Nurul Jilbabers free porn video

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Namaku Arif, aku bekerja di sebuah kantor BUMN. Aku sudah menikah selama 3 tahun dengan istriku. Walau kami belum dikaruniai anak, kami sangat bahagia karena istriku adalah orang yang pandai sekali menyenagkan suami. Sepertinya tidak ada habisnya sensasi, gaya, dan teknik yang istriku peragakan setiap kami bergumul di ranjang. Aku 7 tahun lebih tua dari istriku yang kini berusia 28 tahun. Beberapa waktu lalu, rumah kami semakin berwarna ketika adik bungsu istriku yang kuliah kedokteran di salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri tengah menjalankan Koass di salah satu Rumah Sakit negeri yang kebetulan berada dekat dengan rumah kami. Umurnya masih sangat muda sekitar 22 tahun, dia termasuk mahasiswi yang cerdas karena dapat menuntaskan studi tepat pada waktunya. Jika dilihat dari wajahnya, dia lebih cantik dari istriku, ditambah wajahnya yang teduh dan keibuan. Walaupun tubuhnya aku taksir tidak sebagus tubuh istriku tapi masih diatas rata- rata wanita pada umumnya. Perbedaan lainnya, jka istriku senang berpakaian seksi dan menarik lawan jeNurnya, apalagi ditunjang dengan tubuh yang sangat aduhai. Adik dari istriku ini malah sebaliknya, dia menutupi kecantikannya dengan pakaian yang sangat longgar dan jilbab yang lebar. DItambah manset dan kaus kaki sehingga aku hanya bisa melihat wajahnya yang putih bersih dan telapak tangannya. Bahkan setiap aku ada di rumah dia tidak melepaskan jilbab dan kaoskakinya walau barang sebentar. Naman gadis cantik itu adalah Nurul. Kami lalui hari dengan wajar, aku bisa berangkat terlebih dahulu dengan mengantarkan istriku ke kantornya. Sedangkan Nurul terbiasa berangkat terakhir karena letak Rumah Sakit yang tidak terlalu jauh dari rumah kami. Walau dalam hati aku menyimpan ketertarikan pada Nurul. Aku semakin bergairah ketika melihat tingkahnya yang sopan, murah senyum, dan lenggok pinggulnya ketika berjalan walau aku yakin bukan maksud dia untuk melakukan itu. Inner beauty yang terpancar ditambah bakat kecantikan den kemolekan tubuhnya selalu ia jaga dengan baik. Katanya hanya untuk suaminya saja, bahkan dia tidak mau pacaran walau saya yakin pasti banyak laki-laki yang menginginkannya. Jilbabnya yang lebar itu tidak dapat menutupi lekukan dadanya yang membusung. Jika istriku berukuran 38 B aku taksir besar tetek adik istriku itu sekitar 36 B. Tingginya yang semampai hampir mencapai 165 cm ditunjang tubuh yang tidak kurus juga tidak gemuk membuat mata laki-laki manapun pasti akan terkesima. Apalagi jika dirumah aku sering melihatnya hanya menggunakan daster saja walau wajah dan kakinya tidak dapat aku lihat, tapi aku dapat membayangkan bagaimana tubuhnya. Terkadang ketika aku bergumul dengan istriku aku membayangkan sedang melakukan dengan Nurul, sikapnya yang tertutup pada laki-laki dan selalu menutup tubuhnya semakin membuatku penasaran. Hanya saja aku masih menghargainya sebagai adik dari istriku, dan sikapnya yang menjaga diri. Gayanya dan sikapnya yang renyah membuat siapapun jadi tidak sungkan untuk mengenalnya lebih dekat denganna walau ia tetap menjaga jarak. Suatu hari, sepulang kantor aku membuka DVD Blue Film yang baru aku pinjam dari teman kantorku, Blue Film yang aku tonton degan menggunakan komputer cukup bagus dimana Film tersebut tidak terlalu vulgar dan seronok yang membuat orang jijik. Itu membangkitkan gairahku, kudekati istriku yang sedang menonton tivi di ruang tengah, aku mulai mencumbunya dan dia pun membalas cumbuanku, tiba-tiba ku dengar pindu depan terbuka, pasti Nurul gumamku. “Tumben jam 9 baru datang Nur?” Tanya istriku, “Iya mbak, tadi praktik bedah dulu. O ya mas, boleh kan aku pakai ruang kerjanya, aku mau buat laporan” lanjut Nurul. “Silahkan aja, pakai sebabasnya dan jangan canggung disini” ujarku sambil menahan birahi yang baru saja naik. “Terima kasih ya mas” ucapnya. Setelah Nurul masuk kamar kamipun segera melanjutkan kegiatan kami dan pindah ke dalam kamar kami. Pergumulanpun semain seru karena istriku mulai mengeluarkan jurus- jurus barunya. Tapi tidak perlu ku ceritakan karena bukan ini inti cerita yang akan aku ceritakan. Setelah kami puas kamipun tertidur. Aku terbangun sekitar pukul 1 dini hari, kulihat istriku masih terlelap kelelahan tanpa sehelai benangpun disebelahku. Aku keluar kamar untuk mengambil air minum dan memeriksa kondisi rumah. Kulihat sekilas Nurul masih di ruang kerjaku dan masih di depan komputer, setelah kupastikan semua pintu terkunci dan aku mengambil segelas air. Aku mulai perhatikan Nurul yang tampaknya tidak mengetahui keberadaanku. Aku puji kecantikanya dalam hati. matanya yang lentik, bibirnya yang tipis dan menawan. Namun…tiba-tiba aku melihat sesuatu yang ganjil. Mata Nurul masih memandangi layar komputer saat itu, tapi tangannya mulai menyusup dibalik jilbabnya. Dari pergerakan tangan yang tertutup jilbabnya itu aku tahu apa yang dia lakukan. Dia meremas-remas teteknya sendiri, ku lihat matanya setengah terpejam bibirnya terbuka. mungkin dia sedang merasakan sensasi yang baru dia rasakan. “mhh.. uuhhhmmm… aaahhh….” ku dengar desahan samar dari mulutnya, aku segera bergegas ke kamar untuk mengambil Handhone ku dan segera merekam kejadian langka ini. Tangan kanan