1st Gay Fuck free porn video

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Taking the last sip from my now stale beer, I figured it was time to head back to my lonely apartment. Having spent the past five years of visiting the bars and such hoping to meet up with some desperate girl or even one too blind to see who she might be sitting with, I was about ready for just about anything. Walking outside the cool night air woke me from some of my sexual depression but not enough to make me feel better. Taking the one hundred and eighteen steps to my apartment building, that should tell you how often I have made the trip back alone, I dug into my pants to get my door key. Taking a long sigh I opened the door and went on inside without even turning on the light.
The story of my life was one I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I was the person in high school who people would have to stop and really think about before remembering my name and then usually could only recall my first or last name if that. The only couple of dates I was fortunate enough to have were with girls nicknamed Fatso or some other reference to a person’s obese size. My attempts to get rid of my virginity was met with less than successful completion. The first girl that grabbed my hard penis made it go off like a roman candle.
Needless to say I was done for the day and my date was more than unhappy. Complaining of me messing up her panties she used every cuss word I had ever heard plus some more to tell me what a low life I was and how inept at fucking I was. The other date didn’t get that far as the girl went to a party with me but ended up going upstairs and taking on any cock available.
The only attention I had received in the past five years was from a few old drunks stumbling from the gay bar down the block. It had gotten so bad that there were a few times I had intently walked past the place when I figured some of the men would be leaving just to get any attention at all. Can’t recall ever having any sexual attraction to another man but other than my own hand my penis hadn’t felt anything since high school.
It was going to be a long weekend, one where there is a holiday on the Friday before and I wasn’t looking forward to it. Finding my lone spot on the end of the bar I had my usual four beers and watched as even the desperate women found men to leave with. Figuring I had nothing to hurry home to, I had another couple beers and noticed the bartender was watching me. Finally getting the hint plus feeling pretty unstable on the stool, I paid my tab and stumbled toward the door. The cool air woke me enough that I was able to walk a bit straighter. I had tried to keep count of the steps but my mind wasn’t functioning good enough to keep up. Suddenly I heard a voice from down the walk teasing me about what a pretty ass I had. I waved at them and turned to go to my apartment.
Trying to get my key into the lock I gave up and turned toward the gay bar. Figuring a few catcalls and comments from some old drunk men was a lot better than the ten thousandth round of my on hand. Taking a deep breath I pushed the door open and almost stepped back as the musty smoke hit my face. At first I thought this bar didn’t smell any different than the ones I usually frequent, but suddenly that musty male smell one gets use to in a locker room flooded my nose. Taking a second or two for my eyes to adjust to the dim lights, I started on past the first few tables. I wobbled when I should have weaved and bumped into someone sitting at the table.
“Excuse me.” I said as I caught my balance.
“All my pleasure.” The man said reaching out and pressing his hand on my ass taking a little squeeze that I realized wasn’t necessary a few seconds later as it registered on my intoxicated brain.
Taking a sideways glance I noticed the very young looking guy sitting across the table from the man. Ordering a beer and trying to act like I belonged on the stool at the bar, I was happy to see the long mirror behind the bartender giving me a perfect view of the room. Slowly sipping the beer, after all I was drunk but not far enough gone to drink enough to make myself sick, I watched the action behind me. Several of the couples at the tables sat close together and many times I watched as one or the others hands disappeared beneath the table which didn’t leave much to the imagination. Once I saw a man’s head disappear beneath the table. It was then I noticed I wasn’t the only one watching the proceedings. Several of the other couples didn’t hide the fact that they were watching the other men.
It was just about this time that the deep voice beside me caused me to jump from its sound. Looking into the mirror I saw it was the man I had bumped into earlier but couldn’t see the young man he had been with.
