Birth Of A Sissy free porn video

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I met Jeff one day at the nearby tennis courts. I could never have imagined
what the result of that meeting would be. I suppose I should tell you a bit
about me. I'm a happily married 34 year old. About average in most
respects. A little spare tire trying to form around the middle but in
decent shape. I wear my hair short with a mustache and goatee. I had been
married for about 6 years and had been physically faithful to my wife. I
say physically, as I did think about other partners on occasion, though
probably no more than most men. What was a little unique was my "dark"
sexual secret. Ever since my middle teens I had entertained occasional
homosexual thoughts. Nothing really strong or insistent, but enough to
inspire some guilty fantasies.

My Bi fantasies were helped along by a one-time encounter with a gay friend
in college. It resulted in an exchange of oral sex that seemed to only fuel
my Bi thoughts. I still feel I am predominantly attracted to women. I
couldn't imagine anything romantic with a guy and my attraction to them was
mostly evident when I was horny. Most of the time it was women that would
grab my attention.

So here I was without a partner that fateful day, but I had just finished
watching the Wimbeldon tennis tournament on TV and as usual had the urge to
"smack felt". So it was that I found myself playing against the wall on
some courts near our townhouse community. When I got there I was the only
one around. So I was startled to hear some polite clapping after I had just
finished a make-believe rally against the ever victorious wall.

I turned to regard a well built young man in snug shorts and t-shirt. He
was clean shaven with sandy-blond hair. He was built like a quarterback,
with a slim well muscled body. He couldn't have been more than 25 years
old. There was something familiar about him, but didn't immediately know

"Nice rally. I thought you had the wall beat there for a minute." He said
with a good natured smile.

"Almost." I agreed, catching my breath.

He walked over and offered his hand. "My name's Jeff, I live across the
street from you and your wife."

I reached out and shook hands. He had a dry, firm grip that seemed to hold
my hand a second or two longer than I expected leaving me feeling a little
awkward. "Mine is Eric. I thought you looked familiar." I said, wiping some
sweat with my towel.

"If you're not too tuckered from your match against the wall, we could
rally for a bit?"

"Sure," I said. "Why not?"

We hit back and forth for a while and we seemed pretty well matched. He was
in better shape and quicker, but I seemed to be a bit more consistent. We
ended up playing for another hour or so before we finally stopped. He
hardly seemed tired beyond a sheen of sweat. I was done, however.

He came over, hand outstreached. "Good game." He said as we shook again. He
put his other hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. " As I released
and turned to walk to my bag for a towel I felt his hand slide down my
shoulder to the small of my back. It came to rest at the top of my ass. He
walked along beside me, his hand almost guiding me as he chatted about the
high points of our play. When I reached down to grab my towel I could swear
I felt his hand caress my ass as it slid from my waist. I was feeling
flustered, even though nothing had really happened. But my heart began
pounding and I felt my cock stir.

I just shook it off as me being overly sensitive and not having sex
recently. We walked back down the hill towards the townhomes swapping
small-talk. I learned he was only recently out of college and was working
as a programmer. He worked out of his home most of the week. He was single
and currently unattached having separated from his girlfriend after

As we approached home he patted me on the shoulder. "Why don't you come in
for something to drink. I'm sure we're both dehydrated."

I glanced across the street at my place and considered letting Laura, know
where I was, but decided it wasn't a big deal. Jeff noticed my glance and
chuckled. "Guess I can see who wears the pants in your household."

I flushed a little. "Just wondering if I should let her know where I was in
case something came up." I said a little too defensively. He just chuckled
as I followed him inside.

The place seemed fairly spartan. There were a few family looking photos and
a computer setup in the family room. He told me to make myself comfortable
while he walked over to the computer.

"Need to check my email." After a few seconds he smiled and chuckled about
something. "Hey, come over here and look at this." He said pointing to his
PC. "I got a friend who likes to send me porn." He looked me in the eye as
I came over. "Some of it is pretty hot and some is pretty twisted." He
almost seemed to be gauging my reaction.

"I certainly can appreciate good porn." I told him. I looked over and my
heart skipped a beat. On the screen was a young college-type stud leaning
against a wall, legs spread completely nude. Hanging between his legs was a
hard, fat cock of at least 8 inches. I couldn't be sure though since the
head of it was lodged in the mouth of a sexy, lingerie clad shemale. She/he
was squatting between his legs, arms tied together behind her back while
she was impaling herself on a thick, black dildo.

I felt myself flush and my cock hardened instantly at the sight. I'm sure I
saw him glance briefly at my crotch out of the corner of my eye. He just
said, "not sure which category this one falls into. I got a whole directory
full of stuff like this," he continued, pointing at a directory on the
desktop called, appropriately enough 'Hardcore'.

I just nodded, not knowing what else to do as he turned and walked to the
kitchen to get some water. I found myself looking back at the image, but
looked away when I noticed Jeff returning. He handed me a glass.

"I'm feeling real slimy." He gulped the last of the water. "I'm gonna go
rinse off real quick. Make yourself at home." Without waiting he turned and
headed to the bedroom, pulling off clothes as he went.

I was opening the 'Hardcore' directory as soon as he was out of sight. I
was curious what other stuff he had! I was not disappointed. There was a
good deal of light bondage and toy action. A disproportionate amount was
shemale as well. As I flipped through the images my heart was pounding and
my cock was like a rock. It was as if he he had a visual collection of all
my deepest, darkest fantasies. I also noticed that in all of them there was
a young, smooth stud being serviced in some way by either shemales or women
in very submissive roles.

I had skimmed frantically through the entire directory and was going back
through it a second time when I realized the shower had stopped! I was in
the process of closing windows when I heard him chuckle.

"Hey, don't hurt yourself there!" He stood leaning against the door frame;
a towel wrapped around an obviously toned body. "I wouldn't keep 'em if I
didn't like 'em. So don't be embarrassed."

He strolled over and stopped just behind me. "Pretty hot, eh?" He said,
looking at the last window that I had open. It showed a voluptuous redhead,
lovingly nursing on an impressive tool. "It's the look on her face that
really says it all, I think." I could feel him leaning over my left
shoulder. His voice was low and breathy.

"Look at her full lips stretched around that hard cock." I found myself
transfixed by the large photo as he described the scene "There is the sheen
of cum and saliva all over her chin which shows that all she cares about is
pleasing her man."

I never heard him move, but realized his right hand was resting on my
hip. "Why don't you have a seat, it'd be more comfortable than hunching
over like that." He nudged my hip with his hand and I found myself sliding
down into the chair. He then reached over and zoomed the image full screen.

"The look in her eyes says it all" Jeff's left hand was now on my shoulder
and his body was almost leaning against the back of the chair. "It's
obvious she is doing what she's always wanted to do." His voice was almost
reverent. "Using her body, her mouth like it was meant to be used."

I felt him shift, but kept looking at the picture. My body almost throbbed
with each heart beat. My cock was making an obvious tent in my shorts and I
didn't really care. "You can tell she was born for this task. Her mouth was
created to suck cocks." He continued. "To nurse them to hardness." I could
feel my face flush and my mouth dry as I stared at that delicious shaft
stretching that lovely mouth. "To pay homage to a strong, virile body."

I felt pressure on my shoulder to turn. "I'm sure you can imagine what she
must be feeling, Eric." I let his hand swivel the chair, as he
continued. "The curiosity. The need to be submissive to a stronger man?"

I completed the turn in the chair. Jeff stood before me, completely
nude. His body smooth, hairless and perfectly toned. Slight washboard
stomach. Strong thighs and calves. And there at eye level, hung his
cock. Extending from his clean-shaven crotch at least 8inches with a hefty
thick shaft. It was the most amazing piece of male equipment I had ever

"You can imagine why she would want to service her master's body, can't you
Eric?" He stepped closer. His semi-hard cock only a few inches from my
face. I could feel the heat radiating from it. "Finding your true
vocation." It filled my vision. "Finally realizing where you belonged in
the world." Thick, heavily veined and pulsing with life. His hips moved
forward and the head pressed to my lips. "Worshiping the cock of your

He pressed forward and without hesitation my mouth opened, allowing his
cock inside. My eyes closed and I heard myself let out a low moan as his
hard shaft stretched lips. He chuckled at that. "Yes, it feels so good to
give in and become the submissive you've always wanted to be." I reached up
to his thighs, but he stopped me.

"No!" He said sharply. "You only have permission to touch me with your
mouth. Pull down your sweats but leave them around your ankles."

I complied, without letting his cock leave the new home it had in my
mouth. In fact at that moment the last thing I wanted was to lose my
mouth-lock on his succulent meat. My own dick was almost painfully
hard. "Now I see why you were so mesmerized by the cocks in those
pictures. Your's is pretty unimpressive, isn't it." It was phrased as a
statement, not a question. I had always thought of it as average at about 6
inches. Average or not, compared to his it was unimpressive. "Is Laura
really satisfied with it?" He let that hang in the air as his hands grasped
my head and began to use slow, deep strokes to fuck my mouth. "Or do you
have to use your pretty mouth to make her cum?" I couldn't answer as he
thrust deeply info my mouth again.

"You do have a good mouth. I'm going to really enjoy breaking it in." He
sighed as his cock began to press into my throat. "So warm and wet. So
eager!" He went a little deeper with each thrust. "It's just a waste not to
use it. To train it." The air was filled with the wet slurping sounds of my
mouth as he slowly worked to breach my gag reflex. I knew what he wanted. I
wanted it too. I began to push forward on each thrust. 'Soon,' I thought,
'he will fill my throat.' That sent a shiver through me. Just thinking of
this thick meaty shaft violating my virgin throat pulled another moan from

"If your little cockette is good enough for Laura, imagine what THIS could
do for her hungry cunt!" His hips rocked forward and the head of his cock
slipped into my throat for the first time. At the same time my mind was
filled by a picture of Laura's voluptuous body on her knees gasping and
whimpering as Jeff began feeding his cock inside her. I groaned at the
combination of his cock going deeper in my throat and the unfolding scene
in my minds eye. There was a whirlwind of emotions inside me. Lust at the
images that filled my brain and humiliation at thinking of my wife's pussy
fucked into submission under Jeff's pounding shaft. I could almost hear her
crying out in ecstasy and begging for more of his wonderful meat.