Nurul masih terus meraba teteknya, kini rabaannya kian keras dan bersemangat dan tidak hanya itu aku lihat sepintas tangannya melepas kancing daster bagian atasnya, dan aku yakin dia memasukkan tangannya ke dalam teteknya. Kejadian itu terus aku rekam. Sesekali Nurul melengguh “uuhh …aahhh… mhh… ..oohh…” matanya terus terpejam, bibir bawahnya dia gigit, terkadang kepalanya tergeleng ke kanan dan ke kiri. Ternyata tidak selesai disitu, tangan kirinya mulai menuju ke selangkangannya, dia meraba memeknya sendiri dari luar dasternya. ku lihat jari tengahnya terus menggosok bagian tengah memeknya, aku zoom kamera HPku, dan melihat secara close up apa yang sedang dia lakukan. Nurul mulai menarik dasternya ke atas, walau masih menggunkan kaus kaki mulai terlihat betis atasnya yang sangat putih, sedikit-demi sedikit daster tersebut tertarik ke atas oleh tangan kiri Nurul. Pahanya yang putih mulus mulai tersingkap, kontolku mulai tegang melihat pemandangan iu. Sampai akhirnya tangannya berhenti ketika daster mulai sampai di bagian perutnya. Dan terpampanglah celana dalam Nurul yang berwarna putih. Tangan kiri Nurul terus bergerak masuk ke dalam celana dalamnya. Ku lihat tangannya terus bergerak-gerak diantara selangkangannya. Desahannya semakin menjadi, rangsangan yang sungguh hebat membuat dia tidak merasakan keberadaanku. “Auuuuww… oohh… .ahhh… .eehhhmmm… yyaaahhh ” racaunya. Sungguh pemandangan yang belum pernah aku lihat seorang wanita berjilbab yang tengah bermasturbasi tanpa melepaskan jilbabnya. Dulu saat kuliah aku pernah mengintip anak ibu kosku yang melakukan itu, tapi itu kurang menantang karena anak ibu kos ku itu sering mengumbar auratnya dan punya affair dengan salah satu teman kosku. Tapi ini pemandangan yang berbeda dan sungguh luar biasa. Gerakan tangan kiri Nurul di memeknya semakin cepat, dan remasan tangan kanan di teteknya semakin kuat. Ingin rasanya aku membantunya, tapi masih sibuk merekam dengan kamera handphoneku. Sesaat kemudian aku lihat dia mulai menghentikan aktifitasnya, nafasnya naik turun teratur, matanya masih terpejam, tapi aku tidak tahu apakah dia telah mencapai puncak kenikamatan atau belum karena aku tidak mendengar jeritan yang biasanya menjadi ciri wanita saat orgasme. Sebelum dia sadar aku segera bergegas menuju kamarku, dan mulai mereview kembali dari HPku apa yang baru aku saksikan tadi. Tanpa sadar aku melakukannya sambil beronani, sampai orgasme beberapa kali. Aku baru menyadari DVD Blue Film yang baru aku pinjam tadi, ternyata masih tertinggal dalam komputerku, aku yakin tadi tanpa atau dengan sengaja dia melihatnya. Aku yakin karena dalam DVD itu ada adegan wanita yang melakukan masturbasi, mungkin dia mengikutinya. Keesokan paginya, semua sepertinya biasa dan nampak wajar, istriku masih sibuk berdandan, maklum dandannya bisa sampai 2 jam sendiri. Aku memulai sarapan tanpa menunggu istriku, kemudian ku lihat Nurul sudah rapih dan keluar dari kamarnya. Dia sangat cantik dengan dandanannya yang sederhana, hanya berbalut bedak tipis dan lip glose seperlunya. Tapi ini adalah pemandangan fantastis, wanita yang apa adanya aku lihat menjadi jauh lebih cantik dibandngkan yang ber- make up. Jilbab warna pink dipadu kemeja putih dan rok panjang warna senada dengan jilbabnya membuat dia semakin cantik. Diapun tanpa merasakan apapun memulai sarapan paginya. Aku membuka obrolan pagi itu “Gimana Nur? laporannya selesai semalam?”, “Sudah selesai mas, terima kasih ya ruangan dan komputernya” katanya tenang. “Ngerjain laporan atau ngerjain yang lainnya?” sindirku, Nurul langsung terdiam dan menghentikan kegiatannya yang sedang mengambil nasi dari rice cooker. Wajah putihnya mulai bersemu merah, mungkin dia mulai menyadari aku melihat apa yang dilakukannya. “Tenang saja, kita kan sama- sama dewasa, tahu sama tahu lah dan aku pun tidak akan ceritakan ini ke kakakmu” ujarku sambil ku perlihatkan hasil rekaman di HPku. Wajah Nurul semakin tegang, keringat mulai membasahi wajahnya, tak sepatah katapun keluar dari mulutnya, aku tahu dia sedang bingung, malu, dan mungkin takut juga. “Mungkin lain kali kalu mau jangan sendiri, aku siap membantu kamu sampai kamu puas” Bisikku. Tanpa menjawab dia langsung beranjak dari kursinya dan menyambar tasnya, tanpa mengucapkan sepatah katapun, yang aku tahu matanya yang berbicara, matanya nampak mulai penuh dibasahi air mata yang hendak meloncat keluar. Malamnya, aku berlaku seperti biasa seperti tidak terjadi apapun. Sedangkan Nurul seperti agak sungkan dan kaku setiap bertemu denganku. “Pah, tidur yuk, mamah dah ngantuk banget nich”, “Ya sudah tidur aja dulu, nanti papah menyusul”. Setelah kulihat istriku sudah tertidur lelap, aku beranikan diri mendekati kamar Nurul, yang nampaknya masih menyala terang, sepertinya dia masih belajar. Tok… tok… tok… aku mengetuk pintu kamarnya. “Siapa?” sahutnya dari dalam, saat dia buka pintu kamarnya, aku segera mendorong pintu itu sehingga Nurul agak tersungkur kebelakang. Aku kunci dari dalam pintu kamarnya, “Mass… .mas mau apa? keluar dari kamarku”, “Kamarmu? apa kamu lupa kamu tinggal dimana?” sahutku agak tinggi, dia terdiam. “Kamu mau videomu tersebar kemana-mana? bahkan wajahmu close up di video itu, semua orang akan melihat apa yang kamu lakukan”, “A …apa mau mas?” ucapnya