In The Mall (sissy Femdom Story) Part 6 free porn video

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Part 6

It had been quite a day and I had a pretty strong suspicion it wasn't over
yet. I barely knew Rose, but I knew enough to guess that really enjoyed the
game, and I was the game. As was lying there thinking about this when the
phone rang.

"Hello" I answered.

A female voice replied "Hello, sir this is Monique from the salon downstairs.
This is a reminder that your wife has appointment at 3:00".

"My wife, that's not possible" I answered.

"Oh but yes, it is written here; Room 1245, 3:00 for a make-up repair and
fitting for a costume. Actually, that's why I called. As the manager of the
salon I'm sure you'll understand my concern. I've looked at the outfit, and
well, it's much too, well how can I say, exposing for public. This is sort of
costume is meant more for home activities, if you know what I mean. I'm sure
she can't be expected your wife to wear this in public. Especially since she
would have to walk through the hotel lobby ...."

"Excuse me, excuse me " I said, but she didn't hear and just kept blabbing

"and what a funny appointment. What is meant by makeup repair? Repair,
repair what, I just don't understand. And then there's the matter of the
deposit made for the appointment. The amount is far more than usual. I
realize we are very exclusive and pride ourselves in giving that little
something extra to make a woman fell special, but this is almost excessive.
We'll just refund the difference when your wife is finished."

When she finally stopped talking I told her "But you don't understand. I
don't think the appointment was made for my wife ... it was meant for ....

I heard a gasp and could sense the shock over the phone. This woman was not
in on it. She was just a regular working person being used to humiliate me,
and she had my outfit. The maid outfit that had started this all was with
someone who had no idea what was going on. Maybe I could just talk her out of
it and all would be done.

I hesitated only a little and then tried "Ma'am, I'm very sorry for the
inconvenience, how about I just pick up the costume and we'll consider the
matter closed. No need to embarrass either one of any more than we already
are. This is just a practical joke that has gone too far. I'm sure you

After a moment she replied "Joke, huh. So that's why so much money. You
realize this is a very exclusive salon and we get many special customers here.
We don't have time for these games. This is a busy time as some REAL ladies
prepare for a special evening out. But, ......then again, this is a lot of
money, and I could do you myself and pocket it all. I've never done anything
like this before, but ......... what the hell, get your sissy ass down here
NOW and bring a robe so you leave here with some decency."

Shit, Rose had done it again, and this time with a non-player. This was to
be the ultimate in humiliation. She had set me up to expose myself publically
to someone whose not "in on it". Damn her! I walked to the hall closet to
get a bath rode, the full robes you usually find in expensive hotel rooms. All
I found was several empty hangers and a note that said "NO FAIR, GO AS YOU
ARE" Oh double shit! If that Monique girl thought the maid outfit was bad
sitting on a hanger I knew she would not be ready for what I was wearing.

The lobby was bad enough. There the obvious reaction was to a sleazy hooker
on her way out after doing a John in his room. The reaction when I walked
into the salon went way beyond that. All talking ended, every one just
stared and you could hear a pin drop as I squeaked "Monique is expecting me".

Monique had the best reaction of all. She damn near lost it. She was
obviously upset that such trash had entered her salon and she made sure
everyone there knew of her contempt. She led me out back as if to leave by a
back door, but then slipped me into a private room at the back of the shop.

"My god man have you no decency at all? How can you allow yourself to be
seen in public like that? I mean I can understand the shoes, and it goes
without saying that the jewelry is appropriate, but your lipstick, how could
you be seen looking like that." she whispered to me

Now it was my turn to be taken aback. Here I was, a man showing all parts of
me male, dressed as a total slut and she was worried about my lipstick! I
looked in the mirror and see what she meant. The beautiful makeup job that
Janet had done that morning had been totally smeared by ... well, he was big.

"Now I understand about repair." She continued "Here sit, now! Now tell me
how the hell did you do this to yourself. I can tell that it was probably
lovely before, but how come you were so careless." It was then that she
noticed the cameo on my collar. "Oh, I see, you've been busy. Anyone I know?"

I ignored the question and after a bit she stopped mid-stroke, picked up a
hair brush from the desk and swatted me directly on my balls with the
bristles. Through my own gasp I heard her repeat "I asked a question, anyone
I know? Does he work here at the hotel?"