“So what happened to your friend?” I asked trying to figure out just how I was going to handle some gay man talking to me.
“He was looking for a sugar daddy and I’m afraid most of my sugar is gone.” He said as he motioned for the bartender to get him another beer.
While we talked about what we did for work and such his leg kept rubbing against mine which gave my penis a real hard on. I was feeling pretty sleepy at this point and figured I had to find some way to get out and home. The man must have been reading my mind as he offered to help me home. Standing I leaned into him and he held me up as he got off his stool. We started toward the door and I recall thinking he could hold his liquor a lot better than I could.
“Do you have a car here?” He asked once we were outside.
“No, I live just over there.” I managed to mumble out as he held me up.
We walked or maybe I should say he walked and carried me to my apartment. Taking my key he opened the door and helped me all the way inside. Vaguely I remember him undressing me and putting me on my bed. His hands felt so hot as they roamed all over my now naked body. Closing my eyes I let him do whatever he wanted. My mind was working in slow motion from the alcohol but as it registered I can remember I was enjoying it. Opening my eyes I noticed he had stood up and began taking his clothes off. I recall the vivid image of a bear before me.
Sitting up with a lot of help from him, I reached out and rubbed my hands through his fur which caused a complete arousal in my lower extremities which was really something considering how intoxicated I was. Hearing the man moan I couldn’t help myself as my hands trailed down his hairy chest, stomach, and into his crotch. When my hands cupped his massive balls he reached out and rubbed my head. Moving my hands up from his balls I took the base of his cock and couldn’t believe how big it was. Taking a firm grip I pulled the foreskin down and watched as the large mushroom head popped into view.
With a little trickle of pre cum running from the crack I had no time to respond as he forced my head down on his cock. I am not sure if I opened my mouth to take the cock in or opened it in an attempt to protest. Either way the head and an inch or so was forced into it.
Holding my head in place he gently pumped back and forth. There was the thought of his cock tasting a bit salty but soon I was gagging as he pulled his cock out of my throat. Holding onto the cock I remember it feeling like it was as big as my arm. Something had really excited him as he pushed me back onto the bed and began to physically push and pull me until he had me on the edge of the bed with two pillows beneath my groin.
Reaching beneath me he pulled my cock and balls back until they were hanging freely against the pillows. As he fondled my cock and balls which didn’t seem to be responding but still felt oh so right to me, his other hand began to rub along my crack and pay even more attention to my asshole. Having never had anyone not even myself touch me there any longer than was necessary to clean it, I was a little scared and curious.
Feeling something cool and wet touch my ass hole I let out a little moan as he increased his attention. I heard the moan seconds before I realized it was from me and I felt his finger inside me. Suddenly he was like an a****l all over me. At first it felt great with all that smooth fur rubbing over my legs, ass, and back. Before I knew what was happening his hard cock was forcing its way inside my now not so virgin ass hole. The pressure kept on building then I gasped as the head forced its way inside and I struggled for air to scream out.
“Just relax and it will be easier on you.” He grunted as he slowly began moving back and forth forcing more and more of his cock inside me.
All I could do was grunt as the pain shot through my ass. After what seemed ages but was probably only a few seconds I felt his furry body resting against my ass letting me know he was all the way inside. Taking his time he would slowly pull himself all the way back until only the mushroom head was still inside then ease it back in. Though it was still very uncomfortable it wasn’t near as painful as it had been only seconds earlier. With each stroke he began to let out a long moan until he was completely inside again. Reaching down he took hold of my right leg just behind my knee and lifted it upon the bed beside the pillow. It created a different angle which allowed what seemed another foot of cock into me. Doing the same with my other leg he managed to have me spread as wide open as possible.
