Bad Influence free porn video

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Alistair sat on the edge of his bed and listened to the voices going up and down the corridor. Part of him desperately wanted to join in, but he was shy and didn't have a clue how to start.

He'd arrived on Sunday and everyone else had got there on the Saturday, so by the time he was settled in with all his stuff unpacked, all the others on the corridor had got to know each other and were already partying hard.

Whenever he'd thought about university it had always been with some misty-eyed view of what it would be like. For one thing he himself would be totally different – less skinny, less gangly, less shy.

He'd make loads of really good friends, go out and get drunk like other teenagers and he'd have sex. All the time. Lots and lots of sex.

He hated the way he looked and he knew his social skills left something to be desired and it was these he blamed for the fact that he was nearly nineteen and still a virgin. There'd been girls that he fancied, but he could rarely summon up the courage to talk to them and, if he did, they called him 'sweet' and counted him as one of their closest friends.

Now he was here, there was literally only a door between him and drunken fraternising with possible future friends and lovers, but he couldn't bring himself to open it.

Suddenly he jerked upright from the slumped position he'd assumed.

"Is there anyone actually in this room?"

There were voices outside his door. That one had been a girl's voice. Quite deep, cultured – sexy he thought.

"Yeah, I'm sure I saw some skinny bloke go in there earlier. He had a box of CDs or something so he must have moved in. Why don't you knock?"

That was a male voice. A strong northern accent, maybe Manchester, but friendly sounding. Alistair actually felt relief. If they knocked on the door, then he wouldn't have to make the first move, he could act like he'd just been too busy up till now and they'd never know he was a weird, anti-social freak.

He jumped up and stood by the bookshelves, rearranging his DVDs as the people outside knocked on his door.

"C...come in!" He cried out, as confidently as he could, turning to face the door with a disc in each hand as two heads poked round the door.

Now the door was open and more noise could come in he realised that there were more than just two people out there and steeled his nerves for an onslaught, but only the two spokespeople entered.

The Mancunian was a short guy with black-framed 'trendy' glasses, a loud, stripey shirt and a pair of very tight-fitting jeans. His hair hung over his face in gelled hanks and chunks of it were dyed blue.

The girl with the sexy voice had a figure to match. Curvacious, yet toned; her t-shirt and jeans clung to her hips and breasts, but weren't slutty. Alistair gulped. Much harder to be cool when confronted by curves like these and a long mane of glossy auburn hair.

"Hey." He managed, as they came in.

That's good, he thought to himself. Just be cool, reserved, you won't have to say much and then you can't look or say something stupid.

"Hey man. We were just wondering if you wanted to come join us, like? I'm Dave, by the way, this is Katie."

"Hi." She said. "We weren't sure there was anyone in this room?"

She voiced it like that, like a question and Alistair knew he had to speak now.

"Yeah, I've just been getting my room sorted, you know? Wanted it all... sorted. You know, before I got distracted."

He cringed inwardly. Not hideous, but not exactly cool either.

"That makes sense," she said, "my room's still a tip and I've no idea when I'll get round to tidying it up. Need any help or are you nearly done?"

"This is the last bit," Alistair replied, with a close approximation of pleasure at getting done.

"Excellent. Come and have a drink and get to know everyone." She said, throwing him his room keys and ushering him out. "By the way, what's your name?"

"Um, Alistair," said Alistair, following her to the common room and trying not to stare at her arse.


A week later and Alistair was a changed man... almost.

He'd tasted his first alcoholic drink... and his second, third fourth and fifth, then tasted them all again on the way back out. He'd gone dancing in the Student Union club twice, played pool with the boys, watched Chick Flick DVDs with the girls and played strip poker with everyone on the corridor.

That had been an interesting night. Luckily for Alistair his dad and uncle had been keen poker players and Alistair had been initiated into the art at a very young age. He'd played for matchsticks before and chocolate; even money the last couple of years, but articles of clothing was a whole new experience!

For one thing it was far harder to keep your mind on the game when there were half a dozen, drunk girls who'd never played poker before and were using this as an excuse to display their ample charms to the young men present.

Nevertheless Alistair finished the game as the person with the most clothes on, having lost only his t-shirt. He'd actually lost that on purpose to try and protect Katie's modesty. Unlike the other girls she'd been playing properly, but just didn't have a particularly good poker face and was down to her underwear.

Alistair partly wanted to save her blushes, but he also didn't want any of the others to get to see her naked. By now he had an enormous crush on her, exacerbated by her attempts to draw him into the conversation and generally be kind to him.

Alistair knew she was only being kind to him and that was all it was, so he tried to stop himself thinking about her as anything other than a friend and he was pretty successful, after all, he'd had to do it before.

He was right, Katie was a kind girl who wanted to help the shy boy come out of his shell a bit. He did a pretty good act of being all cool and laid back, but she knew he was nervous underneath and the sociable girl liked helping people.

After just a week she already considered him a pretty good friend. She liked that he wasn't into all the macho bullshit and would as happily sit and watch a chick flick as some blood and fire action film. She liked that he knew how to cook as well as play poker, but she didn't fancy him.

Not until he took his shirt off. Until then he'd been this androgynous, sweet person who was tall and skinny and exuded absolutely no sex appeal. When he took his shirt off though, she was surprised by his masculinity.

This geeky looking boy had broad, strong shoulders, defined abs and a smattering of dark hair over his chest. What really drew her attention, though, was the trail of dark hair that ran down his taut belly into his trousers. This, accentuated by the little hollow under his waistband in front of his hip-bone, drew her attention suddenly and irrevocably, towards his groin.

She couldn't get the image out of her mind and every time she saw him she flushed. Unlike Alistair though, Katie wasn't shy or inexperienced and what she wanted, she pursued until it was hers.

Once she realised how attracted she was to Alistair she began to create a plan of action. She knew he was single, but she wasn't sure if he was straight, if he was, she realised, his shyness might get in the way of him displaying it.

She knew she'd have to do this slowly. Jumping on him without any notice and demanding sex would freak him out and probably ruin the friendship. No, she'd have to seduce him.

She began the very next day and was so subtle that Alistair barely noticed. They were watching a film together in her room and she kept stretching in such a way as to make him very aware of her body. First things first – she needed to check he was actually attracted to her.

That was soon made clear by his fixed gaze down her top. She had deliberately picked a strappy top in a slippery material that slid over her skin easily, exacerbating the effect of stretching. Underneath she had a blue lacy bra and more than once during the film, she caught Alistair's eyes on the tantalising glimpse of lace-cupped flesh rather than the film.

Now she had established this she started slowly stepping things up, increasing the time she and Alistair spent together and the amount of physical contact when they did.

Alistair now found himself the focus of Katie's attention and, even though he was oblivious to the reason behind it, it started to have an effect.

In his fantasies now he was beginning to believe that a liaison between them was not a complete impossibility and, consequently, started to fantasise about how she'd feel in his arms and what her lips tasted like. The more he thought about her, the more he wanted to touch her until, eventually; all he could think about was sleeping with her.

The Saturday after the poker game Alistair had offered to cook for Katie. He went to the supermarket especially that morning and carefully searched out the best ingredients. Fresh plums for the dessert, autumn lamb and blackcurrants for the main course, ripe pears and parma ham for the starter – he had it all planned.

The starter was easy, just a crisp little salad with the ham and pears to make it more interesting and a splash of olive oil and balsamic vinegar to lift it. He got that ready first, covered it with cling film and put the two plates in the fridge to stay chilled.

Next he got the desserts ready; mini plum crumbles, each in an individual ramekin. Crumble was something he could do in his sleep, but he made it a more unique dish, by adding finely chopped nuts and cinnamon to the crumble topping.

Finally the lamb, this was the tricky bit. He took out the plump bit of meat, he couldn't believe how expensive it'd been, but if it seduced her as he hoped, it would be worth every penny.

While shy Alistair planned to seduce through the sense of taste and smell, confident Katie was going for the sense of sight. Tonight she wanted to pull the stops out without looking too overdressed for a dinner in.

She picked out a dark green wrap-over dress and some flat shoes and then spent 3 hours drying her hair and putting on her makeup. A final spritz of perfume and she went over to Alistair's room where dinner was being served.

As she soon as she walked into the room she realised that most of her work had been done for her. The lights were low, he had arranged his bed-side table as a dinner table with a tealight in the middle and Zero 7 were playing on his computer. It was candlelit seduction.

The salads were sitting in place and a slightly frazzled looking Alistair was holding the door open for her. She giggled as she went in, then smiled when she got a glimpse of Alistair.

He looked nervous, no, strike that, he looked terrified and she knew she'd have to take it down a few notches for him so she could build it back up again when he was a bit more relaxed.

She held out the bottle of red wine she'd bought earlier and smiled winningly at him.

"Sorry, it's only a Chianti. They'd run out of Lambrini..."

He smiled back in relief at her joke, poor as it was and took the wine from her to open and pour out.

She carefully selected a forkful of things from the salad in front of her. She was a little unsure about pears in a salad, but when she put it in her mouth the taste was amazing.

"Oh my God, this is so good." She said, through a mouthful of food. "Wow."

"Did you have a bit of ham with that pear?" He asked, holding out his fork with just those two ingredients on it.

She leaned forward, giving him a clear view of her cleavage in its ivory lace and took the food delicately off the fork. He gulped at the sight of her little pearly teeth and pointed pink tongue wrapping themselves about the tines of the fork.

"Mmmm." She said, then said very little else as she finished her plateful.

Alistair made her close her eyes when he brought the lamb in. Three pink slices sat on a small pile of crunchy green beans, surrounded by a ring of tiny new potatoes. The whole was coated in a deep purple glaze of tangy blackcurrant.

