Autograph 2 free porn video

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During my job as a nude male model for an art class at the local college, I realized I loved being naked in front of women. After each class, I would race home and jack off. As I stroked my cock, I would think off the many eyes that had devoured my naked body during the two hours I posed nude. I'm sure some women, judging by the way they had looked at me, would go home, think of me, and masturbate, or fuck their boyfriend or husband with me in mind. The idea that they were getting off while visualizing me in their imagination drove me wild. It wouldn't take long before I'd shoot a large load of cum across my bedroom floor.

If you have read Autograph, the first story in this series, you'll know I sometimes allowed my cock to become erect in order to liven up the class. The first few times I did this, the art teacher was not happy, and would stop the class until I lost my erection. But as the semester progressed, she became open minded and allowed me to pose with a hardon. She, like me, got a kick out of watching people squirm in their seats, either because they were uncomfortable with my aroused state, or because they were horny from viewing my manhood. Sometimes after class, when everyone was gone, the art teacher would give me a handjob, and once a few coeds helped her. I autographed their art work with my cum. But we had to be very discrete. If anyone had informed the college administration what was going on, she would be fired. As a result these episodes were infrequent, and never went beyond me getting a handjob, much to my regret. However things were about to change.

It was at the end of the semester when the art teacher approached me with a job offer. She was holding private art classes in her studio, at her home. She asked if I would work for her during the summer. I readily agreed because I needed an outlet for my need to exhibit myself to women. It became a driving force at this stage in my life, and posing naked for a group of want-to-be artists would be perfect. During the day I would work as a landscaper, two evenings a week I'd pose in her class.

The art teacher's name by the way, is Ms. Purdy. She is about thirty years old. She is a vivacious, short, slim, small busted brunette. Her students love her because she had the knack at putting everyone at ease, and teaches art with verve and wit. Her art studio was located at the back of her house, overlooking the pool in the backyard. It was spacious, well lighted and had the smell of oil paints and crayons.

I arrived for the first class wearing only a t-shirt, jeans, no underwear, and runners. There were eight students, all women. They varied in age from twenty to forty-five. Most of them seemed nervous that a man was going to pose nude for them. Since it was a very intimate setting, I joked around, made small talk with them, and put them at ease as best I could. They responded by laughing readily, and joking with me. Out of the blue, I peeled off my t-shirt, stepped out of my runners, and dropped my faded blue jeans to the floor. Ms. Purdy slapped her hands together loudly and said, "Begin drawing ladies." The women stepped behind their easels and began to work.

It was a very informal class. Ms. Purdy chatted with everyone as if they were old friends. As they drew, the more outgoing women would talk to me, ask me questions about myself and suggest poses. During my breaks, I would circulate among the women, naked of course, and look at their work. Many of them were uncomfortable when I did this, but by the end of the evening I had put them all at ease. They didn't mind standing within inches of a totally naked man. Everyone was on a first name basis, and quickly becoming friends. After the last student left, Ms. Purdy opened her purse and paid me the money I was owed. I picked up my jeans and slipped the money into the pocket. I was a about to put them on but she stopped me.

"You were a very good boy tonight," she said. "You put my students at ease, and more importantly, you didn't develop an erection and embarrass them. Thank you." She rose onto her toes and pecked me on the cheek.

"Does this mean you don't want me to get an erection in any future classes?"

"I didn't say that," she purred. "As everyone becomes more relaxed and familiar with each other, developing an erection will be fun for us all." I smiled. "In fact, if you develop one right now, I won't find that upsetting at all." About ten seconds after she said that, my cock was swollen and standing erect. Ms. Purdy pulled a chair in front of me, sat on it and sucked on my cock until I blew a load of cum down her throat. She wiped her lips with her fingers and said,

"That my dear boy, was a bonus for your outstanding work tonight. Keep it up, and there will be more. Class dismissed." I got dressed and left. As soon as I got home I pulled off my clothes and jerked off again.

I arrived for the next class, at Ms. Purdy's suggestion, at the half way point. The first part of the class was devoted to studying the nude female body, while the second half would be devoted to the male body. I walked into the studio to find Ms. Purdy standing on the small stage in front of the room, naked. My jaw dropped and my cock stirred. She saw me at the back and waved at me. The ladies said hello and continued to draw. I stood at the back and devoured Ms. Purdy's body with my eyes. After a few minutes, Ms. Purdy put on her robe and yelled, "Break time." I chatted wth a few of the ladies for a few minutes, then walked over to the stage where Ms. Purdy was seated. She was looking at drawings and giving her students advice. She explained to me that the model she had hired to pose nude for the class had cancelled at the last minute so she had to fill in. The robe she wore was short and barely covered her closely cropped pussy. I disrobed and stood there talking to Ms.Purdy and the ladies with my cock at half mast. They all noticed. The room echoed with giggles. I knew I was not going to be able to control my cock tonight. After seeing Ms.Purdy nude, it was beyond my control.

