MCU: Avengers Ass-emble! free porn video

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The battle was over. Loki was defeated.

The Avengers made their way to the New York mansion that Tony Stark had set aside for use as their headquarters. A feeling of exhilaration was shared by all of them. Thor, of course, felt the pride in earning a noble victory over a mighty foe. Iron Man was already making plans for the next series of upgrades he would implement in his armor. The Hulk just wanted to kick some ass and get something to eat. Ant-Man couldn’t believe that he had finally reached the big leagues! Fighting alongside Thor & Iron Man! The Hulk! How much bigger does it get? As for the Wasp, she wanted to get a shower and fix her hair. All that fighting had gotten her so sweaty!

"You boys may not mind, but I simply have to get cleaned up! Can you imagine a picture of me looking like this ended up on the front page of the tabloids?" She brushed aside a strand of sweaty hair from her face and sniffed. "I’m all stinky! Iron Man, where’s the bathroom? I’ve got to get out of these nasty things!"

"Down the hall, last door on the right." Iron Man chuckled. To be honest, he was smelling kind of nasty himself. Being stuck in a tin can while you battled for your life wasn’t the most pleasant way to spend your day. He made a mental note to himself: add some sort of ventilation system in the next model.

As the Wasp made her way to the bathroom, her teammates settled into the mansion, admiring the exquisite design and furnishings their new headquarters contained.

"Truly, this be a home worthy of man or god," Thor stated. "We owe this Anthony Stark a debt of thanks."

"It’s the least I... the least he could do, Thor." Iron Man smiled beneath his armored faceplate. Especially since I am Tony Stark, he thought. "He sees this team as the front line in the defense of humanity."

Ant-Man leaned back in his chair. "Well, I for one can’t wait to set up my lab and get to work. I’ve got some ideas on how to make myself and Jan more valuable players."

"I’ll see to it that you get everything you need, Hank." Iron Man replied. "Just make a list of all the equipment and I’ll pass it along to Mister Stark."

"Bah! All this talkin’ about equipment! Just point me in the direction of the bad guys, and get outta my way!" The Hulk had been in the kitchen, but he returned now with enough food to feed a small elephant. "All I need is some grub and a place to eat it!"

Thor and Iron Man exchanged a glance. This could develop into a problem, Iron Man thought. The Hulk is a powerful ally; arguably as powerful as Thor himself. But it wouldn’t take much to set him off. Then we’d be in serious trouble.

Oblivious to the tension around him, Hank Pym pondered what new revolutionary advances he would make in the field of biology, and how they would make him a more powerful asset for the Avengers.


Meanwhile, Janet Van Dyne had discovered the spacious bathroom and was admiring the marble hot tub that dominated it. She smiled; this was going to feel incredible after such a long, hard day’s work. She slowly unzipped her skintight costume, exposing her sweat-soaked skin. Turning toward a large mirror that dominated most of the far wall, she admired her reflection.

She was a beautiful young woman. Although she was a newcomer to this superhero business, she had already become quite famous for her form-fitting costumes. A number of pictures of her had appeared in several magazines, and with the shortage of female crimefighters nowadays, demand for her was growing steadily. She had made every effort to satisfy her fans, designing her own costumes to make them as sexy as possible while still maintaining as much dignity as she could.

As her costume fell to the floor, she gripped her pert tits and pressed them together. Although they weren't especially large, her petite figure made them appear fuller than they actually were. Each was topped with a perfect round nipple about the size of a quarter, growing erect as she slowly caressed them. Turning, she admired her curvaceous young ass. She had a beautiful butt, and more than one man had dreamed of filling it with his throbbing cock. Truthfully, Jan often had this dream herself; she had almost asked Hank to try it, but he was so strait-laced. What would he think?

Jan smiled as the warmth of the bathroom seeped into her body, her tired muscles already beginning to relax. Steam filled the room, making it appear she stood in the center of a dense cloud. Soon, she could barely see herself in the mirror. Oh well, she thought. I really should get cleaned up; I feel so nasty!

She sighed as she slowly lowered herself into the steaming tub. The water in the tub was frothing, tiny bubbles massaging every inch of her body. Gasping, Jan spread her legs and savored the sensation of thousands of bubbles caressing her most tender regions. Gripping the sides of the tub, she pressed her pussy against the small intake where the water gushed into the tub. Powerful streams of frothing water erupted against her sweet cunt, tickling her clit. She slipped a hand over her mound and gently rubbed it, adding to her pleasure.

The bubbles seemed to be licking her all over, sliding across her pussy and even reaching the tiny pucker of her asshole. She lifted her legs, placing her feet over the edge of the tub, spreading her delicious cheeks even farther apart. Now her asshole was completely exposed, and she felt the frothing water actually fill her rectum. As a particularly strong surge of water reached her nether regions, she shuddered in ecstasy.

Frantically, she began moving her pussy against the incredible, licking bubbles. She wasn’t disappointed as her throbbing clit was brought to new heights of stimulation. Just a little more, she thought. Just... a... little...

"Ooooooooh god," Jan moaned, her entire body convulsing as an incredibly powerful orgasm wracked her body. Quivering with ecstasy, she threw her head back and allowed herself to be carried away on waves of pleasure.

"Yes... oh FUCK yeah... ohhhhhhh..."

She groaned as her body spasmed with each orgasm. Again and again, she felt her pussy and asshole clenching, then relaxing. She quivered with the sensation of her asshole squeezing the warm water from her bowels. The water seemed to envelop her, caressing her entire body from head to toe before releasing her.

Slowly, as if floating back to earth on a silvery cloud, Jan slid deeper into the water. She moaned softly as a last spasm of bliss passed through her, and then she was done. With her mind at least clear, she began to think of new opportunities for pleasure.

Barely half as old as Hank, Jan saw the Avengers as an opportunity to meet all kinds of dreamy guys. Hank was really cute, and she owed him everything, but the chance to be around that hunk Thor... it left a girl breathless! She didn’t really know Iron Man, but she had seen his boss on TV, and he was a walking dream! The Hulk... well...

Jan smiled. The Hulk definitely wasn’t her type, but she imagined there was a part of him that she would admire greatly. She had noticed the prominent bulge in his tattered pants after the battle with Loki, and despite herself she had felt a strange urge to...

