Photographs Ch. 04 free porn video

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DISCLAIMER: This is included in the novel/novella category because of length. It is a mother/son incest story. There are also instances of abuse (two of them, which are not the focus of the story). As far as heat level, this story is quite tame, and if you are look for page after page of screaming sex, you might want to look elsewhere. If you want a STORY, please read on.

Christie hid a sigh of irritation when Steve came to her bedroom. It was earlier in the evening than he usually wanted sex, and far too early for fun and games in the basement. He surprised her by slapping down a thick, cream-colored envelope on the nightstand by her side where she had been reading in bed. Glancing at his bland non-expression, which told her nothing, she picked up the envelope and opened it with misgivings. Tickets. It held tickets.

The only intersection between Steve’s career and the lives of the rich and famous were those fleeting moments caught in the lens of his camera. He followed them around, intruded in their lives, and occasionally snapped a photo that would earn a few dollars. His main business, his portrait studio, was lucrative, and sometimes his clients left him valuable ‘tips.’ This time it was a $5,000 pair of tickets to a charity gala. Yes, Steve would like something like that.

‘He couldn’t attend for some reason,’ Steve said. ‘Find something to wear that goes with diamonds and emeralds.’


‘Necklace, earrings, and matching bracelet.’

‘Where are you going to get something like that?’


‘Borrowed? From who?’

‘Whom,’ was all he said on the subject. ‘I’ll be in a tux. Find something suitable.’ Appearances. With Steve it was all about the appearances.

He smiled. ‘I’m sure you’ll look magnificent on my arm.’

She looked at the tickets again. ‘This is in three days!’

‘You’d probably better start tomorrow.’

‘I have appointments. Clients.’

‘You’re resourceful. I’m sure you’ll manage.’

Resourceful. That was almost a compliment on something besides her looks. Pissed now, she said, ‘You can’t bring a camera or business cards.’

He leaned forward a little. ‘I am aware of that.’ He was using his ‘this is not negotiable’ tone, so Christie dialed back the irritation. At least what she showed.

‘Will there be movie stars there?’ she asked.


‘Well then, I’d better go shopping. It’ll be expensive.’

‘But worth it,’ he said.


Three days later, dressed in a gown worth several days’ worth of billable hours that she would probably wear once, Christie descended the stairs in a cloud of Chanel No. 5. She had no idea what perfume movie stars wore, so she relied on her mother’s favorite.

Danny stood at the foot of the stairs, watching her with his mouth open a little. Her black gown fit like a second skin. Gems dangled from her ears, and her hair was artfully arranged at the back of her head, little curls cascading down. It looked good. Amazing.

‘You should be one of the movie stars,’ he said.

She held up a necklace. ‘I can’t seem to get this on.’ She handed it to him. ‘Would you?’

Danny whistled. ‘Is this real?’

‘I think so. I have no idea where he got it.’ She turned her back to him. ‘I’m probably wearing half a million dollars of rock tonight. Maybe more.’

‘Don’t you wonder…?’

She looked toward the basement stairs, down the hall. ‘I wonder,’ she said quietly.

Danny fumbled a bit with the catch of the necklace, then reached around her shoulders to encircle her slender throat. The dress was sleeveless and low-cut in front and back. ‘No bruises,’ he said.

‘No,’ she agreed.

‘This catch is tight, but I guess you need that with a half-million-dollar necklace.’ He finally got it clasped, but didn’t pull away, instead lowering his hands to wrap them around her waist and pull her body closer to his. He placed a kiss on her jaw from behind and whispered, ‘You are so beautiful.’

For the briefest moment, Christie enjoyed a quiver of arousal at the juncture of her thighs, and then pulled away from him roughly. ‘Your father is right down those stairs,’ she said in a voice only he could hear.

‘We would see the light change when he opens his door,’ he said, his eyes on the basement stairs.

She glanced in that direction for a second. ‘The man is sociopath,’ she hissed. ‘Never forget that. And never, ever, take a risk like that again.’

He nodded. At that moment the light did change, and a few seconds later they heard Steve’s steps on the stairs. He appeared bearing a white mink coat that she’d never seen before.


Tension again. Steve always saw the undercurrents swirling around him, but he rarely understood them. Something was going on between the kid and his mother. He had no idea what it was and it disturbed him on a fundamental level. He felt a flesh-crawling uneasiness that could easily drive him to violence.

