Nurul Jilbabers free porn video

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Namaku Arif, aku bekerja di sebuah kantor BUMN. Aku sudah menikah selama 3 tahun dengan istriku. Walau kami belum dikaruniai anak, kami sangat bahagia karena istriku adalah orang yang pandai sekali menyenagkan suami. Sepertinya tidak ada habisnya sensasi, gaya, dan teknik yang istriku peragakan setiap kami bergumul di ranjang. Aku 7 tahun lebih tua dari istriku yang kini berusia 28 tahun. Beberapa waktu lalu, rumah kami semakin berwarna ketika adik bungsu istriku yang kuliah kedokteran di salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri tengah menjalankan Koass di salah satu Rumah Sakit negeri yang kebetulan berada dekat dengan rumah kami. Umurnya masih sangat muda sekitar 22 tahun, dia termasuk mahasiswi yang cerdas karena dapat menuntaskan studi tepat pada waktunya. Jika dilihat dari wajahnya, dia lebih cantik dari istriku, ditambah wajahnya yang teduh dan keibuan. Walaupun tubuhnya aku taksir tidak sebagus tubuh istriku tapi masih diatas rata- rata wanita pada umumnya. Perbedaan lainnya, jka istriku senang berpakaian seksi dan menarik lawan jeNurnya, apalagi ditunjang dengan tubuh yang sangat aduhai. Adik dari istriku ini malah sebaliknya, dia menutupi kecantikannya dengan pakaian yang sangat longgar dan jilbab yang lebar. DItambah manset dan kaus kaki sehingga aku hanya bisa melihat wajahnya yang putih bersih dan telapak tangannya. Bahkan setiap aku ada di rumah dia tidak melepaskan jilbab dan kaoskakinya walau barang sebentar. Naman gadis cantik itu adalah Nurul. Kami lalui hari dengan wajar, aku bisa berangkat terlebih dahulu dengan mengantarkan istriku ke kantornya. Sedangkan Nurul terbiasa berangkat terakhir karena letak Rumah Sakit yang tidak terlalu jauh dari rumah kami. Walau dalam hati aku menyimpan ketertarikan pada Nurul. Aku semakin bergairah ketika melihat tingkahnya yang sopan, murah senyum, dan lenggok pinggulnya ketika berjalan walau aku yakin bukan maksud dia untuk melakukan itu. Inner beauty yang terpancar ditambah bakat kecantikan den kemolekan tubuhnya selalu ia jaga dengan baik. Katanya hanya untuk suaminya saja, bahkan dia tidak mau pacaran walau saya yakin pasti banyak laki-laki yang menginginkannya. Jilbabnya yang lebar itu tidak dapat menutupi lekukan dadanya yang membusung. Jika istriku berukuran 38 B aku taksir besar tetek adik istriku itu sekitar 36 B. Tingginya yang semampai hampir mencapai 165 cm ditunjang tubuh yang tidak kurus juga tidak gemuk membuat mata laki-laki manapun pasti akan terkesima. Apalagi jika dirumah aku sering melihatnya hanya menggunakan daster saja walau wajah dan kakinya tidak dapat aku lihat, tapi aku dapat membayangkan bagaimana tubuhnya. Terkadang ketika aku bergumul dengan istriku aku membayangkan sedang melakukan dengan Nurul, sikapnya yang tertutup pada laki-laki dan selalu menutup tubuhnya semakin membuatku penasaran. Hanya saja aku masih menghargainya sebagai adik dari istriku, dan sikapnya yang menjaga diri. Gayanya dan sikapnya yang renyah membuat siapapun jadi tidak sungkan untuk mengenalnya lebih dekat denganna walau ia tetap menjaga jarak. Suatu hari, sepulang kantor aku membuka DVD Blue Film yang baru aku pinjam dari teman kantorku, Blue Film yang aku tonton degan menggunakan komputer cukup bagus dimana Film tersebut tidak terlalu vulgar dan seronok yang membuat orang jijik. Itu membangkitkan gairahku, kudekati istriku yang sedang menonton tivi di ruang tengah, aku mulai mencumbunya dan dia pun membalas cumbuanku, tiba-tiba ku dengar pindu depan terbuka, pasti Nurul gumamku. “Tumben jam 9 baru datang Nur?” Tanya istriku, “Iya mbak, tadi praktik bedah dulu. O ya mas, boleh kan aku pakai ruang kerjanya, aku mau buat laporan” lanjut Nurul. “Silahkan aja, pakai sebabasnya dan jangan canggung disini” ujarku sambil menahan birahi yang baru saja naik. “Terima kasih ya mas” ucapnya. Setelah Nurul masuk kamar kamipun segera melanjutkan kegiatan kami dan pindah ke dalam kamar kami. Pergumulanpun semain seru karena istriku mulai mengeluarkan jurus- jurus barunya. Tapi tidak perlu ku ceritakan karena bukan ini inti cerita yang akan aku ceritakan. Setelah kami puas kamipun tertidur. Aku terbangun sekitar pukul 1 dini hari, kulihat istriku masih terlelap kelelahan tanpa sehelai benangpun disebelahku. Aku keluar kamar untuk mengambil air minum dan memeriksa kondisi rumah. Kulihat sekilas Nurul masih di ruang kerjaku dan masih di depan komputer, setelah kupastikan semua pintu terkunci dan aku mengambil segelas air. Aku mulai perhatikan Nurul yang tampaknya tidak mengetahui keberadaanku. Aku puji kecantikanya dalam hati. matanya yang lentik, bibirnya yang tipis dan menawan. Namun…tiba-tiba aku melihat sesuatu yang ganjil. Mata Nurul masih memandangi layar komputer saat itu, tapi tangannya mulai menyusup dibalik jilbabnya. Dari pergerakan tangan yang tertutup jilbabnya itu aku tahu apa yang dia lakukan. Dia meremas-remas teteknya sendiri, ku lihat matanya setengah terpejam bibirnya terbuka. mungkin dia sedang merasakan sensasi yang baru dia rasakan. “mhh.. uuhhhmmm… aaahhh….” ku dengar desahan samar dari mulutnya, aku segera bergegas ke kamar untuk mengambil Handhone ku dan segera merekam kejadian langka ini. Tangan kanan