Comforting Step-sis. free porn video

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Having fucked my girlfriends mum in both her pussy and arse, I then had the joy of showering with her. We washed each others bodies, and she asked me to give her pussy and arse a really good wash, inside and out. I got my fingers all nice and soapy then fingered each in turn, bringing her off with my thumb as I worked on her pussy. She then wanked me off with a particularly soapy hand, concentrating all her efforts on my sensitive knob until I shot my third load of the morning up the wall of the shower.
We got out and quickly dried off and got dressed. I would have loved to fuck her again, but we were due to meet Jack and Chloe at the golf club at 12.00 and it was already 11.45. Luckily it was only about 20 minutes from the house to the club, and we actually arrived before they finished their round. We got a couple of drinks from the bar and sat looking over the 18th green waiting for them to appear. About 20 minutes later I spotted them walking up the fairway. As they came closer Chloe spotted us and waived enthusiastically. After they finished they made their way up to join us. Before they did so, Barbara leaned over to me and whispered “Jack knows that I was going to seduce you this morning”
“Well, as he can’t perform in that area anymore he appreciates I have certain needs to fill. I told him last night that I fancied fucking you, and he gave me permission to do so. He lets me have a fling with someone about every 6 months or so, on the condition I tell him everything afterwards. Chloe obviously knows nothing, and I think we should keep it that way”.
“Of course we keep it quiet from Chloe – that would be the end of the relationship”
“Hey, we both know that’s going to happen pretty soon anyway. You wouldn’t have fucked me if you were serious about her.”
At that moment, Chloe appeared with a glass of wine, and her dad followed. She gave me a big hug and proceeded to tell me what a great round her and her dad had played. She then, as an afterthought, asked what we’d been up to all morning.
“We had a really nice relaxed breakfast, then we read the Sunday paper from back to front” Barbara answered,
“Yeah, it was a really nice, relaxing morning” I chipped in.
Jack joined the conversation “Chloe played a blinder. There were only four mixed teams, so we’ve got to play another game next week against the winner of the other match to see who gets the trophy. So can I borrow my daughter again?”
“I suppose so…….” I responded with a fake role of the eyes. Everyone laughed. “I’ll actually be heading off to the states on business for two weeks on Saturday, so unfortunately I’ll not be able to join you all”.
I noticed Barbara looked a little disappointed, but quickly changed her expression.
Chloe excused herself to pop to the loo. Jack turned to Barbara “So….you two had a nice quiet morning?”
She smiled “Well, it wasn’t all quiet! Let’s just say I wasn’t wrong. I’ll tell you all about it tonight”.
He looked at me and smiled, and simply said “Thank you”.
In response I just smiled and nodded, and took a mouthful of my beer.
We had an enjoyable lunch before Chloe and I departed back to London. Chloe asked me to drop her off at her flat as she had a report for work to complete for Monday. I got home about 4 p.m. and as I walked in I heard the beep of my answerphone, alerting me to an awaiting message. It was from Vicky, my step-sister, and she sounded upset. She wanted me to call her, so I did.
“Hey Vic, you OK?”
“Where have you been, I phoned last night.”
“Sorry, I was down at Chloe’s parents. Are you OK, you didn’t sound very happy on the answerphone?”
“Not really, can I come round?”
“Sure, I’ll stick the kettle on”
Vicky only lived 10 mins walk from my place – she was renting a house from me that I’d bought when Jen died. Of course I was only charging her the minimum I needed to cover the loan I’d taken on it – the property was an investment, I didn’t need an income from it
As I let her in, she burst into tears. I just stood and held her for 5 mins as she sobbed into my shoulder. When she’d calmed down enough I walked her into the living room and sat her down. “Do you want that cup of tea?”
“No, can I have something stronger?”
“I’ll get you the tea – maybe later we’ll try the stronger stuff”
I got her a mug of tea then we sat and talked, or rather she talked and I listened.
