To Be Owned free porn video

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The bar wasnt the best I knew, not even one of the best... It was just too was so 21st century. Seemed like it was pulled out from a history book... The music didnt quite suite my taste, but since this was the only bar which only allowed humanoid races in, it was my regular hangout. I admit it; I dont like aliens. I just cant quite enjoy a drink while there is some kind of a squid thing sitting next to me and sucking in something that I dont even want to know what it is. I suppose some people may disagree. All those equal rights fighters. But the way I see it. you dont have to be human... Just to look like one... Call me a snob.... I suppose you cant resist my charm? Well I cant blame you. Sometimes I get dazzled by my own good looks. No, you brain dead rat. I am just totally bored. You are very obnoxious, but my offer still stands. Would you join me for a drink? Yeah, I already told you so. That was the conversation that I heard, while finishing my drink. I turned around to see who was talking and saw the best looking man I ever saw in my entire life. And right there next to him sat the weirdest woman I ever saw or even dreamt of. Her hair was green and short and she was wearing some kind of a rag that managed to cover her body and yet leave no room for imagination. Her fingernails where painted blue, and on her legs she wore huge green shoes. I wondered why this absolutely stunning man wants to ask this freak of nature to a drink but then she turned around and I saw her eyes. They were deep blue and mesmerizing. I just sat there staring at her when she noticed me. She got up noting the man to stay and headed towards me. I gulped, when she neared me and looked into my eyes. What are you looking at, freak? I heard myself saying nervously, and I couldnt understand why did I say that. Oh, nothing

She said Just at some boy in leather clothes who is listening to other peoples conversations. I looked at her angrily; I was certainly no boy. I mean, I do look younger than my age but not young enough to be called a boy. The man she was talking to earlier got up and came to us. He stood behind her and asked, Is there a problem? I certainly didnt want to get in trouble with this hunk, so I muttered No there isnt. and turned around to the bartender. Same thing again I told him and in a second I had a whiskey with ice in my hand. Ooh. Said the woman Are you even allowed to drink, boy? I felt anger rising up in me. If she were a man she would have had my fist in her face by now. Do you have any specific problem with me or are you just looking for someone to pick up to? I asked her with an angry voice. I dont like your face she said. Well you dont have to look at it, freak. I muttered, and turned away from her. She didnt say another word; she just turned around and got out from the bar. The handsome man gave me a murderous look and followed her. Well this is the last time I ever see those two. I said to myself, however I was wrong. When it was time for me to go home, I got out from the bar and headed to my bike, which stood in the end of the parking plot. When I neared it I heard some noise behind me, but before I could turn around, I felt strong hands grabbing me. Some kind of a muffle was shoved to my nose. I thrust forward and then suddenly as the smell of c********* reached my lungs I felt dizzy and blacked out. I came to with a terrible headache. As I opened my eyes I saw nothing. It was a total darkness around me. Not that gray kind of darkness you have outside, the black kind of darkness you have in a closed room with no windows whatsoever. I groped the ground under me and found it to be a cold metal floor. I knew where they had that kind of floor. Maybe I am wrong, I thought. But as I touched the wall near me and found it to be the same kind of metal, I knew where I was. Yes, this was definitely a cargo room on a space ship. Then the door slid aside and the room lighten up. I found there another fifty men about my age. Oh, no. I thought. Slavers. A man had entered the door, a slight breeze entered with him and I suddenly realized that I was wearing nothing but my underwear. I looked up at him still a bit dizzy and recognized him as the man I saw earlier in the bar. I looked in his perfect face and then tried to get up. A strong kick pushed me back. Stay! he said loudly. I winced at his shout as my head pounded in pain. He leaned to me and roughly grabbed my arm. What the hell is going on? I asked him, not really expecting for an answer. But an answer did came. It came in a way of a strong slap on my face as I struggled to get free from his grip. He dragged me out of the room, the door closing behind us. Leave me... alone... I breathed out as he pulled me through a metal corridor while I am trying to get up, yet keep falling on my knees rather painfully. In this state we entered a room that appeared to be the bridge of this ship. Finally I sank on my knees breathing heavily with the man still holding my wrist. Hey captain. He said and as I looked up I saw the green-haired woman from the bar. She was still wearing the same clothes. What do you want? she asked, not looking at me.

My payment. He answered, smiling. We havent even gotten to the port, you corrupt, money seeking, useless rat. she muttered at him. I dont want money. He said.

No? she asked, puzzled. No. I want him. He said pointing at me.

I dont give away the merchandise, she said. Come on, consider it like you already sold him. I am sure the money that you owe me is covering for this boy. Boy? Damn it. I am not a boy. I pulled my hand, trying to get my wrist away from his grip. But I was still dizzy from whatever was that they d**gged me with, and my effort didnt work out nice. He gave me an angry look. I backed off, expecting for a blow, but it didnt came. Instead he looked at the freaky women again. Fine, you can have him. She said. He dragged me out of the room again. My wrist started to hurt from all that harsh pulling. We entered some kind of a bedroom and he pushed me on the bed. What the hell? I thought, as he started to strip his clothes. And then I suddenly realized. No! I shouted, and jumped from the bed. I tried to punch him, yet he eluded the blow and hit me in the stomach. He urged me back to the bed and hit me again. Then suddenly he kissed me fiercely. I tried to pull away, but without any success. It was hard for me to admit, yet this mans perfectly shaped, naked body, pressed against mine excited me. He ripped my underwear away and I felt his naked crotch pressing against mine. I breathed heavily and tried to back off again. He grabbed my hair, kissing my neck and then harshly turned me around. His manhood touched my buttocks and started to enter slowly. I cried out as he thrust into me, without any lubricant or preparation. The pain was terrible. It did diminish as he pulled out, but then he surged in again and tears flowed from my eyes. I was lost in the pain, feeling nothing but it. When he came, filling me with his hot juices, I blacked out. When I came to, I was alone in the room, my butt sore and my face red and wet. I remembered what happened and started to cry. Damn it. I hated this whole situation. What did I ever do to deserve this? I didnt think you were a virgin. I heard a voice say. I turned around and saw him standing there. I looked at him defiant, and quietly sobbed. Are you hungry? he asked. I shook my head and looked away. He neared me and grabbed my chin. Look at me when I am talking to you! As I looked in his eyes he smiled Now answer.

