Aquela Noite... free porn video

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Era noite lá fora. Talvez fria e chuvosa, mas não lembro ao certo. Como poderia? Só me lembro do que aconteceu dentro do quarto. Ela apareceu numa lingerie lilás, salto preto e o tempo parou. Bem, eu parei. Ela estava linda, sensual, matadora. A única luz acesa no quarto apontava pra o seu corpo. Saboreei aquela visão com paciência. Primeiro apreciei seus lindos pés, perfeitamente encaixados no salto alto fino. Subi às suas pernas e me senti convidado por aquelas coxas grossas a um banquete. Mordi o lábio inferior observando o seu sexo, parcialmente exposto por aquela calcinha transparente. Não havia mais quarto, noite ou mundo. Só conseguia vê-la. Ela veio. Em passos lentos e ritmados ela veio. Dançando alguma coisa de R. Kelly e rebolando devagar. Pouco importava o som, eram as curvas do seu quadril que embalavam-me lentamente. Mais um passo e ela estava à minha frente. - Você quer isso? - Perguntou ela, se inclinando e oferecendo os seios em movimentos suaves.
- Muito! - Disse sussurrando.
Apesar da vontade, não ousei tocá-los ainda. Apenas os vi passando próximos à minha boca sedenta e respirei fundo, sentindo seu cheiro. Ah... era delicioso! Após os seios, ela virou e inclinou-se, empinando a bunda numa dança leve. - E isso? Quer? - Provocou.
Respondi mordendo sua bunda macia. Fui empurrado pra trás. Ela me olhou, dominante, e, fazendo um não com o dedo indicador disse: - An an.... ainda não!
Ela rebolou na minha cara e depois desceu até o meu membro duro. Ao sentir que eu já estava pronto para possuí-la sua pele reagiu, ficando arrepiada. Não resisti àquela cena. Pus minhas mãos em sua cintura, guiando-a para que aquela dança não parasse. Dessa vez ela não me empurrou pra trás. Apenas seguiu os movimentos das minhas mãos, rebolando em mim, me excitando ainda mais. Conduzi minha mão direita ao seu seio esquerdo e a puxei pra perto de mim. A nuca dela ficou exposta e próxima à minha boca, que não hesitou em beijá-la com suavidade. Ela se arrepiou outra vez e outra vez a beijei. - Eu quero você. - Falei em seu ouvido, antes de mais alguns beijos.
- Você não imagina o quanto que EU quero você. - Disse ela, levando minha mão ao seu sexo. Ela já estava molhada! Eu a excitava com uma das mãos sobre a sua calcinha e a outra descobrindo seus seios. Minha boca seguia provando o seu pescoço e nuca. Senti suas unhas arranhando minhas pernas e a respiração ficando mais forte. - Ela está pronta pra mais -, pensei.
Desabotoei seu sutiã e os retirei enquanto beijava seus ombros e braços. Ela se inclinou, mas a puxei de volta pelos cabelos, beijando-lhe a nuca e em seguida saboreando sua orelha. Ela fraquejou, contraindo-se num pequeno gemido. - Você gosta assim, não gosta? - Provoquei.
-Hum rum.... - Ela se esforçou pra falar enquanto segurava o gemido.
Explorei aquela fraqueza por mais um tempo, chupando-a do pescoço à orelha. Ela respondia em movimentos inconscientes e suspiros curtos. Ela não sabia, mas a cada suspiro dela, mais excitado eu ficava. E eu já estava louco! Após alguns instantes ela levantou e virou-se.  Seu olhar denunciava o tesão e desejo que sentia. Ela ordenou pra que eu tirasse a minha roupa. Cedi. Primeiro a blusa, azul clara, depois o cinto e a calça. Antes de tirar a cueca ela veio pra cima de mim. Sentou em meu colo me beijou. Foi um beijo longo e molhado. Coloquei minhas mãos em suas costas e bunda, arranhando-a em um ponto e apertando-a em outro. Ela me beijava e se mexia com força. Pressionando sua boceta contra meu pau duro. Suas unhas, cravadas nas minhas costas, marcavam a minha pele. Puxei seu cabelo e ela jogou a cabeça pra trás, obedecendo ao meu comando. - Por que você é tão gostoso, hein? - Ela me perguntou, ainda de olhos fechados e com a respiração mais ofegante. Pouco importava a resposta. Eu só queria sentir o gosto dela molhada na minha boca e depois deliciar-me com a primeira metida. A primeira é sempre a mais gostosa. - Eu quero te chupar. - Disse.
