In - Cognito free porn video

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I don’t know whether I attract these sort of incidents or whether I am just alert to every possibility but this is another one of life’s little turns for the better when totally unexpected.

This happened only this month (November 2015) when I was away in another city on business. I had had a meeting that morning cancelled so took the opportunity to sleep in and do my gym session mid morning when I knew the hotel gym would be quiet. A bloke my age has to keep the veins pumping and the limbs moving.

I’d just settled into my first piece of equipment when a woman of about my age (sixties) walked in and just said good morning as she passed. I returned the greeting and noted he seemed quite attractive for her age with a mass of curly grey hair and perfectly white unblemished skin. She was wearing very colourful lycra tights and a matching lycra short sleeved top with a towel over her shoulder - heard her move to a piece of equipment nearby. She made a bit of noise and what seemed like cursing under her breath, until I heard her call in extremely cultured English accent,
“ Excuse me, but when you finish your set could you assist me here please. I’m not familiar with some of this equipment”
“Be right with you” I called back and hurried through my piece so that I didn’t cause the lady too much delay.
“What’s the problem Ma’am “ I queried.
“Oh, I’m just not used to this type of gear and need assistance in adjusting it. Some of these stops seem very tight” she complained. I bent forward and set her up properly and stepped back unable to help notice that she had her eyes fixed on my crotch.
I was able to see that she had been a very attractive woman in her youth and still cut a pretty pleasant figure particularly as she was quite slim, reasonably tall, and small boobs. The lycra left nothing to the imagination. I was similarly dressed in lycra gym shorts and a loose t-shirt and so was obviously showing my wares when up close.

