Watching Tne Detectives free porn video

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Watching The Detectives

Nikkie Silk

1 Philippa

For the umpteenth time I needed to move to get my circulation going
again. I tried to stretch my legs but it's not easy in the front seat of
my small car. Fuck, I thought as I snagged my tights against something
beneath the steering wheel. If that was another pair ruined I would
scream. I was parked facing a nondescript semi-detached house in a drab
suburb of South London. It felt like I had been here for days when it
had been just four hours as I checked my watch yet again.

I hate night time surveillance jobs; they are often cold, uncomfortable,
downright creepy, and sometimes dangerous. I keep pepper spray in my
handbag and an extendable baton, bought in the US, in the car for
protection, but I’ve never had to use them as I have always talked my
way out of trouble. These bread and butter jobs are the kind of work
that pays to keep the wolf from the door. Thank God for husbands who
can't keep their trousers zipped up and wives who won't keep their
knickers on. There was a steady stream of spouses who would make their
way to my scruffy office with tearful appeals for me to find out whether
Charlie or John or Samantha or Linda were straying from the straight and

I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Philippa, 28 years old and
a private detective in the aforesaid South London. I also happen to be a
pre-op transsexual, but I assume none of you are interested in that.

Tonight I was following and hoping to catch a few photos of a little
scumbag who was a serial cheater on his pretty wife. I couldn’t
understand any man who could come home to a gorgeous wife and then
turn round and cheat with some of the slags I had photographed him with.
However, mine was not to reason why, mine was to do and get paid.

The front door opened in the house I was watching and he stuck his head
out to look around. They never check properly, so there was not much
chance of being spotted. I raised the Nikon to my eye, focussed and shot
a few frames. He ducked back in and then emerged with a woman wearing a
dressing gown. They embraced and I got a lovely close up sequence of
them kissing with his hand inside her dressing gown.

I ducked down as he left the house and strolled down the street to where
he had parked his car. I had an appointment with his wife tomorrow at
the office which would lead to the usual tears and then anger. Still, I
had done my job and would get paid. My work is done, I thought, pulled
the car away from the kerb and drove off hoping to get some sleep.
Shit, I had laddered my tights.

This is the glamorous life of a 21st century private detective trying to
earn a living in the mean streets of Tooting, South London. Raymond
Chandler, eat your heart out.

How did I get to become a private detective? It's a long story. I was
named Philip after my grandfather who had died on D-Day on Sword Beach.
He had married my grandmother two months earlier and my father was born
five months later. Do the maths; things like that happened in wartime.
My dad became a police officer in the Met police here in London until
his retirement as a Chief Superintendent. He met my mum, who was ten
years younger than him, and they tried and tried to have c***dren and
had pretty much given up when, hey presto, yours truly popped into the

I loved my mum and respected my father. That's not to say I didn't love
him, but he was a copper and had rules by which he lived and wanted me
to live. I wasn't wild or rebellious but I guess I never lived up to his
expectations for a son. I was small and slender, taking after my mum,
wasn't good at sport much to the disappointment of my rugby mad father.
I didn’t fit in with what the boys wanted to do and I preferred to spend
most of my time with the girls. It was hop scotch for me and not
climbing trees.

When I grew up gender dysphoria didn’t exist. Well it did, but no one
called it that back then. What I got called was fairy and pansy and
sissy and bullied mercilessly. I didn't have the ability or the will to
fight back and so I withdrew into my own world. I was unhappy but I
didn’t understand why.

That’s when I discovered dressing. I was looking for some solace and I
thought, as I liked doing girl things, why not try to look like one. I
stole a pair of my mum’s knickers from the laundry hamper one night and
put them on in my bedroom. The feeling as they slid up my legs sent me
dizzy and when I pulled them up tight I nearly fainted.

That was that, as they say. I would ‘borrow’ my mum’s stuff and shoplift
knickers and pairs of tights from local shops. I built a small
collection of knickers and a bra and a couple of dresses I picked up
from outside the charity shop where someone had left them for
collection. I would get home from school and run to my room and pull on
the knickers and the bra and a dress. God knows what I looked like, but
I didn’t care, I was happy.

Of course, I got caught. Mum was crying and Dad went crazy, calling me
all kinds of names and it would ruin him if it ever got out his son was
a poof. After he had finished and stormed out, Mum came and hugged me
and told me it would be OK and we would sort things out. Mum was so
sweet and talked to me for ages about how I felt and why I did it and
told me it was natural for boys to explore what they felt. She probably
got me through one of the darkest periods of my life. Dad was no help,
but he just didn’t understand and therefore just rejected the whole

I still got to dress occasionally with Mum’s passive connivance. She
would look the other way rather than support it outright, otherwise Mum
felt she would be letting my dad down. I built another small stash of
clothes and even got my hands on some makeup I would practice with when
I knew Dad was safely out of the way. One night I came down from my
bedroom to the kitchen where Mum was sitting and she gently wiped some
eye shadow off my face which I had missed before Dad could see it. She
was and still is, a hero.

Then, at about age 16, I was given my own computer and I discovered the
internet. I not only discovered it, I nearly drowned in it. I soon found
out I was not alone; indeed, there were many people going through the
same struggle as me. It makes such a difference when you know others
are feeling the same doubts and fears. It doesn't make them disappear,
but you realise they can be faced up to and, just maybe, they can be
overcome. They were also willing to show me how I could cope with the
bigotry and prejudice I would face if I went down the path I was
considering. I must have spent every spare moment for a year in reading
and researching this new world. At last I had found an identity; I
realised my feelings weren't wrong or perverted. I felt happier than at
any time in the past. I knew I wanted to be a girl, not a boy.
I got to know people online and we would get together when we could and
get loaded on cheap cider, dress together and play around; nothing too
bad but I had my first kiss with a boy and I sucked my first cock in
those sessions.

At 18 I left school, found a job in an insurance office and hated it.
However, it meant I could move away from home. I could be in boy mode at
work and then get back to the one room place I was renting and could
become the girl I wanted to be. Occasionally, I would go out dressed
late at night to walk around feeling liberated and scared in equal
measure. I developed some problems trying to balance the two sides of my
personality, became deeply depressed and more than once contemplated
suicide as the answer. Luckily, there were some good people I had met
and they helped me to come to terms with what I was facing.

I met an older T-Girl who was further down the path with her
transition. She took a liking to me and helped me to get my head sorted
out. She told me to stop trying to walk down two paths and to pick the
one which suited me best and go with it. I guessed it would be a hard
road if I chose to follow my heart. But I knew this what I had to do so,
with my friend’s support, I started on hormones and began the process of
transition. It was such a huge relief to finally start the journey to
the girl I wanted to be.

It was inevitable that I would have to come out at work, as the changes
the hormones brought were becoming too obvious. I dreaded the reaction I
would get from my colleagues, but I was surprised. After the first
shocked reactions and sniggering it calmed down and people moved on to
other issues to get worked up about. At least most weren't outrightly
hostile, although there were two older blokes who were extremely nasty
about it. A couple of the women took my side and sorted the two men out,
but they never accepted me. It was bearable, but there were always snide
remarks which hurt so much. However, I clung to the thought that it had
to be worth it, as I felt so much better now I was making my first steps
towards who I wanted to be.

I was still lonely, however, until I joined a LGBT group which had
started up locally, made some good friends there and life started to
look up a bit. The support I got from the group helped me become more
confident and I even dated a few guys for a while. There were still some
bad times too and I came close to being beaten up on more than one
occasion, but I carried a **** alarm with me and when it went off the
arseholes disappeared pretty quickly.

Things had got better with my mum and dad too. Mum had gently and
persistently worked on Dad and he gradually came round to accepting my
choices. I'm not saying he wouldn't have preferred it otherwise but I
think he had always loved me; he couldn't understand how I felt. We
began to talk with my mum’s help and it's a lot better now. He did some
research on his own about transgender issues and began to realise it
wasn't the end of the world to have a daughter instead of a son. It took
a lot for him to come round and I loved him for it.

I was over at their house for Sunday lunch and I was moaning about my
job. I had just been passed over for a promotion I knew I deserved,
because, I was convinced, of who I was. Dad said if you're that fed up,
go and do something you want to, nothing's stopped you in the past. We
talked about it and out of nowhere he said he had an old mate from the
force who had become a Private Investigator when he left the job. Dad
was having a drink with him a couple of days ago and he had told my dad
he needed someone to help out in the office and maybe some field work.
Dad had promised to keep his eye out for anyone who might be interested.

Mum was horrified and gave Dad a right telling off, but my interest was
piqued and Dad slyly set me up to meet Alan, his old mate. Alan was
initially not keen, probably only seeing me because of Dad, but I had
prepared well for the interview and, I think, impressed him with my
determination to get the job. I'm also not too sure there were any other
interested candidates, so Alan offered me a trial period, after which we
could both decide if it was right for me.

A lot of the work was office bound, not only filing and making excuses
to the clients when Alan was too drunk to turn up to meetings, but also
a lot of research work on the phone and on the computer. Alan was old
school and couldn't get on with technology. Even his mobile was just a
phone and he couldn't even cope with that at times. I had managed to
develop a lot of computer skills and I soon was able to produce results
for him which he couldn't have got anywhere else.