She sat up with a jolt. What was she doing? She wasn’t seriously fantasizing about the Hulk? The Hulk?

Boy, Jan thought, I really do need to get laid!


"So I’ll have the lawyers draw up the paperwork and we can look it over. If everyone agrees, we’ll put our names to it, and the Avengers will be official." Iron Man stood in a corner of the living room, addressing his teammates. Thor sat on one end of a large sofa, the Hulk on the other. Hank had risen from his chair and was examining the large fireplace on the opposite wall.

"Sounds good, Shell-Head," he said. "I guess if we’re going to work as a team, we’ll need to set down some guidelines first."

"Yea, verily," Thor added. "Such an assemblage will no doubt grow both in numbers and in power. The day will come when conflict may ensue, and mayhap the work we do here today will bring order."

The Hulk just sighed. "All this talk! When do we start smashin’ things?"

Iron Man looked at the Hulk, not for the first time feeling disdain for the emerald giant. "Look, Hulk, we don’t go out picking fights. We’re here for the needs of humanity! Whenever a threat that’s too much for any one of to handle comes along, we’ll be here for each other."

"Bah! There ain’t a threat that the Hulk can’t handle with his own two fists!"

The tension was ready to break open into something even worse. Hank looked at the Hulk with genuine fear. Thor was beginning to rise, and the Hulk went to his feet in an instant.

"Right here, blondie! Make your move!"

"Thy power is great, green one... perhaps the greatest that any mortal hath ever possessed. But step carefully. Thou dost face the God of Thunder, Son of Asgard, Lord of Storms! Thou dost face THOR!"

Iron Man moved to step between them, until he realized that he was trying to impose himself between the two strongest men on the planet. What the hell am I doing? he thought. We’re talking about Thor and the Hulk here! I don’t know if even my armor can withstand that sort of punishment!

The two titans stepped closer, and the entire room seem to shudder with the effort of containing their combined power.

"Shit," Hank whispered. If they couldn't stop this little disagreement before it erupted into a full-scale war, it might not stop until the entire city was flattened. He sure as Hell couldn't do anything against them, and Iron Man would get creamed trying to break them up.

Suddenly, a clear voice broke through the haze of rage.

"Now, boys, don’t you think you can find a more... constructive outlet for all that nasty tension?"

In unison, the four Avengers turned. And in unison, their faces registered absolute amazement.

Standing in the doorway, completely naked, was Janet Van Dyne. Her body still moist and pink from her bath, she ran her hands through the tangles of her wet hair. As the men admired her naked body, they noticed the bald mound of her cunt. Jan smiled to herself; she had paid her stylist a little extra for an extremely close shave, and she hadn’t been disappointed. Even across the room, the stunned heroes could make out the pink lips beneath it, glistening with moisture.

"Jan... what..." Hank stammered.

"Just doing my part to keep the team together, lover." Jan smiled. "You boys got yourselves all worked up... and so did I. What do you say we work out all this tension in a more pleasant way?"

"Hell, yeah," Iron Man said. As Tony Stark, he had admired the sexy young heroine for some time now. This was one tight young booty he wanted to add to his list of conquests.

"Aye..." Thor smiled. "To the victors go the spoils. So says Thor!"

"Bah! I don’t really give a fuck what ‘says Thor!’" the Hulk grunted. "I just see a hot piece of tail, and that’s somethin’ I don’t get much!"

"Now wait just a goddamn minute here!" Hank spouted. "This is my... my girlfriend here!"

"Oh, poop!" Jan pursed her lips, hands on hips. "Hank Pym, I’ve got the chance to get fucked by the most incredible bunch of guys in the world... including you, sweetie. You want to make me happy, don’t you?"

"Well, sure, Jan. But..."

"No buts, Hank! Well, I guess there’s my butt..."

"Oh yeah!" Iron Man said, already removing his armor.

"Yeah! And I want all of you inside of me and all over me!" Jan walked into the center of the room. "So, what’s it gonna be, lover? You know you’ll always be my number one guy. I just want these guys to have their numbers, too!"

"Well, I... what?" Hank was completely flustered now. Iron Man put his arm around Hank’s shoulders.

"Forget it, Hank. Just go with the flow. Sometime, Mister Stark will have to explain women to you."

"Ummm... okay." Hank began undressing.

Jan kneeled before them, watching with great interest as each man removed his uniform. She gasped as the Hulk actually ripped his pants off, exposing a truly gargantuan cock. Even at half-mast, it was still as large as any she had ever seen. Fully ten inches long and growing, it was larger than her forearm. Thor simply removed his own skin-tight pants, not even bothering to discard his helmet or shirt. His cock throbbed, ten inches long and very thick. Jan’s fingers went to her cunt, working her clit frantically. Hank had removed his costume, and stood before her with his own seven-inch member. She smiled at him; she had grown very familiar with his cock in recent months. It had filled her sweet pussy numerous times, and it was the perfect size to bring her to one orgasm after another. Despite its relative smallness (in comparison to the monsters she was facing today), she felt genuine fondness for it.

"FUCK!" Iron Man fumbled with his bulky armor. "That’s IT! The first chance I get, I am definitely replacing this goddamn thing!" Finally, he unfastened the last restraint, and most of his armor fell aside. Only his helmet and chestplate remained. Jan admired his body. While not as perfectly-muscled as Thor’s, it was athletic, well-defined. And she noted with approval the eight-inch shaft that jutted from beneath his thick, black pubic hair.

"Okay, boys. Let’s have ‘em!"

She opened her mouth to receive Hank’s familiar cock, and her hands went to Thor and Iron Man’s pulsating rods. Hank gasped as she ran her wet tongue along his shaft, leaving a trail of thick saliva from tip to base. Then she took each of his balls into her hot mouth, sucking them carefully but forcefully. He hissed, unable to hide his pleasure as she worshipped him. Jan showed great talent in stroking Thor and Iron Man while slavishly sucking Hank’s cock. They looked down at her with approval, as she warmed them up. Her soft hands worked slowly but steadily, giving them exquisite pleasure without any immediate danger of orgasm.

Hank’s knees started to buckle, but his teammates caught him. As they stood, their arms around each other’s shoulders to offer support, they all looked down at the sexy young woman who was giving herself to them. She abruptly removed her mouth from Hank’s leaking cock and engulfed Iron Man.