"Yes ma'am" was my shaky reply. Her look told me she wanted more, and she
still hadn't put the brush down. "He works in room service. I was set up, I
didn't have a chance."

"Oh, I bet I know who. Horny Jose, eh. Him and his stories what he sees
upstairs, looks like he finally got lucky. You little slut, I hope he fucked
you good. I've been trying to get him for months. Now lets fix up these
cock sucker's lips."

With that she did a job on my makeup that can only be described as total
whore. When she'd finished my full lips were painted in the biggest, reddest,
brightest, put it in here, pout that would get any hooker double her normal
fee. "Now this costume" she added.

She turned and from behind the door pulled the maid outfit that started the
whole thing. I couldn't help but sigh. It was just such a incredibly sexy
number and, well almost worth it. Monique interrupted my thoughts with "Now

Still in a dreamy state I took off my top and exposed my oversized falsies.
Smiling she helped me remove the bra but the leather webbing held my boobs in
place. Monique was intrigued by the elastics in the back of the webbing and
asked about them. I explained that they prevented me from reaching my belt
line. Standing behind me she chuckled as she reached around and undid the snap
of my cutoffs and peeled them down. She then walked around front and stood
admiring the pouch of my leather thongs. I know she could see the separated
orbs of my bound balls. As I blushed she surprised me by saying "That thing
will ruin the look of the sheer panties, we'll have to take it off"

"I can't ma'am" Motioning the to straps on my back.

"Oh I see, how ingenious. I've got to meet the one who did this" With that
the grabbed my thong and pulled it off. My totally bound cock popped out and
my balls finally got some relief. "Oh my, I like that, bet it's just a bit
uncomfortable." She enjoyed stroking me a bit and the obvious discomfort the
swelling of my already tender cock got from further straining the tight lace
cage. "And the key is for ... looking at my wrists she smiles " And you can't
reach it, oh poor dear" Her touches continued to excite me and she enjoyed
tormenting me for a few moments.

"We've got to hurry, your limo driver called a while ago and he'll be here
shortly to collect you. Seems you are to be a working maid tonight, he he. I
do wish I could see that. I have a feeling that you're going to be getting
and or giving some heavy action." That last statement was directed at my cock
not me. That's when I finally realized that she'd known all along. At least
for quite a while. She was just enjoying herself and all at my expense.

Giving a snicker for my benefit Monique turned and pulled the maid outfit
from behind the door. I'd almost forgot how sexy and revealing it was. My
sigh of desire turned to a little squeal as my cock grew inside the confines
of the leather lace cage and pinched me back to reality. Kneeling before me
she held the panties as I stepped into the leg holes. She commented on the
phallic heels noting how appropriate they were for the outfit. As she pulled
the panties up and over my raging hard-on the narrow T-back slipped into the
crack of my ass. The smooth material felt good against my skin and again my
member swelled against the pressure of its lace cage. The see though material
almost seemed to enhance the look of the black leather making it even more

Next Monique held the body of the outfit up and helped me slip it over my
head. Being careful not to mess my hair or makeup the pulled the various
parts to line up with my enhanced body as best she could. My breasts filled
most of the large hole in front and the white lace fringe around the opening
again amplified the black leather network that held them in bondage. The
bottom of the dress was much too short and barely covered my bound cock and
balls. I know my near naked ass cheeks with their network of tight black
leather lacing and thin strip of white lace from the panties was fully visible
from behind. The wide black strip at the top of the back seamed thigh highs
almost seemed to be a part of the leather lacing as a sort of thigh cuffs
adding to my apparent bondage.

Standing behind me as she watched me in the mirror we both were facing she
started to buckle the straps on the back of the bodice. She then had me take
a deep breath and push it all out in a massive exhale. As I did so she
pulled the buckles a couple more links and now the outfit was extra tight,
almost like a corset. That had the added effect of pushing my already large
boobs up and out forcing them against the constriction of the leather lacing
and the frame of the hole in the front of the outfit. The result was
incredible! They looked huge, and the pressure tugged at the internal forms
that were cemented to my nipples. I barely noticed the new pain center as I
marveled at the hussy in the mirror. Nothing but pure slut. The outfit,
makeup, shoes and accessories all combined to make a perfect picture of a
leather bound, sissy, boy toy, sex slave.

