Dirty Kelly 1 free porn video

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She didn't want to do this. She really didn't. Maybe, her big, black, two year old Beemer had a mind of its own, and it really wasn't her, driving towards this one place, this one place, she had vowed never to return to. The five storey block of flats, grew bigger and bigger the closer she got.

It had started to snow, and she would have to run to get to the entrance lobby before she was soaking and cold. She wasn't dressed for winter.

The carpark was near empty, but still she parked as far away and discreetly as possible. Her heart rate was pounding, her hands clammy, her head.....scrambled. 'Why am I doing this?' she asked herself. 'Why....why....why'. She asked the question, but, like with other times...she never really searched for an answer

She got out of the car, did her coat up tight as possible and locked the car with the remote. The snow, thankfully was stopping, but the wind still found its way to all the bare and exposed flesh beneath her warm wool coat. A normal person would have worn jeans or trousers on such a day, but, a normal person wouldn't be doing what she was about to do. A gust of wind blew round her arse, and still further up, her nipples rubbed on the wool coat, making them stiff and very sore. Her boots were thigh high and more designed for the bedroom, than trudging through the slow and slush she walked over. At least they would no doubt fill their true purpose. She looked around for observers, then headed for the main entrance. Juices running down her inner thigh told her she should have worn underwear. Too late now! She pressed the entrance buzzer, and a second later a voice said 'hello'. She replied 'it's me', to which the door opened and in she went. The door closed, on her, locking the wintry weather behind her. The lift door was open, and she entered, pressing 3. The door closed and the lift rose, taking her to her new lovers lair. She really, really, shouldn't be doing this.


Kelly Walker was 42 years old and married to Ray, 45. They have two boys Kevin and Phillip, 18 and 16 respectively. She is a very attractive 5'4" 110lbs brunette. Her body is, and she knows it, as close to perfection as is possible for a woman her age. Save for a little loose flesh around her middle...her baby flesh...she is in the best shape of her life. She goes to weight watchers, primarily to keep herself in check, but also to piss off most of the other women who go there. They hate her. And she knows it. Oh, they say all the right things, but, she knows. She knows they call her behind her back..."what is she doing here...bitch!" She knows, but also, she revels in it. They're also so right. She is a bitch. Always has been. Always will be. That's just part of the dna of the person. She loves it.

Kelly was manageress of a garden centre on the outskirts of the city, and was very good at her job. She was efficient, well organised and never failed to meet her goals set by the board of directors, and always got her full bonus at the end of year. Her black bmw was her company car, and was suitably proud of driving better cars than all of her peers. All done without having to suck one bosses cock, or spread her legs, once, for her to get up the managerial pole. That she was proud of. Till this happens.

Ray, her husband, is a big man. Big in stature, big in charisma, big in all ways, including cock size. The first time they had sex, on their second date, Kelly swooned at the size of him. They had been for a nice meal in town and had had several drinks before returning to Ray's rented flat, in an outer suburb of the city. Ray was at technical college, getting his certificates, to qualify as an electronic engineer. He was 21 at the time, and Kelly, newly 18. She wasn't a virgin. Not by a long chalk. That night, fuelled by a few to many tipples, she was ready for anything. She had dressed for the occasion and Ray was under no illusion, that this was the night. They'd played footsie in the restaurant, and when he'd stroked her backside in the crowded bar, he realised she wasn't wearing any underwear. His cock had grown at the thought of unzipping her fitted summer dress, letting it fall too the floor and leaving her standing, naked before him. He couldn't wait. He had continued running his finger tips over the silky material covering her young firm flesh. She pushed back onto his fingers, telling him she had no problem with his actions. His cock grew harder. His big hand took a handful of flesh and squeezed firmly. She smiled, and winked at him. 'I fancy a coffee.....at your place' she whispered. Ten minutes later they were in a taxi, making out in the back seat, with Ray's tongue wrestling Kelly's. The taxi driver altered his interior mirror, watching the young couple explore each other's body. He'd seen it many times, but never tired of watching. They didn't notice...they, like others, never did.

Their first time lasted just under five minutes. Ray had his moment, watching her dress pour onto his living room carpet, leaving her in sandals and hold up stockings. She was exquisite. Perfect in every way. Her 32B breasts were as firm as any he'd had the privilege of fondling, her arse, the perfect peach. She had torn at his belt, as desperate as he was, needing her wet void filled, and filled quick. His Levi's joined her dress on the floor, and Kelly was momentarily speechless. She had dragged Ray's boxer shorts down with his jeans and as she was on her knees to do this as their height difference demanded it, she was shocked at the size of the flesh that sprang out and up, nearly hitting her in the chin. It was huge. Kelly had been quite promiscuous in her teenage years and had probably had nearly 40 different cocks since giving up her cherry at the age of 14, but, nothing compared to the sight in front of her. Ray's completely erect cock, standing a proud 9" long, thick, and, new to Kelly, curved in a way that reminded her of a big thick long banana.

That night she became a screamer. She had been so wet, so ready, that she took most of the weapon easier than she could have imagined. What she realised that the shape meant that she was touched in places she didn't know she had. He was a good experienced lover, and the angle he fucked her with, ensured that her clit was rasped with every thrust. She cried with excitement and became vocal as her release approached. A hand over her mouth stifled the scream that would have woken the dead, and probably raised a call to the police for a possible murder being committed from a concerned neighbour. Never had she cum as quick and hard, the young girl falling in love, and lust, at that very moment.

Six months later they were married. Kelly pregnant, and happy. Ray, qualified, working, and also, very happy. Unfortunately, Kelly miscarried and was heart broken. Life went on.


Kelly and Ray's sex life was excellent. They were a perfect match. Soul mates and sexmates. Two c***dren appeared over the next couple of years and life was complete. Ray was working, earning big money and Kelly was a supervisor at a garden centre. They bought a bigger house, bigger than they could afford, but as was the case at that time, the lenders were throwing money at people so, like others, they got into debt. Big debt.

Ray was working on building sites and sometimes had to work 7 days a week, but, as was the case....needs, must! The money was excellent, but wasn't quite covering the bills. Kelly had to work another occasional shift, and over a period of time, managed to get a promotion to assistant manager. Things picked up, and they coped with the debt. Money was still tight, but they were frugal, and kept their pleasures, to mainly fun in the bedroom...and the bathroom...oh, and the kitchen...anywhere really. Ray was convinced she was a nymphomaniac. She said she was the way she was because of his big banana. It was all his 'fault'. She loved his cock, often. Rarely, not one day went by when Ray's monster wasn't in one of her three orifices....periods didn't stop them. Nothing did. She had had anal sex before Ray, but let him think he had taken that virginity, knowing she had had sex before, but not the extent of it. He was unaware of her reputation as an easy lay, nor would he have believed it. He just thought what they had was....special. And it was, of that their was no doubt.

Kelly was not averse to dressing up for her man. Her wardrobe, containing five bedroom costumes, were all designed to excite and provoke her husband. It never failed. A Saturday night, with the boys at grandmas, often began in the kitchen and sometimes ended in the garden. Once it ended in the graveyard with Kelly being banged doggy style over a moss covered fallen head stone. She was a wicked woman.

Over time, she added body art, and body piercings....growing to enjoy the pain endured while under the tattooists ministrations. Ray was always unaware what she was getting done, but saw it as an expression of her love for him. It didn't bother him, or even make him realise, that a man had had his hands on her left breast and nipple, and had had his fingers on, and partially in her probably wet pussy. All he saw was an even sexier woman, screaming for him to fuck her harder, and demanding satisfaction. He always obliged. On his 35th birthday she had her pussy waxed, professionally getting a Hollywood for him. His dream woman was complete. A year later, he lost his job.


The lift came to a stop with a bump, making Kelly's braless breasts bounce under her coat exciting her erect nipples even more. She was sure she could smell her musky sex leaking love juice. This didn't embarrass her, in fact, to the contrary, it seemed to fuel her desire even further.

During the ride up in the lift, she realised that her love for a 'bad boy' had returned to haunt her....many a youth in her wanton teenage years had had the pleasure of Kelly's talents with both her mouth and hands as well as her cunt....she was available even during a lesson in school, which happened on more than one occasion. The worse the reputation of the boy, the bigger the attraction was on Kelly. She didn't know why, nor did she do anything about it. She was their plaything, and play they did. Often in multiples of more than four of them. They rarely wore her out.

As she walked to the third door on the landing, she started to unfasten the buttons on her coat. The door was slightly open, so she pushed it wide with her thigh high boot, then off came the coat, falling to the floor, she walked naked into the flat.

'Hello Kelly. Wow'.

'Hello Jason. I've got something for you'

'So I see!.... Give us a twirl, girl....lets see that bare arse....Double wow....that's fucking amazing. Bend over...look at me between ya legs....spread em wider, and pull ya cheeks apart.....good girl....what a fucking slut. Haha'

'Watch your mouth, boy. I'm still your boss' she said, smiling at him, knowing full well that when they were together, like this... he was in charge.

'I'll say as I want, you slag. Your only here coz ya like it rough..ya like a toy boy bad boy, don't you? Like I said, my brother used you all those years ago. Now it's my turn. Once a slut, always a slut. Am I right?'

'Spose so' she replied, bowing her head in mock embarrassment. Playing the game. Like a good obedient slut.

'Ok stand up and come over here' he demanded. She stood straight, giving herself a second to regain her balance, again feeling a trickle running down her leg. She was gagging for it. She obediently walked towards him.