"Jesus," Iron Man groaned as Jan sucked him. For the moment, she ignored Hank’s purple prick, allowing him to regain control.

Jan inhaled the musky odor of Iron Man’s balls. He had been stuck in his armor all day long, and he had built up quite a sweat. She didn’t care, though. In her lust, it only served to arouse her even more. Taking her lips off his shaft, she began tonguing his nuts, savoring the salty flavor of his sweat. He groaned as she took each of them in her mouth, slipping her tongue across them. She began to slowly jerk on his cock as she licked the underside of his sac in an effort to coax as much sperm as possible from his pulsating meat.

"Hey! What the fuck is this?" The Hulk stood behind her, his cock now fully erect. It was fully fifteen inches long and at least three inches in diameter. He stroked it slowly, a thick drop of pre-cum leaking from the slit.

Jan stopped sucking Iron Man for a moment and looked back over her shoulder at the jade giant. "Oh my," she gasped. "I’m really sorry, Hulk, but that monster won’t fit in any of my little holes. I can give you a nice handjob, though."

"Fuck that! I’m not gettin’ by with a damn handjob while you’re sucking these bozos off!"

"Well, what do you have in mind?"

"I’ll tell you what I have in mind!" He grabbed Jan and pulled her off the floor.

"Hey!" Iron Man cried. "Just what are you trying to pull?" He had been enjoying the enthusiastic blowjob Jan was giving him, and now this big gorilla was butting in!

"Shaddup, tin man. I’ve got a plan!" Flipping Jan onto her back, the Hulk straddled her. He slid his enormous cock between her tits and begin sliding back and forth between them. Understanding immediately, Jan smiled and pressed her boobs together to better accommodate her massive partner. The Hulk sighed with pleasure as he fucked her tits, his cock so long that it easily reached her mouth. Jan ran her tongue along the tip, lapping up the thick drops of pre-cum that were already seeping from it.

"Uh... Uh... Uhhhh..." His thrusting grew more frantic as the Hulk got closer and closer to orgasm. Jan grew somewhat afraid at having over 1000 pounds of gamma-irradiated meat pounding her tits, but the Hulk was being very careful not to hurt her. What a sweetheart, she thought, wrapping her lips around the end of his cock and sucking as hard as she could. She was rewarded with a groan of ecstasy from her emerald lover.

"Yeah, that’s it. Keep sucking it! I’m gonna cum!"

Showing no mercy, Jan took more and more of his cock into her mouth. It was too large for her to take that much, but she was able to get about three inches of it inside. Straining her jaws to the limit, she let him fuck her mouth. Grunting and groaning with the effort of containing his orgasm, the Hulk finally lost the battle.

"AAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!" he roared, throwing his head back. "Hulk... CUMMING!"

Immediately, Jan felt her mouth fill with thick, creamy cum. There was so much of it, and it was so hot! She gulped it down by the mouthful, but it just kept coming. Afraid of gagging, she pulled her mouth off his cock and jerked it off, sending streamers of cum across her face. Within seconds, her face was completely drenched, and cum dripped from her hair. It filled her mouth, her nose... it even flowed into her ears and filled them. She continued swallowing as much as she could, but it seemed as if the Hulk would never stop cumming!

"Oh yeah! Take it, you little bitch! Take it all over your fucking face!"

Gradually, the gusher of cum slacked off; it continued to ooze from his cock as Jan stroked it, but it no longer splashed across her face. Now it gathered on her tits, soaking them completely. She giggled with delight, happy that she was responsible for this copious ejaculation.

"Jeez, Hulk, I think you really needed that!" She said as he fell off her, landing on the floor beside her with a thunderous crash.

"But look at her!" Iron Man shouted. "She’s got cum all over her! I mean, I’ve heard of sloppy seconds before, but, Christ, that’s ridiculous!"

"Oh phooey! Don’t be so grouchy, Shell-Head! I can take care of this." Jan began scooping up as much of the Hulk’s cum as she could, smearing it across her fingers and slipping them into her mouth. Licking them clean, she scooped up another batch and did it again. As Thor, Hank, and Iron Man looked on, she ate every drop of cum that the Hulk had deposited on her. Finally, smacking her lips, she gulped down the last of his sticky seed.

"There now, isn’t that better?"

Iron Man shrugged. "Well, sure, I guess. But how am I gonna top that?"

Jan smiled. "Oh, I’m sure you’ve got a few ideas."

"As a matter of fact, I do. For right now, let’s pick up where we left off."

She turned back to Iron Man, licking his sweaty balls while she stroked his cock. Behind the faceplate, his blue eyes burned with lust, and she met his gaze and held it. A small stream of pre-cum dribbled down his cock, and she sucked the end of it into her mouth. Then, pulling away from him, she slurped the sticky streamer off his shaft and swallowed it down. With a smile, she turned to Thor and ran her tongue over the head of his throbbing meat.
"Mmmmm... I’ve been wanting to suck you for a looong time, stud," Jan practically moaned as her mouth engulfed Thor’s cock. She took it as far as she could, until the head nudged the back of her throat. Then, closing her eyes, she slid her lips even farther down the shaft, nearly gagging as it pushed completely into her mouth. Thor groaned as Jan deep-throated his cock, her lips wrapped around the base, her nose buried in the curls of his pubic hair. He gripped the back of her head and began fucking her face, using her for his own pleasure.

Jan was overwhelmed with lust, focusing completely on the God of Thunder. She wanted to be his slave, giving him pleasure without any regard for her own. Despite this, she was feeling a warm sensation between her legs. She felt all nice and creamy down there, and she knew that it could only be satisfied by a nice big cock.

"Jan... baby, I’m feeling a little neglected here," Hank was practically whining in desperation. He stroked his cock slowly, waiting for his turn. He was no longer in any danger of shooting his load prematurely, but his cock still throbbed with his desire.

"Yeah, Jan. And I’ve decided what I want, too. "Iron Man broke off from the others and circled behind her. "So why don’t you let Hank get on the floor beneath you, so we can all get into the act?"

"Okay, lovers." Jan smiled up at Thor as Hank slid under her, his cock as hard and straight as a javelin. She moaned softly as it slid between her pussy lips and slowly entered her juicy cunt. Gripping her hips, Hank forced himself all the way inside her, breathless at the indescribable sensation.

