Young Woman Is Sodomized By Her New Neighbor END free porn video

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Mary giggled a little then said, "Mica, you are a fucking genius."

"Wait ... I forgot one thing ... why in the fuck would we be sleeping so early?" asked Mica.

"Um ... if it's around ten, we tell them we have soccer practice and need the sleep," offered Mary.

"Good one ... that means you have to bring your soccer bag," offered Mica.

"No problem ... it's packed," Mary offered as she examined her toenails.

"When is your date?" asked Mica.

"Fuck ... I forgot that part ... wait ... he just said come over ... he never said when ... I don't know if I can make until ten, I'll fucking blow up," offered Mary as she reached for the moisturizer in the nightstand.

"Okay ... pop quiz," said Mica, then she added, "you ready?"

Mary took a beep breath then said, "Take a shower, douche, dry off, brush my teeth, brush my hair, put on panties, baggy shorts, a stupid bra, a soccer shirt, sneakers, grab my soccer bag, tell mom I'm going to your house, run to your house, say hey to your parents, go to your bedroom, sneak out the window, run to Allen's and let a gorgeous man with a beautiful fat dick stick it anywhere he wants ... before midnight ... how'd I do?"

"Pretty good ... for a beginner ... B plus," Mica said giggling.

At 9 o'clock, Mary was walking briskly down the sidewalk in the opposite direction from Allen's house and taking the time to consider what she was doing. She began to wonder if Hunter would even care if she didn't care. She thought about Allen's touch and began to compare the skin of the only two males who had ever touched her sexually. She knew Allen's touch felt far more sincere and far more loving. "God, what am I doing to myself," Mary asked a mailbox, then she stopped walking. "I have to get a grip here, what happens when I tell Allen I have to go home to my mother because it hurts too much," said Mary, "Why would I even want to leave? ... Mailboxes don't know anything ... why am I talking to a mailbox? ... I'm soaking wet down there ... why do I miss him so much." Suddenly a car filled with boys drove slowly by and the boy in the passenger front seat leaned on the sill and yelled, "Hey you big titty bitch, fuck me!"

Mary turned around and yelled, "Hold on, you guys can ask the same question to the barrel of daddy's shotgun." Then Mary turned toward the front door of the house she was standing in front of and started quickly stepping toward the front door. A second later she heard tires squealing and the boys laughing in the car slowly faded into the darkness. Mary waited a few moments then continued her journey to Mica's house.

After greeting Mica's parents and explaining they were going to Mica's room to read the two girls walked briskly and quietly down the hall, entered Mica's bedroom then closed the door normally so as not to arouse suspicion.

Mica stood and looked at Mary for a second then said as she pulled a drawer open, "You look like shit Cleo."

"I do?" asked Mary as she placed her bag on the floor.

Mica turned around and held her hand out palm down and said softly, "Here ... take these."

Mary held her hand out with her palm up and asked, "What?"

Mica dropped the contents in Mary's hand then looked at Mary's face.

"Condoms! ... What the fuck?" Mary asked then she looked up at Mica's eyes.

"Cleo, that's what friends do for each other," offered Mica then she dropped her hand to her side and added, "Still friends?"

"Of course," said Mary, then the girls embraced.

"I have to do this Mica," offered Mary as she felt Mica's massive chest press against her own breasts.

"I know ... been there ... done that ... had the abortion the whole nine yards ... you know that," offered Mica then she tapped Mary on the shoulders.

The girls released each other then Mary looked deep into Mica's eyes and said softly, "I remember all the little things about him and they're occupying a giant part of what little brain I have left."

"Like What?" Mica asked as she sat on the edge of the bed.

Mary looked down at Mica and said with a slight giggle, "I love his gorgeous eyes, his beautiful touch ... and his perfect fucking tongue."

"You're in love with a guy you just met? ... Oh Cleo do you have a lot to learn honey," said Mica as she lowered her face to her open hands.

Mary sat Indian style in front of her friend and looked up then said, "It's not like that ... his eyes tell me he cares and his touch is gentle, like he's hiding his strength, I get wet standing next to him, the reason I'm going back is because he's giving me time to think about what we're going to do, he's very sweet and I love his voice and the smell of his body ... he talks with me and not at me, there is a difference you know ... I'd let him take a wiz or cum on my face, spank me, or even shove it up my ass hole."

"This guy lives next door?" asked Mica as she gazed into Mary's eyes, then she added, "you'll never go home ... at least for nine and a half weeks."

Mary looked puzzled and Mica thought she had to clarify her last statement. "It's the title of a true story about a relationship based on physical attraction, and a certain type of hard sex ... the conclusion was, those types of hot relationships only last nine and a half weeks, there was a movie made with the same name and theme ... I think that's where you are now ... day one ... Valentine's Day."

Mary thought for a moment then asked with a curious voice, "Are you trying to talk me out of this?"

"No Cleo ... I'm trying to talk you into it ... seriously ... we've been friends for a long time, you need to pull yourself out of that fantasy world you live in and experience the reality of a man fucking the shit out of you until you've lost your fucking mind, it really is a beautiful thing, while its happening ... and I miss it so much," said Mica as her eyes began to water.

Mary looked at Mica and asked, "you and Hunter?"

"Oh God no ... I don't even know the guy's name ... I do know it hurt like hell the first time ... but God almighty did he make me feel like a real woman after the pain went away." Then Mica started giggling.

"What's so funny?" asked Mary as she watched Mica wipe the tears from her eyes with the back of her hands.

"You know Cleo, anyone can be deeply in love with someone and never cheat on them, ever, but we all have that one secret hidden deep inside, that one that makes us feel like nothing else exists except that desire, the one we missed ... You need this guy Cleo, he's real, and if he wants, let him piss on your face ... eat his cum ... let him spank your ass ... take it up your butt hole ... whatever he wants ... fucking do it ... you'll never forget it or regret it ... Ever." Mica said as she reached for a tissue box.

"I feel guilty and I haven't done anything yet ... how do you know he wants to do those things?" said Mary as she watched Mica blow her nose.

Mica looked directly at Mary and said as she pointed at her face with a finger, "I just know ... I have this gut feeling ... don't feel guilty about this ... look, you need some sexy clothes, we wear the same sizes, except bras, you're not going to wear one anyway ... I was thinking after we hung up, you need to look hot, but I'm going to walk you there tonight so there's no trouble, once you're there I'll leave, buy the time you're finished the sun will be up ... you should come back here, you won't be able to walk, but don't go home, they'll smell it all over you ... believe me I know what I'm talking about."

Mica picked out a black dress for Mary, held it up to Mary's body then said lovingly, "Take everything off."

When Mary felt the dress cover her naked body she thought the dress looked hotter on Mica but wasn't sure it fit her form. The dress was cut like the famous Marilyn Monroe white dress except in black and even thought the top was a bit large it d****d Mary's body like an invitation to sex. Mica messed with the top a little and soon the dress assumed a new purpose, along with black open toe heels and Mary's flowing black hair, Mary instantly transformed into a stunning sex doll.

