Nurul Jilbabers free porn video

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Namaku Arif, aku bekerja di sebuah kantor BUMN. Aku sudah menikah selama 3 tahun dengan istriku. Walau kami belum dikaruniai anak, kami sangat bahagia karena istriku adalah orang yang pandai sekali menyenagkan suami. Sepertinya tidak ada habisnya sensasi, gaya, dan teknik yang istriku peragakan setiap kami bergumul di ranjang. Aku 7 tahun lebih tua dari istriku yang kini berusia 28 tahun. Beberapa waktu lalu, rumah kami semakin berwarna ketika adik bungsu istriku yang kuliah kedokteran di salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri tengah menjalankan Koass di salah satu Rumah Sakit negeri yang kebetulan berada dekat dengan rumah kami. Umurnya masih sangat muda sekitar 22 tahun, dia termasuk mahasiswi yang cerdas karena dapat menuntaskan studi tepat pada waktunya. Jika dilihat dari wajahnya, dia lebih cantik dari istriku, ditambah wajahnya yang teduh dan keibuan. Walaupun tubuhnya aku taksir tidak sebagus tubuh istriku tapi masih diatas rata- rata wanita pada umumnya. Perbedaan lainnya, jka istriku senang berpakaian seksi dan menarik lawan jeNurnya, apalagi ditunjang dengan tubuh yang sangat aduhai. Adik dari istriku ini malah sebaliknya, dia menutupi kecantikannya dengan pakaian yang sangat longgar dan jilbab yang lebar. DItambah manset dan kaus kaki sehingga aku hanya bisa melihat wajahnya yang putih bersih dan telapak tangannya. Bahkan setiap aku ada di rumah dia tidak melepaskan jilbab dan kaoskakinya walau barang sebentar. Naman gadis cantik itu adalah Nurul. Kami lalui hari dengan wajar, aku bisa berangkat terlebih dahulu dengan mengantarkan istriku ke kantornya. Sedangkan Nurul terbiasa berangkat terakhir karena letak Rumah Sakit yang tidak terlalu jauh dari rumah kami. Walau dalam hati aku menyimpan ketertarikan pada Nurul. Aku semakin bergairah ketika melihat tingkahnya yang sopan, murah senyum, dan lenggok pinggulnya ketika berjalan walau aku yakin bukan maksud dia untuk melakukan itu. Inner beauty yang terpancar ditambah bakat kecantikan den kemolekan tubuhnya selalu ia jaga dengan baik. Katanya hanya untuk suaminya saja, bahkan dia tidak mau pacaran walau saya yakin pasti banyak laki-laki yang menginginkannya. Jilbabnya yang lebar itu tidak dapat menutupi lekukan dadanya yang membusung. Jika istriku berukuran 38 B aku taksir besar tetek adik istriku itu sekitar 36 B. Tingginya yang semampai hampir mencapai 165 cm ditunjang tubuh yang tidak kurus juga tidak gemuk membuat mata laki-laki manapun pasti akan terkesima. Apalagi jika dirumah aku sering melihatnya hanya menggunakan daster saja walau wajah dan kakinya tidak dapat aku lihat, tapi aku dapat membayangkan bagaimana tubuhnya. Terkadang ketika aku bergumul dengan istriku aku membayangkan sedang melakukan dengan Nurul, sikapnya yang tertutup pada laki-laki dan selalu menutup tubuhnya semakin membuatku penasaran. Hanya saja aku masih menghargainya sebagai adik dari istriku, dan sikapnya yang menjaga diri. Gayanya dan sikapnya yang renyah membuat siapapun jadi tidak sungkan untuk mengenalnya lebih dekat denganna walau ia tetap menjaga jarak. Suatu hari, sepulang kantor aku membuka DVD Blue Film yang baru aku pinjam dari teman kantorku, Blue Film yang aku tonton degan menggunakan komputer cukup bagus dimana Film tersebut tidak terlalu vulgar dan seronok yang membuat orang jijik. Itu membangkitkan gairahku, kudekati istriku yang sedang menonton tivi di ruang tengah, aku mulai mencumbunya dan dia pun membalas cumbuanku, tiba-tiba ku dengar pindu depan terbuka, pasti Nurul gumamku. “Tumben jam 9 baru datang Nur?” Tanya istriku, “Iya mbak, tadi praktik bedah dulu. O ya mas, boleh kan aku pakai ruang kerjanya, aku mau buat laporan” lanjut Nurul. “Silahkan aja, pakai sebabasnya dan jangan canggung disini” ujarku sambil menahan birahi yang baru saja naik. “Terima kasih ya mas” ucapnya. Setelah Nurul masuk kamar kamipun segera melanjutkan kegiatan kami dan pindah ke dalam kamar kami. Pergumulanpun semain seru karena istriku mulai mengeluarkan jurus- jurus barunya. Tapi tidak perlu ku ceritakan karena bukan ini inti cerita yang akan aku ceritakan. Setelah kami puas kamipun tertidur. Aku terbangun sekitar pukul 1 dini hari, kulihat istriku masih terlelap kelelahan tanpa sehelai benangpun disebelahku. Aku keluar kamar untuk mengambil air minum dan memeriksa kondisi rumah. Kulihat sekilas Nurul masih di ruang kerjaku dan masih di depan komputer, setelah kupastikan semua pintu terkunci dan aku mengambil segelas air. Aku mulai perhatikan Nurul yang tampaknya tidak mengetahui keberadaanku. Aku puji kecantikanya dalam hati. matanya yang lentik, bibirnya yang tipis dan menawan. Namun…tiba-tiba aku melihat sesuatu yang ganjil. Mata Nurul masih memandangi layar komputer saat itu, tapi tangannya mulai menyusup dibalik jilbabnya. Dari pergerakan tangan yang tertutup jilbabnya itu aku tahu apa yang dia lakukan. Dia meremas-remas teteknya sendiri, ku lihat matanya setengah terpejam bibirnya terbuka. mungkin dia sedang merasakan sensasi yang baru dia rasakan. “mhh.. uuhhhmmm… aaahhh….” ku dengar desahan samar dari mulutnya, aku segera bergegas ke kamar untuk mengambil Handhone ku dan segera merekam kejadian langka ini. Tangan kanan