Jane free porn video

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June 1977:

It is probably plainly obvious this is 100% true, but just in case:

" The following is 100% true"

I used to work on Broad Street in Birmingham, in a building that is now a Travel Lodge. It was mostly
drinking, sleeping and shagging that went on there, when it was our office, so it was probably a logical step.

Over the road was a pub, named at various timed the Granville and The Westward Ho, but it is now O'Neills.
This was the place that the staff drank at lunchtimes, and after work.

If you knew the manager it meant you could stay all afternoon, when they were closed, and again after they were closed
at night. Some people even slept there and came straight to work the next morning.

One Friday night I ended up with the crowd who knew the gaffer, including a woman called Jane, who was the last
word in well......shall we say 'VAMPS'.

I saw a movie the other day called The World Of Suzie Wong and the heroine Nancy Kwan reminded me terribly of Jane,
never more so than in this picture https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/94/Nancy_Kwan_in_Honeymoon_Hotel.jpg

Not that Jane was Chinese, she had the most amazing - the biggest, widest eyes you have ever seen, in fact our band had a song
called "Send In The Girls" which celebrated her "moony eyes", like a Disney heroine - but there was no c***dlike innocence here,
just lust. I would have to say that she probably had the best body I have ever seen,
and she was a beauty. I was 19 years old, and had shagged two girls, ever. She was 25, divorced because of her adultery,
and she was reputed to have had HUNDREDS of men.

Her tits and arse were just to die for. Her breasts were so big that if she ran for the bus she would have to hold on to them,
to steady them. I would estimate a 34, and at least E if not F cup.

She'd got a bum that was MADE for tight jeans. Faded, scuffed 501's. fucking awesome. The jeans were always stuck up the crease. Fabulous a*se.

She had also got the most cocksuking mouth you have ever seen. What might once have been called beestung lips? She'd once grabbed me
for a kiss in a shop doorway. Her mouth seemed to open as if it were hinged. Her lips and tongue could make you see stars. I was SO
SCARED of her I didn't pursue it, you know how it is.

Jane knew a woman (Jenny) who worked on my team, and this woman had said - not particularly to me - but my ears
(etc) pricked up when Jenny mentioned it - that Jane had a practice of taking home whomever she might be with at the end of the evening.

ALSO - my #2 girlfriend, well she was #8 really, but we will ignore those I had never shagged, which was most of them. Nearly all,
in fact. #1 was Sarah, # 2 was Sue. Anyway, Sue and Jane went out together on the pull sometimes. They had conversations, as I was to find out - but more of that later.

So this Friday night I found myself with a dwindling group of people, including the luscious Jane. I figured I just
had to be the last man standing, which, as it turned out was a bit of a problem. Not very good at the drinking you see, and
I foolishly hadn't eaten. So towards the end of the evening I was a bit "overly refreshed". Notwithstanding, I found myself
at Jane's bus stop, not mine, to head out to her place, in Cotteridge.

Somewhere on the Pershore Road the lights went out. Not the buses lights , mine. I had fallen asleep on her shoulder,
and I woke up with a start. The movement of the bus was making me nauseous, the cold sweats kicked in, and I realised I was going to have to get
off and NOW!

I got off the bus and got rid of the evenings refreshments , while hanging on to a low wall. And Jane got off, with me
and held my hand, and mopped my brow and took me home and looked after me.

Er.... No. Not exactly. She stayed on the bus, forgot about us, and went off bleedin' home.

So I was recovering from seeing my lunch again, when this bloke came along. Don't ask me what he looked like, if he was stood
next me now I wouldn't know him from Adam, but this good Samaritan asked me if I was OK.

I said "I'll live".

This fine fellow took pity on a drunken youth and offered him a bed for the night.

SO.. I went back to his place, and passed out, but I came to pretty sharpish, I can tell you, once his hands were down my trousers.

I remember there was a fleeting moment of arousal, as the last thing I could remember was being with the gorgeous Jane.

JO P - if you're reading this , I know you have a passion for this sort of thing, but it's not for me, sorry.

This BLOKE was markedly less gorgeous, so I hightailed it out of there. When I say I hightailed it out of there,
I mean I got my jacket on and JUMPED down a short flight of stairs. In doing so, I turned my ankle over to such an extent I was
still having physio for it, years later.

I crashed out into the back yard and out onto the road.

I had No idea where I was, in a completely alien part of the city. As luck would have it, I came by chance across
a minicab office, and I managed to order a cab home.

The Jamaican driver was friendly and asked where I had been and what had happened.

So I told him.

"You want to WATCH it round here" he advised "all dese STUDENT types they're ALL Queer"


Hindsight is always 20/20, Batman

Jane wouldn't have had my home number, and I didn't have hers, so back at work, on the following Monday I was expecting (but
didn't get) a call from Jane, to see if I'd got home OK.

Not the slightest concern.

When I limped back into the Granville midweek, she did enquire, however. She was adamant that I had taken off so quickly
she didn't have a chance to get off the bus with me.

I related, in strictest confidence, what had happened to me, and she laughed her head off.

At least forty people must have asked me about it in the week that followed.

It was perhaps two weeks later when again I found myself out with her crowd after work, once again.

The group dwindled through the evening, and this time I was wisely drinking shandies every other pint. Sorted. [For U.S. 1/2 beer,
half lemonade, mixed}

The last few of us ended up at Sloopy's, technically a night club, actually more of a knocking shop. It was mentioned in the sex maniacs' diary
in those days as a "pull joint".