Mica stepped back a little and held Mary's hand out then said calmly, "don't worry about the cum, it washes out ... oh wait, hold out your wrists."

Mary held her wrists out next to each other then Mica grabbed a small crystal perfume spritzer off her vanity and squeezed the bulb misting both Mary's wrists then she said softly, "A little Channel always helps."

Mary had to giggle before she looked at her friend and said "Thanks Mica ... no jewelry ... this is a first," then she turned to look at herself in the mirror as she sniffed her right wrist, "God ... I look like a black festoon."

"Here put these in the side pocket, pull them out when you get there and insist he use them ... okay?" Demanded Mica and she placed the condoms in Mary's palm, "I'll tell mom and dad we're going out for a walk, its almost ten now."

"We're going to walk right by your parents and tell them we're going for walk, with me dressed like this?" Mary asked with a confused gaze.

"Cleo ... watch this ... DAD, WE'RE GOING FOR A WALK, BE BACK IN TEN TO GET SOME sleep ... there, done ... let's go." Mica said as she grabbed Mary's hand then led her to the rear door.

The four-block walk was peaceful with the calm and dry night air offering sounds of barking dogs and a few oddities going bump in the night. The girls didn't say a word until they stopped in front of Mary's house then Mary pointed to Allen's house and said in a near whisper, "the lights are still on."

"Want me to walk up with you?" asked Mica as she gazed at the sexual sanctuary.

"Please," responded Mary as she took a step forward.

When the girls were standing in Allen's entryway in front of an Irish green door, Mary looked at Mica, winked then pressed the doorbell button.

Mica gently tapped Mary's butt cheek, stepped into the shadow, then whispered, "Happy Fucking ... see you in the morning."

Mary's heart began to pound in her ears and her whole body felt like a vibrator. Then suddenly she heard the doorknob click and the door popped opened slightly. Mary waited for Allen to appear and when he didn't she looked toward Mica then shrugged her shoulders with her palms turned outward. Then she looked at the door and pressed gently. The door swung open easily but Allen was not there. Mica motioned Mary to go in and Mica watched as the sultry form in black disappeared into the doorway. The next sound Mica heard was the door clicking shut then she slinked away into the night leaving her best friend to discover whatever it was she needed to find behind the green door.

"Allen?" Mary said nervously as she stood just inside the foyer.

"Back here ... in the bedroom," responded Allen.

Mary followed the dim light in the hallway to Allen's bedroom and when she came to the open doorway she saw Allen naked and sitting on the foot of the bed. His head was down at first then he looked up and Mary stepped toward him. When she was standing directly in front of Allen, Mary smiled and said softly, "I thought about it."

"God, you're beautiful ... you're the ultimate party favor for a forty year old man's birthday ... you're even wearing my favorite perfume," said Allen as he scanned the women before his eyes.

"Thank you, Allen ... I didn't know this was your birthday," Mary said as she felt her stomach flitter.

"It is ... I must be losing my mind ... no, I am out of my mind ... Mary, can I use your tits to masturbate with?" Allen asked calmly.

Mary's eyes grew huge as she stiffened her upper torso opened her mouth to say something then blurted out, "If you want."

"Okay ... that's a yes ... how about this one ... Can I stick my tongue in your rectum?" asked Allen softly.

Mary shrugged her shoulders then said softly, "If you want."

Okay then ... another yes ... How about this one ... will you lick my rectum?" asked Allen with a slightly tilted head as he gazed into Mary's eyes.

Mary smiled a little then said softly, "Yes, Allen, If you want."

"Mary? ... God this so hard ... never mind," Allen said as he looked down.

"Ask ... all you have to is ask, I'll do it," Mary offered as she steeped slightly closer to touch Allen's shoulder.

"Great ... now that I have a gorgeous virgin girl in a hot black dress in my bedroom ready to fuck ... my boner takes a vacation," said Allen as he looked down at the tip of his penis.

"Allen, it's okay, we can do those things if you want, we can do them right now, and whatever you want, I'm here for you," said Mary as she leaned forward a little.

Allen looked into Mary's eyes then asked with a soft voice, "You want me to bend over the edge of the bed so you can lick my rectum, right now?"

"If you want me to ... Okay," Mary said softly as she started to step aside to let Allen move.

"Wait a second," said Allen softly as he placed his hand on Mary's thigh, "just hold on, let me think for moment ... I just asked you some pretty advanced sexual questions ... if you really want anal ... we've got to do a lot to get ready before we go there."

"Like what Allen?" Mary asked with a curious gaze.

"Have you ever had an enema, Mary?" asked Allen as he looked into Mary's eyes.

"I don't think so," responded Mary as she gazed at Allen's erection.

"Oh boy ... Believe me Mary, if you've ever had an enema you'd remember ... they can be quite sensual and at the same time a bit uncomfortable but before with mess around with our rectums, I would highly recommend a damn good enema before we go there," offered Allen.

"If you want ... okay," said Mary.

"Now I know I'm out of my mind ... look Mary ... you got me so bat shit horny right now ... shit, I'm going to have an enema party with a beautiful virgin girl I just met this morning," said Allen as he gazed at Mary's fat nipples pushing on the cloth.

"I can tell your horny, it's getting big now," said Mary as she pointed to Allen's erection.

"Okay ... let's start all over," Allan said as he stood.

Mary watched Allen as he stood up revealing his rising penis. She looked at his penis then at his face and said softly, "That is making me horny."

Allen looked down at Mary's body and couldn't believe she returned to have sex with him. He studied her pretty face then her gorgeous bulbous breasts the curves of her hips and thighs then her elegant arms and hands then said. "You are a beautiful woman Mary ... I give up, take your clothes off then come with me ... we'll take this to the bathroom."

"Okay," Mary said cheerfully as she leaned forward to look at her feet, "I have to go pee anyway."

Mary slipped out of the heels then removed Mica's dress and gently placed the neatly folded cloth on the chair. Then she looked at Allen, smiled and said confidently, "okay."

Allen reach for Mary's hand and he gently pulled her as he stepped in front, and as they walked to the bathroom Mary studied Allen's muscular buttocks and back and her entire body fell into a state of desire. When they were in the room Allen opened the shower door and turned to face Mary, "Your outfit was stunning ... very hot and sexy ... thank you."

Mary sat on the toilet seat cover then gazed at Allen's face, "Are we going to take a shower together?"

Allen smiled a little at the pretty girl then said softly, "In a way," then he opened the vanity cabinet and pulled out a small box.

Mary watched Allen's hands as he opened the box then pulled out a small white bottle along with a long white probe. He twisted the probe on the bottle, turned the hot water faucet on the vanity sink, placed the device in the sink under the flowing hot water then looked at Mary, "Step in the shower Mary."

"Oh, I forgot to douche, thanks Allen," said Mary as she watched Allen, but when he didn't respond Mary stepped into the shower with her hands feeling the walls then Allen followed. When Allen was inside the stall he positioned his body with his back to the shower head. "If you have to pee, go ahead," said Allen softly.

