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After Dinner Delight

It was the Saturday before my birthday. Tree said she’d try and get the c***dren to bed early and cook a nice meal for us. Whilst cooking she needed to pop out to get more wine, the recipe had used more than was first anticipated.
“Can you wash up and get the bath ready while I’m gone?” she asked.
As I was just playing on the computer I said “No problem”.
For saying she was just nipping to Tesco she looked rather tasty. I noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra. I’d never known her go shopping without wearing one before. It made her boobs look bigger and sexier.
I got all the pots washed and half filled the bath in time for when she got back.
“All sorted” she exclaimed with a sigh.
The c***dren tidied up and slowwwwly made their way to the bathroom in the usual round about way for their bath.
Tree meanwhile made the bed with fresh clean linen while I had my shave and kept an eye on them.
I had their water and got clean myself. I took extra time to shave the tops of my legs and shoulders and anywhere else I could reach. It makes me feel better anyway.
After I had done I went to kiss the c***dren goodnight and got dressed.
I didn’t want Tree to see what I was wearing too soon, after all I had no idea what she’d decided to wear.
I’d decided to wear my leather tie thong, imitation leather chaps and leatherette T-shirt.
When she came down she had chosen to wear her new PVC Cat Suit that clung to her slim figure. The zip was positioned well above her boobies which looked very, very sexy in a sadistic teasing sort of way especially as her nipples were protruding beneath the shiny black material.

Tree told me to go into the conservatory and await my Birthday dinner which she would bring into me when it was ready.

First course was a lovely homemade tomato soup, which she knew I loved. I could have eaten a bucketful of the stuff, it was very tasty and I’d have been happy to eat just that all night.

Main course was served after we’d both finished and had a sip of wine and let the soup go down. It wasn’t the only thing to go down; I noticed the zip on her Cat Suit had lowered to nestle nicely between her tits. Peppered steak served on the hot sizzling platters with cream potatoes, tomatoes, mushrooms and mange-to, excellent with a full bodied red wine and sexy babe opposite me at the table.

Tree’s meal was half the size of mine and I was tackling it at a steady, but progressive pace when the conversation changed towards sexy fantasies. Tree’s wildest fantasy; that she’d admit to was to be watched while I made love to her. Though this had changed on-and-off depending on how sexy she felt. It was very unusual for Tree to instigate a conversation on such a subject. But she did admit to a thrill of being watched whilst being fucked. I liked her fantasy and said how surprised I was for her to be so open; it was brill that she could talk so frankly about her fantasies. She expanded on how sexy she felt wearing the Cat Suit but at the same time safe in that it showed as much flesh as she decided.

“Leaving something to the imagination is a big turn on” I added “It’s like a tease and a challenge at the same time. It can be very erotic”.

Before long Tree had turned the conversation on me.
“So what are your fantasies, still want to see me with another guy?” she probed.
“I think about it all the time” I replied.
“I get a real hard on thinking about you getting turned on by some other guy, how you become the subject of his undivided attention, him pursuing you with all the tactics he’s learnt whilst growing up, the effort he puts in and how nervous he must feel trying to chat up and kiss my wife. He desiring something I have. It all adds to the excitement for all involved.
There’s how it makes you feel and your emotions as well, wanted, needed, confident and sexy. The fact that you will always have me for as long as you want yet can still get turned on by others when there’s no desperation or pressure, you can turn and walk away from them at any time without the need to explain yourself.
But then there’s the thought of your heart racing as his hands start to explore the contours of your body. Slowly, not wanting to seem egger or too desperate he caresses your hips and slides one hand around to the small of your back; he’d lower it slightly after lingering there for a while and then feel the parting of your arse cheeks. This WOULD begin to make him semi-hard. You don’t stop him. His other hand creeps up your side, just bordering on he contours of your right breast. Your heart is starting to race like it’s never raced before. The bulge in his trousers so prominent now that you can feel it against your thigh..
“Phew!!!!!!” I said “I’m getting turned-on just talking about it”
“I like it when I get you get excited” Tree replied. “So what do you see me doing while this guy’s hands are all over me then?”