From that point on everything became fuzzy and a blur as he began pounding into me fast and hard. I remember his grunting along with my own before everything went black. Waking up I looked around and saw nothing out of place and figured it had all been a drunken dream. Dropping my legs to the floor I stood up and instantly knew it hadn’t been a dream at all and when I felt the hairs pulling on the back of my legs I knew it was from the dried cum the man had left on me. Going into the bathroom where I could use the full length mirror, I saw the white crusty dried semen that had my hair matted to my skin. Sitting on the toilet I opened my legs and watched as the man’s cum oozed out of my tender ass hole. Drawing a hot bath I soaked until the water got cold.
The next few days were confusing to me, not knowing if I should feel defiled or excited about the whole thing. Several times I visited the gay bar but didn’t find my friend there. Thinking it was a lost cause I had given up on ever seeing him again when he walked up behind me at one of the straight bars I frequented.
“Saw you come in here and figured I would see what you were up to.” He said as he ordered us both a beer.
“I wasn’t sure if I wanted to see you again or not.” I replied not wanting him to know I had been looking for him.
“Well what you say we finish off these beers and head back to your place for some real fun.” He said as he rubbed the inside of my thigh.
I felt myself turn red then knew that no one could see what he had done because of where we were seated at the end of the bar. I didn’t say anything as we finished off our beers. Getting up I headed toward the door and knew he was only a few steps behind me. I wasn’t worried about anyone thinking anything about the two of us leaving since the man was old enough to be my father or grandfather. Even on the way to my apartment we didn’t speak. Once inside he didn’t take any time stripping down to his birthday suit and I followed mainly because I couldn’t think of anything else to do.
“Get over here and show Daddy how you like his big ole cock.” He said as he fondled his balls.
It was as if I couldn’t stop myself. Moving to my knees I took his limp wrinkled cock in my hands and thought what I remembered from before must have been a dream. Taking the entire length into my mouth I sucked real hard and heard the man moan as the head popped out from inside the foreskin. The cock began to grow which caused my excitement to increase. It was only seconds before I was pulling back off of the cock trying to going down my throat. Looking at the angry hard cock in front of me I was amazed at how long and hard it had become. Grabbing my head he pushed it back toward my mouth forcing my lips apart. Driving his cock further and further into my mouth he soon had me gagging again but didn’t release me for a few seconds while he pumped his cock back and forth.
“It want take too much longer before you will be able to take it all the way without gagging.” He said as he turned me loose.
Moving me to the bed he placed me on my back and to my surprise began to suck my cock and balls into his mouth. I moaned my approval and within seconds was filling his mouth with cum. Thinking he was probably going to be mad I could only moan as he continued to suck on my cock until it was limp again. While his tongue and lips did their job on my genitals his fingers pressed themselves between my cheeks and began rubbing my tight ass hole. Lifting my legs up he pressed them toward my head spreading and rolling my up towards him.
Lowering his face to my ass he began to lick at my asshole which to my surprise began to respond. As he pressed his tongue against my asshole it felt as if it was trying to open for him. His tongue was darting in and out of my asshole going as deep as his thickness would allow. Taking both hands he spread my cheeks as far as possible and fucked my asshole hard and fast with his tongue before pulling away and rubbing his hard cock on smy slippery ass hole.
Just when I thought he was going to drive it in he moved away and returned with something cool and slick. Squirting plenty on and into my asshole he rubbed his cock head against my asshole before leaning over me and using his body to press my legs further up. His cock moved up and down on my crack before settling against my asshole. Pushing his hips forward he began pressing his cock against my asshole which was giving in to the pressure by stretching wider and wider.
When it became apparent it wouldn’t stretch any further he smiled down at me and with one quick thrust buried the cockhead inside my sphincter. This time I was able to let out a scream of pain as he pressed his body against me keeping me from moving away. Holding himself in place he waited for my sphincter to adjust to his hard cock before he began to slowly move back and forth.