It is frightening how easy it is to find it information online. People
are so careless about what they post on social media that it's laughably
easy to find out so much unintended information. With a little fast
talking and some greasing of palms it’s also possible to get
confidential information about people. I am constantly surprised at how
little care people take about their passwords, for instance, and with some
software and expertise you can get a lot of information which people
should keep more secure. I also found I had a knack for being a fluent
and persuasive liar if necessary.

It wasn't long before I was going out with Alan into the field and I
think he enjoyed teaching me the tricks of the trade. I was a quick and
eager pupil and I pestered and pestered him into letting me go out on my
own to do some field work. I learnt everything from Alan and I will
always be grateful to him. We made a good team, the business was growing
and building a good reputation until, one gray autumn day, Alan keeled
over in Streatham High Road and died from a heart attack. I was
devastated, not only because I had lost a friend and teacher, but it had
it seemed things were going so well and now I would have to start
somewhere else. So, it was a great surprise when our solicitor told me
that only a few weeks before his death, Alan had at last made a will and
had left me the business.

Let's be clear though, the business meant a scruffy office, some filing
cabinets, a geriatric computer and surveillance gear but also, most
important of all, his black book full of contact details with solicitors
and divorce lawyers. These are the people who matter in giving out work
as much as clients who come direct. I hit the phones hard and knocked on
a lot of doors to persuade them I could do the same work Alan had done.
Some didn't believe me and moved their work elsewhere, but there were
enough I managed to persuade to give me a chance. It was hard work but
it paid off, and I managed to keep my head above water.

About this time a small lottery win paid for a trip to Thailand for me
to get a boob job, my Adam’s Apple shaved, vocal cords stretched, as
well as my nose fixed and it was money well spent as far as I was

I’m passable and, I have been told, pretty when I make the effort. I
don’t get made by many people and that’s mostly only by other T-Girls.
I live in a renovated apartment in what had been a police station before
Government budget cuts forced its closure. I had bought it with some
money left to me by an aunt together with a fairly hefty mortgage. I
make enough from detective work to cover my outgoings and have a
reasonable amount left over. So that's how Philippa Taplow ended up
being the owner of TV Detectives - my joke. Most people think it refers
to television detectives and I don't enlighten them, but it makes me

Following my late night photography session with the sleazeball husband,
I managed to get a few hours sleep before I had to be at the office to
present my report to the anxious wife. There were the expected tears
and I keep a box of tissues on my desk ready for these occasions.

As I said a lot of my work is referred by solicitors or divorce lawyers,
so I don't get many walk ins and none that looked like the woman who
rang the bell in the office later in the morning. She was the kind of
blonde you see in Hello magazine showing you her beautiful home. She was
tall and elegant, blonde hair tumbling down over her shoulders in waves
in a style I could only dream about and wearing a pink tailored short
skirt and jacket, which I swear was Dior, over a white blouse. She had
a pair of Chanel sunglasses perched on top of her head and I caught a
flash of red on the soles of her dusky pink heels, which meant

For some reason she was dressed for Knightsbridge and slumming it in

Idiotically, I found myself wishing I had put on something more than my
usual trousers and blouse and spent a bit longer on my makeup this

'Are you Philippa Taplow?' She asked, looking around as if she might
catch something from just being in here.

‘Yes, that’s me, and you are...?’

She was searching for somewhere to sit so I lifted some magazines off
the only chair I had in the office and dusted it with my hand. Good
start, Philippa. She reluctantly sat down and crossed her legs. In the
short skirt she was wearing, it made even me wake up and pay attention.
I couldn’t place her perfume but I could tell it wasn’t from the Pound
Shop remainder bin.

She looked as if she couldn’t work out if this was an office or a store
cupboard and she carefully placed her Burberry handbag on the floor
beside her, opened her jacket and sat back, albeit reluctantly, in the

‘I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. Mrs…?’

It doesn't matter for the moment, Miss Taplow. I believe my husband is
cheating on me and I want to know if you can find the proof for me.’

‘It's certainly the kind of work we do,’ I always say we as it sounds
more impressive than the truth. ‘Not that I want to turn work away, but
why have you come to us? No offence, but I would have thought one of the
bigger agencies would be more your style.’

‘Does it matter why? I'm here and I'm offering you the work. Do you want
to do it or not?’

You pick up a sense in my line of work when someone wasn't being
straight with me. I felt somehow she wasn't levelling with me, but if I
turned away everyone who felt a bit hinky, I wouldn't have much of a

'Ok then, tell me why you think he's having an affair and I'll tell you
then if I think I can help.'

I began to take notes but the voice activated digital recorder would
fill in any gaps I might miss. Clients like to see me taking notes, it
makes them think they are getting more value for their money. She went
through the usual litany of reasons: unexplained late nights, callers
hanging up, showering when he got home, unexplained items on the credit
card bill, leaving the room to take calls, and so on.

Sometimes this is all coincidence and someone with low self esteem can
turn innocuous events into something completely different. This woman
definitely did not have low self esteem for sure. She seemed confident,
arrogant almost, and to have everything planned carefully.

'Have you challenged him about this?' I asked. I wanted to know if he
was aware of her suspicions. It could make a big difference out in the
field. If he was aware that he was suspected he would be a lot more
jumpy and unpredictable.

'No, not yet. I want to get some evidence before confronting him. I will
tell you that I have the money in our marriage and I want this to be
safely wrapped up before I go ahead. If he is cheating, then I will cut
him out so fast his feet won't touch the floor.'

She looked around, 'Do you have any coffee?'

'I'm sorry, yes of course. How do you take it?'

I am a coffee freak and the one indulgence I had allowed myself at the
office was to buy a good coffee machine. She asked for espresso so I
busied myself making a couple of cups which gave me time to look at her
again. She was, in fact, a little older than I had at first thought, but
beautifully groomed. Hair and makeup were flawless in a way which takes
a long time, or help, or both to achieve. She had large diamond studs in
her ears and what to my eye looked like a Bulgari watch on her wrist.
There was clearly money here and I thought again there was something off
about her, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

'Ok,' I said, giving her the espresso, 'before we go any further I
should tell you my fees and if you're happy with those, then we can get
into details.' I gave her a figure for my hourly rate at the top end of
my scale. Charge what the market will bear, Alan used to tell me. She
nodded and said, 'That's fine, I believe in payment by results, so I
will pay a bonus on successful completion of the investigation. Would
£10,000 be adequate?'

I succeeded in stopping my mouth falling open at this point. A client
offering me a bonus, unasked for? Something was off, but what?
I told her it was perfectly adequate.

‘I do need to know your names at this point, I can't go on without

She looked uncomfortable and I wondered what was the problem. She must
realise I needed to know.

‘My name is Eleanor Northcliffe and my husband is Gareth Evans. I
continued to use my own name after we get married. I hope you understand
the importance of confidentiality, Miss Taplow.’

‘If I didn't,’ I said, ‘I would be out of business very quickly indeed.’
She nodded and we set about the details about her husband. She talked me
through his habits, his work and who his friends were. I asked if she
knew his email password, she did and told me, but it's so easy to get
alternate accounts these days, it might not help. She also gave me his
phone number and I asked if he had a second phone, but she didn't know.
She also provided his car registration number. I told her to create a
new email address which we could use confidentially. A new phone would
be useful as well and imperative that her husband not know about them.
She said she would arrange it and let me know the details.

‘How quickly could you get started, Miss Taplow?’

‘Well, if you can let me know where he will be this evening I can get
started straightaway. That is, if you can pay something upfront as an
indicator of good faith?’

‘Of course, will £2,000, be adequate?.’ Wow, this was too easy, I
thought. I nodded and she wrote out a cheque and handed it across.
Glancing at the cheque I could see it was written from an account with
an exclusive City bank.

‘I am away from home on business a lot and I'm on a trip for the next
few days. This is our townhouse address and I believe my husband will be
staying there while I’m away.’

Mmm, I thought, townhouse? Implies there’s a country house as well.

‘OK, Mrs Northcliffe, just some paperwork to be done and we’re good. I
will send you an update every day to the email address when you let
me know what it is. It will be encrypted and I will send you details
separately about how to decrypt it. Is that OK?’

‘Perfectly, thank you, now if there's nothing else, I need to be going.’

‘No, it's all fine. I will be in touch, when you send me details of the
email address.’

With that she stood and with the look of somebody reminding themselves
to send their clothes to the cleaners immediately, she walked out of the
door. I sat still for a few moments, still trying to work my way through
what had happened. I shrugged, sent a text message setting up a meeting
later this evening, turned on my computer and opened up Google.

2 Emily

In my local pub there’s always a guy, probably the same guy, playing the
slot machine with the concentration I imagine he would use on the
control panel of a nuclear submarine. He never seems to win. Mug’s game
I think.

I was sitting with an end of day gin and tonic, thinking about Mrs Blah
Blah, when someone nibbled my ear from behind.

‘Emily. Please don’t do that.’ I said.

‘How did you know it was me?’

‘Emily, think about it, who else but you would do that to me in a
straight pub?’

