Stormont Cottage Ch. 11-12 free porn video

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‘And we’re off!’ Ellen exclaimed in disgust, and flopped down on the couch sloshing a bit of her drink down her cleavage.

Bobbie Lee had seen her own reflection in the darkened living room window and had gotten spooked. Now she was freaking out all over the place, closing drapes and checking locks. She came flying out of the kitchen: ‘where are all the big knives, I know we have big knives, I saw them, where are they Ellen?’

The was just really getting the party started, the kids were downstairs playing guitars, and she had been feeling a strong lezzy vibe from Barbara, lezzy and eager to make a night of it, and now this.

‘There in the kitchen,’ she replied rolling her eyes. She had hidden them just after supper.

She looked over at Barbara who was sitting calmly on the arm of the couch wearing a sliver satiny looking dress that hugged her hips and then fell loose to her ankles. The top was open almost to her naval emphasizing her big heavy boobs that rolled freely and braless underneath the shimmering material like deep ocean swells.

They heard drawers and cupboards slamming and then Bobbie Lee came back out shouting angrily, ‘Ah cain’t find them. You need to get them Ellen, don’t you see that we are unarmed against the night? Don’t you see that we are helpless prey for any evil thing stalking the woods, man or beast?’

Bobbie Lee’s husband had been murdered about a year and a half ago, and it wasn’t clear from Bobbie Lee’s vague accounts, and Juliette’s occasional odd comment, what had actually happened down there in Cape Fear. She hadn’t paid much attention at the time. There had been other deaths as well, but she couldn’t remember how many there were or how they died. Truth was, she just didn’t care that much about other people, even her former lesbian lover.

Bobbie Lee was going on, ‘And honestly, you don’t have a gun? It’s okay if you’re hiding it from me, but please tell me that you have a gun.’

‘I don’t,’ she replied honestly. Her husband didn’t like guns, he was an ad man, not a hunter, and she had never felt the need for one. Finger Lakes was probably the safest place on earth these days as far as she was concerned. Boring sure, but very safe.

‘No, pistol or shotgun?’ She beat her arms against her thighs. She had on a square necked, blue and white polka dot dress that looked ten years out of date and only added to her appearance of being lost and dislocated. Frightened blue eyes over high cheekbones, and a sensuous, trembling mouth, made her very attractive, but what good was that if she couldn’t settle down for more than an hour at a time?

‘Nope,’ Ellen replied.

‘Not even a huntin rifle?’

‘Nada,’ she replied taking a big sip of whatever it was she was drinking, she couldn’t remember that either.

‘God damn it Ellen, don’t you see what danger we’re in. How can anyone live all alone in the middle of the wilderness and not have a gun? Are you crazy!?’

Her drink exploded out of her mouth as she doubled over with laughter, ‘Sure, I’m the crazy one!’ she choked out, and then started hacking and laughing so hard she was crying.

When she finally managed to sit up straight she noticed that Barbara had Bobbie Lee tightly by the waist, and was making her look at the window. ‘See, look, it’s me, and it’s you, just us,’ she squeezed her and kissed her on the cheek. ‘Nothing to be afraid of.’

Ellen watched Bobbie Lee’s white shoulders heave with a deep exhaled breath, somehow the zipper of her dress had slipped down all the way to her ass. ‘When did that happen,’ she wondered, ‘did Barbara do that?’

It looked like Barbara had her calmed down, but then she broke loose from her and yanked the cord that dropped the blinds. ‘Anyone could be out there lookin in at us, and we wouldn’t see them, they could be standing right there under the trees and we wouldn’t even know. What if one of them gets in here, then what are we going to do?’ She had turned to face both of them, pulling at her short blonde hair.

Barbara took her by the shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes. ‘Then I’ll kill them,’ she growled. ‘I’ll blast them to cinders, and blow away the dust.’

That got a little laugh from Bobbie Lee, but she was still pulling at her hair, ‘How you gonna do that, you got some kinda super powers or somethin?’

‘I do,’ she replied. ‘I’m a witch.’

Well, Ellen thought, I guess that’s one way you could go.

Bobbie Lee stopped pulling her hair and put a hand on Barbara’s. ‘I did suspect you were,’ she replied.

Ellen let her head drop to hide her chuckles.