"That's a good little cocksucker!" He grunted as his balls finally pressed
against my chin. I had been so busy wrestling with my emotions that I
hadn't realized he was almost fully inserted in my mouth. "I'm fucking your
throat now. Warm and tight just like your pretty wife's pussy, I bet." I
felt light headed as he would go balls-deep in my mouth and pause for a few
seconds before pulling all the way out. "Just like a well fucked cunt. Your
wife's well fucked cunt!"He punctuated this with another chocking
thrust. "You love this don't you? Being used for my pleasure. Your throat
just a willing recepticle for my enjoyment. The joy of submission to my
cock." I shivered as I listened to him. It was true. He was fucking my
mouth like some cheap sorority slut, and I loved it! I had always had some
submissive fantasies, but I never thought I'd be so comfortable servicing a
strangers cock.

"Imagine your wife screaming in lust as I stretch her cunt around this
thick cock!" I couldn't help it. I was already imagining it. "Of course
she'd have to get on her hands and knees and beg me for it." I could see it
in my head. Laura on her knees, curvy ass raised high. Two fingers jammed
inside her pussy as she begged Jeff to take her. It filled me with
humiliation, guilt and raw lust.

My mind was pulled back to the present as Jeff pulled out of my mouth. I
let out an involuntary whimper as his saliva and cum coated cock slid from
my mouth leaving slimy juices dribbling down my chin and cheeks. Without
warning he grabbed my shirt front and pulled me down onto my back. Jeff
quickly stradled my head, facing my feet. Without pausing he leaned forward
and slid his cock back into my mouth as if slipping back into a wet
pussy. He was now truly fucking my face. He held himself up and just used
his hips to fuck my mouth with short strokes.

"Suck on my cock with those pussy lips! Milk me good and I'll give you a
treat!" He was groaning and I could tell he was close. "That's it! That's
it! I knew what kind of person you were when we first met. I could see a
weakness there. Someone who needed a strong hand to lead them to where they
really wanted to go. To be just a cock sucking sissy!" He pulled out and
left his shiny cock just out of reach. "Just think of poor Laura, stuck
being poked by a little sissy-boy, when she really dreams of a man's cock
filling her with buckets of cum. My cum, smeared all over and dribbling out
of her stretched cunt as she shudders from an orgasm like she's never felt

I tried to recapture his cock with my mouth but he kept it bobbing just out
of reach. "So tell me, how many pairs of panties to you have hidden away?!
Tell me the truth, you do have some don't you?"

I tried once more to catch his glistening shaft. I didn't want to answer. I
wanted desperately to swallow his cock and lose myself in pleasuring it.

"I asked you a question you little slut!" He barked.

"Yes, I . . . I have some panties."

A chuckle. "How many pairs and what kind?"

"Two pairs of . . . purple french cut panties." I mumbled. "I'm not a sissy
or a slut." I protested weakly.

"What would you call a man who willingly gives his mouth and throat for
another man's pleasure? Who gets turned on at the thought of his wife being
fucked by another man? Hmm? Sounds like a sissy-slut to me." As he said
this he rubbed the slippery head of his cock over my cheeks and chin. Never
quite letting me get it back in my mouth. "I bet when Laura's out of town
you dress in pantyhose, panties and jerk off dreaming of hard cocks, don't

"Sometimes." I said softly. How did he know all this about me? I had always
felt that this part of my life was kept closely guarded. I only played
occasionally, but I did like the feel of tight pantyhose hugging my thighs,
hips and ass. One pair of hose had the crotch cut out so my cock and balls
hung free and I could play with my asshole while I masterbated.

"That's a good girl. Accept your destiny." Jeff said and slid his meat back
into my mouth. He returned to stroking deep into my throat as he
spoke. "That wasn't so hard was it? I'm sure Laura has no idea about your
slutty, cocksucking desires, does she? Do you think she'd like to watch you
nursing on my cock?" I tried to answer that I didn't want her to know, but
couldn't manage more than a hum around his shaft. "She might finally
understand why you can't truly satisfy her."

He pulled all the way out then pushed it back between my lips. "Oh, yesss!"
He hissed, filling my mouth again. "Work those cunt-lips for me! Show me
how much you need my cock in your mouth." He began thrusting with more
urgency then suddenly his hips spasmed and he plunged inside me to the
hilt. "Oooh you hungry little slut! I'm gonna fill your sissy tummy with
hot cum! This is what you've always wanted. Swallow little cum-slut,
swallow it all!!" His pelvis was mashed against my face. Balls on my nose.

His hips and thighs trembled as he ground his crotch against my mouth and
began pumping warm semen directly into my stomach. After the first couple
spurts he abruptly pulled out and began using his hand to drain the rest of
his load all over my face. Some landed into my open mouth, but the rest
dribbled down my cheeks. I couldn't believe how turned on that made me. I
felt so dirty, so used . . . and so horny. I almost wished he could keep
cumming. I loved the feel of his stringy spunk splashing across my face.

"Oooh, yeah!" He groaned, still pumping his shaft. "You like it dirty,
don't you? Look at your little clitty, so hard and throbbing. You love
being covered in a man's cream, don't you?"

I felt myself nod. It was true and my cock (clitty?) was pulsing with each
heartbeat. I realized I was rotating my hips like I was a dog in heat. I
reached down to stroke it. I needed to cum so bad! But he grabbed my wrists
and pulled them over my head.

"No playing with your clitty! I want you just the way you are."

"Oh please let me cum." I whimpered. A part of my mind was appalled at what
I was saying. How could I have let myself get into this position. An hour
ago I was playing tennis with some guy I've never met. Now I'm on my back
in his apartment, pants around my ankles with his fresh cum drying on my
face. And I loved it! I was actually kind of glad that he wouldn't let me
cum! It meant this warm feeling of lust would continue. I felt so tingly;
so alive. I knew at that moment I would do just about anything he
asked. His flacid cock was hanging there, still wet from his cum and my
mouth. I hoped he'd make me suck it again.

"You will stay right there and not move." He ordered. "Is that clear?"

"Yes." I nodded. Then I flushed as I added, "Sir."

He smiled as he stood over me. "Very good, Erica." I felt an odd rush at
the name.

He was gone for a few minutes. When he returned he had some clothing in his
hands. He put the small bundle down and pulled out what looked like a
single knee-high stocking. He walked over and looped it around my cock and
balls, making a soft make-shift cock ring. My sagging shaft got hard
immediately as he snugged the stocking down. It seemed to intensify the
feelings of lust as it made my cock and balls jut out almost obcenely. I
found myself focusing on my clitty-cock as it throbbed within the silky
restraint. He produced some scissors and snipped the ends off so there was
just a skin colored ring tied around my equipment. It was barely even

"You will wear this every day. Now stand up and take off your pants."

I did as told, and stood there with just my t-shirt and socks." He tossed
me something from the clothing bundle. "Put those on. You will wear them
home tonight. You are not to take them off until you go to bed."

I looked at the black, sheer, nylon panties and shivered. My hands were
shaking as I pulled them up my legs and settled them on my hips. My cock
jutted out obscenely in front, but I couldn't help running my hands over my
hips and thighs and ass as I stared at the tight, shiny material. It was so
silky and smooth. I was caressing myself absently as I frowned at the light
hair on my legs.

I looked up into his face and saw a smirk. Then he tossed me a bottle. "Not
done yet, are you?" It was a bottle of hair remover. He pointed at his
bathroom. "You have 20 minutes. I don't want to see any hair below your
head, is that clear? Are you familiar with enemas?"

"Y-yes, sir." I answered meekly.

"There's single-use enema bottle under the sink Get going then, and I
expect you to be cleaned out, shaved and in only panties when you come
out. Don't forget to re-tie your clitty either."

"Yes, sir." I repeated as I headed for the bathroom.

I stepped out of the bathroom 17 minutes later. I couldn't stop myself from
running my hands over my now hairless body. I was already completely hard
again! He sat, leaning back in his chair, still nude, scrolling through
images on his computer.

Without looking up he motioned me to come over to him. "Come here Erica."
When I got up to him he continued. "On your knees." I followed his
instructions. He was scrolling through pictures of shemales trussed up and
having there asses or mouths filled by thick cocks. One that made me
tremble, was a pretty transgirl hanging in mid air, suspended from a sling
of some kind. She was spread eagled with her hard clit clearly visible
hanging down. Her ample breasts were also hanging seductively. Behind her a
well built black stud was shoving a very thick cock up her ass, while
another black man filled her mouth with a heafty piece of meat. It was such
a hot image.

"Bet you wish that was you in the sling?" Jeff said as his hand kneaded my
ass as I dropped to my knees beside his chair. "Here's another in the same
series." The next picture had a third man in the scene. He was on his knees
beneath the shemale with his arms tied behind him. He was valiantly trying
to swallow the shemale's respectably sized clit.

"You'd love to change places with the shemale wouldn't you? Answer me,

I responded almost in a daze. "Yes, I would." Jeff's hand had slid down
inside my panties and between my cheeks. It felt nice with his fingers
sliding up and down my crack. Without concious thought I began to push back
into it. On screen the series of photos continued as the shemale was fucked
by both studs. Sometimes the third guy was sucking her and sometimes he was
nursing on her full breasts.

"I thought so. You are getting off on this aren't you? Being controlled and
used?" His fingers began to massage my asshole.

"Mmm-hmm." I whispered hoarsely. I was slipping back into a semi dazed
state of arousal. My hips continued to rock against his hand again.

