Gabriela, La Latina Mimada Y Su Torment (Gabriela, free porn video

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Gabriela Garcia Padilla glared at the restaurateur and spoke, “If you don’t seat my friends and me this instant, I will call my father and have this place shut down.”
He looked down at the girl simultaneously angry and fearful.  Under normal circumstances he would be delighted to have this gorgeous wealthy girl and her comely friends in his establishment, but the restaurant was completely full and the idea of forcing welcome guests out into the street in the middle of their meal appalled him.  Pondering his choices he tried to avoid looking down the girl’s abundant cleavage in a shear yellow blouse reminding himself she was supposed to be still in her teens.

Shoulders slumped he went over to a table of regulars and explained the situation.  They were very angry as expected giving the four young girls looks of pure hatred.  He whispered the name Padilla, and the patrons got quiet and nodded.  Obviously he did not charge them for the meal they nearly finished, so they were somewhat mollified by that.  When he asked them to come again tomorrow for a dinner on the house, they left a little less angry, but still not happy with the family Padilla, especially since they did not share his politics.

As he seated and served the girls, he couldn’t help continuing to stare at the Padilla girl.  He’d seen pictures of her before with her father, but they were all of a young prepubescent girl.  Some of those pictures couldn’t have been more than two years old, but now the girl had the figure of grown women and flaunted it knowing the men were looking.  Her ample breasts were perfectly shaped gravity defying globes with a hint of large nipples showing despite the lacy white bra visible at times.  She had dark almost black hair down to the middle of her back and hanging over her shoulders stark against the yellow blouse.  Her tanned skin was evident on her legs exposed by a very short black skirt, her bare arms and her plunging neckline.  Her considerable time at the beach was spent topless he could tell by his frequent glances down her blouse noting an absence of tan lines.  He looked repeatedly as he leaned over setting down plates of food.  The girls were obnoxious throughout their meal disturbing other diners, so it was a relief when they paid and left.  They left no tip, but those families never did.  He gave her shapely behind and gorgeous legs a lingering gaze as she left with her friends.  The other girls were pretty too, but he barely looked at them the entire time they were in his place.

Roberto Rodriguez Padilla was beyond wealthy in comparison to most in his country.  The socialists had most of the power, but his wealth gave him considerable influence.  His power and new popularity meant he could give the socialists a real challenge in the coming elections and finally restore things as they should be with the ‘right’ families running the country again.  Things were going well, and he was a happy man with a beautiful wife and several young pliant mistresses.  If it weren’t for the constant frustrations his daughter gave him, he would be without much worry.  After turning 16 a couple months ago, she managed to destroy two cars in that same period of time.  He refused to buy her another and instead had her chauffeured around, although he probably should have checked the politics of the chauffer.

Distracted from talking about one of the girl’s older brother by a sudden turn, Gabriela told the chauffer, “You’re going the wrong way idiot.”
“No, Señorita Padilla.  I know a quicker way.”
“You’re not paid to think moron,” she responded, but she really didn’t know the streets well and resumed gossiping with her friends.  The girls were all 16 or 17, but Gabriela was the undisputed leader even if she was the youngest of the four.

Gabriella was about to say something again as the large sedan pulled into a dark commercial district in obvious disuse and mostly abandoned, but the car abruptly stopped near a group of about a dozen men.  The doors were yanked open, and the girls screaming were pulled roughly from the sedan.  They soon had their mouths gagged and wrists and ankles tied.
“We just wanted the Padilla girl.  What do we do with the rest?” one asked the man in charge.
“I know a brothel across the border.  We’ll sell them there, and then wait a few months to tell their families where they are and see if they want them back.”
All the men laughed as the girls struggled even harder in their clutches.
He continued, “By that time they will be well trained whores, so the families will probably leave them there.”
More laughter ensued as Gabriela and her sobbing friends were carried into one of the large seemingly abandoned buildings.

Roberto had his laptop open and someone was trying to send him a video feed.  He ignored it at first, but then saw his daughter’s name along with the feed.  When he clicked on it, he gasped seeing Gabriela with her wrists tied above her head to something out of view, mouth gagged with a cloth and legs obviously secured as well.  She had a look of terror in her eyes and seemed to be watching something going on out of view.  He could also hear grunting in the background.  Gabriela was wearing the same clothes she left the house in, but he noticed at least two more buttons were undone on the blouse and suspected correctly she did that herself after leaving the house.

A masked man came into view and spoke, “Señor Padilla, we are here to discuss the future of our country.”
“I want my daughter back.”
“Sí, I know you do, and you will get her back when you agree to our demands.”
“I never give in to intimidation, and I will have you all killed for this.”
After pausing, Roberto asked, “Where are her friends that were with her.”
“Show him,” the man said.
The camera panned around to show him a scene of horror.  The three girls only had shreds of clothing left on them and all three were being savagely ****d.  Other masked men held them down, while their cohorts thrust into the girls making their breasts bounce in rhythm.  He could see them trying to scream through their gags as they struggled against their tormentors.


The camera came back around, and the man continued, “They wanted to have some fun, and I wouldn’t let them have your Gabriela….yet.”
Pausing briefly he continued, “They are nothing actually.  Their families may have some money but no real power anymore like you.”
The man went around behind Gabriela and put his chin on her shoulder brushing some of her long dark hair out of the way, “Such a pretty little thing, I actually hope you resist us for a time.  Certainly by far the best of the four.”

Roberto watched as the man reached around and began undoing a couple more buttons on her blouse exposing the lacy white bra underneath.
“Don’t you dare!” exclaimed Roberto.
“Oh, but I do dare señor,” he responded and slipped a hand inside her blouse cupping her firm ample breast gently squeezing through the bra.
Gabriela tried to retreat from his mistreating hand moaning through her gag, but he held her in place while he groped and fondled her breast.  Tears were running down her cheeks.
“Stop touching her!”
The man ignored him but did release her breast, however he then reached down and undid a button on her black skirt.  He pulled down the side zipper, and the skirt hesitated briefly before falling to the floor revealing a hint of the lacy white panties only partly visible in the small opening of her blouse.

“What do you want from me?”  Roberto asked hoping the man would stop touching his daughter.
“You withdraw from the election, transfer all holdings of your company to the current government, and leave the country renouncing your citizenship.”
“Very well,” he said and resumed unbuttoning the last buttons on Gabriela’s blouse.  Pulling the blouse off her shoulders, he pushed it up above her head wrapping it around her tied wrists.  He then undid the bra in the back and soon had it tied with the blouse.

Roberto stared speechless at his daughter’s bare breasts.  It had been many years since he last accidently saw them exposed like this, and he couldn’t help but admire how she had filled out.  He knew she became well developed this past year or so, as there was no way of hiding that.  In fact he often made her go back and change before going out, but it was if he was just now really noticing her sudden maturation.  They were the most magnificent tanned breasts he ever saw with large dark pink areolas and pert nipples.  He blushed slightly feeling himself become a little aroused.  Soon he couldn’t see them so well, as the man had both gripped in his hands squeezing them roughly.  They filled the man’s hands easily and seemed to be begging to be squeezed.  Roberto’s own hands began clutching as if it was him groping his daughter.  The man began pinching her nipples, and Roberto could see them getting hard at his touch.  Gabriela was trying to sob through the gag and twisted in the firm grip of her tormentor.

Roberto shook his head helplessly ‘no’, as the man moved one hand down Gabriela’s bare stomach to her panties.  His other hand still gripped a breast so tight Roberto knew it must be hurting her.
“None of those sluts my men are playing with were virgins.  You rich families raise sluts just as I suspected.”
Faint grunts and moans in the background reminded Roberto of their fate.  Gabriela squirmed in his grip as his fingers slid under the waist band of her lacey panties.  He watched dry mouthed and breathless as the masked man pushed his entire hand in his daughter’s panties, the bulge of it moving around probing. He saw it in her eyes, when he must have got a finger inside her.  Her eyes bugged out and she tried to scream through the gag trying to move her pelvis away from his invading finger.

The man gave a grunt of surprise and spoke, “Who would have guessed it?  It seems your daughter’s virginity is still intact.  Do you want her to keep it?”
“Yes,” Roberto managed to croak.
“Then you agree to our terms?” he said his hand still in Gabriela’s panties.
“I can’t do that.  Por favor señor, don’t hurt my daughter.”
The masked man pushed his hand down his finger leaving her body, and her panties stretched at first, but then slowly slid down her hips just a little.  He reached first to one hip, and then the other working them past her flared out hips and shapely thighs until the lacey panties dropped to the floor joining her skirt.  Unlike her breasts, thin tan lines of a very tiny bikini bottom were evident in her pelvic region.  They weren’t very pronounced as her skin was a natural caramel color.

His daughter’s pubic area revealed to him for the first time since she was just a baby, Roberto swallowed hard and stared.  Her dark pubic hair was neatly trimmed as if she was expecting to be with a lover this evening.  Her entire body unveiled to his gaze, he found his mouth was not dry anymore as he began to salivate.  When he was younger he had a subscription to the gringo magazine ‘Playboy’.  At this moment he didn’t think any of those girls were as erotically voluptuous as his beautiful Gabriela.  To his shame he felt an erection straining in his pants.

