Nurul Jilbabers free porn video

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Namaku Arif, aku bekerja di sebuah kantor BUMN. Aku sudah menikah selama 3 tahun dengan istriku. Walau kami belum dikaruniai anak, kami sangat bahagia karena istriku adalah orang yang pandai sekali menyenagkan suami. Sepertinya tidak ada habisnya sensasi, gaya, dan teknik yang istriku peragakan setiap kami bergumul di ranjang. Aku 7 tahun lebih tua dari istriku yang kini berusia 28 tahun. Beberapa waktu lalu, rumah kami semakin berwarna ketika adik bungsu istriku yang kuliah kedokteran di salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri tengah menjalankan Koass di salah satu Rumah Sakit negeri yang kebetulan berada dekat dengan rumah kami. Umurnya masih sangat muda sekitar 22 tahun, dia termasuk mahasiswi yang cerdas karena dapat menuntaskan studi tepat pada waktunya. Jika dilihat dari wajahnya, dia lebih cantik dari istriku, ditambah wajahnya yang teduh dan keibuan. Walaupun tubuhnya aku taksir tidak sebagus tubuh istriku tapi masih diatas rata- rata wanita pada umumnya. Perbedaan lainnya, jka istriku senang berpakaian seksi dan menarik lawan jeNurnya, apalagi ditunjang dengan tubuh yang sangat aduhai. Adik dari istriku ini malah sebaliknya, dia menutupi kecantikannya dengan pakaian yang sangat longgar dan jilbab yang lebar. DItambah manset dan kaus kaki sehingga aku hanya bisa melihat wajahnya yang putih bersih dan telapak tangannya. Bahkan setiap aku ada di rumah dia tidak melepaskan jilbab dan kaoskakinya walau barang sebentar. Naman gadis cantik itu adalah Nurul. Kami lalui hari dengan wajar, aku bisa berangkat terlebih dahulu dengan mengantarkan istriku ke kantornya. Sedangkan Nurul terbiasa berangkat terakhir karena letak Rumah Sakit yang tidak terlalu jauh dari rumah kami. Walau dalam hati aku menyimpan ketertarikan pada Nurul. Aku semakin bergairah ketika melihat tingkahnya yang sopan, murah senyum, dan lenggok pinggulnya ketika berjalan walau aku yakin bukan maksud dia untuk melakukan itu. Inner beauty yang terpancar ditambah bakat kecantikan den kemolekan tubuhnya selalu ia jaga dengan baik. Katanya hanya untuk suaminya saja, bahkan dia tidak mau pacaran walau saya yakin pasti banyak laki-laki yang menginginkannya. Jilbabnya yang lebar itu tidak dapat menutupi lekukan dadanya yang membusung. Jika istriku berukuran 38 B aku taksir besar tetek adik istriku itu sekitar 36 B. Tingginya yang semampai hampir mencapai 165 cm ditunjang tubuh yang tidak kurus juga tidak gemuk membuat mata laki-laki manapun pasti akan terkesima. Apalagi jika dirumah aku sering melihatnya hanya menggunakan daster saja walau wajah dan kakinya tidak dapat aku lihat, tapi aku dapat membayangkan bagaimana tubuhnya. Terkadang ketika aku bergumul dengan istriku aku membayangkan sedang melakukan dengan Nurul, sikapnya yang tertutup pada laki-laki dan selalu menutup tubuhnya semakin membuatku penasaran. Hanya saja aku masih menghargainya sebagai adik dari istriku, dan sikapnya yang menjaga diri. Gayanya dan sikapnya yang renyah membuat siapapun jadi tidak sungkan untuk mengenalnya lebih dekat denganna walau ia tetap menjaga jarak. Suatu hari, sepulang kantor aku membuka DVD Blue Film yang baru aku pinjam dari teman kantorku, Blue Film yang aku tonton degan menggunakan komputer cukup bagus dimana Film tersebut tidak terlalu vulgar dan seronok yang membuat orang jijik. Itu membangkitkan gairahku, kudekati istriku yang sedang menonton tivi di ruang tengah, aku mulai mencumbunya dan dia pun membalas cumbuanku, tiba-tiba ku dengar pindu depan terbuka, pasti Nurul gumamku. “Tumben jam 9 baru datang Nur?” Tanya istriku, “Iya mbak, tadi praktik bedah dulu. O ya mas, boleh kan aku pakai ruang kerjanya, aku mau buat laporan” lanjut Nurul. “Silahkan aja, pakai sebabasnya dan jangan canggung disini” ujarku sambil menahan birahi yang baru saja naik. “Terima kasih ya mas” ucapnya. Setelah Nurul masuk kamar kamipun segera melanjutkan kegiatan kami dan pindah ke dalam kamar kami. Pergumulanpun semain seru karena istriku mulai mengeluarkan jurus- jurus barunya. Tapi tidak perlu ku ceritakan karena bukan ini inti cerita yang akan aku ceritakan. Setelah kami puas kamipun tertidur. Aku terbangun sekitar pukul 1 dini hari, kulihat istriku masih terlelap kelelahan tanpa sehelai benangpun disebelahku. Aku keluar kamar untuk mengambil air minum dan memeriksa kondisi rumah. Kulihat sekilas Nurul masih di ruang kerjaku dan masih di depan komputer, setelah kupastikan semua pintu terkunci dan aku mengambil segelas air. Aku mulai perhatikan Nurul yang tampaknya tidak mengetahui keberadaanku. Aku puji kecantikanya dalam hati. matanya yang lentik, bibirnya yang tipis dan menawan. Namun…tiba-tiba aku melihat sesuatu yang ganjil. Mata Nurul masih memandangi layar komputer saat itu, tapi tangannya mulai menyusup dibalik jilbabnya. Dari pergerakan tangan yang tertutup jilbabnya itu aku tahu apa yang dia lakukan. Dia meremas-remas teteknya sendiri, ku lihat matanya setengah terpejam bibirnya terbuka. mungkin dia sedang merasakan sensasi yang baru dia rasakan. “mhh.. uuhhhmmm… aaahhh….” ku dengar desahan samar dari mulutnya, aku segera bergegas ke kamar untuk mengambil Handhone ku dan segera merekam kejadian langka ini. Tangan kanan