“ May I suggest that if you have the time, you set me up on each piece of equipment then do your own sets while I’m doing mine otherwise I’ll be here all day and just annoying you while I ask your help.” she suggested.
“Sounds like a very reasonable plan Ma’am - can’t let a lady in distress down” I responded as I surveyed the curves of her mature body. As an old voyeur, I never miss a chance.
At the next set up, I had to lean over her to adjust some weights and as I did so I felt her hand ever so softly graze my crotch and she said,
“Nice package sir”
“That’s very perceptive of you ma’am and thank you for the compliment”. Nothing more was said and we did our exercise. A couple of sets later I was leaning in close to her adjusting things and she grabbed my crotch in one hand,
“Sorry but I really had to know” she purred as she just tightened her grip.
“ Know what ma’am” I queried, not moving and quite enjoying the experience.
“If its all really you” she sighed then “ yes I think it is” and let go.
“ I can assure you it is all real but its hardly anything spectacular” I humbly responded.
“Let me be the judge of that Sir - now am I locked I to this piece.” Away she went working her muscles as I was and moving from piece to piece until she got to a machine she was totally unfamiliar with.
“What’s this and what’s it do” she almost demanded of me.
“It does your adductor muscles - now sit on the seat and spread your legs” I instructed then bursting into laughter I apologised, “ it’s a while since I told a lady to do that for me”
“Well maybe I’ll just very happily co-operate” she cooed. “ What’s it actually do though”
I explained that the adductors were on the inside of her thighs and gave strength to her pelvic area.
“ Well they will be useful” she smiled as I bent to fix her legs in position.
“If it’s a day for personal compliments ma’am” I said in all seriousness “ then you’re showing me a very nice camel toe and a wet one at that”. I thought I’d take the chance on being risqué and to hell with the consequences. She could hardly throw me out.
She glanced down between her legs where the seam of her crutch had pulled tightly into her gash and the puffy lips each side filled the thin lycra magnificently.
“Always happens when I leave my underwear off” she responded casually. “Thought it would be quite safe to come down here from my room with out them as I do dislike too much clothing when exercising - what about you” she asked.
I moved near her to adjust the weights and with a very deft hand she pushed it down the front of my shorts.
“Oh! all dressed up I see” as she now very nonchalantly took hold of my prick and stroked gently as best she could in the confines of the tight lycra and underwear.
“Well you certainly aren’t backward in coming forward” I announced, “but do you wish to continue your workout, or do you have something else in mind”
She pulled her hand quickly from my shorts, patted my crotch and said, “ No we must keep the body moving, - but you did feel rather nice and I detected some stirring of the blood”
“ What would you expect ma’am - I am still quite capable and ready with a little encouragement”. She smiled and said nothing getting into her routine.
As I approached my circuit completion, I called,
“Is there anything else you need as I’m about done”. I was contemplating how I might continue this meeting elsewhere.
“ What do you think “ she called, ‘any suggestions?“
“Nothing we can do here” I responded cheekily, ”but maybe finish with some weights on the bench”
She dutifully trotted over to where I was standing by the bench and I told her we’d do some bar work the finish with some lighter weight exercises.
“ I can see we have the bar in place” she grinned as she slid a hand slowly across my crotch again.
I instructed her to lay down on the bench and I would place the bar with some manageable weights into her hands above her chest.
I stood with my legs almost at each side of her head and asked her to raise her hands to take hold of the bar. She raised her hands all right - straight to the sides of my lycra shorts and in one swift movement pulled them down to the top of my thighs.
“ Do you want to do this exercise or not,” I laughed, “or shall I take you to my room and rut you silly”.
“ I promise I’ll be a good girl as long as you stay right there where you are in that position while I pump the weights” she pleaded, not sounding like a mature woman at all but some giggly teenager.
“ I don’t have much choice ma’am as I can hardly move with these around my legs.”
She dutifully did the set with me standing over her with my balls hanging free and my cock at half- mast. On completion she sat up as I took the bar from her and she asked “is that it”
I stood back from the bench and carefully placed the bar on the floor as she once again reached for my prick and started to stroke it.
“ One more exercise if you are up for it” I explained and I did have an ulterior motive in mind.
“Ok what is it? “ as she leant forward and very casually popped the head of my cock into her mouth. “nice” I heard her say “very nice”.
I instructed her to kneel with her right knee on the bench and her left foot on the floor and support her upper body on her right arm as she took a small 5 kg weight in her left hand. I then told her to start pumping her left arm up and down with the weight in it. I moved behind her and without warning, I said ,
“Ok I have you where I want you now” and pulled her lycra tights down to her thighs just as mine were.
“ Unfair’ she squealed but made no move to prevent me doing it.
“ Now we are even ma’am” I explained as I now moved right behind her to rub the head of my cock up and down that delicious moist slit.
She dropped the weight and supported her body with both hands on the bench and actually pushed back against me.
“ This is very pretty” I told her as I examined her puffy cunt with both cock and fingers. I could see the inner lips just protruding from between the swollen outer ones.
“Someone’s been here recently’” I exclaimed as I pushed a finger into her fanny and rubbed my thumb over her deliciously tight little brown sphincter.
“ That’s right “ she replied quite forcefully” my husband last night and you can leave the rectum alone as that’s his - the rest though is yours”

I drove my cock deep into her womb and felt the cervix and got a little gasp of response from her as I started to pump quite vigourously in and out.
“ What happens if someone comes in right now” she asked almost laughing.
“They’ll see two old people fucking and they will have a choice of leaving, staying, or even joining us, “ I announced very positively.
“Wow, joining us eh! How wonderfully kinky - a man after my own heart - you in the exhibitionists club too are you?” she asked.
“Lets just enjoy this” I asked.
As I built to my ejaculation, she had been responding enthusiastically but had said or uttered very little.
“ You are very quiet - are you enjoying this” I queried seriously.
“ Sir, I don’t have to shout my pleasure to the world” she responded, “ just keep rogering me as you are and fill me right where you are when you are ready. I’m a very happy lady right now thank you”
And so I did, pouring forth into what was quite a tight fanny for a girl of her age.
“You’re very tight for such a mature lady” I complimented.
“ Why thank you sir, I work at it but today it must have been those - what were they? - adductor exercises” she giggled.

After cumming I withdrew slowly and a little spunk ran out with the withdrawal but not too messy. She stood and we each pulled up each other’s clothes. She then reached up and kissed me fully on the lips just breathing a very quiet “thank you”.

