The Snow Maid 2 free porn video

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This, he thought, will have to go. There was no sign of a safety razor anywhere in the room, but he did turn up an old straight razor, still sharp. Coating his face with the soft soap from the tub, he lathered his whiskers, then carefully shaved, scr****g his face clean.

When he was finished, he examined his face, startled to see a reflection that reminded him of how he had looked in college, before a sedentary lifestyle as a weatherman had put too many pounds around his waist. His hand dropped to his ribs, feeling the prominent bones, then the solid muscles in his abs. His chest and arm muscles were also much bigger than they had ever been, he found to his pleasant surprise.

He snorted. You could make a mint off this. Want to lose weight and gain muscle definition, guys? Just survive a helicopter crash in the Russian Arctic, then haul a sledge made of a door mechanism fifty miles across a frozen sea. No problem. Supplies are limited, call now.

He cut off his giggles before they could mount to full-fledged hysteria. He took one last look in the mirror, then went in search of something to eat.


Mother Snegurochka was satisfied so far. A quick perusal of the kitchen had turned up some dried grain, which she was busily making into porridge. The icebox gave her bacon, which she was frying with potatoes from the pantry. There was even honey to sweeten the porridge.

She glared at the kitchen. It hadn't given her honey for nearly thirty years, and it had been at least ten since she had tasted bacon.

You know the rules. You are given food and clothing and resources that match the world's faith in you.

She decided to forgive the house, knowing it was bound to the same laws which governed her. She smiled slightly, running her tongue inside her mouth, delighting to feel all of her teeth back where they belonged. They felt slightly straighter than they had been just a few moments ago, when she had checked on the young man in her care.

He was a happy surprise so far, she thought. Too many of the sacrifices had been hulking brutes from the native tribes, rancid with the reindeer fat they wore to keep off the cold, angry with their fate and violent. Others were small c***dren, left out to die when starvation and plague stalked the land, terrified of their new home. And far too often than she cared for, the sacrifice would be an unwilling one, a terrified young woman, bound and bleeding. Or dead.

She did the best she could for all of them, but not many survived for long here in the World Below. The c***dren, torn away from all they knew, soon pined and died. The men, too often, went mad with hate, seeking to kill her or to take their pleasure on her unwillingly. None of the women had survived a season with her, their life force giving out against the opposing forces which bound Snegurochka here.

Every so often, one came who was able to survive. Usually a young man, inclined to poetry and music, with a supple mind that could learn to live apart from all that he had known. Snegurochka sighed as she remembered the last such, a young shaman who had given his life for his people in the years before the tsars had united the quarreling peoples of Rus into one nation.

She sighed at the memory of his touch, and one hand groped at her breast. She stopped and snarled, hating the thick dress, hating her sagging, useless udders even more, incapable of even the most rudimentary pleasure. She bit her lip, forcing back her fury.

He is here, and his spirit is strong, to lay down his life for his friends, without even blood ties to bind him. If he can accept what is now before him, perhaps...

Her thoughts were cut off as she heard the quick sound of bootsteps coming from the corridor. The sacrifice appeared, dressed in the clothes she had laid out for him.

He looked well, she thought. He looked very well indeed, especially without the mat of beard covering half of his face. His hair was a dark brown, matching the color of his eyes, which were the color of fertile earth. His skin was clear, though somewhat red and chapped from cold, wind, and exposure. His steps were light and quick, and he moved with an athlete's grace, matching his broad shoulders and narrow hips. She smiled slightly as she took in the clean lines of his face. Too thin with hunger now, but the high cheekbones and firm chin were attractive enough.

Not too tall, either, thank the High One, she thought. She had grown everlastingly weary of huge, bearded tribesmen who loomed over her as if she was a c***d. Too many had thought to dominate her with their strength in order to show their superiority to her.

Convincing them that v******e upon her person was a bad idea was tiresome. And often messy.

She ladled porridge into a bowl and set it in front of him as he sat down. The platter of fried potatoes and bacon followed. She sat down across from him and filled her own plate as well, and for a short time they ate in companionable silence.