But Christie stood tall and proud, and elegantly beautiful. It was moments like this that made him glad he had never given into his urges to truly break her. People would see them together, see the gold band on her finger, and know he was more than the ordinary man he seemed. He resented the easy way she moved through the world, but found it very useful.

‘Mink?’ she asked.

‘Rented.’ He held it up for her. ‘Very nice,’ he said as he placed it around her shoulders. ‘You’ll do.’


In March, Danny considered his plan to seduce his mother as stalled. The hug from behind had started three weeks ago, and he’d come up with nothing new since then. What Danny most hoped to achieve next was a cuddle on the sofa. Unfortunately, he had grown too big for cuddling about six years before. If only he could find a way to get her to want to cuddle up to him.

Towards this end, he proposed a movie night one Friday when Steve was out taking pictures. Christie offered to make the popcorn. Danny chose the movie, set it up, and settled on the sofa in the den. It was the only seat in the room, and he occupied the very center. He leaned back, arms stretched out to either side across the sofa’s back, and waited for his mother to come in. It was a battle, but he kept the smug grin off his face.

Christie came in with the popcorn and drinks. ‘Scoot over,’ she demanded. He did, as he expected to, but not all the way to the far end. Christie had enough room not to feel crowded, but they were close. She gave him the fish-eye but didn’t demand that he move more.

For Christie, it was a choice to make. She’d grown to love his lingering hugs and the near-miss kisses. The first time he had sneaked up behind her and put his arms around her, she was worried that Steve might see but not upset that he had done it. She wanted to lean back into him, she did every time it happened, but so far she had been able to stop herself. Enjoying the behavior didn’t make it right.

Now she thought she knew exactly what he was doing. He hoped she would curl up into him. Whether she would or not, she had to decide.

‘What did you choose?’ she asked.

‘Your favorite. ‘Ghandi’.’

”Ghandi’?’ she said in disbelief. ‘That’s not my favorite movie. And it’s like three hours.’

‘Then why do you own it?’

‘It’s inspiring, but I don’t want to watch that tonight.’

‘Good thing I was kidding. ‘Hunger Games’ it is.

‘That’s better.’

They watched the entire movie without moving from their spots on the sofa, except to shift around now and then. They talked all through it since they had seen it before, and both enjoyed themselves. As soon ‘The Hunger Games’ finished, Danny proposed ‘Catching Fire’.

‘It was a hard day in court,’ Christie began.

‘It’s more fun with you here,’ Danny said, pleading.

She also knew exactly what he was
doing this time — trying to wear her down until she was too tired to resist — but she agreed anyway.

Over the second movie, they spoke less often. After the first hour, Christie began to yawn. Danny watched her more than the movie, waiting. Finally, after another twenty minutes, her eyes closed and her head lowered. He waited a little longer and drew her to him. The movement roused her a little, but she came willingly, placing her head on his shoulder and a hand on his chest. Danny smiled. Mission accomplished. He kissed her hair, and she sighed.

All was fine until the movie ended. Danny switched off the silent television with the remote but remained where he was, content to simply hold her. That was good, but Christie, falling from a doze into deeper sleep, no longer kept her hand on his chest. First it slipped to his ribs. Then his abdomen. Finally, it settled right on top of what was growing into a massive boner. He shifted, her hand shifted with him. He ran his fingers through her hair, feeling the strands slide through his fingers like silk. He kissed her again in the same place as before. Then, for just a moment, he gave in to temptation. Gently, he placed his hand over hers and pressed down. He closed his eyes and savored the feeling, even if he could do no more, even if he was so hard it hurt. Reluctantly, he drew his hand away. Nothing could induce him to take further advantage of the situation. His mother would feel so betrayed if she woke and found them that way. It would damage their relationship for a long time. Somehow he knew she had to touch him in this way knowingly and willingly.

His cock ached. He had to do something, so he said, ‘Mom.’ She woke with a start, her hand rubbing against him roughly, forcing him to bite back a groan. Christie blinked several times, looked around, and saw his erection under her hand. Her cheeks flamed. She looked up to see him biting his lip, and pulled herself away.

‘I think you’d better take that up to your room,’ she said quietly.