Before I could say a word Monique slapped my exposed butt and sent me out of
the room. As I strutted into the front room I was met with gasps, squeals,
and applause. Monique even took a bow as the staff and a few patrons flocked
around me to stare. More than one hand caressed or slapped my butt and I even
felt a long finger nail scratch across my balls and cock. What could I do? I
couldn't even reach down to cover or protect myself, Nancy's magic with the
lacing ensured that. Unfortunately, the groups around me didn't know that so
they assumed I wanted more. I had to squeal when a long finger nail pushed the
panty back aside and tickled my putt hole. Thankfully, just then the Limo
driver appeared at the door and interrupted the feeling session.

"I should have known" he quipped, and continued "Cum-on slut you've got work
to do. Wait a second, let have some fun." Turning to Monique he asked "Would
you happen to know the name of the young lady working curb side today?"

"It could have been one of many" and questioned "Can yo give me a hint".
The driver thought for a moment and added "She was fairly young, very cute,
and had big ..." he held his hand over his chest to indicate large breasts.
Monique smiled knowingly and replied "That could only be Lori. She's a local
college girl, real cute but maybe a bit simple. Not real worldly if you know
what I mean."

The drive grinned "Perfect, call her and have her wait by the service
elevator outside. Tell her a special client requires some assistance" I knew
this meant trouble, Monique and the driver were smiling far too much to be
healthy for me. As Monique went to the phone the driver turned to me and said
"Walk down the hall to the service elevator and take it down to the ground
floor. I'll come around in the car. Don't speak until I get there, and then
ask her to help you with the belts. I'm sure she'll remember from your
arrival." With a snicker he added "Be sure to tell her this is for her
trouble" With that he dug a ten dollar bill out of his pocket and pulled down
my panties. He folded the bill and with a little trouble slipped in behind
the leather straps down my cock and between my balls. It was very
uncomfortable but he didn't care. "She'll have to work at it to get it, but
those college girls will do anything for a ten spot. Now get going and watch
your ass, everyone else will be"

I t was a weird feeling as I walked down the long hall to the elevator. The
high heels kept me from going too fast and even at a quick walk my boobs were
jumping and swaying threatening to burst out of my top with every step. I
was scared stiff, literally, knowing that if the wrong people saw me I'd be
thrown out at the very least, and maybe even arrested for indecent exposure.
Every so often I'd catch my reflection in a window or glass doorway. What a
show! And there was the quandary, for here I was indecently exposed, walking
down the hall and getting more excited with every step and jiggle. I was
dressed to kill, or more realistically, get laid, made up to shame, and openly
in bondage. What more could a guy, I mean girl, er, oh well, you know mean,
want. I made it to the end of the hall without being caught (damn). I took the
service elevator down to the ground floor not really knowing what I was to do

On the way down I noticed the elevator had two doors, one of which was
labeled outside. Guessing this to be my best escape I went that way and was
found a large roll-up delivery entrance and a small door beside. As I
approached the door it opened from the outside and a feminine voice called in
"Come this way, we'll wait here. Your driver is on the way." As I stepped
through the door I immediately recognized the young lady who had helped me
out of the limo a few hours ago. As I was looking around to see if we had
company she was looking me over. "Wholly shit!" she exclaimed. "What are you
supposed to be. I mean I know what, but who, I mean ... wholly shit" She was
obviously very flustered and while she stammered I just stood quite as
ordered. After the driver's comments upstairs I couldn't help but take a good
look at her boobs. They were only partly obscured by here uniform jacket, but
even so I could see then they were rather large. As I watched the nipples
got quite hard, she was getting excited.

As we stood there checking each other out I heard here whisper to herself "I
never would have believed it, here of all places. What a dream, perfect
outfit, I want those shoes!" There were other things I lost in the street
noises but I could tell she was admiring my outfit. This was not what I
expected. Monique and the others upstairs obviously had this girl pegged
wrong. She was no country bumpkin. This girl was quite a bit more hip then
they were giving her credit for. Just then I noticed the limo approaching and,
as instructed my first and only words to the girl were "Would you please help
me with the seat belts." She flashed a big grin as she caught the
significance of the plurality of the word belts.