"So," the sacrifice said slowly, "I am not quite sure what is going on here. The last thing I clearly remember was sitting down by a tall stone, preparing to die. Then I woke up here, with my injuries magically healed. Who are you? What are you?"

"It would help," Snegurochka said, forking in a mouthful potatoes, "if you told me your name, c***d."

The young man gaped, then laughed softly. Her breast grew warm as she took in the rueful humor of the sound.

"OK then," he said. "My name is William Carter. My friends call me Bill."

"And how did you come to this place, Bill?"

He explained the circumstances which led him to try to kill himself. Polina's eyes narrowed angrily as he tod the story.

"Fools," she said when he had wound down to the death of three of his comrades on the brutal trip to the islands, and why he had decided that he would be wiser to die in service to his friends than to try to carry on a hopeless struggle. "To try to come to these islands at this time of the year, flying through the air like birds."

Bill nodded. "I tried to convince our leader otherwise. But he was greedy and saw money slipping away.

"Well," he sighed. "He paid. It's just sad that so many others paid for his mistake as well. Mark, Bridget, Harold, Jaroslav..." he trailed off, then a wild hope flared in his heart. He looked at Polina. "You can't..."

She shook her head sadly, knowing what he had been thinking. She leaned over and touched his hand gently.

"I'm sorry, c***d. I have power here. Sometimes, even great power. But that power has never been mine. Mine, or any of my kin. The dark gate only opens in one direction."

"But seven lived," Bill said. "That seems to be a pretty good return on my death." He smiled crookedly.

"But now, if you can tell me about you, about this place where we are..." he gestured at the kitchen, but seemed to take in the entirety of the World Below.

Mother Snegurochka nodded. She gathered her thoughts. This had not happened often. Usually the sacrifices knew the tales, and had some expectation of what lay on the other side of the stone.

"My name, as I told you, is Polina. I am sometimes called Mother or Grandmother Snegurochka."

Bill teased the meaning of the word apart in his rudimentary Russian.

"Snow Maid?"

She nodded. "I am a..a spirit of the place, I think you would say. And of the season. Of winter. I live here, in the World Below. I was created by the faith of those who live in the World Above. By men and women who believed in us and gave us characteristics to match their faith. So because men and women believed that the Snow Maid lived in a cold, beautiful house in a dark, snowy wood, so do I here in the World Below. But I also have power.

"Sometimes, when times are terrible in the World Above, a sacrifice is needed. They wait at the stone and lay down their lives to save their friends or kin. I take their lives. But they do not die. They live with me here."

She sighed. "It has been a long time since a sacrifice was made. I suppose that is a good thing, but I grow lonely. The last time was over seventy years ago, when the invaders who bore the hooked cross ground my land under their filthy feet," she said harshly.

Hooked cross? Bill's quick mind cast up a memory. Hakenkreuz. That's what they called it.

"The Nazis?"

Polina nodded. "I brought winter down upon them and they died by the thousands." Bill shuddered as he caught a hint of bloodthirsty glare, as merciless as a hunting wolf, in her gaze. "But that was long ago.

"Few in the World Above believe in those such as I anymore. They give their faith to the Christ-c***d. A fisherman may use my name on a cold day, or a mother tell my tale to a c***d, but that is poor food for the spirit to live on. So I have aged. Aged terribly. My very existence depends on belief, and that belief is fading. Who knows how much longer I can survive?"

Don't tell him everything, foolish old woman. You can't force faith.

"But while you are here you will repay your debt. There are things a man can do that a woman alone cannot," she smiled. Wicked wanton, she thought with an inward giggle. She eyed Bill carefully, trying to judge how he would react. Would it be anger? Would he try to convince her otherwise, and beat his soul and body bloody trying to make an impossible escape?

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes as the enormity of his situation hit him. Opening them, he spread his hands in resignnation. "If I had not sat where I did, my body would be dead, frozen, and buried in a snow drift, and I do not think any of us would have survived. My life is yours. I hope you don't get tired of it.

"But what would happen if people stopped believing in you completely? Would you die?"

"No," she said steadily, "I would merely cease to exist. I wasn't born. I came into being full-grown, with powers to rival some of the smaller gods. Now I have little. Barely enough to save the lives of seven mortals.

