My Benggali Neighbour. free porn video

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Halim meminta anaknya yang berusia enam tahun itu menjengok di luar rumah untuk melihat sama-ada sesiapa yang datang ke rumahnya. Bunyi deruan angin lori yang agak kuat di luar seolah ada orang datang ke rumahnya. Setahunya tidak ada pun dia menempah atau meminta sesiapa menghantar barang untuknya. Setelah dia sendiri menjengoknya, barulah dia tahu ada orang yang akan duduk atau sewa rumah kosong di sebelahnya.

“Dah ada orang sewa rumah sebelah tu. Nampaknya benggali pula yang sewa rumah Che Ibrahim tu” kata Halim bila ditanya oleh isterinya.
Kesal juga Halim kerana sepanjang dia menyewa di rumah itu, belum ada lagi jiran-jiran terdekatnya orang melayu. Kesemuanya berbangsa asing. Di depan dan di sebelahnya kesemuanya bangsa cina.
“Apa khabar”.

Halim menjengok keluar bila terdengar dirinya dipanggil. Seorang lelaki yang lebih kurang sebaya dengannya telah mencegat dan tersenyum ke arahnya di muka pintu. Rupa-rupanya penghuni baru yang akan menyewa di sebelah rumahnya yang datang. Terkejut juga Halim kerana sebelum ini jiran-jirannya yang lain yang berbangsa asing itu tidak pernah datang ke rumahnya.

Setelah lelaki tersebut memperkenalkan diri barulah Halim tahu bahawa yang menyewa rumah itu adalah sepasang suami isteri berbangsa benggali. Walaupun lelaki tersebut tidak memakai sarban, Halim tahu yang dia adalah berbangsa benggali, kerana beberapa orang keluarganya yang datang sama adalah memakai sarban di atas kepalanya. Hanya lelaki yang ingin menyewa rumah itu saja yang tak memakai sarban..

Setelah beberapa hari benggali itu tinggal di situ barulah Halim merasa lega. Didapatinya Jagjit (namanya) baik orangnya dan tahu menghormati dia sekeluarga yang berbangsa melayu. Isterinya Susmita juga ramah orangnya, walaupun cakapnya agak pelat, tidak seperti suaminya yang begitu fasih berbahasa melayu. Jagjit juga tidak memelihara anjing seperti jiran cinanya yang lain. Jadi bila Jagjit mengajak mereka sekeluarga bertandang ke rumahnya, tidaklah menjadi masaalah bagi Halim sekeluarga.

“Milah, pergilah bertandang ke rumah sebelah tu. Tak ada salahnya kita berbuat baik kepada jiran walaupun dia berbangsa asing. Kebaikan kita adalah mencerminkan kebaikan bangsa kita” kata Halim menasihati isterinya.

Setelah beberapa bulan berjiran, hubungan Milah dan Susmita begitu baik sekali. Oleh kerana mereka sama-sama tidak bekerja dan saling menghurmati antara satu sama lain, hubungan mereka berjalan dengan baik. Malah mereka juga saling menghulurkan apa saja makanan. Susmita juga lebih suka dengan masakan melayu, jadi dia selalu meminta Milah mengajarnya.

Pendek kata, bila saja ada masa terluang atau ketika anaknya ke tadika, Milah akan berkunjung ke rumah Susmita. Apatah lagi sekarang ini Susmita telah mengandong, kadang-kadang dia banyak bertanya dan meminta nasihat dari Milah. Milah sendiri bukannya tahu sangat, tapi pengalamannya ketika mengandungkan anaknya itu dapat dikongsinya dengan Susmita. Walaupun ketika Jagjit ada di rumah, Milah tak rasa kekok untuk berbual-bual dengan Susmita. Tambah-tambah lagi Jagjit pandai mengusiknya dan agak kelakar juga.

Tapi yang Milah terpesona ialah dengan ketampanan Jagjit. Rupa paras Jagjit tak ubah seperti DJ Dave, penyanyi pujaannya semasa anak dara dulu. Bukan saja Milah yang selalu berkunjung ke rumah Susmita malah Halim juga suka berbual-bual dengan Jagjit. Tambah lagi Jagjit cukup pandai berbual.

Sejak akhir-akhir ini Milah rasa satu kelainan ketika dia berada di rumah Susmita, terutama ketika suaminya Jagjit ada bersama. Jagjit yang selalu berseluar pendek dan tak berbaju itu kadang-kadang membuatkan dia geli melihatnya. Tubuhnya yang sasa dan dadanya yang bidang serta ditumbuhi bulu-bulu itu agak menyeramkannya. Tambahan pula Jagjit sekarang sering memerhatikannya.

Dalam kekerapan Jagjit memerhatikan dirinya begitu, perasaan bangga Milah datang juga dalam dirinya. Dia yang sudah beranak satu itu, dapat juga menarik perhatian lelaki setampan Jagjit, fikir Milah dalam hati. Pernah pada suatu hari Milah sedang mangajar Susmita membuat kueh karipap. Jagjit yang kebetulan ada di rumah telah ikut sama memerhatikan cara-cara membuat kueh karipap. Dan dalam berbual sambil membuat kueh ketika itu, Milah telah bertanya kepada Jagjit, kueh apakah yang disukainya. Lalu dengan selamba sambil tersenyum Jagjit menjawab yang dia sangat suka makan “apam melayu”.

Milah berubah mukanya tiba-tiba bila mendengar jawapan tersebut kerana Milah faham sangat bila disebut “apam”. Tapi Milah tak tahu sama ada Susmita faham atau tidak maksud “apam” yang dikatakan oleh suaminya itu. Tapi Milah pasti maksud “apam” yang dikatakan oleh Jagjit itu adalah kemaluan perempuan. Yang lebih tak sedap lagi di hati Milah ialah bila Jagjit kata “apam melayu”. Mungkinkah Jagjit maksudkan yang dia suka pada kemaluannya?, fikir Milah dalam hatinya.

Bulu romanya mula berdiri.. Bukan itu saja yang membuatkan Milah seram, malah pada suatu malam, ketika Susmita mengajak keluarganya makan malam bersama-sama. Kebetulan pula malam itu suaminya tidak dapat bersama kerana ada kelas tambahan, jadi hanya dia dan anaknya saja ke rumah Susmita. Semasa makan Milah duduk di hadapan Jagjit. Anaknya duduk di sebelahnya dan Susmita pula duduk di sebelah Jagjit.