He chuckled. "Do you want something little Erica?" He removed his hand for
a few seconds while my attention was riveted to the slideshow of shemale
sex on the screen. His hand slid back into my crack making me sigh. It felt
so good to feel his warm hand between my cheeks. Then I felt his hand
massage something wet and slippery up and down my crack.

"Answer me, slut! Do you want something?" His hand slid smoothly between my
cheeks, brushing roughly against my sensitive rosebud. I pushed back
against it, causing me to lean forward at the same time.


"Speak up slut! What do you want?" His fingers were now massaging my hole

Every time he called me 'slut' I felt a tingle of lust. "I . . . want
. . ." I pushed back, trying to swallow his finger inside my ass but he
pulled away. "Ooooh, stick it in!"

"Be specific!" He barked, losing patience.

"Put your fingers in me. In my ass. Please." The part of me that was still
fighting the lust was disgusted at the whimpering sound of my voice as much
as the actual words. But I couldn't help it. The teasing was driving me
nuts. Without warning he slid two fingers full up my ass.

"Ow . . . oooh . . . mmmmm." The quick jolt of pain disappeared almost
immediately, replaced by a pleasurable sensation. "Ah! Yesss . . . mmmm." I
mumbled and moaned, dropping down on my hands and knees, as he finger
fucked me.

"Does your pussy feel good, Erica?"

"Mmm . . . yes, sir." I didn't bat an eye at his continued use of the
feminine form of my name. It even seemed right that if I was to be 'Erica',
then pussy was the correct form of description for my hungry hole.

"Your pussy is so warm and tight. Do you like having your cunt stretched?"
He said as he continued to pump his fingers inside me.

"Yes." I was pushing back now. "More, please."

"More what? Be specific Erica." The more he commanded me the more horny I
became. What was happening to me?

"More . . . fingers. It feels good to be stretched and full." I felt shame
and lust in equal measures, but lust always won out.

He chuckled. "You are such a little slut, Erica! Don't worry, I have
something to help you scratch that itch." He pulled his fingers out of my
now loose orifice, making me groan at the loss. He then reached down under
the desk and moved a box that had been serving as a foot-rest. I gasped a
little at the surprise underneath. There suctioned to the linolium was a
very life-like, fleshy, 7inch dildo.

"I think that will stretch your hungry cunt for you. But I think you should
show it how much you appreciate what it's going to do for you. Don't you?
Go on, get your lover hard and wet."

It was like some weird, twisted dream. I was inside a fantasy world of my
own making. I could have stopped this any number of times, but didn't. The
truth was, I didn't want it to stop. At some level I was very much aware
that I was a man in panties being ordered around by another man. But I
pushed that knowledge back into another corner of my head. When all was
said and done, this is something I had always dreamed about. I wanted to be
Erica for this man. I wanted him to treat me as his slut. And . . .

"I want to suck on it. To show my gratitude." Almost trance-like, I crawled
to it. It was thick, veined and black. My mouth was already watering.

"You should be grateful, slut." He said putting a hand on my head and
guiding my mouth downward. My parted lips touched the head ready to let it
slip inside. "This is the cock that will take your virginity and break the
last of your male spirit."

"Yessss." I let out a low moan and he pushed my mouth down over the spongy
phalus. It slid into my mouth as Jeff's hand urged me downward. I began to
bob on the thick shaft as if it was a real cock. It was almost comforting
to feel it filling and stretching my mouth. I slurped and sucked for
several minutes. My eyes closed, imagining the hard cock of my master
getting harder so it could fuck me good. I was a little dissapointed when
Jeff pulled me away from it.

"It's nice and hard for you, now lube it up." He said squirting some lube
into my hand. I slid my hand over the shaft, coating it well with the
slippery gel. I jacked the cock almost lovingly. It almost felt real.

"Now turn around and squat over your lovers cock."

I did as instructed. Pulling my panties aside I lowered myself until I felt
the cool, blunt tip touch my lubed hole. It sent a shiver through me and
made me sigh. Jeff laughed then put a hand on each shoulder and began to
push me down. I gasped as the head suddenly popped inside me. There was a
pulse of pain, but an accompanying feeling of fullness.

Jeff slowed, but did not stop forcing my rubber lover deeper inside me. It
was such an indescribable sensation. I could feel each millimeter as it
slipped inside me. My eyes closed and my head fell back. All I could do was
moan and gasp as my new cunt was deflowered. I finally bottomed out, with 7
inches of rubber cock burried deep inside.

"Ohhh God . . . I'm soooo fulll!" I grunted as I squated there on the

"I think you can take a little more cock." Jeff said. My eyes flicked open
just as he thrust his fat cock into my half open mouth. "Now fuck your
lover and suck my cock slut!"

I responded by taking his cock deep in my mouth and begining to bounce on
the shaft in my cunt. It wasn't long before I was slamming myself full
length onto the rubber dildo while moaning around Jeff's delicious cock. I
loved pulling all the way off then dropping back down and feeling the fat
head pop back inside me. Each thrust rubbed my prostate and generated waves
of pleasure. It also bounced my own hard clitty, inching me closer to my
own orgasm.

I could hear myself whimpering louder and louder as my release
approached. "Oh yes. Oh yes! F-fuck, m-meee. Oh, yessssss. Fuck
me. Feeeeelssssssoooooggoooooddd." I moaned around his cock. He suddenly
pulled his cock out of my mouth and stood stroking it just out of reach.

"That's right, Erica. Fuck him! Make your lover cum!"

"Yessss, cummmm in me! Fill meeeee. Fuck me hard." I was completely lost in
it now. In my mind I was being brutally, and amazingly fucked by my
masterfull lover. I could almost feel his hands gripping my hips. Slamming
me back onto his cock. not for my pleasure but his. His only thought, to
unload his seed inside me.

"This is your dream, isn't it Erica?!"


"You're body was made to fuck! You are only complete when filled with hard

"Yessss! Fuck mee, fill me, stretch me, use me, cumm in mee!!!" I
babbled. I was so close to coming. At that moment I would have happily
fucked and sucked the entire local football team and begged to be drowned
in their cum. My whole world was my clitty and the cock in my ass.

"Are you ready to cum, slut?"

"I am soooo close and I haven't even touched my clitty yet!" Just the
thrill of it and the sensation of the shaft inside me had pushed me to the
edge of orgasm. I was thrusting and rotating my hips trying to increase the
friction on my prostate.

"Do not cum till I tell you to." He instructed. I tried to slow myself but
I was already approaching the point of no return. "I'm trying to - I can't
help it! I'm gonna cummmm. Please let me cum!!"

He let me struggle for a few seconds. "Allright you worthless slut! You may
cum for me . . . now."

And I did. I slammed down on the rubber cock, plowing the head across my
prostate, and my clitty spasmed and started to pump out roapes of cum. "Oh,
oh . . . ahhhhhh cum-m-m-m-minnggg! OhGOD, YESSSSSSS!" My voice pitched up
high into a near shriek. I just sat there, the dildo burried inside me as
my cunt spasmed around it and my thighs trembled. I could feel each pulse
travel up my shaft and shoot out.

Suddenly I felt hot spurts of semen splatter against my face. My eyes
opened and watched as Jeff jacked his cock and flooded my face for the
second time today. I smiled and opened my mouth to accept a slut's due

My life had changed so suddenly. One encounter with Jeff and everything was
different. A week ago I was just an average married guy, with an average
life. Sure I had the occasional Bi fantasy, but outside an college
encounter all it was was a fantasy. Suddenly I found myself falling into
one of my fantasies. I can't doubt it anymore, I am very much Bisexual. Any
doubts were wiped away last week while bouncing on a dildo with Jeff's cum
splattering my face. All while experiencing the most intense orgasm in my
life. I've slipped into my new role. The one I fantasized about. I can't
deny it. Deep down I'm just a cocksucking sissy.

Since the first time Jeff has summoned me twice. And summoned is the right
word. The first call came two days after our `encounter'. Laura picked up
the phone first.

"Sure Jeff, he's here. Just a sec." She smiled and handed me the
phone. "It's for you, hun."

My heart was racing as I picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"I want to speak with Erica." His voice held a note of command..

"Here." I almost whispered.

"Good. You have 15 minutes to present yourself in my family room. It's time
to continue your training. And you had better dress appropriately!" He
chuckled an hung up.

My heart was now pounding. I looked up to see Laura looking at me. I knew I
was flushing, but couldn't stop it. "You remember Jeff, from across the
street?" I tried to sound normal, but I couldn't tell if I was succeeding
or not. " He has something he wanted to show me on the computer. I'll be
back in a bit."

Laura smiled. "OK, hun. I'm just gonna read for a bit." She gave me a peck
on the cheek as she headed to the couch."

I watched her go. Once again admiring her voluptuous figure. She was only
about 5 feet tall, but generously proportioned. I had always loved
Reubenesque women and she was very much that. Part of me bridled at being
ordered to leave, but I couldn't deny the surge of lust either. So I headed
upstairs to get ready. I had been intructed that I was never to enter his
house unless I wore very girly panties. This was an absolute. It didn't
matter who I was with or who might be there. I was still to wear
panties. This was meant to remind me of my place in his eyes.

I quickly shucked my shorts and underwear. After listening to make sure
Laura was still downstairs I went to her lingerie drawer and selected my
favorite pair of her panties. They were made of very thin, silky nylon with
high cut legs that accentuated the wearer's thighs and hips. They were soft
pink with a rose embroidered above the crotch. I felt a chill as I pulled
them up and settled them over my hips. I reached in and pushed my cock back
between my legs. I was unable to resist running my hands over my thighs and
hips. It felt so . . . sexy. A few minutes later I was saying goodbye to
Laura and walking across the street.

There was a note on the door that read: "Erica, Come in. I'm in the family
room waiting for you once you have made yourself presentable." I took a
deep breath and walked in. As soon as the door was closed I headed towards
the bathroom and began to disrobe. Aside from wearing panties, I was also
intructed that when told to `present myself' to him I am to prepare myself
first. I am to go to his bathroom and give myself a thorough enema then
take a quick shower to make sure I am good and clean. Then, dressed in
panties alone, I am to go and kneel in front of him for further
instructions. It took me about 20 minutes before I walked over to where
Jeff was seated on the couch and dropped to my knees.