The first mouthful he fed her was just a morsel of meat dripping in the rich sauce. He watched her lips close around it and curl up in a smile of pleasure as her tastebuds registered the flavour.

They ate this course more slowly, Alistair trying to hold up his end of the conversation while Katie flirted outrageously, reaching out to touch his arm and brushing his leg with her bare foot under the table.

The desserts were ready just in time and he served them with double cream all over them. The rich, tart nature of the plums against the sweet, crunchy crumble and the smoothness of the cream created another magnificent taste explosion and Katie wasn't sure now who was seducing who.

She had thought that she would have her work cut out to get this shy, innocent boy who was probably an inexperienced virgin into bed, but now she was melting all over his floor simply because he had fed her.

While Alistair cleared all the plates out of the room Katie pushed the table back to the side of the room, chose some pulsing jazz music to replace the laid back, ambient Zero 7 and arranged herself artfully on the bed.

When Alistair came back in the room Katie appeared to have fallen asleep on the bed. Her shoes were on the floor and her skirt had ridden a little way up her thighs. She looked so sweet that he was loath to disturb her, but just then she opened her eyes and smiled languorously up at him.

For the thousandth time that evening he hoped his hard-on wasn't showing and walked over to the bed. He'd bought a small box of luxury chocolates, knowing chocolate was a major weakness with her and now he held out the box to offer her one.

"Thank you," she said, taking one and biting off a small section.

He sat there watching her as she half-reclined on the bed.

"Come here," she told him, taking light hold of his shirt-front and pulling him down. Gently she touched her lips to his and he felt the blood surge through his cock and his hard-on turned into a rock-hard-on.

Her lips were soft and plump and moist and he was overwhelmed by the sensation of kissing her. The few times he'd kissed a girl before it was uncontrolled, drunken and, frankly, rather unpleasant. He'd no idea it could be as perfect as this.

She pushed herself up a little then and pressed her lips to his again, opening them slightly this time. She gently thrust her tongue forwards between his lips and he tasted the sweet, cloying praline chocolate that heightened the warm sweetness of her mouth.

He opened his lips and passively let her explore his mouth with her hot, rough tongue. Slowly he let himself be pulled down on top of her so they were lying side by side, but with him twisted so he was looking down at her big grey-green eyes and pouting, pink mouth.

He leant down now and kissed her a third time, this time parting her lips with his tongue and running it around her mouth. There was more of the sweet nutty chocolate taste, a slight hint of the tart plums and the strange contrast in textures of the different parts of her mouth.

They lay for what seemed like hours just kissing each other deeply, entangling their tongues in twisting patterns, trying to blend into each other, but just feeling their separation more fully.

He tensed when he felt her hands slide up under his shirt, stroking his back. The soft, warm touch of her dry palms against his skin made him moan out loud. He stopped immediately, embarrassed at having made a noise, but she moaned in response to him, arching up slightly underneath him to press her breasts onto his chest.

He allowed his inhibitions to slide away and abandoned himself fully to the experience of having a willing woman underneath him, grinding her hips against his hips, winding her legs through his legs, opening her mouth to his tongue and stroking his naked skin with her gentle hands.

She was pressing against him now, trying to roll him to one side. When she had she pushed him onto his back she straddled him, her wrap-over skirt falling away on each side to expose the creamy flesh on her inner thighs. She sat up and started undoing the buttons on Alistair's shirt.

He could only lie there, a hand on each of her hips, watching her nimble fingers stripping his clothing away from him. She had it fully open now and smoothed it back on each side so his chest was bared. The sensation of her hands running across his nipples made them harden slightly and his whole body tingled with excitement.

He felt slightly vulnerable lying there, having her watching him, but she was only focusing on the sight of his pale, muscular chest and the tangle of dark hair that ran into his jeans.

Lightly she ran a fingertip down to his belt buckle, then up along his breastbone and along his collarbones. She continued to explore his body minutely with her fingertips, teasing him with the feathery touch until he wasn't sure whether to moan from being tickled or driven wild with desire.

He really did moan when she leant forward and kissed the little hollow at the base of his throat, then again when she followed it up with another kiss an inch below. The moist touch of her lips on his hot skin was unbearably tantalising as she traversed his chest, paying particular attention to each of his nipples.

When she reached his belly button he put his hands on her head, though whether to stop her or hold her in place he wasn't quite sure. Already this was farther than he'd gone with any woman and he was scared, but he was also deeply, intensely curious as to what would happen next.

When she started running the rough tip of her tongue across his belly he felt his cock leap and throb and when she dipped inside the waist of his jeans, touching the delicate white skin there he made a sound that could equally have been excitement or anguish.

Encouraged by such a vocal response Katie hastily unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his fly and tugged his jeans down his legs.

Now he felt really vulnerable and scared. No-one had seen him this close up with as few clothes since he was about three and he was powerfully aware of the outline of his hard on through the thin jersey of his underwear.

As he watched, Katie stood up and slowly began to untie the ribbons of her dress. She peeled back the sides of the dress and let it slide down her arms and onto the floor.

Standing there in her ivory lace underwear she was no more naked than when they'd been playing strip poker last week, but the fact that he was the only one there to see her and the fact that she was crawling up the bed, straddling his legs, made this view of her much more intimate and sexual than last week's.

He could feel every point of contact of her smooth, rounded legs against his own long, muscled ones, of her soft, curved belly against his own hard, taut one and of the slight scratch of lace on his bare chest.

He couldn't bring himself to put his arms about this beautiful, sexy woman and touch her naked skin but when she lowered her weight onto his body and started kissing him deeply again he couldn't help himself and he encircled her in his arms, pulling her to him as closely as he could.

As they kissed he was very conscious of the damp heat of her crotch rubbing against his thigh and he knew she was getting pleasure from it. Realising that he almost came right there, but thankfully he restrained himself and concentrated on the full, fleshy weight of her buttocks in his hands as he squeezed them.

They started giggling when he fumbled with the catch on her bra which he was very grateful for, because he was so scared of going too far and stopping this wonderful experience.

Eventually she reached behind her and undid it with one hand, letting it fall onto his chest. She brushed it off leaving a passing sensation of light, rough lace and wires, then leant down again and for the first time he felt the heavenly softness and weight of a woman's breasts on his naked body.

He'd never seen any in the flesh before, but he considered these the most beautiful he'd ever seen; milk white and almost perfectly globular, with faint tracings of sapphire blue veins and small, rose-pink nipples on large aureola.

He slid his large hands up her soft belly and under those marvellous breasts, forcing her to sit up on him and grinding her pussy onto the hard mound of his cock. He ran the flat of his hands over her tits, causing the nipples to spring into hardness under his touch.

Gently he squeezed – they felt nothing like he expected. He'd always had an idea in his mind that breasts were quite firm, but with a bit of give in them. Holding them now he was amazed at how very soft and heavy they were. In reality they were even more sexy than in pictures or his imagination.

She started kissing and licking down his chest again now, only with the addition of her velvet-soft tits brushing him now too. Oh My God. She was pulling down his pants now and he could feel his cock springing, literally, springing up and bumping against her mouth.

He waited with baited breath for what would happen next and when she opened her mouth and took the tip of his penis into her hot, wet mouth he felt the whole of his being shatter then coalesce in that hot-spot of nerve endings, all of his focus on the heady pleasure of her tongue.

She slid her lips up and down the shaft, letting her tongue circle the tip then pulse against the back of the length. When she lightly scratched his balls with her long finger nails he nearly came in her mouth. He may have been inexperienced, but he knew that was rude, so he pulled her off him and leant forwards to kiss her.

Her legs were apart now, as she knelt in front of him and he could see the dark triangle shadow of hair inside her panties. He hooked his fingers into the front of her knickers and pulled them down a fraction, allowing himself to brush his fingers against the soft, wiry hair there.

She gasped and leant back a little, allowing him better access to her pussy. He paused, unsure what to do, then let curiosity guide him. He slid a finger down inside her underwear and was shocked at the heat and the moisture there.

He knew women got wet, but he hadn't expected such large amounts of wetness. Without thinking he rand the tip of his finger around the little hollow where she was the wettest, then pushed slightly, biting his lips as her folds engulfed his finger, drawing it inside her.

She twisted round now so she could lie back on the bed, raising her hips so he could pull the limp, damp panties down her legs.

She fixed her eyes on his now, as she ran her hand down her own body, gently hefting one breast, tickling the nipple till it hardened, then stroked it over her belly. As she opened her legs wide she let her hand trail over the thatch of hair there and stroke down the pink cleft between her legs.

She circled one finger over the sensitive bud of her clit, wetting it every so often with her own juices.

u*********sly Alistair took his cock in his hand and started stroking it up and down as he watched her. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. This stunning woman, whose body he had just explored with his hands was lying in front of him masturbating.

He was trembling now with withheld desire he wanted her so badly.

"Have you got a condom?" She asked huskily, her voice thick with desire.

His face fell. Not in his wildest dreams had he thought he'd have sex with this incredible girl, let alone so soon into term and he hadn't thought to get any from the health centre.

Then, with a flash of inspiration he remembered the small foil wrapper that had been included in the Student Union Welcome pack at the start of term. He'd nearly thrown it out, but with relief he flung himself at the drawer he'd shoved it in and produced it with a flourish.

He tore the foil open carefully, but then looked at the scrap of latex in despair, he had never practiced this and he was sure he'd fuck it up.

Katie took it from his trembling fingers and slowly rolled it onto his large, hard cock, making it throb again at her touch.

She lay back on the bed now, opening her legs wide for him. She wanted him to be in control here, he was the virgin, not her, and she didn't want him to feel pressured.

She shouldn't have worried. Alistair climbed between her legs without hesitation and looking quickly at her face for confirmation, took his cock in his hand and guided it towards her pussy.

"Just push..." she said when she felt the head pressing at her wet entrance.