Ketika Susmita bangkit menuju ke dapur untuk tambah makanan, Milah terasa kakinya disentuh-sentuh. Dia ingatkan ada kucing atau lain-lain binatang peliharaan, tapi bila dia menjengok ke bawah meja, didapatinya kaki Jagjit yang menyentuh-nyentuh kaki dan betisnya. Lalu dia mengalih kakinya ke belakang. Tapi selepas itu, walaupun Susmita ada bersama, Milah terasa kaki dan betisnya disentuh lagi walaupun sudah dijauhkannya.

Milah begitu serba salah. Nak bangkit dan bertukar tempat dengan anaknya, takut Susmita perasan atau bertanya kenapa dia tukar tempat. Bagi Milah, dia tidak ingin Susmita mengetahui akan perkara ini. Ia bimbang akan terjadi perkelahian pula di antara mereka suami isteri. Dia memang menghurmati Susmita selama ini. Jadi nak tak nak Milah terpaksa bertahan dan membiarkan saja kaki Jagjit menyentuh-nyentuh betisnya. Tapi rupanya tidak betis saja yang disentuhnya, malah kaki Jagjit semakin ke atas dan sudah menyentuh pada pahanya pula.

Dari rasa geli menjadi bertambah geli lagi. Dan dari bertambah geli, Milah mula terasa lain macam pula. Naluri wanitanya mula datang, maklumlah bila betis dan pahanya disentuh-sentuh begitu. Suaminya Halim tidak pernah pun mengusik-usik di betis dan pahanya begitu. Yang suaminya sentiasa sentuh ialah pada buah dadanya dan terus pada kemaluannya. Milah pun tidak tahu bahawa betis dan pahanya itu akan memberikan rasa nikmat bila diusik-usik dan disentuh begitu. Milah semakin serba salah. Dan akhirnya dia cepat-cepat menghabiskan makanannya, lalu bangkit dari kerusi dan menuju ke dapur.
“Eh.. Tambah lagi. Makanan banyak lagi kat dapur tu” kata Susmita pada Milah.

Tapi Milah segera menjawab bahawa dia sudah kenyang. Walhal kalau dikirakan dia masih ingin menambah lagi. Semenjak malam itu Milah agak takut untuk ke rumah Susmita ketika Jagjit ada. Tapi Susmita pula yang selalu sangat mengajaknya, tak kira suaminya ada di rumah ataupun tidak. Kerana memikirkan pada Susmita, Milah pergi juga. Dia tidak ingin mengecilkan hati Susmita yang sangat baik kepadanya itu. Dia juga tidak ingin Susmita mengesyaki apa-apa dan tak ingin menunjukkan perubahan pada dirinya.

Milah tahu yang Susmita tidak mengentahui akan kegatalan suaminya itu. Dan bila mereka sama-sama berada di meja makan, Milah cuba mengelak untuk duduk berhadapan dengan Jagjit lagi. Kalau Jagjit hendak perhati dan renung dirinya, biarkanlah. Bukannya mendatangkan kerugian apa-apa pada dirinya.
Halim terpaksa menghadiri kursus kaunseling yang dianjurkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan. Kursus yang akan diadakan di Pantai Timur itu memakan masa selama sebulan. Halim menyedari bahawa dengan ketiadaannya di rumah, agak susah sikit bagi isterinya jika memerlukan apa-apa keperluan rumah. Kalau sekadar lauk dan sayur tu memang ada yang datang menjaja di hadapan rumahnya, tapi kalau lain-lain keperluan terpaksalah ke bandar.

Walau bagaimana pun Halim meminta isterinya menumpang Susmita jirannya itu jika kebetulan dia dan suaminya hendak ke bandar. Ataupun kirim saja kepada mereka. Bagi Milah, kalau tidak kerana anaknya bersekolah tadika, lebih baik dia balik kampong selama sebulan itu. Tapi kerana anaknya terpaksalah dia tinggal di rumah sewanya ini.

Setelah dua minggu Halim menghadiri kursus, baru kali ini Milah akan ke bandar. Susmita yang mengajaknya menemani beliau. Kata Susmita, dia ingin membeli pakaian bayi yang bakal dilahirkan itu. Lagipun pada minggu depan Susmita akan balik ke kampongnya. Dia akan melahirkan anak sulongnya itu di rumah keluarganya di kampong. Walaupun jangkaan doktor lebih kurang dua minggu lagi, tapi doktor menasihatkan supaya balik awal kerana kebiasaannya kelahiran berlaku lebih awal dari yang dijangkakan.

Susmita yang akan balik kampong besok pagi telah bersungguh-sungguh meminta Milah menemaninya. Kata Susmita, kalau berlaku apa-apa di tengah jalan nanti, bolehlah juga dia meminta tolong Milah. Nak harapkan suaminya, memang mereka berdua tak tahu apa-apa. Maklumlah mereka baru kali ini menempuh keadaan begini. Baru anak pertama. Kata Susmita, kalau Milah tak nak bermalam pun tak apa, Milah boleh terus balik pada petangnya kerana memang suaminya akan balik pada petang itu juga disebabkan dia tak dapat cuti.

Milah agak serba salah juga. Tapi tak sampai hati juga dia untuk menghampakan Susmita. Dan setelah Milah menalipon suaminya untuk meminta izin, dan suaminya membenarkannya, Milah telah memberikan kesanggupan. Pukul 9.00 pagi Milah dan anaknya bertolak bersama-sama Susmita dan suaminya untuk menghantar Susmita. Tengah hari baru mereka sampai di rumah keluarga Susmita. Milah merasa terharu dengan penerimaan keluarga Susmita.

Patutlah Susmita peramah dan baik, kerana keluarganya juga memang begitu. Keluarga Susmita membeli makanan di kedai untuk dijamu kepadanya kerana bimbang dia tidak memakan masakan mereka. Milah juga agak kembang hidungnya bila dipuji oleh Susmita di depan keluarganya. Pada sebelah petang Susmita telah meminta keluarganya memasak kueh-kueh makanan orang benggali. Dia ingin agar Milah mencuba bagaimana rasanya kueh tradisional mereka. Dan bila Milah cuba didapatinya sedap juga kueh tradisional mereka.

“Orang melayu pun, kalau dah rasa kueh benggali, pasti nak lagi” kata Jagjit suami Susmita ketika mereka semua sedang makan.