“Are you staying tonight” I asked, “ if so how about dinner?”
“ That will be wonderful - Room 1232 “ I recall her saying.
“ Great, I’m on the same floor just down the passage, I’ll see you at 7 then”
“ok” then she was away.
As she passed the door I called - do you have a name.
She stopped, turned and smiled that wicked sexy smile ,
“I don’t know yours and I don’t want to but mine’s ‘cognito” she laughed out loud. “and you’ve been in it”. Then she was gone.
I remembered the room number immediately but it took me a couple of minutes to work out the name thing - “in cognito” - the smart bitch but obviously a lot of fun.
It took all my concentration to attend to the meetings I had that afternoon but I got a reservation at a nice little Italian restaurant nearby and was knocking on her door right on seven.
She looked even more gorgeous dressed in a tight knee length shirt and loose long sleeved top but it was the impossibly high stilettos that accentuated the firm muscular legs that made her look so sensual. I don’t think she had need to ‘do her hair’ as it was an impossibly thick curly mop.

We had a quiet table in an alcove and I luxuriated in her wonderfully correct cultured English accent that she carried from her school days and came to Australia with her when she migrated with her family thirty years ago. I told her I could listen to her all night speak that way and loved it when speaking of sexual matters (which she enjoyed) she never used one crude word. She only had a vagina or a quim (how quaint) and mine was a penis or a member and she only ever got ‘rogered’ and performed fellatio or cunnilingus.
She set the mood for the night early on by saying to me very earnestly” Sir, I know that after dinner we will go back to the hotel and roger each other stupid so lets have a lovely dinner and discuss other matters”. And so we did.
She was a mother and grandmother of 64 years and very happily married to a man who looked after her in every way - financially, psychologically, sexually - very well. She still worked as a “business woman” hence her visit to this city which she did about three times annually.
I reciprocated by telling her all of my story and my love for the mature woman and the enjoyable times I’d had. She listened intently and responded with lots of questions But didn’t reveal too much sexually until we had finished mains and our wine. She reached under the table, squeezed my prick and suggested we go back to “your room”. I looked at her quizzically. “ yes “ she said “ I prefer that your bed not mine has the wet spot and I desire a good nights sleep so we will enjoy a good rogering but we wont sleep together. I’ll spend the night in my room thank you” she explained.
I agreed wholeheartedly, saying I’d not be much or a sleeping partner as I’d probably keep her awake with my snoring so I was happy with the arrangements.
“ However” she said, “ I am a highly sexed woman and I never want to miss the delights of a man’s morning glory so you WILL knock on my door at 5:30 AM - any later and I’ll be knocking on yours”

We arrived back at our hotel and stepped straight into an empty elevator. The door had hardly closed when she grabbed the hem of her dress and hitched it up to her waist standing before me naked from the waist down.
“You really are an exhibitionist“, I exclaimed as she pushed herself against me.
“ I’d love to get caught like this because so few people would know what to do about it and they just end up staring - can’t do it at home as I’m too well known. Enjoy it sir” as she sashayed out of the lift on our floor and strolled ahead of me down to my room. “ take your time” she called, “Someone might come”
“only me probably” I laughed.
She had us both naked within minutes and she insisted that we leave all the curtains on the floor to ceiling windows open.
“ My husband and I do this as our special little kink when we are feeling very naughty at home and go spend the night in a hotel. We are both committed exhibitionists”
We tried every position and lots of interesting sexual aspects during the couple of hours we spent together but she was adamant about no anal.
“ Last year when I was away, I pulled the same trick in a hotel gym on a very nice young man and we were interrupted by his mate. I’m not usually into multiples but they were both gorgeous and I thought I couldn’t come to any harm - and nor I did. I had a fantastic night with both of them but they talked me into a double penetration - initially both in my vagina but then I succumbed to the offer of a vaginal / anal one. Never done that before so thought I’d give it a try before age stopped me all together. Felt so guilty though when I got home because my husband doesn’t know of my dalliances and I always like to keep my rear end for him”

