Aquela Noite... free porn video

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Era noite lá fora. Talvez fria e chuvosa, mas não lembro ao certo. Como poderia? Só me lembro do que aconteceu dentro do quarto. Ela apareceu numa lingerie lilás, salto preto e o tempo parou. Bem, eu parei. Ela estava linda, sensual, matadora. A única luz acesa no quarto apontava pra o seu corpo. Saboreei aquela visão com paciência. Primeiro apreciei seus lindos pés, perfeitamente encaixados no salto alto fino. Subi às suas pernas e me senti convidado por aquelas coxas grossas a um banquete. Mordi o lábio inferior observando o seu sexo, parcialmente exposto por aquela calcinha transparente. Não havia mais quarto, noite ou mundo. Só conseguia vê-la. Ela veio. Em passos lentos e ritmados ela veio. Dançando alguma coisa de R. Kelly e rebolando devagar. Pouco importava o som, eram as curvas do seu quadril que embalavam-me lentamente. Mais um passo e ela estava à minha frente. - Você quer isso? - Perguntou ela, se inclinando e oferecendo os seios em movimentos suaves.
- Muito! - Disse sussurrando.
Apesar da vontade, não ousei tocá-los ainda. Apenas os vi passando próximos à minha boca sedenta e respirei fundo, sentindo seu cheiro. Ah... era delicioso! Após os seios, ela virou e inclinou-se, empinando a bunda numa dança leve. - E isso? Quer? - Provocou.
Respondi mordendo sua bunda macia. Fui empurrado pra trás. Ela me olhou, dominante, e, fazendo um não com o dedo indicador disse: - An an.... ainda não!
Ela rebolou na minha cara e depois desceu até o meu membro duro. Ao sentir que eu já estava pronto para possuí-la sua pele reagiu, ficando arrepiada. Não resisti àquela cena. Pus minhas mãos em sua cintura, guiando-a para que aquela dança não parasse. Dessa vez ela não me empurrou pra trás. Apenas seguiu os movimentos das minhas mãos, rebolando em mim, me excitando ainda mais. Conduzi minha mão direita ao seu seio esquerdo e a puxei pra perto de mim. A nuca dela ficou exposta e próxima à minha boca, que não hesitou em beijá-la com suavidade. Ela se arrepiou outra vez e outra vez a beijei. - Eu quero você. - Falei em seu ouvido, antes de mais alguns beijos.
- Você não imagina o quanto que EU quero você. - Disse ela, levando minha mão ao seu sexo. Ela já estava molhada! Eu a excitava com uma das mãos sobre a sua calcinha e a outra descobrindo seus seios. Minha boca seguia provando o seu pescoço e nuca. Senti suas unhas arranhando minhas pernas e a respiração ficando mais forte. - Ela está pronta pra mais -, pensei.
Desabotoei seu sutiã e os retirei enquanto beijava seus ombros e braços. Ela se inclinou, mas a puxei de volta pelos cabelos, beijando-lhe a nuca e em seguida saboreando sua orelha. Ela fraquejou, contraindo-se num pequeno gemido. - Você gosta assim, não gosta? - Provoquei.
-Hum rum.... - Ela se esforçou pra falar enquanto segurava o gemido.
Explorei aquela fraqueza por mais um tempo, chupando-a do pescoço à orelha. Ela respondia em movimentos inconscientes e suspiros curtos. Ela não sabia, mas a cada suspiro dela, mais excitado eu ficava. E eu já estava louco! Após alguns instantes ela levantou e virou-se.  Seu olhar denunciava o tesão e desejo que sentia. Ela ordenou pra que eu tirasse a minha roupa. Cedi. Primeiro a blusa, azul clara, depois o cinto e a calça. Antes de tirar a cueca ela veio pra cima de mim. Sentou em meu colo me beijou. Foi um beijo longo e molhado. Coloquei minhas mãos em suas costas e bunda, arranhando-a em um ponto e apertando-a em outro. Ela me beijava e se mexia com força. Pressionando sua boceta contra meu pau duro. Suas unhas, cravadas nas minhas costas, marcavam a minha pele. Puxei seu cabelo e ela jogou a cabeça pra trás, obedecendo ao meu comando. - Por que você é tão gostoso, hein? - Ela me perguntou, ainda de olhos fechados e com a respiração mais ofegante. Pouco importava a resposta. Eu só queria sentir o gosto dela molhada na minha boca e depois deliciar-me com a primeira metida. A primeira é sempre a mais gostosa. - Eu quero te chupar. - Disse.