When the limo stopped she opened the door for me and I bent over and moved to
the middle of the back seat. I heard her giggle as she got a good look and my
bare leather bound ass cheeks. I could even feel the lacing doing its job of
spreading the cheeks apart as I had to lift my high heel and take a big step up
into the vehicle. I can only guess just how much of me she saw, but that
didn't matter as I knew what was about to happen.

She must have figured it would be easier to "help" me if she got in the
vehicle too. As I sat in the middle of the back seat she knelt on the floor
immediately in front of me. Reaching over she pulled a belt from the side of
the seat and very gently with a soft caress held my right shoe and pulled it to
meet the belt. Looking directly into my eyes she whispered " You lucky son of
a bitch, do you have any idea how much I'd give to be in your shoes ...."
Again she caresses the shoe tracing her finger down the heel to the chromed
cock head at the end and added "literally". Then she took my right hand and
pulling it to the side. She reached into her jacket pocket and removed a wire
tie strip the valets use to tag suitcases. She ran the tie through the lock
on the leather cuff at my sleeve and twisted it around the knob on the back of
the seatbelt that prevents it from being pulled too far out of the seat
pocket. This done, I realized than unlike my trip here, I would not be able
to release myself when I arrived where-ever. Also, because of the way the
seatbelt was harnessed, if I pulled down on my arms it caused my leg to be
pulled out further. When I lowered my leg it pulled my arm out and back
more. That was not very comfortable, even with one leg spread out.

As she reached for the left heel again she looked into my eyes and whispered
"I'm so envious I could just .." This time she was not so gentle as she puled
my heel to reach waiting seatbelt. As my legs were spread apart the leather
web around my balls did its job and my eyes must have bulged as I squealed.
That directed her attention to my crotch and the treasure lurking there.
Without missing a beat she watched as my balls were pulled apart as she
continued to pull the heel to the side. Giggling loudly she pulled my left
hand up and attached it the seatbelt. Only then did she sit back to admire the

The driver had been watching all the action and called back. "The tip's for
you, and the money too" I saw her lick her lips as she stared directly at my
bound cock and replied "that's the kind of tip I like" With that she pulled
the front of my lacy panties down and none too carefully worked to remove the
ten dollar bill. That just caused my cock to get harder and I even feel the
pre-cum oozing out of the end. The head itself was so hard and shiny it
looked like glass. When she got the bill free she pocketed it and smiling up
at me stuck out her tongue and licked the pre-cum from the tip of my cock. If
it was not for the leather pulling at my balls and wrapped around the base of
my cock I would have lost it right then. The best I could close my eyes and
moan as she continued to lick the head and gently nibble with her teeth.
Reflexes caused me to pull down on my arms which puled my legs farther apart,
stretching my balls further as she continued to lick, suck and chew on the
head of my cock. Finally it was too much, I felt it in my toes, through my gut
building to a huge crescendo my balls started to pucker and .... she quit.
The little cock sucking bitch just stopped and sat back to watch me come
crashing to the ground. My whole body was quivering as she smiled sweetly
and said "Be sure to call me. We can do lunch, discuss fashion, have a few
laughs" I couldn't believe it! I replied " Oh please, don't leave me like
this." I could feel my balls still puckered, my cock quivering just short of
release. "Please, please, you wouldn't dare!" With a wink she replied "I
guess you'll just have to punish me next time we meet" With that she turned
and got out of the vehicle and closed the door. She even had the nerve to
blow me a kiss through the window as we drove away.

The driver was howling. He was barely able to speak as he said "Now that was
worth ten bucks! I almost feel sorry for you slut. Now sit back and try to
relax ha ha.. Oh and enjoy the view " he said as he lowered the back windows
exposing me to the outside world. Again the journey was punctuated with
laughter, insults, and gasps of shock as pedestrians and motorists caught
glimpses of me in the massing limo. All I could do was try to calm my aching
cock and wonder where we were going

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Femdom Farm

FEMDOM FARM ? 1, THE TRIAL ???????????????????????????????? FEMDOM FARM ? 1, THE TRIAL I knew I was in the shit as soon as I saw the bitch of a judge. She was one of those haughty ?Are you man enough?? whores, with flashing brown eyes, black hair that fell to her shoulders in glistening shafts, with a big, red mouth and a stunning ?Tit fuck? type figure. Oh, and she was black. And I could tell she didn?t like the look of little old white boy me, with my unfashionably long blonde hair...