Nurul masih terus meraba teteknya, kini rabaannya kian keras dan bersemangat dan tidak hanya itu aku lihat sepintas tangannya melepas kancing daster bagian atasnya, dan aku yakin dia memasukkan tangannya ke dalam teteknya. Kejadian itu terus aku rekam. Sesekali Nurul melengguh “uuhh …aahhh… mhh… ..oohh…” matanya terus terpejam, bibir bawahnya dia gigit, terkadang kepalanya tergeleng ke kanan dan ke kiri. Ternyata tidak selesai disitu, tangan kirinya mulai menuju ke selangkangannya, dia meraba memeknya sendiri dari luar dasternya. ku lihat jari tengahnya terus menggosok bagian tengah memeknya, aku zoom kamera HPku, dan melihat secara close up apa yang sedang dia lakukan. Nurul mulai menarik dasternya ke atas, walau masih menggunkan kaus kaki mulai terlihat betis atasnya yang sangat putih, sedikit-demi sedikit daster tersebut tertarik ke atas oleh tangan kiri Nurul. Pahanya yang putih mulus mulai tersingkap, kontolku mulai tegang melihat pemandangan iu. Sampai akhirnya tangannya berhenti ketika daster mulai sampai di bagian perutnya. Dan terpampanglah celana dalam Nurul yang berwarna putih. Tangan kiri Nurul terus bergerak masuk ke dalam celana dalamnya. Ku lihat tangannya terus bergerak-gerak diantara selangkangannya. Desahannya semakin menjadi, rangsangan yang sungguh hebat membuat dia tidak merasakan keberadaanku. “Auuuuww… oohh… .ahhh… .eehhhmmm… yyaaahhh ” racaunya. Sungguh pemandangan yang belum pernah aku lihat seorang wanita berjilbab yang tengah bermasturbasi tanpa melepaskan jilbabnya. Dulu saat kuliah aku pernah mengintip anak ibu kosku yang melakukan itu, tapi itu kurang menantang karena anak ibu kos ku itu sering mengumbar auratnya dan punya affair dengan salah satu teman kosku. Tapi ini pemandangan yang berbeda dan sungguh luar biasa. Gerakan tangan kiri Nurul di memeknya semakin cepat, dan remasan tangan kanan di teteknya semakin kuat. Ingin rasanya aku membantunya, tapi masih sibuk merekam dengan kamera handphoneku. Sesaat kemudian aku lihat dia mulai menghentikan aktifitasnya, nafasnya naik turun teratur, matanya masih terpejam, tapi aku tidak tahu apakah dia telah mencapai puncak kenikamatan atau belum karena aku tidak mendengar jeritan yang biasanya menjadi ciri wanita saat orgasme. Sebelum dia sadar aku segera bergegas menuju kamarku, dan mulai mereview kembali dari HPku apa yang baru aku saksikan tadi. Tanpa sadar aku melakukannya sambil beronani, sampai orgasme beberapa kali. Aku baru menyadari DVD Blue Film yang baru aku pinjam tadi, ternyata masih tertinggal dalam komputerku, aku yakin tadi tanpa atau dengan sengaja dia melihatnya. Aku yakin karena dalam DVD itu ada adegan wanita yang melakukan masturbasi, mungkin dia mengikutinya. Keesokan paginya, semua sepertinya biasa dan nampak wajar, istriku masih sibuk berdandan, maklum dandannya bisa sampai 2 jam sendiri. Aku memulai sarapan tanpa menunggu istriku, kemudian ku lihat Nurul sudah rapih dan keluar dari kamarnya. Dia sangat cantik dengan dandanannya yang sederhana, hanya berbalut bedak tipis dan lip glose seperlunya. Tapi ini adalah pemandangan fantastis, wanita yang apa adanya aku lihat menjadi jauh lebih cantik dibandngkan yang ber- make up. Jilbab warna pink dipadu kemeja putih dan rok panjang warna senada dengan jilbabnya membuat dia semakin cantik. Diapun tanpa merasakan apapun memulai sarapan paginya. Aku membuka obrolan pagi itu “Gimana Nur? laporannya selesai semalam?”, “Sudah selesai mas, terima kasih ya ruangan dan komputernya” katanya tenang. “Ngerjain laporan atau ngerjain yang lainnya?” sindirku, Nurul langsung terdiam dan menghentikan kegiatannya yang sedang mengambil nasi dari rice cooker. Wajah putihnya mulai bersemu merah, mungkin dia mulai menyadari aku melihat apa yang dilakukannya. “Tenang saja, kita kan sama- sama dewasa, tahu sama tahu lah dan aku pun tidak akan ceritakan ini ke kakakmu” ujarku sambil ku perlihatkan hasil rekaman di HPku. Wajah Nurul semakin tegang, keringat mulai membasahi wajahnya, tak sepatah katapun keluar dari mulutnya, aku tahu dia sedang bingung, malu, dan mungkin takut juga. “Mungkin lain kali kalu mau jangan sendiri, aku siap membantu kamu sampai kamu puas” Bisikku. Tanpa menjawab dia langsung beranjak dari kursinya dan menyambar tasnya, tanpa mengucapkan sepatah katapun, yang aku tahu matanya yang berbicara, matanya nampak mulai penuh dibasahi air mata yang hendak meloncat keluar. Malamnya, aku berlaku seperti biasa seperti tidak terjadi apapun. Sedangkan Nurul seperti agak sungkan dan kaku setiap bertemu denganku. “Pah, tidur yuk, mamah dah ngantuk banget nich”, “Ya sudah tidur aja dulu, nanti papah menyusul”. Setelah kulihat istriku sudah tertidur lelap, aku beranikan diri mendekati kamar Nurul, yang nampaknya masih menyala terang, sepertinya dia masih belajar. Tok… tok… tok… aku mengetuk pintu kamarnya. “Siapa?” sahutnya dari dalam, saat dia buka pintu kamarnya, aku segera mendorong pintu itu sehingga Nurul agak tersungkur kebelakang. Aku kunci dari dalam pintu kamarnya, “Mass… .mas mau apa? keluar dari kamarku”, “Kamarmu? apa kamu lupa kamu tinggal dimana?” sahutku agak tinggi, dia terdiam. “Kamu mau videomu tersebar kemana-mana? bahkan wajahmu close up di video itu, semua orang akan melihat apa yang kamu lakukan”, “A …apa mau mas?” ucapnya