Nurul Jilbabers free porn video

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Namaku Arif, aku bekerja di sebuah kantor BUMN. Aku sudah menikah selama 3 tahun dengan istriku. Walau kami belum dikaruniai anak, kami sangat bahagia karena istriku adalah orang yang pandai sekali menyenagkan suami. Sepertinya tidak ada habisnya sensasi, gaya, dan teknik yang istriku peragakan setiap kami bergumul di ranjang. Aku 7 tahun lebih tua dari istriku yang kini berusia 28 tahun. Beberapa waktu lalu, rumah kami semakin berwarna ketika adik bungsu istriku yang kuliah kedokteran di salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri tengah menjalankan Koass di salah satu Rumah Sakit negeri yang kebetulan berada dekat dengan rumah kami. Umurnya masih sangat muda sekitar 22 tahun, dia termasuk mahasiswi yang cerdas karena dapat menuntaskan studi tepat pada waktunya. Jika dilihat dari wajahnya, dia lebih cantik dari istriku, ditambah wajahnya yang teduh dan keibuan. Walaupun tubuhnya aku taksir tidak sebagus tubuh istriku tapi masih diatas rata- rata wanita pada umumnya. Perbedaan lainnya, jka istriku senang berpakaian seksi dan menarik lawan jeNurnya, apalagi ditunjang dengan tubuh yang sangat aduhai. Adik dari istriku ini malah sebaliknya, dia menutupi kecantikannya dengan pakaian yang sangat longgar dan jilbab yang lebar. DItambah manset dan kaus kaki sehingga aku hanya bisa melihat wajahnya yang putih bersih dan telapak tangannya. Bahkan setiap aku ada di rumah dia tidak melepaskan jilbab dan kaoskakinya walau barang sebentar. Naman gadis cantik itu adalah Nurul. Kami lalui hari dengan wajar, aku bisa berangkat terlebih dahulu dengan mengantarkan istriku ke kantornya. Sedangkan Nurul terbiasa berangkat terakhir karena letak Rumah Sakit yang tidak terlalu jauh dari rumah kami. Walau dalam hati aku menyimpan ketertarikan pada Nurul. Aku semakin bergairah ketika melihat tingkahnya yang sopan, murah senyum, dan lenggok pinggulnya ketika berjalan walau aku yakin bukan maksud dia untuk melakukan itu. Inner beauty yang terpancar ditambah bakat kecantikan den kemolekan tubuhnya selalu ia jaga dengan baik. Katanya hanya untuk suaminya saja, bahkan dia tidak mau pacaran walau saya yakin pasti banyak laki-laki yang menginginkannya. Jilbabnya yang lebar itu tidak dapat menutupi lekukan dadanya yang membusung. Jika istriku berukuran 38 B aku taksir besar tetek adik istriku itu sekitar 36 B. Tingginya yang semampai hampir mencapai 165 cm ditunjang tubuh yang tidak kurus juga tidak gemuk membuat mata laki-laki manapun pasti akan terkesima. Apalagi jika dirumah aku sering melihatnya hanya menggunakan daster saja walau wajah dan kakinya tidak dapat aku lihat, tapi aku dapat membayangkan bagaimana tubuhnya. Terkadang ketika aku bergumul dengan istriku aku membayangkan sedang melakukan dengan Nurul, sikapnya yang tertutup pada laki-laki dan selalu menutup tubuhnya semakin membuatku penasaran. Hanya saja aku masih menghargainya sebagai adik dari istriku, dan sikapnya yang menjaga diri. Gayanya dan sikapnya yang renyah membuat siapapun jadi tidak sungkan untuk mengenalnya lebih dekat denganna walau ia tetap menjaga jarak. Suatu hari, sepulang kantor aku membuka DVD Blue Film yang baru aku pinjam dari teman kantorku, Blue Film yang aku tonton degan menggunakan komputer cukup bagus dimana Film tersebut tidak terlalu vulgar dan seronok yang membuat orang jijik. Itu membangkitkan gairahku, kudekati istriku yang sedang menonton tivi di ruang tengah, aku mulai mencumbunya dan dia pun membalas cumbuanku, tiba-tiba ku dengar pindu depan terbuka, pasti Nurul gumamku. “Tumben jam 9 baru datang Nur?” Tanya istriku, “Iya mbak, tadi praktik bedah dulu. O ya mas, boleh kan aku pakai ruang kerjanya, aku mau buat laporan” lanjut Nurul. “Silahkan aja, pakai sebabasnya dan jangan canggung disini” ujarku sambil menahan birahi yang baru saja naik. “Terima kasih ya mas” ucapnya. Setelah Nurul masuk kamar kamipun segera melanjutkan kegiatan kami dan pindah ke dalam kamar kami. Pergumulanpun semain seru karena istriku mulai mengeluarkan jurus- jurus barunya. Tapi tidak perlu ku ceritakan karena bukan ini inti cerita yang akan aku ceritakan. Setelah kami puas kamipun tertidur. Aku terbangun sekitar pukul 1 dini hari, kulihat istriku masih terlelap kelelahan tanpa sehelai benangpun disebelahku. Aku keluar kamar untuk mengambil air minum dan memeriksa kondisi rumah. Kulihat sekilas Nurul masih di ruang kerjaku dan masih di depan komputer, setelah kupastikan semua pintu terkunci dan aku mengambil segelas air. Aku mulai perhatikan Nurul yang tampaknya tidak mengetahui keberadaanku. Aku puji kecantikanya dalam hati. matanya yang lentik, bibirnya yang tipis dan menawan. Namun…tiba-tiba aku melihat sesuatu yang ganjil. Mata Nurul masih memandangi layar komputer saat itu, tapi tangannya mulai menyusup dibalik jilbabnya. Dari pergerakan tangan yang tertutup jilbabnya itu aku tahu apa yang dia lakukan. Dia meremas-remas teteknya sendiri, ku lihat matanya setengah terpejam bibirnya terbuka. mungkin dia sedang merasakan sensasi yang baru dia rasakan. “mhh.. uuhhhmmm… aaahhh….” ku dengar desahan samar dari mulutnya, aku segera bergegas ke kamar untuk mengambil Handhone ku dan segera merekam kejadian langka ini. Tangan kanan