Nurul masih terus meraba teteknya, kini rabaannya kian keras dan bersemangat dan tidak hanya itu aku lihat sepintas tangannya melepas kancing daster bagian atasnya, dan aku yakin dia memasukkan tangannya ke dalam teteknya. Kejadian itu terus aku rekam. Sesekali Nurul melengguh “uuhh …aahhh… mhh… ..oohh…” matanya terus terpejam, bibir bawahnya dia gigit, terkadang kepalanya tergeleng ke kanan dan ke kiri. Ternyata tidak selesai disitu, tangan kirinya mulai menuju ke selangkangannya, dia meraba memeknya sendiri dari luar dasternya. ku lihat jari tengahnya terus menggosok bagian tengah memeknya, aku zoom kamera HPku, dan melihat secara close up apa yang sedang dia lakukan. Nurul mulai menarik dasternya ke atas, walau masih menggunkan kaus kaki mulai terlihat betis atasnya yang sangat putih, sedikit-demi sedikit daster tersebut tertarik ke atas oleh tangan kiri Nurul. Pahanya yang putih mulus mulai tersingkap, kontolku mulai tegang melihat pemandangan iu. Sampai akhirnya tangannya berhenti ketika daster mulai sampai di bagian perutnya. Dan terpampanglah celana dalam Nurul yang berwarna putih. Tangan kiri Nurul terus bergerak masuk ke dalam celana dalamnya. Ku lihat tangannya terus bergerak-gerak diantara selangkangannya. Desahannya semakin menjadi, rangsangan yang sungguh hebat membuat dia tidak merasakan keberadaanku. “Auuuuww… oohh… .ahhh… .eehhhmmm… yyaaahhh ” racaunya. Sungguh pemandangan yang belum pernah aku lihat seorang wanita berjilbab yang tengah bermasturbasi tanpa melepaskan jilbabnya. Dulu saat kuliah aku pernah mengintip anak ibu kosku yang melakukan itu, tapi itu kurang menantang karena anak ibu kos ku itu sering mengumbar auratnya dan punya affair dengan salah satu teman kosku. Tapi ini pemandangan yang berbeda dan sungguh luar biasa. Gerakan tangan kiri Nurul di memeknya semakin cepat, dan remasan tangan kanan di teteknya semakin kuat. Ingin rasanya aku membantunya, tapi masih sibuk merekam dengan kamera handphoneku. Sesaat kemudian aku lihat dia mulai menghentikan aktifitasnya, nafasnya naik turun teratur, matanya masih terpejam, tapi aku tidak tahu apakah dia telah mencapai puncak kenikamatan atau belum karena aku tidak mendengar jeritan yang biasanya menjadi ciri wanita saat orgasme. Sebelum dia sadar aku segera bergegas menuju kamarku, dan mulai mereview kembali dari HPku apa yang baru aku saksikan tadi. Tanpa sadar aku melakukannya sambil beronani, sampai orgasme beberapa kali. Aku baru menyadari DVD Blue Film yang baru aku pinjam tadi, ternyata masih tertinggal dalam komputerku, aku yakin tadi tanpa atau dengan sengaja dia melihatnya. Aku yakin karena dalam DVD itu ada adegan wanita yang melakukan masturbasi, mungkin dia mengikutinya. Keesokan paginya, semua sepertinya biasa dan nampak wajar, istriku masih sibuk berdandan, maklum dandannya bisa sampai 2 jam sendiri. Aku memulai sarapan tanpa menunggu istriku, kemudian ku lihat Nurul sudah rapih dan keluar dari kamarnya. Dia sangat cantik dengan dandanannya yang sederhana, hanya berbalut bedak tipis dan lip glose seperlunya. Tapi ini adalah pemandangan fantastis, wanita yang apa adanya aku lihat menjadi jauh lebih cantik dibandngkan yang ber- make up. Jilbab warna pink dipadu kemeja putih dan rok panjang warna senada dengan jilbabnya membuat dia semakin cantik. Diapun tanpa merasakan apapun memulai sarapan paginya. Aku membuka obrolan pagi itu “Gimana Nur? laporannya selesai semalam?”, “Sudah selesai mas, terima kasih ya ruangan dan komputernya” katanya tenang. “Ngerjain laporan atau ngerjain yang lainnya?” sindirku, Nurul langsung terdiam dan menghentikan kegiatannya yang sedang mengambil nasi dari rice cooker. Wajah putihnya mulai bersemu merah, mungkin dia mulai menyadari aku melihat apa yang dilakukannya. “Tenang saja, kita kan sama- sama dewasa, tahu sama tahu lah dan aku pun tidak akan ceritakan ini ke kakakmu” ujarku sambil ku perlihatkan hasil rekaman di HPku. Wajah Nurul semakin tegang, keringat mulai membasahi wajahnya, tak sepatah katapun keluar dari mulutnya, aku tahu dia sedang bingung, malu, dan mungkin takut juga. “Mungkin lain kali kalu mau jangan sendiri, aku siap membantu kamu sampai kamu puas” Bisikku. Tanpa menjawab dia langsung beranjak dari kursinya dan menyambar tasnya, tanpa mengucapkan sepatah katapun, yang aku tahu matanya yang berbicara, matanya nampak mulai penuh dibasahi air mata yang hendak meloncat keluar. Malamnya, aku berlaku seperti biasa seperti tidak terjadi apapun. Sedangkan Nurul seperti agak sungkan dan kaku setiap bertemu denganku. “Pah, tidur yuk, mamah dah ngantuk banget nich”, “Ya sudah tidur aja dulu, nanti papah menyusul”. Setelah kulihat istriku sudah tertidur lelap, aku beranikan diri mendekati kamar Nurul, yang nampaknya masih menyala terang, sepertinya dia masih belajar. Tok… tok… tok… aku mengetuk pintu kamarnya. “Siapa?” sahutnya dari dalam, saat dia buka pintu kamarnya, aku segera mendorong pintu itu sehingga Nurul agak tersungkur kebelakang. Aku kunci dari dalam pintu kamarnya, “Mass… .mas mau apa? keluar dari kamarku”, “Kamarmu? apa kamu lupa kamu tinggal dimana?” sahutku agak tinggi, dia terdiam. “Kamu mau videomu tersebar kemana-mana? bahkan wajahmu close up di video itu, semua orang akan melihat apa yang kamu lakukan”, “A …apa mau mas?” ucapnya