She explained that she had a really good regular sex life with her husband who was a good man and great partner even though she suspected he may have the “occasional fling on the side, he always come home to me every night and shares most of his life with me”.
“ I just need the excitement of the chase and fulfilment of self esteem to know I can still attract a man and I do just so love a good rogering and all that goes with it” she is telling me as I’m licking the most delicious perfumed cunt I’ve had in years. The inner lips are hanging outside now as we’d just fucked again though I’d held off cumming which she loved.
“I much prefer Missionary or cowboy” she explained ‘ because I love to watch my partners face but doggie can be fun especially if there is a mirror involved as there was this afternoon”
“Was there really “ I queried, “ I never noticed”
You can bet there was or nothing would have happened that way” she told me.
What an interesting woman. I thought I had worked out who she was by the end of the evening - the wife of a well known business man who moved in similar circles to me though I thought better of saying so. If she’d not liked my identifying her, it would have ruined the whole night.
After we were both fully satisfied and we lay chatting naked on the carpet catching our breath she announced it was her bedtime. She stood and I watched fascinated as she slipped her impossible stilettoes on and nothing else. She gathered her clothes and throwing them over her arm she calmly kissed me good night and strolled out the door down the passage to her room. When she got there and opened her door she called back to me “5:30 it is” then bent forward spreading her legs at the same time and exposing that wonderful tight wet cunt I’d just fucked. Then she disappeared inside the room and I set my alarm for 5:25.
I was there at her open door at 5:30 and she let me in and immediately sat me on the bed and went to work stiffening me up with her mouth. She actually wasn’t the best cock sucker I’ve known but good enough to get me hard - very hard then insisted I “ roger me to a couple of big Os please.” That wasn’t difficult as she was insatiable with her legs pulled right back against her chest she was so easy to enter but could tighten up nicely once inside. She didn’t like me referring to her as a slut - “I’m a very good courtesan” she explained.
As soon as she could feel me building to a climax she stopped all action “ I’ve had my satisfaction so now its your turn” she announced, “every man loves to be swallowed and I’ve not given you that pleasure yet so up here to my face please sir”
I pulled out saying “ I’m not about to argue” as she started with her mouth and hands to work the cum from me slowly but surely. I knew I’d not have a lot after a solid workout yesterday and last night but enough for her to savour every drop as impulse into her lovely open mouth and I watched her deliberately swallow my cream.
“Thank you kind sir, it has been so pleasurable knowing you. Its time you went back to your abode.”
I agreed but suggested we meet downstairs for breakfast and she willing accepted saying “ I thought I’d just had mine”

As we finished breakfast, she asked if I had to go straight away or was I intending to go back to my room. I planned on doing some work in my room.
“I’ve got 30 mins before I leave, please come upstairs with me” she pleaded. This girl really was insatiable. “You’ve been so nice and such fun” she explained “I cant waste a minute without you”
On getting to her room, she lifted her skirt sans panties again and asked me to “perform your cunnilingual trick please sir?” - and so I did. She asked me to take my trousers off so she could play with my member - and so she did. Then as time drew to a close she said,
“One last favour please, it’s a bit kinky but safe and satisfies my exhibitionist streak. I do it all the time with my husband “
She took me into the bathroom then lifting her dress around her waist she squatted over the shower recess floor and started to urinate.
“You can wiggle my clitoris if you like while I’m doing this” so I quickly bent down and did so which apparently gave her an orgasm she said. Quite nice as some of her wee ran over my hand. Certainly an interesting way to finish a very pleasant and exciting sexual interlude.

She stood, straightened her dress, and stepped forward to kiss me passionately.
“ What no panties” I asked.
She smiled, “ No, you never know a girl might get lucky today before she goes home tonight”

As I walked out the door, I turned and said “ Thank you for a wonderful 24 hours Mrs Locke”
“ You smart bastard but its still ’cognito” she insisted.
“You’re safe with me beautiful lady, bye”

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After drinking lots of tequila from a hard week and rough week I am buzzing really hard. So I go lay down fall a sleep and wake about 2:30am and my dick is hard as fuck. I am horny and i know i wanna do...put something in my mouth to ease this feeling. I shower throw on my usual extra large t shirt and shorts and head to the spot on the outskirts of town. The Gloryhole. I am still buzzing but take two small bottles with me. I get there about 4:00am and there are about 5 cars in the parking lot....