Meanwhile, Iron Man was admiring Jan’s shapely ass. Her cheeks were firm but round, giving a hint of the womanly figure she would soon be growing into. Between them, seemingly winking at him with every thrust of Hank’s cock, was the tiny pucker of her asshole. He took a moment to admire it, a small ring of pink flesh that offered the promise of incredible pleasure.

Tony Stark had been inside literally hundreds of women, and in every possible orifice. He had always been somewhat amazed at the female body’s ability to accommodate a man in so many ways, and he had taken advantage of every available opportunity. Now, looking down at this beautiful young woman, not even out of her teens, he burned with more desire than he had ever known.

He started slow, working a finger along the base of her spine and down the crack of her ass. As it brushed across her anus, he felt it quiver slightly at his touch.

Jan gasped. "Oh, Iron Man, be gentle. I’ve never... taken it like that before!"

"Really? This is going to be even better than I thought!" The idea of being the first man in Jan’s asshole filled Iron Man with excitement. When you get the chance to ream a little hottie like her, you have to jump on it.

"Geez, Jan," Hank whined, "are you sure you really want to do that?"

"C’mon, lover. You’ll get your chance one of these days."

"Yeah, Hank," Tony said with a smile (which, of course, Hank couldn’t see). "You’ve got your place, I’ve got mine. Jan’s okay with it, so just cool off!"

"But I... I won’t be the first..."

"Hey, that’s not my fault! I get the feeling Jan’s been waiting for this for some time now!"

Jan practically purred. "Quite some time now."

"See?!" Tony chuckled. "It’s not MY fault you didn’t step up to bat!"

"Now god damn it..."

"Boys, boys, boys! You’re not gonna fight over my little butthole, are you?"

"No," Hank sighed, "I guess not."

"I’ve always been more of a lover than a fighter, Jan." Tony spoke softly in Jan’s ear. Hank frowned at this, but Jan giggled.

"Prove it, Shell-Head."

"Yea, verily." Thor had observed all this with growing consternation. "The Son of Odin doth tire of this needless bickering."

"Sorry, big guy." Iron Man smiled again.

"Me too, baby," Jan said. "Instead of talking so much, I should have been sucking this!" She gripped Thor’s throbbing cock, squeezing it gently as she ran her hand along its length. She smiled as a drop of pre-cum oozed from the tip. Jan watched as the thick, clear fluid slowly slid from Thor’s cock and hung in a slimy tendril from its head. With growing apprehension, Hank watched the gob of pre-cum as it slid closer and closer to his face.

"Uhhh, Jan..."

"SHUT UP, HANK!!!" The entire group shouted.

Jan lowered her mouth to the end of the cum-tendril. Her tongue darted out and snagged it, and she slowly sucked the entire length of it into her mouth. With a loud slurping sound, she swallowed it and smiled at Thor.

"Tasty. I want more." She wrapped her lips around his cock and slowly took the head in her mouth. Thor gazed down at her as she sucked his cock, as if she were a loyal disciple who was worshipping her god. In fact, Jan felt exactly as if she were worshipping a god. Although she didn’t think Thor actually WAS the God of Thunder, she knew he was the biggest, baddest, and dreamiest guy around. If he wanted to think he was a god, then that was just fine with her! She would worship at the Temple of Thor every chance she got.

Iron Man, meanwhile, didn’t give a rat’s ass if Thor was the God of Thunder or not. Slipping his index finger inside his faceplate, he applied a liberal amount of saliva to it. He had sodomised some women who actually didn’t need any lubrication at all, but he had a feeling that Jan would need some help getting it inside her ass.

His finger returned to her asshole. Gently probing it, he slid the tip inside; reaching the first knuckle, he pushed slowly deeper. Jan’s anus clenched tightly, offering some resistance to his invasion, but he continued sliding it deeper into her rectum. Damn, it was so tight! he thought, as the second knuckle disappeared. Not to mention hot; her ass burned with a heat he had rarely felt in a woman. This was going to be quite a ride, he thought.

"Hey, Shell-Head, could you get a move on?" Hank was looking over Jan’s shoulder at Iron Man. The desperation was apparent on his face. He had refrained from fucking her, but his hips were starting to thrust slowly, and he was beginning to redden from the exertion of holding back. "I don’t know how much more I can take."

"Okay, Hank. Okay."

Removing his finger from Jan’s ass, he guided his cock to her puckered orifice. Placing a hand on her cheek for support, he nuzzled the head against her ass. Immediately, he felt Jan tense up; definitely a rookie at this sort of thing, he thought.

"Come on, Jan. It’s okay. I’m going to be very careful. I want this to feel good for you, too." Tony Stark had talked his way into the pants of many women, and he knew that Jan was needing a little reassurance right now. "You’re so beautiful, baby. I’m going to melt in your sweet ass like butter, and by the time I’m finished, you’ll be begging for more. Don’t worry, I would never do anything to hurt you. Come on..."

"Mmmmm." She moaned as he rubbed his cock against her asshole. More pre-cum had leaked out, and it was lubing the rim pretty well. He pressed a little harder, and he felt her sphincter give just a little bit. Immediately, Jan’s body stiffened. Iron Man stopped, allowing her to relax again, and then slid the head of his cock completely inside

"Jan?" Iron Man placed a hand on her shoulder. "Is it okay?"

"Do it..." she groaned.

With a gentle thrust, he slid the head of his cock inside. Her anus clenched, then relaxed. After a moment, he continued pushing until he was completely embedded in her poop-chute. Frantically, Jan gripped Thor’s cock and put it back in her mouth. Thor grunted with pleasure as she sucked him, and Hank slowly began churning his own cock in and out of her wet pussy.

Iron Man began slowly, allowing her to savor every sensation. Jan began to make little noises around Thor’s cock as Iron Man built up to a steady rhythm. It felt so good inside her ass - so hot, so tight...

