Aquela Noite... free porn video

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Era noite lá fora. Talvez fria e chuvosa, mas não lembro ao certo. Como poderia? Só me lembro do que aconteceu dentro do quarto. Ela apareceu numa lingerie lilás, salto preto e o tempo parou. Bem, eu parei. Ela estava linda, sensual, matadora. A única luz acesa no quarto apontava pra o seu corpo. Saboreei aquela visão com paciência. Primeiro apreciei seus lindos pés, perfeitamente encaixados no salto alto fino. Subi às suas pernas e me senti convidado por aquelas coxas grossas a um banquete. Mordi o lábio inferior observando o seu sexo, parcialmente exposto por aquela calcinha transparente. Não havia mais quarto, noite ou mundo. Só conseguia vê-la. Ela veio. Em passos lentos e ritmados ela veio. Dançando alguma coisa de R. Kelly e rebolando devagar. Pouco importava o som, eram as curvas do seu quadril que embalavam-me lentamente. Mais um passo e ela estava à minha frente. - Você quer isso? - Perguntou ela, se inclinando e oferecendo os seios em movimentos suaves.
- Muito! - Disse sussurrando.
Apesar da vontade, não ousei tocá-los ainda. Apenas os vi passando próximos à minha boca sedenta e respirei fundo, sentindo seu cheiro. Ah... era delicioso! Após os seios, ela virou e inclinou-se, empinando a bunda numa dança leve. - E isso? Quer? - Provocou.
Respondi mordendo sua bunda macia. Fui empurrado pra trás. Ela me olhou, dominante, e, fazendo um não com o dedo indicador disse: - An an.... ainda não!
Ela rebolou na minha cara e depois desceu até o meu membro duro. Ao sentir que eu já estava pronto para possuí-la sua pele reagiu, ficando arrepiada. Não resisti àquela cena. Pus minhas mãos em sua cintura, guiando-a para que aquela dança não parasse. Dessa vez ela não me empurrou pra trás. Apenas seguiu os movimentos das minhas mãos, rebolando em mim, me excitando ainda mais. Conduzi minha mão direita ao seu seio esquerdo e a puxei pra perto de mim. A nuca dela ficou exposta e próxima à minha boca, que não hesitou em beijá-la com suavidade. Ela se arrepiou outra vez e outra vez a beijei. - Eu quero você. - Falei em seu ouvido, antes de mais alguns beijos.
- Você não imagina o quanto que EU quero você. - Disse ela, levando minha mão ao seu sexo. Ela já estava molhada! Eu a excitava com uma das mãos sobre a sua calcinha e a outra descobrindo seus seios. Minha boca seguia provando o seu pescoço e nuca. Senti suas unhas arranhando minhas pernas e a respiração ficando mais forte. - Ela está pronta pra mais -, pensei.
Desabotoei seu sutiã e os retirei enquanto beijava seus ombros e braços. Ela se inclinou, mas a puxei de volta pelos cabelos, beijando-lhe a nuca e em seguida saboreando sua orelha. Ela fraquejou, contraindo-se num pequeno gemido. - Você gosta assim, não gosta? - Provoquei.
-Hum rum.... - Ela se esforçou pra falar enquanto segurava o gemido.
Explorei aquela fraqueza por mais um tempo, chupando-a do pescoço à orelha. Ela respondia em movimentos inconscientes e suspiros curtos. Ela não sabia, mas a cada suspiro dela, mais excitado eu ficava. E eu já estava louco! Após alguns instantes ela levantou e virou-se.  Seu olhar denunciava o tesão e desejo que sentia. Ela ordenou pra que eu tirasse a minha roupa. Cedi. Primeiro a blusa, azul clara, depois o cinto e a calça. Antes de tirar a cueca ela veio pra cima de mim. Sentou em meu colo me beijou. Foi um beijo longo e molhado. Coloquei minhas mãos em suas costas e bunda, arranhando-a em um ponto e apertando-a em outro. Ela me beijava e se mexia com força. Pressionando sua boceta contra meu pau duro. Suas unhas, cravadas nas minhas costas, marcavam a minha pele. Puxei seu cabelo e ela jogou a cabeça pra trás, obedecendo ao meu comando. - Por que você é tão gostoso, hein? - Ela me perguntou, ainda de olhos fechados e com a respiração mais ofegante. Pouco importava a resposta. Eu só queria sentir o gosto dela molhada na minha boca e depois deliciar-me com a primeira metida. A primeira é sempre a mais gostosa. - Eu quero te chupar. - Disse.