Ela se deitou e eu comecei a chupá-la, mas no pescoço e orelha, como antes. Queria prová-la por inteiro, de novo. Suas mãos, presas aos meus cabelos, conduziram-me aos seus seios. Ah... como eu adorava aqueles seios. Pressionei-os contra o meu rosto e os suguei intensamente. Era uma delícia que eu queria sentir havia tempos. O lindo par de peitos dela estava arrepiado e o bico duro. Passei a língua ao redor e os chupei novamente. Mordi o bico e ela respirou mais forte, apreciando o prazer daquela mordida. Mordi outra vez e os chupei. Uma das minhas mãos estavam em seu clitóris, que estava inchado, denunciando seu tesão. Desci dois dedos até a entrada do seu sexo. Ela estava tão molhada que encharcou os meus dedos. Eu os levei até a minha boca e suguei, sentindo o delicioso gosto dela. Eu precisava de mais.
Provei a sua barriga e desci à virilha. Ela tentou guiar minha cabeça ao seu clitóris, mas não obedeci, provocando-a. Beijei, lambi, chupei sua virilha e coxas. Indo de um lado a outro sem passar por sua boceta, deixando-a sedenta. Massageei suas virilhas e passei meu rosto por sua boceta molhada. O cheiro e o gosto estavam maravilhosos! Passei a língua mais uma vez, lentamente, indo até o seu clitóris. - Ah... delícia - Dissemos juntos.
Peguei uma camisinha e pus nos dedos indicador e médio. Ainda chupando-a, meti meus dedos nela, com a palma da mão pra cima, puxando sua boceta contra minha língua. Ela gemeu alto. Achei seu segundo ponto fraco e esse a faria gozar na minha boca. Pressionei meus lábios contra sua pele de forma a expor seu clitóris às carícias da minha língua. Por dentro eram meus dedos que a penetravam e ela parecia mesmo estar sendo comida naquela hora. Seu sexo se contraía, assim como seu corpo, involuntariamente. Ela gemia mais alto e respirava muito forte. O tesão era tanto que ela mal conseguia respirar. Meu pau latejava de tesão ao vê-la tão excitada. Não parei. Continuei a chupá-la ainda mais e aumentei a intensidade dos meus dedos. Suas mãos procuravam um porto, algo pra segurar. Por vezes me arranhava e puxava meus cabelos, por outras puxava a colcha tentando se conter. Eu a chupava e metia ainda mais. Suas pernas se contorceram, pressionando meu rosto entre elas. Ela tentou sair, involuntariamente, como quem faz quando está prestes a atingir o orgasmo. Seu corpo pedia mais e teve mais. Até que então aqueles gemidos e movimentos tomaram uma intensidade final: - Ah.... - Ela gozava como eu mais gostava, na minha boca.
Diminuí o ritmo e retirei os dedos para que ela pudesse se recompor. Ela me olhou com desejo, pronta pra mais. Me puxou pelos cabelos e me deu um beijo, para depois me jogar na cama. Ela chupou e mordeu meus peitos, mas logo desceu ao meu abdômen e, por cima da cueca, me chupou. Eu queria tirar a cueca de uma vez, mas agora era ela quem me provocava. Ela chupava por fora e me olhava nos olhos, só pra ver minha reação. Eu tentava me conter, mas o tesão era maior. Meu corpo ansiava por mais, meu pau duro latejava por baixo da cueca. Ela o acariciou por fora, da base a cabeça, depois descendo até o saco. Subiu e desceu a mão por cima e pelas minhas pernas. Subiu mais uma vez e colocou uma mão dentro da cueca. O seu toque me fez suspirar. Ela se deliciou me olhando com satisfação e