5 The 18th Party free porn video

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Following morning we ate a lazy breakfast before getting sorted for returning to Preston. “Can I leave most of these clothes here babe” shouted Lisa from upstairs “Yeah sure – if you’re not gonna need them back home” I replied. “Am I stopping at yours for a couple of days?” I asked, stuffing clothes into a holdall. “Well I hope you’re coming to Emma’s party with me – you’ve not met her yet have you?” she replied “Won’t it be a bit awkward with your ex being there and all that” I asked “Nooo “ she replied “Pete’s cool about anybody I’m with – we get on better apart than we ever did together – in any case he’s been living with another lass last four or five years, she’s got two girls as well who’re similar ages to Emma & Sophie too – that’s why Emma lives there most of the time now ‘cos when Sophie moved out to go to uni she was bored at home on her own”

Finally got on the road about eleven and after stopping off for a pub lunch on the way we pulled up outside Lisa’s just after three. After unpacking we had a quick trip to Tesco to restock the fridge and freezer, Sophie had returned home in the meantime after her latest shopping trip, which, judging by the pile of shopping bags littering the living room had been more successful than previously. Lisa had arranged to meet Pete at a local pub to discuss arrangements for Saturday night later and asked if I wanted to come along. I wasn’t really bothered and thought I might be in the way. ”I’m gonna give Steve a fashion show – see what he thinks of my new outfits” Sophie declared and then in a lower voice that I don’t think I was supposed to hear “Can I fuck him Lisa, Paul’s been away all week and I’m gagging for it” I didn’t hear Lisa’s reply as she dashed upstairs to get changed. Ten minutes later she was ready “I shouldn’t be more than a couple of hours babe – don’t let that little minx wear you out - I want some later” she said with a smile before a lingering kiss goodbye.

Sophie had taken all the new clothes upstairs and called me up ten minutes later “Steve come and check out my new outfits” I went upstairs ready to give the usual ‘Yes that looks lovely’ comment to every one of the outfits. Sophie was in her bedroom and she showed her first outfit - just a blouse and trousers but both were figure hugging and she really did look lovely plus considerably older and more mature. “That does really look smart” I said “I’m glad you like it” replied Sophie “’cos I got three or four near identical outfits just in different colours” ”Check out this dress I got for Emma’s party she said. It was a short backless affair split to the navel at the front and leaving very little to the imagination. “Wow” I said “You’ll turn a few heads wearing that – dunno if your dad will approve though” “He still thinks I’m twelve and into Barbie dolls and ponies” said Sophie in disgust. “Do I look twelve?” she asked dropping the dress to the floor and standing naked before me. “No certainly not” I said “13 maybe but not 12” I said laughing and then ducking as she flung a pillow at me. ”C’mon” she said grabbing my hand “let’s go into Lisa’s room, she’s got a bigger bed” “And why do I need a bigger bed” I enquired acting all innocent. “To shag me senseless” she said jumping on the bed and lying back with her legs apart. It was a wonderful sight to behold and I wasted no time in removing my clothes and getting onto the bed with her. We kissed for a while and I caressed her lovely pert boobs before gently stroking all around her pussy without actually touching it “Mmmm you’re driving me mad” moaned Sophie “Please stick a finger in I’ve not had sex since you took Lisa to your house, Pauls been in London with work and he’s not back until Friday night” “Just a finger” I enquired as I slid down the bed “or would you prefer this” as I licked her pussy from end to end “Oh Yes “ moaned Sophie “Eat me out” I did as she requested sticking my tongue deep into her pussy and swirling it all around her clit without ever quite making contact. She was panting for release now so I slid two fingers deep into her pussy and sucked her clit – that pushed her over the edge and she screamed in orgasm. “On my God that was good – I felt that from head to toe” Sophie said as she regained her senses. “I just remembered something” she suddenly announced “wait one second while I get it from my room”

She came back a moment later with something held behind her back “I took your advice and bought one of these” she said smiling revealing a bright pink butt plug. “And it moves too” she said, turning a knob on the top which made the whole thing rotate in an off-centre manner. “I haven’t had chance to try it yet – will you use it on me” she pleaded “and fuck me at the same time” she added, almost as an afterthought. “You’re getting to be a kinky little minx ain’t you” I said smiling “Did you buy some lube to go with that thing?” I asked “No but I know where Lisa keeps hers so I’ve borrowed some” she said “Now are you gonna fuck me or what” “C’mon over here then and stick your arse in the air” I told her. She did as I asked and I poured a few drops of lube around her arsehole before working them in with my finger – that alone brought a low moan from her. I smeared the plug liberally with lube and placed it at the entrance to Sophie’s arse. “Now just relax” I told her as I slowly pushed the plug into place. It slid in much easier than I’d anticipated and was soon in up to the flange at its’ base “Oh that feels strange” said Sophie “but makes me oh so horny” ”This will make you even hornier Soph” I said as I pushed my cock slowly into her pussy. With the butt plug in place it was amazingly tight and Soph felt it too as she was stretched to the limit. “God I feel so full” she wailed “I feel as if I could just cum & cum” I turned the butt plug on and I could feel its rotation so it must have felt wonderful to Soph. She’d stopped saying anything intelligible by now and was just panting and moaning which intensified as I slowly slid my cock in and out of her tight pussy. ”Oh God I’m coming again” she cried and I could feel her clamp down on my cock as she reached her peak. “I dunno if I can take much more” she wailed “It’s just too much” She seemed to be having an almost constant orgasm – I’d never seen a reaction like it. I withdrew from her pussy and slowly pulled the butt plug from her arse and she rolled over onto her back “Oh my God I can still feel it now” she moaned. “Sorry but I just can’t take any more Steve, can I finish you with my mouth” ”Nothing would feel nicer Soph” I told her.