Alistair pushed and took a deep breath in as the bulging head of his dick slid through the tight embrace of her cunt.

He could not believe the sensation of her around him as he slid his full length into her. She lifted her legs and wrapped them about his back, using them to pull him even deeper into her.

He was sunk in her right to the base of his cock now and he waited there, savouring the feeling of her tight sheath pulsing around his shaft.

He lifted himself on his elbows slightly so he could watch her as he began to thrust into her over and over.

She had slid her hand underneath him so she could stroke her pussy while he fucked her and the sight of her long, white fingers touching herself while his cock rammed repeatedly into her was so provocative he didn't think he could last much longer.

Both of them were bucking their hips now, sweat beading their faces and bodies, a look of concentration on their faces.

She started calling his name then, and crying out to God as she stroked faster and faster and thrust up to him harder and harder. With one long cry of pleasure she came, her body shuddering underneath him, her cunt rippling around his dick.

With a blinding flash of heat he felt his balls contract and then explode as he orgasmed harder than he ever had before, thrusting and thrusting and thrusting, then holding her hips hard against him as he let her pulsing cunt milk him of the last of his come.

"Oh my God, that was amazing. You're amazing. Thank you."

Katie smiled into his neck as he lay down on top of her and kissed her shoulder. That had been pretty good for her, too. She was experienced for her tender age, but Alistair had impressed her, despite his innocence.

To be honest she hadn't thought much further than tonight. In her fantasies she had focused on this one night, this one act. Lying there, naked, in Alistair's arms she no longer felt like the sexy, confident, experienced woman she had been at the beginning of the evening.

For the first time in a long time in such a situation she felt shy and unsure. She didn't know what to do or what would happen next and she was fairly certain that Alistair would have even less of an idea.

"Well," she thought, snuggling down into the covers as Alistair spooned her from behind, "what will be, will be...

It had been three days since Alistair had been seduced by Katie. A virgin when he started he was rapidly getting more experienced. She had gone out with her friends this evening and it was the first night they hadn't spent together, it was only 8.30, but he was feeling frustrated already.

He'd tried watching a film, but every shot of naked flesh had reminded him of Katie and when it got to a sex scene he turned it off impatiently. Then he tried doing some seminar preparation for the next week, but his mind kept wandering.

It was as if all the sexual frustration since he hit puberty, five years' worth, was erupting, let loose by the last few days. He seemed to have a constant hard on and was assessing every woman he saw as either a 'yes' or a 'no' – and not many of them were being rejected.

When he'd tossed his work aside impatiently his mind started to fill, again, with all those disturbing, erotic images that had been bothering him since the weekend. He kept thinking of Katie's beautiful, creamy skin, sweet pink nipples and the dark musky clefts and hollows between her legs.

His hand crept down, now, as he thought about this. Slowly he began to run his hand up and down the hot, hard shaft of his dick. He knew Katie was bisexual and this thought combined itself with the images of all the women he had been looking at over the last few days.

He visualised scenes akin to some kind of harem; filled with rounded, nubile flesh, rich curves, sweet scents and swathes of long silky hair. Katie was at the centre of this feast of nudity, being petted and caressed by dozens of hands, all stroking, squeezing, penetrating.

Full, pink lips closed around her nipples and as the visual grew he inserted himself into the scene and had one of the voluptuous beauties kneel in front of him and start sucking his cock.

He could almost feel the hot, rippling motion of her mouth on his penis. Katie was amazing at blow jobs and every time she went down on him she blew his mind as well as his cock with the sheer, ecstatic pleasure of her mouth.

His stroking grew more frenetic as the images went through his mind but the release, when it came, gave him no relief. If anything it only heightened his arousal and he groaned as his cock sprang back into hardness almost immediately.

He tried to ignore it and watched some more of his film, then gave in and masturbated again with much the same result. At last he fell into a restless doze filled with vivid dreams where he was copulating repeatedly with a multitude of women.

He was woken just after midnight by someone trying to get the duvet over him. His eyes were glued shut with sleep, so the first clue he had as to his visitor was the smell of sweat and perfume mixed with alcohol and cigarette smoke.

As his nose identified Katie's perfume, he smiled and forced his eyes open.

"Did you have a good night?"

"Yeah, it was great. Sorry for waking you up, I popped in to see if you were awake and I didn't want you getting cold."

"That's Ok," he said, "I was only dozing. I'm glad you came to see me, I've been thinking about you all evening."

As he said this he put his arms around her waist and pulled her down on top of him on the bed.

"Oh have you now? Bet I know what you were thinking about," she said cheekily, as she ran her hand over the impressive bulge of his crotch.

"I take it you're... amenable...?" he muttered into her neck as he slid his hand up her leg and under her skirt.

"Oh, I'm sure we could come to some arrangement," she said, tugging his t-shirt over his head.

He started kissing her then, and there was no more talking, only muffled sighs and groans as their tongues entwined and their hips ground against each other in a fully-dressed simulation of sex.

His hand was still on her bottom under her skirt and he squeezed it as he kissed her, breathing in the sexy smell of cigarettes, alcohol and sweat that should have been vile but was intensely erotic in this situation.

As he kissed her, he remembered the harem he had imagined earlier and almost bit through her lip as the blood surged through him igniting his body. She moaned with pleasure and pain as she felt his teeth and pushed his head down to her cleavage.

He pushed up her top and wrenched down the cups of her bra so they gathered underneath her breasts, forcing them upwards so the nipples were pointing at him. He took one pink, full nipple between his lips and clamped down on it firmly, using his lips to shield his teeth.

She sighed and thrust her chest towards him, encouraging him to be firmer with her; cause more pain. He flicked his eyes up for confirmation, then bared his teeth and bit down on her nipple.

She gasped in pain, then moaned with pleasure.

"Again!" She murmured. "Harder!"

He bit down again, harder this time, whilst also squeezing her bottom with one hand and pinching her other nipple with his free hand, rolling it between his fingers and tugging on it.

She was squirming and writhing in excitement, enjoying the rough treatment and encouraging him to be rougher still.

When his hand slipped under the edge of her panties and started stroking the lips of her pussy she mewled and grabbed at his trousers, struggling to undo them quickly.

When she had them down round his knees along with his underwear she took the heavy weight of his balls in her hand and scooted down the bed so her head was level with his groin.

Teasingly she flicked her tongue at the shaft of his penis, running it up and down very lightly, creating a tickling sensation. When she got bored with this she flicked it across the head, tasting briefly the salty juice of his excitement.

After what seemed hours of this tantalising tongue-action she took the head into her mouth and let her saliva flow round it, then swirled her tongue around and around, fully encompassing the bulging tip of his cock.

Poor Alistair, after his day of frustration, was being driven mad by this skilled prick teasing. Thrusting his hips up availed nothing, as she just moved her head away and begging was no more successful.

Then, thank Heaven, the entire length of his cock was in her mouth. He could feel the flutter of her throat against him as she swallowed and he had to take her head in his hands and pull away from her.

"Stop! I want to fuck you Katie, feel myself inside you. Please?"

She smiled at him, then looked coyly up at him through her lashes.

"Ok," she said, "but only if you go down on me first."

He smiled tensely. He loved the taste of her and going down on her was one of the most erotic things he knew, but that was kind of the problem. He didn't need any more teasing or foreplay, he just wanted to get to the action.

He was a nice guy though and realised she deserved the same treatment he'd just had, besides which the sex was always far far better when she was fully turned on and in the same state of transcendent arousal he was now in.

He kissed his way down her bare, soft stomach, then up the inside of her thighs, pulling her stretchy, floaty skirt over his head so she couldn't see what he was doing.

He loved being inside this dark, damp cave filled with the rich, musky scent of her arousal. He kissed her lightly through her silky black panties, feeling the moisture already seeping through and inhaling that wonderful, sexual fragrance.

She sighed as he pulled her panties to one side and ran his tongue along the crease at the top of her thigh, then in just a little more so he was licking the outer lip of her pussy.

He knew this very cautious teasing excited her, so he took his time. Two steps forward, one step back; reaching up towards her clit, but never quite reaching it.

He lapped at the small hollow where her juices had gathered, relishing the sweet taste of her. He'd never realised it could be this pleasurable to give someone else so much pleasure.

He'd been licking and sucking at her now for nearly ten minutes. Not a hugely long time in the scheme of things, but for her it seemed like an eternity, especially because he still hadn't touched her clit.

Her juices were flowing from her freely, her pussy was dark pink and swollen, her pelvic muscles were pulsing, but still he wouldn't penetrate her, wouldn't stroke her clit.

He reappeared from under her skirt, taking a deep breath of cool air after the moist, humid sub-climate he'd been inhabiting.

Immediately she tried to reach her hands down, give herself the satisfaction he had withheld, but he wouldn't let her, pushing himself up so he was on top of her.

His big, hard cock grazed her pussy, touching her clit at last, but she pulled her hips away.

"Have you got a condom?" She asked, knowing where he kept them and reaching for the drawer herself. She was only asking as a reminder to him.

He pulled back a little so he could see into the drawer, then hesitated. Did he have any?

"Um, I think there might be one in there somewhere. Let me have a look."

He got off the bed and knelt down by the chest so he could look more thoroughly into the drawer.

Finally he admitted defeat and looked up at Katie with a sort of anguish in his eyes.

"I think we must have finished them already. Do you have any left in your room?"

She thought for a second, then shook her head slowly.

"I gave my last one to Amy yesterday. I meant to get some more today, but I forgot. It's too late now isn't it?" She said, glancing at the clock as if for confirmation that one in the morning was too late for the doctors' to be open.

Alistair sat down on the floor with his trousers round his knees and looked almost ready to cry and Katie, on the bed, didn't look much better.