‘So it’s true?’ Bobbie Lee asked, relaxing a little and stepping closer to her.

‘The real thing, consecrated by a coven in New Mexico. I’ve done the ritual, every bit, I’ve joined with my sisters, drank the sacred blood, and kissed Satan’s ass,’ Barbara replied.

Ellen frowned. Holy shit, was she telling the truth? After all, there was something odd about her, that whole mother earth vibe.

Barbara had Bobbie Lee in a hug now, ‘I’m protected, and no harm can come to me or my friends from any evil thing.’

‘Can I be your sister?’ Bobbie Lee asked earnestly.

‘Of course you can, I would love that, we could even do it tonight, but first take this,’ a pill appeared in her hand as if by magic, at least that’s how it looked from where Ellen was sitting. ‘Then you should have a little nap, you’ll need to be strong to get through the ceremony.’

Bobbie Lee tossed the pill down her throat without hesitation and then threw her arms around Barbara’s neck.

‘Son of a bitch,’ Ellen said shaking her head in amazement and appreciation. She raised her glass in salute and finished it off as Barbara led the now docile Bobbie Lee down the hallway towards the bedrooms.

She stood up, swayed for a second, and then followed along, very curious to see how this was going to play out.

Barbara came out of the bedroom about five minutes later, and Ellen was waiting for her, leaning back against the wall, grinning. ‘This might be all right, getting Bobby Lee out of the way,’ she thought. Barbara seemed to be on the same page because she was grinning too, she came right in close, put an arm on the wall, her big boobs swaying so much they almost fell out of her dress. Ellen noticed for the first time that her jewelry was kinda hippie shit, big chunky stone and things.

‘I guess we’ve lost her for the night,’ Ellen said.

‘Give it about ten minutes, we’ll see,’ Barbara replied.

‘You’re not a real doctor are you?’ she asked, the thought just striking her, ‘a shrink or something?’ She had her hands behind her back, and her pelvis thrust out.

‘More of a pharmacist.’


‘Unlicensed,’ she said with a big smile, and her very sexy, deep chuckle.

That sound was so low it seemed to come right up from her boobs. Ellen found herself staring at them right now, and as she did they began to grow in all directions, at least a foot, and her nipples punched out an good four inches. She shook her head, and wondered which one of the things Barbara had given her tonight was making that happened. She didn’t know, in fact she couldn’t even begin to count the number of different things she’d ingested since their first pre-meal cocktails. Not a lot of food anyway. ‘Moth-er-fucker,’ she swore

‘I do that too,’ Barbara said, and leaned in for a long, soft kiss, her tongue just playing lightly at the entrance of Ellen’s lips, where it was met by her own. Barbara’s free hand came up from her waist to the side of her boob, crushing it inwards. She withdrew her mouth but stayed close. ‘And I am a witch.’

‘Fuck off,’ Ellen replied automatically. ‘You did all that shit?’

‘Naked dancing, ritual orgies, fucked on a slab while naked women in crimson hoods stood around and chanted. Kissed Satan’s hairy ass, a
ll of it.’

‘Fuck off,’ Ellen repeated a little less confidently.

‘Well in a movie,’ Barbara replied and there was that throaty chuckle again and the wicked, knowing eyes. ”Slaves of Satan,’ nineteen-sixty-seven, you might be able to catch it on a late, late, show, but it would probably only be about eighteen minutes long after they cut out all of the nudity.’

‘No doubt you were the featured attraction,’ Ellen replied, deploying her own wicked smile while running her fingers along the edge of Barbara’s dress slipping them inside, feeling the soft yielding boobs.

‘It was the last time I was in front of the camera,’ she replied pushing her hand through the open side of Ellen’s halter dress until her thumb found a nipple.

‘What a shame to go so long without being exposed,’ Ellen replied and pushed open Barbara’s dress until it hooked onto the other side of her tit giving her free play with that wonderful, full mound.

‘I did all my best work off camera anyway,’ Barbara replied and turned full on to her, pushed her flat against the wall and drove her tongue all the way into her eager mouth. Their tongues lapped at each other, tangling, exploring. She pushed the other side of Barbara’s dress open and groped both her big tits. Barbara in turn deftly untied her halter and pushed it down over her unimpressive breasts, down her flat stomach until it caught on her narrow hips. She felt the glorious touch of hot flesh on hot flesh as they ground together.