I lay on my back and Sophie took my cock between her lips, feeding it into her mouth until she could take no more without choking and then started bobbing her head up and down whilst turning my balls over and over with her hand. At times she’d hold just the head of my cock between her lips running her tongue around and around the end. She certainly knew how to get a guy worked up and I was getting desperate to cum. “Would you like a tit wank” Sophie said between mouthfuls of cock “Is the Pope Catholic” I replied “I’d love one Soph” I straddled her chest and she pushed her boobs together so they enveloped my cock cosily. I couldn’t stop myself giving her nipples a little tweak which brought a sharp intake of breath from her. I started thrusting back & forth, with each forward stroke Sophie stuck out her tongue and was just able to lick the head of my cock. My previous level of arousal meant I wasn’t gonna last long and with Sophie fixing her big blue eyes on me I erupted covering her tits, neck and face with big globules of spunk. Sophie picked up what she could with her fingers, before licking them clean. “Mmmm” she said appreciatively “Yours always seems sweeter than Pauls” “Get him to drink pineapple juice, that’ll do the trick” I told her with a smile.

After a final kiss & cuddle I got dressed and went downstairs for a smoke, Lisa returned about half an hour later “Hiya” she said as she breezed into the house “Everything sorted for the party?” I asked. “Just about” she replied “We’ve been let down by the guy who was supposed to be supplying us with the case of champagne for the toast – he was fetching it back from France but got his van impounded ‘cos it was overweight” “Oh I wish you’d said” I replied “I’ve got 24 bottles of the stuff in my garage just gathering dust – I’ll never drink the stuff” “I could always nip home tomorrow and fetch it” I continued. “I’ve got something arranged for tomorrow for us though babe” said Lisa looking a bit disappointed “I thought you were back at work” I said “I am but I’ve only gotta go in for an hour” replied Lisa “and seeing how it’s really Emma’s birthday tomorrow I was hoping we could all go out for the day plus it’s a double celebration ‘cos she’s just been told she’s got a place at Leeds University to do the degree course in Chemistry that she applied for” she continued. “Who’s we?” I asked “Just you, me, Sophie and Emma - Pete’s at work” she said “So me and three women? – that sounds like fun” I said pulling a face that meant it sounded like anything but. “Where we going anyway?” I asked “Well Emma suggested the Trafford Centre but I didn’t think you’d be too keen on that idea so I thought Blackpool instead” she answered looking at me hopefully. “Yeah that sounds OK” I said “but a more pressing matter is what’s for tea?” Lisa just laughed and ordered Chinese for the three of us. We sat around watching television for a while and since Lisa was up for work in the morning we went to bed.

“Sometimes” said Lisa as we lay in bed a few minutes later” It’s nice just to have normal sex – no gymnastic like positions or hours of foreplay, just a nice long shag” How long were you wanting – an hour or two” I asked laughing “Nooo that would just make me sore – especially with your fat cock” replied Lisa “Anyway you couldn’t last an hour” she continued “I could try” I laughed. While we’d been talking I’d been idly toying with Lisa’s pussy and she in turn had been gently stroking my cock. “Just fuck me please Steve” Lisa implored as she laid back legs apart. I slid into her pussy in one easy movement and commenced making love to her with long, slow strokes. “Mmmmm that feels sooo good” she moaned. I carried on in the same fashion for 5 or 10 minutes and could tell Lisa was heading for a huge orgasm – her breathing getting heavier and a moan greeting my every stroke. I did half-a-dozen quick thrusts and that pushed her over the edge as she came loudly. “Fuck I felt that everywhere” she moaned “Don’t stop though please” I had no intention of doing so and continued in the same fashion, with long slow strokes and then speeding up when I felt she was getting close. She came twice more but I was flagging fast with the unexpected exercise. Lisa must have noticed ‘cos she decided she wanted to go on top, she knelt astride me and then mounted my cock before continuing the long slow strokes I’d been providing. She was milking my cock with her internal muscles and I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer if she continued doing that.“You ready to cum babe” she asked “I’m getting close” I replied “Me too” she said as she picked up speed and started riding me faster and faster “Oh God I’m coming again” she moaned just as I unloaded what felt like a gallon of hot spunk deep inside her pussy. She collapsed and laid on my chest with my cock still buried in her pussy. “Mmmm that was wonderful” she moaned She rolled on her side and we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Next morning Lisa was up early and gave me a shove just as she was about to leave – “I should be back in about an hour or so babe, I’m gonna pick Emma up on the way back, so make sure you’re dressed” she said “And no you ain’t got time to fuck Sophie before you ask” she added with a smile as she headed out of the door. The opportunity to do so never arose as Sophie was still fast asleep until I woke her 45 minutes later with a bacon sandwich and a cup of coffee. She tried to tempt me into her bed throwing back the quilt and demonstrating that she slept naked but Lisa was due back at any time and I was fairly sure Emma wouldn’t be too impressed to meet me for the first time balls deep in her half-sister. Sophie did make it downstairs just before Lisa came back, Emma preceding her through the door, for an 18 year old she was a very well-developed young lady – she’d obviously inherited her mother’s tits and her good looks. She was a little taller than Lisa, the big tits rather dominating her otherwise slender frame. Long blonde hair framed a beautiful flawless face “Hi” she said with a big smile “I guess you’re Steve – my mam’s told me all about you” “Nothing bad I hope” I replied “Well not much” she said still smiling. “Grab the rest of the shopping out the back of the car please babe” shouted Lisa from the kitchen. I did as she asked and dropped it on the kitchen table.“Pretty girl isn’t she” Lisa said once Emma was out of earshot “Stunning” I replied “Quite obviously takes after her mother” “Flattery will get you everywhere” said Lisa kissing me “But don’t go getting any bright ideas about sleeping with her” “I wasn’t” I protested “18 year olds are like fine bone china – look but don’t touch” ”I take it the same doesn’t apply to 23 year olds” said Lisa with a twinkle in her eye “Depends if I fancy the mother” I replied laughing “Stepmother” corrected Lisa. “Anyway how we getting to Blackpool -car or train?” I asked changing the subject quickly “We might as well get the train babe – we don’t need to worry about who’s driving back then” replied Lisa. “Oh and about that champagne I phoned a mate of mine earlier – remember Rob who you met in the pub the other night” I said “Erm not really” admitted Lisa” I was pretty well gone that night if you remember” “Yeah I remember” I said smiling “Anyway I asked him if he fancied delivering it over here tomorrow and he said he would on two conditions – one he gets to go to the party and two he gets a bed for the night” “Oh that would be great” said Lisa “and I’m sure we can put him up somewhere” “has he got a key to your house” she asked “No – but he knows where the spare’s hidden” I answered. “Shall we make a move then” I asked “Yeah – shout the girls down and we’ll go” answered Lisa.