The man spoke again but this time in a low tone in his daughter’s ear, “Your friends don’t know you are a virgin do they?”
She shook her head ‘no’.
“You told them your lover was an older man, and you couldn’t tell anyone about him, as it would get him in trouble with your father.”
Roberto watched his daughter nod her head that it was true.
“You didn’t think any of the boys and men that tried were worthy of you did you?”
She nodded agreeing again.
“Did you want it to be with an older man, like me perhaps?”
Gabriela closed her eyes and didn’t move her head.  Fresh tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Times up Señor Padilla.”
Roberto shaking his head whispered out the words, “I can’t.  It’s my family’s legacy you ask for.  Please, you must not do this.”
“Bring that table over,” the man said to someone off camera.
It was two men that brought a table over.  They were only wearing boxers, and Roberto knew they had recently been r****g Gabriela’s friends.  Their mouths visible under the masks were grinning like demons from hell as they took Gabriela struggling nude down from the hook she had been suspended from.  She was placed prostrate on the table shaking her head violently trying to scream.  The leader held her arms above her head while the men untied her legs, and then forced her legs wide apart retying them to the table legs.

Roberto was almost bouncing in the chair as waves of anxiety flowed through him.  He knew they purposely placed Gabriela on the table with her open legs facing him to make him watch.  He wanted to turn away but could not.  Her pink slit below her trimmed mound seemed to be inviting him in.  He had made love to many beautiful women and still did frequently always enjoying seeing their vaginas open and ready for him.  Some men thought that part of a woman was ugly, but he never did, and there was something strangely hypnotic about Gabriela’s forbidden crotch displayed on his screen.  An image of himself lowering his body between her spread legs flashed in his mind, and he shook his head to get rid of it.  She had her head up her beautiful face framed by her dark locks looking around with wild eyes as one of the men replaced the leader holding her arms above her head.  He could see her legs pulling on the rope as she strained against her bonds.  Her torso twisted weakly as she futilely tried to escape.

The masked man who had been taunting him moved between Gabriela’s legs blocking his view.  He moved his head as if to look around him feeling foolish doing so.  As if knowing he was trying to see, the view changed as whoever was operating the camera moved to the side and closer.  He was looking down at Gabriela seeing her heaving chest, quivering breasts and terrified face.  The man began stripping his clothes off, and Gabriela shook her head ‘no’ over and over groaning in misery while he undressed.

When the man dropped his pants, his manhood flipped into view.  Gabriela saw it too and tried to scream again through her gag.  Roberto mentally compared himself to the man and wasn’t sure who was bigger.  He was proud of his equipment and ability to please women with it, and knew instinctively this man felt the same.  Reaching out he took both of Gabriela’s breasts roughly in his hands and groped and kneaded them before leaning down slowly and clamping his mouth on one of her nipples.  The scene got bigger as the camera moved in, and Roberto got a close up view of the man’s mouth licking, sucking and biting on his daughter’s nipple.  He could see it get turgid responding to the man’s activity.  He moved to the other breast and repeated the act causing that nipple to match the other’s erectness.  Gabriela with her head lifted watched the man squeeze and suck on her breasts so very close to her face with huge terrified eyes.

He abruptly lifted his head and released her breasts.  The man grabbed Gabriela’s thighs pulling her butt to the very edge of the table.  Her knees jutting out on either side of the man trembling helplessly.  Spitting twice in one palm, he rubbed it on her cleft.  Roberto could see Gabriela wince at the contact of his slimy saliva.  The man hefted his manhood aiming it at his daughter’s crotch and moved it very slowly closer deliberately drawing out the drama of the impeding violation of his daughter’s body.  He could see Gabriela’s horrified look and entire body convulse as the organ finally made startling contact with her vaginal lips.  Roberto suddenly realized he was kneading his erection through his pants with his right hand, and yanked it away appalled at what he had been doing, but his eyes never left the screen and the scene unfolding in front of him.


Roberto was on the edge of his seat breathing heavily in anticipation watching the man nuzzle the tip of his manhood against Gabriela’s vagina.  Whoever was holding the camera zoomed in so he could see her labial lips being pushed aside as the tip entered her body.  He knew from personal experience about how far you could get in before encountering a girl’s hymen.  The view lifted and Gabriela’s agonized face appeared in the view.  She still had her head lifted with sheer panic in her eyes watching everything.  Her heaving breasts had red blotches from the man’s rough hands and mouth.  Remembering he had been touching himself and afraid he would do that again in their view or say something he didn’t want them to hear, Roberto turned off the camera and audio on his end.  He knew they would know he was still there.

Gabriela was not that small of a girl at 165cm (5’5”) and 53 kilos (117 pounds), but she seemed so tiny and vulnerable with the huge man ominously standing over her intending to violate her body and soul.  She was radiantly beautiful too even in this horrible moment.
“Remove her gag.  I want him to hear her screams,” said the man still holding his manhood at Gabriela’s entrance.
Roberto leaped to his feet shaking his fist at the screen saying loudly but trying not to scream, “Why don’t you just fuck her for Christ’s sake and get it over with!”
He sat down just as fast utterly confused at yelling that and glad they couldn’t hear him.  He watched a different man remove Gabriela’s gag.  All the men seemed unusually big.  These weren’t your typical Socialist street thugs, he thought.

Gabriela worked her jaw and tongue trying to talk after being gagged for so long finally pleading, “Por favor señor, don’t hurt me.”
As if in response to her pleas, the man’s fingers gripping both thighs dug in, and he moved relentlessly forward.  Roberto had expected him to just slam his hips into her, but he seemed to like to draw out every aspect of his daughter’s ****.  He saw and heard the moment her hymen tore, when Gabriela’s back arched off the table and she screamed, “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII…..PAPA….PAPA…IT HURTS….IT HURTS…..MAKE IT STOP!”

Roberto standing just stared mesmerized at the screen.  It was as if the man stabbed his little girl with a knife pressing it into her body while she screamed and cried for him to help her.  He penetrated her fully and held it there for a few seconds before slowly withdrawing as if playing with her like a cat with a mouse.  He pushed back into her vagina, as Gabriela’s pleading turned to inarticulate choking sobs.  The man’s hips moved slow and deliberate, grinding into his little girl.  Roberto realized his hand was on his crotch again and didn’t care.

The man r****g Gabriela leaned forward and began picking up speed with his thrusting.  Roberto could see his organ penetrating her repeatedly.  Gabriela began flailing her head about with long dark hair flying in all directions, as she screamed out her protests at her ravishment, “NNnnnnnooooooooooo…nnnnnnooooooo….Ssssttoooooooppppppp!  I can’t take it papa…..please make him stop……PAPA!”
Roberto just stared at the screen and the man’s humping hips as he screwed his Gabriela watching his cock piston in and out of her.  His own hips were moving in envious rhythm with the man’s thrusting, his fondling of himself though his pants had gone from slow kneading to outright masturbation.

His pelvis still ramming between Gabriela’s widely spread legs filling her over and over, the man despite his great size, managed to bend his face down to Gabriela’s.  Her head was still twisting around in agony and misery, when he gripped it in his hands forcing his mouth on hers.  Gabriela gave a muffled protest at the kiss of her r****t, whining and squealing into his mouth.  The man continued to force the kiss on her, and Roberto knew his tongue was in Gabriela’s mouth.  There was a partial surrender as Gabriela ceased yanking on her restraints and stopped trying to pull her head away from his.

The man lifted up grinning evilly, and grabbed Gabriela’s thighs again ramming his body forward plunging his male member deep inside his little girl.  She was no longer fighting against her r****t with her face contorted in a grimace of anguish at her helplessness.  The camera alternated between close-ups of Gabriela’s weeping face, and the penetration of the man’s merciless pounding organ into his little girl’s vagina.  Gabriela’s defilement went on and on, and still gripping himself through his pants, Roberto was shaking his head trying to think has this been 20 minutes or a half hour of relentless ravishment.

Roberto saw the man’s thrusting get more insistent, and prayed this would be the end.  Gabriela seemed to sense something as well lifting her tear soaked head, as the man slammed into to her a few more times and with a groan jerked his hips against her one last time his body quaking with release.  Roberto saw it in Gabriela’s face and knew she was feeling his filthy seed shooting into her body.  Breaking her near silence, she wailed in despair and shame that this depraved act had been perpetrated on her.

The man slowly withdrew his softening organ, and Roberto could see Gabriela’s virginal blood smeared around the base of his weapon and in his pubic hair.  He spoke in a jeering vulgar tone, “That was one tight coño.  I’m so happy she saved it for me.”
Pausing he continued, “Shows over for now señor.”

The camera panned over and he could see Gabriela’s friends again.  Two were curled up in a ball and seemed catatonic.  One of them was moving around moaning in pain through her gag.  A man came over to her kicking her legs apart and then kneeling between them preparing to **** her again.
The leader spoke again, “They will be gone tomorrow, and the only girl for me and my men to play with will be your beautiful Gabriela.  Be sure and be online at 9AM tomorrow Señor Padilla.  We have plans for her.”
He could hear Gabriela sobbing as the screen went dark.

He was gasping and trying to control his breathing thinking of what depraved acts will be perpetrated on his Gabriela tomorrow.  His heavy breathing had mostly subsided when his wife Marianna entered the room and asked, “Is Gabriela home yet?”
“No, I had a video chat with her, and she is spending the night with friends.”
“They aren’t still out are they?”
“No, they are not out anymore,” he said in a low distant tone.
There was a pause, and Roberto said more firmly, “I need to go out.  I’m not sure when I’ll be back.”
Marianna nodded, and turned to leave.  She knew what ‘need to go out’ meant.  While it sometimes bothered her, lately the 19 year old handsome gardener had been soothing some of those hurt feelings for her nearly every afternoon these days.