terbata. “Aku hanya mau kamu memuaskanku malam ini…”, “Ja… jangan mas, aku masih perawan, aku lakukan apa saja asal bukan melakukan itu”, “Buka!” perintahku ketika kontolku tepat berada di hadapan wajahnya. Dia mulai membuka celana pendek yang aku kenakan sampai ke lutut, Nurul agak terperangah meihat kontolku yang mulai tegang dan begitu menonjol seakan celana dalamku tidak sanggup memuatnya. Dengan bergetar tangannya menurunkan celana dalamku dan kemudian menurunkannya hingga ke lutut. Tampak kini dihadapannya kontolku yang telah tegak mengacung bagaikan sebuah tombak yang siap dihujamkan. Tampak ragu dia meraih kontolku dengan sambil menundukkan kepalanya. Akupun meraih tangannya yang halus, dan menyentuhkannya ke kontolku, rasanya sangat nyaman, dimana kulit lembutnya menyentuh kontolku yang sudah mengeras, kokoh, otot-otot yang keluar menambah kesan sangar. Wajahnya tertunduk dan mulai tersedu, tapi aku tak menghiraukan, aku maju mundurkan tangannya, sampai beberapa saat aku tak perlu menuntunna karena tangannya sudah faham apa yang harus dilakukannya. Nurul pun mulai berani menaikkan wajahnya dan menatap kontolku. Tak berapa saat aku merasakan sesuatu yang ingin melesak dari dalam tubuhku, sampai akhirnya…”aahh …..” aku melengguh disertai keluarnya sperma dari kontolku. “aaaauuwww ….” Nurul tersentak kaget ketika spermaku keluar. Karena dia berada tepat didepan kontolku, muncratan spermaku mengenai wajahnya, matanya, hidungnya, bibirnya dan sebagian lagi ke jilbabnya. Aku tersenyum puas lalu ku tinggalkan Nurul yang masih terpaku. Esoknya aku melakukan hal yang sama. kali ini, aku tidak perlu membentak dan memerintahkan, Nurul sudah mengetahui apa yang harus dia lakukan. Walau agak ragu, dia mulai berani menurunkan celanaku sendiri, sampai celana dalamku, dan memulai belaian lembut pada kontolku. dia tidak malu dan canggung seperti kemarin walu masih nampak wajah takut dan terpaksa melakukan itu. Aku memegang tangan kanannya, sambil membiarkan tangan kirinya tetap menggenggam kontolku yang hampir tak tergenggam tangan mungilnya karena diameternya yang hampir mencapai 7 cm. AKu renggangkan telapak tangannya dan aku tuntun melakukan gerakan mengusap pada ujung kontolku, telapak tangannya mengusap dengan melakukan gerakan memutar di ujung kontolku seperti yang sering istriku lakukan. Hal ini memberiku sensasi yang lebih, apalagi yang melakukan adalah seorang wanita yang polos tentang seks, alim dan selalu berjilbab, menjaga dirinya dan menutupi tubuhnya. suatu sensasi yang sangat luar biasa. Aku kembali mencapai puncak dan memuntahkannya diwajahnya. Kegiatan itu sering kami lakukan tanpa sepengetahuan istriku sampai beberapa waktu lamanya. Pagi ini aku baru sampai dari kantor karena mendapat giliran piket, karena itu siang ini aku mendapat libur. Sampai di rumah suasana wajar setiap pagi seperti yang telah menjadi rutinitas. Istriku sudah siap berangkat ke kantor, dan taksipun telah menunggunya diluar. “Pah aku berangkat dulu ya..” sambil menciumku, tubuhnya indah dibalut blazer ketat dan rok yang sangat pendek, ahh…itu pemandangan biasa. “Mah…sekalian kunci ya pintunya” ujarku, “Nanti saja, Nurul belum berangkat, biar dia saja yang kunci pintu…” ujarnya sambil berlalu. “Hah..Nurul masih di rumah..padahal biasanya dia sudahberangkat pagi- pagi sekali” bisikku. “Kreeekkk… blak” kulihat intu kamar yang dibuka dan kemudian di tutup, ku lihat Nurul mengenakan jilbab warna puti sampai dibawah sikunya, gamis pink warna kesukaannya dan rok puti…manset dan kaos kaki putih pun sudha menghiasi lengan dan kakinya. Dia terperanjt melihatku sudah di dalam, dia langsung menundukkan wajahnya dan bergegas menuju pintu. “Nggak makan dulu Nur?” sahutku memecah keheningan,”Ngga mas..di RS aja, ngga enak sudah telat…” sambil terus menundukan wajahnya dan berlalu. “Eii… ttt…mau kemana?santai dulu di sini”, “Jangan mas…aku udah telat ke RS, nanti residentku marah” sahutnya ketakutan, “Apa peduliku…!”, langsung muncul niat di pikiranku, “Kamu mau video itu tersebar? kamu ingat? kamu tingga di rumah siapa? akan tinggal makan, tidur tinggal tidur…”, wajahnya semakin memerah sangat jelas karena kulitnya yang putih tidak dapat menutupinya. “Kamu juga harus punya pengorbanan…” lalu aku duduk di sofa depan TV yang biasa kami gunakan untuk menonton, aku masih berkemeja lengkap. “sini … duduk didepanku”, dia langsung memahami perintahku, wajahnya masih tertunduk, dan sama sekali tidak melihatku. Tanpa di suruh dia langsung membuka ikat pinggangku, lalu celanaku dan menurunkannya sampai ke mata kaki. Ahh… pemandangan yang sangat tidak ingin aku lewatkan, berdua dengan wanita cantik di rumah, dan yang paling penting, kami tidak melakukannya sembunyi-sembunyi di kamar, tapi di ruang tengah yang sangat luas, aku semakin terobsesi. Tanpa di suruh, Nurul langsung mulai menggerak- gerakkan tangannya mengocok batang kontolku yang mulai tegak. berapa saat kemudia, “berhenti… aku sudah bosan dengan cara itu, ganti dengan cara lain!!”, “Cara gimana mas…aku ngga ngerti” ambil terus tertunduk pasrah. “dengan mulut kamu….sekarang ”, aku lihat tubuhnya merespon dengan sangat terkejut perintahku, hal yang tidak pernah sama sekali dia bayangkan. “semakin lama kamu melakukannya… semakin terlambat sampai RS…”bentakku . Nurul pun mulai menuruti perintahku, didekatkan bibirnya yang mungil itu ke kontolku, ketika bibirnya yang lembut, hangat dan basah oleh lipglose itu menempel ujung kontolku, aku merasakan sensasi yang luar biasa. Cara menciumnya pun sangat aneh, karena dia tidak pernah melakukannya sama sekali, tapi aku biarkan karena di situ seninya, melihat wanita alim yang masih polos melakukan oral sex. Aku tertawa dalam hati, dan menikmati apa yang ada di hadapanku. Mungkin sudah insting, ciumannya mulai mengitari seluruh kontolku, bahkan sesekali dia basahi dengan lidahnya. Dia melakukannya dengan mata yang selalu terpejam, kuberanikan memegang punggungnya, aku rasakan detak jantungnya berdebar sangat keras hingga ke punggung. “ahh… nikmati sekali Nurul sayang… .terus sayang… kulum semuanya… seperti kamu mengulum permen lolipop ketika kamu kecil dulu” ujarku sambil mulai berani mengusap dan membelai jilbabnya. Dengan ragu Nurul memasukkan kontolku ke rongga mulutnya, aku tidak tinggal diam aku segera mendorong kepalanya semakin masuk, sehingga dia tahu apa yang harus dia lakukan… .Tangaku mulai berani menyusup ke balik jilbabnya, dan menemukan sebuah gundukan yang sangatlembut terbalut bra, “mhh… cuma 34B tapi lembut dan indah sekali” desisku. Nurul terperangah, dan langsung tangannya memagang tanganku dan menjauhkannya dari dadanya. “Diam!!!” bentakku. Dia terdiam, dan matanya mulai meneteskan air mata. Lalu tangan kananku memegang bagian belakang kepalanya dan memaju mundurkan kepalanya, sehingga bibirnya yang lembut beradu dengan lapisan kulit kontolku, aku merasakan sensasi yng sangat luar biasa dan tidak pernah aku dapatkan. tangan kiriku kembali bergerilya di teteknya, kali ini tidak ada perlawanan, bahkan ketika aku mulai meremas teteknya yang lembut. Aku merasakan putingnya semakin mengeras, tanda dia mulai terangsang dan menikmatinya. Sampai beberapa saat akhirnya “aaahh… aauuww…” Aku mengejang, dan seketika muncullah sperma hangat dari ujung kemaluanku. Nurul kaget bukan kepalang, dia berusaha mengeluarkan kontolku dari mulutnya, tapi itu sia-sia karena tangan kananku menahannya. Akhirnya spermaku muntah di rongga mulutnya….. dia hanya bisa tergugu dan diam dengan mulut yang masih mengemut kontolku. ketika ku cabut, spermaku meleleh dari bibirnya yang manis, dan diapun memuntahkannya… ahhh… indah sekali. dia langsung berlari ke wastafel untuk memntuahkan apa yang baru ditelannya. dia meludah terus menerus, sambil terus senggukan menahan tangis. Lalu dia pun masuk ke kamar. aku masih menikmati ejakulasi terindah yang pernah aku rasakan, sambil tetap duduk di sofa tengah. Tak berapa lama, Nurul keluar dari kamarnya, dengan jilbab dan gamis yang baru, mungkin karena kusut dan terkena cipratan spermaku. Walaupun tetap dengan wajah menunduk, tai dia mulai berusaha bersikap biasa, dan berani mencairan suasana. “Mas… aku berankat dulu”, “Iya… hati- hati ya… rahasiamu aman denganku”. Malam harinya aku bergumul hebat dengan istriku hingga aku terlelap. Sebenarnya aku ingin sekali segera memiliki buah hati, tapi itu belum terjadi, ya sekarang sih aku puas- puasin dulu dengan istri. Saking terlelapnya aku tidak tahu kapan Nurul datang. Jam 2 dini hari aku terbangun lagi, dan seperti biasanya aku mengambil minum di kulkas. Ku lihat kamar Nurul masih terang, “mhh… rajin sekali belajarnya”, lalu ku ketuk pintu kamarnya, libidoku pun mulai naik lagi. “Nur… buka pintunya” ujarku. “I… iya mas…”, agak lama dia membuka pintunya karena biasanya dia mengenakan jilbabnya dulu sebelum menemuiku. “belum tidur ya?”, “Belum mas, masih ada tugas… mhh… boleh aku pinjam lagi komputernya mas?”, “Tentu saja boleh…tapikamutahu syaratnya bukan?”, dia terdiam…mungkin bingung, dia tahu arah pertanyaanku, tapi dia tidak ingin melakukannya. Mungkin tidak ada pilihan lagi, seketika dia segera menjalankan tugasnya, anehnya kali ini dia sangat buas mengulum kontolku, dia seperti sudah lihai dengan tugasnya, “ah… mungkin dia mencontoh dari DVD BF yang dulu dia tonton di komputerku”, “mulutnya terus membasahi kontolku, terus melakukan gerakan mengurut dan merangsang agar kontolku segera mengeluarkan lahar putihnya. Pemandangan yang luar biasa, dengan daster yang lebar dan mengenakan jilbab kaos putih ang sangat lebar. Dan dia pun hanya diam ketika dua tanganky menyelinap dibalik jilbabnya dan mulai meremas teteknya. Aku perhatikan mukanya mulai memerah, kadang nafasnya tertahan dan mulai memburu. DIa tarangsang…aku yakin sekali, dia juga manusia yang punya hasrat. Sesaat kemdian kontolku mulai bergetar dan segera melesakkan lahar putihnya, Nurul kaget dan spontan mengeluarkan kontolku dari mulutnya, aku tidka dapat menahannya karena tanganku sedang sibuk meremas teteknya. Seketika spermaku menyembur di wajahnya, mengenai matanya, bibirnya, dan pipinya yang merona merah. “Ahhh ….” aku kaget mendengar kata itu keluar dari bibirnya. “bersihkan!” serta merta bibir dan lidahnya membersihkan sperma yang masih menempel di kontolku. Akhirnya, kegiatan ini sering saya lakukan, walaupun tetap aku paksa, namun dia sudah tidak canggung untuk melakukannya. Bahkan, dia semakin lihai agar membuatku segera ejakulasi. Mungkin itu dia dapatkan dari pelajaran di kuliahnya, dia tahu titik rangsang yang paling sensitif.