Dan sekali lagi Milah berdegup jantungnya bila mendengar kata-kata Jagjit itu. Dalam hati Milah berkata bahawa Jagjit ni tak habis-habis dengan gatalnya. Milah tahu sangat yang Jagjit tujukan kata-kata tersebut ditujukan kepadanya. Dari air muka dan senyumannya pun Milah sudah dapat membacanya.
Pukul 8.00 malam Milah bertolak balik ke rumahnya. Susmita beberapa kali telah meminta Milah datang lagi ke rumahnya. Dan Milah memberi jaminan bahawa dia akan datang lagi bila Susmita melahirkan anaknya nanti. Milah duduk di tempat duduk belakang. Dia telah meminta anaknya duduk di kerusi hadapan di sebelah Jagjit. Bukannya apa-apa kerana ada juga perasaan bimbangnya, manalah tahu Jagjit mengambil kesempatan menghulurkan tangannya untuk merabanya nanti.

Semasa isterinya ada bersama pun Jagjit boleh mengambil kesempatan menghulurkan kakinya di bawah meja, inikan pula hanya dia dua beranak saja. Setelah sampai di pertengahan jalan, anak Milah telah mula mengantok. Kepalanya terhoyong-hayang ke kiri ke kanan. Seringkali kepalanya terhantok pada pintu kereta. Jagjit memberhentikan kereta. Dia mencadangkan agar anak Milah dibaringkan di tempat duduk belakang. Tempat duduk hadapan sememangnya tidak dapat direbahkan kerana rosak. Kata Jagjit dia bimbang anak Milah akan terlintok ke arahnya dan terkena stering dan tentu akan membahayakan. Dan Jagjit sendiri yang menolong mengangkat anak Milah yang lena itu. Dan oleh kerana anaknya telah baring di tempat duduk belakang maka terpaksalah Milah duduk di kerusi hadapan.

Yang ditakuti dan dibimbangkan oleh Milah memang benar terjadi. Setelah beberapa lama perjalanan Milah terkejut bila tiba-tiba sebelah tangan Jagjit berada di atas pahanya. Milah cuba menepis dan mengalihkan tangan yang dipenuhi bulu-bulu itu, tapi Jagjit lebih kuat darinya. Untuk ditepis dengan lebih kuat lagi, Milah bimbang kerana Jagjit hanya memandu dengan sebelah tangan saja. Manalah tahu steringnya akan terbabas pula nanti.

Milah cuba untuk menjerit, tapi tak jadi bila teringatkan anaknya yang sedang lena di belakang. Milah bimbang bila anaknya terjaga dan melihat tangan Jagjit di atas pahanya, pasti anaknya akan beritahu pada suaminya dan sudah tentulah akan kecoh keseluruhannya. Mungkin juga suaminya nanti menganggap yang dia sendiri sememangnya gatal. Atau pun mungkin berlaku pergaduhan bahkan mungkin hingga ke mahkamah dan sebagainya. Dan bagi Milah yang pastinya dia yang akan mendapat malu nanti. Jadi nak tak nak, Milah cuba bertahan dan menenangkan keadaan.

Tangan Jagjit dipegangnya supaya hanya berada setakat di atas pahanya saja, tidak bergerak kebahagian-bahagian lain. Walaupun tangan Jagjit tidak bergerak dan hanya terpekap di pahanya saja, tapi jari-jari Jagjit bergerak juga. Kulit paha Milah digaru-garunya perlahan-lahan. Dan cara Jagjit menggaru-garu inilah yang membuatkan Milah terasa geli. Walaupun pahanya ditutupi kain baju kurung tapi kegeliannya terasa juga.

Dan tanpa Milah sedari kegelian itu telah membuatkan bulu romanya mula berdiri dan naluri nafsunya mula datang. Milah yang sudah beberapa minggu tidak menikmati hubungan sex itu agak cepat terangsang. Tangannya yang mengawal tangan Jagjit tadi sudah mula semakin longgar menyebabkan tangan dan jari-jari Jagjit semakin bebas bergerak. Milah bertambah geli bila tangan Jagjit menyentuh pada celah kangkangnya. Apa lagi Jagjit telah mengusap-usap perlahan celah kangkangnya itu.

Dia dengan sendirinya mula semakin tersandar pada kerusi dan membiarkan saja tangan Jagjit untuk terus mengusap-usap di celah tersebut. Bukan setakat itu saja, malah Milah juga sudah membiarkan saja walaupun dirasanya tangan Jagjit mula menyingkat kainnya ke atas. Dan selepas itu Milah terasa tangan Jagjit menyelinap masuk ke bawah kainnya pula. Milah bertambah khayal bila bersentuh dengan tidak berlapikkan lagi itu. Apa lagi jari-jari Jagjit mula menyelinap masuk ke bawah seluar dalamnya pula. Dan tanpa disedarinya juga yang dia sendiri sudah membuka kangkangnya.

Milah terkejut bila kereta Jagjit terhenti. Rupa-rupanya mereka sudah sampai ke rumah. Kereta Jagjit sudah sudah pun berhenti di bawah porch rumah Jagjit. Ketika ini hanya dua tiga buah rumah yang masih cerah. Yang lainnya sudah gelap, mungkin telah tidur. Maklumlah jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 12.00 tengah malam.

Milah yang tengah syok tadi membetulkan kain baju kurungnya yang disingkat oleh Jagjit lalu turun dari kereka. Dia sebenarnya masih khayal lagi dengan kenikmatan sebentar tadi. Dan Milah seakan-akan menyesal kenapa begitu cepat sampai ke rumah. Milah cuba mengejutkan anaknya yang masih lena dengan nyenyaknya untuk balik ke rumahnya, tapi Jagjit mengatakan tak apalah, biar dia tolong dukong dan angkatkan anaknya itu untuk hantar ke rumahnya. Milah hanya mencapai bag yang dibawanya dan keluar dari perkarangan rumah Jagjit untuk masuk ke rumahnya.

Jagjit yang mendukong anaknya mengekori dari belakang. Anaknya yang mungkin keletihan itu masih terus lena. Milah telah meminta Jagjit meletakkan anaknya di dalam bilik tidurnya. Memang ada satu katil kecil di bilik itu yang khusus untuk anaknya. Dan di katil itulah Jagjit membaringkan anaknya. Setelah Jagjit membaringkan anaknya, Milah membongkok mengambil selimut untuk diselimut anaknya itu. Tapi sekali lagi Milah terkejut bila Jagjit telah meraba punggongnya. Tapi Milah sudah tidak lagi menepis tangan itu. Dia yang tidak puas merasa syok tadi, seakan-akan ingin merasanya lagi.