No. I said. No, what? No, I am not hungry. Nope. Its no, sir.

Fuck you! I spit at him. He let go of my chin. Its the other way around, boy. I shuddered as I realized that he was right. I was the one who got fucked. Now how about saying it properly? Its not that hard. Come on. I looked at him again and said Fuck you, sir

He smiled Smart ass, huh? Suddenly he slapped me. The blow was so hard it had me thrown to the other side of the bed and slammed into the wall. As I looked at him, a bit dazed, he grabbed my hair and looked in my eyes, angry. Now say it right, boy or Ill hit it out of you. I sobbed and mumbled No, sir. I didnt hear it.

I looked at him furious and shouted No, sir! Thats better I heard him saying as I buried my face in my arms and started to cry. I didnt know what was happening to me. I hadnt cried since I was twelve years old. Can I use the bathroom? I asked him quietly. He didnt answer. Sir? He turned around and looked at me. Yes, he said and pointed at the side door. I entered the small cabin and drained my bladder. As I came back to the room, it was empty. He had left. I sat down on the bed, naked, confused and tearful. My underwear was lying somewhere on the floor, but it was in no condition to wear. I picked it up and stared at it. Damn he was strong. No wonder I couldnt get loose from his grip. My briefs were made of the strongest material there is. Some kind of chemical crap they make on Spandex clothes factory. The 23rd century sure had good clothes. And he had ripped them apart as if they were made of nylon. Very strange, I thought, he didnt look that strong. In good shape, yeah, but not strong enough to do that. Since I was alone I had some time to check out the room I was in. It was a typical room on a space ship. A single bed near the wall, two chairs, a closet. Some pictures on the wall. This room definitely looked like someone was living here for a while. I got up and approached the closet, It was rather usual, and almost the same type as the one I have at home. I pressed on the button and the closet door slid aside, revealing its contents to me. The clothes were somehow unusual; there were too many different types of clothes, which just could not suit one person. Oh, but he is a slaver. I thought, theyre supposed to fit into all the places they are in. Now as I remembered it, when I saw him in the bar, he looked like he was born next to me and lived in our town forever, that was very clever.. Oh, but what good is it to me? I closed the closet door, and sat back on the bed , having nothing else to do. I lay back on the bed, feeling rather uncomfortable by my nakedness and still hurt inside from that furious encounter we had earlier. I didnt notice as I fell asleep. Wake up, boy! I felt somebody shaking me. I opened my eyes and realized that I awoke from a dream into a nightmare. Would you stop it? I whispered, looking in his emerald eyes. Stop what? He asked. Calling me a boy. I answered turning away from him. Ill think about it. Now get up. I did so, and he offered me a pair of boxers, apparently his own. I put them on, a bit relieved. They fit me quite nicely; slightly big maybe, but I could handle it. Come on. he said, Weve arrived at our destination.

What? I asked a bit puzzled How long did I sleep? Twelve hours. Lets go. He grabbed my wrist again and pulled me after him. We left the ship and entered into a big spaceport. I looked around , it seemed pretty usual, just like the one in my town. Ships constantly landing and taking off. People carrying stuff. Except that nobody seemed to care about me wearing only boxers and being dragged somewhere. Where are we? I asked, but was ignored. He caught a cab, pushed me in and entered himself. As we were inside he urged me to the floor at his legs. I felt quite uncomfortable by this treatment, but didnt say a thing.


The ride in the cab wasnt a nice experience at all. I sat on the dirty floor near my captor's legs, without being able to see the road. I tried to move, and the man ran his hand over my shoulder... comforting me? And it felt rather nice... No! I said to myself. I cant accept this! I tried to shake his hand off with one quick motion and he removed it. The ride didnt last long, and in five minutes or so we were near a big house surrounded by trees and a high fence. The emerald-eyed manÑI still didnt know his nameÑdragged me out from the cab. He ran his hand over the security plate and the gate opened. We passed through the garden to the house and a young blond man opened the door. He smiled happily at the sight of my captor and then eyed me with interest. The emerald-eyed man ran a hand through his hair, petting him. Then another man appeared. He looked at my captor with terror and then dropped on his knees looking at the floor and biting his lip nervously. The green eyed man looked at him and asked Now, what did you do? The kneeling man gulped and then mumbled as if pleading. Master.. Dont ÔMaster me. What did you do? The man shivered. The blond looked at the scene with a miserable look on his face. Simon? said the master without turning around, What did he do? He broke a statue, sir answered the blond quietly. Which one? The dolphin, sir. The master looked at the kneeling man furiously. Take him to the bedroom. He said to the blond, pointing at me. Both of you stay there.

