorry for so long wait. I became so much busy that I am unable to pen down the series continuation. For those who are new can check the previous stories of series by clicking on my name or click this link. After fucking my sister in car parking a lot of things happened. All my friends got busy with the life and gradually the frequency of fuck sessions with my sister also decreased. Except for Nitin, other guys left because they were transferred to another city. Only people left were...

2 years ago
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Hunter the Last MissionChapter 5

The plane was up and well on it's way before Anna spoke. It was her first time on an airplane and she had watched out the window with fascination as it taxied and took flight. Once she had decided that one area of vast blue ocean looked very much like the next area of vast blue ocean, she turned to me with a smile. "So why am I here and not Elenita?" She was blunt. Cute ... well, gorgeous really, but blunt. "You don't think I might prefer you? You are very beautiful." She regarded...

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