Murphy's Law free porn video

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Husband has the worst day of his life.
"If anything can go wrong-It will."
Not only that, "Everything goes wrong all at once."


When I woke up this morning, I had no reason to believe it wasn't going to be anything but another good day in this wonderful life of mine. Boy was I ever wrong.

By the end of the day, it would turn out to be the worst day of my life.

My name is Stony Adams. I am a 48 year old engineer with an electrical design company. I am married to the beautiful Amy McPherson Adams. She is the love of my life. I met Amy a year after graduating from college. She had married her high school boyfriend, Austin Butler, after they graduated high school. It turns out that he was abusive, possessive, and a jack ass. She didn't find this out until after they were married. They divorced after about three years. They had no c***dren.

I met Amy about a year after her divorce. She was still suffering from the effects of that marriage. She had no self confidence, and thought very little about herself. She did go to a technical school and became a Paralegal. She is a very good one.

We started dating, and I very quickly fell for her. I treated her with kindness, respect, and showered her with love and affection. I was totally opposite of her ex husband. The problem was that she was still in love with Austin.

It took a little time, but she finally admitted she was over him, and in love with me. To this day I have never mistreated, cheated, or shown her anything but love, admiration, and respect. We got married 23 years ago.

For the first few years of our marriage, Amy would talk to me about Austin. He is the only other man she has had sex with. She said he had a big dick, but was pretty selfish in bed. Listening to her talk I could tell she had been so drawn into him. He had total control over her, including her mind.

I tried to be comforting, and let her talk because it helped her deal with what he had done to her. Apparently, he also cheated on her while they were married. After a couple of years, she stopped talking about him.

Amy and I have one c***d, a daughter named Karen. She is 18, and in her last semester of high school. She will be going to college next year at Brown University. She is excited that she made it to an Ivy League school. She is quite brilliant, and has a pretty good academic scholarship. She practically aced her SAT. She wants to go to law school eventually.

So you see I have an awful lot going for me. I have a beautiful wife, an intelligent daughter, a great job, and everything had been going my way for a long time, until today.

I had noticed that for the past few weeks Amy had seemed a little distant, and something was on her mind. I thought she was starting to get antsy about Karen leaving home for college in the fall. She had been talking about it, and I knew it was going to be hard on her. However, I had a feeling there was something else, I just couldn't figure out what it was.

I knew when she was ready, she would tell me. Amy and I have always been open and honest with each other about everything. Any problems or issues that came up, we would sit down talk about them, and solve them.

I had a feeling Amy was going to say something this morning, but she didn't. She acted like she wanted to, but never said anything. It was business as usual. The morning kiss and hug, a shower, getting dressed, breakfast, then off we all go.

I got to work, went to my office, then started working on this systems design for a resort complex we had been hired for. At 10:00 my secretary informed me that the big boss needed to see me. He was the Vice President in charge of all the engineers.

I could tell by the look on his face as I walked in that this was not going to be good news. He got right to the point by informing me I was being let go due to some economic downturns, and a restructuring of the engineer staff. They were going with the younger, and cheaper engineers at this time. He did give me a check for six months pay as severance. I would remain on the company insurance for three months, at which time I would be dropped.

I had until the end of the day to clean out my desk. Today was my last day on the job. How was I going to tell Amy and Karen? I couldn't believe after all I had put into this company that I was being treated like this.

I was pretty sure I could eventually find another job, but I really liked working here. They did promise to give me a good recommendation. I would be ok for six months, but I needed to find a job.

I went back to my office and started packing all my stuff. Word got around, so several co workers came in to tell me bye. I found out a few of others got sacked also.

I left my office around 2:00. I went to this nice little park by the lake. I wasn't ready to go home yet, besides no one would be there. I just sat on a bench and thought about how I was going to tell Amy and Karen.

It was about 5:00 when I decided to go home. Karen would be home from school, and Amy would probably be home from work.

I walked in the front door to find both of them sitting on the couch. I tried to be upbeat and yelled out, "How are my two favorite girls that I love more than anything in the world today?"

Karen broke out crying and ran over to hug me. Amy just starred at the floor. Did they already know? There is no way they could know. Maybe they do. Maybe someone from the office called.

"Karen honey, don't worry, we'll survive. It will be ok."

She gave me a funny look, then looked at Amy. She sat back on the couch sniffling.

Amy looked a little puzzled also. "What are you talking about Stony?"

"I'm talking about me losing my job today. Isn't that what you two are upset about?"

"You lost your job Stony? You have been with that company for 15 years. How could they possibly fire you?" Amy said.

"They didn't fire me honey. They had to downsize due to the economy, so they restructured the engineering department. They kept the younger, cheaper engineers. I was let go, but I was given six months severance pay. I'm sure I can find a new job. We will be all right."

They both looked at each other, and both started to cry.

"How did you find out Amy?" I asked.

"We didn't know until you just told us Stony." Amy said.

"Then what are you two so upset about?" I said.

Amy took Karen by the hand, then spoke, "Stony, I don't know any other way to do this except just come right out and tell you. Please understand I still love you very much. About four weeks ago I was contacted by Austin. He lives here now. He wanted to see me. He said it was very important."