Again it was Barbara who broke the kiss. She leaned back a little so she could run her manly hands over Ellen’s taught nipples and down her flat belly, making her gasp. She was proud of her body, her tits were less than a handful, but they were full and even, and being small, had sagged hardly at all. She was lean and boyish, she knew that, some men liked that, and some women too.

‘It’s not a bad idea you know,’ Barbara said, as she stroked gently, ‘making Bobbie Lee a witch.’

Ellen let out a deep breath. ‘Hhhhhumm?’ she replied wondering why they were still talking about Bobbie Lee.

‘It’ll give her confidence, settle her down, I bet it’ll work better than drugs.’

‘Well, sure, we all want Bobbie Lee to settle down.’

‘We could do it tonight. No moon, a nice fresh breeze to keep the bugs away, and that gazebo you have overlooking the water would be the perfect setting. I have everything we need in my bag.’

Ellen’s mind was pretty fuzzy, but it cleared a little when she heard that. ‘Why would you bring shit like that to a dinner party,’ she wondered. Then she remembered the things Barbara had said about the ritual, and that put everything else out of her mind. ‘Lots of nudity and indecent debauchery, right?’ she asked.

‘More than you can imagine, all theatre of course.’

‘Hard core theatre.’

‘Oh ya.’

‘What about the kids?’

‘Tommy’s got his hands on an electric guitar, he likes playing with that more than he likes playing with his own dick. And you know none of the girls are going to stray very far from him.’

Just then Bobbie Lee emerged from the room, looking fresh, in a whorish sort of way. Her hair was wild, and her eyes were painted dark like a raccoon’s, but her cheeks were bright, her chin was up, and she had a confident smile from ear to ear.

‘Come, Oh mistress of the night, make me your sister, and give me the powers of hell!’ she cried dramatically and then strode, skipped and trotted down the hall. She was naked except for her heels and a sheer wrap that flowed behind her like wings.

Barbara pushed Ellen’s dress down past her hips, past her little panties and right down to the floor. ‘I say we get naked and go fuck the shit out of her?’ she said.

‘I’m in,’ Ellen replied and yanked Barbara’s dress down over her shoulders letting it fall to her broad hips.



It was dark under the roof of the gazebo, but there was a big spot of light, from a flashlight or something that lit up the action. It took a minute for Julliette to figure out what was going on because she’d never seen anything like it before. Her momma appeared to be hanging from the rafters, back up against a pole with her legs thrown over the shoulders, and her pussy in the face of…that must be Jamie’s mom, and there was Christina’s mom just off to the side, ya, with her fingers in her twat, no doubt about it.

It was definitely her momma getting eaten out, she would know those loud, dramatic, moans anywhere. ‘Yess, yess, take me mistress, eat me, devour me! Ahhhhhh, don’t stop, oh god don’t stop!’ She was bucking like crazy, thrashing with her hips, but Jamie’s mom was real solid. She squatted there and just kept licking and licking.

‘Man, she’s such a slut,’ Julliette said, she didn’t even try to whisper, the moms were making so much noise, there was no way they would hear her even though she was only about ten feet away.

‘Who?’ Jamie asked. She was standing beside her with her arm around her waist, almost on her butt.

‘My momma,’ she replied still watching, she had her arm around Jamie’s waist too.

‘Mine’s not exactly Mary Poppins, from what I can see,’ Jamie replied and they both giggled.

‘At least she’s quiet.’

‘That’s because her mouth’s full.’

They both giggled again and she turned towards the older girl. She had gone out into the night in a sour mood after watching, forever, as Tommy and Christina played their stupid guitars and practically ignored everyone else. She had been so fed up that she forgot her fear of the dark at least until she’d taken a few steps from the backdoor. She turned to flee back inside when Jamie came up behind her and put a comforting arm around her. ‘What a couple of jerks,’ she said.

Then they had heard something that sounded like chanting, and, well moaning and groaning, and Jamie started towards it, not afraid at all. Juliette had hesitated, but Jamie took her hand. ‘Come on,’ she said. ‘The old broads are up to some freaky shit, man we gotta see this.’

