How I Became My Roommate's Bitch Gay PT1 free porn video

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The first time I saw her, five feet, one hundred and no pounds of tits and ass I didn't think anything of her. She was just another one of John's girls. The second time I saw her I took note, but a two-night stand wasn't completely out of the question for my roommate. It wasn't until the third or fourth time that I started to take her seriously.

That woman had some kind of spell over John. She started coming over practically every night and always seemed like she was in a bad mood. She would complain about John's job, or about the small size of the apartment. She would yell at him for looking at some other woman or not looking at her enough. It always turned into an argument, and then the argument turned into sex. Cassy-bella wouldn't go quietly into John's bedroom though, she preferred the couch for their makeup romp and it didn't matter if I was around or not. At first I would get up and leave the room but it didn't take long to realize I didn't have to. The couple was not shy about stripping and fucking right there in front of me. Even though I had grown to despise Cassy-bella there was something about watching her ride his cock that turned me on more than anything I had ever seen. Still, I skipped most of their shows and even during the ones I stayed in the room for I pretended to be doing something else. I didn't want to seem like a creep.

Cassy-bella eventually disappeared like all of John's other girlfriends, but not for nearly a year. There was no big blowout argument, no slamming of doors or threats of excessive v******e to mark her passing. One day she just didn't come over, and my roommate didn't seem to be expecting her. I knew something must have happened. Despite pretending to be the same John that could care less about the current woman in his life, he was clearly not his normal happy self. He didn't pick up where he left off going to the bar. He just hung around the apartment with me after work, playing video games or watching movies. Months passed, and then one day John didn't come home from work.

His job was further away from home than mine, so I always got home before him. Typically I'd pick up a movie or rent a game and we'd spend the evening drinking beer around the entertainment center. Maybe it wasn't as exciting as the days of John's girls and their midnight blowjobs but we had each other, best friends. I wouldn't say that I worried when he didn't come home, but I noticed.

At nine o'clock he finally walked through the door, cursing. "Do you know what that stupid cunt did?" He asked me, rage in his voice.

The question caught me off guard. "You mean Cassy?" I asked. Neither one of us had spoken her name since the last time she came to the apartment.

"Yeah, how many other stupid cunts do you know?" John threw his coat at the wall. It hit with a loud clap and slid to the floor.

"I thought she was out of the picture," I said.

He laughed and slumped down on the couch. "Yeah, she's out of the picture alright. But first she went and told all the ladies at the bar that I've got some kind of horrible sexually transmitted disease. And they believed her! I was there for an hour trying to convince them I wasn't infectious. I even showed one of them my cock to prove it, but that just got me kicked out."

I laughed despite myself.

"And then I went over to the club, and I don't know what she told them but the bouncer wouldn't even let me in. I asked him what I ever did, and he told me 'You know what you did'." He deepened his voice in imitation of the bouncer. I wasn't sure if I should be amused or not. I was somewhat happy that John was trying to get his social life back to where it was, but a little disappointed he had left me behind to do it.

"She couldn't have turned everyone against you," I said.

"No, but she turned enough of them. It's going to take me forever to fix this. I need to get laid now." His voice was almost desperate.

"There are other places you can pick up women, you know," I reminded him.

"Where, work? I already slept with all those girls. The supermarket? No thanks. I don't need some worn out old soccer mom trying to trick me into being her k**'s new daddy. I know better than that." He slumped down on the couch next to me. "I need to get laid man, seriously. The last load I dumped was into that stupid cunt that got me into this mess three months ago."

"Sounds like you need to jerk off then," I joked. Well, it wasn't really a joke. It really sounded like he needed to jerk off.

John moaned. "Yeah, right. I don't need to jerk myself off, man. You've seen me in action. I've got girls lining up to jerk me off." That was the first time my roommate had talked about women, or his aptitude for getting them into his pants, since he had stopped dating Cassy-bella.

I pretended like I was looking around. "I dunno, John. I don't see any. You sure you don't want to borrow my lotion?"

He cringed. "This is serious, man. I need to cum right now or my balls are going to explode." He said it one word at a time, like there was something I just wasn't understanding.