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Shedding Spite

I'm a vindictive bastard. Not all the time of course. You don't get to run a chain of convenience stores without a degree of likeability. In fact if you met me, that is the first thing you would note. I am extremely affable. Just don't cross me. I will extract vengeance on you. Not revenge; vengeance. OK you want examples. I used to play rugby, still do occasionally. I was a lock, one of the second row forwards; tall, well set, fairly quick on my feet. So I was chasing down a high ball...

4 years ago
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New Life in Rianate 6

Introduction: Not sure as to why part 6 got ripped down last week. Sorry for the wait, part 7 will be done next week! I woke up early. So early that I had 45 minutes before my alarm went off. Tao was lying on her side, with her blue fringe toward me. Happy birthday to me, Eris. I sprang out of bed then ran to the bathroom for a shower. There wasnt a word to describe how I felt right then, I was beyond cloud nine, I was on cloud twenty or something. Turning 18 meant I was closer to being Mio,...

1 year ago
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Bevor dein Urlaub seinen Lauf nimmt, kannst du in den Einstellungen oben rechts (3 Balken) die Namen ändern. first_name = Jungenname last_name = Mädchenname Die 8 Inselgesetze von Eros Mindestalter: Das Betreten der Insel ist nur Personen mit einem Mindestalter von 18 Jahren gestattet. Kleidung: Bekleidung jeglicher Art ist verboten! Eine Ausnahme bildet das Bedecken von Kopf und Augen. (s.h. Punkt 5) Technische Geräte: Technische Geräte wie Smartphones, Musikplayer und Radios sind nicht...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Maybe Im Gay Chapter 2

After what had happened in the wood I couldn’t get it out of my head. The guy sent me txt msgs now and then, especially at the time I was going to bed; and got me all horny. When I was having a wank I just thought about being sucked off and his fat dick. I was like getting stressed I might be getting gay. I heard older guys at school talking about their girlfriends giving them blow jobs and so maybe I wasn’t, it was just I had a blow job from a bloke instead of a girl. It didn’t really...

2 years ago
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The Infidelity ClubChapter 10

BONNIE Bonnie, like her two companions, was torn. She knew what she was contemplating was, no matter the justification, unfaithfulness. She was also aware of the intense jealousy of her husband Kevin and his, at times, violent temper. Yet when she was around Richard, her heart fluttered and she was transfixed, spirited away to another world where a Prince Charming melted her heart with a smile or compliment. She knew there was no need for working late, at least for the material Richard had...

2 years ago
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The leadup to a first experience

I'm a co-owner of a small company that makes promotional items. Things like coasters, mugs, hats... all sorts. We manufacture for companies that sell on to corporations. Keith is my partner.We have to travel a lot for the business. Trade-shows all over the country. Ever since the start-up we've been struggling to make a profit so we've cut costs wherever we can. Like sharing a hotel room when we're on the road. Twin-beds, of course. That was working out fine until our assistant screwed up and...

4 years ago
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Older man fantasy

I had been speaking with Michael for about 2 weeks on Fab. He explained his wife Cathriona had told him how her fantasy started about 26 years ago when she was still in college and living in a small cramped student flat.She couldn't pay her rent and her landlord had phoned her demanding payment which she didn't have.He lived in the flat above and said he would drop down, and if she didn't have it he would start throwing out her belongings there and then.You wouldn't get away with that today ,...

4 years ago
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Bravo ForceChapter 27 Time off

In their campsite deep in the foothills, Pru woke and looked out over a small oasis, complete with date palms and a pool of clear water fed by a spring that trailed off as a rill into the distance, feeding a marsh with a stand of reeds where several water birds were feeding. She sat up as Terry roused beside her, reaching to run a finger down her spine. Her senses responded to his ardor. After a satisfying morning tussle, they walked, hand in hand, to the pool and plunged in. Whooping and...

3 years ago
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Giving Back

Tim and I had been living selfish, self-centered lives for a long time. Yes, we had found sexual satisfaction and bliss in each other's arms, but what about the rest of the world? What about them? We looked around every day and saw bored, frustrated, unhappy men and women. We knew it was because they weren't getting off, but how could we help? After all, we were just ordinary people. Just one little couple. Nothing special. We felt helpless and decided we wanted to make a difference. And...

1 year ago
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LivingWithAPornstar Joana Rios S02E03 The Adventures of Potro and Pony

Pony de Bilbao gets together with his friend Alberto to play the role of two crazy-as-fuck private detectives. Their first client is the super-hot Joana Rios, who lost a very expensive ring and is desperate for their help. Joana’s ass is able to contain, among other things, a cigarette lighter, a huge necklace, and a lemon. Will they be able to find the ring they’re looking for? Well, maybe they’ll have to fuck their horny client first and then, if they find the time, may...

3 years ago
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My Small Cock Part One

When I was growing up, I knew I would never have a large penis. My older and stronger brother had one, but I didn’t. My brother always k**ded me. If I got married, he told me, I could use his to fuck her, because she would never feel mine.This only got worse when I was 13. We had slept in the same bedroom, but in separate beds all our lives. One night I woke up with him standing over me, his pajama bottom pulled down, stroking his large penis. Just as I woke, he shot a hot creamy jet of his cum...

2 years ago
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Run AwayChapter 6

It happened again. The war had been officially declared over. Almost everyone had let out a big breath waiting for the world to get back to normal. Bob came riding into the farm yard hollering that the town was under attack. I saddled the roan with both rifles and my new shotgun, with enough ammunition to start my own war. Tia came from the house with her Henry, and her pistol on a belt. She told me to saddle her black beauty. I signed about our son, and she said that Patty had him. I told...

3 years ago
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Mother Is That You

Fifteen can be a very awkward age for a boy. I mean at that age your hormones suddenly leap into overdrive and sex becomes extremely important. Sex, but not the having of it. Sigh, how is a young man supposed to deal with the constant erections? He does what most young boys do; jerk off. Seldom does a day pass that I don't whack off at least twice and occasionally three times. Of course, in order to make it three times I have to be aroused. And I'm not ashamed to admit the reason for such...

3 years ago
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My BBW Landlady

To say that I’m a nerd would be an understatement, but here I was a 27 year old male, in a government department and still Virgo intacto. Its not that the opportunity hadn’t presented itself, it’s just that I was too stupid to recognise it. Francis was a 39 year old divorcee who was my boss and my landlady as I stayed next to her garage. She was blond with green eyes, a big woman, she had big proportions except for her boobs which were a C cup at the most. She had an air of sexuality about her...

2 years ago
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My friends make my mom their slave interracial s

This is Karan, hi, I want to share an erotic story of my mom. She is fair in colour having big and tight boobs of size 38, she has big butt and thin waist as her waist size is 80 cm. She looks very hot and seductive as her height is of 5ft. After my dad left her we went to my uncle’s friend’s house in Cairo in Africa. We live in his farm house and we pay rent for it. My mom generally wears salwar at home in which she looks like early 18 but her age is 37. She is a teacher in my school and every...