"When faith in me dies entirely, I believe I will wink out like a candle. What would happen to you? I have no idea. But don't look so terrified," she said with a sympathetic smile. "I think that day is far in our future."

Bill nodded, then yawned. "I'm sorry," he said, "But I'm getting sleepy again."

Polina nodded and rose. "Your body is still tired, and your spirit and mind also need time to recover. Rest, young one. I will find plenty for you to do in the morning." She led him back down the hall to his room. She waited while he undressed, ignoring his blushes as he exposed his body to her eyes.

"How do I turn off the lights?" he asked. "They don't seem to work like the ones I am used to."

"With a thought," she said, and demonstrated. A moment of will, and the room was plunged into darkness. Another, and the light came back. "You try it. Wish the lights off."

She saw him frown as his mind accepted the difficult concept. Suddenly blackness fell, and then a soft gray light crept back in.

"I don't want it to be too dark," he explained. She bent and placed a chaste kiss on his cheek.

"I understand, young one. We all have our small comforts." She rose and left the room. Before the door closed softly behind her, a last whisper sounded from the hall.

"Dream sweetly, Bill."


The next morning, Polina rose early. She washed her face, then stalked over to the wardrobe, fearing what she would find there. Opening the door, gray gown after gray robe after gray shawl met her horrified eyes, the same as had for days beyond count. But wait! What was that in the back?

A mantle of midnight blue met her astonished gaze. She fell to her knees, grateful beyond words.

Color. I am getting color back in my life. Oh, thank you. Thank you, Bill.

Stripping off her night-clothes, she examined her body critically in the mirror, steel-framed glass reflecting her image, trying to see if any changes had been made while she slept.

Her legs were still thick and dumpy, the blue traceries of broken veins clear under her pale skin. Her stomach still pouched out unattractively over the gray thatch of her pubis. But her breasts...were they just a tiny bit firmer, less saggy than they had been last night?

The skin of her neck was still loose and covered with age-spots, but her teeth were now strong and straight, if a bit yellow. The ragged edge of her hair was now clipped neatly, and was the milky white of the cataract in her right eye just a little smaller today?

Closing her eyes, she opened herself to the world of the spirit. She saw her power as a deep lake, dark blue in the middle, shading to turquoise at the shallows. For years the levels had sunk, as the meager trickles of belief were insufficient to fight the tide of her age.

Now, a rushing torrent poured in. Bill's belief, his faith in her existence, made true by simply sitting and talking to her, fed her power like snowmelt feeds a river. Other streams fed the lake as well, and from nearby. Had one or two of Bill's friends known about the legend of the Snow Maid, and had chosen to believe it when their lives were so improbably saved?

It is happening. I will get it all back. Youth. Beauty. Power. He thinks he owes me a debt. When I am recovered, I will owe him a debt beyond paying.

And I will spend my life to prove it to him.

Smiling in anticipation, she dressed in the blue gown and headed for the kitchen. She found Bill already there. He had found some bread and cut it into slices, but was staring around the kitchen with a confused expression on his face.

"Good morning," she said cheerfully. "Did you sleep well?"

He nodded. "Yes, I did. I was going to make some breakfast," he continued, "but it looks like my people have resources that you don't. I don't know if I am going to be able to cook using what you have here."

"Why should you cook?" she asked. "I am the woman. I will cook for you."

His look turned stubborn. "I have cooked for myself for the last five years, and I am pretty darned good at it, if I say so myself. And I am not used to someone doing for me what I can do for myself. You are not my mother or my wife, so why should I expect you to cook for me?"

Polina smiled, mollified. "Well, you don't know how to do it here anyway, so what if I teach you?"

Together they managed to make a breakfast that was more than edible. Once taught, Bill was able to toast bread on a fork over the coals in the wood-burning stove. Polina made porridge, which they ate drizzled with honey and butter, with cool milk to drink.

Bill pushed his bowl away and sighed. "Hot food is a wonderful thing." His eyes twinkled mischievously as he looked at Polina. "I have to wonder, though. Why does a being created by the belief of others need to eat? Can't you survive on faith alone?"