terbata. “Aku hanya mau kamu memuaskanku malam ini…”, “Ja… jangan mas, aku masih perawan, aku lakukan apa saja asal bukan melakukan itu”, “Buka!” perintahku ketika kontolku tepat berada di hadapan wajahnya. Dia mulai membuka celana pendek yang aku kenakan sampai ke lutut, Nurul agak terperangah meihat kontolku yang mulai tegang dan begitu menonjol seakan celana dalamku tidak sanggup memuatnya. Dengan bergetar tangannya menurunkan celana dalamku dan kemudian menurunkannya hingga ke lutut. Tampak kini dihadapannya kontolku yang telah tegak mengacung bagaikan sebuah tombak yang siap dihujamkan. Tampak ragu dia meraih kontolku dengan sambil menundukkan kepalanya. Akupun meraih tangannya yang halus, dan menyentuhkannya ke kontolku, rasanya sangat nyaman, dimana kulit lembutnya menyentuh kontolku yang sudah mengeras, kokoh, otot-otot yang keluar menambah kesan sangar. Wajahnya tertunduk dan mulai tersedu, tapi aku tak menghiraukan, aku maju mundurkan tangannya, sampai beberapa saat aku tak perlu menuntunna karena tangannya sudah faham apa yang harus dilakukannya. Nurul pun mulai berani menaikkan wajahnya dan menatap kontolku. Tak berapa saat aku merasakan sesuatu yang ingin melesak dari dalam tubuhku, sampai akhirnya…”aahh …..” aku melengguh disertai keluarnya sperma dari kontolku. “aaaauuwww ….” Nurul tersentak kaget ketika spermaku keluar. Karena dia berada tepat didepan kontolku, muncratan spermaku mengenai wajahnya, matanya, hidungnya, bibirnya dan sebagian lagi ke jilbabnya. Aku tersenyum puas lalu ku tinggalkan Nurul yang masih terpaku. Esoknya aku melakukan hal yang sama. kali ini, aku tidak perlu membentak dan memerintahkan, Nurul sudah mengetahui apa yang harus dia lakukan. Walau agak ragu, dia mulai berani menurunkan celanaku sendiri, sampai celana dalamku, dan memulai belaian lembut pada kontolku. dia tidak malu dan canggung seperti kemarin walu masih nampak wajah takut dan terpaksa melakukan itu. Aku memegang tangan kanannya, sambil membiarkan tangan kirinya tetap menggenggam kontolku yang hampir tak tergenggam tangan mungilnya karena diameternya yang hampir mencapai 7 cm. AKu renggangkan telapak tangannya dan aku tuntun melakukan gerakan mengusap pada ujung kontolku, telapak tangannya mengusap dengan melakukan gerakan memutar di ujung kontolku seperti yang sering istriku lakukan. Hal ini memberiku sensasi yang lebih, apalagi yang melakukan adalah seorang wanita yang polos tentang seks, alim dan selalu berjilbab, menjaga dirinya dan menutupi tubuhnya. suatu sensasi yang sangat luar biasa. Aku kembali mencapai puncak dan memuntahkannya diwajahnya. Kegiatan itu sering kami lakukan tanpa sepengetahuan istriku sampai beberapa waktu lamanya. Pagi ini aku baru sampai dari kantor karena mendapat giliran piket, karena itu siang ini aku mendapat libur. Sampai di rumah suasana wajar setiap pagi seperti yang telah menjadi rutinitas. Istriku sudah siap berangkat ke kantor, dan taksipun telah menunggunya diluar. “Pah aku berangkat dulu ya..” sambil menciumku, tubuhnya indah dibalut blazer ketat dan rok yang sangat pendek, ahh…itu pemandangan biasa. “Mah…sekalian kunci ya pintunya” ujarku, “Nanti saja, Nurul belum berangkat, biar dia saja yang kunci pintu…” ujarnya sambil berlalu. “Hah..Nurul masih di rumah..padahal biasanya dia sudahberangkat pagi- pagi sekali” bisikku. “Kreeekkk… blak” kulihat intu kamar yang dibuka dan kemudian di tutup, ku lihat Nurul mengenakan jilbab warna puti sampai dibawah sikunya, gamis pink warna kesukaannya dan rok puti…manset dan kaos kaki putih pun sudha menghiasi lengan dan kakinya. Dia terperanjt melihatku sudah di dalam, dia langsung menundukkan wajahnya dan bergegas menuju pintu. “Nggak makan dulu Nur?” sahutku memecah keheningan,”Ngga mas..di RS aja, ngga enak sudah telat…” sambil terus menundukan wajahnya dan berlalu. “Eii… ttt…mau kemana?santai dulu di sini”, “Jangan mas…aku udah telat ke RS, nanti residentku marah” sahutnya ketakutan, “Apa peduliku…!”, langsung muncul niat di pikiranku, “Kamu mau video itu tersebar? kamu ingat? kamu tingga di rumah siapa? akan tinggal makan, tidur tinggal tidur…”, wajahnya semakin memerah sangat jelas karena kulitnya yang putih tidak dapat menutupinya. “Kamu juga harus punya pengorbanan…” lalu aku duduk di sofa depan TV yang biasa kami gunakan untuk menonton, aku masih berkemeja lengkap. “sini … duduk didepanku”, dia langsung memahami perintahku, wajahnya masih tertunduk, dan sama sekali tidak melihatku. Tanpa di suruh dia langsung membuka ikat pinggangku, lalu celanaku dan menurunkannya sampai ke mata kaki. Ahh… pemandangan yang sangat tidak ingin aku lewatkan, berdua dengan wanita cantik di rumah, dan yang paling penting, kami tidak melakukannya sembunyi-sembunyi di kamar, tapi di ruang tengah yang sangat luas, aku semakin terobsesi. Tanpa di suruh, Nurul langsung mulai menggerak- gerakkan tangannya mengocok batang kontolku yang mulai tegak. berapa saat kemudia, “berhenti… aku sudah bosan dengan cara itu, ganti dengan cara lain!!”, “Cara gimana mas…aku ngga ngerti” ambil terus tertunduk pasrah. “dengan mulut kamu….sekarang ”, aku lihat tubuhnya merespon dengan sangat terkejut perintahku, hal yang tidak pernah sama sekali dia bayangkan. “semakin lama kamu melakukannya… semakin terlambat sampai RS…”bentakku . Nurul pun mulai menuruti perintahku, didekatkan bibirnya yang mungil itu ke kontolku, ketika bibirnya yang lembut, hangat dan basah oleh lipglose itu menempel ujung kontolku, aku merasakan sensasi yang luar biasa. Cara menciumnya pun sangat aneh, karena dia tidak pernah melakukannya sama sekali, tapi aku biarkan karena di situ seninya, melihat wanita alim yang masih polos melakukan oral sex. Aku tertawa dalam hati, dan menikmati apa yang ada di hadapanku. Mungkin sudah insting, ciumannya mulai mengitari seluruh kontolku, bahkan sesekali dia basahi dengan lidahnya. Dia melakukannya dengan mata yang selalu terpejam, kuberanikan memegang punggungnya, aku rasakan detak jantungnya berdebar sangat keras hingga ke punggung. “ahh… nikmati sekali Nurul sayang… .terus sayang… kulum semuanya… seperti kamu mengulum permen lolipop ketika kamu kecil dulu” ujarku sambil mulai berani mengusap dan membelai jilbabnya. Dengan ragu Nurul memasukkan kontolku ke rongga mulutnya, aku tidak tinggal diam aku segera mendorong kepalanya semakin masuk, sehingga dia tahu apa yang harus dia lakukan… .Tangaku mulai berani menyusup ke balik jilbabnya, dan menemukan sebuah gundukan yang sangatlembut terbalut bra, “mhh… cuma 34B tapi lembut dan indah sekali” desisku. Nurul terperangah, dan langsung tangannya memagang tanganku dan menjauhkannya dari dadanya. “Diam!!!” bentakku. Dia terdiam, dan matanya mulai meneteskan air mata. Lalu tangan kananku memegang bagian belakang kepalanya dan memaju mundurkan kepalanya, sehingga bibirnya yang lembut beradu dengan lapisan kulit kontolku, aku merasakan sensasi yng sangat luar biasa dan tidak pernah aku dapatkan. tangan kiriku kembali bergerilya di teteknya, kali ini tidak ada perlawanan, bahkan ketika aku mulai meremas teteknya yang lembut. Aku merasakan putingnya semakin mengeras, tanda dia mulai terangsang dan menikmatinya. Sampai beberapa saat akhirnya “aaahh… aauuww…” Aku mengejang, dan seketika muncullah sperma hangat dari ujung kemaluanku. Nurul kaget bukan kepalang, dia berusaha mengeluarkan kontolku dari mulutnya, tapi itu sia-sia karena tangan kananku menahannya. Akhirnya spermaku muntah di rongga mulutnya….. dia hanya bisa tergugu dan diam dengan mulut yang masih mengemut kontolku. ketika ku cabut, spermaku meleleh dari bibirnya yang manis, dan diapun memuntahkannya… ahhh… indah sekali. dia langsung berlari ke wastafel untuk memntuahkan apa yang baru ditelannya. dia meludah terus menerus, sambil terus senggukan menahan tangis. Lalu dia pun masuk ke kamar. aku masih menikmati ejakulasi terindah yang pernah aku rasakan, sambil tetap duduk di sofa tengah. Tak berapa lama, Nurul keluar dari kamarnya, dengan jilbab dan gamis yang baru, mungkin karena kusut dan terkena cipratan spermaku. Walaupun tetap dengan wajah menunduk, tai dia mulai berusaha bersikap biasa, dan berani mencairan suasana. “Mas… aku berankat dulu”, “Iya… hati- hati ya… rahasiamu aman denganku”. Malam harinya aku bergumul hebat dengan istriku hingga aku terlelap. Sebenarnya aku ingin sekali segera memiliki buah hati, tapi itu belum terjadi, ya sekarang sih aku puas- puasin dulu dengan istri. Saking terlelapnya aku tidak tahu kapan Nurul datang. Jam 2 dini hari aku terbangun lagi, dan seperti biasanya aku mengambil minum di kulkas. Ku lihat kamar Nurul masih terang, “mhh… rajin sekali belajarnya”, lalu ku ketuk pintu kamarnya, libidoku pun mulai naik lagi. “Nur… buka pintunya” ujarku. “I… iya mas…”, agak lama dia membuka pintunya karena biasanya dia mengenakan jilbabnya dulu sebelum menemuiku. “belum tidur ya?”, “Belum mas, masih ada tugas… mhh… boleh aku pinjam lagi komputernya mas?”, “Tentu saja boleh…tapikamutahu syaratnya bukan?”, dia terdiam…mungkin bingung, dia tahu arah pertanyaanku, tapi dia tidak ingin melakukannya. Mungkin tidak ada pilihan lagi, seketika dia segera menjalankan tugasnya, anehnya kali ini dia sangat buas mengulum kontolku, dia seperti sudah lihai dengan tugasnya, “ah… mungkin dia mencontoh dari DVD BF yang dulu dia tonton di komputerku”, “mulutnya terus membasahi kontolku, terus melakukan gerakan mengurut dan merangsang agar kontolku segera mengeluarkan lahar putihnya. Pemandangan yang luar biasa, dengan daster yang lebar dan mengenakan jilbab kaos putih ang sangat lebar. Dan dia pun hanya diam ketika dua tanganky menyelinap dibalik jilbabnya dan mulai meremas teteknya. Aku perhatikan mukanya mulai memerah, kadang nafasnya tertahan dan mulai memburu. DIa tarangsang…aku yakin sekali, dia juga manusia yang punya hasrat. Sesaat kemdian kontolku mulai bergetar dan segera melesakkan lahar putihnya, Nurul kaget dan spontan mengeluarkan kontolku dari mulutnya, aku tidka dapat menahannya karena tanganku sedang sibuk meremas teteknya. Seketika spermaku menyembur di wajahnya, mengenai matanya, bibirnya, dan pipinya yang merona merah. “Ahhh ….” aku kaget mendengar kata itu keluar dari bibirnya. “bersihkan!” serta merta bibir dan lidahnya membersihkan sperma yang masih menempel di kontolku. Akhirnya, kegiatan ini sering saya lakukan, walaupun tetap aku paksa, namun dia sudah tidak canggung untuk melakukannya. Bahkan, dia semakin lihai agar membuatku segera ejakulasi. Mungkin itu dia dapatkan dari pelajaran di kuliahnya, dia tahu titik rangsang yang paling sensitif.

