Annes Firemen (swinger, Group) free porn video

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Last Saturday, my wife and I went to a Swinger's Dance. We met another couple, which we have been close friends with for years, and together, we met another couple that wanted to get to know us better. Since this was an "off-premises" club, we all left together in two cars to get a hotel room for the night. After a thoroughly exhausting, but enjoyable evening, we said goodbye to our new friends, and had Jerry and Tina drop us off at our car back at the club.

The club is actually a rented Firefighter's Hall, which is located next to a volunteer Fire Station, separated by a large vacant lot. As we passed the Fire Station, we noticed the Engine was out in front, being washed by two young men. Tina enthusiastically pointed them out to my wife, Anne, reminding my wife of her fondness for Firemen. Anne moaned playfully, commenting that they probably had "big hoses", that could "put out her fire". I looked at her in mock surprise, and exclaimed, "Geez, Honey. Three men fucked you silly, not even an hour ago. How could you possibly still be horny?" This was true. We had had terrific sex with both couples for several hours the night before, slept in, then got up and had "goodbye quickies" with everyone before checking out. Tina was even playfully complaining about the three loads of come leaking from her pussy. (Not true, only two loads. She insisted I pull out and come in her mouth this morning. Something about wanting "coffee creamer".) Anyway, Tina starts teasing Anne about now being her chance to try out a Fireman or two. Anne started making excuses; needing a shower, they looked busy, she was too tired. Then Jerry started in on her, too, making it more of a dare. I settled it by kissing her. "Go ahead sweetie; you can take a nap when you get home. I'll wait here in the car." "No you won't." She replied. "You'll be watching." Then Tina chimed in: "Don't worry; I'll keep an eye on him, right here." Anne smiled her sweet, naughty girl smile. "Okay, I'll go and see if they'll give me a tour of their truck."

By this time we had pulled into the parking lot of the Fire Hall. The lightly wooded lot screened us from the Fire Station, but we could hear the water spraying on the truck from the car. We helped Anne make up a story to tell them, if they asked where the rest of us were, something about returning to pick up a forgotten wallet. She would say she stayed behind because she wanted to look over the Fire truck. My wife was concerned about how public we were, considering she was still wearing the skimpy, short dress and sexy high heels from last night. Not to worry, as we were in a more industrial section on the outer edge of the metropolitan area. It was a Sunday afternoon, and other than the two firefighters, none of us had seen another person around.

I got out of the backseat of Jerry and Tina's car, and opened my wife's' door. Anne was all legs getting out. She straightened her dress, let down her hair, and kissed me. "I'll be right here, Sweetie." I told her. "No you won't, you'll be watching." I held up my hands in innocent protest, and Tina called out from the front seat: "I'll fuck your hubby in the back seat until you get back." Anne hugged Tina, and told her to have fun with Jerry and I, then turned and strolled down the street to the Fire station. A few seconds after she was out of sight, Tina quietly opened her door and whispered, "C'mon, you two, let's go watch."

Moving as quickly, but as quietly as we could, the three of us snuck through bushes to the edge of the lot nearest the Fire station. The two Firemen had a radio blaring. That, coupled with the noise of spraying water effectively masked the sounds of our approach. We reached a concealed spot only a few yards away, just as Anne rounded the corner and startled them. Their surprised faces gave way to smiles in the instant they appraised my wife's beautiful features. Anne is five feet, eight inches tall, and about one hundred and five pounds. She has long, curly auburn hair framing a beautiful, smiling face. She's nearly forty, but looks thirty or younger. Though small breasted, her perky tits fit her frame perfectly, and her perpetually erect nipples were clearly visible through the thin material of her clingy, revealing dress. Smiling sweetly, she addressed the two young men, but we could make out no more than a word or two. The two firemen appeared to be mid twenties, nice looking guys with athletic builds. The taller of the two had sandy blonde hair, cut sort of military. The other was barely taller than Anne (remember, she has very high heels on), a shaved head with a small goatee and a few tattoos on his arms. He was also the more muscular of the two, and was shirtless.

Anne had a very animated conversation with them for a few moments, gesturing a few times in the direction of the Fire Hall, and a few times at the truck. Then the sandy haired one invited her with a sweep of his arm to climb on the truck. Anne placed one foot on the running board, took hold of the handrail, and stepped lightly into the seating area behind the cab. At their direction, she began looking over the various items of equipment in the truck. As she did so, she deliberately leaned forward at the waist, as if to look something over. The two young firefighters were still on the ground below her, and as she looked around inside, their eyes traveled up her long legs to her beautiful bare ass. Sandy nudged his buddy and motioned with his chin to my wife's nakedness, but Beard was already staring. Anne turned and spoke again, whereby they both fell over each other to climb aboard and show her the contents of the many lockers and compartments around the truck. In the close quarters they could not help but brush against her. Several times as they crawled around in there, her dress would ride up about her waist, or one spaghetti strap would slip from her shoulder, revealing to her new friends she was deliciously naked under the dress she barely wore. Sandy and Beard were becoming visibly aroused, as well. Clearly they were beginning to understand that my wife had more in mind than just checking out the truck. The guys were now starting to grope her openly, and Anne returned the favor by placing her hand on their bulges several times. Another short conversation ensued, and Beard climbed up front and started the truck. Anne stayed in the back with Sandy. He was pulling her dress over her head as Beard backed up, and then drove the truck around to the back of the Station.