começou a me masturbar lentamente. A cueca atrapalhava sua nova investida e ela, enfim, a retirou, deixando meu membro livre. Ela mordeu o lábio inferior e o umedeceu, como que se preparando para o deleite final. Sua boca aguava por sugá-lo e eu estava ansioso pra ser chupado por ela. Mas ela se conteve, pois sabia o quanto que eu queria aquilo. Ela pegou o meu membro com firmeza e me olhou novamente, excitada com meu olhar de desejo, quase que suplicando por sua boca em mim. Ela me masturbou mais forte a começou a beijar-me na região da virilha. A cada beijo, mais perto ela ficava. O prazer de sentir sua boca se aproximando me deixava maluco e ela se divertia com isso. Foi chegando mais perto, mais perto... até que ela parou de me masturbar, tirou a mão de mim e, olhando nos meus olhos, subiu com a língua da base à cabeça do meu pau. Nossa! Safada... Ela desceu e subiu com a língua de novo, para, enfim, engolir-me com sua boca. - Gostosa, que delícia...- foi a única coisa que conseguir dizer.
Ela me sugou com vontade e eu a auxiliei com a mão prendendo o seu cabelo e ditando o ritmo com que ela me chupava. Ela subia e descia perfeitamente, fazendo sua boca e língua deslizar suavemente por todo o meu membro. A soltei por um instante e ela passou a chupar e lamber também o meu saco, coisa que eu adoro! Ela voltou e engoliu meu membro novamente, com sua boca molhada e quente. Eu queria gozar, mas queria comê-la antes.
Puxei-a pelo cabelo para que ela retirasse o meu membro da boca dela. Ela o tomou na mão e o esfregou no rosto, como quem saboreia um prêmio. Tomei o meu pau da mão dela e o bati no rosto dela. - Ai... bate mais, cachorro! - Ela pediu.
Aquilo me excitou ainda mais e eu bati outra vez. Ela abriu boca e eu surrei seu rosto, bochecha e língua, antes de enfiá-lo outra vez em sua boca. Ela sugou-me com ainda mais desejo. Eu precisava comer aquela boceta logo!
Retirei-me da boca dela de novo e dei um tapa estalado na cara, ordenando que ela levantasse: - Eu quero te foder toda, safada! - Exclamei.
- Então fode comigo, vai... - Provocou ela.
Tomei-a pelos braços e a coloquei sentada de frente pra mim, numa mesinha no canto do quarto. Esfreguei meu pau na boceta molhada dela e ela suspirou com o toque da minha glande brincando ali. Mas já não era hora de provocar. Eu queria meter nela e logo. Enfiei a cabeça devagar. Ela fechou os olhos, se concentrando em todo o prazer que aquela penetração causara. Era como se estivéssemos rompendo o céu. Penetrar naquela boceta tão quente e molhada era uma sensação deliciosa! Por isso a fiz com calma. Fiz os primeiros movimentos lentamente, prolongando o prazer. Minhas mãos em sua cintura, ajudando no apoio. Suas mãos indecisas entre me acariciar ou arranhar, entre puxar-me os cabelos ou fincar-se na minha pele. Eu segui metendo até o final e ditando o ritmo. Seu corpo pedia cada vez mais, mais fundo, mais intenso. Eu o fiz. Seus gemidos estavam altos novamente e eu a comia com vontade, indo cada vez mais fundo, preenchendo todos os espaços da sua boceta com meu membro. Suas pernas estavam se contraindo cada vez mais e eu estava prestes a gozar. Segurei a sua cintura com força, me esforcei para tomar fôlego e meti com mais intensidade do que nunca. Nosso sexo se encontrava com violência. Agora não só ela, mas eu me contorcia de prazer. Estávamos gozando. Ela soltou um gemido alto, eu travei a respiração. Penetrei o mais fundo que pude e pressionei seu corpo com força contra o meu. Ah... estava enfim acontecendo. Ela sentiu um jato grosso invadir o seu corpo e seus músculos se contraírem. Eu diminuí o ritmo até parar. Estávamos exaustos, mas saciados.