Semakin punggongnya diraba-raba begitu, semakin syok dan nikmat lagi. Dan di dalam keadaan nikmat begitu Milah tidak sedar yang dia hanya menurut saja bila Jagjit memimpinnya menuju ke katilnya. Milah merasa begitu cepat Jagjit menerkam kepadanya. Telinga dan tengkoknya terus dicium oleh Jagjit. Tangan Jagjit pula merayap-rayap pada dadanya dengan sesekali buah dadanya diramas-ramas olehnya. Milah yang semakin nikmat ini telah membiarkan saja Jagjit membuka baju kurungnya.

Dan sekejap saja tubuhnya sebelah atas telah terdedah kesemuanya. Inilah pertama kali tubuh Milah terdedah begitu. Suaminya tidak pernah mendedahkan begitu, sebaliknya ditutupnya dengan kain selimut. Malah ketika melakukan hubungan sex dengan suaminya, Milah tidak pernah dalam keadaan bogel. Suaminya mengatakan tidak boleh berbogel kerana iblis akan melihatnya sama. Jadi mereka melakukannya dalam kain selimut.

Milah semakin kelemasan bila Jagjit telah mengucup dan mencium pada dadanya. Dan dia seakan-akan meraung kenikmatan bila kedua buah dadanya dihisap bergilir-gilir oleh Jagjit. Puting buah dadanya seringkali digigit-gigit perlahan. Dan inilah pertama kali dirasanya yang buah dadanya dihisap begitu. Suaminya hanya meramas-ramasnya sahaja. Barulah Milah tahu betapa nikmatnya dia bila kedua-dua buah dadanya dihisap begitu. Selain dari itu Milah juga terasa geli bila dadanya tersentuh dengan dada Jagjit yang berbulu itu.

Entah bila Jagjit membuka bajunya, Milah tidak perasan. Tahu-tahu dada mereka sama-sama terdedah. Milah tidak menyangka yang Jagjit terus mencium dan mengucupnya semakin ke bawah lagi. Dari buah dadanya, mulut dan lidah Jagjit terus mencium dan menjilat-jilat pada perutnya. Kemudian turun lagi hingga ke pusatnya dan akhirnya Jagjit mengucup dan mencium pada seluar dalamnya. Milah seakan-akan ingin bertempek kenikmatan bila seluar dalamnya dikucup dan dicium oleh Jagjit.

Dan dalam keadaan dia tengah khayal begitulah, dia merasa Jagjit telah menanggalkan kain baju kurungnya. Kemudian Jagjit telah menanggalkan pula seluar dalamnya. Milah yang dalam keadaan nikmat begitu sudah tidak kesah lagi walaupun dirinya telah bogel kesemuanya. Suara Milah semakin kuat merengek bila Jagjit mula mencium dan menjilat pada kemaluannya. Milah sudah tidak malu lagi untuk membuka kangkangnya. Milah sudah lupa segalanya. Dan Milah akhirnya mendengus dengan kuat bila Jagjit mengulum kelentitnya. Dia menggelepar mencapai kepuasannya yang pertama.

Jagjit masih menjilat-jilat kemaluan Milah. Lidahnya sentiasa berlegar-legar pada sekeliling bibir kemaluan dengan sesekali dijelirnya masuk ke dalam lubang kemaluan Milah. Kelentit Milah menjadi kemerahan dikucup dan dikulum olehnya membuatkan Milah yang telah mencapai kepuasan pertama tadi datang ghairah semula. Bagi Milah tidak ada tandingnya kenikmatan yang dirasainya bila kelentitnya itu dikulum oleh Jagjit. Lalu Milah memegang kepala Jagjit agar kelentitnya itu terus dikulum-kulum begitu.

Milah yang telah ghairah kali kedua seakan-akan tidak sabar untuk merasa nikmat yang seterusnya. Dia memerhatikan ke arah seluar dalam Jagjit. Dia begitu ingin supaya benda yang ada di dalam seluar dalam itu menerjah masuk ke dalam kemaluannya. Dan bila Jagjit melurutkan seluar dalamnya ke bawah, Milah dapat melihat betapa besar dan panjangnya konek Jagjit. Dan Milah cuba membayangkan betapa nikmatnya bila konek itu menerjah masuk ke dalam kemaluannya.

Milah mengangkangkan kakinya lebar-lebar supaya Jagjit terus memasukkan koneknya. Tapi Jagjit masih lagi mengesel-geselkan kepala koneknya di celah kemaluannya saja. Milah begitu tidak sabar untuk merasa konek yang besar dan panjang itu. Tapi tidak lama kemudian Milah mula merasa yang kemaluannya mula dimasuki oleh konek Jagjit. Seakan ingin terkoyak rasanya lubang kemaluannya untuk menerima kemasukan konek tersebut. Dan tanpa disedari Milah terbeliak matanya bila Jagjit terus menjunamkannya.

Milah dapat merasa yang kepala konek Jagjit telah sampai ke dasarnya. Milah sudah tidak menghiraukan keadaan sekeliling. Dia terus meraung dan merengek-rengek bila Jagjit menghenjutkan punggongnya. Konek Jagjit yang besar dan panjang itu keluar masuk seolah-oleh mengorek-ngorek lubang kemaluannya. Milah terasa dirinya seperti diawang-awangan.

Jagjit juga sudah tidak menghiraukan rengetan Milah lagi. Dia terus menghenjutnya semakin laju, dan laju. Dan laju. Dan akhirnya Jagjit mencabut koneknya lalu dilepaskan air maninya dan terpancut pada pusat, perut dan dada Milah. Jagjit juga sudah mendengus-dengus dan berdesis-desis mulutnya seperti orang kepedasan. Mungkin dia begitu nikmat ketika air maninya terpancut itu.

Jagjit memakai semula pakaiannya. Dia ingin segera balik ke rumahnya. Kalau anak Milah terjaga nanti buruk padanya. Milah yang masih terkangkang dan telentang di katil diperhatikannya sekali lagi. Tercapai sudah hajatnya untuk merasakan ‘apam melayu’. Dan memang Jagjit cukup puas hati dengan kemaluan Milah. Dia dapat merasa betapa kuatnya kemutan dan cengkaman kemaluan Milah.