Nurul masih terus meraba teteknya, kini rabaannya kian keras dan bersemangat dan tidak hanya itu aku lihat sepintas tangannya melepas kancing daster bagian atasnya, dan aku yakin dia memasukkan tangannya ke dalam teteknya. Kejadian itu terus aku rekam. Sesekali Nurul melengguh “uuhh …aahhh… mhh… ..oohh…” matanya terus terpejam, bibir bawahnya dia gigit, terkadang kepalanya tergeleng ke kanan dan ke kiri. Ternyata tidak selesai disitu, tangan kirinya mulai menuju ke selangkangannya, dia meraba memeknya sendiri dari luar dasternya. ku lihat jari tengahnya terus menggosok bagian tengah memeknya, aku zoom kamera HPku, dan melihat secara close up apa yang sedang dia lakukan. Nurul mulai menarik dasternya ke atas, walau masih menggunkan kaus kaki mulai terlihat betis atasnya yang sangat putih, sedikit-demi sedikit daster tersebut tertarik ke atas oleh tangan kiri Nurul. Pahanya yang putih mulus mulai tersingkap, kontolku mulai tegang melihat pemandangan iu. Sampai akhirnya tangannya berhenti ketika daster mulai sampai di bagian perutnya. Dan terpampanglah celana dalam Nurul yang berwarna putih. Tangan kiri Nurul terus bergerak masuk ke dalam celana dalamnya. Ku lihat tangannya terus bergerak-gerak diantara selangkangannya. Desahannya semakin menjadi, rangsangan yang sungguh hebat membuat dia tidak merasakan keberadaanku. “Auuuuww… oohh… .ahhh… .eehhhmmm… yyaaahhh ” racaunya. Sungguh pemandangan yang belum pernah aku lihat seorang wanita berjilbab yang tengah bermasturbasi tanpa melepaskan jilbabnya. Dulu saat kuliah aku pernah mengintip anak ibu kosku yang melakukan itu, tapi itu kurang menantang karena anak ibu kos ku itu sering mengumbar auratnya dan punya affair dengan salah satu teman kosku. Tapi ini pemandangan yang berbeda dan sungguh luar biasa. Gerakan tangan kiri Nurul di memeknya semakin cepat, dan remasan tangan kanan di teteknya semakin kuat. Ingin rasanya aku membantunya, tapi masih sibuk merekam dengan kamera handphoneku. Sesaat kemudian aku lihat dia mulai menghentikan aktifitasnya, nafasnya naik turun teratur, matanya masih terpejam, tapi aku tidak tahu apakah dia telah mencapai puncak kenikamatan atau belum karena aku tidak mendengar jeritan yang biasanya menjadi ciri wanita saat orgasme. Sebelum dia sadar aku segera bergegas menuju kamarku, dan mulai mereview kembali dari HPku apa yang baru aku saksikan tadi. Tanpa sadar aku melakukannya sambil beronani, sampai orgasme beberapa kali. Aku baru menyadari DVD Blue Film yang baru aku pinjam tadi, ternyata masih tertinggal dalam komputerku, aku yakin tadi tanpa atau dengan sengaja dia melihatnya. Aku yakin karena dalam DVD itu ada adegan wanita yang melakukan masturbasi, mungkin dia mengikutinya. Keesokan paginya, semua sepertinya biasa dan nampak wajar, istriku masih sibuk berdandan, maklum dandannya bisa sampai 2 jam sendiri. Aku memulai sarapan tanpa menunggu istriku, kemudian ku lihat Nurul sudah rapih dan keluar dari kamarnya. Dia sangat cantik dengan dandanannya yang sederhana, hanya berbalut bedak tipis dan lip glose seperlunya. Tapi ini adalah pemandangan fantastis, wanita yang apa adanya aku lihat menjadi jauh lebih cantik dibandngkan yang ber- make up. Jilbab warna pink dipadu kemeja putih dan rok panjang warna senada dengan jilbabnya membuat dia semakin cantik. Diapun tanpa merasakan apapun memulai sarapan paginya. Aku membuka obrolan pagi itu “Gimana Nur? laporannya selesai semalam?”, “Sudah selesai mas, terima kasih ya ruangan dan komputernya” katanya tenang. “Ngerjain laporan atau ngerjain yang lainnya?” sindirku, Nurul langsung terdiam dan menghentikan kegiatannya yang sedang mengambil nasi dari rice cooker. Wajah putihnya mulai bersemu merah, mungkin dia mulai menyadari aku melihat apa yang dilakukannya. “Tenang saja, kita kan sama- sama dewasa, tahu sama tahu lah dan aku pun tidak akan ceritakan ini ke kakakmu” ujarku sambil ku perlihatkan hasil rekaman di HPku. Wajah Nurul semakin tegang, keringat mulai membasahi wajahnya, tak sepatah katapun keluar dari mulutnya, aku tahu dia sedang bingung, malu, dan mungkin takut juga. “Mungkin lain kali kalu mau jangan sendiri, aku siap membantu kamu sampai kamu puas” Bisikku. Tanpa menjawab dia langsung beranjak dari kursinya dan menyambar tasnya, tanpa mengucapkan sepatah katapun, yang aku tahu matanya yang berbicara, matanya nampak mulai penuh dibasahi air mata yang hendak meloncat keluar. Malamnya, aku berlaku seperti biasa seperti tidak terjadi apapun. Sedangkan Nurul seperti agak sungkan dan kaku setiap bertemu denganku. “Pah, tidur yuk, mamah dah ngantuk banget nich”, “Ya sudah tidur aja dulu, nanti papah menyusul”. Setelah kulihat istriku sudah tertidur lelap, aku beranikan diri mendekati kamar Nurul, yang nampaknya masih menyala terang, sepertinya dia masih belajar. Tok… tok… tok… aku mengetuk pintu kamarnya. “Siapa?” sahutnya dari dalam, saat dia buka pintu kamarnya, aku segera mendorong pintu itu sehingga Nurul agak tersungkur kebelakang. Aku kunci dari dalam pintu kamarnya, “Mass… .mas mau apa? keluar dari kamarku”, “Kamarmu? apa kamu lupa kamu tinggal dimana?” sahutku agak tinggi, dia terdiam. “Kamu mau videomu tersebar kemana-mana? bahkan wajahmu close up di video itu, semua orang akan melihat apa yang kamu lakukan”, “A …apa mau mas?” ucapnya