Tommy had asked her to be nice to Jamie, and that was okay, because Jamie was being nice to her, nicer even than Tommy tonight. She liked her more now that she knew her better, she didn’t seem so jealous, and she was brave. It was like she wasn’t afraid of anything, like she could handle herself, and that made Julliette feel safe, well safer anyway. If she could be with Jamie and Tommy together, then she was sure that she would really feel safe.

‘Now what’re they doin?’ she asked.

Jamie’s mom had let her momma down, she must’ve just been holding on to the rafter and not tied. She was complaining and begging because she didn’t come, but it was like Jamie’s mom was in charge and she told her to get up on the small table, like a picnic table in the middle of the gazebo. Her momma just did what she was told and lay there on her back with her knees up and her legs spread wide open, like a big ol’ slut.

Now Christina’s mom was on top of her, and was like fucking her, but she didn’t have a cock, so what was the point? But then her momma started moaning and thrashing and crying out, ‘Fuck me sister, fuck this devil child,’ and other crazy shit, and she started to get worried. Fuck it, if her momma went off the deep end again, swear to god she was going to run as far away from her as she could and never look back.

Jamie’s mom had something and she was getting under Christina’s mom’s ass and shoving it in and out of her momma’s cunt, and that was what was making her go so wild. She was saying freaky words that didn’t even sound like English. ‘What the hell are they doin?’ she almost shouted and turned to run back to the house, but Jamie caught her by the shoulders.

‘It’ from a movie, it’s just play acting shit.’


‘Their acting out a scene from ‘Slaves of Satan’, I know, hell, I wrote the damn scene myself when I was fourteen, uncredited of course.’< br>
‘Really, you wrote that?’

‘Sure, come on,’ Jamie led her to the side and a little closer so they could get a better view from through the wide gazebo door. ‘Ya, watch this,’ Jamie said, now dropping her voice to a whisper and working her hand into the back of Juliette’s shorts. ‘My mom’s gonna come around and sit on your mom’s face.’

‘No way, man,’ Juliette replied. She felt Jamie’s hand slipping down, pushing her shorts, straining the button at the front, and that was okay, she even leaned into the taller girl a little to give her a better angle. Sure enough, Jamie’s mom came around, climbed up on the table and sat on her momma’s face, and just started grinding away. ‘Holy shit!’ Juliette hissed.

‘I hope not,’ Jamie replied and they both started laughing so hard, that they dropped to the ground, trying to cover each other’s mouths. And then they were kissing, Jamie was on top of her, and her cute mouth was on hers, her tongue darting in and out, and it felt good. She kept her tongue out of the way and just sorta let Jamie do what she wanted, like she was the boy. She just let her fuck her mouth with her tongue, and couldn’t help moaning a little, because it felt so good. One of Jamie’s hot hands was up under her top, and under her thin bra rubbing her, flicking at her nipple, and she had both hands on Jamie’s really tight ass, tight just like Tommy’s. She thought again how they could almost be brother and sister, and how this was like Tommy fucking her.

Pretty soon she was so wet and horny that she didn’t care who was fucking her, she just wanted to be fucked, to be used, wanted. She didn’t care about anything anymore, didn’t even stop Jamie when she undid her short shorts and pulled them and her panties all the way down to her ankles leaving her dripping bare ass on the cold grass. Jamie had her blouse right off and her bra was pushed up over her beautiful, perfect tits, and then she unzipped and whipped her slacks and panties right off! Right there, not more than few feet from where their mothers were humping and groaning and carrying on even worse than them.

Jamie seemed totally outta control, she was all over her, pressing her hot flesh against her, rubbing their pussies together, kissing her mouth, kissing her neck, her tits. She forced Juliette’s legs as far apart as they would go with her shorts down around her ankles and shoved first one, and then two fingers up her wet snatch and finger fucked her, leaning down so Juliette could get one of her hanging tits in her mouth. She came just like that, thrusting her hips up against Jamie’s fingers and sucking at her tit. Jamie put a hand over her mouth to stifle her moans of ecstasy, and held it there as she slowly subsided, then she removed her and hand, lowered her face and said ‘Holly shit, eh?’