Nurul masih terus meraba teteknya, kini rabaannya kian keras dan bersemangat dan tidak hanya itu aku lihat sepintas tangannya melepas kancing daster bagian atasnya, dan aku yakin dia memasukkan tangannya ke dalam teteknya. Kejadian itu terus aku rekam. Sesekali Nurul melengguh “uuhh …aahhh… mhh… ..oohh…” matanya terus terpejam, bibir bawahnya dia gigit, terkadang kepalanya tergeleng ke kanan dan ke kiri. Ternyata tidak selesai disitu, tangan kirinya mulai menuju ke selangkangannya, dia meraba memeknya sendiri dari luar dasternya. ku lihat jari tengahnya terus menggosok bagian tengah memeknya, aku zoom kamera HPku, dan melihat secara close up apa yang sedang dia lakukan. Nurul mulai menarik dasternya ke atas, walau masih menggunkan kaus kaki mulai terlihat betis atasnya yang sangat putih, sedikit-demi sedikit daster tersebut tertarik ke atas oleh tangan kiri Nurul. Pahanya yang putih mulus mulai tersingkap, kontolku mulai tegang melihat pemandangan iu. Sampai akhirnya tangannya berhenti ketika daster mulai sampai di bagian perutnya. Dan terpampanglah celana dalam Nurul yang berwarna putih. Tangan kiri Nurul terus bergerak masuk ke dalam celana dalamnya. Ku lihat tangannya terus bergerak-gerak diantara selangkangannya. Desahannya semakin menjadi, rangsangan yang sungguh hebat membuat dia tidak merasakan keberadaanku. “Auuuuww… oohh… .ahhh… .eehhhmmm… yyaaahhh ” racaunya. Sungguh pemandangan yang belum pernah aku lihat seorang wanita berjilbab yang tengah bermasturbasi tanpa melepaskan jilbabnya. Dulu saat kuliah aku pernah mengintip anak ibu kosku yang melakukan itu, tapi itu kurang menantang karena anak ibu kos ku itu sering mengumbar auratnya dan punya affair dengan salah satu teman kosku. Tapi ini pemandangan yang berbeda dan sungguh luar biasa. Gerakan tangan kiri Nurul di memeknya semakin cepat, dan remasan tangan kanan di teteknya semakin kuat. Ingin rasanya aku membantunya, tapi masih sibuk merekam dengan kamera handphoneku. Sesaat kemudian aku lihat dia mulai menghentikan aktifitasnya, nafasnya naik turun teratur, matanya masih terpejam, tapi aku tidak tahu apakah dia telah mencapai puncak kenikamatan atau belum karena aku tidak mendengar jeritan yang biasanya menjadi ciri wanita saat orgasme. Sebelum dia sadar aku segera bergegas menuju kamarku, dan mulai mereview kembali dari HPku apa yang baru aku saksikan tadi. Tanpa sadar aku melakukannya sambil beronani, sampai orgasme beberapa kali. Aku baru menyadari DVD Blue Film yang baru aku pinjam tadi, ternyata masih tertinggal dalam komputerku, aku yakin tadi tanpa atau dengan sengaja dia melihatnya. Aku yakin karena dalam DVD itu ada adegan wanita yang melakukan masturbasi, mungkin dia mengikutinya. Keesokan paginya, semua sepertinya biasa dan nampak wajar, istriku masih sibuk berdandan, maklum dandannya bisa sampai 2 jam sendiri. Aku memulai sarapan tanpa menunggu istriku, kemudian ku lihat Nurul sudah rapih dan keluar dari kamarnya. Dia sangat cantik dengan dandanannya yang sederhana, hanya berbalut bedak tipis dan lip glose seperlunya. Tapi ini adalah pemandangan fantastis, wanita yang apa adanya aku lihat menjadi jauh lebih cantik dibandngkan yang ber- make up. Jilbab warna pink dipadu kemeja putih dan rok panjang warna senada dengan jilbabnya membuat dia semakin cantik. Diapun tanpa merasakan apapun memulai sarapan paginya. Aku membuka obrolan pagi itu “Gimana Nur? laporannya selesai semalam?”, “Sudah selesai mas, terima kasih ya ruangan dan komputernya” katanya tenang. “Ngerjain laporan atau ngerjain yang lainnya?” sindirku, Nurul langsung terdiam dan menghentikan kegiatannya yang sedang mengambil nasi dari rice cooker. Wajah putihnya mulai bersemu merah, mungkin dia mulai menyadari aku melihat apa yang dilakukannya. “Tenang saja, kita kan sama- sama dewasa, tahu sama tahu lah dan aku pun tidak akan ceritakan ini ke kakakmu” ujarku sambil ku perlihatkan hasil rekaman di HPku. Wajah Nurul semakin tegang, keringat mulai membasahi wajahnya, tak sepatah katapun keluar dari mulutnya, aku tahu dia sedang bingung, malu, dan mungkin takut juga. “Mungkin lain kali kalu mau jangan sendiri, aku siap membantu kamu sampai kamu puas” Bisikku. Tanpa menjawab dia langsung beranjak dari kursinya dan menyambar tasnya, tanpa mengucapkan sepatah katapun, yang aku tahu matanya yang berbicara, matanya nampak mulai penuh dibasahi air mata yang hendak meloncat keluar. Malamnya, aku berlaku seperti biasa seperti tidak terjadi apapun. Sedangkan Nurul seperti agak sungkan dan kaku setiap bertemu denganku. “Pah, tidur yuk, mamah dah ngantuk banget nich”, “Ya sudah tidur aja dulu, nanti papah menyusul”. Setelah kulihat istriku sudah tertidur lelap, aku beranikan diri mendekati kamar Nurul, yang nampaknya masih menyala terang, sepertinya dia masih belajar. Tok… tok… tok… aku mengetuk pintu kamarnya. “Siapa?” sahutnya dari dalam, saat dia buka pintu kamarnya, aku segera mendorong pintu itu sehingga Nurul agak tersungkur kebelakang. Aku kunci dari dalam pintu kamarnya, “Mass… .mas mau apa? keluar dari kamarku”, “Kamarmu? apa kamu lupa kamu tinggal dimana?” sahutku agak tinggi, dia terdiam. “Kamu mau videomu tersebar kemana-mana? bahkan wajahmu close up di video itu, semua orang akan melihat apa yang kamu lakukan”, “A …apa mau mas?” ucapnya