Amy took a Kleenex out of her purse and continued.

"At first I didn't think it was a good idea, but he has always been very persuasive with me. I agreed to meet him for lunch. He basically told me he had changed. He had turned his life around and was doing good. He also said he never stopped loving me. He never stopped thinking about me, and wanted another chance. I told him I was married, but he said that didn't matter. He said we were destined to be together."

She stopped to compose herself, then said, "After lunch he wanted me to come to his apartment to show me something. I knew I shouldn't, but I did. At his apartment he showed me all the love letters I had ever written him. He had all our pictures. He had kept everything good about our relationship. I was pretty overwhelmed, and some old feelings came back. I felt that deep down I was still in love with him. He kissed me Stony, then we made love on his bed. We have been having sex for the past four weeks."

To say I was stunned does not even come close to describing how I felt. I finally managed to say, "Are you leaving me Amy? After 23 years of a great marriage, your old boyfriend and ex husband, who abused you and treated you like shit, comes to town to say he's changed, and wants you back?"

"I'm sorry Stony. I do still love you, but Austin says he really needs me. He loves me so much. This is so hard, but I feel like I have to go back to him. I will give you everything in the divorce."

"Divorce? Just like that you walk in and tell me you want a divorce so you can marry that asshole?"

I collapsed in a chair. I couldn't believe this was happening. I honestly didn't know what to do. What else could go wrong today?

"There is something else Stony. Karen and I have talked, and she is coming with me. I feel it is best if she stays with me and Austin."

I felt like I had been kicked while I was at my lowest point. How can someone's whole world come crashing down in one day? I literally couldn't think of anything to say. I'm sure the look on my face said it all. It was more than just hurt. It was defeat, humiliation, hopelessness, and fear.

"Come on Karen, we need to get going. It will only get worse if we stay any longer."

Amy came over and gave me a hug, and a kiss on the cheek. I just starred blankly at her. Then Karen threw herself in my arms crying.

"I'm so sorry daddy. I hate what mom is doing. I want to stay with you, but she thinks it's best if I go with her. Mom is being so selfish, and I may never forgive her. I will be by to see you quite often."

I returned her hug, and told her how much I loved her. They picked up their bags, and were gone. The house got very quiet. I have never been so depressed as I was at that moment.

I sat there awhile hoping it was all a bad dream. It wasn't. Finally, I went into the liquor cabinet and got a bottle of scotch. I drank until I passed out on the couch.

The next few days were pretty fuzzy. I didn't do much except sleep, drink, and occasionally eat something. I had literally checked out. Karen called a couple of times, but I got choked up trying to talk to her. She finally came over to check on me.

She had me take a shower, shave, and change clothes. She fixed me a nice dinner. She didn't say much about Amy and Austin, and I didn't ask. She made me promise to start looking for a job. Two days later I hit the bottle again. That afternoon the doorbell rang.

A very attractive young lady asked, "Are you Stony Adams?"

I told her I was.

"You have been served sir."

It was a divorce petition from Amy.

I started feeling very light headed. I was having a hard time breathing. I felt a tightness in my chest. That is the last thing I remember.

I woke up in a hospital room. I was hooked up to a heart monitor. A rather attractive young nurse was smiling at me.

"Hello Mr. Adams. How do you feel?"

"I'm not sure. Where am I?"

"You are at Methodist Hospital. You came by ambulance about 2:00 this afternoon."

"What time is it now?" I asked.

"It's about 8:00 pm. You came to right after you got here but we gave you a shot that sedated you. I'm sure you're probably still a little fuzzy?"

"Actually, I'm a lot fuzzy. What happened to me?"

"Apparently, when the lady served you divorce papers, you passed out, according to her. She called 911, which is how you got here. You had an issue with your heart Mr. Adams, but we don't think you had an actual heart attack. According to your daughter, you haven't been taking very good care of yourself the past few days. That, and I suppose the shock of the divorce papers set you off."

"Am I going to die?"

"Well, I guess someday you will, but not right now. With some medication, and a little less alcohol, I would say you will live a pretty long life."

"You mentioned my daughter. Is she here?"

"Yes, she has been here for quite awhile. She just stepped out to go to the bathroom. Your wife is also here. She went with your daughter to the bathroom."

"When they get back, please allow my daughter in here, but I do not want my soon to be ex wife in here."

"I will let them know." The nurse said.

A few minutes later Karen came in the room crying. She ran to me and hugged me.

"Daddy, I was so worried about you. I thought I had lost you. The doctor told me you were going to be just fine. I am so sorry for everything. It didn't take me long to realize that I made a big mistake going with mom. I'm coming back to live with you, and I will take good care of you."

"Thank you sweetly. I will be ok, I was just feeling so sorry for myself. "

"There is more Dad. Mom is here also, but the nurse said she was not allowed in here. A lot has happened in the last few days. Austin is a creep, a pervert, and an asshole. As soon as we moved in he changed. He became very possessive of mom. He also became abusive. I don't know what mom was thinking."

"Honey, I guess she loves Austin more than me."