Ela se deitou e eu comecei a chupá-la, mas no pescoço e orelha, como antes. Queria prová-la por inteiro, de novo. Suas mãos, presas aos meus cabelos, conduziram-me aos seus seios. Ah... como eu adorava aqueles seios. Pressionei-os contra o meu rosto e os suguei intensamente. Era uma delícia que eu queria sentir havia tempos. O lindo par de peitos dela estava arrepiado e o bico duro. Passei a língua ao redor e os chupei novamente. Mordi o bico e ela respirou mais forte, apreciando o prazer daquela mordida. Mordi outra vez e os chupei. Uma das minhas mãos estavam em seu clitóris, que estava inchado, denunciando seu tesão. Desci dois dedos até a entrada do seu sexo. Ela estava tão molhada que encharcou os meus dedos. Eu os levei até a minha boca e suguei, sentindo o delicioso gosto dela. Eu precisava de mais.
Provei a sua barriga e desci à virilha. Ela tentou guiar minha cabeça ao seu clitóris, mas não obedeci, provocando-a. Beijei, lambi, chupei sua virilha e coxas. Indo de um lado a outro sem passar por sua boceta, deixando-a sedenta. Massageei suas virilhas e passei meu rosto por sua boceta molhada. O cheiro e o gosto estavam maravilhosos! Passei a língua mais uma vez, lentamente, indo até o seu clitóris. - Ah... delícia - Dissemos juntos.
Peguei uma camisinha e pus nos dedos indicador e médio. Ainda chupando-a, meti meus dedos nela, com a palma da mão pra cima, puxando sua boceta contra minha língua. Ela gemeu alto. Achei seu segundo ponto fraco e esse a faria gozar na minha boca. Pressionei meus lábios contra sua pele de forma a expor seu clitóris às carícias da minha língua. Por dentro eram meus dedos que a penetravam e ela parecia mesmo estar sendo comida naquela hora. Seu sexo se contraía, assim como seu corpo, involuntariamente. Ela gemia mais alto e respirava muito forte. O tesão era tanto que ela mal conseguia respirar. Meu pau latejava de tesão ao vê-la tão excitada. Não parei. Continuei a chupá-la ainda mais e aumentei a intensidade dos meus dedos. Suas mãos procuravam um porto, algo pra segurar. Por vezes me arranhava e puxava meus cabelos, por outras puxava a colcha tentando se conter. Eu a chupava e metia ainda mais. Suas pernas se contorceram, pressionando meu rosto entre elas. Ela tentou sair, involuntariamente, como quem faz quando está prestes a atingir o orgasmo. Seu corpo pedia mais e teve mais. Até que então aqueles gemidos e movimentos tomaram uma intensidade final: - Ah.... - Ela gozava como eu mais gostava, na minha boca.
Diminuí o ritmo e retirei os dedos para que ela pudesse se recompor. Ela me olhou com desejo, pronta pra mais. Me puxou pelos cabelos e me deu um beijo, para depois me jogar na cama. Ela chupou e mordeu meus peitos, mas logo desceu ao meu abdômen e, por cima da cueca, me chupou. Eu queria tirar a cueca de uma vez, mas agora era ela quem me provocava. Ela chupava por fora e me olhava nos olhos, só pra ver minha reação. Eu tentava me conter, mas o tesão era maior. Meu corpo ansiava por mais, meu pau duro latejava por baixo da cueca. Ela o acariciou por fora, da base a cabeça, depois descendo até o saco. Subiu e desceu a mão por cima e pelas minhas pernas. Subiu mais uma vez e colocou uma mão dentro da cueca. O seu toque me fez suspirar. Ela se deliciou me olhando com satisfação e