“Come on….every heterosexual female would love the feeling; being desired a strangers hands wondering all over their body……..admit it. And you’d reciprocate, the adrenaline would flow, and your curiosity would get the better of you, you’d need to know if he is getting hard. Your hand inconspicuously would have to delve between his legs. He’d let you have full rights. He’d be getting stiffer and want you to know; the nearer your hands crept towards his cock, he’d be willing you to go there….believe me, it is one of the most erotic feelings a man can experience. It’s all down to anticipation.” I enthused..
“Well…..powerful stuff”. She said leaning forward and playing with her zip. “And you wouldn’t mind if another guy touched me???”
“If he was touching you it would be because you wanted him to and that you were enjoying it…….I wish you’d admit it sometimes Tree.” I cagily replied
“So lets say there was a knock at the door in 5 minutes and I say “Hey you’re present has arrived at last, I can’t wait,” and I let this hunk-of-a-guy in, who I find dead SEXY”.
“He’s taller than you (who isn’t) he dominates me as he pushes me forcefully against the wall in the conservatory, I feel the cold hard brick against my back through my skin tight suit. He starts to kiss me passionately on the lips and my neck, his hands caress my arse: you sit routed to the spot and watch us both.” Is that OK with you?
“You can see that I am obviously enjoying his passionate advances, so long as you tell me about them I’m Ok with it all darling”.
“How do you feel?”
“It does excite me the thought of YOU getting turned on by another guy. I think about it more than you think???? Believe me every time I w…….!!!!”
I can appreciate that you WILL and SHOULD find other guys stimulating. There’d be something wrong with you if you didn’t, you’re only human, there’s more to a relationship than finding someone sexy. It doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with our marriage it means we’ve got more if WE can admit to it and still love each other, do you not agree???”
“Are you sure?” Tree inquires
“Yes I am, I think about it a lot….I can handle it” I replied.
“I’ll get the desert” she replied. “And I’ll give my mum a ring, you stay here”.
Tree went into the kitchen to prepare the afters and call her mum.

She returned a few minutes later with the raspberry baskets.
“I thought you’d like these” she said with a giggle.

There was a silence for a while as we ate our deserts.

“How’s your mum?” I asked.

“OK I suppose” came the reply.
“But I thought you’d just……..”


There was a hush.

“Steve” she said, “I can open the door, but before I do let me tell you something”. Tree explained.
“Go on” I replied enthusiastically.
“I’d love to give you something special for your birthday. But it’s going to be very difficult for me. There’s a guy at our door, he’s not English, he’s Polish, I used to know him a long time ago, we used to go to school together, I bumped into him in town a couple of weeks ago and we went for a coffee and chatted about old times. I fancied him like crazy THEN, now; he’s tall very muscular and rather handsome. I mentioned that I was married and that you’d like to see me dance with another guy. Shall I open the door?” She asked.

“If you feel comfortable about telling someone you’ve not seen in years that I’d like to see you with another guy you should answer the door”, I told her.

“Before I do, I don’t know what will happen????” Tree stated.

I nodded and Tree went to answer the door.

She led her friend by his hand into the lounge and they stood in front of the settee. “Steve this is Nelek……Nelek this is my husband Steve”

He was very smart dressed in a dark suit with an open neck shirt, and just how Tree had described him. I could see why she found him attractive.

“Może całuję was teraz?” He said
“Tak” Tree replied.

As if I was invisible they both started kissing passionately. It got more intense the longer it went on. Trees tongue was flicking randomly over his lips his tongue was chasing hers trying to catch it and swap each others taste.
Tree couldn’t keep her hands off him any longer, having once fancied him she seized her moment….his kissing was driving her insane, she needed more of him. As her hands roamed around his body and slid his jacket from over his shoulders. Tree was far more experienced now than she was at school and knew exactly what to do. I’d taught her well.
He took hold of Tree and gently laid her down the length of the settee. She stretched her arms above her head, she’d was surrendered herself to him
His hands traced her perfectly slim sensually body, slowly teasingly pulling the zip of her Cat Suit down below her tummy button. Her tits were easy to get at now and he knew it, as he fondled the flesh of her boobs and toyed with Teresa’s hard erect nipple.
“Wy macie wielkie piersie” he whispered.
I had no idea what he said but Tree let out a sigh and arced her back.
He began to kiss her beautifully exposed boobs, his wet lips softly pulled at her hard nipples.
His right hand roamed around Trees flat tummy before delving beneath the shiny black material towards her pussy. His forearm forcing the zip further down I could see his fingers tussle the first pubic hairs they came into contact with.