And Juliette just said, without thinking, ‘Ah hope not.’ It was probably the funniest thing she ever said, and then Jamie was back on top of her while their chests heaved with laughter and tears streamed down their faces. Jamie kissed her again, this time long and gentle and then rolled off of her.

‘Wow, that was fucking wild, man, I took all my clothes right fucking off! Where’s my bra?’

Julliette pointed and tried to not start laughing again. ‘Oh fuck,’ Jamie said. It was wrapped around her neck. She struggled back into it while Julliette reached down and pulled her panties and shorts up over her uncomfortably wet pussy and ass, straightened her own bra and zipped her top back up to her neck. All of a sudden she was feeling the cold. ‘Let’s go,’ she hissed.

Jamie helped her to her feet, and they headed for the back door, not even bothering to look back to see what the crazy old bitches were doing now.

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Viewing The Cottage

Twenty-four-year-old Roger Phillips had inherited a substantial sum of money and was looking at buying himself something larger than the smallish flat that he currently lived alone in. He had viewed a few properties and he now had an appointment to meet a representative of the estate agent's at a quite isolated country cottage. He drove into the gate of the cottage and there, standing by her car, was an Indian woman of absolute beauty.This vision was forty-eight-year-old divorcee Maneka Patel...

3 years ago
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Closing up the Cottage

It started out as another case of me-and-my-big-mouth. I was down at my parents' and had wandered into the livingroom in time to catch the last snatch of a conversation. My sister Ria was saying stuff about closing up her cottage for the winter. Figuring that to be a pretty tough sport and feeling full of false magnanimity, I volunteered, "Well gosh, Ria, I'd certainly come out and help, not that I could get time away from the kids or afford the airfare." I really would have been just as...

4 years ago
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Power Chapter 32 Sylvia Chernobyl and the Cottage

About two weeks after the auction I was getting a beer with Janice and Nate in one of the lounges; Mike was reading an Alumni newsletter. I asked him about it since he had not yet graduated. “Anthony hasn’t been around for very long,” Mike explained. “They have a fairly small alumni association and give seniors the newsletter to try and get us to join early.” Mike tossed the newsletter over to me and left. The cover story was about the Alumni Cottages. The headline read “Only 18 more months to...

1 year ago
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The Country Cottage

Alan and Lorraine Robertson were both aged in their late fifties and had been married for thirty-five years but their marriage had been under strain for quite some while. Neither had anyone else, but there was currently little love between them and there had not been sex for quite a while, they slept in separate rooms.A few weeks previously Lorraine had rented a country cottage to see if maybe that would bring them back together but since booking it she had become less and less enthusiastic...

2 years ago
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At the Cottage

[Author's Note: This story is mostly voyeuristic. There will be lots of spying, perving, teasing, masturbation, etc., with some exhibitionism and heavy petting/touching, but no full-on sex. It is a voyeuristic fantasy inspired by a friend's mom I knew in real life. Rochelle can also be found in my adult interactive fiction games "Encounter 1: Tim's Mom" and "Pool Party".] Cottage layout: We arrived at the cottage. It was...

3 years ago
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Fun at the Cottage

The sun was setting on the forest when I woke up. I was sitting in the back of the minivan, squeezed between my younger sister and my younger brother. « We’re there! », said my mother softly, probably still thinking I was asleep. My younger sister kicked my foot and smile at me. « Did you hear mom? We’re here! », she said. I smile back at her and took a moment to check the view. It was beautiful. Though I initially did not want to come at the Cottage with the rest of the family, at that moment,...

3 years ago
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Summer at the cottage

My wife and I are teachers at a local community college.  It is the perfect job as it allows us to spend over two months at our summer house on the lake.  We were about to embark on the four hour trek northward.  My wife had agreed to give one of her students a lift, her parents lived not too far from our cottage, and she needed a ride home.I had packed the trunk of the car to the brim with our supplies for the summer, so when we went to pick up Jennifer there wasn’t much room for her stuff.  I...

4 years ago
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Guest In My Ooty Cottage

Fucking my guest in my cottage . Hi every one in here. I am new as a story writer to iss environment , very old follower of indian sex stories dot net .I am sorry if there are some errors in my words and verbal expressions. Introducing myself I am 27 yrs from ooty. I do business in lodging and cottage. Very desperate for love and sex. I love hearing moaning and sex sounds from my guest. I masturbate with lust and dream of those sounds, voices.. For the ladies in here I am still a bachelor....