"Okay," said Mary with a soft voice.

Mary separated her legs slightly and while looking down at her mound with her palms pressed against her abdomen, Allen watched the pretty girl as urine flowed down her inner leg and trickled down the drain. As Mary urinated, Allen watched her chest rise and fall slightly then he studied Mary's stiff nipples. When she looked up and into Allen's eyes his eyes focused on her eyes, then he smiled a little and said softly, "Feel better?"

Mary nodded her head, smiled a little, blinked then said, "Yes ... I'm done ... now what?"

"Turn around Mary," said Allen as he reached into the sink and tested the temperature of the white bottle with an outreached arm. Then he looked at the curves of Mary's body and her flowing black hair. His eyes followed the curves of her shoulders and slowly traced the curves until the lines of her body formed the curves of her round white buttocks. His eyes focused on the subtle curves of her buttocks as his penis began to twitch.

"Your body is beautiful, Mary, I hope I don't cum before I get to finish this," said Allen softly as he noticed the glistening on the tip of his erect penis.

"Is it going to?" asked Mary as she turned her head slightly to one side.

"It's getting awfully damn close to it," offered Allen as he reached to turn the faucet off then into the sink and pulled out the white bottle.

"Okay honey, bend all the way over for me," said Allen as he gazed at Mary's show-white butt cheeks.

Mary bent over and grabbed her calves like a professional gymnast, exposing her light pink rectum and below, her black pubic hair pinched between her inner thighs. "Like this," she said softly.

"Good God ... you sure know how to drive a man crazy ... are you sure you've never done this before?" asked Allen as he gazed at Mary's pink rectum.

"Sure ... I bend over like this all the time at soccer practice," Mary responded as she felt her inner muscles twitch.

"You are adorable ... okay then ... just relax honey, I'm going to insert this into your rectum," Allen said softly as he place his hand on Mary's soft buttock then he added "My God ... your skin is so soft."

"Oh?" asked Mary as she felt her loins tingle.

Allen rested the tip of the probe on the tiny pink depression then he slowly began pushing the probe into Mary's anus. When it was halfway inserted, Mary asked with a hushed voice as she felt the pressure in her rectum, "It's going in there, Allen?"

"Yes honey ... almost all the way in ... you okay?" asked Allen as he felt his penis throb.

"Yes, but I didn't know it was going there," Mary said as she felt the probe enter further into her rectum.

"Okay sweetie ... you're going to feel a little bloated, it's okay ... God is this a gorgeous picture," Allen said as he grabbed his throbbing penis to keep it from exploding.

"Allen?" Mary asked with a sweet voice.
"Hold on Mary, it's almost empty," Allen said as he felt he was going to ejaculate.

"I have to poop," Mary said softly.
Allen felt he was going to explode as he watched Mary's anus twitch. When the bottle was collapsed completely, Allen eased the probe out of Mary's rectum and tossed the flat bottle into the vanity sink. Just then Allen's rectum started to twitch as he felt pressure in his prostate then suddenly a heat filled his throbbing penis and he grunted, "Fuck," as his penis burst and semen flew into the air landing on Mary's rectum and pubic hair. Mary felt her knees weaken and she couldn't hold her bowels any longer. As Allen tried to catch his balance, Mary's rectum relaxed and water burst out like a hose and covered Allen's penis with semen and watered down fecal matter while Mary moaned. When the excitement was over Mary stood up and turned around to see Allen looking down at his penis as in
(His Blog ) : www.xxl23cm.Blog * He was stabilizing his body with his right hand against the shower wall. Mary stepped closer to him and looked up, placed her hands on his waist, rested her forehead on his chest then said softly, "I don't feel so good Allen." "My God Mary, what the fuck did we just do?" asked Allen as he gently placed his left palm on Mary's head.

"I don't know, but I feel awful in my tummy," said Mary as he looked at Allen's glistening penis.

Allen looked down at Mary and said with a gentle voice, "You are the most incredibly erotic woman I've ever met ... are you sure you've never done this before?"

"No, I haven't ... but I feel like I need to go again," said Mary as she gently pressed her hands against Allen's waist.

"We need to shower off honey," said Allen as he started to feel dizzy.

Allen reached over his head and pulled the shower wand down then reached behind him and turned the faucet lever to vertical. When water started flowing on his back it was cold. As soon as he twitched Mary released again dropping water between her legs. "I just went again," said Mary as she held on to Allen's waist and looked up at his face.

Allen began to move his body around Mary's body purposely rubbing his penis against her skin and hair. He began to feel as though he was in a dream world with a beautiful girl beside him. When he was turned toward the shower head he grabbed the wand and began spraying Mary's body. Mary looked up at the wall and said, "Allen, I still feel awful."

Allen couldn't help noticing Mary's wet skin was making his penis rise again and he thought she looked adorable soaking wet.

"You'll feel better in a minute, I promise sweetie," said Allen, as his penis was nearly erect again. Lean over and put your hands on the wall, honey," he said softly.

After Mary leaned forward with her hands on the wall she dropped her head and said softly, "I think I'm feeling a little better Allen."

As Allen sprayed Mary's rectum and pubic hair he said softly, "You'll feel a whole lot better in a few minutes."

"That feels very good," said Mary as she separated her feet slightly.

"It looks very good too," said Allen as he began having thoughts about shaving Mary's pubic area.

As Allen watched the water flow over Mary's beautiful white skin he asked softly, "Have you ever shaved down there?"

"No," responded Mary as she felt her stomach relax.

"Want me to shave you sometime? ... It's very sensual," asked Allen as his penis began to twitch.

"If you want." Mary responded as she thought about kissing Allen's stiff penis.

"It's official ... I'm in a pornographic movie," said Allen as he moved the shower wand to Mary's crotch.

"Allen?" asked Mary with a sweet voice.

"Yes," he said as he gazed at the curves of Mary's buttocks.

"Can I touch it now?" Mary said as she felt her inner muscled relax.

"Whatever you want," Allen said softly as he felt his entire body fall deep into a carnal well.

Mary stood erect then turned to face Allen. She looked at his massive pectoral muscles then his six-pack abdomen. She lowered her body to kneel in front of Allen and stared at the erect pink shaft. She pulled her wet hair to one side then she looked up at Allen's face, and as he watched the virgin girl below him she said with a soft voice, "Its very pretty Allen."

"Thank you Mary," whispered Allen then he placed the shower wand in the cradle and turned the water lever to stop the flow of water. When he looked down Mary had rocked back on her heels and placed her hands on her knees. Allen waited patiently for Mary to touch his erection but he wasn't prepared for the feeling.

Mary raised her hand and gently wrapped her fingers around the tip and as the feeling of touching Allen's penis filled her Allen flinched a little and exhaled. Mary quickly retracted her hand and looked up and said softly, "Did I do it too hard?"