“Który czuje dobry” Tree said softly “Utrzymują robić to”.
“Wy czujecie fantastyczny You feel fantastic” I heard him reply
“Wy wyrabiacie ja zwilżają” she said.
They were in their own world now
His hand dug deeper and found her warm wet virgina, her legs parted slightly inviting him to explore her more. He did.
Tree was quivering; I knew Tree would enjoy herself if she ever let herself go.

He slipped the PVC material of Tree’s Cat Suit over her shoulder and exposed her chest, her nipples were dark, and she was obviously very turned on by this her beautiful tits were all his: for the moment.
I watched, fascinated as my wife got more and more turned on by another guy……once or twice she’d catch my glimpse and look me straight in the eye…..that was a fantastic turn on…you just can’t begin to imagine.
My cock was bursting.
He continued to lightly kiss and lick her body, her back arched donating more of her flesh to him; he took it. She was feeling his warm breath get closer to her navel. He loitered there for a while before Tree, giving him the Ok firmly pushed his head down towards her soaking treasure. As he lapped at her juices Tree couldn’t keep still. Her body shook as his tongue flicked her clitoris around between his lips. She pulled at his hair in an effort to control her spasms, but it was a hopeless attempt to prevent wave after wave of orgasm.
After about 20 minute an exhausted Tree pulled him up.
“Teraz to jest moim obrotem” she ordered.
She slid between his legs and unzipped him. Though his boxers Tree released his manhood.
“Pogłoski przy szkole były prawdziwa????” The rumours at school were true??” She said
He was massive, about 2 inches bigger than me and thicker so I could understand Tree spending a lot of time examining his cock after all it was her that had made it this huge she softly licked it, his pelvis thrust towards her face offering her more.
Teresa said “Wy macie fantastyczna błyskawica”(you have a fantastic shaft)
They both laughed.
“Wciągają to” he ordered
His shaft was hard and a lovely straight shape.
Tree once again looked across at me as her hand stroked his cock; she rolled her palm over the prominent head. It looked dry, she licked it leaving a trail of saliva that made it shine, her hand began to wank him off. She lingeringly kissed it at regular intervals. She rubbed her boobs with his long shaft, his massive end stabbing at her nipples.suck it

Tree gradually stood up and he peeled her suit from her thighs down to her ankles. She stood out of it. She was naked as the day she was born except for her engagement, wedding and eternity rings.
Nelek sat up; her trimmed pussy was just inches from his mouth. She must be feeling his warm breath across her taught tummy.
She looked across at me. I was massaging my hard cock slowly; I could have cum on demand.
Slowly while still holding my eye contact she place her hand behind his head and pulled it towards her, I saw her grip tighten as his tongue began to lick her clitoris, his tongue darted between her pussy.
I knew how she was feeling she loves receiving oral…but this time it wasn’t me.
She moaned with pleasure
She took it for what seemed ages,
“You OK? She stuttered looking me in the eye.
“Sure” I replied
Tree again spoke in Polish and he nodded.
His Rock hard cock jerked every time he hit her button.
I saw Tree smile u*********sly. She was pleased.
“Wyrabiają miłość z mną” He begged.make love with me
Tree looked across at me.
I nodded and smiled.
I had no idea what he’d said to her.
Tree straddled him and took hold of his monster cock and positioned it at the entrance to her pussy. Tantalisingly she hovered over him.
“Go on I dare you” I said
Tree began to lower herself onto his shaft. It went deeper and deeper into her: she shuddered with pleasure as he stretched her. I watched her as she gradually began to ride up and down him, her juices left him shiny, he buried himself into her again and again his hands searched around her front and grabbed her tits. Her slim body began to glisten as the sweat of raw sex oozed out of every pore of her sexy body. Her pace quickened as she orgasmed then calmed, then it would quicken again minutes later as the next orgasm shook through her she was loving it.
I watched her make love with the guy she fancied at school.
I walked towards her and kissed her while she was still impaled on Neleks rock hard cock. I could hear his balls slap against her arse. Then his legs went rigid and his pelvis thrust towards her. This time it was his body that shook uncontrollably. He held still for about fifteen seconds then slumped back into the settee.
As I pulled away she hung onto the kiss, our lips never parted and I lifted her off him with the kiss. She broke free when her body shook uncontrollable as he flopped out of her.
Tree and I went upstairs to the bathroom we got into the shower together and I lathered her down. Her body is beautiful and I love the feel of it. When Tree was done we dried ourselves and she threw a towel around her waste and we went downstairs.