terbata. “Aku hanya mau kamu memuaskanku malam ini…”, “Ja… jangan mas, aku masih perawan, aku lakukan apa saja asal bukan melakukan itu”, “Buka!” perintahku ketika kontolku tepat berada di hadapan wajahnya. Dia mulai membuka celana pendek yang aku kenakan sampai ke lutut, Nurul agak terperangah meihat kontolku yang mulai tegang dan begitu menonjol seakan celana dalamku tidak sanggup memuatnya. Dengan bergetar tangannya menurunkan celana dalamku dan kemudian menurunkannya hingga ke lutut. Tampak kini dihadapannya kontolku yang telah tegak mengacung bagaikan sebuah tombak yang siap dihujamkan. Tampak ragu dia meraih kontolku dengan sambil menundukkan kepalanya. Akupun meraih tangannya yang halus, dan menyentuhkannya ke kontolku, rasanya sangat nyaman, dimana kulit lembutnya menyentuh kontolku yang sudah mengeras, kokoh, otot-otot yang keluar menambah kesan sangar. Wajahnya tertunduk dan mulai tersedu, tapi aku tak menghiraukan, aku maju mundurkan tangannya, sampai beberapa saat aku tak perlu menuntunna karena tangannya sudah faham apa yang harus dilakukannya. Nurul pun mulai berani menaikkan wajahnya dan menatap kontolku. Tak berapa saat aku merasakan sesuatu yang ingin melesak dari dalam tubuhku, sampai akhirnya…”aahh …..” aku melengguh disertai keluarnya sperma dari kontolku. “aaaauuwww ….” Nurul tersentak kaget ketika spermaku keluar. Karena dia berada tepat didepan kontolku, muncratan spermaku mengenai wajahnya, matanya, hidungnya, bibirnya dan sebagian lagi ke jilbabnya. Aku tersenyum puas lalu ku tinggalkan Nurul yang masih terpaku. Esoknya aku melakukan hal yang sama. kali ini, aku tidak perlu membentak dan memerintahkan, Nurul sudah mengetahui apa yang harus dia lakukan. Walau agak ragu, dia mulai berani menurunkan celanaku sendiri, sampai celana dalamku, dan memulai belaian lembut pada kontolku. dia tidak malu dan canggung seperti kemarin walu masih nampak wajah takut dan terpaksa melakukan itu. Aku memegang tangan kanannya, sambil membiarkan tangan kirinya tetap menggenggam kontolku yang hampir tak tergenggam tangan mungilnya karena diameternya yang hampir mencapai 7 cm. AKu renggangkan telapak tangannya dan aku tuntun melakukan gerakan mengusap pada ujung kontolku, telapak tangannya mengusap dengan melakukan gerakan memutar di ujung kontolku seperti yang sering istriku lakukan. Hal ini memberiku sensasi yang lebih, apalagi yang melakukan adalah seorang wanita yang polos tentang seks, alim dan selalu berjilbab, menjaga dirinya dan menutupi tubuhnya. suatu sensasi yang sangat luar biasa. Aku kembali mencapai puncak dan memuntahkannya diwajahnya. Kegiatan itu sering kami lakukan tanpa sepengetahuan istriku sampai beberapa waktu lamanya. Pagi ini aku baru sampai dari kantor karena mendapat giliran piket, karena itu siang ini aku mendapat libur. Sampai di rumah suasana wajar setiap pagi seperti yang telah menjadi rutinitas. Istriku sudah siap berangkat ke kantor, dan taksipun telah menunggunya diluar. “Pah aku berangkat dulu ya..” sambil menciumku, tubuhnya indah dibalut blazer ketat dan rok yang sangat pendek, ahh…itu pemandangan biasa. “Mah…sekalian kunci ya pintunya” ujarku, “Nanti saja, Nurul belum berangkat, biar dia saja yang kunci pintu…” ujarnya sambil berlalu. “Hah..Nurul masih di rumah..padahal biasanya dia sudahberangkat pagi- pagi sekali” bisikku. “Kreeekkk… blak” kulihat intu kamar yang dibuka dan kemudian di tutup, ku lihat Nurul mengenakan jilbab warna puti sampai dibawah sikunya, gamis pink warna kesukaannya dan rok puti…manset dan kaos kaki putih pun sudha menghiasi lengan dan kakinya. Dia terperanjt melihatku sudah di dalam, dia langsung menundukkan wajahnya dan bergegas menuju pintu. “Nggak makan dulu Nur?” sahutku memecah keheningan,”Ngga mas..di RS aja, ngga enak sudah telat…” sambil terus menundukan wajahnya dan berlalu. “Eii… ttt…mau kemana?santai dulu di sini”, “Jangan mas…aku udah telat ke RS, nanti residentku marah” sahutnya ketakutan, “Apa peduliku…!”, langsung muncul niat di pikiranku, “Kamu mau video itu tersebar? kamu ingat? kamu tingga di rumah siapa? akan tinggal makan, tidur tinggal tidur…”, wajahnya semakin memerah sangat jelas karena kulitnya yang putih tidak dapat menutupinya. “Kamu juga harus punya pengorbanan…” lalu aku duduk di sofa depan TV yang biasa kami gunakan untuk menonton, aku masih berkemeja lengkap. “sini … duduk didepanku”, dia langsung memahami perintahku, wajahnya masih tertunduk, dan sama sekali tidak melihatku. Tanpa di suruh dia langsung membuka ikat pinggangku, lalu celanaku dan menurunkannya sampai ke mata kaki. Ahh… pemandangan yang sangat tidak ingin aku lewatkan, berdua dengan wanita cantik di rumah, dan yang paling penting, kami tidak melakukannya sembunyi-sembunyi di kamar, tapi di ruang tengah yang sangat luas, aku semakin terobsesi. Tanpa di suruh, Nurul langsung mulai menggerak- gerakkan tangannya mengocok batang kontolku yang mulai tegak. berapa saat kemudia, “berhenti… aku sudah bosan dengan cara itu, ganti dengan cara lain!!”, “Cara gimana mas…aku ngga ngerti” ambil terus tertunduk pasrah. “dengan mulut kamu….sekarang ”, aku lihat tubuhnya merespon dengan sangat terkejut perintahku, hal yang tidak pernah sama sekali dia bayangkan. “semakin lama kamu melakukannya… semakin terlambat sampai RS…”bentakku . Nurul pun mulai menuruti perintahku, didekatkan bibirnya yang mungil itu ke kontolku, ketika bibirnya yang lembut, hangat dan basah oleh lipglose itu menempel ujung kontolku, aku merasakan sensasi yang luar biasa. Cara menciumnya pun sangat aneh, karena dia tidak pernah melakukannya sama sekali, tapi aku biarkan karena di situ seninya, melihat wanita alim yang masih polos melakukan oral sex. Aku tertawa dalam hati, dan menikmati apa yang ada di hadapanku. Mungkin sudah insting, ciumannya mulai mengitari seluruh kontolku, bahkan sesekali dia basahi dengan lidahnya. Dia melakukannya dengan mata yang selalu terpejam, kuberanikan memegang punggungnya, aku rasakan detak jantungnya berdebar sangat keras hingga ke punggung. “ahh… nikmati sekali Nurul sayang… .terus sayang… kulum semuanya… seperti kamu mengulum permen lolipop ketika kamu kecil dulu” ujarku sambil mulai berani mengusap dan membelai jilbabnya. Dengan ragu Nurul memasukkan kontolku ke rongga mulutnya, aku tidak tinggal diam aku segera mendorong kepalanya semakin masuk, sehingga dia tahu apa yang harus dia lakukan… .Tangaku mulai berani menyusup ke balik jilbabnya, dan menemukan sebuah gundukan yang sangatlembut terbalut bra, “mhh… cuma 34B tapi lembut dan indah sekali” desisku. Nurul terperangah, dan langsung tangannya memagang tanganku dan menjauhkannya dari dadanya. “Diam!!!” bentakku. Dia terdiam, dan matanya mulai meneteskan air mata. Lalu tangan kananku memegang bagian belakang kepalanya dan memaju mundurkan kepalanya, sehingga bibirnya yang lembut beradu dengan lapisan kulit kontolku, aku merasakan sensasi yng sangat luar biasa dan tidak pernah aku dapatkan. tangan kiriku kembali bergerilya di teteknya, kali ini tidak ada perlawanan, bahkan ketika aku mulai meremas teteknya yang lembut. Aku merasakan putingnya semakin mengeras, tanda dia mulai terangsang dan menikmatinya. Sampai beberapa saat akhirnya “aaahh… aauuww…” Aku mengejang, dan seketika muncullah sperma hangat dari ujung kemaluanku. Nurul kaget bukan kepalang, dia berusaha mengeluarkan kontolku dari mulutnya, tapi itu sia-sia karena tangan kananku menahannya. Akhirnya spermaku muntah di rongga mulutnya….. dia hanya bisa tergugu dan diam dengan mulut yang masih mengemut kontolku. ketika ku cabut, spermaku meleleh dari bibirnya yang manis, dan diapun memuntahkannya… ahhh… indah sekali. dia langsung berlari ke wastafel untuk memntuahkan apa yang baru ditelannya. dia meludah terus menerus, sambil terus senggukan menahan tangis. Lalu dia pun masuk ke kamar. aku masih menikmati ejakulasi terindah yang pernah aku rasakan, sambil tetap duduk di sofa tengah. Tak berapa lama, Nurul keluar dari kamarnya, dengan jilbab dan gamis yang baru, mungkin karena kusut dan terkena cipratan spermaku. Walaupun tetap dengan wajah menunduk, tai dia mulai berusaha bersikap biasa, dan berani mencairan suasana. “Mas… aku berankat dulu”, “Iya… hati- hati ya… rahasiamu aman denganku”. Malam harinya aku bergumul hebat dengan istriku hingga aku terlelap. Sebenarnya aku ingin sekali segera memiliki buah hati, tapi itu belum terjadi, ya sekarang sih aku puas- puasin dulu dengan istri. Saking terlelapnya aku tidak tahu kapan Nurul datang. Jam 2 dini hari aku terbangun lagi, dan seperti biasanya aku mengambil minum di kulkas. Ku lihat kamar Nurul masih terang, “mhh… rajin sekali belajarnya”, lalu ku ketuk pintu kamarnya, libidoku pun mulai naik lagi. “Nur… buka pintunya” ujarku. “I… iya mas…”, agak lama dia membuka pintunya karena biasanya dia mengenakan jilbabnya dulu sebelum menemuiku. “belum tidur ya?”, “Belum mas, masih ada tugas… mhh… boleh aku pinjam lagi komputernya mas?”, “Tentu saja boleh…tapikamutahu syaratnya bukan?”, dia terdiam…mungkin bingung, dia tahu arah pertanyaanku, tapi dia tidak ingin melakukannya. Mungkin tidak ada pilihan lagi, seketika dia segera menjalankan tugasnya, anehnya kali ini dia sangat buas mengulum kontolku, dia seperti sudah lihai dengan tugasnya, “ah… mungkin dia mencontoh dari DVD BF yang dulu dia tonton di komputerku”, “mulutnya terus membasahi kontolku, terus melakukan gerakan mengurut dan merangsang agar kontolku segera mengeluarkan lahar putihnya. Pemandangan yang luar biasa, dengan daster yang lebar dan mengenakan jilbab kaos putih ang sangat lebar. Dan dia pun hanya diam ketika dua tanganky menyelinap dibalik jilbabnya dan mulai meremas teteknya. Aku perhatikan mukanya mulai memerah, kadang nafasnya tertahan dan mulai memburu. DIa tarangsang…aku yakin sekali, dia juga manusia yang punya hasrat. Sesaat kemdian kontolku mulai bergetar dan segera melesakkan lahar putihnya, Nurul kaget dan spontan mengeluarkan kontolku dari mulutnya, aku tidka dapat menahannya karena tanganku sedang sibuk meremas teteknya. Seketika spermaku menyembur di wajahnya, mengenai matanya, bibirnya, dan pipinya yang merona merah. “Ahhh ….” aku kaget mendengar kata itu keluar dari bibirnya. “bersihkan!” serta merta bibir dan lidahnya membersihkan sperma yang masih menempel di kontolku. Akhirnya, kegiatan ini sering saya lakukan, walaupun tetap aku paksa, namun dia sudah tidak canggung untuk melakukannya. Bahkan, dia semakin lihai agar membuatku segera ejakulasi. Mungkin itu dia dapatkan dari pelajaran di kuliahnya, dia tahu titik rangsang yang paling sensitif.