começou a me masturbar lentamente. A cueca atrapalhava sua nova investida e ela, enfim, a retirou, deixando meu membro livre. Ela mordeu o lábio inferior e o umedeceu, como que se preparando para o deleite final. Sua boca aguava por sugá-lo e eu estava ansioso pra ser chupado por ela. Mas ela se conteve, pois sabia o quanto que eu queria aquilo. Ela pegou o meu membro com firmeza e me olhou novamente, excitada com meu olhar de desejo, quase que suplicando por sua boca em mim. Ela me masturbou mais forte a começou a beijar-me na região da virilha. A cada beijo, mais perto ela ficava. O prazer de sentir sua boca se aproximando me deixava maluco e ela se divertia com isso. Foi chegando mais perto, mais perto... até que ela parou de me masturbar, tirou a mão de mim e, olhando nos meus olhos, subiu com a língua da base à cabeça do meu pau. Nossa! Safada... Ela desceu e subiu com a língua de novo, para, enfim, engolir-me com sua boca. - Gostosa, que delícia...- foi a única coisa que conseguir dizer.
Ela me sugou com vontade e eu a auxiliei com a mão prendendo o seu cabelo e ditando o ritmo com que ela me chupava. Ela subia e descia perfeitamente, fazendo sua boca e língua deslizar suavemente por todo o meu membro. A soltei por um instante e ela passou a chupar e lamber também o meu saco, coisa que eu adoro! Ela voltou e engoliu meu membro novamente, com sua boca molhada e quente. Eu queria gozar, mas queria comê-la antes.
Puxei-a pelo cabelo para que ela retirasse o meu membro da boca dela. Ela o tomou na mão e o esfregou no rosto, como quem saboreia um prêmio. Tomei o meu pau da mão dela e o bati no rosto dela. - Ai... bate mais, cachorro! - Ela pediu.
Aquilo me excitou ainda mais e eu bati outra vez. Ela abriu boca e eu surrei seu rosto, bochecha e língua, antes de enfiá-lo outra vez em sua boca. Ela sugou-me com ainda mais desejo. Eu precisava comer aquela boceta logo!
Retirei-me da boca dela de novo e dei um tapa estalado na cara, ordenando que ela levantasse: - Eu quero te foder toda, safada! - Exclamei.
- Então fode comigo, vai... - Provocou ela.
Tomei-a pelos braços e a coloquei sentada de frente pra mim, numa mesinha no canto do quarto. Esfreguei meu pau na boceta molhada dela e ela suspirou com o toque da minha glande brincando ali. Mas já não era hora de provocar. Eu queria meter nela e logo. Enfiei a cabeça devagar. Ela fechou os olhos, se concentrando em todo o prazer que aquela penetração causara. Era como se estivéssemos rompendo o céu. Penetrar naquela boceta tão quente e molhada era uma sensação deliciosa! Por isso a fiz com calma. Fiz os primeiros movimentos lentamente, prolongando o prazer. Minhas mãos em sua cintura, ajudando no apoio. Suas mãos indecisas entre me acariciar ou arranhar, entre puxar-me os cabelos ou fincar-se na minha pele. Eu segui metendo até o final e ditando o ritmo. Seu corpo pedia cada vez mais, mais fundo, mais intenso. Eu o fiz. Seus gemidos estavam altos novamente e eu a comia com vontade, indo cada vez mais fundo, preenchendo todos os espaços da sua boceta com meu membro. Suas pernas estavam se contraindo cada vez mais e eu estava prestes a gozar. Segurei a sua cintura com força, me esforcei para tomar fôlego e meti com mais intensidade do que nunca. Nosso sexo se encontrava com violência. Agora não só ela, mas eu me contorcia de prazer. Estávamos gozando. Ela soltou um gemido alto, eu travei a respiração. Penetrei o mais fundo que pude e pressionei seu corpo com força contra o meu. Ah... estava enfim acontecendo. Ela sentiu um jato grosso invadir o seu corpo e seus músculos se contraírem. Eu diminuí o ritmo até parar. Estávamos exaustos, mas saciados.