Ela se deitou e eu comecei a chupá-la, mas no pescoço e orelha, como antes. Queria prová-la por inteiro, de novo. Suas mãos, presas aos meus cabelos, conduziram-me aos seus seios. Ah... como eu adorava aqueles seios. Pressionei-os contra o meu rosto e os suguei intensamente. Era uma delícia que eu queria sentir havia tempos. O lindo par de peitos dela estava arrepiado e o bico duro. Passei a língua ao redor e os chupei novamente. Mordi o bico e ela respirou mais forte, apreciando o prazer daquela mordida. Mordi outra vez e os chupei. Uma das minhas mãos estavam em seu clitóris, que estava inchado, denunciando seu tesão. Desci dois dedos até a entrada do seu sexo. Ela estava tão molhada que encharcou os meus dedos. Eu os levei até a minha boca e suguei, sentindo o delicioso gosto dela. Eu precisava de mais.
Provei a sua barriga e desci à virilha. Ela tentou guiar minha cabeça ao seu clitóris, mas não obedeci, provocando-a. Beijei, lambi, chupei sua virilha e coxas. Indo de um lado a outro sem passar por sua boceta, deixando-a sedenta. Massageei suas virilhas e passei meu rosto por sua boceta molhada. O cheiro e o gosto estavam maravilhosos! Passei a língua mais uma vez, lentamente, indo até o seu clitóris. - Ah... delícia - Dissemos juntos.
Peguei uma camisinha e pus nos dedos indicador e médio. Ainda chupando-a, meti meus dedos nela, com a palma da mão pra cima, puxando sua boceta contra minha língua. Ela gemeu alto. Achei seu segundo ponto fraco e esse a faria gozar na minha boca. Pressionei meus lábios contra sua pele de forma a expor seu clitóris às carícias da minha língua. Por dentro eram meus dedos que a penetravam e ela parecia mesmo estar sendo comida naquela hora. Seu sexo se contraía, assim como seu corpo, involuntariamente. Ela gemia mais alto e respirava muito forte. O tesão era tanto que ela mal conseguia respirar. Meu pau latejava de tesão ao vê-la tão excitada. Não parei. Continuei a chupá-la ainda mais e aumentei a intensidade dos meus dedos. Suas mãos procuravam um porto, algo pra segurar. Por vezes me arranhava e puxava meus cabelos, por outras puxava a colcha tentando se conter. Eu a chupava e metia ainda mais. Suas pernas se contorceram, pressionando meu rosto entre elas. Ela tentou sair, involuntariamente, como quem faz quando está prestes a atingir o orgasmo. Seu corpo pedia mais e teve mais. Até que então aqueles gemidos e movimentos tomaram uma intensidade final: - Ah.... - Ela gozava como eu mais gostava, na minha boca.
Diminuí o ritmo e retirei os dedos para que ela pudesse se recompor. Ela me olhou com desejo, pronta pra mais. Me puxou pelos cabelos e me deu um beijo, para depois me jogar na cama. Ela chupou e mordeu meus peitos, mas logo desceu ao meu abdômen e, por cima da cueca, me chupou. Eu queria tirar a cueca de uma vez, mas agora era ela quem me provocava. Ela chupava por fora e me olhava nos olhos, só pra ver minha reação. Eu tentava me conter, mas o tesão era maior. Meu corpo ansiava por mais, meu pau duro latejava por baixo da cueca. Ela o acariciou por fora, da base a cabeça, depois descendo até o saco. Subiu e desceu a mão por cima e pelas minhas pernas. Subiu mais uma vez e colocou uma mão dentro da cueca. O seu toque me fez suspirar. Ela se deliciou me olhando com satisfação e