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A neglected wife gets taken to a porno theater a true story

Back in the 80’s before most of the porn theaters disappeared I was lucky enough to meet a wife whose husband didn’t give the attention she wanted. I plied her with drinks and compliments and one night I talked her into going to the theater by telling her she would get all the attention she wanted. Remember the 80’s with all those long loose skirts? She loved to wear them and after a few love sessions when ever she met up with me I had her wearing either thigh highs or...

3 years ago
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Venice Revisited Part 2

It was a mix of feeling just after my orgasm face which I hope is never caught on film. First the joy of my husband’s cream covered cock taking its last few strokes, the cream provided by me. But then second our closest friends surprised by such a sight, again I hope it wasn’t my orgasm face that sent them running. Now with the act done the three of us left catch our breath. A followed jammed packed shower but believe it or not no complaints were verbalized. The third surprise of the evening...

1 year ago
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First time glory hole

It had been a long night at work when I got home I tried going to sleep so I thought I'd go for a run so got into my running stuff but couldn't find any boxers so had no underwear on. I started running I was running for about 45 mins before it started chucking it down I was in the park so I went for cover in the toilets and since it looked like the rain won't letting up anytime soon I decided to go hide in a stall as I was sat in the stall I could hear everyone who came in.As I sat there...

4 years ago
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Cat and Mouse Part 20

His kisses didn’t stay soft and gentle for long. Harry licked her crevices, feeling the moist insides of her mouth with his tongue, then he broke away and kissed her neck, one hand massaging a breast, the other attempting to undo buttons. He gave up, kissed her quickly on the lips and slid a hand up the inside the material to the lace of her bra. He flicked a finger over her nipple, kissed her hard on her nape and reclaimed her mouth. He was breathing pretty hard. Josie liked that he was...

2 years ago
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My sexual past with Margret and David chapter 7

It has been a long three weeks but finally Margret is ready for David and I to take her to bed. All week long she has been preparing herself by using her toys. We started with the smallest one gradually moving up to her largest one which is even larger than my cock. Not only is it longer , it is even thicker than mine. Which now makes me realize it was that one that has made her lose. Ever since I started fucking Margret I had wondered why she wasn’t tight, she said she has only had sex...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Joseline Kelly Brunette Knows How To Extract Man Juice

Sensual and beautiful brunette Joseline Kelly knows how to extract man’s juice for real. First, she warms the atmosphere and tease you with a sensual striptease dance wearing a tiny white outfit, to then takes Nathan’s cock in a deep throat blowjob, followed by hardcore penetration in her pussy, moaning and bid up to get her first cumshot and continues with the routine a strong blowjob to revive Nathan sexuality and continue sex with a variety of positions and blowjobs until she...

1 year ago
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Mother in laws arent all bad

My wife was 8 and half months pregnant and we were staying at her mother's house who was widowed about 10 years earlier my wife had about 2 more weeks until she was due this was a third child and she had a hard time with the last baby so she wanted to stay with her mom so she wouldn't have to do anything because I was working and trying to take care of our other kids well when we stayed with her mother she took care of the kids for us and my wife basicly just rested she was 38 at the time and...

4 years ago
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Wendy Ch 08

Chapter 8 The Sewing Room According to Cotton Wendy stirred, her head came off of the arm rest and she gave me a quizzical look as if to say, ‘where am I and who are you?’ She had dozed off sometime during my description of my visit to the home of Mrs. P one rainy Saturday night. Her light snoring had not deterred me from my task. I droned on, determined to give a full account of the night that I watched Mrs. P bake cookies and later helped her loose her cookies in her sewing room. At one...

2 years ago
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Help Part 9

*** “Okay Jake,” Danny said seriously as he continued to make eye contact, “I will tell you, but you have to promise me that you won’t flip out at me like you did last time. I don’t want this to turn into a huge drama like it did then. And I still don’t want you to tell anyone about any of this shit that’s been happening lately ok? ” “Fine!” Jake responded acceptingly. “I won’t say anything”. Danny took a deep breath. “Huh,” he sighed, “well obviously, you know that I’m...

3 years ago
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I was dared

Introduction: At sixteen years old, Becky goes out in search of a good fuck, dared to take on a random man, she has the ride of her life inside his parked car and gives him a story worth telling- but perhaps it doesnt end the way she planned. It wasnt what I had intended to happen, but even as it was happening I couldnt imagine it as wrong, and I certainly couldnt imagine it as putting my in a place like this. It was summer, and despite the fact that it was starting to get dark it was still hot...

3 years ago
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সেদিন প্রিয়া এলো,গোমড়া মুখে। আমি দেখতে চেয়েছি ওকে। শুধু দেখতে চাওয়ায় ওর গোঁসা। কেন আমি টেক্সট করেছি এসো তোমায় আমি দেখবো। এতে ও ঝাঁঝিয়ে উঠে টেক্সট করলো মানে!!! বিশেষ কোনও মানে নেই জাস্ট দেখা তোমার মতো একজন ভরপুর যুবতীকে দেখতে চাওয়ায় কি অন্যায়।আপনি একজন এতো বড় ব্যক্তিত্ব হয়ে এটা আমায় বলছেন কি করে!! রাগ করলে আসতে হবে না। দেখুন আপনি জানেন আপনার কাছে আমি কি ভাবে কৃতজ্ঞ এবং আপনি আমায় ডাকলে আমি না বলতে পারি না। আমি লিখলাম এটা আমার শেষ টেক্সট- আজ দুপুর দুটোয় তুমি আসবে আমি তোমায় দেখতে ডাকছি। প্রিয়া...

2 years ago
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My Nieces Discovery

I was thrilled to have Samantha come to visit me. I had really missed her since I moved away three years ago as a result of relocation due to my job. I loved to go shopping with her or to just chat. We were more friends than Aunt and Niece.When I met her at the airport I was shocked that she was now a young woman."Aunt Connie!" She screamed as she ran to me"It is so good to see you Samantha! Oh my but you are all grown up now! I have missed you so much!" I said as I hugged herOn the drive to my...

3 years ago
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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 61

Finally lunch was served; fresh fish filets and we would have lion stew tonight courtesy of Olnafot. After lunch I played with Angel, Grenna, and Bertron and read them a new story about Goldie Locks and the Three Bears. They thought it was very funny about the bears. They fell asleep before I got to where the bears come home. I asked Fred if he had any more news about the Trwennkleihjof’s arrival. With nothing else to do I went into the practice cave, shot a few rounds with some of the men,...

2 years ago
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Measuring my cum 5

"Go and give yourself a quick wash upstairs," said mom after a moment. "And you might as well stay naked for now," she added.I got up, my now limp cock and balls flapping a bit, and started walking out of the room. I noticed mom looking at my dick as I went. Just being naked like this in front of her in our living room was exciting, and it sent a tingle through me.I gave myself a clean in my bathroom, and in double quick time I went back downstairs again.Mom was still topless, and wearing just...

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First Book Third Testament

The rural postal delivery man exited his vehicle as he heard the screams. Something was wrong—very wrong. A massive harvesting machine with an opening easily twenty feet wide was moving across the field below him. It appeared to be going faster than it should have been. It was no longer following the crop rows—it was moving diagonally. He quickly scanned the scene, the sheer horror of what was unfolding before his eyes sent a chill through his body. In the distance, behind the giant harvester...

4 years ago
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Wrong Place Wrong Time

I was in the waiting room, waiting for my session with my psychologist. She was running a little late, having a client still with her. I was just day-dreaming when the front door crashed open with a massive guy charging through the door holding a sawn-off shotgun. "Oh fuck" I muttered to myself. This situation had badness written all over it, and I was front and centre in it. Judy, the psychologist, came running from her consultation room to be immediately blasted across the room when he...