‘Yes, Mom.’ He rose. ‘Night, Mom,’ he said as he sped from the room.

Later, he would wonder why he hadn’t simply settled her down on the sofa and covered her with the afghan. Perhaps some part of him wanted her to see what she did to him. If she hadn’t figured it out already, she certainly knew now.


By the time Steve’s March trip came around, Danny had lost any embarrassment he felt over movie night. In fact the strategy had worked the next Friday night. Christie curled up against him but stayed awake the entire time. He didn’t manage to get in any caresses, but it still satisfied him.

March Madness was on, and Danny gave up his quest to get into his mother’s pants in favor of basketball on the last Friday in March, even though Steve wasn’t around. Although she supported him, basketball wasn’t a big draw for her. Danny liked basketball, he liked to play it very much, but he didn’t love it in the way necessary to become a pro. His mother understood this, his stepfather didn’t.

Christie joined him for a time, left, came back. She let him fix his own snack instead of offering him something, a sign she was preoccupied. He let her be for the evening while she worked on case notes for a trial beginning the next week.


Having had little interaction with his mother wasn’t that unusual — they had their own lives to live, work and homework, friends, chores — but it was unusual on a Friday, whether Steve was camped out on a movie star’s driveway or not. Danny went to bed restless, and stayed that way most of the night. He awoke unusually early, before even Christie was out of bed. Seized by an irresistible urge to be near her, he quietly went to her room. She never locked her door, so he opened it slowly and looked in. Christie lay curled up on her side. He tip-toed in to stand at the foot of the bed and look down on her. She was out, in the deepest part of sleep. The next step in his plan came to him in that moment. He moved around to the open side of the bed and gently pulled aside the blanket and slowly lowered himself down beside her. For a while he lay on his back, staring at the gauzy canopy she had over her bed. Her entire room was a tiny bit girlie, done in pinks and green. He looked at her outline in the darkness. It amused him that someone who could be so hard and ruthless in court could have a bedspread covered in little pink flowers.

Feeling something very strong for her that moment, he couldn’t help rolling over and holding her. She didn’t wake. He relaxed now for the first time that night, and knew he was falling asleep. When he woke, he could possibly have a morning boner. He didn’t care. She knew now, he wouldn’t hide it any longer.


Christie awoke at her usual time, 5:15 a.m., to feel a presence beside her. Steve, dammit. Once they could afford a house with separate bedrooms, he had insisted on them. Intimacy made him very uncomfortable, and lying beside her every night made him irritable and restless. The only time he slept beside her was when he was so tired and sated from sex that he fell asleep in her bed.

Wait. He was on one of his photography jaunts. He was probably at this moment sleeping in his rental car outside the governor’s residence. It had to be Danny beside her. He had his arm around her middle and his cheek against the back of her head.

Christie knew she should be outraged that he had invaded the privacy of her bedroom. This was the one place in the house that was completely hers. What she felt was contentment. Being held was nice, comfortable. She shifted her arm so that she could place her hand over his where it lay below her breasts. She wondered what had induced him to take this extreme step, but didn’t really care.

When it happened, all the inappropriate things Danny did felt too good for her to fight hard. It was only later that she looked at her behavior and felt shame. That morning, she relaxed back into him and dozed.


An hour later she woke again, Danny still beside her, spooning from behind. She rolled toward him. ‘Hey,’ she said. He responded by clutching her tighter. ‘Hey,’ she said a little louder. He slowly opened his eyes, looked at her sleepily, and smiled. She kissed his cheek.

‘Morning,’ he said. Until that moment, hearing it in the dusky light, she hadn’t realized how deep his voice had become. It gave her a pleasurable shiver.

‘Young man, this is highly inappropriate.’

‘What do you want me to do?’ he asked, still smiling a little. ‘You didn’t jump up screaming.’

‘I never scream at you. I reason with you.’

He grinned. ‘What is the reason you didn’t jump up screaming?’

‘I thought you were Steve at first.’

He frowned now. ‘Oh.’

‘I’m glad you’re not, but you have to get up and go.’

‘Why haven’t you jumped up and gone?’ he asked.

She blushed, which she hoped he didn’t see in the dim morning light, and pulled away. ‘I am now. See? Go to your own bed. I’m going to swim.’