The class resumed and I began to pose. Ms. Purdy circulated throughout the room, still wearing her robe. At one point, she stood at the back of the class, behind everyone so they could not see her. She opened her robe, exposing her pussy and breasts to me. My cock immediately expanded to its full length and hardness. A few women gasped. Ms. Purdy tied her robe back up and yelled,

"Oh my God." She rushed up to me and threw a towel over my erection. "Ladies, I am sorry this has happened. The models I hire know they are not supposed to get erections." She scowled at me. I knew it was all an act for her students benefit. "We will halt the class until he regains control of himself. If this happens again, I will find another model to take his place."

A woman from the back of the class piped up and said, "No, no, you can't do that. He's a nice guy, we'd miss him." The ladies agreed with her. Another one said, "As for his erection, we don't mind; things like this happen." They all murmurred in agreement. Someone said,"It's no big deal, we're are all adults here. If he happens to get a hardon, so what? No harm done." Ms. Purdy looked at the students and said, "He can stay, only if you all agree." They all agreed. Ms. Purdy turned around and grinned at me in a very saucy manner. The ladies resumed drawing, I took the towel off my prick and resumed posing.

On my breaks, I would mingle with the ladies, looking at their work, as I did last class. Only this time I had a nine inch erection. The ladies did their best to try and ignore it and I did my best to try not to touch them with it. The situation was very awkward, but no one was complaining. However, at one point, I was distracted and accidently poked the youngest of the ladies in the rear end with my prick. She looked to me to be about twenty years old. She jumped a mile. I blushed and apologized, but she said, "Don't worry about it, it was my pleasure." Everyone broke up laughing. Slyly, without anyone seeing, she gave my prick a quick stroke, and grinned devilishly. I posed for the rest of the evening with a raging hardon. It took a while for Ms. Purdy to clear the class at the end of evening because the ladies were reluctant to leave. After the last woman left, which happened to be the twenty year old, Ms. Purdy dropped her robe, kneeled in front of me and gave me a blow job. At the window were peeping eyes. The twenty year old I had accidently poked in the rear watched Ms. Purdy swirl her tongue over my cock and balls, then deep throat me. I came down her throat. The peeping Jane disappeared from the window when Ms. Purdy got up off the floor and put her robe on.

"Another bonus eh." I chuckled.

"Yes. If you keep up the good work, you'll be getting an even bigger bonus." She ran her fingers up and down her pussy and smirked. I laughed. Before I left, I told Ms.Purdy about our peeper. She laughed and said, "I'll get even with her next class." I wondered what she had in mind but didn't ask.

As you can imagine, I felt like I was in heaven. I was being paid to expose myself to a room full of women, and got a blow job after each class to boot, with promises of better things to come. If that's not heaven, what is it? I was horny all the time and jacked off each night pretending I was masturbating in front of the class.

At the request of Ms. Purdy, I arrived early at the next class. She was in an especially horny mood and wanted to suck me off before class began. This time instead of swallowing my cum, she had me ejaculate on a picture our peeping Jane had drawn. Ms.Purdy yelled, "Autograph her picture stud." I pumped my cock and squirted all over the charcoal drawing. Ms. Purdy sopped up the gobs of cum as best she could. When our peeping Jane arrived for class, Ms. Purdy invited her into her office, handed her the drawing and aplogized for ruining her work. The distinct smell of cum permeated the small room. Ms. Purdy told me afterwards, our peeping Jane knew exactly what the smell was.

During the first half of the class, I posed without an erection, simply bacause Ms. Purdy had temporarily drained me dry. I suspect some of the ladies were disappointed. At the break, Ms. Purdy went into her office and used the phone. When she came out, she was angry. The female model she had hired to pose for the second half of the class had once again cancelled at the last moment. She asked for a volunteer to pose nude for the class. Some were aghast at the suggestion, others laughed. They asked Ms. Purdy to pose again. She explained she had done her duty last time and that she couldn't pose and properly teach at the same time. She again asked for a volunteer. Our peeping Jane timidly raised her hand. She said she would pose in her undies, but not nude. I don't recall her real name, I have a bad memory when it comes to names, so I'll call her Jane. Jane flipped off her sandles, took off her t-shirt and lowered her jeans. Underneath she was wearing a black lace bra and black thong panties. She was a tall lanky blonde, had a slim figure, and small ass. He breasts were huge.