Forty minutes later we were strolling along Blackpool sea-front “Does this bring back memories” I asked Lisa “Yeah it does a bit” she answered. We hit the arcades and I was lucky enough to win a giant teddy-bear which I was gonna give to Lisa until she whispered to give it to Emma seeing as it was her birthday – plus the fact that she don’t want to carry the bloody thing around with her all day. We had a few drinks and some lunch, which Emma & Sophie almost lost after a trip on the roller coaster at the Pleasure Beach. Despite my initial misgivings I did actually enjoy myself and I was quite disappointed when we had to head home just after seven. Pete was picking Emma up from the station, although I didn’t get chance to meet him as he waited in the car.

Sophie was a bit downcast when we got back to Lisa’s – boyfriend Paul was supposed to be back that night but he’d phoned her to say had been delayed and wouldn’t be returning until Saturday morning. She decided she wanted to stop at his flat anyway and wait for him to arrive in the morning, so I offered to walk her round there. Pauls flat was half of the second floor of a converted Victorian hotel, Sophie invited me in so I had a look around – it was a good-sized place with two bedrooms and a living room dominated by a huge bay-window. Paul was a trainee architect and, according to Sophie, was an only c***d and came from a fairly wealthy background (hence the flashy bachelor pad) and he’d already asked her to move in a couple of times but Sophie reckoned she was waiting for a formal proposal. I left her with a kiss goodnight and made the ten minute stroll back to Lisa’s. Liz had called round while I was out and the two of them, as usual, were sat gossiping and giggling at the kitchen table. “Good evening ladies” I said as I strolled in with a mock bow. “I was half-expecting you to be gone an hour or two” said Lisa “I know what normally happens when you’re alone with Sophie” she continued “Yeah but I knew you were waiting here for me so I came back as soon as possible” I said “That’s the right answer “laughed Liz.” So what’s the latest topic of conversation” I asked, taking a seat alongside the girls. “Tomorrow night’s party and Liz’s chances of pulling” laughed Lisa “Have you told her my mate’s coming?” I asked “Oh no I completely forgot about that” said Lisa, explaining quickly to Liz about Rob delivering the champagne. “Is he good looking” said Liz “and single” she added as an afterthought “Well yes he’s single – as for good looking I dunno – chuck me your lappy over Lisa and I’ll find him on Facebook” Showed Liz his picture and she seemed reasonably pleased “He’ll do” she said laughing. Lisa had been cooking up some burgers and chips whilst I was out which she served up for the three of us. We soon ate them and the girls went into the front room whilst I cleared away the plates and did the washing-up. I walked into the front room and found Lisa and Liz in an embrace kissing and caressing each other. “Oi” I said “there’s a bedroom for that sort of thing” “Sorry babe, we got carried away” said Lisa “Come on then, let’s go upstairs”

Within two minutes of entering the bedroom all three of us were naked – the girls had embraced once again and were kissing and gently fondling each other’s pussies, whilst I laid there somewhat neglected. Both girls then turned their attention to me and a double blowjob ensued – Lisa with my cock down her throat and Liz sucking and licking at my balls – it felt wonderful, but was from a selfish point of view, all to brief. “So” said Lisa “Do you wanna fuck Liz in the pussy or arse “Erm I dunno” I muttered somewhat confused. “Lisa’s gonna do me with her strap-on but I want you to do me at the same time – so which hole do you want” explained Liz. “Ah right” I said “Well I don’t really have any preference – but I’m guessing Lisa wants fucking too so I’d better go for your pussy ‘’cos it ain’t as tight as your arse” “You saying I got a saggy pussy” said Liz feigning indignation and then bursting into laughter. Lisa had been fiddling about with her ‘toy-box’ and finally turned back around sporting a 9” plastic cock. “You can’t get much out of this babe” I said to Lisa “Oh I do” she replied “This is my new strap-on with a built in vibe – it drives my clit wild” I laid back and Liz sat on my cock until, it was buried to the hilt in her pussy “Oh fuck that feels good “she moaned. Liz lent forward and Lisa approached her arse with the strap-on. With a gentle push it slid deep into her arse and Liz reacted as though she’d had an electric shock.“Geesusssus” she exclaimed “Just hold it a second guys, let me get my breath back” Liz muttered that she was ready and Lisa turned on the vibrating function on her strap-on – I could feel it in Liz’s pussy so the sensation in her arse must have been amazing. The three of us soon got into a rhythm and Liz was in ecstasy, moaning continuously as Lisa and I thrust in and out of her pussy and arse. She was building to a monumental orgasm and when it hit she collapsed on top of me with my cock and Lisa’s strap-on still buried deep inside her. Lisa pulled out of her arse and whipped off the strap-on before proceeding to masturbate furiously, coming noisily seconds later “Sorry babe” she said looking a bit sheepish “That vibe got me so close I just needed to cum”. I rolled Liz off my cock so she was laid on her back and invited Lisa to go down on me – she did without hesitation. Liz had recovered somewhat from her orgasm and asked Lisa if she wanted to try some DP “No I just want Steve to fuck me and to eat some pussy at the same time” she replied between mouthfuls of cock. “That sounds good to me” said Liz as she laid back with her legs apart, her pussy still soaking from earlier. Lisa moved across and started licking Liz’s pussy “Take me from behind babe” she said “Fuck me hard and fill me full of your spunk” I didn’t need asking twice and pushed my cock into her pussy “Mmmm that feels good” she moaned. I started with deep, slow strokes which I knew Lisa liked but she wanted more tonight urging me to fuck her harder, I did as she asked and I could tell she was approaching a peak, Liz wasn’t so lucky though, she was fighting a losing battle to keep Lisa’s mouth in contact with her pussy. “I’m Cummminng” Lisa wailed as her orgasm hit her. “Turn me over babe “she commanded “I can’t eat Liz’s pussy while you’re pounding me like that “I did as she asked and slid my cock easily back into her pussy, Liz moved across and straddled Lisa’s face, leaning forward slightly she was able to caress Lisa’s tits. Lisa knew exactly how to get Liz off with her tongue and it wasn’t long before Liz was squirming and grinding her pussy onto Lisa’s face. Lisa was getting close to another orgasm too, the muffled moans emanating from her mouth indicated that but it was Liz who get there first, arching her back and then rolling onto her side. “Come inside me” Lisa moaned and I wasn’t far from doing so. I was trying to ensure we got off at the same time but Lisa beat me too it and then experienced another mini-orgasm as I came, pumping hot spurts of sperm deep into her pussy. Lisa called Liz over to suck all my sperm out of her pussy – a trick I realised she’d learned from Heather – and an immensely horny sight it was too, Lisa getting close to yet another orgasm but eventually the three of us curled up together and fell asleep.