Tina took both our hands and hurried through the undergrowth towards the back. To our great surprise, just beyond the trees, close to where the truck parked, was a gazebo type structure, probably used for Station BBQs. It was even closer to where the truck was now parked, and the latticework would hide us just as well. We looked to the action in the Fire truck. Anne was naked, on her knees in front of Sandy, who was also naked in the rear of the crew cab. Anne was stroking his erection, smiling up at him. Beard was standing outside the cab, shedding the last of his clothing. Anne reached out her other hand to grasp his cock, while slowly engulfing Sandy's in her mouth. His hands tangled in her hair and he thrust his hips upward to meet her full lips. I was getting quite hard, now, watching my wife suck this strangers' cock. Before it had always been someone I'd known, or at least knew his name. Tina was breathing heavily beside me. Jerry was rubbing his wife's bottom under her short skirt. Beard stepped up into the cab with them, and started caressing her all over. He touched her shaved pussy; slipping a finger in, then out again to tickle her clit. His other hand gently played over her hard nipples. Anne removed Sandy's cock from her mouth to speak to Beard, and then resumed deep throating him as Beard pinched and twisted her nipples harder. Sandy was audibly moaning now, his lips mouthing he was going to come. Anne pulled back a little, just in time to let us see his first spurt fountain upward, splattering her lovely cheek and hair. Anne tossed her hair and went down on him again, giving us an unobstructed view of her gulping down his remaining ejaculate. My wife spent another minute seductively cleaning him off. Releasing him, Anne turned and patted the seat behind her, inviting Beard to get comfortable. The second he settled down, she was on him, sucking his hardness into her mouth. Anne kept brushing back her hair, as if she knew there was an audience nearby. Sandy remained seated behind her, slowly stroking a half-mast erection back to attention as he watched them. In a moment, he was fully erect again. He knelt down behind my wife's lovely bottom, and rubbed his cock against the entrance to her sweet pussy. Without removing her full lips from Beards penis, she deftly reached back and guided the second cock into her wet pussy. Anne likes to make noise when she gets fucked, and this afternoon was no exception. Her cries of pleasure could easily be heard over the noise of the radio and the still running engine of the fire truck. The sight of my wife getting fucked from both ends was too much for Jerry. Still lying behind the screen, he moved around towards his wife's head and offered his exposed erection to Tina. She made him lay prone in front of her, so she could still watch Anne while she sucked him. I reached down, and without taking my eyes from my wife, slipped a finger into Tina's wet pussy from behind. The three in the truck were bucking in frenzied unison, and Beard was obviously now cumming in Anne's mouth. Quite a lot got away from her, dripping from her lips as she screamed, "Fuck me!" over and over. Sandy pumped furiously a moment longer, before stiffening in orgasm himself. Anne collapsed forward between Beard's thighs, and Sandy fell back against the seat. They all three relaxed and composed themselves, chatting quietly. Anne continued stroking Beard as they spoke. Tina mumbled with Jerry's dick in her mouth: "I don't think they're done, yet. Why don't you use something bigger than your finger while we're waiting?" So, I carefully opened my jeans and slipped them past my hips, moving slowly so the movement wouldn't catch their attention, I rolled on top of Tina and slipped my cock into her.

Back at the truck, Anne stopped fondling Beard's prick for a moment and retrieved her clutch purse, opened it and pulled out one of the small cards we give to couples we're interested in. I wondered, curiously, if she planned on seeing them again. Sandy produced a pen from somewhere, and Anne wrote on the card and handed it back. He said something to her, she laughed and handed him the card. They discussed it a moment, then Anne turned back to Beard and put her mouth over his cock again. My wife sensuously sucked him for a minute or two, then stood up, turned away from him, reached back between her luscious thighs, and guided his prick into her pussy as she settled on his lap. His hands grasped her tiny waist as she bounced excitedly on his cock. Sandy took a tentative step forward, and instantly his penis found a pair of warm, wet lips caressing it. Soon, Beard used his muscular legs to stand up, carrying my wife, still impaled on his cock, with him. He motioned for his buddy to take a seat, and Beard gently nudged Anne to lean over and continue blowing Sandy while he fucked her standing up. He was using slower, measured strokes, seemingly intent on prolonging my wife's pleasure. Anne was smiling, occasionally pulling her mouth from Sandy's prick to speak to one or the other. Then she got that look, the one she gets when she's close to cumming, and stopped talking. She bit her lip and rolled her eyes. Beard pumped her a little faster, then with a growl, filled her with yet more semen.

This time they appeared fully exhausted. Sandy reluctantly withdrew his semi-hard cock from between her beautiful lips. I, too, reluctantly withdrew from Tina's tight pussy, neither of us having come. Knowing we had to get back before Anne, we pulled our clothing back on. Anne and her friends remained nude for a while, chatting, and then casually began recovering their clothing and getting dressed. She hugged and passionately kissed them both, and their parting words were punctuated by vigorous nodding from both men. Anne gave a flirty wave, and with a supremely satisfied smile, quickly walked away. We made it back to the car just as Anne rounded the corner. Trying to appear innocent, and casual, we waved to her. Anne was blushing, appearing embarrassed, yet excited and pleased. "Did you enjoy the show?" My wife asked us. Jerry and I tried to play stupid, but Tina foiled that by saying, "Oh, Honey! You were terrific." I told her she looked like she enjoyed herself. Droplets of cum still sparkled in her hair, and more had dried on her cheeks, chin, and neck. She was still flushed from the ravishing we had just watched. Tina handed her a tissue, and helped her clean up a bit.

We gave Anne a moment to excitedly recount her adventure for us. We learned their names were Jason and Clint. Anne said they were curious about the goings on at the Fire Hall, that they knew it was a swing club. Anne had given them our number, so we could meet them there, sometime. Tina was very pleased at that, Jerry was a little concerned that our "Couples only" rule probably didn't mean a couple of guys. Anne assured them I was her only guy. We promised to get together soon, and parted from Jerry and Tina.

We drove passed the Fire Station as we left. The guys were still around back, but Anne craned her neck looking. I gave her a look of surprise. "You really had a good time, didn't you?" I couldn't help but smile; I love it when my sweetie enjoys herself. Anne was quiet for a few moments, as if thinking. "What's up, Sweetie?" I asked. "What did you guys do, while you were watching?" She replied, instead.
"Well, we got pretty turned on, watching you. Why?"
"Did you fuck Tina?"
"I put my dick in her."
"Did you cum?"
"No. Didn't have time."
I looked at her in surprise. "Good. Why's that?"
"Because you'll need all your energy tonight." "I was going to surprise you, but you won't take a nap unless I tell you."
Now I was really confused, but curious, too.
"What's the surprise?" I asked.
"Well, we're having company, this evening."
Okay, I thought to myself. She wants to do them again, but after a nap, a shower, and in her own bed, where she's more comfortable. But, why so soon? Did she think I'd change my mind later? "Sure." I said.
"No, no. It's not going to be just them. They're bringing their girlfriends, too."
Now I was really confused. "What are you planning?"
Quickly, she told me of their conversation. How it was more than what she'd told Tina and Jerry. The guys had been more than curious about the club; they'd been talking about attending, and bringing the girls along. Jason, the blonde one, wasn't too sure his girl, a nursing student named Bridgette, would go along with it. Clint, the guy with the beard, was positive his girl would, since she was a stripper, and had several time in the past brought a co-worker home with her.

So we got home, showered, and hit the bed. I was excited about the prospect of meeting some new women, but felt this may not turn out as everything I hoped for. They may not even show up...or only Clint and Jennifer. That would be all right. Besides, I have Anne, no matter what. A few hours later, the alarm went off. It was seven in the evening. Although we were refreshed by the nap, we could have stayed in bed longer. Anne was unusually excited about the prospect of company. She slipped in to one of her sexiest outfits, Black tanga and bustier, black thigh-high stockings and high heels, and topped off the ensemble with a short black dress. I just wore slacks and a nice dress shirt. We barely had time to put out a few snacks before the bell rang. Pleasantly surprised, I opened the door.