Jason was sitting in a reclining chair with a footstool in front of it. All he was wearing was shorts and tee shirt. His shorts were tented with his hard erection. This would be the third time she would have that cock in her, and if she was honest, it wasn't a patch on the cock she enjoyed at home with Ray. But it was owned by a bad boy, who happened upon a glitch in her head that had lain dormant for years,and he had been reignited upon his discovery that his elder brother had been a participant in many a gangbang when both he and Kelly were at school together. It had been quite a day when he learned of her antics in the school gym at dinner times, and how she loved to suck off all the gang his brother belonged too. Many a day she returned to afternoon class, having had to clean up as best she could, all the cum that had been sprayed on her face and hair. She'd told them too cum in her mouth, but, bad boys don't do as they're told, do they? and had proceeded to shoot wherever the fuck they wanted. She did like the taste of cum though, and often got her fair share of it. Jason's brother had told him everything. She didn't stand a chance.


Ray turned in for work a 0800 that fateful Monday in late April 2008, to be called into the managers office in the site hut, where he was told, that the building site was to be mothballed due to the housing market coming to a sudden halt with properties nor selling amid the banking crisis that was filling the newspapers. While nor surprised he was still gutted. He had had the sense to make contingency plans, but he knew they weren't going to go down well. Kelly would go ballistic. She did.

'Fucking London....your not serious...seven days a week for two month stints!!! And what? Good little wifey runs this place, working full time and raising your sons while you piss it up in London...no fucking way!'

Ray wasn't surprised at her response, he knew she'd blow her top like this. He also knew she wouldn't back down. Kelly, gorgeous, sexy wife that she is...also could be the most volatile stick of dynamite imaginable. And....at times, quite vindictive. Even though she knew of all the shit on the news, she just never imagined for one moment that it could ever affect their own perfect little life.

'I don't have an option, pet. London's the only place that's still building with decent money. This place will be on the market in a month otherwise....we can't pay the mortgage!'

'Two months!!!!!!! That's just bollocks!!!! People just don't do that', she screamed, then broke down in tears.

Ray took her in his arms, trying to console her. 'Don't fucking touch me!' She hissed at him, grabbed her car keys and stormed out of the house.

"Bang!" The door slammed, then silence. Ray grabbed a beer and sat in the conservatory, watching the rain pouring down. 'She'll come round' he said out loud. 'She has too'.

An hour later, sitting in her sister Rachael's house, Kelly had stopped crying and was now just plain angry. 'Fucking bastard....he's fucking loving this. Leaving me with the k**s while he leads the fucking high life in fucking London!'

'Calm down ya mad bitch. It's not like that at all....he'll be working seven days a week...ten hour shifts...think about it....70 hours a week! He'll be too tired to go for a pint, let alone party till past midnight. Can't ya see that?'

'But Rach, two fucking months!'

"Oh....I get it...I see! Your not bothered about Ray doing this, or doing that....are you?...no...I know what's biting your cute derrière....NO COCK for lill old Kelly......haha...that's what it is, isn't it? Your not gonna get ya daily ration of old Ray's bendy cock! You cow!.... Your a right bitch!' she went on, holding no punches as she tore into her angry sister...'you don't know how lucky you are!..... That man would give you heaven and the stars if he could, and your blowing your top, purely because of how it's going to affect you!... Our Kelly you are a pure cunt, sometimes. Grow up! People are losing jobs hand over fist out there, house prices are crashing, Ray's done good, girl. Don't you see that? He's protecting you all. You, and the boys. Buy a fucking vibrator!! It won't last for ever, hopefully. It'll get sorted. He'll be back soon...soon as the market picks up. I promise.'

They were in each other's arms, sobbing quietly. Kelly, knowing in her heart, that big s*s was right. She still didn't like it.

'Now, why don't you go to the supermarket, get two steaks and some nice wine...go home, put one of your bedroom outfits on, and fuck his brains out, all night!.... He's not away for three days, so make the most of it. Take a few days off work, and spent some time together. How's that sound?'

Tears followed, then a sigh, then a deep breath showing big s*s that her petulant sibling was maybe realising that life sometimes wasn't always a bed of roses.

'Humph!...ok. I'm still not happy....but I'll try!'

'Kell, your fucking unreal. Sometimes....I could just put you over my knee, and spank that arse of yours....'

'Sorry.....I'm just...gonna miss him so much'

'Look....here's a deal. Get home and make up with Ray, and I'll look after the k**s every other weekend, or when your days off are...and you go down for a couple of nights, and get ya selves sexed up...how's that?'

'Pretty damned good girl! Now I remember why I love you so much!.. Thank you'. The two sisters melted into each other's arms, Rachael sighed with relieve...relieved she wouldn't have to get Koffi Annan in, to settle another one of Kelly's disputes. She was hard work at times. Just like when she was a youth. She pushed that thought out of her brain.

'Do you think he'd like the frenchmaid, or....the nurses uniform.'

'Give me fucking strength!' But, she was gone.


Jason Allen, was 6 years younger than his elder brother, Peter, who had been classmate and fuckbuddy to Kelly George as she was before she married Ray. Peter had served at her majesty's pleasure a couple of times in his past, and was newly out on licence. Three weeks ago at a family lunch (his curfew time was 1700), he had learned from Jason that his new job, at a garden centre, was managed by a female called Kelly Ranson. It meant nothing to him. The surname threw him. But he didn't forget. Ex cons store all sorts of information. That rainy day......

It was a few days later, while at work, during his lunch break, when he received a text from his brothers mobile. 'Hi b*o....take a pic of this sexy boss of yours, the one you'd like to fuck, and sent me it....might have good news for you..lol'

'Don't even think of doing this place...I like it here!'

'Haha, no...nothing like that. Sent me a pic'

'Ok, give me 10....gotta find the bitch'

Cutting short his break, Jason headed into the office, thinking desperately of an excuse as to why he should be there.

He didn't need one. On the wall was a photograph of Kelly, shaking hands with a local counsellor, who was receiving a donation from the company towards a local hospice. Perfect! He quickly snapped the photo, cropped it, and sent the end result to big b*o. Two minutes later, a reply came, saying simply....'your dreams are coming true!' Jason, was bewildered.

'WTF?' He sent back

'I'll tell you later....a clue!...your boss likes to be spanked'.

Jason, was again, even more bewildered. He put his phone in his pocket and climbed into his forklift truck, and readied himself for a delivery of Christmas trees. 'Anal?'


Ray packed his van with tools, clothes, and as much food as would last him weeks. It would probably end up in the bin.

The last few days had been a blur of organising, planning and consoling. He'd also had so much sex his cock ached. On the fateful day he'd told Kelly his plans, he'd been on the point of cancelling and putting the house on the market, then the crazy minx had returned from her strop out, completely supportive and full of apologies. She was also laden with goodies making her 'sorry' more sincere. She cried many tears that night, but they were different tears from the ones of earlier. She was now aware of their predicament, and the sacrifice Ray was having to make. sleeping in a site hut, rather than your own bed, was tantamount to the ultimate penance to Kelly's worst nightmare. She'd seen some of the places the contractors slept in, and they weren't good. In fact they were so basic and dirty, that Kelly had once thought to herself, that they were so bad, she couldn't even have a sly fuck in one of them! That's bad.

That afternoon and evening she had spent the time naked the whole time. When she cooked the steaks she wore an old tee shirt of Ray's, but it soon came off.

After fond and tearful farewells, Ray joined the motorway and headed south. He had a five hour drive, but had many happy things in his head to counteract the pain of leaving his very sexy sad wife. His cock would also get a rest. He guessed in the past six days he must have been in one of her holes, at least 25 times. She had been insatiable. Good job he'd had some back up support of a few viagra pills. Friends in low places are handy some times.

He received 6 snapchat messages during the first 3 hours of his journey, all provocative and enticing, but also in good fun......he liked the one with her taking a selfie in the mirror, wearing the police woman's uniform, with the skirt raised and wearing stockings but no knickers....'behave, or I'll lock you up'. The picture disappeared, he adjusted his cock, smiled and concentrated on the road again. Dangerous stuff, this snapchat. And on he drove.


'That's fucking her, I'm telling you. She was in my form group. When we moved here when I was 14, she was in my class then. Right little slag. Been there a month and a lad playing cricket asked he to join him one day. She didn't bat an eyelid. First time I'd seen a pair of tits, never mind pussy. I thought we were going for a fag, behind the school gym...but, no! There she was on her knees, with her school skirt round her waist. This black twat called Roy was banging her doggy, and man did he have a dick! Embarrassed me to hell it did. Course in them days I'd only seen dicks in the showers at school, and never hard, so I didn't have much to compare it with. Could have been the fact it was black as well, mind ya. Haha. I was mesmerised by it....this black pole slamming this white bitch, and in front, this other k** was feeding his cock into her mouth at such a speed i didn't know where it went too. This cunt was loving it. They had her little tits out and another lad was slapping them....she was loving it! I was watching the black k**, and he was pushing a finger in her arse hole, and I was waiting for her to scream blue murder...nothing...just groaned and kept sucking. No johnies either....they all fucked her bareback. What a slut! When they invited me, to fuck her mouth, I was petrified to get my hard cock out in front of the lads...stupid really. Didn't give a fuck for some reason about her...it was getting it out in front of them that seemed weird. Never mind, fifteen minutes later I was balls deep in the sluts well fucked flange, and that was me virginity seen too. Didn't last long mind ya, but she was the school bike and I had months of practicing on her. How the fuck she didn't end up pregnant or riddled.....fuck knows. I reckon two dozen at least had a shot at her at some stage, but we were five regulars who got into her most days of the school week. She sucked me off in every class room in the school. That was my claim to fame. Often wondered how many of the teachers were there.....she denied it but I was sure at least one was, when she was 17. She got better grades than me...haha..wonder why, eh?'

'So, what do I do. I'd love to fuck it...she's so fucking fit! Ya should see the arse on it, amazing. And the gob, too. Right cunt at times. Caught me smoking a few times and balled me out over it. She's even put me on Christmas tree duty. Worst fucking job of the lot'

'Well, you've got to pick your moment, and then when she's giving you grief, let her know quietly that you know someone you went to school with. Tell her this person has photographs of her sixteenth birthday party....see how her tune changes.'