Following morning I awoke first for a change and after a shower made coffee for the girls – by the time I went back upstairs they’d also awoken and were engaged in some steamy mutual masturbation which I interrupted. “Thanks babe” said Lisa when she saw the coffee “We won’t be long, have a look see what we got for breakfast please” I did as I was asked and got breakfast on the go, the girls appearing ten minutes later after achieving (as Lisa put it later) ‘satisfactory’ orgasms . With breakfast over Liz wandered home and Lisa and I sat on the settee half watching the usual Saturday morning cookery shows. “Is there anything we need to do regarding tonight” I asked her “Nope, Pete’s organised everything” she replied “we’ve just got to deliver the champagne when it arrives” “Oh yeah – I’d better give Rob a call see what time he’s gonna get here” I said. I called him and told Lisa “He’s aiming to get here about three babe – what’s your postcode for his sat nav” She told me and I passed the information on. “So anything you fancy doing till he gets here” I asked Lisa “Not really – I quite fancy just having a lazy day doing as little as possible for a change” she replied “Suits me” I said “although no doubt something will happen that’ll knacker our plans” As it turned out I was wrong and we spent the day chatting, laughing and generally lounging about. I just loved spending time with Lisa, you always read in the papers or hear on the news about people finding their soul mate which I always thought was a load of rubbish but I was beginning to see what they meant. I mentioned this to Lisa and she felt the same way.

Rob, as usual, was a bit late arriving nearer four then three o clock “Are you taking this over the club straight away babe?” I shouted to Lisa “Yes” she replied, chucking me her car keys” Put them in the boot” we soon had the champagne transferred across and I invited Rob in. Lisa had made coffee and used the last of the bacon to knock up a few sandwiches which were gratefully received by Rob. As I half-expected might happen Liz came breezing in shortly afterwards with her usual “It’s only me” greeting as she opened the door. She disappeared straight through to the kitchen to speak to Lisa, but not without taking a long, lingering look at Rob. Liz had quite obviously dressed to impress and Rob evidently noticed ‘cos as soon as the door closed behind her he asked who she was “That’s Lisa’s mate Liz” I explained “she lives over the road and I think she’s got the hots for you mate ““But she’s never seen me before” he protested “ah the wonders of Facebook” I replied laughing. “She’s not bad looking like is she” he said – which was praise indeed coming from Rob. “Cracking pair of tits too” he continued Lisa and Liz disappeared to deliver the champagne shortly afterwards whilst Rob and I cracked open a couple of beers and settled down to watch the football results.

The girls weren’t gone long and Liz went home to get ready for the party. Lisa told Rob he could use Sophie’s room as she would most likely be stopping at Pauls tonight, so he grabbed his holdall out the back of his car and disappeared to get changed. Me and Lisa followed once he’d finished in the bathroom. Lisa looked stunning in a short, figure-hugging, backless dress “What’s Rob think about Liz” she asked “He quite liked the look of her from what he saw but she didn’t exactly hang about did she” I replied “Let’s just leave them to it – this is like 12 year olds in the school playground ‘my mate fancies your mate – will you ask him if he’ll go out with her’” I said smiling. I knew Rob was a bit of a tit man so when Liz walked in with a dress split almost to the waist and one hell of a lot of cleavage exposed Rob was very happy. The club at which the party was being held was only a short cab ride away and we were amongst the first there. I steered Lisa to the bar leaving Liz & Rob to get acquainted, whilst I got the round in. Once we were settled Lisa introduced me to her ex Pete (who was a genuinely nice guy) and his current partner Cathy, together with her two daughters 18 year old Tasha and 22 year old Charlie. Emma was busy socialising with a bunch of her friends but did give us a wave when she spotted her mother. Lisa and I re-joined Liz and Rob who seemed to be getting on well – Liz flirting like crazy and Rob reciprocating. There were various other relatives that Lisa wheeled over to introduce tome as the night progressed but I’ve no idea who most of them were. Sophie and Paul finally arrived and came across to join us. Paul was a nice guy, from Sophie’s description I thought he’d be a quiet, shy retiring type but he was far from it. Mid-way through the night it was time for the traditional cake cutting ceremony so Sophie and Lisa joined Emma and her dad on the stage. I was expecting the lights to go back down and the music to restart but it didn’t, Sophie had remained on the stage with her Dad whist Lisa & Emma were stood in the wings looking puzzled. Just then Paul appeared from one side of the stage and as Pete got out of the way he knelt down on one knee and proposed to Sophie – needless to say she accepted. Cue much cheering and applause. Sophie came dashing across to show off her ring, which, although I’m no expert, certainly looked bloody expensive. Turned out that Paul had kept his intentions secret, except in the best tradition asking Sophie’s father for her hand in marriage – so Pete was the only person who knew what was about to happen.