4 years ago
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Taunting My Elder Sister

Hello guys,i’ve been reading awesome experiences of having pleasure in iss for the past 3 years, i like girlfriend, teacher & incest part the most, now i’m sharing my 1st(incest) story, this is the real experience with my sister, i thought all the stories here were fake, but now i understand what’s the catch,so about me-i’m 19 yrs old,brownish black colour with athletic body and height 5’7. My place is in south Karnataka, I live kushalnagar,but i’m studying my b.e in mysore, so coming to story,...

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fucked in the woods

it was a dark evening and i went out for a walk in the park wearing a nice black shirt a pair of black panties and a pair of black leggings. as i was walking though the park i stopped at restroom to go pee. i got in the men's room and found a stale and sat down to pee and there was this hole next to me and i peaked through to see what was there and it was another stale. i didn't pay mind to it until i saw another guy walk in the stale next to me. he didn't sit down instead he pulled his...

3 years ago
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Maya Us

Yeh ek story hai jo mein kafi time se likhna mang raha tha. It’s about my dirty, sweet slut of a wife, Maya, and her appetite for thick, juicy, meaty cocks. This is the second marriage for both of us. How we met was because of her sluttish lifestyle. I had recently divorced and was making the rounds on the ‘Net looking for someone to flirt with. Of course, I found Maya, now 45 years old, there in one of the forums. We struck up a convo and I found out she was also in Delhi. She was stuck in a...

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Caught and Punished

You finally got your chance, your friend and his girlfriend had to leave at short notice while you were visiting and left you alone in the house. The temptation was too much and you headed to their room.At first you went to her underwear drawer and inspected all her most private clothes, from plain panties, to lacey bras and even some sexy stockings, and made sure to rub you cock and precum over them thoroughly. But even this isn't enough to satisfy you and you head to the laundry basket.She...

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Johns Dream Come True Lauren

Introduction: This is a continuation of Johns Dream Come True. It is not neccesary to read it but please do if you wish. I greatly appreciate any and all suggestions and comments that can help me improve my writing. Please enjoy the story and please comment or pm me at any time. 16 years later -Lauren It had been sixteen years since that wonderfully fateful day. Sixteen years that John had been thrusting his 7 inch cock into his wifes cunt. Sixteen years of pure bliss and erotic pleasure. And...

1 year ago
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Escort Rankings! As you damn well know, there’s no better place on the Internet to find the proper fap material than ThePornDude. I’m out there day and night, ranking the best free sex tubes and premium smut networks on the web. Honestly, I’m the kind of motherfucker who reads reviews on everything I spend my money on, from knockoff boner pills to VR porn helmets, to high-class escorts around the world., as the name implies, features exactly those type of hooker ratings in the...

Escort Sites
2 years ago
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The Road Back

A very heartfelt Thank You to ErikThread for his fabulous editing. His skills make your reading pleasure better. His cold eyes looked out the window of the dingy room at the busy street below the hotel. When he turned from the window the coldness did not leave, nor did the hardness of his mouth relax. Tomorrow he would face, across a courtroom, the man who killed his fiancée. He would not be happy to answer the questions asked of him. He should be, but he was not. The man did him a favor,...

3 years ago
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What Feats He Did That DayChapter 12

"A light whip, huh?" I asked as Wizen and I made our way down a series of sterile corridors. "Is that because it has a third less calories than a regular whip?" He gave me a puzzled look. "Sorry," I said. "It would have been funny in my time." We continued on, Wizen walking and me flying beside him in the chair. The corridors were nearly empty. I had had a similar experience when Wizen had brought me to the gymnasium where I had practiced with the chair, but that was just a short...

2 years ago
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Cat and Mouse The Baby

Cat and Mouse: The Baby By Bluto News item on Telemundo (translated from the Spanish). "Hola, this is Jaun Pegar Fantasia with news from South America: Scattered reports are coming in now of a disaster on the Pacific Coast of Peru. The small town of Puerto Diego has been destroyed with an uncertain loss of life. Helicopter video shows the utter destruction visited on the village from what one survivor called, and I'm not making this up, folks, 'a giant, the biggest man I have ever...