Simon pulled my hand and I followed him without arguing. We got upstairs and entered a huge bedroom, with a king size bed and a carpet from wall to wall. The blond sat down on the carpet and closed his eyes. I felt his tension. He was waiting for something. A loud swish sound came from downstairs and then a short pained scream. The blond shuddered as if he was hit. The swish repeated and the scream came again. This repeated several more times till I lost count. Then the screaming stopped. He blacked out.. Whispered Simon with pain in his voice. I looked at him, not knowing what to say. Then the green-eyed man came upstairs. Go spill some water on him. he said to the blond. And stay there. Yes, sir answered the blond and rushed downstairs. Lets get your training started shall we? Said the emerald-eyed man, looking at me. Get lost. I whispered, eyeing him with hate. OK. he said Lets start here. From what I could understand till now you are not willing. He passed back and forward through the room and said, Now the first thing will be this. He looked at me and I saw coldness in his eyes. You will not curse at me nor try to attack me again. If you will you will be severely punished. He looked at me, and I stared back defiantly, just to let him know that I heard him but I am not going to comply.

You will submit to any of my desires without complaining. Yeah right. Like hell I will. - I thought. If you will not, you will be punished. Yeah, I got the point... I wonder where we are, thought I. I looked outside of the window, trying to see some distinguishing signs. But there was nothing but trees and... ...with others. I heard and then felt a hand grabbing my hair and saw his deep emerald eyes staring right into mine. And you will listen when I am talking to you he spat. I am listening. I whispered. Repeat what I said. Umm.. Submit to any of my desires? I said, desperately trying to guess from his expression if that was what he said last. He threw me on the carpet and looked down at me. I shall not punish you for not listening. But I will not repeat what I said, and yet will expect you to know. Fine.. thought I. Now you can ask questions. He said.

I looked up at him and tried to get up. He hit me across the face, sending me back there. That was a part of what I said! You dont do things unless specifically told to. Now ask. I sat on the carpet rubbing my cheek, and then asked, Where are we? My house, on Morin. A small planet at the end of the Beta.... Yeah I know.. Interfered I, and was kicked back by his foot. I grabbed my stomach and moaned gasping for air. Another rule you missed.. he said looking at me with scorn. Do not speak unless youre told to. We heard a hover car arrive and he went downstairs to see who it was. He didnt say a thing to me, so I decided I should follow him, just out of curiosity. I stopped at the top of the green stairs and sat down. Nobody seemed to notice me.

The man that broke the statue was lying on the floor u*********s, whipping marks covering his body, and some strange man was measuring his pulse. He turned around as he heard the green eyed man come down and said Hey, Shaun. Hi, doc. Whats up? The doctor turned back to the u*********s man and injected him with something. Doc?! asked the man, and to my surprise I heard concern in his voice. Yes? What are you doing here? I didnt call you. No. Simon did. And its a good thing he did, It could have been too late in another five minutes. WHAT?!! He will be okay, right? Was that fear I heard? Hmmm.... He'll be fine, Shaun. This time. Didn't I tell you to be easier? You can't control your strength. Come on, doc. I am sorry. Humans are just so tender. Said the green-eyed man. It's your slave Shaun, you can do whatever you want, but I would mind to lose the money.. Fine, doc.. I'll try to be easier. Well, I have to go now. said the doctor. Yeah, thanks doc. Anytime. Shaun walked him to the door. As the doctor left Shaun turned around and looked at the blond. Simon.. he said. I am sorry, sir. He wasnt breathing, and you were busy, and.. said the blond with a scared expression on his face. Hey. Its ok. He hugged the blond and gave him a kiss on the forehead. Good job. he said. The blond blushed and smiled. I could have swore he was going to explode with happiness. Unbelievable, I thought. What kind of behavior is that? If he had a tail he would be wagging it by now.... Shaun picked up the u*********s slave and carried him somewhere. The blond followed him and I stayed alone in the room. This is my chance I thought.. I quietly moved to the door and sneaked outside.


I sneaked outside, only to suddenly become aware that I am wearing nothing but boxer shorts.. Where would I go like this? Man.. I am in deep shit.. I thought as I measured the fence with my eyes. One of the trees was high enough to climb on it and then over the fence. I started to walk to it , when suddenly a hand grabbed my neck. Didnt I told you that you cant try to escape either? You really should have listened. I gasped for air and the tension on my neck was relieved a bit. He went to the house pulling me after him. To my surprise we didnt go to the bedroom again. We stopped at the entrance and he called Simon! The blond appeared in no time. Sir? You have the same size of clothes as he, right? Simon measured me with his eyes and said Yes, sir Well get him something of yours, I want to take him out. Only then did I pay attention to the blondes clothes. He was wearing short black pants that came only to his knees and a white vest. On his feet he had black shoes, the same style as Dr. Martens. And on his neck a large, fake leather collar. Yes, sir. Said the blond, rushed upstairs and came back in no time , with the same outfit as his, except for the collar. Dress said the master to me. I dressed and looked myself over. Well.. It was fine enough. A leash said the green eyed man and the blond disappeared again, this time to come back with a black leather leash. A leash? What does he think I am ? A dog? Damn.. I thaught as Shaun fastened the leash to my neck and handled it to me. Stay he said and went upstairs. Stay? Its unbelievable.. I was terribly annoyed as I looked after him. I sat down on the floor and tried to make sense from this situation.. Here I was on a small planet, which allowed slavery as one of the natural things of life, dressed like an idiot and treated like a dog by a handsome man, whom is too strong to be just a man. Nope.. It still didnt make sense.. Shaun came back, wearing different clothes and looked at me. Get up he said, and I complied. He took the leash and pulled me after him. Soon enough I found out that this thing was quite choking. We entered into a green hover car. He sat on the drivers sit and I sat, well.. On the floor.. I started to really dislike this. Apparently this was something I should get used to, but something inside me revolted that kind of treatment. And besides, I couldnt see where we were going. So I just sat there, staring up at him. He parked the car and ordered Out! He pulled the leash again. I opened my mouth to say something. But the cold look in his eyes stopped me. We came to a big mall and entered a small store inside. Shaun! I heard, and a young woman came from behind the counter. Hi there, Beth.. he said and smiled. As he came to hug her, he released my leash and then forgot to take it back. What do you want this time? Asked the woman. I came to brand a new slave.. came the answer.