terbata. “Aku hanya mau kamu memuaskanku malam ini…”, “Ja… jangan mas, aku masih perawan, aku lakukan apa saja asal bukan melakukan itu”, “Buka!” perintahku ketika kontolku tepat berada di hadapan wajahnya. Dia mulai membuka celana pendek yang aku kenakan sampai ke lutut, Nurul agak terperangah meihat kontolku yang mulai tegang dan begitu menonjol seakan celana dalamku tidak sanggup memuatnya. Dengan bergetar tangannya menurunkan celana dalamku dan kemudian menurunkannya hingga ke lutut. Tampak kini dihadapannya kontolku yang telah tegak mengacung bagaikan sebuah tombak yang siap dihujamkan. Tampak ragu dia meraih kontolku dengan sambil menundukkan kepalanya. Akupun meraih tangannya yang halus, dan menyentuhkannya ke kontolku, rasanya sangat nyaman, dimana kulit lembutnya menyentuh kontolku yang sudah mengeras, kokoh, otot-otot yang keluar menambah kesan sangar. Wajahnya tertunduk dan mulai tersedu, tapi aku tak menghiraukan, aku maju mundurkan tangannya, sampai beberapa saat aku tak perlu menuntunna karena tangannya sudah faham apa yang harus dilakukannya. Nurul pun mulai berani menaikkan wajahnya dan menatap kontolku. Tak berapa saat aku merasakan sesuatu yang ingin melesak dari dalam tubuhku, sampai akhirnya…”aahh …..” aku melengguh disertai keluarnya sperma dari kontolku. “aaaauuwww ….” Nurul tersentak kaget ketika spermaku keluar. Karena dia berada tepat didepan kontolku, muncratan spermaku mengenai wajahnya, matanya, hidungnya, bibirnya dan sebagian lagi ke jilbabnya. Aku tersenyum puas lalu ku tinggalkan Nurul yang masih terpaku. Esoknya aku melakukan hal yang sama. kali ini, aku tidak perlu membentak dan memerintahkan, Nurul sudah mengetahui apa yang harus dia lakukan. Walau agak ragu, dia mulai berani menurunkan celanaku sendiri, sampai celana dalamku, dan memulai belaian lembut pada kontolku. dia tidak malu dan canggung seperti kemarin walu masih nampak wajah takut dan terpaksa melakukan itu. Aku memegang tangan kanannya, sambil membiarkan tangan kirinya tetap menggenggam kontolku yang hampir tak tergenggam tangan mungilnya karena diameternya yang hampir mencapai 7 cm. AKu renggangkan telapak tangannya dan aku tuntun melakukan gerakan mengusap pada ujung kontolku, telapak tangannya mengusap dengan melakukan gerakan memutar di ujung kontolku seperti yang sering istriku lakukan. Hal ini memberiku sensasi yang lebih, apalagi yang melakukan adalah seorang wanita yang polos tentang seks, alim dan selalu berjilbab, menjaga dirinya dan menutupi tubuhnya. suatu sensasi yang sangat luar biasa. Aku kembali mencapai puncak dan memuntahkannya diwajahnya. Kegiatan itu sering kami lakukan tanpa sepengetahuan istriku sampai beberapa waktu lamanya. Pagi ini aku baru sampai dari kantor karena mendapat giliran piket, karena itu siang ini aku mendapat libur. Sampai di rumah suasana wajar setiap pagi seperti yang telah menjadi rutinitas. Istriku sudah siap berangkat ke kantor, dan taksipun telah menunggunya diluar. “Pah aku berangkat dulu ya..” sambil menciumku, tubuhnya indah dibalut blazer ketat dan rok yang sangat pendek, ahh…itu pemandangan biasa. “Mah…sekalian kunci ya pintunya” ujarku, “Nanti saja, Nurul belum berangkat, biar dia saja yang kunci pintu…” ujarnya sambil berlalu. “Hah..Nurul masih di rumah..padahal biasanya dia sudahberangkat pagi- pagi sekali” bisikku. “Kreeekkk… blak” kulihat intu kamar yang dibuka dan kemudian di tutup, ku lihat Nurul mengenakan jilbab warna puti sampai dibawah sikunya, gamis pink warna kesukaannya dan rok puti…manset dan kaos kaki putih pun sudha menghiasi lengan dan kakinya. Dia terperanjt melihatku sudah di dalam, dia langsung menundukkan wajahnya dan bergegas menuju pintu. “Nggak makan dulu Nur?” sahutku memecah keheningan,”Ngga mas..di RS aja, ngga enak sudah telat…” sambil terus menundukan wajahnya dan berlalu. “Eii… ttt…mau kemana?santai dulu di sini”, “Jangan mas…aku udah telat ke RS, nanti residentku marah” sahutnya ketakutan, “Apa peduliku…!”, langsung muncul niat di pikiranku, “Kamu mau video itu tersebar? kamu ingat? kamu tingga di rumah siapa? akan tinggal makan, tidur tinggal tidur…”, wajahnya semakin memerah sangat jelas karena kulitnya yang putih tidak dapat menutupinya. “Kamu juga harus punya pengorbanan…” lalu aku duduk di sofa depan TV yang biasa kami gunakan untuk menonton, aku masih berkemeja lengkap. “sini … duduk didepanku”, dia langsung memahami perintahku, wajahnya masih tertunduk, dan sama sekali tidak melihatku. Tanpa di suruh dia langsung membuka ikat pinggangku, lalu celanaku dan menurunkannya sampai ke mata kaki. Ahh… pemandangan yang sangat tidak ingin aku lewatkan, berdua dengan wanita cantik di rumah, dan yang paling penting, kami tidak melakukannya sembunyi-sembunyi di kamar, tapi di ruang tengah yang sangat luas, aku semakin terobsesi. Tanpa di suruh, Nurul langsung mulai menggerak- gerakkan tangannya mengocok batang kontolku yang mulai tegak. berapa saat kemudia, “berhenti… aku sudah bosan dengan cara itu, ganti dengan cara lain!!”, “Cara gimana mas…aku ngga ngerti” ambil terus tertunduk pasrah. “dengan mulut kamu….sekarang ”, aku lihat tubuhnya merespon dengan sangat terkejut perintahku, hal yang tidak pernah sama sekali dia bayangkan. “semakin lama kamu melakukannya… semakin terlambat sampai RS…”bentakku . Nurul pun mulai menuruti perintahku, didekatkan bibirnya yang mungil itu ke kontolku, ketika bibirnya yang lembut, hangat dan basah oleh lipglose itu menempel ujung kontolku, aku merasakan sensasi yang luar biasa. Cara menciumnya pun sangat aneh, karena dia tidak pernah melakukannya sama sekali, tapi aku biarkan karena di situ seninya, melihat wanita alim yang masih polos melakukan oral sex. Aku tertawa dalam hati, dan menikmati apa yang ada di hadapanku. Mungkin sudah insting, ciumannya mulai mengitari seluruh kontolku, bahkan sesekali dia basahi dengan lidahnya. Dia melakukannya dengan mata yang selalu terpejam, kuberanikan memegang punggungnya, aku rasakan detak jantungnya berdebar sangat keras hingga ke punggung. “ahh… nikmati sekali Nurul sayang… .terus sayang… kulum semuanya… seperti kamu mengulum permen lolipop ketika kamu kecil dulu” ujarku sambil mulai berani mengusap dan membelai jilbabnya. Dengan ragu Nurul memasukkan kontolku ke rongga mulutnya, aku tidak tinggal diam aku segera mendorong kepalanya semakin masuk, sehingga dia tahu apa yang harus dia lakukan… .Tangaku mulai berani menyusup ke balik jilbabnya, dan menemukan sebuah gundukan yang sangatlembut terbalut bra, “mhh… cuma 34B tapi lembut dan indah sekali” desisku. Nurul terperangah, dan langsung tangannya memagang tanganku dan menjauhkannya dari dadanya. “Diam!!!” bentakku. Dia terdiam, dan matanya mulai meneteskan air mata. Lalu tangan kananku memegang bagian belakang kepalanya dan memaju mundurkan kepalanya, sehingga bibirnya yang lembut beradu dengan lapisan kulit kontolku, aku merasakan sensasi yng sangat luar biasa dan tidak pernah aku dapatkan. tangan kiriku kembali bergerilya di teteknya, kali ini tidak ada perlawanan, bahkan ketika aku mulai meremas teteknya yang lembut. Aku merasakan putingnya semakin mengeras, tanda dia mulai terangsang dan menikmatinya. Sampai beberapa saat akhirnya “aaahh… aauuww…” Aku mengejang, dan seketika muncullah sperma hangat dari ujung kemaluanku. Nurul kaget bukan kepalang, dia berusaha mengeluarkan kontolku dari mulutnya, tapi itu sia-sia karena tangan kananku menahannya. Akhirnya spermaku muntah di rongga mulutnya….. dia hanya bisa tergugu dan diam dengan mulut yang masih mengemut kontolku. ketika ku cabut, spermaku meleleh dari bibirnya yang manis, dan diapun memuntahkannya… ahhh… indah sekali. dia langsung berlari ke wastafel untuk memntuahkan apa yang baru ditelannya. dia meludah terus menerus, sambil terus senggukan menahan tangis. Lalu dia pun masuk ke kamar. aku masih menikmati ejakulasi terindah yang pernah aku rasakan, sambil tetap duduk di sofa tengah. Tak berapa lama, Nurul keluar dari kamarnya, dengan jilbab dan gamis yang baru, mungkin karena kusut dan terkena cipratan spermaku. Walaupun tetap dengan wajah menunduk, tai dia mulai berusaha bersikap biasa, dan berani mencairan suasana. “Mas… aku berankat dulu”, “Iya… hati- hati ya… rahasiamu aman denganku”. Malam harinya aku bergumul hebat dengan istriku hingga aku terlelap. Sebenarnya aku ingin sekali segera memiliki buah hati, tapi itu belum terjadi, ya sekarang sih aku puas- puasin dulu dengan istri. Saking terlelapnya aku tidak tahu kapan Nurul datang. Jam 2 dini hari aku terbangun lagi, dan seperti biasanya aku mengambil minum di kulkas. Ku lihat kamar Nurul masih terang, “mhh… rajin sekali belajarnya”, lalu ku ketuk pintu kamarnya, libidoku pun mulai naik lagi. “Nur… buka pintunya” ujarku. “I… iya mas…”, agak lama dia membuka pintunya karena biasanya dia mengenakan jilbabnya dulu sebelum menemuiku. “belum tidur ya?”, “Belum mas, masih ada tugas… mhh… boleh aku pinjam lagi komputernya mas?”, “Tentu saja boleh…tapikamutahu syaratnya bukan?”, dia terdiam…mungkin bingung, dia tahu arah pertanyaanku, tapi dia tidak ingin melakukannya. Mungkin tidak ada pilihan lagi, seketika dia segera menjalankan tugasnya, anehnya kali ini dia sangat buas mengulum kontolku, dia seperti sudah lihai dengan tugasnya, “ah… mungkin dia mencontoh dari DVD BF yang dulu dia tonton di komputerku”, “mulutnya terus membasahi kontolku, terus melakukan gerakan mengurut dan merangsang agar kontolku segera mengeluarkan lahar putihnya. Pemandangan yang luar biasa, dengan daster yang lebar dan mengenakan jilbab kaos putih ang sangat lebar. Dan dia pun hanya diam ketika dua tanganky menyelinap dibalik jilbabnya dan mulai meremas teteknya. Aku perhatikan mukanya mulai memerah, kadang nafasnya tertahan dan mulai memburu. DIa tarangsang…aku yakin sekali, dia juga manusia yang punya hasrat. Sesaat kemdian kontolku mulai bergetar dan segera melesakkan lahar putihnya, Nurul kaget dan spontan mengeluarkan kontolku dari mulutnya, aku tidka dapat menahannya karena tanganku sedang sibuk meremas teteknya. Seketika spermaku menyembur di wajahnya, mengenai matanya, bibirnya, dan pipinya yang merona merah. “Ahhh ….” aku kaget mendengar kata itu keluar dari bibirnya. “bersihkan!” serta merta bibir dan lidahnya membersihkan sperma yang masih menempel di kontolku. Akhirnya, kegiatan ini sering saya lakukan, walaupun tetap aku paksa, namun dia sudah tidak canggung untuk melakukannya. Bahkan, dia semakin lihai agar membuatku segera ejakulasi. Mungkin itu dia dapatkan dari pelajaran di kuliahnya, dia tahu titik rangsang yang paling sensitif.