She went to her bathroom to pee, brush her teeth, and change into the suit hung over the towel rack. When she came out, he was still there, stretched out on his back.

‘Go on now,’ she hissed. ‘When you get like this with your mother electronic things and car keys tend to disappear.’

‘Yes, Mom.’ He rose and went to the door, 6’5′ of young male clad only in shorts and a t-shirt. ‘Love you, Mom.’

‘Love you, too.’ And, God help her, she felt that love changing even as she spoke.


April. Over three months had passed and Danny saw his mother’s response to him grow stronger. He didn’t get many opportunities to sleep in her bed, but he had every night that last week in March when his stepfather was away. Each time, his mother stayed in bed a little later in the morning, delaying her swim as long as she could and still make it out the door on time.

She also reacted differently during his long hugs
, holding him tighter, sometimes not being the one to break the embrace first. She even was often the first one to kiss him on the cheek before they separated.

And yet, they never spoke about it. Not once.


The day finally came that Christie had anticipated and dreaded at the same time. Danny came in from school to greet her while she watered plants with a big watering can. She tilted her head, cheek presented for a kiss, but of course he pulled her into his arms. She went willingly, hugging him back.

Danny held her for a minute, then placed his hand on the nape of her neck to tilt her face toward him. He kissed her on the lips for the first time. Not a quick peck, not passionate and full of tongue, just a sweet kiss, mouth open very slightly, that lasted a moment or two. In the last few seconds she kissed him back. Danny pulled away and she stood there for a second, eyes closed, until the world came crashing back around her.

The watering can fell from her grasp. Water sloshed out onto the floor. She ran for her bedroom, plants temporarily forgotten.

Danny had crossed a line, she thought. He’d crossed a line and she had stepped over it right along with him. She couldn’t explain it. Holding each other in bed with his erection pressed against her stomach would seem much more inappropriate but, for her, kissing was the place where taboo turned into wrong. Christie craved kisses. The thought of passionate kissing aroused her to a state of incoherent need. In those last few seconds she had been ready to abandon everything she had ever been taught about right and wrong.

Even now, she didn’t know how she could face him without melting into a puddle of pussy juice. But there was a dinner to make and a husband to keep happy, and she had things to do. The floor would need a mop. She never shirked from her responsibilities, she wouldn’t now.

On the way back to her hobby room, she wondered if Danny realized how thoroughly he had just seduced her.


Around bedtime, Christie went to Danny’s room. He sat at his desk, doing homework and keeping an eye on the latest occupant of the bird cage.

‘Another bird?’ she asked in disbelief.

‘Yup,’ he said without looking up.

‘What is it this time?’

‘I thought it was a baby crow at first, but it’s one of those blackbirds we get.’

‘You ever think of becoming a vet?’

‘Nope. I want to be a human doctor,’ he said and turned back to his calculus homework. ‘I hate this problem. I’ve been working on it for an hour.’

They kept a strained silence for a moment. She filled it by saying, ‘In a city this size, I don’t know how you keep finding injured wildlife.’

‘I don’t. The Finkles down the street have lots of cats. The kids saw me picking up a bird one of them caught, and now they bring them to me.’

‘I never knew.’

‘I didn’t want you-know-who to find out.’

‘I wouldn’t have told him.’

‘I know.’

Christie couldn’t stand it anymore. She walked to the door, peeked out to make sure Steve wasn’t in sight, and shut it. With her arms folded, she leaned against the wall by the desk.

‘Why, Danny?’ she asked softly.

He dropped his pencil and turned to her. ‘He’ll go ape-shit if we’re in here with the door shut.’

‘Then we’ll have to talk fast. Why? You’re a kind person. Why are you doing this to me?’

‘Why haven’t you tried to stop me?’

She had no answer. They stared at each other until she dropped her eyes.

‘It feels good, doesn’t it?’ he asked. ‘You like it.’ When she still didn’t respond, he said, ‘You need a normal sex life. I can give you that.’

She couldn’t help but laugh. ‘This is normal?’

‘I think that it’s the closest thing you’re going to get.’

From the hallway they heard, ‘Christie! What are you doing in there?’

She stood up straight. ‘Quick!’ she whispered. ‘Let the bird out of the cage.’


‘Just do it.’

Danny did as he was told. The bird immediately took off flapping around the room.