"No she doesn't Dad. She admitted to me after a few days that she had made a terrible mistake. She let him get to her again. He is bad news Dad. He hits her, and calls her all kinds of names. She told me she wanted to come back home."

"What about the divorce papers she served me?"

"That was all Austin's doing. He took her to a lawyer he knew and forced her to sign, and file it. She has been miserable without you. She desperately wants you to take her back, but she is also afraid of Austin. She is afraid if she does, he will hurt you, and her."

"He's not going to hurt anyone honey, you have my promise on that. If he thinks he can waltz in here after all these years and destroy everything we have built, he has another thing coming. Tell your mother to come in here."

"There is one more thing Dad. He made a pass at me. I rebuked him, but he told me if mom tried to go back to you, he would get all of us, including me. I'm so scared Dad."

I took her in my arms and assured her everything would be ok. Then she stepped outside and told Amy to come in.

Amy stepped into the room with tears rolling down her cheeks. She had a black eye, and bruises on her arm.

"I am so sorry Stony. I've done some stupid things in my life, but this is the worst. He got to me again Stony. The son of a bitch is worse than before."

"Amy, for the past several days I have been trying to come up with some kind of explanation for what you did to me. I thought maybe it was something I did, or didn't do for you."

She started to speak, but I stopped her.

"Hear me out Amy, then you can talk. I thought maybe I wasn't a very good husband. Maybe I didn't satisfy you sexually, or maybe Austin was just a better man for you than me. But you know what? I am a good husband, a good father, a good provider, and I think I'm pretty damn good in bed. So you tell me Amy, why did you leave me? Why did you convince my daughter to leave me also?"

She looked down at the floor for a moment, then spoke. "All throughout high school, and at the time I married him, I was so in love with Austin. After I married him, he changed. He was abusive, and so possessive of me. After I divorced him, I met you. You were so good Stony. You were the opposite of Austin. I couldn't ask for a better husband than you. Then Austin came back in my life. He said he had changed, and that he still loved me so much."

She stopped to compose herself a little.

"Austin has this mysterious control over me Stony. I can't explain it. He convinced me we were destined to spend the rest of our life together. Unfortunately, I fell for it. I let him seduce me. I let him talk me into things I knew were wrong. I knew I was hurting you so bad, but I let him control me. He even convinced me to bring Karen with me."

"Amy, did you know that Austin made a pass at Karen this week?"

"What are you talking about?"

"He hit on our daughter Amy! He tried to seduce her. Your fucking lover boy tried to make it with our daughter. Can you not see that the man you say you love so much is a fucking jack ass?"

She was crying pretty hard now. My God the control this ass hole must have over her.

"Yes Stony I do. I fell for his bullshit. I destroyed our family for that ass hole. I am really ashamed of myself. I want to come home Stony. I miss you. I miss our life together. I know you can never forget, but I'm hoping you can forgive."

I actually felt sorry for her, and strangely enough, I believed her.

"I love you with all my heart Amy. Even after all this, God help me, I love you so much. However, I can't live my life wondering that if Austin were to summon you, you wouldn't go running to him?"

"I hate that son if a bitch Stony. I think I finally realize just what kind of person he is. He is nothing compared to you. The only thing is that I'm afraid. If I come back to you, he will come after us. He will hurt you, and he will hurt me. He will probably even hurt Karen. I want to be with you Stony, but I don't want him to hurt you. I'm so afraid of what he will do."

"Your coming home Amy. We have a lot of healing before we can get back to normal, but we can do it. In the meantime, you let me worry about Austin. I have a plan, and I think Austin will be in for a big surprise."

Amy and Karen spent he night with me in the hospital that night. I'm sure Austin was fit to be tied, but he didn't know where they were. I'm sure he would make his his move real soon, and I would be ready.

I was released from the hospital the next morning, and given a pretty good report. I was told to take it easy for a few days, and stay out of stressful situations. Yea, right!

I had Amy call Austin at work and tell him she was moving back in with me. He went ballistic and said she would regret that decision tonight. Amy and Karen went to Austin's apartment and got all their stuff while he was gone.

I decided I needed a little professional help. I called an old friend of mine from college. Lt. Rick Hays, Texas Rangers. He had an office in the city. The Texas Rangers have been around since the Texas Republic. They are an elite law enforcement agency of which there is no equal. He is a direct descendant of a very famous Ranger, Captain Jack Hays. Jack Hays served from 1836 until 1847. He was as good as they come. Rick had it in his blood. The Ranger motto was, "One Riot, One Ranger."

I explained everything to Rick, and that I expected trouble at my house that evening. Rick agreed to come over and spend the evening with us. Rick seemed a little excited that there might be some action tonight. I guarantee you the last person on earth I would fuck with, is a Texas Ranger.

Rick showed up around 5:45. We had made a nice supper, and Rick joined us. Amy had met him years ago, but Karen had never met him. She was so intrigued. She didn't know much about the Rangers. She was hanging on his every word as he told his stories.

I guess it was around 8:30 when Rick excused himself to the bathroom. We were all sitting in the living room figuring Austin was full of shit, and not going to show, when the front door flew open. Austin had stolen a key from Amy.