The pain was beginning to melt away and there was a pressure building up inside my ass. Opening my eyes I watched the expression changing on his face as his cock moved back and forth inside me. Before long his grunts and moans were met with my own as we established a rhythm together. A couple times he stopped to catch his breath and I couldn’t keep myself from driving my ass up on his cock. He just smiled down at me and picked up the pace pounding me faster and harder than I thought humanly possible. The sound of our two naked sweaty bodies slapping together filled the room and I remember hoping the neighbors didn’t hear and know what we were doing together. Suddenly he stopped and held me still while gasping for air.
“Not ready for this to end yet.” He said as he eased himself out and rolled me over onto my stomach.
With no warning at all he drove his cock all the way in causing me to gasp out from the sudden intrusion. Pounding me hard and fast it was apparent he wasn’t going to stop until he filled me with his hot cum. As his breathing got quicker I suddenly felt my own body respond and shoot a load of cum onto the bed. I heard him moan out something but was too caught up in my own orgasm to concentrate on what he was saying. The a****l growl that came out of his mouth was almost enough to scare me as he slammed hard against me as his body trembled with each stream of cum left his cock.
He drew out several times and then rammed back inside releasing another volley of his hot juice inside me. Holding himself against me, his body trembled a few more times before I felt his cock slowly go limp. After a bit my sphincter forced his limp cum soaked cock out of me followed by a stream of his hot man juice. Collapsing on top of me I could feel his wet fur cooling against my hot sweaty body.
Not sure how long we were asleep but once I woke up I needed to take a piss so I had to make him move so I could crawl out from beneath him.
“When you get back we can have another round if you can suck my cock back to life.” He said as he moved to middle of the bed.
Returning to the bed I was surprised to feel my own cock begin to grow just by looking at him lying spread eagle on the bed. Crawling up between his legs I took his limp cock into my mouth, tasting his dried cum and my own ass. Pulling me around so he could reach between my legs he fondled my hard cock with one hand while finger fucking my still slick cum leaking ass hole. It wasn’t very long at all before his cock was standing at attention and he had three fingers which still wasn’t as thick as his shaft moving rapidly in and out of my ass.
Having me move up between his legs he directed me as I sat back on his cock forcing it deep inside me. Holding his cock bent down toward me he allowed me to fuck myself on his shaft until I spent another load on the bed. With me physically spent he rolled over and spread me face down on the bed and climbed on my back. With me pinned to the bed he forced his cock as far as our bodies would allow into my ass. Soon my ass was loose enough that there was no pain only warmth and desire. There was the feeling that he couldn’t drive it deep enough and when he pulled it back it left an empty feeling inside. He was able to fuck me like that for a long time before he finally rammed himself deep and stayed there while his balls emptied themselves inside me again.
The next morning I woke to the smell of breakfast and saw my new friend in his furry body moving about the kitchenette. Getting up I did my morning ritual in the bathroom and cleaned myself up.
“How often do you think you can take more of what we did last night and this morning?” He asked as we ate breakfast.
“Don’t know, I am pretty sore this morning. Why do you ask?” I inquired.
“Well my wife and I are getting a divorce and she has moved back to her parents. I tend to like a lot of sex which is one of the reasons we are getting the divorce. She can’t seem to take me more than once a week and then I have to be real gentle.” He said.
“Aren’t all men horny all the time?” I asked.
“Maybe but believe I am much hornier than most and will fuck just about any available hole I can find.” He replied.
“I guess I can take it.” I said.
“The reason I asked is because I can come by during the week if you can handle it and I also have a very large friend that enjoys my cock from time to time but after a round with me he has to rest up for a couple of weeks. Plus he has to be discrete because he is married and they don’t know about his gay life.” He said.
“Guess we can try it for a while and if it becomes too much we will adjust to it.” I said as I felt my ass hole seem to twitch and get wet.
We finished our meal and took a long shower together where he fucked me again but this time he was very quick telling me that he can be quick when he wanted to and if at any time I needed him to be quick to just let him know. When he left later on that day while letting me know he would be back before dark, I was left wondering if my ass could hold up to his onslaught of hot hard sex. Thinking about it I was pretty sure I couldn’t stand up to it but my erection and twitching moist asshole had there on opinions.