"I'm being serious," I said. "Go get my lotion if you need it. It's in the drawer by my nightstand. It's good stuff."

He shook his head dismissively. "I can't do that shit. It's too much work."

"It's that or death by blue ball related explosion," I laughed.

A look crossed John's face like a cartoon cat who had just figured out a way to catch the mouse that had been antagonizing him all episode. The room almost seemed to get brighter by virtue of the lightbulb that should have appeared over his head. "Give me a handjob," he said casually.

"What?" I almost yelled. "Fuck no, dude. Give yourself a handjob."

"I told you," he responded in an almost secretive tone, "I can't do that shit. I can't concentrate, I spend all my time worrying about the pace and burning my dick off. I can't cum that way. You have to do it."

"I'm not gay," I said sternly. This whole conversation was becoming ludicrous. I honestly couldn't tell if he was serious or not.

"No, no, no," he scrambled, turning to face me on the couch. "I'm not asking for any gay shit. I'm serious dude, all I need is a little helping hand. Just for tonight. You owe me that much."

"How do I owe you a handjob?" I asked indignantly.

John talked quickly. "You know how. All those girls I sent into your room. I got you off God knows how many times and you can't even help me out once. I need it, man. I'll never mention it again, I promise. It'll be like the whole thing never happened."

It bothered me that his logic made sense to me. He had helped me got off, however indirectly, on numerous occasions. I never would have thought in a million years that John could talk me into giving him a handjob, but now there I was, considering it. "You just want me to jerk you off?" I asked, still not willing to commit.

My question was irrelevant. John knew as soon as I said anything but no that he was going to have his way. He started to unbutton his pants as he thanked me. "Yeah man, just stroke it a little. It's been months I'm gonna cum in like three seconds. Oh man, you are saving my life here. I owe you a big one. I promise once I get all this nonsense cleared up I am going to get you some real action, none of this blowjob shit. You are going to have real sex, my friend."

His words actually made me feel better. I knew John would come through on that promise. A quick handjob didn't seem so bad if it would get me some pussy out of the deal. Of course, who knew when that would be after what Cassy-bella did to his reputation but he would bounce back eventually. "Just whip it out and let's get this over with," ten words I never thought I would say in my life.

For whatever reason, John took off his t-shirt and slid his pants down to his ankles, kicking them off his feet and across the room. It was hard not to compare his body to mine. Physically we had a lot in common, we were both the same height, 5'10" with brown hair and brown eyes, but John had twenty pounds on me and wore it much better. We were both in decent shape, but I was soft and scrawny while he was tight and every single muscle on his body, while not impressive mass-wise, was well defined. Looking at his washboard stomach I couldn't help but feel jealous.

"Why are you getting naked?" I asked.

"Comfort," he answered quickly, pushing his boxer briefs down to the floor. His eraction sprang up like it was attached to a spring; seven inches of tan, circumcised cock pointing straight at the ceiling. "Now come on, I'm dying over here."

I didn't know what to do. I just stared at John's cock awkwardly. Suddenly I was very nervous. "Do you want me to use some lotion or something?" I asked, trying to stall.

"Nah," he shook his head. "Just jerk it. I like it to chafe a little."

I moved closer to him and reached over, wrapping my hand around his manhood. It felt surprisingly warm to the touch. Immediately, John let out a loud moan, scaring me. I froze, holding him in the palm of my hand. It wasn't unpleasant at all. In fact, I kind of liked it. Suddenly I was reminded of him and Cassy-bella on that very couch, John on top of her, ramming his powerful tool between her legs. I was starting to get turned on.

"Well? Are you just going to stare at it all day, or are you going to get me off?"

I snapped back into the moment and began moving my hand, slowly pumping his erection up and down. John leaned back and closed his eyes, surely blocking out the image of me and replacing it with one of his more beautiful conquests. I couldn't look away, I was mesmerized by his cock. It was so warm, like every drop of blood in his body was flowing towards that point of his body. I can even feel his pulse, throbbing steadily in the veins that puffed out and ran up its length. A bead of precum gathered at the tip, and I wondered, just for a second, what it might taste like.