Nelek had let himself out and left for the night.

We looked at each other. Had it really happened we giggled and fell into each others arms and kissed.
“So did you enjoy your Birthday present then?” she asked
“What do you think?” I replied……………..
I rushed her to bed, cuddled up to her so tightly and thought about my given present.

“Did you enjoy yourself?” I asked her.
“I had a great time I’ve been in the arms of two men tonight and it felt fantastic. I could not have imagined how erotic it could have felt. It’s my birthday next month guess what I’d like………….check my recent calls on my mobile?????”

But that’s another story…………………… We might have to wait a while………………………

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Chapter Two: Futa's First Sinful Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Did you know there's a convent in the middle of the Nebraska cornfields?” I asked Adelia, the delicious and fun woman interviewing me on my forty-eight birthday. We were talking about my life as the world's first futa while across the world people were watching the broadcast streamed live over the internet. “Really?” Adelia asked, blinking those soft-brown eyes of her. She pursed those delicious...

2 years ago
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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 4 Twin Sisters Anal Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Twin Sisters' Anal Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Come on, onee-chan,” a voice called as I walked with my friend through the streets of Tokyo. “Get up.” The laughter around me abruptly ended as my eyes opened. The dream faded away. I wasn't in Tokyo but staring at my naked twin sister kneeling over me on our futon. I blinked, sleep falling away from me. My eyes felt so heavy. I let out a...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 4 Chapter 8 Oozes Delight

Book Four: Song's Passion Chapter Eight: Ooze's Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Knight-Errant Angela – The Lost Mines of Khragorath, Fallen Kingdom of Modan At an intersection, just as Azken promised, we found the rest post at the start of the mines. It was carved into the side of a natural cavern, a monumental edifice that seemed to sprout naturally from the rougher walls of the unworked stone. Shafts drove off in several...

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Futas Wild PassionChapter 8 Futarsquos Mother Daughter Delight

“She’s my friend!” Pita howled as she faced the sight she’d found in the upstairs bathroom of her house. My friend had her hands on her hips, a look of anger on her face. “I wanted to fuck her while you kept interrupting!” “Well, you can share with your mother,” Mrs. Asis said, squirming on my lap. She was impaled on my futa-dick while I sat on the toilet. I had just fired a load of futa-cum into her twat when Pita had walked in on us. I thought I had ruined my friendship with my friend....

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The Futa Fairy Futa Fairies Naughty Game Chapter 5 Mrs Fatima Cassies Surprising Delight

Chapter Five: Mrs. Fatima & Cassie's Surprising Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Mrs. Fatima Samara Water dripped off my body as I stretched my back, my large, dusky breasts thrusting before me. My toes flexed in the soft sand of the riverbank on the autumn side of the Year's Divide. I smiled as Cassie, my young ally, swam the last few feet and reached the bank, crawling out on her knees. She breathed heavily, her red hair plastered to her face and shoulders, her round, barely...

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Sister Ddelight

I would imagine that in every school you will find that one girl who is known for her big boobs. In my high school, that girl just happened to be my sister. She was eighteen months older than me but because academics weren't her thing, we ended up in the same grade. I never thought about how big they were or when they developed. After all, it was my goofy sister, and she was built like our mom so I guess women with big boobs were the norm at our house. But around seventh grade, my best buddy...