After his wife left the room, Roberto pulled out his cell and began dialing.
“Yes….yes, Roberto?”
“I need you tonight.”
“I had plans.”
“Does the person you have plans with pay for your apartment?”
“No……no, I’ll be here for you.”

Roberto thrust into Miranda one last time and groaned collapsing on her.  She caressed his hair for a bit and finally asked, “What got you so worked up?  That was three times in a row.”
Roberto did not respond, but suddenly he realized that of all his mistresses, Miranda looked the most like Gabriela, and he had been picturing Gabriela the whole time he had been fucking her.


Just before 9AM Roberto locked the door to his study and waited.  Promptly at 9AM the video feed started and the man spoke, “Buenas días, Señor Padilla.  We have so many plans for your little Gabriela today.”
As if on cue two men were dragging her nude form into view.  Her hands were tied behind her back and her ankles were tied together as they pulled her feet dragging on the ground a man with each arm.  Roberto’s heart skipped a beat noting again how utterly gorgeous his daughter was with her narrow waist, generous full bare breasts, exquisite behind and heavenly face famed by her long dark hair.  There were more men visible than last night all leering grotesquely at his Gabriela as she was dragged closer.  They groped her breasts and pat her butt as she was brought among them.  He began counting and including the leader there were nine of them.  Every one of the men were big, and he again thought how these were not ordinary Socialist thugs.

“This morning your little girl is going to learn about sucking cock,” the leader announced as Gabriela was placed prostrate belly down on a large cushion at waist level.  Roberto found himself nodding in grudging acceptance of his daughter’s fate and wondered why he didn’t turn on the mick and scream at them to stop.

“So Gabriela, have you sucked cock before?” the man asked.
He paused before saying, “Of course not.  While I admit to some surprise at finding you still a virgin yesterday, performing oral on a lover is a completely unselflish act, and there is nothing unselfish about your kind.  And you in particular epitomize the spoiled selfishness of the ring-wing imperialist elite and their belief of entitlement.”

He had been opening his pants as he was talking.  Roberto saw that Gabriela was watching closely as the man pulled out the weapon that had so painfully wounded her last night.  When his manhood flipped into view and was aimed at her face, she was seeing it up close for the first time.  Roberto watched his daughter clamp her mouth shut in refusal to participate.  The man rubbed his member on her lips mashing then away from her teeth, but she clenched her teeth together refusing to open her mouth.  With no understanding why, Roberto found himself wanting his beautiful daughter to give in and open her mouth wide for the man.

The man laughed and said, “I anticipated your refusal.  You’ll do this eagerly soon enough, but for now you’ll learn that nothing we want of you can be denied.”
He was handed something by one of the men.  It seemed to be a leather ring with two straps.  Roberto wasn’t exactly sure what this was and watched intently.  Another man helping, they forced Gabriela’s jaws open pressing the ring inside her open mouth.  The straps were fastened under her hair behind her head.  Roberto could hear Gabriela trying to talk, but only pleading incoherent sounds came from her forced open mouth.  Suddenly understanding, Roberto saw Gabriela could not close her mouth or bite on anything placed into her mouth.  He immediately understood what could go into the ring and her mouth and admired the ingenuity employed.
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Gabriela’s eyes were wide and staring directly at the man’s organ.  She was trying to turn her face away, but two men held her head hard.  The man was not small, and it seemed particular big now that Roberto knew it was going to be forced into his Gabriela’s mouth.  He pushed the head through the ring, and Roberto could see it in Gabriela’s eyes the moment it touched her tongue.  The man pushed deeper and Roberto shook in envy imagining what his daughter’s warm wet mouth must feel like.

The man just kept pushing his manhood further into Gabriela’s mouth.  Roberto enjoyed receiving oral pleasures and required that of his mistresses often, however none he had been with could accept much on him and used their hands too.  Gabriela began heaving and making choking sounds as half the man’s organ was embedded in her mouth.  Roberto expected him to begin thrusting, but instead he seemed to be trying to force more of himself impossibly into her mouth.  Both Roberto and the man seemed to know when it was coming, as Gabriela choked violently on his flesh.

He withdrew rapidly and stepped back as Gabriela with a great heave vomited on the floor.
“Don’t worry señor, she will get used to it very soon,” the man said, while Gabriela heaved several more times with nothing but drool and bile escaping her forced open lips.
A bottle of water was brought and some poured in her moaning mouth to clean it.  They moved the cushion away from the mess.  He would not be denied, and just as she tried to scream through the gag, he plunged his organ into Gabriela’s mouth again driving deep with none of the slow theatrics of before.  Roberto could see Gabriela’s wild pleading eyes just before her body heaved again at his too deep penetration, but there was nothing left in her stomach.

He began slamming his hips into her face, and Gabriela made horrible noises of protest, “GAWK…..GAWK…..GAWK…..GAWK…..GAWK…..GAWK…..GAWK…..GAWK…..GAWK….. GAWK…..GAWK…..GAWK…..GAWK…..GAWK…..GAWK!!!.....”
The sounds went on and on as the man used his daughter’s mouth.  Her eyes were filled with disbelief at the perverse disgusting act.  She continued to heave and choke as he shoved his organ too deep.  He was forcing it past halfway and further than Roberto thought possible, as drool ran down her chin and dripped from his testicles.  Roberto noticed he had opened his pants and was stroking himself.  He felt ashamed at his reaction, but didn’t stop.

Not checking the time, Roberto thought this must be nearly 15 minutes as he watched the man’s merciless fucking of Gabriela’s mouth.  The noises had grown less loud as she seemed to know no amount of vocal objection would stop him.  She just seemed now to be trying to get enough air to live.  The man’s thrusting into her mouth got faster, and then with a loud groan he stopped thrusting and shook with his release.  Gabriela’s eyes which had been nearly closed flashed open, and Roberto knew she was feeling and tasting his ejaculate squirting in her mouth.  He held his organ in her mouth for several more seconds, and Roberto saw Gabriela’s throat convulse as she unwillingly swallowed the nasty mess.

She moaned hoarsely when the man withdrew, a disgustingly thick strand of saliva briefly joined his organ to her mouth before breaking with a splash.  She tried futilely to scream as another man stepped up to her face readying his organ.  He wasted no time and shoved it through the ring into Gabriela’s mouth gripping her long dark hair to hold her in place, as his hips moved forcibly forward slamming against her face repeating the act of the leader.  The amount of saliva smeared on her face was ghastly, and there was a puddle on the floor as he watched the man use her mouth.  Roberto gasped out loud and with humiliation yanked his hand away from himself seeing his own ejaculate spilled on the floor and wondered what was wrong with him being so aroused by the horrific scene on his screen.  It was his own daughter.

The second man didn’t seem to last as long, and he too spilled his seed in Gabriela’s mouth and was replaced by another.  Gabriela’s eyes were closed now, but he could tell she was still conscious.  Her eyes only opened when the third load was deposited in her mouth.  The man made her swallow it lifting her head until she did.  Soon a fourth man was thrusting in her mouth, but then he complained it felt dry.  Considering the copious amount of drool coating her face and hair and the large puddle on the floor, Roberto was not surprised she was dry and hoped this would mean they would stop.

The leader walked over as the man removed his organ.  He took Gabriela’s head in his hands forcing her to look up at him saying, “Poor little girl has a dry mouth.  What will we do about that?”
He tilted her head back even further and leaned down.  Roberto thought confusingly he was going to kiss her with that gag on.  The man got his face very close and made a noise in his throat.  Before Roberto understood what the noise was, the man spit through the ring directly in Gabriela’s mouth.  It was a thick mucus leaden wad of spit.  Lifting his head he announced, “Come comrades help this girl out with her dry mouth.”

One after the other men walked over and hacked up phlegm and spit into Gabriela’s mouth.  He could again see disbelief in her eyes at the nauseating repellent deed.  When all of them had finally spit in her mouth, the man who complained about her dry mouth forced his organ back in.
“Better?” asked the leader.
The man grinned and nodded as his hips gyrated against Gabriela’s face.  Before the fifth man used his daughter’s mouth, the men performed the spitting ritual again into her open mouth and then again after each man went.  His daughter no longer moved or attempted to turn away as each new man stepped up.  Only her heaving chest as she continued to struggle for air told him his daughter was still alive, as they continued to abuse her mouth.  They were all big men between their legs too, and he couldn’t conceive of how his daughter could be taking them as deep as she was and still be alive.

After the ninth and last man ejaculated deep in his daughter’s gullet and withdrew, her labored breathing was all that could be heard in the room.  Roberto was not sure if she was conscious or not.  Suddenly, she had a coughing fit and a gelatinous white mass erupted from her mouth and ran down her chin.  Roberto knew it was the men’s seed she had been swallowing again and again.  He wanting to turn his head away, but was still glued to the screen.  She coughed again and rolled off the cushion her nude form landing on her back on the floor.  Despite all she had been through and the mess on her face, he couldn’t help noticing again how gorgeous she was.
“Señor Padilla we enjoyed your daughter’s mouth, although she does seem very tired from the whole experience.  I’m betting next time we tell her to suck us off, she’ll be more cooperative.”