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1st BBC Back Seat Hook Up Sex Pts13

1st BBC Back Seat Hook Up Sex ``````````````````````````````````````````````~ Pt.1 ~8/27/2020```````````````MAN Oh MAN! I can't believe I did it...I Invited a Man to my car late at night & Let Him have his way...Fuck the Pandemic! Im Horny! No Parties and "scene" to mention nowadays. So I reached out with grasping hands to my social networks.I've had countless fellas hitting me up, and have kept in contact with a few. There is a great site here in LA for Gurls and the Men who Luv them...

3 years ago
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Wife Turned Husband Gay GayMaker

Tracy was home from Vegas after a week away with her girlfriends. Seeing her and being around her again, the events of the past few days—my deal with Simon—suddenly seemed like just a fantasy again, a rough dream. I was feeling guilty, and maybe thinking of it as a fantasy was just a way to ignore the guilt. We planned to go out to a bar for dinner, so I poured us both a glass of wine while Tracy showered and got ready. When I came into the bedroom she was sitting up in bed with her eyes...

3 years ago
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Relatos Eroticos GaysContactos GaysSUEÑOS HUMEDOS(12476 lecturas - 3 comentarios)Publicado por dany6969 el 13 de Dic, 2012En la despedida de soltero del novio de mi hermana yo tenia 14 años.Cuando mi hermana y su novio se comprometieron en matrimonio, en casa no se hablama mas que de la boda por todos lados lo unico que escuchaba era de los preparativos y no me quedaba de otra que estar siempre en medio de todo escuchando lo que se decia.Cuando llegaron las amigas de mi hermana las vi que todas...

3 years ago
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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 10 11

After Ganesh left, that night Gayu while lying down on the bed at night, was going through what all had happened in her life, she felt that though many things happened beyond her imagination, expectations & to an extant what she was really expecting to happen. However she did not feel remorse or guilty for whatever that had happened, on the other hand she felt that whatever had happened had brought her joy pleasure and satisfaction. She recalled all the happenings with MIL, FIL, Ganesh &...

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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 6

Part 6 Life goes on smoothly for Gayu enjoying it the full with her FIL & MIL, she has now got addicted to sex, this goes on for more than 6 months, Suguna starts getting little restless because by nature she is not satisfied with whatever she has, she wants to always get spiced up, so she suggest to Shankar of going out of country for sex-adventure for a while, she also suggest that Gayu can be taken along with them, but somehow Gayu is not very keen. Finally they decide to go to a resort 100...

1 year ago
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Gayathri Love And Virginity

“Ah! Ah! Ah! Yes! Yes! Yes! Aaaahh!!” Gayathri screamed as Sammy came inside her. She felt her inside filled with his warm semen. She looked sideways as Sammy collapsed on top of her. He was still inside her and was licking her neck. She could see her bra, panty and clothes scattered everywhere. That morning when she woke her up she was a shy, conservative virgin, but now, she lay there naked, little blood trickling down her thighs, moaning with pain and pleasure as she had sex for the first...

4 years ago
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Gay outdoor fuck

After a week of being teased repeatedly with pics of a guys ass, I gave in and ended up going to meet him where he wanted. He sent me pics of him naked outside by the river and he looked so good. Especially seeing him on all 4s with his big round ass. I had never had gay sex in public before and that's what had kept me from going to see him, but that also was the only way he'd let me fuck him. He told me he had a few guys meet him at this spot and fuck him time and time again and he loved it...

4 years ago
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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 3

We had very much fun hanging out in the evening. Gayatri had put on her favorite light blue salwar kameez, looking gorgeous. Her hair is done in a thick, silky braid reaching her waist. Kavita was well dressed, with her hair done in a monstrous braid-bun. Most people don’t even get one girl. Here I was, roaming with two beautiful ladies I was going to fuck in the night. We went to a restaurant for dinner where I could see many people staring at that monstrous bun of Kavita. I didn’t like men...

2 years ago
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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 1

Hello Readers. My name is Rahul. And I live in Mumbai, Maharashtra, from a typical Marathi middle-class family. I am 28 years, and life was going great until 2020 happened. I have a beautiful wife, the love of my life Gayatri. Gayatri and I were childhood friends from school when I had a huge crush on her. It was love at first sight when I saw her. We dated for a few years after completing our Bachelor’s degree and married a few years later. We reside in a good society with 3 buildings and a...