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The first time I met Karen was at a bar in Center City Philadelphia. She was with a couple of girl friends and I managed to get her to dance. The second dance was a slow one and that’s when I knew. The way she moved her pelvis over my crotch and her heavy breathing gave me an immediate hard-on that I knew she could feel. 10 minutes later she had excused herself from her friends and met me near the men’s room. She had obviously been there before because she led me into an empty coatroom. She was...

2 years ago
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The Girlfriend Chapt 1 Learning the Ropes

The Girlfriend - Chapt. 1 - Learning the Ropes The doorbell rang, a three-note progression that I still wasn't used to. I'd moved in with Natasha just four days previously. I knew who it was - Denise come to help me make sense of my new life. I opened the door. Denise greeted me with a squeal of pleasure and kissed me full on the lips. I tightened, still not used to being kissed by a man. She had a woman with her. "You remember my husband Felicia?" Denise said. "She gave me a...

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Black List II Russian WinterChapter 14

Spencer wakes up alone. After looking around the safe house, the only thing he finds is a note from Jennifer explaining that she was out to meet with a contact and would return shortly. After a shower, he waits for another half hour before finally deciding to get some information himself. So he leaves his own note and heads out from the apartment. Not long after, Spencer finds an internet café a few blocks away from the safe house. Using a secure network that the TDF uses, he contacts the...

1 year ago
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Dance for Me Chapter Seven

Brandon did not miss his old life. This was one fact he was absolutely, one hundred percent certain of. He did not miss his so-called job, or his poky apartment, or the constant empty hours he’d become used to wasting away. In the scorching summer sunshine of Las Vegas, everything looked and felt better. Sure, maybe he missed the people, like the neighbours he barely knew, and the witty landlord and obviously Caroline, but apart from that he was perfectly happy with the choice he’d made. ...

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CreamFilled MotherinLaw

The soft knock on my bedroom door woke me up and started my heart pounding."Come in," I called. I sat up in my bed and turned, dropping my legs over the side, so I was facing the door.The door opened and my Mother-in-Law walked into my room, looking incredibly nervous. She was wearing a long, worn bathrobe that, before hundreds of washings, was a pink plaid belted around her waist.Her fingers clutched the neck of the robe, holding that shut, as if she wanted to be sure nothing showed. Her...

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The Librarian

He held her head in is hands, cupping her ears to steady her while she stood, statuesque. Her feet planted slightly apart, arms hanging down by her sides. Apart from her eyes and heaving chest, noting else moved. John looked into her eyes with a steady stare, questioning and trying to gain reassurance that he had read her signals correctly. Letting go of her head, he undid the buttons of her heavy cardigan, pushing the bone shaped fastenings through the buttonholes, starting at the button...

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The Preachers DaughterChapter 15 Dark Dreams

Five hours later... Time: February 9, 9570 11:30 AM UCT Eliana was alone on Level-B, the first sub-level below the CAT's Level-A garage. Like Level-C below it, Level-B was a large work and storage area, 8 meters by 16 meters with a 4-meter ceiling. Along the length of an 8-meter wall were several isolation chambers with numerous diagnostics for bio-analysis. Eliana and Basel had placed their specimen in Chamber-#1, their most secure repository. The large corpse was frozen solid. Once its...

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The Adventures of Patty

“You're wearing my things again!” Brenda screamed when she came home early from community college and found me prancing around the house in one of her short skirts. “Take them off, you little pervert!” It wouldn't be nearly as bad if I were her little sister and trying on her clothes but I was her brother. But it wasn't as bad as it could be. I mean, if she knew what Tommy and I had been doing just two short hours ago, she'd really be pissed. Truthfully, Tommy and I had never really done...

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Impregnating My Best Friend8217s Wife 8211 Part 3

Hi, guys, this is sandy again, here with the third part of my narration. As for those of you who don’t know me, I’m a Sikh man of 35 years, happily married and residing in Gurgaon. As on the last part I shared how we had a great second session. All our hesitation and reluctance had faded. It was now all sensuality and lustiness disguised in a cause of help. We were now in touch all the time. In the evening as I reached home, I got a surprise as Jot and Sim both were there. Jot told me that Sim...

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Crossing The Street 2

‘Took you long enough!’ I blinked away the sleepiness that last night’s fitful slumber hadn’t resolved. ‘I said to be at the phone at ten. Where were you?’ Dana accused. ‘I…I was just here… I…’ My words trailed off, remembering last night’s dinner, the distracted conversation, the DVR shows Mitch and I had watched that I couldn’t recall, my brain occupied by yesterday’s events. Tossing and turning all night as Mitch snored, blissfully unaware of what his proper wife had been up to that day....

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Second Squad Third Platoon E CompanyChapter 11

Voice, what can you do for us if we are wounded by bullets? The question has never come up before, but it looks to me like a real possibility when we run into those Krauts this afternoon. Sgt. James Haggerty, we are equipped to care for any normal wound, even beyond what the hospitals you are used to would be able to do. If you are killed, there is nothing that we can do, but, short of that, we can return you to normal health without too much difficulty. Any wounded man will be transported...