He smiled. "Very obedient. Better than I expected on your first day of
training. I am altering your arival instructions from now on. You will
proceed as you did today. But instead of coming to kneel in front of me,
you will do this. follow me." He said, getting up and going towards the
dining room.

I followed him as he walked over to the edge of the kitched where the
refrigerator stood. As I came around the corner I saw it. Attached via
suction cub to the side of the fridge was the dildo I had fucked myself on
that first day. It was attached at just about waist height.

"I take it you recognize your lover?" He said with a smile. "Well from now
on you will come here. Get on your knees in front of your lover." He
motioned for me to follow his instructions now. Thankfully, there was a
pillow on the floor underneath to spare my knees. "And show your
subservience by sucking on his cock. You will continue till told to stop."

He arched an eyebrow at me to indicate I should already be doing this. As I
leaned forward I felt a stab of fear. I noticed that from this position I
was directly in line with the large bay window that looked out at my
townhouse across the street! If it was bright enough inside I would be
clearly visible.

"You are neglecting your lover!" He punctuated this with a sharp slap on my
ass. I yelped and leaned in to the soft, rubber cock. I shivered as the
thick head parted my lips. God, but it felt so good to have my mouth
violated! I had already forgotten the window as I welcomed my lover's cock
into my mouth with a moan.

I still had trouble reconciling my normal life with the joy of a fat shaft
in my mouth. I can't explain why, but I clasped my hands behind my back as
I leaned into the dildo. With my eyes closed I let gravity pull me forward
and thrust the cock deep into my mouth. I had a visual flash of myself
dolled up like some cheap slut, on my knees with my arms tied behind me
while a young stud fucks my throat. I trembled and gripped my hands tighter
behind me.

I don't know how long I suckled on the rubber cock before I felt the cock
shift and pull away. I moaned and opened my eyes. Jeff had taken it off the
fridge and began leading me over to the couch. On some level I knew this
was rediculous, but I couldn't help myself. I kept up the suction and
crawled after him.

"Such a good little cock-sucker." Jeff cooed as he led me over and attached
the dong to the smooth side of the boxy coffee table then sat down on the
couch behind me. Since I hadn't been told to stop, I continue to nurse on
my lover's cock on my hands and knees. A few moments later I felt slippery
fingers begin to tease my butt.

"Erica-slut has a very tight puss. I'd better losen it up a little!" He
thrust two fingers full length into me making me grunt around the
dildo. The brief discomfort was replaced by pleasureable fullness. Within 5
minutes he had three fingers vigorously fucking me.

"Stop sucking and turn around."

I did and when I finished turning I was staring at Jeff's beautiful
cock. It was firm and throbbing. I didn't even wait for permission. I just
swallowed him with a long, low hum of satisfaction.

"Damn, Erica! You really do love sucking cock." He scooted forward, forcing
me to shuffle backwards . . . until I felt my ever-ready lover poke me
between the cheeks. "Looks like you still haven't satisfied someone. What
do you think you should do?"

I just moaned again, lined up the shaft and sank back onto it. "Oh - oh -
oh - oooooooh." Was all I could gasp as the entire length parted the
opening to my boy-cunt and slowly, deliciously filled me. "Yesssss
fffuuuuccckk mmmeeeee." I whispered as it filled me completely. Anything
else was cut off as Jeff slid his meaty pole into my mouth.

I fucked myself on the rubber shaft faster and harder as I felt myself
approaching orgasm. At the same time Jeff was grunting and thrusting deep
into my mouth. It didn't take long before he grabbed my head and fully
impaled my face with his cock and gasped. As he came in thick spurts down
my throat he kept chanting, "Take it, take it, take it all like a good
little girl!"

And I did.. I swallowed and swallowed as he filled my tummy with spunk. As
he finished and began to pull out he pushed on my shoulders and thrust me
back onto the dildo. "Don't neglect your lover. He's been patient, but you
need to make him cum, don't you?"

"Yes." I whispered hoarsely as I resumed fucking myself. My eyes were
closed and I lost myself in the feeling of that shaft filling and
withdrawing from my loosened cunt. The head grazing my prostate on each

"You want to make him cum, don't you?"

"Oh, yesss."

"You owe it to him after letting you suck him."


"Doesn't he deserve to fuck your tight little cunt? Isn't that what you
need? To be fucked and filled with a man's thick, hot, sticky cum?"

"Yes, yessss. Fill me!" I couldn't think of anything except the shaft
filling me and how good it felt as it fucked me towards orgasm.

"That's right Erica, your body is made to drain the balls of strong men. To
submit to their pleasure." His voice had taked on a hard edge and he was
driving me back on the rubber dong in quick, deep strokes that made me
gasp. "This is your destiny, Erica. To give your body to stronger men. To
submit. It feels so good to let go and submit doesn't it?"

"Mmmm, so goooooood. Almost there . . . Yes, fuck me."

"Cum for me, Erica. Cum on that hard cock." Just as I started to go over
the edge he whispered in my ear. "This is how Laura felt when her first
boyfriend bent her over and filled her steamy cunt with cum!"

The image of a young Laura bent over a table and fucked by some highschool
stud pushed me over the edge. I could almost hear her cries of pleasure as
her pussy sucked the cum from his balls.

"Ooooohhhhh G-Godddd! Fuuuuuuck Meeeeeeeee!! Mmm- mmmm. YESSS!" I was
whimpering, moaning and gasping as I filled my panties with cum. It was so
intense I was shaking for a few minutes afterward.

* * *

Our encounters proceeded along similar lines for several weeks. Once, when
Laura and I were coming out of the house to go out one afternoon, Jeff came
over and introduced himself formally to Laura while I watched heart

"Nice to meet you finally." He said smoothly while lightly shaking her

"Likewise. You'll have to come over somtime and visit." Laura said while
returning the handshake.

"I see you're on your way out, but could I borrow Eric for a few minutes? I
need a hand with somthing."

"As long as it's quick, he's all yours!" She said playfully. My heart
actually skipped a beat. This was just too wierd.

"Thanks! I'll make it quick." He then looked directly at me for the first
time. "Come on, Eric. Don't want to keep your wife waiting!." I swear I
could almost hear him add the `a' at the end of Eric, but maybe it was just
my imagination.

I followed him to the door as Laura started the car and turned on the
radio. Jeff opened the door and motioned me in. "After you . . . Erica."

The name hit me as I heard the door close. I spun around and Jeff looked me
in the eye. "On your knees, bitch! Lets not keep your sexy little wife

I should have been insulted, mad, irate at this treatment. But all I could
do was stare at his hard cock and drop to my knees as instructed. My clit
hardening and mouth watering. Whenever he took control I just slipped into
my new fem role by reflex. In less than 30 seconds I went from Eric, a
normal guy with an attractive wife waiting in the car to Erica, Jeff's
sissy cock sucker. My cock suddenly became my clitty and I couldn't help
thinking of my ass as my cunt. What was wrong with me? Was this right?

All thoughts were swept away as, now on my knees, Jeff slid his cock into
my mouth. "I couldn't help coming out and grabbing you. You looked like
such a normal guy out with his wife. I just had to remind you of your place
in the world."

I just moaned around his shaft stretching my mouth. I was so turned on by
the thought of Laura just outside the door unaware her husband was now
fulfilling his place as Jeff's cum receptical.

"It's such a turn on to know that I can use your mouth even with your wife
a stone's throw away, waiting for you." He paused to groan as the head
slipped into my throat. "She is a sexy one, too. Such nice full hips." He
paused again to sink the last few inches inside my mouth. "I'd love to hold
those hips while I stretch her wet slit like you never could."

He had been talking more about Laura lately, but it was usually brief
comments. Jeff seemed to be in the midst of his own fantasy now. He
confirmed it a few moments later. "Yeah, fucking your hot little
wife. Making her whimper like a common whore as she begs for my cock to
make her a real woman!"

Jeff was now holding my face while he slid in and out of my throat. Drool
and pre-cum were running down my chin and the hallway was echoing with the
gasps, grunts and wet slurping sounds. I should have been jealous and
indignant at his comments but my clitty was throbbing and my mind was foggy
and filled with the images he was describing.

"I'd ruin her for your little clit. She'd never be able to fuck you again
without thinking of my big cock. She'll masterbate to images of my cock
when you aren't there." I could tell he was about to explode. I fumbled
with my shorts to get my clitty out. I was about to cum myself just sucking
and listening!

"Here it comes Erica! Drink it all down so your wife won't know you just
sucked my balls dry! YESSSS! Take it all, you little cocksucker!!" He
exploded like I'd never felt before. I thought I'd drown as he pumped spurt
after spurt directly into my tummy.

After a while he pulled out, still breathing heavily. "Such a dedicated
slut, Erica. Thank you." He patted me on the head. "Now go back to your
wife." And he turned and walked down the hall. I was left on my knees in
the hallway, cum and spit covering my chin with a small pool of my own cum
on the floor in front of me from my own orgasm. What was I doing? And, more
importantly, why couldn't I stop?

I suppose at some level I knew it would happen. Or at least I should have.
After nearly a month of servicing Jeff's cock and fucking myself silly on
my dildo lover things took a turn.

I came home from work a little early on a day Laura was off as well. When I
got home she was out, but as soon as I walked into the house the phone
rang. I grabbed it, not really thinking much about it.

"Hello Erica!" Jeff cooed in my ear. "Your services are required. I expect
you to be on your knees sucking your `lover' in less than 30 minutes. Today
you are to clean your cunt as usual, then shave your legs, crotch and
ass. Then take a pair of Laura's pantyhose and cut the crotch out of them
so your little clitty will swing free. You will wear these under your usual
sexy panties." Before I could say anything, he hung up.

