Rider Ch. 06-09 free porn video

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Chapter 6

A Riding Lesson

At least I was right about there being no mice in the loft, and even though everything in it was incredibly dusty and only after she was sure I’d checked it thoroughly she insisted on following me up in to the treasure house of memories, memories triggered by the innumerable assorted objects we found there, many of which had been mine.

Amongst other things I found an old cowboy hat and as I shook the dust off it I smiled, remembering the Christmas my aunt had given me the outfit that went with it, and the times I’d spent hunting the garden for bank robbers or horse stealing Indians. Mandy noticed my dreamy look and brought me back to reality by asking what I was thinking about.

‘Oh, the fantasies I had as a child. With this hat on I became sheriff of Deadwood Gulch, the fastest gun West of the Mississippi, feared by every outlaw in the territory.’

She gave me an understanding smile. ‘I used to pretend like that too. Though in my case I was the world’s greatest horse-woman. Winning an Olympic medal for my country. Fantasies are really strong when you’re a child, aren’t they.’

‘Not only when you’re a child Mandy. I’ve had some pretty powerful fantasies about you.’ I admitted.

‘Me? Fantasies about me?’ Then, with a note of rising excitement in her voice, she added. ‘What sort of fantasies? When?’

‘Oh, for instance, the first evening I saw you with Champ, before we’d even met. Watching you riding him, controlling him so skilfully, I couldn’t help imagining what it would be like if you were riding me, sexually I mean.’

‘Me on top you mean?’

‘Yes – but not just on top, somehow actually riding me. That’s the thing about fantasies, they don’t have to be practical.’

‘That does sound exciting, I mean, for me too.’ she paused and from the look on her face and the excited flush that coloured her cheeks I could see that my fantasy had caught her imagination. ‘The more I think about it the more I’m sure I’d like it too. We must have a think about how we’d go about it Rob.’

‘O.K. – but for now let me make a practical suggestion. I’d better sort some of this stuff out, it won’t take long but I don’t want you getting covered in dust. So as it’s already making my throat dry why don’t you go down to the kitchen, clean up our lunch things and then, while I sort out the things I’d like to keep you could make us both another cup of tea.’

‘O.K. I’ll give you a call when I’ve got it ready.’

Of course once I got started just about everything I picked up brought back a different memory and so I really didn’t notice how quickly the time was passing and that Mandy was taking far longer than I’d expected. By the time she called out to me I had put the few things I wanted to keep into a couple of boxes and put everything else to one side for my cousins to pick over or dispose of.

Mandy had cleared our lunch things away and found some biscuits and as we sat munching and drinking I couldn’t help noticing that she was unusually quiet, that there seemed to be an air of controlled but nervous excitement about her, but as I was still recalling some of the memories the things upstairs had aroused I wasn’t really concerned about what might have been going through her head. If I’d known what else she’d been up to while I was in the loft and what she was actually thinking about, neither of us would have bothered to drink the tea.

Then she got up and started to wash the cups and plates and, seeing her from that angle made me suddenly conscious of something I hadn’t really noticed before – just how tightly her jeans fitted her. They hugged her bottom like a second skin, the back seam fitting tightly into the crack between the cheeks of her arse and I found my eyes drawn down along it then imagined how it must also be cutting up between the tender pussy-lips I’d been licking and sucking earlier.

So by the time she’d finished and turned back to face me, although one appetite had been satisfied, another had been re-stimulated and there’s no way she could have missed the hungry look in my eyes. But she gave no indication that she’d read it and gave me no time to do anything about letting her know how sexy I was starting to feel again, instead she aroused my curiosity by holding out her hand and saying. ‘If you’ve finished I’d like you to come and see something.’

I took her hand and let her lead me through the house to the front room, then stood silently as I looked around to see what she’d meant. Although I could see what she’d done, the implication of its purpose didn’t immediately hit me. She’d moved the long, narrow music seat into the centre of the room, taken several of the smaller cushions from the settee and put them on it and covered them with a towel, then on either side she’d piled several large books.