1 year ago
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Anjali and me

Anjali bhabi ki aur meri story ka response dekhkar to main bhot khush hua kafi sari emails bi aayi, ye jankar mujhe laga ki eska dusara part matlab jaha pe maine likhana band kiya uske aage; Anju ne khana khilaya aur fir main apne ghar wapas aa gaya. Thoda aaram karne ke baad Anjali ne phone kiya aur kaha ab aapke vasant bhai saab nahi aayenge kyun ki wo jis shadi me gaye the waha pe unhe raat ko barat me rukana padega. Aur anju ne kaha janab ab aap sham ko sidhe 9 baje ke baad ghar aa jaye....

4 years ago
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My Maid Sujatha At Her House

Hi readers, I am Vimalesh with a new story. As some of you know, I was working in a school in Andhra Pradesh. There were four teachers from Kerala. After one year my friends left the school. I decided to continue in the very same school alone without my Kerala friends. Sujatha was my maid. She came by 6 o’clock in morning and 6.30pm in evening. One day in evening she completed her work and left. By 9.30pm I had my supper. I sat in my chair and completed my preparations for tomorrow’s teaching....

2 years ago
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Lip and Annie Ch 09

Their first week back they were both very anxious to hear each other’s voices on a daily basis, so their phone calls back and forth became routine. Annie was working a lot of night shifts and trying to sleep in the day, and they usually talked in the late afternoon. Robert was busy too, but he was fortunate that his business didn’t run on set hours, and he could usually make time for Annie whenever she was available. She had told him that the first available appointment with Dr. Maier would be...

2 years ago
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Five out of six Devil pulled the trigger despite the coach's pleas for his life. He had heard the same words probably a thousand times and probably in a thousand different languages. He didn't give a fuck, hadn't since he was a kid. He had killed his first man when he was twelve years old. He was offered $200 to shoot a local gang leader by another gang. Devil did the job and never looked back. Forty now, over the years he had carefully created a world for himself in which he controlled...

3 years ago
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Theatrical 8

Theatrical…….8Anna was building rapidly as she whimpered with the onslaught of cock inside her, I moved along the side of her and felt under her, taking the weight of her swinging breast in my hand and squeezing it, I had never groped a woman’s tits before but today, so many rules were being broken, so many taboos were being displaced, the waiter grunted and folded over Anna, she moaned as she felt the hot surge of spunk being squirted up her arse, she collapsed on my friend, he looked down at...

4 years ago
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A Teen Sluts SagaChapter 17 Guilt Anger and Defiance

George's temporarily pacified brat-of-a-daughter became more defiant than ever in the days following her trip to his boss's house. He didn't understand what had changed. When he picked her up from the fat-ass prick's house she'd been quiet and obviously exhausted, but it hadn't appeared that she'd been hurt. That night, in fact, George had stole into her bedroom to inspect her body but had found nothing more than slight scratches on her otherwise smooth, soft back. Her pussy was sort...

1 year ago
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In the Lift

I am in a lift in the corner at the back, its the start of the day so its getting pretty full. A woman gets on she stands in front of me, she has dark shoulder length hair and a thin halter neck summer dress on. I can smell her perfume waking my desires. More people get on, she steps back touching me, her hair brushes my face making her scent stronger, I can feel the soft cheeks of her ass against me. My cock stiffens against her, she must feel it through her thin dress but she does not...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Such a deal

I posted this story on the asstr site a year or so ago. It's buried inside somewhere, but I still get weekly reports that folks are down loading it. I'll post it in parts for your enjoyment. Don't be afraid to comment, shit like this is a lot of fun to write, and comments from readers are the icing on the cake!Stan Lee aka good medicine Such a Deal Part 1Got back home from another long night at the job to find Wifey and BGF at home...

2 years ago
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A Warm Spring Part 1

Spring time, usually, at this time of the year, I would go out with Kain and talk all night about random stuff, which was cool...until now...the day he moved out, so I was just doing my homework as if it was a thrusday like any other, until my dad came into my room with the phone. "It's for you" He said smiling as I grabbed it as if I was a dead man. "Hello?"I said with a low and a bit sad tone. "Wow...lighten up!How are you doing!"Kain said on the other side, that made me...