A new one? What are you, a millionaire or something? I didnt stick around to hear the answer. As I heard the word brand several not very pleasant images came to my mind, mostly involving hot iron. I took the leash from my neck, dropped it on the floor and took a hike. As I ran through the shopping center not looking where I was going, I suddenly bumped into somebody and fell. I looked up to see a man standing above me smiling. He grabbed my hair and pulled me up. I twitched from the pain and tried to get free. Damn.. He was so much stronger than I. I pulled back just to find another man standing behind me. Well what do we have here? A little human? Who do you belong to? I felt panic rising in me. N..n..n..nobody.. Really? Well thats great.. I didnt like the way he smiled. The first man had loosened his grip a bit and I pulled away , tried to run but stumbled and fell with my face down. I struggled to get up and was kicked by a heavy boot. Then I realized what their full strength was. I felt like I was ran over by a hover car, moving full speed. I shuddered and waited for another one. I just couldnt move. Tears of pain and fear were flowing from my eyes. Thats how my life will end? Not very nice.. Thats enough! I looked up to see Shaun standing above me. You damaged my property! he spat. The men looked at him. Yeah? Prove it! He says he belongs to nobody. And you thought he meant you? asked Shaun with sarcasm. He grabbed my hair and pulled me up. I moaned. It still was so painful to move.. And then he did something I didnt expect him to do. He hugged me. I felt my panic subside. I just sobbed quietly into his shoulder. He wont let them hurt me... ran through my mind.

No.. but if he belongs to nobody, I could claim him.... I heard one of the men say. Do you have a license? Well, no, but.... Then you have no right to catch humans. Even if they aint owned by anybody. I could report you, you know. I am sure the mall security will like you very much. Fine, fine. one of them said and both of the men retreated.

Shaun looked at me and wiped my tears away. You embarrassed me. He spat.

Sorry? I said, trying to look as sorry as I could. Come on.. he said and pulled me after him, back to the store. Oh, you found him? asked the woman. Yeah, sorry about that, Beth. I dont know what came into him. Sure. He almost threw me on the chair. Sit here and take it like a man. Unbelievable.. Such a coward.. The woman came, with a small tattoo gun. Where do you want it Shaun? On the shoulder as usual. She started to make the tattoo.. I moved a bit and Shaun grabbed me. Dont move!

It hurts! I complained. And it did.. the needles entered under my skin harshly, sending a strong message to my reflexes - move! But I couldnt. It lasted too long.. What is she doing there? A fucking piece of art? Shaun still held me, and when the pain became almost unbearable I buried my head in his stomach. Shh.. I heard him say. Finally it was over. I turned to look at the tattoo. I had a wolfs head on my shoulder and under it was written - Shaun Wolf. I stared at the tattoo for a while. Yeah.. said Shaun. Its a proof all right. You are now mine. I shook my head. No , it wasnt a proof, damn it. I am not his, I am my own. He pulled me up from the chair and into the small toilet cabin in the store. Beth smiled and turned to her other business.

It is a very significant moment, you know.. he said as he dropped the cover on the toilet seat and had me sit on it. And then he kissed me. He kissed me gently, sending a strange sensation through my body as his tongue reached into my mouth, which I u*********sly parted for him. I wondered about the change in him for a second , but then his hand moved to my crotch and I moaned forgetting every other thought that I had except that I wanted this gorgeous man, and I wanted him to want me. He took my vest down and ran his hand through my bare chest. I breathed heavily as he embraced me and thrust my hips into his. He opened the zipper on my pants and dropped them to the floor and then the boxers followed the pants. He gently stroked my hardening member and then turned me around. I struggled remembering the pain. Shh.. I heard and surrendered. I can take it. He saved me, I can take some pain for him. I am sorry.. he whispered. He reached for some kind of cream from the shelf and then worked one of his creamy fingers up my anus. I moaned as I felt the coolness and he kissed me on the neck , working in another finger, widening the entrance. u*********sly I thrust backward trying to get more. I could almost feel him smiling. Soon enough four of his fingers were in me. I heard him opening the zipper on his pants and then the fingers were replaced by something bigger and harder. He didnt thrust into me in one quick motion as he did before. He slowly entered, kissing my neck and stroking my organ. As I felt him getting into me a strange feeling ran across my body. Oh, God. I wanted him so much. I wanted him in me, I wanted him to fuck my brains out as I did to women before. Please! I moaned thrusting backwards. He moved into me till I felt his balls touch my bottom and then out again. His motions got quicker and harder, but I didnt care anymore. I wanted him to do it. It hurt a bit but not too much, I loved it. Please, please! Oh, God, yes! I mumbled and came in his hand as I felt him coming into me. I almost blacked out this time too. Not from pain but from pleasure. As I felt him going limp inside of me, he withdrew, and pulled his pants back on. I turned around to look in his face and whispered Thank you. He smiled and said You are mine. and left the cabin. Well see about that.. I thought as I dressed. He talked to Beth for a while and then said Lets go. I followed him. I could get away again, but somehow I didnt feel like it anymore. Where would I go? He entered the car and I noticed he was holding a shopping bag, which he threw on the front seat. I sat on the floor near his legs and tried to readjust my thoughts. It was so confusing.. I couldnt understand how should I treat him. I mean, he saved me. But then again hes the one who got me into all this. I remembered the feeling I had when he hugged me. I felt safe. I shook my head and decided not to think about it. Lets just see the way things will turn.