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The Good Neighbour

Mary stood staring at the flat passenger side rear tyre of her car in horror. This would definitely have to be the proverbial straw on the camel’s back. She felt the beginnings of desperation start to settle in and fought hard against it. She was not going to give in. She was determined not to give in. Not today of all days. Stating that she had had her share of ups and downs would be an understatement. As the very first drops of the forecast rain started to fall, she bit down hard on her lower...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Our upset neighbour

Donna and I were watching a movie one Saturday night, when there was a knock on the door, I answered it to find our neighbour, a young pretty Asian girl, crying and obviously in some distress, I invited her in and she came into the lounge, I told her to sit on the sofa, where my wife was sitting, she was crying and we put our arms around her and she told us the problem.Her husband had been screwing her sister, and she'd just found out, it had been going on for a couple of years, she was really...

2 years ago
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Young Girl Loses Virginity To Married Bengali Neighbour

Hi, I am Sumaiyya. Yes, this is my original name but then, I don’t care since there are thousands of Sumaiyya all across India. Please don’t try to hit me on Instagram since social media is not my cup of tea. Since this is my first installment of the story, the introduction might take a bit of time but I request you to bear with me. I am pretty sure you will love it. I remember I was in my teens when I came to Calcutta with my parents. I looked a bit like Hina Khan, but was not so fair in...

3 years ago
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Hot Afternoons With CumGuzzling Mumbai MILF Neighbour

Hi all, this is Raj from Mumbai, sharing the experience that I had with my hot neighbour, Nandini over the course of two afternoons. About myself, I am a 28-year-old professional working and living in Mumbai, 6 feet tall with a normal physique and a 7-inch dick that can satisfy any woman. Coming back to the story, across from where I was staying, stayed the heroine of this story, Nandini. Nandini was this bombshell MILF. She was 45 years old, about 5 feet 5 tall, with a beautiful face, big,...

4 years ago
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older neighbour

My older neighbour was always looking at my girlfriend. He's nearing his 50's, large built, shaved head, likes to think he's quite aggressive and dominant. My GF is in her mid 20's, slim but with a decent sized bum, a bit like a porn's noticeable and always attracts the attention of other men. She has quite a dirty look about her even if she doesn't mean too. She looks like she has a high sex drive but doesn't want to make it obvious. Basically, my older neighbour imagines her to have...

2 years ago
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A shower with that good neighbour

Well, the 3 weeks that were supposed to pass before we met up again, became 3 days as we hooked up again yesterday. His friend really enjoyed his gay experience and he bugged my neighbour so much that we wound up in a motel last night. I told my wife that I had to go away on a last minute overnite trip and I met them at a clean motel not too far from my house. They had gotten a room with plenty of space for the 3 of us to sleep and the general idea was that we would have some drinks, watch...

3 years ago
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Chrissy the Next Door Neighbour

‘Shit!’ Chrissy swore to herself as the heavy box slipped out of her hands and fell onto the floor in the middle of the hallway. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and sighed heavily. Thankfully this was the last box. They had been lugging her stuff up to the fourth floor apartment all morning and she was just about wiped out. ‘They’ were she and her boyfriend Robert. After months of hounding on his part, she had finally agreed to move into his little one-bedroom apartment. The two had...

3 years ago
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A tight circumcision from my Muslim neighbour

A tight circumcision from my Muslim neighbourTime to tell a story. One that’s just happened, recently. My name is Paul. For my 18th birthday, last year, Dad bought me a used Ford, as my first car. Nothing too flash. I shouldn’t have had a beer with my friends because when I returned home alone with my new prize, I made a mistake. We live in a cul de sac dead end street and as I was parking, I scraped the neighbour’s car. Not just any car but my neighbours European Merc. Just a small scratch on...

3 years ago
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Crazy Friday with neighbour

Well if you have read my previous stories about my neighbour you will have an idea of whats coming.If your all settled i'll begin.It was the Friday before christmas, Crazy Friday its called and we were going out with friendsfor a few drinks we intended to start early and finish at a reasonable time before alot of the dickheads started to get pissed.I lay on the bed reading after my shower and waited for my wife to come into the bedroom after her shower she did with a towel wrapped around her...

2 years ago
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Longlasting Desire For My Neighbour

Hello friends, this is Ajay. This is about how i had sex with my neighbour girl who is just 19 years old. My neighbour is a Orissa family who recently got a baby girl. Since both are working, my neighbour brought her sister to Bangalore. She is the heroine of the story. She is just 18 years old. But has a very good body & structure. She is definitely a virgin. The most beautiful asset of her body is her ass. Her ass is well shaped and tightly packed. I always had an eye on the girl from the day...

4 years ago
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My Neighbour

I moved into a house in a quiet town after a long soul sucking marriage and a bitter divorce, and now I was looking to start fresh.Late in the afternoon I saw my new neighbour for the first time, she was fairly tall, slim, pale as snow with bright red hair hanging down her shoulders and a bosom that was trying to fight it's way out of a very tight t-shirt."Hi!" I said smiling as she pulled her car up a few meters away."Hi to you too!" she replied back with a smile."I'm Joe" I said staring at...

4 years ago
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Introduction: With sisters help on New Years Eve, he fucks his MILF Neighbour. BEST PRESENT EVER: MILF NEIGHBOUR Summary: With sisters help on New Years Eve, he fucks his MILF Neighbour. Note 1: This is the third part of the Best Present Ever series. In Part One (Bitch Sister), Matthew turns the tables on his bitch sister making her his personal sex slave. In Part Two (Cheerleader Orgy), Matthew has a fun foursome with his sister and two other cheerleaders. Of course, I suggest you read the...

2 years ago
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Hi friends, I am j*** and I am from Cannanore in Kerala.i am narrating my first experience with my neighbour house wife her name is Sindhu whose hubby in abroad about 5’4″ tall, 40yrs old lady she had big boobs and nice round butts She had a sexy walk as she swayed her hips oblivious to the reaction she caused in men who observed her. She dressed in pastel colored sarees and usually wore a pleasant jasmine perfume that was very sensual. She was a good lady and I considered myself lucky to be...

3 years ago
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Taught by My Neighbour

For the fourth time in as many days, my cock erupted into the pair of red satin panties wrapped around it. In my mind, it wasn't the panties I was shooting my load into, but what they normally covered. At sixteen years old, I was technically still a virgin. I'd had the odd grope of my girlfriend's tits and once, even got to feel her cunt through her panties but as far full sex was concerned I was a virgin and relied on my fist for my satisfaction. Of course I knew it all in theory, I had a...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Hot And Sexy Neighbour

Hi everyone, I am Karthik, 26 years old from Bangalore. I work as a senior software Engineer in a product-based organization. This story is about a real incident where I fucked my hot, sexy and busty neighbour. So, we were neighbors in Noida. They have been staying next to us for around 6 years. It was a family of 3. An old couple and their 29-year-old daughter, Dipali. Dipali is an assistant professor in an Engineering college. Dipali is a beautiful and sexy woman. She is 5.6 feet tall, has a...