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Futas Wild Passion 03 Futas Wild Latina Delight

Chapter Three: Futa's Wild Latina Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! I groaned as my friend, Pita, stroked my new futa-dick. I was shocked that she would just grab it. Her brown skin contrasting with my paler flesh. She worked it up and down, her dark, curly hair swaying about her cute face. Boy, she had a cute face. Beautiful, in fact. She was nineteen, like me. A big smile played on her lips as pleasure rippled down my cock. My...

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An Afternoon of Delight

An Afternoon of Delight by Penny Walloon Nick had let himself in through the back door, which Craig's family almost always left unlocked. Craig was still at college as his classes finished later than Nick's on a Thursday. Nick called out to make sure no-one was in, and headed upstairs to the bedrooms. He knew exactly where to go, Lisa's room. She was off at university so there was no chance of her being home. Her room had been left in quite an untidy state, which made it easier...

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Incestuous Flesh MassagedChapter 5 Mother and Daughterrsquos Teasing Delight

My brother’s plan was naughty. Mom drove me. She was part of the plan. She was a busty delight, wearing a low-cut blouse today that showed off her tits that were just as big as mine. I took after her. She hummed as she drove us into downtown Sacramento for our hotel tryst with Mrs. Armstrong. I clutched my new purse on my lap as I squirmed on the passenger seat. A writhe of excitement and nervousness swept through me. There was a lot riding on this. At the minimum, we had to get Mrs....

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Brothers Incestous Bet Chapter 2 Sisters Teasing Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Sister's Teasing Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Maria Reenburg I woke up with energy the next day, eager for the bet with my brother before I realized I had to wait a week. A week before I could start seducing dad. I just had to give my brother a head start. I was being charitable. After all, I was a cute, sexy nineteen-year-old temptress. When I went to work for my daddy's political office...

1 year ago
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Mindcontrol Panties 04 Nubile Exhibitionist Delight

Story Four: Nubile Exhibitionist Delight Note: Thanks to shadowmansc for beta reading this! The figure rode the escalator to the third floor of the mall where small, but trendy, clothing store lay. The sort of place that nubile, teenage girls preferred to frequent. Just the sort of place the figure wanted to leave its special panties. No one noticed as the figure passed through the security detectors that flanked the store’s entrance. Nor did anyone pay attention as the figure moved through...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 7 Chapter 1MotherinLaw Delight

Book Seven: Illusory Passion Chapter One: Mother-in-Law Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. King Edward IV – Shesax, The Kingdom of Secare A pleased smile spread across my lips. For once, things moved swiftly upon my command. Word had arrived that not only had Knight-Errant Angela been accused of high crimes by the Doge of Raratha, but so had Acolyte Sophia ev'Tith, servant of Saphique and daughter of the contemptible Duchess of Tith....

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Daughters Slut TrainingChapter 15 Daughterrsquos Incestuous Delight

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah The next day, my ass still hurt from my discipline. I couldn’t help but squirm as I sat in the back seat of my husband and Master’s car. My rump ached and throbbed. The longer the car ride went, the more my discomfort grew. The ache grew with every moment and I embraced it. I deserved this pain. I had become a slut. A whore. A depraved woman who violated her marriage vows. I sold my body to my students. I turned my daughter into a...

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The Triad and the Virgins Passion Chapter 2 Dryad Delight

Chapter Two: Dryad Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Seamus – The Dryad's Grove, The Kingdom of Haz I gripped my sword, the blade burning with the warrior god Gewin's enchantment, as I stepped out into the clearing. I had followed the sounds of moaning. I had thought the moans belonged to my wives, the twin sisters Fiona and Aoifa. I had lost them when the trees came alive and attacked us. I hacked my way through the trees, my sword stained with sap, and instead found the dryad...

1 year ago
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The Hot Pussy Bonus Was a Delight

Em’s whole body was buzzing. At that particular point she was midway through a two-hour massage at a discreet little spa on a Thai island where she was staying on an extended business trip. It was a place a new girlfriend had recommended. It catered only for women. Em had asked for a masseuse this time but she thought she might go back for a masseur later. Being massaged naked by a man was very special, especially if the man was also naked.While she was waiting for her masseuse to come and...