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It was a stupid thing for me to do and I knew better, but I let it happen anyway. The problem is that I loved it and I want to do it again, but I don't dare. The consequences of getting caught would destroy my marriage, ruin my family and stamp a brand on my forehead for all to see. I am a forty-three year old wife and mother. My husband Joel and I have three great children; eighteen year old Mike, sixteen year old Cassandra and fourteen year old Donna. My husband is an electrical engineer...

3 years ago
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Employee of the Month

I’d only been in my new place for a couple of weeks but it already felt like home. Ebony and I had lived together for several years but now that she’d consented to marry her boss, it became necessary for me to move on. She knew that she would always be welcome if she wanted some extra-marital fun with me but I was actually looking forward to living solo. With my share of the proceeds from the sale of our apartment and the money that my Granny left me I was able to buy my new home outright. It’s...

First Time
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Younger Cousin In Bed 8211 Climax

If you like my sex story, do send me your comments and suggestions on Any virgins, unsatisfied females in early 20s want to get fucked (no strings attached) by me in Mumbai, do email me. Secrecy will be maintained. Dear ISS Readers, This is Sameer again coming back with the rest of the story. After receiving enormous amount of emails and comments for my real life sex story, I got encouraged to write the next part of this sex story. At the end of the previous part, you were left with a...

4 years ago
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Flat but Sexy

It’s only girls who are hot blondes with full figures and big tits who can be exhibitionists, right? Wrong! I’m proof that it’s wrong. I’m 5’3”, ninety one pounds, skinny, with a little less than A cup tits, more or less “bumps” with very long, very sensitive nipples, but I’m still an exhibitionist. I didn’t know that about myself for a long time—many years, in fact. All through Jr. High and High School, I heard all of the insults and teasing about being “Flattie”, “Fried Eggs”, “Tom Boy”,...

2 years ago
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Marvel Sexual Universe

Welcome to the Marvel Universe, it is I, the god who created this reality, invite you to explore and enjoy my world. Now, usually my world is rated PG-13, something people of all ages can enjoy sitting together. But today particularly I feel very horny which is why I have filled this iteration of the same events with a lot of sex. Nasty stuff. Just pick a story below and start reading.

2 years ago
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Black Cock Worship

Hello, my name is Charlotte. I know you won't believe this and normally I wouldn't admit to it, but I am Otis' cock slave. There really isn't any other way to put it. And the really strange part, the really, really strange part, is that I come from a straight-laced New England family and Otis is barely educated and was just a worker in one of my husband's warehouses.This is a strange tale, one that I find hard to believe even though I am living it. I first met Otis when he was working at our...

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The Wolf

You see i'm a Lycanthrop or as we are usually called a werewolf. Now I wasn't born like this, nor did I want it. You see about ten years ago I was walking home when I saw this dog (or what I thought was a dog) get hit by a truck and being a dog lover I had to go see if I could help. When i got closer I saw it was a large wolf, it looked dead so I reached out to check if it was breathing when the damn thing bit me and ran off. I thought nothing of it, I just went home and bandaged my hand....

2 years ago
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a hot night with a hot GILF

a hot night wit a hot G.I.L.Fi was preforming at a club down in the hot springs of a florida retirement community club.the drinks were stirring,the ladies were getting "loose".doing my set i was making them had been a while since i had gotten any and i was feeling it this night,giving it my all and working the stave like an obedient slave.though it wasn't for the crowd,it was for the elderly beauty in the front row.she was giving me that glare you get wen you are making a dame as wet...

2 years ago
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The Eye Witness Chapters 3 and 4

The Eye Witness Chapter # 3 Like I said I had just stood up from putting the shoes I found over to one side, and was fixing the dress I had on to hang right, when I heard Jennifer calling to me saying, "Come on Jack, we need to get your make over started." She told me to get in the chair in front of the wash sink. She said she was going to wash my hair and also add color to make it lighter. I walked over and sat in the chair as she put this pink plastic wrap around me to protect my...

1 year ago
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TeenPies Lovita Fate Perfect Pose For A Creampie

Beautiful blonde babe Lovita Fate has always had dreams of being a model, so when she shows up at our studs studio looking to do some naked posing, she refuses to take no for an answer. He finally lets her inside, and she takes off all her clothes as he watches her every move. Her body is flawless, and he is sure to create a masterpiece. He oils up her body and then rubs her clit with his fingers. Her breathing gets heavy, and her pussy gets moist, and soon the artist is sticking his cock deep...