The party started to break up about eleven, Sophie announced that her and Paul were stopping at Lisa’s (no idea why) but I didn’t think Rob needed to worry – him & Liz had spent the last thirty minutes playing tonsil tennis so it was doubtful if he’d be sleeping alone. We managed to get a couple of cabs pretty quickly and all six of us returned to Lisa’s where we had a few more drinks. Sophie & Paul disappeared up to bed, Liz and Rob were on the settee kissing and fondling each other, Rob had freed one of Liz’s boobs and was suckling on it greedily. Lisa was sat on my knee on one of the armchairs and I had my hand up her skirt, rubbing her pussy whilst we kissed. “C’mon” said Lisa “We got a bedroom for this kinda thing” I was quite surprised to see Liz drag Rob up the stairs too until I realised that the girls obviously desired a foursome. They both removed their dresses upon entering the bedroom and then sat on the edge of the bed beckoned us towards them. Lisa unbuckled my trousers, pulled down my trousers and took my cock into her mouth, I looked across and Rob was receiving the same treatment from Liz I was beginning to think the girls had planned this ‘cos after five minutes of wonderful oral sex they laid in the centre of the bed kissing and caressing each other. Rob gave me a quizzical glance and I just nodded “C’mon guys – spoons” demanded Lisa so we both took up position behind our respective partners. I slid easily into Lisa tight pussy and by the look of pleasure on Liz’s face I guess Rob had done the same to her. The girls had continued to finger each other’s clits so it was no surprise when first Liz and then Lisa experienced orgasms. Liz then pushed Rob onto his back and mounted him in what’s known as the reverse cowboy position I believe. Lisa got on all fours and started licking at Liz’s pussy whilst indicating that I should fuck her from behind – I didn’t need any encouragement and started ploughing hard into her. Liz was enjoying a wild ride on Robs cock until she slid off it and squatted over his face inviting him to eat her pussy he didn’t disappoint, shoving his tongue deep into her dripping hole. Lisa couldn’t reach Liz’s pussy now so instead she just deep-throated Robs cock, she came up for air and then stopped me fucking her further before whispering in my ear “I want what Liz got last night” She moved back, squatted above Robs cock and, with Liz’s help, sunk down on it until it was buried deep in her arse. I could tell by her breathing and the shudders that went through her body every time Rob moved that her orgasm was very close. She lay back with Liz supporting her and moaned “Fuck me babe …… please” I manoeuvred into position and slid my cock back into her pussy – the extra pressure from Robs cock meant it was incredibly tight and the sensation was too much for Lisa – as I sunk to full depth her orgasm hit her and she screamed in delight. Liz moved out of the way and with Rob helping to support Lisa’s body we were able to get into an effective rhythm. Lisa was in ecstasy and seemed to have a mini-orgasm with every thrust “You gotta try this Liz – it feels fucking fabulous” she moaned before experiencing another full-blown orgasm and almost passing out on top of Rob.

I pulled out, helped her off Robs cock and let her lay on the bed. “Do you want some of the same Liz” I asked “Mmmm yes please – but can I have your fat cock up my arse?” she replied. “Do you need some lube” asked Lisa as she lay there gently stroking her pussy “No I should be OK” said Liz as she squatted over my cock. With a little help from Lisa she soon had my cock buried deep in her arse. “Oh fuck I love your cock” she moaned. She bounced up and down a few times almost coming in the process before leaning back and beckoning Rob closer. I hadn’t noticed but he’d been busily eating Lisa’s pussy and by the look on her face he was doing a half-decent job of it too. He slid straight into Liz’s pussy and the double stimulation sent her wild as she bucked up & down, coming at least twice in the space of a minute or so before pushing Rob off and lifting off my cock “I can’t take anymore” she wailed “It’s just too intense” “Are you guys ready to cum now” asked Lisa “Well I am” I said “and me too” added Rob. “The girls both got on all-fours and invited us to help ourselves – I slipped easily into Lisa and Rob likewise into Liz. Started with the long slow strokes that I knew Lisa loved and gradually picked up the pace, The girls were kissing which rather muffled the usual moans but both were getting close to orgasm Liz was the first to show and her orgasm prompted Rob to fill her full of his sperm. Lisa wasn’t far behind and nor was I “Where do you want it babe?” I asked “Leave it where it is - fill me with your spunk” she replied. Always happy to oblige I waited until she was on the verge of her orgasm and then fucked her harder than I think I’d ever done before. She had a huge orgasm and that pushed me over the edge as I unloaded deep within her soaking wet snatch.

The four of us padded downstairs for a smoke “Are you guys up for a repeat performance?” asked Liz to nobody in particular “Cos I’m still horny as hell” “That’s nothing new” laughed Lisa “Is this a regular kind of thing over this side of the Pennines?” asked Rob “Stick around you might find out “said Liz “No it isn’t really” laughed Lisa “We just get a bit carried away sometimes” “C’mon then, let’s sort Liz out” I said We returned to the bedroom and Lisa had plans for satisfying Liz. She took charge of proceedings as her and Liz reclined at the top of the bed “OK guys – I think we deserve a spot of pussy eating, don’t you agree?” I was quite happy to oblige and soon had Lisa squirming as I teased and nibbled her pussy and gave her clit the occasional lick, Rob was working on Liz in a similar fashion and she was starting to become very vocal. I inserted a couple of fingers into Lisa’s wet pussy and that combined with a little bit of extra attention of my tongue on her clit soon propelled her into a quick orgasm. Rob was about to do the same to Liz when Lisa stopped him “Wait” she said” I got something else planned for you” winking at Liz As soon as I saw her reach for the lube and rub it into her hand I knew what she was planning. She slipped one, two and then three fingers into Liz – each one causing a sharp intake of breath, the fourth finger was met with a groan and as Lisa continued to push to insert her full hand Liz started groaning louder “Don’t it won’t fit” panted Liz “It will” said Lisa “Just relax” Sure enough one more push saw it slide slowly into her pussy up to Lisa’s wrist. Lisa gently rotated her hand and the sensation sent Liz wild “Oh God, Oh God “she moaned loudly and repeatedly. “Rob” said Lisa “Have you fucked my pussy yet?” “Er no” he confirmed “Well come here then and get busy “she ordered. Rob was only too pleased to oblige, kneeling behind Lisa and sliding his cock deep into her pussy “Mmmm” she said looking at me “not as fat as yours babe but still nice”