Austin had a gun in his hand. He obviously was drunk.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? It's just one big happy family. You must be Stony, the cuckold husband who can't satisfy his wife. Karen, so good to see you. I plan on getting my just desserts from you before this night is over. Of course we have the love of my life, Amy. Hi honey, you miss me, you little whore."

"Austin, Amy does not want you, and never did. She is staying here where she belongs, with her family. I suggest for your own good you just leave, and never contact any of us again." I said.

"Sorry Mr. Cuckold husband, not gonna happen. Amy is coming with me. She belongs to me, and always has. In fact, I will probably just go ahead kill you, so we don't have to put up with your shit anymore."

Amy jumped in front of me. She said, "Austin, I will never go with you. I do not love you. I love Stony. He is ten times the man you are. You need to get the fuck out of my life. That divorce you made me file has been nullified. I wouldn't marry you if you were the last man on earth."

Austin raised his gun towards Amy. I dove in front of her as he fired. The bullet hit me in the shoulder. I went down, but Amy was unharmed.

Amy and Karen were both screaming.

"Oh what a brave, but stupid husband you have Amy. You can watch me put a bullet in his brain, then you're next."

Rick had entered the room and drew his pistol. He ordered Austin to drop his gun. Austin turned and fired a shot at Rick which missed. Rick fired his .44 six shooter. He didn't miss. The bullet hit right between Austin's eyes. He was dead before he hit the ground.

Rick ran over to make sure Austin was incapacitated, which of course, he was. He called 911, then used a clean wash rag Amy brought him to stop my bleeding.

I was rushed once again to Methodist Hospital. The bullet had entered my left shoulder, but was not life threatening. I was treated, held overnight, then released. The emergency room doctor told me we had to stop meeting like this, people would talk. I agreed.

Rick stayed back to talk to the police. The police brought in a clean up squad, and removed Austin's body.

The next day we were all back home, a little shook up still, but otherwise ok. I had my arm in a sling, and the shoulder did hurt, but I would survive. I still had some things to discuss with Amy.

We all sat in the living room as Amy said, "I know I have made a pretty big mess of things for all of us. I made a terrible mistake, one that really should not be forgiven, but I am hoping that both of you will find it in your heart to forgive me?"

Karen said, "You are human mom, and humans do make mistakes. You made a very bad choice, and we all paid a price. I for one will tell you that I will never let a man like Austin get control over me. I've learned a lot from all this, and I know the kind of man I'm going to look for."

She turned and smiled at me. "My husband is going to have to be pretty special because he will have to measure up to my Dad. I am lucky to have such a fine father, and I will tell you flat out Mom, you're lucky to have a husband like him. In fact, you're lucky to be sitting here right now. A lesser man would not have taken you back or helped against that pervert you thought needed you."

"Thank you Karen. As for you Amy, I will forgive you, but I will not forget the fact that you almost destroyed this family. We will survive this, and will probably be stronger for it, but you need to realize the seriousness of what you did." I said.

"I promise I do Stony. I love you so much. I will do whatever it takes to win back your trust." She said.

I decided that Amy was not going to get off scott free. I arranged for her to get some counseling. I wanted to get to the root of why she went back to Austin. It turned out to be very beneficial as some old issues in her life were finally resolved.

I also took it pretty slow with my relationship with Amy. Although I did let her back in my bed immediately, I wasn't ready to make love to her yet. I had some visions of her and Austin in bed together. She desperately wanted to show how much she loved me, but I made her wait.

After about three weeks, and several counseling sessions, I made a date with her. Karen was spending the night with a friend. I brought her flowers, then took her out to a very nice restaurant. Amy was so attentive to me all night. She was starving for my affection, which I gave her. When we got home, we made love for over two hours.

I lost count of Amy's orgasms, but I know I came three times. Once was in her mouth, which she had never done before. She said she actually like it, although it was a little salty. We made love pretty much every night the rest of the week. My dick was pretty sore by the following weekend.

The police did investigate the incident with Rick and Austin. They determined that Rick was definitely justified in using deadly force.

I started my job hunt, but didn't have to look very far. A competitor company had heard about me being let go, and contacted me. I was offered a job for more money, and better benefits.

I even took away a lot of customers from my old company, which did not seem to bother my conscience.

As I look back on that day, a day that Murphy's Law bit me in the ass, I am thankful for some things. I am thankful for a wonderful daughter who never did really abandon me. I am thankful for my misguided wife, who although she made a huge mistake, never stopped loving me. I am thankful for the Texas Rangers. If I had not called Rick, I think maybe the police would have found three dead people, and Austin would be out there somewhere.

Karen is doing very well at Brown, and Amy and I are enjoying our empty nest. I love my wife very much, and never regretted taking her back. I probably saved her life. There is not a day that goes by that Amy doesn't thank me for not only taking her back, but saving her from that asshole Austin. What ever the opposite of Murphy's Law is? Well, that is my life now.