'What's these photos?... Show me'

'Haha....it was 26 years ago....fuck knows where they are now. She doesn't know that though! Just make on they're still in circulation. Was a good day, that was. Eight of us fucked her for 5 hours. She had bite marks all over her body....and by then she was properly developed. Believe me. At one stage she had a cock in every hole and a cock in each hand. One lad was taking pictures and their was one spare. She wore US out...haha...it was us who raised the white flag, not her. Fucking insatiable..... Dirty Kelly, we called her...not very original, but, we were young. So, pick ya moment...you'll be ploughing it before the weeks out. She loves bad lads. Might look her up myself!'

'Fuck off...let me at it first, you twat. Haha'

'I, OK. Gotta be careful anyway. Don't wanna be banged up again over summit I've shagged hundreds of times anyway.....remember, though, she loves to be slapped....arse and tits...fucking loves it!'

'Ok b*o. Looking forward to Monday now! Can feel some bad behaviour coming on. Haha'

'Some new pictures would be nice too!'

'Dirty cunt...we'll see haha!'


With Ray gone, Kelly was seriously lonely. Yes, the boys were there, but they had their own lives, and they just treated home as a hotel, and her as a servant. Normal teenagers really. At the time she just expected Ray to be working away possibly 6 months at most, a year, if things were really bad. She texted him a hundred times a day, snapchat him a dozen, until in the end he had to tell her to cool it, as he was getting into trouble from the site foreman. She was mortified she might get him the sack and then immediately thought it was a good idea, and he would have to come home. She did as he asked. But was still seriously lonely. Then her boss had a stroke, and was admitted to hospital. She was offered his job temporarily. She took it.

The garden centre was part of a national chain, and Kelly was supervisor of 'goods inward'. She had 8 staff to manage, and she had no trouble at all coping with that. She was 36 at the time, and had a good way with people, old and young. She could get people to do as she wanted just by using a calm pleasant attitude, and rarely had to raise her voice or order people about. She didn't have a problem doing that either though, if required. She had management potential, as was noted by her superiors who had no doubt she could step up to the plate when required.

They asked. She accepted.

The result, of this acceptance gave her an immediate lift, her mood was higher, her outlook brighter, her life, once again, buoyant. Ray was delighted, and, but more so....relieved! Her conversations were once again, about the future, how things were on the up, and especially how she stopped plaguing him 24/7.

The initial secondment would be a six months trial, followed by a formal interview as was company procedure at the time. Her predecessor having left the company on medical grounds, had taken early retirement, as offered. The way was clear. All she had to do was prove herself. And prove herself she did.

Just after her 37th birthday, Kelly secured the job full time, her photograph emblazoned at the main door. She was so proud. And justifiably so. Over her trial period, she had worked damned hard. Often first in in the morning, and frequently last away at night. She could turn her hand to most anything in the centre, and basically managed by way of leading by example. Her work ethic seemingly rubbed off on a great majority of her 52 staff, and the company saw first, a rise in turnover, then, a rise in profits, confirmed after audit. Her reward was the job permanently....and, a company car.

Ray, by this time, was getting home every other weekend, and happened to be home that Friday afternoon, when his clever and extremely confident wife, pulled onto their drive in a brand new top of the range Ford Focus. The smile on her face could have launched a thousand ships. The deliriously happy couple started their celebrations on the kitchen table, Kelly's thong pulled to one side, such was the speed and necessity to be as one. The weekend was a happy one....


Jason looked in the full length bedroom mirror, quite early that cold Monday morning. He'd had a shower, which, was very unusual for him, as he never usually had time. He stood six foot, a little overweight at 15 stone, and had closely cropped hair, which he shaved in summer, but let it grow just a little, in the colder weather. He'd shaved his cock last night in the bath, and had moisturised the end result. He liked to be smooth. His cock, not the biggest weapon in the world, but certainly not the smallest, rose to 6 1/2" when erect and was quite thick. He'd certainly had no complaints, and was quite proficient in using it. His next conquest was hopefully going to be his finest hour. Hopefully.....

Dressed in his garden centre uniform, be climbed into his battered old car and set off on the 4 mile journey to work. He played over and over, his brothers story, of Kelly's youth and her love for multiple cock fun. He played over how he hoped it would go down. The blackmail of the 'photographs' was the whole crux of if it would work. He put his chances at 75% probable of success. It was down to him. As he drove to work, he remembered all the times he'd watched her, all the times he'd daydreamed, while driving his forklift, seeing her in his minds eye , how he would use her in every way he could think of. Bending her over her desk and fucking her from behind, pulling her hair as he slammed the stuck up cunt. Forcing her to swallow his cock, then his cum.... Many days he had to park up, and quickly jack one off, such was his desperation. He'd once nearly managed to get some cum into a drink she'd made, but chickened out at the last second. He needed this job.

It was snowing quite heavily, and his mood was tempered by the thought of 300 Christmas trees coming in. Snow made that job horrendous...and.....fucking cold. Hopefully the wagon will break down. But, he knew it wouldn't. He indicated off the dual carriageway, and two minutes later was parking in the staff carpark. Dirty Kelly's BMW was parked in the managers parking slot. He could see himself doing her up the arse on the bonnet of that car....then giggled. Might wait till springtime for that.....


Over the next few years, Kelly and Ray's life improved on both marital and financial fronts. All was good. Except one thing. Sex. Isn't it always?

Kelly continued in the development of her career in management, while Ray made even more big bucks, but still having to do it, working in London. It wasn't, and never would be, ideal. Yes, he got home every two/three weekends , but by the time he'd driven home, and the time he had to leave, their wasn't much time left, between. The boys were getting older, and Ray was losing touch with what and who they were. He didn't know their friends, what they read, what films they watched, what games they played or what music they liked. The short time dad was home, they only really saw him at dinner time, or when they came in and went straight to bed. The only thing they noticed, really, was the noise coming from mum and dads bedroom. Catch up sex. Of course they didn't know what catch up sex was....they did know what sex was though, and their was a lot of it going on the 'olds' bedroom. The eldest son Danny, who was 18, had witnessed mum and dad rutting away like a pair of a****ls, and had actually been quite turned on, that is, after the initial shock had worn off. He'd snuck off quietly to his room afterwards, and beat a couple off in quick succession on the strength of his chance voyeur experience. He may have lost touch with his dad but now he knew where he'd got his cock size from.

Things were so rosy, the couple build a conservatory, on the back of their house, Kelly loved it. Anything that took her mind away from missing Ray, was an advantage, albeit however short lived it was. She missed him bad!

At work, she was ferocious. Each quarter ending profits rose. She had happy directors, and a busy workforce. The days pass quickly when you work hard. The nights drag when you are lonely. Kelly was very very lonely. Ray knew this, but long gone were the days when she would bend his ear constantly, he still knew though. For Christmas, a while back, he'd bought two iPads, so they could Face Time talk. She loved that. The couple took it a step further, and to help each other out they'd have mutual masturbation sessions. That was fun, and to take it further, Kelly bought various sex toys to turn her man on even more. She had one such black toy, that was even bigger than Ray's pornstar cock, and when she had that jammed tightly in her snatch, she occasionally told him teasingly, that she just might have to get herself a piece of strange, to keep her warm on these cold winter evenings. Ray never said 'yes do it', but he loved the teasing, and soon he was filling some toilet paper with cum, while watching his sexy wife fuck herself with the black rubber cock.

It wasn't perfect, but at least they tried.


'Morning Jason, nasty day for the trees' Kelly greeted her yard labourer. She knew he was in for a soaking today, she didn't envy him.

'Thought you might give me a hand' he quipped, not normally as forthright.

'Oh I would....but, as you can see I'm hardly dressed for outdoor work. Next year maybe, eh?'

'Come on boss...all that winter workwear in the clothes department!'

'Nice try!' She replied then walked away.

Jason, watched her walk towards the cafeteria area watching the swagger of her hips and movement in her backside with each step she took. Her trouser suit left nothing to the imagination. No visible panty line meant she was naked, or wore a very minuscule thong. He hoped for the latter. He adored thongs. He visualised every action he would love to do to her....every step he would take. Soon, lady....soon!

Reality came, when a tannoy message instructed him to the yard. Time to get waterproofs on, and face the consequences of not getting a proper education. It's a bummer, but....he'd get warmed up later, hopefully.

The wagon was reversed in and ready to tip by the time he'd he'd got all his waterproofs and boots on. The wagon had Irish plates and he had a good crack with the Dublin born driver. They shared a love of Guinness and talk of women with loose morals, giving Jason a fleeting thought of how he could brag in the future if his plans came to fruition. The sleet lashing his exposed face brought him back to earth. He signed the purchase note, and the driver went for a break. Jason said he'd join him.

In the staff canteen, the pair had just settled down to drink their steaming hot tea when the tannoy called for a forklift driver to report to the dry goods warehouse.

'That'll be you then, friend. Better get ya arse inta gear. Haha.' Said Dublin born Sean. 'Your the man...haha'

'Fuck them,,,I'm having a break'

'That's the style man. Rebel without a cause!'

'Na....rules are rules, I'm fucking freezing. No fuckers getting me outa here till I'm warmed up'

'Good lad,,,,,like ya style!'

'Jason.....are you deaf!..... That's two messages you've ignored. Get out here now,,,,,come on! Shake a leg!' Yelled the yard supervisor, Jordan, a young k** in his twenties who was being fast tracked.

'Fuck off,,,,I'm on a break. You fucking tip him!'

'Go on there Jason....you fucking tell him him. Haha' whispered Sean, the driver, under his breath.