2 years ago
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The cottage

When you own a cottage, particularly if it's a good cottage,you come to expect friends and family to invite themselves overfrom time to time. I have a pretty good cottage up on an island filled lake inNorthern New York. It's got three bedrooms, a dock, a small beach,and a terrific view of the lake. It's hard to find, and kind ofisolated, but I love it so much that I just can never seem to keepfrom bragging. So, from time to time, I give in to less than gentle hints, andlet various people...

4 years ago
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DominoesChapter 12 Spring 19895 The Cottage

"Sammy?" Marcie asked when I called her on Sunday morning. "Can you talk?" "Sammy? What's wrong? Are you all right?" "I need to talk to someone and you're the only one I trust." "What happened?" I must have talked for an hour while Marcie listened. I told her about Cindy being in the kitchen when I got home Friday afternoon, about us going up to my room and her pushing the button on my answering machine. I gave Marcie a quick overview of how Cindy reacted, curious but not...

4 years ago
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A week at the cottage

Day after day I would watch this interaction between all of the kids and would often retreat inside the cottage where I could lube my cock with astroglide and slowly stroke it while I watched the tight bodied young boys and girls wrestle with each other. Inevitably, I would end up shooting a rope of cum across my chest and, sometimes, enjoy a splash of my own cum as it made it's way into my mouth. The sensation of my cum as it sprayed across my face and into my mouth made my climax that...

3 years ago
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The Lake Cottage

A hint of fall was in the crisp cool air as she walked from the cottage to the lake. A light breeze blew across it from the pass between two mountains to the west. It was midmorning and she was aware of the juxtaposition of nature’s gifts. On the one hand, the morning sun warmed her bare back and cheeks, whilst the cool air caressed her face, her breasts, stomach and her glistening lips peeking out from the soft downy patch of blonde pubic hair. She felt like invisible fingers were moving over...

2 years ago
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Closing down the cottage

Truth is often stranger than fiction. Such is the case in this story please feel free to vote and comment as it will make my future stories and blogs better. Feeling the need to do some last minute shopping i headed off to the local shopping center. After finishing my shopping my k**ney's and colon told me it was time to use the men's room. As i was using the men's room another man came in and used the adjacent stall . It wasn't long this man was tapping his foot so i thought lets see where...

3 years ago
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The Gamekeepers Cottage

“You must be the gamekeeper.”The words were spoken by a thin, pale woman of about thirty-five, wrapped in a red waterproof jacket, jeans and walking boots. She was standing at the foot of the treacherous, mossy concrete steps that led down from my holiday apartment, Gamekeeper’s Cottage. It was on an estate in deepest Cornwall, former home of some lord of the manor who had made his fortune from the tin mines that used to flourish in the area.“Yes, I’m the gamekeeper,” I said, entering into the...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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My cousins cottage

I had just gotten divorced after a 10 year relationship and 4 years of fighting and bitchin’. I was ready to fucking move on and horny as a goat. I would have fucked anything in sight. My cousin, we had been best friends for all of our 50 some years, invited me to her cottage “you can have it all for yourself for a couple of weeks” she told me on the phone. Located on a small island in Canada, by a fast running river, this is exactly what I needed. I got there on a Friday night and she was...

4 years ago
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the cottage

True 29 and my girl 21.My girl wanted to go away in the weekend before christmas. since we were dating for two years now, she wanted to have me for herself for two whole days. a present, of sorts.we managed to book a mountain cottage but at a high price.Since the money isn't much, we asked another couple to tag along and share the fee. since the cottage had 3 bedrooms, we asked two mutual girl friends to come, 4 girls and two boys.our time there was great, the place had its own...

3 years ago
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Opening The Cottage

She brought the car to a stop and leaned back in the seat, closing her eyes to rest her head for a moment. The drive though only ninety minutes had been exhausting. Had she known how much traffic there would be on a weekday afternoon she wondered if she would have made the trip alone. Compared to bearing a child the drive had not been that bad, she thought. She opened her eyes and looked around. Beyond the sea wall the water was kicking up small whitecaps that spilled half way up the beach...