The man looking down at his daughter continued, “My men have told me how jealous they were that I got to fuck the prettiest of the four girls last night.  Those other three girls are gone and on their way to being sold to a whorehouse.  The men taking them there will certainly have some fun on the way.  As I said last night, all we have left here is your Gabriela to play with, and I assured them they would have her as well.  Tune in again at 4PM this afternoon, and you can watch them fuck her one after the other.”  The screen went dead.


In what was starting to be a ritual Roberto turned his computer on well before 4PM and waited.  Promptly on time the video feed began.  Instead of being dragged into view of the camera, Gabriela was walking on her own still led by two masked men.  Roberto watched her, head down and sniffling from obvious crying.  There didn’t seem to be much fight left in her.  In her glorious nudity she was beyond beautiful, and her subdued vulnerable demeanor made her even more alluring.  They must have cleaned her up and even brushed out her long dark hair as it was cascading gorgeously around her perfect breasts without hiding them.  Again Roberto thought to himself he had never seen a more perfect specimen of femininity.  Absently, he began opening his pants.

Gabriela saw the camera and turned to say something, “”
Roberto could tell she was having some trouble talking.  Her mouth and jaw must be extremely sore right now.  He wasn’t surprised considering what her mouth went through this morning.  The leader put his arm around Gabriela and cupped one of her full beautiful breasts, and then began kneading it possessively like he was stroking a favorite pet.  Gabriela with her head down gave no resistance to the fondling of her body.  Roberto’s hand opened and closed, and he knew he wanted to grasp her breast too, as he watched the man’s thumb rub Gabriela’s dark pink nipple until it became erect.

The leader spoke, “Your little Gabriela is going to be fucked by all of us; even she knows nothing can stop that.  Consider meeting our demands, if want this to stop.”
Roberto noticed the leader was carrying something and suddenly realized it was a whip.  He then took the whip, put it under Gabriela’s chin and used it to turn and raise her head up to look him in the face, “Little chica, from this point on you will do what you are told.  If you disobey or displease us, you will be severely whipped, and then we will do what we want to you anyway.”
Gabriela shuddered in fear as fresh tears rolled down her face.

Roberto expected the leader to go first, but he stood aside letting another stand in front of Gabriela who said to her, “Get on your back and spread your legs.”
Gabriela shook her head ‘no’, but then the leader raised the whip.  Crying and shaking badly, Gabriela slowly knelt down and got on her back.  Her legs were apart, but the man yelled at her, “Get those legs wide apart!”
Sobbing she spread them really wide.  The camera zoomed in on her vagina, and Roberto gasped looking at it so close as if inviting him in.  The neatly trimmed dark triangle of pubic hair seemed to be pointing at the treasure below, but then he let out a groan as a huge man’s bare butt blocked his view.  The slightly overweight man kneeling between Gabriela’s legs was one of the biggest of the nine men, and she looked so tiny with him hovering over her.  The camera moved to the side, so he could see Gabriela’s nude body trembling in anticipation of ****.

The leader handed the man a tube of something, which he squirted into his hand and then began applying the substance to his huge member.  Roberto understood it was a lubricant and knew that would make it less painful for Gabriela and wondered why they bothered.  As if sensing his thoughts, the leader said, “I don’t want her coño to get too worn out señor.  She’s going to be taking a lot of cock in there, especially if this goes on for days.  She’s going to hurt no matter what, but she’s going to live through this.”

The man lowered himself between Gabriela’s legs, adjusted and fumbled with his hand.  Roberto saw it in Gabriela’s face, as she winced first, and then cried out in pain at the man’s entry.  Fondling himself, Roberto let out a groan of frustration watching the man humping his daughter.  She was nearly hidden from view; the place where their bodies were joined was completely hidden by the man’s bulging belly.  Roberto heard the man grunt something out at Gabriela, but he wasn’t sure what.  Gabriela let out a choking sob, and then she wrapped her legs around the huge man.  She put her hands on his hips, and Roberto knew the man had ordered her to do it.  Her legs looked so tiny wrapped around the man.  Other than imaging her legs around him, for Roberto it was a long unsatisfying episode watching this man fuck his daughter.  He couldn’t see hardly anything of what was happening.  He was relieved when the man stiffened, and he watched Gabriela’s face twist in disgust as she felt the man’s seed spill inside her.

The man unceremoniously stood up and announced, “Next.”
Someone tossed Gabriela a towel, and without instruction she began wiping between her legs still crying.  A new man lay down next to her and pushed her on her side facing away from him and towards Roberto.  Roberto watched as the man made Gabriela lift her leg up.  He had a good view of Gabriela’s entire nude body as the man readied his member between her legs from behind.  He watched as the man pushed inside Gabriela, and she flinched at the penetration.  He could see every detail as the man began pumping his member inside her.
“Oh that’s better,” said Roberto as he switched from fondling to stroking himself.

To keep her leg up, the big man hooked his arm around the back of Gabriela’s knee and clutched her breast.  His other hand gripped her long dark hair for leverage as he pounded into her.  The grimace on Gabriela’s face made it clear she was having a rough time, and oddly her abhorrence of the act added to Roberto’s enjoyment.  The man’s large member was penetrating her deep with each thrust, and he could see all the action.  He was briefly disappointed when the second man finished, then two men each grabbed an arm and leg and lifted her onto the table on her back where she lost her virginity the night before.  The third man to take her forced her legs over his shoulders.  Roberto sighed watching the man enter his daughter and pulled even harder on himself.  In the middle of the third man fucking his daughter, Roberto groaned and looked shamefully to see his seed on the floor.

The fourth man flipped Gabriela onto her stomach on the table and pushed into her making his daughter squeal in pain.  Roberto was pulling on his second erection before the man finished.  It went on like that with each of the men forcing Gabriela into a new position to fuck her.  Roberto had a front row seat to the gang **** of his daughter and despite himself was enjoying every second of what he was seeing.  He ejaculated on the floor again while the sixth man was fucking her doggie style on a blanket her firm perfect breasts bouncing in rhythm to the man’s thrusting.  At times Gabriela begged the men to stop that she couldn’t take any more.  Other times she just sobbed and cried.  Eventually only the leader had not gone, which seemed strange to him.

Lying on a soiled blanket on the floor, Gabriela wiped the eighth man’s lust from between her legs and cried out in agony just from the touch of the towel.
Standing over her the leader commented, “I don’t think her coño can take any more.”
Gabriela nodded in agreement looking relieved, but when the leader knelt down with her she started crying.  He pulled her into his naked lap and began stroking her hair saying, “Don’t worry little Gabriela, I’m not going to fuck your coño.”
Roberto watched her relax slight shifting in his lap.  Gently the leader took his daughter and placed her belly down on the blanket and then sat on her thighs, as she looked around in confusion.  Roberto watched as the man placed his member between Gabriela’s beautiful butt cheeks and began squirting some of the lubricant saying, “I’m going to fuck your ano.”

It took several seconds for his words to sink in and combined with feeling the man’s member pressing on her anus Gabriela screamed, “NNNNOOO……NNNNOOOOO!!!  Fuck my coño!  I want it!”
Roberto was briefly shocked hearing Gabriela say ‘coño’, but then wondered why her saying that shocked him considering what the men were doing to her, and what the leader was about to do.  Roberto watched the leader sliding member using her cheeks to coat it with the lubricant, and then he lifted up pressing it down on Gabriela’s ano while she screamed and cried.

With a hand on her back to keep her in place and his other hand gripping his member to keep it from bending, the leader pushed hard.  On the edge of his seat and with his own member gripped in his hand, Roberto watched the leader’s organ slip out along her back.  He got a grip on it again and pressed it back on her ano.  Using all his weight he slowly forced the head into his screaming daughter’s butt.  Gabriela was clawing at the floor trying get away, but the leader with a series of hard thrusts forced more and more of his organ into her ass.  He thrust extremely hard and got more than half of it in just as Gabriela’s screaming turn into inarticulate gurgling.

The man pulled back and lunged into her again as he began fucking his daughter’s ass.  The camera moved around so he could see her face.  Gabriela had her head up and eyes closed.  Her mouth was open with the gurgling sounds coming out and drool dripping down her chin.  Roberto found the act to be the most repellent thing he ever saw, but that didn’t keep him from pulling on his third erection.  Soon the leader was slamming rapidly into her ass with nearly all of it going it.  Gabriela head went limp face down on the floor, and Roberto wasn’t sure she was still conscious.  The degrading deed went on for several minutes.  At some point Gabriela turned her head to breathe easier and he could hear her moaning, and Roberto knew she was still alive and conscious.  At the same time the leader stiffened above his daughter filling her bowels with his seed, Roberto spilled his third load on the floor of his study.  Gasping for breath on top of a shattered Gabriela, the leader said, “Tomorrow at 9AM señor.”
The screen went dark.

He had barely cleaned himself up, fixed his pants and wiped the floor when there was a knock on the study door.  He let his wife in and she said, “I got calls from the Cruz’s, the Perez’s and the Morales’.  Their daughters are missing.  Where is Gabriela?”
Roberto was quiet and then answered, “The Socialists have her.  The other girls were taken somewhere else.”
He explained what the men demanded of him, but did not tell his wife about the ****s.  She


Roberto had a restless night filled with erotic dreams of Gabriela.  Most of the dreams were of him sodomizing her; he could feel her tight ano gripping his member.  When he woke it was his hand that was gripping his member.  He pulled on it a few times, but then decide he didn’t want to waste doing that when he would be seeing Gabriela again very soon.