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Leela Mamicha Ani Maza Roleplay Chat Part 8211 1

Namaskar mazya rasrashit panavalelya chutwalino ani tatalelya bullyano mi yogu parat ekada tumchya sathi ek navin story lihit ahe mazya baddal thod sangaych zal tar. Mi yogu maz vay 25n varsh ahe disayla sexy mast handsome ahe.Aatach engineering sampavun mi mumbai madhe job karat ahe. Mi belgaum kolhapur pune shi related ahe. Mi mumbai pune goa surat ahmadabad la nehmi firat asto. Jar kona ladies aunty bhabhi kinva mulina mazya sobat sex kinva sex chat chi maza karaychi asalyas mala mail kara....

1 year ago
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Private Jolee Love Submissive Brunette Jolee Love Debuts With Anal

Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to Jolee Love, a saucy brunette with a pretty face and perfect tits who gives us an unforgettable debut in Private’s My Little Plaything. Jolee loves to be dominated and submit to her master Marc Rose, getting spanked and excited before she gives an incredible cock sucking. This girl knows all the tricks, deep throat, gagging, getting that cock ready for her pussy and good pounding. Watch those big tits bounce as Jolee hops on for a ride and enjoys...

3 years ago
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Grace the BikersChapter 3

The Elderly Wives Club of Long Leary continues It was Joy who broke the long silence after I had refused to tell them about my three individual love sessions with my sons. “We understand perfectly Grace, and we have no problem with that,” she said. “ unfortunately we do have problems. There are only seven days before the Wiccan meeting on the night of the Blood Moon. Due to unforeseen business problems involving Maureen, the movie we planned to make with you in Holland over two weeks will...

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Money parts 4 5

--- Money, Part 4 (Mf, cons, inc, impreg?) by Krosis of the Collective --- Janey woke to the feeling of something poking into her thigh from behind. What was it? Oh, yeah, she was in her dad's bed, so that was his hard penis poking her, she realized. She lifted one leg and reached down, angling his phallus so the head was pressed against her clit. Then she lowered that leg, trapping it in place. The massive orgasm she had started before her dad had to pull out and cum in her mouth had...

4 years ago
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Valentines whore

I never expected that, never expected to go out, I never intended to cheat. But that’s not the point, even though I never expected it. It happened. Tonight is Valentines, you know the time of love, being with your significant other, being faithful. My boyfriend and I went out to a movie, I got home at around 11:30. My parents were waiting for me. ‘Ohhh hey’ I said as I walked through my door. ‘Why didn’t you tell us what time you were getting back’ My dad asked sternly ‘sorry, you were asleep...

1 year ago
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An Introduction to the Roadhouse

My name is Lucy, and I own the Roadhouse. So, what's the Roadhouse? Basically, it's a bar, although we also have a not bad kitchen, so we do meals in the evening, and snacks all night until about an hour before closing. I'm ex-military, although you might not guess it to look at me. I was actually a Special Forces commando, in armies that allowed women into combat roles. I can certainly handle myself in a fight, as more than one man has found out at the wrong moment. While I do love a...

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Dream Come True 8211 Man Of My Life

I slowly forgot the pain of my last encounter I remembered only the good things. I was again ready for another encounter. But this time, I wanted to be sure whom I was meeting and what they liked. So I put up another add. As usual I got lot of replies. Out of all I like one guy who seemed decent and respectful. He was ready to meet first on skype. So I caught him on skype and we chatted about general things. He was a French man. That itself excited me as Frenchmen are known for a passionate...

Gay Male
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Second Chance

Rick stood by his bedroom window gazing outside, a pained look on his face. The sunny suburban scene outside was picturesque but he could care less. All he could feel was the slight thump of his head. He hated Mondays, and the reality of a weekend ended. Last night was still a blur and not at all surprising as he had had one beer too many. It was the first time he had lost control of his drinking and did not appreciate the consequences. He smacked his mouth in disgust as it tasted like he had...

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Morning Tug

Note : This story is completely fictional! Ever since I can remember my mother has burst in the room to wake me up in the morning. As long as I can remember it has pissed me off and led to a tug of war with the covers. So why should the morning I turned 18 be any different? The door flug open and there I was in bed trying my harest to snap one off before she came in. She wished me a happy birthday and grabbed the covers. I fought the best i could and as the covers rubbed across my head i came....

2 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked in SchoolPart 7 Sunday

I awoke at my usual time, a little before dawn, but not in my usual situation. A fierce wind was shaking the cottage and driving sheets of rain against the windows. Some tree limbs had broken off and were lying in the yard. Large waves were crashing against the shore and rising into the air. It was a first class storm. The boat! We should have pulled in the boat Saturday night! Instead, the wind and the waves were tossing it around and crashing it into the dock! Then, the bow line snapped!...

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MylfDom Danni Rivers Kyaa Chimera Clandestine Coochie Kink

Beautiful Danni Rivers can be a little deceitful at times, especially when she is horny. Today, she is hanging out with her hot friend Kyaa Chimera again, and she is overjoyed when her man tells her he is coming home late. Now the babes have plenty of time to play with each others tight pussies! But our stud gets suspicious and comes home early to find his wife munching her besties muff. Instead of getting mad, he joins in on the fun. He dominates both their clandestine cunts, giving them a...

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Little Lyns party turns into Black Breeding

My name is Lyn. I'm 18 and small in size. 110lbs and 5.3 tall. I have had a couple of boyfriends but never really got into anything to heavy. My story is true and it was on my part completely un-planned. My evening started by going out with a couple of girlfriends. Jenny who I have known for a few years and Jo. I haven't known Jo for long. Just met her a few weeks ago. I had heard about her before mostly bad I have to say. She has a reputation so to speak for being a real flirt and for the most...

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A Slaves Story

For as long as I can remember I've wanted to be a slave, to have someoneelse control me and use me as they wish. I don't know why because I wasn'tabused as a c***d, not sexually, physically, or mentally. In fact, I was anover achiever. My parents encouraged me as much as they encouraged mybrothers. I was the youngest of three c***dren and the only girl. We werealways told we could be anything, do anything, and all it took was an educationand commitment.At s*******n I was tall, athletic,...

2 years ago
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I knew you wanted more than strawberry icecream

My story begins with us going to dinner. We have the most delicious meal, which tantalises each taste bud and satisfies our hunger. Dessert is your favourite, a simple strawberry icecream. I watch you enjoying it thoroughly but it doesn't do the same thing for me, my mouth longs for more. You’re talking about work, but all I can do is imagine myself unzipping your trousers and placing you inside my mouth, giving my taste buds something better to get excited about. Naturally, I turn the...

