My 1st Time With Daddy Mike free porn video

I checked my email about 5 o’clock as I usually do. I had been chatting online occasionally through a website I had joined that dealt with fetish stuff. I joined the website a few days after I had turned 18, enjoying my newfound legality I was exploring certain areas of the internet that had been inaccessible just days ago. This particular website was again oriented around fetish stuff, and I had been reading erotic stories about Dominant and Submissive stories for years so I had developed kind of a fantasy that revolved around that idea. Now at 18 I had never had any sexual contact with a man or ever thought about it really. I had only thought about being with women, however, I soon found out that there are very few older women who enjoy 18 year old boys. Real shocker to most of you I know, however it was something that had not yet occurred to me before this time. Anyways, as time went on I had a few blog posts that were basically about things I wanted to try. These ended up getting a lot more views than I had imagined, many from much older men than I. It kind of freaked me out at first, and I just ignored them, however as time went on I started to wonder what it would be like to actually have a chance to live out some of my fantasies (with a few small details changed, like sucking cock instead of licking pussy). I eventually gave in and wrote a blog post about an experience with an older man that might interest me. I included the post below to give you an idea. But I guess I should describe myself a bit first, I am 5’11” and 180lbs, however, I have a fairly thin waistline and little fat on my body. I am an athlete and workout a lot so I had some muscle tone in my legs and stomach, but my arms and back weren’t really big. Anyways couple my body with the piercing blue eyes and attractive facial features and I was a real catch, especially online in a bdsm community. Knowing this you may understand how my blog post garnered me a lot of attention.
“Since I have had an overwhelming response from a number of Older Men urging me to write a fantasy I would be interested in acting out with a man. Well I am finally doing it so I hope you all enjoy reading it! Thanks again for the kind words from so many of you.
I have been curious about what it would be like to be submissive to an older man, one who was successful, maybe a corporate type. Married, maybe with k**s, but secretly the man enjoys sex with young men, 18 & 19 years old. He likes to dominate these boys, who think they are in the prime of their manhood but really don’t know a damn thing. He thinks taking the manhood away from these boys is the most erotic thing he has ever experienced. Also he knows that once you put those boys in their place they are some of the best fucks in the world.
If I were to somehow meet a guy like this, I would love it if he would dress me up in cute pink panties and maybe a pink slip or bra. I think having an older man order me to put on really soft cute girls clothing would make me feel really submissive and sexy. After he had dressed me he would tell me I had to call him daddy from then on out. We would go lay on the bed and he would rub his hands all over me, slowly kissing me and whispering naughty things in my ear. After a little while he would start softly stroking my penis through my panties until I was completely hard, and then he would tease me, stopping his pleasurable stroking and jacking just before I was about to cum in the little pink panties I was wearing. At somepoint Daddy would decide it was his turn for some fun now that he had a boy dressed in cute little panties.”
That was my blog post that had triggered quite a wave of responses from Men who were Gold level members on this website. Most of them were nowhere near where I was, and the ones that were nearby never appealed to me in either what they looked like or what kind of stuff they were into. Now when I say their looks didn’t appeal to me, I never expected or fantasized about some fitness model 40 year old looking guy spanking me, but they weren’t the masculine authority figure looking type that I was seeking. On that fateful evening though I had gotten an email from a guy a few hours away who was interested in meeting. We exchanged pictures and the guy was exactly what I was looking for. About 6’ 3” tall and 220 pounds, he was quite a bit bigger than me and was a regional manager for a large company. He told me that he could be in town later that night and would rent a nice hotel room and invite me over. I was quite nervous but saw this as a chance to live out my fantasy. We made plans and he told me he would call me when he was in town.
Well he finally called me about 830 that night and gave me the name and room number of the place he was staying. I drove over there and went up too his room and was finally face to face with a man who wanted to take full advantage of me. He was a nice guy, his name was Mike, he was 43, seemed completely normal and straight. He gave me a few beers and we talked for a bit. Once we had relaxed a bit he went over to the table and grabbed a box.
“Okay boy, in here I have some cute clothes I want you too put on. Now go into the bathroom and shower, shave and get dressed. If you feel like you don’t want to do this at any point just don’t put the clothes on come back out and we can quit,” Mike told me. “But if you come out of that bathroom dressed in the outfit I bought for you, you are mine for the night agreed?” he continued on. I nodded my consent and took the box from him. Before I went in to the bathroom he told me, “When you get back out here you will address me as Daddy or Daddy Mike for the rest of the night.” I again nodded sheepishly and headed into the bathroom.