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Brother Complex Part 1

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe what I felt has damned me to deepest pits in hell, but it couldn't be help. I love himMy little brother and I have always been close. He was born prematurely when I was two. So since then I dedicated seventeen years of my life to protect him. I had graduated with a scholarship and was accepted to study abroad and that meant being away from home for at least four years. Away from home meant, being away from Kasumi. Who would protect him from those pervs on the street...

2 years ago
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Think of Black part 2

Think of Black part 2 Chuckie by thinkofblack ******************** November 30th, 2007 After school, Gwen had rode the bus home with Mikaela- deciding to spent the night with her best friend, before going to the mall tomorrow. The window-ledge filled with snow, as a blizzard raged outside. They had decided to both sleep on the bottom mattress of her bunkbed.. Mikaela slept like a log, but Gwen didn't ever sleep at night. She just faced Mikaela with open-eyes, while resting her...

3 years ago
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Luna 1 Drafted prt 6

Luna 1: Drafted Chapter 6 Revelations A Whateley Academy tale By Irvine This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. If you would like background information on the 'cannon' characters, see: For a copy...

3 years ago
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The Contest

Contest Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Almost nobody could believe it when it was announced, yet I was almost beside myself with joy; I hid it well, but it was there. The club that my parents belong to announced that they were going to award three full scholarships, along with two $10,000 prizes. The catch? It was required that all contestants dress and live as a member of the opposite sex for one year, starting the day school let out then all the way through the following...

2 years ago
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Niche Wale Unty Ke Chut Ke Pyas Bhujadi

Hello every one Mera naam james, mai mumbai mai rehne wala hu mera ager 22 hia mere lund ka size 6inch hia mai fair looking hu. Mujhe untys ko chodne mai jada maja atta hia. Ye story march mai ke hia. Ye story mai jo unty hia wo telgu hia aur uske famly mia 2 bache, uncle aur wo hia. Anty ke age 35yrs hai aur anty ke figure ke bare mia tho kya batau uska tho koi jawab he nahi hai. Unty tipical housewife hia pura din saree mia rehti hia. Jub wo sari pehenti hia tho uske curvage ekdam clearly...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e3 Maggie Craggs 51

We fade in on a low-quality video image of a middle-aged, dark-haired woman. She’s slim and white – very white. Not a head-turner, but pleasant enough for her age. Dark eyes, high cheekbones, a narrow jaw. She’s casually dressed in jeans and blouse, although the blouse is unbuttoned far enough to show some cleavage – widely spaced cleavage, boobs not too big, but with a good couple of inches between them. She’s holding a piece of paper; which she reads from as she looks into the camera...

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Lose One Find AnotherChapter 30

Monday morning. Most people hate it, I don't any more. Ashlee was sleeping comfortably next to me but not on me. I got up quietly and used the toilet then went to the kitchen for start the coffee and let the dog out. As soon as I got my phone on it started ringing. "Hello" "Mr. Johnson, this Arnold from the extreme RVs. You left us a message over the weekend. How can we help you?" "Arnold. Good of you to call. Can I put you on speaker phone while I finish the...

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My Untitled Story 8211 Part II

Continuation of story My Untitled Story Part I That night she managed to sleep next to me, I am aware of it. Went near her ears and said I know that you were aware of everything but just pretending to be asleep. If you think that I will do it again, then I am sorry. I did not do anything not even touched her and I slept. The very next night I felt some movement on my hand, but did not do anything just kept silent. I felt she took my hand and placed it on her boob above her shirt the softness of...

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Fiona takes on two

Introduction: fiona the slut get a double dose of dick and unleashes the inner whore FIONA TAKES ON 2 If youve read my previous stories youll know by now that my mother in law, Fiona is a cock hungry slut. The last story I wrote contained details of me fucking her tight asshole for the first time. What an amazing fuck that was. Now I want to jump forward nearly 5 months. Id been fucking Fiona regularly now for the last 5 months. Wed had many a session in the house but also in our cars in...

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SusanChapter 23

Though mid-terms were still roughly a month off, Susan couldn't help but think of them being over and the trip with Mizuki, and more than just for the playtimes they were planning. While the issue of what college to choose was slowly falling into place, Susan had the more-than-vague feeling that she was missing something important. Perhaps the campus visits would settle the matter, and while the trip with Mizuki promised to be fun, there was the good chance that the real purpose of the trip...

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Daughter begging for domination

I awoke the the sound of my teenage daughters worried voice. "Daddy I had a nightmare and I'm scared! I feel so safe when you hold me, let me sleep with you, pwetty please? Normally I would've instructed her to calm down and lay close to daddy; however, my cock was still throbbing from the dream I was having. Ever since I started spying on my daughter while she masturbated late at night my dreams were full of fantasies of my vulnerable daughter. Before I could hide the erection I had from my...

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Part 1 A girl rediscovers her father

I had my first bleeding before my eleventh birthday, my mother was in attendance, as she gave me her words of wisdom, 'Dont let your Father smell your cunt, or something else will flow from you'She knew of his lustful perversions, once the joy of aristocracy, in keeping blood lines pure, but outlawed for common people, a law that lay in tatters at the front doors of men who craved daughters, men who watched our cunts develop into puberty, the point at which they had to enter us and savor our...

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BillyChapter 2

It was past 6:30 and the office was almost empty when Mark walked back into my office. He stopped to speak to Paula and she just nodded and waved him in. He came in and sat down in front of my desk. He watched me for a second before speaking. "Billy and I have been together three times. The first time was two years ago when you took the trip to Puerto Rico. You had been gone for almost three weeks when it happened. She was lonely and we had dinner just as friends. We shared a bottle of wine...

4 years ago
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High school Incognito Dick Sucking

Here is a story from high school...I had been dating my then girlfriend for about 3 months. I used to go to her house after school to fool around because her parents were never home from work. We were fooling around, as usual, when her dad came home from work early, luckily we got our clothes on before he actually walked in. Regardless I was still hard as a rock and I told her I needed to get off...problem was her dad came home early to do work around the house and he was going to be in and out...

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Lets play a Game

She puts on her favorite jammies, her silk pants and small tank top and plops herself down on her stomach facing the end of the bed and the T.V.   Caught up in a show, she doesn’t hear him come in as he quietly stands at the doorway watching her swing her feet up in the air as she stares at the T.V.   He finally whispers, “hey baby” and she turns her head and says “hey”.   He walks over to her and leans down to give her a kiss.   He tells her he is going to take a shower.   After his...

Love Stories
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No More Secrets

As she shut the front door of the place she’d called home for nearly five years, she couldn’t help wondering if she’d ever step foot inside again, probably not, Tony, her now ex. had made it quite clear what he thought about her, dyke, lesbo, slut, to name but a few of the things he’d called her, she could understand his hatred of her, after all, she had dropped a bombshell on his cosy, safe life, to leave him was one thing, to leave because she preferred women was another, she’d not intended...