She came round and plonked herself down on the chair opposite me. Emily
is my best friend; occasional lover and sometime assistant. She is also
a beautiful woman who happens to be lesbian. Actually, her sexuality is
a little more complicated than that. Em and I got together for the first
time at a party when we both got blind drunk and ended up in bed. We
sucked and fucked each other’s brains out that first night and then
found out we actually liked each other afterwards. It doesn’t always
happen that way. Emily doesn’t go anywhere near men but I guess I don’t
count. She thinks of me as girl with a strapon attached, without any of
the male bullshit which normally comes attached to a penis. She calls me
her Private Dick, which she thinks is hilarious and I think is a joke
well past its sell by date. These days if either of us gets an itch that
someone of the other – nominal in my case – sex can scratch, then we get

Em is a couple of inches shy of 6ft tall, curvaceous, with natural red
hair tumbling down unkempt over her shoulders and with the face of a
Renaissance Angel. Her looks belie her strength and she is a 3rd Dan
black belt in Karate; she could convince you the Amazons were not a

‘Yuk, straight pubs, what a waste of flesh.’ She looked around, saw a
woman sitting by herself in the corner, smiled at her and said, ‘But
sometimes there are opportunities.’

I said, ‘It’s the landlord’s wife.’

She looked puzzled and said, ‘So what?’

I shrugged, ‘I don't want to get banned from another pub.’

‘Last time wasn't all my fault, that girl definitely fancied me.’

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘Until her boyfriend came back from the toilet and
started to push you around.’

‘I only hit him once,’ Emily said, ‘and I pulled the punch.’

The guy had ended up sprawled across a table holding his bloody nose and
screaming. Even then Emily got the girl’s phone number before we were
thrown out and banned.

I sent Em off to get us some drinks and I saw her say something to the
woman in the corner, who smiled back at her. She eventually returned
with two pints and sat down so she could still eyeball the woman, ‘So,
what's the problem with Miss Snooty, then?’

I had called Em and given her the outline of what had happened this

‘There's just something off about it. She’s loaded, that's clear, so
what's she doing down in Tooting talking to me rather than one of the
big boys up west? The name she gave me, I checked. She comes from a
wealthy family, made their money in property deals. The word seems to be
that she had a d**g problem, met a bad boy and eloped, nearly got cut off
from the family money but managed to repair things. At least the cheque
was genuine, the bank confirmed that.’

‘Anything on the cheating husband?’

‘We don't know he's cheating yet.’

‘He is,’ said Em, looking across at the woman, ‘all men cheat, they’re
hardwired to. The little shits can't help it, it's just a case of when
they get found out.’

‘Yeah, he checks out, seems to be a bit of a chancer. No criminal record
but sounds a bit dodgy. Describes himself as an entrepreneur.’

Em grunted and raised her glass to the woman in the corner, ‘Maybe she
likes getting down and dirty in Tooting. Phil, It's just a surveillance
job, right?’

I nodded. Emily was one of only two people in the world I would allow to
call me Phil.

‘And no special requests, no beating anyone up or planting evidence?’

‘Emily, you know I don't do anything like that,’ I tried to look

‘More's the pity, you would earn a lot more money that way. So, what's
your problem, Phil? Do the job, get paid and everyone’s happy.’

‘Yes, I guess you're right.’

‘Damn right, sister.’

I nodded and said I had to go, see if I could track down this husband
where Miss Snooty had told me he would be tonight. I asked if she could
help out on this job with some surveillance. She agreed and I said I
would sort out a schedule by the morning.

‘Good luck,’ Em said, ‘and be careful.’

‘Good luck to you too,’ I said as Em got up looking towards the woman in
the corner.

‘Oh, I don't need luck.’

She didn’t either, because the woman gave her a broad smile as Emily sat
down next her.

Mrs Snooty’s ‘town’ address was on a road just at the wealthier end of
the King’s Road in Chelsea. I managed to sneak into a spot with my car
so I could keep an eye on both the house and the black Jaguar with the
number plate Eleanor Northcliffe had given me.

I knew this could be a long, possibly fruitless wait. Three hours after
I started watching, the front door opened and the husband emerged. I
snapped a few shots, more than anything to prove I had been there. I
guessed he wasn't going to go far tonight because he was dragging a big
black labrador dog on a lead. I slipped out of the car and followed him
and the dog as they took a slow walk down the King’s Road to Sloane
Square and back. It's always difficult following someone walking slowly,
It's best to do it from the other side of the street so you aren't so

He made it back to the house in about half an hour and I was pretty sure
he hadn’t met anyone or even used his phone while he was outside. I was
grateful for the walk though and then settled down again to watch. At
about 11 o'clock, the lights all went out and I gave it ten minutes
before deciding to call it a night. Emily and I split the day shift
between us, but I would take the evening shift as that's when I thought
anything would probably happen. Luckily, there was a coffee shop on the
corner of the road where we could sit with a good view of the house
during the day. Over the next three days Gareth Evans only emerged from
the house twice a day to walk the dog, with delivery drivers and the
postman the only callers to the house. I ached for something to happen.

I reported this daily to Eleanor, complete with pictures, just to prove
we were actually there. On the fourth evening he took the dog out for
it’s evening walk at about 7.30, a little earlier than his usual
routine. I perked up, changes in routine normally meant something was
going to happen. About an hour later, at 9 o'clock, he emerged and
headed for his car. I sat up and as he pulled out into the traffic I
followed behind in my little VW. It's great for this work because nobody
notices such an anonymous car. I followed him down the King’s Road, then
out of Chelsea, over the river at Putney and along the river towards
Barnes. I nearly missed him as he made a sharp left turn into a road of
Edwardian villas.

Stopping about halfway down the road, he parked, left the car to walk up
to one of the villas and rang the doorbell. I managed to park and double
back to check the address and by the time I got there he was inside.
Opposite the villa was a house in the process of renovation completely
surrounded with scaffolding and plastic sheeting. I managed to squeeze
through a gap in the fence and clambered up a ladder attached to the
scaffolding onto the first floor level. I found a spot where I could see
the house opposite and where I would also be concealed by the plastic
sheeting. Thanking my stars for putting on jeans, boots and my warm
coat, I settled down to watch. A light flicked on in a ground floor room
opposite and a woman came to the window, looked out and pulled the
curtains. It was too quick for me to get a shot, but I clearly saw
Gareth Evans behind her in the room.

Nothing happened for the next hour and I began to curse Alan and then my
father for getting me into this game. A light flicked on in the room
next to the one with the closed curtains and this time I was more
prepared, put the telephoto lens up to maximum magnification and
steadied it against the scaffold pole. The telephoto lens would make the
pictures grainy but would add to their realism when I had to show them.

The room was clearly a bedroom and It wasn’t long before two women came
into view. Please don’t close the curtains, I pleaded to myself, please
don’t close them. One of the women went to pull them closed but as she
did so, the other woman put her arms around her from behind and she
turned round to kiss her. Shit, I thought, this isn't what I came to
see. I ran off some shots, thinking Em would laugh at this. It was when
the second woman turned her head towards me, it clicked that she seemed

Fuck, I thought, that's Gareth Evans.

I rammed the camera back to my eye and flicked it to rapid. I was now
sure the second woman was Gareth Evans in drag and a wig. He looked
pretty good I thought and that's from an expert at dressing up in
women’s clothes. I whistled to myself, so that's the way he rolls. They
were both kissing passionately now, their arms wrapped around each
other. There was enough of a gap left in the curtains for me to still
get a good view of the room and I kept the camera going on rapid.

Thankfully, I had loaded a fresh memory card this morning. I stopped to
check the camera was working, and when I looked back into the room
through the camera, Evans was on his knees in front of the other
woman and pushing his hands up her legs and underneath her skirt. The
woman put her hands behind her and unzipped her skirt and stepped out of

Evans moved his hands up to her hips and I saw her look down and nod to
him. He was smiling as he hooked his thumbs into her knickers and drew
them slowly over her hips and down her legs and I nearly dropped the
camera when I saw an erect cock jutting from her groin. Shit, I didn't
see that coming. This could get very interesting. My first idiotic
thought was that it was a strapon, but it was clear from the way it
moved it was real and large. Evans looked up at her as he slid his
tongue over the tip and then his lips parted to take the head into his

Bingo, that's the money shot.

She put her hands around the back of his head this time and pulled Evans
deeper onto her cock. He took it into his mouth and started to lick up
and down the shaft. I thought, this guy’s no novice, he’s done this
before. He had both hands around the cock now and took the tip of it
into his mouth, licking and sucking hard. She began to move her hips
back and forth, forcing Evans to take more of it into his mouth and I
could see he was gagging and finding it difficult to keep it in. He
pulled back in order to draw breath and then, wisely I thought,
concentrated on the head, using his tongue without trying to take it all
into his mouth. His hands were wrapped around the shaft stroking it up
and down whilst he sucked and licked the cock head in and out of his
mouth. She threw her head back and I thought she was close to cumming.

I have seen and photographed some extremely odd things in my job, but
this was without doubt the most erotic scene I had ever photographed.
Even watching through the camera lens this was making me hard and I let
out a little moan as he deep throated her. I had to adjust myself at
this point as my cock was painfully restrained. I switched to movie
mode; I had to have this on film.

The woman looked down at him and said something which made him stop and
smile. She pulled Evans to his feet and pushed him across the room
towards the bed where he fell onto his back. I couldn't see everything
from this angle but moving to the right a little I could focus right
onto the bed.

Evans climbed onto the bed and got onto his hands and knees in front of
her as she edged up behind him. She lifted the skirt he was wearing and
pulled down his knickers so his backside was now naked in front of her.
She bent forward and she tongued his hole and he arched his back
as he felt her tongue enter him. Somehow, I thought of Evans as him and
the mystery T-Girl as she. She did this for a few minutes and then she
reached over to pick up what looked like a bottle of lube. He looked
back over his shoulder and watched as she lubed herself and smeared some
onto his hole. He shivered as he felt it and then she slipped a finger
inside him and he squirmed a little before pushing backwards onto her
finger. She started to move her hand around and I could see he was
begging her for more. She teased him a little more, withdrawing her
finger and then pushing back in with two. He bucked as she drove her
fingers deep inside him.