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Femdom Experience With Mid Aged Lady

This is my real FEMDOM sex experience as a slave for a middle aged woman. This happened when I was chatting with a lady in the Yahoo chat. Once I happened to chat with a lady in the yahoo chat. Our chat got diverted to hot chat and we were almost doing a hot sexy chat. She got really pulled hot and asked whether I can meet her. I understood her needs and we spoke through the phone before we can meet. On the phone conversation, I came to know that she is Mrs. Sumitha, a high class lady alone at...

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My Femdom Fantasy 8211 Part 1

Hi Guys, I am sharing my femdom fantasy. I am 22 old young men from India. I am from Bangalore. I am working in a corporate company. As like many Indians, I have a secret wish of femdom. But in India it is really impossible. Now a days, as social media become stronger there are some secret groups and pages. So some sort of real femdom interested persons are available there. My experience also starts with the same social media. I have a profile in facebook which clearly mentions I am a Femdom...

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Loved It To Be A Slave Of My SeniorA Real Femdom Sex Story

Hi to all the readers, I am Samit from Pune, working in a company and I’ll share the experience of how I ended of having a sex with my senior girl. I am a big fan of this website so I thought of sharing this sex story. So, this incident happened around 10 months back. I had completed my graduation and I came to Pune in search of my first job. My friends were in different locations of the same company I joined. To settle down here in Pune, I had asked my senior from the same college who was...

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Pillars of Femdom

A quick guide in establishing Femdom rule in relationships. We'll look at 5 key "pillars" of Femdom rule. Slave must become familiar with them and come to accept them. I discuss mindset last even though its the most important of them all. The reason for this is the fact that you begin to change the slaves mindset from the start, often without them even knowing it. With everything you do, every scene, training session or ritual you establish you're changing the mindset and only through a proper...

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Femdoms Wedding

Femdom’s Wedding By Goldfing [email protected]:Bill has a pornography addiction that causes him to masturbate incessantly. He seeks help from a sex therapist who refers him to Myra. Myra likes him and decides to marry him. This is chapter 12 of 21 ?The Wedding? from Femdom’s Ultimate Submission. Christina, Myra’s lover, helps with the ceremony.Home Page: 12Bill wakes up early on his wedding day. Somehow he has made it, and it won’t be...

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Preface 6 Introduction 12 One The Male Submissive Nature 28 Two The Superior Sex 39 Three The Latent Power of Eve: 54 The Spirituality of Female Domination Four The Seduction of the...

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Intro to Femdom

Intro to Femdom The Beginning It was normal day on the road. I was working out of the Los Angles office for couple weeks and I decided I needed to get away from the local staff. There was a local Mexican restaurant in the neighborhood which was nothing fancy but the food was good, it was one of those places you order at the counter and wait for your food. I headed there for lunch planning on getting a couple of enchiladas with all of the fixings and then taking it back to the office and eating...

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Heathers Sissy

Heather's SissyMy husband, Bobby, is standing with his nose in the corner, quietly sobbing, as he contemplates the ill-advised temper tantrum that he threw this afternoon. His sobbing is due to a very sore bottom, for which I take credit foróalthough to be fair, my favorite wooden paddle should also take some of the credit too.I'm not sure what it was that finally sent Bobby over the edge today. It could be the fact that I arbitrarily extended his sentence of chastity for another month, or it...

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My entry into the world of femdom

So here is the story of how I entered the world of femdom. I got with my first seriously girlfriend at the age of 14, it started all innocently, we got on well in classes at school, had a laugh together and started to see each other after school. I think what started it all off was when I offered to carry her bag for her as it was the polite thing to do. It seemed to escalate from there.About a month later we were sitting in my bedroom talking, suddenly she said to me "You know you always carry...