3 years ago
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Melody at my cottage

4-14-2011 Jonathan It's early December and snow lightly falls, covering the bare trees and the grass. I have been dating Melody since that magical day in the summer at the waterfall. Things have been going amazingly and the sex just gets better every time. I invited Melody up to my cottage in New Hampshire for a weekend. She should be here soon. I do have to admit, I am a little nervous. I'm not quite sure why. My thoughts were interrupted by a light knock at the front door. I...

1 year ago
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Our Cottage

The small cottage stands out as a silhouette against the dark night, only distinguishable because the building is darker than the landscape around it. The car turns the corner onto a dirt road, and the now jerky headlights illuminate the building. A wooden door and glinting window sit beside a net of vines that weaves its way up the side of the white house and onto its roof. I look over at you, sitting on the seat beside me, and whisper, “We’re here.” I keep the car running and climb out to...

3 years ago
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Summer at the cottage

My wife and I are teachers at a local community college.  It is the perfect job as it allows us to spend over two months at our summer house on the lake.  We were about to embark on the four hour trek northward.  My wife had agreed to give one of her students a lift, her parents lived not too far from our cottage, and she needed a ride home. I had packed the trunk of the car to the brim with our supplies for the summer, so when we went to pick up Jennifer there wasn’t much room for her stuff. ...

2 years ago
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Back at the cottage

After our passionate love making in the car, we return to the cottage. The sun is still shinning as we relax in the courtyard armed with a cocktail, fruit and nibbles to eat. I move my chair alongside yours to cuddle you, and to pet you. We have a deep affection for each other displaying the love we have between us. I kiss your ears and your neck taking little bites of your ear lobes too. I love you. I care for you and I adore you. It is obvious by the way I kiss and cuddle you. You react...

4 years ago
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A Night at the Cottage

You breathe heavily as you slide your fingers in and out of your pussy. The country cottage was pretty old, and the locks on the doors stopped working a long time ago. No one cared enough to fix them, as you and your family only visited for the odd weekend. You think you hear someone coming, you quickly pull your hands out from between your legs and look at the door. No one enters. Relieved, you put your fingers in your mouth to lick the juices off, then go back to pleasuring yourself. The...

2 years ago
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Rose Cottage

It was two pm on Friday afternoon, the sun was shining and I was going to see my amazing fuck friend. Work was finished for the week. The combination of the vibrations from my truck and the anticipation of seeing her was exquisite. So much so, it was possible I was going to have to undo a button or two down below.A tractor pulled into the road in front of me which dragged my attention back to here and now. I braked and waved. This mood was just too good to be spoiled by anything. I had met her...

3 years ago
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In the Old Farmers Cottage

Let me introduce myself to you;I am a 19 year old girl with short brown hair, and an athletic build, long legs,with rather large boobs that tend to make me look a bit top heavy.In between college terms, I scanned the local paper for a part time job so's I could earn a bit of money to tide me over until the new course started after the summer break. My eye was drawn to an ad which wanted a domestic, twice a week. That seemed ideal to me so I rang the number and an interview was arranged.I turned...

2 years ago
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Back at the cottage

After our passionate love making in the car, we return to the cottage. The sun is still shinning as we relax in the courtyard armed with a cocktail, fruit and nibbles to eat. I move my chair alongside yours to cuddle you, and to pet you. We have a deep affection for each other displaying the love we have between us. I kiss your ears and your neck taking little bites of your ear lobes too. I love you. I care for you and I adore you. It is obvious by the way I kiss and cuddle you. You react with...

2 years ago
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Our Cottage

The small cottage stands out as a silhouette against the dark night, only distinguishable because the building is darker than the landscape around it. The car turns the corner onto a dirt road, and the now jerky headlights illuminate the building. A wooden door and glinting window sit beside a net of vines that weaves its way up the side of the white house and onto its roof. I look over at you, sitting on the seat beside me, and whisper, “We’re here.” I keep the car running and climb out to...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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The Cottage

Some years ago I was enjoying an autumn walk around my neighbourhood. A couple of miles from home I felt the need for a pee. Being in a built-up area there was nowhere to go by the roadside, so I held on for a few minutes until I reached a public toilet.Not the nicest, old and grotty, but needs want so in I went. Just one urinal, one cubicle and a wash basin, beside which was a much younger man washing his hands. I went past him, got my cock out and immediately released my pent-up bladder. As...