I had been well trained to this point so I barely paused at his
request. Though I still felt a little embarrassed at my already hardening
clitty. I went upstairs and made use of one of the recently purchased
single-use enemas to make my cunt nice and fresh. For some reason it felt
right to call it my cunt. After all, I was being regularly filled with
rubber cock. I then hopped in the shower and shaved my lower body as
instructed, leaving the problem of what Laura would say for later. I have
to admit that when I got out I couldn't stop caressing my smooth hips and
legs. They just felt so deliciously sexy. I felt all tingly inside as I ran
my hand over my hip and ass savoring the silky feel of the skin. It felt
like stroking someone else's skin as they felt nothing like they usually
did. I could really learn to like this!

It only took me a few minutes to find a pair of Laura's pantyhose. I
carefully snipped out the padded crotch and began to smooth them up my
legs. I had played with her hose a couple of times and it always felt
exciting stretching the hose up my legs and feeling it fitting so snugly
around my body. Today however, with hairless skin, it was divine! And when
I was done my clit was hard and throbbing from the experience. Being open
from butt crack to my clit was a strange but exciting experience. I felt
more aware of my clit since it was the only part of my lower body not
hugged tightly in nylon. I quickly grabbed a pair of hi-cut purple panties
and slipped them on. It took a few minutes to get my clit under control and
tucked inside.

I looked at the clock and realized I only had 5 minutes left! I quickly
yanked on a loose pair of sweat pants and t-shirt then ran across the
street to Jeff's place. The door, as expected was unlocked. Jeff,
unexpectedly, was not there. Instead I saw my `lover' mounted on the top
edge of the coffee table with a note next to it.

Almost without thinking, I dropped to my knees in front of the realistic
dong, closed my eyes and reveled in the feel of it sliding into my
mouth. As I began to suck on it I opened my eyes and read the note. I let
the shaft slide deep into my mouth and heard myself let out a moan. A
little voice in the back of my mind cried out at what I had become.

The note read: "I hope you're sucking your favorite pacifier as you read
this." I am! I thought as I took the shaft into my throat. God, I so loved
that feeling! "Take the remote and click play on the VCR. Enjoy the show
and be sure to watch it all, my little cum-slut!" I felt my clit throb at
the word `slut'. I reached out and flicked the control that brought the TV
to life.

The image that appeared was of the room I was in now, Jeff's family
room. After a few moments I heard the door open and close then voices
approaching. Jeff came into frame.

"Make yourself at home. I just gotta check my email first." He called over
his shoulder. He was dressed for a workout, in shorts and t-shirt. From the
look of things he just got back from running.

Then a second person entered. First thing I noticed was her full hips and
nice ass, well framed by skin tight bike shorts and t-shirt. The second
thing was that it was Laura! She was also sweating from a workout.. "You
too? Eric can't live without email either." She said as she walked over
towards Jeff, as he leaned over his computer engrossed in
something. "What's so fascinating?"

He grinned and chuckled at what he was looking at before looking up. "Well,
not exactly fascinating. But definitely attention grabbing!" He said
standing up and looking at Laura with a smirk. "Feel free to take a look. I
just hope you're not easily offended."

"I wouldn't worry about that." She said as she leaned over and
looked. After a pause I heard her soft gasp. "That's . . . rather
. . . intense." She finally got out. He watched her closely, eyes roaming
her voluptuous figure.

Jeff chuckled. "Yeah, he's really giving it to the poor girl." He
paused. "Though she seems pretty content with his approach."

"Content? She's drooling, for God's sake!"

"I think most women would be with that much meat stuffed inside them!" Jeff
said, lightly placing his hand on Laura's lower back. "Can I get you a

She didn't say anything about his hand. "Sure. Something cold, please."

"Be right back. Make yourself at home." As he turned he allowed his hand to
slide down across her hip and one cheek. I saw her tense slightly, but she
didn't protest. "The rest of that photo series is in a folder on the
desktop." He chuckled as he walked to the kitchen. "If you can handle it."

I wasn't sure how to feel. It was obvious that Jeff was making a move on my
wife. I felt twinges of jealousy . . . but also lust. All those comments
Jeff had made to me about Laura were coming back to mind. And the images
they had brought up then, came back now with a vengeance. I was still
absently nursing on the rubber cock as I watched Laura turn and stare at
Jeff's retreating form. I saw her raise an eyebrow and half smile before
sitting down and beginning to go through the entire directory of
pictures. She was attracted to him!!

After a few minutes I saw Jeff silently walk back in and watch from a few
feet away as Laura flipped through a number of his lurid pictures. She
seemed almost entranced. He watched for several more minutes, a satisfied
smile on his face. Finally he slipped up behind her and placed a glass of
soda on the desk near her.

"That," he said pausing for effect, "is one of my favorites!" His hand
again gently rose to her lower back. Again, she didn't seem to react to the

"She definitely looks . . . full." She said shaking her head, but unable to
stop looking. "And look at the size of . . . well . . . those three are
obscenely well hung!" She said, blushing.

Jeff lightly stroked her lower back. "I take it you've never had a guy with
that much cock?" He added just a hint of emphasis on the last word.

"I . . . uh, well no." She fidgeted a little, obviously a little
uncomfortable talking about it. Then looked back at the picture. "Nothing
even close. I don't even know if I could take something that big." I
couldn't believe she was actually discussing this with someone she hardly
knew. She wasn't a prude, but had never seemed very adventurous either.

"Well she is certainly managing quite well to take all three of those cocks
inside her, and she's a pretty small woman." His hand was now actually
resting on the swell of her full ass.

Laura was looking at the picture again, then straightened up and looked at
Jeff. "She is that! Every inch of `em too."

Jeff looked her directly in the eye as he spoke. "Can you imagine how she
must feel as she takes each thick inch deeper and deeper inside her?" Laura
just stared into his eyes, her face flushed. Jeff brought a hand to each of
her hips. "Absolutely . . .. stuffed . . . full of cock." Laura absently
licked her lips as his hands caressed her spandex covered hips. "To be
completely filled with hard meat." Using her hips he turned her back around
to face the screen. "What do you think it would feel like to be taken like
that." He leaned in close to her ear. "Your body owned by their cocks. Just
a sexual vessel for their pleasure." As he said this he lightly kissed her
neck. Instead of pulling back, I could see her shudder slightly. Jeff
smiled and began whispering into her ear.

It was too soft for the mic to pick up, but after a few moments I could see
Laura's hands flex absently and her eyes close. I saw her shake her
head.. Then he whispered something else and she bit her lip and paused
before giving another shake of her head.

Jeff pulled back, smiling. Slowly he turned her back to face him and leaned
in to kiss her. She seemed to resist for a few moments, her hands out away
from her body, fingers flexing. I could see his tongue now, slipping into
her mouth as his kisses became more aggressive. He raked his fingernails
over her ass cheeks and ground her crotch against his.

I could see her beginning to give in as my heart pounded. Her arms rose up
around him and she began to return his kisses with increasing passion.
Jeff put a hand behind her head and pulled her mouth to his roughly. His
other slid down inside her shorts and between her ass cheeks. He held her
to him, practically fucking her mouth with his tongue and lifting her up on
her toes. Laura seemed to be lost to it all. She made no move to pull away,
letting him have his way. Her hips and ass flexed against his crotch as his
hand worked beneath her shorts, helping to hold her against him and no
doubt fingering her wet slit. In a single moment I saw her finally
surrender herself to him. I knew at that instant that she was no longer
mine. I watched my wife's seduction, as I knelt with my mouth full of latex
cock and my little clitty throbbing in my panties.

I watched in awe as he took control of my wife. He would occasionally break
the almost brutal assault on her mouth to bite her neck and whisper in her
ear.. At first I couldn't hear anything I could make out, just Laura's
heavy breathing, but he soon began to talk louder and she began to respond.

"You loved those pictures, didn't you?" No answer. "Your fat little cunt is
so wet I've already got half my hand inside you. See?" He pulled his hand
out of her sorts and brought three obviously wet fingers up and wiped them
across her lips. She licked reflexively at the pussy juice and Jeff
immediately slid his fingers into her mouth. She closed her eyes and
sucked on his fingers as they thrust in and out of her mouth. "So you see,
I know you liked it. Tell me!" She nodded without stopping her sucking and
he chuckled. "You found yourself wishing it was you on your knees, eh?"
Again a sharp nod. "I know why, but I want to hear you say it. Tell me why
you wished you were the slut on her knees being taken by three hard cocks!"

She actually whimpered as he removed his fingers and she thrust her hips
against him. "I . . . I've always fantasized about being taken like
that. To be . . . used." She buried her face against his chest in shame at
saying it out loud. I was in shock. My wife of many years had dreamt all
this time of being dominated by a man. As I knelt on Jeff's floor, shaved,
dressed in women's lingerie and nursing on a fake cock it was painfully
obvious I could never give her that fantasy.

"You know I can give you this fantasy." Jeff said pulling her head up to
face him. "Are you willing to give yourself to me completely?"

She hesitated, then nodded.

"Speak, slut!" He almost shouted at her.

"Yes!" She replied with a sob. I could see tears in her eyes.

"What about Eric?"

Laura hesitated. "I love him very much, but he could never take control the
way I need." Jeff pushed her away and put his hands on his hips. "Show me
your body, slut! I want to see what you are offering me."

She only paused a moment before she reached down and yanked the tight
sports bra over her head to reveal her pale, full breasts. A moment later
her shorts and shoes followed. She stood, almost shyly in all her
voluptuous glory. Her nipples were stiff and her chest was flushed pink
with lust.

Jeff's eyes roamed hungrily over her form. "Nice plump tits. Thick
nipples. Full, womanly hips. Truly a vision of Reubenesque beauty." She
seemed pleased by his words. "But," he said sharply, "sluts should be
hairless, except for their head! You will remedy this if you wish to serve

Laura's hand went automatically to the furry triangle above her sex. "I
understand." She seemed almost ashamed.