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Sex With Kavitha Darling

Hi, M naresh, 33 years old from b’lore. Would like to share my amazing sexperience which I had with my ex-colleague kavitha about 3 years back. I had recently joined a company in bangalore which was in to financial services and was liking my job. With in 3 months, I was my bosses blue eyed boy which made me to work even harder!! Then entered kavitha in our team as well as my life!! Uff what a lady, 5″4′ with an amazing vitals of 34b bra size, 26 waist and 38 hip size( which she had revealed on...

2 years ago
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Brotherly Love

Beth had just recently turned 16, but even still, her mind and level of innocence made her seem younger. When all of her friends, many just at the beginning of their sexual awakening, were making out and feeling each other up, with some well on their way to sex, she was still blushing at the thought of holding hands. She just had no clue. It was the weekend after her birthday. Since her family had been so busy the week of and only had time for a quick get together, she allowed a little sleep...

2 years ago
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There Oughta Be a LawChapter 9

Tuesday Evening After I left work I wasn't quite sure how things were supposed to go now. I knocked on Carolyn's door just in case. Stephanie answered the door and threw herself into my arms. "Uncle Don! I'm so glad to see you." I grabbed her ass and kissed her. "Hi Steph." She rushed off ahead of me to her bedroom. Her shorts looked like they were painted on her ass. I sure hope she didn't look like that in public. When I reached her bedroom she was already naked and she helped...

4 years ago
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Ellens Fantacy

The restraints felt FANTASTIC, much better than I had hoped. Melanie (she goes by Mel) had me tightly tied spread eagle on the bed and she was licking my clit as I was moaning softly, waiting for the tingly feeling that was the start of another orgasm. I raised my head and began licking her pussy as she lowered herself back down. I had tasted her many times before but she seemed even sweeter this time, due to the bondage this time. I suspect. The first of another orgasm began to build inside...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Abigail Mac Kenna James Mia Malkova The Trophy Wife

Kenna James and Mia Malkova are at home scheming. The girls have come up with the perfect plan to make some serious coin from their sugar mama Abigail Mac. Mia is going to disappear for a while and pretend she got kidnapped. They will then contact Abigail and demand a ransom for Mia’s return. Mia disappears to her hideout as Abigail contacts every private investigator in town. She slams the phone down and calls Kenna into her office. She hands over a million dollars in unmarked bills and...

2 years ago
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Ashley is trained for BBC

My girlfriend Ashley is a petite girl, around 5'2" 125 and a beautiful ass! I told her about my fantasy one time and we had some hot sex afterward, I did not tell her about the other man being black because I was embarrassed enough that she knew I wanted to watch someone else fuck her. One day I went into the local porn store looking for a dildo to try to help fulfill my fantasy, I found a black dildo with a suction cup at the end, it was fairly realistic looking and quite large (compared...

4 years ago
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The Trials and Tribulations of Amy Sue MaxineChapter 3

Just as the two dyke cops finish banging our boxes, along comes this big flat-bed semi-truck. On the flat-bed trailer is a long beam mounted about 8' into the air and running from one end of the truck bed to another. Hanging from the beam are about 25 sets of handcuffs. All but two of those sets of cuffs is holding a totally naked, stiletto heeled female prisoners. As the truck comes to a stop, I am able to get a closer look at several of their pussies. Each one has the letter 'S' branded...

4 years ago
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A coworker and I

Finally we got our break – her fight was late, meaning that she missed the group transportation to the hotel. Since I was one of the meeting planners I said that I would take our team meeting car back to pick her up instead of having her use public transportation. It was about a 40 minute drive on a hot September afternoon. She had been running through the airport working up a sweat. We usually travel casual then change to meeting clothes when we arrive at the meeting site which means she...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Gina Gerson The Return Of The Slim Siberian Sex Addict

It’s been almost two years since we have seen GIna Gerson, and honestly we were craving some of that tight sweet russian pussy! Small girls are sometimes incredibly hard to find, so we had to search far and wide to reconnect with her. It turns out she was actually craving some long hard dick too! We flew her out to the mansion and let her get ready to be railed. She started off with a striptease showing off her tiny tits and airtight pussy. That thing has only gotten tighter as the years have...

4 years ago
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Balling The BabysitterChapter 3 A Game Called Horseshoes

Friday came so slowly that Kathy thought she would just explode with impatience. When she got home from school she ran to the shower. She didn't know what would happen tonight, but she wanted to smell like Valerie. She snuck some perfume from her mother's vanity and dabbed it between her breasts, and then wiped that finger on her pussy hair. When she got dressed to go to the Tracey's, she left off her bra and panties. Once again Valerie met her at the door, smiling, with a hug. She was...

3 years ago
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Zeus and Io Books 1 and 2Chapter 8

We were ensconced in the quiet of the desert, outside the Soaring Eagle ranch. We only intruded on them to use the bathroom – and to have breakfast, of course ... and other meals ... and drinks after dinner. I tried to make myself useful, making cornbread under BlueBird's watchful eye. Of course, I wore my new clothes. I had a pair of white jeans, yellow jeans, light tan leather pants, and a whole set of t-shirts in various 'bright' colors. Some of them were nearly indecently cropped...