A bit later on I once again I found myself at her bus stop.

"Can I come back to yours?" I asked

"If you want" she grinned

I found that with Jane she was USUALLY entirely passive. She'd let the band of the Grenadier Guards have her, but it would be
THEIR fault, their decision. She'd just gone along with it. For whatever reason this was her ethic.

So we took the night bus back to her flat on Middleton Hall Road, if you're interested. I get the odd reader who knows Birmingham.

Talking of telephone numbers, the telephone in her flat had no number displayed inside the dial, the cardboard disc
had been reversed and on it was written the word "nosey". This was evidently aimed at any of the many male visitors to her
little boudoir who wanted to take her contact number away with them.

She put a record on, the slow side of Rod Stewart's Atlantic crossing. Her record deck was one which
played the side then went back to the start, and played it again, Sam.

We got inside and she sat on the floor with her back to the sofa.

I immediately went in for a kiss and it was well...absolutely stunning.


It was quantum leaps from the stolen kiss in the doorway of Bogarts.

It was however, still so bl*ody PASSIVE, but I can remember the STARs exploding even now !

She'd open her mouth for me but It was me kissing her, never her kissing me.

I held the furthest breast through her thin t shirt and formidable bra, and MY GOD it was big! I pulled the t shirt up at the waist.

We were still on side 2 track 1.

"What are you doing?" she asked , all gooey eyed.

"I want to get your bra off" I said with all due lack of confidence

"Why?" she grinned

"I want to see your tits!" I gasped

She took it off over her head and unclipped her b*a like a stripper.

she kept her hands over the nipples

"These? You want these?"

I nodded dumbly

I pulled her hands away and devoured the nearer nipple.

Despite her air of nonchalance about the whole encounter, her nipples were erect and granite hard.

The breasts were high, firm, and huge. Take a look at Revlon Model Laetitia Casta, like those.

"OOooooh" she moaned as I sucked her - the first hint of some responsiveness from her.

"Sue has told me ALL about you" she chuckled

Gulp !

"WHAT did she say?" I asked tentatively

"She said you've got a GREAT BIG cock and it's always hard"

"Did she say that?"

"She told me you can fuck for ages, and even when you DO c*me your load, you're ready for it again really, really quickly"

"Did she say that?"

Thank you SUE - no PRESSURE !!

"YEs, she told me all about you, and that she's the only woman you've ever fucked"

"That's not - that's not true" I protested

When I met Sue (I was 18, she a divorced 19 ) I was NOT a v*rgin, well, technically not, but I had only had it ONCE before Sue (which I made a point of telling her)
and that only for a minute or less. It barely counts really.

It transpires Sue would have LOVED me to be a v*rgin, so I should really, in hindsight, have kept my gob shut.

I kissed her again and this time undid the top button of her Levis.

"What are you doing?" she asked again, all coquettish

"I want to feel you" I groaned

I slid my hand down her tight little p*nts and it was a whole different ball game down there, I can tell you. She was
VERy hot, and soaking. The jeans were so tight I could not get a f*nger into her, however.

"Take these off" I said

She pulled her jeans down and off and her kni*kers with them.

"Why do you want me to take them off?" she teased

Her p*ssy was by today's standards, the Borneo jungle, but for the time, it was positively manicured. My previous girlfriends unkempt lady garden
in fact made this look like it was landscaped by Capability Brown.

A perfectly defined triangle, full size, but I suspect TRIMMED, short haired, and not a single hair encroaching onto the leg, so probably not au naturelle,
and in the 70's most were - really were - left to grow abundantly wild.

I rather inexpertly felt between her legs, my finger slipping inside.

Soon we were getting down on the floor, it turned out she shared the flat, and the one twin bedded bedroom with another girl, so the bed was out of bounds, we had the lounge
and that was it.

Track 5 Rod Stewart Atlantic Crossing, Slow Side : "Sailing... I've been SAILING"

I had hoped she would undr*sis me, rip my clothes off even, but NO, she merley watched impassively as I got my clothes off.
From fully clothed to n*ked before the end of the opening arpeggio of "Sailing"

Ta - DAH

I was rock h*rd as I stripped off.

"God, I love it" she grinned as she reached for my cock and pulled me on top of her.

Now I was inside her, which was something which had often fuelled my fantasies, she was slippery wet, hot and very tight, I think you could
have got the hugest cocks into her, but she kept her muscles well exercised, and she was gripping me firmly.

I looked into her eyes

"What are you thinking about?" she cooed

The LP restarted, slow side, track 1, "I don't want to talk about it"

and I didn't - NOW, well NOW I would have told her - I would have said "I have had so many wanks thinking about fucking YOU"

She would have LOVED it, with 100% certainty. But no, wimpy little lad, has to say "Nothing"

"Nothing" my a*se, what a wasted opportunity

Meanwhile whatever Jane was thinking about had worked, because during track 2 "It's Not The Spotlight" , she came.

It appeared to be the tiniest, daintiest, most ladylike little org*sm EVER, she just wrapped a leg round me for a moment, and clenched, and moaned
quietly and she was done.

I felt cheated. I felt SHE felt cheated. All that preamble and a badly sprained ankle for the tiniest daintiest most ladylike org*sm EVER ?

For some reason I withdrew, I hadn't come, not even close. I always found in those days that the first time with a new partner I would be h*rd forever, and never c*me.

Not a bad thing!

Her magnificent GOD WHAT A BODY was stretched out beneath me, and I'd STOPPED !

k**s, eh?