começou a me masturbar lentamente. A cueca atrapalhava sua nova investida e ela, enfim, a retirou, deixando meu membro livre. Ela mordeu o lábio inferior e o umedeceu, como que se preparando para o deleite final. Sua boca aguava por sugá-lo e eu estava ansioso pra ser chupado por ela. Mas ela se conteve, pois sabia o quanto que eu queria aquilo. Ela pegou o meu membro com firmeza e me olhou novamente, excitada com meu olhar de desejo, quase que suplicando por sua boca em mim. Ela me masturbou mais forte a começou a beijar-me na região da virilha. A cada beijo, mais perto ela ficava. O prazer de sentir sua boca se aproximando me deixava maluco e ela se divertia com isso. Foi chegando mais perto, mais perto... até que ela parou de me masturbar, tirou a mão de mim e, olhando nos meus olhos, subiu com a língua da base à cabeça do meu pau. Nossa! Safada... Ela desceu e subiu com a língua de novo, para, enfim, engolir-me com sua boca. - Gostosa, que delícia...- foi a única coisa que conseguir dizer.
Ela me sugou com vontade e eu a auxiliei com a mão prendendo o seu cabelo e ditando o ritmo com que ela me chupava. Ela subia e descia perfeitamente, fazendo sua boca e língua deslizar suavemente por todo o meu membro. A soltei por um instante e ela passou a chupar e lamber também o meu saco, coisa que eu adoro! Ela voltou e engoliu meu membro novamente, com sua boca molhada e quente. Eu queria gozar, mas queria comê-la antes.
Puxei-a pelo cabelo para que ela retirasse o meu membro da boca dela. Ela o tomou na mão e o esfregou no rosto, como quem saboreia um prêmio. Tomei o meu pau da mão dela e o bati no rosto dela. - Ai... bate mais, cachorro! - Ela pediu.
Aquilo me excitou ainda mais e eu bati outra vez. Ela abriu boca e eu surrei seu rosto, bochecha e língua, antes de enfiá-lo outra vez em sua boca. Ela sugou-me com ainda mais desejo. Eu precisava comer aquela boceta logo!
Retirei-me da boca dela de novo e dei um tapa estalado na cara, ordenando que ela levantasse: - Eu quero te foder toda, safada! - Exclamei.
- Então fode comigo, vai... - Provocou ela.
Tomei-a pelos braços e a coloquei sentada de frente pra mim, numa mesinha no canto do quarto. Esfreguei meu pau na boceta molhada dela e ela suspirou com o toque da minha glande brincando ali. Mas já não era hora de provocar. Eu queria meter nela e logo. Enfiei a cabeça devagar. Ela fechou os olhos, se concentrando em todo o prazer que aquela penetração causara. Era como se estivéssemos rompendo o céu. Penetrar naquela boceta tão quente e molhada era uma sensação deliciosa! Por isso a fiz com calma. Fiz os primeiros movimentos lentamente, prolongando o prazer. Minhas mãos em sua cintura, ajudando no apoio. Suas mãos indecisas entre me acariciar ou arranhar, entre puxar-me os cabelos ou fincar-se na minha pele. Eu segui metendo até o final e ditando o ritmo. Seu corpo pedia cada vez mais, mais fundo, mais intenso. Eu o fiz. Seus gemidos estavam altos novamente e eu a comia com vontade, indo cada vez mais fundo, preenchendo todos os espaços da sua boceta com meu membro. Suas pernas estavam se contraindo cada vez mais e eu estava prestes a gozar. Segurei a sua cintura com força, me esforcei para tomar fôlego e meti com mais intensidade do que nunca. Nosso sexo se encontrava com violência. Agora não só ela, mas eu me contorcia de prazer. Estávamos gozando. Ela soltou um gemido alto, eu travei a respiração. Penetrei o mais fundo que pude e pressionei seu corpo com força contra o meu. Ah... estava enfim acontecendo. Ela sentiu um jato grosso invadir o seu corpo e seus músculos se contraírem. Eu diminuí o ritmo até parar. Estávamos exaustos, mas saciados.