"So, what is a slut's most basic duty to her master?"

She seemed confused at first, then looked down at the bulge in Jeff's
shorts. With a deep breath she dropped to her knees and scooted over till
her face was inches from his crotch. "A . . . slut," she began, voice
shaking, "offers her mouth for her master's pleasure." With that she leaned
in and began kissing and mouthed his concealed shaft.

He had an evil grin on his face as he answered. "Does my shiny-new, little
slut want something?"

"Let me . . . suck it. I want to taste your . . . cock." She still seemed
unsure of how to proceed.

"Stop thinking and let the real Laura out! You and I both know, at heart,
you are nothing but a cock hungry slut! I have no use for Eric's sweet
wife." He quickly stripped off his shorts, freeing his rampant erection to
bob directly in front of her face.

My wife stared, wide eyed at the meaty shaft, throbbing in time to his
heartbeat. Several inches longer and notably thicker than my little
clitty. She couldn't help licking her lips as she sat so close that I'm
sure she could smell the sweaty musk of it.

"So who and what are you? Eric's sexually satisfied wife should just go
home and wait for her husband." He sneered down at her. "But that isn't who
you really are is it? You hide behind this proper exterior. You let Eric
have his way with you using his pathetic little dick and eager tongue and
pretend that you are sexually fulfilled. But you and I know the
truth.. When I first saw you, I saw the slut within. The little, horny
bitch that wants to be used as a fuck toy."

I saw Laura shake and let out a little gasp. Her eyes never moving from his
cock. She sobbed a bit. "I love Eric, but his tongue is all that's ever
gotten me off. It's been sooo long since I've had my mouth or cunt
stretched around a real cock."

She looked up and into his eyes. "Please, use me. I want to feel that
beautiful cock inside me. My mouth, my cunt or my ass, I don't care. Just
fuck me. Please."

He just stared at her for a moment, but when she opened her mouth to beg
again he grabbed her head and thrust his cock into her mouth. With only the
slightest pause, adjusted his angle and completed his thrust by shafting,
balls-deep in her throat.

Her eyes were wide and at first I thought she was resisting, but then I
realized she wasn't struggling. She was grinding her hips as she fingered
herself furiously while Jeff violated her throat with long smooth thrusts.
As one hand fingered her pussy, the other tweaked her hard nipples. After
only a few thrusts I could hear an almost rhythmic moan, barely audible
over the wet slurping sounds.

"Don't worry, I don't want your heart." He patted her almost like someone
would a beloved pet. "But I will happily take ownership of your stacked
little body and especially your mouth, cunt and ass." He placed his hands
on either side of her head and leaned his head back. "First though, it's
time to stake my claim to your mouth."

Jeff picked up his pace and began to really fuck Laura's throat. As he
pulled out and slid back in, his cock left a thick, stringy coating of
saliva and pre-cum dripping in long strands from her chin down onto her
swaying tits. Leaving them damp and glistening. I watched as he pulled
completely out and left a long, ropey strand connecting her lips to his
cock. She gasped as her mouth was emptied but as he thrust back in I could
see the way she eagerly stretched open her mouth to accept his shaft back
inside her.

She had her legs spread almost into a split now. She had her hand
underneath her with fingers pointed up as she rocked her hips in quick
thrusts, fucking herself on her own fingers. Her moans had turned into
abrupt, shuddering whimpers as she approached orgasm.

Jeff sensed it too. "Stop!" He commanded as he pulled out of her
mouth. "Sluts cannot cum until they please their masters!" Her eyes were
wide and pleading. "Remove your hand from your soupy cunt and slowly lick
it clea

Same as Birth of a Sissy Videos

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407am Sissy

My phone buzzed at 4:07am. I roused myself from sleep to look at the text message because somebody only sends you a message that early in the morning when it's important. I was right. That text message would be the start of a life-changing series of events. It simply read "Good morning, sissy slut." It was followed up by a picture of me, on my knees, wearing a bra, panties and stockings while sucking on a very hard cock. A second picture followed showing my open mouth, filled...

1 year ago
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Milking Sissy

The bondage wasn't necessary. The straps are there really as more of a ritual and now something I took comfort in due to its familiarity. My make up wasn't necessary either. Well, not really. But I no longer face the day without having at least some lipstick on. Thanks to what my Master had tattooed, I usually don't need much more than that. When it's time for my milking however, I like to make sure I'm as pretty as I can be. Especially if my Master decides to make use of me while...

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I Now Own You Sissy

It had all started with a routine visit to his Doc for a simple prostate exam. After he'd given away his submissive tendencies by pushing back against her finger, she'd given him a good hard anal fingering and then he'd revealed the true depths of submissive tendencies, to Dr Megan Sutton, or Miss Megan as he'd begin to know her. "Then a week before the next visit you'll not be allowed to cum, if you do, you'll be punished very firmly. I'll be measuring you cum output and will know if you...

1 year ago
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Classroom Sissy

Classroom Sissy By Cassandra Morgan I did it! I got in! Me! Geeky Brad Hollins. I'm one of the 10! I'm finally accepted! I'm finally one of the chosen few! I never thought I had a chance. After all, more than 200 students apply for the 10 every year, and 190 of them go away disappointed. Only the finest minds at Calvin Coolidge Community College (CCCC) get a Golden Ticket. And I'm Willie Wonka! Whee! You've heard of the 10, haven't you? It's a secret honor society at CCCC,...

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A Submissive Sissy

A Submissive SissyMy sissy slave husband, Princess, was in the process of paying his usual obeisance to my feet on a recent morning. It's always good to see Princess applying his tongue to my high heels and on this particular morning he was working extra hard to please me since he was about to beg me to not take him to the beauty parlor. He knew that it was unlikely that I would relent, nevertheless, the outings I arrange are so excruciatingly humiliating for the poor dear that he is ever...

2 years ago
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Saturday Morning Sissy

Saturday Morning SissyI woke late on Saturday morning and immediately knew that something waswrong. Sure, I'd been out drinking Friday night, so the hangover wasn'tunexpected. But I was surprised to wake and find that there was aleather band snapped tightly around my balls and that this was tetheredsecurely to the foot of my bed with a short chain.Further exploration revealed that my entire body had been shaved and mynipples had been marked with some type of semi-permanent red dye. Ifthat...

3 years ago
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Saturday Morning Sissy

Saturday Morning Sissy I woke late on Saturday morning and immediately knew that something was wrong. Sure, I'd been out drinking Friday night, so the hangover wasn't unexpected. But I was surprised to wake and find that there was a leather band snapped tightly around my balls and that this was tethered securely to the foot of my bed with a short chain. Further exploration revealed that my entire body had been shaved and my nipples had been marked with some type of semi-permanent red...

2 years ago
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Revenge of The Sissy

Revenge of The SissyA big fat dirty pig dad abuses his sissy too much. I come home from work in my uniform from the garbage company, work shoes, and Hat. I head towards my recliner. I say you fucking sissy get over here. Get me a beer. Where's my remote? Where's my god damn dinner?I take my belt off and set it beside my recliner. I take my pants and uniform top off. I take my cigars out of my shirt pocket and set them beside me. I hang my pants and shirt over the back of my recliner. I set my...

3 years ago
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I Sissy

I, Sissy By Cassandra Morgan The late-night glow of the computer screen was the only sign of life in the house. Molly had long since gone to bed, alone. It was 3 a.m. Casey Matthews knew he should get to sleep. But he wanted to read one more fiction, get to one more situation, feel the stirrings from one more author. This was story time for Casey. His hand dropped and rubbed himself, just for a minute. He wasn't going to masturbate, not with Molly in the next room. But shifting...

3 years ago
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The Farm School Sissy

INTRO (Skip this bit and get on with the story if you want) Like most of my writing projects this is unfinished. I seem to always get obsessed with small details to the detriment of ever finishing the work. Feel free to take over this story yourself and make it what you will. This particular story is set in a world perhaps just slightly off centre to our own. The location is a boy's only orphan farm school run mostly by strong and independent women. The world has changed in so much...

1 year ago
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Becoming a Sissy

Previously published, but in separate parts, this one is the whole story start to finish.This is the story about how I went from being an inadequate husband to being a porn addicted goon and finally in the past year fulfilling my sissy ambition to worship a big cock and balls. They belong to my best friend Tom who I have known for 20 years. It was a journey that took a few years but if I had been brave enough when I was younger would have taken no time at all and spared me lots of humiliation...

3 years ago
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What is a Sissy

I am often asked what makes a sissy. In my experience you cannot make a sissy. A sissy is born that way, it is like saying how do you make a homosexual or a lesbian, I truly believe that sissy is a form of sexuality. Over the past 20 years I have met many "sissys", they have run the full gauntlet from those who think wearing pink frilly panties makes them a sissy to those whose whole existence is consumed by thoughts and actions of sissyfiaction. In the latter group many are middle aged men...

1 year ago
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I would be the Young Sissy

My 21st first day as a man, as a true lord of the Manor...myfirst day as a Master. I was so nervous I threw up my lunch. Not verymanly, I know, but just the thought of having my very own sissy to playwith had me teetering between the giddy excitement of a k** right about toopen the biggest present under the tree, and the stark terror of officiallybeing a man in my step-father's could I measure up to him? Ifelt destined to disappoint him...and I didn't even know why I...

2 years ago
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I Want To Be A Sissy

He Wanted To Be A Sissy The Lincoln town car drove slowly up the long driveway and halted at the entrance to the two-story building. It was late morning on a warm sunny day. The chauffeur jumped out and opened the rear passenger door. A lady dressed elegantly in a mauve skirt, white blouse and matching jacket swung her feet out and stood up. She looked at the other person in the car. "Well we're here now. Seems like a beautiful place. So step out carefully." The other person...