Just then the bedroom door opened and Sophie stepped in “I can’t sleep, ‘cos of the noise you lot are making, you’ve made me horny as hell listening to you and Paul’s passed out in a drunken stupor” she said to nobody in particular, her eyes widening as she regarded the scene in front of her – Liz laid flat on her back with Lisa’s entire hand deep in her pussy and Rob powering into Lisa from behind. Liz despite building to a huge orgasm, looked at Sophie through half-closed eyes and said “Come here Soph – I’ll eat your pussy and make you cum” “But I’m straight” protested Soph “Give it a go Soph” said Lisa “Take it from me, she’s very good” Sophie dropped her robe and moved across the bed and positioned herself above Liz’s face before lowering her pussy onto Liz’s willing mouth. Liz ran her tongue back and forth the length of Sophie’s pussy causing a low moan to emanate from her and a quiet “Mmmm that’s so good” Rob was close to coming and informed Lisa of the fact –“No don’t come yet” she said “You’re no use with a soft cock “ she continued laughing. Rob pulled out and laid on the bed massaging his erection, I’d moved round the other side and was enjoying Sophie giving me a gentle blow job as her own orgasm approached. Liz was the furthest gone though and Lisa propelled her over the edge by bending down and sucking on her engorged clit. She screamed as a massive orgasm surged through her body, her back arched and she lost contact with Sophie’s pussy, who rolled over in frustration “I was so close” she wailed. “Fuck me Steve please “she said with desperation in her voice, getting on all fours and waving her arse in my direction. I couldn’t refuse a damsel in distress so drove my cock deep into her wet pussy ”Aaarggh that’s good” she moaned. She spotted Rob still nursing a king-size erection and beckoned him to come closer, as he did so she took his cock as deep into her mouth as she could and bobbed up and down on his shaft. I was slowly picking up the pace and I could tell by the muffled moans and deep breathing that she was getting close, Rob was even further along the road and announced that he was about to come, Sophie stuck to her task though and swallowed his load without flinching. That little bit of extra stimulation was all it needed to push her over the edge as she came with an almost triumphant “Yesssss” “Should I finish you off?” she asked as we laid side by side watching Lisa having her pussy expertly eaten by Liz who was prolonging her pleasure by bringing her to the edge of orgasm and backing off again. “You might as well Soph – those two are too busy to help” I said smiling. “OK” she said” just lay there while I take care of you” I did as I was told and Sophie took my cock as deep into her mouth as she could, bobbing her head up and down before pulling out and just enveloping the head which she swirled her tongue around – which felt fabulous. Then much to my surprise she straightened up and impaled herself on my cock, sinking all the way down it. “Fuck me Steve, fill me full of your spunk” she demanded. I pulled her down towards me, raised my hips and pumped in and out of her pussy as fast as I could. I was amazed when Sophie, the girl who couldn’t come just a week or so earlier, had another orgasm and seconds later I exploded deep inside her body. Lisa and Liz had also reached a satisfactory conclusion and Liz announced she was heading for home, with Rob in tow. Sophie headed back to her room and after a quick smoke Lisa and I also called it a night.

Same as 5 The 18th Party Videos

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My 18th birthday party

Introduction: Fran gets laid for the first time at her birthday party My eighteenth birthday party The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 18 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 18. Enjoy. ___________________________________________________________________________________ I had lived in the same town all my life and grew up with four friends in the neighborhood that I hung around with from before I was old enough to start...

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Episode 23 18th Birthday Party

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Humiliating 18th Birthday Surprise

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Part 1 No sex before 18th Except with my mother

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18th Birthday Gift By Closest Friend

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my 18th birthday

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Maries 18th Birthday Proze

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On My 18th Birthday

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Celebrating my 18th bday with my uncle

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The 18th Year

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On My 18th Birthday

Long ago the town had been in danger of dying off. For a reason no one had ever been able to figure out many of the women in the town had a great deal of trouble conceiving children, and many of those that were conceived had been born sickly an weak, often falling before a childhood ailment before reaching adulthood. Weak sperm had been blamed for the problem. For a time they had despaired, many had moved away or simply given up on having children. Then an unnamed resident had come up with an...

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My 18th

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Giving sleeping Sally her 18th birthday present

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My mother is the entertainment for my 18th birthday

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My Cousin Lauras 18th birthday

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Dear DiaryMarch 18th

Dear Diary…March 18th Today was incredible!   You will never believe what happened!  As you know, Oscar and I have been friends a long time.  I would like it to be more, but don’t want to risk losing his friendship.  Today, we went bicycle riding together.  I loved seeing the beauty of nature around us…no other people or signs of civilization to be seen.  It was peaceful to say the least. We talked and laughed about silly stuff as we pedaled along leisurely.  Seeing a big old tree about a mile...

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Giving sleeping Sally her 18th birthday present

Introduction: The second adventure through the gates of heaven, sleeping Sally. http://stories.xnxx.com/story/53899/Fucking_my_sleeping_girlfriend_for_the_first_time If you havent met sally yet, I urge you to read my first encounter with her above. 54, 110 pounds, perfect, firm, full C breasts, slightly longer than shoulder length wavy brown hair, and ass that would have you salivating at your first glance. It was as if someone had taken the perfect super model and shrunk her to a petite 54....