"I don't suppose we could go without...?" He suggested, but not with any real hope. She wasn't on the pill and he was as unready as she was to start procreating.

"Well," she said slowly, as if still working out the idea as she said it, "there's one way we could go without. I've never tried it, but I always kind of meant to, if you're up for it?"

He looked at her doubtfully,

"I wouldn't set much store by the rhythm method if I were you," he said dubiously, "I'm not sure I have that much self-control."

"Don't be ridiculous!" She said, laughing at him. "Most guys would jump at the chance! I mean trying... well..." in the face of his innocence she suddenly got embarrassed and settled for a euphemism, "trying an alternative entrance."

This, combined with a pointed look finally made the situation clear to Alistair.

"You mean up the..."

She nodded.

"Oh. I never really... I mean. Oh."

He thought for a moment. The harem flickered back into his mind. One of the concubines was leaning forwards now, whilst two of the others pulled the fleshy cheeks of her buttocks apart, exposing a tiny, pink pucker fluttering at him.

Mentally he visualised himself moving towards it, nudging it with the thick tip of his cock, forcing himself inside and feeling the incredibly muscular embrace of her rectum around his throbbing, aching cock.

There was no doubt any more.

"Ok." He said, with a tremor of excitement in his voice, "if you're sure."

"I don't think I can bear to not be fucked now." She told him, with a note of desperation. He may have been new to going down, but he was bloody good at it and her whole body cried for a violent release.

"Have you still got that baby oil from when I gave you a massage?" She asked.

"Yes, it's in the bathroom, why?"

"Because we're going to need some lubrication. I suppose baby oil will do, I know it dissolves condoms, but that's not exactly an issue, is it?"

"I guess not," he said, stripping off his remaining clothes while Katie fetched the oil.

When she got back in she threw a towel onto the bed to protect it, then stripped for him, moving her body in a sinuous, sexual dance and swaying her hips.

She stepped right up to him as he sat on the edge of the bed and poured a small puddle of baby oil into the palm of her cupped hand. Carefully she trickled it over his cock, smoothing the flat of her hand along the shaft, making sure every inch was well coated.

Next she handed the bottle to him and bent over in front of him, lewdly pulling her cheeks apart for him.

The message was unambiguous and he shuddered as he poured the viscous liquid down the crack between her buttocks, then massaged it in towards the little hole, so much like that he had imagined just moments before.

He had fingered her here before, even partially penetrating her with his finger during foreplay, but now, with the lubrication, he could insert his whole finger into the tiny pucker.

He couldn't believe just how tight it was. He couldn't imagine getting two fingers in, let alone his big, fat cock. He pulled his finger out, added more oil, then slid two fingers back in.

He twisted them slightly as he did so, trying to ease his entrance and heard her gasp and clamp down on them briefly before forcing herself to relax.

"You're sure this is ok?" He asked, as he pulled his fingers out of her arse and ran his greasy fingers over the full globes of her buttocks. He loved the way her skin looked, all oiled up and glistening like that.

"Yes," she said throatily, "I just want you inside me."

He put his hands on her hips now ad gently pulled her backwards, towards him. He'd put the bottle of oil carefully on the bedside table, he didn't think they'd need any more, his dick was greasier than an oil tanker and so was her hole.

She was straddling his legs, her hands on his and her knees slightly bent. The tip of his cock was resting against the crack of her bottom and he was trembling with the effort of restraining himself from just ramming it straight in.

Slowly she lowered herself down so his cock pressed more firmly against her. She moved her hand down so it was grasping the slippery shaft of his dick and guided it towards the right spot, then sank down onto it.

He groaned out loud as the tight ring of her rectum grasped onto the bulging head of his cock and she gasped as she felt herself stretched around him.

His cock was so thick she really didn't know if she could do this. She loved being fingered there, other guys had done it before and it turned her on massively, but she had friends who'd tried this and they said it hurt.

She wasn't a huge fan of pain, but it was fine so far; more shocking than anything else. Somehow this act felt much more intimate than the simple act of sex.

Her legs trembled as she tried to hold herself up over his legs, then they gave way and she was forcibly lowered down onto his cock in one swift, smooth moment.

His hips bucked as his cock was swallowed into the tight embrace of her arse and he almost came right there. He loved the ridged rings of muscles that massaged his dick. 'Ridged for his pleasure,' he thought to himself with a smirk.

Katie had to keep herself from crying out. They'd used so much lubrication that it hadn't really hurt and she'd managed to keep herself relaxed, but feeling his dick sunk all the way inside that shameful place was so peculiar and so intimate that she felt violated.

Despite how much she had wanted to be penetrated this didn't really feel that pleasurable, just odd, but then Alistair pushed up on her hips, whilst pulling his own back, then drove into her again.

It was quite a different sensation that time. All the nerve endings were buzzing and she moaned as he withdrew and thrust into her again.

She joined in now, half-rising then sinking down, feeling Alistair's cock plunge into her arse repeatedly. She started stroking her clit, savouring the pleasure it gave her to be fucked in the arse like this while she played with herself.

There was a full length mirror opposite the part of the bed they were sat on and she looked up now and saw herself. Her legs were apart, her hand stroking rapidly at her pussy and one of her breasts was being squeezed in Alistair's large hand.

To her imagination you could even seen her distended arsehole as the skin stretched around Alistair's large, hard dick.

She looked wanton and whoreish and revelled in the slutty image and the shameful delight of doing something so filthy and 'wrong.'

All the same her cunt ached with emptiness. What she really wanted, as she began the intense build up to orgasm, was another man standing in front of her. Another man with a big thick cock, all hard for her.

This man would kneel down in front of her and slide his dick into her cunt, filling her up entirely with cock. Each of the men inside her would feel the other one through the thin membrane that divided her holes and she would finally be the complete slut she always knew she was.

As her legs tensed and trembled with the onset of her climax a third man appeared in her fantasy. This one, also, had a huge thick cock, but he would stand by her head and force it into her mouth.

She loved the idea of being plundered in every hole by three, strong men, each determined to get his pleasure from her body.

The sensation of Alistair's cock ramming into her arse blended into the buzzing feelings she created with her fingers on her clit and with an a****listic howl she exploded into orgasm, clenching Alistair inside her so hard his dick went numb before triggering his own enormously powerful orgasm.

She lay back against Alistair's chest, her body limp and still trembling with the after-shocks of her climax, letting him hold her in his arms.

His erection had faded now, along with the aching longing for release that had been tormenting him all day. As it shrank his semen started to seep, slowly, from Katie's arse, trickling down over his thighs.

He looked at the pair of them in the mirror. She was prone, her body flaccid with post-coital relief. Her legs were apart, displaying her pink, swollen pussy and the white fluid dripping from her onto his muscled, masculine thighs.

'She is such a slut,' he thought, but without judgment. He was discovering his own sexual nature and he understood how all-consuming it could be. Katie was a great first experience, encouraging him on to more adventurous things, but he was getting tired of being submissive due to his ignorance.

He had learnt so much from her. It was time to give his new-found knowledge a test run. He remembered his desire to force his way into her and his cock leapt slightly, even in its state of replete exhaustion.

Perhaps it was time he took the lead...

Alistair and Katie had been sleeping together for a week. They weren't really going out; it was more like friends with benefits. Alistair had been a virgin and Katie had deliberately seduced him, not that he minded, and in the past week he'd had sex more times and more adventurously than most of his friends who'd lost their virginity three or four years previously.

She was being very thorough in her education, showing him exactly how many positions there were to have sex in. After the very gentle, vanilla sex they'd started with, she began to spice things up a little, letting him take her from behind, fuck her standing up, in public places and they'd even tried anal sex – a first for both of them.

It was very strange, she loved to seduce shy, innocent boys and take their virginity, but what she fantasised about was being dominated by a confident, sexual man who knew what she wanted before she did and pushed her boundaries a little, instead of her always being the experienced one in control.

Alistair was shocked when she started whispering her fantasies to him during foreplay, but after the first shock of hearing this sweet looking girl saying such filthy things he was bright enough to realise that, if he listened carefully, he might hear something he could make use of.

As he listened he created vivid mental pictures of the scenes she was describing and found himself growing more and more turned on.

For a girl who was so obviously experienced and who had led him into doing things he could never have imagined he was surprised at how many of her fantasies seemed to involved being coerced or forced in sexual situations then dominated.

She started off quite mildly, she thought, telling him about how she would like to be tied up...

"I'd like to be blindfolded, then have my clothes slowly stripped off my body. When I'm standing there naked I'd like to be pushed back onto a bed and have my wrists cuffed to the bed-stead.

"Once I'm naked and tied up I think it'd be really sexy to just lie there, not knowing what was going on, while a deep, male voice told me exactly what he was going to do to me.

"Next I would feel my legs being pulled apart at the ankle and tied down with rope. I'd be lying there completely exposed now, my pussy visible to anybody who cared to look. What would excite and humiliate me would be that I was wet and aroused and they'd be able to see that too.

"I can feel my pussy clenching and pulsing as I just lie there. Waiting.

"I'd jump as a hand touched my ankle, stroking lightly up the inside with the fingertips. They'd run all the way up to the top of my inner thigh, then skip to my wrist and run down the soft, pale flesh of the inside of my arm.

"My skin would have come up in goosebumps all over from the tingling touches raining down on my body now. Two hands are stroking me now, lips are kissing and licking and I'm driven so wild by it that I can't even tell where or by what I'm being touched.

"Just when I've been stroked into a kind of erotic trance I am startled out of it by the trace of fingers across my pussy.

"Quickly, before I've even registered that touch properly, fingers are sliding inside me, but they don't fill me enough. I'm hungry to be touched – to be fucked.

"I thrust my hips upwards trying to force the fingers further into me. Just as quickly they are pulled out of me, and put in my mouth.