Standing there were two smiling young women. Behind them, also grinning broadly, were Clint and Jason. I assumed the two young ladies were the girlfriends Anne had spoken of. I invited them into our home, and made introductions. What followed was half an hour of small talk, flirting and knowing glances between Anne and her young men. The two beautiful young ladies seemed very comfortable, excited, even expectant, to the way the evening was progressing. Bridgette, Jason's girl, was a nurse. She was a very pretty, petite, 24 year old redhead, with a nice figure. She had on a light summer dress, and apparently nothing on underneath. Jennifer, Clint's girlfriend, told us she worked part-time as a stripper (entertainer/dancer, she called it). She was a tall, lithe 22-year-old blonde with large breasts. She wore white knee-high boots, a short black leather skirt, and white vest that barely container her boobs. I was getting a little eager to take this party to the next level, but was a little unsure how much the girls knew about Anne's afternoon delight with their boyfriends. I was also concerned about the age difference between the two younger girls and myself. At one point, I found myself alone with Anne in the kitchen. I hurriedly asked her if she knew what the guys might have told the girls. She just raised her eyebrows and shrugged. "Go and charm the pants off the girls, let's get this party going." Then she kissed me and stepped back into the living room. So, I headed back in with some drinks, passed them around, and began a conversation with Jennifer. I complimented her outfit, staring openly at her tits. She returned the compliment by saying I didn't look anywhere near forty. Forty-one, I corrected her, and I didn't want to hear any crack about how old her parents were, in a mockingly stern tone of voice. No, she said she was expecting someone much older looking, and that I was as handsome as Anne was pretty. Ego stoked, I boldly commented that she, too, was very pretty, and that her breasts were very lovely.
"They're not real."
"But they look great, very natural. I've seen many in the past few years, and yours are very nice."
"Would you like to see them?" She asked.
I glanced at Clint, to gauge his reaction to her offer. He raised his beer to me and grinned.
"Of course, I would."
Jennifer undid the buttons slowly, from the top down. Playfully biting her lip, she exposed those beauties to my appraisal. Anne took notice, and broke away from her two admirers to come and take a look.
"I wish I had half of what you had." Anne observed.
I kissed her, and told her I loved her breasts, as they fit her perfectly, and she had perfect nipples, too.
"Let me see." Exclaimed Jennifer, reaching for my wife's top. Deftly, she slid the straps of her dress from her shoulders. Anne obliged by shrugging her dress to her waist. Jennifer had a little trouble with the bustier, trying to pull it down. Anne reached back and undid the clasp. Now I had two beautiful, bare-breasted women in from of me, feeling each other's tits. Jennifer marveled at Anne's huge nipples and cute tits. Anne, in turn, showed her appreciation by hefting both of Jennifer's pillowy melons. The other two men were attracted by the nudity, and sidled over. Bridgette seemed a little shy, and held back. I moved over to her and asked if she felt left out of the conversation. No, she replied, she just felt a little ashamed of her body, compared to how skinny Anne and Jennifer looked. I told her I thought her figure looked very lovely, what I could see through the dress. Besides, I told her, did she really think I looked forward to being compared to those two young studs? Then she looked at me and said, "Jason, mentioned you and Anne were Swingers."
"Oh." I said, taken aback. "Is that bad?"
"No, I think it's kinda cool. I just don't know about getting naked in front of everybody."
So we talked privately a few minutes, all the while watching the other four fondle and touch the girl's breasts. I explained that swinging was about being comfortable, and having fun. There was no pressure to do anything you didn't want to. She said she and Jason had talked about swinging in general in the past, and tonight in particular. She said he had met Anne and me today, and we had invited them to an "orientation" type get together tonight. It was obvious he hadn't told her he had fucked my wife a few hours ago. The warning light went off in my head: we had a couple unsure of themselves, and I didn't want to be responsible for a problem tonight. Then she said something reassuring, that she really wanted to give this a try, and explore new possibilities. I asked if she wanted to for Jason, or herself.
"For both of us, and myself. I'd even like to try something with just the girls."
Right answer, I smiled to myself. "Well." I said. "Why don't we join the others?" She gave me a decidedly naughty smile, and said. "Why not."