"God no, you're a dream come true, Mary ... don't stop," said Allen as he placed his hands against the wall and glass to stabilized his body.

Mary smiled a little then returned to her task at hand. She gazed at the crown of Allen's penis and thought about kissing it. She leaned forward slightly and gently pressed her lips on the warm organ. When Allen felt her lips on the tip of his throbbing penis he inhaled and held his breath.

"Oh fuck," Allen whispered as he exhaled then he added with a growl, "Who's the teacher here?"

Suddenly Mary recalled a story she had read about a woman who stroked a man's penis until it ejaculated and the semen covered her hand then she recalled what the woman did. Mary decided that would be her next step with Allen.

Allen watched with adoring eyes as the gorgeous virgin girl below him tenderly stoked his throbbing penis. He thought he was dreaming and he felt his rectum twitch. "God help me," Allen whispered as he blinked his eyes and tightened his buttocks to hold on.

Mary looked up and when she saw Allen's closed eyes she increased the speed of her stroke then looked at the tip of Allen's penis. She thought it appeared larger and she wondered when Allen would ejaculate. She looked up again at his abdomen and noticed he was breathing faster. When Mary looked again at the swollen tip she concentrated on the tiny hole waiting for the arrival of the white substance to appear.

Suddenly Allen growled deep in his chest and Mary watched as her hand moved slowly across the crown of his penis just as a line of semen burst from the tip, then another, then another. Allen grunted then began quivering as Mary leaned forward and licked the warm liquid off Allen's penis and her hand then she slowly stood and looked into Allen's waiting eyes. She held his waist with both hands, lifted on her tiptoes and when Allen's lips touched hers she felt a strong spark twitch her loins.

When she pulled her lips from Allen's lips she noticed his semen dripping from his lower lip and she looked at his closed eyes and rocked back on her feet then waited for Allen to speak. Allen slowly opened his eyes and looked deep into Mary's eyes then said with a whisper, "What are you doing to me."

Mary didn't know what to say except tell Allen the truth, "loving you."

Allen gazed at the beautiful woman and decided he would fulfill a fantasy he kept locked inside his mind ever since he was a small boy studying the bubble bottoms of little girls in bathing suits.

"Mary, let's bath each other, dry off and take this back to the bedroom," said Allen as he tried to remain standing.

Mary smiled and placed her hands flat against Allen's pectoral muscles, gazed into Allen's eyes and whispered, "okay."

Being bathed by another for the first time since she was a c***d, Mary felt Allen was worshiping her body. His massive hands were soft and gently smoothed the skin of her breasts and her nipples stood erect. When Allen lowered his head and began sucking and tonguing her nipple, Mary closed her eyes and felt a closeness to Allen she had never before. Allen stroked her skin so softly she became moist. When Allen's fingers brushed her clitoris Mary placed her hands on Allen's bald head and rocked one knee outward. Allen gently patted her moist clitoris then separated her vaginal lips. When he began wiping her rectum with his finger Mary looked up and moaned. Suddenly Allen stood and offered the soap bar to Mary and whispered, "Your turn."

Mary was so drunk on Allen she had to think about how she was going to bath the beautiful man and after she gathered her bearings she squat behind him, gently kissed his buttocks then began massaging the firm round blobs of warm flesh using the soap bubbles as her massage medium. When she was finished covering his buttocks with soap she felt a strong urge to slip her fingers in his butt crack and wipe his rectum with her fingers. When Allen felt Mary touching his rectum he leaned forward and placed his hands on the shower wall, separated his feet and whispered, "Lick it."

Mary wasn't concerned Allen's skin was covered with soap bubbles when she leaned forward and forced her face between his tight buttocks. She grabbed the front of his thighs and pulled his hips backward while she pressed her tongue into the warm hole.

"Oh Mary," whispered Allen then he dropped his head as he felt his penis respond to the sensation behind him. Mary began encircling Allen's thighs until her palms where against his lower back then she slid them down and gripped Allen's buttocks and she began licking his rectum with the tip of her tongue. Mary became so overwhelmed with the sensation she began urinating.

As if a strange force attacked her, Mary slid her left hand around Allen's hip until it found Allen's erect penis. She began gently and slowly stroking the long warm organ. The suddenly Allen twitched then turned around. She looked up beyond his penis and saw his arms reach down, "Stand up," commanded Allen.

After Mary stood Allen opened the shower door and said with a gruff voice, "Just go to the bedroom, forget the towels."

As Mary silently walked toward the bathroom door Allen studied her show-white buttocks and felt a stunning shiver penetrate his spine. "Wait for me there," said Allen as he opened the medicine cabinet.

As Mary walked down the long hallway she began breathing hard and she felt a strong urge to keep going as her heartbeat throbbed in her ears. "Mica will never believe this," Mary whispered as she felt her nerves tingle.

When Mary stepped into Allen's bedroom her mind began to think of any passage she ever read about a woman being sodomized, but she couldn't recall any then suddenly she recalled a movie she had seen recently titled; 'Nymphomaniac - Vol I' and a shiver ran up her spine. She recalled the girl's virginity lost scene and felt she was about to receive the same treatment but Mary wasn't afraid, "I want this to happen to me ... I just have to know," whispered Mary as she scanned Allen's neatly made bed. Suddenly she felt a warm sensation behind her, then Allen's strong grip on her shoulders.

"Step over to the edge of the bed and bend over," whispered Allen with low growl in her ear.

Silently Mary stepped forward, dropped to her knees then d****d her torso over the bed and placed her arms above her head on the mattress. As her breathing intensified she felt Allen's calves brush her thighs and his strong hands grip her hips and yank her upward until her pelvis was at the edge of the bed. Then she felt his calves between hers and he pushed her legs apart with a snap of his legs. She looked up at the headboard with her chin pressed into the sheet and recalled what Mica had told her. When Allen's tongue pressed gently against her rectum she twitched then she felt a hard hand smack her buttock and she reached to feel her skin.

"Don't," growled Allen as he slapped her hand away.

Mary quickly snapped her arm above her head, pressed her face into the sheet and waited. A moment later she felt a cool substance being buttered across her rectum by powerful fingers. Mary began to understand she was where she wanted to be and her choice of male was perfect. There were no sounds to announce the advance of what was about to happen. No words were spoken or written to read and Mary finally realized the reality of her moment then she felt a calm overwhelm her.

When Mary began to feel the pressure in her rectum of the tip of Allen's erection she exhaled and moisture began to fill her nostrils. As the pressure became intense Mary gripped the sheet with her fingers and felt her body bounce as Allen drove his fists unto the mattress to support his torso. Silently the room became a dungeon not restricted to pain. Although she wanted to scream her pleasure, Mary remained silent as Allen rocked his hips with his hard erection reaming her rectum.