3 years ago
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Ambush at Willow RunChapter 10

I had to think about just how I was going to take out the three galoots I was tied up with. They all knew where I was, so there was no chance of sneaking up on them. I was probably a better shot than any of them, but that doesn't always count for much in this kind of fight. My big problem was being shot by one while I was concentrating on another one. My first order of business was to shift to another tree before they surrounded this one. I slipped back until I was well away from my...

4 years ago
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A Lovely Memory With A BBW In Bangalore

Hey guys, this is Pavan.. As always happy going and ever energetic guy working in Bangalore with a reputed MNC. Thanks for the feedback for my previous 2 stories. This time I’m gonna narrate a different experience I had with a bbw whom I met through a social networking site. She was not too sexy and not too beautiful but her heart and the romantic nature bowled me out.. She was super hot and horny in the bed which led to a wonderful sex between us. Coming to the story.. 2 years back I was just...

3 years ago
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First Kiss 2 ndash Fuffy 2

B.t.V.S. - First Kiss 2 – Fuffy #2Buffy looked down at the body of the other Slayer, the only one who could ever understand what it was like, could ever understand Buffy. There had always been a bond there, ever since Faith first showed up in Sunnydale. She'd been here for months before going off the deep end and joining the Mayor, but it felt as though they only just met the day before. They hadn't had enough time.Not enough time for Buffy to admit how she felt.She'd finally made up her mind...

3 years ago
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Betting On My FamilyChapter 8 A Turning of Tables

I woke up the next morning feeling very confused. Initially, I was jubilant, hazily recollecting Katie’s handjob abilities, but when I hazarded a look in her direction, she wasn’t there. Curious. It wasn’t entirely unusual, though; Katie was an early riser. I stretched my back and pulled away the sheet, only to realize that I was once again wearing boxers. Huh. Curious and curiouser. I hadn’t remembered putting them back on after Katie caressed me down but I supposed that people did strange...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveAnal Nova Cane Have You Ever Tried The Real Thing

Nova Cane is a classic horny blonde teen. As soon as she gets a moment alone, she plays with her body like its a wonderland. She sticks toys in her holes and changes positions like she just cannot get enough of her own sexuality. So, when our stud shows up and sees that there is a bejeweled buttplug in Novas tight teen ass, he understands exactly what kind of girl she is. He pulls out his throbbing prick and sticks it in her sweet, young hole. He pounds her hard and she squeals in pleasure,...

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Follow UpChapter 5 Maureen

Bob Lacy was back from Korea and in law school for one month when he received a letter that had an APO return address. He opened it and was surprised to find that it was from Maureen, a girl he had known intimately in Korea. She was the Red Cross girl he had a great time with, just before he shipped back to the States. In opening the letter he caught the scent of her perfume on it. It brought back memories of a wild night they had in Seoul. She stated in the letter that her time in Korea was...

1 year ago
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My Friends Mum

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am 19 years old and I have know my mate for 18 years. There is'nt one thing i would do for him, an there is not one thing he would do for me. Ever since i turned about 18 i started to notice that my friends mum was actually quite nice looking. I'd say bout 5ft 5, slim, strawberry hair and one great ass. As i got older these feelings became stronger and i use dream about all the things i would love to do to her. But as i said all these were dreams...

4 years ago
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Kiara ki Chudai 8211 Part 2 Kutte aur kutiya ki chudai

Hello dosto, mera naam hai Kiara. Main mixed race hun. Mere dad American Diplomate the aur meri maa Indian. Meri umar 44 hai. Main ab Australia mein rehti hun. Lekin meri kafi life India mein spend hui hai. Mere filhaal 18 bachche hai. Yeh kahani main se post kar rahi hun. Ab kahani par aate hai. Zafar ki randi bane hue mujhe kareeb 2 mahine ho gaye the. Uss beech Qasim, Viju, aur Baku ne mujhe roz choda. Zafar aur Ravindar bhi kabhi-kabhi aaya karte the. Un 2 mahino mein mujhe 7 baar client...

3 years ago
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House Wife Trapped 8211 Part III

By : Lakshmisuresh I am lakshmi this was my third part of my story. I came to portion after ramesh fucked and I cant sleep in the night and I was thinking about what he can do for this one week at 9AM in morning the door bell is rang I know it was ramesh came for the breakfast but if it is not ramesh it will be big trouble for me so I went I did not undress myself and open the door. It ramesh he was standing only with towel he asked why you are wearing saree then I said if some else then you...

4 years ago
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Sister in law I want to fuck Part 5

Characters Jane Sister in law, Rod Jane's man, Joe me Jane's bro in law, Dave photographer, Angela Dave's wife, ( not in this partBank Manager, Dan solicitor, Jim business owner, Mary wife of Mark, Mark business owner.)If you haven't read earlier versions of Sister in law I want to fuck you might enjoy it more if you go the start and read each part in order. But you might be like me and pick things up quickly lol.About two weeks after Mr Japan was in town, Jane got a call from Angela. “I'm...

3 years ago
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Lost Empire 31

"Is anything wrong Shelby?" Derrick asked after hearing the hesitation in Shelby's voice. "No, it's not so much as anything is wrong though I do have a question." Shelby again hesitantly said. "You know that you can ask me anything Shelby." Derrick informed her. "I was wondering, now that almost all of the boxes we found are regenerated. The time is almost upon us for Lucy's return. Derrick, she risked so much for you, I believe she would do everything she could for you....

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My Black Alpha Bull Master GOD and Owner takes pos

Master and I had been talking for some time on the internet getting acquainted. He said he was straight but said he wanted to try it with a male bitch at least once and that he had some Gay and Bi Black Bull Master friends that wanted to be with a white male slave. He said that He would make sure that when He was finished breaking me in that there wouldn’t be any marks or bruises that would show or cause people to ask questions but that I would know my place and what I was when I left. We had...

2 years ago
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More than a LodgerPart 5

It was the end of a lazy Sunday morning, and Laura was just about to leave and visit Jenny for some real fucking. Laura usually saw Jenny about once a month and it was generally on a Sunday. It just happened to have been so soon after the wonderful orgy that had happened last night.Jerry was out playing golf and Amanda had to catch the train back to London where she lived and worked. Laura offered to take Amanda to the train station on her way to Jenny’s. As they left, Laura looked back at Tom...