I put my arm about her waist and escorted her the few steps to where Anne and Jennifer were now kissing, much to the delight of Jason and Clint. Jason looked expectantly at Bridgette, and she lovingly returned his gaze, causing him to smile with relief. Clint pointedly directed his gaze at Bridgette's clothed breasts, and then to Anne and Jennifer, who had both shed a little more clothing. Anne was in her Tanga, stockings and heels, Jennifer with only a thong and her boots. I stepped in front of Bridgette, grasped the top button, and asked. "May I?"
We both glanced over to Jason, who was smiling, entranced by the two in front of him. Bridgette looked up at me and smiled. "Please do."
The dress had buttons all the way down the front. It took me awhile, even dropping to my knees to get at the last ones. As I had guessed, she was absolutely naked underneath. She was much more curvy and voluptuous than the other two, with pale skin and sparse pubic hair matching her short tresses. Nowhere near fat, I looked up and told her she had a beautiful body. Thanking me for the compliment, she stepped out of the dress. Anne snaked an arm around her bare waist and pulled her to them. She stumbled forward over me, causing me to sit back, my head completely encircled by three lovely crotches. Looking up, I watched the girls share a triple kiss. The boys' hands roamed all over their bodies.
Then I heard Jennifer say to Anne: "Clint says you suck cock very well. Does Lee eat pussy as well, too?"
"Find out." Anne murmured.
A hand, I'm still not sure who's, guided my head towards Jennifer's pussy. I reached up, hooked a finger under the sheer material and pulled it aside. She had a small rose tattoo where her pubic hair had been shaved away. With a thumb, I gently parted the outer lips, exposing her clit. I tipped back my head and extended my tongue, circling the little swelling bud. Another hand, Jennifer's I'm sure, clutched the back of my head and pulled me close. Suddenly, the little group around me separated, the slight murmur of conversation accompanying the movement was muffled when Jennifer pushed me backward, riding my face down until she pinned me to the floor. She was on her hands and knees over me, blocking any view of the others. Jennifer rode my face so hard; I was worried she might break my nose. I ran my hands around the backs of her thighs, both to lift her slightly, and also to get my fingers into her pussy. Once I started rubbing behind her pubic bone, she began to cum violently, shrieking and gasping. I stopped, letting her lie on me and catch her breath. When she was done shaking, she seductively slid down my body until she was lying prone along my length, my confined erection lodged between her thighs. She kissed me deeply, telling me, between gasps, that that was wonderful. I smiled and raised my head a bit, looking around. Anne was sprawled in our easy chair, languidly enjoying Clint's tongue on her pussy, her high heels crossed over his back. Bridgette was moaning on our sofa, her boyfriend's head between her thighs. Jennifer was looking around, too. She had a huge grin on her face. Anne waved at us, and blew me a kiss. Then she mouthed the words "Go do her." and tilted her head towards the sofa. Before I could reply, Jennifer held my head between her hands, and demanded, "Make me come again!" Then she spun around and planted her pussy over my mouth again. Obediently, my tongue began working her pussy. I felt her fumble with my belt, then the button and zipper on my slacks. I had no underwear on, and my cock sprang free, only to be immediately engulfed in a warm, wet mouth. Jennifer gave a terrific, somewhat aggressive, blowjob. She would swallow my cock all the way to the base, and roughly fondle my balls, which she also paused to lick and suck on as well. I concentrated on pleasing her pussy, as best I could with the wonderful distraction. To further add to my difficulties, I could now hear my wife getting very vocal. Clearly, someone was fucking her hard, and well. Without breaking the rhythm of my tongue-dance on Jennifer's clit, I turned my head slightly to watch Clint, my wife's lovely long legs scissored about his waist, pound away at her tight pussy with long, forceful strokes. Anne's cries, Jennifer's mouth, the excitement of her pussy on my face, brought me to an intense orgasm. I pumped what seemed like a cup of semen into her mouth, which she noisily swallowed. This triggered her own orgasm, just like it does with my wife. Jennifer's pussy bucked back and forth in frenzy on my face, and then she abruptly rolled off, panting. I sat up, somewhat exhausted myself. Jennifer had my come all over her face. She wiped it with the back of her hand, and then made a show of licking it off for my benefit. Clint let out a groan, continuing to fuck my thrashing wife. A milky river of his come flowed from her pussy, over her little rosebud, puddling on the chair, with every thrust of his large cock.
Jennifer glanced back to me, commenting that my wife's pussy "Looked delicious, right about now." She crawled, cat-like, over to Clint and Anne, who were now enjoying their post-cum moment. Jennifer worked her head under her boyfriend's cock, and began enthusiastically lapping at Anne's pussy. I struggled to my feet to join them, leaning against the side of the chair and caressing my wife's face. Anne put her arm around my waist, pulling me closer. Her pretty mouth opened, beckoning my semi erect shaft. Gratefully, I slid between her waiting lips. My wife loves nothing more than the feel of two cocks at once. I noticed Clint was still mostly hard, and motioned for him to slip it in Anne again. She closed her eyes and moaned pleasurably around my cock, as his thick shaft entered her again. Anne is wonderfully multi-orgasmic and started cumming again in seconds. Anne's oral ministrations brought me back to full hardness. Gently, I excused myself from her sweet lips. I wanted to sink my cock into pussy. Anne's was at the moment occupied, but I could see Jennifer's bare bottom swaying invitingly. She was still on hands and knees, working on Anne's cock filled pussy. As positioned myself behind Jennifer, preparing to impale her, I noticed Jason and Bridgette watching the proceedings in silent approval as they cuddled nude on the sofa. I nodded to them before placing my hands on Jennifer's hips and guiding my cock into her. She wasn't as tight as my wife, most women aren't. I was hoping it wasn't because of Clint's huge prick; otherwise he'd be stretching Anne's out, too. Shortly after I started fucking her, Jennifer lost interest in trying to lick Anne's pussy. It was probably too difficult to keep up with her movement, as well. We rolled around on the floor a bit, changing positions, until she finally ended up on the arm of the chair next to Anne. Anne had come I don't know how many times, and Jennifer at least twice, before Clint and I took a break. Anne got out of the Chair and stretched, then grabbed a few Kleenex for her and Jennifer to clean up. Anne then took Jennifer by the hand and led her to the sofa by Jason and Bridgette. The two girls each took him by an arm, and led him to the adjoining love seat. There, they began servicing him, Jennifer taking his cock into her mouth, Anne planting her pussy across his face. That left Bridgette unattended, for the moment. I nudged Clint with an elbow, and crossed over to her. She smiled, raising up on one elbow, and parting her legs invitingly. I stepped between her thighs, but before I could kneel, she reached for my erect cock and pulled me to her.
"I've never done this before." She said to me.
"You've never given head?" I replied.
"No, This." Then she swept her gaze at the naked, writhing bodies around her.
"...And I've never been, you know, by two men at once."
"Well, there's a first time for everything." I told her, as she lowered her mouth to my cock.

Clint settled between Bridgette's thighs, and was happily lapping away. From where I was standing, I could lean over and play with my lovely wife's breasts. She leaned toward me, and I bent down to kiss her lips. Fortunately, she didn't have cum all over her face, yet.
"Does that feel good?" She asked.
"Uh huh" I replied.
"So does this." She said, glancing downward, where Jason's tongue fluttered over her clit.
"Love you, Sweetie." I said.
"Mmmm...Love you, too." She moaned back.

Bridgette was also an incredible cocksucker. My knees were getting weak as the pleasure her mouth gave washed over me. Anne was moaning and crying out loudly. Jennifer and Bridgette were making muffled squeals of delight. The sounds women make during lovemaking really excite me, and I warned Bridgette I was close to coming. She glanced up at me, and smiled around my cock, letting me know that was what she intended. I held Anne for support when I came. Bridgette kept my cock between her lips while I spurted several times, and as I relaxed, she milked me with her hand, gaining another pearly drop, which she let fall on her extended tongue. Anne watched this all carefully, and then she, too, came again. Now it was my turn to keep her from falling. Bridgette held onto my cock tightly, closing her eyes and squirming on the sofa. Clint had brought her to her first orgasm of the night. Jennifer spoke up, asking Anne if she'd like to switch places with her, as she wanted someone's tongue in her pussy. Anne grinned wickedly, and pushed Jennifer backward. She made Jason stand behind her as she lowered her lips to Jennifer's bare pussy. Jennifer began moaning immediately. Jason watched for a moment, stroking his erection, until Anne raised her face momentarily from Jennifer's peach and asked him sweetly if he wouldn't mind fucking her. Swiftly, he knelt behind her, and with a little guidance from her hand, buried his cock in her heavenly pussy.

Bridgette was catching her breath, and Clint raised himself up, positioning his cock close to her pussy. I put a hand on his shoulder.
"Before you do that, why don't we trade places for a bit. I think Bridgette might want a taste of you first." What I really wanted was to eat her pussy before some guys' cum got all over it. Clint eagerly moved his monster (not really, but it seemed to be the biggest one tonight.) within reach of Bridgette's lips, still shiny with semen. I got comfortable, lifting her legs over my shoulders. I placed one hand under her lovely bottom, and with the other, I brushed aside the soft, red hair. Her pussy had fuller, fleshier lips than Jennifer or my wife. Her clit was swollen with excitement and anticipation. She yelped as my tongue touched it. I planned on teasing her lightly at first; gradually increasing the pressure as she neared the orgasm I knew would come. For added insurance, I used the fingers of both hands in her pussy and her tight butt.