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My sex slave bhabhi

Hi Friends. This is Raju, 40, I am a engineer working for a consulting firm. Let me tell you the story which happened last year. My in-laws stay in the same area, so I visit them very frequently. My wife’s brother is a bank manager, and has a very heavy wife. She is Geeta bhabhi, 42 yrs, with 42D and really has a big ass to match her breasts. This happened when once in evening as I was coming back from my office. Bhabhi called me and asked me to help her to tune TV channels. As I was doing so...

3 years ago
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How i found out that i love cock

ive always liked dressing in women's clothing and pretending to be one since i was a small boy. i could only get hold of thights/pantyhose for many years, so had to wear those when i was feeling gurly, i really wanted to wear stockings and suspender/garter belts, so i started buying pairs of stockings from new agents, and ended up with about six pairs of them. i tried holding them up with elastic bands and other things, but they just would not stay up, and i knew that i had to buy a...

4 years ago
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Balling Hot DaughterChapter 4

Gene's expert love-making had given her two hot climaxes, and that cooled her down for awhile. But by the time dinner was over, Chrissy was squirming with lust again. All she could think about was finding a guy to make out with. But of course that was out of the question on this island. "What are we gonna do tonight, Daddy?" she asked as she and Ben cleared the table. He looked embarrassed. "Well, honey, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to leave you alone for a couple hours," he said....

2 years ago
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I Finally Fucked My Brother

My name is Abriella. Bri for short. I'm about 5'2, caramel skin, long black hair, blue eyes, and I weigh about 130 pounds. I was sitting in my room doing my homework when I heard my brother walk in the door. I ran down the stairs and found him making a sandwich. "Hey Bri, do you want a sandwich too?" "Yeah, sure, make me on too?" I walked past him and grabbed his cock through his sweat pants. Chase is about six-foot, white skin, spiky black hair, blue eyes, and weighs about 250; most of it...

4 years ago
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And then he kissed me

Introduction: Amandas has a crush on her new boss. And then he kissed me. Have you got any kids? Lizzy asked as she handed me a cup of coffee on my first day at Haddaway and Tschitte Insurance Company. Two girls, I smiled nervously, the youngest has just started school. Lizzy and I talked when she took me on a tour of the offices, introducing me to as many people as possible, I chattered about my husband and daughters and explained that I had finally returned to full-time work for the first...

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Mikey the Plumber Part 2

The next afternoon, I was busily working away in my home office, making up for not having accomplished much (at least workwise) the previous day. Slowly, I realized that the room was getting chilly again. I put my hand on the radiator and, just as I expected, the boiler had conked out again. There was only one thing I could do: call Mikey the Plumber! The phone answered on the fourth ring. “Mikey, it’s Dave. The boiler has broken down again. What time can you come back to fix it?” I asked....

3 years ago
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Fun With The Boys

After my meetings with the lovely Barbara and the randy vicar, I realised that it had been a few weeks since i had seen the delightful Debbie and her husband Tony.I didn't really give it a thought until I got a call from Tony."Hey Steve, what are you up to later, I know its short notice but the weather is great and I'm playing golf with Alan, Margarets husband, fancy it?""Hi mate, yes, why not..what time?""Well, tee off is 2pm, meet us in the club house at 1.30, we can have a quick drink, play...

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Aunty Jaya

This is story of mine where I fuck my busty aunty and her daughter. I’m Shyam living in b’lore and doing my BBM in a reputed college. My aunt’s name is Jaya. I never felt anything wrong about my aunt in the starting. But one day when she was working in kitchen her saree got fire n when she was in panic she removed her pallu in a hurry. That was the first scene where a got glance of her boobs with blouse. It was awesome. Guys I bet u will cum surely seeing her boobs uhh. It was like Mt. Everest...

5 years ago
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It was a late fall afternoon when I was walking home from band practice. My dad was running late in picking me up so I told him I would be walking home and he could pick me up at the park. When I got to the park I needed to go to the bath room really bad, so I went to the public restroom all parks have. I did not see the hole in the wall in the stall until I was hit with a rude and nasty surprise. While doing my business I felt something thumb me on the back of my head. I was in shock when I...

2 years ago
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When Eve Ate The Forbidden Apple 8211 Part I

Hi friends, this is Ramesh, 24 year old guy from Mumbai, this is my first story which I’m posting on this site. Hope you guys like it. So coming on to the story, its about my mom and me. Now let me describe my mom first, her name is Sharda, She was born n brought up in Mumbai, though born in a cosmopolitan city like Mumbai, she was very conservative type, thanks to her strict dad, my Nanaji. She married to my dad at the age of 22 and i was born just a year after their marriage. My mom’s stats...

4 years ago
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Sexy MotherInLaw Becomes Slutty 8211 Part 3

Hi, Namita here with the next part of my story. You saw how my father and my boyfriend’s mother were fucking each other like crazy in the last part. Let’s see further. Sumit’s mother had opened her legs in front of my father, and he was making the most of it. They fucked like rabbits in heat last evening. And that evening changed the course of my life. The next day, as I got up, I was only in my panties and saw them fucking like rabbits. My father grunted and came inside her. After that, he lit...

4 years ago
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--- Storage (MF, con, nc?, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- It began about a year ago. Dina, one of the secretaries, kept giving me strange looks at work (I'm a computer tech named Devon, by the way...I work for a medium-size corporation). After a week or so of this she caught my eye and beckoned me to follow her into an unused storage closet. I closed the door and she was all over me, kissing and groping. I couldn't believe it -- a married woman! I didn't think...

2 years ago
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Tears of an Angel

At the age of 23 Jack was leading a successful life after college. He was working at his dad’s construction company as a foreman and was working towards a master in social work. He lived in a shithole apartment that he could easily escape but he couldn’t leave it, for it was the last memory of ‘The Cunt’. Every time he called her that it was only to make people think he was over it. The truth was everyday was filled with thoughts of her almost to the point where it was unbearable pain he could...

3 years ago
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Kitten Darlas story

Kitten, Darla's begining By: Malissa Madison Sitting alone at the end of the counter in the diner, Driver watched as his mother and older sister fussed over a pair of guests who'd just arrived. He listened to the two cops as they waited to hear any news of the missing kid. His name was Sam, or Samantha, if he was dressed up like a girl. That thought gave him a shiver, being caught dressed like a girl. Boys in these parts just didn't do things like that. he sure hoped his...

2 years ago
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Life With sis Pt 13

I was left home alone for a little while. The girls went out to do some shopping, I hate grocery shopping, with the understanding that I would clean up the apartment. No need to get dressed, so I start cleaning. I've been cleaning about a half hour when I hear a female voice call out "anyone here?" I was cleaning the bathroom and had the fan on so I didn't hear a knock. There is no way to get to the bedroom to get some clothes without being seen from the door.To save some embarrasment, I...