Polina smiled. At last, one with a brain! "Ah, but you forget something, young one. Creatures such as we are created and defined by faith. So if those who believe in us picture us as beings who need to eat to survive, then we do." She sighed. "Faith is pleasing, no doubt. You will never know, Bill, the ecstasy that comes when one of our believers gives themselves over to us completely. It is beyond your imagination. But eating is pleasurable as well, and I enjoy it.

"Now, it is time I put you to work."

Bill sighed and squared his shoulders. "What first, my lady?"


Ten hours later, Bill was limp, beaten and exhausted. He had never thought about how much damn work went into running even the smallest household in days prior to electricity and powered appliances.

First he had hauled in water to wash the dishes from breakfast. That itself had come as a shock, because when he went outside to the well for the first time with Polina, he was stunned to see that the exterior of the house was that of a ramshackle shack with gray, weathered boards with gaps large enough to stick his arm through.

He turned to her and she smiled at him.

"Belief?" he asked with a wry grin.

"Indeed," she said, with a matching smile of her own. "They believe that Grandmother Snegurochka lives in a tiny little hut, which at the same time is a large, comfortable house with many rooms. I am impressed, actually," she said. "Many men have fainted dead away the first time they have seen the outside. They can't seem to reconcile the paradox."

Bill thought of the TV shows he had used to watch. "Some of the...storytellers among my own people have told tales of a similar sort. A house which is bigger on the inside isn't such a terrible thing."

After he hauled water for the dishes, he had to do the same for the bathing room, filling a cistern that would be used to draw water for baths. The cistern, he understood, was usually filled by rain and snow-melt from the roof, but the seasons in the World Below matched those in the World Above, so there would not be rain for months, and it was far too cold for snowmelt.

And then it was time for cleaning. Bill, his arms shaking from hauling water, had thought that would be easier. Unfortunately he was wrong. He and Polina had hauled out every rug in the house, strung them over lines, and proceeded to beat the dust out of them with long sticks until his back ached. After that, they had swept down the floors, whether they be tiles, polished hardwood, or the cold stone flags of the kitchen. Then they had mopped the same. Then came the dusting of the wooden furniture, and then waxing it with sweet-smelling beeswax.

Bill shifted in his comfortable chair and sighed. They had eaten again for the evening meal, and now they were sitting in front of the fire. Polina was knitting something. Some sort of long gray garment, Bill thought. He hoped she found something more colorful to work on soon. She should not be dressed in drab colors.

She smiled as he caught her eye. It might be the light from the fire and the candles, he thought, but she looked younger than she had the previous night. The wrinkles in her cheek were much less deep, and the skin of her throat was tighter.

Maybe she is just less tired, he thought. I don't know what she did to pull me out of that blizzard, but it couldn't have been easy. He shifted restlessly again.

"Fidgety tonight, young one?"

Bill shrugged. "Yes, I am. I'm not used to sitting around, doing nothing."

I'll find something for you to do, soon enough, Polina thought wickedly. "What do you usually do of an evening?" she asked.

"Go out with friends, watch a ballgame on television, read..."

"Well, I don't have a "television" here, whatever that is," she said. "And your friends are beyond your reach. But if you want to read a book, get one out of our library."

"Library? I didn't see one when we cleaned."

"We didn't have one then. We do now."

"We do now?" his voice rose disbelievingly, then he sighed. "Right. Power. The same way you healed me."

"Exactly," Polina said approvingly. "I can make changes to the World Above, but it takes effort. The World Below is mine, and I can arrange it as I see fit. Within reason."

"So if, for example, I would like to have copies of all the books in my personal collection here in this library..."

"Done," she said.

Bill nodded slowly. "If you will excuse me for a second," he said shakily, then left the room.

A few moments later a scream came floating down the hallway. Polina cocked her eyebrow as she followed him with her mind, smiling as Bill walked into a room he would have sworn had not existed five minutes before.

"He's adjusting very well," she said to no one in particular, and bit off a stitch in her work.


Five days later, Bill could no longer ignore the obvious.