terbata. “Aku hanya mau kamu memuaskanku malam ini…”, “Ja… jangan mas, aku masih perawan, aku lakukan apa saja asal bukan melakukan itu”, “Buka!” perintahku ketika kontolku tepat berada di hadapan wajahnya. Dia mulai membuka celana pendek yang aku kenakan sampai ke lutut, Nurul agak terperangah meihat kontolku yang mulai tegang dan begitu menonjol seakan celana dalamku tidak sanggup memuatnya. Dengan bergetar tangannya menurunkan celana dalamku dan kemudian menurunkannya hingga ke lutut. Tampak kini dihadapannya kontolku yang telah tegak mengacung bagaikan sebuah tombak yang siap dihujamkan. Tampak ragu dia meraih kontolku dengan sambil menundukkan kepalanya. Akupun meraih tangannya yang halus, dan menyentuhkannya ke kontolku, rasanya sangat nyaman, dimana kulit lembutnya menyentuh kontolku yang sudah mengeras, kokoh, otot-otot yang keluar menambah kesan sangar. Wajahnya tertunduk dan mulai tersedu, tapi aku tak menghiraukan, aku maju mundurkan tangannya, sampai beberapa saat aku tak perlu menuntunna karena tangannya sudah faham apa yang harus dilakukannya. Nurul pun mulai berani menaikkan wajahnya dan menatap kontolku. Tak berapa saat aku merasakan sesuatu yang ingin melesak dari dalam tubuhku, sampai akhirnya…”aahh …..” aku melengguh disertai keluarnya sperma dari kontolku. “aaaauuwww ….” Nurul tersentak kaget ketika spermaku keluar. Karena dia berada tepat didepan kontolku, muncratan spermaku mengenai wajahnya, matanya, hidungnya, bibirnya dan sebagian lagi ke jilbabnya. Aku tersenyum puas lalu ku tinggalkan Nurul yang masih terpaku. Esoknya aku melakukan hal yang sama. kali ini, aku tidak perlu membentak dan memerintahkan, Nurul sudah mengetahui apa yang harus dia lakukan. Walau agak ragu, dia mulai berani menurunkan celanaku sendiri, sampai celana dalamku, dan memulai belaian lembut pada kontolku. dia tidak malu dan canggung seperti kemarin walu masih nampak wajah takut dan terpaksa melakukan itu. Aku memegang tangan kanannya, sambil membiarkan tangan kirinya tetap menggenggam kontolku yang hampir tak tergenggam tangan mungilnya karena diameternya yang hampir mencapai 7 cm. AKu renggangkan telapak tangannya dan aku tuntun melakukan gerakan mengusap pada ujung kontolku, telapak tangannya mengusap dengan melakukan gerakan memutar di ujung kontolku seperti yang sering istriku lakukan. Hal ini memberiku sensasi yang lebih, apalagi yang melakukan adalah seorang wanita yang polos tentang seks, alim dan selalu berjilbab, menjaga dirinya dan menutupi tubuhnya. suatu sensasi yang sangat luar biasa. Aku kembali mencapai puncak dan memuntahkannya diwajahnya. Kegiatan itu sering kami lakukan tanpa sepengetahuan istriku sampai beberapa waktu lamanya. Pagi ini aku baru sampai dari kantor karena mendapat giliran piket, karena itu siang ini aku mendapat libur. Sampai di rumah suasana wajar setiap pagi seperti yang telah menjadi rutinitas. Istriku sudah siap berangkat ke kantor, dan taksipun telah menunggunya diluar. “Pah aku berangkat dulu ya..” sambil menciumku, tubuhnya indah dibalut blazer ketat dan rok yang sangat pendek, ahh…itu pemandangan biasa. “Mah…sekalian kunci ya pintunya” ujarku, “Nanti saja, Nurul belum berangkat, biar dia saja yang kunci pintu…” ujarnya sambil berlalu. “Hah..Nurul masih di rumah..padahal biasanya dia sudahberangkat pagi- pagi sekali” bisikku. “Kreeekkk… blak” kulihat intu kamar yang dibuka dan kemudian di tutup, ku lihat Nurul mengenakan jilbab warna puti sampai dibawah sikunya, gamis pink warna kesukaannya dan rok puti…manset dan kaos kaki putih pun sudha menghiasi lengan dan kakinya. Dia terperanjt melihatku sudah di dalam, dia langsung menundukkan wajahnya dan bergegas menuju pintu. “Nggak makan dulu Nur?” sahutku memecah keheningan,”Ngga mas..di RS aja, ngga enak sudah telat…” sambil terus menundukan wajahnya dan berlalu. “Eii… ttt…mau kemana?santai dulu di sini”, “Jangan mas…aku udah telat ke RS, nanti residentku marah” sahutnya ketakutan, “Apa peduliku…!”, langsung muncul niat di pikiranku, “Kamu mau video itu tersebar? kamu ingat? kamu tingga di rumah siapa? akan tinggal makan, tidur tinggal tidur…”, wajahnya semakin memerah sangat jelas karena kulitnya yang putih tidak dapat menutupinya. “Kamu juga harus punya pengorbanan…” lalu aku duduk di sofa depan TV yang biasa kami gunakan untuk menonton, aku masih berkemeja lengkap. “sini … duduk didepanku”, dia langsung memahami perintahku, wajahnya masih tertunduk, dan sama sekali tidak melihatku. Tanpa di suruh dia langsung membuka ikat pinggangku, lalu celanaku dan menurunkannya sampai ke mata kaki. Ahh… pemandangan yang sangat tidak ingin aku lewatkan, berdua dengan wanita cantik di rumah, dan yang paling penting, kami tidak melakukannya sembunyi-sembunyi di kamar, tapi di ruang tengah yang sangat luas, aku semakin terobsesi. Tanpa di suruh, Nurul langsung mulai menggerak- gerakkan tangannya mengocok batang kontolku yang mulai tegak. berapa saat kemudia, “berhenti… aku sudah bosan dengan cara itu, ganti dengan cara lain!!”, “Cara gimana mas…aku ngga ngerti” ambil terus tertunduk pasrah. “dengan mulut kamu….sekarang ”, aku lihat tubuhnya merespon dengan sangat terkejut perintahku, hal yang tidak pernah sama sekali dia bayangkan. “semakin lama kamu melakukannya… semakin terlambat sampai RS…”bentakku . Nurul pun mulai menuruti perintahku, didekatkan bibirnya yang mungil itu ke kontolku, ketika bibirnya yang lembut, hangat dan basah oleh lipglose itu menempel ujung kontolku, aku merasakan sensasi yang luar biasa. Cara menciumnya pun sangat aneh, karena dia tidak pernah melakukannya sama sekali, tapi aku biarkan karena di situ seninya, melihat wanita alim yang masih polos melakukan oral sex. Aku tertawa dalam hati, dan menikmati apa yang ada di hadapanku. Mungkin sudah insting, ciumannya mulai mengitari seluruh kontolku, bahkan sesekali dia basahi dengan lidahnya. Dia melakukannya dengan mata yang selalu terpejam, kuberanikan memegang punggungnya, aku rasakan detak jantungnya berdebar sangat keras hingga ke punggung. “ahh… nikmati sekali Nurul sayang… .terus sayang… kulum semuanya… seperti kamu mengulum permen lolipop ketika kamu kecil dulu” ujarku sambil mulai berani mengusap dan membelai jilbabnya. Dengan ragu Nurul memasukkan kontolku ke rongga mulutnya, aku tidak tinggal diam aku segera mendorong kepalanya semakin masuk, sehingga dia tahu apa yang harus dia lakukan… .Tangaku mulai berani menyusup ke balik jilbabnya, dan menemukan sebuah gundukan yang sangatlembut terbalut bra, “mhh… cuma 34B tapi lembut dan indah sekali” desisku. Nurul terperangah, dan langsung tangannya memagang tanganku dan menjauhkannya dari dadanya. “Diam!!!” bentakku. Dia terdiam, dan matanya mulai meneteskan air mata. Lalu tangan kananku memegang bagian belakang kepalanya dan memaju mundurkan kepalanya, sehingga bibirnya yang lembut beradu dengan lapisan kulit kontolku, aku merasakan sensasi yng sangat luar biasa dan tidak pernah aku dapatkan. tangan kiriku kembali bergerilya di teteknya, kali ini tidak ada perlawanan, bahkan ketika aku mulai meremas teteknya yang lembut. Aku merasakan putingnya semakin mengeras, tanda dia mulai terangsang dan menikmatinya. Sampai beberapa saat akhirnya “aaahh… aauuww…” Aku mengejang, dan seketika muncullah sperma hangat dari ujung kemaluanku. Nurul kaget bukan kepalang, dia berusaha mengeluarkan kontolku dari mulutnya, tapi itu sia-sia karena tangan kananku menahannya. Akhirnya spermaku muntah di rongga mulutnya….. dia hanya bisa tergugu dan diam dengan mulut yang masih mengemut kontolku. ketika ku cabut, spermaku meleleh dari bibirnya yang manis, dan diapun memuntahkannya… ahhh… indah sekali. dia langsung berlari ke wastafel untuk memntuahkan apa yang baru ditelannya. dia meludah terus menerus, sambil terus senggukan menahan tangis. Lalu dia pun masuk ke kamar. aku masih menikmati ejakulasi terindah yang pernah aku rasakan, sambil tetap duduk di sofa tengah. Tak berapa lama, Nurul keluar dari kamarnya, dengan jilbab dan gamis yang baru, mungkin karena kusut dan terkena cipratan spermaku. Walaupun tetap dengan wajah menunduk, tai dia mulai berusaha bersikap biasa, dan berani mencairan suasana. “Mas… aku berankat dulu”, “Iya… hati- hati ya… rahasiamu aman denganku”. Malam harinya aku bergumul hebat dengan istriku hingga aku terlelap. Sebenarnya aku ingin sekali segera memiliki buah hati, tapi itu belum terjadi, ya sekarang sih aku puas- puasin dulu dengan istri. Saking terlelapnya aku tidak tahu kapan Nurul datang. Jam 2 dini hari aku terbangun lagi, dan seperti biasanya aku mengambil minum di kulkas. Ku lihat kamar Nurul masih terang, “mhh… rajin sekali belajarnya”, lalu ku ketuk pintu kamarnya, libidoku pun mulai naik lagi. “Nur… buka pintunya” ujarku. “I… iya mas…”, agak lama dia membuka pintunya karena biasanya dia mengenakan jilbabnya dulu sebelum menemuiku. “belum tidur ya?”, “Belum mas, masih ada tugas… mhh… boleh aku pinjam lagi komputernya mas?”, “Tentu saja boleh…tapikamutahu syaratnya bukan?”, dia terdiam…mungkin bingung, dia tahu arah pertanyaanku, tapi dia tidak ingin melakukannya. Mungkin tidak ada pilihan lagi, seketika dia segera menjalankan tugasnya, anehnya kali ini dia sangat buas mengulum kontolku, dia seperti sudah lihai dengan tugasnya, “ah… mungkin dia mencontoh dari DVD BF yang dulu dia tonton di komputerku”, “mulutnya terus membasahi kontolku, terus melakukan gerakan mengurut dan merangsang agar kontolku segera mengeluarkan lahar putihnya. Pemandangan yang luar biasa, dengan daster yang lebar dan mengenakan jilbab kaos putih ang sangat lebar. Dan dia pun hanya diam ketika dua tanganky menyelinap dibalik jilbabnya dan mulai meremas teteknya. Aku perhatikan mukanya mulai memerah, kadang nafasnya tertahan dan mulai memburu. DIa tarangsang…aku yakin sekali, dia juga manusia yang punya hasrat. Sesaat kemdian kontolku mulai bergetar dan segera melesakkan lahar putihnya, Nurul kaget dan spontan mengeluarkan kontolku dari mulutnya, aku tidka dapat menahannya karena tanganku sedang sibuk meremas teteknya. Seketika spermaku menyembur di wajahnya, mengenai matanya, bibirnya, dan pipinya yang merona merah. “Ahhh ….” aku kaget mendengar kata itu keluar dari bibirnya. “bersihkan!” serta merta bibir dan lidahnya membersihkan sperma yang masih menempel di kontolku. Akhirnya, kegiatan ini sering saya lakukan, walaupun tetap aku paksa, namun dia sudah tidak canggung untuk melakukannya. Bahkan, dia semakin lihai agar membuatku segera ejakulasi. Mungkin itu dia dapatkan dari pelajaran di kuliahnya, dia tahu titik rangsang yang paling sensitif.