‘Christie!’ Steve shouted from outside the door. It flew open.

‘Shut the door!’ they both yelled.

Steve watched the bird swoop in his direction, and quickly shut the door before it escaped into the rest of the house.

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4 years ago
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Laura wanked me into her tights

I once had a girlfriend called Laura who used to indulge me in my tights fetish. We would often visit a pub near Kenwood in North London and she used to love teasing me in there by lifting up her skirt to show me her panties under her tights. It was a pretty quiet pub in the evenings and she could sit there for ages with her skirt hitched up around her waist showing off her undies to me. I asked her to play with herself one evening during the summer as she was wearing a delightful pair of...

3 years ago
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Sissy MandyI haven't left the flat in months. But then, why should I need to? MasterJohn provides all I need, as long as I'm obedient and do as I'm told with asmile. And, I do.For instance, I've been told to entertain his friend this afternoon andit's Alex, the big man who does martial art. He's got blue-eyes, blondehair and a pony-tail, a bit like the one I wear sometimes. And, he's gotmuscles, biceps and chest muscles, so he fills his tee-shirts ever-sowell. Oh, he looks good? and, I felt...

1 year ago
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The Night That WasChapter 4

The night that was I picked it up on the second ring. "This is Dan Taylor, can I help you?" "Hi Dan," came the concerned voice from the other end, "how are you?" "Hi Bev. I'm okay I guess. At least I think I am. One thing I've learned though, when ever I hear that anxious tone in your voice, I'm never as good as I think I am. What's the matter, Bev?" There was a short silence from the other end. "Dan, you're getting to know me way too well," she said with a small...

1 year ago
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The Pleasure Is Ours

Matthew Turnback was a man who, all things considered, should love the life he lived. He was still young, in his mid-twenties, making bank off his chosen career path and he was happily married to a woman he had fallen for since he first met her. His job, as personal assistant to Mayor Bannivan, involved an adequate mix of both stress and excitement. Most men wouldn't care for setting up meetings, organising files and signing documents on behalf of the appointed representative of the city they...

2 years ago
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Bad Seed 9

"How long before we can fire?" Shwe asked of the ship'd A.I. "No longer than a half hour," her A.I. Trigon said. "Stay out of sight and sensor range," Wren said. "What? You're not going to take his ass and find out all you can," her father's voice replaced Trigon's. Wren scoffed as she checked the readings from her brother's ship. "Really, father, I'd rather blow his ass out of the sky than get anywhere near him." "So, are you any closer to breaking the fourth code?" The...

2 years ago
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Great Sex

Well I had the most explosive start to the year with the most intense forced orgasm I have ever had. I was alone as my girlfriend was out with her friends, one of them being a right filthy whore I believe, as when they go out she always wants to be fucked when she comes home drunk. I am convinced she tells my girlfriend to go home to me and fuck me silly. This night though I wasn't expecting her home so was on xhamster looking at my fav vids, friends etc. This one finally did for...

2 years ago
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The Proposition part 2 Erics Break

It was my turn. We had been good and waited more than the full two weeks before we indulged again. Not that those weeks had returned us to our cold and distant marriage. Ever since the night I tied my wife up at her behest, Allison and I had become closer. Every day I tried to get home as early as I could, learning to delegate more. I took my wife out to a few dinners and lunches, and we even managed to take in a show at the Princess of Wales. We spoke more and more everyday, finding things to...

Oral Sex
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Suzanne 4

After our rather wild evening with Sally and Jerry, we got dressed, although the girls had very little to put on, and set out for home. Suzanne was driving and Maria pushed me into the front passenger's seat and climbed in on top of me, side ways across my lap. As soon as we were underway, Maria grabbed my hand and encouraged me to explore her pussy. Since she wore no panties, I soon had two fingers inside her and my thumb was caressing her clit. My other hand was stroking up and down her...

3 years ago
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I Enjoy Her Body Ch 02

I’m driving around wondering what / who to do. I wonder how much time I have left controlling her. I’m so excited thinking about the possibilities of how I can experience her hot body further. As my mind wonders, I reach down and push her fingers under her skirt and slowly start to rub her pussy. It starts to get wet very quickly. I move her silk underwear to the side and start fingering her pussy. It feels so good and I keep tasting her wet pussy by sucking on her fingers. I want to fuck her...