My head was swirling as I stepped into the large shower, he had gotten a really nice room for the night so the shower was fully equipped with fancy soaps and lotions. I looked at the corner of the tub and noticed a bottle of Nair with a note that said, “use this on yourself if you’re a hairy boy.” I stared at the bottle then finally decided to use it, if I was going to live out a fantasy I may as well give it my all I thought. Next thing I know I am stepping out of the shower and my body is hairless from the neck down. I stared at myself in the mirror for a bit and kind of liked seeing myself denuded of all my hair. It made me feel very submissive and sexy, this guy Mike sure knows what he’s doing I thought to myself. I finished drying myself off and then reached for the box he handed me with my clothes for the night. I took the pieces out one by one and set them on the counter. My head was veritably spinning now, and I was so overcome by my horniness that I knew I was going to be Daddy Mike’s bitch tonight.
The first thing I put on were the cute satin panties that were the softest things I had ever felt. I pulled them up my legs and adjusted them around my ass and in the front. I looked in the mirror and saw how the pink bikini cute panties made my ass look adorable and my little cock made a sexy mound in the front of the panties. As I looked I felt myself start to grow very hard and I gently stroked myself through the panties and loved the sensation of the soft fabric caressing my sensitive cock. I put on the rest of the clothing that he provided then and again studies myself in the mirror. I was dressed in all Pink, I had the panties, some pink stockings, a pink camisole and a pink cotton nighty that just covered the tops of my stocking when I was standing up. Part of me was really embarrassed at seeing myself like this but a larger part of me was extremely turned on and knew this was what I wanted. I took a deep breath and walked out the door into the hotel suite’s living room which had a couch, a table and two chairs. Daddy Mike was sitting in a chair facing me when I walked into the room.
Daddy Mike stood up and walked over to me and gave me a big hug. He whispered in my ear, “I am glad you decided to go through with this, I promise to treat you well and make sure you enjoy this.” He stepped back from me and smiled really big, “You look fabulous in that, why don’t you come lay on the bed with me while we watch sportscenter?” he said sweetly to me.
“Yes Daddy Mike,” I said in the sweetest voice I could muster. He then led me by the hand to the bed and we laid down together, eventually I ended up cuddled next to him, my head resting on his chest. He fed me a few more beers, and I went to use to bathroom to pee after drinking so many. When I came out he was waiting for me by the door, he pulled me forcefully up against him and both of his hands found a hold on my butt. He kissed me and tried to use his tongue but I kept my mouth closed. He spanked me swiftly on the ass and I quickly opened my mouth. I guess that was a warning to do as he wants I thought to myself. Eventually he let go of our embrace and walked towards the Bedroom.
“Now stay right where you are I will be right back,” he tells me. So I stand there and wait until he walks back into the room and snaps three quick photos on his digital camera before I realize whats happening. “Now, if you perform as I want, these pictures will remain private, but if you resist me, I can show these too all your friends on facebook.” I stood there in shock.
“Please don’t do that,” I whined loudly, “I already said I was going to do what you wanted!”
“Yes well now you don’t have a choice, so I want you too stand there and tell me what you are going to do for me,” Mike said threateningly.
“Daddy Mike, I will be your submissive sex toy for the rest of the night. You have me beaten so I must do as you tell me and do my best to please you in every way you desire,” I intoned, hoping that’s what he wanted too hear.
“Good boy, you understand the situation. If you just give yourself up too me and accept the lesson I am going to teach you then this will be an amazing night you will always remember,” Daddy Mike told me. Daddy Mike set the camera down and turned to me, “Now it’s time for me to see what a sexy little boi you are all dressed up, come stand on the table here,” he instructed me. I did as he said and stood on the table, he walked around me checking me out from all angles. “Spread your legs shoulder width apart boy,” he barked. I readjusted my stance and he proceeded to stick his head between my legs to look up my nighty and check out the panties and stockings he had me wear. “Very nice baby, your daddy loves how sweet and feminine you look,” he said seductively, “you look so much cuter as a sissy boy then when your pretending to be a man.” I blushed at this and felt so weak as he laughed at me. “Come down from there boy, it’s time I got to feel you all over,” he told me. I stepped off the table and was standing in front of him, I looked down at the ground, too embarrassed to meet his stern gaze. “Lift your nighty up for me sweetheart?” he asked.
“Yes daddy,” I responded as I lifted the hem of my nighty up to the bottom of my camisole, exposing everything below my belly button to this man who now owned my body for the rest of the night. I felt my cock get hard as I had that thought of my utter helplessness in the situation. The panic that was slowly climbing up my throat dissipated when Daddy Mike began caressing my penis through the soft panties.