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Cock Hungry

Christine often went to Edge Play after work on Friday nights. Her job as a legal secretary for a law firm on Wall Street didn't leave much room for self-expression.The cab let her out on 14th street. After a short walk down the block, she stood before a pair of glass doors in a stainless steel frame on an, otherwise, featureless gray stucco building, the entrance to Edge Play._She walked down a short hallway, past a BDSM bookstore on the left and a novelty store on the right, around a corner...

3 years ago
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The Institute Body DoubleChapter 7

I had spent Sunday afternoon in a closed-door session in my mother’s salon chair for the first phase of my makeover. With my wife bearing witness, my shoulder-blade-length sandy blonde hair had been transformed into a huge, layered explosion of Platinum Blonde puffery, worthy of an 80’s rock video. It would require work on my part until the following week, when it could be permed. Then I would be able to wash, dry, fluff and forget. My evil ‘twin’ added two more features right from her own...

2 years ago
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Awakening of DebbieChapter 12 The Hearing

The afternoon heat was again above one hundred degrees as Ted and Debbie arrived at the courthouse. Going directly to the judge's chambers they were met by the judge himself. "I've let my secretary off for a while to keep this meeting confidential." The judge pointed at two chairs in front of his desk and said, "Please come in and sit down, both of you." The judge sat down behind his massive oak desk and clasping his hands together and smiled that smile that brought chills to Debbie....

3 years ago
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Backstage Pass

[Victoria Justice gets a backstage pass to one of Miley's concerts. Things happen in her dressing room...]Victoria smiled happily as she put on the final layer of mascara to her eyelashes, before picking up her lip gloss and applying some on her lips. She twirled around in front of the standing mirror in her room a couple of times, trying to decide if she looked good or not. She was wearing a frilly red top with matching red earrings, and a tight pair of jeans tucked into her long black booths....

4 years ago
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My Mom Gangbanged

hi friends mera naam kaarthick hai or main delhi ka rehne wala hun.meri age 18 saal hai or meri ma ki age 40 saal ki hai.mere dad jab main 10 saal ka tha tabhi gujar gaye the.tabse meri ma ne hi mujhe pala or bada kiya ki death ke baad bhi meri maa ka kisi bhi mard ke sath nazayaaz sambandh nahi reha koi story nahi balki hamare sath ghati sachi ghatna hai hai.maine kabhi apni ma ko buri nazron se nahi dekha.par 1 din sab badal gaya.meri maa bahut hi sexy hai unki figure 36-26-38...

2 years ago
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My sisterinlaw part 2

I froze. I could see the outline of someone outside but could see no details through the frosted glass. I knew whoever was outside would not be able to see in either, but they might notice a movement. So I stood still. Holding the hand rail. One foot on the fifth step and the other on the step below. The doorbell rang again. I stood still, wishing now that I hadn't put the light on. The outline of the visitor suddenly disappeared, but almost immediately the letter-box was pushed open and...

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A Lost Island

The five, black football players were on their way to the Bermuda islands to shoot a commercial when a strange cloud appeared. As the plane flew into the cloud it started to get engine problems and soon the engines had cut out and they were going down. Down on the island two people, a man and a woman stood and watched the strange cloud as something they did not understand fell from the cloud and into the water. As the man and woman looked at the water, two men hit the surface, then three more....

3 years ago
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New PleasuresChapter 11

The last weekend in July was baking and cleaning the club was airless and unbearable. The mini-heatwave had exploded into sweltering conditions and I was tempted to clean the club naked. Mum didn't object to me doing it topless and Susie, the tattooed barmaid blew me kisses as I finished on Saturday. I was not joined by Abi at all during the weekend, she was having some quiet time with Angela and I didn't want to invade her space by turning up at her flat unannounced. Sarah was doing...

2 years ago
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The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Around nine o’clock in the evening, Kara and her girlfriends made their way from the dining room table to the living room. She was pleased with how her party was going. When she had volunteered to hold the annual gathering, she was intent on doing it all classy. Her friends had offered their suggestions, but she vetoed themes such as A Leather & Lace Christmas or A Vivacious Vixen Christmas. This would be a refined Christmas party for ladies.So after all her planning and preparation, she...

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Joanies Ordeal

I love taking long, baths. The feeling of warm soapy water embracing my young body, floating weightless and care free. This time was no different, I allowed myself to space out, submerged my head under water for a few seconds, holding my breath as I let my mind wander off. Pleasent flashbacks from last night began to surface and sent tingling sensations all over my body, concentrating between my legs. I reached down and slowly massaged my tender clit. I was sitting in my boyfriend's car...

4 years ago
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Friends Wife and my pestle

Had my friend and his wife stay at the house the past three days. An old buddy since high school, his wife is pretty, petite no ass at all and small tits. I wasn't really checking her out but he bragged so much how fine she was I had to say it. Me and him went to the supermarket one morning, she stayed home resting. I've been hosting them, my neighbors since they got there. I spent the past thirty minutes looking for the pestle and I could not find it, I remember one of the neighbors wife was...

3 years ago
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Sex With Girlfriend Turns Into Gangbang

My name is Vikram and this story takes place two years ago. I was doing my second-year Btech at the time and I had a girlfriend, Swathy. Swathy had a best friend named Divya. Both the girls were attractive in their own rights and were in my college. Swathy was fair, a bit to the plump side with large assets while Divya was slimmer, dusky and with ample assets. Both the girls were dancers and had been for a very long time, so they had well-maintained figures. Divya had a boyfriend who was a...

4 years ago
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Coitus Copious Familius 2058Chapter 6

We hurried to get the wee ones from Angelique, get showered, brush teeth, dress the kids and hop in the Tesla Electra FamVan. Off to Grandma and Papa’s house just down the road. We pulled into their 1,200-foot entrance drive and rolled up to the house where their domestic attendant waited to welcome us. I vocally opened the large sliding side door and the poor guy was almost run over by the stampede of five anxious kids. “Sorry Ben. They’re really excited about the party. Wait ‘til these two...

2 years ago
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Daughter Seduced Father

Hi, I am Rucha from Mumbai, working one of the good firm after completing my master’s degree. I am now 24 year old, 5.7 feet tall, very fair complexion, black long silky hair. I have figure of 38 33 35 and looking sexy and hot. During the hostel life, when studying , we used to have sexual fun like touching or pressing or kissing with room mate with cloths or without. We used to watch porn on our mobile as well. But no male touch so far. I like to be well dressed and try to presenting my body...

3 years ago
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rajni gangbang with bunch of black guys

I have been married to my wife rajni for 7 years. She is a very attractive woman with leg legs and small firm breasts. We have 2 c***dren and in general we are just an average couple but at times we do like to spice things up.We were out in a pub getting her drunk enough to go to our favourite spot where she would let me screw her in the car while people watched from outside. It was several weeks since she had met one of her "colleagues" for sex and she'd got bored with our usual sexual routine...