Polina was growing younger every day. When he first met her, he would have guessed her age to be over eighty years, maybe more. Now, on the sixth day since he had been rescued, she looked no older than his mother. Perhaps even a year or two younger. Her gray hair was showing streaks of pale blond, and her snow-white skin was firm and tight, no longer sagging loosely at her eyes or throat.

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Like the Driven Snow

Stephen sighed in relief as the ending credits of the movie rolled across the screen. He’d tolerated the overly sweet romance for Rachel’s pleasure, but a love story between a woman and her husband’s ghost was far too weird for his sensibilities. Stephen would have preferred to see the mafia flick that was also playing, but he could afford to take an hour and a half out of his life to please his new girlfriend. He would do anything for his black-haired angel, but he wasn’t about to let her in...

2 years ago
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Snow Bunny Surprise Ch 01

A big thank you to my editors, FireEye and DawnJ. I will say that any mistakes are mine and mine alone as I don’t always take their sound advice. I hope you enjoy my first of hopefully many stories. ************************************************** Walking up the stairs with Danielle, Barry could feel his palms starting to sweat. The only thing going through in his head was whether she wants him to kiss her or not. Every step forward was making him more nervous. Danielle is one of his...

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Fallen Snow Angels

It snowed last night. Just a couple inches but it was really beautiful. I’ve always loved snow. I’ve always had a fantasy of sex in the snow. I was outside this morning taking in the sight. It wasn’t too cold, about 33* The snow was still falling pretty hard, very thick flakes. Then my imagination kicked in. You were standing there with me. You were wearing sweat pants and a cute winter jacket. I couldn’t believe I was seeing you there. You smiled, walked toward me and then, with out...

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Snow Storm1

Snow Storm Here in the Adirondack Mountains of New York we are certainly used to harsh winters and heavy snowfalls. So when the local weatherman called it the Storm of the Century I had to laugh. After all it is only seven years into this century and that leaves ninety-three more years for a bigger storm to come by. I figured that the odds were in our favor that this was NOT the Storm of the Century after all. However I also know better than to tempt fate. I live on a small body...

4 years ago
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Driving in Snow Ch 01

Synchronistic rescue by soul mates leads to sacred sex. This is a work of fiction, a fantasy, written as a way of exploring some possibilities of synchronicity as well as psychic and sacred sexuality. This story is hard to characterize. It clearly fits in Mature, Erotic Couplings, First Time – several times over, Romance and even a unique form of Group Sex. There is enough nudity to add Exhibitionists and voyeurs and even some Anal. It is long so I put it in Novels. What I hope is that it...

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Sex in the Snow

It was a calm Saturday night, a peaceful atmosphere in our small home as I added more wood to the fireplace. It was our first holiday season together as husband and wife, and our credit cards certainly bore the evidence of that… as did the bags of holiday decorations and gifts still piled near the sofa. I glanced up to gaze upon my beautiful young wife. She stood and looked out the window at the snowfall, something she had missed during our four years at an Arizona university. Her cherry-red...

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Chapter One A Pixie In The Snow

The world was blinding white. Burning, yet cold. Unbearably bright to the naked eye with the exception of the odd husk that s**ttered the washed out landscape.Husks of long dead trees, protruding from the ground, just above the snow. They themselves almost enveloped in the Sun’s glare.I adjusted the sun glasses perched on my face, squinting still, despite their protection.I shuffled my weight softly so as not to make a sound.A clearing stood before me, where the warped shapes of dead bark...

2 years ago
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Snow Flake

Christmas Eve in the Adirondacks, and the snow was coming down hard, big fat flakes that reflected the light from my headlights into a sparkling display. The flakes were swirling gently toward the ground, since the night was perfectly still, but the motion of my truck made them stream past the windshield in a mesmerizing rush, like that computer screensaver that was so popular a few years back. This thought reminded me of my own computer and monitor, firmly belted into the back seats like a...

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Snow Angels

(A slightly edited version of the story previously posted under my pen-name Rebecka) God, I hate the snow. When I was 14 years old, my best friend and I were trapped on a bus in a snowstorm. It was the middle of January, the temperature was arctic (even before the snow), and I'd already seen more snow than an Atlanta girl would see in a decade. The problem was, I was no longer in Georgia. "Minnesota sucks," I grumbled. The boy sitting beside me, Paul, my defacto boyfriend, laughed...