The screen came on promptly at 9AM, and he saw Gabriela in all her naked glory again and smiled.  Her perfect firm breasts and neatly trimmed pubic region were visible for him to admire.  He saw they had her brush her beautiful hair out again, and he was sure they had her put on a few cosmetics and wondered why they cared.  Maybe that was just for him?  The leader spoke, “Your Gabriela had an educational morning.  We showed her about an hour of pornography, very specific pornography of girls deep throating, as the gringos call it.  The men were well-endowed, and those girls many of them even smaller than your Gabriela took it all.  She had to understand what is possible.”

He held the ring gag in front of Gabriela and asked, “Will this be necessary this morning?”
Roberto knew now it was called a ring gag after some internet searches.  He had never seen such a thing before yesterday morning.  He watched while Gabriela shed a few tears, but she finally shook her head ‘no’.  Then the man held up the whip he had last night and told her, “You better do a good job at this, and we better not feel any teeth or you are getting whipped.”
Roberto wondered if it was an empty threat, or if they would actually do it.

The leader sat nude except for his mask in a chair and had Gabriela kneel in front of him.  She wasn’t moving, so the leader tapped her on the back of the head pushing her face closer to his member.  This prompted Gabriela to slowly reach out with a shaking hand and grasp his organ at the base.  Her eyes darted around as if to look for some escape, but there was none.  Finally Roberto saw her swallowing hard twice while moving her head towards his organ, and then her quivering luscious lips parted and slowly enveloped the head.

She began moving her head, and Roberto could tell she was sucking, but only about a third of his member was in her mouth.  The leader was not impressed and took hold of her beautiful long dark hair forcing her head down on himself shouting, “Get my cock in your mouth!  Get it all in there!”
Gabriela immediately began choking and her body heaved as he forced it to the back of her throat.  Gabriela’s hands began pushing on the leader’s hips, but he forced her head down further yelling again, “Push your tongue forward!  Stop blocking your throat!”
Roberto could hear her retching around his flesh.  It seemed like about half and maybe a little more was in her mouth, but Gabriela was in a panic and still pushing on his hips as she gagged and choked.  Finally the leader said, “I figured you would need some encouragement to perform.”

They dragged her struggling nude form over to the wall.  One of the masked men placed handcuffs on her.  They lifted her arms and secured her facing the wall.  The leader walked over and uncurled his whip.  Gabriela was quaking in fear, and Roberto held his breath as the leader’s hand went back and then flew forward striking her back
Roberto could see a red welt appear on her back.
She was writhing in agony against the wall.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!……..I beg you!....Let me suck your cock!”
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!……..I’ll swallow it!!!...I’ll take it all!!!!....I promise!!!!!”
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!……..I’ll make it the best!!!!!......Please let me suck your cock!!!  I beg to suck your cock, just don’t whip me anymore!”

The leader pause in whipping Gabriela, “So, you think you are ready to try again?”
Sobbing, Gabriela said, “Oh yaa..yes señor, Ahhh…..I will suck you good.”
They uncuffed her and led her back to the chair.  Gabriela was forced back down on her knees in front of the leader.  Roberto could see the five red welts on her back.  He watched her without hesitation open wide take the leader’s cock in her mouth and began trying to force it deep in her mouth gagging again in the process.  Roberto watching his daughter move her head as if eager to swallow the man’s cock and realized he was thinking the vulgar word for penis and said it out loud, “Cock!”
He gripped his own cock tight imagining Gabriela’s mouth was on it, wetting it and sucking on him as he pulled on it.

Gabriela suck strongly on the leader forcing ever more of his cock in her mouth.  Roberto watched her heave and choke when it went too deep, but she kept trying harder to get more of it in her mouth.  She was getting more than half of it in her mouth and was trying to push even more it down partly into her throat.  After several minutes the leader grabbed her head and groaned.  Roberto could see her eyes open wide at what was being shot in her mouth but there was no attempt to resist as she began swallowing the man’s seed down.  She didn’t get any rest as another man pulled her over and aimed his cock at her mouth.  There was only a split second hesitation and look of revulsion before she opened wide taking it in.  The masked man grabbed her beautiful dark hair and began slamming his hips into her face.  Gabriela’s hand came up as if to try and push him away, but then they dropped in defeat, as the man face-fucked her brutally.  She knelt there taking as much as possible in her mouth.  He lasted a few minutes and then yelled his pleasure, and Roberto could see his daughter obediently swallowing down his seed as well.

The next man ordered her over to him.  He lay on his back and told Gabriela to get on him and ride him.  She again gave a brief look of disgust, but then glanced at the leader’s whip and sobbed nodding her head.  She went over looking down at his cock mournfully and whimpered, “I’m dry, and it will hurt.”
The man on his back said, “Well then use your mouth to make me wet.”
Understanding that would help, she knelt down, grasped his cock with a trembling hand, bent over taking him in her mouth and started coating his cock with her saliva.  Once she had it wet and slippery, the man tapped her head to remind her what she was supposed to do.

Gabriela lifted up and straddled the man.  With a woeful expression she aimed it at her coño and settled down on it.  As it entered her body, she grimaced in loathing but pushed it all the way inside herself.  She sat on him like that for a few seconds and then the man ordered her, “Ride me you stupid puta, get moving.”
Gabriela did start moving then, up and down impaling herself on his cock.  Roberto saw the repugnance in her eyes as she actively participated in her own ****.
“Faster!” the man ordered, and Gabriela moved faster thrusting herself down on him.
“Faster!!!  Move your ass puta!!!”
Gabriela whimpered out, “I’m trying.”
“Not hard enough,” said the leader’s voice off camera, and then the whip came down on her back.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!” screamed Gabriela, but she began bouncing faster on the man’s cock.  Roberto realized he was thinking of her vagina as the vulgar coño and said it out loud, “Coño!”

Twice she lost it inside her, and the leader raised his whip until she quickly grabbed the man’s cock guiding it back it her coño and resumed riding him fully penetrating herself with each hunch down on the man.  The man reached out gripping both her breasts in a way that had to hurt as she rode him.  He had a mocking smile on his face as his gorgeous daughter gyrated on top of him.  Roberto pulled on his own cock watching with envy wanting that to be him being rode by Gabriela.  After several minutes, the man rolled with Gabriela until he was on top, and then pounded into her for another minute before stiffening on top of her.  Roberto could see by the wretched look in her eyes, Gabriela was feeling the man’s seed shooting inside her.

The next man rolled her on her stomach sat on her legs and began squirting a lubricant between the cheeks of her beautiful butt.
Gabriela began begging him, “No please, anywhere but there.  I will be good for you, just not there.”
The man ignored her pleas and readied his stiffened cock at her ano bracing it with his hand.  In a series of punishing thrusts he drove it into her ass while she screamed.  Once he fully penetrated her rectum, the screams turned to heavy breathing as Gabriela tried to fathom the despicable act.  The man began thrusting, and Gabriela pounded her fists on the floor in frustration and misery at the appalling anal ****.  Eventually her fists opened and she stopped fighting, as the man continued to root in her ass for several minutes until he filled her bowels.  The man had barely pulled out of her ass, before another man kicked her prostrate whimpering form ordering her up on her knees.

All morning and past noon with her head down in defeat Gabriela obeyed every command with a lost hopeless look in her eyes.  She got in the positions they ordered her in and performed as they wanted.  There didn’t seem to be any tears left in her eyes anymore; she had cried herself out.  She just had that despondent miserable look on her face as she went from man to man allowing them to penetrate her mouth, coño and ano.  Gabriela still cried in pain when they took her anally, but she had stopped fighting them.  Each man took her more than once and it went on for hours before they finally stopped to rest giving her some rest too.

Later in the afternoon when Roberto tuned in, it went just like the morning with Gabriela servicing each man as he demanded.  At one point it was obvious she was completely exhausted and a man yelped and pulled out of her mouth and began slapping her face hard yelling, “Watch those fucking teeth!”
Gabriela responded, “I’m sorry.  I’m so tired.”
Her apology was not enough and she was dragged weeping to the wall for another whipping.  A mess and barely able to function, she was brought back to finish the man off, and somehow was able to do it without catching him with her teeth again.  His daughter was completely devastated, traumatized and beyond exhausted when the screen died at 9PM leaving Roberto staring and wondering how much worse could this get for his beautiful Gabriela.  He looked with shame at the bucket in front of him he had used to catch his own seed.  He had lost count of the number of times he had masturbated today while watching his poor lovely exquisite Gabriela being ****d.
responded, “We cannot give in to these terrorists.  They wouldn’t dare hurt her.”


Roberto waited at the usual 9AM, but there was no video feed.  He paced in his study thinking that Gabriela must have died from the torment of the abuse.  Last night was the first time the man didn’t tell him when next to look for a video feed.  Just when his anxiety had reached excruciating heights, an e-mail showed with the subject heading of Gabriela:  ‘Your Gabriela is fine Señor Padilla.  Look for us at 5PM and apologies for you not seeing her this morning.’

The screen came on promptly at 5PM to a shocking scene.  Gabriela was on her knees and bent down in front of a huge man also on his knees.  She had her hands on his hips pulling him forward with his enormous cock stuffed in her mouth, and she was bobbing her head rapidly swallowing it over and over.  The man’s cock was huge, but she was taking essentially all of it in her mouth in what seemed impossibly deep.  He could see it making her throat bulge out when she swallowed it.  The leader’s voice came on even though he was off camera, “Your Gabriela has certainly improved her attitude.  I mean look at her go, sucking that cock.  She’s learned her deep-throating lessons well.”