“I can’t believe it – I sure do pick ‘em don’t I? That fucking wanker John (her boyfriend). Do you know what he’s fucking done? Fucked Sandra (her best friend), that’s what he’s fucking done. Not only that, but he’s fucking her in my house! We all went out Friday night for a meal, and she came back to mine with us as she missed the last train. We had a few more drinks, then went to bed. I woke up and John wasn’t next to me – I heard a noise from down stairs, and went down to find them stark naked on my sofa and her bouncing up and down on his cock. He had the cheek to say “Hi Vic, do you want to join us?”. I told him where to fucking well go. I went upstairs, got all his clothes and shit from the cupboards and threw it out the window. I then went into the spare room, picked up her clothes and threw them out on the street. The fucking bitch. I went back down stairs to the kitchen and I fucking shouted for them to get out of my fucking house, and that I never wanted to fucking see them again. Last I saw was there naked arses running out the front door as I came out the kitchen with a carving knife. Some fucking friend she turned out to be – thank god I don’t work with her anymore. And as for that fucking waster……..….I’m never going to data again!”
Finally she stopped talking. I put my arm around her and she again burst into tears.
Between the sobs, she spoke again “Why can’t (sob) we turn (sob) the clock back (sob) to when it was just, (sob) just you, Jen and me. I loved those times (sob). I really miss her Ricky”. She stopped crying again.
She looked up at me, and kissed me. I hugged her close. She kissed me again, this time her tongue parting my lips. We shared a kiss like we hadn’t for some years. She stopped “You don’t mind that I miss Jen do you?”
“No, of course not, she was a big part of both our life’s”
“Why Ricky, why do they all cheat on me? Am I that horrible?”
“Hey s*s, don’t be silly, they are just arseholes. You are beautiful, fun, sexy and the best girl I know”
“What about Chloe?”
“She’s on the way out…..something happened today that shouldn’t have, and I think we’ll call it a day”
“That’s a shame. She’s very pretty. I quite fancied her myself.” Finally a little smile on Vic’s face.
“Do you fancy having a crack at it before I dump her?” I half joked.
“No, I get the distinct impression she doesn’t like me. Have you ever told her what we’ve done together?”
“No, just that you and me are very close. Anyway, changing the subject, have you eaten today?”.
“OK, I’ll make us some dinner – fancy spag bol?”
“That would be lovely”
“OK, you relax there, and I’ll be back before you know it”.
I went off and made us some dinner. Whilst it was cooking, I opened a bottle of wine, and took a glass in to Vicky. She was sound asleep on my sofa. She looked lovely laying there, and I thought to myself that if she wasn’t my step-s*s, I’d love to have her as my other half. I left her to sleep for a bit.
When the food was ready I woke her from her slumber. We sat and chatted about life over dinner, and quickly finished the bottle of wine. I opened another. After the meal, we returned to the sofa, and she curled up like a little girl next to me, snuggling up to me. I put my arm around her.
“I wish we could spend the rest of our life’s together like this”
“Funny, I had a similar thought earlier when you were sleeping. I wish we weren’t related.”
“We’re not really – I am only your step-sister, but unfortunately I doubt mum and dad would see it like that.” she sighed “So anyway, you changed the subject earlier on. Come on tell me, what happened today that shouldn’t have?”
“You’re going to hate me if I tell you”
“Of course I wont”
OK……..I fucked her mum!”
“You dirty bastard. You are terrible………..Tell me more”
I told Vicky exactly what had transpired that morning…..every detail. When I’d finished she looked at me with a look of disapproval, and just said;
“Is every man a bastard? What about poor Chloe?”
“It just happened. I actually think her mum is more at fault than me…although I could have said no I suppose.”
She playfully slapped me. “What is with you and older woman?”
“Yeah I know. I couldn’t believe it was happening at the time, but it was good.”
“I bet it was, you’re a horny bastard”.
“Hey, what can I say. I like sex. I went off it for a while after Jen but Chloe rekindled my lust, and when Barbara came on to me this morning I didn’t need asking twice.”
“I can see you enjoyed it” nodding towards my groin. I looked down to see the lump in my jeans, then watched as Vic’s hand moved to it and caressed it through the fabric.
“I haven’t felt this for years. Can we have some fun together?”
“I thought you’d gone off men”
“Men yes, but not you. I love you and right now, after that story, I’ve got a wet pussy that needs a cock in it.”
“Oh, so you just want to use my cock for your gratification then” I said, with mock disapprovement.