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Afternoon Delight

AFTERNOON DELIGHT.Just a brief insight into my rather naughty afternoons.I usually have a nice warm shower and shave my legs armpits and pubic area. With growing excitement I then I lock all the doors and close the curtains. Back in the bedroom I open my bedroom cupboard and pull out all of the boxes and bags containing my heels, hose and lingerie. First I select a brand new pair of nude Aristoc Ultra Shine sheer to waist tights. I break the seal and slide out the plastic envelope containing...

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Afternoon Delight

Afternoon Delight My cousin and I were sitting at the kitchen table with our heads down as Aunt Janet towered over us with her arms folded across her chest. "So, both of you continue to piss me off by not listening. Chrissy my dear you're a senior this year and ready to graduate but you can't follow a few simple rules. "But Mom, just listen to me." "Shut up, right now!" This is the 2nd time this week I have seen my bedroom door open when I came home. You know I do not want you and...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 4 Song of DesireChapter 8 Oozersquos Delight

Knight-Errant Angela – The Lost Mines of Khragorath, Fallen Kingdom of Modan At an intersection, just as Azken promised, we found the rest post at the start of the mines. It was carved into the side of a natural cavern, a monumental edifice that seemed to sprout naturally from the rougher walls of the unworked stone. Shafts drove off in several directions from the cavern. They were not as wide as the tunnels we had walked down, nor as finally carved. “I think rest is a good idea,” Thrak...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 7 Chapter 7 Surrenders Sweet Delights

Book Seven: Illusory Passion Chapter Seven: Surrender's Sweet Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Sophia – The Mirage Garden Fear stiffened my spine despite the fact a beautiful, dusky-sinned Jinn kissed me hard, her tongue probing my lips. I had never been so scared while a woman kissed me, her naked, lush body pressed against mine. She was so warm and sensual. Her hands stroked me as the steam from the water around my feet rose about us. Strange, heady scents filled the air....

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The Futas MindControlling Panties Chapter 6 Futas MindControlling Delights

Chapter Six: Futa's Mind-Controlling Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure watched the events unfolding through the mist rising from the waterfall. Through the fog, the transition between air and water, it could see the game it had set into events. Sasha Ford stole out of the house with the purloined boy shorts. Chloe Quick reveled in the foursome she'd engineered at the Lyons. Mildred Dean drove with her stolen lover to...

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Afternoon Delight

They saw each other at a coffee shop and both of them were alone.  They exchanged pleasantries, you know, how are you, do you still work there, who are you seeing.    They discovered they were both between "friends" right now.  They sat and had their coffee together, even though both had ordered it "to go".  They also discovered they still had the hots for each other, even though years had passed since they had been a couple.    "What are you doing for the rest of the afternoon?" she asked...

Straight Sex
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 9 Chapter 5 Songbirds Delight

Book Nine: Blossoming Danger Chapter Five: Songbird's Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Chaun – The Haunted Forest The werewolves howled as they carried me through the dark woods. I thrashed. I punched. I kicked. The bitch didn't feel it. A chill settled onto me. Werewolves were an all female race, single sexed like all the creatures born from Las's masturbation. The God of Lust had spewed his seed across the world, spawning...

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Doctors Incestuous Family Chapter 5 Incestuous Anal Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Incestuous Anal Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Dr. Bernice Wilson There was silence between me and my baby girl, my sweet and innocent Jennifer as the fear played across her face. Her eyes were locked on the pregnancy test box held in my hand. The actual applicator was missing. She probably disposed of it and forgot all about the packaging as she tried to hide her pregnancy from...

2 years ago
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Orgy of Delight

Judy Morris led Matt by the hand. She opened the door to her living room and entered ahead of him, a wry smile on her face. Her 17 year old playboy was blindfolded, and dressed only in his khaki combats. On the previous weekend she had promised him a surprise. For a whole week he had wondered what it might be, knowing that she was able to cook up some sexy schemes. Matt was even more confused when on the day, she said he had to have a black sash tied around his head. Entering the room, his...