As the three men pounded into every orifice, Jan began to feel her body responding. Hank’s cock was awakening her pussy, and she could feel what promised to be an incredible orgasm building inside. Thor’s cock was as delicious as she had imagined, and it was oozing thick pre-cum at an increasing rate. She gulped every drop of it down, looking up at him as she did. The look on his face confirmed that she was definitely bringing him closer to his own climax. Meanwhile, she began to enjoy the steady assault Iron Man was giving her rectum. The sensation of his cock filling her, then a feeling of emptiness in her bowels as it slid back out, only to return even harder and deeper.

Hank pumped his cock in and out of Jan’s sweet pussy, working with Iron Man to perfectly time their thrusts. As Hank slid deeped inside her cunt, Tony would slide out of her asshole. Then they would reverse, Tony pounding his cock into her poop-chute as Hank slid out. After a few moments, they got the timing down, and Jan was in complete ecstacy. Hank’s cock was doing the most delicious things to her pussy, scr****g across her throbbing clit and plunging into the moist depths of her love tunnel.

They kept this rhythm for as long as possible, but eventually their thrusts grew more frantic, and soon they were pounding simultaneously into her tender holes. Jan was completely out of her mind, slamming her ass against them, driving their cocks deeper and deeper inside her.

"Yeah... yeah... yeah... come on, you fuckers!" She screamed at them. "Fuck my pussy! Fuck my ass! Do it! Do it HARD!"

"Whatever you say, baby!" Iron Man grunted. "How do you like this?" He pounded her asshole like a jackhammer, sending shocks throughout her body. She cried out with each thrust, urging him to fuck her harder and harder.

"Don’t stop, you fucking bastard! Fuck my ass until you come!"

All of them were getting closer, grunting and groaning as the pleasure built to a critical point. Jan quivered as her ecstasy raced beyond her control, and she let herself be carried away by it. Crying out, she came again and again, her pussy and asshole spasming, clenching at the thrusting cocks of Hank and Iron Man. This was too much for them, as well, and they exploded within her, shooting thick cum deep inside her cunt and her bowels.

Jan was delighted to have their hot cum exploding inside of her. It was exhilarating to know she could satisfy three men at the same time... especially when they were world-famous superheroes! But she still had unfinished business. She looked up at Thor, and saw that he was rapidly approaching orgasm himself. Gripping his cock with one hand and gently squeezing his balls with the other, Jan put all her energy into finishing him.

Thor groaned in ecstacy as she sucked him. He gripped the back of her head and thrust his cock even farther down her throat. Jan nearly gagged, but she was pleased to know that she could deep-throat his massive ten-inch slab. With one hand caressing his sac, and the other jerking on his shaft, she ran her tongue across the head of his cock. This sent jolts of pure pleasure through Thor’s body, and Jan could feel his meat quivering in her mouth. Finally, Thor threw his head back and with a shout of victory, shot his own load in her mouth.

Like the Hulk, Thor’s superhuman balls could produce more cum than a normal human could ever hope to. Huge gobs of it filled Jan’s mouth, and she greedily sucked as much of it down as possible. Thick streams of it gushed from the corners of her mouth, and slid down her chin. This time, Hank couldn’t avoid the mess. He screamed as Thor’s cum splattered across his face.

"DAMMIT!" He cried. "Get this shit off me!"

"Oh, Hank," Jan giggled. She finished sucking the last few drops from Thor’s shaft, then bent down to lick the rest of it off her lover’s face. Jan gulped it down, mouthfuls of hot, creamy cum. Within seconds, her tongue had cleared Hank’s face of the mess and had given her yet another mouthful to savor.

"Mmmmm..." She licked the cum off her lips and began to scoop up the strands that dangled from her face. She ate it by the handful, savoring the thick, salty taste of it.

"Jesus Christ, Thor!" Hank said. "Remind me to never get in the way when you blow your load!"

"That’s okay, Hank, I’ll be there to clean up any messes." Jan smiled at the God of Thunder. "My pleasure, sweetie!"

"The God of Thunder is happy to provide for the pleasure of his allies, at least when they are as fair as thou art." He grinned at the beautiful young woman who had just devoured his cum, a gleam in his eye. He was happy to see that gleam mirrored in her eyes as well.

Iron Man groaned softly as he continued pumping his cock in Jan’s shit-hole. Despite the fact that he had just shot an enormous load in her ass, his cock wasn’t anywhere near going soft. Every stroke was like being gripped in velvet, and it sent waves of pleasure through his body. Jan seemed to agree, pushing her heart-shaped ass against his cock almost frantically. She cried out as he pushed his cock deep inside her.

"That’s so good, Shell-Head," she moaned. "So good..."

Tony ran his fingers through Jan’s hair. What an incredible fucking woman! Even though he could feel his cock slowly losing its hardness, he wanted to keep it inside her ass for as long as possible. He slid it in as deep as it would go and kept it there, as Jan clenched her sphincter around it.

Hank continued sliding his shaft into her sweet pussy, in no hurry to lose his erection either. She smiled. She’d be damned if Hank’s cock wasn’t doing something...

It was actually getting her hot again! She felt... oh god...

"Oh, god!"

Jan’s entire body shivered as one last series of orgasms went off like firecrackers within her. She gazed into Hank’s blue eyes, and was carried away again. As much as she dreamed of worshipping Thor, or having sleazy anal sex with Iron Man, she knew that Hank was the one she wanted to share her most private fantasies with. He was the one who could make her cum again and again, the way no other man ever could.

"Oh, baby!" She leaned forward and kissed him. He sighed as her tongue slid across his lips. Her pussy clenched around the base of his cock, the last remnants of her orgasm. She shuddered one last time, then collapsed on top of him.

Thor and Iron Man looked at each other, proud to have been a part of this celebration. The Hulk still lay beside them, snoring loudly. Iron Man smiled.

"You know, he looks like a big k** when he’s sleeping."

"Aye," Thor murmered. "That he does. Let us begone from him for now. Mayhap his mood may be improved after enjoying the attentions of so fair a lady."

"You sure know how to talk to a girl, Thor." Jan smiled up at them. "Come on, boys, let’s leave the big guy alone for a while."


Eventually, the four of them collapsed into the comfortable couches and chairs around the room. Hank and Iron Man were recovering nicely, and Thor seemed no worse for wear. Jan admired their semi-hard cocks; she was momentarily satisfied, but there was still so much she wanted to do. She had a feeling that she wouldn’t have any problem getting them ready for more.