“You got a problem with that you mother fucker”. The buttons on my jeans were being undone as we joked with each other, and soon I felt the warmth of her hand inside my boxers.
“I’ve missed this cock” as she pulled it out into the open. She sank her head into my lap, and I felt the warmth of her tongue run along the length of my cock, from knob to my balls. I felt her hands cup my balls and then squeeze as she continued to lick my cock from top to bottom and back again.
I tilted my head back and relaxed as the warmth of her mouth enveloped my knob. Her hand moved from my balls to my shaft and she slowly wanked me as her mouth and tongue worked on my knob. It felt brilliant. This went on for 5 or so minutes, then suddenly she stopped and stood up. She pulled her top over her head, undid her jeans and wiggled out of them. She stood in matching bra and panties looking fucking gorgeous. I sat forward and ran my hands up her body “You are one sexy lady Vicky”
“Thank you kind sir. Now take me to your bed and fuck me senseless”
I stood and took her hand, leading her to my bedroom. I pushed her back onto the bed, and quickly got undressed myself, climbing onto the bed next to her. We kissed – a passionate slow, open mouthed kiss, our tongues fighting each other. My hands caressed her body, and worked their way up to her bra. I slipped the straps down her arms, so I could free her lovely tits from their cradles. I’d forgotten what sensitive nipples she had, but was quickly reminded as my fingers brushed the flesh and they hardened and a small gasp came from her lips. “Suck them” she whispered, and I complied, taking each in turn between my lips, running my tongue over them.
“God, I love that”
“I’d forgotten how sensitive they are”
“Check out my clit – that’s even more sensitive right now”
“As I licked and sucked on her nipples, my hand slid down her firm tummy and slipped under the elastic of her knickers. She was clean shaven, so my fingers ran over smooth skin until my finger tips felt the warmth of her pussy. Her clit lay between my fingers, and as I closed them upon its firmness, a shiver went through her body.
“Bring me off Ricky, I need to come”
I moved down her body, removing her knickers, then pulling her legs apart. I went down on her, sliding my tongue along the length of her slit from bottom to top, where it met with her clit. I flicked it with my tongue, and she again shivered. She moved her body down towards me, forcing my face into her pussy. She smelt sweat, and as I licked at her hole, the taste matched the smell. I worked my tongue around her vulva, teasing her by not touching her clit. Suddenly she sat up and grabbed the back of my head, forcing it into her pussy. “Fucking lick my clit you bastard…..I need to come”
I couldn’t respond as I couldn’t get my mouth away from her love hole, so I just did as ordered, licking her clit hard, humming as I did. It didn’t take long and I felt the wetness of her pussy increase as her whole body convulsed with her orgasm. She flopped back on the bed as her body shuddered with the force of her orgasm.
I kissed my way up her body, until my hard cock felt the warmth of her pussy. Without delay, I slid inside her, firmly but gently. She wrapped her legs around me, and started to thrust her hips up to meet my downward thrusts. The warmth of her pussy on my cock felt fantastic, and I looked down to see tears running down her face.
“Are you OK?”
“I just love being with you. Fuck me and fill me with your cum”
I quickened my pace as I felt her finger nails digging into my back. I’d cum three times earlier in the day, so I lasted a good few minutes before I felt my balls tighten. “I’m cumming” I shouted.
“FUCK…..So am I” Our orgasms hit together as I flooded her pussy with my cum.
I collapsed on top of her, breathing deeply. I was still wrapped in her arms and legs, my cock gripped like a vice by her pussy. We kissed deeply. I rolled off her and she snuggled up next to me as I pulled the quilt over our naked bodies.
“Is it OK if I stay here tonight?”
“Of course”
We kissed again, then, in each others arms we both fell asleep.
The next morning I was woken by my alarm. Vicky was already up, and appeared in the doorway with a cup of coffee. She placed it on the bedside table then give me a big kiss. “Thanks for last night, it made me feel wanted again”
“I always want you”
“I know, but you want other women as well, and I can’t stop that. As we said last night….if only. Anyway, I’ve got to go home, change and get to work, so I’ll catch up with you later in the week”
“Don’t forget I’m off to the states on Saturday” I shouted down the hallway after her.
“OK” she simply responded as I heard the door close behind her.