4 years ago
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My first fetish

I don’t know exactly when this strange fetish of mine began but it’s been a haunting of mine ever since. It’s more then just a sneaker fetish. I have had the urge to be with a woman who would wear my sneakers. I haven’t found any info on the web about this so I must be unique. So here’s the my story of my first time ever with a woman and the end of that darn fetish. When I was in my early teens I saw my best friend’s older sister wearing his...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Hazel Grace Thorough Checkup By Nurse

If you’ve ever had a naughty fantasy about the hottest ebony babe you can imagine being your nurse, then you’ll love this premium Penthouse film with Hazel Grace giving Codey Steele a very thorough check up. Wearing a skimpy uniform, this sexy siren is exactly what the doctor ordered in white stockings and red suspenders. A deepthroat blowjob from the bootylicious starlet ensures her stud is ready to pound her shaved pussy, her full titties jiggling from cowgirl ride to doggystyle...

4 years ago
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Finals Frenzy

“God he is cute.” I think to myself as I watch him walk in front of me. I try not to be obvious as my eyes trail up his figure and settle on his face. I catch myself ogling at him and a small blush crosses my cheeks. My fingers dance across the keyboard of my phone in an attempt to distract myself. “Hottie Alert!” Message sent to Alyssa. I quickly text my bestie, while stepping behind him. We were standing in line at the university’s coffee shop. It was finals season and the trail of sleep...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Aftermath of Chaos

A sequel to Tears of a Clone by Csquared Ten years had passed since the day the Survivors had decided to depart their planet. Ten years had they been searching for Earth, for their long forgotten ancestors. Ten years had they failed miserably at getting anywhere close to their destination. Of the two hundred brave souls who had agreed to leave everything they knew behind on the long shot that they would find Earth with their corrupted navigational charts and faulty computer systems, only...

3 years ago
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Mrs Grace I

My name is Richard Price, usually known as Ric. I think I must have been about four or five when I first became aware of Mrs.Grace. She lived alone three houses along the street from our house. My parents were quite friendly with her, and were the only people in our street who called her by her given name, Catherine. It was never Cath, Cat or Cathy, but always Catherine. Mrs.Grace is a beautiful lady, but not in the popular advertising way, or like on TV and films. She is tall for a woman, I...

2 years ago
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Sex with my aunt

Well I am Tarakesh you would have read my first sex experience. This is my second experience with my aunt. This is in my second inter in pongal holidays, then I was 16years. It is always like summer in my grandmother’s village, my entire family was at my grand mother’s house. Where my youngest uncle with his newly wed wife is there.We all went to farm where electrical pump from bore is there we all have been taking bath It was hot, and most of us were bathing under a pump which is used in...

2 years ago
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CrissyGeorgeDebbie Chapter Two

George was looking at my small breast and he bent down and started sucking on one then the other. God that felt so good. I bent my legs and placed the heels of my feet against my ass check and spread my legs as far as they would go. George took one of his free hands and spread my bald cunt lips apart exposing my hard little clit to the air. It stood attention when he started to rub it. I could feel my pussy getting wet. “Please fuck me some more.” I begged. George just raised his head from my...

3 years ago
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Wagons HoChapter 16

May 15, 1845 We spent a big part of the day climbing onto a plateau. I was scouting ahead and Millie and Lettie decided they were going with me today. We went ahead to the steep downgrade Ab had told me about. It had to be the steepest I had ever even heard of a wagon going down. Fortunately, the hill wasn't as long as I imagined it would be. Ab had mentioned wagons putting poles through all four wheels, but he said that even then the wagons sometimes pushed the oxen or mules pulling it to...

1 year ago
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My First With Afroz

I was transferred to Pahalgam in Kashmir Valley and took up a small studio apartment near the Mall. It was a one room with bathroom/WC and a small balcony. The one room contained kitchen, one single bed and two chairs/centretable. I had left my family behind in Delhi. I am 50 years old and can cook myself. I had joined my duty and was working from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ( 5 days a week). It had started to snow and there was also a freezing cold wind in Pahalgam. It was Friday evening, so I was...

Gay Male
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Ms Yates Chapters 2 and 3

Ms. Yates A Novel Two Thursday afternoon, Meredith came over. Marjorie was working, so they were alone in the house. Meredith was the only friend so permitted. "Holy shit!" she gasped when Tina answered the door. "Look at you!" Tina turned to face the full-length mirror in the hallway: denim miniskirt with lace trim at the hem; white gauze blouse through which the outline of her new training bra was plainly visible; pantyhose and a pair of black pumps with a little heel....

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Meri Gaand Faati

Hi Friends this is Shweta from Delhi. Well My previous sex experinces has been narrated by the Abshiek but due to the some problems he cann’t carry on with his stories and my own sex experience. So now I am here to tell your experiences. Well My name is Shweta from New Delhi, working as a housewife and mother of the 3 kids. I am 32 years old and my sex life it was not so good before the Abshiek came into my sex life and fuck me hard. About myself fair in complex, nice and soft breast( or you...

3 years ago
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The Condo SwappersChapter 11

Laurie Simmons skipped off the elevator and headed down the hallway towards the Hartley's apartment. Dressed in a pair of cut-off jeans and a small halter top, she walked up to the door and rang the bell. A thin, dark-haired, young man, dressed in a bathrobe, answered the door. "Hello, Laurie. Come in, you're right on time." He led her into the living room and offered her a chair. "We just put Michael to bed. He should sleep all evening so you should not have any trouble with him. As...