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My Sisters 18th Birthday

This story was written by beachbirdguy. He deleted his account and also this story, but he has given permission to republish. I want to thank him for that, and Friedman for arranging it. My sister, Susie, and I had always been very close. I was just a couple of years older than she was. I remember her 18th birthday very well. She didn’t want to have a big party. She just wanted to have a couple of her close friends over and of course she wanted me to be there too. I was happy to learn that she...

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Lillys 18th Birthday

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18th birthday

Its your 18th birthday and your friends take you out drinking to a local sports bar. while drinking your best friend introduces you to four smoking hot women. 1st is Lacey- 5'5", 115 lbs, dirty blonde hair, green eyes, c cup. 2nd is Karen-5'8", 130 lbs, black hair, brown eyes, d cup. 3rd is Paula- 5'2", 100 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes, a cup. 4th is Ashley- 6'0", 120 lbs, blonde hair, blue eyes, dd cup. all four girls have a special surprise for you birthday

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18th Birthday

Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to join the porn industry. That started when I saw my older brother, Joe, jerking off to a video in his room. It got me hot, and I wanted to be one of those girls that guys masterbated to (and maybe some girls too). Dad also had some Playboys in his room. I liked looking at them, but I loved fantasizing about being a centerfold even more. Anyway, my name is Lisa. I'm a petite brunette with average size tits, but my ass is fantastic. I've had a lot of...

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18th Birthday for Mommyrsquos Special little boy

(This story contains consensual ageplay, baby talk, and first time, bisexual intercourse between a special little 18 yr old boy, his Mommy, and his Mommy’s new Male friend.)
Ever since I can remember Mommy spoke to me in a tone that never changed. A tone of sweetness and affection that made me melt in her arms. The more I obliged her with a c***dish tone of my own, the more she showered me with this motherly love. She called it “agePlay” and said it was perfectly normal for a mother and son in...

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My 18th Birthday Present 2 Characters

It was graduation day and my 18th birthday.My parent,s were having a party for me and some of my friend,s,of course all the neighbor,s too.I went in and changed clothe,s,put on my tight little jean short,s,and jersey top.I was such a sissy faggot,all way,s wearing tight fitting clothe,s,walking sexy with my long blonde hair.smooth arm,s and leg,s.walked into the back yard,my neighbor,s just looked,to afraid to say anything with my parent,s there.One neighbor did come up to me,his name was...

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18th birthday with mom fuck

Oh, my God, I'm so wet," she said, panting as she pushed back into me.And she was.I could feel her wetness as my cock slowly edged its way up the passage from the opening of her body between her legs. She was wet. And, she was tight. The muscles in her vaginal walls gripped and placed erotic pleasure on my cock as it pushed upwards. Her muscles twitched, contracted and then relaxed allowing my cock to move deeper into her body. Then, I felt my balls nestle between her ass cheeks and rest...

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My 18th Birthday

It all started a few years ago, the day after my 18th birthday. It was a hot summer day, and I had just graduated from high school. I may not have knew much but if I knew one thing it was that I was super horny. I couldnt stand hearing about how all my freinds boyfreinds dick was so big. I wanted something. So, one day I went out for a jog and saw the sexiest middle aged woman ever, she had beautiful breasts, an ass so nice you could sleep on, she was just all around beautiful. I wanted to fuck...

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Bedtime on My 18th Birthday

Bedtime on My 18th Birthdaybybigwomenrule©Growing up in a small village of close families, he behavior of myself and my mother never seemed unusual.I knew we were closer than most as it was just her and I, and we did everything together, more than I did with my own friends.I can unashamedly say that my mother was my best friend.I had my own bedroom, but that was mostly for show, as I spent nearly every night in her bed with her, snuggling and sleeping together.My eighteenth birthday fell on a...

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18th Birthday present

So this story happend on my friends cousins 18th birthday we were both 18 and she was just turning 18.So one day we about a week before her party she had invited everyone fron her class her and her cousins and me I didnt know her to well so I thought it kind of weird she invited me so I went because I really didnt have any thing to do. So the day of her party had came and we left about 6:30pm and got to there house we had Ice cream and cake and hung and then all of the older k**s ended up going...

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Took Virginity In 18th Birthday

Hi doston myself Bapi..As i have said you in my previous story ” maa ki anjane mein usse raat bhar choda ” that i am a model and call boy i used to go for calls. This story is a call for me but with a fresh 18 year virgin girl.I reached there at the proper address by 7pm..I call the customer she asked me to stand on a junction of the street and she will pick me up in 5-10 min. In 5 min a Honda city car stood before me.. Simultaneously i got a call that get in the white Honda city no.. I get in...

2 years ago
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Sensual 18th Birthday Present From Mom

My father passed away when I was a young boy. So, my mother, Tisca, took on the responsibility of raising me since then. She was a hard nut and a tough disciplinarian who never let even a small mistake pass without me having to pay for it. It was a hard childhood for me but it soon made me into a better person. However, this didn’t stop my hormones dictate my life during my teenage years. Like all kids of my age, I too discovered the joys of masturbation and I couldn’t keep my hands off my...

1 year ago
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Groomed For The 18th Birthday

You can call me G. I am currently staying at Bangalore in an open relationship with my boyfriend. I am of mixed lineage and right now I am 26. This is an incident (experience) that happened to me when I was barely 18. It is still so fresh and sensual a memory that I cannot forget it ever. This is a real life story. I was new to Bombay and had just enrolled in a famous college. My father was an ex-serviceman and hence, it was easier for him to find me a local guardian as he had numerous...