Oral Sex
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I Didnt Know What I WantedPart Two

In part one, I did research on the internet to find a way to spice up our love life. Little did I know that my wife, Sarah, was monitoring my web activity. She set up an account on a swinger site and found a kindred spirit in Hotwife69 whose real name was Carla. Sarah and Carla had many long conversations about the state of our love life. I had set up some hidden cameras to get naked pictures of Sarah that I discretely shared online. Sarah found those as well. Then she figured out how to access...

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Helen 8211 Office Forced Fuck

Myself RAJ and working in a good company on a good post. My friends always enjoyed my presence among them because of my light and jovial character. I am always a helping hand to others and I am always good to others. Five years back our office set up a new department and we six people had joined the team with each of them having certain responsibilities. Helen too had a particular job to do in the office. She has a average face with a nice and good personality with a adorable body….. especially...

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Sometimes Monsters Come In Small Packages

My name is Dr. Reginald  Alexander Ghurtholtz. I am a monsterologist, teaching monsterology at the world-famous Graveyard University. For those of you who don't know, monsterology is the study of monsters. Yes, they do exist. Of course, my so-called scientific colleagues disagree with me, but what do they know? They're just a bunch of chemists, biologists, zoologists and so forth. You know... voodoo scientists. They actually had the nerve to tell me that monsterology wasn't even a real word and...

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The ProtectorChapter 31

By the time I got back to my study, I was in a foul mood. I felt liquid running down the back of my neck and knew that Myrna's slap had opened the cut again. I sat down and leaned, back thinking about what I had done. To my surprise, I felt a little guilty about the way I had talked to Myrna. Even though she shouldn't have slapped me like a little kid, I was still wrong in the way I had handled it. I had not only shocked myself and her with the venom in my voice, but I could still see the...

1 year ago
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What Do You Think HappenedChapter 6

I was spooked by the silence of Columbus that morning when we woke up. I waited until 8 a.m. -- as advertised in my radio message -- before leaving town, but I was glad to go. I was relieved to get back out on the open highway again. It felt safer. We still saw occasional animals along the road -- packs of dogs, mostly. Deer, the occasional opossum, once even a small brown bear. No people, though. We hadn't seen any cats, either. That seemed strange. I counted backward. It had been four...

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Horny Day Today

Horny Day Well, I woke up this morning so honey that is very rare for a Friday, mom usually spends Thursday nights with me but last night she had a date with a guy that picked her up at the dinner.Anyway I could not sleep tossing and turning all night. Around 5 AM my tiny clitlet was hard as a rock which is so unusual seeing that 99.9% of the time it is limp and never gets hard. Just hides under my panties like a useless piece of meat. The panties of my lavender baby dolls was sticking out (not...

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Mias first anal

Alex drove Mia home. She got out of the car and came around to his window for a quick kiss. Alex handed her a small package and told her to open it when she was alone. Burning with curiosity she hurried inside and ran into her room, shutting and locking the door behind her. She ripped open the package and found a short note from Alex at the top, which she immediately read. "Put it in and leave in. I'll pick you up around three tomorrow." That was all the note said. Impatiently, she tipped the...

3 years ago
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Two at a time

I am laying on the bed playing with my tits while caressing and pulling at my hard erect nipples, my legs spread wide,my newly shaved pussy throbbing and leaking my juices with sexual excitement. When I hear a knock at the door “I have a surprise for you my little cum slut,” he says. I gasped in shock when he returns with his friend Tony “Tony is going to fuck your pussy while I fuck your arse, this is the fantasy I know you have wanted.” Before I have a chance to say anything Tony starts to...

1 year ago
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AssParade Carmela Clutch Oiling the Big Butt

Carmela Clutch was hanging out at the pool showing off her beautiful curvy body. She called her boyfriend Peter. She needed some oil on her body. Peter oiled her whole body well. As a thank you she took him to the bubble bath. Foam was running through her ass cracks. It looked so sexy. She started to blow Peter’s dick. He fucked her in the bathtub. They took it to the bedroom. Peter licked her pussy while her ass was on top of him. She sucked his dick again and they fucked like there is no...

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Hard PromiseChapter 12

On Sunday morning, my parents and I got home from church to find a car sitting in front of our house. When we walked from the garage toward the house, a car door opened and Melissa stepped out. She looked over the hood of the car, as if waiting for a signal of some sort. I stopped when I saw her. My heart was beating fast, and there was an empty feeling in my stomach. Finally, I looked away from her, and continued into the house without acknowledging her. I figured that if she wanted to talk...

3 years ago
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Crossing One of Lifes Thin Lines

After the beating that Ray took, and his resulting hospital stay, my father and I got back to what was normal for us. That is to say that I was no longer staying away from him and we would talk frequently like we had in the past. I found out in a convoluted way that he was having some money problems. My cousin, Billy called me and asked to borrow a thousand dollars. I told him that I could do it, lend him the money, but I wondered whether he wasn't getting into trouble of some kind if he...

4 years ago
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Commanders Pet Part IV

Introduction: Petra finally meets Tahlana and is tested I lie on my back on the firm, cool surface. The table begins to feel softer, and my arms and legs start to move. With a metallic ring, the silver protrusions along the edges snap across my arms and legs, pinning me. The arm and legs sections of the table continue to separate until Im spread eagle. Then the leg parts bend until Im positioned like in gyno stirrups. Im not used to having a bald pussy and the exposure heightens my lingering...

2 years ago
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BrittanyPart III

I lay there in bed next to my sleeping wife and I all I could think about was what Brittany had mentioned to me in comparing the taste of my cum to my own daughter’s. It was the last thing she said to me before scampering off to Jessica’s bedroom but to be honest she could have recited the Gettysburg Address and all my mind would have registered was the fact that Brittany and Jessica had, at some point, had sex. I’m not sure how it’s possible but I dozed off with that image in my head.The next...

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Sarahs Lesbian Encounter

Sarah sat on the edge of her seat, waiting. She was dying to know her grade for the most recent test she had taken in her 10th grade Algebra II class. "Sarah Rogers...74." A 74!! I studied way too hard for a 74, Sarah thought. I just don't get it...I'll never pass Algebra. Sitting behind her, Emily Williams was also waiting on her score. Emily was the new kid in class, and she had only been there 1 week. "Emily Williams...95." Unbelieveable, thought Emily. I can't believe I scored...