So, she sat up onto her elbows.

"Let me let you into a little secret" she grinned " I am usually very .... PASSIVE.. I DO like the man to be in control? But with you honey, it would be SUCH a waste,
because you don't know what you want to do - or you won't say - and I want to ...well...do lots of ... naughty things with you. Stop thinking you're only here because - I don't know -
you got on the wrong bus or something, you're here because I want you here. Now I am going to take charge, so you will do as you're told. I'll be back in a minute.
sit on the sofa and have a wank. I will be back in a minute"

She disappeared to her room where I heard voices, though not what was said, and some giggling.

I did take a seat on the sofa, and I was gently playing with it when she came back, and WHEN SHE DID - my GOD.

She was in a black satin basque with stockings , the cups barely containing the huge creamy breasts, no knickers, just pussy open to the elements.

And she had a packet of cigarettes with her, and a lighter.

I had stopped wanking as she walked in.

She knelt in front of me, and lit her cigarette.

"Don't stop" she said "I didn't tell you to stop. I want to watch you. Don't COMe though, only when I tell you you can"

I gulped, and carried on with my wank, blushing wildly, though I like being watched, in truth.

"You're embarrassed" she held the back of her cool hand against my burning cheek. Though the gesture seemed genuine, she was laughing at me.

"Sue said that the first time you two got.. going... you didn't fuck her, and when she asked you to show her how you wanked yourself off - but you wouldn't do it! Is that true?"

"Er, well yes, I suppose it is" I admitted, getting more and more flustered.

Was there ANYTHING Sue had not shared with Jane?

"She said you said it would make too much of a mess!!"

"I did, yes"

"God - she was waiting to SWALLOW it all, you silly boy" she laughed "Now, let me sit there, and you kneel here, I don't get embarassed. Watch me! "

And we did

I knelt where she'd been and she took my place and spread her l*gs in the perfect T shape, causing the susp*nders to pull so taut you could
have twanged them and got a high C.

she pulled her pussy lips apart, then lifted her big tits out of the basque, then began to theatrically m*sturbate for me

" I have to wank myself off a LOT" she admitted "because I can NEVER get enough sex"

Her fingers firmly stroked her clit while with her other hand she pulled on her hard nipple.

"I am going to want you to lick my cunt" she told me "I know you don't know how to do it, but I am going to teach you"

"Er..." I began

"Sue said you didn't go down on her, but she's got a nasty smelly cunt, so FRankly I don't blame you?"

"HOW did you know that?" I spluttered. I had not denied it.

"I've been swimming with her, and we shared a changing room, you could smell her from across the room, horrible. Horrible HORRIBLE smelly
minge" Jane grimaced "Now I'm nice down there, though, you won't have any problem with me, except for I get very ...WET. You will have just
to cope with that"

With that she grabbed my long curly hair and pulled my face into her crotch, sure enough, she smelt very ..sexy but not foul. Sue had indeed REEKED

She took two fingers and opened her pussy lips for me at the clit, very confidently instructing me on how to eat her pussy.

"The MEATY bit! Here! Lick it!"

She hooked her stockinged leg over my shoulder and and casually smoked her cigarette.

By the time she got halfway down it and "Sailing" began for the third time on the Hi Fi , Jane was coming all over my nose, mouth, chin,
she wasn't k**ding about being wet!!

"fuck that's nice! Not bad for a beginner" she grinned evilly

This org*sm was ten times the strength of the one she'd had earlier. It went on for quite some time and was accompanied by
MUCH groaning and grinding of her soaking pubes into my face.

"fuck! That's better!" , she enthused " Now stand up"

I stood

"fuck MY MOUTH" she ordered

I should perhaps point out she'd finished her cigarette by now.

I put my cock head in through her amazing lips and she proceeded to suck me, which was even better than the kiss, though
I would have severely doubted it were possible.

I once heard the expression that some Neighbours or Home and Away actress looked like she
'could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch' and this was true enough here, certainly.

"Enough" she said as she pulled my painfully hard cock out of her mouth, grinning wickedly

"Kneel" she barked "now fuck me"

I took my cock in hand and inched forward. She spread her legs as far as physiologically possible, grabbed the end and pulled me into her.

Right into her deep dark depths.

There was something more electric about it now, far better for both of us than the first time, a little earlier.

"This was your favourite position, with Sue wasn't it?" she asked

I nodded. Another thing Sue had shared. There was more.

"She preferred you on top, your weight on her, you know?"

I didn't know

"fucking hell, Derek, you've got a big cock, and she SAID there was a big BELL END on it!!" she moaned

My reputation precedes me, I thought

"and... it's got a real CURVE in it. She was telling me about that. It's really moving some FLESH about inside, me I think I'm going to C*ME! Again!
Look at it. Look at it slipping in and out of me, my pussy lips are clinging to your ...greasy shaft, they're greedy. They don't want to give it up.
Pull your cock almost out, slowly, then SLAM it back in faster. fuck me, that's it, put your fucking BACK into it!" she urged "Look at me, look me in the eyes"

She'd got the most fantastic eyes, you could just get lost in them.

You could drown in them, and yet they were devoid of all emotion.

I was getting quite worked up, however.

" YES YES YES" she urged "HARDER"

"Oh god that's fantastic" I enthused

"I want you to come between my tits when you come" she told me, "don't come inside, I want you down there again, and you won't
want to do it if I'm full of your sperm!"