4 years ago
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She was untied and brought up naked to the master. He was a tall and controlling man. He had several slaves in his dungeon. They were all beautiful and obeyed and loved him. He could be cruel or loving depending on his needs and mood. If he knocked them up they gave birth alone chained in the dungeon and the c***d was taken away and sold. Today the young blonde stood before him. He ran his hands over her face and then her tits. He grabbed each nipple and twisted and pulled it. Then he grabbed...

3 years ago
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Webcam Session

Thought I'd try something different and share a webcam session I had with a HOT 22yr old tonight. We've cammed before and she loves to masturbate in front of the cam while I do everything she says! I just cut and pasted our session together, hope you like!kayla says: i wanna play get readyJessie says: yes maam! what should I grab? my vibrator and whip?kayla says: mmmmm that and a candle Jessie says: yes maam mic?kayla says: no, roomies home dont want her to hear youJessie says: yes maamkayla...

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Bla Book 4 TimewalkerChapter 1

“I don’t care!” Tanya cried out. Frank held her tightly while she beat on his chest with her fists. “That’s my daughter inside her!” She broke down again, weeping hysterically. Frank held her tightly while she sobbed. ‘This whole family has gone fucking nuts!’ Frank thought to himself, furious and upset and not knowing who to blame. His grandson’s new wife had collapsed while she was being introduced to Jake and Béla, and now Béla was acting almost as weird as Tanya. She was completely...

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As I walk into my office building I can’t help but think what an amazing week it has been. I look into the different offices and I see Richard to the left of me, the new guy.   He and I got to know each other pretty well on Monday. To the right is Michelle’s office my very good friend. Michelle and I realized on Tuesday that not only are we friends but   we realized we could be lovers as well. Then there is my boss Stuart, who knew he had a thing for spanking. I found out about that yesterday....

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Lasting Impressions Chapter 6 Day 18

Lasting Impressions: Chapter 6 By: ASTRO Day 18 I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock. AJ was a work today and I had an appointment with the doctor this afternoon. Thankfully AJ was going to get off work early to watch the kids. I went about my day unchanged from before. I was dressing as conservatively as I could, considering my options. I really did not feel sexy today. I was also very fearful of going and seeing a doctor. As a nurse I had...

2 years ago
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BangBus Victoria Stephanie Everglade Adventure Leads To A Hot Blonde

Victoria Stephanie is a country chick that we found walking on the side of the road. Should i mention the road in the everglades? This blonde chick is nuts! She walks casually knowing the danger that is the everglades but hey it works out for us. We started talking to her as we looked for something to wrestle peter in the water but we end up convincing her to allows to give her a ride. Inside the van we get her to be naughty for some cash and we get to see her great tits before we finally...

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how I lost my Virginity

This is a story about when my dad got me drunk when mum was away and used me for his pleasure.Mum was always away on business working in London for many weeks and not getting much chance to get home to see us and this always affected dad alot and I could tell he missed her alot and he was not getting much sleep and I went to go into his room one night to speak to him and I hered noises coming from inside so I slowly opened the door and looked inside the room to see dad laying naked on his bed...

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Domme vs Dom

Domme vs. Dom It started off with innocent flirting and escalated in to a gentleman’s/gentlewoman’s bet. Katherine and I have been friends for many years. We met at a mutual friend’s pool party one hot August night. I still remember how ravishing she looked in her skimpy white bikini. Her long auburn hair was tied back in a ponytail and draped over her left shoulder and rested between her ample double D breasts. She was deeply tanned and toned. Her bikini bottom clung to her shapely hips and...

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Kismet The Christmas Elf

“Well, hi folks! Do you remember me?” “Yes, that’s right! I’m the talking Snowman from that old TV show!” “What was that you said?” “Why yes, I suppose I do sound like Burl Ives, and why not? The man had a perfectly wonderful voice.” “So, I’m sure you’re wondering what I doing here at this time of night? I mean, the kids are all snuggled up in bed and all, and it’s too late to tell them a Christmas story, isn’t it? Hehe, you must think this old Snowman’s brain is half melted after all these...

5 years ago
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My first night in london

As I continue my search for a more mature man. I stumbled across a website, seemingly very interesting. So I signed up, with the hopes that that I would find me a sexy mature ‘papa’, for mine and his sexual pleasure.. So as time progressed I kissed a few frogs’literally’. After months of being on the site and very close to the point of closing my account. I stumbled across his profile, and the header reader’ Mature guy, seeks young companion’. Instantly my mind started to create fantasies based...

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Sauna Visit

After my previous visit to Northwich Sauna a few months ago I booked Wednesday off work to make another visit on TV/TS day. I had arrange to meet up with a TV called Julie in there in advance, so headed off quite early to spend a good few hours there.I paid up and striped off, taking my towel with me. As I usual do I walk round the upstairs area to see what action is happening. Plenty of guys walking around or sat down watching porn. The porn room had a couple of guys in there.The large...

4 years ago
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Fucking Neighbor Arpana

Hi! let me introduce myself first. I am Prem Kapoor from Mumbai but now I live in USA…I am a new reader of ISS. After reading this I used to think that does this really happen? But one day it happened to me. I am 23 yrs old with height 6`2 feet. I have 9.3 inch long. One Friday night I was reading one of these stories and I was masturbating too. Suddenly, mine neighbor Arpana who is 19 yrs old (She is Indian too) knocked the door of my house. She is the one whom I mostly think and masturbate....

2 years ago
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Poolside With JuddChapter 2

Judd fell back to sleep as his Aunt Eileen went to shower and make supper for the two of them. He couldn't believe his good fortune. His aunt was a horny thirty year old sexy woman who had just sucked and fucked her nephew's six inch hard teenage cock. This was going to be a wonderful two week vacation for the boy. Eileen woke the boy for supper. He looked a little pale. Too many cums she thought. Judd was tired. After a supper of pasta with a quickie sauce he went to watch a little TV...

3 years ago
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Market ForcesChapter 64 Back With The Emir

My mobile rang the following day. It was Kelly. "Hi," she said. "I didn't know you were going to the Fetish Fair. Why didn't you say? We could have gone together?" I made some, eh? who? what? noises and said that I would have called her but I had to be there on business. (Which was true.) I'd been looking over the hall as a possible venue for an exhibition that one of my clients was planning. (Which wasn't.) She asked if I'd seen Hettie's "kidnapping". I didn't want to tell too...