But she couldn’t wait for the penny to drop and moved across to stand beside the seat, saying in an excited voice. ‘See, you lie on the bench, I get on top but instead of kneeling astride you, I’ll have my legs down either side, standing on the books. That way I’ll be able to grip you with my thighs, the way I ride Champ. I think I’ve got the height right but we can change it by just adding or taking away one or two of those encyclopaedias I found in the book-case. And as well as acting out your fantasy, I’ll be able to watch your face, see your reactions to whatever I’m doing.

What do you think?’

The moment I understood what she’d done, and even more importantly, why she’d done it, I found myself recalling the details of the fantasy I’d told her about. The fantasy in which she took control of my sexual needs in exactly the same way as she skilfully used her legs to control the raw, animal power of Champ. And before she’d even finished explaining how she thought it would work, I found myself visualising her above me, slowly, very expertly, taking me closer and closer to the ultimate climax.

And as I tried to imagine just how that would feel, I felt my body responding to those thoughts and images, felt my cock stiffening yet again.

‘I think it’s perfect Mandy.’ I managed to say, clearing my throat in an effort to disguise the tension in my voice. ‘Come here and let me give you a kiss for being so creative, and another because I haven’t had one for ages.’

‘That’s only because you haven’t seemed to want one since you sucked me off. In fact I was beginning to think you might be losing interest already.’

‘If you want to, you can feel for yourself how much, interest, as you call it, I still have.’

As she came into my arms she let one hand drop down to my crotch, her fingers immediately closing around the rapidly growing length. ‘Ah, yes! A demonstration is worth a thousand words. But how long has he been like that? You should have let me know earlier, I could have found something useful for him to do.’

‘Such as?’

‘Such as taking care of this violently awakened sexuality, as you so politely called it. As I said, whenever I’m near you, I get this very strong need to be fucked.’

‘Maybe you’d better learn to take care of it for yourself.’

‘Oh I often do that.’ she paused, giggled and then added. ‘Oh, you mean, I should come on to you. I thought you meant I should get myself off, you know, masturbate.’ she explained as I pulled her close and clamped my lips to hers.

I could tell from the immediately hot, passionate way she returned my kiss that she must have been thinking about acting out my fantasy for some time and was in no mood to waste too much time on preliminaries. When we came out of the clinch she whispered. ‘I just have to go and get something out of my bag, I won’t be a minute. So, while I do that, why don’t you get undressed, make yourself as comfortable as you can on the bench. Then think about what’s coming.’

After she’d slipped out of the room I did just that, undressed, settled myself down and closed my eyes.

The first m
emory that returned was seeing her that first evening, riding Champ around the training area, her youthfully firm breasts bouncing at each of the horse’s strides. But then the other, far more powerful image replaced that, of her long, lean thighs gripping his flanks, flexing as they controlled his every move. I tried to imagine how it would feel when they were gripping, controlling me in much the same way. As those thoughts and images rolled through my brain I found myself getting more and more excited – and felt my cock thickening, lengthening, stiffening, then starting to jerk upright.

I had been too engrossed in my own thoughts to hear her coming back again but, as I felt it rise I heard a faintly whispered – ‘Aah!’ – then heard her say more distinctly. ‘Keep your eyes closed.’

Although she managed to do it without touching me, I somehow sensed she was getting one foot up on to one of the pile of books and lifting the other leg over me on to those on the other side.

‘You can open your eyes now.’

I hadn’t expected her to have anything on, but what little there was actually made her look even sexier than if she had been totally naked. I guessed the underwear was new, some of the things she had mentioned that she had brought with her specifically for my enjoyment. It was made of some sort of white, lacy material that let a lot of her evenly tanned skin show through it. The panties were a tiny vee shaped piece, barely big enough to cover the full swell of her mound, held in place by a thin ribbon of matching lace. The bra cups were hardly any bigger and as she bent forward and I felt her fingers closing around my still rising cock I saw that like it, her nipples were already stiffening, their tips poking out through the material.

But although her breasts were exciting, and especially because of the angle I was seeing her from, her sex was the real focus of my attention and I found myself staring at that irresistible mound. In my mind I stripped away the flimsy covering and pictured the blonde-haired swell – and the pouting, sweet tasting pussy-lips beneath it.