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Teach Me Sir

Oh, Natalia you're so funny! I was that girl, the one who was regard as "funny" and "smart"- despite my seventeen years I still didn't have a boyfriend. Sure I'd had some (a lot of) crushes before - but since I had been so young they were hardly worth the mention. My last relationship had been at the age of eleven. I pressed the little send-button on my phone and sent off the message to my friend, Sarah - she'd been in a relationship for about a month and already had more than enough sex...

2 years ago
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Helping Out The Shutterbug

The last gray wisps of sleep fade away as I feel you snuggle into me, your hand sliding across my tummy to rest against the curve of my breast."Good morning, sleepy head," you murmur into my neck with a kiss."Same to you," tousling your hair, knowing we always wake within a minute of each other.You jostle against me, shifting your hips."What's the matter? You got bugs?""Ass hole's a little sore, if you must know.""Well, I told you to put the lube under the pillow last night. Besides, I didn't...

4 years ago
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My Son the Hostess

My Son, the Hostess By Alice Barry "Brandon, Mr. Bowman down at the steak house seems to think that my daughter, Brandi is working for him as a hostess. Do you know anything about that?" "Well, Dad," he said, "I had been looking for a job that paid more than minimum wage and a girl I know from school was telling me she makes $100 a night as a hostess." "Yes, but what does that have to do with you?" "I sort of - well - stop at Cindy's house every afternoon after...

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“He has enjoyed me telling him about you and our brief time together, especially when I am sucking his cock. He gets off on it. “It has been more than a month for me, I am hanging out for a second man. I want to please and be pleased. “What time would suit you?” Jodi asks. We agree that two o’clock on Saturday afternoon works well for us. After some small talk I notice Marco is rather agitated as he ogles my groin area. “Are you looking forward to watching another man have me and being...

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15 February 2008Chapter 3

Wendy and the others entered the house to the normal friendly greeting of Sarg and Major. She noticed a trail of clothes leading from the living room couch to the bedroom. Picking them up as she walked she stopped at the open bedroom door and smiled. There on the king-sized bed, Dan was fucking Tina in the doggy position while she was eating Karen’s pussy. “Now that’s a sight I can come home to every day but with me added,” she lightly laughed going to them. Dan didn’t miss a stroke fucking...

1 year ago
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The call

Note : This story is completely fictional! felicia eversly woke up on march the eightth and smiled at the sunny day out side her window. she got up from her bed and ran in to the living room. she couldn't believe her eyes at first. "hi, guys." her mother smiled at her. "come on dear, you don't want to be late to your own mom." felicia spent all day dancing drinking and joking with all her friends and family, so when she and her mom came home they took their showers and went right to sleep. but,...

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Incest with Sons and Than Their Friends 1

helo us din atif hum dono ko chod kar chala gia main aur reema batain kar rahae thay.Reema nay bataya kay kafi time bahad us ko itna maza aya ha.Phir reema nay kha parvees kay baray main kia khayal ha tum to bata rahi thi kay us ka lun ko gaday ki taraha ha mota aur barha.Main nay kha vo to ha us ka lun to bohat bara ha par soch agar vo be choday aur atif be to kisa ha.Us nay kha ha to hot par ho ga kaisay.Main nay kha soch na kia karon to vo kuch time bahad boli tum us say bat karo us us ko...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Alix Lynx Up Close And Personal

Get a whole new look at Alix Lynx. She started as a cam model then graduated to Girl/Girl before deciding to show the world how much of a cock loving slut she is. This intellectual, fun-loving babe is a healthy, fit, athletic sex machine who enjoys being watched as she’s pounded. She gets manhandled and loves every minute. You’ll want to see this one. This beautiful blonde shows up a spectacular well-fit body wearing a seductive light red lingerie, she bends over the couch and exposes her ass...

2 years ago
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Mongering Experience

Hello, friends my name is sean. I am from Kolkata.I am going to share my own real experience with you all. I appreciate your feedback at This incident happened to me a few days back. I was tired because of over duty at the office. I was exhausted. So I had decided to visit a Thai massage parlor at salt lake.I Have been visiting this MP for almost 6 months now and never had such awesome experience never wrote such long FR but this one deserves it. Was show lot of profile may be 10 but as always...

4 years ago
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Blessings of a Curse 2015 Usa EditionChapter 4

The platform smoothly accelerated to the speed of a brisk walk, and the others faced forward as they floated along, maintaining their same formation close around the platform. As they reached the path leading up to the pass, Mark announced; “This is fine! You can go faster if you want!” “All right. I will gradually accelerate to the speed of a galloping horse. Just tell me if you want to slow down.” Soon they were flying up the path fast enough to make Mark’s heart race, his hair and beard...

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SummerChapter 4 Pleasure Given Voice

Thomas had dressed himself carefully for his meeting the next day. As the days before had been, it was sunny and uncharacteristically hot for a Saturday in early June. The young blond had showered and combed his hair into something close to neatness and dressed himself in a pair of long khaki slacks, leather sandals, a short sleeved light blue t-shirt and an open green chequered over shirt. He'd gotten on the bus at seven and had retreated to the Grange, the formal name for the public...