4 years ago
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Chapter 1 Sheila & Cindy sat on either side of their master . It was breakfast time, both sat in their chairs , totally nude except for their buttplugs & collar & leashes , Rocky was currently drinking his coffee as he held both leashes of his wife& mother . As they ate their hearty breakfast , Rocky was getting a big hardon from watching their tits jiggle . Once they all had finished , Rocky led them both to the master bedroom where both put on their spiked heels . Instructed to get down on...

3 years ago
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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 21 A Most Successful Day

If Tom and Belinda went into that sauna room at the Success Nudist Resort not knowing that they were in love with each other then they certainly did not come out that way. The lovely quiet hour that followed on after Tom’s return from the laundry room shaped the future destinies of both these two innocent teenagers in a very beautiful way. Tom came back in through that door thinking he was about to sink his erect penis deep into Belinda’s beautiful little body. That’s what he had in his mind...

3 years ago
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Junes Secret Fantasy Fulfilled

Ten days had passed since returning from our Nevada road trip.  June stopped by my place, distressed and ready to spill her guts.June said, "Matthew, I need to get something off my chest."I quipped, "Hopefully your blouse."June replied, " No, well, later.  I have to explain something to you.  It is about our Nevada escapade.  I have kept a secret from you."JUNE'S TALEThis occurred when we were gambling in Reno.  You explained legalized prostitution to me and I started to fantasize about it. ...

2 years ago
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Sexy chat delhi wali se

nudepriya: hi i like your it,and also sex with large cock today_fun2: GUD AND IT ?? nudepriya: sex kiya hai kya kabhi today_fun2: ;) MANY TIME JAAN nudepriya: or send karo na today_fun2: OK UR ASL ??? nudepriya: priya suri from delhi today_fun2: AGE ?? nudepriya: agar me tumhare pass aau tho kase sex karoge, koe dusri send karo today_fun2: LUND TERI CHUT MEIN DAAL KAR AUR KESE nudepriya: chut ko cusoge nahi kya bobe nahi daboage kya today_fun2: NAHI GAND AUR CHUT HI MAROGA nudepriya:...

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The Cougar I Fucked

It was a chilly spring night. One of my Associates wanted to celebrate his birthday. So we all went out to go have fun for his birthday. So me, the youngest person in the group, wasn't 21 yet. So I was restricted from buying drinks. However, a clever young fella like me thought was easy, and cover up the band. Consequently, they figured out I wasn't 21 yet and took me out. At this moment, my friend were inside having fun and I was stuck outside; I was heated. Little that I know, there was a gem...

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Our Romantic Weekend

Mark and Beth had decided to have a romantic weekend away together, so they packed their bags and headed off to a couples resort on a secluded island in the Bahamas that they found. They are both looking forward to this weekend trip and all the possibilities that are in store for them. As they sit in the airport waiting for their flight they can’t stop talking about how excited they are about this weekend. Beth starts feeling very frisky and discreetly tries to caress Mark’s dick through his...

1 year ago
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The All New Sharing Black series Part 1

Samantha 6:54p.m. Monday W.L. Goodman Football Field –PREHOMECOMING-- “Hurry up Samantha, you’re gonna miss the start!” Michelle yelled. Michelle Lynette Shipmen 18, popularly known as Chelle, was thick, with a deep caramel complexion; she weighed about 190lbs and stood approximately 5’5”. Michelle’s much taller and heavier than me, although her 32B bra size paled in comparison to my 36C. Her top half was of a small frame, but when it comes to the lower half, the jocks liked to call her Cent....

3 years ago
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Falling for Luis

Alex stood wearing only her favorite black lace bra and same colored boy shorts looking through her closet for something to wear. There was someone she was trying to impress at the Christmas party so she wanted to be sure to look extra special. She took out a small, short black, strapless dress with ruffles. She had only gotten the chance to wear it once. “This is the one,” Alex thought as she picked up a pair of silver heels with straps on them to go with the dress.“Hey, honey do I look OK?”...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Distant CousinsChapter 5

Everything had gone terribly wrong, and no amount of explanation would change things. That they were fired upon convinced the duo that their freedom was never an option. They would have to go to plan B. Eli had no trouble piloting the craft up the East River under water, the least likely retreat direction, while USAF aircraft made sweeps up and down the bay and up the Hudson River, albeit fruitlessly. When the visitors were ready, they took to the skies so quickly that no craft, no missiles...

2 years ago
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Caught by the neighbour

I left Home at 18 but whilst I was living at home we had an incredibly attractive neighbour called Mrs Stevens and she lived at the back of our house, our gardens backed into each other and my bedroom was situated looking into her garden and was opposite her bedroom.I used to masterbate a lot and I often used my imagination as the internet was so slow back then.Mrs Stevens used to walk around her house at night sometimes not wearing too many clothes and now and again I’d see her pop into her...

2 years ago
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My friend mom and me

I was 19 years old, and it was the summer before my sophmoreyear. One of my best friends (Walt),was moving down to Louisianna. He wasleaving on Saturday. He asked me if I wouldhelp him move all of his family's stuff intothe moving trucks on a thursday afternoon.And i said i would be glad to, since he wasa good friend of mine. So all day, me, andWalt moved stuff into the truck. His mom(Sue) was telling us what to move, and whereto put it in the truck all this time.We had been working from 8 a.m....

2 years ago
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An Unknown AttractionChapter 3 Songs of a Life

Having finished our little demonstrations, and deciding we'd wasted enough time hanging around the hotel, we prepared to leave. I was anxious to see more of New Orleans's famous French Quarter, but was hesitant about running into someone else like Shani. I didn't know whether I simply shouldn't look anyone in the eyes or if I'd draw them to me like a magnet regardless of what I did, resulting in a whole string of women following me down the street. Honestly, I simply didn't know what to...

3 years ago
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Walking alone in the darkness

Tuesday late evening I was leaving work about two hours behind everyone else. I had always hated walking through the darkness in that lonely parking lot. Even though nothing had ever happened there, I still did not feel safe. The dim lighting and confusing echoes made me nervous. Walking quickly with my head up, I clutched the car’s keys tightly in my hand. Suddenly someone grabbed me from behind, pulling me off my feet. I dropped my purse and keys while I struggled with him. His strong hand...

4 years ago
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I'm new and also new to writing. this story is a rather lengthy work of fiction so hang with me if you can. I'll be the first to admit that I am no English professor but this story isn't about English or, professors. It's about people.-That's my apology in advance for my abuse of the language and keyboard. ..Okay and punctuation and form and structure and so on. I hope you enjoy! Post a comment or shoot me a message with your thoughts. White pt.I It...

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