It got quiet then except for the obscene slurping sounds Gabriela made as she strived to get ever more of the man’s cock in her mouth and throat.  Roberto could see the faint red marks on her back and knew she had gotten more whippings.  He knew he was already erect and gripping himself, and somehow perversely relieved they were still using his Gabriela.  The camera zoomed in for a close up of her making the man’s cock disappear swelling her throat repeatedly as it was thrust deep into her mouth.  Her beautiful long dark hair fell in the way making Roberto groan in disappointment, but the man immediately brushed her hair back on the other side of her head out of the way giving Roberto an excellent view of the action.  He sighed in relief at the unobstructed view and begin pulling on himself.

The camera panned back and another man came into the screen behind her and bent to his knees.  He seized her hips pulling them up as he aimed his large cock at her back side.  Gabriela’s hands left the other man’s hips and went to the floor as she steadied herself, but she never lost the man’s cock lunging in her mouth.  The man behind her pulled her butt cheeks apart, and Roberto could see him aiming his cock at her ano.  He gripped it with his hand and pushed it into her butt with only slight resistance.  Gabriela seemed to wince only slightly, but again never stopped sucking the cock buried in her mouth.  Both men got a rhythm going pounding their cocks into his daughter one gripping her butt cheeks and the other with his hands in her gorgeous dark locks.

The men rammed themselves deep in her orifices for a few minutes until both abruptly pulled out.  The one tapped her on the shoulder and Gabriela obediently turned on her hands and knees.  As she faced the camera, Roberto briefly saw that same helpless lost look on her face until she suddenly smiled beautifully for the camera.  Knowing his daughter, he knew the smiled was forced.  Once she turned around and without hesitation, she engulfed the cock that had just been in her ass.  Roberto choked in disgust thinking of where it had been and that it was now in her mouth.  Swallowing down the bile that had risen in his mouth, Roberto watched the other man shove his cock deep in Gabriela’s ass.  The rhythmic pounding into his daughter’s holes resumed.  After a few more minutes, they pulled out once more making her turn around again.  This time she turned facing away from the camera.  One man stopped her when her butt faced the camera, and grinning behind his mask he pulled her cheeks apart showing her gaping open and sore looking red ano.  Allowing her to complete the turn, the men shoved their cocks in her mouth and ass and returned to fucking her holes.  Roberto watched Gabriela swallowing the man’s cock and knew it had to taste awful.  Another few minutes went by and then the man in front groaned and gripped Gabriela’s head hard.  Roberto could see her throat muscles swallowing down his load.  He was soon followed by the man in her ass, who grunted as he filled her rectum with his seed.

Gabriela was given no time to rest as a man called out, “Come here little Gabriela.”
She stood and moved towards the voice her voluptuous breasts jiggling slightly and hips undulating gorgeously as she walked.  The man was seated on a couch his organ standing up in his lap.  With no further instruction Gabriela facing him knelt on either side of the man knees on the couch and straddled him.  She reached back taking hold of his cock and lowered herself down on it.  Roberto watched as it penetrated her coño.  She began bouncing on the man lifting until just the tip was inside her, then driving her hips down until his cock filled her completely.  She did it with what looked like years of practice never losing him inside her.

After a few minutes, the camera moved to the side as another man came over.  He bent his legs to get the right height, and Gabriela paused in her grinding while the man forced his cock in her ass.  Soon Gabriela was being drilled in both her ass and coño.  Sensing the camera she turned towards it and gave a big smile as if she was having the time of her life.  Roberto could see how nervous and afraid she was despite the smile, and as she moved awkwardly now with two cocks inside her she spoke, “My name is Gabriela Garcia Padilla, and I just love cock in all my holes.  Can someone please put one in my mouth too?”
Roberto watched her eyes and suspected she was reading those words.

A man walked to the back of the couch, and Gabriela leaned forward taking the man’s cock in her mouth.  Now with three cocks inside her is was mostly the men doing the moving trying to shove as much of their length as possible inside his daughter.  This seemed to go on for a long time as the camera zoomed in on her being triple penetrated, and Roberto could see Gabriela tiring.  Finally the man thrusting into her ass jerked roughly against her butt cheeks and sighed loudly as he released his seed in her bowels.  When he pulled out, cum was dripping from her gaping open ano.  The other men pulled out of her too and repositioned her on her back with her head hanging upside down on the arm of the couch.  The one reentered her coño and began plunging deep into her with brutal haste.  The other came around and standing forced his cock all the way down Gabriela’s throat.  She heaved slightly then seemed to adjust as he mashed his pelvis into her face.  The men continued to use her driving as deep as they could.

The one using her mouth pulled all the way out occasionally with viscous saliva connecting the tip to her mouth as she gasped for much needed air.  Her face was soaked with saliva dripping into her eyes and hair.  He would bump her lips, and she opened wide compliantly allowing him back in and thrusting deep, his balls bouncing on her nose and eyes.  The man using her coño finished first with a series of rapid thrusts and a groan of pleasure.  The one using her mouth seemed to be toying with her, while another man knelt on the couch and entered her coño.  Roberto pulled on his second erection oblivious that his first ejaculated seed missed the bucket in front of him.  After a few more minutes, the one fucking her

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Scrolller Latina

I doubt there’s one reasonable person on this goddamn planet who could look me in the eyes and tell me that they wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to plow some tight Latina pussy. After all, these horny babes come in all shapes and sizes, from thick sluts with gravity-defying asses to petite whores that will ride you like nobody else. Now, I can’t magically make a hot Latina slut appear in your crusty fap den for you to fuck. What I can do is give you horny cucks a site full of hot amateur and...

Latina Porn Sites
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Streamate Latina

I think Latina babes have the power to bring the world together. I’m telling you, nobody can be mad while watching one of these sluts shake their asses or flash their tits. It’s a shared love that all of us hold. I don’t care where you’re from or what kind of a babe is your “type.” My type of slut is one that can ride a cock and rock my fucking world every time we go to bed. And, well, I’ve never gotten that kind of experience as consistently as I do with Latinas. These girls have some of the...

Live Latina Sex Cams
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PornHub Latina

Welcome to one of the most popular porn sites, I am sure everyone has already heard about… PornHub. Whenever you are looking for some free porn videos, I am pretty sure that this is one of the first porn sites you visit, right? Well, you are welcome to explore PornHub on your own, I am here to talk about one of their hottest categories, the Latina one… so if you like Latina sluts as much as me, you are bound to love this section as well.Those who are just interested in PornHub and not their...

Latina Porn Sites
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Broken Latina Whores

What are Broken Latina Whores good for, anyway? It’s kind of a trick question, and the answer is going to depend a lot on your perspective and honestly, your masturbatory preferences as well. You’ve probably figured it out from the title, but this next site ain’t your typical premium Latina site full of big bubble butts and Spanish-speaking bimbos. I mean, you’ll find them in spades around here, but the action is a bit rougher than you’d expect from a joint like SexMex, MamacitaZ or Culioneros....

Premium Latina Porn Sites
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FapHouse Latina

Fap House is a site that I have written about before, and since it hosts so much carnal content, I had to revisit it. New additions are being made all of the time, with an average of six hundred films being added, many of which are of a particularly popular genre: the Latina category. So, I had to ask myself, "what does Latina-specific smut look like on this platform?" If you are thinking, "yes, is it any good," then continue reading on.The Starlets You Are Going To See Are FeugoSince Fap House...

Premium Latina Porn Sites
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Chaturbate Latina

You betas should know that I love fucking Latina babes by now. No, I’m not simping for these whores like you are. There’s a difference. I actually take these babes back to my place and fuck their brains out. That’s a lot different than sitting alone in a dark basement fapping to their fresh OnlyFans releases. But I have a happy middle-ground for you guys this time around. I know most of you bastards are too shy to get out there in the real world and try to talk to a woman anyway. But if there’s...

Live Latina Sex Cams
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LiveJasmin Latina

You already know about LiveJasmin. You don’t need me to tell you that they’re one of the best places on the web to feast your eyes on some of the hottest pussy on this side of the Andromeda galaxy. I don’t know how they do it. They manage to rope in the best babes on the web. Their only competition right now is OnlyFans, but that place has way too many amateurs for my taste. Yeah, there are some amazing hotties on there, but half of them don’t know how to shut up and shove that dildo where the...

Live Latina Sex Cams
2 years ago
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Hot Latina With Big Round Ass Fucked In Houston

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed my 3 part series on incest sex with my cousins. Here is another of my sex experiences and this event took place in Houston. It was a hot summery day in Houston, the sun’s heat was scorching and it was shining directly over our heads. It had been around 6 months since I came to Houston to continue my studies for a degree in Anthropology. Since I did not have a car, I used to take the bus which was the cheapest and most convenient means of travel, to the college every...

3 years ago
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PantsBoy and the Latina Queenz

The Latina Queenz had finally finished their humiliating torment of their young victim. And Ms.Brody was finally able to enter the high school newspaper office. Her jaw dropped in horror at what she saw. There was Alex Konvissar, the editor, butt naked. He was entirely drenched in black ink from head to toe. He was tied across the publishing press which had been turned on. His little butt was being repeatedly slapped by the moving conveyor belt. She cursed herself at what had happened, and...