2 years ago
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The Snow Storm

Introduction: My husband brought two boys home for me. The Snow Storm It started to snow at about ten this morning and at first the weather office called for flurries but it wasnt long before it was to be a winter storm with snow up to 3 feet. My husband, Doug and I decided to just stay inside, keep the wood stove burning and indulge in a day of sex. We had been cuddling and playing around on the couch when the phone rang. As I went to answer it I saw it was 1:30pm and the snow was coming even...

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The maid

Becoming the maid..It was hard to believe that a whole year had passed since I arrived atthis place. The place was called "The Mansion" and it was run byMistress Deena. It was a very large facility almost hotel like size andMistress Deena's main focus was on training and transforming males intobeautiful feminized submissive permanent full time maids. The first dayI arrived at about 10am and after a long cab ride I was dropped off atthe front automatic gate. I gave the driver his fare and then...

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The Story of Lisas Maid

The Story of Lisa's Maid My feet were killing me. But I guess I shouldn't expect anything less after standing and working in 5" heels for the last thirteen hours. My "shift" was almost up - only an hour or two left to go - and I still had the bed to turn down, the candles to light, the strawberries to chocolate, and the champagne to pour. Then my aching arches would finally get some relief. I put the last dinner plate into the cabinet, then minced over to the refrigerator to get...

2 years ago
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Snow Bound

The windshield wipers thump fast, back and forth.  Hope could barely see the road it was snowing so heavy now.  Her hands gripped the steering wheel as she slowly tried to follow the tire tracks in front of her but they were quickly disappearing.  A little smile curved her lips as Johnny Mathis started singing, I'll be home for Christmas, through her car speakers.  Hope hadn’t been home for Christmas since she up and followed Ned to New York, a couple of years ago, as he followed his dream. She...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Snow Bound

The windshield wipers thump fast, back and forth.  Hope could barely see the road it was snowing so heavy now.  Her hands gripped the steering wheel as she slowly tried to follow the tire tracks in front of her but they were quickly disappearing.  A little smile curved her lips as Johnny Mathis started singing, I'll be home for Christmas, through her car speakers.  Hope hadn’t been home for Christmas since she up and followed Ned to New York, a couple of years ago, as he followed his dream. She...

Love Stories
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Snow White and Zorro

Before I tell you my story about Snow white, Zorro and the costume Garden party I feel I need to tell you a bit about myself. I was born in a middle size town of about 100 000 people and had a free upbringing. When I was a teenager horse riding was my passion which meant that the sliding up and down on a saddle aroused my sexual desires early in puberty and made me an accomplished masturbator at age 16. Later in high school I was an A-grade basketball player but as I went to university I only...

3 years ago
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My Wife in the Snow Cave

At the time of this story, my wife, Laura, and I lived in Tacoma , Washington , and we both enjoyed hiking in the Cascade Mountains . Laura’s hobby is wildlife photography, and we often took overnight hikes at higher elevations, so we would be in the mountains at sunrise to take photos of wildlife not normally seen during the day. We understd the dangers in the mountains, and always took the necessary survival equipment, just in case of an emergency. Fierce storms can develop in a matter of...

4 years ago
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SurvivingChapter 21 Snow joke walking home

I calmed Gabrain down but decided he needed to hear a bit more of a constructive explanation of his actions as part of his education. "Gabrain as a lord and a leader, people will rely upon you. You will need to take tough decisions, often decisions that will put people in harms way. You need to act responsibly. I suggest you need to learn a better approach to decision making than the one you used tonight when you thought it was okay to disobey me. Or the one you used when you blindly...

1 year ago
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Kristen Blowing Snow

There is something about the words ‘blow’ and ‘blowing’ that puts most guys’ cocks on edge. I work on the late night production crew of one of those all night, all weather T.V. stations that seem so popular now. We work from midnight to 7 a.m. There are several of us guys and one brunette named Kristen. One particularly bad-weather day last February, Kris was up there in front of the big map telling everybody everywhere all about the ‘blowing snow’ here and ‘blowing snow warnings’ there. All of...