As Jane posed for the class, I got a sketch pad and a pen and began to draw. Ms. Purdy graciuosly gave me pointers. The ladies commented on my work as well. They encouraged me and said I had some promise. I felt proud of myself. On a break, Jane came over and looked at my work. I was seated. She ran her breasts across my back as she looked over my shoulder at my drawings. She whispered in my ear, "After class tonight, I want to suck you off like Ms. Purdy did."

"That can be arranged," I stammered. She giggled. My cock began to rise. I stood up and whispered in her ear,

"In return, I want you to pose nude for the class." Without giving her time to say yes or no, I unhooked her bra, letting her huge tits fall free. Then in a split second, I hooked my thumbs in her panties and pulled them down her legs. "Look everyone,"I said loudly, "Jane has agreed to pose nude for us." Jane blushed a deep red but it was too late to say no. She walked up onto the stage and began to pose.

I couldn't concentrate to draw. Jane's tits, though huge, didn't sag and her pink nipples were swollen and puffy. Her pussy had a slight dusting of blonde hair above it. Ms. Purdy suggested Jane and I pose together. I leaped at the chance.

Being so close to a beautiful, naked woman, naturally made my cock rise to its full potential. No one said anything, but there were quite few giggles and murmurs in the room. Our poses had not brought us into physical contact with one another until Ms. Purdy had us hug. My hard cock was squeezed against Jane's tummy, her breasts were snuggled against my chest. We held the pose for about five minutes but it seemed like five hours. Jane began to breath heavily, and I felt her pussy, which she held against my thigh, dampen. I don't think any of this was obvious to anyone else in the class. They all seemed intent on their work. When Ms. Purdy yelled "Break time," we broke our pose and fell back into chairs. My cock was sticking straight up, and harder than the marble in Michelangelo's David. Jane's pussy lips were open and glistening. She tried to conceal it with her hands.

If I was going to fulfill my fantasy of masturbating in front of a room full of women, this was the time to do it. I grabbed my cock and slowly stroked up and down on it as I leered at Jane's breasts. I heard a few pencils drop. I looked up and saw a couple of ladies staring at me in shock. One of them ran outside and told the women who were enjoying the cool evening air what I was doing. They rushed back in and watched me. Not one of them protested or tried to stop me. Not one! Ms Purdy pulled up a chair close to me, unbuttoned her pants, and slipped her hand beneath her panties. Jane lost any inhibitions she may have had. She spread her legs wide and massaged her pussy with her hands and fingers. I increased the speed of my hand on my cock. Precum dripped out and coated my cock, giving it a nice shine.

To give the ladies have a better view, I moved the chair into a position that faced them all. My cock shaft was now bright pink, my cockhead a deep purple shade. I massaged my balls with one hand and used the other to play with my prick. I looked into the eyes of each and every woman. Their eyes were aflame with lust, lust for me! It's a mind blowing experience, let me tell you. My head was swimming. Ms Purdy's fingers were working her snatch at feverish pace. Jane withdrew the fingers she had pushed into her twat, hurried over to me, kneeled, and sucked on my prick. The women went wild. They began to chant, "Suck . . .suck . . .suck." The sound was deafening. Jane sucked on my cock like it was her last meal. She cupped her breasts together and I fucked her tits. My cockhead would peak out the end of her breast valley and she would lap at it with her tongue.

Ms. Purdy screamed in pleasurable agony. She had just cum. The groin of her panties was soaked. Now the ladies changed their chant. They began to yell, "Cum . . cum . . .cum." I stood up. In a frenzy, Jane worked her mouth up and down my cock. I moaned loudly, pulled my cock from her mouth and ejaculated all over her breasts and face. When I had finished squirting, Jane wrapped her lips around my cockhead and licked off the remaining cum. The women began to clap and hoot. Obviously they had enjoyed the show. Someone threw Jane a towel and she cleaned my cum off her body. I fell back into my chair. I was exhausted.

That, my dear reader, was the beginning of my summer of sexual debauchery. Halfway through writing this story, I took off all my clothes and occasionally stroked my cock as I wrote. Reliving these memories has made me hornier than ever. After I finish this paragraph, I intend to relieve my pent up sexual energy. I hope your orgasm will be as intense as the one I am about to have.