"I suck at the sweet, mildly salt taste of my juices while a large, thick cock slides slowly inside me..."

Alistair stroked her all the time she was telling him this. When she said about the fingers sliding insider her he slid his fingers inside her, finger-fucking her and stroking her clit with his thumb the way she'd shown him.

He could hear the breathless excitement rising in her voice as she spoke to him, nearing orgasm at the motion of his fingers until she stopped talking coherently and gave in to the gasping moans of her climax.

He gasped himself as he felt the strong clutch of her pussy around his fingers, but he kept stroking until she told him to stop.

With each fantasy she told him the action became more and more heated. Soon she was not only tied and blindfolded, but gagged and beaten as well, her bottom spanked until the ringing slaps attracted the attention of a handsome stranger who joined in with the session.

Alistair couldn't believe what he was hearing at the time, but afterwards, when he was lying in bed touching himself, he re-ran the mental movies of the things Katie had told him and found himself as excited by them as she had been.

He knew Katie found it a little frustrating having to tell him what to do and how to do it all the time and he liked the idea of being the one in control. Carefully he thought out his plan, going over every detail until he was certain he would be able to carry it out.

He bought handcuffs, a blindfold and a ball-gag online. He was a little worried that the ball-gag was going a bit too far, but the thought of Katie's beautiful pink lips stretched around the little ball made him almost growl with excitement.

He'd looked at porn before and seen such things in action, but he'd never been so excited by them as now when he was imagining himself using them on her. He liked the image of himself as a powerful, dominant man, getting sex when and how he wanted it.

It wasn't an image he was accustomed to. He'd always seen himself as a bookish geek before, but something about being with Katie changed him. He wanted to be the a****listic man she seemed to want and didn't expect him to be.

He knew she had lectures all morning on Friday, so he asked the cleaner if she'd let him into Katie's room. The cleaner, who'd caught them in bed together several times, accepted his story of something left in there and let him in with his bulging rucksack on his back.

Once in he quickly got to work. He tidied the room quickly so he'd be able to get around it easily. He stripped the bed of everything but the bottom sheet and one pillow and put the rest of the linen in a heap on the chair.

On the desk he laid out his instruments: the handcuffs, rope, blindfold and a small, rubber whip he'd bought on impulse that said it was suitable for soft bondage and beginners. He smiled when he looked at it. Thank God for the internet. He was getting braver, but he wasn't sure he'd have been able to buy all this stuff in person.

He waited by the door as the time drew nearer for Katie's return, listening for her keys in the lock. His pulse was racing already, but when he heard her keys in the lock the jolt of adrenaline flooding through his body jerked him into action.

Luckily he'd gone through this moment several times in his head, because otherwise he would have been too flustered to carry his plan out.

He'd drawn the curtains so the room was almost pitch black. As he'd been standing in it for a while his eyes were accustomed to the darkness, but he hoped it was dark enough to blind Katie while he put the gag on.

She came in and he grabbed her, pulling the gag over her mouth and fastening the snaps behind her head as fast as possible.

Now she was unable to make any noise he grabbed her wrists and quickly cuffed them behind her back so she was unable to struggle either. He blindfolded her now and, with relief, took off the silly black balaclava he'd been forced to use so she wouldn't recognise him while he carried out this bit.

She stood in the middle of the room, blindfolded, cuffed and gagged, her head drooping down as she tried desperately to free her hands. Alistair grinned. He liked seeing her like this and he loved being the one in charge.

He'd thought this through so carefully that he even changed his deodorant and cologne so she wouldn't recognise his scent. He wanted her to think this was real for as long as possible. He wanted her to struggle and have to force her to his will, not lie there and comply because she knew it was him.

He stepped forward and stroked her hair now. She jerked her head upwards, moving it from side to side as if that would help her see who was touching her. Now he had her attention he quickly unbuckled her jeans and pushed them down.

Hobbled by the jeans round her ankles she was entirely motionless now, scared to move in case she fell over. He unzipped her sweater, then unbuttoned her shirt and undid her bra. What to do now? He hadn't known what she'd be wearing and hadn't been able to plan properly for this.

First things first, he thought, and pulled down her knickers. She was shivering now; not with cold, the room was warm, but with fear and humiliation and, yes, excitement.

The situation was far scarier than she'd thought it would be and she couldn't quite believe that this was real, but it must be – whoever this guy was didn't even smell like Alistair and he was the only person who could have planned this without actually being any threat to her.

She clenched her buttocks together to try and protect herself, but she knew it was utterly pointless as he pushed her back onto the bed and yanked her trainers off, followed by her socks, jeans and underwear.

She tried to kick out then, but he was too quick and was already tying a rope about her ankles. Jesus. He'd come completely prepared – God only knows what else he was prepared for.

He turned her over now, kneeling on the small of her back as he undid the one bracelet of the cuffs. Quickly, before she could hit out too much, he pulled off her shirt and sweater and pushed the bra straps down her arms.

He grabbed at her flailing wrists before she could undo the gag or blindfold which is what she was trying for and something he hadn't even considered. He passed the cuffs through the bar at the top of the bed and clipped the bracelet back on her wrist and turned her over.

She was entirely naked now and both of them were sweating with the struggle and the excitement.

Briskly he untied her ankles, re-tying them separately, one to each side of the bed, making sure they were tightly bound so she couldn't wriggle loose, he didn't want a knee in his groin at any time, let alone when he was naked and erect.

He stood and looked down at his handiwork. Katie looked like an image from a magazine. Her legs were spread, displaying her pretty, pink pussy, already seeping traitorous juices. Her full, pale breasts were pulled up taut by the stretch of her arms, her rosy pink nipples standing out proudly, betraying her arousal.

Her whole body was quivering like a mouse cornered by a cat. He could see the shivers running up and down her body, see her chest heaving with shallow, panting breaths and see the slight dampness about her mouth as she struggled to make a noise around the gag.

She waited, straining to hear something over the rasp of her own breathing. She held her breath for a moment, but still there was nothing, just an empty, echoey silence with, wait, deep breathing. She could hear someone else breathing now. As her own breaths slowed she heard these others more clearly.

They were deep, heavy breaths, from someone who had just exerted themselves... or someone becoming aroused. Masculine. Getting closer.

She could hear them now, right by her ear. Her body was still: tensed. Her whole body tingled with adrenaline and she waited. She couldn't fight and flight was not an option. Whether she wanted it or not, something was about to happen, but a tiny part of her realised that, if it didn't happen, then she'd be disappointed.

Alistair was also tensed and waiting. He'd taken off all his clothes except his underpants and the adrenaline was pulsing through his veins, heightening every sense, making him edgy and anxious.

He felt powerful and sexual in a way he hadn't before. All the times he'd had sex with Katie she had been in control, even if only in a subtle way, but now it was totally up to him and he was definitely in control.

This woman was his. He could do what he wanted to her – she didn't even know it was him in the room. He felt his already hard cock spring into even more fervent life with this thought and a small noise escaped him, like a growl.

She wrenched her head around towards the noise. Whatever was going to happen was about to start now. She set her jaw and did the only thing she could do. Wait.

Alistair walked towards the chest of drawers and picked up the small rubber whip. Slowly he ran it through his hands and considered what to do.

Now he was in the situation he wished he'd researched this sort of thing a little more thoroughly. He had no experience of S&M and he was a bit stumped as to where he should start.

Too late he regretted his lack of preparation, but there was nothing he could do so, taking his courage and the whip in his hands, he gently flicked it towards the inside of her calf.

She twitched, but the stroke had only tickled, there was no kind of mark left behind and he grew a little braver.

Next he aimed for her inner thigh, flicking the whip quite a bit harder. The rubber was soft and didn't hurt much, but there was a definite sting this time, especially as the skin was more tender and a lingering red line marked her pale skin.

He was confident now and lashed out at both her inner thighs indiscriminately, the blows landing high and low, sometimes even grazing her delicate lips. Her legs were criss-crossed with pink streaks and she was trembling.

She wasn't in real pain, the rubber was too soft for that, but because of the sensory deprivation and fear she was so much more aware of it.

She'd almost grown accustomed to the light, stinging blows on her thighs when suddenly her breast flamed in sudden heat as the lash struck across her nipple. There was a long pause, then it struck again.

Alistair was spacing them out now, breaking the rhythm up so each blow was unexpected, making them more effective. Very soon her breasts were striped pink and cream and she was cringing away from the whip's lashes.

Slowly Alistair trailed the whip down her belly. He didn't want to hurt her, but he loved taunting her like this, making her think she was going to be struck again. When the whip trickled between her legs, tickling her clit she jolted as if someone had run voltage through her.

Her legs trembled and her stomach muscles tensed, to Alistair it looked as though she was having an orgasm. She wasn't, but she was hovering somewhere near climax and the light stimulation of the touch on her clit had a massive effect on her body.

Alistair couldn't wait any longer now. He pulled off his boxers and stood, naked and proudly erect over Katie's prone body.

The end of his dick was glistening with moisture, he was almost as wet as she was with excitement. He rubbed the tip across each of her nipples, so they gleamed in the half-light and then across as much of her lips as he could reach around the gag.

He loved seeing his juices on her face and body. To him, this inexperienced and innocent boy, it seemed dirty, sexy and wrong to daub her like that. Just doing it made his cock throb in his hand and he had to take a deep breath and think unsexy thoughts for a moment.

Finally he felt he had waited long enough and rolled a condom onto his dick. What he really wanted was to slide his cock inside her unprotected and feel the hot, wet roughness of her walls stroking him, but common sense over-ruled.

He kneeled between her legs then, touching her clit with his lips in a tiny kiss, making her jump again. Kneeling up tall he took his cock in his hand and nudged it against the dripping wet pucker in the centre of her pussy.

He held it there for just a moment, savouring his power and the anticipated pleasure, then sank in to her up to the hilt.