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Teen Femdom

My wife had passed away about a year and a half ago and my sex lifehad deteriorated to masturbation. Most of the time I utilized theever growing collection of magazines and material that I woulddownload from the internet. Occasionally I would be treated to a showby my next door neighbor's k**. Kim was a senior in high school and areal knockout. Her mother was japanese and had passed on acaptivatung look to her daughter.On this particular friday, Kim had gotten home from school and...

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Reallife Femdom

There are many genres that seem to be pervasive when it comes to the fetish topic of Femdom. For me, this particular area of sexual fantasy has always been a huge turn-on and I have spent many hours reading, and most recently, authoring stories related to the topic. The issue I have found while dabbling in this new found hobby is that many of the traditional permutations of Femdom seem unrealistic, as best, and laughably implausible in their most extreme form. In particular, I am referring...

3 years ago
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The White Sissy Slave Society A Walk into Sissyhood

The White Sissy Slave Society: Sold into Sissyhood By Meeah Soo They were standing in a small group, drinking beer, smoking, and laughing. I could hear the rap music thumping aggressively from their boom-box. I could see them watching our car. It was late, well after midnight, and this particular park was no place for a white sissy to be at this hour. I've never been a physically or mentally strong person. I'm very easily intimidated. And there I was in a tiny plaid mini and white...

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Brandy with a Femdom and Male Sub

I have several Doms I see often and even now two Femdoms that I visit infrequently. But I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms contracted COVID-19, so I had to quarantine for 10 days and get tested...

3 years ago
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FemDom Training Club

Introduction: This is for all the ladies out there The Femdom Training Club Hello my name is Elizabeth and I would like to tell you about the Femdom Training Club that I started about 7 months ago. My husband CUB has been after me for years to take a dominating role in our sexual relationship. He wanted me to become the Dominatrix and force him to do things he would not do on his own. He wanted some just down and dirty fucking or as he would say he just wanted some recreational sex. I really...

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Femdom session with my aunt

On the morning that Neha was due to visit my Aunty Puja for a session of female domination, aunty told me: "We need to get you kitted out. Let's see what we can come up with from my collection."And we stepped, both of us naked, into her walk-in wardrobe, which had been the catalyst for my introduction into sex with an older woman and her skills at femdom."Neha is a fussy submissive," my 38-year-old aunt informed me. "She insists on me wearing really erotic outfits, and since she's calling the...

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A Giant Pussy Femdom BBW Fantasy

A Giant Pussy Femdom BBW FantasyA picture with a short story about it (See the picture for this short story atxhamster here: ).You have always loved pleasing huge huge women. Your new girlfriend said she was6 foot 4 inches tall and has the widest hips you ever saw. She has to turnsideways to go through doorways and she only admits to being 400+ pounds.To you she looks much larger and she just waddles along, as her relatively shortlegs are so...

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CFNM And FEMDOM 8211 Introduction 8211 Part I

Hi this is the continuation of my past experience which i have posted in CFNM category. I am 21 now. My neighbour maid’s name was Kamala (3 years young to me) She was a good trustworthy friend of me, but had also gained control over me, but in a healthy way. My neighbour was a lady working with a school going boy. They left in morning and came evening by 6pm I used to be naked always when i used to speak with her. She used to use the control over me slowly, but within limits. So she used to...

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Advanced Femdom Training

In this article I'll be exploring the more advanced concepts of Femdom slave training. This must be done after the slave has already mastered the first 5 steps of Femdom and accepted them. If you haven't already read the Pillars of Femdom article first. But lets recap quickly. The pillars of Femdom are enforced chastity, regular strapon fuckings, cuckoldry and public service. Once the slave has accepted the fact that he is in chastity and can not do anything about it, that if he wants to cum he...

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Kinky Couple8217s Femdom Fantasy

Hi friends, I have been a regular reader of ISS. The stories I have read encouraged me to share our with my husband and me. This happened very recently, and it’s changed our life completely. This is Shradha, a 29-year-old housewife. I look fair and beautiful, like a typical Indian woman. 5.6″ tall and had a perfect figure of 34D-32-36. My boobs are so attractive. I had a great pair of booty round ass which attracts men at first sight. I was a fitness freak and maintained myself well. My husband...