'I'm doing something else,,,,I'm asking you'

'When I've had my break!..... Now fuck off, I'm busy!'

'Go on there,you fucking tell him!' Sean said, egging Jason on.

'Oh,well, we'll see about this then!' Replied a near tearful Jordan. 'I'm reporting this to the boss,,,,,'

'Oooh,please don't,I'm so frightened' he cried in mock worry, then burst out laughing. 'Do ya worst, ya gay prick,fuck right off!'

''Humph.......' and off young Jordan trotted.

'Hell son ya in the shit now, to be sure' commented the older Irishman, grinning.

'Ha,you know what?.....I don't think I am. This is all going to be ok. I have a feeling....'. He said, taking a drink of his tea, suddenly lost in thought.

'Jason Allen please report to the managers office immediately'

'That's her...that's the boss' Jason said to the old wagon driver. 'She can wait too'

'Now son...take my advice. Dinna be foolish here. It's no worth losing ya job over.'

'Na it's fine Paddy. It honestly is. This confrontation is just what's needed. Wish me luck!!!' He replied, finishing his tea and standing up.

'Aye lad, ya gonna need it'

But he was already gone.


Kelly Walker, was the golden girl of the company. She was gifted. Her natural style had been easily cultured by her directors who had plans to put Kelly into an area managers position. She continued to improve and cultivate her outlets, until they were genuinely worried she might leave to find a bigger challenge. That's when they acted, and invited her to London for a meeting, instructing her to fly down, getting a one way ticket only. She would be met at the airport and taken to company headquarters. She was intrigued.

Two days later, a week short of her 41st birthday Kelly drove out of company headquarters in a brand spanking new Four series Beemer coupe.

She keyed in the postcode for the area Ray was working in, and set off, following the directions as instructed. The car was massive compared to the Ford Focus she was used to, but she was a confident and competent driver and handled the car well, impressed with the comfort and easy handling the big new car handed her. 'Area manager' she said aloud 'Go girl!...' And then whooped and cheered her new promotion and good fortune. 'Ray baby....I'm coming to get ya'

'Take the next left and drive six hundred yards,,,, you have reached your destination'.

Kelly parked the gleaming new black BMW in the make shift carpark, and walked to what she took to be the site office. She was right. Knocking on the door and entering she stepped into the dusty reception area and rang the bell on the deserted desk. No one appeared for about 30 seconds then a woman in her 50's appeared.

'Can I help you?' She asked with a cheery smile on her face.

Kelly noticed the woman's eyes, drifting down her body, drinking in Kelly's curves and looks. She wasn't surprised by this. It happened a lot. It made her feel good.

'Yes hi...I'm looking to see Ray Walker for a minute if I could. I'm his wife'.

'Ray? Oh yes. The engineer. Take a seat. Would you like a drink,,,,,something cool maybe,it's very warm today, isn't it'. Her eyes flitting between her pretty face and her C cup breasts.

'Kelly responded 'Yes, a drink of water would be good'

'Ok, I'll get you a glass' she said looking at her watch. 'The men will be going on their break in ten minutes, they come down here to the hut next door, you can surprise him there'. She responded, still quite openly looking at Kelly's tits.

'Thank you' she said, sitting on a wooden bench, letting her long legs stretch out. She deliberately looked out of the window, allowing the older woman a good look at her shapely figure, unhindered. She could feel her nipples hardening and her panties dampening, knowing the woman was still looking at her. She knew the effect she had on both male and females. And company directors! Her attire for the day had been a thin black skirt, sitting two inches above her knees a sheer white blouse, with truffles down the front, and a matching black bolero style jacket, which was lying on the back seat of her new car. Her white bra was quite clear through the blouse but the decoration on it was hiding her engorged nipples from the eyes of her new admirer. The woman walked away.

Kelly wasn't gay, or looking for sex with any woman, but she had had gay sex, but in another life. But, like a lot of women, she dressed, provocatively, to attract the attention of....everybody. She knew she looked damned good, and therefore played to it. It excited her to death, knowing that both men and women stripped her naked with their eyes, just like it had just happened. Ray, often reaped the reward of her arousal caused by such occasions. She undid another button on her blouse. Give the old bird a treat.....

'There you are....not be long till the men come down. You can stay here, if you wish. I'll get him for you. The men can be......you know....men!' She said, handing an iced glass of water to Kelly, who felt her little finger touch her hand as she handed her the drink.

'The old bitch is trying to connect with me' thought Kelly, smiling to herself.

'No, that's fine, thank you....I want to surprise him.' She said, sipping the ice cold drink, allowing her admirers eyes, gaze at her exposed cleavage, then letting her knees part slightly which raised her skirt even higher. She could be a right teasing bitch when the mood struck. And strike, it had. Coupled with her promotion and her arousal, Kelly badly needed release. She needed cock....Ray's cock. Badly.

'Here they come now'

Kelly looked out of the window to see a group of men in hard hats walking towards the huts, they looked sweaty and tired, and very dirty. She smiled at this thought, as dirty was what she wanted to get. She quickly recalled her wild youth when she thought nothing, of 'getting dirty' with different sized groups of lads. Looking at all these men increased the feeling of arousal in her already wet slit, dampening her thong panties even more.

'Ah....there is my man' she said smiling. She made to stand up, still looking out the window, but the secretary was very close, and she bumped into her, sending the remains of the water down the front of her blouse. The cup went flying and bounced on the floor but didn't break.....'Oh, I'm so sorry', said Kelly, with a start! Nearly knocking the older woman off her feet.

'Oh, no....it's my fault. Oh dear your soaking. Look!'

Kelly looked down at her front, seeing that the shape of her right breast was clearly defined by the soaking wet material. The cold water had soaked her bra also making her engorged nipple even more prominent. The two women giggled.

'You can't go out there like that with that lot about. Believe me, they'll eat you alive.'

'Shit....what can I do'

'Stay here, I'll go get Ray, then when I come back I'll dry your blouse... I've got a hair drier won't take long I promise'

'Oh that's very sweet of you thank you'

'Right...won't be a jiffy' and off the older woman trotted. Kelly watched her walk towards the other hut, then saw the door opening again and Ray following her out of the door, naked from the waist up, carrying his shirt. Her desires were so high at than moment, she could easily fuck him on the office floor, with the old woman watching. She felt her nipple through the wet blouse and thought that the wet blouse wasn't the only article of clothing sticking to her...she smiled, wondering if the woman would dry her knickers with the hairdryer to...

'Hello babe,,,God.... what's happened to you, your soaking'

Kelly rushed up to hug him and raised her arms up, pulling him down and kissing him passionately. 'I got promoted babe.....come look' and dragged him over to the window....see..that's mine' and stepped aside, letting Ray see the big black new BMW.

'Wow....go girl! That's amazing....'

'Do you want your blouse drying, I can do it now...won't take a minute' came a voice from behind the excited couple.

'Oh er....yes please if you don't mind' replied Kelly.'I spilled a half glass of water down myself...clumsy bitch that I am.' She explained to Ray. 'Sorry...I don't know your name'

'Oh..its Helen. If you come into the main office....away from prying eyes, I'll dry it for you'

'Your too kind....thank you. Won't be a second babe and I'll show you the car'

When she leaned in to kiss him, he whispered in her ear....'be careful babe, Helen'll be up ya pussy quicker than quick....she's a raving dyke'.

'Don't worry....I know'.

Ray looked down at her very prominent nipple and felt a twinge in his cock. He knew he had the fittest, sexiest woman, a man could ever have. And rampant...well..he knew she'd be horny as fuck right now, and was probably gagging for his cock right now. Then smiled at his predicament as she went through the office door, intent to strip half naked in front of a raging lesbian. The irony of the moment was sobering, and he sat down and waited patiently.

In the room Helen went to a filing cabinet and extracted a small hairdryer, then plugged it into a socket next to a desk. 'Ok, ready when you are.'

Kelly undid the rest of the buttons on her blouse, and slipped it off her shoulders. The nipples were both hard, but the wet one looked bigger. Helen drank in the view, wishing to hell, she could remove Kelly's bra and suckle on those gorgeous orbs. As Kelly breathed in, the swell of her breasts seemed to emphasise the size of her buds. She was transfixed with the sight and momentarily forgot what she was doing. She saw the outline of a sleeper through her wet nipple and commented 'was that sore....getting ya nipple pierced. I've fancied it, but I've got a low pain threshold and would probably pass out...couldn't even get my ears pierced' she laughed.

'Oh no....I'm the opposite, I quite like pain' she replied, handing the wet garment to Helen. She turned around to show her her tattoos. These were painful.'

She had two tattoos on her back. One a tribal design surrounding a lotus flower, placed just above her left shoulder blade. And the other the other, a simple name. 'Ray' followed by a heart.

Helen turned the hair dryer onto the wet material, while continuing to admire her new friends beautiful body. 'Do you want your bra dried' she asked hopefully.

Kelly, felt it and declined, knowing that the old bird was only interested in getting a thrill, seeing her with even less clothes on. 'No it's fine, as long as the blouse is dry, no one'll notice anything else. It'll dry soon anyway. Thanks anyway you've been so kind'

'My pleasure. You have the most beautiful body imaginable, if you don't mind me saying'

'Thank-you Helen. A girl doesn't mind compliments, does she?'

'No no, they don't.' She replied, helping Kelly put the blouse back on, accidentally catching one of her nipples with a fingernail. 'Whoops' she said looking directly into her eyes.

'Thank you....better get back to Ray. He'll be due back to work soon.'

'Why don't the two of you go out for lunch. The boss is at a meeting all day. Ray will not be missed, he can catch up later. I'll cover for him.'

'Helen....I could kiss you' then realised what she was saying....and blushed.

'I'd be so lucky' she replied, giving a knowing wink.