4 years ago
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While the Husbands Away

I’m lazing on this long weekend. Being single, 45, and having a strong libido can be a disadvantage at times like this. I am 6’4′ tall, work out regularly, women find me attractive and I have had my share of great sex and friendships. The best sex comes from great friends. The phone rings. It’s Sandy from nearby. She is the woman of my dreams but I have never hit on her. She is fifteen years younger, has a husband, Gottfreid, and now has a baby who is a three months old. Gottfreid works for a...

4 years ago
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Get to know your girlfriend

Since I have often been asked this privately, I have noticed that it seems interesting to the public how dirt my wife can be... I got to know her when she was 21 and I was 26 and I had just finished a long-term relationship. I was forewarned that in her home town she was called "easy to have" or even a “challenge cup”. But I was just fine with that, I didn't really want anything really long-term. And when she asked me to fuck her ass on the second or third evening I knew there was enough...

2 years ago
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The Challenges

The Challenges by AtomicWriter Everything in this story is fictional, do not read if you are under the legal age for reading adult fiction in your place of residence. "I don't know, that seems kind of unfair," Kyle said skeptically. "You don't think you can win, do you?" his sister, Jessica asked back. She smiled that annoying smug smile, the same one she always had when she teased him. "I didn't say that, it just seems like the bet makes it very easy for you to get what...

3 years ago
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Masti With Rupa My Sexy Niece

I am Pramod 43, narrating a real story with my distant relative who calls me uncle. She is 28 and married since 2 years. She is 5’5”, sexy figure and very friendly with me since child hood. I happened to visit the city for one week on company work where she was staying with husband after marriage. I had informed her in advance and reached their home as planned. Hello Rupa, kaisi ho? Hug karke boli, Uncle teekh hun, ayiye, baithiye Kya piyoge. Maine usko dekha , ek white color frock pehni hai...

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Candlelight and Wax Delight

With the ability to work from home, I am able to make things less stressful for my wife. The time is near for Margo to arrive home as I check to make sure everything is set. The candles are lit around the edge of the sunken tub, and rose scented bath salt is dissolving in the water. I add the final touch, rose petals and watch them briefly, floating in the partially filled tub.Entering the bedroom from the master bath, I stop and retrieve several vanilla scented candles and scatter them around...

4 years ago
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Steve and ChuckChapter 19

Chuck Monday John and I put our harnesses on before shouldering our packs; we then jumped up and down. No noise, so we were ready. I handed John the .308 case while I shouldered the fifty and we both looked at the Marshal. He said, "Okay, let's go." Out in the hallway, one of the fatigues from yesterday was there and led us to a cart that drove us through a tunnel, and ended up in the hangar where my Learjet was. It was good to see it. It didn't look as if anyone had touched the plane...

3 years ago
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Spitting Contest

Silvina walked down the sidewalk toward Paula's apartment. Her ashen white skin glowed amid the crowd of golden people of Buenos Aires. Her brown hair blew in the strong wind of the Zonda that had brought in hot dry air from the interior of Argentina. She rubbed the sweat from the brutal South American summer heat from her brown eyes as she entered the cool, refreshing lobby of Paula's apartment house. Paula looked down at Robert, lying on his back, naked, and bound with strong packaging...

2 years ago
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Who Is the Chump an Essay

Just a short essay on the situation we read about so often about the cheating spouse that laughs as they put one over on their partner. Who do they really hurt in the long run? Who is the chump? The one who loves fully, or the one who pretends, lies and cheats behind the other's back? Always searching for something they already have, if they only opened their hearts and minds. It takes courage to open yourself up, to be so vulnerable, while the closed, protected shield cools the heart,...

3 years ago
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Love At First And Friends With Benefits

Hi friends, I am rahul I am 27 years old and this story is about my first sex experience which happened with my best friend ruchika(name changed) she was one of the best bombshells in our college, guys would used to die to talk to her, I was quite lucky to sit next to her because I was her best friend, I always had feelings for her but never shared it with her because I did not wanted to ruin my relationship with her. I was also dating a girl that time so I didn’t feel that it is appropriate to...

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Sold For SexA Females Fantasy

Tina was bored with the party, bored with her friends, and frankly, with her life. Her job was at a relative dead end and the men she dated were almost all classified in her own mind as losers or just nobody she could really fall for. She had no difficulty attracting lovers; she was attractive by anyone's standards. But when they left her apartment after a night of post-dinner sex, she was always relieved to see them go since their pitiful attempts to please her sexually only left her...

4 years ago
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Fucked A Model I Met At College Fest

This is a real-life sexual escapade written by me, Chahat Khanna, having a figure of 34-24-34, 23 years old. (Delhi-based – male fans can reach me on email/hangouts). I wrote it with my friend Xerxes, who has a 6.5-inch cock plus sexy ideas. (Mumbai-based 27 years old, – female fans can ping him on email/hangouts.) It was the last day of my college festival. The Grand Finale had just ended where they announced the winner of a college beauty pageant. I was waiting for my friend Alisha outside...

2 years ago
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BangPOV Bridgette B Fucks Her Neighbor

Bridgette gets a knock on her door from her neighbor Logan. He asks to borrow eggs for a breakfast he’s cooking. She lets him inside so she can grab one, but when she’s bent over, Logan can’t help but stare at her amazing ass. She catches him looking and threatens to tell her husband. After Logan begs her not to and swears he’ll do anything, she takes him up on that offer. She gets on the floor and starts sucking his dick, then she allows him to fuck her huge tits. They...

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Her Box

Her Box This story may sound like it is about multiple personalities and as crossdressers, at times it feels like it is or that it might be easier, if it were. I doubt we would really want that. This is about the life of a real crossdresser. While the story is a work of fiction it does have roots that tie it to true events. It's been another long drive as I pull into the hotel. I'm beat. I step out of the car stretching my legs. The usual routine of wheeling my suitcase...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 5 A Little Help From My Friends

June 1978 I was dragging when I rode my bike to the deli. The dream about Birgit had been disturbing and I couldn’t put it out of my mind. It was weighing heavily on me. What had she thought about at the end? Had her last thoughts been of me? That brought tears to my eyes again. Work started as usual. Andreas knew the situation, so he didn’t bother me. He did check to see if I was going to be at the High School next year. I told him ‘yes’ and he said that he would talk to me towards the end...