4 years ago
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Blazing AngelsChapter 9

The next few weeks went by in a blur of activity. Relocating every one to the mountain base being no mean feat. Aliya spent most of the time transferring items back and forth, whilst Katrina was helping to plan some of the logistics. The supply freight that they were leave on would be the last for almost a year. Katrina couldn't help be a little sore as how much she was being ripped off her find. Still at least I will be off this frozen planet and able to take on a new contract. She cheered...

1 year ago
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Blackbone Crossing

AUTHORS NOTE: This story is still a work in progress, I’ve got a lot of idea’s on where I want to take it and what different chapters are going to be. I decided to publish Blackbone Crossing because I really wanted some feedback/ideas. The story is open to other writers, so feel free to submit your addition!Some chapters I’m still working on and I haven’t published anything for, I’ll mark them with: (w.i.p) Thank you for reading and let me know what you think! “get your mangy paws out of your...

3 years ago
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Milk and Chocolate a Gorgeous Alliance

“You two beauties are going to be famous,” chuckled Dearie, lovingly nurturing Verd and Azu. “Fuck, I thought they were already,” snickered Nash their carer, dabbing them softly with man sized tissues. “Round there darling,” murmured twenty two year old Dearie hefting Azu and indicating smears of white cream under her left side, that’s Azu’s left side. “Just rub it in.” The wrap around mirrors behind and to each end of the bath enabled the loving mother to attend every aspect of the daily...

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Night of the Sheromps

With many, many apologies to Dr. Johnson. Despite her best efforts, Elizabeth had turned out to be a bad wife after all. She really put her heart and soul into it, spending every moment of the day either cooking or cleaning, always presenting Richard with a picturesque household. But there was one thing she had not given him, and that was a child. At first it had been simply a quirk of fate, but then as time went on her failure to conceive became more and more apparent. Richard wanted a son to...

4 years ago
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The FlickOne night, when I was a younger man in my early 20’s, a few of my buddies at UC Davis invited me to come up and accompany them to the AC⚡️DC “MONEYTALKS” concert in Sacramento on Saturday night. How can I refuse an offer like that? So off I went in my ‘68 Camaro on Friday afternoon to make the :45 minute drive to Davis. After arriving to my pals apartment, we sucked down a couple beers and were soon joined by a couple other high school buddies and the drinking and planning our Friday...

2 years ago
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The Collector

The Collector By Mister Double U "It was a dark and stormy night. A lone figure moved effortlessly through the thick underbrush. The large, ornate house loomed off in the distance. The figure raised the binoculars to his face and peered through the heavy rain." Thud "What a load of crap," I said, throwing the script on the floor. "Michael, baby," said my agent, Morrie, "It's the latest by Hamburg. He's the guy that wrote that absolutely fabulous movie, 'Isle of...

2 years ago
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Hockey buddy and his wife 1

I play on a men's league hockey team. A guy named Pete has been a teammate for several years. Pete and I are both former college players. We are both small, I'm five feet eight inches tall and Pete is a couple of inches shorter than me and we both payed division three hockey. We shower after games and I have noticed that Pete has a small dick, like really small. I am not huge but it is above average at seven and a half inches. Last month after a game, Pete invited me to his house for a drink....

3 years ago
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Confession Of Brother And Sister

Hi everyone, after a yearlong of silence, I hereby reveal our secret – my own elder sister and I are having consensual sex for over a year now. It is such a relieving experience to share my dirty secret with you all. I have mixed feelings about my relationship with my sister sometimes it haunts me as being immoral whereas sometimes it gives me immense sexual pleasure which is incomparable it words, perhaps the thrill of breaking the social norms by ‘doing’ the ‘undoable’ and even at the thought...

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An unexpected night visitor

An unexpected night visitorI had been home alone for a full week, my loving Victor out of town on a long business trip.I was really tired that Friday night when I came back home from my office.After pulling my car into the driveway, I failed to notice that some of the lights I had left on earlier, now were off. Only when I got close to the front door, key in hand, I had a sense that something was wrong...I opened the door and stepped inside. Then I felt a hand close to my wrist. I gasped, but I...

4 years ago
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THE FIRST WEEKEND…Friday seemed to come quickly this week. Angel had spent most of her time working around the house preparing for her absence over the weekend. Her thoughts always seemed to return to the big black man that she had taken into her mouth. The one who would now own her for the weekend. What was going to happen to her? What will she be made to do? Why didn’t Ken seem to care? All he had been doing was working or going over his books. He hadn’t even bothered to ask about...

2 years ago
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Naughty Librarian

Where I live, I am unable to receive the "monthly periodicals" with out embarrassment. But the local library has quite the collection. Usually a month behind, but they are there none the less. So today is the day of my monthly visit. Knowing that it is a very quiet day at the library. And knowing that the magazine section is in a rather secluded area of the library so I can have a little privacy when reading the "articles". I also get to see my favorite librarian, Leigh. There is something...

4 years ago
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Little Sister

Hi my name is Stacie Willis I am 16 yrs. old, but a year ago I had a different name and was older. I used to a guy by the name of Carlos Martin until something very strange happened. As I said earlier It was about a year ago when my whole life was changed. That was the day I went from a 19 yr. old guy to a 15 yr. old girl. It wouldn't have been so bad if I was turned into a boy, but somebody just had to turn me into a girl. OK I'm getting ahead of myself; let me get back to my...