4 years ago
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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 2

Now that my fetish was not hidden from Gayatri anymore, my load of burden was gone. She and I became even closer and used to have sex almost daily. She had become a very close friend to Kavita. At night, Gayatri showed me Kavita’s long hair pictures while she caressed my dick. I don’t know how she used to manage to get such pics of her, but I was enjoying it very much. Gayatri even used to give me a hairjob most days. She took care of her hair very much after knowing I had a hair fetish. I...

1 year ago
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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 4

I got up from my nap after a few minutes. I went to the kitchen to see what my lovely ladies were cooking for lunch. I went to the kitchen door and peeked inside. Kavita and Gayatri were standing near the kitchen platform. While Gayatri was cutting vegetables, Kavita was cooking something in the pan. Not as a surprise, they were both naked with just an apron covering them from the front. Their oily hair was still in the braid which I had made. I could still see oil dripping from Gayatri’s braid...

2 years ago
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Gaynors guest

Your wife comes in from work wearing her nurses uniform, slips off her coat and bends to drop her bag in the hallway. As she bends I cup the lovely round globe of her buttock, enjoying the feel of her cotton uniform, the smooth tights underneath and the leg of her panties. Hmmm she softly moans, this must be the surprise Peter had planned for this evening.I continue to stroke her round arse, getting a good feel and rubbing between her cheeks through her clothes. Her legs part slightly as she...

4 years ago
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Gayathri The Sex Bomb

Hello ISS readers, I’m Rudra 19 years old from Kerala. You can contact me at ”” Girls or aunties near Kerala or Bangalore who wants some fun can contact me at “” This story is about how I had sex with my neighbour Gayathri. She is my neighbour is 23 years old with beautiful face and assets of 30,26,32. She was a sex bomb, she lives with her parents near my house. She was not a typical mallu girl she used to wear modern dress tight t-shirts and all. I use to masturbate thinking about her almost...

1 year ago
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Gayatri 8211 Part 2

Hello All!!! This is part 2 or continuation of the old story I wrote a few days back. I would request you to read it first to know more about the character and get a better feel of the story and its characters. This is a real story. I did not masturbate as Gayatri had told me not to cum. I waited for four long days before receiving a call from her. I thanked God that she still remembered me! I talked to her and she asked if I had cum. I replied in the affirmative confirming that I had not cum....

2 years ago
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1st day at college

1st day of college, I woke up at 8 to get into college for my 9.30 start. I walked into college wearing jeans and a white polo shirt, I was in the work shop all day I did not care if I dirted my shirt. Let me introduce my self. My names callum, I'm 6ft 1, I'm bi so what, I got big muscles and a 6 pack. Once I entered the workshop I was told to work by my self on a engine rig so I did. Around 11am the most sexiest person walked in and I justed wanted to run away with him and...

3 years ago
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1st swing club experience

1st Swing Club Experience For many years I had wondered what this thing called swinging was like. I loved sex. You could say I was a sexual addict. But to consider having sex in front of others, possibly in group situations? I didn’t know if I could do this. I was not built like Brad Pitt, Harrison Ford, Sean Connery. More like Brian Dennehy. I was 6’4′, 270, and not in the midst of my youth any more. Being of average build, would I be accepted? Whenever I read those swing ad publications, all...

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1st time driving dressed

This happened to me about 10 years ago but only plucked up the courage now to sharewell I was driving from Gordano Services area on the M5 heading home a few weeks ago, it was about 8.45 and getting dark, I'd had a long day and was feeling tired and thought to keep me fresh and wide awake ! I would stop at next services and get my bag out of the boot and select a few items and then nip into the services toilets and change, well this got me excited and soon enough I saw a sign for Strensham...

3 years ago
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1st holiday phuk

She looked glorious. Straight out of the bath with a towel around her. I instantly forgave her for waking me up. I was shattered from a 2 hour drive, an 8 hour flight, followed by a 1 hour drive, then a 1 hour swim followed by a lovely meal and a couple of beers. As soon as we got to the room I flopped on the bed and I was out like a light even though it was 2pm. I glanced over to the clock: 6pm. Still very, groggy I rolled over and half drifted off again. She carried on yabbering about all...