Jan and Hank cuddled on a love seat, while Thor and Iron Man each occupied an end of the large couch. They both admired her body, with its tender curves and moist depths. With fantasies of what was in store filling their heads, their cocks began to stiffen in anticipation. Jan noticed, and she smiled as they grew to their full lengths. Even Hank grinned as his own shaft swelled in the gentle grip of her hand.

"Don’t worry, boys. There’s plenty more where that came from."

The four Avengers shared a laugh. They had a feeling this little gang was going to go far, and they might even get around to saving the world a few times as well.


Same as MCU: Avengers Ass-emble! Videos

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Abominable Avengers

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Sassy Cassy

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The Avengers Initiative the Black Widow

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Cassia III

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Cassia IV

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Cassia II

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Cassia I

Cassia I By: Ryker "Aww, don't feel too bad, sweetheart. Most men don't realize what I have hidden in my panties until it is too late for them." "MMPPHH!" I screamed into my gag as I struggled against the cuffs binding my legs and arms. She ignored me and continued. "Still, I overpowered you quite easily. You really are a pathetic wimp, and now you are going to pay the consequences for that." So let me tell you how this is going to work. By day, you will be my live-in maid...

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Nisha Massi

Hi to all the fan of ISS..I have been reading these stories ever since I started using internet. I would appreciate it if the ladies send their comments at Though I have been reading these stories for over 9 years now..I am writing a story for the first time. Firstly about myself….I am Rahul Mittal, 25 year unmarried guy with unusual sexual appetite..I masturbate twice or thrice everyday sometimes even 5-6 times especially on Sundays…I am 5’6” weatish complexion, slim built…I belong to a well...

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Cassis ass

Cassi and I had anal sex once before when we first started dating. But after the first time we didn't really do it or chat much about it for a while. Then the night after movies we chatted a lot about it and eventually with a bit of help from my stepsister we managed to have some alone time together at my parents house.Cassi and I rather quickly made our way to the bedroom where we undress each other. Once naked I laid her down on her back and made my way to between her legs. I started muffing...

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December holidays part 10 my ex girlfriend Cassi

Laying in bed Monday evening home alone I texted with my girlfriend Jessica chatting to her as well as messaging my ex girlfriend Cassi confirming that she would still be sleeping over tomorrow night. Cassi replied back most definitely baby I'm looking forward to seeing you and spending the night together.I was too excited to fuck her sexy body again and soon while laying in bed a fell asleep.Waking up the next morning just before 8 I got up and made myself breakfast and while eating I message...

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Cassi and I

It was a Thursday night and still being single and a bit lonely, not getting as much sex as I was use to having a girlfriend, I decided to message Cassi to see if she would be keen to meet up for the day. She was indeed keep and as we chatted she said she would meet by my house just after 9 tomorrow morning. She seemed rather excited and we continued messaging each other for a while before saying goodnight. I almost immediately fell asleep after my last message to Cassi. Waking up Friday...

1 year ago
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I And My Massi First Time

My family consist of my father,my mom,my sister and myself aman.My father is 51 and my mother is 38.My age is 20.My massi name is meenakshi and she is 30.I was very normal guy until I get a chance to fuck my mother.My mind got corrupted and I started fantasizing around woman around me.   Slowly I dived into world of incest taboo porn especially massi and her sister son.First I watched son and mom porn but I got a chance to fuck her now I want my massi.It simply blew my mind I started imagining...

2 years ago
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I caught massi

This is from the times when I had just turned 18 and had shifted my base to Delhi i. e mona massi”s place for my studies. mona massi was a very sexy lady around 39-40 years old. One whom i had been dreaming of fucking ever since i started jerking.actually she became my dream girl when i accidently saw her nude bathing in our village bathroom.and ever since that day i have failed to spot some body sexier than hers.she was a perfect figure thin waist like pamela anderson with beautiful sexy...

2 years ago
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Cassy Gives Herself

Before being married, I was living in a house with two artist students. My then girlfriend lived in her own house share. Ours was a very large house with spare rooms we’d use for studio space, open areas for communal get togethers and all in all we were a happy group of three young guys, committing to our creative lives and generally having a good time. We decided after some time that one of the smaller, unused rooms may as well be used for another flatmate to reduce our expenditure. The word...

1 year ago
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Over the next week, Cassy found herself with questions, anticipating another round of Daddy and Mommy’s education. She stood in front of the full-length mirror in her bedroom trying different clothes, stripping slowly, looking at her body from all angles while she played with what Mommy told her was her clit, which was short for clitoris, that little nub of skin at the top of her pussy. She quickly realized amazing feelings came from there as she rubbed it. Over the week, she had closed...

1 year ago
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Hubby Massage By Wife Along With Masseur

Hi ISS readers!!! Though i have been reading stories on this site for close to a decade, this is the first time trying to post my own experience. Bear with me and request to provide me with feedback to improve so that i can keep sharing my experiences in an interesting manner!!.. Little brief about me, For the purpose of reference – call me Sathish !!!.. I am 32 yrs old and work in an IT MNC domiciled in Chennai. I Love Sex and hardly i remember a day where i have spent with watching something...

1 year ago
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Mona Massi caught red handed

Note : this story is completely fictional! This is from the times when I had just turned 18 and had shifted my base to Delhi i.e Mona massi's place for my studies.Mona massi was a very sexy lady around 39-40 years old.A perfect indian milf ,one whom i had been dreaming of fucking ever since i started jerking.Actually she became my dream girl when i accidently saw her nude bathing in our village bathroom.And ever since that day i have failed to spot some body sexier than hers.She was a perfect...

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Kassandra and Kalliste

"You're Kalliste's friend aren't you?" Caroline asked Kit Cameron. It was Tuesday night at the Northwestern University Women's Co-op and people were busy everywhere. "Do you know any stories?" Kit was taking her turn at the loom and glanced at Kalliste Periakes over her glasses. Kit was like Kalliste, a woman of indeterminate age with dark hair and a slight olive cast to her skin. Her thin face showed a few lines, and at times her dark eyes seemed deep and unfathomable. "We've known...