1 year ago
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Fun starts when son discovers sleeping Mommy

This story is completely fictional, ENJOY I return home from a day out with friends. The house looks empty, no noises and the car is missing. I head up to the bathroom and hanging from the shower rod are several pair of Mommy's pantyhose drying, very sexy to me. I look around and in the hamper are a pair of dark sheer pantyhose that Mommy had apparently had on that day. I reach into the hamper and pull out the twisted clingy pantyhose and as they emerge from the hamper the scent becomes...

3 years ago
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198 THE LADY ELLENS CONVERSION TO A BLACK SUB (having a change of heart about those blacks) Pete is my hubby and his black workmates having seen me told him they wanted to fuck and abuse me...! He explained what I was very narrow minded and would not even speak to black people if I could avoid it! So, they laughed and told him to get me to come to a party that weekend and they could and would change all that! He did ask but omitted the bit about them wanting to screw me and abuse me, the...

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Girlfriend ki gaand maari

Mera naam siddharth hai aur mai 1 engineer hu. Ye baat tab ki hai jab mai engineering kar raha tha. Meri gf ka naam shefali tha. Kai baar kehne ke baad wo chudwane ke liye tayyar hui thi. 1 din mai uske ghar gaya wo ghar par akeli thi. Usne darwaza khola aur mai andar aa gaya. Andar aate hi wo mujhse lipat gayi aur maine usko apni baho me bhar liya. Thodi der k baad maine apne honth uske garam hotho pe rakh diye aur uske hotho ko chumne laga, wo bhi respond karne lagi phir usne apni tongue mere...

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Nerdy Girl Spying on Me

I had a fantastic chat session with my favorite Lush lady and since my wife had taken off to run errands I decided to play outside by the pool. We have an eight foot privacy fence, so I figured I was safe when I unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned my shorts and unzipped my fly. I rubbed my growing erection through my bikini briefs paying particular attention to the wet spot my chat had caused. I was nearing my full six and a half inches and my briefs were tented nicely. I reached down and slid the...

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we made a bet and I won

When my husband retired from the Army, he obtained a job at a high school as the assistant basketball coach. After a couple of years, apparently he impressed the local University and was hired as an assistant for the university team. I came to enjoy basketball and had a secret reason for going to the games as well as being the coach's wife. I loved to look at the players in their uniforms and imagine what I could do with one of those young studs. Actually my fantasies usually were about one of...

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island weekend

URNotAloneAccessibility OptionsSkip to navigationSkip to contentAccountPurchase SubcriptionSubscription Logon 21 6test URNotAlone Primary NavigationHome [Post New Entry]Journal Entries for Diedre Leslienight in block island[edit | delete]January 25th, 2011 10:08 am EST i just had a dream,it felt so real.i was invited to a girls birthday party on block island.when i got there we started to drink and party heavly.i must have blacked out,because the next thing i remember was waking in up in the...

2 years ago
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The Beauty of Buses

The Beauty of Buses.txt I had made a Commercial Bus trip to North Carolina to be with my Mother for a few days. What would’ve been a nine-hour drive became a thirty-four hour trip. Mother needed an immediate surgery for a blockage in one of her corroded arteries, but she survived the operation and was all right when I had to leave. I remembered that SEPTA (South East Pennsylvania Trust Authority) had a bus that went out that way. I could be home before the Commercial bus arrived at the Philly...

Love Stories
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Sinful Adventures Of Bengali MILF On A Train

Hi, this is Pavan from Visakhapatnam. This incident happened when I was in the final year of my B. Tech. My college was in West Bengal. I was going home for the Durga puja holidays. I met this lady on the train. She was a Bengali woman with proper Bengali attire. She was about 5 feet 4 inches tall which was 2 inches shorter than me. The Bengali woman was 36 years old. Her measurements were 34b-30-36. She and her husband were also going to Visakhapatnam. Her husband was working in the steel...

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Cold Revenge

It was Sunday evening in late February and the Globonautics building was all but deserted. Outside the wind was whipping up a storm, and Chad Nelson stared at the swirling rain lashing the car park on the video monitor in his office. He hoped the weather wasn't going to ruin his night. Nelson was stocky in build, with a close cropped military style haircut and a rigid demeanour. His grey eyes were strong, with a gaze that seemed to cut through anyone who challenged him. At fifty-two, Nelson...

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ExxxtraSmall Tiffany Tatum The Tight Tiny Teen

Tiffany Tatum is a tiny teen who lives up to the dream of what our perfect petite would be! She’s 19, acts as the perfect sized leaning post, loves to play around, reach up to places she knows she’s not tall enough to touch, and of course get completely ravaged by a long hard penis! It doesn’t take much to get this girl going either. Just swing her over your shoulder and watch as her mouth latches onto your cock. She’ll suck you so good and beg you to ram her pussy. That’s the best part. Her...

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Moms iPhone

I never had an idea, or at least on a concious level that moms various styles of half-glasses got me turned on, maybe it was the feminine look with her glass beaded neckchain, I don't know but I do like the looks of a serious older lady. Well one day Mom asks if I could come over before I went to work the afternoon shift to let her Pug out for a walk. Sure, no trouble. I had been reading sex stories on the internet and some were from this guy called Edison3wire and his stories were about...

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Alicia Shelly 03 the Club

ALICIA & SHELLY, 03, the Club An original work by Happy Pappy aka simaddict. This story is Fiction. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is  purely coincidental. All characters are eighteen or older. ***** I was soaking in a tub of bath salts and hot water, trying to calm my excited  feelings about the coming night. I have never been to an all female sex party so  big, and was both eager and apprehensive about it. Brea's mother, Madeline,  had invited her friends, Jaquline and Yvonne,...

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Fifth Times the Charm

‘Hi, Jan.’ ‘Oh, Alex! Just a sec… Okay, so I see you’ve signed up to bring a dessert-y thing to the company picnic. How many family members will be coming, too?’ ‘None. I don’t have any family.’ Jan blinked. ‘Girlfriends are okay, too.’ ‘None of those, either.’ ‘Okayyyyy…’ Jan’s look must have implied mental gears shifting. ‘I’m not gay, either,’ Alex said with a little chuckle. ‘I didn’t think I could be that far wrong about you, but… If not that, well, it makes you not having a...