From where I was between Bridgette's milky white thighs, I had merely to glance upward to view the others. Clint had his eyes closed, head thrown back, thrusting his cock in and out of her mouth with slow, measured strokes. On the loveseat, Jennifer's legs pointed skyward, toes curled. Her hands clutched tightly in Anne's long, curly hair. She was panting "Oh, God...Oh, Yesss!" over and over. Anne was moaning something similar into Jennifer's pussy. Jason gripped Anne's small, firm bottom, his prick thrusting assertively into her pussy. I could clearly make out the sound of his balls slapping against her smooth thighs. Jennifer came again, shuddering violently. Anne had been having one long orgasm from the moment Jason's dick entered her. Before he could come, Anne whipped her head around and scooted off his cock.
"Don't cum yet." She whispered excitedly. Anne dove at his cock, wrapping her hand around the shaft and pulling him into her mouth. Jennifer followed, impatiently awaiting an opening to get him in her mouth, too. Anne can be a bit selfish when giving head, but Jennifer was more assertive than most women we've met. She was tonguing his scrotum and shaft, nudging Anne, who reluctantly gave her access to Jason's swollen cock-head. Like two famished a****ls, they traded his cock back and forth until he came. They missed his first spurt, which arced between them, spattering their hair. Anne seized control, swallowing the next one or two mouthfuls, then relinquished Jason's shaft to her friend, who slurped and swallowed the remainder.

Bridgette was coming again. Her head was thrashing too much for Clint to keep his cock in her mouth the whole time. His cum shot all over her forehead, cheeks and chin. As he softened, she pulled him to her, letting him finish in her mouth. I backed off a bit, watching her lick and fondle Clint. Gently, I turned her on her side, facing him. I straddled her lower thigh, and raising her other leg to my shoulder, slowly penetrating her pussy. She gasped, and responded by rolling her hips to meet each thrust. Jennifer and Anne, having drained Jason, crawled over to us. Jennifer nuzzled up to Bridgette's tits, caressing them with her hands, sucking and kissing the erect nipples. Anne knelt down between our legs, alternately running her tongue along my cock and Bridgette's clit as I fucked her. Jason reclined on the loveseat, catching his breath, and stroked himself back to hardness as he watched the rest of us ravish his girlfriend. Clint collapsed beside him, doing the same. I felt I could last a while, having come twice already, and was still pumping Bridgette when the other two guys regained their erections. Grinning, they approached the two lovely women on their knees in front of they sofa. The girls never took their mouths from Bridgette, but sensing the hard cocks approaching, raised their bottoms, offering better access to their pussies. In tandem, Jason knelt behind Jennifer, and Clint on Anne. Both girls gasped, and then moaned with pleasure. Anne laid her head on Bridgette and closed her eyes. I slowed my pace, each thrust pulling completely out of her wet pussy, before sliding my length all the way back in, something my wife loves me to do. Every few strokes, I would miss, and the head of my cock would brush my lovely wife's lips. Anne snuggled closer and opened her mouth to accept my penis, and I began alternating between fucking Bridgette's pussy and my wife's mouth.

I was in an awkward position to really give Bridgette a hard fucking, since we were getting a bit crowded on the sofa. Anne and Jennifer were pushing against us as the boys thrust into them. I withdrew my cock from the embrace of Bridgette's' sweet pussy and rolled over her. I stood between Jennifer and my wife, offered Bridgette my hand, and guided her as she knelt, sandwiched between the other two lovely women. I took my place next to Clint on my left, and Jason on my right, who continued hammering away with their respective lovers. Bridgette raised her beautiful ass to accept my hard cock eager to reenter her wet pussy. The three of us guys grinned at each other, pleased at out good fortune of have three lovely ladies writhing and moaning before us.

I noticed Clint showing particular interest in my cock servicing Bridgette's tight little bush, then I remembered he hadn't fucked her yet. I nudged him, and nodded towards Bridgette's sweet little ass. Clint thrust forcefully into my wife a few more strokes, and then withdrew his cock from her. He leaned forward and kissed her neck, then angled his large erection towards Bridgette. I leaned right to make room, bumping Jason, who hesitated a second, then pulled out of Jennifer and scooted backward. I thought I'd knocked him over, but before I could apologize, he darted behind Clint and me and settled in behind my wife. Anne had not moved, elbows on the sofa, knees wide and bottom upturned, as though anticipating the next hard cock in her already cum filled pussy. Jason did not disappoint her, and her passionate vocalization resumed with little interruption.

I was about to enter Jennifer again, but I was obviously too slow for her liking. As my hands grasped her slim waist, her hand frantically reached between her thighs, roughly gripped my shaft and urgently pulled my cock towards her hungry pussy. My pelvis met her bottom with a loud smack. Cum from the loads already deposited in her tight pussy squeezed out around my cock, splashed up to glaze her cute little asshole. Pearl white droplets ran down her thighs and dripped from my balls onto the carpet. Jennifer screamed and growled like an a****l in heat, competing with my wife's impassioned squeals. Bridgette, too, was loudly expressing her pleasure, while we three sweat shined gladiators kept up a constant running commentary of how wonderful their pussies felt and how beautiful they looked.

Another orgasm overtook me. I grunted, thrusting deep into Jennifer's tight pussy, driving her face first into the sofa cushion. I stiffened, and came with several strong spurts, filling Jennifer with another spoonful or so of cum. She shuddered, her pussy clutching my cock, and cried out, "Oh, FUCK...Yesss!!! That's it; I wanna feel you cum in me!" I loosened my grasp on her hips, but kept slowly pumping her, waiting for that shiver that comes after cumming to pass, and savoring the contractions I caused in her pussy.

Jennifer's ecstatic release preceded her boyfriends' eruption by mere seconds. "Ohhh...Oh, MmmmMmm, Brid, I'm gonna cum...I'm gonna cum...I'm...unghhh!" Clint grimaced and threw back his head.
"Oh, God, oh, yeah, do it, do it...Fuck my pussy, Fffffu...Aaahhh!" Bridgette screamed as Clint filled her hole. They collapsed together next to Jennifer and me.

Anne and Jason was the finale. She cried with delight, Jason thrust furiously. He sat back, pulling my wife with him. His cock came out of my wife's pussy, shooting forth a rope of cum to splash across her lower back. Anne franticly reached behind to guide him back in, then settled down, impaling herself on his still spurting cock. She slowly rode him, milking the last of his fluid from him. Her head lolled sideways, giving me an exhausted smile. I smiled back and leaned over to kiss her. After our kiss broke, I collapsed on the floor beside her, and she rolled away from Jason, sprawling across my middle. We all rested like this for a moment. Just when I thought our evening was drawing to a close, Anne stirred. I felt her tongue trailing across my belly towards my cock. I lifted my head to look. Jennifer was still straddling my thigh, and I could feel the cum from three men flowing from her pussy and pooling around my cock. Anne was lapping this up. Then her mouth covered my cock, her lips descending to the base. She sucked noisily as her lips made the upward ascent to the tip, kissing it with a loud smack

Jennifer moaned when Anne followed the trickle of cum to its source. My wife's soft tresses brushed my cock while her face was buried in Jennifer's wetness. From the movement of her head, it was obvious her tongue was circling about, searching out every stray, salty remnant of semen pumped into or onto her new friend. Bridgette raptly watched over her shoulder, then decided she'd rather join in the cum cleanup than be a spectator. Gracefully, she disengaged from beneath Clint and hovered momentarily over Anne's upturned bottom. Clint's cock fell from Bridgette's well-fucked hole with a wet "plop", and made an audible "smack" when it hit his thigh.