She closed her eyes and she began consuming the man above her while her inner muscles reached a pleasure pain level beyond comprehension. Suddenly she felt a strong urge to plead with Allen to fuck her harder, but she resisted. Her body was so overwhelmed she began to sweat. When Allen started moaning Mary knew his pleasure level had reached where he wanted to be but she didn't recognize the howling voice. She turned her head to her left then pulled her left fist to her mouth and started sucking her thumb for the first time in years. She closed her eyes and as her hips bounced on the edge of the bed she began to cry inside without a whimper to hint at her happiness.

Suddenly Allen growled and his body stiffened pressing Mary's hips hard into the mattress. She felt his penis twitch inside her and she knew her bowels were being pumped with Allen's semen. When the pressure somewhat subsided she felt Allen lift off her body then she felt her buttocks being smacked once each. The warm sensation felt like a command to move, but Mary waited for her next order.

"Get up and sit on the edge of the bed, I need to have a talk with you," commanded Allen with a low growl.

As semen oozed from Mary's rectum she eased her body to a kneeing position, slowly stood, turned then sat down never looking at Allen. Her breathing became her only hope of feeling anything other than the dull pain in her rectum. She gripped the edge of the bed at either side and as close to her hips as possible then looked up.

Allen lowered his body to a kneel then rocked back on his heels with his hands on his knees then he scanned Mary's eyes from one to the other and as he slowly shook his head he said softly, "Not a tear, nor a whimper, or even a word spoken in pain or in pleasure ... Jesus, what kind of woman are you?"
After glancing at the red 02:14:15:11:54:04 on the face of the odd digital clock on the dresser behind Allen, Mary reached out to touch his face. Then with the backs of her fingers she gently smoothed his unshaven cheek and gazed deep into his gorgeous blue eyes pleading for Allen to understand the answer to his question then she said softly, "a virgin woman in love."

Same as Young woman is sodomized by her new neighbor END Videos

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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part One

Introduction: Batwoman goes in search of Selina Kyle aka Catwoman, only to find her fill-in, Holly Robinson. It was all going so well. A simple looting of a rich persons home of a few baubles, and what not. Yep, everything was going so well until she found herself blacking out from something hitting her. She groaned as she came to, her vision blurry as she looked around. Where am I? she groaned, then tried to move only to find herself hanging from the ceiling and shackled thoroughly. ouuuhhh…...

3 years ago
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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part One

She groaned as she came to, her vision blurry as she looked around. "Where am I?" she groaned, then tried to move only to find herself hanging from the ceiling and shackled thoroughly. "ouuuhhh..." she groaned in pain. "As to the where, you're in an adult toy factory. As for the why, because I saw you and decided you might be the one person that can give me what I want." Stepping from behind the hanging woman, Batwoman let the fingers of her left hand trace Holly's right thigh...

4 years ago
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Cherrys Next Door Neighbor Becomes the Man of the House

Cherry walked into the kitchen and made a beeline for the wine rack. It had been one hell of a week and it was only Thursday. Her tight red dress twirled with each movement. She left her shiny red three inch heels on to get the wine glass down from the middle shelf on the upper cabinet. She popped the cork on her favorite Moscato. Then she stepped out of the heels and kicked them aside. She poured the rosy colored wine nearly to the top of the glass. She took a long drag out of the glass, as...

4 years ago
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My Mature Neighbor Sheri

I moved into my new apartment a little over a month ago. It is on the third (top) floor so I got to meet most of my neighbors. There was one who stood out. Her name was Hilary and she lived directly below me. She is very athletic, tall, blond, drop dead gorgeous, and about my age. I caught her as she was leaving for work as a nurse. I flirted with her a bit and she flirted back, so I figured it wouldn't be long before I would get to see under her scrubs and see the large breasts she was hiding...

1 year ago
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New Neighbors perfect neighbor hood when the wive

The gated community I lived in only had thirteen homes and there was only one way in and one way out. You literally had to drive the cul-de-sac in order to turn around unless you pulled into someone's yard. Everyone in the quaint neighborhood was either married or divorced.I made sure I interacted with my neighbors every chance I got so that we all would look out for each other. And boy, there were a couple of hot married forty and fifty-something year-old men to look at. Needless to say there...

3 years ago
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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part Two

Introduction: Batwoman returning back to Hollys loft from patrol beliving trhe woman is asleep is in for a rude awakening. It had been a long night and an even longer patrol, and Kate was drained. Slipping into the window quietly to find her Holly fast asleep, Batwoman moved quietly for the chair and started to get undressed. Removing the belt with practiced ease, she then took off the cape before she removed the gloves and boots…, only then placing her hands on the dresser and lowering her...

1 year ago
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Preachers Daughter Chapter 13 and Preacher Sucks

My wife, Charlotte, thought it was very nice and thoughtful for Jaimie, the 23 year old preachers daughter now moving with us, and unknown to my Mrs, Jaimie was carrying my baby, "Jaimie, thank you for all you did around the house today, but you know, you are not our slave, are our guest!" If my wife only knew, that Jaimie was "my slave" and number #1 cum slut.Charlotte was always wild in bed when alone or away in a hotel or when our k_ds were not home, date night always got me plenty of hot...

4 years ago
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Pheromone therapy renews a retirees passion and more

The clinic was an unobtrusive white stucco structure surrounded by gnarled oak trees on an obscure back road. There were several cars parked in front but it gave the overall appearance of being unoccupied. The smell of late summer was in the air, with just a hint of fall breezes – my favorite time of year. I was getting on in years and just started retirement a few short months earlier. My wife continued to work to secure her retirement, having entered the work force only after my two...

2 years ago
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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part Two

Holly crept up behind Kate with instinctive ease, then like some guard dog she bit on Kate's cunt then chewed playfully on her flesh through her latex while her hands shot forward, and grabbed Kate's tits. She let out a deep, long moan that resonated through the latex into Kate's cunt as latex covered flesh muffled it. She couldn't resist Kate's succulent position one moment, and she wanted some of that sweet pussy so badly! "Ahhhhhhhhhhh...., uuuhhhhh....,...

3 years ago
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New Neighbor New Mother

Introduction: Tara was left to raise her baby on her own. The least I could do was make her feel like a woman again. Fuck! It was more a grunt than a word, and it tumbled over my lower lip while my right hand squeezed my sticky cock. I looked down and watched a tablespoon of white semen appear from the tip. She gasped as the hot, viscous substance landed on her stomach. I propped myself up with my weary left arm and tried to catch my breath. I looked down at her, sweat droplets formed on her...

2 years ago
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New Neighbor New Mother

It was more a grunt than a word, and it tumbled over my lower lip while my right hand squeezed my sticky cock. I looked down and watched a tablespoon of white semen appear from the tip. She gasped as the hot, viscous substance landed on her stomach. I propped myself up with my weary left arm and tried to catch my breath. I looked down at her, sweat droplets formed on her upper lip, her chest rising and falling with each deep breath. “Oh shit, my sister’s going to be here in a little bit....