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My girlfriend’s sister Mary and her boyfriend Josh were visiting us and other relatives in the area for a week. They were staying at our house in our basement suite. My girlfriend and I still had to work that week so they had the house to themselves during the day. One day I decided to leave work early to meet a buddy who was doing some afternoon hunting. So I left work at about 11 and swung by the house to get my gear which was in the basement. I came into the house and it was quiet so I...

4 years ago
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My Bengali Girlfriend

Hey all ISS readers. I better not reveal my name here but U can address me as Singh. Yes I am a punjabi boy, 25 yrs old, 5’9″ well built body. Currently I am staying in Singapore doing my MBA but my family is back in Kolkata. This story refers to one of my sexual escapades during my college life.I had made friends with a nice looking hot bengali girl. Her name was kamalika (name changed). She had an awesome figure and like most bengali girls well shaped and decently sized boobs. Slowly we...

3 years ago
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Mom Is Mine And I Had Her Body

Hi ISS readers.I am from AP.I dont want to reveal my name as it is a real story. Here the story begins.At first I never had a thought of any bad intentions towards my mom.But after I read some of the stories of this site , I came to know that there can exist such kind of relations with no problems in life.Coming to my mother,she is a normal lady of medium height but very fair in colour.I like it very much.She is exactly 42 right now.But her boobs are so small which will be fit in one’s hand...

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Super School

New Kennedy City is a pretty weird place. Superheroes and Supervillains constantly fighting. Little did you know that your new school was going to be even weirder. You had been kicked out of your old high school for beating up a bully. You knew it was unjust, considering the guy had outed you as bi to the entire fucking town but knew that the education system only punished those that were caught. You'd entered the office of the school and immediately a woman, who looked like she wasn't payed...

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Fucked My Roommate Girlfriend Part 2 Conclusion

Hello, friends, I’m Rohit currently living in Delhi, Vasant vihar   Thank you, for your kind words and suggestion for my previous post.Lots of people texted me enquiring about the second part.   As some of you reader know, how I had a physical relationship with my roommate girlfriend and for new reader please check out the part 1 so that you can enjoy the story to fullest. Continuing my story   So according to our agreement, from next day we acted like nothing happened between us, this also...

4 years ago
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Mei Ling

M e i L i n g - by: B. Pink Chapter 1 The club was crowded, but I could not see one bit of skirt that would do my rampant cock justice. I lent against the bar watching the girls flaunting themselves as they danced. The guys eyed the trashy females like waiting crows, waiting to pick up the carrion from the dance floor. I finished my drink and turned to face the bar. As I waited to be served I saw my reflection in the mirror behind the optics. 6'2" tall, perfect face,...

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Swtor The BarsenThor

It has been a few years since Jedi Master and Council Member, Kealen Gar'dai, was awarded a seat on the Council. Master Gar'dai is a Renowned Diplomat and Archaeologist, but is also a Force Prophet. Gar'dai is the Orders best Healer and Second Best Lightsaber Duelist. Master Kealen likes to take on Rejected Padawans who have been deemed unfit for service in the Order, and offers them the Chance to Work alongside the Jedi. But those who seem to have no hope, are often taken in as well. Recently...

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Hot Sex With Lady Manager On Official Trip

Dear friends, this is the story of how my manager Lakshmi followed up on with a two-night work trip to Pune as a sex filled holiday. Once we resumed work after our weekend outing, it was work as usual in the office. Lakshmi and I tried our best to keep our discussions to official matters. Her dressing also was traditional as usual. It was difficult to believe that we had those sexapades in the resort. However, in the next week, she walked to my desk and said we need to plan to go to Pune for a...

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Lending a Hand to the Neighbor Day 2 Abbys Surprise

“Well… shit,” Abby thought to herself as she got ready for bed. She was hoping that John was going to be with her tonight. He came home from work so happy, and was positively charming through dinner. It was like the old John, full of life and jokes, and she almost forgot how sexy he could be when he laughed. She found herself hoping against hope that they might be intimate together tonight.And why not? Abby looked good, one of the cutest ladies in the neighborhood. She wasn’t a model, but she...

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My Irish Nymph

This is dedicated to my Irishgirl, and may not be as erotic as you are used to but it really is just a story for my dear girl. But I hope you like.There was once a wood nymph that lived in the forest of the land of snow-capped mountains and sheep. She would fly through the trees beating her insect wings as fast as she could try to escape a terrible loneliness. She watched the humans coupling, clutching at each other as if trying to become one.She came to enjoy watching the humans "fucking" as...