I was getting so turned on by this I steadied the camera against the
scaffolding and reached down to rub my now aching cock. She slapped him
on the buttock and he reared as he felt the sting of her hand. I had
managed somehow to unzip my jeans and eased my hand inside to rub my
cock. I watched as she withdrew her fingers and moved herself up close
behind him and take her cock and slap it against his hole. He looked
over his shoulder to face her and I had a shot of him smiling as he
anticipated what was about to happen. She pushed the tip of her cock
just inside him and he wiggled his bum as if desperate to have it inside
him. She pushed in a bit further and withdrew a couple of times before
plunging her cock right inside him. I saw him shudder as he took the
whole length inside and I swear I could hear him grunting as she began
to move in and out, slowly at first and then faster and faster.

My hand was now rubbing my cock through my knickers and I pushed them
down to get a better. I imagined I was the one in the room across the
road fucking Evans and I felt my own climax building as I stroked myself
to an orgasm. I put the camera down and leant back against the
scaffolding and brought myself off until I came into my hand. Oh my God,
this wasn't meant to happen, but what I had watched was so hot I just
couldn't stop myself. I cleaned myself up with a tissue and then picked
up the camera again. The two of them were now sprawled across the bed
and It looked as if she had pulled out before coming as there was cum
all over his back. I ran off a few more shots for good measure and then
decided I had more than enough evidence and just wanted to get home.

I scrambled down the scaffolding, slipped back out through the fence and
was back into my car in a few minutes. I was so anxious to get home and
more than a little ashamed at what I had done, that I didn't notice a
small red glow as someone took a drag on a cigarette in the darkness
across the road.

I drove home to Tooting in a daze. To say I had not been expecting what
happened was the understatement of the century. What I had thought was a
simple cheating husband case had taken on a completely different
complexion. As a T-Girl myself, I was now faced with outing another, in
the most horrible manner. Should I let that affect me? Did it make any
difference that Gareth Evans was cheating with another T-Girl rather
than a woman, or another man for that matter? I was tired and drained
and these thoughts were rolling around in my head until I got home. I
would have to come to terms with that dilemma, even whether it was one,
in the morning.

I woke late the next day and, after a hasty breakfast, called Emily to
fill her in on what had happened the previous night. She let out a
‘sheeeet’ when I told her about Evans’ trans performance and she
gleefully reminded me that she had told me he would be cheating, but
would never have guessed that it would be in such a spectacular way.
When I mentioned my reservations about ‘outing’ Evans, Emily was very
clear and direct.

‘It's none of your fucking business. The wife is your n client, not
Gareth Evans. You like horses right? Well if he was doing it with a
horse, would that make any difference?’

The analogy was wonky, as I like horses, but I am not one myself. But I
knew she was right and it helped clear my mind for the report I needed
to write that morning. I knew Eleanor Northcliffe was still away, so I
couldn't deliver the report personally until she returned, six days
away, on the following Monday. I needed to write the report this morning
when everything was fresh in my mind, so I headed off to the office with
my camera and laptop, kick-starting the day with a couple of double

I started by uploading all the photographs and video to my confidential
cloud account as well as backing them to a local hard drive. I couldn't
afford to lose this stuff so double bagging the backup was absolutely
essential. I worked quickly, using my report template and it only took
me a couple of hours to complete and polish the report. It was now
lunchtime and I yawned and stretched, immediately feeling a knot in my
back from the exertions of last night . I decided to treat myself to a
massage at the spa a couple of streets away, followed by a quick pub
lunch. I backed up the report to the cloud, grabbed my bag, locked the
office and headed out into what had become a beautiful summer’s day.

Feeling much better after the massage I arrived back at the office about
an hour later and immediately realised something was wrong. The door to
my office was open and I knew I had locked it when I left. I stopped at
the door and listened but could hear nothing from inside. Grabbing the
pepper spray from my bag, I slowly pushed open the door and held the
spray out in front of me as I slowly walked into the office. It was
obvious it had been ransacked as papers and all the detritus of an
office was flung all over the room. With a sinking heart I quickly
checked and both the Nikon and my beloved MacBook Air had disappeared. I
couldn't tell for sure but it looked as if they were the only two things

I sat down and began to curse, long and loudly, using every swear word I
knew and a few I made up as well. When I had finished, I called the
local police station to report the break in. I didn't expect them to do
anything, but I needed a crime number from them for the insurance claim
I would be making. I could get by with my iPad for a while but the
camera was a tool I couldn’t do without.

It was while I was on the phone to the police that I noticed something
about the door that I should have seen straightaway. Ringing off, I
walked across to the door, knelt down and had a good look at the lock.
It was a solid, heavy, serious lock, but there was no sign of damage,
instead, there were a number of small scratches around the keyhole. I
had assumed this was d**ggies or k**s looking for something to fence
quickly. However, I didn't think many d**ggies would be able to pick a
lock of this quality.

I spent the afternoon waiting for a Scenes of crime officer to turn up
to look for fingerprints, making her coffees only to hear her say,
’You’ll never get that stuff back, fenced and sold on by now.’
I knew that was probably the case but it didn't improve my already foul

I sent a text to Emily.

‘Em. got a problem need 2 talk’

‘Wot r u pregnant?’

‘No u fool. Need 2 talk tonite’

‘OK Rutland at 7’

The Rutland is a beautiful riverside pub just by Hammersmith Bridge. I
sat outside in the warmth of the evening and watched the action on the
river, idly wondering about how much history had passed by on the river
right in front of me. Henry VIII may have been rowed up river past this
spot on his way to see his newly acquired palace at Hampton Court, and
his daughter Elizabeth must surely have traveled the other way down to
the Palace of Westminster. I spotted Emily as she walked across from the
bridge and watched as the crowds parted almost by instinct to let her
walk through. Men and women turned to watch her walk by. In another life
I swear she would have been a Celtic warrior queen leading her people
into battle.

‘Get me a margarita will you, Phil. I'm gagging for a drink.’ she said
as she sat down next to me. So much for the warrior queen.

If you ever ask for a margarita in a London pub be prepared for eye
rolling, shoulder heaving and passive aggression from the bar staff. The
girl behind the bar was about to say no, just because she couldn’t be
bothered, but her colleague, a tasty looking young guy, stepped in and
said, ‘No problem Miss, let me get them for you. It’ll be a readymade
margarita mix but our Tequila is pretty good. I think we’ve even got a
proper glass somewhere. You sit down and I’ll bring them across to you.’

I stared at him in astonishment; he had to be new. I paid and went back
to Emily, who was closely watching a gaggle of girl rowers, all in lycra
shorts, tight tops, pony tails, and giggles stream past. I sat as Emily
nodded her head at something behind me and said, ‘The brunette at the

‘What?’ I said and turned to look. She was just like the others; tall,
long legs, lithe and athletic and with the soft bloom of youth.

‘Baby dyke,’ said Emily, ‘watch and learn.’

The brunette turned round and looked at Emily who casually took off her
sunglasses and looked straight back. The girl turned away and Emily
started counting softly, ‘one, two, three’...on the count of five, the
girl turned back again to look. Emily opened her legs a fraction and the
girl went pink and her head snapped round. A few minutes later the crew
walked back past our table and the girl hung back a little, casually
dropping a piece of paper on the table in front of Emily who winked at
her as she hurried off to rejoin her crew.

I grabbed the paper before Emily could and unfolded it. Scrawled on it
was ‘Cindy, call me’ with her telephone number. It's happened before. On
the rare occasions we are together in a lesbian club or bar, it’s like
bees round honey. They are rare occasions as I don’t like going to them
because right on lesbians don’t always want to play nice with us
T-Girls. As if we don't get enough hassle from straight society we also
get it from some who should know better. Anyway, don't get me started on
sexual politics because I will bore the pants off you. I sometimes
wondered if lesbians were attracted to each other through some yet to
be discovered force akin to magnetism.

My new BFF from the bar brought across the margaritas and smiled broadly
at me. ‘Enjoy your drinks, girls, let me know if you want anything
else.’ He gave me another big smile and left, collecting some empty
glasses as he went.

‘I think you've pulled there babe.’ Emily said loudly enough that he
must have heard.

‘What? You're mad, he's a c***d.’

‘Yea, but you would, wouldn't you?’ In a heartbeat I thought to myself.

‘So, what’s this problem?’ Emily said, pulling her hair back and securing
it with a scrunchie.

‘The office was broken into today. My camera and laptop were stolen.’

‘bloody k**s,’ she said, ‘just wanted them for d**g money I guess. It's
all insured though, isn't it?’

‘Yes, that's not a problem, Everything was backed up as well, so I won't
lose anything. The strange thing is it happened when I popped out for an
hour at lunchtime. Hell of a coincidence don't you think? Just at the
time I was out they choose to break in.’

She squinted at me, ‘Well, they would choose a time when you're not
there, after all. Or are you saying you think you were targeted?’

I paused as I took a sip of the margarita.

‘The locks were picked, not smashed. Still think it was k**s?’