'Come on. You two get away for a couple of hours. Book a room....'. As they walked towards the door, she placed her hand on Kelly's bottom and gave it a playful squeeze. Saying....'if ever you fancy a try with a girl.....' said in such a manner, that for a split second Kelly was tempted.

'Haha...ok Helen, I'll bare that in mind....I've never....you know' she replied, bending the truth.

'That's ok...you two go have some fun...I think your ready for some!' She said looking at Kelly's chest.

'Is it that obvious?'

'Fraid so girl. Go get some!'

'Mmmm, think I will. Thank you.'

Walking through the door, Ray stood up...'sorted?' he asked.

'Yes babe...come on, I'll take you for a spin, Helens giving you a pass for a few hours. Haven't you Helen?'

'Yes....you two go have some fun'

'Cheers Helen. Appreciate it...your a star....come on girl..can I drive?'

'Course you can babe....bye Helen lovely to meet you. Thanks for sorting me' she said, giving the older woman a hug.

'Don't forget my offer' she whispered.

'Haha..ok bye for now....'

'What was that about?' Ray asked as they walked towards the car, 'and how dya snag my time off'.

'Oh it wasn't difficult. I let her see all my tattoos and piercings' she lied.

'What...all of them?'

'Well, nearly all. All above the waist, anyway'.

'Surprised she didn't try to eat ya. She's a carpet muncher.....fucking one of the girls in the typing pool. Supposed to be a right dominating cow....did she...you know?'


'You know...er.....touch you?'

'You old pervert...you want to watch me and Helen in a 69?'

'Oh er...no no of course not!'

'Fucking liar...haha'

'Come on...you drive. Let's find a pub and have some lunch....see if they've got a room. Fancy a little fun...celebrate my promotion.'

'Dya want me too get Helen to come?' He teased.

'Just drive....lets find somewhere....my knickers are ringing'

'Fucking hell Kell....old Helens got your juices going, hasn't she!' He said, slipping a hand up Kelly's thin black skirt, feeling her soggy knickers with his fingertips. 'You dirty mare....they're fucking soaking'

'I know.....I'm not gay, but for some reason, she's got me needing some....loving. Haha'

Ray laughed, and familiarised himself with the controls, which resembled an airplane cockpit.

Kelly leaned over, and rubbed his crotch, feeling the hardening lump below.

'Pack it in babe....you can't....ill crash the fucking car...'

'Never stopped ya before ya dirty bastard.'

'Yes yes....but this is a flying machine...when the swimmers are on the way up me pipe, if I hit the gas...we're all fucked...haha'

'Spoil sport' she said, smiling. Kelly loved to blow Ray when he was driving....gave her as much a thrill, as it did Ray. 'Find somewhere, quick! If I don't cum soon, I'm gonna have to frig myself here and now. Heehee, I'm so fucking horny....see' she said as she slipped a finger under her knickers and inside her body. Holding her finger up, she showed her husband the wet finger. 'Here, taste....' and placed her finger in her husbands mouth.

Ray sucked his wife's love juice from her finger, tasting the musky scent of her innermost secret place. 'Ya dirty cow....never a dull moment with you, pet'

Ray drove the car away from the city, joining a dual carriageway, just as Kelly raised her skirt and pulled her knickers off, placing them in Ray's lap.

'Helen, wanted me you know. Invited me, she did. She loved my tatts.'

'Mmm, bet she loved ya tits too' he laughed. 'Did she touch you?'

'A little....grazed my nipple a little. Squeezed by bum....looked, more than anything'.

'Haha. Don't blame her though....your such a tease...'

'Haha...big difference is....you get to touch, properly. You get to lick this...' she said, raising her skirt, spreading her legs and swiping her fingers over her clit. 'That is....if you can find somewhere, otherwise I'm gonna have to get you to pull into a carpark and fuck you on the back seat....oooh, that's an idea...'

'Haha...your impossible. I'll find somewhere, don't worry.'

An hour later they were in a room, above a pub, about five miles from Ray's work. Kelly was on the bed pace down, with Ray slamming her as hard as he could. Their had been no need for any foreplay and they had stripped in haste and Ray's hard, big bendy cock was in Kelly's welcoming cunt within seconds. They kissed passionately as Ray set a rhythm, which Kelly responded too, meeting his thrusts with her own. She came twice, before Ray spun her over, entering her doggy and doing her in a fashion, that she loved so much she screamed like a demented banshee. Blows reigned down on her backside, as he slapped her with every hard thrust he served her. She loved it. Pain complemented her pleasure, enhancing the tingling in every nerve ending she possessed. As he fucked her, she played with her piercing, pulling the metal sleeper, pierced through her clitoris. The orgasms, rolled into each other and her wailing got longer. She was in ecstasy. When Ray announced he was cumming, she pulled away from him and placed her face in his lap, taking his cock into her throat lovingly. His release was long and messy, with rope after rope of hot sticky cum jetted all over Kelly's face and hair. She loved it. As the cum jetted out, he went to work on one of her nipples, with his free hand. She loved her nipples squeezed hard....the pain making her nearly cum again. After he'd finished, she scooped as much of his deposit off her face and into her mouth. She loved this man so much she would die for him. Nothing was off the agenda that Ray wanted to do. Nothing!

'How about staying the night, babe,' Ray asked, as they cuddled up, both temporarily spent. 'I'll take ya car back to work, and you go buy some overnight gear, in town. Be a shame to waist the room for the night...eh?'

'Mmm, you gonna be able to handle me for a full night....seems to me your tiring...' she joked, playing with his softening penis.

'Cheeky bitch' he quipped squeezing her pierced nipple, making her gasp, as her eyes rolled in their sockets. She loved pain, nearly as much as she loves pleasure.

'Right...ill ring and tell them I won't be back till Thursday, you'd better make it worth my while, pal....' as she slid down his body, taking his penis into her mouth and giving him a god clean. Her duties as his wench were endless.

'Ok babe, I'd better get back....ill knock off early and get back soon, OK?'

She popped her head up, saying....'sorry, can't speak with my mouth full' then continued with her task, imagining she felt it responding. It was too soon.

'Ok.....get away back to your lesbian infested work place..' She laughed. 'Thank Helen for allowing me to get a nice piece of afternoon delight.'

'Haha...she probably will ask'

'Tell the truth baby...tell the truth'

Ray dressed back into his work gear, and looked at his wife lying on her front watching him. He could see her very red backside from when he'd spanked her during their fuck session. 'Buy some baby oil, babe. I'll give you a treat tonight' he said, knowing she liked her arse done occasionally. She liked it maybe once or twice a month and prepared well for it, using a douche to make sure she was clean enough to take him orally after he'd fucked her hard and fast in her back passage. They really were a very sexual couple.

'Ooh lucky me......hurry back'. And off he went. She went to the window, waiting for him to appear in the pub carpark. When he looked up, looking for her at a window, he saw her and laughed when she drew the curtains and flashed her tits at him. God, he loved that woman.


'Jason, please take a seat.' Kelly instructed her fork lift driver. 'I think you know why I've asked you here. I've had a compliant raised regarding your behaviour. As your manager I am duty bound to investigate this alleged act of misconduct. Do you know and realise what I am talking about?'

'Yes...I told that prick of a supervisor to fuck off coz I was having a break. I was freezing after tipping the Christmas trees.'

'You can't speak to your supervisor that way...their is a chain of command here which is there for a reason, and if it breaks down, it has to be dealt with. Do you understand that?'

Jason just sat there and shrugged his shoulders, saying nothing.

'You aren't doing yourself any favours here Jason. You have to respond when I ask you a question. This is an informal disciplinary, which could develop into a formal one. It's your choice.'

'If your asking me to apologise, ya barking up the wrong tree. He's a little prick, and I for one, don't like the twat. Fuck him!'

'You give me no choice but to suspend you, on full pay while a proper investigation is carried out. I ask you to empty your locker, hand me your access card, and vacate the premises. Is their anything you wish to say at this stage?'

'Yes, their is. Do you know my surname?'

'Yes. Of course. Allen'

'Do you know anybody else called Allen?'

'Where's this going Jason? No I don't think I do, why?'

'Does the name Peter Allen ring a bell with you?'

Kelly, looked at him, bells starting to ring in her head as she recalled what the name Peter Allen meant to her. The pieces fell into place and the reason for his arrogance becoming clear.

'Yes. I remember Peter. He was in my class'

'It's not the only thing he was in...was it?'

'Jason, whether I knew Peter Allen or not, has nothing at all with what has happened here today. You are still suspended and that is the end of it. Please leave!'

'I've seen the photographs'


'You...a cock in every hole and a cock in each hand. You've aged well by the way, think your better now than when ya were then...that Roy had some cock on him eh?...remember?.... He was the one with the big black cock. At least you aren't a racist eh?'

Kelly was mortified. Words couldn't come, and for once her razor sharp brain froze. She just stared, mouth agog as the younger man, revelling in the moment, twisted the knife even further.

'I liked the picture of you with your mouth open as all 7 lads shot their filth all over your clock, and in ya mouth. Seemed to me you like the taste of men muck!'

'It was a long time ago. I was very young'.

'Peter tells me you loved cock so much he had ya nearly every day, all over the school. What about the teachers that fucked you, eh? See the way I see it, I think your going to be very nice to me, and make this all go away, and maybe have some fun along the way. I here you like to be spanked, as well as gang fucked'

'This is all lies, their are no photographs. These things didn't happen'.

'Oh well, I'd better leave and face the music then. I'll just post these photographs online. You know.....these ones that you say don't exist'

He made to get up and leave, knowing fine well she would stop him.

'Wait....please. Sit down again. Let's sort this out, civilly. Like adults'

'OK. What's the deal?'

'I want those pictures'

'Isn't going to happen'

'OK....what do you want?'