“Mmmmm that feels so great, your cute little cock is so hard in your panties,” Daddy Mike’s sentence was punctuated by a loud moan as he reached down and cupped my balls in his hand. “You have a nice sized boy dick but your balls are small and cute like a 18 year olds,” he laughed as he toyed with my panty covered private areas. “It turns me on so much that I am the first man to get a chance to use your beautiful little body sweetie,” he said seriously again, “and boy, you better follow my instructions or else everyone will know you like wearing girls clothes.”
I swallowed loudly and nervously at the last statement, I felt the need to tell him, “I will be a good little boy, I promise daddy please don’t expose me whatever you do.”
“Good, then its time to start your first lesson, you may put down your nighty,” Daddy instructed. “Now come here,” he said as he pulled me over to the bedroom. He pulled my nighty off leaving me wearing a camisole, panties and thigh highs, all in matching soft pink. I felt my resistance comepletely deserting me as I set my nighty down on a chair. “Now stand still baby,” I heard him say from behind me as I felt a collar being fitted around my neck. “Very nice, now your on a leash for me boi, and since you don’t need too see anymore since I amleading you around, I am blindfolding you.” The world went dark around me as my eyes were covered. “ I could feel the leash being tugged on and I followed the direction of the force. I could hear a door open and I was pushed into a small area, probably a walk in closet, I was pushed onto my knees in the middle of the room. “Lift your hands above your head,” told me, after I complied I felt rope being tied around my wrists and soon my hands were bound together and were tethered to some hook above me. I couldn’t bring my arms down at all but the position didn’t hurt much. “Now your ready for lesson one, how to suck daddy’s cock,” he lectured, “this is a extremely important skill as you will be required to please me orally on a regular basis.” I felt him step towards me and grab the back of my hair, he pulled gently to force my head back and my mouth open and I felt the head of his daddy dick pushing against my lips. I panicked and tried to turn my head away, Daddy Mike slapped me sharply across the face, “Dammit boy, cooperate with Daddy’s lessons so he doesn’t have to punish you.” I nodded, the defeat evident on my face despite the blindfold covering my eyes. I felt Daddy grab my hair and force my head back and I opened my mouth for him this time. The head of his cock pushed past my lips and I had to open my mouth as wide as I could to accommodate him. I sucked slowly on the massive cockhead, Daddy let out a low moan, “now circle your tongue around the head as you suck, oh yeah that’s a good little panty boy.” He pulled my head towards his cock and I could feel his cock head push into my throat, I gagged and he told me to calm down and breathe through my nose. I did as he said and found that it worked great. As I got used to having his cock in my throat he began to slowly ease his dick out. I felt my blindfold get lifted up and I opened my eyes to see the thickest cock I had seen. Daddy Mike’s cock was maybe six inches long but the impressive part was his girth, his cock was at least an inch and a half in diameter. No wonder I could barely get that thing in my mouth at first.
As I sat there with my hands bound above me staring at this big cock in front of me I started to worry about what I had gotten myself into. I found out I was just starting to find out what he had planned for me. “Now watch as I feed you my cock little boy,” all I could do was stare in defeat as the man forced his cock into my mouth, making short thrusting motions as if he was gently fucking my mouth. After several minutes of assaulting my mouth, Daddy mike stepped back and untied me from my bonds. I stood up and Daddy Mike moved my blindfold back down to cover my eyes. I felt him tug on the leash and I followed him out of the closet. He sat me down on the edge of the bed. I could still hear the sportscenter rerun’s on the TV as I sat on the edge of the bed waiting for whatever came next.
“Reach your hands our straight forward,” Daddy mike ordered. I held my hands out and felt handcuffs being attached to my wrists. I didn’t move at all as he did it, daddy even told me, “Your being a good boy now, and you know what happens to good boys.”I smiled as I felt daddy lift me and put me on the bed laying on my back. He raised my hands so they were laying above me on the bed and then tied a rope affixing the cuffs to the headboard, preventing me from resisting with my hands. “Now Daddy is very horny baby so your going to swallow daddy’s first load of the night,” he told me matter of factly. “Now open boy,” he ordered. I did as asked and again daddy’s cock was fucking my mouth. This time after several minutes of inserting his cock into my mouth I felt him grasp my head tightly with both hands, “oh yeah baby I am close,” he muttered too me. Daddy Mike pulls his cockout of my mouth and begins stroking it slowly just over my face and mouth, “Now keep your mouth open nice and wide for daddy,” he said gruffly. A few moments later, a sharp tug on my hair and a thrust from Daddy Mike signaled me to start sucking and swallowing Daddy Mikes load. “Ohhhhhh yeaaa bitch, suck that daddy dick, your meant to suck the cum out of me you little panty wearing whore,” he hissed at me as he filled my mouth multiple times and I tried to swallow all. He roughly pulled his cock out of my mouth and I felt the cum sliding down my chin towards my sissy clothes. Daddy pulled out another pair of panties, they were cotton but obviously used by a woman, and proceeded to clean all the cum from my face and upper chest with the panties. He then wiped his own cock off and proceeded to stuff the panties into my mouth as a kinky gag. “Now I want to see those panties free of cum when your done there boy,” he ordered me.