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HQporner Latina

I have done a pretty damn thorough review of one of the most popular tubes, HQ Porner, on my main site and the sister site, MyGaySites. In both cases, I’m happy with them though I came to a few different conclusions each time after something like 3,000 words. This is naturally because I was looking at the amount, quality, and presentation of different genders.With that in mind, I figured I would continue a trend I have been doing for a while now and look at specific categories of tubes. Of...

Latina Porn Sites
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Larissa the Latina

The love of my life completely destroyed me. She obliterated my soul, my heart, my very being. I don’t want to talk about exactly what happened. All you have to know is that I was in love with a lovely Latina girl, Larissa Jimenez. We dated for a year. Then one day she broke up with me, she never said why. I was so confused and it tore me apart everyday. She told me almost everyday that she loved me and wanted to be with me forever… so what happened? Unfortunately, my sorrow grew...

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xHamster Latina

It's an obsession, let's face it! It's all about big asses! That's why we want more and more latina sites in our lives! They are built for fapping, that's for sure! Did God make the latina babes? I do not know, I think that they are alien! How they look, how they move, how they feel in your dick and how they are telling you "oh, papi!". Man, that's it! Let's review this piece of site ...We are here for the Latina section of xHamster! Yeah, it's that giant site that we all know and use! But,...

Latina Porn Sites
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DaftSex Latina

What's up, fuckers? How would you like more fat Latin asses than you can ever dream of? The only answer is obviously, "very fucking much PornDude! Where can I find them?" And the apparent response to that is, "Fucking everywhere! Just type Latina bitches in Google, and you'll see more Latin ass than a Brazilian dance instructor!"But what you really want to ask is, "Where is the best place to find hot Latinas so I can jerk off to them for free?" That's where old PornDude can help you. I'm a bit...

Latina Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Larissa the Latina

Unfortunately, my sorrow grew unbearable. It drove me from depression to insanity. Eventually I came up with a plan. I did not intend to win Larissa back but to get revenge. I planned to have sex with her against her will. She left me so lonely and we had never had sex before so I thought it would teach her a lesson to think twice before devastating someone who used to be a nice man. Of course I'm better now and I realize how truly terrible my actions were, however, this is not rape, no....

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Latina Mom Black Bully

Andrea Vargas stood in the kitchen of her large, South Florida home, chopping vegetables and preparing ingredients for that night's dinner. The 38-year-old curvy housewife wore pink leggings, white flip flops, and a light pink t-shirt she had tied off at her belly button to give her tight midriff some air on the warm afternoon. By that time, her husband and her son would not be much longer in getting home.Andrea had been born in Colombia, and her light-medium complexion, big, juicy butt, and...

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The Sexy Latina Milf

James was a little bit of a shy guy when it came to women. Heck! He'd never even kissed a lady before. He wanted to settle down someday though. He had a decent job at a Highschool and was thinking to move to be a lecturer in a local university. Two days later in a local club, when he had told Terrence of his needs, the older man had looked at him keenly before nodding sagely. "What you need, my friend, isn't one of these sleazy White wenches, its waste of time." He said, earning an...

3 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 8 Can John and Alyssa save the troubled Latina

The Invictus followed the course laid in by Alyssa, making quick and determined progress towards Port Heracles. The communications officer who contacted them sounded surprised that the Assault Cruiser was a civilian vessel, but such things were not totally unheard of. He granted them docking clearance for docking bay four. The Invictus stalked closer, before gliding into the docking bay under Alyssa’s careful hand. It was a tight fit, but with her skilful guidance they avoided any mishaps....

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SxyPrn Latina

Bronze skin like a ray of sunlight. Booty cheeks like watermelon halves. Rhythmic hips used to grind dicks down with pussy so tight your cock thinks it’s being attacked with garrot wire. Latina bitches are one of the most popular genres of porn for a good reason. What isn’t there to love?I know you’ve seen a beautiful Latin bitch dance before. Think about Jennifer Lopez or Shakira and the way they move their hips. You don’t ever see white bitches shaking their hips like that. If Shakira sat on...

Latina Porn Sites
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RARBG Latina

Paying for stuff sucks. That shit is way overrated, right? How would you like to get back at all of bitches that made you spend hundreds on them, and you didn’t even get to touch them? That should be a fucking crime! (I would probably do it again, though.) Well, I’ve got just the thing to show them!RARBG provides some of the hottest full HD videos via torrent. You know, those videos on PornHub hidden behind paywalls? Or the ones you only get to see just about 5 minutes of? I really only need 5...

Latina Porn Sites
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Hotwife Latina Nurse Loves Big Young Cocks

I recently had a lengthy and arousing conversation with a hot, thirty-nine-year-old, Latina, married nurse, and she asked me to write her story. This story is in her first-person voice and chronicles her transition from a religious teen, to a sexy and voluptuous married woman, who yields to her strong urges to fuck younger men with big cocks and cum loads.Maria’s StoryMy name is Maria, and my story begins in San Diego, California where I was born. My Mexican parents immigrated there with their...

3 years ago
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I Married the Latina High School CumDump

The high school years can be very challenging as we grow and learn to compete and get along socially with our classmates. Some of the athletes and other popular kids seem to have it easier than boys like me who are from low-income families, awkward socially and not very athletic. Some kids also move on from those early experiences, both good and bad, better than others. This story describes how the behavioral patterns that I established in high school have dominated my life as an adult.My name...

3 years ago
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Latina Liz Halloween Surprise

Halloween was never my favorite holiday. That would soon change. This was my first year in business school and as an attempt to make new friends, I was throwing a party. This was not my idea. My girlfriend, Liz, thought it was a good idea. “Come on, it’ll be fun babe.” She said as she was putting on the finishing touches to her costume. Mimes are not something that I usually associated with sex. But the way she looked was making me think I had been wrong. Liz is Latina, Chilean to be specific,...

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Latina Teen Nympho at the Riding Stable Part Two

In Part One, I describe how my name is Luci, and I was a sixteen-year-old Latina virgin, from a poor family, living in Frederick, Maryland. I got a job at a riding stable to earn money for college. I am five feet and six inches tall and weighed about one hundred and fifteen pounds at that time.I’m pretty with fine facial features and my hair is raven-black, silky-smooth, and long enough to reach the middle of my back. The dark hair contrasts well with my light olive skin with a golden undertone...

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Eporner Latina

What’s up, you immaculate freaks? I need you to level with me here. Latin babes are the sexiest girls in the fucking world, am I right? If you’re shaking your head, you’re a goddam liar, and you should learn to be honest with yourself. Seriously. Take a walk and think about the person you’ve become.God put Latin bitches on this earth as a sign that, no matter what, he still loves us. And every single day, we should bow our heads and thank him for blessing us with these fiery, fat-ass sex...

Latina Porn Sites
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I Impregnate My Lactating Latina DaughterinLaw

My son Tommy and his wife Sofia also live in the Houston, Texas area.  He’s a field engineer for a large oil company there.  He is twenty-seven years old and Sofia is twenty-five.  They have a six-month-old daughter who Sofia is breast feeding.  My name is Matt, and my wife Sandra and I are in our late forties and live only about ten minutes away in another suburb of Houston.  I work as a mid-level manager for a large real estate development company.  My wife works for a women’s retail clothing...

2 years ago
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My Hot Latina Girlfriend True StoryPlease Comme

My Hot Latina Fuck Buddy When I was 23 I met a Hot Sexy Young 19 year old Latina and We Fucked like a****ls ! The first time I brought her to my place she was a little Tipsy because she said it was the first time she had been with another guy other than her boyfriend- He was her first and only and was away in Chicago (she didn't say where but eventually I found out he was in Jail). We kissed and played with each other but when I took her in the bedroom she got sick and ran to the...

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Under the Moonlight Latina German Lust

Story by MariaI had just gotten out of my car in Gatlinburg Tennessee and began walking to the door to the the cities Event Halls. My name is Leya and I was heading into a Colombian cultural festival. There aren't often many Colombian people in this area so it was a little bit of a rare event for me as a Colombian woman.My family came to the states when I was just 4, now I'm 26. I still maintained my tan bronze skin and straight black hair that falls only 5 inches from my ass, giving me a very...

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Summer affair with a latina ts mmmm

So, we all are busy and have our jobs n all and not much time for fun...So i'd thought ill try craig's list for the hell of it-which was something I would never have tried in a millions years lol. Jokingly I was repulsed by what i saw under the casual encounters but decided, "what the hell." I put up an ad with a toss away email saying something along the lines of 'big black juicy cock for horny latinas and white.' Mind you in the small town of Chico California i doubt any one would even check...

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My thick Latina mom and her friend

This story is about my thick Latina mom and her friendMy mom is short about 5'3 b cup tits and a big booty. This story starts in the summer my mom takes a job at a laundry mat folding and washing with other Latina ladies. I never noticed it before but my mom always wears yoga pants to work those that are above the calf, and they are tight! You can see her pantylines when she bends over. Naturally I check my mom out and masturbate to her at night but I never smelled her panties, until she came...

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Reddit Latinas Porn

Reddit Latinas, aka r/Latinas! They’re sexy, but they’re pretty crazy too. You already know who we’re talking about. It’s Latinas. If you have a hots for these South American babes, then you’ve come to the right place. I have fucked many Latinas in my life, and you can bet your ass that /r/Latinas has some of the best Latina content you could ever have hoped for. I know because I’ve lived through that phase where I wanted to fuck nothing but some hot South American pussy. I would travel from...