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I was stranded in California at the time and needed to get back to Oregon. So I decided to hitch hike back. I started walking down the highway and put out my thumb. After about 30mins a truck pulled over it had to older redneck guys in it both were on the stocky/chubby side with beer belly's and looked like they were in there early 40's. They said there names were john and tony and that they were going to Oregon and I said great and hopped in the back of the truck. I knew it was going to be a...

3 years ago
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1st time wearing tight jeans in public

well i have always crossdress and dressed up in my house but that recently has turned boring. i figure do something more thrilling and excited. i desided to put my tight junior size 9 flared jeans and go in public. I know that if someone saw me i probably ganna get laught at. so i started practicing by wearing the jeans and going outside my house like in the back when it was night. it really felt so good. the tightness on my hips and ass and seeing the sexy flare of the jeans made me feel so...

3 years ago
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1st Time Vacation With Mom

Hi friends, My name is Sidharth Varma,14 years old, fair skinned,5 feet tall & medium built. What I’m going to narrate is quite embarrassing but a true story between me & my mom. My dad is posted in Berlin as Dep. Accounts in the EU. He was with us here until last year but in April last year, he got transferred. I live with my mom in San Marino, U.S. My mom is Pamela Varma. She is 36 years old & works for the Pan am Airlines, as ground crew. Earlier, she was an air-hostess but after my birth,...

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1st time cheating

my name is sarah and i have been married to my husband for 20 years and up till this year he was the only one i was with.i love my husband but his cock (5") is all i have ever been with and i knew there were bigger ones out there but behaved myself...untill recently.for about a year now me and a couple security gaurds (about 25 or so)have been k**ding around and maybe flirting alittle but i figured it was all innocent and harmless but one day i ran into on of them at the mall and we got to...

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1st And Last Time My Chotu In A Pussy

Hello guys & gals, this is the 1st time I’ve seen a website like this where we can share our real life sex stories. I was browsing through porn sites yesterday (2nd Feb’15) and somehow reached this site, I was surprised and amazed with the stories,” THANK YOU; not sure how to ISS” and hope all the stories are real life. About me: This is Rakesh Cupid, athletic body type, working in a leading MNC and living in Hyderabad. I’ve stories from my childhood, even before the sperm production has...

3 years ago
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1st circle jerk

this is a run off of my other story. 2 weeks after the big discovery for me, my friend called and said his dad was gonna be gone all nite and he found his 8mm projecter and porn and stack of mags. he said he had 3 paks of marlboro and a 12 pak of miller high life. so, asked i wanted to come over and stay the nite and party,i said hell ya. i get there as soon as his dad left. went right for a cig and a beer . out of bedroom comes two other friends carrying the projector and...

4 years ago
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1st time seeing reallife masturbation and cum

when i was 12-my friend 13(he's mths. older)called me up and ask if i new about "the cools stuff" yet. i that he was talking aboutstar wars coming out or sumth ing.i said whatcha talkin' about? he says i'll be over later,my dad is going to your house to talk to your dad about work. i said ok cya then. when they got there,we let parents get lost in chat and a few beers. we then went to my room, thinking maybe he had a new playboy!!! he asked me if i ever had sperm come out of my dick...

2 years ago
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1st black cock it was 9 inches long

at a local steamroom i got fucked 2times my 1st cock was a latins 8inches very thick i let him pound my ass for 30min and he blasted cum on my cock and balls it was great my next cock was 9inches of black magic thick as my wrist he ass fucked me for an hour then shot cum everywhere i wanted moer so i sucked his cock till he filled my mouth yummy

3 years ago
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1st swing club experience

1st Swing Club ExperienceFor many years I had wondered what this thing called swinging was like. I loved sex. You could say I was a sexual addict. But to consider having sex in front of others, possibly in group situations? I didn't know if I could do this.I was not built like Brad Pitt, Harrison Ford, Sean Connery. More like Brian Dennehy. I was 6'4", 270, and not in the midst of my youth any more. Being of average build, would I be accepted? Whenever I read those swing ad publications, all...