1 year ago
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Ass Cake On 18th Birthday

“Bhaiyya!! Where are you going to?” With a sweetest voice and a super curious eyes, a very cute boy sitting next to my berth in my train asked me that. With a smile on face I replied “Delhi” He smiled back and said “Same here bhaiyya. I am also going to Delhi. I study there and going back after my vacations” I listened to him and enquired more about him. With the conversation, I got to know that his name is Rohan. He is a resident of Kota and is studying in Delhi to prepare for some...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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My 18th BirthdayHi everyone

I’m Deepika Malhotra of Class 11. I’m here to narrate a true story about my 18th birthday. 7th November 2010 – I woke up to the sound of the alarm. I had set it too early (it was 4:00am) out of excitement for my birthday. My parents were away for two days so I decided to host an early morning party for the day. Within few hours the place was filled with boys and girls. I was hanging out with all my close friends Neha, Ananya, Rahul and Deepak. Slowly the crowd trickled out. Only 10-11 were...

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Happy 18th Birthday

I should have had a very privileged upbringing. My father was a medical doctor and we seemed to have a very affluent life.But appearances can be very deceiving.He was a big man - 6 feet 5 inches tall. He did not believe in birth control of any means and he believed that a wife's role in life - and later his adult daughters - was to please and obey him in all things. He believed that a man was not a success unless his women were giving birth as often as humanly possible and it did not matter to...

3 years ago
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Took Virginity In 18th Birthday

Hi doston myself Bapi..As i have said you in my previous story ” maa ki anjane mein usse raat bhar choda ” that i am a model and call boy i used to go for calls. This story is a call for me but with a fresh 18 year virgin girl. I reached there at the proper address by 7pm..I call the customer she asked me to stand on a junction of the street and she will pick me up in 5-10 min. In 5 min a Honda city car stood before me.. Simultaneously i got a call that get in the white Honda city no.. I get in...

2 years ago
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18th Birthday

“Thanks for letting us use your classroom, Mr. Franklin!” Suzy yelped, immediately wishing she could go back and try repeating herself without sounding like a c***d. Mr. Franklin appeared not to notice and flashed the smile she loved so much. “No problem, Suzy. I’ll be around if you girls need me. Happy birthday!”And just like that, he was gone. Suzy wanted more than anything to tell him she’d happily trade her private, after school 18th birthday party with her closest friends if it meant she...

2 years ago
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My 18th Birthday

Hi everyone.. I’m Deepika Malhotra of Class 11. I’m here to narrate a true story about my 18th birthday. 7th November 2010 – I woke up to the sound of the alarm. I had set it too early (it was 4:00am) out of excitement for my birthday. My parents were away for two days so I decided to host an early morning party for the day. Within few hours the place was filled with boys and girls. I was hanging out with all my close friends Neha, Ananya, Rahul and Deepak. Slowly the crowd trickled out. Only...

1 year ago
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Dear DiaryMarch 18th

Dear Diary…March 18thToday was incredible!   You will never believe what happened!  As you know, Oscar and I have been friends a long time.  I would like it to be more, but don’t want to risk losing his friendship.  Today, we went bicycle riding together.  I loved seeing the beauty of nature around us…no other people or signs of civilization to be seen.  It was peaceful to say the least.We talked and laughed about silly stuff as we pedaled along leisurely.  Seeing a big old tree about a mile...

First Time
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My 18th Birthday

Hi everyone.. I’m Deepika Malhotra of Class 11. I’m here to narrate a true story about my 18th birthday. 7th November 2010 – I woke up to the sound of the alarm. I had set it too early (it was 4:00am) out of excitement for my birthday. My parents were away for two days so I decided to host an early morning party for the day. Within few hours the place was filled with boys and girls. I was hanging out with all my close friends Neha, Ananya, Rahul and Deepak. Slowly the crowd trickled out. Only...

First Time
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My 18th BDay

Note : This story is completely fictional! It is a part of human nature for people to go to great lengths in making the rest of their family members happy. However, even family members have their limits with one another. Certain things are considered extremely taboo, certain lines are never dared crossed. One of those lines, I have fantasized about for quite some time. For as long as I have been old enough to have a desire for the fairer sex, my eyes have sought after my mother. Now, I will not...

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Moms big surprise on sons 18th Bday

It was a few months until my 18th birthday. Mom wanted to spend my special day with me, and asked me not to make any other plans. She did say I could have a 'small' party the weekend before my birthday, but wanted to spend time with me the day after. I agreed, and kept my calendar cleared for that Friday, the day after my birthday. [email protected] Thank you for reading FRIENDS !!!!!

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18th Birthday

My 18th birthday fell in the middle of the week so I just had plans for a small sleep-over at a friend's house. Andrea and Jenny picked me up and we smoked a few joints on the way back to Andrea's house. After eating pizza and watching A Clockwork Orange, Jenny decided she wanted to sleep at home and left. Andrea and I headed up to her room to smoke more pot and hang out for the night. We put on some tunes and Andy started working on some art projects while I raided her closet for something to...

4 years ago
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My Sisters SlaveChapter 3 Uncle Joe and our 18th Birthday party

For the next month Kara and I were inseparable, I was her sex toy, she would find a boy or a girl, and some grownups too that was willing to pay to have sex with me, and even pee on me. I do not know where she found them. I knew Kara was very popular but these kids were not from our school, and the grownups, I never seen them before. One was a black couple. Their names were Dwayne and Stephanie. Both in their 40s. Kara drove me to their house on a Sunday evening. We got out of the car, Kara...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Heathers Birthday Party

I'm usually a party animal, but tonight I wasn't in the mood for dancing or flirting and especially not taking some random guy into a private room for fooling around! All these were things I would usually be doing... but not tonight, and all because of Drew. Drew was Heather's 18 year old boyfriend, he was gorgeous, Nearly 6 feet tall, with an amazing body, warm chocolately brown eyes and longish, messy, sandy blonde hair. I of course had the hugest crush on him! The weird thing is I...

3 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site Motherless.com? You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on motherless.com likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the Motherless.com homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did Motherless.com get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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