3 years ago
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The Nightstalker and the Sissy or Sissy is Sodomized

The engine comes to life as I turn the ignition and switch on the headlights. It takes less than five minutes driving and I’m parked in my driveway. Checking my pockets I insure that nothing is forgotten in my zeal to begin the night’s activities. Though it is only September the night is cool as I zip my light, black jacket to my neck as rain falls lightly like heaven’s tears. With my hands jammed into my pockets and my head down I appear like anyone who is trying to get to where they...

1 year ago
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Mrs Fletcher Chapter One Brothers Motherinlaw

I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. My...

2 years ago
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Theresa My Neighbor Whore Chapter 2

I gave Theresa's ass a good smack. "I didn't say you could look at me! Eyes straight ahead, whore!" She instantly whipped her head back straight and looked at the wall in front of her. I placed both hands on her hips as if I was about ready to fuck her and felt her shudder with excitement. Then one hand, I began slowly sliding up her spine and she held her breath waiting to see what would happen next. My hand slid up to the back of her head and I massaged her scalp for a moment."Mmmm..."Then I...

2 years ago
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The New Neighbor

The New Neighbor By Christianne Larry met his new neighbor a week after the moving vans left. The new neighbor knocked on Larry's door just before noon on Saturday. Larry was still groggy from sleeping all morning. He had been working like a plantation slave during the preceding week and a half and was trying to catch up on much-needed rest, so he wasn't as cheerful about someone knocking on his door as he might have been. He hadn't shaved yet and was dressed only in a pair of sweat...

1 year ago
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Sensuous Group Sex With Neighbor Teacher Aunt And Her Friend

Hello Roy here , writing this first time so please excuse me as it is group sex so please do understand and enjoy my real encounter, this story is about my group sex with my teacher and her friend, well i used to have sex with my neighbor teacher aunt (also my teacher), i had seduced her once after sex we both were taking bath together she told me that shes gotta friend who knows about this, I asked her why did you tell her she replied that day she had come to my place and i was happy after...

3 years ago
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My New Neighbors Pool and New Pool

I couldn’t stop staring at the woman unloading the boxes from the small moving trailer next door. Ever since my girlfriend moved away from our quiet little cul-de-sac, it was just me and my husband living at the secluded end of town. We had moved to the neighborhood together, and had been quite happy as best friends for the past five years, and now it was just me and Bill stuck her all alone. Don’t get me wrong, we had a beautiful house with a beautiful yard, and all the privacy one could hope...

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Theresa My Neighbor Whore Chapter 1

My name is Mark Wood and I work as a Personnel Manager for a large corporation here in Dallas. My job basically is to serve as a liaison between the management and the blue-collar employees that work here. I also have to deal with all the harassment issues, be it sexual harassment, racism, or whatever.Needless to say, I hear a lot of whining, complaining, and outright anger on a day-to-day basis. Sometimes it gets to be too much and I have to find a way to decompress at the end of a tough day....

2 years ago
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Rickey Part 1 A New Neighbor

Ricky eased up his driveway and pulled back on the parking brake of his Subaru. He stared curiously down the hill to the house next door with the moving van in the driveway. Finally, someone is moving into Mrs. Martin’s house. His elderly neighbor had died six or seven months ago and her son cleaned it up, painted and put it on the market within a month. Home sales sucked in this small town Ohio, and evidently after five months he now had a buyer. He swung open the door, and eased his pudgy...

1 year ago
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The New Neighbor

My son and I finally found a new place to live after almost a month of searching. The new place was the first floor of a two story house. I met the new landlord at the new place on Saturday to sign the lease and pay the rent. As we were finishing up and he was telling me how lucky he had gotten yesterday. He wasn’t going to work on the upstairs yesterday, but circumstances ended up with him needing to go over there anyway. As he was working there, he got a call about renting the place that I...

3 years ago
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The New Neighbor

My son and I finally found a new place to live after almost a month of searching. The new place was the first floor of a two story house. I met the new landlord at the new place on Saturday to sign the lease and pay the rent. As we were finishing up and he was telling me how lucky he had gotten yesterday. He wasn’t going to work on the upstairs yesterday, but circumstances ended up with him needing to go over there anyway. As he was working there, he got a call about renting the place that I...

Straight Sex
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Sherrie Visits the Physiotherapist

Sherrie had known David for 16 years and he had always been the one to treat her back whenever she hurt it. He was a very sexy Physiotherapist, tall, tanned and very athletic looking. Without fail every time Sherrie went to see him he knew where she was hurting, and would instantly ask her to remove her top and undo her Jeans so he could get to her back. David would always like to check to see if she had her “G” string on and he could see she had a matching bra on. He would make the subtle...

2 years ago
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Loving His New Neighbor

Ken Brock was in the middle of cutting his grass when a moving van pulled into the driveway next to his own. "New neighbors," he thought as he stopped to watch the large van back close to the house. From where he stood he could see some really nice things being carried into the house. "Wonder what they are like?" He mused as he returned to his mowing of his lawn. "Hello neighbor," A male voice called out over the roar of the lawn mower. Ken stopped and noticed a man about his own age; mabey a...

3 years ago
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Seduced by New Neighbor

It all started a few weeks ago. I was walking home from school when I noticed a moving truck in the driveway of my neighbors house. I didn't really pay much attention to it since I didn't really know the previous neighbors all that well. I was more so curious to see if a cute girl might be moving in. To my disappointment it appeared to be a middle aged couple. A little about myself. I'm an 18 year old senior in high school. I was held back in the first grade so I was older than most high...

2 years ago
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Haley sodomized by her older brother

Haley was a nice young girl who grew up in a small town where nothing much happened. She had a cute little body that hasn't turned into the full woman she would be, she had silky blond hair that reached to her shoulders and the most innocent sky blue eyes. She had one older brother, Brandon. Haley's love for Brandon bordered on worshipping him. He was as far as she could remember taller than her, stronger, he always held her hand taking her to and back from school, he sometimes carried her bag...

3 years ago
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Ricky Part 1 A New Neighbor

Walking up the steps to his bedroom he glanced in the mirror on the landing. Looking back at him was a 58 year old, short, balding and overweight divorcee. He’d been single for the last 18 years and unless he found a similar female loser, he would remain that way. Sure, he’d been out on dates, but they all seemed turned off by his less-than charming personality and, well, his rotundness. Unbuttoning his work shirt with “Ricky” embroidered above the pocket, he grabbed a t-shirt from the...

1 year ago
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Preacher Slut Dresses from Preachers Daughter Seri

If you have followed the stories, I first black mailed and fucked the preachers 23 year old hot daughter, Jaimie, she is now carrying my baby. See preachers daughter chapter 13 and preacher sucks for lead in to this story:Over two months ago I sucked my first cock and fucked my first man pussy, unbelievable, it was our preachers, so wrong but made me so fucking hard!He sucked and cum hard and recovered quick, he said he would be my sex slave cum slut #3. Well, I had been letting him wait as I...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 19 Preacher and Preach

Well the plan as outlined and stage was set as mentioned in previous story, "Preachers Daughter Chapter 18, Preacher and Preacher.The following occurred yesterday as follows for Jaimie's birthday on her 24th birthday:I arrived and Jaimie looked hot and ready. I kissed her and told her we would play and get very naughty for the next 3 or 4 hours. I had her dressed in stockings, garter belt, heels, makeup perfect, her six month old pregnant little belly showing, I tied her, blind folded her...