'Well....a pay rise for starters. Then maybe, a look at the goods, for seconds. Then....I guess you know what I want after that?'

'Jason, this isn't right. I was a young girl, it was years ago. This is blackmail, you could go to jail'

'Yes, I could. But that would mean you'd been to the police, and the photographs were out there for all to see. Your husband. Your mum and dad. Your directors. Your staff. And worst of all, your two c***dren. Just imagine what'll happen to them when all their friends see the cum drinking slut who is their friends mother. Scary eh!'

Kelly was frantic, but did well to keep her composure. She knew begging was not going to work, so she had to do as best a deal as possible. 'OK. You win. How does this play out?'

'Well, first off, you tell the gay cunt that you've sorted it, and he's no longer my supervisor. I get a two pound an hour pay rise. I know you can't do to much there. I'm not stupid. Secondly, I want a bit of what your good at. I've seen the pictures and I guess your even dirtier now than you were then. 'Dirty Kelly' does that ring a bell?'

For the first time during this awful confrontation, Kelly blushed. Her head dropped, and she inwardly admitted defeat. Twenty plus years of pushing her past into her distant memory, had come back to haunt her with devastating consequences. She was beaten.

'Yes. It was a long time ago.'

'Yes it was. Doesn't change fuck all though. You were a young slut then, and now, an older one. Simple. Now....I've got a wagon to tip. I'll be back shortly. At say...1pm. This desk looks strong, and I'd bet my life you've been done over it before. I've visualised you with fuck all on ever since you interviewed me. In fact I had a hard on sitting in this very chair, looking at ya tits hanging out of ya blouse. You've been a cock tease for ever and a day, and now I'll get to taste the goods. Haha. Before I go, give me your knickers. I've dreamed of smelling your pussy smell....give!'

Kelly stood up and reached under her suit skirt, trying foolishly to be as discreet as possible. She knew it was pointless, her life was now in this bastards hands. They both knew it. Her cream coloured thong was passed between the blackmailer, and his prey. He accepted them with a smile, raising them to his nose and drinking in her intimate smells.

'Nice' was all he said, grinning from ear to ear. He put the small garment into his pocket and walked to her door, never turning as he left the room. She slumped back in her chair. Broken.


Ray drove into the yard, parking his wife's new BMW away from anywhere it could possibly get damaged. He walked the fifty odd paces to the site office and opened the door, entering to thank Helen for giving him some time off. He liked the woman anyway, he didn't have a problem with gay women, or men for that matter. Live and let live. Only right. The rest of the men weren't like that. At all. Some were really cruel, typical building site ignorance. He knew that in her time she would have been a really good looking woman, she still was very butch. She would be the dominant one, he was sure of that.

'Hi Ray. Welcome back. Had a nice time?'

'Yes, we have. Thank you....I owe you one'

'Haha...yes, you do. I guess you know how you could pay me back. Eh?'

Helen had embarrassed Ray before with her teasing of him and her sexuality. He laughed with her. 'Oh I see...you want me to give you my wife...'

'Would you...oh thanks ever so much. I'll look after her, promise. I'd like to see the rest of her tattoos and piercings. She showed me some you know. Let me play with her nipple and bottom, too. Did she tell you?'

'You grazed her nipple and squeezed her bum....yes she told me' he confidently replied, trying to take the wind out of her sails.

'And when you started fucking her...Ray, how wet was she...be truthful Ray. For me!'

'Mmm. Very'

'Knew it, it was me...really. I knew she wanted me. I could tell Ray. I really could. She wanted me, and if you hadn't been on the other side of the door...Phwa...' her smile, and body language, nearly had Ray creased up laughing. He loved her sense of humour, and confidence, knowing she would have been a hell raiser in her time...much like Kelly was now.

'Haha. Just called in to say cheers, anyway. Better get back to work. Kelly's staying over tonight, might clock off early. Take her out for a nice meal, tonight. Celebrate.'

'You do that Ray. She's a beautiful woman. You look after her...coz if you don't, the old carpet muncher might steal her away and convert her into a raving dyke. Haha'

'Don't you dare'. He gave her a hug and left the office and returned to work, deciding to work two hours then clock off.

Just up the road, Kelly had been to a tesco supermarket and bought a few things to tide her over till she got home. Some new underwear, not super sexy, but not bad, was dropped into her basket along with some deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, and baby oil. She'd looked at something to wear, dress wise, but hadn't been impressed with anything and decided to look elsewhere. Being without a car, sucked, and had to get a taxi.

'Is there somewhere...Mmm like a shopping precinct...I need to buy a dress...in a hurry, like.'

'Yes...lady, no problem' said the Indian taxi driver. Ten minutes later she was try

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Cancun with Kelly

It was February of 1998. Six of us decided to make our first trip to Cancun. We arrived toward the end of the month on a Thursday at midday. Our hotel was in the “hotel zone”. Kelly and I had an adjoining room with Bob and Lisa. Yvonne and Daniel had a room on a different floor.This all got started at our New Year’s Eve party. There were five couples there. Tequila was playing a large role in the evening’s entertainment, which somehow led to Mexico and shortly thereafter a decision that we were...

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Her Brother And His Friends Have Sex With Kelly

It was August of 1981. By the end of the week, Kelly would be packing up and heading back to Milwaukee to tackle her senior year of college. Not many weeks after her arrival she would begin interviewing for her post-graduation job, which she would begin just months later. And then spend decades as part of the working class. Something I had learned about Kelly is that one big way that she deals with anxiety is through her pussy.It happened the summer that she graduated from high school. Anxiety...

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Mowing The Lawn With Kelly

It was the summer of 2001. Kelly had been miserable for months. Her work life had been slowly deteriorating for a couple of years. As it seems is always the case, a good boss had left and the new one was an idiot. I had finally convinced her that it was okay to resign without a new job lined up. She’d worked since she was a young teenager, we were doing fine, and I hated to see her so miserable.She spent that spring cleaning every nook and cranny she could find in the house. By the time summer...

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Part 2 A Wild Saturday With Kelly

It was the end of January 1989. I had been out of town the weekend a few weeks previous. Kelly had spent much of that weekend with our close friends Patrick and Yvonne. They had a wild sex-fueled Saturday, the stories of which no one shared with me. Kelly just left it as, of course, the three of them had sex. It would have been odd had they not (which was true), and that was that.Yvonne called Kelly early in the week and told her that Patrick had received all of his prints back from the photo...

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A Week In Spain With Kelly

It was June of 1990. Kelly had won a trip to Spain through her job. They got the trip by spending money with a media company. They had an internal contest and Kelly won the trip for two. She found out back in March that she won and had been feverishly planning and hitting the gym and tanning salon ever since.We arrived on a Sunday after an overnight flight to Brussels and then a short hop to Torremolinos on Spain’s Costa Del Sol. The first item on our printed agenda was to meet up at a cocktail...

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As A SixteenYearOld Six Men Had Their Way With Kelly

It was late August of 1976. Kelly and I, who were both sixteen at the time, had been to a wild party the week before at a townhouse rented by Don and Rod. Don was dating Lori, one of Kelly’s friends. Before the party had ended I had sex with Lori, while Don and Rod had both screwed the living daylights out of a very drunk and high Kelly.Two days after that party, under many protests, I had to go on a two-week family vacation. Since Kelly and I started screwing that May we had been humping at...

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Labor Day 79 With Kelly

It was Labor Day weekend of 1979. Kelly and I were nineteen and she would soon start her sophomore year of college. Patrick and Yvonne were our best friends in the world. Since we’d first swapped partners a couple of years prior we had become regular sex partners, especially Patrick and Kelly. Yvonne typically had to be “in the mood.” Kelly, however, was always ready for sex and loved nothing more than having two cocks willing to service her.Patrick’s family had a long history of spending the...

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No TwentyFifth With Kelly

It was June of 2003. Kelly and I had decided to accept an offer from Lori and Don to visit them in Florida. We had sort of been expecting a twenty-fifth high school reunion and were really let down when we heard that wasn’t happening. Things began with us having sex when we were teenagers and we reconnected at our twentieth. Since then we’d been sharing pics and having phone sex. We were all very anxious to see each other again. Lori and Kelly worked out dates that worked on their female...

Straight Sex
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Working The Auction With Kelly

It was August of 1990. Kelly and I were thirty years old. We had won a trip to Spain which we took the previous June. Kelly had a ton of sex on that trip, including a public gang-gang at a nude beach. We met some new friends, including Barry who owned both a Chevy dealership and a nine-inch dong, and Scott who owned several furniture stores. Both of them were in their mid-forties. The four of us also spent Independence Day a couple of weeks later on Barry’s huge boat where Kelly was fucked...

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Flashing And Fucking At NASCAR With Kelly

It was June of 1994. Kelly and I had been talking about making a trip to a NASCAR race and we made it happen. We invited our good friend Patrick to join us for the weekend. Patrick and Yvonne had been a couple we started having sex with while still in high school. Patrick and Yvonne had split up a while ago but we were still close friends and he happily maintained his friend-with-benefits status with Kelly. Kelly and I were thirty-four. Patrick was a year younger than us.We arrived Friday...

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First College Cock Again With Kelly

It was October of 1978. It had been over a month since I had seen Kelly. She had started college in Milwaukee. She’d let me know that there had been a house party that had turned pretty wild and that there was much more to tell. I was still living with my folks and with our only telephone hanging in the kitchen, and two sisters hanging around, Kelly never got into juicy details over the phone.The house party had worked. The ice had been broken and Wayne and Artie, along with John, Brian and...

College Sex
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New Years with Kelly

It’s New Year’s 1981. College roommates Kelly and Tricia had made plans long ago to have sex with each other’s boyfriend. I had fulfilled my fantasy and my part of their deal last Spring Break, which was detailed in a previous story.It had been more challenging for Kelly to be with Alan as he and Tricia had broken up in May. As things worked out, they were back together by October. I had been lucky enough to have enjoyed a couple of additional 3-way weekends with Kelly and Tricia earlier in the...