"I can't cum this way," he said after a few minutes. "Put it in your mouth," he moaned.

"What? No," I practically yelled. At first I was scared that I had accidentally done something to reveal my runaway thoughts, but with his eyes shut as tight as they were I realized that even if I had he never would have seen it. Regardless, I definitely wasn't sucking my roommates cock. "We agreed on a handjob, that's it. No gay shit, remember?"

"Aw," John moaned. "That is a hand job, man. You can't just stroke it, every girl knows you have to suck on it at least a little bit. Just put the head in your mouth, that's all you have to do. Keep it warm, I'll warn you when I'm going to cum so you can take it out."

I don't know if that sounded harmless to me at the time, or if I really just wanted to justify my desire to taste John's fluid. "We'll never talk about this again," I confirmed.

"Yeah, just put it in your mouth."

I leaned forward, bringing my face within inches of John's throbbing cock. I watched it for a minute, ticking like the second hand of a watch. I could smell it, a thick but not at all unpleasant musk that emanated from between his legs. I had never had a gay thought in my life before that moment, but at that time my mouth was watering. I parted my lips and slid his cock into my mouth, wiping the drop of precum I had previously been observing with my tongue. It had only the slightest bit of taste to it, like weak saltwater.

With the head of his cock between my lips I continued to stroke his shaft, pulling it upwards toward my face and then pushing it back down. With each upstroke I felt the tip touch my tongue and was once again rewarded with the taste of his preliminary fluids. I started to improvise, sliding the tip of my tongue in circles around his head. My free hand moved to his testicles, holding them gently in the palm of my hand, squeezing and kneading them.

He let out a guttural groan and placed his hands on my head, holding my ears gently. I took this as a hint, and lowered my head on his cock, pushing his erection further into my mouth until it hit the back of my throat. He let out another long, low moan and I knew he was enjoying the feeling of my mouth. Without needing any instruction I started bobbing my head on his cock, slowly at first as I got used to such a large object in my mouth, but then more quickly. His fingers began to run through my hair lovingly and I grabbed onto his hips, holding him and using his body for leverage to fuck him with my face.

Without any warning his cock jerked between my lips and I felt the first strand of cum hit the roof of my mouth. It was salty and slimy and thick, and before I could figure out what to do with the first shot a second one fired off. Instinctively I swallowed, drawing the rich fluid down my throat. I was prepared for the third wave, resuming my bobbing motion. I was suddenly compelled to do a good job, to milk his balls dry of the multi-month stockpile of semen that he had been building up though I don't truly know why. The strength of his muscle contractions diminished but I didn't stop my motion until his cock was completely still.

"Oh Man," John cried out as the twitching in his cock subsided. "You have no idea how badly I needed that. You saved my life. I owe you one and I promise, nobody will ever know anything about this. I won't even mention it between us."

I held his dwindling erection between my lips probably longer than I should have, the last few drops of cum sliding off onto my tongue. I sat up then, unable to even look at the man whose cock I had just been sucking.

He didn't say another word as pulled up his boxers and threw his t-shirt back on before picking up the remote and turning on the television. He flipped through the channels until he found a rerun of MASH and instantly broke into laughter. I just sat there, unsure what to say or do or think. Even though I had swallowed it all, the taste of John's cum was still strong in my mouth and even though he had put his underwear back on I could still smell the musk of his manhood under my nose. 'Dear God', I thought to myself. 'I want to do it again'. I didn't say anything to my roommate though. I just stared straight ahead at the television, not paying any attention to it. Instead, I replayed the scene again and again in my head and savored the taste of another man on my tongue.

He went to bed before I did, unceremoniously yawning and climbing off the couch. As soon as he closed his bedroom door behind him I went into mine to attend to the erection that had been straining against my pants since the moment I swallowed John's load.

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Paid to Turn Men Gay GayMaker

I had been on the internet for more than three hours, talking to a beautiful woman named Mary. She was hesitant at first, but eventually we shared photos and talked about our fantasies. She loved the name I was given at birth, "Vincent". It reminded her of simple times.She was very open-minded and had many kinky ideas, most of which made us giggle. I had previously been chatting with her for about two months, on and off. She really enjoyed having me around and after telling her everything I'd...