3 years ago
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Exposing and stroking for my sexy neighbour

When we moved in one of the first things that I noticed was that our neighbour liked to smoke out of one of her roof windows which over looked our sitting room. Sometimes I would be sitting on the sofa watching TV or browsing the internet, well lets be honest, looking at porn!!!!, I would see her swing the window up and light up. Once or twice I had thought she might have caught me stroking my cock as I looked at porn. I do this sometimes when my wife is at work,, well don't most men!!!. Of...

3 years ago
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New Neighbour

Sue and I have lived in the same house for 18 years and we have watched our k**s grow and move out, our neighbours have been in their house longer than us but decided to move, downsize. we asked them who was moving in and they said a young lad on his own, he works away a lot so bought as an investment. ok lets hope he doesn't have parties when he's home! lol. don't worry they said he seems sensible. Sue and I continued with our lives and we never really seen the new neighbour only when passing...

4 years ago
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The Next Door Neighbour

My name is Justin. I'm in my mid-thirties, which is a pretty good age to start reflecting on your past, and take stock of where you are today. I've been looking at some old pictures from when I was in my early twenties. I wore the cool slacker/skater look quite well. I was a tall, with long wavy brown hair that hung down to my jaw line. I wore jeans and retro T-shirts all the time during the summers. In the winters I'd add a thick sweater and jacket to the ensemble. I was very skinny at the...

2 years ago
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The Neighbour

It was a tuesday evening, i had just pulled up in my car and my neighbour Rachel was waiting outside for me. Rachel had recently divorced her husband and we had started to chat over the fence since, she was a very pretty brunette with what i could see a very good figure, she had only been my neighbour a couple of months before her husband left her. Anyway it was nothing new that Rachel was outside, she was normally out there watching her k**s playing in the street. As i walked down my path, she...

4 years ago
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My New Neighbour

I was over the moon when the live in warden of the block of sheltered accommodation flats where I lived told me the new tenant of the next flat to mine was a single woman around my own age. “At last,” I thought, “someone I can talk to.” Pretty well every tenant in the block was much older than I was and I had little if anything in common with them so someone my own age, early sixties, would make a pleasant change. It was about a week later on Wednesday morning when she moved in. I saw the...

4 years ago
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Fucking good neighbour

I live opposite a single woman who I fancied something cruel. She appeared to have a very active social life with lots of men friends. I thought her unapproachable since my partner would very quickly be suspicious if I was to have an affair so close to home. We actually nicknamed her trollop due to the many men she entertained.One Saturday my partner was out for the day and there was a knock at my door. I was amazed, and delighted, to find that it was the neighbour from across the road. Could I...

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She finally had our young neighbour

So it happened. My wife had a sexual encounter with our young neighbour. Unfortunately it was not something I was aware of until I accidentally discovered them together.Let me start by saying that my wife has had many fantasies involving our young neighbour Troy. He’s currently 22, blonde and a muscular 6 foot, hitting the gym every day after work. She is 45, fit, petite and extremely hot. We’ve dirty talked many times about her fantasies with Troy but she has never had the courage to try to...

2 years ago
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The LockedOut Neighbour

With a groan I slammed my almost emptylager bottle onto the table and stood up. I briefly debated putting on some trousers but then figured what the hell – if someone wants to knock at the front door ten minutes after I've got home from work then they'll just have to put up with me in my white Calvins and shirt. Opening the door I was a little surprised. It wasn't some kind of charity mugger or local councillor garnering votes. No, it was my hot as fuck neighbour, Warren. I could qualify that...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Fucked My Hot Neighbour

After seeing the overwhelming responses from the ISS readers, this story is about how I fucked my neighbour a month ago. I live in Chennai and her name is Savitha (name changed) and she is from Andhra. She lives with her husband and her kid in our flats as they have recently shifted to Chennai due to her husband work location changed. To tel about her, she is little bubbly, not too much of over weight, but the weight a woman gains after giving birth to a baby. Am not sure about her size as I...

4 years ago
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Dinner Turned Sex With Neighbour

Hello All Hope everybody is doing good. I am here to share my sexual encounters with my neighbour. To start with, I am a software engineer from Hyderabad and I am 27. I am fair and good looking guy and I stay at Miyapur in a single bed room flat. There is this lady around 35 who stays next to my flat. I met here few times earlier while coming and going out of my flat and exchanged some casual talks. Her husband too works for an IT company and had been to US and she was staying alone. She is a...

3 years ago
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24 Hours With My Sexy Neighbour

1 The Early Morning Show I’d never thought of my neighbour, Hazel, as anything but that, a neighbour, a good neighbour, but just a neighbour. She was in her late sixties so the thought of her having sex had never entered my mind. That was until late last night!!! I’d been out with the lads and it was late, very late, around two in the morning. Most of the tenants of the small block of flats where I live are in their seventies and eighties, definitely not your typical night owl, so I was...

1 year ago
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24 Hours With My Sexy Neighbour

1 The Early Morning Show I'd never thought of my neighbour, Hazel, as anything but that, a neighbour, a good neighbour, but just a neighbour. She was in her late sixties so the thought of her having sex had never entered my mind. That was until late last night!!! I'd been out with the lads and it was late, very late, around two in the morning. Most of the tenants of the small block of flats where I live are in their seventies and eighties, definitely not your typical night owl, so I was...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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My New Neighbour

As you know i was trying to buy a new property but was having no luck.The only good thing to come out of my search had been that the estate agent had become a regular fuck buddy.When i did eventually find a place i was hoping that she would help me christen my new place.As it was one of my new neighbours achieved that honour.I had only been in there a little while when my next door neighbour came round.She was in her late fifties,long blonde hair,with nice pert breasts and a tight,firm ass.She...

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the New Neighbour

The new neighbourFall arrived and with it the annual ritual of moving, people seeking new places for the winter. This year the usual influx of students was curtailed by the ongoing “emergency”.Of interest to me was a flurry of activity next door. A moving van, people bustling around, unloading, carrying boxes and furniture inside, could this be new neighbours?The house had stood empty for four months. The backyard was a wasteland of discarded clothes, toys and broken furniture. Contractors had...