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A New BeginningChapter 11 Justice for Cassy Catrsquos Secret and an Elf Conceives

We crossed the bridge together and found a smiling Elizabeth with Ann and Margaret. Elizabeth explained that she had created a freezer. I gave her a hard look and she blushed, “Okay, I did not create the freezer. Beth and Theresa did the magic.” As we were walking to look at the room Ann linked her arm with mine, “I made a deal with your partner for several hundred weight of the Saur meat. The dwarf with him distracted him and I got a really good price out of him.” I laughed, “serves...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Massi Shilpi

I was 18 years old ,5’9″ ,slim smart handsome virgin and endowed with a 7.5 inches long dick with a big crush on my mother’s sister Shilpi ,whom I used to call Massi ,she used to live in the same town as us and she had 2 sons at that time. The elder one being 6 years and the younger 2 years and it was my summer vacations and my cousin who was very fond of me insisted that I stay in their house and my parents also said yes to the same and I played with the young kids throughout the day and then...

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Cassius and Morrigan Chapter 1

This wasn’t the first time she had been a prisoner in a dungeon, this time was considerably better though. At least this time there weren’t a dozen inmate men close enough to have a turn at her fully exposed fully restrained body. That stay in the sheik’s prison was the most brutal experience of her life. He was a cruel vengeful man. Morrigan had run hard and long before he finally caught her and she managed to take down the majority of the bounty hunters he commissioned to find her. The...

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Kassidy 2

For the next few weeks after our encounter during the afternoon pool break, I hoped that I could get Kassidy at my house again some time, alone. I was dying to try a few more things, if she was willing. Unfortunately, there were competitions and trips and parties and family vacations, something constantly either keeping us apart, or in a place too busy to try anything. The biggest of those things being, her boyfriend. Damned if he didn’t want to actually spend time with her. How selfish of...

1 year ago
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Second sex with Mona massi

Note : This story is completely fictional! Second sex with massi After the first encounter I had with massi we became a pair and had the best sex of our lives during that period .And the best sex invariably would come on the Saturday night.and the first sex and the second sex could not have been on seperate days.Who could have waited? Not me ,neither massi. Coincidently it was a Saturday .After the great facial i gave to massi in the first encounter i garnered energy after 2 hours to get up and...

1 year ago
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Mona massi Jerking to fuck

Note : This story is completely fictional! I had just shifted to Mona massi's house for my further studies and had started believing that very soon Mona massi would be in my arms.But it was just my desperation to get her and did not look realistic.She was a very free and bubly character and moved around the house freely in her nighty and sometimes even in her saree and peticoat.And looking at her sexy body was all that i could settle for at that time.She had a magnificient body.Very feminine ,...

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Now most of these girls were amazingly beautiful. I had known some of them since we were all maybe seven or eight years old so we were all pretty close and very friendly. But now, the summer before we started high school, I was noticing them more and more. They started getting curves in ALL the right places. Hot sexy asses, beautiful firm breasts, and of course they are all athletes so they all had hot abs and tight tummies. I’d watch them more and more in the gym, wearing their tight...

2 years ago
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Kassidy This takes place during the summer after Julie and I experienced our first time together. Although I was same age as Julie and a lot of our friends, I was only going to be a freshman, whereas they were all going to be sophomores. My parents had me start school a year later so that I would not end up in classes with my older brother who had been held back a grade. Pool time Since I was very young, I was involved in gymnastics. I spent many hours in the gym every week working out. Most...

2 years ago
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About two months after these weekly sessions began, Clarissa was wiping the oil from my boobs and pussy juices from between my legs after one of my ‘massages’ when she stopped for a moment and handed me a card with a co-worker’s name on it. She said, “Sophie, if I’m ever not available for one of your sessions, use Rick…here’s his card. He gives great massages, and his approach to stress relief is very similar to mine. I think you’ll like him.” I thanked her, and put the card away without...

3 years ago
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Massi Ke Badi Bahu Ki Chudai

Massi ki badi bahu   Sorry dosto badi late aya apni real and new story lekar. Wase to aapko pata hai mein Ravi hu aur mein Delhi mein bachpan se reh raha hoo. Jab se muje sex kee knowledge hoi tab se mein bus sex ke bare mein sochta rehta hoo. Khas taur per mujse shaadi shuda ladies jada pasand hai and moti ladies bhi.   Ye story meri aur meer massi ke badi bahu ke bich ke hai. Meri massi ke badi bahu ka naam rajni hai aur unki umar 43 ke as pass hai lekin wo dikhen mein lagtee nai hai. Aur...

1 year ago
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Dream come true with massi

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am 21 now and have been lucky enough to be having sex with my aunt, actually my massi, for the past 3 years.I had admired her sexy body ever since i had started mansturbating.She fits perfectly in the image of what i call a sexy lady, an indian milf.She is 38 years in age but has the body of a 25 year old.On a first look at her nobody would be able to not notice her perfect breasts.Size 35 and shape better than the best you would have ever seen.small...

2 years ago
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Yes Massa

Yes Massa.I was tired when I made my way back to our little shack, just past dusk. It had been a very hot day and I had been on duty fanning Mistress Elizabeth and Her guest on the veranda all afternoon. I’d heard talk that there was a new kind of fan, much lighter than the heavy one I had to use but Mistress wasn’t going to pay out for something that didn’t effect Her.I was sad that I was just a slave; something inside me felt it wasn’t right. But what could I do? I was just a nigger on Massa...

1 year ago
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Massi Ki Chut Badi Mazboot With Sexy Legs

Hi guys, this Rahul from Mumbai I am 24 years old presently working with a MNC, I am normal guy with chocolate boy looks..Any aunties,girls or women interested to have private sex can feel to mail me on mail id I am going to narrate a incident happened to me last year. Now without wasting too much time lets come to story. There are just 3 people in our family my mom my dad and me it was around December my mom and dad had to go to hometown urgently because my dads brother who lived in hometown...

1 year ago
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Fuckin the sexiest lady my Mona massi

Note : This story is completely fictional! Mona massi was the sexiest woman i had seen till then and had the dream of fucking her one day ever since i had started jerking. 90% of the time i jerked it was fanasizing about mona massi.She was 38 at that time and i was 18. I had shifted to her place after her husband had left her.having mona massi so close and all alone with me was great but the fact that she never gave me a chance to even get close to her was very depressing.I had started to think...