2 years ago
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Malaysia India Student Exchange

I was an exchange student from Malaysia to India at a private college in Bangalore, Karnataka. As I walked through the college entrance, I gasped at the many girls walking around in tight tops, their breasts moving voluptuously, getting me a slight hard-on. Some smiled at me, some frowned at me and some gave me that Ï will eat you up look”. I started sweating and my cock went back to its normal sleeping state. I made my way to the college admissions office. A lady was there in a tight...

1 year ago
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Strip Club List! Oh boy, there’s a lot to unpack here. Hey guys, it’s The Porn Dude, coming at you with a brand-new review of a very special site that I think pretty much everyone is going to find very useful. Well, mostly us Americans, but everyone is free to chip in. Besides, what better way to spend your vacation than to come to America and have some sexy striptease fun? Let me tell you what, is the perfect place to find any strip club that you ever thought you needed or...

Escort Sites
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A Penny-Worth of bondage My name is Worth, Penny Worth, and I love being in bondage, yep I know that`s a conversation stopper but it is the truth! It all started when I was c***d by my reckoning, my mother leaving me in a harness on a dog chain to stop me wandering away when she was doing housework or working round the garden! It was done with the best of intentions by loving parents but its left its mark on my brain. Anyway I now have a kink about being chained up and most of my friends...

2 years ago
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The First Day of school series A week later

My phone vibrated and I looked at the message from Luke. It said that his parents had to take an emergency trip out of town because his grandmother had been taken to the hospital. They would be back Sunday afternoon, and he had the whole house to himself. I was excited as hell, and told my parents I was going to my friend’s house. I hopped on my bike and rode as fast as I could. I knew that I could finally have sexual contact with him. That was the one thing I had been waiting for, for...

1 year ago
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True and EternalChapter 7

"I said get away. I can sit myself!" Man, this kid will not leave me alone! " I'm just trying to help." Ah no now here it comes, I thought. I've hurt his feelings. Damn. "Ty, I'm sorry. I'm just--" "Old and cranky. Dad, just let the kid sit you down and help. You said yourself that the kids today aren't respectful." "All of them except the ones from our family, Michael." I try to reach out and ruffle Tyrone's hair, but he pulls away too fast. Getting old sucks. "You got a...

3 years ago
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Oral Sex With Cousin In Chandigarh

Hello friends amit here from mohali.. Ye meri 1st story hai.. He pehle me apne bare me thoda bta du meri age 22 he height 5’8. Body average & me engg krta hu.. To know me more email me on Ye meri & meri cousin sister (sonal) ki story hai.. Uski age 21 hai & wo bhi engg krti hai.. Uski body kaafi attractive hai 30-28-32 & wo chandigarh me rehti hai..Ye baat aaj se 2 saa pehle ke he me apne taya g ke ghar summer holidays pr gya tha after semester exams. Us time use bhi holidays the. Me unke ghar...

2 years ago
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Summer Hire Ch 09 Part 1

Morning“Wake up sleepy head.”His voice startled her into wakefulness. Her eyes blinked against the intense blue sky beyond her windows.“Huh,” she mumbled, struggling to remember where she was and why she was being forced to wake up from such a wonderfully comfortable bed.Then it all came rushing back to her. She clapped the sheet against her, sitting up in bed. “I’m so sorry. I can’t believe I fell asleep like that last night.”He laughed softly. “No worries. It was a very intense day. Sleep was...

1 year ago
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Is Your Mother Irish

I pretended not to notice her as she walked down the dock. Who could miss her in her cute little white shorts and bright yellow bikini top? She stopped at the next boat and watched the mate clean fish. She looked at me as I threw a large grouper on the cleaning table. She wandered over and watched me skin and filet the fish. I opened the cooler and put the filets in the cooler. She had copper red hair and sprinkle of freckles over her cute little nose. I put down my knife washed and wiped my...

1 year ago
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Mother in law

Hi….Again…I’d been always drawn to older women. After having sex with my mother-in-law (she was 30 years older than me) I realized I really liked mature . I want to tell you a story about me and my mother-in-law. The story happened two years before. My wife was on a business trip, my farther-in-law was out of town too. My mother-in-law invited me for dinner on Saturday. While laying the table she bent down and her boob fell out of her gown. Her boobs were huge, the nipple was long and the area...