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Harrisons Downfall

His story:I first met her 5 or so years ago... Rebecca, the new woman in one of the companies' departments. I'd read her resumé, but hadn't hired her myself. It was my role here to keep abreast of all the employees. Finger on the pulse, as they say.She had just turned 40. Back in the workforce after 18 years raising k**s. She was a shy one. Not a lot of confidence, but fuck she had great legs. Athletic, toned, the kind of legs I'd like wrapped around my waist.I'd only caught up with her a few...

2 years ago
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Shock and Awe Part 2

Have you ever been with a shemale before? This guy experienced what it’s like to be ass-fucked by a half-man, half-woman and it seems that he really enjoyed it…Carla lay back on the white sheets and said ‘I want you to lick me down there first’I was a bit shocked to be honest. I mean every guy imagines what it must be like to suck a cock at some point in their lives (and I just had for the first time, it was lovely), but anus licking had never entered my mind and I was hesitant.Carla noticed my...

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A Mothers Helping Hand Ch 6

In the end, Jason Jackson's arms remained in plaster for a further two weeks, a total of six altogether. The news of their removal was greeted by an enormous sigh of relief and then elation for the young man. But the elation and relief was immediately replaced by a sense of dismay and disbelief, because when the casts were actually taken off Jason was shocked to see his once muscular and tanned arms looking a pale washed-out yellow, shrivelled and skinny. Where had his lovely toned biceps...

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A Little Shopping Time With Sam

I had promised Sam that I would take her shopping - for some sexy underwear and some equally sexy shoes too. First stop was an out of the way lingerie shop that was tucked away on the first floor of the shopping mall. It was by appointment only, and they specialised in underwear for ladies with ample tits and slim bodies. The shop was owned and operated by Heidi, a petite and spritely 60 year old lady with a body that many 20 something year old ladies would be jealous of. She was a true...

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Hot F A M I L Y Fucking Part Two

-= Chapter 7=-Kathy's virgin son moved forward on his knees looming over her naked body, until Kathy was able to grasp his huge prick. Eagerly, she tugged him forward by his cock, looking down as she nestled his spongy cock-tip between the pouting lips of her hairy, juicy cunt. "All right, Billy! You can push it in now! Go ahead, baby, shove that big fucker right up Mommy's belly! Fuck my cunt, Billy, fuck mommy's horny cunt!" Billy leaned over her, supporting his shoulders on outstretched...

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I saw them as they appeared in the station entrance, dragging pretty much the sum of their lives in two heavy suitcases. They looked tired and stressed and in the case of the youngest, close to tears, a pathetic sight, though I don't mean that in the nasty way some do, just worthy of pity I guess. "Hi Dad." Said Tina my daughter. "Thanks for coming to collect us it's been a hell of a day." "So I gathered." I replied before drawing the pair of them into a hug which seemed to open up...

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Passer by

For a few years now i like to get away at weekends , A bit of peace and quiet is hard to find but i did come across a pretty remote place last year while out exploring during a weeks break.Small river with plenty of tree cover , i returned there with my tent and did a spot of fishing , sunbathing and general relaxing with a beer or two.This year i returned and stocked up i settled for three days. Fishing was ok with long breaks and some were good enough to cook up on a fire.I am a naturist and...

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Seducing My StepSister Part 2

 Before I continue with our story, I want to take the time to introduce ourselves for those of you who have not read “Seducing My Step-Sister," My name is Eunice, I am twenty years old, with 38DD-cup breasts and a tanned, toned body. I keep my mound clean shaven. Natalie is my eighteen year old stepsister. She has never had a lover, I am her first. Her mound is clean shaven and her 36C-cup breasts just arouse me every time I see them. The next day  I slip out of bed early and go downstairs to...

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Captive in the Woods Part Two

She didn’t stay in long, the water was frigid and made her nipples so hard they ached, returning to the cabin to stand as close to the fire as she could to warm up. Once dry and warm again, she curled up to await the return of the men and promptly fell asleep. She awoke several hours later to find herself hanging by her wrists from the center beam of the roof, just her toes touching the floor. As her eyes opened she felt nipple clamps close on her nipples and squealed, her gaze meeting that...

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aunty betty part 2

My name is Caroline. In the summer of 1979 I was a very beautiful tall blond girl of 17, staying with my 37 year old aunt Betty, also a tall striking beauty and her 19 year old daughter Amanda who was naturally stunning. I was on holidays at the time, being a senior student in a very strict and prestigious private girls school in England. Although generally well behaved, like all teenagers I had a somewhat rebellious streak. In the rigid atmosphere of a strict English girls school this did not...

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Horny Bengali Girl Gives Blowjob To Friend8217s Boyfriend

Hey readers, my name is Deboleena (name changed). I am from Bengal and I got admission in an NIT recently. It took hard preparation of JEE to get in here. Since I spent my 12 in lockdown and dropped a year for online preparation from Unacademy online, I couldn’t get enough sex in the last two years and had to satisfy myself with fingering and masturbation. As for my figure, I am a hot and thin girl with a short height. Coming to the story, I had come to NIT on the 9th. I came on the first day...

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Shipwrecked Part 1

This story has a fairly long lead in before you get to the action, so be patient, and I hope you think it is worth it. Part 2 will be up shortly as well, which will raise the temperature a lot of degrees more. We’d been away from home now for nearly 3 weeks, and were getting close to our goal. Our boat had conquered 30 foot waves, and horrendous hurricane force winds, and the 6 person crew (four men and two women) had become a slick team, any rough edges having been long since knocked off. ...

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From lifeguards fucked brutally

In the swimming pool, fixed and fucked. I am a 22 year young girl, was with friends at the pool, and looked where to swim. When I was suddenly thrown another into the pool. There was a problem, I could not swim. I tried again to get out of the pool but could not. Eventually, 2 lifeguards jumped into the water and rescued me. But I was not responsive. The lifeguard took me out of the water, put me on the stretcher and took me in a locked room. Civil servants me until I was again accessible....

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Shopping Trip Leads To Sex With A Stranger

I saw him watching while I was shopping.   He was like something out of a Ralph Lauren ad.   He was gorgeous.   While I was working my way through some dresses on a sales rack I felt a presence and there he was.   He told me to buy the black dress.   I smiled and said I agreed but wanted to try it on.   I went to the dressing room and changed quickly and walked out to the full length mirror.   He was still there.   I felt sexy in the platform heels, black thigh-highs and the padded push-up bra...