4 years ago
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Training My New Married Bitch Gay

A whole weekend to himself Tony thought as he prepared himself in the shower. His wife and daughters had left hours ago and his wife had already confirmed their arrival at the health spa where they were visiting for some mother / daughter bonding time. "Whatever" laughed Tony to himself, what it meant was he had from now until Sunday evening in private, nearly 48 hours to do what he wished. Drying himself Tony looked in the mirror naked and studied what he saw. "Not bad for 45" he said out loud...

1 year ago
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Step Brothers Bride Pt1

It was the night before my younger step brother Shaun's wedding he was 32 and finally was going to settle down. Shaun was only 5ft 6” and we always told him this was why he couldn’t handle alcohol. He had looked after himself so had a muscular build and had trained as a boxer when younger. He had short light brown hair and was always cleanly shaven. I had always treated him as a brother as his mum had been with my dad since we were very young. Both sides of the bridal parties’ families and...

4 years ago
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John was a clergy man of the Papal Mainframe who had gone to place a guard and shield around the planet of Trenzalore to stop the Daleks, Cybermen and pretty much every other nasty creature in the universe from getting their hands on whatever was broadcasting a signal from the planet surface to every point in time and space, whatever the signal was it was impossible to decode and struck fear into the hearts of every creature that heard it. In a situation like this it was inevitable that sooner...

4 years ago
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The Loves of Sophie Pt1

Sophie, standing in the clear light of day, viewed her naked body critically in the long mirror. Having waved goodbye to her thirtieth year a couple of years earlier, she was just a little concerned with what age would do to her body.Others still commented on how beautiful she was. She was slender, youthful in appearance, and retained plenty of vigour for the life she led. Yes, it was easy to deceive others, but in her own eyes, her flesh was losing some firmness and the smoothness of the skin...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Sneaky Panty Smeller pt1

I'm writing about the sexiest, most perfect smelling, creamy wet panties that I have ever had the pleasure of putting to my nose. Here is how it went down. I recently was working for my Mother in law at her house, doing some house projects that required a little more help. So, as the first day began, I was in and out of the house most of the day. During that time, anytime I needed the restroom, I would have too pass by Beckys room. she's my hot sister in law. Her and her pussy...

1 year ago
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House Slut 31 Halloween pt1

Arriving at the party on Sam’s arm Tegan scanned the room with some anxiety. She wasn’t entirely sure what she had agreed to when Sam invited her, but she knew he wouldn’t have done so were it not going to be sexually adventurous. All she had been told was that she would be visiting the “nine circles of hell” and he’d provided her with a costume that seemed to follow an angelic theme – she wore a skimpy white wraparound dress and matching sandals, a set of costume backpiece with wings and a...

3 years ago
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Motherinlaw Her Sister Me Pt1

Leaving them to catch up l went for a walk when l returned Jodie poured me a glass declaring since l didn’t have to drive it would be fine for me to have a drink, l thanked her and sat at the table. I have to say it did feel strange sitting with my mother-in-law Molly and her sister Jodie listening to them rattle on about boyfriends in their teenage years and what they got up to, it was quite entertaining and sometimes a bit raunchy well coming from 2 woman in their 60s. It turned into a...

4 years ago
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Androids of Evergreen pt1

Thomas Evergreen sat alone in his little corner of the world. He lived on a hundred acres of land, uninhabited except for him. He was an only child, never married, and never had any children. His parents had passed away years ago and he had no other relatives, except for a few distant ones that he shunned. They were only after his parent’s wealth after all. The mansion and property were worth millions upon millions to the right buyer or inheritor. At 42 years old, Tom wasn’t likely to have...

1 year ago
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Master PC Kyles Adventure pt1

Today is a good day. After months of negotiating I finally got it, the raise i’ve been waiting for. Unlike most people, I actually really love my job. What I do is fun, the people I work with are great, well most of them at least. I decided to go out to lunch and revel in my excitement. It was an extremely bright sunny day due the few inches of snow we got the night before. I walked into the little italian pizzeria, my go to spot when i’m feeling good, or not so good for that matter, and sat...