1 year ago
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My sisters their friends and me their sissy

Part One My oldest sister Vickie, was 18 when my mom died. My middle sister Michelle, was 14 and my youngest sister Joy, was 11. I, Mark was the baby of the family at 7 and had been the only male in the house since father had passed away when I was 2. He left us well off and with his money well invested we lived very nicely indeed. We had a private tutor/governess, Ms Wells, a young lady of some thirty or so I suppose. A live-in housekeeper Ms Dee Dee, a French exchange student...

3 years ago
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Young Sissy

Young Sissybysmittysimon©Author's Note: This is a follow up to The Young Master series. You can start here if you aren't interested in Belle's misadventures as spoiled young man turned out by his own sissy slave and eventually enslaved by his step-father, but it does introduce a lot of characters you'll read about in this series.I don't know how long I was under days, weeks who knows, maybe even months. Reality blurred with nightmares as I felt my flesh being cut into by cold scalpels and stuck...

4 years ago
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Rules for sissy

General Behavior Sissy is expected to always obey these rules. * Sissy will never masturbate or in anyway contribute to her having an orgasm without Mistress' permission. * Sissy will report immediately any orgasm that occurs without permission. * Sissy will accept whatever punishment Mistress decides appropriate. (Punishment for orgasms out of chastity will be more severe than for those within the cage). * Sissy will not put any part of her Mistress' sissy in jeopardy of ...

2 years ago
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Raised a Sissy

Raised a Sissy Alessandra Durante I've been a sissy my whole life. I didn't know that when I was child, but that what I was raised and reared to be. I never had a choice in the matter. I was born into a wealthy family, but I never knew the privileges of wealth. My mother was a strong willed woman who ran our countryside home like a queen. My sissy father was her faithful and humble servant. My father doted on her and obeyed her every command as if he had no choice. My...

2 years ago
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Curiosity Spanked the Sissy

You had driven all night to get to where you were and as you look at the house you wonder why? You just cannot understand why you are outside the house of Mistress Penny. Is it curiosity you wonder, certainly she is a completely different Mistress from your own goddess, Mistress Michele. She is the Mistress to your good friend on Fetlife, Sissy Davina but the only thing you know about her is how she has been described by Davina. You know she is curvy Mistress unlike Mistress Michele, is...

1 year ago
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Tweak Chapter Three Birth of a Sissy

Melissa's mentoring of Simonne continues at an ever-increasing pace. He quickly learns that submitting to Melissa's demands may be the only way of convincing his girlfriend to submit to his. Operation Linda begins in earnest. Author's note: Although I'm posting this in serial form, I assure you, dear reader, this humble offering consisting of eight chapters, is complete. "Tweak" By: Simonne Danielle © 2008 - 2010 All Rights Reserved Chapter Three - Birth of a...

2 years ago
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Beth and Sissy

Beth and Sissy Copyright CassandraToday 2016 Beth stood up and walked from the bed to the far side of the room, over to the ... what is it? thought Sissy; it looks like a St Andrew's Cross lying on its back, with supports underneath to hold it at tabletop height. Beth turned, smiled at Sissy, and crooked her finger in an unmistakeable "come here" gesture. So enthusiastic at first, Sissy was now hesitant, as it sank in that this would be reality, not fantasy. She rose and started...

2 years ago
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The Making of a Sissy

She had known from a very early age that she was not like the other boys; her mother had passed her on to her strict aunt Jane at a very early age, and she had never known her father.  Jane’s strict regime of making the boy dress in girls clothes at all times when at home only furthered the yearning to be a girl which was already firmly within the soon to be a sissy’s mind.  Jane’s girls took special delight in dressing their sissy brother and loved to take him out to the mall and such places,...

1 year ago
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Andrew the Unsuspecting Sissy

ANDREW'S INTRODUCTION Audrey was alone in her study. Up on the 60 inch, big screen was a security camera that flashed from locations all across the manor. Audrey locked in location six and location eleven. She then pressed a button and stood up and removed her blood red silk blouse and unclasped her long black tweed skirt and lowered the zipper and watched as the skirt puddled at her feet. Carelessly she stepped away and adjusted her hose and garter belt. She was braless and wore no...

4 years ago
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Sunday Night Football Sissy

Sunday Night Football Sissy It's no surprise that we love football here in Texas. We all head out to watch high school ball on Friday nights, and of course we love to cheer on our college boys on Saturdays. And the grown men dominate our Sundays. Especially if you're a sissy slut like me. I am a sissy cock slut who happily serves a small group of men here in town, and things took an interesting turn a few years back when I learned that Master David was an avid Cowboys fan, while...

1 year ago
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Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP Chapter Three Daisy Begins Her New Life as a Sissy

Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP, Chapter Three Daisy Begins Her New Life as a Sissy Maid She took and held three enema bags before I allowed her to get out of the tub and she was emotionally, sexually, mentally, and physically broken. Not permanently, that takes years to accomplish, but she had given up and began the process of accepting that she was powerless and too weak to resist me. To keep her in the right frame of mind, I grabbed her by her hair and walked her...

2 years ago
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A Happy Sissy

A Happy Sissy Kathleen didn't iron. Janelle wouldn't work past noon. Hannah wanted too much money. Damn, good help was hard to find. Monica, my wife, sat on the bed with the newspaper ads spread around her. She was looking for a maid. The way she tells it, Sharon had been a domestic with her family for a thousand years. As Monica grew up, Sharon was always there to advise her, to steer her toward decency, to make sure she knew that hard work was the key to good results....

2 years ago
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The Blushing Sissy

The Blushing Sissy by StateRowdy [email protected] ? She'd been teasing me all week, much, much more than usual. And, now I could hear her talking to me from her bathroom tub, which by the way, used to be our bathroom. Me, I was busy ironing her long and elegant pinstriped wool gabardine black skirt with the flounced hem and her very sheer ruffled black silk halter. Ironing is perhaps one of the hardest chores I have to do. Everything had to be just so, or it was over her knee, panties down...

2 years ago
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Degraded Sissy

fondamaid asked: Hi. Sorry it's been a while. I haven't dressed and I felt a little odd sending you a note while in men's clothing. Today I'm dresses, corseted, and locked up. I'm just not sure how long I'll keep myself locked up. I did finally get baby oil to use though and the cage is more comfortable because of it. I thought lube would work fine, but I was wrong. Now I'm all sissied up and wondering what I should do. Part of me thinks I should practice pleasing real men.I hope that, when you...

2 years ago
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How to Build a Better Sissy

How to Build a Better Sissy Or My Evolution by: Missy Satinpanties I was a small, skinny child, with a rather normal family. My father worked for the electric company as an auditor, and my mother ran a yoga studio in the converted garage of our home. When I was young, this was where I played, watching women contort themselves into the various yoga poses. I was about 6 when I asked my mother...

3 years ago
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Checkerboard Sissy

Checkerboard Sissy By Cassandra Morgan A guy never wants to meet his girlfriend's parents for the first time. There are always years to negotiate, and beliefs, and backgrounds. As nice as the parents may be, there are always judgments to make, and old boyfriends and girlfriends to reference, and finances to be probed. It is natural to be suspicious of someone who loves your child. For Keisha and I, this was more challenging than for most couples. As an interracial couple, Keisha...

3 years ago
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Trucker Daddy Gets A Sissy

It could easily be the lowest point in Denny life, sitting in an old Ford Escort that wouldn't start, the temperature outside well below freezing and him not having the cash for a hotel or to have the car fixed. He had no idea what to do next. Completely out of ideas, he had been sitting in for hours watching the normal people with money coming in and out of the Flying J Truckstop. He almost jumped out of his skin when someone knocked on the window. Denny cautiously rolled the...

2 years ago
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Saturday Night Sissy

SATURDAY NIGHT SISSY by Throne I spend all week, every week, dreading Saturday. My wife Alana met Dutch several months ago. I knew my bride had a past as a party girl, and that she still flirted with men. Male eyes always went to her, a tall girl with a stunning figure -- big bust, tapering waist, flaring hips, full thighs and, most of all, a plus-size bottom that sticks way out and moves like it's on springs. Dutch was the kind of guy she used to date -- big, rough, uncouth. The...

3 years ago
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The Blushing Sissy

Story writing contest 10 [email protected] She'd been teasing me all week, much, much more than usual. And, now I could hear her talking to me from her bathroom tub, which by the way, used to be our bathroom. Me, I was busy ironing her long and elegant pinstriped wool gabardine black skirt with the flounced hem and her very sheer ruffled black silk halter. Ironing is perhaps one of the hardest chores I have to do. Everything had to be just so, or it was over her knee, panties...

3 years ago
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Home Alone Sissy

What is it they say, "It all began like any normal day." Well since I was wearing a sissy maids uniform it was not going to be a normal day! I had on black patent leather Mary Jane shoes, with four inch heels. I love higher because it forces me to walk more daintily but I had a full list of chores and would be on my feet all day, so practical is better. My legs are encased in shear black stockings, of course they have to be stockings, tights just do not do it for me. They have a...

3 years ago
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Be a Sissy

forced to be a Sissy IThe young man stood facing a very large woman sitting in an upholsteredarmchair. There was no other way to describe her. She was fat, perhaps,pushing 300 pounds he thought. The way she was staring at his punyframe suggested that maybe he was going to be her next meal. She wasn'tsaying anything as she visually appraised him for the first time...Jacob had been brought to this woman by his step-grandmother earlierthat morning. He had been given over to his step-grandmother by...

3 years ago
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Sissy On Sissy

SISSY ON SISSY by Throne Bob stood there feeling beyond foolish. His body had been denuded of hair and his skin, after weeks of using an imported emollient, was satiny. All he had on was a pair of bikini-cut panties and a training bra. He was wearing the latter because his wife, Tessa, had taken him to a specialist two weeks before and gotten him a lovely set of breasts. They were small implants and his nipples rode high on their feminine curvature. It didn't provide any modesty...