1 year ago
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Bikini Beach The New Neighbor

Copyright by author of story. All rights reserved. This story may not be reproduced without the permission of the author. Bikini Beach: The New Neighbor Elrod W Everything about Ronald Harris screamed of power - his clothes, his facial expression, his speech mannerisms, and his choices of words. And Ron Harris enjoyed his power. Particularly like now, when another of his plans was coming together. Even surrounded by construction workers and vehicles and equipment and noise,...

1 year ago
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The New Neighbor Chapter 2

THE NEW NEIGHBORCHAPTER 2: UNPACKING BOXESI returned to my house and upon closing the front door, I breathed a sigh of delight and satisfaction. Oh, my new neighbor, Joy, is a treat to behold! How lucky am I for her to choose the vacant house beside mine? While we ate dinner we talked like close girlfriends. I’m pretty sure she approved of my banter and witty remarks about the topics we discussed. Ummm, and she’s so hawt, with that cute Texas drawl she got from growing up there.She even let me...

3 years ago
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Gallaghers IslandChapter 4 Gallagher Meets the Female HeadHunters

After they had the huts finished, the water supply taken care of and even finding they had plenty of food with the coconuts and the bananas, the fishing was good and Mr. Candleford even managed to trap a wild pig in a pit trap that worked perfectly. The only hard part was to get the carcass out and get it prepared for eating and then to smoke and keep the remaining meat safe for future use. In a sense, it was good that they were there on the island because the things would have started to...

2 years ago
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Wonder Woman and Catwoman Mix It Up

The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the authors. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the authors are given proper credit. We would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send us. Thanks, and we hope you enjoy it! Wonder Woman and Catwoman...

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Crystal My new neighbor

It had been several years since I’ve been back to my hometown, I didn’t know what to expect when I moved back since I really haven’t stepped foot in this town since I graduated high school. Once I arrived back at my hometown I noticed that the town really hasn’t changed much. I noticed a new water tower, a new school but everything else was the same. What did I even expect from a small town, nothing is going to change in a small town. I got to my grandparents house, I looked around to...

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Meeting The New Neighbor Chapter 1

It must have been around 11:00 that Friday night when I heard a soft knocking on the front door. Actually, it was my Siberian Husky, Kiska, that heard it first. I noticed she had gotten up from her bed and was standing in the doorway of my office staring at the door. I was in the office just off the living room. I had just finished up some late work from the shop and now I was surfing the ‘Net for something to entertain me. Okay, I confess, I was looking at porn vids online!“Grrrr,” Kiska...

1 year ago
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Our new neighbor watches us work in the yard

It was only mid May and the temperatures were already in the low nineties. The early heat had brought heavy rains with it causing the lawn and garden grow wild and fast leading to long afternoons of yard work in the hot sun. The wife and I had spent the better part of the morning pulling weeds and mowing but after hours of work, we were finally finishing up and would be able to relax for the rest of the day. Its was Saturday so we both had the next day off and could get away with having a few...

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New Neighbor cuckold

Brendan had moved into an apartment after a rather difficult divorce. It was not a habitation that he wanted since he was used to living in a traditional suburban home with his ex in one of the more affluent areas in Orange County. The complex that he had chosen was quite upscale but the only opening that was available was a one bedroom flat which had another floor above those on the lower level. Brendan never thought anything of it when moving in. He was happy to not have to move new furniture...

1 year ago
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New Neighbor Part 3

New Neighbor: Part 3 Kayla has fun with not just her neighbor. Gahhh, I know it has been forever but as my name suggests, I am in college and college is surprisingly demanding. But anyway I hope you love this story because I sure do =] Thanks for the comments and suggestions! Kayla bounced up and down in the passenger seat of her friend Jennas car. They were driving home from school, after the pep rally, and Kayla couldnt think about anybody but Brendon. She was horny just thinking about...

3 years ago
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I Seduce My New Neighbor Part I

I had lived in my apartment for a year, me and my sexy dog, when a new neighbor moved in. I went to “meet and greet” and when I saw her I thought how beautiful and sexy she was. She had these long legs, a lithe shape, full lips and a wonderful inviting smile. The way she tossed back her hair when she laughed made me want to get down on my knees and lick her off but I had another idea if she would only get down on her knees! We had our meet and our greet. She was busy moving in. “Nice...

4 years ago
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New Neighbor

My favorite part about my new place was the pool in the backyard. I could work on my tan lines and work on myself. My titts needed it. All light around my nipples just my cleavage and bottom of my titts dark. My different g string bottems made different tan lines. It looks like my ass got whipped real good and left long white welts on the top of my ass cheeks. I go out every morning now at sunrise. My neighbors next to me seem really nice. Its three guys I understand rents crazy here. My...

2 years ago
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New Neighbor

"Hi neighbor!" Katie stopped and put down the box she was carrying as the young couple from the house next door approached. "I'm Jill and this is my husband Todd. We brought you a welcoming gift."Jill handed Katie a cold beer from the six-pack she was holding."Thanks, I'm Katie, nice to meet you." Katie opened the beer and sat down on the top step of the porch. She'd been unloading boxes from her rental truck all day and this was the first time she'd taken a break. She was sweaty and filthy."We...

1 year ago
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Herman to Hermione

Herman to Hermione -------------------- My name is Herman and this is my story. I am a 28 year old living in Dubai with my wife. Its been 4 years since we have been married and Julia and we both have a very good sex life. I met her one night while I was bar-hopping with a couple of mates and the same night we were all over each other like a couple of jack-rabbits. As I said sex has never been dull for the both of us and Julia likes to think up of new ways to keep the magic alive....

2 years ago
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The New Neighbor Chapter 1

THE NEW NEIGHBORCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTIONSLiving in Tucson was the best choice I made. As a travel tech in the health industry I selected a contract after living a short while in Iowa. What a difference! And after a couple years of renegotiating my contract and finally getting my employer to hire me permanently, I bought a house in an upscale neighborhood with lots of privacy. The payments were high, but well worth it. And the weather is simply divine. Yes, I love it hot. The hotter the...

3 years ago
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The New Neighbor Chapter 3

THE NEW NEIGHBORCHAPTER 3: MOVIE NIGHTMy alarm goes off. One day has ended and another begins. And I have to get up and go to work, ugghh. I look over at Miss Cat, laying on her side, eyes closed, dreaming, with her back arched and legs stretched. So I take a minute and listen to the song playing on my music alarm:We live on a mountainRight at the topThis beautiful viewFrom the top of the mountainEvery morning I walk towards the edgeAnd throw little things offLike car parts, bottles and...