3 years ago
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Siblings Chain Attraction Pt1

If you like our story please let us know interact with us so we know to keep making them. Like i said this is just the beginning of our story which now has gone on for 3 years. This is not the typical story about incest which you have heard online time after time. Both my sister and I were very well raised in a loving home where are parents worked extremely hard to give us a good life. We both went to school and were very good A average students. For most of my life I just saw my sister as...

2 years ago
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Thanksgiving in Thrall PT1

If you are under the age of 18 or reside in a state, nation, or planet that prohibits such behavior, stop reading immediately!!! “Thanksgiving in Thrall” By [email protected] Archiving permitted, reposting is permitted; but only if you include this statement of limitation of use and notify the author by e-mail. The author forbids you to make, distribute, or sell multiple copies of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format. However, individual readers may make single copies of...

2 years ago
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Alice pt1

The usual, unspoken deal with hitch hiking is that the driver wants some company, and the price of the lift is to make entertaining conversation on the subject, or subjects of the driver's choosing. I've hitched myself in the past, and sometimes it can get awkward, when you really need that lift, but just don't like the driver. But as Alice and I chatted, I found her easy to talk to, and the feeling seemed mutual. Still, I never expected to get on quite as well as we did. The stretch of...

1 year ago
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Her fantasy pt1

As she sat, the tiny skirt rode up even more. "Leave it" she was told, as she tried to pull it down. "In fact, take it off. You won't be needing it any more". She hesitated at first but then slowly pushed it down to her ankles, revealing her freshly waxed pussy. "Good girl, now, look in the glove box". She opened it to be greeted by a 6" vibro. "I expect your cunt to be ready for use by the time we get home. Best get started". The redhead milf flushed again with embarrassment as...

3 years ago
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Camping with the Johnsons PT1

I jumped out of bed and crept downstairs, while still adjusting my glossy brown eyes to the brighter hallway. "Mornin', Noah." mumbled Dad, who also had just rolled out of bed. "Are you ready for the big day? The Johnson's are on there way over, and in just a few hours we'll hit the road for camp." I cursed in my head, remembering that we were going camping today. I still hadn't packed yet and we were leaving in about 3 hours to go camping on Finigan Lake. "I still have to...

2 years ago
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Summer vacation changed whole life pt1

During my childhood my aunt used dress me as a girl very often she even used take me out as girl for girls parties. even I liked being dressed as girl, but when I grew older I stopped dressing as girl . I was a straight guy and was attracted for girls and I even had few girl friends . But at times I used think of those days and wanted to become a girl again . I was 18 when this happened, during our vacation aunt has planned a tour for 15 days . everything was pre planned and all the...

3 years ago
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The unwilling gangbang whore pt1

Then I started noticing her wearing her skirts and tight blouses less often and one day when I was telling her to take her special bra and leave the panties at home she refused. It made me a bit angry and when I asked why she told me a group of guys at the office had started making passes at her, dropping inappropriate comments. She had seen them on several occasions standing together throwing looks at her and laughing amongst themselves. One day at the coffee machine one of them even...

2 years ago
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the girls next door pt1

He watched as an older military type of man and a very hot redhead got out of the car and walked in. He could tell the man was definitely military by how he was walking and talking to the redhead that could only be his wife. He was easily 6'4" and ripped and looed to be about 37. He was most likely assigned to the army base about 15 miles away. The red head was gorgeous for being around 30. She was 5’9" probably about 130lbs with what John suspected was probably 34DD tits and a gorgeous...

3 years ago
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Fulfilling a Rape Fantasy pt1

Just before the meeting time she sent me a picture so I knew who to look for in the coffee shop only a mile or so from my house. She was an attractive black female in her late 30s, but I couldn't tell much more, as it was only a head shot. I walked in and found her immediately, it helped that she was the only black woman in the coffee shop. She had a better body than I expected, with a curvy shape and big tits for a small frame. I thought it would be awkward, but the conversation flowed...