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Visiting The Desert With Kelly

It was July of 1991. Kelly and I took a two-week trip to the southwest with our travel trailer. We absolutely fell in love with the desert, the culture, and the whole vibe of being there. We spent a couple of days camping near Canyon de Chelly. We stayed at a private campground that was owned by a Native American named Howard.Howard was a pretty cool dude. He had native music piped around the campground. Nothing like native flutes and drums to make you feel like you’re in a very different...

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Corrupting Kelly

The candle light was flickering between the bushes at the house next door and Don knew something was going on again. He hurried over and slipped into his tennis shoes and hollered out to his wife Kelly."Honey, I'm going for a short walk. I'll be back in a few minutes."Don rushed out the back door before Kelly had time to question him on where he was going or perhaps ask him if she could join him on his walk.Don's heart began to beat at a faster rate as he walked around the tall bushes that...

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The Rich Car Buff With Kelly

It was June of 1993. Kelly and I were attending a cocktail party for sponsors, officials, etc. of a new regional sports car street race. I was invited because of my company’s sponsorship. Kelly was my arm candy.I was quite confused. We found the downtown address, sure enough, but the building looked like it may have housed a car dealership in the 1940s, or perhaps a small warehouse? In any case, it was not at all what I was expecting. We parked in the parking lot at the rear of the building....

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Mardi Gras With Kelly

It was the weekend before Mardi Gras in 1999. Let me tell you how this started: I blame Joe Francis, the guy behind Girls Gone Wild (GGW).It was several months prior to Mardi Gras when Kelly and I saw some GGW ads on TV. Honestly, it was right up our alley. Kelly had an exhibitionist streak, which turned me on immensely. We bought a few of the GGW videos and had some great sex as we watched nubile young women drunkenly flash their goodies to strangers. Kelly lamented about being born 20 years...

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A Foursome Orgy With Kelly

It was a Saturday in July of the summer of 1978. Yvonne and Patrick had invited Kelly and me over to hang out. We arrived around 4 p.m. and knocked on the apartment door.Yvonne and Patrick both answered the door completely naked and looking freshly fucked. I couldn’t help but notice that Patrick’s dick and balls were now shaved. The “shaved” club was now up to three, including Yvonne and Kelly.Kelly and I were greeted with warm hugs with Yvonne and Patrick clinging to their new partners and...

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Wet TShirt Contest With Kelly

It was the spring of 1980. Kelly was in her sophomore year of college.Since starting college Kelly had been pretty well behaved. We were living some distance apart and I would visit her once a month or so for the weekend and we would find a way to screw like bunnies. Tricia, her roommate, was pretty cool and would head back to her hometown when I was coming to town so Kelly and I could fuck all weekend in the apartment.Neither Kelly nor Tricia had the money to go south for Spring Break and was...

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Meeting A BiSexual With Kelly

It was January or February of 1980. I can’t recall the exact date, but I clearly remember the event. A band called “The Fools” had released a Weird Al-like parody song of “Psycho Killer” called “Psycho Chicken.” At least around us, the song caught on like a brush fire and the band was coming to a campus bar near Kelly. I was planning on spending the weekend with her anyway, so it was a plan!The venue had a typical campus bar downstairs, a drink and puke kind of a joint. Upstairs they had...

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Fucking A Different Bar Staff Sort Of With Kelly

It was the spring of 1987. Kelly and I had visited some friends and, on a whim, took a backroads route home. It was dinner time on a Saturday. We spotted a bar in the middle of nowhere with a full parking lot and decided to pull in.We had great service and a great meal. It was more than halfway through our meal when I noticed him. He was working the dining room from table to table and certainly seemed like he was the manager or owner.I nudged Kelly. When she spotted him, her jaw hit the floor....

Office Sex
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Sex On The Concert Bus With Kelly

It was Labor Day weekend of 1988. We had tickets to attend a concert at an outdoor venue. The drive was a few hours so we bought a package through the radio station and we were going by bus. INXS was the headline act but we were bigger fans of Cheap Trick, an opener.Kelly and I were twenty-eight then. Kelly was dressed for the times and the concert. On top, she wore a short black tube top covered in black sequins. On the bottom, she wore a short black leather mini skirt. Although I was never a...

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Meeting a Guy at a Hotel with Kelly

It was April of 1988. Kelly and I were twenty-eight-years old. Kelly’s twenties had been an incredible time of sexual adventure and she was always open to anything new that came along. My job had sent me to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula for several days. Kelly’s job gave her two more weeks of vacation each year than mine, so she took the time off to tag along. There’s just something about being away from home and fucking in a hotel.The UP was a hopping place for tourism from summer through winter...

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TwentyYear High School Reunion With Kelly

It was early August of 1998. A couple of months prior Kelly and I had received, and RSVP’d to, an invitation to our twentieth high school class reunion. We were both looking forward to the event, but Kelly especially. That night she was the sexiest and most beautiful she had ever been in her life. And everyone noticed.Our class was huge, a byproduct of the baby boom, and graduated over three hundred. The class stoner and chief idiot as a joke ran for class president and, also as a joke, we...

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Going to Prom With Kelly

It was May of 1976. Kelly and I were going to prom, our first formal dance together.From a sexual standpoint, the seventies were perhaps the greatest time in recent history to be a teenager. The pill existed, AIDS did not, women had burned their bras, the counterculture had loosened the nation’s morals, the drinking age was eighteen, cars were still large enough to fuck in, there was no such thing as a helicopter parent, and cops and parents alike believed that “they’re just being kids” was...

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Going to Prom With Kelly

It was May of 1976. Kelly and I were going to prom, our first formal dance together.From a sexual standpoint, the seventies were perhaps the greatest time in recent history to be a teenager. The pill existed, AIDS did not, women had burned their bras, the counterculture had loosened the nation’s morals, the drinking age was eighteen, cars were still large enough to fuck in, there was no such thing as a helicopter parent, and cops and parents alike believed that “they’re just being kids” was...

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Halloween 95 with Kelly

It was Halloween 1995. A radio station sponsored a big bash at a nice downtown hotel at our nearest ‘big’ city, about an hour away. We decided to book a room for the night.Kelly has always been turned on by the whole ‘sexy vampire’ thing, so she decides that we’re going as vampires. Because I’m so damn tall, she custom makes me a long cape which I wear with tuxedo slacks, shirt, and bow tie.Kelly really went to town making herself a cloak/cape-thing. It was black velvet with a red velvet...

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Halloween 99 With Kelly

It was October of 1999. Kelly had met Lisa through her job. Since our trip together, with Lisa and her husband Bob, to Cancun the previous February, we’d become very close friends. We‘d spent a few weekends and parties together since then and each of them had ended with me cumming in Lisa and Bob unloading in Kelly. Kelly and I were thirty-nine. Lisa was thirty-seven and Bob was forty.We had a local live music club that Kelly and I frequented a few times each year. We had some wild experiences...

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Going To The Club With Kelly

It was a Friday evening in August of 1994. I had to attend a dinner for work with the boss and some vendor representatives and my wife, Kelly was invited. The dinner was at the fanciest restaurant in our town so Kelly decided to dress up.She had bought a dress on clearance a few months prior that she thought would be perfect. It was a black skirt on the bottom with a few silver spangles sewn in here and there. Beneath the dress was a bunch of layers of that netting stuff (tulle?) which caused...

Wife Lovers
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High School Disco Dance With Kelly

It was mid-May of 1978. Kelly and I were just a couple of short weeks away from high school graduation. We were the peak of the Baby Boomers and our small-town school was crammed to overflowing with over fifteen hundred teenagers. For reasons I can’t recall, the prom that year had been moved to early April (maybe it was band availability?) from its normal May slot. Every school has its cliques. At our school, the Barbie Dolls were at the top of the pecking order for all social events.Disco was...

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Birthday Gang Bang with Kelly

It’s the fall of 1999. Kelly will turn forty next summer and I have been racking my brain trying to come up with the perfect gift. I’ve thought through vacations, material goods. Nothing seemed to be the exact right thing.I was making a long drive one day with time to think. A memory popped into my head. Kelly and I have been dating for about a year and screwing like bunnies for about six months. I pulled down my jeans and she saw my flaccid cock. I will never forget the look on her face of...

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The Community Auction With Kelly

It was March of 1995. Kelly and I were both thirty-five. We’d lived in our “new” town for about two and a half years at that time. While we had found a music club in town where we could have some fun, our limited social lives still mostly revolved around work and co-workers. In fact, it was a guy I worked with who invited Kelly and me to a substantial community fundraiser. Apparently, over the years it had turned into the social highlight of the town.Folks would get fancied up and spend the...

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  Kelly walked seductively out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her gorgeous buxom body. Her strawberry blonde hair was still damp from the shower. She walked slowly over to the mirror allowing the towel to drop freely to the floor and starred to admire her gorgeous figure in the mirror.  At thirty four, she was just as attractive as she was in her early twenties if not more. Some men would consider her body as thick. She didn’t have the least bit of fat on her anywhere. She was just...

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Gene Has His Way With Kelly

It was 1976. Kelly was sixteen and got her first job working in the bakery/deli at the local grocery store. As she was still in high school she worked a variety of shifts after school, evenings, and on weekends. The job supplied a hideous smock as their uniform. Kelly wore her own jeans and T-shirt under the smock. The smocks were also cleaned by the store. There was a small breakroom in the back area where folks could store their jacket, purse, whatever, and that was where they would put on...