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An Uneasy Combination

It wasn't just dark outside, it was pitch black. Not the absence of light you might expect on a chilly October evening, but an ebony that made the air feel sinister. The menace of rain, coupled with angry looking clouds, repressed any light that might have escaped the moon and stars. Even artificial light had to claw its way out from its source, and then only teased the surroundings with dull light. Outside the perimeter of the light, a void of blackness without shades of gray, perhaps...

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Carries Story

Carrie's Story by Marci Manseau Chapter One - In the Beginning My name is Charles Ankersby. Well, at least it used to be, and this is the story of my life. It tells the tale of how I came to be Carrie Miller. No, you're wrong. This isn't just another autobiography of a transsexual. I'm a transgerderist and, if you're not aware of it, that's a whole different thing. It's an almost true story. It happened just the way I'm going to tell it to you. I have changed some...

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When Ladies Were Ladies Part 4 The Conclusion

I knew quite a lot of the men who enlisted to fight for King and country; I went to the same school that they did. The townspeople lined the streets as the battalion which became known as the Dover riflemen marched proudly through the town down to the docks to embark on a troopship to take them to France. I knew as indeed did most people that some of those men would never return home. For the first few months, nothing happened so everyone just assumed that the whole thing would be settled by...

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Nadine and Jos Blowjob Swap Part 3

Thursday went much like Wednesday had for Jo and Nadine, Day #2 of Nadine pretending to be a prostitute and Jo pretending to be a weather girl.Despite being up until almost six, Jo got out of bed a few minutes past eleven so she could take her usual drive into the country to visit with her horse, Bucky. As usual, he was as delighted to see her as she was to see him. Later, she arrived at the station, and it took her no time at all to get into her new routine. She arrived about one-thirty, a...

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SheWillCheat Ana Foxxx Gorgeous ebony babe Ana Foxxx cheats on her husband with his best friend

Ana Foxxx is in a tough situation; her worthless husband is out of town and he asked HER to tell his best friend that he can’t stay at their place anymore. His friend Donny is upset to hear it and really wants to talk her into letting him stay. He starts digging into their personal life and reveals that he knows his buddy has erectile disfunction and gets Ana to admit that they haven’t had sex in ages! So why not let Donny stay and be her personal fuck toy, who cares about her...

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Jonipart 2

As Renee led Joni to the suite they stopped in the hall and Renee pulled Joni close and told her great she looked, then kissed her, hard. Joni forgot all about her nerves, and thanked Renee again. They entered the suite and Joni saw they there were several people already there. There was a large tv on a wall with with xxx videos playing, a few other gurls chatting and a couple of men talking to a couple more. Renee got Joni a glass of wine and showed her around. There was the room they entered...

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Changes Abound Mayas Journey The Epilogue

Changes Abound: Maya's Journey the Epilogue A Transition Story by Maria Ski It has been four years since Maya told her family of the choice she made. My Maya, my beautiful Maya matured into a beautiful woman. And when it was time for her to undergo her final surgeries I was there for her. I'm Bianca Morgan Hunter and I'm her life partner. "How could you?" "How could I what?" "How could you allow our son to do this to himself?" "Our son? Our son? You say that know. But she...

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DickDrainers Kacie Castle She Asked Me To Come Over And Chill8230

If Kacie had known her husband would become so damn irritating, she definitely would have stayed single. Its the same thing every day. All he talks about is work and its one complaint after another after another. You’d think she was a therapist, not a wife, the way he expects her to always say the right things to make him feel better. And its funny that he always expects her to listen to him when he never listens to her or attends to her needs. Kacie hasn’t been properly fucked in...

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Easing Into Mom

There she was laying on the couch face down. She was wearing a night shirt that came halfway down her thighs leaving exposed most of her sexy long legs. Even the plain material of the garment could not hide her massive ass.That ass stood up proudly almost as if calling to me. It was past midnight and I realized that she was there because she and my dad had another fight about sex. From what I heard he wasn't interested and she was practically begging for it. I couldn't understand this as I...

3 years ago
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My Nylon Goddess Chapter 3

MY NYLON GODDESS - CHAPTER THREE Note to readers: For anyone wondering about the absence of mobile phones and social media in this story, it is set in a kinder, gentler age, when sexting and cyberbullying had yet to be invented, and teenagers had no ready means of capturing, much less sharing, their sexual explorations ... ================================== "Oh god, oh god, oh god ..." I was moaning incoherently, hardly able to think. Shauna gripped my hand even harder. "It's...

4 years ago
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Sun Sand And Sex on a Greek Beach Chapter 1

I stopped the rental car at the top of the hill overlooking the wide curve of the sandy beach on the west coast of Crete. Despite the fact that it was late September, the sand still shimmered in the late morning heat, and the lines of waves breaking in the blue water looked inviting. A few things had changed - there was now a new hotel block at the far end of the beach next to the taverna. But at this time of year, there would only be a few other people around, and I was looking forward to...

1 year ago
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ImLive BBW

Even if they don’t want to admit it, men love a big beautiful woman. There’s just something about them. And that something has recently been subject to scientific research. Fuck the cure for cancer or the development of Star Trek-like warp drive. Instead, we want to know why men love big bitches. These are the fundamental questions, god damnit.Well, science has come up with a few reasons why gentlemen like more cushion for the pushin’, and I’m also going to include a couple of my own at the...

Live BBW Sex Cams
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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 22

Link Morgan, Crescent Valley's police chief, was more than a little surprised at Lydia Newell's visit to his home that morning. Though saddle-weary and crotch-sore from leading the hunting posse throughout the night, the big barrel-chested, red-faced man found a ready smile for the daughter of the valley's wealthiest and most influential man, Aaron Newell. The attractive auburn-haired bachelorette with the ravishing green eyes neither smiled nor waited to be invited inside the big man's...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 17 INTERLUDE SIF

Sif woke, despite the sleep inducer that had been placed over her head. More out of instinct she rolled of the bed she was on and removed herself from the dazing and sleep causing Neuro-feed rays. Her mind instantly cleared up and she remembered.In her dreams she thought she felt a probing mind searching for her. In her dreams, Egill had not forgotten about her. But what would the old man say if he saw her like that? It was better he would never see her and besides those were only dreams of a...

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Adventures of a hotwife part 1

What kind of husband wants their wife to fuck someone else? I’m sure he just wants to find some young hot slut himself. Ugh! I wish we could just fuck with out him fantasizing I just came home from being with someone else! I should just do it, find someone fuck their brains out and tell him all about it; I bet he wouldn’t like it if it actually happened! All these thoughts and much more were racing through my head as I rode the stationary bike at the gym. As I started cooling and slowing down...