1 year ago
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Marygambles and loses everything pt1

I don't know why I returned to the office that evening, why I ran half a block to make sure I made it through reception before the doors closed at 5 p.m. but I did. I should have been celebrating with the legal guys, it's not every day you win a discrimination case, but it's not every day some money grabbing little whore makes the whole thing up and the Tribubunal takes ten minutes to reach a decision clearing me and the firm of any wrong doing. She had no idea that my web cam was...

3 years ago
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Angie Pt1

Angie arrived back at her house and ran straight to her room. Closing the door behind her she removed her bra and panties set and laid them on the bed. Stripping down she put the panties on, then, looked at herself in the mirror. Her pert 34b’s where her best thing going she thought. Her looks where plain and her ass was, well, just was. Not much curves to the hips yet she thought. She cupped her breast and tweaked her nipples. They where not average nipples for her size, they where...

2 years ago
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Am I Strong Enough to Say No pt1

This is my first attempt at writing a story. It is totally made up, and hopefully offends no one. IF it does, just exit out and look for another story to read. If I get positive feedback, I will finish Pt 2 and maybe more. PLEASE, no rude remarks, or postings for hook ups. Thanks…. First let me point out, I don't look at myself as a pervert, monster, or such. I am a normal married father of a wonderful daughter of 16. The problem is when it comes to sex, I have no...

2 years ago
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Whos that Girl Pt1

“Eleanor!!”“Yes, Mr Harmon?” responded the slightly tinny voice through the intercom.“Can you bring in the guestlist for Saturday Night,” he released the speak button and knew once again that his 'please' hadn’t been transmitted.“As you wish, Mr Harmon,” she responded with her standard refrain and within a minute she knocked on the door and entered.Chris Harmon, founder, CEO and the continued driving force behind the Perfect Harmony Record Label looked up at his personal assistant as she...

1 year ago
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My life pt1

I live with my mom, Krystal at 36, my older sister Jackie at 16 and my younger sister Val at 12, my parents relationship fell apart about 10 years ago. In my home nudity was completely accepted, and masturbation was also accepted only in your room, so mostly the girls walked around in just panties and me in just boxers. We live in a nice 2 story house in Sound Beach, NY, 4 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bathroom, the second floor was the bedrooms and the full bathroom, and the first floor had a big living...

4 years ago
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Clarissa Masters wife Workers whore pt1

Yorkshire UIK after the general strike of 1926. I stood idly on the weed strewn platform with the blustery wind ruffling my thin summer suit, as it rattled the locked waiting room door and rustled the lush cow parsley on the now neglected station garden and I watched the little train which brought me chuff busily away up the steep sided valley as I fretted and wondered why Brabbinger my chauffeur was not there to pick me up in the Rolls Royce. Old Ted the toothless ex stationmaster...

2 years ago
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Becoming A HotWife Pt1

Recently I attended a conference with work. Saying it was interesting, would be an understatement. But...A few months beforehand though, my husband Dave dropped the bombshell on me. I thought our sex life was ok, maybe a little vanilla but ok, but. One night whilst we were having sex, he said he would love me to be a hotwife, and meet other men for sex. I couldn’t believe my ears. Partly in shock, I called him a pervert. Sex was over and I refused to talk to him. But something must have struck...

Wife Lovers
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My Weekend With My Daddy pt1

It all happened my first year of highschool, that is when my dad, Dave, first exposed his love for me. But first let me start with a little about me, my name is Karter, I am eighteen, 6'0" tall, and chubby. I have hazel eyes, and soft curly hair that is pretty long because I have been growing it for about a year. I had just realized i was gay at the start of senior year. I thought about guys a lot in my junior year, but i didn't think i was gay. That was until i met my...

1 year ago
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Confessions of a Wayward Gynecologist Pt1

In med school, when I was trying to figure out my niche, I spent my free time fucking a lot of high school girls. I've always been handsome, and my dad bought me whatever new car I wanted, and that's about all you need when it comes to landing some hot young ass. I realized that the older I got, 16 and 17 year old girls were going to see me as a creepy, dirty old man. I set up my practice in a suburb just outside of Charleston, SC. Since then, at least one appointment a day is a 16 year old...

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