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The TRUE Cinderella Story Ch 2 Snows Exile

Introduction: This is my third story. No pointless comments, please, but if you like it, or have any ideas on how to improve my next stories, comments welcome. This is a continuation of my Cinderella story, following the life of Snow White. Cinderella was getting older. She retained her looks and her sexiness, but she was still getting older. She would be turning 31 soon, much older than she would have liked. On one bright morning, she awoke and walked, naked, over to her full length mirror....

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The Snow Maid 2

He had dared the subject the previous evening at supper. She had laughed as he spoke, tongue-tied and stuttering, trying to ask the question without giving offense."Of course I'm growing younger, silly c***d. With your faith to sustain me, how can it be otherwise?" At his shell-shocked look, she had explained."Until I met and rescued you, it was the faith and belief of others which gave me existence, poor and weak though it was at the time. But now I have you, wonderful man." She brushed his...

2 years ago
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The Snow Maid 2

He had dared the subject the previous evening at supper. She had laughed as he spoke, tongue-tied and stuttering, trying to ask the question without giving offense."Of course I'm growing younger, silly c***d. With your faith to sustain me, how can it be otherwise?" At his shell-shocked look, she had explained."Until I met and rescued you, it was the faith and belief of others which gave me existence, poor and weak though it was at the time. But now I have you, wonderful man." She brushed his...

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The Snow Maid 3

"Rice," he said, "It is a grain gown far to the south of here.""And this?" she said, prodding another part."That is shrimp. It lives in the ocean.""Ah!" she said triumphantly, "This I know!" She waved a bit of meat on her fork. "This is pork!" She bit down and chewed happily, then her eyes widened. She took a quick sip of wine. "Spicy!"Bill grinned. "It is a meal called jambalaya. People in the south of my country make it. I learned how from a friend of mine who I went to school with. Do you...

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The Snow Maid 3

"Rice," he said, "It is a grain gown far to the south of here.""And this?" she said, prodding another part."That is shrimp. It lives in the ocean.""Ah!" she said triumphantly, "This I know!" She waved a bit of meat on her fork. "This is pork!" She bit down and chewed happily, then her eyes widened. She took a quick sip of wine. "Spicy!"Bill grinned. "It is a meal called jambalaya. People in the south of my country make it. I learned how from a friend of mine who I went to school with. Do you...

4 years ago
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Me Mother Maid

"Oh God......" Lalit panted. "It feels so good. You suck cock so good."Both a smile and a tinge of embarrassment covered Malini,s face as herassumption proved true. Her eighteen year old son was getting a blowjob. "I wonder who it is?" Malini said to herself as her curiosityovercame her embarrassment.The thought of interrupting them never entered her mind. She knew thatwhen the time came, there wasn't anything she could do the prevent herson from becoming sexually active. No more than her...

3 years ago
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Footprints in the Snow

"Who found him?" "The postman, Guv. It wasn't fully light and he could see there was a light on in the hall, and for no reason he can think of he looked through the bull's eye and saw the body hanging there." "Well, it's suicide, Sergeant. Yes, definitely. Get it wrapped up and get back to the station, with half the force tied up on this bloody party conference we've no time to piss about with this. It's suicide, plain and simple, there's the note, now let's have no more...

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The Ruined Maid

The Ruined Maid Belladonna Charles' heart raced as he slipped up the steps of the servants' staircase to their corridor. Not a sole girl was remaining there as they had all changed into their black, afternoon uniforms, leaving their freshly worn lilac dresses from the morning to him for the take. Charles searched the floor in silence to ensure that he was alone as he set about proceeding with his plan. A grin came upon Charles's face and grew wider as he removed his clothing...

3 years ago
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Twenty Words For Snow

She stared out at the newly fallen snow, amazed at how itsparkled like a star strewn field, kissed by the sun. If only she could capture that it and describe the wonder, the beauty, the magic in a single word. “I’d still have nineteen to go.” She mumbled, her warm breath clouding in the cold mountain air. Twenty words for snow. That had been the assignment. So far, it hadn’t gone well. Cold. Icy. Pure. She had never been good with words, using them with an economy even in conversation,...