4 years ago
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Beckys Marine part 1

I swivelled around in the bar stool and saw Carl chuckling at me, his face turning into a slight frown as he saw the look in my eyes. "You okay?" He asked in a hushed tone which was barely heard over the music. "Yeah, I'm good." Though I didn't believe myself "Flashbacks again?" "Is it that obvious?" "Only to those who know you. Come on, we are headed to the bonfire." Carl was my best friend of 20 years and is 5 years older than I am. We had grown up together...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotGirl Avi Love 22427

It was Avi Love’s birthday the other night, and it sucked ass! She’s pissed because her boyfriend just got drunk off his ass and she had to babysit him the whole time. His buddy and roommate Lucas consoles her and cheers her up with a gift — a couple sets of bra and panties! A little awkward, but Lucas claims it’s a couples gift. Nonetheless, Avi loves it…so much so that she tries the lingerie on for him! He’s weirded out that his friend’s girlfriend is posing in her underwear for him while...

2 years ago
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Fun on a cruise

A cruise? Not my ideal holiday but I'd been talked into it by my wife's sister - "How do you know you won't like it if you've never been on one?" Eventually, the two of them plus my brother-in-law had worn me down and I'd reluctantly agreed. Stupidly, I'd not got involved in the choice of booking and had naively expected a week in the Med. I'd forgotten that my sister-in-law and husband were old hands at cruising and knew all the tricks. She left it right to the last minute before striking....

4 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 19

Cockatoo Part 19Nikkie SilkI froze in the open door watching Nin and Shane fucking each other onthe bed. Nin had her back to me and Shane’s hands were on her breasts ashe drove upwards into her. They were both grunting loudly and I couldsee the sweat shining on both their bodies from the effort. Nin archedher back as she squatted over Shane taking him deep inside her. Shethrew her head back and groaned loudly as she slammed down onto himthrusting up at her. Shane yelled, ‘I'm going to cum.’...

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humiliation on a long weekend

All through school I hung out with a group of four other girls, we had all started on the same day, all played on the same team together, and basically were all inseparable. From our first year in school we had a tradition, that during the last school break before the summer term, we all went away together, with one of our families. We were now in our final year, all getting ready to head off to college I the following September, so this would be our last holiday together before our final...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 37 The Two Dons

January 19, 1996, Colerain Township, Ohio “Don Anthony,” I said, kissing his ring. “Don Stephen,” he replied with a nod. I invited him into the guest house, and he stopped short when he saw Eve. “I thought this was a friendly meeting.” “It is. Eve’s here because there have been some developments in Chicago that have me concerned. She’ll leave while we meet.” Eve took her cue and left, and I offered Anthony a drink which he accepted. “Can we talk, man to man, with respect?” Anthony...

1 year ago
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Birds of Prey Bisexual EditionChapter 13 Night on the Town

After a short debriefing back at the spaceport, they were dismissed, Jaeger and Baker returning to Maza’s domed house on one of the mag-lev trains. Several of the probes had been destroyed, but a few had been recovered, and as had been expected they were packed with transmitters and sensory equipment. They were spies, sent to assess the defenses on the ground. You didn’t have to be a master strategist to guess that it was the precursor to a full-on invasion. The Bugs had moved up their...

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Havana Club Ch 03

Chapter 3 – The Outdoor Living Room When I got down to the basement, the breakfast buffet wasn’t open yet. I walked around, looking at the posters of plays hanging on the wall. Some were Soviet, all (of course) in Spanish. There was a plaque outside the dining room declaring that this was the site where the Young Rebels Organization was founded in 1960. Back home, we have Rotary International. Then the cigarette machine caught my eye. Along with brands I didn’t recognize were Marlboro and...

2 years ago
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Transformations DiversityChapter 2

Dale went to the powder room, thinking that his clothes might still be there. He was still looking for them when Catherine found him. Wisely, she didn't say anything for a while, just looked at him with moisture in her eyes. "I guess I went too far, huh? Is it the woman, or the girl?" "You know, in our state, it's actually illegal for me to be naked with a girl her age. What is she? Eleven? Twelve?" "Lisa is twelve, and she is a prodigy. I will make her a famous artist. They are all...