Their movement caught Jennifer's attention. Jennifer leaned left to swallow her boyfriends' semi hard pole. Similarly, Bridgette lowered her face to the small of my wife's smooth back.
"Mmmmm", she mewled, as her tongue cleaned away the cum splashed there by Jason. She traced a path down my wife's spine, through the crack between her rounded cheeks, then her head pushed apart Anne's thighs, searching for the rest of the cum so willingly received by my beautiful Bride.

My hands roamed over the girls' bodies. Sensing that Jennifer would want to join the other two on the floor, I slid out from beneath Anne and settled on the sofa to watch. The girls made a naked circle at my feet, each of them with her face buried in one another's pussy. Anne had rolled to her side and lifted one leg to give Bridgette better access to her shaved snatch. She raised her face from Jennifer's glistening kitty to smile up at me as I sat watching them and stroking my tired pole.
I wearily climbed onto the sofa. At my feet, three lovely ladies pleasured each other. Soft moans and wet licks were the only sounds. Clint and Jason reclined near them, resting and watching, too. I was starting to feel a little tired, but did not want to be the one to suggest we wrap up the evening. Stifling a yawn, I sat back, contentedly pulling my shaft back to hardness. Anne was wearing out fast, too. After Bridgette came once again, Anne pulled her face away and sat up. Jennifer followed her pussy with her tongue, and then sat up, too. Looking at my wife blinking, and seeing her drowsy eyes, she hugged her close. I glanced at the clock.
"Wow, it's late" I said.
"It sure is" Clint replied, also looking at the time. "We better go".
"Well, we should get some sleep. We have a spare room, and this sofa folds into a bed, too." I offered.
They declined at first, but we'd been drinking and they were tired, plus, we wouldn't have to hunt for their clothes tonight, either. My logic prevailed. I offered our bed to one of our guest couples, but that was flatly refused, though an invitation for morning sex was graciously accepted. Jason and Bridgette opted for the sofa bed, and Clint and Jennifer took the guest room. Before we could say goodnight, though, we'd need to fold out and make up the bed in the living room. I removed the sofa cushions while Clint and Jason rearranged the coffee table. Anne had gone to the linen closet for sheets and pillows. When she returned, our guests had been thanking us for the wonderful evening.
"You're very welcome, we enjoyed it very much, too" I was saying as Anne returned and started making the bed. Jason and Clint were closest to her, and pitched in to help. I was standing near the love seat across from the sofa bed with Bridgette and Jennifer, when Bridgette whispered "How about a kiss goodnight?"
I cupped her sweet ass with one hand and pulled her tight, thrusting my tongue into her mouth. She kissed back hungrily.
Jennifer moved closer. "I want one, too." She breathed sexily. I cupped her bottom with my free hand and puller her tight, too, and shared a sloppy kiss with her. While we kissed, Bridgette slid down my body to her knees and grasped my cock. Jennifer and I dueled with our tongues, and I felt a warm, wet mouth descend over my cock. Jennifer pulled back and looked down when she felt Bridgette's hair brushing our thighs. Bridgette looked up. "I'm thanking the host." She said around a mouthful of cock.
"I'll help her." Jennifer sank to her knees, too.
They pushed me back on the loveseat and resumed taking turns lavishing attention on my pole. Anne, who was on the bed on all fours smoothing the sheets, said, "Hey, I thought we were going to bed."
"Sorry, Sweetheart. They wanted to thank the host." I replied sheepishly.
Hearing this, Jason smiled devilishly at Clint. "Let's not forget to thank the hostess, too." He said. Anne began to protest that it was late, and then Jason kissed her, silencing her objections. When Clint moved in to kiss her, Jason ducked his head between her thighs, and began licking her snatch from below.
"No, it's late, I'm tired." She breathed into Clint's mouth. Then Jason's tongue found her clit, and she whimpered with pleasure.
"No more, no...Mmmmm, yeah. Don't stop." Her hand went to his head, pushing his face harder into her pussy, and she moaned. Clint crawled up on the bed, kneeling before my wife. Her lips sought his erection, and he muffled her cries. In moments she started cumming. Jason withdrew from beneath my wife and moved to stand at the edge of the bed. He grabbed for Anne's slim hips and pulled her bottom within reach of his revived erection. Anne reached between her open thighs and guided him into her wet pussy. Clint reclined back on the bed, positioning his cock below her hungry mouth. Before my wife swallowed him again, she glanced towards the loveseat, where I was enjoying the dual blowjob. We made eye contact and smiled at each other.
"I thought you were tired and ready for bed." I said with a grin.
"Shut up." She giggled back. "I'm in a bed."
I blew her a kiss, and she blew one back. She then turned back to the cock before her lips, and resumed blowing Clint, too.
I was sprawled on the loveseat, fingers of both hands tangled in the soft hair of two beautiful young girls as they shared my satisfied cock between their lips, watching my lovely bride being fucked from both ends by her two young studs only a few feet away. Her cute little butt slammed back to meet every one of Jason's thrusts, though she still managed to maintain Clint's swollen rod in her hungry mouth. Her disheveled hair spilled over his hips, but she kept sweeping it back over her shoulder to give me an unobstructed view.
Incredibly, Jason announced he was going to cum again. Anne shuddered as he pumped another load of hot jizz into her. He slowed, and then withdrew his softening prick from her, leaving a wet, sticky smear across her bottom. Anne pulled Clint from her mouth and informed him: "You're gonna fuck me fast, and then everyone is going to bed."
Clint leapt into position behind her. Anne pulled down the sheet and patted the bed, indicating with a toss of her head she wanted Jason to crawl between the sheets. He did so as Clint entered my wife from behind. Conveniently, as he lay down, his tired cock was within reach of Anne's lips, and she nonchalantly cleaned the last traces of cum from him.
Jennifer, hearing Anne's impending "lights out" order, stood and took my hand, leading me towards the bed. Bridgette followed, and Jennifer indicated for her to recline beside my wife.
"Fuck her good night, then you can tuck me in, too...or should I say fuck me in?" Jennifer said with a wicked smile.
Obliging them, I knelt on the edge of the bed and lifted Bridgette's legs to my shoulders. I then reached down and pulled her bottom towards my cock. With Jennifer's assistance, I easily slid into Bridgette's slick hole. She absentmindedly played with my wife's nipples while I lazily fucked her.
Anne was wailing loudly around Jason's softened prick as Clint furiously banged her pussy in an effort fill her one last time for the evening. A few moments later, he succeeded. As he withdrew his cock, panting heavily, a few pearls of white, sticky cum oozed from Anne's well fucked split and began trailing a path down her inner thighs. Jennifer nudged her boyfriend aside and lapped them away, finishing with a few licks on my wife's pretty pink box.
I pulled my tired cock from Bridgette, and then maneuvered her around with her pussy towards Jason. My cock flopped over her face during this, and her tongue snaked over my shaft and balls.
"C'mon, man...your turn." I told Jason. Wearily, he rolled sideways away from Anne, who pointed his cock towards Bridgette's open thighs. They were both somewhat sideways, and he entered her from the rear, enveloping her in his arms as he did so. The rest of us withdrew from the room, dimming the lights. Anne and I escorted our remaining guests to their room, where we repeated this new good night ritual, with me fucking Jennifer until Anne sucked Clint's cock hard enough to take over Jenny's pussy from me.
Anne and I finally crawled between the sheets of our own bed. The last thing I remembered before drifting off to sleep was snuggling her close and slipping into her wet, cum slicked pussy.