She had a point

she was holding on to her tits actually, and pleasuring the formiddable nipples, squeezing them hard between her fingers.

After 2 or 3 false alarms I felt the sp*nk on the move and forcing up my shaft, I slipped out of her and she immediately
took charge and stuffed my r*ck hard cock between her bountiful breasts

It was sweet heaven in there, her juices lubricating the thrusts, with just the right amount of traction provided
by her squeezing them firmly together.

"Come on - fuck MY tits" she encouraged me
Her rather prehensile tongue came out to lick my cockhead as it appeared and disappeared in her ample cleavage

Inevitably it was all too much - but just before I came , she called out

"Rachel - come in here, quickly"

Her room mate appeared instantly as if she'd been awake and waiting for the word.

She was the very antithesis of Jane, tall, blonde, leggy, and small breasted in her long sleep t-shirt. AND she was
at least as gorgeous as Jane.

She walked quickly across the room to merely stand and watch

"Ooh he's got a big cock" she admired

"She's got the MOST fanTAStic tits, hasn't she?" she asked me, in a friendly manner

I was not accustomed to having an audience, I was frightened but I loved it

"Can I watch you come?" she whispered

I gulped and nodded, dumbly

I fucked and fucked and fucked her warm smooth slippery cleavage, but now I couldn't come.

As I have mentioned previously my first time, or few times, with a new partner, I last forever, I guess it's
nervous retention or whatever you want to call it.

I kept thrusting into her slippery cleavage

"Come on , don't be shy" urged Rachel in my ear, "she wants you to come all over her lovely big tits! Come on!
you must WANT to c*me! Do you want me to go away? Am I putting you off?" she giggled, and Jane was laughing at me too
which didn't help.

Luckily Rachel had a kinder nature.....

"Do you want some help?" she smiled, and without waiting for my answer, knelt

She reached and took my b*lls and gently massaged them, whilst stroking my arse with her other hand

"Come on relax, c*me your load, let go!" she said looking up at me , grinning at Jane

Still not getting there until her wet finger went up my bum, which took me quite by surprise, a first for me,
mind you I nearly got something up my bum, on the Pershore Road that previous night, but I've already confessed that one.

My legs sagged and I saw stars, constellations, god. You know, it was like the end of 2001 a Space Odyssey

I fancied I heard the ROAR as every atom of sperm in my body made it's away to it's new home in Jane's glorious cleavage,
the first spurt was huge, Jane flinched at how hot it was, Rachel uttered a quiet "Oh lord"
the cock bucked and sprayed a second jet over the tops of her breasts and her neck
I groaned and fired a third salvo more or less into her face, before she grabbed my erection and crammed
it back between her tits. There was a fourth ej*culation, more minor but the sensations shooting through my body
were like bolts of lightning.

My cock popped up again, to be grasped by Rachel this time, who proceeded to gently wank the last few drops onto her
friend's breasts.

"WOW" she cooed, "Don't you love YOUNG guys? I've never SEEN so much SP*RM!!"

I was nearly collapsing

"I think I need a shower!!" grinned Jane and trotted off, leaving me alone with Rachel

"I need to c*me" confessed Rachel and whipped her sleep t shirt off, to reveal small but beautifully p*rt breasts,
fabulously long legs, and between those fabulously long legs, a COMPLETELY SHAVED PUSSY - now that was big news in those days,
I didn't seen another one until the 90's.

She arranged herself on the sofa, which was one of those horrible brown vinyl ones, by the way, but easy to wipe clean - just as well.

"Watch me" she invited "suck my tits while I wank myself off" So I did, and she did, but when she was about halfway to coming I noticed
- well - you couldn't fail to really - I was hard again. There was no chance of me c*ming, but hey that wasn't important, because I was
to c*me 10,000 times from the memory.....

"You're h*rd" she shrieked "In me, now!"

I didn't need to be asked twice, I walked up on my knees and pushed into her, my h*iry cock and b*lls pumping away at her
baby smooth sh*ved sn*tch.

She hauled her long lithe legs into the air and played with her lovely little tits while keeping me closely informed of her pending org*sm, which was imminent it seemed.

She became flushed and breathless and her already tight grip on me GRABBED, almost stopping my movement.

As she was being especialy vocal, Jane re joined us, n*ked except for a towel

"Look at you TWO" she laughed " I turn my back for a minute, and you're AT IT!!!

Very much to my surprise, and very suddenly, I came in her, with an almighty groan

"Jesus!" cried Rachel, "I can't believe you came again!!"

"Let me see " said Jane,

I gently withdrew, and Jane grabbed my cock which was almost dripping with Rachel's juice, and wanked it whilst
looking closely at the slot

"Just a little drop! " she cooed "Wow! I'm impressed, HONEY" and she gave me THE most fabulous kiss.

I'd like to be able to say she sucked my cock with her mate's come all over it, but she didn't , sorry.

Rachel was gently fingering herself as she watched us kiss.

"On Saturday night, next Saturday night, did you want to come round, save it ALL up all week, and we'll have a threesome?
Despite what you might think after tonight, we've never done that. Rachel doesn't get out much, she works and works. "

"God YES! " I enthused , showing my enthusiasm for a moment.

BUT , and there is a BUT....

Early the following week Jane went to the pub over the road again, after work, and there she met some sort of travelling
salesman, a rep or account manager from out of town.

As per her usual habit she copped off with him, and went to his hotel, where she had unprotected sex with him, as she had with me,
and she contracted gonorrhea off him.