2 years ago
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Trying It With Maddie

My nose pressed into the soft pubic hair growing above my best friend Maddie's vagina. I had never tasted a girl before and I savored the fact that hers was the first. The blissful sounds she made filled my ears as the musty sweet flavor of her juices flowed onto my hungry tongue. I wanted to take it slow, make the moment last. So, I licked slowly, the flat of my tongue traveling up and down her spread lips, tickling the V at the bottom while my upper lip rubbed back and over her clit. The...

3 years ago
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Brother Complex Part 1

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe what I felt has damned me to deepest pits in hell, but it couldn't be help. I love himMy little brother and I have always been close. He was born prematurely when I was two. So since then I dedicated seventeen years of my life to protect him. I had graduated with a scholarship and was accepted to study abroad and that meant being away from home for at least four years. Away from home meant, being away from Kasumi. Who would protect him from those pervs on the street...

4 years ago
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A New Lust For Loving Part 1

Introduction: Joanne is getting over the break-up of her marraige and decides to take a vacation. Joanne had managed to make it back to her holiday apartment, still dripping water and slightly out of breath from the assault on the three flights of stairs. Only moments earlier, she had opened her eyes to find a guy in the hot tub with her. How long had he been there, she wondered? What made the whole event even more awkward was that he had tried to make conversation with her, as she surfaced...

3 years ago
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Nathalies New World Chapter Three

Wife... Mia Stephanie.... Girlfriend Terrence... Wife's lover Sasha ...... Salon Owner David.... Me My life was indeed changing. That day with Mia and Stephie was the point from which there could be no possible return. There could be no going back, but where it was going was anybody's guess. The next morning I woke early preparing to head into the office. Standing in the shower with the steaming hot water caressing my body I let my mind drift back over the preceding days. I...

4 years ago
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The Case of the Missing WomanChapter 7 The Aftermath

Percy awoke to the smell of ammonium carbonate (Smelling salts). It made him turn his head and that movement hurt. One of the EMT's started cautioning him to lie still while they checked him out. Percy's awareness slowly returned as he laid there. First he remembered running into the tree, and falling, and then he remembered the reason why he was running in the dark. Percy spotted a State Trooper hovering around him and asked, "The women?" The Trooper just shook his head "No". "We...

3 years ago
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Last Night in Russia

We got in past 2 AM and slept most of the day. About 4 in the afternoon we stirred and started thinking about food and our last night to do list, before our early flight back to Sweden. We had room service bring us cheese, crackers, fruit, bacon and juices. We nibbled on that and talked of evening options. We decided to return to the sex club and view some more shows. Getting there before the crowd, we sat stage side. Attractive women did strip shows to keep us entertained, then the first act...

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The scandalous Stewardess 6

"The Scandalous Stewardess"Chapter 7 Davie had flung herself across the bed and was sobbing as the scheming, i****tuous brother of her so-called "friend" kneeled besideher on the floor, a comforting hand on her back. "That's right, Davie, let it all out. Just cry away--everythingyou saw going on in that room. Let that whole scene between my sisterand your dad wash right out of your eyes," he told her tenderly,cunningly. The distraught young girl cried even harder, her pitiful sobsfilling the...

2 years ago
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My Twin to the Rescue Part 3

My Twin to the Rescue Part 3 Ken sat in the back of the limo watching objects whisk pass the window in the early morning light. The car was skillfully guided by Peter, the tall handsome man Ken had met when he got off of the airplane in Orlando. Since that time, Ken had had trouble keeping his mind from wondering. Even now, as he gazed out the car window, he was having a (very early) day dream about Peter. Again, he saw himself with Peter at Disney World and their two...

2 years ago
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Bad Day At The OfficeChapter 10

I woke early, after only a couple hours of sleep, still tired and quite disorientated. At first I thought that the naked body lying next to me was Jane, then remembering that I would never again wake up with her at my side. It seemed that I was just at the edge of reality, you know, when you are awake but your dreams still feel real. I felt quite guilty when I did recall who the woman in my arms was. I lay as still as I could, not wanting to disturb her, whilst I pondered my own thoughts. Was...