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First Swinger Party

First let me start with saying, we are not swingers. My wife and I have always been pretty sex positive and are very open about using fantasy for play, but we have never actually been with any other couples or invited singles into our play. My wife had always liked talking about fantasies that involved other people, but insisted that she would never be into a threesome or other people. For several months, the fantasy topic that seems to have elicited the most wetness from my wife was for us to...

3 years ago
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Swinger girl A TRUE STORY

I am sexy looking, 34, with enhanced 34ee breasts, long waist length blonde hair and a good figure. I am from South America, on my second marriage to a pervert English guy.I love my hubby but he is a pervert. He is 61, and we married 6 years ago after knowing each other for 4 years. We met in London, I liked his sense of humour, we had a few dates and we fell in love. He gets off on getting me to dress real slutty, taking pics of me, and going out places where friends wont spot us, as I will...

2 years ago
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Swingers Spa

I recently attended a naturist spa which has private rooms. I have been many times before but often couples just disappeared into these rooms after having a sauna or Jacuzzi. Last week was different. I had decided to go along for the afternoon just for a relaxing sauna, not really expecting anything. When I arrived it was the usual thing, a few of single guys and no females apart from the topless staff. I went into the sauna for 15 minutes and when I came out there was no one else about. I went...

1 year ago
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Our First Experience At A Swingers Club Tru

Being Friday afternoon, my wife and I wanted to do something fun, erotic, sexually charged. We decided to post an ad on our local website to see if we could drum up another man for our sexual appetite. Tonight we were looking for a man with a very large cock. So I wrote up an ad, put in the pictures, and had my wife approve it. This is what we said, “We are a couple in search of a third for sexual fun. She is 40wf, BBW, redhead, 42DD's, shaved smooth, and loves oral (giving and receiving. I am...

1 year ago
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Swinger8217s Club

“Where exactly are we going?” Melanie asked as she followed her boyfriend Floyd around the corner. They had been traipsing through back alleys for a while, looking for a place neither of them was sure existed. “You’re the one who said you were getting bored and wanted to spice things up,” Floyd grumbled. “I didn’t think you’d suggest a swinger’s club,” Melanie chuckled. “You used to say you loved me so much and that you’d never...

1 year ago
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Annes First Massage Chapter 1

Anne’s First Massage Chapter 1 Anne woke up, tired and irritable. Her husband had told her some bad news the night before. He’d have to stay another six months in Korea. They’d been married 14 years before he had to go overseas. They’d only been separated a few weeks at a time before this. The toughest thing was being a single parent in everything but name. The kids were great, but even great kids get sick, noisy or sassy. To top it all off, try shopping at the commissary with a...

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Katie in a cage at a swinger8217s party

I didn’t think places like this actually existed, or if they did, I figured Berlin, San Francisco, Amsterdam, some other den of sin, sodomy and vice… but Melbourne? Well, there I was so there you go. To be fair the ‘dungeon’ I was housed in was just a converted brick garage on a half-acre block in the inner eastern suburbs, not actually within the bowels of some gothic castle. But it is quite surprising what you can do with some velvet hangings, soft...

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An experience I had with a couple responding to my ad in on a swinger8217s website

Since I am new to this forum, I thought I ought to make a contribution. In addition, I would hope that there are some people out there who would enjoy playing these kinds of games with a 50’ish-tear-old man. I’ve changed names to protect us all, but “Jane” was really someone special! Several years ago, I ran an ad on a swinger’s website that started “Voyeur’s delight. I’ll please your lady as you would like to see her please.” I made...

3 years ago
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My wife the internet swinger Ch3

  My wife Beth is living the swinger lifestyle. She has had sex with multiple guys and posted her encounters on the internet. She is very popular, not only because she is willing to do this, but also because she has a smoking hot body for being 35. It seems if she is not fucking some guy she is working out. Her legs and ass are toned and tight. Her stomach is flat and has lots of definition. She has been tanning and it’s obvious that she does it nude. Her firm large 36D breasts are the same...

4 years ago
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How I Became A Swinger

How It All Began I retuned home early from work than my husband expected I thought id surprise him, I opened the front door and strangely he wasn’t downstairs so I headed up stairs, when I got nearer the top I heard a bitch moaning loudly, Oh fuck, oh fuck yeah, yeah baby she cried, what the fuck I thought as I stood in the door way there was my husband fucking some big titty rock bird doggy style, I stood at the doorway in rage, I was shaking with anger seeing my husband cheating with some...

1 year ago
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How I Became A Swinger

How It All Began I retuned home early from work than my husband expected I thought id surprise him, I opened the front door and strangely he wasn’t downstairs so I headed up stairs, when I got nearer the top I heard a bitch moaning loudly, Oh fuck, oh fuck yeah, yeah baby she cried, what the fuck I thought as I stood in the door way there was my husband fucking some big titty rock bird doggy style, I stood at the doorway in rage, I was shaking with anger seeing my husband cheating with some...

3 years ago
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My First Cock As A Swinger

After I found my husband cheating on me I had told him I was becoming a swinger and was going to fuck as many guys as I wanted as his punishment, however I feel he didn’t think I actually would go along with it, so when I brought two young studs home from work with me his face was a picture, who are these he cried, these are going to be my lovers for the night meet Jason & Mark, this is my husband guys the cheater I told my love doves, you must be mad to cheat on such a fine woman Jason told my...

2 years ago
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Going to a swinger club

My loving Victor finally accepted to join me in a quick trip to Jacksonville.An old girlfriend, Jennifer, was having some marital troubles and she wanted me there to comfort her. Hubby said he had no problem; a couple of vacation days would fit fine to him.Jennifer was delighted to have me there at her house.During the second day, I was trapped on one of my naughty moods. So I begged Victor that we could go to a swinger club that Helena had told me in Jacksonville. After a couple drinks at a...

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A swinger couple enjoys Robbys attention

After moving to Savannah, my sexy Ana and I soon started swinging with a couple called Sean and Tamara.They were black and both about our age, late thirties…Sean and I worked for the same company though not in the same department. I was even his senior.He and his sensual black wife had swinger experience and they always seemed ready for everything and uninhibited. One night, after we had met them in the pub for some drinks, Anita asked them if they would like to come home for another last...