Emily was silent for a few seconds, ‘No, that doesn't sound like k**s,
not unless they’re teaching Breaking and Entering at GCSE these days. Do
you think it's anything to with the Evans case?’

‘I had thought of it, for sure, but how could it be? The only person who
knows I'm handling it is Eleanor Northcliffe, and she's out of the

Emily frowned, ‘Yeah, you're right, that's just too much of a stretch.
Just be careful, will you, please.’

‘Don't worry, I’ll be OK, I have my trusty pepper spray, remember, By
the way, how did it go with the woman in the pub? Can I go back there?’

Emily grinned broadly, ‘I'm seeing her tonight. Her name’s Sophie. In
fact, I have to go right now, I'm taking her to her first lesbian bar.’
With that, she drained the rest of her drink and with a wave,
disappeared into the crowd.

I stayed for a while, luxuriating in the evening sunshine. The barman
brought me over another margarita and I said, ‘I didn't ask for another

‘This one’s on me,’ he said with a smile, ‘It will only cost you your
phone number.’

I laughed and thought why not? I scribbled my number on a bar mat and he
slipped it into his jeans pocket.

‘Thanks babe, catch you sometime.’

I left soon after and realised that my drive home would take me right
past the road in Barnes where I had been last night. As I passed the end
of the road I shivered, remembering what had I had seen and done the
previous night. It was dark when I arrived home and I only had to spend
five minutes trying to find a parking space for the car but it left me a
few hundred yards walk away from my front door, and as I paused to find
my keys in my bag a voice behind me called out, ‘Fucking bitch.’

I turned to face the voice, my hand reaching for the spray in my bag.
The next thing I remember was trying to force my eyes open. I tried to
sit up but my head hurt too much and I could hear someone talking but
they seemed to be a long way away and I couldn't hear what they saying.
I knew I had to open my eyes but I couldn't get them to obey my brain.
The voice got closer and clearer and a man was speaking, ‘Don't try to
get up Miss, the ambulance is on it's way.’

Ambulance? What for? Is somebody hurt? It was then that I realised I
was the one who was hurting. My head ached and my ribs did too. I
finally forced one eye open and looked up into the worried eyes of a
young guy who was kneeling beside me. I was sprawled on the pavement
outside my house and felt around for my bag.

‘If it's your bag you're looking for, Sally over there has got it safe.
She's called the ambulance and they're on their way.’ I looked around
and there was an equally worried looking girl holding my bag. She tried
to smile and said, ‘We were round the corner and heard you scream, so we
legged it round here and found you laying on the pavement. We heard some
footsteps running away and guessed you had been attacked.’

‘Thanks, but I'm sure I will be alright, if you could just help me
up, I can get inside. It's my house just here.’

The girl spoke again, ‘Jack’s a first aider, he says you might have
concussion and that's why we called the ambulance.’

At that moment I heard the ambulance siren as it came round the corner
and Sally jumped into the road to stop them.

i tried to say that I was OK but my head felt heavy and my vision
blurred and I must have passed out again. I can't remember much of the
next few hours, although bits and pieces of it came back now and then.
It's a mashup of sounds and voices and half remembered faces peering
down at me with lights being flashed in my eyes and people asking me my

The doctor who came to see me when I finally woke up tried to fill me in
on what had happened. I had been attacked outside my house, taken a big
thump to the back of the head which had knocked me down and had then
been kicked a few time as I lay on the pavement. Jack and Sally had
rushed round the corner when they heard me scream and Jack had put me
into the recovery position as Sally called the ambulance.

There didn't appear to be any serious damage but he wanted to run a few
tests as I had been hit hard on the back of my head and he was worried
about concussion. If all went well, he expected me to be discharged the
following morning. He had given me something for the pain and told me to
get some rest. He also told me that I had been lucky, because if I
hadn't screamed and Jack and Sally hadn't been there so quickly, if
might have been much worse.

He smiled and said that when I was admitted there was a bit of confusion
about whether I should be in a male or female ward, but they had solved
it by putting me into one of the private rooms. I managed a painful grin
and told him it was the first time being TG had been a benefit. He
laughed and said he would be back later to check on me.

3 Tim

I had drifted back to sleep again when I sensed somebody standing by the
bed. I cracked open an eyelid to see the most beautiful pair of hazel
eyes looking down at me.

‘Hello, Miss Taplow, I’m Detective Constable Tim Kent, is it OK to have
a word?’

I knew the police would turn up sometime as the hospital would have
reported the incident as a matter of routine. Tim Kent looked young and
very cute. Policemen had obviously changed a lot since my dad's day. I
opened both eyes and said, ‘Sure, why not.’

He sat down on the visitors chair and took out his notebook.
‘You’re Philippa Taplow, is that right?'

I nodded and he went on, ‘and you gave Charles Taplow as you next of

Another nod.

‘Would that be ex Chief Superintendent Taplow, by any chance?’

‘Yes, he's my father.’

Constable Kent looked up from his notebook and said, ‘I understood the
ex Chief Super had one c***d,’ he looked down at his notebook and then
up at me, ‘called Philip.’

I rolled my eyes and said, ‘What's this got to do with what happened to

He levelled those gorgeous eyes at me and said, ‘Just checking who you
are, er, Miss.’

‘Look if it's any of your business, I was Philip, I'm now Philippa, can
we get on with what happened to me?’

‘Well, you see, Miss Taplow, it may well be all about what happened to
you last night.’

‘God, you think this happened because I’m TG, don't you?’

‘Don’t you?’ he replied. He also had the most beautiful eyelashes I have
seen on a man to go with those hazel eyes.

‘Oh,’ I dragged myself back to his question, ‘actually, no, I think it's
more likely to be because…’ I just stopped myself from blabbing about
what I had been doing the past few days.

‘Because of what. Miss?’

‘For God's sake, please stop calling me Miss. It sounds like I'm a
primary school teacher. Call me Philippa, everybody else does.’

He smiled and said, ‘OK, Mi....Philippa. Why do you think you were

‘No, no, you're probably right, some people out there don't like girls
like us.’

He paused and hoped I would say more, but I know when to shut up and let
the silence just hang there. He looked back down at his notebook, ‘Did
you know there were over 100 reported attacks on TG people last year in
London alone?’

I shook my head, ‘You're wrong, It's a lot more than that,’ I said,
‘most of them don't get reported.’

He nodded, ‘Yes, I know and it’s the reason why we set up the Hate
Crimes Unit. I joined the unit a few weeks ago and when the hospital
reported your attack last night, I was called.’

‘Great, too late for me though.’

‘Yes, I'm sorry, but if we catch these people then maybe we can stop it
happening again.’

‘I’m sorry, but it will take much, much more than arresting a few
neanderthal knuckle draggers to stop it happening. Until society
understands being different is not evil or perverted and accepts people
for who they are, it won't stop.’

He looked calmly back at me, ‘Yes, I think you're right, but I can only
try to catch them and lock them up.’

I fell back on the pillows, ‘OK, how can I help you?’

‘Did you get a look at whoever attacked you?'

‘No, he came at me from behind as I was trying to unlock my door and hit
me as I turned round. I didn't get a look at him at all’

‘Did he say anything?’

‘He called me a fucking bitch and that's why I turned round. And no, I
didn't recognise the voice.’

‘Nothing else, you can think of? Anybody who you think would want to do
you harm?’

’I'm a private detective, I've upset a lot of people in my line of work,
but I don't think there's anyone who stands out. I've not had any
threats and I'm not aware of anyone following me.’

‘Nothing else, then?’

‘No, not really. Can I get some sleep now? My head is killing me.’

‘OK, Philippa, can I get back to you if I have any further questions?’
‘Sure, sure. Anytime, detective.’

He paused on his way out and turned to say, ‘By the way, Philippa, I was
after your dad’s time, but I heard he was a good copper.’

That was nice of him to say, and it made me feel very proud of Dad.

As I drifted off, all I could think of was how jealous I was of those
eyelashes. Sometime later I was dozing when Emily's face appeared around
the door and she crept into the room.

‘God, you look terrible,’ she said.

‘No shit, Sherlock. I feel fabulous.’

'I hate hospitals,' she said as she put a bag of g****s and a bottle of
Lucozade on the bedside table.

'Well it's a good thing then it's me in here and not you,' I said,
trying to sit up and wincing as my bruises decided join in the fun.

'And I hate Lucozade,' I grumbled. Emily ignored me and began eating the

'Some very hot nurses here, you know,' she now had a mouth full of

'I had noticed, Em. It's a hospital, that's where they have nurses.'

Sarcasm was wasted on Emily who had by now munched her way through half
the g****s.

'I get so turned on by those uniforms,' this was a side of Emily I had
never appreciated before.

'How was policeman plod?' Emily asked. The g****s were nearly all gone
now, a few small thin ones still remained on the otherwise bare stalk.

'He was actually cute, has lovely eyelashes. He had heard of my dad who
he reckons had been a good copper.'

'So is cute policeman plod any closer to catching who attacked you?'

'I don't think so, he thinks it's a hate crime.'

Emily looked sideways at me, 'And you don't believe a word, right?'

‘Don't know Em, God knows there are enough attacks on us. It might be,
but I have my doubts after the break in. Maybe I'm just getting

Emily sat on the edge of the bed and then she pulled down the bed cover
and slid in beside me.

'Em, you can't do that in here, get out.' I hissed at her.

'Who says? You've got a private room here. I bet you could do with some
stress release.' With that she disappeared under the covers and I felt
her fingers and then her mouth around my cock.