1 year ago
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The First Time

You just finished with a hard day of work. A lot of stuff piled up over the last few days and thus your boss cuts your breaks short, makes you work a lot of overtime and generally keeps you busy a lot. But it's friday today. Weekend awaits. And since you worked so hard, you deserve a treat! When you decided, you wanted to grab a drink at your workplace, Jane was in immediately. Agitated you wait in the lobby for her to come down from her department. Since you both worked overtime again, you are...

2 years ago
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First time dressing

I do not claim to be a grammar expert and as such you will find some grammatical errors in this story. The errors can be the switching of tense, spelling errors, or typos. I ask if you find an error please send me an email so I can correct and make the story enjoyable for others.WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are u******e Eighteen, PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!!II did not know I had a disorder did...

3 years ago
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Alan Ch 15

Off to College Can you get e-mail from a dead person? Looking at his inbox Alan concluded that you could. It was just shy of two weeks since he had learned of the death (maybe?) of his mentor, Dr. Jean-Pierre Massimo, and receiving his ring in the mail. Jack had sent him a message through the ring, or, perhaps was using the ring to communicate from another plane of existence. All he knew was that Massimo’s Seed, his earthly manifestation of heavenly power, was within the silver band Alan now...

3 years ago
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the day i fucked my daddy pt 3

as he was pushing his hand in to me i was groaning louder in pain. it felt massiwe in my tight pussy but i started to luv it.-who's a naughty little slut daughter?-he asked harsh. - me - i moaned while he wriggled his hand and started to move it faster and he smacked me hard on my ass cheek. his hand was moving very fast and it was so good that the fire inside me grew stronger and bigger and wheni cummed i wanted more i wanted to get a proper fuck

3 years ago
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Spreading for TeacherChapter 4

The next day's history class dragged by. Jack had told Fawn he wanted to see her after class. She could hardly wait. Thoughts of them sneaking off to his apartment and screwing again filled her head. That would drive away the dull ache deep in her gut. The bell rang and Jack said, "Okay, class. Take off. Have a nice weekend." The last words were spoken to an empty classroom-- empty save for Fawn. "Come on up here, Fawn," he told her. "I want to know if you were serious about saying...

2 years ago
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Surprise revealed

The time had come to begin getting ready. I had my first batch en femme..... using mistress' slipper bath I drew a long bubbly bath and quickly stripping slid into the bubbles. The hot water caressing my cock and breasts was wonderful. I particularly took time washing my breasts and cock. It was lovely. I gave my self a through douche and started to lay out my clothes.A black basque with matching thing. Back seamed fully fashioned stocking and high black strappy stiletto heels. A black silk...

3 years ago
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Two Part 1

TwoI often told Amy sweet, soft stories while kissing her neck and rubbing my finger in small circles--lightly and barely touching her--across her clit--teasing and teasing and teasing. Telling her how I had bent my secretary (Allison) over my desk and fucked her hard, banging against her sweet ass. How hot and wet and tight Ally was, and how she moaned and begged to be fucked harder and harder. How I filled her up with my come. I would ask Amy if she wanted to suck my cock, and taste Allison....

3 years ago
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Where did she go

A few years ago I was between jobs and on gardening leave for 3 months over the summer which was utter bliss until one day my life changed for ever.Hands up I was a bit of a crappy husband as I worked and travelled a lot and was probably quite selfish, yes it was pretty much all about me. Jane never complained though as she would spend money like it was going out of fashion and enjoyed the life it provided her.It never seemed to matter much as she was always so busy and every Wednesday she...

3 years ago
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The Island Adventure 2

The Island Adventure The Island AdventurePart 1The young husband burst into their trailer home that was parked behind the hanger at an outlying grass field airport, where his business as a commercial crop dusting pilot was located and he shouted for his young wife. ?Honey, Baby Doll!? There was no answer until a few moments later. His wife, a petite little blonde of five feet and she couldn?t be over one hundred five pounds appeared from the very back of the long trailer, wearing nothing....