Group Sex
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Futas Wild PassionChapter 3 Futarsquos Wild Latina Delight

I groaned as my friend, Pita, stroked my new futa-dick. I was shocked that she would just grab it. Her brown skin contrasting with my paler flesh. She worked it up and down, her dark, curly hair swaying about her cute face. Boy, she had a cute face. Beautiful, in fact. She was fifteen, like me. A big smile played on her lips as pleasure rippled down my cock. My dick had sprouted just this morning during Sunday service at my church, ached. I thought my life was ruined by suffering from...

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Mommys Hypnotic DisciplineChapter 2 Mommyrsquos Hypnotic Delight

Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Anna Miller “Shoot,” I cursed beneath my breath. I hadn’t considered my husband would feel guilty for punishing our daughter and fucking the little whore. “Mitch, look at me.” He stood trembling in our kitchen, the cordless phone clutched in his hand. He was naked, a muscular man with short, sandy-blond hair. He looked horrified, his shoulders hunched, his limp cock glistening with our daughter’s virgin pussy cream. s “Mitch, look at me,” I...

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Afternoon Delight

Afternoon Delight I used to love to go into the peep shows at adult book stores. I'd put my quarters in and sit and watch the movies, preferably movies about TVs, and wait for someone to put their cock through the glory hole. I'd play with the protruding cock while I un-rapped a condom. Then I'd slip the condom on the hard cock and suck it until it wasn't hard anymore. But now the glory holes are boarded up, and going to the book stores isn't as much fun anymore. But I still...

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Afternoon Delight

Afternoon Delight It was a very hot day today and i was not looking forward to work.All went well for the most part as the day progressed.It was almost quiting time and the boss left earlier that afternoon for a meeting.The rest of the staff was headed home for the night.I was just finishing up work as i had a half hour left before i was able to leave.I needed to cool off so i grabbed a cold bottle of water and poured some down my back and breasts,that helped some. Now my nipples were getting...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Delights

Afternoon Delights Customer contacts and sales targets completed early for once I returned to my motel in the town a few hundred kilometres north of the city. The afternoon was fine and warm. I decided to work on my tan; to take advantage of and enjoy the quietness of the semi secluded pool at the rear of the motel units. The pool furniture was minimal but I stretched out on one of three outdoor lounges adjacent to the single table and umbrella. Half an hour each side I decided would tan me...

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Brothers Incestuous BetChapter 2 Sisterrsquos Teasing Delight

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Maria Reenburg I woke up with energy the next day, eager for the bet with my brother before I realized I had to wait a week. A week before I could start seducing dad. I just had to give my brother a head start. I was being charitable. After all, I was a cute, sexy sixteen-year-old temptress. When I went to work for my daddy’s political office over this summer break, I would get his dick in me in a flash. How could he deny me? My brother,...

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Futa Naked in School 02 Winning the Futa VoteChapter 3 Denicersquos Wild Futa Delight

Denice Jenning’s Week, Friday My week had been crazy at Rogers High School. I was chosen for the Program because was I was in the running to be my school’s homecoming queen. The naughty futa-principal, Ms. McTaggart, thought it would cute to have my rival, that slut Umeko Himura, and me go naked for the entire week. That was the point of the Program, to encourage young people to embrace their bodies and sexuality. To not be ashamed about anything. It was part of a new-wave of laws sweeping...

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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 10 Oral Delights

Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Chapter Ten: Oral Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. James Davies I was so glad that Ruri wanted to lose her virginity. I had been patient with her. She was a prickly girl, embarrassed by her emotions and desires, prone to lash out with attacks to protect her emotions. The Japanese called it tsundere. However, her cute, innocence made my heart beat so fast. My creation was ready to be taken...

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Afternoon Delight

I was stuck in the office on a pleasant sunny day in late summer, daydreaming about the afternoon of delight that lay ahead of me, I was meeting up with my lover, Kate, later that day. Kate is a girl I have been friends with now for a number of years, we met through some mutual friends and hit it off straight away. We are both in relationships of one kind or another but we are good together and it’s a little bit of escapism for both of us when we are with each other. Kate and I met...

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