4 years ago
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Home convalescence part 2

Jacky (my neighbour) had popped in a few times each day, although she made no mention of the hand job she gave me on my first day out of hospital. Her sixteen year old daughter, Jo, on the other hand had given me the pleasure of a blow job or hand job each time she visited.With luck this was to be my last day confined to bed and Jo called in after school wearing her uniform. She came skipping into my bedroom with her school blouse unbuttoned to the waist and her skirt waist rolled up making the...

2 years ago
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Sarafina Match

At last! I think I just didn't want to finish the story. What do you do when you know you've done a good job; drawn characters that you want to live; created a story that you don't want to end? And then, with it starting so well, can the finish ever live up to the expectation? I always knew it would end this way, the story was always drawn out this way, but so many times I wanted to change it. Still, finally, I got it down, and hopefully the way it needs to be. I hope you find...

3 years ago
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My Friend Surprises Me

Hi this is Arjun again today I like share something different happened in my life when I am doing my college. So when I am doing my college I have one girl friend who looks ok type and her friend she looks wow in a different way which I found after fucked her. Her name is ramya who looks so lean and skinny. She is 5.5″ tall 20b cup boobs with 26 hip so she looks so lean and looks like weak girl with short hair up to her shoulders. But she always show herself so good in wearing good salwar with...

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Youve Been on My Mind

   Since meeting you I can't seem to get you out of my head, but I certainly don't mind. I like thinking about you and how it would feel to be in your arms. Lying alone in my bed, with the lights dimmed, I let my mind wander through all my fantasies of you and create new ones. I want you here with me so badly, to touch your face, smell your scent, taste your skin. Closing my eyes, I can feel you lying down next to me, your warm body close against mine. Your hand slides along my side, brushing...

Straight Sex
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The Warrior Caught by FlowersChapter 10 An Important Question

When Eigis came back he immediately felt a sense of forbidding. The demon’s eyes were bright with hunger, and he moved quickly, scooping up the canister and circling around to stand behind Hiryu in the space of a breath. The young warrior gritted his teeth in disgust, hands clenching into helpless fists, as the demon’s warm wet tongue licked the back of his neck. “I’m glad you used the cream,” Eigis whispered. “Oh, and I forgot to mention, it’s made to make you smell really...

4 years ago
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Working For The FBI

He's standing there, looking me in the eyes, sniffing my panties in his one hand, the other one still holding a bloody knife. I feel the burning of the wounds he inflicted on me, a cross going above my belly button all the way to my breasts carved with the very knife he's holding. I can't even scream... *BEEP BEEP BEEP* For the first time in a long period of time I open my eyes, happy to wake up to my alarm. What has become of me. This psycho has gotten under my skin without me even seeing him....

3 years ago
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Reunited Ch 03

Author Note: Wow, people do NOT like waiting! Sorry y’all, but I am a graduate student, so school comes first. I would absolutely love to spend all day writing and get paid for it, but I’m nowhere near practiced/talented enough for that. However! Don’t fret too much.  I have several chapters finished and reread/edited for continuity (though I do make mistakes, so please forgive any glaring errors and feel free to call them to my attention so I can fix them), so I’ll try to post and keep...

2 years ago
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Swim Team SpiritChapter 17 Remembering

Sunday Later There were a few things Janelle wanted to do immediately. She would have adored showing Bob what true love really felt like, but that would remind him that she was gone, and the memory would hurt him; and she had sworn to herself she would not hurt him any more. She needed to explain to Cutie that there was a difference between sex and love. She also hoped she could talk with her brothers and help them understand that the desires they were feeling were strong, but could be even...

4 years ago
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Skool Daze

The metallic scream of the bell heralded yet another hour of torment for Nicholas Wellings. It was 10 o’clock Tuesday morning and time for another 60 minutes of mind destroying mathematics. The very mention of the word arithmetic sent a wave of nausea through Wellings’ stomach. Within the confines of the maths room his body co-ordination seemed to leave him, his very thoughts became disjointed, chaotic. Such was the extent of fear this subject instilled within him. The very idea of being...

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The Wedding

THE WEDDING BY JANICE In my mailbox that day I found an envelope from Karol. She used to be Carol but she moved to California and became one of the in crowd, now she is Karol. It was a wedding invitation. She was getting married to her life partner, Rose. I knew Rose and liked her, so I was happy that they were getting married. The only thing that would make me happier would be if she were marrying me. The...

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The Tournament 01 The Reincarnate

Copyright 2012 Nora Quick Author’s Note: This is the first of 10 stories set in the future after World War III. They are very short (8-10 pages double spaced in MS Word each), non-erotic, and follow a few POVs. It deals with polytheism heavily and there is a lot of violence and fighting. I hope you enjoy these stories, they are being developed into another project soon. As always, I welcome comments and feedback. ___________________________ You would think that after almost three thousand...

2 years ago
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A Is for Airport Security

Jim was in a rush, otherwise he's never have made this mistake. A world traveller on both business and pleasure, James Aquiline VI was well aware of all the security protocols in a dozen countries and certainly within the U.S.A. So when he arrived Friday night at the Atlanta International Airport, he was prepared for standard procedures. Still, the great-great-great grandson of the Earl of Aquiline was a bit nervous as he approached the Delta Self-service check-in, not because he had any...

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The Lesson

Julie walked down the hallway as Nicki stepped out of the bathroom from getting a shower. She was glad that Nicki had decided to stay the night. It meant that she would be able to progress to the next level in her training with AJ smoothly. Julie noticed Nicki had chosen the smallest towel to wrap herself in, undoubtedly trying to entice her for an early morning romp. Fun would have to wait until they worked into Julie’s plans. Showing only a small smile, Julie told her, “I’ll go get breakfast...

2 years ago
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My real first time playing a girl

Let me start with a little back story of how all this started. Me and wife had been together since high school. When we would have sex it wasn't uncommon for my wife to stick a finger or two in my ass. At first it felt weird, uncomfortable and hurt a little. But after a while I just said screw it, she let's me play with her ass so she can play with mine. Eventually it became the only way I wanted to have sex, and I wanted it harder every time. Unfortunately me and my wife split when were 23. We...

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A Night Out

A deviant smile spread across Lynn’s face as she reached under the table, wrapping her tiny hand around the teased hard cock in Thomas’ pants. He had treated her with a surprise that night, taking her for the first time to the Hard Rock Casino, and so far she was quite shocked by how much fun she was having. He had only told her they were going out to eat, and to dress as sexy as possible. He left the destination a secret until they had stepped into the elevator from the parking garage. She...