SO , not only did I not go round there on the following Saturday night, I never went anywhere near her again.

Nor did I ever see Rachel again, as their share and share alike approach could easily have given it to her.

What a DAMNED shame - a bleedin' TRAGEDY !!!

- Dr W

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Janey came home from school and stomped upstairs. The 16-year-old was still angry that her mother had secretly married and moved them to the other end of the country away from her friends and to a new school she hated. She has made few friends and was struggling in classes as the school taught different subjects to the ones she had done before.She also really disliked her stepdad. She saw how he looked at her. Undress=ng her with his eyes. He never missed a chance to hug her or squeeze by. She...

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Janet My Sister Janet and I were very close the seven year age difference made no difference and were the best of friends. We had become even closer often playing and cuddling for the last three years ever since my Aunt Mary let us sleep together to be honest Aunt Mary had no choice she only had a two bedroom flatLet me explain Mom and Dad had gone on a business trip and left us in the tender mercies of our Aunt Mary my Mothers Sister for a week.Aunt Mary had never been married and had no idea...

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Disclaimer: I do not own Victoria’s Secret, Starbucks, Manhattan, or BMW. I have never even heard of anything called Tugwell Fargos and Company company. So yeah, enjoy. * Janet was browsing through the Victoria’s Secret Summer Preview catalog. She was sipping a Starbucks Vanilla Latte she bought earlier when she went out to do some shopping outside of her Manhattan apartment that was located near Central Park. She sat in her breezy capris with a simple peasant tunic in her favorite armchair...

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I have several married women that I sleep with and my wife has several men. One of my women,Janet, has told me a story that she wanted me to share with you all. Janet is married to a man that makes a six figure income. She is in her mid forties, about 5 foot 5 inches tall, 130 pounds, well tone, and dish water blonde hair. She has a real nice set of "C" cup tits. Sex with her husband was not what it had been and she was looking for adventure. I am not Janet's first affair. Several years ago...

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DreamsChapter 17

Months passed. One by one, Sally sold some of her Wrigleyville buildings to pay Rubenstein his fees. However none of them were her prime areas. He sent Josh a weekly report on his progress. One thing that was clearly established was that Victoria Michaels or Mikleski turned up on any death certificates. That was the good news. The bad was no other headway had been made. He searched the computers at City Hall looking for any marriage between Theodore Swanson. He had married the year before....

2 years ago
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The ride that did not

It was about 14 30 that Jane found herself alsone in the office. Originally she had cursed her colleagues for taking a sicky when they knew she would have to manage on her own…. but the she realized that she would have the place to herself. All sorts of naughty things started to play on her mind. A customer came in, he was in his late forties and wearing the type of suit only well heeled businessmen do. He needed a ride to the terminal but there was a 15 minute wait. She offered him a cup of...

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Janices Week Away Chapter 1

Chapter 1 – Preparation Janice was very excited. She was going to get to go to a conference in Denver by herself. It was the first time she would be away from her husband and children since she had been married five years ago. It’s not that she wasn’t happy – she was. It was just she was missing some of the excitement in her life that had been there before she had settled into marriage and children. She loved her husband – they had a good sex life and he provided a wonderful home to her and...

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Changing of the Guard Part 2

Changing of the Guard Part 2 How do you explain to your mother and father why their son spontaneously morphed into their daughter while they were out? I tried to figure that out while Becca drove me home. I really hadn't figured it out when we pulled into the driveway. Fortunately, my parents weren't home so I'd have a few minutes to wash my face and change before they got home. At least I could look sort of like myself. "Are you sure you don't want me to hang out and help...

2 years ago
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GF Trains Me Creampie Cuckold Gay

My girl and I had a rather vanilla sex life which was okay for a while. But one night we decided to do a little role playing. Normally I was the dominate partner, She rarely ever initiated sex, that was something I would usually do. But that night was special. Cindy was the most beautiful woman I had ever known. She is short, only a couple of inches over five feet tall with long, curly red hair and pale, freckled skin. That particular evening she came to bed wearing a little teddy that could...

1 year ago
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OnlyBlowjob Lena Paul Seduced and Sucked off by His Sister

Only Blowjob oral extraordinaire Lena Paul is at it again and leaves us speechless after this shaft sucking performance that may have you looking at your step-sister differently next time you see her. The gorgeous glamour model puts the moves on her brother, Lucas Frost, something she’s frankly been wanting to do for years. Watch the big tittied all-natural blonde seduce him in ways he can’t resist as she coyly goes in for a handjob before spitting on his cock and taking it deep in...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 86

Monday morning started early. Michael, Mike, Roy, and I worked out after our run. We finished breakfast by seven-thirty. Roy left after he showered since Sam had relieved him. Susan left for the office after breakfast. Lena said she was meeting Lisa at the office at nine. I told Audrey we would begin our day in the study about eight. Michael and Mike had to meet the film crew in Truth or Consequences by noon. I told them it was only a two-and-a-half hour drive south. Michelle asked if she...

4 years ago
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Embers Dying Spark The Flame

Embers Dying, Spark the Flame. By Way Zim. A brief explanation; This story is a mixed vision, fantasy and reality, the core of which was a dream I've experienced on and off over the years. Within this work of fiction are many truths merged with make believe including idealized representations of people I know and respect. The wrap is pure fancy, a thought brought to what I hope is a reasonable conclusion. In the words of one of my favorite authors, Douglas Adams "Share and...