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My name is arshu from bangaluru (mailid:).I will tell this story in kannada language.Nan mother-in-law(atte) name shantha, avala vayassu 45 yrs size 36-32-38 nan attege(mother-in-law) ge 3 jana maklu adaralli 2 hudgi(daughters),1 huduga(son) and both daughters are very sexy adaralli 2nd magalu(daughter) avala hesaru priya anta avalu andre nange tumbane ista love madta idini.. Nan atte body thumba sexy ide avalige nanu andre tumba ista mattu preethi.Chikka vayassindalu nange avalu andre tumba...

3 years ago
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Anal Mother In Law

My wife has persuaded me to take her 74-year-old mother on holiday with us in our caravan. I had to show some opposition to the wife idea and that I was not too keen in holidaying with my mother in law, but I am looking forward to it really, as we have been lovers for sometime on the quite.I have just picked my mother in law up at her house when she tells me that I am in for a big surprise if we are lucky enough to be alone sometime. We head back home to pick the caravan up that my wife is...

1 year ago
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fun with mother in law

visit on to see top rated stories like theseMy wife has persuaded me to take her 73-year-old mother on holiday with us in our caravan. I had to show some opposition to the wife idea and that I was not too keen in holidaying with my mother in law, but I am looking forward to it really, as we have been lovers for sometime on the quite.I have just picked my mother in law up at her house when she tells me that I am in for a big surprise if we are lucky enough to be alone sometime....

2 years ago
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Mother in law

Introduction: First time with my Mother in law It had been a beautiful week and the weekend was looking to be even more beautiful. My wife and myself were at my mother in laws house for dinner on a Thursday evening. My wife was talking to her sister about the annual weekend away they do with their dad. They were both not pleased that it was on one of the hottest weekends wed had for most of the summer. As my wife and her sister talked, my mother in law asked me what my plans for my weekend on...

3 years ago
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Fucking the motherinlaw

Any who have read any of my past stories know my wife and I have an open to somewhat open relationship. You also know we have slowed down a little bit on that as well. In fact though it is still an open marriage we have not had sex with others for sometime now. We have had sex with each other of course.Well for me having sex with other women has recently changed. I have recently had the awesome pleasure of fucking my 78 year old mother in law. Here is the back story leading up to it and present...

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My Sexy MotherInLaw

My name is Mahesh and I am about 25 years old. I got married with a girl who is 2 years older than me. I and my wife were working in same Call Centre. I and she started liking each other when I was working in the same shift. Her mother is a widower. Her husband died when my wife was only 2 years. She did not married again because of my wife as she was scared that if she married again, it might be possible that her new husband may not like to adopt her daughter in real sense. I and my wife both...

4 years ago
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Sex with My FatherinLaw

I think you might have enjoyed my Story my ATM IS MY FATHER IN LAW. This is continuation of that story. My name is Swetha. But in my father in law’s house, they all call me as Priya. So I use Priya which means my self. My a sex hungry girl. My hubby has come from USA. He brought me some sex toys. A vibrator and a rubber Pennis. He used to play with it in my pooku (pussy) every night. But I am not satisfied with it. He could not fuck me to my satisfaction. So my mind is always in my FATHER IN...

2 years ago
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I am a stud for my daughterinlaw

I am Prakash and I am 60 years old retired person. I lost my wife 5 years back as she died of heart attack. I have a daughter and a son. My daughter roopa (32) is married and living happily with her husband and a kid. My son Raj (34) is working for one of the major software firms. Two years back he married a sweet girl Sneha (26). My Daughter-in-law (DIL), Sneha is a graduate but she has chosen to stay away from jobs and be a good housewife. So at home it’s me along with my son Raj and sneha....

3 years ago
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Aleema 8211 My Innocent Hot Mother In Law

Hiii guys, I am going to narrate a real incident in my life. This happened one year after my marriage. My name is Salim ali, working as a lab technician in a private hospital, aged 28 and I am living in kannur, kerala. I married a beautiful girl named asna. She is fair in complexion and with average boobs and nice white pussy. She has flat tummy and her buttocks are not so big but she is in good shape. Now coming to the story, this is about my hot mother in law who is very innocent and...

1 year ago
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My BrotherinLaw

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Bushra, I am 27 years old. I am married only 6 months, and now living with my husband’s joint family in a remote village. The other members of the family are my Father in law, elder brother in law and his wife. My mother in law died two years back. My husband is a baker and he has his bakery in the town. My brother in law is a lawyer while my husband works as a clerk. I am a very attractive lady but the only reason I got married to this guy,...

3 years ago
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Disabled Mother In Law

Disabled Mother-In-Law After my mother-in-law had a stroke two years ago my father-in-law died. She had been great to me over the years. She was sort of a prude through so it really took me by surprise when my wife asked me if I would have sex with her mother. At first I was shocked. I had never looked at my mother-in-law as a sex object before. However over the years my wife had grown to resemble her mother in a lot of ways so in essence it would just be like having sex with my...