Daddy mike led me back to the couch in the living room and sat me down on it as he unlocked my handcuffs. I stretched my arms and wrists once they were free and then felt despair as a new set of thick fabric cuffs were attached to my wrists and ankles. Once these were on my body was scooted so that my back lay on the seat cushion and my ass hanging over the edge of the couch as my ankles were tied in place sticking up in the air. My hands were bound and resting on top of the backrest, the cuffs must haven been anchored on a clip behind the couch, as there was a strong force pulling me back towards the wall. I felt my panties being pulled up my legs and they were moved as far as the cuffs would allow. I was very nervous, we hadn’t talked about him fucking me, I figured he would just dryhump my panties and blow his load in my mouth when he was ready. But I heard him open a bottle of lube and he inserted his fingers into my mouth spreading a spicy cinnamon burning lube into my mouth. I struggled against my bonds as the lube soaked into the cummy panties and my mouth continued to burn. Daddy mike laughed and proceeded to insert a lubed finger into my virgin butthold. I squealed as his digit penetrated me and the lube began to warm the insides of my ass. As he was fingering my ass he poured lube on my cock and began strokind me. I didn’t want to get hard and show him that I was excited and turned on by his assault on my naked body, but I couldn’t prevent my cock from responding to his expert manipulation. He smiled at me and told me, “I know you want to act like you don’t want to be treated like a little pantyboy but your cock tells me you love it.” He stopped touching me and he stood up, and looked down at my helpless and expose form. “Now I am going to fuck your tight little ass pantyboy and theres nothing you can do to stop me,” he paused and watched my chin quiver as I contemplated what he said, “I’m going to fuck you in the ass and I am going to shoot my big daddy load deep in you, then Im going to put your panties back on and make you feel the cum slide out of you and collect in your sissy panties.” I moaned loudly through my gag and then felt his cock find the outside of my asshole.
“Here we go boy,” Daddy said as his cock began to push into my helpless ass. He struggled to get the massive head into the tight opening, but he soon achieved victory as I felt it push past my sphincter and inside of me. I yelled out in pain begging him to stop, it hurt so bad, he was much too large for me at first. However the gag muffled my protests and Daddy laughed at my pathetic attempts of resistance. He let me adjust to the size of his cock for a few minutes before he started a slow methodical in and out motion. I couldn’t help but groan as his cock filled me up, I felt so helpless and violated by his cock fucking into me. But after a few minutes I could feel myself start to get hard again, the feelings of being used by this much older man turning me on more than I have ever been before. I felt daddy start to move slower and thrust deeper into me, he yelled, “Get ready Toy, your daddy’s about to fill your sexy ass up.” I felt his cock grow inside me and then felt the hot warm sensation as his hot seed flowed into me. He came for what seemed like minutes and then pulled out of me with a plop. “Ahhh that felt amazing baby you did a good job taking care of daddy, lets get you up,” he said lovingly. My bonds were removed and he helped me stand up, he quickly pulled my panties up to my waist and removed my blindfold. My legs were like rubber after getting fucked like that and daddy helped me walk over to the bed where he put my nighty back on me and laid me down on the bed.
“My my my, the little pantyboy is begging for a little release himself after he got his first fucking,” Daddy mike teased, “answer my question and I will give you some release boy. Now tell me how you liked being fucked like a girl?”
“I loved having you turn me into your little gurl and making me give my body up too you!” I told him honestly.
“Good deal, that’s what daddy likes to here from his special k**do’s,” he smiled, “yes boy there are many other young men and women out there who submit to me.” “They all got their pictures taken just like you, haha and I also have nice videos of their submission too me,” he paused ominously, “Just like I have video of you being my slut boy.”
“NO! You never told me you were filming,” I cried, “That’s not right daddy I did everything you asked of me!”

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