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hindi adult joke

**Larki aa rahi hay ya ja rahi hay** Girl to boy: Tum larkay kisi larki mei sub se pehlay kia daikhte ho ? Boy: Yeh tou depend karta hai k larki aa rahi hay ya ja rahi hai … **Boy:chalo kisi sunsaan /viraan jagah chaltey hain!** Boy:chalo kisi sunsaan /viraan jagah chaltey hain! Girl:tum aisi-waisi harkat to nahi karoge? Boy:bilkul nahi! Girl:to phir rehne do… **Itnay saray bachay aik sath** Teacher: Bacho batao k billi 1 sath itnay saray bachay kaisay paida karti hay? Kid: Miss agar aap road...

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Sex On The Beach

Hello friends, this is Dev again with yet another story about me and Chanda my Mami. Please read my previous stories to so that you can understand this story in a better way. My previous stories are Mami relived her married life and part 2 and helping a widow -my bro in laws wife. Coming back to story. After what all happened in my life in the recent times I was at the peak in my career as well as my sexual life with all the three women. (With ref from Mami relived her married life part...

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Lost EmpireChapter 70

0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0250 - Tendra 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0805 - Toran 0808 - Radella 0908 - Tara - Mara 1000 - Sherry Ungrown - unnumbered 0999 - Zan - still lost Rescued from Tendraxians so far 6 on Shelby 8 on Lucy Known and OR numbered 0501 - Thaddeus ???? - Lena I have had a few readers ask how...

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The Travel Agency Another Tail

The Travel Agency: Another Tail By Morpheus The sidewalk was covered with small puddles, each slowly getting larger as the rain continued to fall. I stopped, standing in a somewhat large puddle, scowling a little as I looked up at the office in front of me, then down at the business card in my hand. Gold letters adorned the business card, standing out clearly from the white background. They read simply 'Travel Agency' with a phone number below it. The card had been given to me the...

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More Than A StretchChapter 16

As Sandy's train pulled out of the station, I was saddened by her departure, but happy that we had had the weekend and overjoyed about our love. Slowly, I walked along the platform back to the station, and took the streetcar that went in the general direction of the agency. I got off, and went in to work. There was a large envelope for me from IBM; when I opened it, I found a preliminary spec for the Reaper assembler from Sarah. She had done a good job for the most part, but I found a couple...

4 years ago
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Stacy and the Wired Devices

From the moment the plane took off till the moment it touched down, I had only one thought in mind: I wanted to see the look on Stacy's face at the restaurant. I opened the overhead bin and took out my carry-on. The woman who had been sitting in the window seat asked me if I would hand her her backpack. "The red one with the black stripe," she said. She got up and smoothed her skirt over her legs. I unzipped the bag and opened it, hoping to find some fascinating contraband. A vibrator or some...

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Alicias Enslavement

Alicia's Enslavementby SirbootnockaChapter 1: The dealThe entire Jones family was at the dinner table today, to partake in this meager meal. The Parents, Carl and Aline, sat at opposite ends of the table. Alicia, the eldest at sixteen, sat at their father's right. Amelia, the quintessential middle child, sat at his left. She was going on fifteen. And Amy the youngest, sat beside Amelia, closer to her mother. Two of the girls had the same hair color as their father, ash blonde, except Alicia,...

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Cabin Fever Need A Little Company Chapter 03

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the movies in the Cabin Fever franchise, nor any of the characters in it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. Author's Note: This chapter is just plot bridge with no sex. Sorry. The tears streamed silently down Marcy's cheeks as the glossy black casket descended into the earth. While members of Karen's immediate family broke down in grief, Marcy maintained a stoic dignity. A stereo set up near the grave played a...

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Karmas Tome of Knowledge and Sexual Transformation

Karma's Tome of Knowledge and Sexual Transformation is a large red leather bound book. The Tome contains all of the knowledge and magic of the demon lord Karma. The tome is enchanted with a powerful compulsion charm to read and use the magic within the Tome. Since it was created by Karma the Tome has corruptive effects making the user as evil and sadistic as Karma himself and the desire to transform those around them into strange sex creatures.

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Fucking Aashi In Toilet 8211 My Friend8217s Small Sister

Hello friends, I am Alvin from Mumbai. I am 21 years of old. My email id is same on Facebook too. I would really like to hear from you. First, I would like to thank all of who liked my previous stories. I really appreciate that. I am an average guy with a 6.5-inch penis. And this story is about how this penis got a chance to fuck my friend’s younger sister. Let’s start the story. It was the time when I was 19. I and my friend both use to hang out with his girlfriend, whose name was Arushi...

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Mom Seduced me8230

Hi Readers, I would be sharing a true sexual incident about my mother, Neelam (name changed).She is a very sexy lady, fair, in her 40s (she is 45 now) and her figure is 38-26-38. Whenever we used to walk on the streets, I could sense people (including teenagers and old men) ogling at her, for her breasts and arse were shapely enough to arouse the desire to eat her away. I too had incestuous feelings towards her, but could not make my desire known to her as she might not like it. Now back to the...

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The Italian Affair

It was in the Italian city of Livorgio that Arabella’s father had his annual business trip; Arabella always tagged along to explore the new bits of Italy. “Father? Do you mind if I go out?” She asked one bright morning. “Not at all Arabella, just be back by six.” At just the ripe age of 18, Arabella set out to find something new and adventurous. In a pink pea coat and gray cloche hat, she began to wander the orange cobblestone streets. She passed several small stores which sold anything from...