Reddit NSFW List
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Futas Wild Passion 03 Futas Wild Latina Delight

Chapter Three: Futa's Wild Latina Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! I groaned as my friend, Pita, stroked my new futa-dick. I was shocked that she would just grab it. Her brown skin contrasting with my paler flesh. She worked it up and down, her dark, curly hair swaying about her cute face. Boy, she had a cute face. Beautiful, in fact. She was nineteen, like me. A big smile played on her lips as pleasure rippled down my cock. My...

3 years ago
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Larissa The Latina Part 2

Larissa stood there, sticking out her stomach. She was well aware of my pregnancy fetish. It appeared she intended to use it to get as much sex from me as possible. Although I was nervous about the extreme pregnancy and what our parents would do, I was also in heaven. “God you’re so beautiful Larissa!” I gasped. She continued to rub the tan gentle swell of her belly. I was transfixed on her flawless body. Her F-cup tits spilled out of her tight belly shirt. Larissa’s short shorts were...

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Paper Boy vs The Hot Latina

About an hour later I was out back in the pool. I had a nice tan going on a week now. I drank a few cold ones while I waited for some job calls. Nothing happen the rest of the day. I went online after dinner. I watched some porn, then headed to bed. It was close to 7am when the door to my room burst open. I rolled over to see my Dad with a note. He placed it on my forehead as he walked out of my room. It read: "Get a job. Your mother and I will no longer give you money. Plus you need to pay...

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J looses his V card to sexy Latina

It was a hot July day and Justin was sitting with his best friend outside enjoying the heat. Justin was 19 years old, a college freshman. He was tall for his age, with broad shoulders and muscles that got all the babes. His girlfriend, Trina, was a hot bitch, with huge caramel juicy tits with hard cherry red nipples and a big firm round ass. Her long blond hair and big blue eyes didn’t hurt to look at either. Every guy wanted her. The thing was she didn’t want to have sex till she was...

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Paper Boy vs The Hot Latina

Introduction: she owed 10 dollars for her paper delivery…she worked it off in trade It had been a month since I got home from college. I did not want to get a serious job just after graduating. I still wanted to party and enjoy the summer. My parents had other ideas. I went on a few interviews and filled out a ton of applications. But not many people were hiring. I had worked when I was younger as a paper boy. But I had grown out of the job. Not many 6ft 4 athletic college guys riding up and...

2 years ago
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Paper Boy vs The Hot Latina

It had been a month since I got home from college. I did not want to get a serious job just after graduating. I still wanted to party and enjoy the summer. My parents had other ideas. I went on a few interviews and filled out a ton of applications. But not many people were hiring. I had worked when I was younger as a paper boy. But I had grown out of the job. Not many 6ft 4 athletic college guys riding up and down the streets throwing news papers. Plus my friends would make fun of me. Some of...

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My Latina Boss

My name is Randi. I work at a large office where I am part of theoffice secretarial pool. I have worked here for the past three years andnot much fun stuff has happened. Just work, work, work for little me. I am5' 3'' tall and weigh 105 pounds. I am really thin and all my friendssay I am really 100 pounds, and 5 pounds of boobs. They are nice andshapely and come together really good when I wear a lift bra and low-cuttop. ??? I was getting kind of bored at work and was looking for...

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An Afternoon of Torment

In all my years visiting professional mistresses, rather paradoxically, by far the most explosive, mind shattering episode I ever experienced and from which I never fully recovered, occurred during a visit to an absolute beginner and a absolute novice at the game. The following account is I believe an accurate record of the session as I still remember most details quite vividly, but there were some occasions where I believe I may have had moments of blackout or was not fully compos mentis for...

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 4 Latina MILFs Futa Discipline

Chapter Four: Latina MILF's Futa Discipline By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Christine Holt I opened the door to the house, eager to get in, get changed, and get out before I ran into my mom. I didn't see her in the living room. A lavender scent filled my nose. One of Mom's dumb scented candles she was trying to sell on the internet. She thought she'd be the next Martha Steward or some dumb shit like that. Though, it did smell good. I took...

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first time cheating and piss play witha drunk latina

First off im 27 year old male married this is my first time cheating/pissplay/latina girl/ i was at my job i work at a hotel i was just getting done its 4am there was this collage party thing they were hosting im in fire stairway and im walking down the steeps.i hear moaning and laughing i turn the corroner theres this drunk latina girl had to be no more than 20 she was about 5-8 dark hair darkeyes lightskin skinny maby 130lbs atleast c cup tits nice round ass and a thick hairy pussy...

3 years ago
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Sexual experiments with a hot young latina

I’ll never forget the first time that I saw her. I was invited by a friend to a party in San Francisco that was crawling with gorgeous girls many of whom went to the same modeling and fashion school in the city. It seemed like they were all trying to compete for who had the sexiest outfits and shortest dress. She was wearing a black mini skirt with a white thin blouse tied up high above her stomach, showing off lots of skin and her perfectly flat tummy. Her spiked platform heels accentuated her...

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Latina Teen Nympho at the Riding Stable Part One

The rolling hills, fields and forests are beautiful at the riding stables and large farm that I own outside of Frederick, Maryland. I’m thirty-two years old now but began working there when I turned sixteen years old during the summer before my junior year in high school. It feels very good to know that I started there shoveling horse shit in the stalls and now I own the whole thing. That is especially significant since I am a Latina, in a world with mostly old, white men as stable owners.My...

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My sexy latina friend seduces my husband

I made a new friend recently, her name is Themida and she’s from Argentina. When I first saw her I was instantly stunned by her sexy Latina looks. She has light caramel skin and long flowing brown hair that makes every guy take a second look. Unfortunately, this meant she also got a lot of unwanted attention from guys. I could tell she enjoyed them watching her turn and stare as she gracefully made her way down the street but she definitely didn’t appreciate the one-liners, whistles and...

3 years ago
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A Latina babe with a surprise

A Latina babe with a surpriseThat Winter we had escaped from the New York`s cold weather and had gone for a week to Miami. My sweet Ana was so horny during these days… On the fourth night, after dinner outside in a nice restaurant, she suggested to go down to the hotel bar and pick up somebody to enjoy a good time for the rest of the night… We decided finally to go out from our hotel and we ended in a nice pub just a few blocks away from there.A nice brunette girl, Latino type, started a...

3 years ago
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Sexual experiments with a hot young latina

I'll never forget the first time that I saw her. I was invited by a friend to a party in San Francisco that was crawling with gorgeous girls many of whom went to the same modeling and fashion school in the city. It seemed like they were all trying to compete for who had the sexiest outfits and shortest dress. She was wearing a black mini skirt with a white thin blouse tied up high above her stomach, showing off lots of skin and her perfectly flat tummy. Her spiked platform heels accentuated her...

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My First Latina Part 1

I was a Freshman in a State University in New York and being an international student and one of the few students from India on campus, I got popular in my dorm quickly. I went to fraternity rushes and sorority parties, played volleyball, basketball and football all the time in between classes and through that made a lot of friends.Out of all my adventures, let me tell you about Heidi. Heidi was my first Latina, she was from El Salvador, Christian, repressed as fuck and was raised by a single...

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Latina Bitch

Hello Miss... ??? Rodriguez! But please Senora, call me by my first name... Kalina. Ok Kalina, I'm so happy you were able to come in today for the interview. Please have a seat. My name is Tracy. Oh a wonderful name! Thank you. Compliments are always a good way to start. Did you have any problems finding hour house? Ah, a little si. This is such a big campus. Yes, our University is quite large. Our chapter is one of the largest in the country! OH, how wonderful. Very good for you. YEP!...

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iXXX Latina

Whether you have partaken or not, everyone knows how fun it is to fuck Latin bitches. At this point, they are world-famous for it. They are fiery, sexy, and ready to fuck your brains out. There’s nothing like that sexy Latin voice crying out for more in Spanish. It could make me cum in a second flat.If you have never fucked one of these bitches I feel bad for you. I still remember my first time fucking a Latin chick. I was wearing sturdy wrangler jeans, but she tore them off me like a...

Latina Porn Sites
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Chrisy Martinez Latina Stud 3

Alright, already...Chrissy finishes-off Mrs. Dalton... "Reach back and spread those cheeks" the horny latina orders. "Wider!" she barks, and the teacher pulls her buttocks apart as far as she can, wincing as the skin at the top of her ass- crack stretches painfully. Chrissy finds a small tube of KY in her jeans pocket, and after un-capping it she squeezes a gob of it onto her fingertips, which she then pastes onto the softly-weeping blonde's nether-hole. She gasps as those jelly-coated digits...

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Jasmine Latina Wife

One year, that's how long my wife, Jasmine 21, and I have been married, but we dated for five years before that. I have always found my Latina wife attractive, being 5'3 weighting 120 lbs, with a beautiful curvy figure, firm round 34c breast, and a . She always had her long brunette fall down her neck reaching her breast. What can I say, she always looked amazing. I had a dark history though, before I was married, I had an addiction to porn. The ones I would really spend my time on would be the...

Cheating Wifes
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Pretty Little Latina

It was a night like no other! My girlfriend was out of town, and let me stay in her apartment. The apartment she shared with her friend Lila. A beautiful 18 year old, latina, with such a nice body and a face that no one can forget. From the way she walked, to the way she talked, she was the dream of any man! Not saying that my girlfriend isnt beautiful, but I wouldnt mind a night with this pretty petite latina. One night I was in my room watching some tv, she walked by the door in just a little...


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