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A Wager

A Wager by Stats I was standing in front of the urinal of the washroom where I work, daydreaming. I was totally absorbed by the experience I had the day before where I wore a complete set of women's underclothes under my business suit. No one suspected a thing. Thought that the next time I did this I would wear some padding in my bra. Perhaps try to pull it off with no socks, the pants were long enough to cover my ankles if I was careful. Even my secretary-with her eye for...

3 years ago
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Pussy Pact

I don’t always drink. In fact, I only drink on special occasions, like weddings, funerals, reunions, bridal showers, birthday parties, picnics, barbecues, New Years Eve, Groundhog day, summer solstice, or any occasion where every gossiping aunt, redneck uncle and third cousin twice-removed converge to tell you how you’ve aged, how much weight you’ve gained, and generally how much better off they are than you. Tonight’s occasion happened to be a bachelorette party for my friend Bambi. Her name...

2 years ago
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Missy Learns

Part 1 It was finally the end of the school year and graduation was right around the corner. Then summer. A hot, sexy summer with Bob if she had anything to say about it. Missy smiled at herself in the mirror and then went out the door. The man absolutely drove her crazy. He was the most patient person in the world, it was maddening. Every time he had taken her it was wild and red hot, but then he wouldn’t touch her for days on end, sometimes weeks. He never, ever talk about any...

3 years ago
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In like with my affair

One Saturday I was outside cleaning the gutter it was filed with leaves n dirt n water. It rained yesterday. My husband was working. It was hot and my neighborhood is quiet I live on a cul de sac. I have a pink tank top no bra, white shorts no panties & flip flops. Hair was wet from a shower and twisted up in a loose bun. I'm on a ladder scooping piles of leaves... I went dont the ladder got the hose turned the water on and the attached nozzle I bought had 4 settings I tried for ing the...

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Neelam Ni Jaagruti 12

Kem chho ? Hu-n chhu-n Neelam, aap ni seva ma-n. Aaj ni vaarta navi chhe, aasha chhe ke aap ne gamashe. Shatuaat karu-n chhu-n maara shabdo ma-n : Ravi e Baroda ma-n practice chaalu kari ane Jigar ane Mala paacha-n Surat gaya-n. Ame phone thi sampark ma-n raheta-n hata-n. Pandar vis divase bhega-n thata-n ane samuh sambhog no aanand maanata-n hata-n. Koi vaar Raaj ane Sima aave to koi vaar Shamali ane Mohan aave. Parantu dar shukra shani ni ratre amare gher kai-n ne kai-n program hoy j. Eva...

2 years ago
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Orphan MagusChapter 33

We arrived at the Motel 6 in Emporia shortly before noon. The buildings looked their age, especially with all the snow. There were several strings of Christmas lights along the lower edges of the upper levels, as well as lining the windows to the front office, and a Christmas tree stood next to one of the windows in the office too. The Motel looked relatively empty, but then for all I knew, they were normally always slow this time of year. It wasn’t as if Emporia was known around the Nation...

1 year ago
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Doc? By Wolverine "Hey, Doc, can we hurry this up? The longer I stay, the longer I fear that something bad will happen," said the man to the doctor. "I'm telling you Mr. Bagman, it's all alright. Now why have you come to see me? What can I help you with?" asked the doctor. "Well, I don't know if you can help me, but it was worth a try. Doc, I don't want to be a girl again." The doctor checked his notes. "Hmmm. There's nothing here about a sex change. Are you talking as...

4 years ago
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Sinful secrets of a lustful female security guard

Syn kicked back in her black leather chair within the small office,as she tuned in the radio. Trying to find a good old time rock n' roll station, as she danced about stations. Flicking along over the country ones and the static until an old Led Zeppelin tune tuned in. She relaxed as she sung softly along, " Ooh, it makes me wonder, Ooh, it really makes me wonder... and it’s whispered that soon ,If we all call the tune ..then the piper will lead us to reason...and a new day will dawn..for those...

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