First Time
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1st time with Girl Friend

Hi i am Santosh from Nepal. I have been through this site couple of months back i am sharing my true experience with my gf a year back.On that day i and my gf (sunita) had panned to go to cinema on saturday coz in Nepal saturday is public holiday we viewed hindi film Bhagam Bhag and after returning my friend who is married and stay with his wife alone invited us for dinner at his house then we drove to his house. We had a dinner together after dinner my friend said to stay at home for atleast 2...

4 years ago
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1st Sex Experience

Hi, Friends, I am Alvish from Durg Chhattisgarh 21 year old: Maine jab paheli baar apne dost se ISS k bare me suna to muje vishwas nahi huwa. Magar jab maine is site me log on karke jo story padha to muje aisa laga ki my bi meri ek kahani aap logo se share karlo. Maine iske phale bhi aapse bahoot sari story share ki hai mujhe khushi hai ki aap logon ne story ko bahoot pasand aayi aur mujhe bahoot se msg bhi mile. Ab mai apni story mai aata hoon. An incident 2 saal pahle huva tha jab my 20 saal...

2 years ago
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1st Cav Trooper

I was new to the unit and fresh out of advanced training. 1st Cav was a quick strike force and we were on a distant colony world. The spiders had invaded and we had been to late to stop them. We were here to take the planet back and kill the spiders. Of course this was not the first time we had faced them and I doubt it would be the last. This time they had altered their warriors so they could fly. Think of an ant colony or more likely a colony of bees. With the spiders it was more like...

3 years ago
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Gay Prison Guards Fuck

Everything was going great on the inside. I was fucking this gay bitch every week just to satisfy my sexual urges, i really had no complaints. But of course, that wouldn't last long as i was unexpectedly called by another guard for a little chat in the shower room. I walked in there and it was just me and him as he asked me how i was doing. I responded and told him i was good and asked him the same. He quickly asked me about the inmate i had been fucking and right away i knew that he also knew...

2 years ago
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Gay Jerking leads to gay fucking

I had a regular jerk buddy I had found online. We would always do it at his place, different times of the day whenever we both were free. We looked forward to it for sure as we both loved watching gay porn and cumming together. We couldn't have gotten along any better. Things would escalate one day though as i was sitting next to him on his couch. Gay porn playing in front of us as we both jerked our cocks together. Both of us sitting with all our clothes off as we held on to our hard cocks....

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Neutered White Fuckpig

NEUTERED WHITE FUCKPIG by Kimmie Holland and Meeah Mackenzie**ONE**?Pig! Come!?Daddy Sir calls and I struggle to my feet from my corner in the kitchen. I waddle into the living room where he sits sprawled in his brand-new leather easy chair watching the NBA Finals on his new HD home theater system, all bought with my latest paycheck. It’s half-time and he’s pressed the mute button on a series of commercials. There’s enough time for a quickie.?Two,? he barks.This is the command for me to turn...

3 years ago
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Wife finds a GayMaker Gay

I came home as quickly as I could after my wife called to tell me that her friend Bruce would be joining us for dinner. She'd been talking about him for some time but I'd never met him. Her eyes would wander off as she told me about his latest project or how he'd helped her with her work or helped her solve a problem. There were times when I wondered if she was having an affair with him, but I was sure that was just wishful thinking. I often found myself fantasizing about sharing her with...

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Rajesh having sex with Gayathri in hotel

Hi, I am Rajesh (name changed) from Bangalore, working in a MNC, aged 32, height 5.6 inches and weight 65KG. I am normal south Indian guy, no gym body. This series of incidents started happening from March 21st 2014.As it was a year ending, I had 7 days leaves to be availed before March 31st. I planned to take leave till March 31st. Since I was going on long leave, I thought of informing my team members individually before EOD. I informed all through office communicator.Around 5.30PM, I did...

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