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Lottie Part One

Charlotte Moore, to the prying eyes of outsiders, was a strange girl. Aged just about twenty years old, freshly dropped out of university and working on reception at an insurance company, she acted much older than how she looked. She never went out, much to the dismay of the long queue of boys and men that had taken one look at her pretty face and would have given anything for just one kiss from those dark, rosebud lips. She was always either at work or shut away in her parent’s house and...

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The Life Saver

Introduction: A suicidal girl crosses with the right man to save her life. Hi guys, Hope you like the story and, if you do, please vote and let me a comment, ok? I really would like to know what you think about it. Special thanks to Mr. Rutger5 for helping me with the english stuff =* —– The Life Saver What makes my nights so much darker? What turns me into a marionette of my inner feelings of self-destruction, of detachment from the world, from everything? The answer is: I dont know. ...

4 years ago
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The curate was one of those people who liked to be on time; he liked to be on time so much that he would arrive early, often much, much too early. It had happened at the Glendenburg’s dinner party when Mrs Glandenburg, in the middle of preparations still – she had to arrange with the chef which dessert was most suitable, she had to ensure the seating plan took account of precedence of office, birth and gender, she had to decide which floral accompaniment to wear with her cerise dress (unless...

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Speeding Sarah Ch 01

It was hot day in the middle of nowhere. Sarah was driving along one of those wide, open roads. The AC was on and she had stripped down to a blue bikini top and a blue skirt to match. She was 19 years old, relatively innocent for her age, and on her way to her sister’s new apartment, half way across the country. She was hoping to reach there by evening the following day so she could be there for her sister’s birthday the day after. As far as she could see, the road was completely empty save...

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Bhabhi dressed as prostitute fucked as prostitute

Another fine day at Patel’s residence and Ashok was devouring the amazing breakfast his wife Savita made for him. As usual, Savita’s mom Menaka was grumpy and despised Ashok. Savita was happy with Ashok except in bed. Uncle Ji was late. Savita thought Uncle Ji was depressed since he was the only one who didn’t get any action last day. Even though Menaka never liked Uncle Ji, she walked towards his room to wake him up on Savita’s request. Knocking a few times on the door, she grabbed the handle...

2 years ago
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Shattered Hero

Its been a long time since I’ve contributed a post, but for years, unfortunately, there have not been any escapades in my life worth writing about. Since my last story, I’ve gone to law school and, until a few days ago, I worked at a large firm in New York. Law school was bad, but working as a first year Associate was worse – far worse. A good week was 70 hours. A bad week was 100. I was on the road almost constantly researching cases and meeting with clients. I spent four or more nights a...

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Teach me how to Ride

"Mina~!" My brother yelled from the large living room, the TV just as loud.  I lived with my Grandma and my older brother, Scourge. He's fifteen and likes to joke around a lot. He has dark messy hair that covers up his sly and handsome green eyes. He's tall for his age and very muscular. Most girls fawn over his sweet smile and biceps. I don't really look at him that way. I just see him as a big protective idiot. I rose from my bed, setting down my thick black book and running into the living...

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Shes so cool part three

She’s so cool part three:I’d been on vacation with some buddies at work, so hadn’t seen Ellen for ten days. When I got back I called her immediately. She was happy to hear from me, told me she masturbated the whole time I was away, wishing I was there. Then the subject quickly turned to meeting my Uncle. I told her I would call him and arrange it after this.My Uncle Michael, owns The Crimson Strip Club on Main Street, he’s been a great role model for me, since my Dad took off when I was just...

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Fern Gully Vore

Plot: It has been years since the events of Hexxus in Fern Gully, and science and technology have become more advanced. Zak Young agreed to be the first test subject for a prototype shrinking belt. He had decided to test it out in the very spot in the forest that he had met Crysta. Zak couldn’t wait to see his fairy friends and set the belt buckle to 3 inches tall. Fern Gully itself has also changed as the Fairies had adapted to some human cultures such as nightclubs and different styles of...

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Retreads Part DeuxChapter 9

We had decided to consolidate and regroup, before chasing down the remnants of the Halim. Ships needed repair, and new crews needed training. Some of our personnel would be transferred to bases in the systems that had been liberated. Most of the replacements were being obtained from the thousands of volunteers from those same systems. By modifying our training aids, such as the sleep learning process, it was moving along nicely. The first new group was almost ready, when the alarms went off....

2 years ago
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Our Parents Are Falling in LoveChapter 3

I was used to setting the table for the meals I had with my mom. I saw the table already set. Michael must be trainable ... that's a good omen! I pulled out the chair for Stacy, Michael did the same for Mom after she brought her famous meatloaf to the table. "Michael made the salad," she remarked. "I figured everyone liked it differently, so I didn't add any vinaigrette to it," Michael said looking proud of himself. "Aren't those some of Dad's clothes?" I asked. "Michael had to...

3 years ago
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The Reward

My boyfriend is such a jerk. He and I had never been exclusive, but now he wants me to himself. I want my lovers, so he’s out. I was depressed and wanted some attention so I called my ‘friend’ Alex. He came over right away and held me as I cried over the jerk. After venting and bawling for a few hours I excused myself. I went to my room feeling much better; I looked like a train wreck. My eyes were red and puffy and I looked very tired. In reality I was not even close to tired, I was feeling...

Straight Sex
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My wifes tale

It was our honeymoon and we had agreed to tell each other about ourselves and what we had done before we met, I told her that she was the first woman I had sex with and that I thought that she was a virgin when we met, this is what she told me. It was after she had got over a bout of the flue and just past her 18th birthday that her school pal called round to her house and asked her if she would come with her to meet her boyfriend. She had been off going to while ill which had been just over...

First Time
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Toxoplasmaby AbeIn academia, teaching ability is unimportant. Success depends on getting large research grants. The President wants more brain research, and the military and CIA are always interested in mind control and illegal bioweapons, for defense only, of course. How could I tap into that government money? I'm not a famous neuroscientist, and I don't have access to sophisticated equipment, like MRI and brain scans. If I wanted a big research grant, I would need to think ?outside the box?,...