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Gary and I Have A Threesome With Kelly

It was February of 1993. Back in 1976, when Kelly was sixteen years old, she was at a party at a friend’s house that turned into an orgy and she was fucked by a half-dozen men that all worked together at the Ford dealership. A couple of them were double her age and one’s name was Gary. Fast-forward sixteen years and we had moved a couple of states away. Needing her Mustang repaired, Kelly went to the local Ford dealer the previous October. Lo and behold, Gary was the service writer.Her car...

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Getting Laid At The Festival With Kelly

It was August of 1977. Kelly and I were going to be seniors when school started back up. But before then our little town had its annual summer festival celebrating our local crop. Kelly and I had made our first trip to Milwaukee’s Summerfest several weeks ago and we knew that nothing in our little town could compare to that experience. Kelly’s sexuality was beginning to boil. She had dressed like a slut at Summerfest and loved the attention and the sex that it had brought her.Even though her...

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Getting Laid At The Festival With Kelly

It was August of 1977. Kelly and I were going to be seniors when school started back up. But before then our little town had its annual summer festival celebrating our local crop. Kelly and I had made our first trip to Milwaukee’s Summerfest several weeks ago and we knew that nothing in our little town could compare to that experience. Kelly’s sexuality was beginning to boil. She had dressed like a slut at Summerfest and loved the attention and the sex that it had brought her.Even though her...

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Fun With Her Gal Pal And Fun With Kelly

It was a Saturday late in the summer of 1991. Kelly had made plans to spend the day with her good friend Becca. Our sexy fun with Becca began in 1988 at our ten-year reunion when she jacked me off at the post-reunion pool party and then fucked me after I drove her drunk ass home. It continued the following summer when I jacked off in front of Kelly’s whole group of friends. Since then Becca and her husband Don had been to our house a few times without much happening other than some flirting and...

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A Guy From Work and I Enjoy Greekfest with Kelly

It was the summer of 1996. Tom was a sales guy who had been calling on me for the past few months and our companies were now doing business together. Tom was born to sales. He was genuinely a nice guy who wasn’t pushy, very professional, always came through on promises. We had gone out for beers after work a couple of times and were becoming good friends.When Tom called and invited Kelly and me to join him and his girlfriend for dinner on Friday, it seemed like a natural and logical thing to...

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Her Teacher Has Sex With Kelly

It was late fall of 1977. Kelly and I were seniors in high school. Kelly had changed so much over the past couple of years it was almost unbelievable. She had grown from being a shy, timid virgin to a strong woman that exuded confidence, and when she wanted, raw sexuality. Kelly had experienced nearly a dozen men and boys by that time, some barely sixteen, some more than twice her age.The summer before her junior year Kelly had run into one of the teachers, Mr. C. She was on a beer run with...

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Cliffs Birthday Party With Kelly

It was Friday, July 4, 1997. Kelly and I had been invited to a surprise fortieth birthday party for a friend of ours. Cliff’s wife Shelly had been planning the party for several weeks and it was quite a shindig. Shelly had a great spread catered in. A co-worker of Cliff’s moonlighted as a bartender and he volunteered to bartend.With a bartender, most of the twenty or so invitees were drinking his delicious (and strong) concoctions instead of slamming cans of beer. The net of it was that...

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Family Camping With Kelly

It was late July of 1977. Kelly and I were seventeen and had one more year of high school to go. My family were campers and my folks were okay with me inviting Kelly for our weekend at a state campground. Kelly and I drove separate from my folks and my sisters. We were camping with a couple of other families. One was my aunt, uncle, and their sons and the other were long-time family friends with their three kids.Rachel was the oldest of the family friend’s family. She was sixteen, a couple of...

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Buying A House With Kelly

It was August of 1992. Kelly and I were moving. I had taken a new job that was a few hours and a couple of states away. It was a big raise which made the move worth the effort. Nonetheless, it was hard to leave “home”.Kelly had her own job situation to deal with so as a result, I moved six months before Kelly was able to join me. It actually worked out okay as it gave us plenty of time to house hunt. Well, not entirely true. I was buried with the new job, so most of the hunting fell on Kelly...

Quickie Sex
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Fucking The Princesses With Kelly

It was August of 1995. Kelly and I were thirty-five. Something that I’ve not shared previously is that Kelly is a big fan of the Mouse House and in particular, their princess animated films. And while she loves the films, Kelly, being Kelly, also enjoyed the idea of putting a sexy twist to things.Kelly has been a seamstress since she was young. She enjoyed making costumes and over the years had made a number of Halloween costumes: Ren-fair and beer wench outfits, even a sexy Dorothy from Oz...

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Car Problems With Kelly

It was early October of 1992. Kelly and I had moved to a new locale just a few weeks earlier. That left us without our usual mechanic. When Kelly’s Mustang started acting up, she decided to take it to a Ford dealer. The problem was specific to higher speed and certain circumstances. Kelly really wanted the service writer to ride with her so she could demonstrate the actual problem and, hopefully, get it fixed on the first visit.It was a Friday afternoon around three o’clock when Kelly arrived....

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The Guys At IHOP With Kelly

It was November of 1999. Kelly and I had fallen into an odd tradition. Patrick was our close friend from high school. We’d had four-ways with he and Yvonne countless times over a number of years. Unfortunately, they broke up and Yvonne married a dud. However, Patrick has always been Kelly’s number two.Even after we moved a couple of states away, we would get together a few times each year and Patrick and Kelly would fuck. It had kind of worked out that we would get together the weekend before...

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Strip Gaming gets violent with Kelly

After taking an extremely boring Christian ethics class (required by my college, not by choice) on a late Friday afternoon, I checked my cell to see I had a few messages. It was Kelly and she was celebrating a well deserved A on an Calculus test. The first message read: "Got an A in Calc. Vodka n strip gaming my place" Strip gaming is something Kelly got me into and it usually led to sex. However, we quickly learned that there are certain games you just don't play against the other. Kelly...

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An Acquaintance And I With Kelly

It was Labor Day weekend of 1993. Kelly was antsy. Kelly had a couple of wild fuck sessions with a wealthy guy (and his vintage car racing) buddies during that summer. But summer was ending too quickly. All summer long Kelly had been running around in tiny bikinis, short skirts, and dresses. She had an incredible tan, had lost a couple of pounds, was keeping everything down south shaved smooth as glass, and her twat was on fire.Earlier that day we had been to the beach where Kelly got to show...

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An Acquaintance And Me With Kelly

It was Labor Day weekend of 1993. Kelly was antsy. Kelly had a couple of wild fuck sessions with a wealthy guy (and his vintage car racing) buddies during that summer. But summer was ending too quickly. All summer long Kelly had been running around in tiny bikinis, short skirts, and dresses. She had an incredible tan, had lost a couple of pounds, was keeping everything down south shaved smooth as glass, and her twat was on fire.Earlier that day we had been to the beach where Kelly got to show...

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Festival Concert With Kelly

It was June of 1991. Not too far from where we lived there was a big annual weekend festival with free concerts. Kelly found out that the headlining act for Saturday night was one of her favorite heavy metal ‘hair’ bands from the 1980s.We arrived early afternoon, enjoyed the beach, ate some festival food, and did some people-watching. Around dinner time we entered the large sandy field which served as the concert venue. We staked out a spot about halfway back, between the stage in front and the...

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A Redneck Wedding With Kelly

It was early August of 1985. Kelly and I were both twenty-five. Kelly had an interesting friend in high school. Terri came from a family that was very straight-laced. Terri was the black sheep of her family, probably because Terri liked to fuck. That was exactly what her first boyfriend had told me. Her boyfriend also told me that the more clothes Terri took off, the better looking she became.It was probably the fact that Kelly also loved to fuck that drew her and Terri together. For the most...

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bert and kelly

To say that Kelly was hot would convey the proper perspective on her being. With long, auburn hair, peachy complexion, blue eyes, nice figure she presented an imposing view to the eye of the occasional beholder. The outstanding quality of her professional work had to be the work of a near genius; yet, she had a flaw. . . a deep, dark secret! Since early childhood, Kelly had carried a deep seated fear of men. The mere touch of a man could bring an upset stomach or nervous tremors! It wasn’t...

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Debbie Did Dallas With Kelly

It was a Saturday night in September of 1980 at the start of Kelly’s junior year of college. I was visiting Kelly and her roommate Tricia at college. Tricia was looking through the entertainment section of the student newspaper and calling out the various deals, activities, etc., that were going on. She got a big case of the giggles when she shared that there was a porn double feature with “Debbie Does Dallas.”The previous spring break was when the dam of sexual tension between Tricia and...

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Octoberfest With Kelly

It was October of 1987. Kelly and I lived in an area with a strong German heritage. There was a German social/sporting club a few small towns away that held a series of Octoberfest dances each year. They ran every other Saturday culminating in a big party on Halloween weekend, which that year was actually on Saturday.The fact that we were all taught the polka, schottische, and waltz in high school gym class tells you all you need to know about the heritage thing. Kelly and I enjoyed dancing and...

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Wild Weekend and Concert with Kelly

It was the spring of 1980. Kelly and I were a couple of years out of high school. Scott, who you met previously, was a senior. He had been dating Gina for the past few months. She was a sixteen-year-old sophomore.Kelly and Gina both worked part-time at a local bakery. They got along well and Kelly had taken Gina under her wing like a little sister. Gina had started the job around the same time she started dating Scott. Scott, true to his word, never said anything about Kelly giving him his...

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Kissing KellybyMister_Shy©Alright, so I'm a horny bastard, what else could I do? I've never considered myself very bright, neither would I say I'm blessed with an abundance of forethought...So, as I get this off my chest, let me go on the record and say, yeah, I know this was a bad idea going in. A spectacularly bad idea. A spectacularly dirty, risky idea. But I'll risk anything to get what I want, and what I wanted, what I couldn't stop myself from wanting, was my dad's new wife. I wanted to...

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