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Ellen The Embezzler 1

-- Ellen the Embezzler 1 --It was late in the day as I visited the real estate office where my stepdaughter Ellen worked. The owner, Howard, was an old friend; we went way way back, all the way to our school days. He'd been kind enough to hire Ellen as his bookkeeper after she'd not done well in several other job areas. She complained about the work and the lengthy hours, but so far as I was concerned, it was a decent job, Howard was looking out for her, and he reassured me she was doing all...

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Cheating begins

This was our second time having fun since we had been married. We had a MMF experience some years earlier bit this was our next chapter. There had been parties and small stuff but the next time it got serious was with a guy named Barry. Barry was independently wealthy. We had been introduced by a stunning girl I worked with. When I say stunning she was OMG beautiful. Anyway, she invited us down to the coast telling us there was this rich dude who had a pad on the beach and we could hang out and...

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My wife has her first Bi experience

My wife Louise is simply gorgeous and we fell in love on our first night together. I remember as we made love in the first night we were talking and I asked her if she ever fantasised about other women. I don't why I asked, but was delighted when her breathing changed and I felt her pussy become even wether as she breathed, "yes."We have been together for 6 glorious years and she is still my fantasy girl. Louise is a beautiful blonde, blue sparkling eyes and a smile that lights up a room. This...

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My New Life As A T Gurl Slut Pt 3 Nine Cocks in 48 Hours

I was going to be the gurls' slutty French maid for the night and couldn't wait to get to Karen's so the fun could start with four hot t-gurls and four hot cocks for my mouth and ass.  Lucy picked me up, and as soon as I got in her 4x4, I slipped out of my jeans to reveal my knee-length black boots, black lace top hold ups, black suspenders, and wet look black micro mini skirt. I unzipped my jacket to show off my sexy black bra around my C cup tits that were firmly attached making me feel sooo...

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Air Hostess Gangbanged In Flight

Hi guys and girls, my name is Dhruv and I ‘m 29 years old. My dick size is 8 “, 6 ft tall, broad shoulders with an athletic build from Delhi. Any girl wants to have some fun (especially from Delhi) can contact me at my email id and also don’t forget to mail me your feedback Ok guys remove your undies and girls remove their panties. Things are going to get dirty now. Here’s the sex story.Enjoy….. This is a story about a young, innocent air hostess who is fucked in the flight by passengers and...

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Mona Lisa Life December 63 Oh What a Night

(In 2005, Troy Xavier and I co-authored a story here called "Mona Lisa Life," about two TG fiction fans being transported from the early 21st century to the middle of the 20th century to assume the lives of two small-town young women, who were raising two young daughters. There were many generous reviews, and several requests for a sequel. Here's a long- delayed response to those requests.) Mona Lisa Life: December '63 (Oh, What a Night) By Heather St. Claire The wrapping...

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The Massage

It was our wedding anniversary of 24 years of marriage. My wife had arranged a weekend away at a resort in the mountains. She had booked me a fly fishing trip and then some other activities for the both of us. On my return from my fishing trip she told me she had booked us to be at the spa in the morning. We woke around 6:30 AM and went to eat a lite breakfast then return to the room to get ready for the spa day. We arrives at the spa about 7:30 AM and it all began. The first gave us some robes...

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SecretsChapter 8

The following morning, Matthew arrived just as Katherine emerged from the bathroom looking a little green. "You OK?" "Bit of a stomach upset," Katherine replied and traipsed into the kitchen to get a glass of water. "Oh, how was your date at the weekend?" Matthew gave a tortured smile and sat down, helping himself to a banana. "Ummm, bit of a communication problem." Charlotte looked up from her newspaper. "Oh," she said, Matthew's less-than-candid reply piquing her...

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PHYSIOLOGY. Team meeting. Parkour. I led and let Coach chase me. It felt good to run flat out until I was so exhausted, I couldn’t move. I barely had time for a quick shower before Literary Criticism. This was it. I entered the room, spotted Rio, and sat beside her. She looked up at me, a little surprised. “You okay?” I asked quietly. “Yeah. You?” “I’ll live. Talk to you later.” We sat in a booth in the cafeteria after class. She was surprised when I sat on the same side. She was...

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My First Girlfriend vol7

Chapter 17: The Truth"Steph isn't really a girl. She's technically a boy. I mean HE's a boy.... he's my boyfriend. We're dating. And I've been feminizing him because well... I dunno it just feels right. I like him better this way..."The words shook me. I couldn't believe she said it out loud. Rebecca had just reveled what I had been hiding from Dave this entire time. In doing so, she also made me realize what a bizarre and pathetic creature I am; not really a boy, not really a girl. Utterly...

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Meri Gaand Faati

Hi Friends this is Shweta from Delhi. Well My previous sex experinces has been narrated by the Abshiek but due to the some problems he cann’t carry on with his stories and my own sex experience. So now I am here to tell your experiences. Well My name is Shweta from New Delhi, working as a housewife and mother of the 3 kids. I am 32 years old and my sex life it was not so good before the Abshiek came into my sex life and fuck me hard. About myself fair in complex, nice and soft breast( or you...

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Just a word with Sheila

That Tuesday morning I noticed that my sweet secretary Sheila was not dressed in her usual scrubs; but she was clad in a sexy black skirt and a tight fitting white top. I commented that she looked quite sexy. But then she surprised me; as she bent over and showed me her black string with barely covered her dark asshole.After the ordinary Tuesday’s meeting, Sheila asked me if she could have a quick word with me. She walked into the ladies room and pointed me to enter there.As soon as the door...

2 years ago
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Sons 19th Birthday

My 19th birthday fell on a Friday. It was 2 years ago when I was 17 that I noticed this weird attraction I had. I knew it wasn't right immediately, but I liked the thoughts I was having. I always liked welcoming different things into my life, especially if I didn't know what the outcome would be. That was the thrill of it.My mom had me when she was a teenager. I think she might have been 18, which was the age I was about to leave behind. My dad ended up not sticking around back then and I've...

2 years ago
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Theater Sex

Late in the morning today, I headed over to an area near the airport where there are lots of different adult establishments. I had only ever stopped in this area one time before and got a not too expert blow job in an arcade. I thought I would explore some more today and see what turned up. My plan was to stop at the place that I visited before, but I figured that I could move on if the parking lot was pretty empty.The store I was heading for is one of those establishments at the rear of a...

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