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Swinger couple

Met a nice couple in a generic online forum, he said they were interested in finding a nice guy for a fantasy fulfillment, which piqued my interest. We chatted a bit more and exchanged pics and he dropped the bomb on me....his hot girlfriend wanted to try dvp, which is double vaginal penetration. It only took a moment for me to figure out that would require my cock to touch his...uggh. That seemed like a pretty advanced precedure for a newbie like me. He must have sensed my hesitancy and said...

4 years ago
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Couples swinger party true story

Couples swinger party true storyThis story starts a good sometime after Sara . I had got married sometime after that I found out my wife was fucking a guy at work so I decided if she was going to that we would start swinging so I could have fun to . One week I decided to host a couples party . So I looked into hotels I found one that had two bedrooms a livingroom and a small kicthen . I reserverd the room in indianapolis indiana and sent out party invites . I had 5 couples and one single male...

1 year ago
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Ana at her first swinger party

Anita and her first swinger partyLife was a little boring when Ana and I moved to Oakland. My sweet wife told me she was a little bit scared about so many black men on the streets, acting like thugs. She confessed me sometimes she had the fantasy of being taken by some of these black men on a dark alley and being fucked wildly by all of them, with no mercy at all.So, thinking she could go out in the middle of the night to try a chance of fulfill her fantasies; I suggested her to try the...

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Finally Letting Go Swinger Group Dp

There I was under a blanket reading again trying to escape from my reality of cleaning, cooking, refereeing and the constant frustration of being a stay at home mom. I was reading another sci-fi romance novel when I heard the rumble of my husband Ryan's car coming down the hill toward our house. It was the first day in a long time that the sun was out, it was winter in Seattle and sunshine was a welcomed change after months of overcast and rainy weather. I heard the door shut and Ryan's voice...

1 year ago
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Swinger girl A TRUE STORY part 2

So I was officially now a swinger...I had fucked, and I mean, fucked a total stranger in front of my hubby. As you can see in my pics I am a hot uninhibited blonde and usually the centre of all the lustful attention in the club but I soon learnt how "up for it" I had become. After that first fuck I couldnt wait until our next visit...I still didnt want hubby fucking other women..he could kiss and feel them but that was it...but thats all he wanted too. He had let me fuck another guy, and so I...

2 years ago
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Our First Swinger Party

I've spent a lot of time talking my wife into going to a swinger party and one evening we had the chance. I explained to her that part of the deal was wife-swapping with other couples in the same room with me. I explained that I would be in the room with her at all times, so she wouldn't have to worry about her personal safety. On the way there, she said she would try but couldn't promise how far she'd go. She said she just wanted to take it slow and play it by ear.When we arrived, there was...

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My First Swingers Party

By JenniferMy mother used to host swinger parties when my father was at work or out of town. there would be 4 or 5 couples that would come over along with 3 or 4 black guys by themselves. Mom would send me upstairs to my room and tell me to stay there but I would always sneak down to peek. One time one of the black guys brought one of the wives up stairs to a bedroom so i fallowed to watch, he took her into my room and he mounted her on my bed. I watched them for a while until they both came,...

4 years ago
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A night at a Vienna swinger club

Visit to a club in ViennaI have to confess that I have not been having a quiet time lately. The other day, for example, I was visiting Vienna, and I was horny, with my mind full of sexy thoughts. I knew that my cock was going to be too hard to let me relax and I did not feel like masturbating myself to sleep, so I decided to go for a drink at a swinger's club.It was pretty quiet, because it was a Monday evening, and I thought the evening was going nowhere. I had a beer and was thinking about...

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swinger fun

I am a member of a swing site and organised a little party at my place with some friends from the site one of the woman arrived and asked if there was space to park in the underground car park so i said i would pop down and see and buzz her in when she parked i was beside her door and she looked up at me smiled and pulled her coat open to show me she was nearly naked she pulled her tits out and started to play with her nipples I just had to get my cock out at such a beautiful sight She opened...

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My first swinger experience Part2

My First Swinger Experience Part-2After we laid in bed together, the three of us. Jean-Luc asked me which hotel I was staying at, since it was obvious that I was not staying at their nudist resort, I told him that I was staying at the hotel just up the breach. Then he shocked me by inviting me to come stay with them, he said, you should check out of your hotel and come spend the rest of the week here with us, give us a chance to transform you into a true nudist. I laughed as I seriously...

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My first swinger experience Part1

My first swinger experience, Part-1This is a true story, I was visiting a French Caribbean island, it was beautiful, clear blue waters and a lovely beaches. I enjoyed long runs on the beach in the early mornings and at sun set, this day I unknowingly happen to come across a nude beach, it is called Orient Beach.www.orientbeach.comIt was not until I was half way down the beach that I started to notice that some people were walking naked along the beach, I tried to stay focused on my run but as I...

2 years ago
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Swinger club in Vienna

Visit to a club in ViennaI have to confess that I have not been having a quiet time lately. The other day, for example, I was visiting Vienna, and I was horny, with my mind full of sexy thoughts. I knew that my cock was going to be too hard to let me relax and I did not feel like masturbating myself to sleep, so I decided to go for a drink at a swinger's club.It was pretty quiet, because it was a Monday evening, and I thought the evening was going nowhere. I had a beer and was thinking about...

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My First Cock As A Swinger

After I found my husband cheating on me I had told him I was becoming a swinger and was going to fuck as many guys as I wanted as his punishment, however I feel he didn’t think I actually would go along with it, so when I brought two young studs home from work with me his face was a picture, who are these he cried, these are going to be my lovers for the night meet Jason & Mark, this is my husband guys the cheater I told my love doves, you must be mad to cheat on such a fine woman Jason...

3 years ago
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How I Became A Swinger

How It All BeganI retuned home early from work than my husband expected I thought id surprise him, I opened the front door and strangely he wasn’t downstairs so I headed up stairs, when I got nearer the top I heard a bitch moaning loudly, Oh fuck, oh fuck yeah, yeah baby she cried, what the fuck I thought as I stood in the door way there was my husband fucking some big titty rock bird doggy style, I stood at the doorway in rage, I was shaking with anger seeing my husband cheating with some...

3 years ago
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How I Became A Swinger

How It All BeganI retuned home early from work than my husband expected I thought id surprise him, I opened the front door and strangely he wasn’t downstairs so I headed up stairs, when I got nearer the top I heard a bitch moaning loudly, Oh fuck, oh fuck yeah, yeah baby she cried, what the fuck I thought as I stood in the door way there was my husband fucking some big titty rock bird doggy style, I stood at the doorway in rage, I was shaking with anger seeing my husband cheating with some...

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My wife the internet swinger Ch3

  My wife Beth is living the swinger lifestyle. She has had sex with multiple guys and posted her encounters on the internet. She is very popular, not only because she is willing to do this, but also because she has a smoking hot body for being 35. It seems if she is not fucking some guy she is working out. Her legs and ass are toned and tight. Her stomach is flat and has lots of definition. She has been tanning and it's obvious that she does it nude. Her firm large 36D breasts are the same...

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