She let out an unearthly groan, muffled by the gag, which excited him more and he started to thrust into her harder and rougher than he ever had before, savouring the wet grip of her tight cunt around the tingling mass of nerves in his dick.

The more he fucked her, the more he felt anger rising in him towards all the girls who'd rejected him, laughed at him or patronised him, calling him 'sweet.'

He didn't want to be sweet. He wanted to be this man. Violent, sexually strong and predatory. He relished every moment of it as he took his revenge on her body, thrusting roughly into her swollen, wet cunt.

Tears ran down her face in humiliation and fear, yet she felt her body respond to this as it had never responded to the gentle, timid touches of boys like Alistair.

Her mind rejected what was happening to her, but her body welcomed it. It was all-encompassing pleasure, mixed with pain as a just punishment for being so wanton.

All she knew now was the ceaseless, relentless pounding of this cock slamming into her, driving her into the bed as two hands held her firmly on the hips, pulling her harder onto the cock.

All the questions stopped as she focused on the exquisite bud of heat blossoming in the pit of her belly, growing and unfurling into the most mind-shattering orgasm.

Her whole body bucked the restraints as she came and came, jerking violently upwards against Alistair's still-thrusting hips.

The last moments of her orgasm were too strong for him to resist. As she clenched around him in climax he felt the hot spurts of semen leave him as his balls tightened and released and his cock leapt inside her.

He collapsed, exhausted, onto her belly, resting his chest on her breast, sucking a nipple gently into his mouth absent-mindedly as if for comfort.

He knew he'd have to reveal himself to her when he untied her, otherwise she'd go on thinking she'd been ****d and attacked, but he could already feel the blood rising within him again, making him ready for more. He wanted to fuck

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Ahmadabad Aunty

I have been a regular reader of ISS and I have published two stories earlier. I am Arjun, now in Ahmadabad. Now I want to tell you what happened 10 days back. Once I came to Ahmadabad, there was not much people whom I know. I have taken a flat in a luxurious apartment and there I met a family. Uncle, Aunty and their son. Let me tell you about aunty, Her name is Deepa (name changed). She is now 35 years old, well built with 36-32-38. I met them in the lobby one day and after talking to them, I...

1 year ago
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Islamabad ki aunty

Hello resdrs mera naam ALI hai aur main Islamabad(PAKISTAN) main rahta hu meri age 21 year hai, aj main jis aunty ki kahani sunane jar aha hun wo aunty hamary mohalla ki rahne wali hain aur married hain magar unka koi bachha nahi hai .aun ke husband army main hote hain aur kabhi kabhi ghar ate hain aunty k sath aun ke saas rehty hain lakin wo aun dino apne bete k ghar kise village main gaye hoe thyn. Aunty aksar auqat hamary ghar main aty aur hamare ghar walon se kafi frank the main college ky...

2 years ago
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Ahmadabad Ke Pathan Ki Chudai Ki Raslila

Ye meri pehli story he aur ye sirf Ahmadabad ki un bhabhiyo aur ladkiyo k liye he jinhe asli pathan ka lund apni bhose me lene ki khwaish ho or jo koi ladki ya bhabhi ye cahti ho wo mujhe mail ker sakti he per Now coming to the story Ye takriban 4 sal pehle ki baat he me ek muslim area me rehta hu city me so waha sare ghar kafi pas pas hote he aur mere pados me ek ladki nayi nayi rehne aayi thi usdin me 12 baje utha tha aur apni maid ko nashta banane k liye bola aur me apni balcany me khada...

2 years ago
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Badle ki bhawnae

Yes people, your evaluation sar ankhon pe.You can contact me at mai apne ghar me sabse chota hn 18 ka,aur mere pariwar me mom n dad ke alawa badi bahan divya 21 sal ki gori 5ft 5 ki aur 32 30 34 ke figure ki hai, aur ek bhai hai jo ki shadi ke bad alag rahta hai.Mai serious nature ka tha.Bachpan se hi mujhe khoob pareshan kiya jata tha.Mere dono bhai bahan mujhe daant khilate aur mera majak udate the.Ab college me ane ke bad bhi mujhe bhondu kaha jata aur meri bahan mujhe ghar me bahut...

4 years ago
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Power of Influence

Mark groaned as he woke up, looking over at the clock realizing he was late, cursing as he got up and sped around the empty house to get ready for school. Having stayed up all night playing video games, and jacking off, it was no surprise that he overslept. He was an average teenager, with an average build, an average penis size, but an over active sex drive. Being a virgin, it was no surprise that all he did was jerk is cock over all of the women he could. He was an only child who lived with...

Mind Control
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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 36 A Bad Influence

December 1981, Chicago, Illinois I really should have guessed that what Jennifer was saying was prompted by a girlfriend who saw me as a competitor, but I had to know if it was just Jocelyn, or if it was from Jennifer’s therapist as well. “And not your therapist?” I asked. “No. The reason Doctor Clauson didn’t want me to come is because she knows how I feel about you and that you’re in a serious relationship with Kara. She’s afraid that I’ll have a serious setback, or do something stupid...

3 years ago
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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 22 Sphere of Influence

Confederacy Navy Major Matt Schlemmer burst from his ready room onto the bridge of his charge, CSS Barnegat, hull number LFR-003. The meeting he'd just had with Commodore Swanson and that Payne fellow had been eye-opening, and a little scary. He'd been told what his ship's weapons could accomplish if handled in a certain way. He wasn't sure he wanted to handle his vessel's weapons in that certain way at all. He had one other concern in addition to those planted there from this meeting...

3 years ago
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Children of the LightChapter 12 Orbits and Influence

The dinner with the 'Fleet Officers' as I was thinking of them went well. Arden and Constantine were besides themselves with the excitement of finally getting to share their research with military thinkers, and the newcomers, though they had heard him speak during the history part of our presentation, were amazed to get a chance to meet an artificial being. Andy and Serenity were also a big hit, and not just because of their precociousness and their uniqueness. In addition to Stephen...

2 years ago
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Badminton club

Hopefully erotica for those who would like to be titillated.Sorry to run off early ladies, but I have to get home to put the little ones to bed. See you all next week” shouted Amanda as she ran out of the changing room. I sat on the bench in the old school changing rooms, absolutely shattered. It had turned out to be a really lovely evening, with three other mums, from my k**s school, playing badminton. I hadn’t played since I was a teenager, and I used to love the game. Sadly age, ch*****n,...

1 year ago
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Badhi Bhen Ko Hogaya Mere Lund Se Payaar

Mera naam Sam hai mai Nagpur ka rahne wala hu.Ye baat aaj se 3 saal pahele ki hai jab mere badhi pappa ki bethi yani ki mere badhi bhen sadahi mai aaye thi. Hello to all readers the thing is i love sex but the problem is I’m bored, so my friend suggested ki aapne kahani post karne se tuze rahat milege. Barat mai nachte huye mai thak gaya tha isle mai apne sis key saath vapas ghar aa gaya. Mere bhen ka rang gora hai height 5.3 inch hai body figure 36-28-36 hai aur mai 6.2inch lambha hu mera...

1 year ago
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Islamabad Mein Chudai

Hello doston mera naam ali hai. mein rawalpindi mein rehta hun..meri height 5.9 hai..mein ACCA ka student hun.agar koi larki/aunty mere sath sex try karna chati hai mukamal raazdari k sath to mujhe mail kareen at abhi 20 saal ka hoon, Mujay kafi girls add kurten on on my yahoo messenger lakin zayda tur nay keha kay pehlay mobile ka card send kurro then sex kurnay. Mujay sirf un girls say sex kurna ka maza aata hay jo mature hoon our sex ko poorirazdari say kurna chahteen hoon. Eik larkee nay...

3 years ago
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Islamabad the ultimate sex

Hello ISS name is rehan. I m 23 years old guy from id is is a true story that I wish to share with my co-readers. It happened last year with a girl’s named is Seema. She was one of my Junior Executives at the office where I work as a Management Consultant and was supposed to be having an affair with a collegue Malik. Very sexy babe. Good soft but firm tits. Gorgeous figure of 37-26-37. Used to call me Uncle by way of Joke. Ofcourse, I used this relationship to...

2 years ago
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Ahmadabad Ke Pathan Ki Chudai Ki Raslila 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, meri first story ko pasand kerke mujhe dher sare mails bhehne ke liye aap sab ko thanks a lot. Ahmedabad ki kisi bhi bhabhi ya ladki ko real afghani pathan ka lund test kerna ho to mail me at Now ab story per aata hu. Ye baat he un dino ki jab me apne finance k buissness me bahot buzy tha buissnes acha chal raha tha ek din me apni office me betha tha aur mere ek agent ka call aaya ki bhai aap kaha ho mene kaha me office per hu to usne bataya ek costomer he jo aap se milna cahta...

2 years ago
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Ahmedabad Ki Paisewali Aunty 8211 Part 4

Sabhi logo ko mere khade lund ka namaskar. Mera naam Tarun hain. Aur main Ahmedabad se hun. Meri age 26 saal hain. Ap logo ko meri pehli teeno kahani achchi lagi. So ab main apko apni tisri kahani ki or le jata hun.  Main aur meri ma’m Jamnagar gaye the. Tab woh unki dost Sweta ma’m ke waha mujhe chod ke chali gayi Ahmedabad wapas.  Ab mujhe poora ek mahina, Sweta ma’m ke sath Jamnagar mein rehna tha. Sweta ma’m bohut hi pyari hain. Maine unko unki chut chatke meri ashiq toh bana diya tha. Ab...