First Time
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Summer Camp On The LakeChapter 3 DAY 3

The first real day of the camp! After saluting the flag (‘what EVERY morning?’, thought Clive ‘I thought that only happpened in North Korea’) and then a breakfast which some girls gobbled enthusiastically and others picked at for various faddy dietary or dieting reasons, another welcoming talk with emphasis on health and safety, and finally the listing of activities; the girls scattered to sign up and get changed and, mostly, to chat. Girls can talk until the world ends, and then talk a bit...

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Lost In Him

It was a cold October day, the day she realized just what was going on. She was in love, but not just with anyone it had to be the one man she could never have a true relationship with. They met in September of the year before, she was a junior in college, and he was in his last year. They immediately became fast friends. From that day in September everywhere one went the other went too, but she always knew that in June he would be gone and she would have to remain there alone and life would...

Love Stories
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Queen Yavara Chapter 47

Interlude Yavara sat upon a black throne. She closed her eyes and savored the discordant symphony of wails and moans, the drone punctuated by the clanking of chains and the cracking of whips. Exhaling contentedly, she opened her eyes. Below her laid a spectacle of depravity, churning masses of flesh oscillating to some unheard cadence, their glistening forms bathed in the crimson torchlight. The prisoners’ eyes were wide with horror, as what was being done to them was horrible, but comingled...

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Dream Weaver 1 The Well

Dream Weaver 1, The Well (c) 2002, Deanna Lea Life in the seventh grade was a living Hell. The girls wanted to know how I had such "cute" eyelashes and the boys thought I was a girl because I had started growing little girl boobs. Junior High School is tough enough for most kids, you don't know where you fit in. Are you still in grade school or have you graduated almost to high school. And for many this is where puberty begins its torturous journey. In my case it was...

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King Charming

Note to readers: This single volume tale is a follow up to the Prince Charming series, that detailed how a young, arrogant Prince behaved as King following the untimely death of his father. It will probably help a bit to have read the original series, but if not, it’s not exactly Shakespeare so I’m sure you’ll pick up the plot as you go. PROLOGUE(KING NOTHING) Thomas trudged through the forest, stumbling on a tree-root and stubbing his bare toe painfully. “Ah shit!” he swore, limping slightly...

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Oh Canada FChapter 2 Northern Sunset

“Arctic?” Sylvia Foster asked her husband in March of 1970, “Will you be cold?” “Not particularly,” George replied. “I’ll only be at Colville in the summer, after all. It’ll be warmer than it is outside right now. But I will be lonely.” There was a solution for that. “Well, why can’t I go along? Would we go broke if I stopped waiting tables for the summer?” “Not at all. We’ve been saving up the trust payments for expeditions like this. And, after all, we decide how that money is to be...

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Holiday trip par mummy ki chudai 8211 Part 1

Hello dosto mera Avi hai. Meri umar 22 saal hai. Aur main Delhi ka rehne wala hun. Meri ye kahani meri sidhi sadhi mummy aur mere beech bane chudai ke rishte ki hai. Maine abhi abhi aapni padhayi puri ki hai. Aur main competition ki tayari kar raha hu. Isiliye jyada time ghar par hi rehta hu. Papa ek hotel mein manager ki post par hai. Aur woh subha jate hai aur shaam ko hi aate hai. Mummy ka naam Kusum hai. Aur unki umar 42 saal hai. Dikhne bilkul simple hai. Daily pooja path karti hai. Magar...

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ASTROPRISON © 2014, 2017, 2020 By Anthony Durrant As I was watering my front lswn, I saw a small shuttlecraft drop down from the sky and touvh down on the grass nearby. Two people in black uniforms hurried toward me, then grabbed me by my arms and forced them back behind me. One of them said: "Cngratulations, Erik the Black! We've caught you at last: your days as a fugitive from the stars are now over. You will be taken to the Astroprison, where you will serve out your...

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Finally Mine

One morning I wake up extremely hard and panting from the hot dream I've had of taking her sweet pussy all night long. I decide not to relieve it cause I have a few things to do. But through the day I become more and more frustrated. So when Sherry calls to ask if I want to have dinner and watch a movie with her, I decide I've waited long enough to have her! I dress several hours later in a pair of jeans and a simple t-shirt and head out the door. I spot my Skillet c.d.,on the way. and a...

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3rd Chromosome Reconnection

Hey everyone! A fan request here for Darkrage6. I took some requests and he’s the 1st winner. So I have a Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato story for you all. It’s a futa story, so if that’s not your thing move along. This is not in the Drug Trials universe, rather it’s a separate arc. Everyone is over 18, and celebrities don’t act like this. Enjoy! *** ‘Where are you going?’ ‘Just to get water, I’m thirsty.’ Demi stated while extracting herself from her lover. ‘Okay.’ Selena didn’t complain...

2 years ago
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Apples and Oranges part ii

Tristam had some bravery I'll tell you that, not many straight *cough* boys would walk to a door with their cock on show and another guy on all fours behind them, what if someone walked in. Right at that moment, I didn't care..I didn't care who saw us, or who found out. All I cared about was Tristam. He came back over, it was then that I realised that I still had one burning question, what did Tristam's sweet ass taste like, cos if it tasted as good as it looked I would be in ecstasy....

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Mommys Chastity Boy Part III

(All characters are age 19+) My little sissy son continues his progress. He hasn't cum in over 10 months. Even though he receives weekly peggings and the occasional fuck from my stud, I do not allow him to cum -not even from anal stimulation any more. In the meantime, I have been busy modifying his body. I first had him tattooed. A gorgeous woman at the tattoo parlor was more than happy to add some ink to his body. The first was a beautiful tramp stamp on his lower back that reads:...