She noticed where I was looking and while her fingers kept hold of my shaft she began to move, sensually swaying, rotating and undulating her hips and pelvis. I tried to imagine what it would feel like if she did that while I had my cock inside her, and felt it jerking higher. Seeing my immediate reaction she smiled and lightly trailed the finger-tips of her other hand slowly down across my chest and stomach.

She paused for a moment and it was only then that I realised that she hadn’t positioned the piles of books where I would have expected, instead of being level with my waist they were further back, down near my knees. But my curiosity as to why she’d done that vanished as I felt one hand slipping up around my cock-head and the other spiralling up and down the hard length.

The combination of her body’s suggestive movements, the images flickering through my head and her lightly caressing hands soon had me gasping at the intensity of what I was feeling, and the anticipation of what was still to come. Then, even through the steadily thickening haze of pleasure I found out that her positioning of the books hadn’t been a miscalculation. After another quick glance at the tense expression on my face she slipped her hand down the jerking shaft, bent forwards and, opening her mouth wide, slid her moistened lips smoothly down over the bulbous head.

I heard myself groaning with delight, the muscles in my thighs and belly contracting as she slowly pushed her head lower, taking in more and more of my cock. As I watched most of it disappearing I felt her fingers tightening their grip around the base and then, as though in time to the beat of some inner music, she began to slowly bob her head up and down.

The feel of her soft wet lips slipping up and down and every now and then giving a really hard suck soon had me writhing helplessly. She looked up from time to time, the look in her brilliantly sparkling eyes reminding me of what she’d said earlier, about wanting to be able to watch my reactions.

As her stimulation continued, the semen gathering in my balls began to make them ache, an ache that grew stronger the longer her lips and mouth continued working their magic. But although the pressure rose higher as the volume increased, her untiring fingers gripped me so tightly they held the flood back. I heard myself uttering low moans, then harsher, more guttural grunts as the pressure inside me rose. An irresistible urge made me begin to thrust upwards, and I heard her muffled, gurgling sounds of pleasure as I fucked her mouth and throat.

She took me to the very brink, somehow sensing when it would take just one more thrust, stroke or suck to bring the seething mass boiling up through my straining cock. Then, having brought me almost to that point of no return, she lifted her head, using both hands to grip the rock-hard mass, one low down around the base, the other immediately below the bloated, dark purple coloured head. ‘That’s exactly the way I imagined it would look.’ she murmured as she stared down at the result of her handiwork. ‘Just hold on for a few moments, I’ll just move the books a little, then we can start.’

‘Start!’ I gasped. ‘What on earth do you call what you’ve already been doing to me?’

‘Oh, that’s just preparation.’ she answered with a broad grin, then got up off me and began to move both piles of books. Having satisfied herself they were in the right position she hooked her fingers in the ribbon around her waist and tugged the skimpy panties down over her hips. As she stepped out of them my eyes were automatically drawn to the plump, lightly haired mound, then, as she lifted her arms and slipped off her bra, to her mouth-wateringly uptilted breasts.

‘God that’s exciting!’ she said, and looking up I saw that her eyes were fixed on quivering display my cock was making. ‘It’s so big, and looks so powerful! Just looking at it makes me feel unbelievably sexy.’

As she continued to stare down she lifted her hands, one cupping and squeezing her breast, pinching the already stiffened nipple, the other slipping up between her legs, her fingers caressing and then probing up into her sex. Then, in a voice so quiet that I barely caught the words, she murmured. ‘My stallion. My proud, lusty stallion. Let’s see if I can tame him.’ And, stepping up on to the pile of books and swinging her leg over me, gave me a clear view of the glistening, pouting red gash as she stood poised above me.

Having made sure of her footing she reached down with one hand and, taking a firm grip around the base of my cock, bent her knees and lowered herself down towards the rigid, throbbing mass. When she was just a little above my cock-head she paused for a moment, then used her other hand to spread her pussy-lips apart before pushing herself lower. As I felt the tip of my cock slip up into her I groaned aloud – then heard Mandy’s voice blending with mine as the bloated head drove deeper.