1 year ago
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Younger married man fucking 45 year old neighbour

I am now a 31 year old male, who had an experience with a woman 18 years older than me. Soon after my 14th birthday, we had new neighbours moving in next to us. They were a young couple both in their late 20's. They had one son only, who was only 3 years old. They had a second child a year later. But, the husband was a wild guy. Enjoyed partying with his buddies and going out every weekend. She on the other hand was a more homely type. She was'nt the most polite of people, but greeted when...

4 years ago
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My mamis neighbour

Sarita hesitating removed her old blouse and was now in her bra exposing some amount of her boobs. I was pretty excited. Lata remarked, "Oh, you have not nice boobs, you need not feel shy in exposing it in front of both of us. I shall be glad if would remove your bra also before trying on the new blouse." I was shocked; I could not believe my luck; I hoped Sarita would do as requested by my mami. Sarita said, "Nothing doing; how can I expose myself in front of this boy;it is all right...

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Friendly Neighbour

A good few years ago I lived in a little flat in the suburbs. It was a small, two-story block, with only 6 residences and a little parking area with garages out the back. I was living there with my girlfriend at he time, a dark haired, B-cupped woman with whom I argued incessantly.Often, on my way out to work in the mornings I would pass one of the neighbours, a woman of about thirty with shoulder length, mousey hair cut into a neat sort-of bob. Her eyes were amazing. The little laugh lines at...

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My Wife8217s Affair With My Neighbour

Hi all ISS members and sex story readers. I am Jayanth from Bangalore writing this sex story for the first time since I became member of pride ISS club (). This is my true story written without hiding anything from my heart except the real names of us. Please read this story and send your sincere comments to enable me send some more real stories happened in my life. I am basically an engineer working in some reputed private organisation in Bangalore. I am married to mirmala in 1991 to a bsc...

2 years ago
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The Neighbour

THE NEIGHBOUR Joanne Pare At the age of 18, I spent the summer at my parent's country chalet. Our neighbour had promise them that he would keep an eye on me. He lived there year round and was always alone. Our family came on the week-ends and I would be alone during the week. Andr?, the neighbour, would often come for supper with us and he proposed to my parents to take me for three days on a canoe trip. Since they had known him for years, they accepted. Our trop was planned for M...

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The Old Man finally has enough of his teen neighbour

I giggled into my scarf so as to muffle the sound. The faint scent of brandy and rum assulted my nose as my breath caught in my scarf's blue silken folds. Attempting to tiptoe lightly to my appartment door, I stumbled into a thin side table which thanks to my imbalance slammed against the radiator, sending in turn a deep metallic bang through the buildings heating system."Right you little cunt, 19 is old enough to have gained respect for elders..." I heard Mr Linton mutter as the door...

2 years ago
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Fucking my parents sexy neighbour

Introduction: When I was a teenager living at home with my parents house I was increasingly attracted to our next door neighbour Christine during my teenage years. Unfortunately the following story is only a fantasy as much as I would wish otherwise… When I was a teenager living at home with my parents house I was increasingly attracted to our next door neighbour Christine during my teenage years. Unfortunately the following story is only a fantasy as much as I would wish otherwise… My parents...

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The Neighbour

I live in a quiet neighbourhood. My house is surrounded by grass for the most part, but quite a lot of vegetation is present on the edges of the garden, so I'm completely shielded from the street. The only place from where people can have a look at me is when I'm sitting in the garden, from a window on the upper level of my neighbour's house. The same goes for my neighbour's garden and boy, I've been peeking a lot at that garden since I moved to this area... My neighbour Doe is a rather small...

3 years ago
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The Spying Neighbour

Jenny was thrown when she heard the doorbell, opened the front door, and saw her neighbour’s twenty-two-year-old daughter, Samantha, standing there. She smiled uneasily as she had just this moment come back downstairs after masturbating on her bed. The thing was that she had been fantasising about Samantha. Jenny was thirty-seven-years -old but was so taken by Samantha. “Hi Samantha,” Jenny managed to say looking her up and down. She looked so gorgeous in her pink cropped vest top showing off...

4 years ago
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My neighbour is in his 70's but a fit old chap he's very friendly to both myself and my wife, his wife died about 6 years ago and as far as i'm aware he doesnt have any lady callers.His bedroom is the other side of our bedroom wall so i would imagine he has heard us fucking a number of times as my wife isnt the quietest when she is in the zone.Let me set the scene we had been out for a number of drinks at out local so she was not dressed up just jeans and a blouse i wasnt even sure if she had...

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TO CANE A NEIGHBOUR he was born in 1957 and over the years developed an interest (perhaps an obsession) with spanking and especially caning since way back, in fact he said; “I guess the first time I can definitely attach a date to this ‘obsession’ was 1967. My elder sister (6 years older than me, she in the seniors and me in the juniors) went to the same school and at the end of one lunch break I saw my sister’s best friend, Sandra Fletcher, standing outside the Headmaster’s study sobbing...

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Fucked By My Neighbour

Because of my job I've had to travel up and down the UK, living in accommodations and hotels. I usually have around three months off in the summer so that I can go back home and see my family whose house I still technically live at. Upon arriving home I was greeted by parents as they were talking to the new neighbour. Now, despite being in a relationship with a girl for the last five years, I've always gotten off with men. The neighbour, named Tommy, was around six feet tall, with a pot belly...

4 years ago
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Steamy Sex With Hot MILF Neighbour

This sexy story revolves around a woman named Khyati who turned out to be my neighbour in a building I had just shifted in. Khyati was a 44-year-old single mother milf who could have easily passed on as a 25 year old. She was tall and a dusky woman with fat at the right places with a figure of approx 34-28-32. She had long curly hair and dark brown seductive eyes. Any straight man could have a hard on just by looking at her. My first encounter with her was while I was moving into my new flat...

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My Beautiful Neighbour

This is a real life incidence if my friend and his sexual encounter with his neighbour! So story has been elaborated! Get ready for a hard on! I am Bharath and i am 5ft 6 inches with an athletic muscular body. Am 20 years old. And I have a very active social life with full of thrills. Let me come to the point. Let me introduce my neighbour. Knock! Knock! “Whose there”, she said. It is your neighbour. She opened the door way to heaven..? There she stood in her half length shirt and a tight...

2 years ago
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Being An Escort Enjoyed My Busty Neighbour

Hello friends. This is Raunak Singh. I’m from Mumbai. Aged 19 and currently studying. I am also an escort serving to local ladies on their request. People liked my previous two sex stories and they mailed me too which encouraged me to share more of my real life incidences. Again, ladies from Mumbai do not feel shy to mail me at as I maintain complete privacy and I change the name and place of my clients while narrating my experience. So getting back to the story: a lady lives on my floor just...