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Cock slave best story ever I want this found

I placed an ad in a local paper’s personal section, it read as follows:Sub Bi male, 32, is seeking dominant male interested in regular discreet encounters.Short and to the point. I got a PO box through the Newspaper so they would forwarded it to my own personal P.O. Box. I was going to be as cautious as possible. Within a week I had received over 50 letters from all sorts of guys. Several of them sounded pretty good but one guy stood out. In his letter he sounded so masterful and wanted a guy...

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A Day At The Waterfall 1

PLEASE I BEG,POST YOUR THOUGHTS ON THIS AS IT IS MY FIRST STORY AND ID REALLY LIKE TO GET SOME FEEDBACK FROM YOU READERS ON IT SO I CAN IMPROVE ON IT IF NEED BE !!!!!!    It all started one hot summer day in July. My wife, Lilly and I were out with a couple of friends of ours, Amanda and Chase, to have a cook out and a few drinks. We had talked about the idea of inviting another woman into our bed for a for a couple of years – by talking about it, I mean we would talk about it while we were...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 61 Turning 28

April 6, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “I need a nap,” I said after I greeted my wives. “Up late last night?” Elyse smirked. “You could say that!” I agreed. I went to see the kids who were either in the sunroom or the great room. Jesse wasn’t there and Kara said he was taking a nap at Jennifer’s insistence. I spent about five minutes with the kids, then went upstairs and got into bed. I wasn’t surprised when my wives joined me, and I slept for about three hours, which I hoped was enough to get...

2 years ago
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Patient and Strong

Exhausted, she collapsed onto the bed and into Dawn’s lap. Their twin bed creaked under the combined weight with a familiar and friendly groan as Alex attempted to get comfortable, using her partner’s thighs as the perfect warm pillows they were always meant to be. Dawn absentmindedly ran a hand through Alex’s short wet hair, petting her like a cat. “How’s work?” Dawn’s voice was as smooth and motherly as ever. Alex groaned. “I wanna pour blood disolvent in the break room coffee pot.” she...

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Pickup Number EighteenChapter 4

Our AI was apparently reading my mind -- but drawing different conclusions. "We're approaching the temporal limits beyond which the viability of your plan for the second pickup become untenable," it announced. Very simply put, the longer this went on inside the diner, the bigger the circus outside became. And the bigger the circus, the harder it became to penetrate the mess and extract young Kellie and her girlfriends. "We have GOT to pick up the pace, people," I announced, using my...

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Loosing my virginity

I was 19 and so was she. Here is the true story of how i lost my male virginity! It was Sheila’s 19th birthday and i had missed her birthday party. The party was over by the time i reached her flat and sheila was a bit cross with me. I gave her the watch that i had brought as a present for her. She liked it, smiled and gave me a ‘thank you – forgive you’ peck on the cheeks. Sheila had an extremely beautiful face, dazzling eyes, and an amazing figure. She was dressed in a fantastic long dress...

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group fucking with co workers

This happened after a month of the first story when my job had started in a company with my co workers Shweta Tiwari and Ragini Khanna. They were both rolling their eyes at me after that wonderful fuck fest a month ago. After that I had been busy and had not been able to meet them. On the set on a Saturday, they both came to me and said," rupesh we are having a party at Shweta's place to celebrate our new show. You are invited too". I accepted the invitation and at night I went to Shweta's...

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The Next Step Chapter Three

I must be imagining this, I think to myself as the knocking noise continues.My heart is in my mouth as I make my way to the door.It can’t be you… it just can’t be…I feel light-headed.Could it be?I take a deep breath and slowly turn the handle.“Good morning!” comes a woman’s voice. “Housekeeping!”I visibly deflate as I pull the door open, cursing myself for thinking it would be you. I explain to the lady that there was a last-minute change and that I won’t be checking out until tomorrow. She...

Straight Sex
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take control

Introduction: a shy girl learns a few things and trys them out on her man What would you like to do tonight honey? Her boyfriend Travis always wanted her to pick the activities. He said she needed to assert herself more, be more domineering. Well tonight she had a surprise for him. After a couple Gals nights out with her more adventurous friends, Susan was ready to try some new moves for her man. I figured we could stay in and entertain each other O? Travis was intrigued. Susan was a nice...