1 year ago
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Kassidy 20

For the next three weeks I hoped Kassidy and I could get together, without all the spectators. That just wasn’t working out. There were competitions and parties and trips and just constantly something in the way. We did see each other at parties and at the gym but we never had time we could be alone. Every time we spoke the conversations were so sexually loaded it felt like we were having sex in front of everyone. That, combined with the constant image in my head of her kneeling down and...

2 years ago
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The Taking Of Cassidy Lynn

Cassidy was in a foul mood. Everyone at the party could sense it and they were avoiding her as if she was the center of a five-foot quarantine. Stress was ever-present for associate attorneys at Sinclair & Lewis and the others had far too much of their own to be interested in becoming involved in hers.For her part, Cassidy was vaguely aware they were keeping their distance and that was fine with her. She glanced at the clock again, wondering if her obligatory appearance at the Firm’s meet and...

3 years ago
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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 10 A New Ambassador

When the newly appointed Ambassador of the United States of America was safely in the Embassy car which had met her aircraft on the tarmac at Kobek International Airport she asked the Deputy Head of Mission, "Are there always this many military around?" "No," he said, "They are rarely seen in the city, except close to the barracks. I only expected the ceremonial guard for politeness. They are here because of you, personally." "The U.S. Ambassador is that important?" she...

3 years ago
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my wifes first massage from a male masseur

I have come across many stories of husbands… fantasizing or in real sharing their wives. I always thought how would it feel to experience this bliss. Now this is my true story and I have tried to write it in the simplest possible way.We are a couple in early thirties… and are married for 5 years now. This all started a year back when I read all the wife sharing stories, saw pics and watched videos… I kept on thinking how will it be to see my wife acting like a slut and enjoying with other men...

3 years ago
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The Threesome With Massi And Shreya Part 1

Hello, everyone. This is raj. I am 22 years old and this is the first time that I am writing a story.This is a real incident which happened with me in 2011.Now let’s not waste time and start with the story. At that time I was only 16 and I would love to go to my massi’s house. { let me tell you about my massive she is a 32-year sexy lady with a sexy figure of 36-33-38 and she was a widow as mosa passed due to heart attack} I loved to go my massi’s house because she had a daughter of my age.Her...

1 year ago
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The Dirty Masseur Aeishwarya gets a hot massage and even hotter sex

He squirted more oil on her back and spread up to it her neck and then downwards on her calves. He slightly pushed his hands below, brushing her ass. Seeing no comments being made he her spread the oils on her ass cheeks. "The masseur is too dirty" she commented, "just the way I prefer." He kneaded her backside and slightly brushed her groin. Pouring more oil over her tiny little rosebud he clamped his thumb over it and tickled her pussy. She shuddered and moaned. He poured oil on her thighs...

2 years ago
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Meer Kass

byBlackShanglan© Conor stood in the opulent reception hall of the Merchant House of Kor, feet sunk in the plush pile of the carpet as he watched the morning crowd arrive. The galaxy, he thought, is a strange and wonderful place. All around him, merchants, agents, pilots and purchasers teemed in all the variety of which life, in its galactic sense, was capable. Con had been raised on a small and isolated planet, and until he'd left home he'd seen only a handful of races, most of them other...

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A day at Cassis house

Another few weeks of the 2nd term went by and it was once again the time of the month when Cassi was on her period. On this occasion her parents and brother went away for the Saturday and would only be returning back on Sunday. That Saturday morning I played a rugby game and there after went home showered and made my way out telling my parents that I was meeting up with friends at the mall to watch a movie, relax and have dinner but that obviously wasn't the case. I made my way to Cassi's...

2 years ago
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Cassandras Last Spotlight

‘I have a son. He’s going to come and get me someday. Maybe you’ll be here when he does.’ The head of a man in a wheelchair nearby snapped up. In his day he’d written many a gangster movie script, and the phrase ‘get me someday’ that the old movie star, Cassandra, had spoken to her visitor hit him a bit differently than perhaps it was meant. Suddenly he was all ears, which meant he needed to move a bit closer, because all ears in his case required the help of hearing aids. Cassandra looked up...

3 years ago
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Hassan I Casbah

Mark arrived in Istanbul two days and one night after spending the Summer Solstice in a Greek field. He'd been looking forward to seeing the city since setting off on this hitch-hiking adventure during his gap year. In six months he'd be among the dreaming spires of Oxford but, for the moment, that was a different world away from the elegant minarets and towers in the age-old city on the Bosporus. Gateway to Asia; historic Constantinople, a rich alloy of Christian and Muslim that gleamed in...

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Nick and Cassy One Pet Play

I wanted to make tonight special for her. We were going out for dinner, then back to my place for a night of fun. We had been planning this for 2 weeks, and I wanted it to be perfect. The plan was going for me to pick her up, and we were going to a good Italian place downtown. Well that went over perfectly, we had a lot of fun, and I got her to blush quite a few times. She's so cute when she blushes. Once the date was over and we started to head back to my place, I smiled and looked over at...

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Ambassadors of Peace

Ambassadors of Peace By Malissa Madison Netti Zell had no idea why she was being summoned at six in the morning. Her mother and father had no idea either, but it was a royal summons. The only odd part was that the Guardian who delivered it stated that she was to bring her Vershang. At twenty one Netti had just completed three years of her college geared towards a career in the Diplomatic Corp. The final fourth year however was supposed to be spent in the field under a seasoned...

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The Futa Fairy Futas Hot MILF Wish Chapter 3 Cassandras Futa Party

Chapter Three: Cassandra's Futa Party By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Lana's accusation echoed up the stairs to the second floor where I was. Her mother's pussy clenched on my futa-dick. I groaned, trembling, staring down at my best friend as she stared up at me, the other nineteen-year-old girls attending her slumber party arranged around her at the stair's vase. They were all only wearing bras and panties, their eyes wide at seeing my naked body pressed against busty Mrs. Teller's...

1 year ago
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Masseuses Buck BBBBTS

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....I had only been on the job for about two weeks. It was just part time. I went to college during the day. Two nights a week I helped clean office buildings, banks and shops near campus. The pay was pretty good. I usually worked with two other guys. We get a text on the way to work. Where to meet. Then we divide the work up. One person would vacuum, the other garbage, and one would dust. Nothing to hard. It was just staying up all night that was difficult.I...

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