1 year ago
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Drove to Sex with My Impotent FatherInLaw

My husband, Saul, and I have been married close to 2 years and our second anniversary was coming up next month in May. Our wedding anniversary is also my birthday. That’s right, my husband and I got married on my birthday. My husband is a very romantic guy, and he planned the whole thing so we could get marry on my birthday. With him putting my wedding ring on my finger was the best birthday present that I have ever received.Our honeymoon was a little short of about 2 weeks in Hawaii, but I had...

2 years ago
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Fucked by Father in Law

Visit here to see fully updated savita bhahi series along with my personal sex galleryDear readers, this is shashi here again who works as a secy and have wild sex with my boss, and here is one of my personal true episodes, I have read so many episodes and yet to read anything similar to what I experienced with my 55 year old father in law.This happened 4 yrs back when I was 23 years and newly married, other than sex with my hubby I never had any sort of a experience with any...

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My Wife Fucks With My CoSonInLaw

Hai ISS readers, this is suresh from Anakapalli. I am aged 32 years. From the childhood, I have developed a fascination towards busty women who have long noses. My dick erects seeing a woman’s long nose. I used to masturbate daily minimum 10 to 15 times seeing heroines and aunties who have big and long noses. My mom Nagamani is a big whore. She likes to fuck boys from15 years to 60 years age men, if they have big cocks. She used to fuck with Ramana and Ramakrishna who are very handsome/ Ramana...

4 years ago
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Indian wife forced by father in law

Indian wife forced by father in law with rough sex Hi friends, this is Nalini aged 28 years and got recently married to Rahul 2 years back. We both are software professional engineers. We stayed with our father in law Krishna and he reminded me of Dharmendra the Hindi film actor, who was 58 years old and looked like he was in his forties. He was a widower as his wife had passed away recently.I came home early one Saturday evening and knew that my husband will be coming late from the office as...

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Choudhary And Sons 8211 Episode 2 Seducing DaughterInLaw

Hello everyone, I am back with the second episode of my series. Flat No. 102 Sumaiya was making breakfast in the kitchen while Aarif was getting ready to go to his office. Sumaiya’s father-in-law was sitting on his sofa and playing with his granddaughter Sara. Aarif went to the kitchen to grab a bite of his breakfast and his wife! Not knowing that his father was looking at them, Aarif just went into the kitchen and grabbed his wife Sumaiya by her waist. Sumaiya knew it was her...

2 years ago
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A Good SonInLaw

Introduction: I was just trying to do what the wife and her mother asked. How in the hell do I get myself into these things? I asked myself. The scarves that held my wrists to the padded arms of the chair were a work of art. I couldnt move them at all but the circulation was just fine. Jenny, my wife, was a surgeon and an expert at knots. The workout machine I was sitting on had padded legs and my shins and ankles were secured in a similar fashion. The seat itself was split to be moved for...

2 years ago
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My father in law and Mother in law

I wish you guys enjoy this true experience of mine..My inlaws are from a village in Andhra. I am around 30 y.o. During December I was going to a village beyond their village. I decided to stop over for a night. I went to their house around 3 pm. Now to describe my in laws. My father in law is around 58 and my mother in law was around 45. My father in law is pretty young looking for his age. And my mother in law is awesome. She has got that flowing body and clean features with a dusky skin...

3 years ago
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Jason Spanked and Humiliated by his FatherinLaw

I was sat in the lounge, pretending to read the newspaper, but in actual fact wondering what was going on next door. David, my father-in-law, had returned home an hour ago after dropping my wife at the railway station. He'd said a brief hello to me on his return before he'd been ushered into the kitchen by his wife, Sheila, a faint look of surprise on his face.It was now a week since “That Day” with my mother-in-law, as I liked to call it. David and my wife Emma had arrived that very same...

1 year ago
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Sex with Son in Law

I had once seen my own son in law fucking my daughter’s tight asshole. She was screaming with ecstasy as he was continuously rubbing her clit with his wet fingers, while giving long but gentle thrust of his cock in her wet asshole. When he reached his climax and pulled his shaft out of my daughter’s asshole he gave it in her mouth. The glimpse of his extra ordinarily long and thick dick made me wet. I kept watching his plump meat, till he shot his thick load in my daughter’s mouth. The...

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A Good SonInLaw

I went to a "meet and greet" for my mother-in-law's new business. My wife warned me before hand that I could be there most of the night and that the people attending (mostly business women and their husbands, all 45 and older) could make or break Mom's company and that I'd better fucking me charming, and willing to do whatever the hell her mother asked. OK but this wasn't in the goddamn cards! As promised I showed up early to help setting things up. There was a full bar and catering...

3 years ago
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My name is Meredith and I have always been a self-centered woman. I am in love with myself. Well, actually I am in love with my body. How can I help it? Any mother who has a full set of DD tits and a 22 inch waist even at the age of 42 would feel the same. And yes, I am a mother. But at the end of this story anyone reading this will know that I am the furthest from that. Since my body developed in high school I have used it to get me everything and anyone I wanted. I have never even had a job....