3 years ago
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Ahmedabad Ki Randi Maid Pt 3 Padosan Ke Samne Chudai

Hey girls and guys. Kaise ho aap sab log? Ye story continuity hai ‘Ahmedabad Ki Randi Maid’ series ka. Toh pehle ke part padhna mat bhulna friends. Abhi tak story mein, maine apni randi naukrani ko choda chaat pe aur humari chudai ke waqt meri padosan Pooja ne hume dekh liya. Ab age. Toh mera aur meri naukrani ki chudai ab regular ho gayi thi. Jab meri mom dupahar ko sone jati thi, usko ghar mein chupke se leke ata tha aur apne room mein uski chudai karta tha. Mera room aur Pooja ka bedroom...

3 years ago
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Bikinis and Bad Influences

I intended to be a good girl, I swear! But it was all her and our mutual faults! It wasn’t me, honest! All I did was dress in cutoffs, no panties, and a t-shirt and go about my business. They led me astray. First, she had to chat with me about my weekend and give me tips and pointers and descriptions that got me so worked up that I had to touch myself right at the front counter at work. The poor guy browsing books thought that I was all turned on by him! If he had stuck around after I declined...

1 year ago
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Badi bahan ki badi majedar chut

Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) main dinu sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri kahaniya, logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze e-mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur satya katha likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi kahani pes kar raha hun, aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Mera ek dost ranjit jo ki mumbai me hi bhayandar me apani...

4 years ago
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Badi Maa Ke Saath Pyar Bhari Raat

Hi friends main Ayush Sharma apke liye mere saath ghati ek ghatna ki kahani aapko batane jaa raha hoon.meri pichli story aap logon ko bohot pasand aayi mujhe hazaron email aaye thank you kisi bhi aunty ko sex karna ho to please mujhe email karen par Ab main story pe aata hoon is story main maine apni badi maa ko choda hai ye baat may mahine ki hai meri badi maa mumbai me rehti hai uska naam shobha hai uski age 46 hai lekin dikhne mein woh 35 ki lagti hai.uska figure 42 32 34 hai uske dudh...

3 years ago
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Badi maa ke sath jawani ka maza

Hello iss readers mai hamesha iss ki stories padta hu to socha kyu na apni life ka bhi ek hasin lamha apke sath share karu …mera naam kunal hai aur meri age 20 hai mai jaipur mai rahata hu hamari joint family hai aur bada ghar hai. Meri badi maa ki age 29 hai wo bahut hi khubsurat husn ki malika hai unko dekhte hai mera man sex karne ka ho jata hai … Baat aaj se 2 saal pahale ki hai mai hamesha unhe nanga dekha karta tha jab wo bath liya karti thi. Kya batau dosto unke bare mai unke wo bade...

1 year ago
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Badi Maa Ki Pasine Bhari Chut Ki Chudayi

Mai shivam bhabua bihar ka rehane wala hu ye kahani meri aur meri badi maa ki h Aapka samai na jaya karte hue mai siddha kahani pea ta hu meri badi maa ek gadraye hue jawani ki aurat h unaka figure k bare me ako kya batau mast golgol chuche moti aur muscular gand jise dekhate he kisi ki bhi land khada ho jaye rang aisa k mano jaise koi pari….. Ek din mere ghar pr koi nahi tha sirf mai aur meri badi maa the wo dopahar me so gayi thi tabhi mai cricket khel k ghar aya to dekha unki sari uar tak...

2 years ago
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Ahmedabad Ki Randi Maid

Hello friends. Mei jay arora apko apni fantasy ka baare mei batane wala hua jismei meine society mei kam karne wali maid ko apni randi maid banata hua aur bataunga ki kaise meine uski chut ka bhosada bana diya. Ab bhi time waste kare story chalu karta hua…..!!!!! So yeah time hai winter ka. Meine subhe subhe jogging karne jata hua rooj. Karib 8 baje jab mei society ka andar enter hua toh mujhe ek sakhat ladki dikhi jo chal ke arahi thi. Hum dono ek dusara ko dekha usne mujhe smile di aur meine...

2 years ago
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Ahmedabad Ni Jakkas Bhabhi Ane Chokri 8211 Part 3

Main vapas laut ayaa hun aapni chudai story ka 3rd part leke…jinko ahmedabad ya gujarat main se gujarati nhi aati..Wo lok muje mail kr sakte hain .. Main unko secretly translation krke dunga wo bhi live… Hu …. 3rd part kehva maate aai gaayo chu….1-2 part na reviews aane mail maate thank u so much… Haawe direct story per aavu chu.. Drashti nu pani bhabhi na face per j nikli gaayu… Maaru b padvanu htu… Main bhabhi ni bhos ma j paani kaadhi lidhu… 3 jana naga j besi gaya room ma… Bhabhi-wah...

3 years ago
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Ahmedabad Ni Jakkas Bhabhi Ane Chokri

Hi.. I am ahmedabad playboy(name changed)…Main iss ka regular reader hun aur kahin saalo se yeh padta hun…Aage ki story abhi main gujarati main likuunga jo k jyada excited aur real hain jo mere saath 1 june 2016 ko hui thi… Hello frnds…Mara loda ni size common j che…Hu bija badha ni jem gappa naai maaru…Koi bhabhi,chokri,aunty, or je chokri ne bf na hoi to mara email per contact kri saake che…Aapde chat n meetings private rehse aane taamne story vanchya paachi maane jarur mail krso aani hu...

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Ahmedabad Ki Paisewali Aunty 8211 Part 3

Sabhi logo ko mere khade lund ka namaskar. App logo ko meri pehli dono kahani aachi lagi. So ab mein appko apni tisri kahani ki aur le jata hun. Links of the previous parts on top. Mein aur meri madam akshar ek dusre ke sath maje karte the. Har weekend ham kuch na kuch kar ke plan karte the aur ek dusre ke sarir ko sukh dete the. Fir ek din muje company se bola gaya ki appko 1 mahine ke liye Jamnagar , Gujarat jana hain, marketing ke kaam se. so muje dukh hua ki, muje yeh sab chod k udhar pe...

1 year ago
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Ahmedabad Ki Paisewali Aunty 8211 Part 1

Meri story ki ghatna 1 mahine pehle huyi thi. Mera naam Tarun hian. Meri age 22 saal hain aur mein apni MBA khatam karke ahmedabad mein job ke liye try kar rha tha. Ek din mein S.G. Road mein ek marketing ki job ka interview dene ke liye gaya tha. Waha pe ek madam thi jo hr dept ki head thi. Thodi moti thi, bt bahut maal thi. Unka figure kuch 40-34-42 hoga. Fir mene apna interview acche se diya aur fir bahar aa gaya aur unho ne kaha agar app select ho jaoge toh call kar denge. Fir mein whaa se...

3 years ago
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Ahmedabad Ki Bhabhi

Hello friends maine iss per bahut sari kahaniya padi hai or aaj mai apni kehani likhne ja reha hu pehle apne bare mi bata du mi ek 25 sal ka average ladka 5″5′ or punjab se hu jo job kerne ke liye ahmedabad mi aaya tha or rehne ke liye maine ek flat rent per liya meri pehli kehani hai is lliye please aap log ise pad ker meri galti or apne sujav is email per de Mai yeah per naya tha to jayada kuch nahi janta tha kyu mi Punjabi hu or gujarat mi pehli bar aya tha. Kahni shuru hoti hai jab mai...

4 years ago
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Ahmedabad Chatroom To Rajkot Hotel

Dear ISS readers, I have been reading lots of stories and I thought I would share mine 2. Let me tell u about myself, I am based at Ahmedabad, 5.11″ athletic and weigh around 78 kg. Married Very fit and athletic, work as a senior manager in a big firm, Coming back to the scoop it was around 2 years back I was working with an ad agency then and since there is not much of work at senior level I would log into yahoo chat room. I came across a female and when i messaged her she replied back and we...

2 years ago
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Ahmedabad is best

This is Raj, from Ahmedabad, one of the very great fans of like u people. I am a regular visitor of this very site similarly as I am to my mailbox. First I would like to describe a little about myself. Simply I would say this only that in the present world where there are many males around who knows how to present them handsomely, in that world girls always give a second look. I would like to share my first sexual encounter with u people as I don’t think so that anybody...

2 years ago
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Hi dosto, mere naam krish (age:20) he , mail me : Aur me gujarat ke ahmedabad se hu, waise me jaha taha chodne ke liye nahi jata hu, lekin chodne ki meri iccha bahot ho jati he, lekin muth marke chala leta tha. Intro: Ek bar mere papa ke friend unki ladki ko leke humare ghar aye, woh 12 me padhti he aur bahot sexy dikhti he. Us din uski aur meri mulakat hui. uska naam mitali hai. Woh mere ghar ke najdik hi rahte he, maine use pehli bar dekhte hi aankh mardi thi, to woh thoda sa muskurai. fir...

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Ahmedabad maid

Hi my name is Jagdip (name changed). I live in Ahmedabad and my email id is . I am 26 now. The story I am going to tell you is real and happened when I was 17. We have a made in our house from last 15 years. Her name is Radhabai. She is really a very good made and very honest. She was almost 35 at that time. I never looked at her as a sex object as she is very average looking female but with a great body as she worked physically for long time. I was a teenager at that time and had started...

3 years ago
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Ahmedabad widow aunty

Hai Friends, I am Raj (Name changed) 25 yrs from Ahmedabad. I am a great fan of indiansexstories & have read almost all the stories. So today I decided to share my first experience. I was alone so I came to my aunty’s house. Since I have no other relative in the town I have to stay with my beautiful aunt (younger sister of my dad) who was a widow and was about 36 yrs old. My uncle died in a accident. After that she will not accepted to marry. So that they will stay in single in his house. She...