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Me And My Slutty Younger Sis

Hi, this tushar from kalyan Mumbai. This is the story about me and my younger sis. I am basically from karnataka and settled in mumbai…I will narrate this story in hindi because us mein maza hi kutch alag hai. Mein mumbai mein akela raheta hoon. As I am mech engg working with one of d mnc. I am good looking and 6 feet height, athletic body and hv 7″ tool can satisfy any girl r women. Abhi story pe aata hoon. Mere family mein 6 log hai dad mom bro elder sis & younger sis. Hum log sath mein sote...

3 years ago
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Watch Me Wank Sis

I’m home from college for the summer. My how you’ve grown, sis, in the year i’ve been away. 18 now, and your body is filling out nicely. Late at night, I sit at the computer in the den, browsing through Literotica. I pull up a something by asian_princess, and feel my cock growing in my pants while I read the hot story. My cock has grown too big for my jeans, so I slowly and quietly unzip them. I don’t want to wake my parents or little sister. Slipping my hand in my boxers, I gently rub my...

3 years ago
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Slippery Sis

“You must have had a fun date tonight,” I quipped as I drove to full insertion on the first stroke. Her pussy had the familiar silky slickness of fresh semen. “Yup. One of my favorite guys. Big cummer and stays hard for a second go. Hope you can get some traction,” she replied with a big grin. It was a routine we had developed during the past six months since Sis had gotten on contraception. When she turned sixteen, the age of consent here, we had gone beyond playing “doctor” but short of...

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Sissy Stepson Part 1 Stepmothers Trap

Sissy Stepson Part 1 ? Stepmother's Trap Carl Monet was a shy boy of about 15 when his widowed father married Rita Parker. Mrs. Parker was 20 years younger than Carl's father Larry. Carl was very shy and sheepish toward his new stepmother and the new Mrs. Monet was rather cold and distant towards him. Carl's father was gone quit often on trips abroad for weeks at a time and Mrs. Monet was often gone shopping with her sister Maryann and her mother Regina. Carl was...

1 year ago
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When Bro meets Sis

I pulled my pants down and slipped my finger down to my slit and began to massage it and rub my clit. It didn’t take long for me to cum as I was really sexed up. I believed I was home alone and I moaned out loud from the satisfaction and sensation of a good orgasm. I was pretty wet so I wiped my wetness with my pants and dropped them onto the floor beside my bed. I decided to go commando afterwards and left my pants off. After this I went down to the back yard and played on the...

4 years ago
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Punk Slut Sis

"I'm not sure," I shrugged, "It sounds cool and everything but..." "Not scared are you?!" "No!" "Then come on then! Come ooon!" Jenny whined, grabbing my arm, "I hate going there alone, it sucks. I can't go with that twat of a boyfriend anymore 'cos he's not my boyfriend anymore since he met that fucking cunt he's now banging." "So you're dragging me there so you don't look like a sad recently-dumped singelton," I grinned. "You motherfucker," sniggered...

2 years ago
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moving on to sis

l was now 18 and a half and it was two years since me and my mum had begun a sexual relationship, l'd filled out to quite a good looking tall, thin, but muscular man and so had my cock. The sex l had quite regularly with my mum had just got better as time went on. Sometimes we would stay in bed all day and night, trying different things, things that were new to her to, as she had a pretty much straight wam bam sex life with my dad when he was alive. Sometimes we would hire porn films, then try...

1 year ago
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Road Trip With Sis

Note : This story is completely fictional! This is a story of my Sis Chelsey and I experiances on our cross country trip. It all started when I recieved a phone call from my dad in California telling me he was getting remarried for the 3rd time. He asked me if my sister and I would be interested in flying out west to be in his wedding. I said I would love to, (not really but a free trip to Cali, why not). I told him I'd call Chelsey my sis to see if she could go for sure since she was getting...

1 year ago
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My hot chick sis

hi i'm david and i always liked my sis who is 17, shoulder length dirty hair, blue eyes, 5'7, perfect breasts about 34c, perfect ass and long legs. i myself is 16. on friday night on our parents went out on their anniversary to a fancy restaurant leaving me and my sis at home. guys go crazy about her and everyone knows it. at around 7:30 i was in my bed reading a magazine when my sis came in and said that we're gona hav pizza for dinner. When i looked up i saw she was in a tshirt about 2 sizes...

4 years ago
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Stephen and Stephanie

Stephen and Stephanie Now the idea of crossdressing had appealed to Steve for a few years, he wouldn't deny it, but actually doing it for real, no he hadn't got the nerve. A surreptitious wearing of bra and panties, yes once or twice, but for nothing more than a different masturbation thrill. The full works, no he wouldn't know where to start. It wasn't even like he was gay or even bi, it was just a thing that fascinated him. He'd thought about asking one of his Mistress...