4 years ago
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My Father In Law

hi friends hope you like my story…. thanks for all your comments for all my stories …and keep mailing on (ANY GIRL OR AUNTY WANT A PRIVATE MASSAGE IN BANGALORE CAN MAIL ME WHICH WOULD BE A TOTAL SECRET) Note : This story is completely fictional! I am young, married to a guy, well, yes a guy, who was also 25 and I met him at the college. His name is Osman, the younger of the two brothers. I was taken away by his naïve nature and his seriousness for his career. His elder brother, Aslam, who was...

3 years ago
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Seduced By My Hot Motherinlaw

My wife and I started going out during her first year of physiotherapy training at the main hospital of a city in South West England, when I was a second-year student at the university. We had met just over a year earlier at a party for new students at the church where she and her parents were members. She was then still at school, and although we sort of became friends, there was no hint of a romantic relationship at the time. I had a number of girlfriends during my first year at university;...

2 years ago
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My sister in law

Introduction: After a sexual tension between my sister in law and me we end up in one bed. It is a Saturday-morning. I have taken a long shower and decided also to shave my balls again. I still have an erection of shaving when I walk out of the bathroom while drying my face with a towel. Turning left to the bedroom I hear a startled Oh, excuse me from the stairs which is located in front of the bathroom door. It is Amanda, my sister in law. I was not aware that you were in this bathroom. We...

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Sexy MotherinLaw

Melanie was not your typical 42 year old married woman. Yes, she had a husband of over 20 years and she had three grown c***dren. But Melanie was something else that very few people realized or observed out in public -- Melanie was a very attractive and very sexy woman, and she had a very active and nearly insatiable desire for sex and sexual attenion from men. It didn't matter whether it was her husband who was attending to her needs; Melanie craved the sexual pleasures that men could give her...

1 year ago
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Seducing My Daughter in Law

Seducing my daughter in law, my story:My step son, a party guy, married his high school sweetheart against our advice at the young age of 21. His wife, my daughter in law, was a good looking young blonde bombshell with big tits, long legs, a narrow waist and a heart-shaped ass. Seems the hotter they are, the more they are attracted to the “bad boys” like my step-son. They lived with us in our house, in our spare room. Being in their early 20s, and him being a Mr. Party dude, it was only natural...

4 years ago
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Losing My Virginity To My BrotherInLaw

Hi all readers, I am Artika and I am 27 years old, slim,fair and have a nice structure of 34c-28-36. I want to share you some of the events that made me fall for my brother in law (my elder sister’s husband [jiju]) and loose my virginity to him. My sister was married when I was in my final year of my college. The next year my nephew was born and I also completed my degree. Since I took a break after college days, I went and stayed with my elder sister to help her with the baby who was 6 months...

3 years ago
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My Sexy MotherinLaw

As the whole family which consists of me, my wife (who happens to make me very happy in bed and in life), her mom and dad, and her baby brother whom lives in a 3 bedroom house with two bathrooms; we are a well tight knitted family who respects everybody and support each one of us. While the front bathroom is broken and is under the process of being fixed, everybody has to use the back of the house to take a shower and use the bathroom. One early morning, I decided to sleep in and get some gud...

4 years ago
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The Petticoat Law

"How did you wind up with me and mummy, Mary?" I tied the drawstring of her petticoat around her waist with characteristic neatness while the question hung in the air. "I was assigned here after the war, Miss." "I know that," she said, "I mean more exactly. Do you like being me and Mummy's maid?" I was taken aback a little by Elizabeth's remarks. She wasn't usually lively enough before breakfast to ask questions like these. I made sure the silhouette of her chemise and petticoats...

4 years ago
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CreamFilled MotherinLaw

The soft knock on my bedroom door woke me up and started my heart pounding."Come in," I called. I sat up in my bed and turned, dropping my legs over the side, so I was facing the door.The door opened and my Mother-in-Law walked into my room, looking incredibly nervous. She was wearing a long, worn bathrobe that, before hundreds of washings, was a pink plaid belted around her waist.Her fingers clutched the neck of the robe, holding that shut, as if she wanted to be sure nothing showed. Her...

2 years ago
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Creamfilled Motherinlaw

“Uh, that was the cream-filled you wanted, right Carole?” “Yes. Thanks, Spencer,” the attractive middle-aged woman said from the backseat. She reached forward and took the offered donut from her son-in-law. “And here’s you cruller, babe.” Spencer handed another donut to his wife as he climbed into the car, brushing the accumulation of snow off his shoulders. “Jesus, this snow is pretty bad. We better get going before it gets worse.” “Here’s your coffee, Mom.” Peri turned in the seat and...

1 year ago
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My father in law

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am young, married to a guy, well, yes a guy, who was also 25 and I met him at the college. His name is Osman, the younger of the two brothers. I was taken away by his naïve nature and his seriousness for his career. His elder brother, Aslam, who was 34, was a decent man. He was happy with his wife, the skinny bitch. Well, the one who had a constant interest in me was my father in law, who was 54 with still an athletic hairy body and two lustful...

1 year ago
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my wife and mother in law

My name is darrin and im 36 years old and ive been married to my wife alison who is 26 for 3 years but we have been together for 8 years. We have been swingers for most of our relationship. There's not alot of people or places i can share this story so i figured this was as good a place as any. For some time ive been wanting to fuck my mother in law. Not that she's a stunner by any means but mostly because i find it quite hot to have had both my wife and her mom. Even though my wife is into the...