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White DelightsChapter 14 My Humble Cottage

The journey started reasonably well, the Emir thought. Kaitlin was impressed by driving straight to the steps up into the aircraft; she was even more impressed by a private jumbo jet, and he had remembered to order the stewardesses to wear their ground uniforms, rather than serve them naked, as they normally would when the aircraft was in the air. He managed to persuade Kaitlin to share his bed for an hour on the journey, and then to shower with him, but she was clearly becoming more nervous...

3 years ago
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Early cottages

When I was younger there were two "cottages" in my home town. I knew both well and loved reading the stories and wanking in them. I could be in them for over an hour.In one there was a gloryhole ( not that i knew the name) which i could look through and watch people in the cubicle. Mostly people were doing what it was meant for. Every now and then a guy would wank off, just as i did, looking at the pics and stories. i would watch him, loving the moment he came. Then I would wank until I came...

3 years ago
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The Cottage

Kim Loggans lost her husband of twenty years two years ago due to a massive heart attack. Counselors at the university where she worked helped her through her grief, advising her to fill her days with volunteering, hobbies or anything to keep her from just sitting at home feeling sorry for herself. In addition to her full time job, Kim signed up for some exercise classes being offered at the school to keep her mind and body occupied, helping her through her grief. She overcame the bad times...

2 years ago
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A nice little Cottage

This is something that happened to me several years ago. I was in town and decided to go for a coffee in a large department store, I thought I would use the bathroom before getting the coffee and followed signs towards it. You had to go through two sets of swing doors before opening the outer door to the toilet and then another into the room itself, this room was quite small with two toilet cubicules directly infront of you as you enter and just to the left of them and set back so the couldn't...

1 year ago
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Two couples in the summer cottage

It was the beginning of the second week at the cabin that belonged to Sheila’s family. It was in June, and Sheila and Don had scored the use of it for the whole month and had invited Jill and myself to share it with them. Both broods of kids were still in school, so the slightly cooler days of June were the price we paid for having the place to ourselves. We had three more weeks to go, free except for the simple food we ate, and the beer. The lake was a bit nippy, the water was still high, but...

4 years ago
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6 mature big breasted white ladies bbc cottage6

6 mature, big breasted white ladies have all been exercising together, following their previous shiatsu, foot reflexology, herbal and vitamin regimens to recover their bodies so they all lose their pregnancy fat, present great hip to waist ratios and keep their old and tired wombs and ovaries functioning to release healthy eggs allowing their much younger black men to continue breeding them. Thus far, over 5, 5 week breeding sessions over 5 years they’ve produced an impressive 45 black babies....

3 years ago
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6 mature big breasted white ladies bbc cottage4

There are 6 mature, big breasted, curvy, white ladies who have worked very hard to lose their baby fat from their 3rd pregnancies after their 3rd breeding session last year with 4 well endowed, young black men. White ladies are, Tryphaena, Elaine, Connie, Wendy, Beverly and Steph. Black men are, Randolph, Sam, Tom and Danny. Although all 6 ladies lost their baby fat, because they’re all mature none have six packs, but are very well proportioned and are in excellent shape with great hip to waist...

1 year ago
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6 mature big breasted white ladies bbc cottage6

6 mature, big breasted white ladies have all been exercising together, following their previous shiatsu, foot reflexology, herbal and vitamin regimens to recover their bodies so they all lose their pregnancy fat, present great hip to waist ratios and keep their old and tired wombs and ovaries functioning to release healthy eggs allowing their much younger black men to continue breeding them. Thus far, over 5, 5 week breeding sessions over 5 years they've produced an impressive 45 black babies....

3 years ago
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6 mature big breasted white ladies bbc cottage5

6 mature, big breasted white ladies have delivered 35 black babies over their past 4 yearly breeding sessions. Ladies are; Tryphaena (my wife), Elaine, Connie, Wendy, Steph and Beverly. 4 young black men are; Randolph, Sam, Tom and Danny. They will all meet at our cottage for 5 weeks on none stop love making for their fifth breeding session. Date is fast approaching.After delivering their 4th set of babies from their last breeding session. All the ladies who are between 50-55 immediately start...

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