Slowly forcing herself down the shaft she steadily filled herself, continuing the agonisingly slow plunge until her mound and swollen clitoris were jammed hard down against the back of her hand.

She rested there for a moment, then, slightly relaxing her fingers and using her thighs to grip me, she began to move slowly up and down, moaning softly with pleasure as she finally began to actually ride me.

Although almost completely overwhelmed by the new, much stronger sensations beginning to flood through me, I looked up at her – her face and neck were already flushed, her breasts taut, their nipples spiking sharply. Unable to resist the impulse I reached up and lightly brushed the silky smoothness of her skin, then taking the jutting peaks between my fingers, I rolled and squeezed them, and in response, heard her groan and felt her pussy tighten around my cock.

Just then, as I watched her reaction to what I was doing for her, out of the corner of
my eye I thought I caught a movement, outside the window, instinctively I turned, but with the sky darkened by the rain-clouds I couldn’t make out anything but the shapes of the trees being blown around by the wind. Satisfied that’s what had caught my eye, I turned my full attention back to Mandy and instantly forgot the momentary interruption.

Her movements were slow and deliberate and the sensations she generated were absolutely incredible. Although she was taking most of her weight on her feet, her thighs gripped me tight and I could feel that as she did when riding Champ, that grip was actually the key to the fine control of her movements. But as well as the excitement generated by the feel of her thigh muscles flexing as she steadily rose and fell I could feel another set working. Working even more effectively in heightening the intensity of my pleasure, working me towards what promised to be the ultimate climax.

It had been her thighs and what they would do for me, that I had been fantasising about – but although they were controlling my body in the way I had imagined, I found that the lining of her cunt was an even more powerful source of almost excruciating excitement. As she pushed herself down it still clung tightly to the shaft, relaxing just enough to allow my cock to penetrate deep into her hot, wet core. When she’d taken it all in, with her pelvis ground hard down against her still gripping fingers, she paused, and the lining seemed to tighten. Then, as she began to lift herself, I felt it resisting the steady pull, as though her cunt was actually trying to siphon the semen up through my cock.

Once she reached full height, with just the tip of my cock-head held between the soft, moist folds of her pussy-lips, she again paused, as though wanting us both to enjoy not only the sensations we were actually experiencing but also the anticipation of those that were to follow. Then, when it felt as though every nerve and fibre in my body was stretched to breaking point, she once again began that slow, but electrifying descent.

Again and again and again, apparently untiringly, she rode me. My cock felt bigger and harder than ever before. The build-up of semen in my balls made them ache with the intensity of the pressure. The thrills coursing through every part of my body sent me into a delirium of pleasure. I wanted desperately to come, but wanted even more for the mind-blowing sensations to just go on, and on, and on.

But of course eventually, as the pressure grew stronger I realised that quite unconsciously, I had actually begun to urge her on by thrusting myself up at her. And even though I felt her leg and thigh muscles working harder, trying to control me, they could neither fully prevent nor completely restrain my increasingly forceful upward thrusts. Thrusts that gradually picked up speed and urgency as the internal pressure and needs grew even stronger.

Apart from a regular background of moans and grunts of mindless pleasure and the occasional exclamation as a particularly exquisite sensation coursed through one of us, neither had really spoken, we were each too preoccupied with what was happening to our bodies to talk. But as the pressure build-up inside grew to an almost unbearable level my tortured body began to demand its release. ‘Faster now Mandy! Please, just a little faster!’ I groaned almost plaintively.

And to my relief and as though directing Champ, she replied by making a clicking sound in her throat and digging her knees more sharply into my sides as she steadily increased the tempo of her ride.

Although she’d done exactly what I asked her to do, at first in spite of the increased speed of her movements, as her knees tightened their grip of me they reduced my capacity to thrust up into her and that only increased my blissful torture. But, quite soon after that the hard, fast ride seemed to be turning into a gallop.