'Oh my God, Em, you can't do this in hospital.'

I could feel her tongue wrapping itself around my cock and I could feel
myself getting harder as she used her hands and mouth to bring me to the
edge. I closed my eyes as she started to pump her head up and down on my
cock and her tongue was driving me wild.

‘Oh my God, Em, you have to stop, I'm going to cum if you don't.’
She mumbled something which I couldn't hear with her head under the
cover. I opened my eyes and saw a face peering into the room through a
chink in the curtains.

'For fuck’s sake Em, there's someone watching! Stop it!'

Emily, of course, did no such thing and just kept sucking. I could feel
my climax building and and I leant my head back and groaned as I came
into her mouth. Emily finally emerged with a big smile on her face just
as the nurse who had been watching came into the room.

Emily leant over me and gave me a kiss goodbye and I could taste myself
on her lips. As Emily left the room she glanced at the nurse who was
staring at her with wide open eyes and gave her a wink. The nurse
blushed and hurried across to my bed and began plumping up my pillows
and straightening the sheets.

‘Your friend, you know, are you together?’ she said in a low voice.

I leant towards her and said, ‘God, no, we’re just good friends. Why?’

‘Well, is she with anyone at the moment?’

‘No, not right now.’

I knew what was coming.

‘You don’t have a number for her, do you....’

Here it goes again I thought.

The doctor appeared again and told me that the test results were all in
and revealed no more damage than the bruises and cuts I had received
during the attack. He said I could go home but to rest for a day or two,
to let the bruises heal and take painkillers if I needed to. It was with
immense relief I walked out of the hospital and took a taxi home. For
once in my life, I did as I had been told and just took it easy.

Em came round and we shared takeaways and too much wine, but I began to
feel better and the bruises had started to change colour as they healed.
Em slept over the first night back and she held me tight and we kissed
and cuddled until I fell asleep. It felt good to have someone sharing
the bed. We also shared a shower together and it was bliss to have her
gently wash and soap my bruised body. Thankfully, I couldn't remember the
kicking I had received but it was my ribs that had suffered most. They
had turned various shades of black, red, blue and green. I probably
looked like fruit a week past it's best by date.

It was two days later on the Thursday morning when I went back to the
office and I spent the morning clearing up and cleaning the mess the
Scenes of crime officer had made trying to lift fingerprints. It was a
relief, therefore, to be interrupted by the phone. It was DC Kent asking
how I was and if I would be willing to answer a few more questions.

Grateful for the respite I agreed and he said he could be over in half
an hour. He turned up a few minutes early and after accepting a cup of
coffee we sat down.

‘Thanks for seeing me again, Miss Taplow, I mean Philippa. I'm sorry I
don't have any definite news about who attacked you, but I wanted you to
see something.’

He placed his iPad on the table and a grainy video started to play. It
had been taken at night and showed two men, one larger than the other,
running down a street before disappearing from view.

Tim said, ‘That was from three weeks ago following

Same as Watching Tne Detectives Videos

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The Enslaving of brittney

"I can't believe this! You're telling me you don't have your rent money again! Fuck! Completely unacceptable! You need to do something about this. Now!" Holly fumed as her roommate Brittney teetered in front of her. "Look, I'll get the money! I just need a little more time. I'm looking for work, I think I have a line on something tomorrow. Please, just give me a break," Brittney whined. In truth, she had no idea how to come up with the money. With her recent degree from the Walter Cronkite...

4 years ago
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Black Kinght Academy ep 2 Bimbo brittneyq

Background- 18 year old Mason Savage has just entered the boarding school known as Black Knight academy. this story follows mason (the only black) student at this school) through his many sexual encounters with his female class mates. Mason walked down the door hallway slowly checking the numbers on each door. 205...206... mumbled before stopping at the very next door. "207.. this is it" he said setting his suitcase down and knocking. "one sec" said a male voice from inside the room. mason...

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Britneys Nasty Secret

"Goddamn it. These fucking critics, they're hurting my career," Britney Spears yelled as she walked into the living room, where her mother was sitting alone. "It doesn't matter what I do, they're always burning my ass in those fucking magazines. Why can't they just leave me alone." "Why do you care what they say, Brit? Just ignore those assholes. You know they make a living badmouthing people who have what they'll never have. Just screw them, and do what ever you want to do,"...

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Cousin brittney 1

Revised Hi, my name is Mike. I use to live in a small town, and I am currently looking for another small town to move too. The reason  for my decision to not go home will be explainable once you read this story. It all began when I first met my 12 year old cousin Brittney, and again you're about to see why.  Growing up in a small town was actually not to bad. It had its ups and downs. The worst of it was the fact that is was so boring. As a result I got into my fair share of trouble from...

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A Man and His PetsChapter 18 Courtneys Torment and a Promise

About ten minutes later, after donning his skeleton costume, Jim followed Trina to the dungeon. With his cock hanging limply out of the costume, Jim entered the dungeon. Jim observed that Melissa was eagerly slurping away at Courtney's pussy. Courtney was moaning and writhing on the exam table to which she was secured. Jim turned to Cindy. "Cindy, my pet, come and suck me hard." In less than a minute, Cindy had his nine inch projectile ready to launch. Jim started the portable cameras,...

4 years ago
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Cousin Brittney Chapter 1

Growing up in a small town was actually not to bad. It had its ups and downs. The worst of it was the fact that is was so boring. As a result I got into my fair share of trouble from time to time. Just before I graduated high school is when things began to change a bit. It all changed when my uncle his wife and my cousin, whom i had never met, moved to our small town. The moment I saw my 12 year old cousin I was in shock as to how gorgeous she was. She absolutely had to be the most beautiful...

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In Pursuit of Politcal Correctness

Disclaimer: This story contains adult language, themes, and the like; it should be viewed only by those of legal age. All other usual disclaimers for stories sent to this newsgroup apply -- we already know them, so there's no reason to retype them here. Any resemblance to anyone, living, dead, or undead, is entirely coincidental. Reposting on archival sites is permitted with the following provisions: (1) I am notified when such a posting is made, (2) this story may NOT be...

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Whitneys Song

Whitney's Song: Every Teenaged Girl in America Wants To Be Me By Pirategrrl (c) 2000 1. SMUGNESS IS NOT HAPPINESS. "New message, left today at 11:35 am," the quasi-sexy voice cooed as I checked my voicemail messages from behind my desk. The snottiest, most overeducated assistant I ever had used to call it my Ayn Rand desk; gleaming metal, dominating the landscape of my office with swoops of stainless steel, black marble and ego, covered in the monuments of my importance as a...

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A Man and His PetsChapter 20 Courtneys Release

New Years came and went with out notice. A week or so later, Jim gathered Trina, Cindy, and Melissa in Cindy's quarters in the early evening. Jim gave all his pets gift wrapped boxes. The girls excitedly tore into the wrapping paper and threw the box tops aside. Then they saw the new clothes. Jim's pets weren't all that happy with the clothes. They said they had become comfortable being nude and didn't really need clothes. Jim just smiled at the girls. He then pointed something out to...

1 year ago
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Derricks Revenge 1 Sam and Whitney

The following story is graphic and extreme, featuring disfigurement, incest, rape and a whole host of other perversions that would offend ordinary senses. I would never do anything in this story to anyone, but a little fantasy now and then isn’t a bad thing. If you don’t like that sort of thing, though, you probably won’t get much out of the story and may as well skip it. This is actually the first sex story (although it’s really more of a torture story) that I’ve ever written, so...

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Brittney Chap 1The Problem

I struggle to reel in my line. I hoist the massive fish from the water and as I reach out to net this amazing catch—the phone rings. I open my eyes and roll toward this irritating racket. I see my caller ID informing me that someone is most definitely calling, and besides it the clock reads 3:24AM. I consider ignoring the call, but the number looks familiar. It’s a cell phone number from back east—who the hell? I do not have much to do with most of my family since the majority of them tried...

4 years ago
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If you wank to Brittney you will like this

Female dominance, or abuse in a sexual sense, is to all intents, a sexual high for men, how many men touch themselves thinking about controlling a woman for sexual purposes, controlling her orgasm, making her available to other less deserving men, mental and physical torture, they get off on it, and strange to say, that's the kind of sex that appeals to me, a woman, standing outside my own body and feeling a mans lust for me, watching him penetrate and force his seed into my orifices, being...

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Whitney Wright 50 317000

Whitney Wright was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, on September 20th, 1991. Her family has Native American and Welsh roots. The ultimate paleness of the welsh combined with the brown of Native Americans to create her sexy and sultry skin tone.From Medician to Let Dick InAfter graduating high school, Whitney attended college for both nursing and pharm tech studies. However, money was tight, so she left her studies to become a stripper for ten months. By the end of that ten months, Whiney...

Twitter Porn Accounts
1 year ago
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Triptych InterviewsWhitney

Saturday, November 26 (After Chapter 28 of Triptych) WHITNEY: Hey-ya! Knock-knock. You Dr. Aroslav? aroslav: Some people call me that. Welcome, Whitney. WHITNEY: Thanks. You really want to know about this little old Bayou girl? aroslav: No. I'm not really interested. There seem to be some people who believe you'll be important to the story sometime. They want to know about you. WHITNEY: Well, as long as it's not just you. What do you want me to tell you? Do you mind my Bayou accent? I...