2 years ago
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Stepdaughters Have Fun With Their Stepfathers

 On a scorching hot day in July, the courtroom resounded with the final blow of the gavel. I sat there, relief overtook me as the realization of what just happened began sinking in. My now ex-wife stormed out with her lawyer, the judge had ruled in my favor and she walked out with nothing.Elsa, my now ex-wife cheated on me with another woman, and tried to ruin my reputation along with my business by concocting an elaborate scheme. Here claims were unfounded, she accused me of being an adulterer...

2 years ago
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It all started with my sis catching me jacking into a pair of her panties. She had a cell pic of me before i knew she was there, and having threatened to show it to mom/dad I really had no choice but to ask what she needed to ensure her silence. She started with an over the knee spanking on my bare ass. Well, she's a girl and younger than me, how bad could that be, right? She neglected to mention she intended to use a hairbrush. She didn't stop until i was sobbing and blubbering like a little...

3 years ago
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In a bus with mom sis

In India On vacations we used to go to the village on such days we travelled by train due to the heavy rush, but that day we missed the train and we had to go by bus My mom pulled me and sis inside as the bus moved unfortunate for her that day there was a procession which had just ended and all the men were climbing into the first bus going to go so the women had moved away but we unknowingly and since it was becoming late grabbed the first one Even the women’s seat were taken and when she...

4 years ago
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Cum On Sis

Sis looked at the white fluid that I had deposited in her pussy, “Did you just cum in me?”“I’m sorry, Sis,” I cringed, “I couldn’t help it.”“It’s a damn good thing I’m on the pill,” she said, calmer than I expected.My eyes roamed her body, stopping between her spread legs. I saw the cum dripping from her tight pussy. She rubbed her finger up and down the slick mess that I had made in her sex. My cock still stood, hard and throbbing. She looked at me with a naughty smirk, “Do you want a sloppy...

2 years ago
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Buds Sis

“Hey Bud, what’s goin on?” Bud, as I called him, has been my next-door neighbor and buddy for sixteen years. Bud looked disgusted, “You know my Sis moved back home two weeks ago cause she separated from her husband. She’s been complaining about being horny. I can believe that cause she was screwing lots of guys before she hitched up.” I asked, “So why doesn’t she go date now?” He replied, “Cause her lawyer and counselor said she shouldn’t until the divorce is done.” His sister I always...

1 year ago
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Mah Lil Sis

Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since Ah have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies and you will catch on. It were the middle of the night and Ah was having a realistic dream about a girl ridin mah pecker. Ah slowly realized it weren’t a dream and opened mah eyes and it was mah little sister who had turned sixteen just that day. She were a bouncin away with her titties floppin...

3 years ago
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Incestuous HaremChapter 13 Fisting Big Sis

Vicky Samuels “Movie time!” giggled my daughter Lee, her small tits bouncing as she plopped herself on Zoey’s lap. My eldest niece, eighteen, had a flush face from being finally fucked by Clint. She hugged my daughter, adjusting nicely to our new family dynamic. Clint had replaced his father as the man of the house. I missed Clinton, but it was nice to have a strong man to serve again. My sister, Cheryl, was happy after six months of grief. Losing our Master and her husband had hit her...

3 years ago
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White Stepdad Training His Asian Stepdaughter Chapter 2

“Jenny, I want to show you why you suck off a man. Men can give you great pleasure too if you help them out first.” He said. The asian stepdaughter submissively nodded with tears in her eyes while saying nothing. “I want you to take off all of your clothes.” Her stepdad ordered. Jenny began to remove her shirt and reveal her small but round teen tits. Her baby fat perfectly framed her face and showed her more childish side. She pulled down her jeans and revealed her slight hourglass hips....

3 years ago
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Stepsister Gets Stuck Stepbrother Gets In

Becky creeped around the bushes of her house, trying to be stay quiet and out of sight of any nosy neighbors. Her parents were likely already asleep, but it never hurt to be careful. Her friend, Harper, had had a big party at her house, and Becky had snuck out to go to it. Not only would her parents not approve of her going to a party that started at 10:00 pm and ended at two in the morning, but she had also been grounded for getting caught smoking weed by her mother.It was a big risk, but she...