1 year ago
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Cattlemans LamentChapter 7

Again, it was Enid who came toward the clearing first, still riding the piebald mare. She went into a canter and then had to pull hard on the reins as she saw that Frank was not alone ... that there was a body lying on the ground. “What did you do?“ she yelled, jumping down from her horse and running to stand over the obviously dead man. “I saw you with your pistol out!” she said excitedly. “So I knew there was trouble. Did you shoot him?” she asked, breathless. “I didn’t hear a...

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 26 A Tiff

Taylor had asked for another pow-wow with the mothers that had talked to her about the Circle. She said there was no rush, so about five-thirty that evening Alice, Kat, Joan, and Nancy made it a point to be there with Taylor at the end of the childcare day. They each had their tots squirming in their lap. Taylor said, “I thought a lot about what you told me about the Circle. To put my remarks in perspective, I’ve only seen some hugging and kissing going on, and I’ve only met two of the men...

1 year ago
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His 40th Bday

I spent most of the day at Jimmy’s house helping him prepare for his 40th birthday party. It was 5 o’clock in the afternoon when we were all done and weren't expecting anyone for the next hour, the house looked spectacular. I was literally exhausted, the doorbell rang and his first guest came in, it was his sister; she brought a half minivan of gifts for him. I helped carry the gifts inside “Jimmy” I pulled him to the side “have to go home and get ready” I whispered to him “thought you said you...

2 years ago
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Abandoned InhibitionsPart 2 Our First Threesome

Liu took off his shirt and was now completely naked and stroking his very erect cock as Mel and I basked in our afterglow in each other’s arms. He left the room, but quickly returned with a plastic chair. This was no ordinary chair. It had a huge hole in the seat so that when he sat in it, his ass was exposed. When he sat in that chair, he wanted his ass licked. I left Mel’s embrace and crawled on our fours towards Liu. Positioning myself to the back of the chair, I opened his ass cheeks and...

3 years ago
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What the step daughter sawtoo

Well,a few hours after my first encounter,I woke,needing to go to the toilet again.I just had to lie there waiting until Louise or her s*s looked in on me.The effects of the d**gs had worn off and I just needed to pee before my bladder burst.After 5 mins the pressure was too much and I looked in desperation for something,anything to pee in.Then I spotted an empty vase in a box of junk that was going to be thrown out,but it was at least 6 ft away.Only one thing for it,lean out of the bed and let...

2 years ago
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The Box

Cherry pulled into the garage after a long week at work. Damn, she thought, I forgot to get the mail. She debated whether to be lazy and get it tomorrow or walk back and get it now. Getting it now won out. As she opened the mailbox she was surprised to find a package. I have not ordered anything, she thought. As she pulled out the square brown paper wrapped box that seemed heavy for its size she heard a jangling noise. She examined the box. No return address and no post mark. She frowned and...

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Prince Charming

She truly was a childhood depiction of a princess too. Willowy body, long tousled chestnut hair that had shocks of blonde from the sun exclusively in the summer time. Her lips were full and wide, curving at the edges to give her face a kind look even when she was upset. Eyes a vibrant dark jade that I had to pull myself away from before I looked too long. 

 At first she was all frills. A princess in her truest form. Puffy dresses and crowns set plastic jewels, but as we grew older her...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Emma Hix Spreads Her Pink Pussy For Big Cock

Emma Hix is an alluring blonde who loves to pamper her man, Charles Dera, every time she has the chance. Charles just closed a huge deal with his company, and Emma has the perfect idea of how to reward him. The slim blonde performs a bit of striptease for Charles while wearing her sexiest lingerie. She then drops to her knees and gives her man a blowjob. Emma can’t help but gag as Charles rams his cock deeper down her throat. After the sloppy deepthroat, Emma’s shaved pussy is...

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Best Friends Go Wrong Part 1

My parents were divored, and they didn't speak much. Mom was sixteen when dad fucked her ass off, and so she was pregnant with the result of me. Life wasn't very good, until I went to Santa Monica college and found great friends. It was liberating to finally be without reach of my parents' fights and arguements, and at times, hardcore sex. Even at nineteen, I'm still a virgin, which is embarrassing, since my parents are like sex addicts. I guess from the inappropriate episodes of fucking and...

Group Sex
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PureTaboo Laney Grey The Bad Neighbors

In this prequel to THE BAD UNCLE, Crystal (Laney Grey) is swimming in a pool when it starts to rain. She jumps out and tries to get back inside her house, but realizes the doors are locked. It is revealed that she has recently moved in with one of her parents, but their relationship isn’t great. The parent in question seems to have forgotten she was swimming and locked her out before leaving for work. Crystal has no choice but to go next door and see if her neighbors will let her in to...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Sierra Nicole 22909

These days, if your computer goes out, you’re essentially fucked. And we even mean literally, as happens to be the case with Sierra Nicole, who decides the situation she’s in with the computer she’s using requires more than ctrl + alt +delete. While masturbating to some good ol’ porn, something goes haywire with her friend’s laptop, and Sierra’s left with some hardcore fucking frozen on the screen. Screwed in more ways than she already knows, Sierra calls over her friend’s geeky brother Damon...

2 years ago
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Being Submissive To Your Lady

First of all, thanks to Indian Sex Stories for publishing my sex story, and I thank you all the readers for your wonderful response I got from my last story, Roadside fuck. So as I told you I am a doctor, a central government employee. This happened during my initial training period of getting my job.All the trainees stayed together, it was a sort of college going experience after college. So, as it happened, it was tough training during the initial days, days went by we all got used to...

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