3 years ago
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The Making of a Slut

The Making of a Slut - By Alexis Brooks - [email protected] Chapter 1 ? The Package The past few months had given him opportunities to explore himself beyond his wildest imaginations. He had talked with many people, both male and female, online. Almost all of those relationships ended in the other person backing out at the moment of truth. He had met two people that were a lot of fun. But they too had since vanished either due to work or family issues. Yet, through...

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The Great EscapeChapter 3

I spent the evening googling 'meat rabbits', reading through our pamphlet stash on raising chickens for meat as well as eggs, poultry parasites and diseases, rabbit parasites and diseases and getting depressed. Crap. This was more than I could deal with. It was time to make like a boss and delegate, dammit. Once the houses were built I figured that we could hire a family to help out. High school age kids could do chores and we could add to the family's income appropriately. Kids could...

4 years ago
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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 5 Friends and Enemies

Chapter 5 A young fox pawed its way hurriedly through the snow and undergrowth in pursuit of its quarry. The density of the trees became less and less as suddenly, the fox emerged into a clearing. The rabbit it was chasing stared back at him wide-eyed, frozen to the spot. The fox knew this area well, even in the dark and snow. A small pool of water lay semi-frozen at the foot of the clearing, surrounded by tall, forbidding trees. The constant gushing of water broke the silence as the fox...

1 year ago
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Going StraightPart One

I was in the middle of making out with my girlfriend, Delia, when Bryan sat down next to us. "Hey." He knew i was lesbian and he didnt care anymore. I pulled away from Delia even so. "What?" i asked him. "I just thought that maybe you were going to Cass's party tonight?" He asked me. "Um, well, i never considered it really. I mean I'm so...Un-cool, you know?" "Well you could still go..." "What time is it at?" "9:15" "ok, maybe i will. Bye." I wanted to get back to me and Delia's make-out...

Drunk sex
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Alona a strict wife

                   Alona A stict wife:   heavy interraccial remarks, if it isn't your thing please don't read    "I lik to tease my boyfriends especially my new bo' Jack or I call Jacki" Alona laughed whispering to her best friend Ally. Half drunk Alona, short reddish blonde hair blue eye "b" size breast, a wantabe model, grabs me by the hand "nite nite time, time to go."    I was waiting for those words I hated her friends they never talked to me, I usually ended downstairs waiting for the...

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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 7 New Secretary

Dave watched from the doorway to the austere conference room that JR was using to meet with the marketing staff. EneRG was casual enough that having the CEO lurking in the doorway to eavesdrop on the meeting was no big deal. Several of the staff had waved or nodded in his direction. Everybody knew everyone on a first name basis, too. Dave noticed Nikky also sitting in the meeting. JR was in her high-energy pattern and the meeting was clipping along at a rapid pace. The reports were crisp and...

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Im Not Your Wife Im Your Daughter pts 3 4

I had been in the shower for about 20 or 30 minutes when I felt the temperature start to cool slightly. I'd no more finished thinking I'd used up all the hot water when your voice and fingers simultaneously startle me, making me jump and gasp loudly. "I don't think it's healthy for the baby to be in that hot of a shower for that long." Your fingers slither down my sides from behind me and come around to my belly. You lean down to kiss the back of my neck and your thumb traces my belly...

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All American BoyChapter 20

I woke up alone in my bed the next morning, and after a quick shower I was out the door for my morning run. I took plenty of time to stretch before running since I hadn’t ran the day before, but was soon on my way to the park. I wondered as I ran a slow pace to the park, if Ms. Pierson would be there today. I had come to enjoy her company in the mornings and was hoping to see her again. Ms. Pierson had seemed to come out of the mental shell she’d always shown me in the past, and I’m really...

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HaremChapter 16

In the same night after everybody were slept mother-in-law came to my room and took me to her room. We hadn't fucked from the day we returned. She was horny enough to get my rod in her choot. After a long fuck we were lying side by side. Mala asked me whether I fucked sister and jiju. I said yes I am getting my share of both husband and wife. Mala – how does your jiju reacts while you are jabbing his pucker hole. Me – he enjoys a lot. He will never be satiated. He is ready always to...

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Mom and Dad Are Away

It's been two weeks since your parents left for Hawaii, and you and your sister are near clawing the walls down in boredom. Sure, you have a car, but this small town your parents decided to live in proved there was no entertainment to be had for miles upon miles. Most of your friends have gone off to other places this summer as well. The air conditioner decided to bust yesterday, and you and your twin sister are sitting in the living room wearing as little as you can to keep cool. Beads of...

4 years ago
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A Necessary Cuckolding Part VI

AlanAlan wasn’t sure if he would make it through to the end that day such was his emotional turmoil. It began first thing that morning when Dawn asked him to help change the sheets and the duvet cover. He gave her a puzzled look when she started to strip the bed. “You can’t expect Bradley to sleep in dirty bedclothes!”“They’re clean. We only changed them on Monday and we haven’t had sex in the bed either.”She shook her head in despair. “Would you want to sleep in another man’s bed without clean...

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The Adventures Of SallyChapter 8

I got a letter from Leesha a few weeks after the final divorce decree had been sent to me. She wanted to know how Sally was doing, and holding up, and how I was doing. I didn't answer the letter. Sally and I went on about our daily lives. I went to work, leaving Sally at home during the day, and because of some of the time off, and the startup of a new product line at the plant, I usually didn't get home until late. I had slowly slipped into a bout with depression. I worked more than I...

4 years ago
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Why Me LordChapter 21

I left Gertie and the girls at it and rode back home. Stick and the carriage were just ahead of me when I got there and he headed back to the other place as soon as he let his load from town off. I knew I was in for a grilling around the supper table if not before, but maybe it wouldn't be too bad. It was worse than too bad, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Stick was back shortly with Gertie, Faith, Hope, Charity, and Benevolence plus Bob and Roberta. Maybel didn't have to worry about...

3 years ago
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A Sense of Adventure

"Come to this new club!" they said. "It'll be fun!" they said. As she and her girlfriends approached the tiny building, Lena remembered why she hated places like this. Too loud, too crowded, too...much. Her head was already pounding and they were still more than 50 feet from the door. She groaned."Why did I let you guys talk me into this?""Because," her friend Ali answered, "you're 25, you're single and you deserve it. Anyone does after a 70-hour work week."Lena couldn't really argue with that....

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