2 years ago
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Britney Slips Up

Britney Slips Up!The flight was long and turbulent, in more ways than one. Even if there hadn’t been so much turbulence in the air, Britney still wouldn’t have been able to get any rest. Her manager and choreographer drilled new plans and new steps into her for all but one hour of the flight from Seattle to North Carolina, leaving her no time for anything more than a catnap. After her show last night, she didn’t have to perform again until the following evening in Raleigh-Durham, and she wanted...

3 years ago
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Britney A Beautiful Prostitute 2

Joe and many other men checked out these beautiful women. None of them knew that these woman fucked for money, only Joe knew that. Before any other waiter could go to attend Britney and her friend, Joe ran towards them. “Welcome,” Joe said and thought if he should call Britney by her name or just say, ma’am. “Thank you,” Britney replied with a big smile, as she remembered that Joe was the man who fucked her last night. Joe took Britney and her friend to a table in the corner. Men in the...

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Britney Spears Photos

After a long and tiring show, Britney Spears was ready to collapse on the couch in her dressing room. Making her way to the back of the amphitheater, the screams of the crowd still echoing in the halls, Britney quickly snuck inside her dressing room and plopped down in a chair. Britney scanned the room. All of these dressing rooms had started looking the same – a bathroom/shower off to the side, a big couch in the center of the room, a table covered with all sorts of food and drinks. It was...

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Britney the Photo

After a long and tiring show, Britney Spears was ready to collapse on the couch in her dressing room. Making her way to the back of the amphitheater, the screams of the crowd still echoing in the halls, Britney quickly snuck inside her dressing room and plopped down in a chair. Britney scanned the room. All of these dressing rooms had started looking the same - a bathroom/shower off to the side, a big couch in the center of the room, a table covered with all sorts of food and drinks. It was...

4 years ago
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Britney A Beautiful Prostitute 1

It was 11 p.m. when nineteen-year-old Joe was coming back to his house from work. It had already started getting quite cold outside. Joe slipped his hands in the pockets of his pants and kept walking. He lived alone in a small room of an old apartment. Joe was a waiter in a small restaurant. He was single because he couldn’t afford a girlfriend. Joe kept walking and thought about the big boobs of a woman, Nancy, who worked with Joe in the restaurant. She was looking so fucking hot in her white...

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Britney in Bondage

Chapter 1:  Britney in BondageBritney jogged home from cheerleading practice. If she was quick she could have the apartment all to herself for 2 hours.  Donna her roommate had taken an evening class which met 2 nights a week, unfortunately for Britney her cheerleading practice usually lasted almost the entire time Donna was in class so she had little time to practice self-bondage.  Tonight would be different she would have the place to herself, and if anything went wrong, she could rely on...

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Britney Spears I Fucked Teen Britney

My name is Tim. I just turned 50 years old. I had a great time on my birthday. Had lots of birthday wishes from old friends and relatives. Had a great party too! I really can’t believe I’m that old now!Fifty years…! A half century! When I was young, I made fun of my dad when he turned 50! Called him an old coot. Now……I’m an old coot! I mean…..when my dad turned 50…he really did look old. I look in a mirror now….I don’t look old… least I don’t think I do!Turning 50 has also made me take...

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The Night I Fucked Britney Spears

My name is Tim. I just turned 50 years old. I had a great time on my birthday. Had lots of birthday wishes from old friends and relatives. Had a great party too! I really can’t believe I’m that old now!Fifty years…! A half century! When I was young, I made fun of my dad when he turned 50! Called him an old coot. Now……I’m an old coot! I mean…..when my dad turned 50…he really did look old. I look in a mirror now….I don’t look old… least I don’t think I do!Turning 50 has also made me take...

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Britney Spears The Teen Fuck Of A Life Time

Turning 50 has also made me take a bit of stock in my life…..look back at all the things I’ve accomplished……or haven’t acccomplished! I’ve had a pile of different jobs, went through two wives, have two k**s, got a bit of money saved up for retirement. I’m not rich by any means, but I live comfortably. I’ve never invented a cure for cancer and my name will likely never be on any statues, but I think I’ve lived a decent life. I have a few regrets here and there…..but hey, who doesn’t?But one...

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Britney And The Photos

After a long and tiring show, Britney Spears was ready to collapse on the couch in her dressing room. Making her way to the back of the amphitheater, the screams of the crowd still echoing in the halls, Britney quickly snuck inside her dressing room and plopped down in a chair. Britney scanned the room. All of these dressing rooms had started looking the same - a bathroom/shower off to the side, a big couch in the center of the room, a table covered with all sorts of food and drinks. It was...

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Derricks Revenge 1 Sam and Whitney

Introduction Derrick Simpson was a relatively common man; wealthy but not rich, in his mid-40s working in middle management and watching people his children's age pass him by. He was prolific in one aspect of his life, though, having 5 ex-wives, and 10 daughters and step-daughters. His inability to bear a son had always haunted him, each child being more of a disappointment than the last. For these and other reasons he wasn't in as much despair as many others would have been when his doctor...

2 years ago
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Britney is taught a lesson by her Mom

“Goddamn it. These fucking critics, they’re hurting my career,” Britney Spears yelled as she walked into the living room, where her mother was sitting alone. “It doesn’t matter what I do, they’re always burning my ass in those fucking magazines. Why can’t they just leave me alone.” “Why do you care what they say, Brit. Just ignore those assholes. You know they make a living badmouthing people who have what they’ll never have. Just...

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Britney and The Photos

After a long and tiring show, Britney Spears was ready to collapse on the couch in her dressing room. Making her way to the back of the amphitheater, the screams of the crowd still echoing in the halls, Britney quickly snuck inside her dressing room and plopped down in a chair. Britney scanned the room. All of these dressing rooms had started looking the same - a bathroom/shower off to the side, a big couch in the center of the room, a table covered with all sorts of food and drinks. It was...

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Britney Fucked In The Penthouse

Britney Fucked In The Penthouse A few weeks ago my little sister Kate, won first prize in a radio station's phone in competition. She was delighted as the prize was two tickets to meet her idol Britney Spears and she had to interview the pop princess for the radio station. My Mum wasn't going to let Kate go as neither Mum or Dad could get time off work to take Kate to the gig, and they would not let their 12 year old daughter to go on her own with out some one to take care of her. I said...

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Britney Fucked In The Penthouse

A few weeks ago my little sister Kate, won first prize in a radio station's phone in competition. She was delighted as the prize was two tickets to meet her idol Britney Spears and she had to interview the pop princess for the radio station. My Mum wasn't going to let Kate go as neither Mum or Dad could get time off work to take Kate to the gig, and they would not let their 12 year old daughter to go on her own with out some one to take care of her. I said that I would take her and Mum agreed...

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Britney Spears Command Performance

Britney Spears bounded off the stage and headed to her dressing room, winded, sweating, and relieved that this was her last scheduled performance in her current tour. She relished the thought of being able to take it easy for a couple of months, with nothing more strenuous planned for her than a couple of award shows. This was just what she was afraid of months ago, when her career really started to take off. Britney loved her fans, and their adoration for her. She loved the attention she got...

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How I got very lucky and found Britney Spears nude

Britney Spears was naked in my bed. She smiled up at me and invited my eyes to feast on her naked body. 'Oh my God! Britney Spears nude - in my bed!' My mind was doing back-flips at how incredible this all was. I mean, of course I had fantasized this moment. I had seen Britney Spears nude in my bed a thousand times before. I had jerked-off to the thought of Britney naked, her tits thrusting up at me, her legs parting and offering me a taste of that sweet virgin pussy. But how did that thought,...

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Justin and Britneys Party

Justin Timberlake was in love with Britney Spears. He had known her for several years, since they worked together on the Mickey Mouse Club. Now that the two of them had become famous, it was very hard for either of them to meet people. So when they started hanging out again, it was like instant chemistry. Unfortunately for Justin, Britney had been brought up in a relatively conservative home, and she had yet to go past 2nd base with him. But that was all going to change soon. That night while...

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Britneys downfall

Britney's life had always been perfect. As the daughter of the biggest movie producer in Hollywood she lived a life without any concern. She always had plenty of money, she went to the best schools and everybody wanted to be her friend. Her name Britney was very fitting since at the age of 18, she looked alot like a young Britney Spears. The only thing Britney missed in her life was a mother, her mother had passed away when Britney was young, but as the only child of Jerry and Beth, this only...

4 years ago
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Britney Teen Hypnotic Sex Slave

Writing these stories has given me a perspective on things sexual that I had not had previously. The thought that occurs to me the most is the ‘what if?’ questions. What if as a young adult I had the skill as a hypnotist that I developed over the years? This story assumes a young man of extraordinary intelligence. We pick the story up after he has completed thorough research into hypnosis and the related psychology. He is a virgin with no dating experience. Sam is small, about five feet six,...

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Britney Poshslut Part Five of the Britney Saga

[This is number 5 in a series, if you have not read the series it would be a good idea to use the author search function on to do so as this covers on from some characters that have all ready had some development] BRITNEY: POSHSLUT [PART FIVE OF THE BRITNEY SAGA] CHAPTER ONE: The Show goes On With a smile on my face a mile long knowing I was one up in my battle of wits against Victor, I slipped a soft hand down inside my red miniskirt. It was a good thing...