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the new neighbour

Sonia sat at her computer browsing holiday sites looking for a last minute deal. As the sun moved round and made it difficult to see the monitor she began to wonder why she needed to go abroad. It was absolutely glorious outside, and indoors she was hot, even though she only had on her skimpy cotton shorts and a little vest top.She decided that she would give herself another half hour then wash the car before her husband got home. She needed to do something about the glare on the monitor first...

5 years ago
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Entertaining the Neighbour

She twirled the phone cord around her fingers as she listened to the dial tone, impatiently waiting for him to pick up at the other end. 3 rings, 4 rings, 5 rings.“Hello, Jack speaking,” he answered, his deep and masculine voice vibrating to her very core, making her already wet sex, ache.“I need you, I need to feel you against me. 7pm, our normal place. See you there?” she breathed down the phone line.“Baby doll, I can’t tonight. There’s no way I can escape," his voice now hushed into a...

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The Neighbour

During May 2010 David and I had been to a party at my sister’s - an adult party –By the time we were ready to leave it was late at night and my sister dared me to let my hubby drive me home in nothing but my heels leaving my clothes behind, I accepted the dare, yes I’d had a few wines, so not thinking too much about it, it’s about 12 miles back to our place mostly through some countryside and some streets. I also know another reason why I accepted her dare was, I had previously told her...

1 year ago
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The night I was pleasured by my neighbour

I am Natalia, a shemale and I have enjoyed rough sex a lot. I like fucking both men and women as long as I am satisfied. This one night I was literally made to get pleasured by my neighbour and I enjoyed it a lot. He had just jumped me and entered my apartment forcefully. I got scared and resisted but the minute he kissed me I relaxed. “So, you want to have a dalliance with me?” I asked Jory. “I want to fuck you and suck on your cock. Will you let me?” he asked. I smiled and hugged him,...

1 year ago
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When phone sex turned into an intense sex experience with my neighbour

Hello everyone. My name is Emma and I am typically a shy girl. I recently shifted to this new place away from my parents due to work and was feeling very lonely those days. I had been through a bad experience in my relationship, so I had decided not to date anyone for some time. I usually kept myself busy doing other things and it made me feel happy and content. I was not the type of person to hook up with someone or even have a casual relationship. This was because I used to feel very shy...

Real Hookup
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Checking out the new neighbour

Sonia sat at her computer browsing holiday sites looking for a last minute deal. As the sun moved round and made it difficult to see the monitor she began to wonder why she needed to go abroad. It was absolutely glorious outside, and indoors she was hot, even though she only had on her skimpy cotton shorts and a little vest top. She decided that she would give herself another half hour then wash the car before her husband got home. She needed to do something about the glare on the monitor first...

3 years ago
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Helpfull Neighbour

This is a very long story with a long lead in. Hopefully the wait will be worth it. Helpful Neighbour. My names is Jerry and I am 27. My wife is Mona and she is 25. We have been friends since we were in nappies. Through her teen years she went a bit wild and got a bit of a reputation. Especially with regard to her clothing or in some stories lack of clothing. But then she suddenly seemed to become happy being with me. I considered myself to be very very lucky to have such a gorgeous woman...

4 years ago
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My new BBW neighbour

Just the other day, I noticed a removals wagon parked in front of the house next door. It had stood empty for a while, so new neighbours moving in was to be expected. My last neighbours were very old, and moved into a warden controlled flat for the elderly, so I was interested to see who the new people were.I peered through my curtains to get a look. I saw the two burley removals men back and forth with the furniture, but no one else.Then I saw a woman of about 40 bring out a tray with coffee...

2 years ago
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Black girls get revenge on their posh white neighbour

Introduction Mrs Amsel scrubbed at the inside of the oven with the small scouring pad, her manicured nails had been ruined by this weeks unaccustomed manual labour but it was almost over.  It was Friday and in a few hours she'd be paid and able to salvage a grain of dignity by declining further cleaning work from Mrs Fumbe.  The most irritating part for Mrs Amsel was how the black women feigned concern for her financial woes and offered the small amount of cash as almost mocking charity.Unlike...

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Love Thy Neighbour

It was late, around midnight, when something woke me. I looked at the bedside clock, my mind still struggling to reach rational thought. Damn, only been in bed half an hour. What woke me?The knocking was repeated, soft yet persistent, answering the unspoken question. Quickly throwing on a robe to cover my nakedness, I went downstairs to see who was going to be screamed at. To my surprise it was Alison, my next door neighbour. Fully dressed, even to having a coat and shoes on."Marie, I am so...

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My 42year old neighbour

his is the story about my neighbour when I still lived with my parents house. At the time I was about 22 years old and at the neighbours they had 3 sons, the oldest one, Robert, aged 19 was my good friend. Only their mother was living there as his parents were divorced about 10 years before. She was about 20 years older then me, so a mature 42-year woman. She was quite chubby with a pair of big tits, I guess minimum D-size. She had curly blond hair and grey eyes and always in a happy mood. Her...

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Bhabhi8217s Sex Adventure With Handsome Neighbour

Hi, I’m Anjana from Chennai. This story was narrated to me by one of my girl-friend few days back. I am portraying myself as her in this story. The story is real but it’s not my experience. It was shared by my friend. Note: I am married. Just because I write sex stories doesn’t mean I’m open for hookups, sex chats and meetups. I am not interested in any of those. Please don’t disturb me with those. Although I would welcome feedbacks of the story and will reply to every feedbacks. Email me at ...

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Sex With Hot Neighbour

First of all, I would like to thank all those who liked my previous story. Though I just got replies from very less, I was lucky enough to have sex with one of my fans who turned out to be my hot neighbour. I am 20-year-old boy living in Chennai. All those girls who want to have fun with me, either sex or webcam or roleplay chat or anything mail me. I had received a mail from a girl who said she liked my story. She said she is 22 years old, just finished college and was working as a trainee in...

2 years ago
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Exploring With An Innocent Neighbour

I’m a huge fan of iss and have been reading all the stories for a long time and I thought to post my experience for all the readers here. This story starts about 2 years back when I decided to talk to my neighbour. She was a studious girl and she was one year elder to me so we didn’t talk much. I used to look at her sister, she was so gorgeous and soo innocent type of girl. I thought to talk to her and sent her an FB request later decided to drop the topic as I didn’t want to have any problem...

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