2 years ago
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Stephen vs Stephanie The Morph Wars the Conclusion

Pregnant?! that would explain the nausea, at least. How dare Stephanie do this to him! Now they were pregnant (and how was that thing to come out?) and some guys' names were tattooed on the body they shared. AND they were on the way to fuck him. Oh, yeah, and he now had breasts! Not to mention that his soon-to-be lovers had sole possession of his bank account. What to do??? He wanted to get out of this fuck-up, and quick. Suicide was the first thought, but he knew this idea...

2 years ago
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Gfs sis

This story is about my ex gf's sister. My ex gf was the 'young malay milf'. The main cause of my unfortunate break up was becoz of her BITCH sister. Really a bitch. Her mouth needs some dicking all the way up to her fucking brain. So this was what i saw on that particular day.One fine day, my (then) gf went home looking tired and stressful. Yeah who doesn't right? But that evening it was rather different kind of stress that i could sense. I welcomed her at the door. Gave a kiss on her cheek and...

3 years ago
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Loving Mom and Sis

Here I am, 16 years of age, a year before I am on my own with no I idea of what I am going to do. Mom says college, but, there is no way that would be possible financially. She says that she has raised me and my younger sister alone and that she would finish the job. My sister Sonia, 14, is herself reaching her point of maturity. As her brother I never did think she was all that hot, but lately looking more closely I am seeing things that I never realized about her before. I had seen her one...

3 years ago
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Jimmy Ts Family Fun Bk 2 Sis

INTRO: This is Book 2 of the story of the life of Jimmy Taylor and his family. In Book 1 our now 19 year old hero seduced his mother while his father was away on one of his frequent trips to Australia – a trip he made at least three times per year. Over 340 of you voted for the first book – THANKS! Book 1 ended with the return home of Jimmy's father. And the almost immediate realization by both Jimmy and his mother that they wouldn't be able to honor the pledge they'd made to stop their...

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My step sis

The thought of watching his step-sister screw, excited Justin. She was a cute girl, blonde with big blue eyes and a cute smile. She had had sex before, and he always wondered what it would be like watching her do it. He had seen Janet naked a couple of times, and had promptly jacked off after each time. He and Scott both were virgins, but it looked like Scotty was gonna get his first. All the girls liked Scott. He had brown hair and eyes and was a cross between Scott Baio and the Karate Kid....

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Stephen vs Stephanie A Story of Morph Wars

Stephen prepared for his change. Every solstice it was the same: get ready for his six month sleep. He didn't remember when this all started, but the centuries seemed to blur after awhile. All he knew about her on the other side was kept in the journals they wrote back and forth to each other. Once a year he would go to sleep after leaving her a written message, then he would wake up six months later with no memory of half a year. She would leave him a message, too, usually...

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Stepford Brothers Change to Sisters

Stepford brothers (change to sisters!) By bojok71 Author's notes: this story serves to plug a hole, in my view, of the credibility of the Stepford stories. What if someone came looking for a lost relative? The answer is simple, and forms part of this story. Story notes: this story is very close, for obvious reasons, to the original Stepford story. However, it's new enough to be considered a new read. It's as sexual and interesting as my other stories. Thanks again to Sarah Barndt for...

2 years ago
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submissive step sis

Kay sat in here living room dressed waiting on her friend latue to come pick her up. Today was saturday and today was always girl night, and tonight the 18 year old ebony teen was finally going to go out to an adult night club. She was so pumped. Tonight was the night she would meet an older guy. Kay loved well thought she loved older guys. To her they were so cute and grown up. She hated how boys her age played around on video games like kids and she really hated how they all bragged about...

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Cum On Sis

Sis had just slammed her door, mad that I came all over her. I stood there with my dick in my hand just staring at that door.  “Fucking tease,” I mumbled.Her panties still crumpled in her shorts on the floor. I dropped my cock and bent to retrieve them. It’s not like I had never done it before. Many a night I masturbated as I pressed my sister's panties to my nose. Tonight would be no different.“You fucking pervert,” Sis hissed.She had opened the door to toss her cummy blouse into the hamper....

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Cum On Sis

“Damn it, Sis,” I yelled as my nineteen-year-old sister walked into the bathroom without knocking. It was a Jack and Jill bathroom with a door leading to her bedroom and one opening into mine.  I had covered my privates with a towel.”Fuck, Terry, ” she laughed, ”I used to help Mom change your diaper. Get over yourself.”The bathroom was small, just a toilet, a small shower, and a vanity. She pushed her panties and shorts to the floor and sat on the toilet. I heard the tinkle of her piss...


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