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FSD Episode 7 When the Masters Away

Episode 7 - "When the Master's away, the subs' will play!"The Mistress has been walking you down the street to the notorious tavern known as the Frog and Whistle (you know, the big tavern on the corner of 4th and Maple? Right next door to the Trople D and the Pleasure Dungeon), collar tight on your throat and leash in Her hand. Before you reach the tavern, She orders you to remove your loin cloth."Yes Mistress." You obey immediately removing the loin cloth, but its cold out, so your scrotum...

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Growing up Chapter 9

Late spring is when all the sorority weddings seem to happen. A senior Sister, Stephanie, not one of the "In" sisters, also not great looking, gets married and I'm at the house all the bridesmaids are staying in. On Sunday when everybody's at the big fancy brunch I see the dress in an upstairs bedroom and lust over putting it on. Lisa is with me and beats me to it. I get to see her strip her clothes off and pull the white lace confection up and onto her slim and curvy body. I help her...

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Dons mistake turns to fun chapter two0

Amber stood at the top of the stairs, the last twenty four hours were like a blur she blushed has she remembered all the filthy events. She had been given by her husband Don to a complete stranger, Ray a workmate of Don and a big man had used her like a slutty sex toy and she had loved it. Never before had she been fucked by such a big cock and verbally abused like the previous night. Then the text he had sent her all morning calling her the filthiest names and telling her what would he...

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Nail Salon Experience 1

Nail Salon Experience By Denise Disclaimer: This story is written as an autobiographical experience. All names have been changed unless they have asked to be identified. No reproduction is allowed without written permission from the author. Please enjoy it in good health and happiness. *I wish to thank those that commented on my first story. I do hope that you find this more in line with your positive suggestions. For several months I have lived in a new community, far away...

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Rigor MortisChapter 35

I was sitting across the desk from my Uncle Joe about six weeks later ready to discuss my final report with him. His chief of staff Malcom Whittaker sat slightly to his left and behind him with a copy open on his lap. I knew he had probably gone over the thing with a fine-tooth comb and if he spotted anything over the line he would have already talked it over with my Uncle. I couldn’t tell from their poker faces if they loved it or hated it for reasons of their own. I had Julie sitting next...

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Paging Doctor Marcus Second Episode

Annie's tits seemed to grow bigger every week before she left for college. I was both aroused and worried, and needed someone other than Harriett to discuss it with. Someone knowledgable. I decided to make an appointment and stop after work at a storefront office of a breast reduction surgeon for a consultation. The specialist, Dr. Fleischmann, escorted me into his combination office/examination room with a paper-covered flat table on the side. "I'm worried about my daughter Annie. Her, uh,...

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ConcordiaChapter 3

January 14-20, 2012 It was mid-morning – sunny, but on the cool side when I got off the fishing boat in Porto Santo Stephano. I tipped my smiling captain another one hundred euros and walked down the dock and found an idling taxi. I probably still looked like a drowned rat but at least my clothes were mostly dry and my windbreaker and hair had benefited from a quick rinse in the sink of the cabin on the fishing boat. I left the blanket on the boat and had run my fingers through my short hair...

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My Life 1 Part II

Hie This is Rutuj from Mumbai me aaj aapko aapni life ka expiriance batane vali hu, mene jo pehele story publish ki usame kaise shekhar ne muje tukara diya our vo meri friend Nisha ke mom ke sath bed pe kya kar raha tha ye bataya. Shekhar ko me bohot chahati thi to me usako bhul hi nahi pa rahi thi tabhi mene meri class fred jo mere school me he usako Shekhar our Sujata Aunty(Nisha mom) ke bare me bataya usane mujhe bataya shekhar our Sujata Aunty jo kar rahe the vo Husband Wife shadi ke bad...

2 years ago
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Mutual Lust

You were there in the kitchen, I walked down a path at the side of the house which lead only to the back yard. The entrance was hidden on the right of the house but I missed it because of the car parked close to the side door. However I was now in the back and was gazing at you through the kitchen window. You were looking at what appeared to be a recipe and were writing down a list. Your head was tilted to the right and your hair hung against your cheek. You brushed it away absentmindedly and...