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Sow and ReapChapter 14 My Newest Job

Much to my own surprise, I got the job at the mall. I suspected it had more to do with my appearance than my skills, but I wasn't going to complain. It was a job and it paid enough to meet my current expenses – mostly assisting Honda with household costs. They required that I wear clothing purchased from the store stock while on shift, but they provided me with a monthly allowance for 'uniforms'. My first day, I quickly discovered that my co-workers were all girls. It was a bit...

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Bleach sister revised

Hello. My name is Karin Kurosaki and I have problem. Lately I have been having strange feelings for my twin sister, Yuzu. I don't know when it started, but since it did it won't go away. We are both 12 years old, about 4'10”, black hair, blue eyes, and a chest that is just starting to form. It scares me, because every time I look at her now my heart skips a beat and I get these strange feelings between my legs, I don't understand it. I've never felt this way before and I'm not sure...

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Fucking my cousin Beth

My name is West, and I am now 20 years old, though this story takes place when I was younger. I am 5’11’’ and reasonably well built because of years of both tennis and football. I have really dark brown hair and blue eyes. My athletic talent made me popular, and my resulting body allowed me to get almost any girl… except the one I wanted most: my Younger cousin Bethannie, or Beth as we call her, who is perfect. She is beautiful; she stands at 5’5’’ with brown hair and hazel eyes which usually...

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Married Housewife Fucked In Doggystyle

Hi, I am Ramanpreet Singh from Delhi  I am 18 years old and my height is 5 ft and dick is large and thick too, lets come to the story There a lady in my neighborhood whom to i used to stare everyday when she went to pick up her 5 yr old child from the school bus stop. She got the best measurements i have ever seen (30-27-38) i was staring at her ass from almost 2 yrs , and i always make fantasies in my mind to slap her ass and make doggy style. Whenever i saw her passing by her ass makes my...

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Angel A New Beginning

This story is a sequel to one of my first stories here on Fictionmania, Angel was a sad medallion story about the misuse of the Medallion of Zulo. In the earlier story, Angel was changed into an infant, forcing her husband Ray to move on with his life raising Angel as his daughter. While it isn't 100% necessary to read Angel, it is short enough to get you into the characters and provide you with a background for this story. While the first one was somewhat rushed, I feel this story...

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A New Outlook For Joan

This was intended for another site, it wound up being a tiny bit different than the person wanted, so I thought i would share it here. It was dark and raining as I made my way to the car, the mall parking lot was virtually empty, only the cars of a few employees and teens remained. It was early fall, a light layer of dew was taking hold on things. As I rounded my car, I laughed, a pair of panties were laying on the hood of my car. I grabbed them, black and lacy, with a mesh pattern...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 14 Christmas Confessions

December 24, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “It just seems wrong to not have Jessica here,” Kara said. “I know,” I sighed. “But the sooner she went into the facility, the sooner she’ll get out. And then she starts the long process of getting reinstated at UofC.” “Do you think she’ll work when she gets out?” “Maybe. It all depends on her. If we assume she’s there for six to eight weeks, which Al said was pretty typical, she won’t get out of there until February. The next year for her Residency...

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Second ChanceChapter 8

Watching Colleen sleeping, I realized how much I had changed the past, or present, or future ... one of them - if not all three. My first time through I bedded Beth Ann long before I really thought much about Colleen, or Rebecca, other than a stray fantasy involving Beth Ann and a threesome. But then I was Brian, and Beth Ann was my mother. In this iteration I am Carl, which IS me, and I am in bed with Colleen, who I had no idea felt such attraction towards me. It was all out of order, and...

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Miranda It Had Been a Very Long Two Years

She left me two years ago for another man. To this day, I still think about how she just walked out without giving me any explanation at all. Since then, I have not seen any other women. None. That is because of two reasons. One, I am scared that another would do what she did to me, and two, well, I am still in love with her. You would think after two damn years I would be over it. Well, I’m not. Every day that goes by, I still think of Miranda. I still see her long wavy dark brown hair flowing...

3 years ago
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Michelle, stood transfixed as Asif returned to his bedroom. Looking into Velma’s room her naked daughter lay on her bed having been used, fucked and humiliated by the Black boy.Michelle’s breasts were soar but her nipples tingled as the black prince strutted back to his room she knew and hoped that this would not be the end of his power for the week end as her son and daughter could not wait to be rid of the negro she felt a pang of guilt as her own desires .8pm saw tom arrive back from his...

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Aunt in Heat

I could hardly believe my ears. I was walking up the hall as I heard moaning from my Aunt Sarah's room. As I paused I heard her say "Oh yes David.....Slide that cock in me". I was staying with my Aunt for the summer as her husband had run off with his secretary. My Dad thought it would do me some good since I wouldn't be able to be playing Xbox all summer. My Aunt Sarah was a beautiful lady mid 50s. Average size tits but such a beautiful ass. I had jacked off many times after seeing her ass in...

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The Executive Ranch

By Greg I am the director of marketing at a large fortune five hundred corporation with headquarters on the east coast. I have been steadily working my way up the corporate ladder for years and have made all the right connections along the way. Over time I have proven myself to be reliable, effective and committed. Upon reaching this level I now enjoy some of the perks of the job and I don’t just mean the keys to the executive restroom. Our business interests span the...

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