3 years ago
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How I became The Volleyball Teams Slut Part 4

‘Meet us in the gym,slut 3. You’re in trouble’ I couldn’t imagine how much more trouble I could find myself in… I was reading this text, still standing nude in the boy’s washroom. I could smell the sweet scent of sex, as a sat down on the toilet seat. I began to clean up as much of the cum as possible, it feels like it has gotten everywhere! I took my time. There is no rush to more abuse at the hands of the volleyball team. I stood up slowly. I could hear guys doing their business around the...

3 years ago
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Teasing Dad with my friends

The last month had passed in an awkward silent yet normal way. Katie and her dad, Mark, still had their normal interactions, but both avoided any mention of what had happened. Katie didn’t dress deliberately skimpy to tease her dad, and avoided any type of conversation that might get them close to talking about what they had done. Katie waited until she felt her motivation would not be realized by her dad before asking him to chaperone her and her friend Becki, a striking redhead with green...

3 years ago
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Semina Vitae Twelve

Saturday Night 11:00 PMMack looked into the bottom of his glass. The mix of manseed and Bailey’s had tasted good.“I would not have done this a week ago. It might be weirder to think about sharing cum than it is to doing it. This actually tasted pretty good. I can see why those women liked it."Mary almost interrupted him, “Speaking of taste… John, you tasted good. And Mack, you tasted different tonight. I mean better. You were sweeter. Does this have anything to do with you drinking tea this...

2 years ago
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Knock at the Door

The knock on the door wasn’t a surprise. She took a deep breath, walked to the door and looked through the peephole. It was him. She had been waiting for this for so long, with so much electricity building up between them. The work day was long, yet fun. They were doing so much, being put together on a team for the first time. There were little glances, occasional bumps as the space backstage was limited. She got cold, and asked to borrow his sweater that he had just taken off. He was more...

3 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 77

Liz took another sip of her shaken beer and made a face. I figured that her attempt to fling it across the room had caused it to go flat. “I’ll get you another,” I said, standing. “I was thinking about having one since we’re in for the night.” “No,” she replied. “I’ll get you one.” She took my hand and led me to my favorite chair before looking around the room. “Don’t you have a sound system?” she asked. “No,” I admitted. “I listen to music off my tablet or through my phone. I can pull...

1 year ago
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The Grand Strategy Ch 12

With Dad home now, the opportunities for Mom and I to be together were limited. I visited her almost every day, and we would sit, drink coffee, and talk. Occasionally, she would sense my need and give me a quick blowjob in the den, but I knew she didn't like taking the risk. At least once each week, though, she would devise an excuse to come to my apartment and, after locking and bolting the doors, we would be free to do what we wanted.I expected my desire for her to cool after awhile. You know...

4 years ago
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Bhai aur bahan dono ki chudai

Yeh meri real story hai, , mai rahul thane me rahne wala hu , yeh baat us samay ki hai jab mai mulund me coaching k liye jaata tha. Vaha mai ek t.v. Mechanic se mila mujhe 1 t.v. Assamble karma tha. Usne mujhe apne ghar aane ko bola mai uske ghar gaya uske ghar me uski maa aur uski ek bahan thi jo pregnant thi. Uski maa aur bahan andar wale room me thi usne mujhe bahar gallery jo ki charo taraf se ghiri thi usme rakhe table pe baithne ko kaha mai uspe baith gaya , vo mere samne khada tha usne...

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JamesDeen Cameron Canlea Wednesday Parker Helps Others Live Out Their Fantasies

Cameron Canela is a giver. James Deen has invited her over today in order to have her do some giving. Wednesday Parker has a fantasy and James is helping her live it out. Wednesday wants to watch the porn star she is the biggest fan of have sex with someone in front of her. Cameron Canela is happy to assist. Cameron and James live having sex with one another and it shows as he drags her all around multiple rooms and makes her cum over and over again. Wednesday plays camera woman perving out and...

2 years ago
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Start Of My First Sexual Fling

Hi Friends, I have about a sexual fling. About me, I’m a 38 years married man, and I work in Bangalore. Basically, from south Tamil Nadu. Interested ladies or couples can ping me in hangouts at I am back again with a lady chat friend who wanted to post her story without revealing her real identity. Please don’t mail me asking for her details or mail id. I won’t be able to share. Let’s get into the story as told by her. I’m Payal, 36 working as a receptionist. As you can imagine, I maintain...