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Maids Tale

Ceras realised she was standing in front of her mirror adorned in the slinky maid outfit. She looked at herself approvingly: flat tummy, pert breasts and slender legs. If only Mike could look at her the way that the young man in the store had… she thought naughtly. But there were still chores to do and Ceras sighed quietly. The laundry wouldn't put itself away. But she really liked the way the silky outfit felt against her skin – it seemed such a shame to take it off again and change into her...

2 years ago
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An Aquisition

AN ACQUISITIONBy: Charles E. CampbellThe first time I recall seeing my most recent acquisition was at a benefit for an up and coming art gallery in Boston. I have been on the gallery’s Board of Directors for quite some time, and one of my duties in this capacity is to attend these usually mundane and seemingly endless fund raisers. There is little I hate more than making small talk with a group of pretentious society types who thrive on having their picture printed in the Globe while talking...

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Apocalypse BluesChapter 8

“Is it just me, or are the locals avoiding us?” I asked aloud as we walked around the town of Hancock, clothed, of course, as we were in no mood to deal with possibly irate locals. We got lucky at Hazelton, West Virginia, and we didn’t want to press our luck. I laughed to myself as I recalled that this was the second consecutive town in such a short space of time with a name that started with “Ha.” Besides, the sheer number of mosquito bites that some of us got after we tarried naked in...

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My first deep throat

This happened late one summer night last year.There is a very quiet layby near me where it is possible to find a nice, stiff cock to service and I have been fucked, fisted and sucked lots of cock and swallowed all their spunk there. At the side of a gateway there is an Armco type barrier and on this particular night I found myself bent over it with a stranger fingering my slutty hole and filling me with lube. I spread my cheeks and was lost in the pleasure of him slowly spreading me wider as he...

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Haleys BunchChapter 10

Haley’s turn: I’ve heard that when you introduce a new member into a closed community, it takes a while for the hierarchies to realign and reestablish themselves. New member. Diminutive, dark-haired, big-eyed, tawny. Camila. Property of Dave. He paid two hundred bucks for her, and we’ve chided him for not getting a receipt. Fourteen. Headline stories abound about human trafficking and sex slavery and such, and our new sister Camila’s right there for real to show us that it happens. No,...

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Professor Pam Mr Roberts Ch 02

Chapter 2: The Next Morning. . . My arm hurt with pins and needles, it was awakening wrapped around Pam’s shoulder. I wiped the scabs from my eyes and watched her sleep. Her red hair flowing over her shoulders, she looked simply marvelous. How can a woman look so attractive in the morning before she ‘put on her face’? She was a glamorous creature. She was stunningly sexy. The more I watched her, the more I felt something for her. My eyes drifted to her breasts. They were mouth watering. The...

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Being My Ex

Being My Ex My name is Bill. I'm basically a normal guy - I guess - but with a less than normal best friend. This is the story of how we met... It was early evening. I was tired so I laid down for a nap. Asleep, I thought I heard something. It jolted me awake, though amazingly I was able to keep my composure and not open my eyes. I don't know why but I continued to pretend I was sleeping. (I mean I'm not a secret agent or anything, I just did it on impulse). Eventually I did open...

1 year ago
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OnlyFans girls have exploded in popularity in the last couple of years. They have been an instant hit with many guys, such as myself. What can I say? I’m a sucker for real amateur girls showing me their pussies! I can’t help it! Before OnlyFans, we had cam girls, and before those, we had porn. We still have all those things, so it might be the case that something else is better for you instead of OnlyFans. But, if you’re like me and you like following hot girls online and waiting for them to...

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Christys Bad Day

Lisa stood at the back door, looking out the screen door at her daughter as she washed her little car. Christy was the typical California teen age girl, leggy, tanned, big tits, blond hair, full lips and blue eyes, she could have any boy she wanted. Lisa had seen Christy make dates with a different boy every day of the week. Lisa knew her daughter was having sex, she had found her daughter's birth control pills. She also knew she made her dates were rubbers. She had spent many hours...

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Tara 5 BoasChapter 13

The ball finally wound down near midnight. Trae got to go home, being able to teleport has its advantages. He told Justine he would drop some more personal affects off for her in a couple of days, after they checked out the Guild Hall and she had somewhere to store them. In the meantime, she was to stay at the Palace. Duchess Melody informed Ayden that Ryne would be staying with her for the foreseeable future since he wished to attend the University. Ayden was fine with this, as he hadn’t...

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