2 years ago
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A travel with my mother in law

My mother in law, a lovely lady of 42 years old, came to see my wife, as she was not doing well at Madurai. After a week she was to return back to Chennai. As she had to go alone, my wife asked me to go with her to Chennai as I was having an office work at Chennai that week and after dropping her I planned to come back to Chennai. We booked our tickets by a Volvo bus of Yogalakshmi travels. When I boarded the bus, to my surprise and irritation, our seats were not together. I thought, she being...

3 years ago
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My sister in law

Introduction: After a sexual tension between my sister in law and me we end up in one bed. It is a Saturday-morning. I have taken a long shower and decided also to shave my balls again. I still have an erection of shaving when I walk out of the bathroom while drying my face with a towel. Turning left to the bedroom I hear a startled Oh, excuse me, from the stairs which is located in front of the bathroom door. I was not aware that you were in this bathroom. We thought that you used the bathroom...

3 years ago
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First Time With Mom In Law

FIRST TIME WITH MOM IN LAW My Mom in law is a pain in the neck, she is bossy. treats everybody like shit, wants everything done her way, she is 59 now, she is a bomb very sexy and gave me a hard on the very first time I saw her. this happened a good five years ago. My father in law was 16 years her senior, when he married her, was a heart patient for about 10 years before he passed away and she used to boss around him too as she used to work and he had retired, he passed away seven years ago....

4 years ago
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Sex with Mom in law

Hi all this is Harry I am going to narrate a true story(100%) which happened with me a month ago I just thought of posting this story once I am sure this is safe, a dream which I never thought of came true I am 25 yrs old happily married though I never had sex with my super sexy wife as she is afraid of the pain it causes but she is not aware of the pleasure it gives, I however regularly have sex with my office girls and sometimes outside also. I even had sex with my wife best friend pooja(she...

2 years ago
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Surrendering myself to doctor fatherinlaw

I am Suji from Chennai. After reading ISS stories I made up my mind to write my story. I am 32 years old and mother of a 7 year old girl. My husband is working for a Kerala based company and I am also working for a small company near my house. This story happened two years back. My mother-in-law passed away and my father-in-law sold out all the properties in kerala and came along with us. He bought a plot in Chennai and built a three bedroom house and being a doctor he attached a clinic to the...

2 years ago
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With my father In law

Hello guys and gals, this is Naghmana, the steamy girl again with a new hot experience with my father in law. My husband was out of country and my widowed father-in-law had come to stay with me. He was 57 years old businessman, with handsome, stout and muscular body and flat tummy. A regular squash player and a swimmer, he is always found working hard to maintain his figures. On the very first evening when he was in the pool, I entered his bed room and found short cuts of hard core and incest...

3 years ago
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My sisterinlaw

Xxxx hello every body i m raju from ludhiana ,i got site by searching for erotic stories i find this site very great n give my thumbs up for them…keep it up. N there boobs verry much . I have a story to tell you people about my first sex experience with my sister-in-law. Let me explain to you about my sister-in-law(bhabhi) she is my brother’s wife her name sushma. I live with them since i was young. She takes care of me alot; care about my things give me a bathe and most of...

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Fucked by Father in Law by killsr© My name is Sarita. I am married for one year. My husband works in a company and he is out for tours almost all the time. I am 24 years old and he is 27. my stats are 38-28-39 and 5’3″ tall. my husband was 5’6″ tall n had 71/2″ cock. his name is Raj. I was leading a very happy married life. my husband got a good opportunity and he had to go abroad. its been only six months since marriage. as i would be alone my father-in-law, Mohan, his friends call him “baba”...

3 years ago
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Concupiscent CongregationChapter 28 Seductive Sister in Law

Janice Bishop was Bridget Mahoney's sixteen year old half-sister, the only product of her father's second marriage to a woman not much older than Bridget herself. Janice's parents had gone on a long trip to South America and Bridget had agreed to take care of her. It was six years since Janice had stayed with her half sister and there were some changes that were not readily apparent. Peter, for example, was regularly ploughing the tender sex-furrow of fifteen year old Darlene Smart....

1 year ago
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Losing my virginity to my brother in law

100% fiction! Hi all readers, I am Artika and I am 27 years old, slim, fair and have a nice structure of 34c-28-36. I want to share you some of the events that made me fall for my brother in law (my elder sister’s husband [jiju]) and loose my virginity to him. My sister was married when I was in my final year of my college. The next year my nephew was born and I also completed my degree. Since I took a break after college days, I went and stayed with my elder sister to help her with the baby...

First Time
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Mother in law

I got off work early for a weekend to myself, the wife was away with her dad to visit some distant family members, neither of them really wanted to go but for the sake of possible future falling out it was the easier option. I had nothing planned and that was the way I wanted it. 3 days, 2 nights of me time, wake up when I wanted, get ready if I wanted and do what I wanted. It was a red hot summers day, so the plan was simply sit in the garden, soak up some sun and have an afternoon of...

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