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Sarah doesnt reach her destination

This is the story of my vacation last year to West Virginia. Well, I should say that it was the beginning of my vacation because I didn’t get very far. I was supposed to go up to a cabin my family owned to clean it up a bit and while I was at it I was going to spend a few days relaxing. I was in the mountain region when I left the interstate to fill up on gas. Me being my usual self had allowed my car to get down to nearly empty before pulling over, so when I saw a single sign for a gas...

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The Shepherds Daughter Pt 2

I could see she was scared. With a deep breath, she moved her hand to her sides exposing her breasts to my view. She was stunning, standing there shy, dappled in sunlight. The shadows moved across her body as the leaves above us swayed in the breeze. She stood there awkwardly as I became keenly aware that I was the first person to whom she had shared herself like this. Her skin underneath where she had worn her dress was not freckled and bronzed by the sun, but beautiful and pale.“Wow,” was all...

First Time
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LoveHerFeet Brandi Love I Knew This Day Will Come

I invited my good friend and colleague, Bill, over today to chitchat and discuss work. After having a glass of wine together, I had to tell him that I notice him always looking down at my and other women’s feet at the office. At first he was speechless, but then I admitted only someone with the same foot fetish could notice and he lit up. I’d been waiting for this day to come so I could finally take advantage of my husband being on a business trip to have my goddess feet worshiped by a man with...

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Moms Drive

It was August. We spent the morning packing the car. Our son, Mike was leaving for college. It was morning but already it was 90 degrees outside. Mike and husband, and I were getting sweaty loading up the car. The trunk was already full, and the back seat wouldn't fit much more. Mike went back in the house to get the last of his things. I heard him come out of the house. I turned around and saw him carrying his 42-inch flat screen TV."Where are you going to put the TV?" I heard his father...

1 year ago
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Prom night what a mess

Note : This story is completely fictional! Prom night, one night in a persons life that they will never forget. Well for me, no statement in the world could be more true than that one. It was prom night and I was all ready to go, I had my tux on and my flowers ready and I was getting in the car. mom had said her goodbye at this point all the pre-prom pictures were taken now it was time for me to go pick up my date. I arrived to pick up my date a few minutes early and I waited for her to come...

2 years ago
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First time cheating nearly

I am going to share my experience with my friend (Rashida) and…….. Rashida is not only my colleague but a very good friend with whom I can freely open my heart (and.. ). Although she if from Pakistan and I am an Indian, with both of us from the same religion background help us understand each other better. We know ALL our personal details. She is aware that I am not fully satisfy with my husband and even though her husband is satisfying, she is not getting enough from her hubby.One day at...

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Under the Deck

The phone in my pocket vibrated softly as I sat in my living room. I fished it out of my pocket and looked down to read the incoming text, which simply said “here”. The house was quiet and every step I took toward the back door seemed louder than a jackhammer. I slowly unlocked the door and headed out into the cool night. My eyes took a few minutes to adjust to the dark before I spotted a shadowy figure coming up the street. It looked to be him, so I waved and started walking toward the...

3 years ago
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Leahs rape

It was Thursday noon and Leah was going to be late for science class again, James the professor was giving a speech about the proper way to handle liquid nitrogen since some of the frat boys were joking around with it. You entered the room, to be greeted by the stares of all your classmates. "Hello Leah, how nice of you to join us today, and only 20 minutes, late today, that makes you 5 for 5 in my classes. Please come and see me in my office at 16.15 after your last class." The day passes...

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I WAS PRETTY MUCH OVERWHELMED with good feelings with my family visiting. The boys were out of school for the week—a smart move on the part of their school. They were so excited to have grandparents around that they could hardly sit. Kate and Melody and I all had classes through Wednesday, but Melody cut Tuesday afternoon to pick Lexi up at the airport. No amount of cajoling would get Harold to come, too. Jack, however, came over at our invitation Tuesday night and was obviously pleased to...

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Hot Wife Tina

The thing that got us back into swinging was the purchase of a surprise bag of sex toys. There was a black dildo in the bag and when I used it on Tina she went nuts, yelling, "Oh my God, I can't believe I've got a black dick in me." She writhed all over the place and ended up having one hell of an intense orgasm. Later, when I asked her about it she told me that she'd always wondered what it would be like to fuck a black guy. It was always a taboo thing where she grew up and was told only...

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