1 year ago
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Mrs Grant and her new Sissy

New Little Sissy"I'm done planting the flowers Mrs. Grant," I said."Justin honey, I swear I have no idea why you keep coming over to dochores around here.""I am rich you know just like your Mother, I do have a gardener.""There's no need for you to do these things.""Not that I mind paying you, but you certainly can't need the moneyeither.""I just like coming over here Mrs. Grant."She appraised him slowly now, was this a little slip, or was she justimagining things? Was he actually saying he was...

3 years ago
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New Little Sissy

"I'm done planting the flowers Mrs. Grant," I said."Justin honey, I swear I have no idea why you keep coming over to dochores around here.""I am rich you know just like your Mother, I do have a gardener.""There's no need for you to do these things.""Not that I mind paying you, but you certainly can't need the moneyeither.""I just like coming over here Mrs. Grant."She appraised him slowly now, was this a little slip, or was she justimagining things? Was he actually saying he was attracted to...

2 years ago
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Its Hard For This Sissy

IT'S HARD FOR THIS SISSY by Throne Pete had just gotten home from work and he immediately noticed a look of mischief in his wife Andi's pale blue eyes. He seen that all too often in the past. She must have spotted the concern on his face because she wanted to know, "Is something the matter, Petey?" She was calling him by the diminutive of his name. The switch from Pete to Petey was another bad sign. "It's just..." he extemporized, "that you seem... distracted." "Well,...

3 years ago
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stepson becomes moms sissy

Mark Peters let out a low moan that couldn’t be heard above the organ as it played "Here Comes the Bride." Although every other head in the church turned to glimpse the tall, dark-haired beauty imperiously making her way down the aisle, Mark kept his eyes fixed on his feet. Had anyone been paying attention, they would have seen a small tear escape Mark’s eye.It seemed like only yesterday that Mark’s mother and father had split up. Mark’s dad, Mark Senior, was a partner in one of the city’s...

1 year ago
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My Sisters Sissy

My Sister's Sissy By: Missy Satinpanties Note: This isn't one of my usual stories of sexual degradation, but what I think of as "my autobiography that should-have-been." The make- up of my family is the same as it was, my sister's names are the same, but that's about it. This is how I wish things would have gone when my little secret got "out of the bag." I guess I've always been a sissy. I remember playing dress-up with my sister when I was very young, and can vividly remember...

3 years ago
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A Nasty Daddy gets a Naughty Sissy

I came out of the bedroom dressed in my too-short pantyshowing Pink Shorty dress, pretty anklets, black MJ's, pink panties, red lipsticked lips and with my cute cuff and collar set on, awaiting Daddy's padlock, which would begin the playtime for real. This Daddy I had run across on a website was one who loved forcing sissies to literally mess their panties while they were in bondage so he could then go on to the diapering and teasing them for being such bad baby girlie sissies. Me,...

3 years ago
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Sissy Stepson 10 Stepmothers Sissy

Part 10 - Stepmother's Sissy Mrs. Monet put another knee high on the exhausted sissy and got an open toed spike heel with a very small opening in the toe of the shoe. Mrs. Monet forced the shoe on the sissy's limp dick, which started to harden within the shoe. "Come on sissy, just three more milkings, I know your balls ache and your sissy stick is red and sore, but you promised to hump my shoes!" his stepmother cooed. Finally, Caroline's sissy stick got hard enough for the just the tip...

3 years ago
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What does it mean to be a sissy

Sissies are a distinct breed of transvestites. A sissy is a transvestite who’s primary sexual interest lies not just in wearing feminine clothing, but in becoming an exaggerated version of femininity. Femininity as seen through the lens of traditional hetero male sexual desire. Sissies are not seeking to become women in a normal sense, but are instead seeking to become the object of their desires. Their ultimate fantasy woman if they were normal, rather than being a sissy. Sissies are...

1 year ago
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What does it mean to be a sissy

Sissies are a distinct breed of transvestites. A sissy is a transvestite who’s primary sexual interest lies not just in wearing feminine clothing, but in becoming an exaggerated version of femininity. Femininity as seen through the lens of traditional hetero male sexual desire. Sissies are not seeking to become women in a normal sense, but are instead seeking to become the object of their desires. Their ultimate fantasy woman if they were normal, rather than being a sissy. Sissies are...

2 years ago
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What does it mean to be a sissy

Sissies are a distinct breed of transvestites. A sissy is a transvestite who’s primary sexual interest lies not just in wearing feminine clothing, but in becoming an exaggerated version of femininity. Femininity as seen through the lens of traditional hetero male sexual desire. Sissies are not seeking to become women in a normal sense, but are instead seeking to become the object of their desires. Their ultimate fantasy woman if they were normal, rather than being a sissy.Sissies are...

2 years ago
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Ken Sissy

Ken sat there, staring blankly at the movie screen, showing a big black cockplowing into a white beauty. His wife was far from a beauty, as she was now inher early fifties and had put on a few too many pounds for his taste.... butevidently it didn't seem to have bothered the two black men.Ken looked over his shoulder at the entrance to the adult theater, hoping thathis wife would be walking back in, but he knew better. It had all happened sofast, that he tried to remember how he ended up...

3 years ago
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Mistress Sabines Sissy

My phone vibrated softly signaling a text. I almost didn't look at it. I was at a meeting of the board of the corporation I work for, trying to steel my nerves for a presentation I was scheduled to make. This was my first time and instead of running through my presentation in my head I was focused on what I was wearing under my suit.I glanced at the phone."Someone in the room knows exactly what you're wearing..."It was from Mistress Sabine, a woman I'd only met a few weeks ago. She was also the...

1 year ago
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Miss Lindas sissy

My finger was shaking bad as I went to push the doorbell. Miss Linda had told me how my slave training was going to change. She told me she was going to turn me into her sissy slave. Oh My God! What was I doing here? Why did I even come back here? I was afraid of what my heart said in response. The truth was, I really wanted to be a sissy. Even the thought of the intense humiliations that were to follow excited me. I rang the doorbell and felt my doom consume me. Ms. Linda answered the door...

2 years ago
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The Misadventures of the Worlds Worst Sissy

The Misadventures of the World's Worst Sissy By Cassandra Morgan This stuff isn't easy, okay? The world that looks down upon us think that it is. They think that any wimp can be a sissy, that even the frailest of us can scrape and bow and curtsy. They think that anyone can cook or clean are do the so-called mindless tasks that the rest of us are assigned. They think this is a soft life for soft people. They think we are so concerned with being pretty and smelling pretty that...

2 years ago
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First time Sissy

I was born a "boy" but it was mother nature mistake as I am very petite, 5'2" 110LBS. with a sexy round ass and dick sucking lips. For this site purpose I will start at 18 my journey as a sissy cum loving size queen SLUT. In my senior year with a couple of months to go before graduation I turned "legal age" but was no virgin by any stretch of the imagination but cannot talk about it because of "rules". I had become a "male cheerleader" but was finer than some of the bitches there and had the...

2 years ago
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Im Not A Sissy

I'M NOT A SISSY by Throne My name is Joe and not Jodie. I'm an adult and not a kid. And I'm a man and not a simpering sissy. I keep telling myself that. But my wife Arianna thinks differently. I mean, ever since we got married two years ago she had been running my life more and more. Talking down to me. Turning me into her sex slave in the bedroom, demanding oral attentions and giving almost nothing in return. She mocked my small penis and made me masturbate while she watched....

1 year ago
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Richard the Sissy

Richard the Sissy by Joney Cunningham Hi, my name is Richard, or should I say Regina now. I am a sissy. It all started when I was 15 and my parents had taken my 13-year-old sister out of town for the weekend. I had a part-time job, so I couldn't go. My parents told me that the paid Gina, the high school senior across the street to decorate my mom's sewing room. Gina was into interior decorating and had gained a reputation of doing great work. They told me she would have a...

2 years ago
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The Lingerie Salesman Sissy

I had a career change a few years ago. Admittedly a door to door salesman did not sound good but the money was OK as long as I made plenty of commission but the fringe benefits were amazing. For me it was not household cleaners or insurance but sexy lingerie. Not only did the ladies on my round like to try on the lingerie but as soon as they felt super sexy I would get my “extra” commission. Yes I had all shapes, sizes and ages, even a mother and her daughter were regular customers and I had...

4 years ago
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son turned into moms sissy

My name is Barbie. Everyone calls me Barbie because I am small and I have long blond hair. I am the smallest in my class. My real name is Ashley. Before you ask, I do not like Barbie's. I never played with them. I suppose when you have hair down to your shoulders, then people think you look like a girl and call you Barbie. I am eleven years old.I got this diary today. So I might as well write in it. It is a purple one with a bear and heart on the cover. It has a lock on it. I might as well use...

3 years ago
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Cum Craved Sissy

Taking a quick look at the clock, I noticed that the delivery had run late, and I was immediately stressed at the fact that Mistress would be home shortly. I knew I didn't have time to shower, and there was certainly no time for much cleanup either. I just pealed the skin-tight jeans down, crumpled them up and buried them at the bottom of the hamper.I carefully pulled the bright yellow panties down my legs, trying not to make any more mess. I washed the creamy jism away in the sink, squeezed...

2 years ago
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Born a Sissy

Born a Sissy This is the story told by me "grandmother" and my grandson Timmy. Most of it is true and only some parts have been modified. It all started back in 1979 when Timmy was only 9 years old. He was a beautiful child that I loved dearly. Timmy's mother, my daughter, had him at the young age of 17. Being so young she was not quite ready to be a full time mother. She was just like any other teenage girl who had social obligations to meet. She was a good mother but I understood...

2 years ago
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Thanks Megan for the courage to comment. I like constructive criticism, and in addition, would love to be your toy! This chapter is dedicated to you!After returning to my house, I realized that our shopping trip did not accomplish what we set out to do, which was to get more panties for me to wear. So as not to disappoint Elaine, I dressed, the panties in place of course, and returned to the store. Not sure what to expect I walked slowly through the door.The salesladies smiled and said, "Look...

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