I heard myself gasping as her movements became more urgent, the controlled, rise and fall giving way to harder, sharper actions and realised that she was finally being driven by her own, quickly growing urgency. And, as her body responded to that she must have slightly changed her grip of me because I found I could again thrust upwards. My thoughts as to what was happening to her were confirmed when I heard her beginning to make a series of loud, explosive grunts each time my cock punched up into her. Even then her cunt still maintained its tight grip, intensifying the thrills I was feeling, pushing me ever closer to my climax.

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Jay’s turn: And so it starts. It’s one thing to run the roads with somebody like Lena and I have been doing, basically on a loose schedule, talking, nothing more critical than not becoming a traffic statistic. It’s entirely another when you have to treat your new wife as a green as grass employee who needs to spin up pretty fast into handling the documents for a good-sized construction project. I saw the first indication that things might be better than I thought when she pulled out a...

1 year ago
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Sarah and I1

Hi my name is Andrew and this is my story. I live with my parents and two sisters, Sarah and Rachel. I had some experiences with my other sister Rebekah when she still lived with us. We were young and curious but now I can’t stop thinking about how much fun it would be to explore with Sarah as she is becoming a beautiful young woman. I am 22 6ft 1in and slightly overweight being so I have never had girlfriends or had any experience with the opposite sex besides with Rebekah when we were...

2 years ago
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The Legendary SlutWhore777

This is a story of how I encountered the Legendary SlutWhore777. It was a normal sunny day, the sky was blue and clear, the sun was sunshining. I was in the park, taking a nice walk by the pond, when I overheard two men talking about their encounter with SlutWhore777.SlutWhore777 was the filthiest sluttiest pig slut whore cunt around, rumours where that every single man in the area had been with her but no one knew what she looked like has she always wore her famous slutty mask. I decided one...

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High School Pals

Gary hadn't seen Jeff in a long time, it had been since high school. Here it was six years later and they were sitting in a new bar that had just opened not far from home. Jeff hadn't changed much. He was still thin, still had the same long, curly hair and still had the same baby face Gary used to kid him about for looking almost as pretty as Sherry James, Gary's current wife. Jeff had all the girls hitting on him back then and Gary figured he still did. It was getting late and Gary had a buzz....

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Hypno Slavers The Dr Emily Group

UNITED INTERNATIONAL HYPNOTIC SEX THERAPISTS is the brainchild of Dr.Emily La Chote MD and is owned and operated by her, and some of the wealthiest women in the world. The famous medical organization treats male and female patients for sexual disfunction, both psychological and physical, but also acts as a covert center to hypnotically train unsuspecting patients as sex slaves by use of very powerful, sophisticated, and state of the art hypnotic techniques. Dr. La Chote,...

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The Grantham ClinicChapter 27

Penrose and Hammond used binoculars to view the clinic through a gap in the trees, trying to spot any sign of movement. Penrose watched the armed response unit fan out around the perimeter. Several carried Heckler and Koch MP5 carbines, while the rest were armed with either Sig Sauer P226 or the X26 taser. Hammond had brought his Glock 26, standard issue with the Metropolitan police. "Nothing yet," Penrose whispered. "Hopefully we'll catch them napping in their beds." Hammond replied,...

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Youre My Christmas PresentChapter 21

After we went up and showered and changed; we all sat in the living room. Sari and I explained everything, including the GED test that was scheduled. They actually agreed that it was a good idea. We were taken to task for some of our more underhanded shenanigans. “Stuart,” dad said. “If it’s any consolation, that wasn’t the first time that the dining room table was used for such purposes. Isn’t that right dear?” Mom blushed deeply, and replied, “You’re correct, John. Sarah, don’t be mad at...

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My Neighbor My Mommy

My Neighbor - My Mommy By Deewet My story started almost a year ago, quite by accident on my part because not in my wildest dream would I think I 'd be sitting here, thickly diapered in my feet pajama's writing about my regression into being an helpless, and quite content baby girl. I was a little man, standing only five feet tall and 90 pounds. I use the past tense here because it is hard to think of myself as a man now. Even in my dreams at night, safely tucked into my crib, I'm...