3 years ago
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GameplayerChapter 37

Christopher Louis Phelps had returned to Twin Rivers -- more or less. He had decided, as a precaution, to stay in a motel east of Twin Rivers, near the ocean in a small neighboring town that bordered the Marine base. He was close enough to Twin Rivers to visit it with convenience, and to visit the construction site of his future home to review progress. He felt somewhat safer, however, away from his original hotel. He missed the Hilton Riverside, however. His suite there had been somewhat...

2 years ago
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A Fantastic RingChapter 16

I had Ring design a disguise for me so that I could join in on the practice sessions with the guns. Of course, I had to apply for a permit, but I did it in disguise and used a false name. Once I learned how to handle the pistol, I did not need the permit, so there was no problem there. With my other abilities, no cop could arrest me for illegally carrying a gun. I told Mom and my concubines to keep the gun with them at all times when they were out of the house, and they should have the gun...

3 years ago
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Draft Dodger On The Rag A Bunnys Tale

DRAFT DOGER ON THE RAG - A BUNNY'S TALE By: Deane Christopher Copyrighted: 2000 *********************************************************************** **** Draft Dodger on the Rag - A Bunny's Tale is the direct result of three different ideas coming together to form the bases for a single story. It all started with a suggestion from Mindy Rich for me to use some or all of the photos that she had posted on the Original Fictionmania from the made for TV movie A Bunny's...

4 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 239

A preceding night of little or no sleep made Monday morning rough on Laura. She was dragging all the way, and a look in the mirror revealed alarming grayish bags beneath her eyes, a sour frown on her lips, a glassy, abstracted, unfocused stare. Fortunately, her pussy didn't burn as much as she recalled it having burned on other days following a night of sick and masochistic depravity with Karen. But it did ache, and her nipples too. What must hers feel like? she wondered, remembering the...

3 years ago
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Tara 6 CrossroadsChapter 6

The servants and guards soon had the three tents set up. They had placed the tents on Ricky’s grass, so the openings faced the firepit on the tiled circle. Micky’s tent was in the middle, and she assumed that Jen would join her in it later that night. She did, however, forget what night it was. Unfortunately for her, Kerr hadn’t. Jen and Mira soon had the stores cracked open, and a passable stew was quickly simmering in a big pot on one of the barbeque grills. Damper (yeastless or soda...

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NobleChapter 31

We took our time sailing the Atlantic back to the East Coast. All the girls helped with Jen getting over her feelings by accepting the way I was treating her. Tammy thought of using paper clips to attach her rings together. One to five between her wrists kept them touching or just enough space to be comfortable, but she had to remember to hold them there or she could bend the paper clip and pull free. Ten to twenty between her ankle rings made for an interesting gait! Jen had to keep her knee...

3 years ago
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To Fuck My Own Daughter

I had never actually known my daughter, Eden. A quick explanation: The last time I had seen her was right after she popped out of her mother at the hospital. After that, her mother and I had a bad dispute and she packed her bags and left with the baby. It was only just after Eden had turned eighteen that she had come to live with me. It was more of a cry for help really, as her mother had gotten into some bad issues involving drugs and all that mess, and Eden wasn't financially stable enough...

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Sex with teacher

The other day I was out drinking with friends, which always makes me horny. I told my Sir that I wanted fucked badly. He was kind enough to post an ad calling for men in my area to come fuck me.He knows that I prefer older, well-educated men so the applicants were vetted accordingly. I fell asleep and when I awoke he had already found several possible matches. Once my Sir had narrowed it down to a few lucky candidates I was allowed to choose. Immediately I was drawn to one man, the professor,...

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She said

This was a collaboration of the same story told twice; once from her point of view, and once from his. Chris didn't know that I knew. I'd been suspecting he'd been out doing all manner of things he shouldn't be doing. True enough, it had been a while since we'd had sex. But a lot of that I chalked up to the end of my pregnancy. I was uncomfortable, physically, and he just wasn't really into it. But months after our daughter was here, things still weren't picking back up. So when I heard third...

2 years ago
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My stalker became my Mistress

I let a woman control me! I was in college. I lived in a big city, it was summer and I was working in a mall. I was talking to a couple while at work, educating them about a certain washer and dryer when I noticed a woman from across the aisle that kept looking at me and every time I looked over at her she would quickly look away with a smile. I spent about 15 minutes with the couple and when they were done asking questions, I looked around kind of expecting this woman to be looking for help...

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