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My Wife in the Snow Cave

At the time of this story, my wife, Laura, and I lived in Tacoma , Washington , and we both enjoyed hiking in the Cascade Mountains . Laura’s hobby is wildlife photography, and we often took overnight hikes at higher elevations, so we would be in the mountains at sun rise to take photos of wildlife not normally seen during the day. We understood the dangers in the mountains, and always took the necessary survival equipment, just in case of an emergency. Fierce storms could develop in a matter...

2 years ago
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Snow Angel

Lisa Stilton stood next to a parapet of the old castle overlooking a snow covered foreign city. She reminded Bo of the skier, Lindsey Vonn, who hailed from their own country. Or perhaps Lisa was a little Dutch girl with yellow braided hair planning to put her finger in a dike.The final day of their European Honeymoon was to end with a bit of sightseeing before returning to Colorado. Hard to believe his new wife had been Lisa French only a few days before and, to some extent, a different...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Snow Angel

Lisa Stilton stood next to a parapet of the old castle overlooking a snow covered foreign city. She reminded Bo of the skier, Lindsey Vonn, who hailed from their own country. Or perhaps Lisa was a little Dutch girl with yellow braided hair planning to put her finger in a dike.The final day of their European Honeymoon was to end with a bit of sightseeing before returning to Colorado. Hard to believe his new wife had been Lisa French only a few days before and, to some extent, a different...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Twenty Words For Snow

She stared out at the newly fallen snow, amazed at how itsparkled like a star strewn field, kissed by the sun. If only she could capture that it and describe the wonder, the beauty, the magic in a single word. “I’d still have nineteen to go.” She mumbled, her warm breath clouding in the cold mountain air. Twenty words for snow. That had been the assignment. So far, it hadn’t gone well. Cold. Icy. Pure. She had never been good with words, using them with an economy even in conversation,...

4 years ago
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Snow Demon

"I think he's asleep." Craig's wife smiled at him, her hands gently tucking in the blue blankets around Billy. Their son's arms seemed to hug the stuffed bunny tighter. Even after almost a year, that kind of thing still got Craig choked up. He reached into the crib, touching first his son's head, then the bunny's. "Forget which one's our son?" Eve asked. Craig chuckled softly. "It's the one with less fur." He straightened, wrapping the robe around himself a little tighter and...

3 years ago
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Snow Cat

I did not like the layers of clothes or the wet cold and I really did not like the snow. My family was here to build a warren on what the humans called the high plains. My litter mates had already selected mates and I was alone. Of course I had been the only male in the litter. I was eighteen and several years past our mating age ... as my father constantly reminded me. I had missed the first part of the construction to finish my advance degree exam project. I collected my float and then...

1 year ago
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Let It Snow

The blizzard was in full swing. Already a foot of snow was on the ground with more on the way. I had the fire roaring and was sipping my cognac while reading my book. I placed two calls into the plow man to get on the list. With two feet of snow expected, there was no way I was going to be shoveling out my driveway. Better to pay the $45.00 and have it done by someone else. I was on my third cognac when I heard the plow outside. Even a big 4x4 pickup truck was having problems pushing all that...

2 years ago
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Snow Shoveling Man

Chapter ONE The snow had been falling steadily for several hours, covering the ground with more than five inches of crystalline flakes. You looked out of the living room window of your new home at the fresh blanket of winter white and frowned at how little of your driveway could be visibly followed from the garage to the street. Night was rapidly approaching, and the mercury vapor street light down the block reflected against the snow, creating a faint reddish-violet glow in the twilight. I...

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The Making of a Maid

The Making of a Maid Belladonna My name is Annie Jones. I was born a rich man's son. My parents named me Tommy Richards after my grandfather who had built our family's multibillion dollar company from the ground up. I had a life of privilege that was most would kill for. Like the other children I grew up around, I was left a substantial trust fund by my parents just as their parents had done for them. By the time, I came into my families money, we no longer owned my...

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