1 year ago
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An Introduction to Crossdressing Pt 3

As I was following Jackie to the hotel I couldn’t stop looking in the rear view mirror at what was a complete transformation in my mind. I kept doing that thing where you look away and then back hoping to catch your reflection not keeping up with you because you are sure it is not you. It is probably a good thing that there were not very many cars on the road since I wasn’t paying any attention to it while I was admiring myself. I did see Jackie’s turn signal and brake lights just in time to...

3 years ago
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Coda Chudir Graam 8211 Part II

Partho woke up this morning from his bed and the thing he saw was that his dada was pounding his 14”cock in and out of his mothers black choot in doggie style. This is a usual stuff that happens in his family, they were fucking on the floor right in front of his bed. His mom Mala was wearing only her tight red blouse and her panty which she was wearing while getting fucked. Her blouse was already too small for her 38DD boobs which Partho’s says milk tanks. Partho was already naked as last night...

4 years ago
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30 Minutes

Paula returned home from her work travels earlier than expected.  She wanted to surprise her daughter, Lisa, on her twentieth birthday. As the Uber cab drove her home, she got emotional as she reflected on Lisa’s growing years. “My baby is a grown woman. How time flies."It dawned on her that Lisa was now a Junior in College and would be ready for the world in two years.After Dave passed away ten years ago, she raised her baby girl as a single mom. Very protective of her baby, Lisa was the love...

Group Sex
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The Mannequin

I had been to the flea market several times but never had I seen this new stall. It was full of dresses most of them a gush of frills and lace. I must admit I fell in love with several dresses immediately but one in particular. Pink satin,layer upon layer of frills and lace.....but also rather strangely the mannequin it was draped on seemed to capture my attention, it was the eyes in particular. Whoever made the mannequin had gone to great lengths to make them look real, and in them I...

1 year ago
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Albino And Redbone Part 2 of 2

Lorna headed out for Bertha’s, but Alex called in sick. He had homework to do.----“Food carts!” Alex said to Lorna, who had come over to his apartment after work.“Food carts?” Lorna replied. They were seated on the sofa in Alex’s apartment.“Yep, food carts. That’s our business. I spent the day at City Hall learning how it all works: the licensing, leasing different locations and all of the areas where it is legal. We can’t do it everywhere—restaurant owners don’t want the extra competition—but...

1 year ago
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Kitten Club

My name is Frank and my girlfriend is Joanne. I'd never even heard ofthe place, but it was her birthday, so her choice. When I found outwhat went on there, I wouldn't have gone anywhere near it for a verygood reason I'll tell you about in a minute.You wouldn't have even known the club was there. It was down this darkalley, lit by a weak streetlight, and just a green door with "TheKitten Club" above in a faulty old neon light. A couple of bouncerslooked twice at us but let us in.Once we were...

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Mr Lonely

Chapter 1 Here I was in the barracks listening to a radio station that played old time music. They were playing a song I could relate to. Hell, this song was written before I was even born, it was 'Mr. Lonely' sung by Bobby Vinton. I knew it was my parents' kind of music. I remembered them playing records and tapes like this when I was growing up back in Ohio. Iraq, my new home away from home. I enlisted in the service when I couldn't find work. I worked a number of jobs after graduation...

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AvatarChapter 9

David, shape shifted into his old form, finished cleaning the dishes from the evening meal. Professor Abbott had made him cook dinner, then they ate in silence. The professor then went back to his tent, obviously expecting David to just handle the clean up alone. The only problem David really found was that the professor wouldn't stay in his tent, so David couldn't just make everything clean. But David didn't mind the work. It was no less than he expected when he had learned that he had...

1 year ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 210

Vince, Scott, and Tod went "hunting" two or three times each week while the leaves were still off of the trees. Many times, Bruce, Lorene, and Chris went along, and, less frequently, Sue, Chloe, and Mike joined them also. Chloe enjoyed the outings, but was determined to have this baby. The same with Sue. It, to her, was the ultimate adventure. The only thing that stopped her from accompanying the others, was Doris, reminding her that the least thing could make her lose the baby. To aid her,...