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Didi uski nanad aur saas

Meri badi didi sunita ty bcom kar rahi hai. Woh bahot khubsurt hai, uske mumme Kaafi bade hai aur uski gaand ekdum tight hai. Woh hamesha jeans pahenti hai. Ek Din woh apni saheli ke ghar gai hui thi, aur mein apni kitaab dhundhne ke liye Uske kamre me gaya tha. Meine uske saare drawer dekh liye lekin kahin meri kitab Nahi mili. Fir meine aakhri jaanch karne ke liye uske bistar par gaya. Uske Blanket ke niche dekha, uska takiya uthaya, to meine dekha ki ek lambi kakdi Padi hui thi. Meine dhyan...

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submissive slut

She arrived at the door with a smile. She came in an set her things down. We immediately locked lips in a feverishly kiss as I grasp her curvy ass with my hands. I then got out some shots for us as sex with her drunk was always hot. We set our glasses down and kissed again this time grabbing her beautiful large breasts with my hands. She let out a soft moan while I massaged both oh her tits. I then spun her around and began kissing her neck as I remove her shirt. It revealed she was wearing a...

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Hot Friend Ammu Enjoyed During College Fest

Hi everyone, I go by the name hornymaster, and I will be sharing the experiences that I feel would make the riders horny. I am a 23-year-old guy, 6’3″ in height and a tool of 8″ at full glory. The main character in this experience is my friend named “Ammu”, a nickname of course. Ammu was a short girl who was blessed with a body that would make your tool salute her and drain the cum out of you. She was a 5’6″ girl with stats of 34-30-32. I have always seen others ogle at her and this included...

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The Family Dilemma

By Docker5000 Denise Parkin was busy in the kitchen as usual preparing everybody’s breakfast. She now had the breakfast ready and she was now calling her family and telling them. “That it was getting cold and for them all to get a move on.” James her husband was the first to walk into the kitchen, he was trying to tie his tie as he walked in to the kitchen. Denise just smiled at him. She now wiped her hands on a towel and she then walked over to him. Denise now smiled at him. He...

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Jacks Women Ch 02

Realizing he just saved her life, on her own, she went back to his cock and took it in her mouth. She licked the shaft from the base to the tip, wetting him, preparing to take him deep into her throat. He placed a hand on top of her head, not to force her, but to lightly run his fingers through her blond hair. She moaned around his cock, sending her vocal vibrations through his shaft to his balls. She was good, as most whores go he thought. She took him back into her lips, sliding them down...

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On Probation Chapter 1

The driving rain pelted the ground as I emerged from the London Underground and made my way through the crowds of damp commuters towards the office. It was two weeks before Christmas and the shopfronts twinkled with sparkling festoon lighting and colourful gift displays. Despite the terrible weather and the lousy, underpaid job I was headed to, there was nowhere else I’d rather be at that time of year than London.Clutching my umbrella and weaving my way through the crowds, I felt a flicker of...

Straight Sex
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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 39 Jennifer

July 1980, Milford, Ohio We arrived at Jennifer’s house to find it empty. “Dad’s at work and Mom’s out shopping. She’ll be home for dinner.” “So, what did you have in mind? We have a lot to catch up on.” “Sex and talking! I prefer sex first! It’s been a year since I was with you last!” “I did promise to fuck you silly, if I recall correctly! In every possible way; and no hole left untouched.” “You did. But you know what? Right now, I just want you to make love to me. Like the very first...

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Doubled The Fun In A Hotel Room

Hi this is Ris from Pondicherry post ur feedback to my id , thank u for ur feedback to my previous story this is continuation of that story remaining 3 day we were walking half naked everywhere in the house, we fucked whenever i got erection, while cooking, bathing, washing clothes, we enjoyed that 3 days thoroughly when i was about to leave. We had a farewell fuckin session which lasted more than an hour then i left to my town, in meantime we had phone fun we planned on meeting but all plans...

1 year ago
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The Adventures Of SallyChapter 7

It took almost an hour to get to Chet's office, and we were both quiet almost the entire way. I pulled the truck into a parking spot outside of the massive office building, and put a few coins in the parking meter. Once on the thirty-fourth floor, we found Chet's office with no problem. "Hi Stacy." I exclaimed. "Mark, I haven't seen you in forever." She got up, and walked around the desk to give me a hug. "Not since the big deal with G.E. huh? It has been a while." I broke the...

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