4 years ago
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the neighbor with friends

the neighbor with friendsAs I suspected, my neighbor has come with his best friend and his wife. Both certainly more than ten, maybe fifteen years younger than me. The day before he had phoned with the question if they could come together and whether it could be a bit naughty. I answered YES.At 14 o'clock they were at the door. His best friend, quite a distinguished man in costume. His wife, a blonde, a beautiful dress with a V collar that placed a strong accent on her beautiful volume of...

2 years ago
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New Neighbor

It was early Saturday morning and there was a lot of commotion in the hallway outside my door. The unit across from me had long been for sale and no doubt, someone had bought and was moving in. I actually enjoyed the few months of privacy I had until then, but all good things come to pass, I guessed. I just hoped the buyer wouldn't be noisy. I was pretty shy and liked to keep to myself. I didn't like a lot of interaction.  Early Sunday morning, I sat on my deck enjoying my usual cup of...

First Time
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My wife and our new neighbor part fifteen

I woke at eight o’clock the following morning and I went to the kitchen; Kevin was already up and had the coffee brewing. He poured me a cup and we chatted for about fifteen minutes.“It was a marvelous Christmas day, wasn’t it?” Kevin said.“Sure was bud, thanks for letting me stay over.”“No problem, like Christy, said, we are family, Steve.”He went to Greg’s room and returned to me about three minutes later.“They want coffee,” Kevin said as he poured two more cups of joe.“Do you want to take...

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The Gigolo Chronicles V Cherrie

Nearly twenty-seven years ago, a baby girl was born with a full head of flaming red hair. Her parents took one look at the color of that hair and decided the baby's name would be Cherrie. Originally her parents planned on calling her Amy since up to then, they had no idea she would be a redhead. Her mother was blonde and her father had dark hair. But her maternal grandmother was a redhead as was Cherrie's aunt. I met Cherrie about ten years ago and right from the very start, I found she had a...

4 years ago
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New Neighbor New Lover part 2

 Part Two – Fond Memories I awoke with a start. The incredible sex scene, seen through Carolyn’s window last night, was instantly replaying in my mind. I glanced toward my own window and saw the cum-splattered mess I had made last night as I lost control of myself watching my neighbor getting fucked so wildly.I knew who it was that my new neighbor reminded me of: it was none other than Mrs. K! Mrs. K was the sexy MILF next door, the object of many masturbatory fantasies, many years ago when I...

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New Neighbor Chapter Three

I wasn't comfortable with my new neighbor, Carl. He was leading me down a path I was having a hard time admitting I wanted to trek. The series of firsts, from casually chatting with a nude neighbor, all too soon developed into my accepting his cock into my mouth whenever he demanded it. I questioned my sexuality as much as my masculinity. I never thought that I'd ever be left on my knees at my own doorstep, dripping in another man's semen. It was too surreal for me to deal with and tossed...

1 year ago
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Helping the new neighbor Part II

Well, it is good to see you again my friend! I am glad you can take the time to read my latest true experience with my new neighbor! Remember last time I told you about helping her to hook up her washer and dryer. It was fantastic! I never had a woman suck my dick like that and fucking her was out of this world. But I had one regret, I did not get to fuck her in the ass! Remember she has a fantastic ass. Nice and round and firm! You could crack walnuts with that thing. Well this morning I was...

2 years ago
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Sex With Neighbor teacher In Mysore

Hello friends! This is Deepak, 26 years from Mysore. This is a true incident related to how I fucked my neighbor aunty which happened few years back when I was PUC (+2). I am extremely interested in girls and aunties. Those who are interested can mail me to and also comments about the story are appreciated. I was very good in my studies but very weak in Mathematics. Somehow I used manage to pass in Maths. But I failed in 12 STD mathematics, so it made me to sit in home for one year. My mom was...

2 years ago
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My wife and our new neighbor part seven

I woke at 7 o’clock the following morning and found that I had another erection, so I quickly worked myself off before getting up and making the coffee.I could hear talking coming from our bedroom and knew that they were all awake, I text my wife to ask if they were ready for coffee and she confirmed that they were.I knocked and was summoned in, Christy was sitting up in bed with Jason to her right and Chris on her left. It was very erotic, seeing her in bed with two black men and unlike the...

Wife Lovers
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My new neighbor

I am a white boy who likes to wear panties and leggings or girl jeans with a big bubble butt. A few days ago my new neighbor moved in. I saw the mover's truck parked outside and watched a couple of nice looking men carry all these boxes in the house. One guy was a tall skinny black guy and the other was also black but a little shorter and chubbier. I thought I do the nice thing and bring over a couple bottles of water to them. I was wearing a pair of panties and tight jeans and a blue shirt. I...

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The Neighbors Daughter V A Mature Neighbor Comes to Call

It had been several months since Henry had been asked to introduce some of his neighbors’ teenaged daughters to the world of sex. The girls and their mothers had wanted, no they had almost insisted, Henry at over fifty years of age take the girl’s virginity and show them how wonderful sex could be. The mothers were afraid their sixteen-year-old daughters would end up getting screwed and knocked-up in the back seat of some boy’s car unless they knew what they were doing sexually. It had been a...

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A daughter finds out about her mother8217s BDSM affair with the neighbor

Anne learned about her mother’s desire to be submissive by reading her dairy underneath her mattress. Her own mother wanted to be another’s bitch slave. All these years, she had never known. She was even mentioned in several parts of her dominating her as well as neighbor woman who lived nearby. Both were now divorce and Anne always suspected there were more to it then just sisterly friendship since her mother Kate and Louise were always going off together. She lay in bed...

3 years ago
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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 18 Cheri Adjusts to a New Neighborhood

“Cheri? Are you awake,” Susan said, knocking on the guest room door. “Yes, Mrs. Olsen, I’m awake,” Cheri said sitting up in bed. She was wearing a big t-shirt and panties. No bra. “Can I come in? Are you decent?” “Sure.” The door opened and Susan Olsen came in carrying a breakfast tray. “Good morning, Cheri. I thought you might like some breakfast, so I made you some scrambled eggs and toast. We have juice and coffee – do you take anything in your coffee?” “Thank you, Mrs. Olsen. That’s...

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My Ex Neighbor His Friend

I will try to make this short and to the point******I get a call from my ex-neighbor about once a month. He calls cause he's horny and wants me to come over to suck his dick and most of the time wants to fuck my ass too. I answered a call from him last week about joining him and his friend was planning on being there as well. I have been with them both once before and it was exciting. It also was my 1st time being with 2 men. I told him, I would love to be there, just give me heads up the day...

1 year ago
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A woman finds her sex mate in her neighbor with help of his wife

A sex starved lady finds a French National in her neighbor and gets full satisfaction. She is helped by wife of the French neighbor during Christmas week. Read on Merry Christmas Hello friends, Let me tell you story of my friend Bharati, my closest friend since college days, in her own language. So I am writing in first language only as it is her story told to me few weeks back. She narrated her exciting story thus: Read on… We came to Ahmedabad after marriage. Ours was an arranged...


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