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Ahmedabad sex

Hi it is me Atul (name Changed). I am 25 years old boy from Ahmedabad. This incident happened in my childhood. My friend name is Ruchi. Ruchi is having very slim fine figure. She is always wear tight churidar kameez but very decent color one, no jazzy type. She is very mature type thinking and also very much devotional to god. She is always going temple and like that. But her face is always having mirchi look. Like she will biting her lips with teeth and look from corner of eyes at me sometime....

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Badge Bunnies I Have Known Episode One

Now it Begins.  If all goes well, this could be a very entertaining group of stories.  I was a law enforcement officer for over thirty years.  No regrets at all.  Many noteworthy things happened in my years of service, most of which had nothing to do with my sex life.  This is about the part that did.  I hope to share some stories about the young ladies that really like to date the young men in Uniform. BADGE BUNNIESMost people are not familiar with the name "Badge Bunnies". This is a huge...

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Badge Bunnies I Have Known Episode Five

After pulling a second watch patrol shift, I dropped into Fred's Cop bar around midnight. I was hoping there would be a few Badge Bunnies looking for companionship, for a drink, and possibly a roll in the hay. The selection would be slim due to the late hour. The Bunnies looking for a serious fuck would have arrived around 9 pm. Fred's is a quiet bar in a quiet neighborhood. Most patrons are Law Enforcement Officers looking for quick and safe pussy. The Badge Bunnies are ladies who are...

Group Sex
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Badge Bunnys Birthday

It still hurts. Even if they don't say anything to me outright, seeing the looks, watching them whisper to each other, not even bothering to hide what they're doing... it hurts. I remember when I was just a little girl, hiding out on the stairs of our house, hearing my mom in the living room talking with her friends about female solidarity, and how all women were sisters. It hurt like hell, learning that was all a lie. I try not to let it bother me, and I'm getting better at that,...

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Hyderabad Mein Behen Chudi

To start with the story my dick is 7 inches long and my body is muscular as I love to go to gym . Ye tab ki baat hai jab mujhe apni podt graduation ke liye hyderabad jana pada tha uss time mein sirf 21 saal ka tha ( ab I am 24) . Mein naya tha sher mein kuch nahi pata tha kisi ka ke kaise log hai kya karte hai …Tabhi mene college hostel naa leke ek 2bhk ka personal flat le lia tha kyoki mukhe aoni privacy bhaut pyari lagti hai .. Jaise hi mene social networking site pe dala ke ab mein hyderabad...

3 years ago
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Hyderabad Girl Learned Sex Lessons In Tuition

Thanks to all ISS readers for your valuable comments for my previous story and I am back with another hot encounter of mine with steamy girl Shreya. I am Michael George (name changed), I have a good sporty body which can deliver hot sessions to any kind of women and my hot dynamite is around 7.5 inches length so any girl or aunt, divorced from any side of India can contact me and I will come to your place to satisfy you and ping me at for any suggestions in sex life and your details will be...

2 years ago
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Hyderabad Playboy With Old Client And New Lady

Hi to all readers of Indian Sex Stories and thank you for feedback and support I am back with my story. This time it was with my old client and her friend. About me I am cherry age 26 and working for MNC in Hyderabad. Coming to story after long gap I got call from my old client her name is rani(name changed). Her age is 34 we meet in online and chatted for few days and meet had Great fun we meet for two times and have great moments in life and she liked it after long gap I got call from and...

4 years ago
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Badi Maa Aur Mai 8211 Part 2

Rupa ko raat bhar chodna ke baad mai so gaya.Subha jab meri aankh khuli to badimaa (rupa) bister par nahi thi mainy kitchen mai ja kar dekha rupa chi bana rahi thi mai pura nanga tha rupa ne white clour ke saadi pahan rakhi thi jise mai use badi gaand bahar ko nikal rakhi thi rupa ke gaand dekh kar mera lund khada ho gaya mai kitchen mai gaya rupa ko picha se haug kiya meea khada lund rupa ke gaand mai lag raha tha mera haat ruoa ke chuchiya masal raha tha rupa boli abhi to chod do raat mai kar...

3 years ago
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Badi Behan Richa ko Choda

Hi friends , i am ansh this is my first story and this is very real . Let me tell you about my self. i am 23 yrs old guy with a good built up and I have an elder sister richa.she is 26 right now. I am working in janakpuri delhi in insurance as an asst manager . My sister is MCA and she teaches in a school. Ye story aaj se 2 yrs pahle ki hai jab main job search kar raha tha aur richa MCA kar rahi thi. Hum ghar par sirf 4 log hain . papa , mummy, richa aur main. papa ki job delhi se bahar hai...

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Badge Bunnies I Have Known Episode Seven

As a  uniformed Law Enforcement Officer, I sincerely and honestly try to give the taxpayers a full day or night's work every shift. However, I must confess, that the little head occasionally overrides the big head and has its way. Usually, this occurs on very slow and boring nights when there is a fair maiden in dire need of some special attention. I will give you a few examples. DONNA LEEJust last week, an older Badge Bunny, Donna Lee, who recently broke up from a long-term romantic adventure,...

4 years ago
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Badi Behen Ki Samuhik Chudai

Mera naam mahesh hai. Mere ghar main main, mere 2 bade bhai aur mom, papa aur 2 badi bahan hai. Papa service karte hai, ek bade bhai scientist hai jo Bangalore main hai aur dusare bade bhai ph.D. Kar rahe hai aur conferences main busy rahate hai. Meri mom aur ek badi bahen gaon par mere grand parents ke care ke liye gaon par rahate hai. Mere saath meri ek badi bahen, papa aur ek bhai total 4 log rahate hai. Mere age 20 saal ka hai aur pure family main chhota hun isi wajah se main sabaka dulara...

2 years ago
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Badi Bhabhi ko chat par raat me mast

Hello dosto sabhi choot balion aur land balon mera land uthakar namaskar meri age 24 year 9″ lamba land hai kasrati badan hai hight 5.7″ hai doston yeh meri 3rd story hai pehi story me me ne apni badi bhabi ki chudai ki thi aur dusri stori me main ne apni choti bhabhi ki chudai ki thi . Lekin kafi saal tak me ne apni badi bhabhi ko nahi choda tha kion ki mere sambandh apni choti bhabhi se ho gaye the isliye badi bhabhi naraz ho gaye thi aur pure 5 saal tak hum ek dusre se nahi bole the lekin...

4 years ago
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Badi Maa Aur Mai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam rohit hai age 23 saal,meri body kafi aachi hai me ek it company me kaam karta hu meri family gaon me rahti hai hum logo ke paas kafi khate badi hai, meri family me maray maa baap aur meri badi maa hai jiska naam rupa hai,wo mera pita ke bada bahi ke wife hai yani ke mera bada papa ke,unki aur unka do beta ke muat ke accident me ho gai the karib do saal pahela,rupa ke age 45 saal pati aur betao ke maut ke baad rupa akali ho gai the meri family rupa ke bahut care karti hai,baat tab...

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Hyderabad Diaries 8211 Sneha The Whore

Dear all, thank you so much for all the love and praises for my last stories. This story will be in continuation with the same and will be about Sneha. She is in her mid-30s and married. Some part of it is fiction and some are not – it’s up to you to decide and let me know on my email It was about 6 months that Sneha was back from her Goa trip and was now living her boring life. She had a good social life and things with her husband were also good but same routine. Even her boss with whom she...

3 years ago
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Hyderabad Lo Married Aunty To Sex Chesa

Hi telugu people… Manavallandariki namaskaaram… English lo chaala stories unnai but nenu telugu lo raaddam anukuntunna mana native feel raavataniki. Na peru krishna, vayasu 25 yrs, height 5.7″, madi guntur district lo village nenu guntur lo job chestanu… Naa andaalaraasi naa sexy aunty di hyderabad tana peru jahnavi (name changed).. Tana vayasu 29, figure (38-34- 36).. Idi real incident oka 6 mnths back jarigindi…Na email id inka story loki velte… Naku aunty chatting lo parichayam aindi, ala...

4 years ago
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Badi bhabhi ke saath

Helle dosto ek baar fir main aap ke saamne apni ek nai aur anokhi story ke saath jisme maine apni badi bhabhi ke saath dobara fir se pure 5 saal baad band hue sambandh fir kayam kiye is se pehle bhi me apni do story aur lih chuka hoon “andheri raat me bhabhi ke saath” yeh story meri pehli story thi jijme maine apni badi bhabhi ko pehli baar choda tha jab main kewal 19 saal ka tha aur woh meri zindgi ki pehli chudai thi. Aur doosri story-“meri choti bhabhi ki kasi hui gulabi choot” jisme maine...

2 years ago
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Bade Boobswali Sexy Padosan Ko Choda

Mera naam Manoj hai aur meri age 28 hai aur height 5’7 hai, Main UP ka rehna wala hoon. Toh baat kuch saal pehle ki hai jab mere transfer Mumbai me hua tha, Maine ek room kiraye par liya tha aur mere neighbor me couple rehata hai, Deepak aur uski patni. Deepak ke saath meri formal introduction ho gya usse bat karte karte meine usse bola muje khana banana nahi aata hai tab usne bola mere ghar se khana Lelo uske Baad uski patni muje tiffin dene aati thi fir meri aur uske patni ke saath pahchan...

3 years ago
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Bade boobs wali Tina bhabhi ko choda

Hi frndz.. Mera nam Sam he Mai Nagpur me rahta hu or MBA kar raha hu. (For chatting, friendship or Fun you can contact me at ). Ye story us time ki he jb mai 19 yrs ka tha or 12th Board ki exams de chuka tha or meri chuttiya chal rai thi. Mere area me mere koi khas frnd nai tha so mai ghr me baith ke porn dekh kar ya pc me games khel kar apna time pas karta tha. Hamere ghar ke bilkul baju me flats bane the or usme rahti thi is story ki heroine Tina Bhabhi(name changed). Tina Bhabhi dikhne me...

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