1 year ago
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Rock Star Ch 02

Taylor woke up feeling groggy and sore, his mom was standing next to his bed. He closed his eyes, and listened to her and the doctor discussing what he should do, and not do in the following months. His mother noticed that he is awake, ‘hi darling, how are you feeling?’ His voice sounded strange to his own ears when he replied softly, ‘I’m fine mom, can you get me a glass of water please.’ The doctor moved to the side of the bed, ‘Welcome back to the land of the living Mr. Miles, we will...

3 years ago
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Transitioning to College 3

Part 3---In order to get into a top college program, Taylor will climb over a series of unusual hurdles. With the help of his mother he goes all in to get a scholarship. In this section the new Taylor becomes more social. His journey leads him down a road of self-discovery. __________________________________________ Transitioning To College 3--- Chapter 7: I had some nasty daydreams during the evening and I couldn't completely shake my anxiety. Every time the phone rang I was...

3 years ago
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I Dream of My Doctor 1

Part 1I suppose we should start at the beginning. You know- the usual background stuff. I am a pansexual male who just turned 40. I am in generally good health and fit enough. No, I don’t have a six pack or anything like that, but I generally keep myself in decent shape. I have been pansexual pretty much my entire life, although I only called it bisexual when I was younger. However, pan now seems to be the “in word” for my preferences. I am married to a woman and have been for over twenty...

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The Lost FlightChapter 3

In the morning, they woke up and prepared to go outside. Jeffries had an emergency ladder that they could use to go up and down. Baker privately hoped that they would have time to climb back up. Baker went down first followed by Doctor Miller. He moved out about ten feet and began to look around carefully and hoping he wouldn't see anything or, if he did, would see it in time. She joined him and they stood back to back waiting. Her back and butt felt good against him. After a moment, he...

2 years ago
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Padosi Aunti Ko Choda

Hello friends, ye meri pehli story hai iss par. Koi galti hojaye to maaf kardena . My name is Kartik, i am 18 year old, fair, slim and perfect in giving body massages and i live in Delhi. Ye story mere and meri padosi aunty ke sex encounter ke baarein mein hai. Hope you like it and your feedback and comments are always welcomed. Mail me at To ab siidha story par aata hoo. I live in a well known society in north-west delhi and mere flat ke samne vale flat mein hi ek aunty rehti hai jinka naam...

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Rape Video

I awoke with a start with my dream still fresh in my mind. "Shit," I said out loud. My PJ top was wet from my sweat so I took it off leaving me naked. I lay down again but still my dream lingered in my mind. Once again I was ashamed of my body for it was betraying me again. I could feel my pussy was very wet and I had this urge to rub it, to make myself come then I knew I could sleep again. It was 3 years ago now since this nightmare had all started, the night that I was taken off the dark...

2 years ago
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Harvest Blend A Special Brew

Harvest Blend: A Special Brew! By Keri R. Synopsis: Nothing like a good cup of coffee to start the day-and finish it for good. Stacy has aspirations to move up the corporate ladder in a hurry. Unfortunately for her boss, a regular guy named Michael, he's the next rung for her to climb! Coffee anyone? ************************** Twenty-nine year old Michael Beck had been with the company for nearly 7 years. Carrying a slim build and barely reaching 5 foot nine, he could...

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GND 30Chapter 38

Not wishing to sound hubristic, but, sitting there at the table, back in my family home, the love of my life, my future wife, by my side, I was in a very happy place. It seemed like my beloved was also loving the heck out of being here, being part of a normal loving family, eating together for the sheer joy of living. There was a huge smile on her beautiful face that seemed like it wasn’t ever going to quit, and as her pink tongue emerged catlike from between her white teeth and red lips to...

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Pinned against a cold brick wall

I had gone to spend a little vacation at Port Everglades with my nice girlfriends Camilla and Helena. Hubby had let me to go alone with the girls, since he was very busy at his office.We had enjoyed two nice sunny days and, on the last evening there, we all girls were decided it would worth the night…We would have a good girl’s night out…Before leaving the hotel I put on a tight black short dress, a tiny lace thong and spike heeled shoes. Camilla told me I looked like a horny street hooker in...