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Femdom Island

The Milking Chamber "Oh my God!" I cried out at the sight in the square in the middle of the park. "I can't believe it!" The sight was too shocking for my mind to accept. "I said you would be surprised!" Lori smiled back at me, standing by my side. I knew an assignment into this female dominant culture was going to be a challenge - a challenge, that is, for me because I was male. For Lori, I think she enjoyed it. If I had known the extent of the challenge, I never would have...

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My Girlfriend madd Me a Sissy Part3

Here's the 3rd part of my story, I hope I didn't make you guys wait toolong. Hope you enjoy, its best read one handed ;-)My Girlfriend Made Me a Sissy - Part 3-------------------------------------------------I lay on Jess' bed waiting for her and wondering what would happen forages. She was in another room getting ready for her new lover, I wasalready dressed up. Pale blue, see through panties and matching bra, ashort black skirt and a blue vest top. With my make up done to show off mypretty...

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My girlfriend made a sissypart1

Hey guys this is my first story ....hope you all like it ...When I was 18, in spite of my shyness and not being in anyway incrediblyattractive, I somehow landed myself a girlfriend 2 years older than me. Iwas quite short for a boy then, around 5'7 and very slim having not yetdeveloped much muscle. I had shoulder length brown hair and bright greeneyes and I simply couldn't believe my luck in getting this girl. She wascalled Jess, a beautiful redhead with a body to die for and an appetite forsex...

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Femdom Origin

...It all happened to me earlier in life, when i had very little idea and understanding of what real erotic meant. Ever since i was a child, i had this fantasy of being amongst a group of girls, who would humiliate, disregard, torture, abuse me, even beat me up. At the time i had no idea where this all came from, or what it meant. I could not make much sense of this all, and i´d still be in the darkness now, if it wasn´t for this one experience, which opened up the horizons for me, in regards...

2 years ago
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FemDom Training Club

Hello my name is Elizabeth and I would like to tell you about the Femdom Training Club that I started about 7 months ago. My husband “CUB” has been after me for years to take a dominating role in our sexual relationship. He wanted me to become the Dominatrix and force him to do things he would not do on his own. He wanted some just down and dirty fucking or as he would say he just wanted some recreational sex. I really didn’t want to play along with him on this but one time when we were...

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Femdom Fantasy Romance

This is a continuation of Femdom Fantasy Realised, a story of discovery between Cate and Ben, which I suggest you read first. This story contains femdom, anal and group sex. If that offends you please choose one of the many other great stories on this site. Please use safewords when playing and always stay safe. Please also feel free to make a comment. ooOoo Cate and continued to see each other a couple of times a week, usually for a quiet dinner at home. This was worked around Cate’s...

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First Femdom Act

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hello, everyone. My name is Ram Prakash and I am from Hyderabad. I always dream of losing my virginity in a femdom act. So I posted an ad on a dating site explaining my fantasies regarding the femdom act, how I like to get dominated by women. For the first 2 weeks, I didn’t get any response. Later, I received a message from a woman named Swapna(name changed) from Hyderabad. She is 34 years old and has 2 kids. We started with...

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Pune 8211 My First Femdom Experience

Hi, This is Amol presenting my first story. A little bit about me: I am 30 years old, unmarried guy, slim, average looking, working in Pune. M addicted to femdom. Only watch femdom videos. I am psychologically a submissive. This story is of my first real experience which happened last year. One Tuesday night i was surfing a bdsm dating site as usual when i stumbled upon a lady(MistressXXX) who was giving paid online session and then real meeting. We talked on skype, she gave me few...

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Femdom Shorts

Summertime With FemdomShe bumped the double fold of her cunt against his crotch, feeling the comfortable tautness in her thighs as she straddled him, kneeling and squirming on top of his supine body. Somehow, in the bump and crash of stripping and making out between the door and the bed, they’d ended up that way, him on the bottom the way she liked. He was naked, except for the black band of the collar at his throat and one sock, and she was stripped down to her skin, smooth, sticky with summer...