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Mrs Denvers Parent Discipline Scheme

Part 1 Sally Denver , the 45-year-old Headmistress, was in her Study when the buzzer sounded. She looked at her watch. It was 2.30 pm so they were right on time. Sally pressed the button of the intercom. “Yes?” she asked sternly. Her Secretary, 25 year old Charlotte , replied, “ Mrs Carson and Emma are both here, Mrs Denver.” “Send them in please,” Mrs Denver ordered in her strict tone of voice that students knew to fear. Mrs Denver watched sombrely as 36-year-old Mrs Elizabeth Carson...

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Skipper Chapter 8

Skipper Chapter 8. We bid farewell to Sandie after lunch. The children were sorry to see her go and tears flowed profusely on all side. She promised them that she would be down for Christmas and this cheered them up a little but it was a subdued household that watched her car disappear down the lane. The children returned to the horses with Sian whilst Margaret and I fell to chatting and reading the papers in the drawing room. "Beverly, I've been thinking." "Oh. Go on," I...

3 years ago
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The Unsantioned Cum

The Unsanctioned Cumby Lewis Chappelle(a very short story of an honest, if impetuous, slave girl)Master was away from the house and hadn’t contacted me in days. My libido had not  been a bit dampened by his absence. My thoughts were only about him and how he could easily work me into a submissive, erotic, frenzy if he would only call, and give me permission to cum.I looked in my toy box and my cunt instantly got wetter. My trusty blindfold, bullet vibrator and soft, flesh toned, cock beckoned,...

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Alexa Chapter 9 Thanksgiving Fun

Alexa Chapter 9: Thanksgiving Fun? Following the dinner with my parents, my need to be Alexa grew even more. It was like I was giving my father the middle finger every day as I get dressed. Each day that I continued, Alex became less of a figure around campus, and when he was around he was now an androgynous figure not a typical college guy as I had been in the past. He would occasionally show up for work, but I had begun thinking of him as someone else. I was Alexa in both mind...

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Rebecca only knew that she’d been sold. She had no idea who had purchased her or what they had in mind. She had her suspicions of course. If it was her company, the one she’d embezzled, her life would hardly be worth living anymore. If it were a man, she could expect to be debased and used, unable to claim rape or assault. If it were a woman who had paid for her, she may as well slit her wrists with the sharp edge of a piece of paper now. Rebecca knew how women could be. Once off the podium,...

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Lessons with Stepmom Ch 3 Something More for Us

“Where did you have in mind?” “I don’t know, but we’ll make it a short trip, we can pack light. “How light?” She sounded tentative. “Meet me in your lobby, we can leave your car there and I’ll drop you off when we get back.” “Wow, just like that?” “There’s nothing we can’t do without, or that we can’t get later. Like I said that one time, 'We're young, we got our wheels and plastic on our hip, what else would we need?'" I could almost see her smile at the memory those words brought...

2 years ago
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Going HomeChapter 5

Epilogue By the end of that fateful weekend, the organization known as FRAGTD aka Feminist Rights Are Going To Dominate, ceased to exist. The members of the organization mo longer cared about their former version of feminist rights, but instead, decided to live a life more dedicated to pleasure in all its forms instead. Many of them had taken, or had been taken as lovers, playthings and/or sex slaves by many of the people present. All of the "rebels" present took in and "adopted" at...

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Secrets of the Tea Room Ch 07

I wondered what this story could possibly have to do with the Tea Room, until she continued. ‘Aameenah was already instilled in the Sultan’s harem in 1153 when Eleanor of Aquitane followed her husband Phillip, King of France, on his crusade to the Holy Land. Eleanor was a rare woman. She had money, titles and land of her own. She was bright, strong willed and even by today’s standards, Eleanor would be considered a forward thinker. She detested Phillip. He was a religious fanatic, weak and...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Sofi Ryan Sensual Couples Massage

Sofi Ryan and her boyfriend Oliver Flynn have a lovely afternoon planned together. They start things out in bed, with Sofi delectably naked and Oliver wearing only his briefs. After Oliver indulges himself in caressing all of Sofi’s lovely curves, he reaches out to grab some massage oil and really get their party started. Covering Sofi’s incredible breasts in oil, Oliver goes to work rubbing those sweater puppies down to ensure that every inch is slick and glistening. Setting the...

4 years ago
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Sally the Welder

I was just finishing the weld when the whistle blew. But there were still 4 more inches to go, so I bit my lower lip and continued along the bead, knowing that it had to be absolutely perfect. People were counting on me after all.I finally finished it, and turned off the torch, lifting up my face shield and looking at it with my bare eyes. No bubbling, no carbonization, it looked perfect. I smiled and looked a second time, still perfect. “Hmmmm, that looks perfect Sally!” came the voice from...

2 years ago
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Donal Ch 03

Cracks and hisses came from the roaring fire as Donal’ sat leaning back against the side of the hearth. He had spent another uneventful day waiting for the night to come and Mhari to appear. He watched her run her tongue over her lips, concentration on her face. She held up a hand and ran her thumb over the tips of her fingers. Satisfied with the result she looked down to her breasts and her brow furrowed as she concentrated. Her breasts started to swell and fill out. A satisfied smile lit up...

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cuckold wife ritu fucked in ass by me infront of h

The sound of movement awoke me from my slumber.I saw Akhil sitting naked on the chair smiling at me.The smell of sex filled the room.I could feel the warmth of Ritu's gorgeous body next to mine in the spoons position, but what was even better was I could feel a warm moist fleshy sensation enveloping my morning stiffy.Had I really slept all night with my cock inside Ritu's ass?The evidence would suggest I had!Ritu was rotating her hips slowly, fucking my cock softly and gently.Her hands reached...

2 years ago
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SkinChapter 2

Brooke was a fiery redhead, with bright green eyes and a light dusting of freckles across her upper chest. Unlike Gail, she actually took me to her bedroom before pushing me back onto her bed and undressing me. She obviously had more experience than Gail, as she climbed on top of me and sank all the way down my cock in a slow motion. She was able to get all the way without too much discomfort, but when I reached up to caress her tits, she grabbed my wrists and prevented me. "Those aren't...

2 years ago
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Humilatrons Anthology

Everyone loves a good humiliation story, at least I assume you do if you're on this site. But some stories are simply too short to stand on their own, but still deserve to be told. This story is dedicated to sharing all of those stories from me. This will have a collection of characters with different scenarios some longer than others. All of these will be written by me, so the story will be Private. The stories may change perspectives although will mostly be either first person or third...

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