3 years ago
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The ReturnChapter 3 The Preparation

"Well how did you two spend your day, are you still convinced there are other time warps," asked Marjory over dinner. "I think Charlie may be right Marjorie, there are some strange happening at these places." Carol answered. "Well what are you going to do about it Charlie?" "Well firstly I'm going to go and see if I can see any shimmering, and maybe I'll go and try to bring these people back, that's if they are still alive." "You are going back, how do you know it will be to...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 06

That same night when he returned to the workshop, Peter’s mind was too full of the job in hand to even think about women until, as if waking from a nightmare he noticed the workshop was flooded with sunlight. Sunday had dawned, his body was aching, his mind was black with self-disgust. Yet, Bob and Ted expected him to go surfing with them. Barely had Peter arrived home when the lift arrived at his door. ‘God, you look terrible. Out on the tiles all night, eh?’ Bob thrust his cheery face into...

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Spontaneous Interlude

by Scarlett O'maraAn unexpected, erotic and satisfying encounter between two lovely, intelligent, well-educated, single women produces a lasting effect on them both. The author tells the story in such vivid, graphic detail that the reader feels they are in the room watching the two women make love. An enjoyable and arousing read for both women and men. The author hopes readers will comment on her story. She encourages constructive criticism.During my last two years of college, Jennifer, a...

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My Love Story With My Sister 8211 Part 5

Hello ladies and gentleman, I am ram this story is about me and my loving sister the whole story is true and emotionally attached to me. I am back with the fourth part of the story for people who have not read the first part please read through and let me know about if there are improvements to be made in the story. In the previous part was that me and my sister decided to tell about our relationship to my girlfriend anu. So it was decided that my sister will tell regarding us to anu so the...

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She Opens My Hole

God, I loved to fuck Janelle up the ass. But when the tables are turned things can get even better. Janelle picked me up after work, wearing a blazer and that short skirt that showed off her supple ass and her legs to their best advantage. We had been dating for a few months and she had fulfilled every thing I needed in a woman. She was smart- a pre-med student and registered nurse. She was funny- but never vulgar. And she loved to fuck. In the car. On the beach. While the neighbor’s...

3 years ago
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Stephanies Home Surprise

Introduction: Stephanie was told shed be fucked, just not by whom Stephanie came into the house and turned to close the door. Just as it closed a hand came across her eyes and another across her waist. Shhh., Erik said into her ear. His body was warm against her, she could feel his nakedness, she could feel his cock getting firmer against the jeans covering her ass. Close your eyes. Stephanie did as she was told, closing her mouth unconsciously as well. She tried to steady her breathing, but...

4 years ago
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Mom Aur Neighbour Uncle Ki Chudai Part 4

Us waqt vo mom k face pr hi baithe thay aur mom niche se uncle k lund ko handjob krte hue unke gote ko ek ek kr k muh mai le k chus rahi thi aur uncle haafte haafte phone pick kr k bole “Aaahh hello” Mom k face pr baithe hue uncle ka lund mom k dono boobs k bich mai tha n gand mom ke face pr hi thi n vo call pr baate kr rahe thay. Us waqt mom apne dono haatho se uncle k dono bums ko pakad k khole n dhire dhire unki puri ass crack mai jibh ghuma rahi thi. Us waqt phone par baate krte hue uncle k...

4 years ago
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My wife

One Sunday afternoon in July there wasn’t much going on around the house and me and my wife were just sitting and watching a baseball game on TV and having a few beers. We were both bored to death and we were drinking more than we usually do. We talked about maybe walking over to one of the forest preserves near our house to see what was going on. We liked to do that to watch the other people who go there to get a quick fuck or some head. I guess it’s the voyeuristic side of us. Leanne was...

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Kristin part 3

After the second encounter with Kristin I was obsessed with him, Couldn’t get him out of my mind. I kept texting him and asking to meet again. We communicated back and forth and I asked him to meet me for lunch. I needed to sort out my feeling and I thought lunch would be a safe way to talk without all the sexual tension. I didn’t know why I was so wrapped up with this guy. I thought it might be the kissing, as it made our time real intimate and I didn’t get intimacy at home anymore. What ever...

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