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Femdom Fantasies Becomes an Unpleasant Reality

Femdom Fantasies Becomes an Unpleasant Reality By: Ken Bristol want2b Chapter 1 (Discovery) Ed came walked into the kitchen Saturday morning and saw his wife Diane glaring at him while sitting at the kitchen table with her knees tucked up under her and holding a cup of coffee.  Diane, in an ominously quiet voice said:  ?Sit down, we need to talk.? Ed poured himself a cup and said:  ?what’s your problem?. ?You are.? She replied. ?I don’t understand.? He said. Diane continued:  ?I feel like I...

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My English Teacher8217s Femdom Sex

My name is Rahul and I live in Pune. It was a time of chill winter. I was studying in the 1st year of college when this incident happened to me. In December, we were going to get winter vacation for 25 days. In my college, I always had a crush on my English teacher. Her name was Sumangala. Let me describe her first. Her height was around 5’1″ and her body shape was really good. She was very attractive in the entire college. Also, she had long hair till her waist. One day on November 30th,...

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Professional Femdom a Narrative

The following four events represents a three days of work in the life of Victoria Grayson, an unlicensed, self proclaimed sex therapist and atypical Dominant. Her clients consist primarily of wealthy housewives, mothers, and high placed businesswomen. Fees for her services are mixed, but expensive: $500 to $800 for an hourly session or $2,000 to $3000 per day. Additional charges could be imposed for the more bizarre fantasies and fetishes. Clients are also responsible for all...

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My CD Sissy story and 1st meet humiliation

I recently met up with someone to be a sissy slut for them and wanted to share what happened on my first meet. This is the genuine true story. I use the username indoblu on websites, but my sissy name is Holly so I'll refer to myself from now on as such. I'll mention my history as a sissy before talking about the meet up, skip the first few paragraphs to get to that bit.I have always known I love girls clothes, lingerie, miniskirts, colourful sheer blouses , anything satin or lace, since a very...

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Brandy is Punished by Her Femdom

I have several Doms and three Femdoms that I visit, but I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms contracted COVID-19, so I had to quarantine for 10 days and get tested regularly; well guess what even though...

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Lesbian Femdom Stories The Japanese Prison Camp

Part 1 The Prison CampThe Japanese Lieutenant looked down at her prisoner. She was happy to see her stretched out, naked on the ground. Arms and legs all secured tightly to the wooden pegs which were standing erect from where they had been knocked deeply into the sand that lay beneath. ?You slut!? She screamed. ?You think you make fun of Lieutenant Nashiba and get away with? You think Lieutenant Nashiba a easy touch, you do? You must learn some manner, girl. I teach you manner now so you know...

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Sissy Puppy Fifi Part2

Chapter 2 I tried as best as I could to get comfortable curled up in the corner of the room. At first I kept squashing my tail which either caused the vibrations to start or pushed the plug further inside. I had eventually worked out the best position to lie in when Mistress appeared. "Time for bed Fifi," she said as she attached the pink lead to my collar. I was then led through the house and up to her bedroom. This was a strange feeling to enter her bedroom not in my usual maid's...

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CHAPTER THREEMistress Jennifer and Mistress Susan's plans to create an entire"harem" of transformed men and boys continued apace. The lure ofTeasing Tammy (the transformation name of Susan's teen-agedbrother Tommy) proved quite effective. Each of the young men (theyoungest just 14, the oldest 22) the little tease brought back tothe home we all now shared was turned into a different kind offeminized sex-toy, all designed to please the Mistresses andtheir dominant friends.The little...

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Choose a Femdom story

This is stories about Female Domination of all kinds. It up to you how it starts and ends. The important thing is to figure out Location. The Choices are Ann Coulter High- This is a High school where bitchy women rule. The head Principle is Ms Ball-buster, a busty girl with black hair and cruel streak. The women outnumber the guys 10 to 1 and then to be powerful then the men. The girls are strong and busty. The teachers are strict and tough. There is cock-teasing abounded and most girls are...

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A Very Sissy Love Story

A Very Sissy Love Story by: Missy Satinpanties I guess I've always been bisexual, if not completely gay. I mean, in high school, I lusted after the right girls, and wanted to get into their panties like every other boy, but when I looked at the porno mags we had, I always gravitated towards the girls who looked kind of innocent, and were wearing soft, lacy lingerie. And yeah, I did wonder how all that soft, slippery lingerie felt. A naked girl really didn't grab my attention, at all....

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