2 years ago
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Discovering Sex the Dirty Way with Daddy by Jenn

When I was young and beautiful, I liked to go online and talk to men, make plans, and say I wanted to meet them.'These are silly girlish notions', my mother once told me. Perhaps, I thought, but every time I thought about doing it, my body came alive, I was living my fantasy, locked in my bedroom I craved love, the naughty kind, the pressure built up to bursting point, I wanted to experiment, I wanted to meet men and see what they would do.I chatted in the nude, it made me feel vulnerable. 'Do...

3 years ago
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Mother LoverChapter 6

It was about an hour later when Cathy and Jennifer returned at last to the party. Chris was surprised as hell to see them laughing and talking together in soft, low voices as they walked across the sands, but he knew better than to ask any questions. The look Cathy shot him was proof enough that he was still in the doghouse as far as she was concerned. "I'm ready to go home now, if you don't mind," She said to him. He shrugged acceptantly, and she turned to Jennifer. "Like a ride home...

2 years ago
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Naa Girlfriend Tho Oka Night Motham

Hii friends. .. Chaala rojula tarvata malli iss lo naa nijamaina experience ni raasthunna.. Nachithe naaku mail cheyandi.. Naa mail id …… Naa peru manoj. Nen hyd lo untaanu studies kosam.. Naaku maa pinni tho maa cousin tho affairs undevi … Aa stories motham naa profile open chesi chadavandi…. Naaku konni rojula mundhu oka lvr undedhi.. Thanatho chaala saarlu sex chesaanu.. Breakup kuda ayipoyindhi. .. Recent gaa naaku maa frnd dwaara oka ammayi parichayam ayindhi…. Thana peru divya…. Chaala...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Iku Sakuragi After a bad breakup Iku Sakuragi travels to Macao and meets a new lover

A Japanese girl has had a bad breakup with her old boyfriend. She decides to travel some and get it out of her system. This is the trip that Iku Sakuragi took to Macau to forget the hurt she had in Japan and to try to revitalize her spirits and outlook on life. She is enjoying the sights of Macau when a Japanese man approaches her. He tells her that he lives there and is alone and he can show her some sights and have some tea with her this afternoon as he is free from work today. After a day...

4 years ago
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Mum my goddess 2

He rushed towards me, his hand raised. I was sure he intended to strike me. “Stop Peter!” Mum cried, “don’t hit him, don’t stop him.” “What!” He shrieked, “what did you say?” “Don’t stop him,” she repeated. I felt her spasm again and l knew she was having another orgasm. I shoved my cock deeper into her arsehole but by then l was pumping dry. “I’m sorry Peter, l can’t help it,” she sobbed. “He attacked me, he forced me to do this.” “But you told me not to stop him,” Dad said. “I know,”...

3 years ago
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Senior Highs

This is a story about two people, 18. The names of the people in the story are changed to protect identities. My name is Jason, and I am a senior in high school. I have a lot of friends, and I'm about to have a couple better ones... So I ride the bus to school. Even though I have a great car, and a KTM 200 EXC that I can ride on the road, I just like seeing my friends everyday. Recently, I have started driving to school. Now one of my friends, Kell, is a junior but she's 18. Don't ask...

2 years ago
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Just Between You and Me

This was both Tom and Heather's second marriage, Heather had no c***dren and Tom had two c***dren from his previous marriage Connie who was twenty-four and Gary who was Tom's only son,he had just graduated high school and still lived at home.Gary had an eye for his beautiful step mother who stood five-foot three with short curly blonde hair and had a bodacious 36C-24-36 body that left Gary perpetually horny.One day Heather was doing some laundry and had clean clothes of Gary's so she decided to...

2 years ago
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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 37

Looking to the rear, she expected to see the back wall of the cavern behind the storage room. It was not there. Instead, the blackness continued unabated. She could not even see any fallen rocks and rubble that might explain the missing wall that should have been there. She took a few paces forward towards this enigma, to direct her attention further back. Nothing, except a repeat of the wall she remembered at the side. That was most peculiar. She ventured further, hoping that the oil...

3 years ago
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Yippey-oh-ki-Yay!This is just a blog- not a story like I usually write. But today was fucking hot and I just had to share it. So here goes:Got home this morning with my dick AND my knee sore after spending the night at my new Latina Momma’s place fucking into the wee hours of the morning. The big mistake I made was trying to take Alicia from a scissor-fuck on her bed at about 2 AM and hoist her in the air, standing up. She had her fucking arms around my neck with my cock in her pussy, but...

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