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We Swapped Mother And Sisters 8211 Part 4

So far you read, Rohan swapped his mother with extraordinarily beautiful woman Rubia, mother of friend Akbar. Rohan’s father also fucked Rubia but she remained infatuated to Rohan. After few days Rohan succeeded in bringing both daughters of Rubia home and took their virginity. But again Rohan’s father fucked younge one Zarina who became mad for elderly man. She refused to fuck with Rohan again. Now read ahead, Over two months passed since Rohan took virginity of both sisters on same day on...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 232 Working on the Plan

I awoke only slightly before noon. Since everyone had traveled the day before, we all slept in on day two. Since we all had transportation of some kind, we straggled out to whatever meal we were in the mood to eat. In my case it was very thick French toast complete with link sausage and apple sauce. I also had lots of french roast coffee. The coffee was only adequate but it was better than nothing. When I got back to the motel, I used Martin's secure line to speak with Jen. "First of all...

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Savita Bhabhi Episode 42

Ashok is irritated as they return from the village and when Savita asks why, he says “Indecency! This is the problem with our city!” “What?” – “Ashok, we just returned 2 minutes ago!” “Yes and in 2 minutes we’ve been insulted twice!” “Insulted! How?” “Those cricket boys whistled at you!” “They’re harmless teenage boys.” “.. But Mr. Jha is no teenager. Shameful how he ogled at you just now!” “Didn’t you ever whistle at girls?” “Not married women. Not bhabhis’ from my compound.” Savita thought...

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Lost my virginity to Megha

Hi all, this is ajay from bangalore. I am 25 year old, 5.6 feet height working in a mnc in bangalore. I am staying with my parents. I am a regular reader of iss site. Here i am penning down my first real experience which i had with a lady who is elder to me. Her name is megha. Please post your comments and suggestions to Please note names are changed for keeping privacy. At that time i am 24 year old. We had a friend of my father who used to visit our house. We were good family friends and we...

4 years ago
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we have more fun with our neighbour

Joy laughed and said, he’s been dying to play with your tits since you moved in, so I knew it would most likely happen one day, with that Joy gave Jan a big cuddle and a kiss to show her all was right, again Jan responded by kissing Joy back and touching her tits saying, he’s lucky he’s got a nice set of boobs to play with any time too. I left the girls saying I was going to do my house work, our code for me to clean out my butt, Joy and Jan both stood kissing as I walked away, It takes...

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Sex With My Maid Susheela Real Life Experience

I want to describe my earliest experience with a maid. I am now 36 and this story goes back to when I was 21 years old and in my first job after post-graduation. Those days, we had a maid named Susheela and she must have been a little over 30. She was what I would call a voluptuous lady with a big chest and big butt and a rest of the body to match. She always wore her hair ina bun and she had quite a bit of grey hair.   Susheela also had a full-time day job in a small school in front of our...

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Losing Our Bearings Chapter 4 Back to Normal

The next day, Maggie busied herself around the house sorting out things and preparing for the new school year.  It was hard to find a moment when she had stopped doing things and would speak to me about sex. I could see that she was still upset by how her Manchester trip ended.  Over the next few days I also was very busy at work and was getting home late.  When Maggie and I met up in the evening she remained more subdued than her normal self.  I asked her a couple of times whether she had been...

Wife Lovers
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Strangers on a Train parts 4 and 5 A day at the Beach and Checking in on Joaquim

“Wow, Sofia commented. “Your life is so different than mine.” Yet, here we were, two totally different but, so completely sexually compatible people from opposite walks of life. I couldn’t help but smile thinking about all the fun we could have, discovering each other’s secrets, pushing each other’s limits. I had been waiting for someone like this to come into my life and although it had only been one night, the romantic in me already knew that this is what I wanted. We finished our...

2 years ago
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BrattySis Kyler Quinn Sis Loves A Man In Uniform

Kyler Quinn is looking fine as fuck in a bikini. Her stepbrother, Codey Steele can’t keep his eyes off of her. Too bad for Codey that Kyler only wants a man in uniform. She belittles her stepbro while simultaneously giving him hints that if he were to become a real man she might think better of him. Codey does go ahead and enlist. A year later, when he’s fresh home from boot camp, Kyler approaches him wearing the same bikini but with a different attitude. She asks Codey if he...

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Special BondLong Weekend at the Lake 48

Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else. This is not some 4 page fuck/suck story. This story consists of almost 30 chapters! It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail,...

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ME With Tripthi

I was so excited to see the gates of my opposite house is open some loading and unloading people were doing some shifting work there I asked mom who is going to come to saty there mom told they are some distant relatives of us only my grandmoms brothers wifes family.I went to see whts happening there my father was talking to a man my pappa called me and introduced to that man he shooked hands and told me I had grown up he told his name is Manohar and pappa asked when your family is shifting he...

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Auto Erotica Ch 06

Another ‘filler’ chapter with no sex but important character development. You can, however, skip to the next chapter which has explicit sex if you prefer. *** I was quiet on Monday and Cal was too, I guess it had been a rough weekend for us both. When I thought of letting Patrick spank me I blushed scarlet to think of how much of a slut I’d been. What was it about that man? Every time we got together we turned into animals, and I couldn’t afford any distractions. My parole had been...

3 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 19

"Call me TJ" "That's my line, Sir." "That suits, you can borrow it." "Why, thank you Sir." "If you pair have finished acting like barnyard roosters, you two put your gear in your rooms and join us in the sitting room" Berryl ordered. Ivy was filling in the story as TJ and Morg sorted out their equipment, "It was comical seeing the bridge watch tiptoe about the Captain carefully not mentioning the MBC vid. Then the scuttlebutt started working overtime. The Academy Flying...

4 years ago
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Crowded Bus

Here I was once again. In Japan, they'd call me a chickan. A pervert who gropes women in crowded places. I wasn't proud of what I did, but I couldn't help myself. Here I was once again, on a crowded bus. As the bus pulled out of the station, I was at the front of the bus. It was extra packed today, bodies all squeezed in together like sardines with very little room for movement. To my immediate right, I spotted a cute Asian girl. Cute and petite, she had long black hair and beautiful brown...

3 years ago
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PurpleProse1020Chapter 3

It took Gabi about 20 minutes and one cup of coffee to find the nerve to punch in the address to She fumbled with the spelling, eventually tracking it down with a search engine. She gritted her teeth as the home page downloaded, fearing that her screen would suddenly be overflowing with pornographic images, but instead she found a very simple, no-frills site. She went to the site's search engine, adjusted it for an author search, and typed in "purpleprose1020." Up...

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