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Britney Spears Impregnates Christina Aguilera

Chapter 1“G’night, see ya tomorrow, Christina!”“Good night, Bob!” Christina Aguilera said as she heard the door close behind the production manager as he exited the studio and continued removing her make-up after a long day of work. She looked up at a clock – 9:20 p.m.She was late.She looked back at her dressing room mirror as she finished removing the last bits of her make-up. She stood up, closed her eyes and stretched; it had been a very long day. Suddenly, she smelt the familiar odor of...

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Britney and Jamie Lynn Spearss Secrets

Britney stretched out on her massive king-size bed. Wearing nothing but white lacey panties that weren't much more than a thong. The topless diva yawned as she rolled over to grab and light up a cigarette. Her awesome breasts jiggled as she did so. Despite having two c***dren, Britney's workout routine kept her in great shape. Her boobs had only a slight bit of sag to them. Still they were better than most any other female celebrities who had c***dren in Hollywood. Britney laid on her back...

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Sarah Michelle Gellar Britney Spears

SMG and Britney Sarah Michelle Gellar and Britney Spears fall head over heels in love with each other. Sarah Michelle Gellar hummed to herself as she checked her image in the rearview mirror. `Shit!’ one of the hairs on her head was out of place, she would have to pull over. It took 20 minutes or so for her to sort the problem out, and as she set off again she hoped she wouldn’t be late for Britney Spear’s 18th birthday bash.Sarah pulled her Lamborghini up outside the house, grabbed the bunch...

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Sarah Michelle Gellar And Britney

SMG and Britney Sarah Michelle Gellar and Britney Spears fall head over heels in love with each other. Sarah Michelle Gellar hummed to herself as she checked her image in the rearview mirror. `Shit!’ one of the hairs on her head was out of place, she would have to pull over. It took 20 minutes or so for her to sort the problem out, and as she set off again she hoped she wouldn’t be late for Britney Spear’s 18th birthday bash.Sarah pulled her Lamborghini up outside the house, grabbed the bunch...

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Sarah Michelle Gellar And Britney Having Fun

Sarah Michelle Gellar and Britney Spears fall head over heels in love with each other. Sarah Michelle Gellar hummed to herself as she checked her image in the rearview mirror. `Shit!’ one of the hairs on her head was out of place, she would have to pull over. It took 20 minutes or so for her to sort the problem out, and as she set off again she hoped she wouldn’t be late for Britney Spear’s 18th birthday bash.Sarah pulled her Lamborghini up outside the house, grabbed the bunch of flowers from...

2 years ago
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Britney Is Beautiful But Crazy

POV: Eric"Oh, Britney's car is gone; maybe Joan and I can sneak in some sexy time," I said, parking mine.Then I went inside and looked for her. I couldn't locate her in the living room or kitchen, so I went to the other side of the house."Oh, the bathroom door is shut, and I hear the shower going, so let's get busy," I said, heading to the bathroom.I strolled in there and opened the door silently to her.I peeked down at the floor. 'Oh, you have the sexy bra and thong set on the floor here,...

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Britney And Eric Are Horny Handfuls

POV: JoanI watched Britney get off the bed and to the door. "Hi, Daddy," she greeted him, before hugging him."Britney, you're naked," he whined, backing away."You had sex with her, Eric, you fucking horndog.""Are you still mad?" he asked, as she brought him in there with us."No, I'm not, but if I ever find out that you two pulled this shit again," I mentioned, before she had him sit on the bed next to me. "You will hurt me, got it?""Yes, I'm sorry, Joan."I kissed him, and as I did, I grabbed...

4 years ago
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Britney Late Comings Chapter Three

Britney, Part 3: Late Comings - [email protected] Intro: It was later on possibly Sunday afternoon when Jess called and arranged a quick meeting for a chat and catchup. I rushed away eager to see Jess, who I must admit I was starting to get a big crush on again. We met for Coffee at our usual place, Jess was feeling better from her bout of sickness which was the first of the positives of our conversation. Jess was not her normal self however. I could see she was just...

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Britney Episode II Training Day

Britney "Episode II: Training Day" By Britney Kandey [email protected] Intro: I had almost forgotten about last nights episode (refer to Britney "The Transformation"). But then my phone had rung with Jess on the other end asking "Hi Britney", I had been god smacked for a moment before I realised she had dialled me, Troy, after all. I had no real idea of what to expect when I arrived at Jess's house approximately an hour after that phone call. Also too...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 13 Britney Spears

Exhausted from my flight to New York City, it was nice to finally be back in L.A. and in my own house. I needed sleep, but I wasn't tired so I decided to surf the channels to see what was on. I finally stopped and found something on E! to watch, but just as I tuned in, it went to the commercial. I was about to change the channel when the new Britney Spears Pepsi commercial came on. "Just enjoy the ride, don't need a reason why..." Britney sang as she pranced around in first a Pepsi...

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Backstage with britney spears nothing can happen

"So tonight at the metro arena, britney spears will be playing her one night only show so we can announce the winner of the competition to win backstage hour meet and greet with britney herself. And the winner is *drum rolls*Yes as you can expect, I won the competition, I have always had a crush on britney spears, girlfriend seemed eh about me going alone but at the end of the day it's just a concert and knows I genuinely listen to her music, she doesnt know I won the competition but I wasnt...

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Courtney and Tony start their life together

Tony and Courtney start their lives together This is a sequel to the story Wrestling with myself, by Katie Leone. Tony, a senior, befriended Courtney (formerly Corey) when she appeared as a 9th grader at Dunedin HS, in Florida. Tony is a deeply committed Christian, who never expected to fall in love with a transgendered girl, or face harassment from his Christian friends to the point of being attacked and hospitalized. The last scene of the book shows them at the homecoming dance...

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Britney Spears Mandy More Haveing A Good Tim

Britney Spears had her hands tucked under the table as she listenedextremely bored to what her manager was telling her.“And with the current research, I think we’ve found the perfectperson for you to go on tour with…” This immediately caught Britney’s attention. She was nervous for weeks trying to figure out who her touring partner would be. “….and I know you’ll be extremely pleased. Mandy Moore.”Britney’s jaw dropped to the floor. “Mandy Moore?!?” She yelled out annoyed. “You can’t be...

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Britney 17TH Birthday

Britney was in her hotel room getting ready to go out with her dancers and band. It was her 17th birthday and she looking forward to be going out and have a fun night with her friends. She got dressed wearing a tight pink crop top that show of her tanned yummy tummy and a pair of tight fitting denim shorts. She got in her car and drove down to the club where her friends where. She got to the party and had a nice time but thought that she would have to get back to the hotel and get a good...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 155 The Taming Of Courtney Rogers

It was a Tuesday morning, very early, when Courtney landed in Detroit. She had arranged for a hotel room, but couldn't check in there until later. She rented a car, and drove around a bit, finding something to eat. Afterwards, she headed slightly outside of town, to the ice rink that was the home of the Detroit Skating Club. It was a lavish rink, a lot of people trained there. The caretaker showed her where the dressing rooms were. She got changed and got her skates on, then emerged into...

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Britney Spears Photo Shoot That I will ALWAYS Reme

As a photographer, over the years, I have pictured many beautiful and sexy women but never as beautiful or sexy as Britney Spears, although I had met her on several press shows and award evenings. Finally I got my chance last week to picture her some of the most provocative outfits and positions that anyone has ever done. Working freelance for FHM, I was to picture Britney and another model together in several sets of photo’s in a lush hotel suite and by the pool at the Four Seasons at the...

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Britney Spears House and Dogs For Sale

In a recent news story, the teen diva drew SPCA's ire for including pooches in asking price of family home. Britney Spears is in the doghouse because she's selling her dogs. In Britain, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has blasted the pop star after hearing that she's selling her old house in the States, three dogs included. She's selling the family place in Kentwood, Louisiana, to move, with her parents, into a vast new estate five miles away. I don't know if...

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Loving Courtney Epilogue

Courtney, now twenty-one, is in her third year of college studying to be a Social Worker. She is showing remarkable talent in the field most likely because of her own experiences in the 'system'. I have to believe that after what Courtney went through, she will fight to do all she can to insure that what she endured will NEVER happen to a child assigned to her. Courtney aced her GED exam just one day after her eighteenth birthday and we were married in a small, private ceremony just a...

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Britney Spears The Return of the Blackmail K

this is a stand alone continuation of my previous 2 stories, Britney and the Old Man & Britney and the Blackmail k**.Almost a year had passed since Britney's wild weekend with her neighbor and his blackmailing grandson. she hadnt seen either of them since then and just assumed her neighbor used the house for vacations or something. she had finally gotten over the memory of having a young boy violate her and make her do things she never even thought of doing. she was just getting ready to go...

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Britney gets it on

Jeff was having the worst day of his life. After being fired from his job he went home only to discover that his roommate had a girl over. The tie on the doorknob was his cue to beat it. Oh well, he thought, I could use a good beer anyway. While making his way through the busy streets, Jeff noticed some posters advertising the Britney Spears concert on the fifteenth. In two days, he thought.Imagine being that rich. Travelling all over the world and making money for singing a bunch of shitty pop...

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Britney The Return of the Blackmail k

Almost a year had passed since Britney's wild weekend with her neighbor and his blackmailing grandson. she hadnt seen either of them since then and just assumed her neighbor used the house for vacations or something. she had finally gotten over the memory of having a young boy violate her and make her do things she never even thought of doing. she was just getting ready to go out for a bit, wearing very tight jeans and a low cut blouse, when her door bell rang. she wasnt expecting anyone, so...

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